Weekend Educational Course:
fMRI Advanced Issues and Processing Software
Organizers: Peter A. Bandettini, Ph.D. and Ziad S. Saad, Ph.D.
Skill Level: Advanced
Sunday, 19 April 2009
08:00 - 18:00

This one day course will provide an in-depth and advanced overview of the latest functional MRI processing methods and available software, an in-depth look at the most current concepts in fMRI, as well as the latest assessment of what are the limits in temporal resolution, spatial resolution, and interpretability. The intended audience is advanced fMRI users and developers - including physicists, statisticians, mathematicians, and clinicians - who are very comfortable working in highly technical domains that involve processing or pulse programming, but who desire an overview of what's available to help them advance in the field of fMRI methodology.
Upon completion of this case based session, participants should be able to:
  • Implement, with minimal additional instruction, at least 2 of the most common processing platforms;
  • Select the most useful processing platform for their research needs;
  • Explain the underlying principles of group analysis, connectivity, resting state analysis, and classification;
  • Compare and contrast various methods for studying resting state fluctuations;
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of ICS;
  • Describe the various methods for fMRI decoding as well as their limits;
  • Explain what determines the spatial, temporal, and interpretive limits of fMRI; and
  • Explain precisely what influences resting state fluctuations.

Sunday, 19 April 2009
  Session 1: FMRI Software Organizers: Peter A. Bandettini, Ph.D.
    Ziad S. Saad, Ph.D.
  Regression and Group Analysis Pipeline  
08:00 fMRIB Software Library (FSL) Mark Jenkinson, Ph.D.
08:20 Analysis of Functional Neuro Images (AFNI) Robert W. Cox, Ph.D.
08:40 Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) John Ashburner, Ph.D.
09:00 Dynamic Causal Modeling (DCM) Andre Marreiros, Ph.D.
09:20 SEM, Granger Causality Alard Roebroeck, Ph.D.
09:40 Panel  
10:00 Break - Meet the Teachers  
  Resting state:  
10:20 Independent Component Analysis (ICA) / Group ICA Stephen M. Smith, D.Phil.
10:40 Brainscape Avi Snyder, Ph.D.
11:00 Multi Voxel Pattern Analysis (MVPA / PyMVPA) Michael Hanke, Dipl. Psych
11:20 Classification in Real Time Stephen M. LaConte, Ph.D.
  Formats, Visualization, Automation:  
11:40 Data Formats, Visualization, Automation Ziad S. Saad, Ph.D.
12:00 Panel Discussion  
12:15 Break - Meet the Teachers  
  Session 2: Cutting Edge fMRI Organizer: Peter A. Bandettini, Ph.D.
13:30 fMRI Pattern Effect Imaging John-Dylan Haynes, Ph.D.
14:00 Real Time fMRI Stefan Posse, Ph.D.
14:30 Resting State Fluctuations Mark J. Lowe, Ph.D.
15:00 Panel Discussion  
15:30 Break - Meet the Teachers  
15:45 Temporal Resolution Limits Jurgen K. Hennig, Ph.D.
16:15 Spatial Resolution Limits Noam Harel, Ph.D.
16:45 Interpretation Limits Robert Turner, Ph.D.
17:15 Panel Discussion  
17:45 Adjournment - Meet the Teachers