from Margaret Hall-Craggs, M.D.,
Program Chair
As those of you who have visited
will know, Hawai’i is a spectacular
venue for a scientific meeting. The
convention centre is a
perfect fit for our conference; it
has generous sized meeting rooms, it
is built to enjoy the ocean breezes
that cool Honolulu, and it has
delightful spacious open communal
spaces and atria. All of this is
within easy walking distance of the
beaches, city and hotels. Our main
problem will be keeping people
inside the centre and working rather
than enjoying the many, many
attractions on offer around the
The Annual Meeting Program Committee
has been working hard since January
of this year putting the Hawai’i
meeting together. I am delighted to
announce that Professor Robert
Shulman and Professor Al Macovski,
have accepted the invitation to be
our Mansfield and Lauterbur
lecturers for 2009. Both of these
impressive scientists have the most
distinguished careers that have
encompassed a wide body of work.
Professor Shulman is the Sterling
Professor Emeritus of Molecular
Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale
University and has been instrumental
in developing the use of MR
spectroscopy in vivo for the
investigation of metabolic pathways
in animals and humans. He has
measured the flow of substrates in
muscle and brain, examined the
storage pathways of glucose in
skeletal muscle and the role of its
regulation in diabetes, and examined
energy production and usage in
neurotransmission. He has recently
co-edited ‘Metabolomics by In Vivo
NMR’. Professor Macovski is the
Canon Emeritus Professor of
Electrical Engineering and Radiology
at Stanford University. His career
has spanned working on television to
medical imaging. Apart from some
fundamental work in real-time
ultrasound and dual-energy CT, he
has pioneered blood vessel imaging
with MRI. Amongst their many
accolades and awards, both our
speakers have been recipients of the
Gold Medal of the ISMRM and are
members of the National Academy of
Science. We are honoured to have
them speak at our meeting.
The plenary sessions this year will
cover diverse subjects bringing
together the engineering, physics
and clinical communities of our
society. The topics include the role
of MR in stroke, MR scanners in
2025, MR probe development in
molecular imaging, the lessons
learnt from NSF and a session on
prostate cancer from biology through
imaging to therapy.
Education is being led by Dan
Sodickson this year, and we have a
fabulous, diverse and exciting
program of education offerings. At
the weekend we have 8 parallel
sessions on each of Saturday and
Sunday. This is followed by 10
‘sunrise’ education offerings
each morning, and a further 24
education sessions scattered
throughout Monday- Thursday.
Many of the popular courses have
been retained but all of these have
been reviewed and refreshed.
Case-based teaching introduced last
year will be continued but enhanced
by the use of audience response
buttons. These sessions have been
extended to the physics community,
and Mark Griswold will be leading an
interactive case-based session on
‘Guess the Artifact’. In the light
of continuing legislative and
clinical issues, safety is again
featuring in the education program
and other extremely successful
sessions such as ‘Grant Writing’- of
interest to most scientists – will
There are many new courses in 2009
and these include such offerings as
‘The rise and fall of the brain’
(highlighting the developing and the
aging brain in a pair of sessions),
a practical primer on ‘Small animal
imaging and spectroscopy’, an early
morning course on ‘Mobile lipids in
disease’, and daytime courses on ‘MR
of engineered tissues’ and ‘Fat
imaging and quantification’.
As part of an ongoing initiative to
provide state-of-the-art education
in clinical MRI, the 2009 meeting
will include a five-day continuing
medical education course which will
serve as a focused introduction to
the ISMRM meeting for clinicians new
to our meeting and our Society. This
course will combine existing
educational offerings with
additional tailored content to form
an exciting program in
musculoskeletal and body MR.
I am delighted to announce a new
initiative aimed at linking the
ISMRM with the local community. We
intend to give local high school
students interested in science the
opportunity to see ‘Science at
Work’. Groups of students will visit
the meeting and observe poster
presentations, visit the exhibits
and join a scientific session.
Thomas Ernst of the University of
Hawaii has kindly agreed to lead
this initiative.
Of course we then have the science,
and the ‘call for papers’ has
already opened up, indeed, we have
already had our first submissions.
This year the committee has
identified three key areas in which
we would like to encourage
submissions. These special sessions
will be on MRI studies on functional
biomechanics and exercise
physiology, time resolved MR
angiography, and in-vivo MR with DNP-polarized
compounds. The request for these
abstracts is incorporated into the
online submission process and has
the same time line as conventional
The successful integration of
traditional and multi-media
e-posters initiated in Toronto will
be continued in Hawaii. The size of
the files that can be loaded has
been increased to 40MB in response
to requests from the Toronto
meeting, and we hope that this will
be adequate to support all
‘Sounds and Visions of MR 2009- the
Return of Aloha’ is returning to the
meeting. Submission details are
being announced, so all you MR
musicians and artists- start
preparing your material.
Honolulu is a lovely city, and there
are many fabulous things to do on
Oahu and the surrounding islands.
The convention hotels are all within
walking distance of the conference
centre, and we have ensured that
there is internet access in all of
these. They will all give easy
access to the town, the beaches, and
the convention centre.
Further afield there are visits to
the erupting volcano on the big
island of Hawai’i , swimming with
dolphins and turtles, walking the Na
Pali coast, playing golf, surfing,
or just relaxing on the beach with
some sweet pineapple. This fantastic
location is an excuse for a holiday
- bring your friends and family and
have fun.
April 2009 will soon be upon us and
the committee and I look forward to
welcoming you to ISMRM, Hawaii 2009.