Mansfield Lecture
Thursday, 6 May 2010

Professor Ray Freeman
Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK
From Rodin to Radon:  Some Unusual Applications of Projection-Reconstruction

Professor Ray Freeman began his research with Rex Richards at Oxford in 1954, and considers himself fortunate to have worked with some of the early pioneers of NMR -- Anatole Abragam and Robert Pound at Saclay, France, John Pople and David Whiffen at the British National Physical Laboratory, and Weston Anderson at Varian Associates in California.  He started his own research group, first at the Physical Chemistry Laboratory in Oxford, and later at the Chemistry Department at Cambridge.  Profressor Freeman has concentrated throughout his career on the methodology of high-resolution NMR, including double-resonance methods, relaxation studies, radiofrequency pulse design, polarization transfer, broadband decoupling, two-dimensional NMR, adiabatic pulses, Hadamard spectroscopy, and fast multidimensional NMR.  He has written "A Handbook of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance" and "Spin Choreography", followed more recently by "Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry and Medicine" which draws together the two main applications, NMR and MRI.  Now formally retired, he continues to work in his "spare time."