Palais des congrès de Montréal « 201 Viger Avenue West « Montréal, Québec, Canada |
Declaration Slides |
Choose the appropriate slide from the list below. Please right click on the link and choose "save as" to download the PowerPoint template to your computer. |
No Conflicts to Report - for PowerPoint & Keynote users, PC & MAC |
Single Conflict to Report - for PowerPoint & Keynote users, PC & MAC |
Multiple Conflicts to Report - for PowerPoint & Keynote users, PC & MAC |
Accreditation Council rules require that every presentation begin with the speaker making a disclosure of relevant financial interests or relationships. This disclosure must be done both via a slide, and orally, and will be in addition to the published disclosures in the Syllabus and Proceedings. |
This is MANDATORY, even if you have nothing relevant to declare. You will NOT be permitted to present if this disclosure is not made. |