Palais des congrès de Montréal « 201 Viger Avenue West « Montréal, Québec, Canada

Declaration Slides
Choose the appropriate slide from the list below. Please right click on the link and choose "save as" to download the PowerPoint template to your computer.
No Conflicts to Report - for PowerPoint & Keynote users, PC & MAC 
Single Conflict to Report - for PowerPoint & Keynote users, PC & MAC
Multiple Conflicts to Report - for PowerPoint & Keynote users, PC & MAC
Accreditation Council rules require that every presentation begin with the speaker making a disclosure of relevant financial interests or relationships. This disclosure must be done both via a slide, and orally, and will be in addition to the published disclosures in the Syllabus and Proceedings.
This is MANDATORY, even if you have nothing relevant to declare.
You will NOT be permitted to present if this disclosure is not made.