Absolute Beginners' Guide to Anatomical & Functional MRI of the Brain
ORGANIZERS: Peter A. Bandettini, Ph.D. & Karla L. Miller, Ph.D.
Tuesday - Friday, 10-13 May 2011

This four-hour basic level course, taking place over four mornings, will cover both functional and anatomic data collection principles and basic data analysis methods, and will be given by physicists, statisticians and experts in fMRI and MRI in general. The overall goal of this course is to provide a basic perspective and some practical guidelines for basic research with fMRI, perfusion MRI and anatomic MRI techniques. Lectures will discuss basics of these commonly techniques.
Upon completion of this course participants should be able to:
« Describe the mechanisms of blood oxygen level dependent contrast;
« Identify the optimal pulse sequence for performing fMRI given a set of constraints;
« Describe the steps to take when creating a fractional anisotropy map;
« List the basic steps, assumptions involved, and limitations of track tracing;
« Recommend at least three applications of diffusion imaging;
« Compare non-invasive and invasive perfusion imaging methods; and
« List at least two standard brain atlases.

Click on to view the abstract pdf and click on to view the video presentation.
  Moderator: Thomas M. Talavage, Ph.D.  
07:00 Functional MRI   Christina Triantafyllou, Ph.D.
07:30 Functional MRI Analysis   Robert W. Cox, Ph.D.
08:00 Adjourn  
  Moderator: Joelle E. Sarlls, Ph.D.  
07:00 Diffusion Imaging   Jacques-Donald Tournier, Ph.D.
07:30 Diffusion Imaging Processing   Susumu M. Mori, Ph.D.
08:00 Adjourn  
  Moderator: Ziad S. Saad, Ph.D.  
07:00 Registration, Segmentation & Atlases   D. Louis Collins, Ph.D.
07:30 Surface & Voxel-Based Analyses   -permission withheld Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
08:00 Adjourn  
  Moderator: Thomas T. Liu, Ph.D.  
07:00 Perfusion Imaging   Matthias Günther, Ph.D.
07:30  Perfusion Processing   Michael A. Chappell, Ph.D.
08:00 Adjourn