Image Reconstruction
ORGANIZERS: Elfar Adalsteinsson, Ph.D. & Kawin Setsompop, Ph.D.
SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate
Tuesday - Friday, 10-13 May 2011

This four-hour course over four mornings will provide an in-depth review of the fundamental concepts common to many image reconstruction problems in MRI. MRI scientists from industry and academia will provide lectures on non-Cartesian image reconstruction, off-resonance correction, parallel imaging with Cartesian and non-Cartesian data sampling, emerging sparse data methods, and chemical shift and motion. These courses are intended to introduce new researchers to the advanced algorithms employed in state-of-the-art systems. Each morning, the course will be organized, as a set of two 25 minute lectures, each with 5-minute discussion periods.
Upon completion of this course participants should be able to:
« Describe the main steps involved in efficient non-Cartesian image reconstruction;
« Formulate a generalized signal model incorporating gradient encoding, coil sensitivity and Bo inhomogeneity;
« List the pros and cons of Cartesian and non-Cartesian parallel MRI;
« Compare compressed sensing, HYPR, and k-t BLAST with respect to their use of prior knowledge;
« Describe the principles of separating water and fat signals; and
« Name three different approaches for motion correction and appraise their potential to become routine methods.

Click on to view the abstract pdf and click on to view the video presentation.
  Non-Cartesian Trajectories & Off-Resonance Correction  
07:00 Fast Image Reconstruction from Non-Cartesian Data   Craig H. Meyer, Ph.D.
07:30 Off-Resonance Effects & Correction   Bradley P. Sutton, Ph.D.
08:00 Adjourn  
  Parallel Imaging  
07:00 Parallel Imaging Reconstruction I: Cartesian   Jonathan R. Polimeni, Ph.D.
07:30 Parallel Imaging Reconstruction II: Non-Cartesian   Nicole E. Seiberlich, Ph.D.
08:00 Adjourn  
  Sparse Data  
07:00 Compressed Sensing & HYPR   Julia V. Velikina, Ph.D.
07:30 Exploiting Spatiotemporal Correlations for Dynamic Imaging   Pablo Irarrazaval, Ph.D.
08:00 Adjourn  
  Chemical Shift & Motion  
07:00 Separating Water & Fat   Walter F. Block, Ph.D.
07:30  Motion Correction   David Atkinson, Ph.D.
08:00 Adjourn