Compressed Sensing & Sparsity
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Monday May 9th
Room 710A |
11:00 - 13:00 |
Moderators: |
Michael Lustig and Nicole Seiberlich |
11:00 |
64. |
11:12 |
65. |
ESPIRiT (Efficient
Eigenvector-Based L1SPIRiT) for Compressed Sensing Parallel
Imaging - Theoretical Interpretation and Improved Robustness
for Overlapped FOV Prescription

Peng Lai1, Michael Lustig2,3,
Shreyas S Vasanawala4, and Anja C.S Brau1
1Global Applied Science Laboratory, GE
Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United States, 2Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
States, 3Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, University of
California, Berkeley, CA, United States, 4Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
Compressed sensing (CS) parallel imaging (PI) methods,
such as L1SPIRiT, provide better image quality than CS
or PI alone, but requires highly intensive iterative
computation. Efficient L1SPIRiT (ESPIRiT) greatly
reduces the computation intensity based on eigenvector
computations. This work provides a theoretical analysis
of similarities between these two approaches and
demonstrates that they should converge to the same
solution. Based on our analysis, we show the existence
of multiple dominant eigenvectors for overlapped FOV
acquisition, where original ESPIRiT generates
significant artifacts like mSENSE and identify a
solution. Our results based on invivo datasets showed
that the proposed modified ESPIRiT can provide
reconstruction very similar to L1SPIRiT regardless of
FOV overlap. The modified ESPIRiT algorithm is a robust
and computationally efficient solution to CS-PI
11:24 |
66. |
Combination of Compressed
Sensing and Parallel Imaging with Respiratory Motion
Correction for Highly-Accelerated First-Pass Cardiac
Perfusion MRI 
Ricardo Otazo1, Daniel Kim1, Leon
Axel1, and Daniel K Sodickson1
1Department of Radiology, NYU School of
Medicine, New York, NY, United States
First-pass cardiac perfusion MRI studies can be highly
accelerated using a combination of compressed sensing
and parallel imaging. However, this method is sensitive
to respiratory motion, which decreases sparsity in the
combined spatial and temporal-frequency domain and
produces temporal blurring in the reconstructed images.
In this work, we present a rigid respiratory motion
correction method for the combination of compressed
sensing and parallel imaging, to highly accelerate
first-pass cardiac perfusion MRI without the need of
strict breath-holding.
11:36 |
67. |
Entropy aided K-t Group
Sparse SENSE method for highly accelerated dynamic MRI 
Muhammad Usman1, Claudia Prieto1,
Tobias Schaeffter1, and Philip G. Batchelor1
1Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical
Engineering, King's College London, London, United
Over the last few years, the combination of Compressed
sensing (CS) and parallel imaging have been of great
interest to accelerate MRI. For dynamic MRI, K-t sparse
SENSE (K-t SS) has been proposed for combining the CS
based K-t Sparse method with SENSE. Recently, K-t group
sparse method (K-t GS) has been shown to outperform K-t
Sparse for single coil reconstruction, by exploiting the
sparsity and the structure within the sparse
representation (x-f space) of dynamic MRI. In this work,
we propose to extend K-t GS to parallel imaging
acquisition in order to achieve higher acceleration
factors by exploiting the spatial sensitive encoding
from multiple coils. This approach has been called K-t
group Sparse SENSE (K-t GSS). In contrast with the
previous single-coil based K-t GS method for which a
performance parameter is manually optimized for every
frequency encode; we propose an entropy based scheme for
automatic selection of this parameter. Results from
retrospectively undersampled cardiac gated data show
that K-t GSS outperformed K-t sparse SENSE at high
acceleration factors (up to 16 fold).
11:48 |
68. |
Improving Compressed
Sensing Parallel Imaging using Autocalibrating Parallel
Imaging Initialization with Variable Density Tiled Random
k-space Sampling 
Peng Lai1, Tao Zhang2, Michael
Lustig2,3, Shreyas S Vasanawala4,
and Anja C.S Brau1
1Global Applied Science Laboratory, GE
Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United States, 2Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
States, 3Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, University of
California, Berkeley, CA, United States, 4Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
Compressed sensing (CS) parallel imaging (PI) is
computationally intensive due to its need for iterative
reconstruction. Autocalibrating PI can improve the
initial solution and largely reduce the number of
iterations needed. However, random sampling needed for
CS generates a huge number of synthesis patterns making
PI initialization extremely slow. Also, uniform density
k-space sampling currently used for CS-PI is not optimal
in terms of reconstruction accuracy. The purpose of this
work was to develop a new tiled-random k-space sampling
strategy with the desirable features of 1. incoherent
k-space sampling with a small number of synthesis
patterns and 2. variable density k-space sampling
providing more accurate center k-space reconstruction.
Based on our evaluations on 4 invivo datasets, the
proposed sampling scheme can improve image quality and
reconstruction accuracy compared to conventional
sampling schemes and meanwhile enables fast PI
initialization for CS-PI.
12:00 |
69. |
K-t Group Sparse using
Intensity Based Clustering 
Claudia Prieto1, Muhammad Usman1,
Eike Nagel1, Philip Batchelor1,
and Tobias Schaeffter1
1Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical
Engineering, King's College London, London, United
K-t Group Sparse (k-t GS) has been recently introduced
to achieve high acceleration factors in dynamic-MRI.
Kt-GS exploits not just the sparsity of dynamic-MRI but
also the spatial group structure of the x-f space.
However, it presents two drawbacks: a) an additional
training-scan is required for group assignment, and b)
the group assignment is based only on the connectivity
of neighbouring pixels using a time-consuming hard
thresholding scheme. Here we propose to modify k-t GS by
using the intensity order, estimated from the same
acquired data, for a more robust group assignment. This
approach has been tested in cine and perfusion cardiac
images with acceleration factors up to 9.
12:12 |
70. |
High-Frequency Subband
Compressed Sensing with ARC Parallel Imaging 
Kyunghyun Sung1, Anderson N Nnewihe1,2,
Bruce L Daniel1, and Brian A Hargreaves1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
California, United States, 2Bioengineering,
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
Compressed sensing (CS) is a technique that allows
accurate reconstruction of images from a reduced set of
acquired data. Here, we present a new method, which
efficiently combines CS and parallel imaging (PI) by
separating k-space sampling and reconstruction for high-
and low-frequency k-space data. This maximally utilizes
the wavelet-domain sparsity and avoids possible CS
failure in low frequency region. This work has been
demonstrated for high-resolution 3D breast imaging and
the reconstructed image successfully recovered
low-frequency content and fine structures with a net
acceleration of 10.8.
12:24 |
71. |
Joint Bayesian Compressed
Sensing for Multi-contrast Reconstruction 
Berkin Bilgic1, Vivek K Goyal1,
and Elfar Adalsteinsson1,2
1EECS, MIT, Cambridge, MA, United States, 2Harvard-MIT
Division of Health Sciences and Technology, MIT,
Cambridge, MA, United States
Clinical MRI routinely relies on multiple acquisitions
of the same region of interest with several different
contrasts. We present a reconstruction algorithm based
on Bayesian compressed sensing to exploit such
multi-contrast acquisitions for accelerated imaging by
jointly reconstructing a set of related images from
undersampled k-space. Our method offers better
performance than when the images are either
reconstructed individually with the algorithm by Lustig
et al., or jointly with a previously proposed method, M-FOCUSS.
12:36 |
72. |
Location Constrained
Approximate Message Passing (LCAMP) Algorithm for Compressed
Kyunghyun Sung1, Bruce L Daniel1,
and Brian A Hargreaves1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
California, United States
Iterative thresholding methods have been extensively
studied as faster alternatives to convex optimization
for large-sized problems in compressed sensing (CS). A
common large-sized problem is dynamic contrast enhanced
(DCE) MRI, and the dynamic measurements possess data
redundancies, which can be used to estimate non-zero
signal locations. In this work, we present a novel
iterative thresholding method called LCAMP (Location
Constrained Approximate Message Passing) by adding the
non-zero location assumption and an approximate message
passing term. The method can reduce computational
complexity and improve reconstruction accuracy.
12:48 |
73. |
On the Quality Evaluation
for Images reconstructed by Compressed Sensing 
Tobias Wech1,2, Daniel Stäb1,
André Fischer1, Dietbert Hahn1,
and Herbert Köstler1
1Institute of Radiology, University of
Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 2Center
for Applied Medical Imaging, Siemens Corporate Research,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Compressed Sensing reconstructions are characterized by
a non-linear and non-stationary nature of the dedicated
algorithms. Therefore image quality estimation as used
for regular Fourier Imaging is not feasible. The aim of
this work was to develop a workaround that provides a
linear PSF-approximation as well as a validity-test to
control its quality. The workflow was tested on the
example of a sparse temporal difference image of the
human heart and showed a positive result for the