Myocardial Tissue Characteristics & Spectroscopy: Human Studies
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Thursday May 12th
Room 511A-C |
16:00 - 18:00 |
Moderators: |
Sebastian Kozerke and Robert G. Weiss |
16:00 |
611. |
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
Quantitative T2 Mapping For Monitoring of Acute Cardiac
Transplant Rejection
Asad Ali Usman1, Kirsi Taimen1,
Marie Wasielewski1, Saurabh Shah1,2,
Jermey D Collins1, Jennifer M. McDonald1,
and James C Carr1
1Radiology - Cardiovascular Imaging,
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States, 2Cardiovascular
MR Research and Development, Siemens Healthcare,
Chicago, IL, United States
This study is aimed at determining whether myocardial
edema T2 relaxation time, using a quantitative T2
mapping technique, can predict acute heart transplant
rejection and be used for monitoring post treatment
edema resolution. We conclude that T2 mapping is a
useful tool in acute cardiac transplant rejection
16:12 |
612. |
Comparison of the
Transverse Relaxation Time of the Left Ventricle during the
Mid-diastolic Rest and the End-systolic Rest Periods
Brice Fernandez1,2, Maelene Lohezic1,2,
Lucien Hammen2,3, Jean-Marie Escanyé4,5,
Damien Mandry2,4, Jacques Felblinger2,6,
and Pierre-André Vuissoz2,3
1Global Applied Science Laboratory, GE
Healthcare, Nancy, France, 2IADI
Lab, Nancy-Université, Nancy, France, 3U947,
INSERM, Nancy, France, 4CHU
de Nancy, Nancy, France, 5Biophysics
Lab, Nancy-Université, Nancy, France, 6CIT801,
INSERM, Nancy, France
Measurement of the transverse relaxation time T2 of the
myocardium, which is a useful quantity to detect
different cardiac diseases such as heart transplant
rejection, is usually performed at mid-diastole. Imaging
the LV at end-systole could be helpful as the LV wall is
thicker and as the end-systolic rest, when the heart is
still, lasts longer than the mid-diastolic one when
heart rate is above 85 bpm. In this preliminary study,
T2 differences during these two specific periods are
investigated. No significant T2 differences were found,
indicating that end-systolic rest period could be used
for myocardium T2 quantification.
16:24 |
613. |
Quantitative myocardial T2
measurement for systemic sarcoidosis with cardiac
involvement: initial results
Yuesong Yang1, Kim A Connelly2,
Meyer Balter3, John J Graham2,
Rhonda Walcarius1, Bradley Strauss1,
Alexander J Dick4, and Graham A Wright1
1Imaging Research & Cardiology, Sunnybrook
Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Cardiology,
St.Michael's Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada, 3Medicine,
Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada, 4Ottawa
Heart Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Sarcoidosis is a systemic disease with a predilection
for pulmonary involvement. Cardiac involvement is a
major risk factor for sudden death in these patients due
to damage in the cardiac conductance system and
associated ventricular arrhythmias. LGE-MRI provides
improved sensitivity in the detection of cardiac
involvement in systemic sarcoidosis. However, the LGE
foci are not specific for cardiac sarcoidosis. We
hypothesize that quantitative T2 measurements with MRI
may yield new insights for the assessment of cardiac
lesions in systemic sarcoidosis. In this study, a
decreased T2 measurement from cardiac sarcoid lesions
was observed, which may reflect the true pathological
features of certain sarcoid lesions with Schaumann
bodies of calcified proteins.
16:36 |
614. |
Design of a robust method
for suppression of ghosting artifacts due to long T1 species
in cardiac imaging
Elizabeth R Jenista1, Wolfgang G Rehwald2,
Nayla Chaptini1, Michele A Parker1,
and Raymond J Kim1
1Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC,
United States, 2Cardiovascular
MR&D, Siemens Healthcare, Chicago, IL, United States
Delayed enhancement for the detection of myocardial
infarction is considered the gold standard, but if there
are any long T1 species present, they will appear as
bright ghosts in the image, complicating diagnosis. We
have developed a post-suppression method that
significantly reduces these ghosts.
16:48 |
615. |
Human cardiac T1 measured
at 7 Tesla
Christopher Thomas Rodgers1,2, Stefan
Piechnik1, Lance DelaBarre2,
Pierre-Francois Van de Moortele2, Carl Snyder2,
Stefan Neubauer1, Matthew D. Robson1,
and J Thomas Vaughan2
1University of Oxford, Oxford, United
Kingdom, 2University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
Cardiac MRI at 7T is an emerging field. So far, volume
and function have been measured. Our aim here is to
extend the repertoire of 7T cardiac MRI to inversion
recovery experiments. We produce an inversion pulse in
the heart and use it to measure myocardial T1 at
7T with a modified version of the ShMOLLI Look-Locker
inversion recovery experiment. Using a 10ms HS8
adiabatic inversion pulse with peak power 12.8kW, and
FLASH imaging we find T1 values
of 1405ms (±50) at 7T compared to 980ms at 1.5T, and
1198ms at 3T. We discuss the remaining limitations at
17:00 |
616. |
Early Cardiovascular MR
Imaging Predicts Late Scar Formation in Pulmonary Vein
Dana C Peters1, Warren J Manning1,2,
Mark E Josephson1, and Jeff Hsing1
1Cardiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center, Boston, MA, United States, 2Radiology,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Early findings of edema and injury after pulmonary vein
isolation (PVI) might be predictive of later outcome.
Eleven atrial fibrillation patients were imaged prior to
PVI, 1 day after PVI (early), and >30 days after PVI
(late), with a LGE and T2W sequences. Scar and edema
were characterized. LGE enhancement is less intense at
the early time-point vs later LGE enhancement, while
early edema and wall thickening are common. More intense
edema early after PVI predicts later scar formation, by
17:12 |
617. |
Imaging of Hemorrhagic
Myocardial Infarction using Susceptibility Weighted Imaging
James William Goldfarb1
1Saint Francis Hospital, Roslyn, New York,
United States
The purpose of this study was to investigate the use of
susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) for the
determination of hemorrhagic myocardial infarction.
Eight patients with acute myocardial infarction
participated in this study. Myocardial hemorrhage was
clearly seen as possessing negative phase in filtered
phase images and as hypo-intense lesions in areas of “no
reflow” in susceptibility weighted images. SWI is an
effective means of generating high quality images of
left ventricular myocardium for tissue characterization.
17:24 |
618. |
Quantitative Assessment of
Aldosterone-induced Myocardial Fibrosis by Cardiac Magnetic
Mao-Yuan Su1, Vin-cent Wu2,3,
Yen-Hung Line2,3, Hsi-Yu Yu4, and
Wen-Yieh Isaac Tseng1,5
1Medical Imaging, National Taiwan University
Hosptial, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Internal
Medicine, National Taiwan University Hosptial, Taipei,
Taiwan, 3TAIPAI
study group,4Sugery, National Taiwan
University Hosptial, Taipei, Taiwan, 5Center
for Optoelectronic Biomedicine, National Taiwan
University College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan
We used quantitative late gadolinium enhancement (LGE)
to detect microscopic myocardial fibrosis and study its
relationships with the chamber stiffness of the left
ventricle (LV). As compared to the normal subjects,
patients with primary hyperaldosteronism (PA) had
significantly increased enhancement value (EV)
(0.45¡Ó0.07 vs. 0.35¡Ó0.09; p=0.016). The EV was
significantly correlated with the plasma aldosterone
level (r=0.48; p=0.031) and tdec (index of chamber
stiffness derived from cine MRI; r= -0.55; p=0.042). In
conclusion, quantitative LGE MRI can indicate the degree
of microscopic myocardial fibrosis in PA. The measured
index of myocardial fibrosis has functional impact on
the LV diastolic function.
17:36 |
619. |
Two-dimensional mapping of
triglyceride and creatine content of the human heart
Kilian Weiss1, Nicola Martini2,
Peter Boesiger1, and Sebastian Kozerke1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Fondazione
G. Monasterio CNR-Regione Toscana, Massa, Italy
For non-invasive assessment of myocardial triglyceride
and creatine content single voxel proton magnetic
resonance has been shown to be valuable tool. However,
to study regional differences multi-dimensional
information is required. In the current work two
dimension Echo-Planar Spectroscopic Imaging is used to
assess spatial distributions of myocardial creatine and
triglyceride content in a series of healthy volunteers.
An important focus is on the estimation of the creatine
resonance in correlation with observed field map values
and the reproducibility of this approach.
17:48 |
620. |
local-look spectroscopic imaging of the heart
Kilian Weiss1, Nicola Martini2,
Peter Boesiger1, and Sebastian Kozerke1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Fondazione
G. Monasterio CNR-Regione Toscana, Massa, Italy
With recent advances in pulse sequence design, the
assessment of myocardial triglyceride content by means
of 2D spectroscopic imaging techniques has become
possible. In the present work, the feasibility of
whole-heart 3D spectroscopic imaging is investigated. By
replacing signal averaging by a third phase-encoding
direction volumetric spectroscopic data are acquired in
the beating heart. It is demonstrated that navigated,
local-look spectroscopic imaging is feasible and permits
mapping of spatial distributions of triglyceride content
during free-breathing.