Mouse Imaging: How to Do it Faster, Cheaper, & Better
ORGANIZERS:  Klaas Nicolay, Ph.D. & Ivan Tkac, Ph.D.
SKILL LEVEL: Basic to Intermediate
Thursday, 12 May 2011

This two-hour course is design to provide practical recommendations for mouse screening using MRI and MRS techniques. It will provide necessary information for optimizing the experimental protocol for high throughput and high reproducibility. The goal of the course will be focused on animal handling, anesthesia, physiology monitoring, optimization of MRI and MRS techniques and data processing. We will provide practical recommendations for improving the efficiency of mouse screening, e.g. to increase the data quality and to speed up the measurement as much as possible.
Upon completion of this course participants should be able to:
« Select optimal anesthesia and physiological monitoring;
« Design optimal protocol for efficient mouse screening;
« Identify most efficient MRI and MRS techniques for mouse screening;
« Optimize experimental protocol for maximum efficacy and high reproducibility;
« Describe advanced contrast agents for molecular imaging; and
« Make recommendations for speeding up the measurement.

Click on to view the abstract pdf and click on to view the video presentation.
  Moderators: Klaas Nicolay, Ph.D. & Ivan Tkac, Ph.D.  
16:00 Multimodal Imaging of Mice   Natalie J. Serkova, Ph.D.
16:20 Tips for Advanced MRI Screening of Mice   Rui V. Simões, Ph.D.
16:40 Single & Multiple Mouse Imaging on a Clinical Scanner using Receiver Coil Arrays   Marcelino L. Bernardo
17:00 MRI & Stem Cell Trafficking   Karen C. Briley-Saebo, Ph.D.
17:20 Cost Effective, High Performance MRS Screening of Rodents   -permission withheld Olli J.H. Gröhn, Ph.D.
17:40 Heart Imaging in Mice   David E. Sosnovik, M.D.
18:00 Adjourn