Palais des congrès de Montréal « 201 Viger Avenue West « Montréal, Québec, Canada


As in past years, the Society will be awarding priority placement points. Exhibitor preferences will be honored according to the exhibiting company’s earned priority points, which are determined by the date the contract is received, payment status, history with the ISMRM, and corporate membership status. However, ISMRM reserves the right to allocate space on any other basis it deems appropriate. Priority points will be awarded on the following criteria:
Date Points
A maximum of 60 date points may be earned by returning the application and full payment on or before 3 December 2010. Each day thereafter, two points per day will be subtracted until all date points have been exhausted.

History Points
Four seniority points are awarded for each consecutive year a company exhibits beginning with March 1994. If a company exhibited twice in 1994, they will receive an additional two points. Three points are awarded for each year exhibited nonconsecutively from 1994 to 2010.

Corporate Members
ISMRM Corporate Members earn additional points by being Corporate Members. Current year Gold Corporate Members will receive five points, Silver Members will receive three points, and Bronze Members one point. All Corporate Members are rotated on an annual basis to ensure fair placement within their corporate membership category. Corporate Member booth placement also depends upon preferences, booth size and overall configuration of the final floor plan. However, ISMRM reserves the right to allocate space on any other basis it deems appropriate.


Submit your Contract for Exhibit Space as soon as possible in order to receive the maximum priority points possible!