10:00 |
High Spatial and Temporal
Resolution 2D Real Time and 3D Whole-Heart Cardiac Cine MRI
Using Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging with Golden
Angle Radial Trajectory 
Li Feng1,2, Jian Xu3, Leon Axel1,
Daniel Sodickson1, and Ricardo Otazo1
1Radiology, New York University School of
Medicine, New York, New York, United States, 2Sackler
Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, New York
University School of Medicine, New York, New York,
United States, 3Siemens
Medical Solutions, New York, New York, United States
Cardiac cine MRI is valuable for imaging myocardial
function. High spatial and temporal resolutions are
desirable to improve diagnostic utility. In this study,
we propose a joint reconstruction algorithm that
combines compressed sensing and parallel imaging for
highly undersampled golden angle radial k-space
acquisitions, to enable 2D real-time and 3D whole-heart
cardiac cine MRI with previously inaccessible spatial
and temporal resolution. The technique allows
reconstruction of the same data set with different
temporal resolutions. We demonstrate the feasibility of
2D real-time cine imaging with 11ms temporal resolution
and 3D whole-heart cine imaging with an acquisition
window of 22.4ms per partition.
10:12 |
Mapping regional right
ventricular myocardial strain using 3D cine DENSE MRI 
Daniel A. Auger1, Xiaodong Zhong2,
Frederick H. Epstein3, and Bruce S.
1MRC/UCT Medical Imaging Research Unit,
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, Western Cape, South
Africa, 2MR
R&D Collaborations, Siemens Healthcare, Atlanta,
Georgia, United States, 3Departments
of Radiology and Biomedical Engineering, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, United States, 4Division
of Radiology, University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town,
Western Cape, South Africa
The mechanics of the right ventricle (RV) are
notoriously difficult to quantify because of the RV’s
thin wall and irregular geometry. However, the recently
developed spiral 3D cine DENSE MRI technique is well
suited to imaging the RV. This work presents model-free
techniques to study the myocardial mechanics of the RV
at a high spatial resolution using spiral 3D cine DENSE
MRI. These involve tailored post-processing algorithms
for mid-wall tissue tracking and strain estimation. The
RV is subdivided into four regions according to
anatomical landmarks, and the temporal evolution of
strain is assessed for a group of normal volunteers.
10:24 |
Dual heart-phase cardiac
DTI using Local-look STEAM 
Christian Torben Stoeck1, Nicolas Toussaint2,
Peter Boesiger1, and Sebastian Kozerke1,2
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Imaging
Sciences, King's College London, London, United Kingdom
Analysis of diffusion tensor imaging of the myocardium
reveals insight into cardiac mechanics. Previous studies
investigated myocardial architecture at different states
of cardiac contraction in ex-vivo animal hearts or by
interpreting the strain tensor. In this study we present
an initial direct comparison of systolic vs. diastolic
fiber architecture of the in-vivo human heart based on
diffusion weighted images acquired at both time points
during the cardiac cycle using a local-look STEAM
10:36 |
0228. |
In Vivo Assessment
of Myofiber Dynamics in the Human Heart Using Supertoroidal
Analysis of Diffusion Tensor MRI 
Choukri Mekkaoui1, Sonia Nielles-Vallespin2,
Peter Gatehouse2, Marcel P Jackowski3,
David Firmin2, and David E Sosnovik4
1Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United
States, 2Royal
Brompton Hospital, 3University
of Săo Paulo, 4Harvard
Medical School - Massachusetts General Hospital
Supertoroidal analysis provides a novel formalism to
analyze diffusion tensor MRI (DTI) data in the heart.
Here, for the first time, we use supertoroids to analyze in
vivo DTI
datasets from normal human volunteers. We show that the
volumetric nature of supertroidal-derived indices makes
them extremely sensitive to changes in the diffusion
eigenvalues. The orientation of the toroids (primary
diffusion eigenvector) changes little as the myocardium
contracts, except in the subepicardium. However,
toroidal volume and curvature both decrease
significantly as the myocardium contracts, reflecting a
reduction in diffusion anisotropy in the myocardium
during systole.
10:48 |
Temporal features of edema
in acute myocardial infarction: T2 maps vs T2-STIR 
Avinash Kali1,2, Andreas Kumar3,
Dror Berel4, Veronica L M Rundell5,
Richard Tang4, James Min4, and
Rohan Dharmakumar4,5
1University of California, Los Angeles, CA,
United States, 2Cedars-Sinai
Medical Center, Los Angeles, California, United States, 3Laval
University, Laval, QC, Canada, 4Cedars-Sinai
Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 5Northwestern
University, Chicago, IL, United States
The temporal features of myocardial edema during
ischemia and post-reperfusion were studied using T2 maps
and T2-STIR images. Relative edema, infarct volumes and
myocardial salvage were measured at baseline, during
ischemia and one and 8 weeks post-reperfusion. Relative
to baseline, a significant edema volume was apparent
during ischemia, but was markedly elevated and remained
constant up to one-week post-reperfusion, and regressed
to baseline levels by week 8. Ischemic edema volume was
not indicative of post-reperfusion edema volume.
Myocardial salvage was constant for one-week
post-reperfusion. T2 maps and T2-STIR images appear to
provide equivalent information on myocardial edema and
11:00 |
Myocardial Velocity and T2
Mapping Reveals Changes in LV Structure and Function after
Heart Transplantation 
Rahul Rustogi1, Mauricio Galizia1,
Jeremy Collins1, Darshit Thakrar1,
Asad Usman1, Bernd Jung2, Daniela
Foell3, Saurabh Shah4, James Carr1,
and Michael Markl1
1Radiology and Biomedical Engineering,
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine,
Chicago, IL, United States, 2Medical
Physics, Freiburg University Medical Center, Freiburg,
Germany, 3Cardiology,
Freiburg University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany, 4Siemens
Healthcare, Chicago, United States
In a pilot study using a small cohort of post cardiac
transplantation patients, we demonstrate the ability of
novel non-invasive myocardial velocity mapping and T2
mapping to reveal underlying changes in myocardial
structure and function. T2 maps assess myocardial edema
while myocardial velocity maps detect changes in
diastolic relaxation. Post transplant patients showed
significant heterogeneity in distribution of T2
relaxation times and reduced peak radial and long axis
velocities compared with normal control subjects. Very
good agreement was found between independent readers
indicating myocardial velocity mapping to be a highly
reproducible method for assessing diastolic dysfunction.
11:12 |
0231. |
Subepicardial dysfunction
leads to global left ventricular systolic impairment in
patients with limb girdle muscular dystrophy 2I
permission withheld
Kieren G Hollingsworth1, Tracey A Willis2,
Ben J Dixon1, Hanns Lochmuller2,
Kate Bushby2, John Bourke2, Guy A
MacGowan2, Andrew M Blamire1, and
Volker Straub2
1Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre,
Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and
Wear, United Kingdom, 2Institute
of Genetic Medicine, Newcastle University, Newcastle
upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
The assessment of cardiac involvement is important in
Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy 2I, and the mechanisms of
cardiac disease in this disease remain to be understood.
For the first time, this study combines the techniques
of MR cine imaging, MR tagged imaging and MR
spectroscopy to assess a large group (n=11) of British
patients. As a group, peak cardiac torsion and ejection
fraction are significantly reduced in LGMD2I, and the
deficit in these two measures is strongly correlated.
The relationship between circumferential strain and
cardiac torsion suggests subepicardial dysfunction,
distinct from previous results on Duchenne muscular
11:24 |
0232. |
Myocardial tagging reveals
a distinct regional contractility pattern after Ischemic
Postconditioning in Mice 
Wouter Oosterlinck1, Tom Dresselaers2,
Vincent Geldhof1, Marijke Pellens1,
Stefan Janssens1, Uwe Himmelreich2,
and Paul Herijgers1
1Cardiovascular Diseases, KU Leuven, Leuven,
Belgium, 2Medical
Diagnostic Sciences, Biomedical NMR-Unit/MoSAIC, KU
Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
We studied ischemia reperfusion and Ischemic
Postconditioning in mice. Follow up included non
invasive cMRI and myocardial tagging and invasive
pressure conductance analysis after 1 and 10 weeks. We
studied global and regional contractility changes and
evaluated the effect of Ischemic Postconditioning at
long term. The cardioprotective effect of IPostC,
evidenced after 1 week , is sustained and protects
against adverse LV remodeling. Myocardial tagging
reveals an improved contractility pattern at both
postischemic and remote areas
11:36 |
0233. |
Correlation between
Spatial Differences in Action Potential Duration and
Myocardial Dysfunction in Transgenic LQT2 Rabbits 
Bernd Jung1, Daniela Foell2,
Corinna Lang2, David Ziupa2,
Gerlind Franke2, Stefanie Perez Feliz2,
Michael Brunner2, Gideon Koren3,
Manfred Zehender2, and Katja E Odening2
1Radiology, Medical Physics, University
Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany, 2Cardiology,
University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany, 3Cardiovascular
Research Center, Division of Cardiology, Rhode Island
Hospital, Providence, United States
Transgenic LQT2 rabbits and wildtype controls were
subjected to in vivo phase contrast MRI in a 1.5T MR-system
to assess regional myocardial velocities in the LV (AHA
16-segment model). The same rabbits’ hearts were
subsequently Langendorff-perfused and subjected to ex
vivo epicardial monophasic action potential measurements
to assess APD in the corresponding segments.
Prolongation of cardiac repolarization and increased
dispersion of APD lead to a globally and regionally
impaired systolic and diastolic function in transgenic
LQT2 rabbits. Moreover, regional APDs correlate with
regional peak diastolic velocities indicating that
Long-QT syndrome is not purely an electrical but rather
an electromechanical disorder.
11:48 |
0234. |
SSAT inducer as a
potential treatment for obesity-related heart failure 
Jun Lu1, Mingming Li2, Beau Pontre3,
Stephen Pickup4, Anothny Phillips2,
and Garth JS Cooper2
1Faculty of Health & Environmental Sciences,
Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, North
Island, New Zealand, 2School
of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland,
Auckland, New Zealand, 3Centre
for Advanced MRI, University of Auckland, Auckland, New
Zealand, 4Dept
of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States
This project uses High-Field MRI to study cardiac
function and body fat composition of obese mice and the
effects of the treatment by diethylnorspermidine, a
potent inducer of spermidine/spermine acetyltransferase.