16:00 |
0285. |
Radial-Cones: A New
Sampling Scheme for Compressed Sensing Accelerated 3D
Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging 
Kevin Michael Johnson1
1Department of Medical Physics, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States
3D Ultra Short Echo Time (UTE) imaging holds the
potential both to visualize rapidly decaying species
that would not otherwise be visible1 and to dramatically
improve sampling efficiency. Unfortunately, 3D imaging
must be performed either with inefficiency but robust 3D
radial sampling or highly efficient 3D twisting
trajectories that are sensitive to structured artifacts.
In this work, we embrace compressed sensing sampling
theory to develop a hybrid 3D UTE trajectory, Radial
Cones, that combines the efficiency of 3D cones with the
robustness of 3D radial sampling.
16:12 |
0286. |
MR cortical bone imaging
using UTE for digitally-reconstructed radiographs and
attenuation correction at 3.0T 
Melanie S Kotys-Traughber1, Bryan J Traughber2,
Michael Meltsner3, and Raymond F Muzic, Jr.2
1MR Clinical Science, Philips Healthcare,
Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, University Hospitals Case Medical Center,
Cleveland, OH, United States, 3Philips
Radiation Oncology Systems, Philips Healthcare,
Fitchburg, WI, United States
Two emerging MR applications, MR-based radiation therapy
planning (RTP) and hybrid PET/MR systems, require
complete segmentation of cortical bone. We investigate a
3D UTE multi-echo acquisition and subtraction method for
generation of MR-based digitally reconstructed
radiographs (DRRs) and attenuation correction (AC) maps.
After careful calibration of the gradient hardware, the
method robustly segments cortical bone in the brain. The
DRRs generated from the bone-enhanced images appear
sufficient for 2D patient matching. The range of TEs
tested, from 90-200µs, yielded excellent signal from
cortical bone and the signal from bone, tissue and air
were significantly different at all TEs.
16:24 |
Two New 3D Spiral-Based
Dallas C Turley1, Nicholas R Zwart1,
and James G Pipe1
1Neuroimaging Research, Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, United States
This work presents two new 3D trajectories comparable to
conventional Stack of Spirals (SOS), namely Golden
EquiDistant Interleaves (GEDI) and Spherical-GEDI (S-GEDI).
Both trajectories have non-Cartesian aliasing patterns
in all three directions. S-GEDI collects a sphere in
k-space, is not sensitive to 3D blurring, and its PSF
shows less ringing than SOS or GEDI, whose PSF are
identical. Both trajectories are comparable to SOS in
terms of scan time, SNR efficiency and ease of
16:36 |
MR Fingerprinting (MRF): a
Novel Quantitative Approach to MRI 
Dan Ma1, Vikas Gulani1,2, Nicole
Seiberlich1, Jeffrey Duerk1, and
Mark Griswold1,2
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Case
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United
States, 2Dept.
of Radiology, University Hospitals of Cleveland and Case
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States
MR Fingerprinting is a completely novel approach to
quantitative MRI. Instead of collecting a series of
weighted images and fitting signal time courses to an
exponential model, MRF eschews collection of traditional
images and a model based approach altogether. A
compressed sensing based approach is adopted where
information about each voxel is collected with signal
timecourses generated using variable TRs, flip angles,
and inversion pulses to encode relaxation information
into unique signal evolution curves. Matching these
curves to a comprehensive dictionary using pattern
matching provides multiple parameter mappings (T1, T2,
proton density and off-resonance) and synthesized
reconstructed images simultaneously.
16:48 |
0289. |
Use of Simulated Annealing
for the Design of Multiple TR bSSFP Sequences in Positive
Contrast Imaging 
Kuan J. Lee1, Hsu-Lei Lee1, Jürgen
Hennig1, and Jochen Leupold1
1Medical Physics, University Medical Centre
Freiburg, Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
We introduce a novel multiple TR bSSFP sequence for
positive contrast imaging. Using simulated annealing,
the sequence has been designed for a spectral profile
that has stopbands over both fat and water resonances.
This enables simultaneous water and fat suppression,
which improves contrast without requiring a second
acquisition, as with for example, the PARTS (Positive
Contrast with Alternating Repetition Time SSFP)
17:00 |
Fast, low SAR and
off-resonance insensitive T2 weighted Variable Amplitude
PSIF (T2 VAPSIF) imaging 
Subashini Srinivasan1,2, Wesley D Gilson1,
Aaron Flammang1, Dominik Paul3,
and Sunil Patil1
1Center for Applied Medical Imaging, Siemens
Corporation, Corporate Research, Baltimore, Maryland,
United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering Interdepartmental Program, University of
California, Los Angeles, California, United States, 3Siemens
AG, Erlangen, Germany
T2TIDE is a balanced SSFP based T2w single shot sequence
which provides faster image acquisition, sharper edge
resolution and lower SAR compared to HASTE. However,
T2TIDE is sensitive to B0 inhomogeneities producing
banding artifacts especially at higher field strengths.
We present a sequence based on T2TIDE called T2w
Variable Amplitude PSIF (T2VAPSIF) wherein a
Kaiser-Bessel derived stabilization module and a PSIF
acquisition are used. Phantom and volunteer images show
that the T2VAPSIF has T2w similar to TSE and HASTE, is
insensitive to B0 inhomogeneities and preserves the low
SAR, sharper edge resolution and faster acquisition
properties of T2TIDE.
17:12 |
0291. |
Diffusion Damping in Fast Spin Echo Sequences 
Oliver Bieri1, Carl Ganter2, and
Klaus Scheffler3,4
1Division of Radiological Physics, Department
of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University of Basel
Hospital, Basel, Switzerland, 2Department
of Radiology, Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technische
Universität München, Munich, Germany, 3High-Field
Magnetic Resonance Center, Max Planck Institute for
Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany, 4Department
of Neuroimaging and MR-Physics, Centre for Integrative
Neuroscience, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
We have recently shown that the tissue-fluid contrast of
nonbalanced steady state free precession (SSFP) shows an
unexpected strong sensitivity on resolution: an increase
in the spatial resolution goes with an increase in
spoiling moments leading to a pronounced diffusion
damping of fluids. Clearly, this effect is not confined
to SSFP, but can affect the contrast of other
multi-pulse sequences that show resolution dependent
spoiling moments, such as RARE (TSE, FSE). In this work,
we will show that RARE sequences show a similar
fluid-tissue contrast modulation as nonbalanced SSFP.
17:24 |
0292. |
Simultaneous Linear and
Nonlinear Encoding in a Single Shot 
Daniel Gallichan1, Frederik Testud1,
Christoph Barmet2, Chris A Cocosco1,
Anna M Welz1, Klaas Prüssmann2,
Juergen Hennig1, and Maxim Zaitsev1
1University Medical Center Freiburg,
Freiburg, BW, Germany, 2Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland
In this work we seek to push the limits of a
custom-built gradient insert which generates the two
quadratic SEMs by performing a single-shot version of a
4-Dimensional Radial In/Out (4D-RIO) trajectory which
simultaneously drives the linear and quadratic encoding
fields, and testing this trajectory in-vivo. A field
camera was used to track the actual encoding trajectory
up to 3rd order to assist image reconstruction. We were
able to reconstruct reasonable quality images, both in a
phantom and in the human brain in vivo, using this novel
single-shot higher-order encoding trajectory.
17:36 |
Multi-Directional High
Moment Encoded 3D PCMRA In-Vivo 
Nicholas Ryan Zwart1, and James Grant Pipe1
1Neuroimaging Research, Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix, Arizona, United States
Signal to noise ratio gains in low VENC phase contrast
MRI are limited by the ability to successfully unalias
phase measurements that fall outside the -180 to 180
degree interval. A new time efficient acquisition and
reconstruction method for unaliasing velocity encoded
phase is compared to the well known 3-point (or dual-VENC)
method in-vivo.
17:48 |
Towards Dynamic 3D MRI of
Yinghua Zhu1, Yoon-Chul Kim1,
Michael Proctor1, Shrikanth Narayanan1,
and Krishna Nayak1
1University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, California, United States
MRI has a long history of informing basic research into
speech production, and has included the use of static
and dynamic 2D imaging and static 3D imaging. In this
work, we report on our initial efforts towards real-time
3D imaging of speech using 3D stack-of-spirals gradient
echo sequences at 1.5T. We characterize the trade-off
between spatial and temporal resolution, and assess the
image quality in the articulators (i.e. air-tissue
boundaries in the tongue, lips, and velum) using a
variety of the spiral readout durations and number of