10:00 |
0358. |
A Novel Reconstruction
Approach Using Model Consistency Condition for Accelerated
Quantitative MRI (MOCCA) 
Alexey Samsonov1
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
Wisconsin, United States
In this work, we put forward a MOdel Consistency
Condition for Accelerated imaging (MOCCA) derive a
novel, practical method for improved reconstruction of
parametric image series and quantitative maps from
undersampled data. The novel method reconstructs
parametric image series sampled below the Nyquist limit
using prior knowledge of a signal evolution in the
parametric dimension. The method is resilient to data
errors such as noise and poor representation of signal
evolution in the parametric dimension caused by imaging
imperfections such as motion artifacts. The method was
validated on T1/T1 relaxometry data.
10:12 |
A Model-based
Reconstruction Technique for Parameter Mapping of Saturation
Prepared Radially Acquired Data 
Johannes Tran-Gia1, Daniel Stäb1,
Dietbert Hahn1, and Herbert Köstler1
1Institute of Radiology, University of
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
A model-based image reconstruction algorithm for
parameter mapping of the apparent relaxation parameter
T1eff after
saturation preparation is presented. For radial
trajectories, every acquired projection contains
information about the image contrast. By incorporating a
signal model into the image reconstruction, it is
possible to use this information to resolve the signal
evolution with a high temporal resolution, yielding the
relaxation parameters T1eff. The
functionality of the algorithm and the accuracy of the
quantified parameters are demonstrated in phantom
studies as well as in in-vivo measurements.
10:24 |
A Bayesian Algorithm Using
Spatial Priors for Multi-Exponential T2 Relaxometry from
Multi-Echo Spin Echo MRI 
Dushyant Kumar1, Thanh Nguyen2,
Susan Gauthier3, and Ashish Raj2
1Neuroradiology, University of Hamburg,
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 2Radiology,
Weill Cornell Medical College, Newyork, NY, United
States,3neurology, Weill Cornell Medical
College, Newyork, NY, United States
Problem: Because of the ill-posedness of the inverse
problem with more unknowns than number of echoes, the
accurate quantification of myelin water fraction (MWF)
from T2-relaxometry requires high SNR (~500-1000).
Methods: The voxelwise conventional regularization is
performed followed by implementation of the spatial
smoothness over local neighborhood using proposed
spatial approach. Results: The inferred MWF-map has
significantly reduced spatial variations resulting in
better tissue-differentiation and is superior to
conventionally regularized version based on various
criteria. Conclusions: Spatial constraints allow the
handling of lower SNR data which may allow better MWF
reproducibility for longitudinal or multi-site studies
and warrants further evaluation.
10:36 |
0361. |
Highly accelerated 3D
spiral acquisition for whole brain myelin water mapping
using a hybrid SPIRiT-PCA reconstruction 
Thanh D. Nguyen1, Mitchell Cooper1,2,
Pascal Spincemaille1, Bo Xu1,2,
Ashish Raj1, Susan A. Gauthier3,
and Yi Wang1,2
1Radiology, Weill Cornell Medical College,
New York, NY, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United
States,3Neurology and Neuroscience, Weill
Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, United States
Recently an SNR efficient 3D T2prep spiral sequence has
been developed to provide whole brain coverage in 24 min
at 1.5T. We propose to develop a hybrid reconstruction
method which combines Iterative Self-consistent Parallel
Imaging Reconstruction (SPIRiT) and Principal Component
Analysis (PCA) to exploit the spatiotemporal redundancy
in multi-component T2 relaxometry to accelerate whole
brain coverage from 24 min down to 6.5 min. Comparable
myelin water fractions were obtained with the
accelerated spiral data at 3T. SPIRiT-PCA may be a
promising approach to bringing myelin quantification
closer to clinical practice.
10:48 |
Indirect Echo Compensated
T2 Mapping from Highly Undersampled Radial FSE Data with
Chuan Huang1, Ali Bilgin2, and
Maria I Altbach3
1Mathematics, University of Arizona, Tucson,
Arizona, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Arizona, 3Radiology,
University of Arizona
With the goal of fast T2 mapping, a radial FSE
technique, where T2 maps are reconstructed from highly
undersampled data, was developed. As all T2 mapping
techniques based on multiple refocusing pulses, the
accuracy of T2 estimation is compromised by the presence
of indirect echoes. Recently a slice resolved extended
phase graph algorithm for T2 estimation from decay
curves contaminated by indirect echoes was proposed.
However, the application of this algorithm to highly
undersampled data is challenging because the decay
curves need to be reconstructed from limited data. A
direct model-based algorithm results in a highly
non-linear system which is difficult to solve. In this
work, SlicE Resolved ExteNd phAse graph baseD
rEconstruction of principal component coefficient maps
(SERENADE) algorithm is proposed to obtain accurate T2
decay curves hence accurate T2 estimates from data
acquired in a short period of time.
11:00 |
Absolute Quantification of
In Vivo Water and Fat Content 
Yifan Cui1, Issac Y. Yang2, Trevor
Wade2, Curtis N. Wiens1, Abraam S.
Soliman3,4, and Charles A. McKenzie1,2
1Physics and Astronomy, University of Western
Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Medical
Biophysics, University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, Canada, 3Biomedical
Engineering, University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, Canada, 4Imaging
Research Laboratories, Robarts Research Institute,
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
Accurate measurement of in vivo fat fraction has been
demonstrated with IDEAL. However, knowing the absolute
(instead of relative) fat and water content is valuable
for understanding the source of fat fraction changes.
Existing methods for absolute fat and water
quantification are limited to single coil data
acquisition and have not been demonstrated in vivo. We
have extended these methods with rapid B1+ measurement
and corrections for coil array sensitivity, validated
the accuracy of fat and water content measurement with
these corrections and demonstrated the use of this new
method for in vivo imaging.
11:12 |
A Closed-form Formula for
Multipoint Water-Fat Imaging with Flexible Echo Increments 
Dinghui Wang1, and James G. Pipe1
1Neuroimaging Research, Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States
We introduce a new closed-form multipoint water-fat
reconstruction algorithm with flexible echo time
increments. Two sets of possible solutions of water, fat
and field map are computed from images acquired at N
(N>2) echo times. Under the assumption of the local
smoothness of the field map, the solutions for water,
fat are resolved by thresholding, region-growing and
bilinear fitting of the field map. An implementation
with multi-coil spiral imaging has demonstrated the
feasibility of this method.
11:24 |
0365. |
Water-Fat Identification
in Dual-Echo Dixon Imaging 
Holger Eggers1
1Philips Research, Hamburg, Germany
While the separation of two signal components with fixed
difference in resonance frequency is usually
straightforward in dual-echo Dixon imaging, establishing
their correspondence to water and fat signals is more
intricate. To increase the robustness and to decrease
the complexity of the separation, a direct
identification of water or fat signals is desirable. In
the present work, an approach to such a direct
identification in dual-echo Dixon imaging is proposed,
which exploits the spectral complexity of fat for a
differentiation between water and fat signals. Its
potential is analyzed theoretically and demonstrated
experimentally on high-resolution pelvic imaging.
11:36 |
3D balanced SSFP Dixon
imaging with Band-Reduction at 3T 
Brady Quist1,2, Brian A. Hargreaves1,
Bruce L. Daniel1, and Manojkumar Saranathan1
1Department of Radiology, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States
Balanced steady-state free precession (bSSFP) can offer
fast 3D imaging with T2-like contrast, and
multiple acquisitions can be used to avoid banding
artifacts due to static magnetic field variations.
Simulations of multi-peak fat models show that the bSSFP
profile of fat varies with echo and repetition time,
which can complicate Dixon separation methods,
particularly in combination with phase-cycling. The
effect is demonstrated, and robust fat/water separation
with banding reduction was demonstrated in the breast at
3T by performing the Dixon reconstruction on the complex
sum of two 3D phase-cycled images.
11:48 |
Water-Fat Separation with
a Bipolar Multiecho 3D Concentric Cylinders Trajectory 
Kie Tae Kwon1, Holden H. Wu1,2,
and Dwight G. Nishimura1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Cardiovascular
Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
For water-fat separation using Dixon techniques, a
bipolar multi-echo sequence acquires data more
efficiently than a comparable unipolar multi-echo
sequence, and also enables more robust field map
estimation by shortening echo-spacings, which is crucial
for reliable water-fat separation. In this work, a
variation of the bipolar multiecho sequence was
implemented with a 3D concentric cylinders trajectory.
The concentric cylinders sequence requires fewer
excitations than a comparable 3DFT sequence, thereby
enabling a further scan time reduction while maintaining
robustness to off-resonance effects.