10:00 |
Functional MRI in stroke
following tDCS and brain-computer interface-assisted motor
imagery rehabilitation 
Irvin Teh1, Cuntai Guan2, Kai Keng
Ang2, Kok Soon Phua2, Ling Zhao3,
Chang Wu Chen3, and Effie Chew3
1A*STAR-NUS Clinical Imaging Research Centre,
Singapore, Singapore, 2Institute
for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore, Singapore, 3National
University Health System, Singapore, Singapore
We investigated the imaging outcomes of a novel approach
combining transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
with robot-assisted motor imagery and brain-computer
interface (MI-BCI) therapy to facilitate motor recovery
in chronic stroke patients with upper limb impairment.
fMRI data showed reduced activation in bilateral SM1,
PMC and SMA and increased activation in the SMA,
contralateral SM1, ipsilateral PMC and PPC during a
calibrated hand squeeze task of the unaffected and
affected hand respectively. These findings were
consistent with our transcranial magnetic stimulation
(TMS) data, and present evidence of training-induced
cortical plasticity that underscore its therapeutic
potential to chronic stroke rehabilitation.
10:12 |
0369. |
Enhancement of Functional
Connectivity within Contralesional Hemisphere after Recovery
of Stroke 
Woo Hyun Shim1, Bruce Rosen2,
Jaeseung Jeong1, and Young Ro Kim2
1Bio & Brain, Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology, (KAIST), Daejoen, Daejoen,
Korea, Republic of, 2Radiology,
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Charlestown, Massachusetts, United States
The restorative mechanism of stroke has been of high
interest but has not yet been fully understood. In this
regard, we investigated both task-induced fMRI responses
and resting-state connectivity using the rat models
recovered from impaired sensorimotor functions after
severe ischemic stroke. Our results show that the
electrical stimulation of stroke affected forelimbs
induce no fMRI responses in the entire brain and also
demonstrate the markedly increased functional
connectivity in the contralesional (non-stroke)
hemisphere. This result implies that the restoration of
sensorimotor function may be associated with the
increase and spatial expansion of functional
connectivity mostly within the contralesional
10:24 |
0370. |
Brain Rhythms Alterations
and their effect in Functional Networks: A Simultaneous EEG/fMRI
Study in Fixation-Off Epilepsy 
Ana Beatriz Solana1, Juan Antonio
Hernández-Tamames1, Elena Molina1,
Kenia Martínez2, Juan José Alcalá1,
Rafael Toledano3, Victoria San Antonio-Arce3,
Irene García-Morales3, Antonio Gil-Nagel3,
Ceferino Maestu1, Juan Alvarez-Linera3,
Eva Alfayate4, and Francisco del Pozo1
1Neuroimaging lab., Center for Biomedical
Technology - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid,
Spain, 2Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 3Hospital
Ruber Internacional, Madrid, Spain, 4Fundación
Reina Sofía - Fundación CIEN, Madrid, Spain
The underlying mechanisms of Fixation Off Sensitivity
and the characterization of a pure FOS epilepsy remain
unclear. Here, we performed simultaneous EEG-fMRI in two
FOS patients. The power fluctuations of the EEG rhythms
were used in the fMRI analyses as regressores. Results
showed different electrical patterns for both patients
after eyes closure indicating different kind of FOS.
Patient’s fMRI beta band maps included not only brain
areas previously reported to be related to beta in
control subjects, but also brain regions related to
alpha. This finding suggests an alteration in the
attentional networks in these patients.
10:36 |
0371. |
Imaging of
pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures by fMRI: a novel method
for detecting seizure onset zone in experimental
post-traumatic epilepsy
permission withheld
Antti M Airaksinen1, Joanna K Huttunen1,
Artem Shatillo1, Juha-Pekka Niskanen1,2,
Asla Pitkänen3,4, and Olli Gröhn1
1Department of Neurobiology, A. I. Virtanen
Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Eastern
Finland, Kuopio, Finland, 2Department
of Applied Physics, University of Eastern Finland,
Kuopio, Finland, 3Department
of Neurobiology, Epilepsy Research Laboratory, A. I.
Virtanen Institute for Molecular Sci, University of
Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland, 4Department
of Neurology, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio,
The aim of the study was to investigate onset region for
pentylenetetrazol-induced seizures after traumatic brain
injury (TBI) utilizing simultaneous local field
potential (LFP) and fMRI measurements. In all animals,
PTZ caused detectable responses in BOLD and LFP signals.
PTZ induced seizures originate from the periphery of the
lesion in 7/13 animals 2 months after TBI and
bilaterally in the cortex in all sham operated rats.
10:48 |
Network analysis of
resting-state fMRI reveals increased centrality in regions
generating focal epileptiform spikes 
Richard Masterton1, and Graeme Jackson1,2
1Brain Research Institute, Florey
Neuroscience Institutes, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 2The
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
A data-driven network analysis of resting-state fMRI
applied to patients with benign rolandic epilepsy.
Network nodes identified with high centrality provided
good correspondence with the presumed epileptogenic zone
in these non-lesional focal epilepsy patients.
11:00 |
0373. |
Resting State fMRI Reveals
Altered Functional Connectivity in Cortical and Subcortical
Networks One Month after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury 
Yi-Ou Li1, Sara LaHue1,2, Roger
Chen1, Shelly Cooper1,2, John Yue1,2,
Geoffrey Manley2, and Pratik Mukherjee1
1Radiology, University of California San
Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States, 2Neurosurgery,
University of California San Francisco, San Francisco,
CA, United States
Based on current studies of functional connectivity
after traumatic brain injury (TBI), we focus on 14 brain
regions and apply seed region correlation analysis to
the resting state fMRI of 51 mild brain trauma patients
one month after injury and 45 demographically matched
healthy controls. The statistical tests on the brain
connectivity maps reveal reduced functional connectivity
of multiple networks, most prominently the default mode
network and hippocampus; however, connectivity is
increased in a motor-SMA network that includes the dACC.
These initial results demonstrate that resting state
fMRI has promise as an imaging biomarker for clinical
outcome after mild TBI.
11:12 |
0374. |
Small World Properties
Changes in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI) 
Yongxia Zhou1, Yulin Ge1, Yvonne W
Lui1, Joseph Reaume1, and Robert I
1Radiology/CBI, New York University Langone
Medical Center, New York, NY, United States
Small world properties such as betweenness centrality
and clustering coefficient based on resting-state fMRI
were used to evaluate global and local efficiency
changes in 33 MTBI patients compared to 45 controls, and
their changes were correlated with axonal injury by
diffusion tensor imaging and postconcussive syndrome
(PCS) in patients. We found reduced betweenness
centrality and increased clustering coefficient in
patients and these abnormalities correlated with white
matter fractional anisotropy reductions and PCS. Our
results suggest that disrupted global axonal integrity
may cause decreased global efficiency of neuronal source
utilization accompanying with local network upregulation
as a compensatory mechanism in MTBI.
11:24 |
0375. |
High-sensitivity and
High-specificity of Traumatic Brain Injury diagnostic method
using Magnetic Resonance Imaging – Diffusion Tensor Imaging 
Keumsil Lee1, Varin Tsai1, Steven
Potkin1, and Joseph Wu1
1Brain Imaging Center, Psychiatry and Human
Behavior, University of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA,
United States
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a leading cause of
injury, death, and disability in the United States. The
purpose of this study is to improve sensitivity and
specificity in diagnosing the TBI patients by finding
out the white matter (WM) abnormality based on the MRI
DTI images. Fractional anisotropy (FA) is the measure of
the WM tract directionality. When the directionality
and/or connectivity of the WM tracts are altered, the
patients are likely to have a neurological abnormality.
By providing the patterns of white matter abnormality
for TBI patients, characterization of TBI can be
achieved with high-sensitivity and high-specificity.
11:36 |
A longitudinal evaluation
of diffusion kurtosis imaging in patients with mild
traumatic brain injury 
Jesse A Stokum1, Jiachen Zhuo1,
Jacqueline Janowich1, and Rao Gullapalli1
1Magnetic Resonance Research Center,
Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, University
of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United
Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) has been shown to be
sensitive to microstructural changes and may provide
additional information that complements information from
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in evaluation of
traumatic brain injury (TBI). In this prospective study,
parameters from these techniques were evaluated on 36
patients who suffered mild TBI at three time points
following injury in gray and white matter regions and
were compared with reaction times on neurocognitive
tests. DKI parameters in the internal capsule appear to
be sensitive to the underlying demyelination
pathological changes and are inversely correlated with
reaction times on neurocognitive tests.
11:48 |
0377. |
Susceptibility Mapping of Hemorrhages in TBI Using the 3D
multi-echo Gradient Echo MRI at 3T 
Haiying Tang1, Tian Liu2, Wei Liu3,
Hai Pan3, Reed Selwyn1, Terry
Oakes4, Yi Wang2, and Gerard Riedy4
1Radiology, Uniformed Services University of
the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Cornell University, New York, NY, United
States, 3Center
for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine, Henry M
Jackson Foundation, Bethesda, MD, United States, 4National
Intrepid Center of Excellence, Walter Reed National
Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD, United States
In the military, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars have
potentially exposed more than 300,000 soldiers to mild
traumatic brain injury (TBI), with more than 45,000
soldiers diagnosed with TBIs. The true incidence of TBI
in the military is unknown since many cases, especially
mild TBI, will have negative findings using typical
clinical imaging protocols. Diagnosis of TBI with high
sensitivity and specificity is a top priority for
military medicine. Diffuse axonal injury (DAI), marked
by petechial hemorrhage, is a trademark brain injury
following blast-induced and acceleration brain movements
and is not observable using conventional MRI or CT. Yet,
susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) and quantitative
susceptibility mapping (QSM) can detect and quantify
petechial hemorrhages, iron deposition, and
calcifications that may predict DAI. We hypothesize that
QSM will provide new information that is not obtained
using other quantitative imaging, such as diffusion
tensor imaging (DTI), which is quickly becoming the de
facto standard for TBI imaging.