10:30 |
0564. |

Nandita Desouza
10:42 |
0565. |
Characterization of
Malignancy of Adnexal Lesions using ADC Entropy: Comparison
with Mean ADC and Qualitative DWI Assessment 
A. S. Kierans1, G. L. Bennett1, T.
C. Mussi1, J. S. Babb1, H. Rusinek1,
J. Melamed2, and A. B. Rosenkrantz1
1Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New
York, NY, United States, 2Pathology,
NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, United States
37 patients with an adnexal mass underwent pelvic MRI
including DWI before resection. We evaluated performance
of mean ADC, ADC entropy, and subjective interpretation
of two radiologists using DWI in discriminating benign
and malignant adnexal lesions. Malignant lesions
demonstrated significantly higher ADC entropy than
benign lesions but no significant difference in mean
ADC. Accuracy of ADC entropy was similar to that of the
less experienced reader. However, the more experienced
reader’s accuracy was greater than that of all other
assessments. We conclude ADC entropy may serve as a
useful quantitative metric for ovarian lesion
evaluation, particularly for less experienced readers.
10:54 |
0566. |
Diffusion properties of
uterine fibroids pre- and post- uterine fibroid embolization 
Jennifer W Chong1, Natalie Yang2,
Sarah J Jenkins3, Errol Colak1,
Shalini Anthwal1, Andrew A Common1,
Vikram Prabhudesai1, and Anish Kirpalani1
1Department of Medical Imaging, University of
Toronto, St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Department
of Radiology, Austin Health, Heidelberg, Australia, 3Department
of Diagnostic Imaging, Memorial University, St. John's,
NL, Canada
A decrease in uterine fibroid enhancement on pelvic MRI
is routinely used to monitor patients' response to
uterine fibroid embolization (UFE). In this prospective
cohort study of 50 patients (88 uterine fibroids), we
examined whether the ADC from diffusion-weighted MRI
also changed post-UFE. We found a statistically
significant rise in the mean ADC of fibroids post-UFE.
We also found that fibroids which have more residual
contrast enhancement post-UFE had a higher pre-UFE ADC.
ADC may therefore have a clinically important role in
predicting treatment response.
11:06 |
0567. |
Diffusion-weighted Imaging
in Endometrial Carcinoma in Early Stage and Normal
Endometrium of Childbearing Women in Different Menstrual
Cycle -- Preliminary Study 
Xiaoduo Yu1, Yan Chen1, Meng Lin1,
Han Ouyang1, and Chunwu Zhou1
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Cancer
Hospital & Institute, Chinese Academy of Medical
Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, beijing,
beijing, China
DWI could measure microscopic diffusion of water
molecules and has the utility to evaluate the state of
endometrium in physiology and pathology quantitatively.
Difference among ADC value of endometrial carcinoma and
normal endometrium of childbearing women in different
menstrual cycle would be helpful in the diagnosis of
endometrial carcinoma.
11:18 |
Parallel MRI performance
evaluation of a novel 32 channel fetal array at 1.5T 
Ye Li1, Yong Pang1, Daniel
Vigneron1,2, Orit Glenn1, Duan Xu1,
and Xiaoliang Zhang1,2
1Department of Radiology and Biomedical
Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA, United States, 2UCSF/UC
Berkeley Joint Graduate Group in Bioengineering, San
Francisco, CA, United States
In this work, we aim to evaluate parallel imaging
performance of a 32 channel fetal array for fetal MRI at
1.5T. The gradient-echo image intensity of each coil
element was calculated based on electromagnetic field
distribution of each element. GRAPPA reconstructed
images with different acceleration factors were carried
out by using PULSAR toolbox. We studied the proposed
flexible 32-channel array and compared with a commercial
available 8-channel torso array that is routinely used
in clinical fetal imaging. Our results show that the
proposed fetal array improves parallel imaging
performance for fetal MRI in terms of Artifact Power
(AP) and image intensity.
11:30 |
Oxygen-Enhanced MRI and
BOLD in the human placenta 
Isaac Huen1,2, David M. Morris1,2,
Caroline Wright3, Colin P. Sibley3,
Edward Johnstone3, and Josephine H. Naish1,2
1Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering,
University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2The
University of Manchester Biomedical Imaging Institute,
University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 3Maternal
& Fetal Health Research Centre, University of
Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Preeclampsia and Fetal Growth Restriction are common
pregnancy complications thought to be caused by a
compromised placental phenotype. This may affect
placental oxygen delivery, for which there is little
previously obtained data. Oxygen-Enhanced MRI (OE-MRI)
measures ΔR1 (R1 =
1/T1) which increases when dissolved
molecular oxygen concentration rises. Blood Oxygen Level
Dependent (BOLD) MRI measures ΔR2* (R2*=
1/T2*) which decreases when deoxyhemoglobin
concentration falls. OE-MRI and BOLD results are
obtained in 10 pregnant subjects between breathing of
medical air and 100% oxygen. Significant R1 increases
and R2* decreases suggest oxygen delivery to
the placenta has been observed in normal pregnancy.
11:42 |
0570. |
Arterial Spin Labelling in
the Human Placenta – Mapping Perfusion 
David M Morris1,2, Caroline Wright3,
Mark S Dobbs1,2, Philip N Baker4,
Ian P Crocker3, Penny A Gowland5,
Sue T Francis5, Colin P Sibley3,
and Geoff JM Parker1,2
1Imaging Sciences, University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom, 2Biomedical
Imaging Institute, University of Manchester, Manchester,
United Kingdom, 3Maternal
and Fetal Health Research Group, University of
Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4Department
of Physiology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada, 5Sir
Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance Centre, University of
Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Disruptions in placental morphology lead to impaired
function that increases the risk of perinatal mortality
and morbidity. Flow-sensitive Alternating Inversion
Recovery Arterial Spin Labelling has been applied to
investigate the flow characteristic of the placenta.
Analysis was carried out to determine the robustness of
results generated and clinical applicability. Nine human
placentas in normal pregnancies were scanned in the
third trimester. These results show the applicability of
the technique, its potential to categorize the
inhomogeneity of flow in the placenta on a voxel by
voxel level, and good agreement with perfusion values
using other methodologies.
11:54 |
The Effect of Maternal
Smoking on Fetal Organ Growth 
Devasuda Anblagan1, Nia W Jones2,
Alexander J Parker3, George Bugg2,
Carolyn Costigan1, Ruta Deshpande2,
Lucy Coyne4, Rosanne Aleong5, Neil
Roberts6, Zdenka Pausova7,8, Nick
Raine Fenning9, Tomas Paus5,10,
and Penny A Gowland1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance
Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, 2Nottingham
University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, 3University
of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 4Liverpool
Women's Hospital, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 5Rotman
Research Institute, University of Toronto, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, 6Clinical
Research and Imaging Centre, Queens Medical Research
Institute, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 7Research
Institute of the Hospital for Sick Children, University
of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 8Universite
de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 9School
of Clinical Sciences, University of Nottingham, United
Kingdom, 10School
of Psychology, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Cigarette smoke contains two main compounds: carbon
monoxide and nicotine; both cross the placenta into the
fetus where they reach levels exceeding those found in
the maternal circulation. This has been associated with
miscarriage, placenta abruption, placenta praevia, low
birth weight and perinatal mortality. In the long-term,
maternal smoking during pregnancy appears to increase
the probability of respiratory disorders, obesity and
behavioral problems. This work studies the effect of
maternal smoking on the growth of fetal organs and shows
that fetal lungs, kidneys and brain volumes are reduced
by maternal smoking during pregnancy.
12:06 |
0572. |
Unique in utero
identification of fetuses in multi-fetal mouse pregnancies
by placental bi-directional arterial spin labeling (BD-ASL)
Reut Avni1, Tal Raz1, Joel Garbow2,
and Michal Neeman1
1Biological Regulation, Weizmann Institute of
Sceince, Rehovot, Israel, 2Biomedical
MR Laboratory, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology,
Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri, United
The study presented here examines whether natural
occurring deaths, as well as genetic manipulation to
create targeted defects in placental function (PKBá/
Akt1-/- fetuses), affect placental perfusion and
maternal blood volume in adjacent (normal) fetuses at
late-gestation, as measured by in vivo Bi-Directional
Arterial Spin Labeling (BD-ASL) MRI and ex vivo
fluorescence microscopy, respectively. The ability to
noninvasively determine fetal location along the uterine
horn using BD-ASL method opens possibilities for
determining and pursuing phenotypic alterations in
genetic, as well as developmental, longitudinal studies.
These data suggest in systems of multiple fetuses within
one uterus there may exist communication mechanisms
(e.g. hydrodynamic)
12:18 |
0573. |
MRI of the active second
stage of vaginal delivery in real-time 
Felix Victor Guettler1, Andreas Heinrich1,
Christian Bamberg2, Jens Rump1,
Bernhard Schnackenburg3, Maximilian de
Bucourt1, Andreas Thomas1, Bernd
Hamm1, and Ulf Teichgraeber1
1Department of Radiology, Charité -
University Hospital Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2Department
of Obstetrics, Charité - University Hospital Berlin,
Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 3Philips
Medical Systems, Hamburg, Germany
The aim of this study was the visualization of the
active second stage of vaginal delivery in real-time
through an open magnetic resonance imager complying with
modern safety standards in obstetrics. For this purpose
an MR-compatible cardiotocograph (CTG) was developed.
With some pregnant probands, a suitable birth position
and a dynamic MR-sequence was designed. The
demonstration of the fetal and maternal organs occurred
with an interactive single-shot TSE sequence, which was
also able to compensate eventual image artifacts of
mother and child. The real-time representation of the
human expulsive phase via open MRI allows further
research of birth complication and birth defects, but is
also suitable for birth simulations.