Poster Session - Pulse Sequences & Reconstruction B |
Sequences, Eddy Currents, Water/Fat
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to view
the abstract pdf and click on
to view the
video presentation. (Not all presentations are available.)
Thursday 10 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
10:30 - 11:30 |
Computer # |
4149. |
1 |
Aliasing separation in
accelerated MR image acquisition by voxel modification 
Min-Oh Kim1, Joonsung Lee1,
Sang-Young Zho1, and Dong-Hyun Kim1
1Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Aliasings occurred due to undersampled phase-encodings
in accelerated MR imaging are separated to readout
direction by applying additional gradient along
undersampled direction at readout timing. Resolution and
FOV are redefined due to voxel modification as sheared
form. With this method, 6x acceleration is achieved in
high-resolution invivo 3D imaging with a partial loss of
diagonal resolution. Further acceleration is possible by
using parallel imaging techniques such as SENSE and
2 |
In-Vivo Curved Multi-Slice
Hans Weber1, Daniel Gallichan1,
Anna M. Welz1, Chris A. Cocosco1,
Sebastian Littin1, Jürgen Hennig1,
and Maxim Zaitsev1
1Department of Radiology, Medical Physics,
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
ExLoc allows excitation and geometrically matched
spatial encoding of curved slices by the application of
a set of nonlinear, but locally orthogonal, encoding
fields. In this work we explore ExLoc’s potential for
multi-slice imaging. Stacks of curved slices result in
improved relevant volume coverage for fewer excited
slices and thus increase efficiency for particular
applications. We present the results of experiments
performed on a phantom, as well as a demonstration in
4151. |
3 |
A new cascade-regularized
spatial encoding technique using non-linear field
disturbance of susceptibility markers 
Hirad Karimi1, William Dominguez-Viqueira2,
and Charles H. Cunningham1,2
1Dept. of Medical Biophysics, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Imaging
Research, Sunnybrook Research Institue, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada
Conventional linear gradient fields generated using
gradient coils usually perform spatial encoding in MRI.
These coils are stationary relative to any physiological
movements and this ultimately limits the spatial
resolution. Some applications such as intravascular MR
imaging (iMRI) could benefit from the high-resolution
images that could result from new approaches. Here, a
new encoding technique that allows encoding fields to
move with physiological structures is investigated. The
method uses only the field perturbations emanating from
markers with different susceptibilities as the encoding
fields. (The gradient coils on scanner are not used).
Simulations and phantom studies were conducted to
further validate the result.
4152. |
4 |
B1-Gradient based MRI
using a Single Surface Coil; RF-Encodig 
Dominique M. R. Corteville1, Friedrich
Wetterling1, and Lothar R. Schad1
1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine,
Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany
Traditionally RF-encoding is performed by modulating the
magnetization along the longitudinal axis of the magnet
and rotating it into the orthogonal plane. Recent
hardware improvements made it possible to achieve
encoding by direct usage of the excitation pulses. This
study evaluates the possibilities and challenges of
RF-encoding using a single transceiver surface coil,
providing general information about the achievable speed
and resolution. Sodium was chosen as imaging nucleus to
outline the advantages of using nuclei with short
relaxation times.
4153. |
5 |
Reducing central
brightening and increasing penetration depth with
single-channel transmit systems at 7 Tesla using a
TIAMO-like method 
Stephan Orzada1,2, Sören Johst1,2,
Andreas K. Bitz1,2, Oliver Kraff1,2,
Mark E. Ladd1,2, and Stefan Maderwald1
1Erwin L. Hahn Institute for MRI, Essen, NRW,
Germany, 2Department
of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology and
Neuroradiology, University Hospital Essen, Essen, NRW,
At field strengths of 7 Tesla and above, severe B1
inhomogeneities cause problems due to non-uniform
contrast and SNR distributions. Most methods proposed to
mitigate these problems rely on multi-channel transmit
systems. In this single-channel variant of TIAMO, we
propose acquiring two images with different transmit
amplitudes in an interleaved fashion. In this way the
dark areas where the refocusing pulse does not achieve
flip angles close to α = 180° + (n∙360°) are in
different positions in the two images. The resulting
combined images show less impact of the inhomogeneous
transmit field.
4154. |
6 |
Using the Binomial RF
Pulses for Selective Excitation of the Ultra-shot T2
Tiejun Zhao1, Hai Zheng2, Yongxian
Qian2, Tamer S Ibrahim2, and
Fernando Boada2
1Siemens Healthcare USA; Siemens Medical
Solutions USA, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2University
of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Ultra-short echo imaging in the order of 100us
achievable for clinical scanners allowed the detection
of protons exhibiting very short T2 relaxation times,
which is relevant for tendons, ligaments, or the
periosteum. In this abstract, we proposed to use the
Binomial pulse excite only the short T2 component and
demonstrated that the new scheme helped for detecting
fast relaxation tissues with the lower SNR that might be
otherwise buried under various imaging artifacts.
4155. |
7 |
Simultaneous echo
refocused (SIR) EPI with constant TE 
An Thanh Vu1,2, Audrey Chang1,2,
Liyong Chen1,2, and David Feinberg1,2
1Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute,
University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United
States, 2Advanced
MRI Technologies, Sebastopol, CA, United States
Simultaneous echo refocused (SIR) EPI has greatly
accelerated the acquisition of both fMRI and DTI data
sets. However, the effective echo time (TE) of each
individual SIR slice can differ by several milliseconds,
resulting in slice dependent signal intensity and BOLD
contrast. Here, we propose a constant TE version of the
SIR method that is able to use TR specific phase
correction navigators while maintaining the minimum TE
and TR of the original SIR method. SIR with and without
constant TE is evaluated in both phantom and human fMRI
4156. |
8 |
PACEUP-3DEPI: A highly
Accelerated 3D-EPI Sequence for fMRI at 7T 
Mayur Narsude1,2, José Marques1,2,
Wietske van der Zwaag1,2, Tobias Kober1,2,
and Rolf Gruetter1,2
1Laboratory for Functional and Metabolic
Imaging, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne,
Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Department
of Radiology, University of Lausanne, Lausanne,
EPI acquisition times can be shortened by partial
Fourier acquisition, parallel imaging and sparse data
sampling. We present an approach to reduce the EPI
volume acquisition time which accelerates in the
slice-encode dimension of 3D-EPI enabling an up to 8
fold acceleration with an 8 channel coil at 7T with good
image quality. In the PACEUP-3DEPI (ksPACE acqUisition
Parallelized 3DEPI) pulse sequence 2 kspace planes are
encoded per rf excitation. 96x96x40 matrix volumes were
acquired in 0.9s. BOLD sensitivity was tested via
resting state networks and found to be increased
compared to 2D and 3D-EPI.
4157. |
9 |
High-quality clinical MRI
massively accelerated with segmented echo-planar readout and
phase-cycled reconstruction 
Nan-kuei Chen1
1Brain Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke
University, Durham, North Carolina, United States
Every year millions of patients (e.g., children,
seriously ill patients and claustrophobic individuals)
cannot complete lengthy MRI procedures without sedation
or anesthesia, which poses significant risks for serious
adverse effects and harm to health. It is highly
desirable to design a novel approach to enable millions
of patients to complete clinical MRI without the risk of
adverse effects associated with sedation / anesthesia.
Here we demonstrate that many clinical MRI sequences may
be massively accelerated with segmented echo-planar
readout, and high-quality data can be reliably obtained
by removing the echo-planar related phase errors with a
novel phase-cycled reconstruction algorithm.
4158. |
10 |
Extending HARP imaging by
acquiring an overdetermined set of stripes 
Lucilio Cordero-Grande1, and Carlos
1University of Valladolid, Valladolid,
Castilla y León, Spain
An extension of HARP reconstruction in tagged MR imaging
is presented in which a number of stripe patterns
greater than the dimension of the space are acquired in
order to robustify the reconstruction of the local phase
of the image. Reconstruction equations for the
estimation of the deformation gradient tensor are
presented and combined with a previous contribution
which improves the original HARP method by using the
windowed Fourier transform to better capture the spatio-spectral
distribution of the magnetization pattern. Results on
real images deformed by a synthetic pattern show the
benefits of the proposed scheme in limiting the
interferences in HARP reconstruction.
4159. |
11 |
Contrast-Enhanced Peripheral MRA in Patients with Low
Contrast Doses Using VIPR-HYPR 
L. Keith1, C. Francois2, M.
Schiebler2, S. Reeder2,3, and F.
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin -
Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, United
States, 3Biomedical
Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison,
WI, United States
We have previously introduced a method for acquisition
of time-resolved contrast-enhanced MR angiography of the
peripheral vasculature using fractional doses of
contrast material (<0.1 mmol/kg). Undersampled 3D radial
k-space trajectories (VIPR) and HYPR image processing
are combined to provide distal time-resolved MRA with
high spatial and temporal resolution while maintaining
good image quality with contrast material injections as
little as 0.025 mmol/kg in patients with known PVD.
Using this method, it is possible to decease the dose of
gadolinium-based contrast agents for time-resolved,
contrast-enhanced peripheral MRA while maintaining high
image quality and diagnostic confidence.
4160. |
12 |
Optimized Gradient Echo
Imaging for Hyperpolarised Nuclei - a Simulation Study 
Sebastien Bär1, Robert Borowiak1,
Jan-Bernd Hövener1, Jürgen Hennig1,
Dominik von Elverfeldt1, and Jochen Leupold1
1Dept. of Radiology, Medical Physics,
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
The gradient echo (GRE) sequence is one of the standard
means to image hyperpolarized nuclei. We show Bloch
equation based simulations intending to exploit the
decaying hyperpolarized signal over as much sequence
cycles as possible. Simulations include both RF-spoiled
and non-RFspoiled GRE. Parameters under examination are
flip angle and the RF spoil increment. Best signal
behaviour was obtained for a moderately small flip angle
(approx. 10°) and a small spoil increment (approx. 1°).
4161. |
13 |
Eddy Currents in MT
Asymmetry Imaging with Alternate Ascending/Descending
Directional Navigation (ALADDIN) 
Sung-Hong Park1, Tiejun Zhao2,
Jung-Hwan Kim1, Fernando E. Boada1,3,
and Kyongtae Ty Bae1
1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2MR
Research Support, Siemens Healthcare, Pittsburgh, PA,
United States,3Bioengineering, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
ALADDIN is a new imaging technique that provides
interslice perfusion-weighted and MT asymmetry images.
We investigated the effects of gradient imperfections on
ALADDIN MT asymmetry imaging in this study. Subtraction
artifacts were detectable in ALADDIN MT asymmetry images
from an agarose phantom but not from a water phantom, in
agreement with the theoretical analysis that they were
induced by mismatch in MT frequencies associated with
readout eddy currents. The artifacts were suppressed by
averaging signals over the readout gradient polarities
independent of scan parameters. With suppression of the
artifacts, ALADDIN signals of human brain were less
dependent on scan conditions.
4162. |
14 |
Reduction of
Eddy-current-induced Distortion in Diffusion-weighted EPI
using Spin-tagging 
Kun Zhou1, and Wei Liu1
1Siemens (Shenzhen) Magnetic Resonance Ltd.,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
A spin-tagging based method is proposed to correct eddy
currents induced distortions in DW-EPI images. In this
method strips placed by tagging pulses are used to
characterize image distortion. Parameters (scaling and
shifting factors) describing distortion are derived by
comparing strip images of distorted image and reference
image (image with b = 0). After that pixel shifting map
is calculated using these parameters and used to perform
distortion correction.
4163. |
15 |
Correcting High Order Eddy
Currents for Diffusion Weighted Imaging with Arbitrary Scan
Plane and Diffusion Direction 
Dan Xu1, Joe K. Maier2, and Kevin
F. King1
1Applied Science Lab, GE Healthcare,
Waukesha, WI, United States, 2MR
Engineering, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States
An axial plane based high order eddy current correction
(HOEC) method was previously proposed to mitigate
diffusion gradient direction dependent image distortion
often seen in images acquired with the Stejkal-Tanner
diffusion sequence, which is known to produce images
with higher signal-to-noise ratio than the corresponding
dual spin echo images due to generally shorter echo
time. In this paper, we show that HOEC correction can be
extended to arbitrary scan plane with arbitrary
diffusion direction through the application of gradient
and polynomial basis rotation matrices.
4164. |
16 |
Artifact Suppression for b-SSFP via Through-slice Dephasing 
Ozan Sayin1, John A. Derbyshire2,
Liheng Guo1, and Daniel A. Herzka1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Johns
Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United
States, 2Tornado
Medical Systems, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Recent advancements in parallel imaging and/or image
reconstruction (e.g. Compressed Sensing) have led to the
common employment of nonconventional and irregular phase
encode ordering schemes. For balanced steady-state free
precession (b-SSFP) MRI, such sequences can be
problematic in terms of eddy current artifacts due to
rapid jumps in k-space trajectories from one TR to the
next. In this work, we explore and characterize a
previously-proposed technique, through-slice dephasing,
as an efficient technique for eddy current artifact
suppression. We demonstrate the utility of the technique
in vivo, and further analyze it via b-SSFP simulations.
4165. |
17 |
Characterization and
Compensation of Eddy Current Induced by Insertable dreMR
Ludovic de Rochefort1, Eddy S.M. Lee2,
Matteo Polello3, Luc Darrasse1,
Gianni Ferrante3, and Brian K. Rutt2
1UMR8081, IR4M (Imagerie par Résonance
Magnétique Médicale et Multi-modalités), Univ.
Paris-Sud, CNRS, Orsay, France, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United
States, 3Stelar
s.r.l, Mede, Italy
Delta relaxation-enhanced magnetic resonance (dreMR)
imaging is a B0-cycled technology producing contrast
from intended targets only. While ÄB can be achieved
with an insertable field-cycling magnet, mutual coupling
induces eddy currents (EC) that change the main field.
An imaging strategy is presented to characterize and
compensate for the EC. A multiphase imaging sequence was
modified to produce multiple images after a dreMR pulse.
Results show that offset caused by EC is spatially
homogeneous, proportional to ÄB and decays
monoexponentially. Consequently, the EC induced spatial
shifts in the frequency encoding direction which could
be compensated for using sequence adaptation and
4166. |
18 |
Correction of Eddy Current
Distortions in High b-value and High Angular Resolution
Diffusion Imaging
Jiancheng Zhuang1, Zhong-Lin Lu1,
Christine Bouteiller Vidal1, and Hanna
1University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, California, United States
High angular resolution diffusion images are susceptible
to distortions caused by eddy currents induced by large
diffusion gradients. A new post-acquisition correction
algorithm is proposed which does not require any
auxiliary reference scans. Image distortion parameters
were obtained by image coregistration, performed only
between diffusion weighted images with close diffusion
gradient orientations. A linear model that describes
distortion parameters (translation, scaling, and shear)
as a function of diffusion gradient directions was
numerically computed to allow individualized distortion
correction for every diffusion-weighted image. The
method avoids the problematic procedure of
cross-correlating images with significantly different
contrasts resulting from very different gradient
orientations or strengths. Application of the proposed
algorithm in high angular resolution diffusion images
markedly reduced eddy current distortions, when compared
to results obtained with previously published methods.
4167. |
19 |
Two-Point Dixon Fat and
Water Separation using 3D Dual-Echo SSFP Sequence in Breast
Yi Wang1,2, Emilee Minalga1,2,
Allison Payne2, Glen Morrell2, and
Dennis L. Parker1,2
1Bioengineering, University of Utah, Salt
Lake City, UT, United States, 2Utah
Center for Advanced Imaging Research, Salt Lake City,
UT, United States
bSSFP sequences offer superior signal intensity in a
relative short time. However, fat could appear very
bright due to its high T2/T1 values. Fat signal
suppression or elimination can be helpful to uncover
information that might otherwise be obscured by fat,
e.g., lesions and blood vessels in breast imaging.
Initial work on achieving two-point Dixon fat and water
separation in breast using the dual-echo SSFP sequence
has been reported. In this work, we simulate the signal
behavior of the dual-echo SSFP to assist in choosing the
optimal flip angle for in vivo breast imaging in a
breast-specific MR guided high intensity focused
ultrasound system.
4168. |
20 |
Simultaneous fat-water
separated imaging using dual spatial-spectral RF pulses 
Cheng-Chieh Cheng1,2, Hing-Chiu Chang1,
Lawrence Panych2, Chun-Jung Juan3,
Tzu-Cheng Chao4, and Hsiao-Wen Chung1
1Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics
and Bioinformatics, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taiwan, 2Department
of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston,
Massachusetts, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, Tri-Service General Hospital, Taipei,
Taiwan, 4Institute
of Medical Informatics, National Cheng-Kung University,
Tainan, Taiwan
Spatial-Spectral RF pulses have been widely adopted for
many purposes, especially in the situation when
fat-suppression is necessary. In this study, we utilized
this idea to simultaneously generate fat-water separated
imaging. For comparison, images with fat/water
suppression were acquired using a conventional FLASH
sequence. Our results showed these simultaneously
acquired images have comparable contrast to the FLASH
images. Consequently, our proposed method may be
beneficial for studies that require dynamic information
of both water and fat.
4169. |
21 |
Robust Water-Fat
Separation Using Binomial Rectangular Pulses 
Yongquan Ye1, Jiani Hu1, and
E.Mark Haacke1
1Radiology, Wayne State University, Detroit,
MI, United States
In this study, a novel RF-based water-fat separation
method is introduced, by utilizing the unique frequence
response profile of a pair of opposite-phase rectangular
pulses.Functioning as simutaneous excitation and
selective suppression, the dual-rect pulses do not
require extra scan time but come with low SAR level.
With the simplicity and robust performance due to the
broad passbands and stopbands, our method is especially
advantageous for high field fast 3D imaging.
4170. |
22 |
Accelerated Water-fat
Separation Using Parallel Imaging, Compressed Sensing, and
Multiscale Cubic B-splines 
Samir D Sharma1, Houchun H Hu2,
and Krishna S Nayak1
1Electrical Engineering, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United
Chemical shift-encoded water-fat separation techniques
are used in both research and clinical settings because
they are highly robust to off-resonance. A tradeoff when
using these techniques is a longer scan time since data
must be collected at multiple echo-times. Previous works
have proposed to use either parallel imaging or
compressed sensing to shorten the scan time. In this
work, we introduce a joint parallel imaging and
compressed sensing approach for water-fat separation.
The proposed approach is compared to an existing
parallel imaging and water-fat separation method. We
demonstrate 3.4x 1D acceleration with the proposed
4171. |
23 |
Water Fat Identification
for Symmetically Acquired Dixon Method on Non-connected Body
Cong Zhao1, and Andrew Liang2
1Siemens ShenZhen Magnetic Resonance,
ShenZhen, GuangDong, China, 2School
of Engineering and Applied Science, University of
The work provides a post-processing algorithm
classifying water and fat images generated by
symetically acquired 2D/3D dixon techniques. It is also
extended to work on imaging with non-connected body
4172. |
24 |
Volumetric Fat
Quantification of Intra-Abdominal Adipose Tissue from a
Single Breath Hold Acquisition

Bryan T Addeman1, Abraam S Soliman2,3,
Curtis N Wiens4, and Charles A McKenzie1,4
1Department of Medical Biophysics, University
of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada, 2The
Robarts Research Institute, London, ON, Canada,3Biomedical
Engineering, University of Western Ontario, London, ON,
Canada, 4Department
of Physics and Astronomy, University of Western Ontario,
London, ON, Canada
Escalating interest in the studies of obesity and
metabolic disease has created a demand for techniques to
measure the regional distribution of adipose tissue.
Current standards employ manual segmentation of fat on a
single slice, and extrapolation to estimate total fat
volumes. We propose a novel automated tissue
segmentation technique on images acquired from the
entire intra-abdominal cavity within a single
breath-hold. Volunteers were imaged in less than 10
minutes, and the images were analyzed in under 2
minutes. Results are similar to those obtained by manual
segmentation, but require no manual intervention and are
calculated very rapidly.
Poster Session - Pulse Sequences & Reconstruction B |
Sequences: New Acquistion Strategies Saturation Transfer
Click on
to view
the abstract pdf and click on
to view the
video presentation. (Not all presentations are available.)
Thursday 10 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
11:30 - 12:30 |
Computer # |
4173. |
1 |
Spin-Echo Propeller
(SE-prop): T1-w single-echo motion robust imaging without
inversion pulses

Stefan Skare1, and Anders Lilja1
1Dept of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska
Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
A new propeller sequence has been implemented as a
complement to existing T2-w and T2 FLAIR techniques.
Based on the classical Spin-Echo sequence, the aim was
to produce an image contrast before and after Gd
administration that it familiar to the radiologists,
while overcoming artifacts from flow and motion. Being a
T1-w propeller acquisition, off-resonances from the
signal-intense fat manifests as a swirly bright
structures instead of a simple shift, why high
bandwidths should be used, in particular at 3T.
4174. |
2 |
Partial Fourier
acquisition with centric circular reference lines in 3D MRI 
Guobin Li1, Dominik Paul2, Iulius
Dragonu1, Maxim Zaitsev1, Jürgen
Hennig1, and Kuan Lee1
1University Medical Center Freiburg,
Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany
Partial Fourier acquisition has been widely combined
with other acceleration techniques, i.e. Parallel
imaging, Compressed sensing etc., to reduce MR scanning
time. The k-space central data used for phase correction
are crucial for the reconstructed image quality.
However, these central data are usually acquired in a
simple rectangular pattern, which leads to some problems
in 3D MRI. A round pattern for partial Fourier
acquisition is presented. Its advantages are also shown
with in vivo experiments.
4175. |
3 |
Combination of consecutive
interleaved EPI schemes and parallel imaging technique 
Dae-Hun Kang1, Jun-Young Chung1,
Da-Eun Kim1, Young-Bo Kim1, and
Zang-Hee Cho1
1Neuroscience Research Institute, Gachon
University of Medicine and Science, Incheon, Korea
Interleaved multi-shot EPI (iEPI) is able to provide the
short echo time and the short echo train length, which
lead to reduce geometric distortions. iEPI with a
minimum intersegment delay was presented for reducing
motion artifacts due to a long acquisition time of iEPI
and imaging like ssEPI, namely consecutive interleaved
EPI (ciEPI). In this paper, we propose the combination
between ciEPI and parallel imaging.
4176. |
4 |
An efficient EPI pulse
sequence module for active marker motion correction
acquisition for EPI scans 
Erik B Beall1, and Mark J Lowe1
1Radiology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH,
United States
Head motion is a huge problem in many advanced MRI
sequences. Previous reports of microcoil-based active
marker motion correction are truly prospective but
impose reductions in SNR and time-efficiency in the main
sequence due the separate excitation. Anatomic sequences
are largely insensitive to motion, but functional,
perfusion and diffusion-weighted EPI presents
intractable problems if there is more than minimal head
motion. EPI in most uses requires a fat saturation
pulse, and we present a method to use fat saturation
with active markers to remove the SNR and time penalties
and demonstrate proof-of-principle in human data.
4177. |
5 |
Coded Spatial Localization
using Rotating Nonlinear Sets of Gradient Fields and
Continuous Readout 
R. Todd Constable1, Leo Tam1,
Jason Stockmann1, and Gigi Galiana1
1Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University School
of Medicine, New Haven, CT, United States
In this work, a novel approach to spatial encoding that
uses nonlinear gradients to impose a unique code on each
voxel in the image is introduced. The data is readout in
a continuous manner as combinations of linear and
nonlinear gradients rotate refocusing different regions
of the image at different times. This approach may yield
advantages in terms of imaging speed, acoustic noise,
and reduced gradient dB/dt, all while providing a high
SNR fast acquisition strategy.
4178. |
6 |
Variable-Density 3D Cones
Trajectory Design with Compressed Sensing Reconstruction 
Nii Okai Addy 1, Holden H Wu 1,2,
and Dwight G Nishimura 1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Cardiovascular
Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
4179. |
7 |
3D Cine Ultra-short TE
(UTE) phase contrast imaging in carotid artery: comparison
with conventional technique 
Mo Kadbi1, Hui Wang1, Melanie
Traughber2, Motaz Alshaher1,
Andrea Yancey3, Jens Heidenreich1,
and Amir A Amini1
1University of Louisville, Louisville,
Kentucky, United States, 2Philips
healthcare, Cleveland, United States, 3VA
hospital, Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Phase contrast MRI is a non-invasive technique to assess
cardiovascular blood flow. However, this technique is
not accurate in cases where there is atherosclerotic
disease and the blood flow is disturbed.. Carotid
bifurcation is one of the main sites of atherosclerosis
is and a good example of complex and disturbed blood
flow due to atypical geometry of this branch site.
Therefore, conventional PC MRI at the site of carotid
bifuraction suffers from intravoxel dephasing and flow
artifacts. In this work, a 3D UTE PC imaging method is
designed to measure the blood velocity in carotid
bifurcation using a center-out radial trajectory and
short TE time compared to standard PC MRI sequences.
With 3D UTE-PC combined quantification and visualization
of blood flow in the region of interest is possible.
4180. |
8 |
Spatially encoded
high-resolution 2D correlation spectroscopy in inhomogeneous
Zhiyong Zhang1, Yulan Lin1, Shuhui
Cai1, and Zhong Chen1
1Department of Electronic Science, Fujian Key
Laboratory of Plasma and Magnetic Resonance, Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China
To eliminate the influences of field inhomogeneity on
the conventional 2D correlation spectroscopy (COSY), two
schemes via spatially encoded intermolecular
multiple-quantum coherences combined with Hadamard
encoding and three-dimensional acquisition respectively
were proposed to achieve high-resolution 2D COSY in
inhomogeneous fields with high acquisition efficiency.
Compared to the conventional method, the acquisition
time is shortened by orders of magnitude. The new
schemes may be useful for the study of chemical and
biological materials.
4181. |
9 |
Validation Of A Novel Fine
Structure MRI Technique Using A Porcine Liver As Phantom For
Liver Fibrosis
Samantha A. Telfer1, N.J. Taylor2,
James Stirling2, Ian Simcock2,
Anwar R. Padhani2, Gareth Thomas1,
and T. W. James1
1Acuitas Medical, Swansea, West Glamorgan,
United Kingdom, 2Paul
Strickland Scanner Centre, Northwood, Middlesex, United
Fine structure analysis (structural spectroscopy of fine
textures below the resolution limit of clinical MR
imaging) was applied to specially acquired MR data of
ex-vivo livers from pigs and oxen to establish their
utility as phantoms for characterising chronic liver
disease (CLD). Porcine liver exhibits fibrotic structure
similar to human CLD whilst ox liver has an appearance
similar to healthy human liver. Whole liver lobules
“decorated” with a fibrotic network exhibit a distinctly
different spectral signature than the underlying
vascular structure of the lobules - hence clearly
distinguishing between the two livers and supporting use
of fine structure analysis.
4182. |
10 |
High-resolution imaging
using partial separability of spatiotemporal signals with a
novel data sampling scheme 
Guoxi Xie1, Xiang Feng2, Xin Liu2,
Bensheng Qiu2, and Anthony G. Christodoulou3
1Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 2Shenzhen
Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, 3Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urban
The Partial Separability (PS) model allows sparse
sampling for fast MRI. It is generally performed by
sampling two datasets (navigator data and image data) to
estimate the parameters of the model before
reconstruction high spatiotemporal resolution MR images.
Based on the theory of partially separable functions,
the more spatial frequency components in (k-f) space the
navigator data covers, the more accurately the PS model
will capture object motion. To address this issue, we
present a novel sampling method that uses radial
sampling trajectories for navigator data sampling and
Cartesian sampling trajectories for image data sampling.
This covers more spatial frequency components of the
navigator data without requiring re-gridding during
image reconstruction.
4183. |
11 |
An Analytic Description of
Steady-State Imaging with Dual RF Pulses and Gradient
Hao Sun1, Jeffrey Fessler1, and
Jon Fredrik Nielsen2
1Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, Ann
Arbor, Michigan, United States
Small-tip fast recovery (STFR) imaging is a recently
proposed steady-state sequence that has similar T2/T1
contrast as bSSFP but has the potential to
simultaneously remove banding artifacts and transient
fluctuations. At the end of each TR, the STFR method
tips the magnetization back to the longitudinal axis
using a tailored RF pulse. After the tip-up pulse, a
gradient spoiler is applied. In this abstract, we
derived an analytic expression for the STFR signal and
verified the equation with simulations and phantom data.
This new signal equation is useful for analyzing STFR,
and potentially could be used for quantitative imaging.
4184. |
12 |
Linear Sweeps generate
Extreme Echoes: explanation, generalization 
Patrick H Le Roux1, and Brice Fernandez2
1Applied Science Lab, GE Healthcare,
Palaiseau, France, 2Applied
Science Lab, GE Healthcare, Munich, Germany
When a train of RF pulses with constant nutation is
modulated in phase according to a periodic quadratic
law, a refocusing for all the three components of
magnetization (Extreme Echo) is generated at the end of
the modulation or after two periods if the period is
odd. This was first observed experimentally and also
demonstrated mathematically . But that demonstration
lacks any physical meaning. We propose here a simple
geometrical explanation in which the symmetries of the
echo to echo rotation plays an essential role. This
remark leads to more general phase modulation having the
same property.
4185. |
13 |
Intrinsic Field
Homogeneity Correction in Fast Spin Echo based Amide Proton
Transfer MRI 
Jochen Keupp1, and Holger Eggers1
1Philips Research, Hamburg, Germany
Amide proton transfer (APT), a powerful technique for
molecular imaging of endogenous proteins, is based on an
asymmetry analysis of RF saturation frequency offsets
acquired around the water resonance, which needs precise
B0 homogeneity
correction. While fast spin-echo (FSE) based APT has
superior contrast-to-noise ratio, the previously shown
multi-echo APT acquisition with intrinsic Dixon-type B0 mapping/correction
is restricted to gradient-echo sequences. We propose a
FSE-Dixon APT technique with varied echo time shifts,
using iterative Dixon reconstruction across different
positive saturation frequency offsets for intrinsic B0 mapping
and correction. Feasibility in the human head is
demonstrated using a clinical 3T scanner.
4186. |
14 |
B1 Inhomogeneity
Correction of In-vivo CEST Contrast
Anup Singh1, Kejia Cai1, Mohammad
Haris1, Hari Hariharan1, and
Ravinder Reddy1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
In current study effect of B1 in-homogeneities on in
vivo chemical-exchange-saturation-transfer(CEST)
asymmetry contrast from human brain at 7T is studied and
a procedure for correction of these in-homogeneities is
presented. The z-spectral and CEST data (at 3ppm) at
multiple saturation powers and fixed duration(1s) were
obtained from brain of healthy human volunteers at 7T
research scanner. These data were corrected for B0
in-homogeneities before generating z-spectral and CEST
asymmetry contrast. B1 map from human brains were highly
in-homogeneous (~50% variation) and CESTasy map without
these corrections were difficult to interpret. Proposed
calibration based approach resulted in
B1-inhomogeneities corrected CESTasy map.
4187. |
15 |
Chemical exchange
sensitive imaging without a long irradiation pulse:
irradiation with toggling inversion preparation 
Tao Jin1, and Seong-Gi Kim1
1Department of Radiology, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
One practical issue for the chemical exchange (CE) based
MRI techniques is that the conventional T1 and
T2 relaxations
often contaminate the CE imaging contrast. Another issue
is that due to hardware or specific absorption rate
limitations, CE-sensitive image often has to be acquired
using a short irradiation pulse, although a long pulse
reaching the steady state may simplify the
quantification and sometimes results in better image
contrast. Here we propose a novel acquisition method
that can use a relatively short irradiation pulse to
remove T1 and
T2 effects
in the CE contrasts, and also to obtain the steady-state
imaging contrast.
4188. |
16 |
Inversion preparation in
magnetization transfer imaging reduces irradiation
requirements in human brain at 3 T 
Tae Kim1, Kristy Hendrich1, and
Seong-Gi Kim1
1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
We compare various strategies utilizing inversion
prepulses applied at water proton frequency and/or
off-resonance MT irradiation to obtain magnetization
transfer ratio (MTR) maps. Our results demonstrate that
MTR maps of similar quality can be obtained at
significantly reduced irradiation times (i.e., much
lower overall RF power deposition) when incorporating
on-resonance inversion prepulses, as compared with
steady-state MTR maps acquired with only off-resonance
MT irradiation.
4189. |
17 |
Exchange rate filtering of
CEST agents using frequency-labeled exchange (FLEX) transfer 
Nirbhay Yadav1,2, Amnon Bar-Shir1,
Craig Jones1,2, Chien-Yuan Lin2,3,
Jun Hua1,2, Assaf Gilad1, Michael
McMahon1,2, and Peter van Zijl1,2
1Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,
United States, 2KKI,
Baltimore, MD, United States, 3UT
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States
In vivo CEST studies are complicated by multiple groups
of protons that contribute to the exchange contrast.
Here, we used the recently reported FLEX approach to
measure the exchange-based proton-transfer ratio (PTR)
from the imino protons of thymidine under conditions of
different exchange rate due to a change in pH of the
solution. Our results show that it is possible to weight
exchange contrast in FLEX based on exchange rate. These
methods can then be used to filter the contrast from
protons with certain exchange rates.
4190. |
18 |
Quantitative CEST imaging
with Reduced MT Interference using Dual-frequency
Xiaolei Song1,2, Amnon Bar-Shir1,3,
Yajie Liang1,3, Guanshu Liu1,2,
Assaf A Gilad1,3, Jeff W.M. Bulte1,3,
Peter C.M. van Zijl1,2, and Michael T Mcmahon1,2
1Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology
and Radiological Sciences, Johns Hopkins University
School, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,
United States, 2F.M.Kirby
Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging, Kennedy
Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Cellular
Imaging Section, Institute for Cell Engineering, The
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States
CEST imaging is an emerging new technology with great
promise for molecular imaging applications.
Unfortunately, current CEST imaging schemes produce
images with a large signal losses due to interference of
conventional magnetization transfer and direct water
saturation effects, especially for in vivo. We have
developed a new method in which cosine-modulated
dual-band pulses are inserted into the saturation
module. These pulses shift the water-dip in Z-spectra,
providing a reduction in conventional magnetization
transfer effects. We have collected images on both
DIACEST phantoms and 9L tumors in vivo, with the CNR of
the resulting images improved over previous methods.
4191. |
19 |
Studies of Quantum
Mechanics/Molecular mechanics of small metabolites for
quantification of chemical exchange saturation transfer 
Olga Ivchenko1,2, Petra Imhof2,
Moritz Zaiss1, and Peter Bachert1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Molecular
Biophysics, Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific
Computing (IWR), Heidelberg, Germany
The chemical exchange rate was determined for creatine –
NH2 group (kex =102.9 s-1) at the pH=6.5 using quantum
mechanics/molecular mechanics simulations (QM/MM) in
combination with umbrella sampling simulations. This
value is in agreement with the value from CEST
experiment. The chemical exchange rate was determining
using Arrhenius equation: kex =Aexp(-Ea/KbT), where A is
pre-exponential factor which determines the frequency of
collusion ( calculated from classical MD simulations),
and Ea is an activation energy characterizing the height
of a barriers which protons need to overcome in order to
transfer from solute to water and vice versa (determined
from QM/MM simulations).
4192. |
20 |
Chemical Exchange Contrast
with Off-Resonance Spin Locking 
Feliks Kogan1, Anup Singh1, Kejia
Cai1, Mohammad Haris1, Hari
Hariharan1, and Ravinder Reddy1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance and Optical
Imaging, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA,
United States
Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) has become
a popular method for measurement of metabolites with
exchangeable protons. Current CEST methods are plagued
by direct saturation of water protons which leads to
decreased SNR and CEST contrast. In this work, we
demonstrate the feasibility of using an off-resonance
spin-lock (SL) pulse for generating the exchange
mediated contrast. We showed in phantom experiments that
this new method can decrease direct water saturation and
increase chemical exchange contrast. We also
demonstrated the feasibility of using the SL method in
vivo in human patellar cartilage and showed that the SL
method was 15% more sensitive than conventional CEST.
4193. |
21 |
Altered CEST Spectrum with
Different Imaging Readout Schemes

Sheng-Min Huang1, Shang-Yueh Tsai2,
Teng-Yi Huang3, Yi-Chun Wu4, and
Fu-Nien Wang1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering and
Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2Graduate
Institute of Applied Physics, National Chengchi
University, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Department
of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University of
Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, 4Molecular
Imaging Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan,
The effect of image acquisition RF pulses on CEST
imaging was investigated in this study. RARE and
spin-echo EPI were utilized on a phantom experiment. The
spillover effect of multiple 180 refocusing RFs was
confirmed on the observed Z-spectra. The asymmetry of
magnetic transfer ratio was thus reduced while using
RARE for imaging acquisition. It is suggested that care
must be taken when using RF pulses train for image
4194. |
22 |
Spillover correction for
quantification of pulsed-CEST experiments 
Moritz Zaiss1, Olga Ivchenko1, and
Peter Bachert1
1Dpt. of Medical Physics in Radiology, German
Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg,
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) effect of
endogenous CEST agents with small frequency offset from
water resonance like amide protons (APT) are always
diluted by direct saturation of water protons (spillover
effect). An analytical spillover correction is presented
which allows reconstructing the unperturbed
pulsed-proton transfer rate for different flip angles
and B1 using
only label and reference scan. Additionally, the
artificial pulsed-proton transfer rate is shown to be
correlated with the analytical cw proton transfer rate.
Therefore, the spillover correction provides analytic
quantification of pulsed saturation transfer experiments
which are feasible in clinical scanners.
4195. |
23 |
CEST Imaging with
Alternating-Offset-Saturation bSSFP 
Qi Liu1,2, Zhaoyang Fan2, Wafa
Tawackoli2, Gadi Pelled2, Dan
Gazit2, Yutaka Natsuaki3, and
Debiao Li2,4
1Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United
States, 2Cedars-Sinai
Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Siemens
Healthcare, Los Angeles, CA,4University of
California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Balanced steady-state-free-precession (bSSFP) allows
rapid imaging with high SNR efficiency. However, it is
sensitive to scanner frequency drift, especially when
long imaging time is required such as in CEST imaging.
We developed an alternating-offset-saturation bSSFP
(AOS-bSSFP) technique for more accurate CEST detection,
as demonstrated by excellent agreement with TSE CEST in
MTR asym plot
both in phantom and in vivo scans.
4196. |
24 |
Rescalable spillover
prediction for optimization of pulsed magnetization transfer
and CEST experiments 
Moritz Zaiss1, and Peter Bachert1
1Dpt. of Medical Physics in Radiology, German
Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
A rescaling property for simulated direct water
saturation maps for pulsed RF irradiation at different
frequency offsets is introduced. It allows prediction of
regions of low spillover effect for a specific pulse
train for all offsets of interests by simply rescaling
one simulated spillover map. Additionally, for each
simulated pulse power and duration the same map shows to
provide the whole symmetric z-spectrum. This makes the
search of low spillover regions quick and easy which is
interesting for optimization of pulsed magnetization
transfer and CEST experiments where small chemical
shifts relative to the water protons lead to strong
signal dilution by spillover effect.
Poster Session - Pulse Sequences & Reconstruction B |
Compressed Sensing/Sequences: Applications
Click on
to view
the abstract pdf and click on
to view the
video presentation. (Not all presentations are available.)
Thursday 10 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
10:30 - 11:30 |
Computer # |
4197. |
25 |
k-t ISD compressed sensing
reconstruction for T1ñ mapping: A study in rat brains at 3T

Jing Yuan1, Dong Liang2, Feng Zhao1,
Yujia Li1, Yi-Xiang J Wang1, and
Leslie Ying3
1Imaging and Interventional Radiology, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong, 2Paul
C. Lauterbur Research Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 3Department
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States
T1ñ relaxation has potentials for investigating low
frequency motional physiological processes but suffers
from long scan time, susceptibility to motion and high
SAR. We present the use of k-t ISD, a recently proposed
compressed-sensing method for T1ñ mapping. The T1ñ maps
of rat brains derived with and without CS were compared.
The results show that T1ñ map can be accurately
estimated from the highly compressed data with the
reduction factor up to 10 in brain ROIs and 6 in muscle
ROIs without significant differences. This technique is
promising for accurate T1ñ quantification with
remarkably reduced scan time and SAR.
4198. |
26 |
Local Temporal Point
Spread Function for CS Reconstructions Exploiting
Tobias Wech1, Daniel Stäb1, Andre
Fischer1, Dietbert Hahn1, and
Herbert Köstler1
1Institute of Radiology, University of
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
Compressed Sensing reconstructions exploiting
spatio-temporal sparsity have successfully been applied
to accelerate dynamic MRI. However, the non-linear and
non-stationary CS algorithms prohibit the
straightforward evaluation of the temporal resolution
through a single global temporal point spread function.
In this work a pixelwise perturbation strategy was
utilized to assess local temporal point spread functions
for every image pixel. The method therefore allows an
appropriate assessment of the temporal resolution and
can thus improve the choice of sampling patterns and
algorithm settings.
4199. |
27 |
Compressed Sensing with
Prior Information for Time-Resolved TurboSPI 
James A. Rioux1,2, Steven D. Beyea2,3,
and Chris V. Bowen2,3
1Department of Physics, Dalhousie University,
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 2Institute
for Biodiagnostics (Atlantic), National Research
Council, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 3Departments
of Physics, Radiology and Biomedical Engineering,
Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
TurboSPI can be used to acquire a time series of images
suitable for high temporal resolution relaxometry, but
must be significantly accelerated to permit applications
such as cellular imaging in vivo. The acquisition of a
matched Fast Spin Echo image provides prior information
to further sparsify the reconstructed image. We compare
two approaches to incorporating this prior information,
and show that a modified-CS reconstruction using the
known support of the FSE template allows acceleration
factors of up to 30 while retaining high image quality
throughout the time series.
4200. |
28 |
Combination of Compressed
Sensing and Parallel Imaging with Adaptive Motion
Compensation for Accelerated Dynamic MRI 
Cagdas Bilen1, Ricardo Otazo2,
Daniel K Sodickson2, Ivan Selesnick1,
and Yao Wang1
1Department of Electrical Engineering,
Polytechnic Institute of NYU, Brooklyn, NY, United
States, 2Bernard
and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging, NYU
School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States
Video coding techniques such as motion compensation has
been proposed to exploit temporal redundancy and improve
compressed sensing reconstructions of undersampled
dynamic MRI data. Many of these methods require
reference frames and/or fully sampled low pass k-space
data which limits the acceleration factor. We propose a
regularization framework with motion compensating prior
that adaptively estimates the motion field during the
reconstruction iterations with no need for reference
frames or fully sampled k-space data.
4201. |
29 |
Limits of Acceleration for
Combinations of Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging 
Ricardo Otazo1, Riccardo Lattanzi1,
and Daniel K Sodickson1
1Bernard and Irene Schwartz Center for
Biomedical Imaging, NYU School of Medicine, New York,
NY, United States
The limits of acceleration for combinations of
compressed sensing and parallel imaging remain
uncertain. In this work, we investigate the performance
of the combined reconstruction with respect to the
number of coils for truly-sparse and compressible MR
images. A complete basis set of electromagnetic fields
is employed as a hypothetical optimal coil array, which
achieves the best possible SNR for parallel imaging
reconstructions. We demonstrate that the minimum number
of required k-space samples is bounded by the number of
sparse coefficients, which removes the oversampling
factor of 3-5 for compressed sensing alone and
approximates the theoretical bounds of L0-norm
4202. |
30 |
Applicability of k-t
BLAST, k-t SENSE, k-t PCA and k-t PCA/SENSE for tissue phase
mapping in a heart phantom at 3T 
Anja Lutz1, Sebastian Kozerke2,
Jan Paul1, Michael Schmucker1,
Axel Bornstedt1, G Ulrich Nienhaus3,
Wolfgang Rottbauer1, and Volker Rasche1
1University Hospital of Ulm, Ulm, BW,
Germany, 2ETH
Zürich, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Zürich,
Switzerland, 3Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, BW, Germany
Quantification of myocardial mechanics by tissue phase
mapping (TPM) is supposed to provide an improved
understanding of cardiac motion and to enable a detailed
assessment of myocardial diseases such as cardiac
asynchrony and dilated cardiomyopathy. A major
limitation of TPM in clinical routine is the long
acquisition time. In this study different reconstruction
algorithms (k-t BLAST, k-t SENSE, k-t PCA and k-t
PCA/SENSE) are investigated regarding their
applicability to accelerated TPM data. For high
acceleration factors, the use of sensitivity maps and
principal component analysis improves the quality of
velocity data.
4203. |
31 |
Comparison of highly
accelerated TV and low rank methods for breast DCE data 
Haonan Wang1, Neal Kepler Bangerter1,2,
Ganesh Adluru2, Matthias Schabel3,
Glen R. Morrell2, and Edward V.R. DiBella2
1Electrical & Computer Engineering, Brigham
Young University, Provo, UT, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT,
United States, 3Ohio
State University
Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging
(DCE MRI) of breast tumors provides a promising method
for the evaluation of vessel permeability in the tumor
area. Recently, a number of constrained reconstruction
algorithms using Total Variation (TV) and Low Rank (LR)
have been proposed to mitigate the tradeoff between
spatial and temporal resolution in DCE MRI. In this
work, we compare two of these acceleration methods on
DCE MRI of the breast. We demonstrate that high
acceleration rates (R=13) are potentially feasible in
DCE-MRI of the breast using both the TV and LR
constrained reconstruction algorithms.
4204. |
32 |
On Compressed sensing for
phase-contrast velocity mapping 
Claudio Santelli1,2, Sebastian Kozerke1,2,
and Tobias Schaeffter2
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Division
of Biomedical Engineering and Imaging Sciences, King's
College London, London, United Kingdom
Among the various scan acceleration techniques available
to Phase-Contrast(PC)-MRI, Compressed sensing (CS)has
recently been demonstrated. In this work, it It is
hypothesized that reconstruction accuracy with respect
to object phase depends on inflow contrast. Using 2D and
3D in-vivo flow data acquired in the aortic arch it is
demonstrated that reconstruction error varies
significantly on the amplitude contrast.
4205. |
33 |
Improved waveform fidelity
of Hybrid HYPR with Compressed Sensing technique 
Yijing Wu1, Kevin M Johnson1,
Steven R Kecskemeti2, Patrick A Turski3,
and Chuck A Mistretta4
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin,
Madison, WI, United States, 2University
of Wisconsin, 3Radiology,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States, 4Medical
Physics and Radiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
WI, United States
Hybrid HYPR-MRA utilizes a separately acquired high
spatial resolution static MRA as a spatial constraint to
reconstruct highly undersampled dynamic MRA to achieve
high temporal and spatial resolution simultenously.
However, for extremely high undersampling factor (>100)
or/with reduced sparsity, severe undersampling artifacts
not only contaminate the image, but also cause signal
"crosstalk" from distant vessels, which appears as early
enhanced veins or prolonged enhanced arteries. In this
project, we integrate Parallel imaging and CS to
eliminate undersampling artifacts before HYPR algorithm,
such that the waveform fidelity of small vessels can be
improved, at the same time, CS related artifacts and SNR
can be improved by Hybrid HYPR technique.
4206. |
34 |
Free-breathing dynamic
contrast-enhanced MRI of the liver with radial golden-angle
sampling scheme and advanced compressed-sensing
Hersh Chandarana1, Li Feng1,
Tobias Kai Block1, Andrew B Rosenkrantz1,
Ruth P Lim1, Dewey Chu1, Daniel K
Sodickson1, and Ricardo Otazo1
1Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New
York, NY, United States
Dynamic post-contrast liver MR examination is performed
with Cartesian k-space sampling in a breath-hold (BH).
However, this results in non-diagnostic images in
patients who cannot adequately breath-hold. Purpose of
this study was to compare image quality of
free-breathing radial (interleaved ‘angle-bisection’ and
golden angle) acquisition schemes reconstructed with
either view sharing (KWIC) or joint compressed-sensing
and parallel imaging reconstruction (CS-PI), to
conventional BH exam. Our results demonstrate that
free-breathing radial golden angle trajectory continuous
acquisition scheme with CS-PI reconstruction has image
quality comparable to a breath-hold exam and
significantly better than interleaved radial acquisition
with KWIC or CS-PI reconstruction.
4207. |
35 |
Angshul Majumdar1, Rabab K Ward2,
and Tyseer Aboulnasr3
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British
Columbia, Canada, 2Electrical
and Computer Engineering, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 3Electrical
and Computer Engineering, University of British Columbia
A method for reconstructing dynamic MRI sequence,
acquired via partial parallel imaging is proposed here.
The novelty of the method is that it does not require
explicit or implicit knowledge of the sensitivity maps.
The method is compared against k-t BLAST and k-t GRAPPA
- both of which the sensitivity profile in one form or
the other. Our method is as good as k-t BLAST and better
than k-t GRAPPA.
4208. |
36 |
A Distributed Compressive
Sensing Strategy for Non-Cartesian MRI: Applications to
Joshua D. Trzasko1, Yunhong Shu2,
Armando Manduca1, John Huston III2,
and Matt A Bernstein2
1Physiology and Biomedical Engineering, Mayo
Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
In non-Cartesian image reconstruction, equality data
constraints cannot be explicitly enforced, which limits
the applicability of popular methods like
projection-onto-convex-sets (POCS) to this area. In this
work, we demonstrate that they can be implicitly
enforced via a specific affine projection, and discuss
numerical methods for efficiently imposing them. We use
this construction to develop an efficient Compressive
Sensing reconstruction based on block-wise redundant
sparsity constraints, which results in strong
reconstruction performance. We demonstrate the proposed
reconstruction strategy for CE-MRA acquired using the 3D
SWIRLS trajectory.
4209. |
37 |
Pseudo golden-ratio spiral
imaging with gradient acoustic noise cancellation:
application to real-time MRI of fluent speech 
Yoon-Chul Kim1, Nassos Katsamanis1,
Michael Proctor1, Shrikanth Narayanan1,
and Krishna S. Nayak1
1Electrical Engineering, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States
In the context of vocal tract imaging during fluent
speech, golden-ratio (GR) spiral imaging has been shown
to provide improved depiction of articulators over
conventional spiral imaging. However, one drawback of GR
imaging is incompatibility with MRI-gradient noise
cancellation methods because there is no periodicity in
the gradient waveforms. We apply GR spiral view order
with fixed number of interleaves (i.e. pseudo GR spiral)
to promote periodicity. The proposed method is
well-suited to parallel imaging for acceleration thus
leading to improved image quality for selection of a
small temporal window and also provides adequate sound
quality (and/or comparable speech alignment accuracy)
compared to the conventional method.
4210. |
38 |
Towards real-time MR
imaging of the soft palate for clinical evaluation of
velopharyngeal closure

Andrew David Scott1, Redha Boubertakh1,
Malcolm Birch1, and Marc Eric Miquel1
1Clinical Physics, Barts and the London NHS
Trust, London, Greater London, United Kingdom
Previous real-time MR studies of soft palate motion have
had limited frame-rates or used complex spiral
techniques. We implement and compare high frame-rate
(9-20fps) 1.5T bSSFP and 3.0T SSFP sequences.
Comparisons were made in healthy subjects and images
were synchronised with simultaneously acquired audio
recordings. SNR was higher in 3.0T acquisitions at rest,
but lower during speech compared to 1.5T. 3.0T images
were reliably of diagnostic quality. 1.5T images were
mostly of the highest quality but frequently
undiagnostic. Comparison between sequences suggested
that for the assessment of soft-palate motion, high
frame-rates (~20fps) are desirable at the expense of
some spatial-resolution.
39 |
In vivo simultaneous
multiple 19F marker tracking using an improved 3D Golden
Angle sampling scheme 
Tobias Hahn1, Sebastian Kozerke1,
Ruben Pellicer Guridi1,2, Werner Schwizer3,
Michael Fried3, Peter Boesiger1,
and Andreas Steingoetter1
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Department
of Biophysics and Bioengineering, University of
Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 3Dep.
of Internal Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and
Hepatology, Zurich, Switzerland
This study presents the simultaneous in vivo tracking of
three identical fluorine labeled capsules using an
improved 3D Golden Angle based sampling scheme. Liquid
fluorine marker was Perfluoro-15-crown-5-ether and
capsule filling was 65µl each. In vivo SNR for different
reconstruction window sizes is given. Furthermore, the
effect of constrained reconstruction onto the tracking
reliability is studied, by multiplication of
reconstructed 3D images covering a large temporal range
with dynamic 19F images. SNR comparable to other
tracking methods is found and good tracking reliability
from a temporal resolution of 220 ms.
4212. |
40 |
Comparison between EPI and
RS-EPI at high acceleration factors 
Samantha J Holdsworth1, Anh T Van1,
Stefan Skare2, and Roland Bammer1
1'Center for Quantitative Neuroimaging,
Department of Radiology, Stanford University, Palo Alto,
CA, United States, 2Clinical
Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Readout-Segmented EPI (RS-EPI) has been proposed in a
number of studies as a variant of EPI to reduce
distortion in diffusion-weighted (DW) neuroimaging. With
the increasing number of coils coming available with
advanced phased-array technology that increases the
capacity of EPI to achieve higher acceleration factors,
and with advanced distortion-correction methodology, we
present preliminary data that shows that EPI may be more
useful for acquisition of DWI images in
clinically-acceptable scan times. Here we compare EPI
and RS-EPI data acquired with the highest acceptable
GRAPPA-acceleration factor that we have been using with
our 32-channel coil.
4213. |
41 |
MR-microimaging on a 7T
whole-body scanner featuring ultrashort detection times and
magnetization transfer contrast
Christian Horn1,2, Vladimir Juras1,3,
Stefan Ropele4, and Andreas Berg1,2
1MR-Center of Excellence, Medical University
of Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Center
for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Department
of Radiology, Vienna General Hospital, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Austria,4Department
of Neurology, Medical University of Graz, Graz,
Steiermark, Austria
The combination of special, radial pulse sequences
designed for the detection of ultra-short echo times
(UTE, TEmin = 0.07 ms) with the clinically more
established technique of magnetization transfer contrast
promises a new image contrast in semi-solid tissue
components or implants with very short T2 times (< 1
ms). A corresponding pulse sequence was evaluated on a
custom designed MR microscopy gradient insert on a 7T
human scanner. BSA phantoms, with different BSA to water
concentrations, and biological samples were used to
demonstrate the practical applicability of the sequence
ex vivo.
4214. |
42 |
Signal amplitude
dependence on object size and shape due to T2 decay during
radial k-space readout in ultrashort TE sequences: A 2D ring
Jing-Tzyh Alan Chiang1, Michael Carl2,
Jiang Du1, and Graeme Bydder1
1Radiology, University of California San
Diego, San Diego, CA, United States, 2GE
We investigate the signal amplitude relationships due to
T2 decay during radial k-space readout in ultrashort TE
sequences, via numerical simulations on 2D rings of
varying inner and outer diameters. Decreasing inner and
increasing outer diameters lead to increased signal
amplitudes at any given T2 value, which demonstrate
important dependencies of signal amplitude on object
shape and size. These results on 2D rings also serve as
numerical models for analyzing T2 dependent signal and
contrast in quantitative UTE techniques that utilize
axial imaging of tubular bones, such as in cortical bone
water quantification.
4215. |
43 |
Simultaneous Bright- and
Black-Blood Imaging Acquisition for Contrast-Enhanced Brain
Metastasis Screening 
Masami Yoneyama1, Masanobu Nakamura1,
Tomoyuki Okuaki1, Takashi Tabuchi1,
Atsushi Takemura2, Tetsuo Ogino2,
Makoto Obara2, Thomas Kwee3, and
Taro Takahara4
1Yaesu Clinic, Tokyo, Japan, 2Philips
Electronics Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 3University
Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 4Tokai
University School of Engineering, Kanagawa, Japan
Contrast-enhanced 3D-T1-weighted imaging based on GRE is
widely used for detecting small brain metastases, but
since contrast materials remain in both blood and the
tumor parenchyma and thus increase the signal intensity
of both regions, it is often challenging to distinguish
brain tumors from blood. To overcome this problem,
"black-blood" version of T1 weighted images based on TSE
with/without MSDE are used recently, but these methods
are difficult to "perfect" suppression of whole-vessel
signals, and therefore the differentiation of residual
blood vessel and small brain metastasis is occasionally
difficult. In this study, we propose a new scheme of
fast, volumetric, high-resolution, bright- and
black-blood imaging simultaneous acquisition (VISIBLE).
This optimal sequence can be used for 3D volumetric T1
weighted bright- and black-blood imaging, and that is
promising for detecting small brain metastases, by the
differentiation improvement of blood vessel and small
brain metastasis.
4216. |
44 |
Optimized 3D Fast Spin
Echo imaging at 7T 
Manojkumar Saranathan1, Michael Zeineh1,
Geoffrey A. Kerchner2, Mohammad Mehdi
Khalighi3, Marcus T. Alley1, and
Brian K. Rutt1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States, 2Neurology
and Neurological Sciences, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States,3Global Applied
Science Labatory, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United
Fast Spin Echo (FSE) imaging is increasingly used for
fast T2 weighted imaging applications. However, at 7T,
the sequence is heavily limited by SAR considerations,
severely reducing its time efficiency. Flip angle
modulation schemes like SPACE and XETA [1-2], have been
proposed for 3D FSE that enable the use of longer
echo-train-lengths and help lower SAR due to reduced
refocusing flip angles. We optimized the 3D XETA
refocusing flip angle train for T2 weighted brain
imaging at 7T based on SAR, signal intensity, contrast
and point spread function (PSF) considerations, using T1
and T2 values of white/grey matter at 7T. Additionally,
we explored the use of composite excitation pulses to
mitigate signal loss from B1 inhomogeneity effects.
Whole brain 3D T2 imaging was performed on patients
using these modifications.
4217. |
45 |
Magnetization Transfer Compensated Dynamic Angiography
Imaging at 7 Tesla 
Ann-Kathrin Homagk1, Alexander Radbruch2,
and Wolfhard Semmler1
1Dept. of Medical Physics in Radiology,
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg,
Germany, 2Dept.
of Neuroradiology, University Heidelberg, Heidelberg,
In this work, we investigate the suitability of
different ASL techniques for high resolution dynamic
angiography imaging of the cerebral vasculature at 7
Tesla. As the basic STAR sequence is prone to
magnetization transfer effects, an additional inversion
pulse was inserted prior to the acquisition of the
control image. Furthermore, a PICORE, a FAIR and a
FAIRER sequence were implemented. The cerebral
vasculature of three volunteers was imaged with an
in-plane resolution of 0.57x0.57mm² using all five
sequences. The acquisition time for the magnetization
transfer compensated techniques was increased by up to
20%; however the visibility of peripheral vessels was
46 |
Improving the inversion
efficiency in regions of low B1
for whole brain acquisitions 
Kieran O'Brien1,2, Jean Delacoste1,
Jose Marques1, Tobias Kober3,
Francois Lazeyras2, Rolf Gruetter1,
and Gunnar Krueger3
1LIFMET-CIBM, Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de
Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Department
of Radiology-CIBM, Université de Genève, Geneva,
Switzerland, 3Advanced
Clinical Imaging Technology, Siemens Suisse, Switzerland
In whole brain acquisitions, such as MP2RAGE, large  B0
offsets or regions of low  B1
can suffer from poor inversion. Optimisation of
adiabatic pulses to work at lower  B1,
allows for better inversion profiles extending the
coverage of whole brain acquisitions.
4219. |
47 |

Rajiv G Menon1, Bradley P Sutton2,
Donald B Twieg3, and Timothy J Carroll1
1Department of Radiology, Feinberg School of
Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United
States, 2Bioengineering
Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, IL, United States, 3Biomedical
Engineering Department, University of Alabama at
Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, United States
We propose a novel technique for the measurement of
oxygen extraction fraction (OEF) using Parameter
Assessment by Retrieval from Signal Encoding (PARSE)
techniques. OEF is a key indicator of cerebral perfusion
and gives crucial information regarding the stage of
vascular compromise in patients with neurovascular
disease. PARSE is an efficient, multi-parameter
estimation technique, that uses a more accurate signal
model to simultaneously measure M0, R2* and local
frequency. By direct measurement of local frequency
changes due to OEF related susceptibility changes using
PARSE, we determine the feasibility of robustly
estimating OEF in pathological situations.
4220. |
48 |
Translating fMRI and DTI
biomarkers from academic studies to global clinical trials
in Alzheimer’s Disease 
Lea E Marais1, Jean-François Mangin2,3,
Cyril Poupon2,3, Urielle Thoprakarn2,3,
Vincent Perlbarg4, Gareth J Barker5,
Xavier Golay6, Joseph V Hajnal7,
Adam J Schwarz 8,
and Derek Hill1
1IXICO Ltd., London, United Kingdom, 2I²BM
NeuroSpin, CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 3CATI,
Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 4UMR-S
678, Laboratoire d'Imagerie Fonctionnelle, Inserm and
UPMC Univ Paris06, Paris, France, 5Centre
for Neuroimaging Sciences, King's College London,
Institute of Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom, 6MR
Neurophysics and Translational Neuroscience, UCL
Institute of Neurology, National Hospital for Neurology
& Neurosurgery, London, United Kingdom, 7Robert
Steiner MRI Unit,Imaging Sciences Department, MRC
Clinical Sciences, Hammersmith Hospital, Imperial
College London, London, United Kingdom, 8Translational
Medicine, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, United
Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) and resting state
functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (rs-fMRI)
biomarkers correlate with Alzheimer’s Disease stage and
provide additional information on the efficacy of new
treatments. Multi-centre clinical studies are essential
for rapid enrolment of a sufficient number of patients.
We deployed ADNI-style fMRI and DTI sequences on Philips
and Siemens 3T scanners and evaluated their
repeatability and reproducibility on healthy volunteers.
The variability across scanners was comparable to the
within-scanner variability. These sequences are thus
suitable for the acquisition of comparable data in
multi-site, multi-vendor clinical trials.
Poster Session - Pulse Sequences & Reconstruction B |
Compressed Sensing/Sequences: Applications
Click on
to view
the abstract pdf and click on
to view the
video presentation. (Not all presentations are available.)
Thursday 10 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
11:30 - 12:30 |
Computer # |
4221. |
25 |
Accelerating Dynamic
Contrast-Enhanced MRI Using K-T ISD

Na Zhang1,2, Guanghua Song1,2,
Weiqi Liao1,2, Weijie Tao1,2,
Leslie Ying3, and Dong Liang1,2
1Paul C. Lauterbur Research Centre for
Biomedical Imaging, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced
Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen,
Guangdong, China, 2Key
Laboratory of Health Informatics, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 3Department
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI, United
The emerging CS-based methods have shown promising
performance for accelerating DCE-MRI. In this work, the
potential of k-t Iterative Support Detection (k-t ISD, a
recently proposed dynamic imaging method based on CS
with partial known support theory) in accelerating DCE-MRI
is investigated and compared to the sliding window (SW)
method. The superiority of this method to conventional
CS methods has been demonstrated on cardiac cine
imaging. The reconstruction results and statistical
analysis indicate that k-t ISD can faithfully
reconstruct the uptake curves and improve temporal
resolution of DCE-MRI without compromising the spatial
resolution, when a high net reduction factor is used.
4222. |
26 |
Investigation of Spatial
and Temporal Fidelity of HYPR Processing Using a Motion
L. Keith1, M. Rahimi2, J. Holmes3,
K. Wang3, J. Brittain3, and F.
1Medical Physics, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison,
WI, United States, 3Global
Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, 4Radiology,
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, United
In this work, an experimental setup has been designed in
which a computer-controlled motion stage is used to
translate an object through the imaging FOV during data
acquisition in an attempt to mimic a bolus of contrast
material traveling through vasculature. Since the motion
is computer controlled and the dynamic elements of the
phantom are well-defined with sharp edges, the input to
the HYPR process is well-known. We conduct two
experiments: Experiment 1 investigates the temporal and
spatial fidelity of HYPR processing; Experiment 2
compares the fidelity of HYPR against that of current
clinical MRA techniques.
4223. |
27 |
Evaluation of Compressed
Sensing MR Reconstruction Quality Using Signed Just
Noticeable Difference (JND) Analysis 
Michelle Yan1, Jeff Johnson1, Xiao
Chen2, Li Pan2, Ti-Chiun Chang1,
Yunqiang Chen1, and Tong Fang1
1Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ,
United States, 2Center
for Applied Medical Imaging, Siemens Corporate Research,
Baltimore, MD, United States
We propose to incorporate human perception model into
assessing the quality of compressed sensing MR
reconstruction algorithms. More specifically, we seek to
measure the perceptual changes or degradation in
reconstructed MR images using the signed just noticeable
difference (JND) analysis, providing an overall
“quality” color map or score for each MR image under
consideration. Red color indicates positive (added)
changes; blue color indicates negative (lost) changes.
The lighter a JND map in color, the better a
reconstruction method performs. The result has
demonstrated potential value of JND maps in assessing
image quality and comparing the overall performance of
MR reconstruction methods.
4224. |
28 |
Comparison of Wavelet
Subband Decomposition Methods for High-Frequency Subband CS 
Kyunghyun Sung1, Anderson N Nnewihe1,2,
Bruce L Daniel1, and Brian A Hargreaves1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States, 2Bioengineering,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
Compressed sensing (CS) is a technique that allows
accurate reconstruction of images from a reduced set of
acquired data. Here, we describe two wavelet subband
decomposition methods for High-frequency Subband CS,
which enable to employ selective application of
different undersampling patterns and reconstructions in
different k-space regions. Two wavelet decomposition
methods are evaluated in high-resolution T1- and
T2-weighted 3D breast imaging with extremely high
acceleration factors.
4225. |
29 |
A Novel Compressed Sensing
Approach to Accelerated Quantitative MRI Using Model-Driven
Adaptive Sparsifying Transforms 
Julia V Velikina1, and Alexey A Samsonov2
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin -
Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Wisconsin - Madison
We propose a novel model-driven compressed sensing
approach for T1 relaxometry. The proposed algorithm
alternates signal estimation with adaptive update of
sparsifying transform based both on the analytical
signal model and current signal estimate. The proposed
algorithm can also be used in other quantitative MRI
4226. |
30 |
Compressed Sensing Sodium
MRI in Cartilage at 7T: Preliminary Study 
Guillaume Madelin1, Gregory Chang1,
Alexej Jerschow2, Ricardo Otazo1,
and Ravinder R Regatte1
1Radiology Department, New York University
Medical Center, New York, NY, United States, 2Chemistry
Department, New York University, New York, NY, United
Quantitative sodium MRI is highly specific to the
glycosaminoglycan content in cartilage and could be used
to assess the biochemical degradation of cartilage in
early stages of osteoarthritis. However, due to low
sodium NMR sensitivity and its low concentration, sodium
images need long acquisition times (15 to 25 min,
respectively without and with fluid suppression) at 7T
and are typically of low resolution. In this preliminary
study, we show that compressed sensing can be applied to
reconstruct undersampled sodium images and reduce the
acquisition time by a factor of 2 at 7T without losing
sodium quantification accuracy.
4227. |
31 |
A novel undersampling
scheme for data acquisition in non k-space domains
Sebastian Weingärtner1, Friedrich Wetterling1,
and Lothar R. Schad1
1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine,
University Medical Center Mannheim, University of
Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany
The purpose of this study was to develop a novel
undersampling scheme, for the case that acquisition does
not take place in the k-space. To achieve this, an
acquisition scheme that parallels a binary search
algorithm was developed. By scanning successively the
sum of several coefficients in a sparse image
transformation domain high undersampling factors can be
reached. The algorithm was evaluated and showed only
minor differences for undersampling with up to 4% of the
data. These results can be achieved by an acquisition in
a sparse-domain and do not need compressed sensing
4228. |
32 |
3D TV-Based Compressed MR
Image Reconstruction Using a Primal Dual Algorithm 
Abolfazl Mehranian1, Hamidreza Saligheh Rad1,2,
Mohammadreza Ay1,2, and Arman Rahmim3
1Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Department, Tehran University of Medical Sciences of
Medical Sciences, Tehran,Iran, Tehran, Tehran, Iran,2Research
Center for Science and Technology in Medcine, Imam
Hospital, Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 3Department
of Radiology, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
The compressive sensing (CS) of spirally encoded MR
acquisitions makes it possible to significantly reduce
the scanning time in 3D MR imaging techniques. In this
work, we studied an efficient primal-dual algorithm for
3D total variation (TV) and Huber-based compressed MR
image reconstruction. We tailored this algorithm for TV
and Huber regularizations in 3D and made use of a stack
of variable-density spiral trajectories for 80% k-space
undersampling. In a volumetric cardiac dataset, it was
demonstrated that the derived algorithm objectively
outperforms several state-of-the-art algorithms and thus
can have promising clinical implications in fast MR
4229. |
33 |
A GA Guided K-space
Sampling for Compressed Sensing MRI 
Hua Wang1, Yeyang Yu1, Bing Keong
Li1, Adnan Trakic1, Mingjian Hong2,
Feng Liu1, and Stuart Crozier1
1The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD,
Australia, 2ChongQing
University, ChongQing, China
In this work, we presented a method to optimise the
k-space sampling scheme for CS-MRI. The problem was
simplified by treating the variable density functions in
parts, and optimising the weighting factors with GA. A
2D brain and a 3D apple MRI image reconstruction
illustrates an improved imaging quality with this
4230. |
34 |
A multi-lattice sampling
approach for highly undersampled phase contrast carotid
blood velocity mapping 
Gabriel Rilling1, Yuehui Tao2,
Mike E. Davies1, and Ian Marshall2
1School of Engineering, University of
Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, 2Medical
Physics, University of Edinburgh
A novel model-based undersampling and reconstruction
framework is proposed for phase contrast carotid blood
velocity mapping. It is based on splitting the
space-frequency support of the signal into two
elementary blocks and use a combination of two sampling
lattices adapted to each block. This multi-lattice
sampling approach is intermediate between lattice and
random sampling, allowing more flexibility and
acceleration than the former and better noise robustness
than the latter. Combined with the "keyhole" technique,
it allows up to 12X acceleration with limited
distortion. Simulation and in vivo undersampling
experiments at 12X and 8X acceleration validate the
proposed method.
4231. |
35 |
Optimizing Spars 3D-MRI
using Cubic Compressed Sensing Reconstruction Method
Jian-Xiong Wang1
1Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare,
London, ON, Canada
This work demonstrated that true 3D, or Cubic,
Compressed Sensing reconstruction method not only
reduced the computation time by about a factor of two,
but also greatly increased image quality for Sparse MRI.
4232. |
36 |
Improved Compressed
Sensing Reconstruction with Overcomplete Wavelet Transforms 
Alicia W Yang1,2, Li Feng1,2, Jian
Xu3,4, Ivan Selesnick4, Daniel K
Sodickson1, and Ricardo Otazo1
1Department of Radiology, New York University
School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2Sackler
Institute for Biomedical Sciences, New York University,
New York, NY, United States, 3Siemens
Medical Solution USA Inc, New York, United States, 4Polytechnic
Institute of New York University, New York, United
An adaptive decreasing thresholding method is developed
to take into consideration the structure of overcomplete
transforms by (1) using local thresholds that adapt to
the signal power in each band and (2) decreasing the
threshold for each step of the iterative reconstruction
algorithm. The performance of this method in dual-tree
wavelet transforms and curvelets was tested on
compressed sensing reconstructions of retrospectively
undersampled 3D coronary MRA and brain image datasets,
and compared to that of standard Haar wavelet
4233. |
37 |
Dynamic 3D MRI of upper
airway collapse during inspiratory loading 
Yoon-Chul Kim1, R. Marc Lebel1,
Michael C.K. Khoo2, and Krishna S. Nayak1
1Electrical Engineering, University of
Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, CA, United States
Imaging of upper airway dynamics can give new insights
into the mechanisms of airway obstruction and provide
data for its modeling. Conventional MRI is not fast
enough to capture the entire airway volume and its
dynamics. We demonstrate dynamic 3D imaging of the
airway during inspiratory loading using 3D Cartesian
imaging with golden-angle temporal view order and
L1-SPIRiT reconstruction, to achieve 1.6 mm isotropic
spatial and sub-second temporal resolution. The end
result is a first-ever visualization of airway collapse
using real-time 3D MRI.
4234. |
38 |
T1 Mapping of the Lungs
Using DESPOT1 Approach with 3D Radial UTE Acquisition 
L.C. Bell1, K.M. Johnson2, S.B.
Fain1, S.J. Kruger1, and S.K.
1Medical Physics, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin,
United States
Various techniques currently in place for T1 mapping of
the lung parenchyma are limited by the low signal in the
lungs. Recent developments have shown that sequences
utilizing an ultra-short echo time are capable of
acquiring MR signal in small animal lung parenchyma. We
propose to use a 3D Radial UTE acquisition in
conjunction with DESPOT1 to produce T1 maps of human
lung parenchyma with sufficient signal while still
maintaining high isotropic spatial resolution for
functional and structural analysis.
4235. |
39 |
Parallel imaging
accelerated susceptibility imaging with no SNR penalty 
Bing Wu1, Wei Li2, and Chunlei Liu2
1GE heathcare, Beijing, China, 2Brain
Imaging and analysis center, Duke University
Susceptibility imaging with SPGR is a considerably long
imaging process which limits its clinical feasibility.
Acceleration with parallel imaging, however, degrades
the SNR in the resulting susceptibility map. In this
work, additional data acquisitions are made in the
otherwise wasted empty echo space in front of the
readout. The SNR improvement gained through multi-echo
averaging has been shown to completely offset the SNR
loss incurred at an acceleration factor of 4, showing
visibly even better SNR than fully sampled dataset at a
single TE.
4236. |
40 |
Rapid and tissue specific
susceptibility imaging with multi-echo multi-shot EPI
Bing Wu1, Wei Li2, Nankuei Chen2,
and Chunlei Liu2
1GE heathcare, Beijing, China, 2Brain
Imaging and analysis center, Duke University
Susceptibility imaging with standard SPGR is a
considerably long imaging process which limits its
clinical feasibility. Spiral acquisition has been
proposed as an alternative to achieve rapid
susceptibility imaging. However, spiral trajectory
places demanding requirements on the gradient system and
is not usually available on commercial scanners. In
addition, spiral trajectory is very sensitive to
susceptibility distortions. In this work, a multi-echo
multi-shot EPI sequence is implemented and used for
susceptibility imaging. The result shows that, given the
same acquisition time, EPI leads to a susceptibility map
with less distortion compared to that of spiral
4237. |
41 |
Optimisation of T2*-weighted
MRI for differential diagnosis of MS at clinical field
Jennifer E Dixon1, Ashley I Simpson2,
Niraj Mistry2, Nikos Evangelou2,
and Peter G Morris1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance
Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, 2Academic
Division of Clinical Neurology, University of
Nottingham, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
7T T2*-weighted MRI has been shown to allow
differentiation between MS lesions and microangiopathic
white-matter (WM) lesions by the presence of a visible
vein, and accurately predicts eventual diagnosis in
patients who were otherwise unable to be diagnosed
without further testing; however, the limited
availability of 7T systems necessitates the translation
of this technique to lower field. The aim of this work
is to increase its sensitivity at 3T and 7T, and to
compare the optimised sequences theoretically and
experimentally in order to quantify the benefit of
imaging at higher field, and to enable its use at
clinical field strengths.
4238. |
42 |
Positive Contrast Imaging
of Microhemorrhages in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury 
Wei Liu1,2, Qun Zhao3, Haiying
Tang4, Binquan Wang1,2, Ping-Hong
Yeh1,2, Dominic E Nathan1,2, John
Graner1, Hai Pan1,2, Rachel
Wolfowitz1,2, Jamie Harper1, Louis
M French5, Terry R Oakes1, and
Gerard Riedy1
1National Neuroimaging Consortium, National
Intrepid Center of Excellence, Bethesda, MD, United
States, 2Henry
M Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military
Medicine, Bethesda, MD, United States, 3Department
of Physics and Astronomy, University of Georgia, Athens,
GA, United States,4Uniformed Services
University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, MD, United
States, 5Walter
Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, MD,
United States
Two positive contrast techniques using phase gradient
mapping (PGM) and susceptibility gradient mapping (SGM)
were investigated as complementary approaches of
susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) for
microhemorrhage detection in patients with combat
related traumatic brain injury. The results demonstrated
that PGM and SGM improved the CNR for the local regional
of interest and might provide additional information for
4239. |
43 |
Application of T1-weighted
contrast enhancement in EPRI/MRI co-imaging of isolated rat
Ziqi Sun1, Sergey Petryakov1, Wael
F Alzawahra1, and Jay L Zweier1
1Davis Heart and Lung Research Institute, The
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States
T1-weighted (T1W) contrast enhancement using free
radical probe as the contrast agent is applied for EPRI/MRI
co-imaging of isolated rat hearts. Hyper-intense signal
intensity was observed in the right-ventricle of the rat
heart in the 3D T1W image, which is consistent with the
greater signal intensity shown in the low resolution 3D
EPRI image overlaid onto the high resolution 3D T1W
image. This result indicates that high resoltion
T1-weighted MRI technique is useful in accurately
dipicting free radical probe distribution within tissue
in EPRI/MRI co-imaging experiments.
4240. |
44 |
Practical multi-mode
cardiac MRI of mice and rats on a 3T clinical scanner 
Ronald J. Beyers1, Nouha Salibi1,2,
Rajesh Amin3, John C Quindry4, and
Thomas S Denney1
1MRI Research Center, Electrical Engineering,
Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United States, 2Healthcare,
USA, Siemens Corporation, United States,3Harrison
School of Pharmacy, Auburn University, Auburn, AL,
United States, 4Department
of Kinesiology, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United
Introduction: Need for cardiac MRI in rodents on
clinical scanner with: 1) bright & dark blood cine, and
2) inversion recovery (IR), late gadolinium enhanced
(LGE) & look-locker (LL) T1-mapping. Methods: Sequence
developed ran on a Siemens 3T Verio. Included adjustable
TR loops, multislice GRE, and RF preparations including:
1) DIR for dark blood, and 2) IR prep. Imaged C57BL/6
mice and Wistar rats, anesthesized by isoflurane, and
ECG/respiratory tiggered. Results: Cine time was  4-6
minutes. Wrist coil provided sufficient signal. Cine
provided good volumetrics and wall thickness. IR LL on a
water-deprived mouse estimated myocardial T1 = 662 ms.
The IR LGE made 6-slice acquisition in  13
4241. |
45 |
Reproducibility of
myocardial T1 estimation with modified CINE-IR in rat
myocardium at 7T

Henk Smit1, A. Ruggiero1, G.N.
Doeswijk1, M. Milanesi2,3, G.C.
Houston4, M.R. Bernsen1, G.P.
Krestin1, S. Klein1, and G. Kotek1
1Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Zuid Holland,
Netherlands, 2Agilent
Technologies UK Ltd., 3MRI
Lab, Fondazione G. Monasterio-CNR, Pisa, Italy, 4GE
Healthcare, Netherlands
This work addresses the feasibility, accuracy and the
sensitivity of a novel T1 mapping method in rat
myocardium at 7.0 T. With the modified Cine Inversion
Recovery (mCINE-IR), the effective TR can be adjusted to
allow much higher longitudinal recovery between two
subsequent inversions pulses than with conventional
methods. Furthermore the magnetization recovery is
monitored by the CINE loop acquisition for the entire
number of RR intervals within the chosen TR. The results
show that mCINE-IR offers a reproducible T1 estimation
of both healthy tissue and injected Gd labelled cells in
the rat myocardium at 7T making longitudinal studies
4242. |
46 |
Residual blood signal
elimination on T1W non-gated radial scan for MR carotid
plaque imaging 
Takashi Nishihara1, Hikaru Hanada1,
Kuniharu Oka1, Masahiro Takizawa1,
Chikako Moriwake2, Hiroyuki Itagaki1,
Tetsuhiko Takahashi1, Yosuke Hirata3,
and Makoto Sasaki4
1MRI System Division, Hitachi Medical
Corporation, Kashiwa, Chiba, Japan, 2Marketing
Division, Hitachi Medical Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, 3Center
for Radiological Sciences, Iwate Medical University
Hospital, Morioka, Iwate, Japan, 4Division
of Ultrahigh Field MRI, Institute for Biomedical
Sciences, Iwate Medical University, Morioka, Iwate,
Non-gated T1W plaque imaging has been proposed for
evaluating plaque characteristics. To improve image
quality, we introduced flow dephasing pulses to
eliminate residual blood signal and evaluated it. We
determined the b value of flow dephasing pulses which
can eliminate flow signal, and the ratio P of the
asymmetric sampling that doesnft affect spatial
resolution. We applied the determined P value of 8% and
b value of 0.4s/mm2 to
volunteer imaging. The residual flow signal in ICA was
eliminated and image resolution was not affected. We
achieved a good contrast for plaque imaging by using
non-gated radial sampling SE sequence.
4243. |
47 |
In Flow Effects in
Alternating Differenced Balanced Steady State Free
Precession Imaging: A Brain Study

Neville D Gai1, and John A Butman1
1Radiology & Imaging Sciences, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States
Alternating excitation and/or phase perturbed balanced
SSFP provides highly localized variations in
magnetization. The technique has been recently proposed
as a means to provide positive contrast imaging. Here,
the inflow effect is studied in relation to the
technique. Simulations and in-vivo imaging in the brain
show that blood as well as CSF pulsatility can be a
confounding factor when using the sequence for positive
contrast imaging. Means to reduce inflow effects need to
be developed.
4244. |
48 |
Assessing phase variations
in gradient induced spatial modulation of magnetization (SPAMM) 
Lukas Pirpamer1, Gernot Reishofer2,
and Stefan Ropele1
1Department of Neurology, Medical University
of Graz, Graz, Styria, Austria, 2Department
of Radiology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Styria,
Non-linearities of gradient fields can cause a shift of
the modulation function when SPAMM is used for image
tagging. For certain application such as high resolution
imaging with the microSPAMM technique, these shifts can
seriously affect image reconstruction even if they are
small. In this experimental work a new method for
assessing these gradient induced variations of the
modulation function is proposed. First phantom
measurements demonstrate the feasibility and the
advantage over existing methods.
Poster Session - Pulse Sequences & Reconstruction B |
Image Reconstruction & Saturation Transfer Imaging
Click on
to view
the abstract pdf and click on
to view the
video presentation. (Not all presentations are available.)
Thursday 10 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
10:30 - 11:30 |
Computer # |
4245. |
49 |
Data Decoupling for
Efficient Auto-Calibrating Parallel Imaging for Arbitrary
Cartesian k-space Sampling: Application to
Highly-Accelerated 3D Cardiac Cine MRI

Peng Lai1, and Anja C.S Brau1
1Global Applied Science Laboratory, GE
Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United States
This work develops a novel source data decoupling method
for computationally efficient auto-calibrating parallel
imaging for arbitrary Cartesian sampling and validates
its performance on 3D cardiac cine MRI with different
acceleration factors and different coils. Our
computation analysis shows that the proposed method can
dramatically reduce calibration time compared to
conventional autocalibrating parallel imaging methods,
especially with large numbers of coil channels and
synthesis patterns. Our invivo results on cardiac cine
MRI also show the decoupling method preserves image
quality of conventional kt GRAPPA and provides more
accurate reconstruction and higher SNR than GRAPPA
operator based methods due to its optimal combination of
syntheses from different source data groups. The
proposed data decoupling method is promising for online
reconstruction for 3D cardiac cine MRI and other static
3D MRI applications.
4246. |
50 |
High quality Real-Time
Cardiac MRI using Self-Calibrating Radial GRAPPA with
Felix Breuer1, Philipp Ehses2,3,
Nicole Seiberlich4, Martin Blaimer1,
Peter Jakob1,5, and Mark Griswold4
1Reserch Center Magnetic Resonance Bavaria,
Würzburg, Germany, 2Max
Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen,
Germany, 3Dept.
for Neuroimaging, University Hospital Tübingen, Tübingen,
Germany, Tübingen, Germany, 4Dept.
of Radiology, Case Western Reserve University and
University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio,
United States, 5Experimental
Physics 5, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
In this work an improved self-calibrating radial GRAPPA
algorithm for real-time cardiac MRI is presented. It is
shown that by subtracting the temporal average prior to
the parallel MRI reconstruction significantly improved
image quality can be achieved over pure radial GRAPPA.
Real-time cardiac imaging data at a frame rate of 20fps
in 2mm in-plane resolution are shown using only 16
radial projections per frame.
4247. |
51 |
Parallel Reconstruction
Observing Self consistency and Temporal smoothness (PROST) 
Mitchell A Cooper1,2, Thanh D Nguyen2,
Pascal Spincemaille2, Keigo Kawaji1,2,
Jonathan W Weinsaft3, Martin R Prince2,
and Yi Wang1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York, United States, 2Radiology,
Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, New York,
United States,3Cardiology, Weill Cornell
Medical College, New York, New York, United States
PROST (Parallel Reconstruction Observing Self
consistency and Temporal smoothness) is a SPIRiT based
paralell imaging technique implemented by extending the
SPIRiT self-consistency kernel to the time domain. PROST
is based on the assumption that each temporal phase has
small changes with respect to its neighbors (temporal
smoothness). PCA is incorporated into PROST to further
express the information redundancy in the temporal
dimension. PROST improves error performance compared to
regular SPIRiT. When used for CINE imaging, PROST gives
similar ejection fraction values compared to fully
sampled data.
4248. |
52 |
Accelerated Dynamic MRI
Using Multicoil Low-Rank Matrix Completion 
Ricardo Otazo1, Cagdas Bilen2, Yao
Wang2, Leon Axel1, and Daniel K
1Bernard and Irene Schwartz Center for
Biomedical Imaging, NYU School of Medicine, New York,
NY, United States, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering, Polytechnic Institute of NYU,
Brooklyn, NY, United States
Low-rank matrix completion is proposed as a new
generalized approach to combining compressed sensing and
parallel imaging by jointly exploiting implicit temporal
and coil correlations without an explicit sparsifying
transform or coil calibration procedure. A low-rank k-t
matrix can be obtained by concatenating overlapping
k-space blocks from consecutive time points and multiple
coils to form the different columns. Reconstruction of
k-t undersampled data is performed using an iterative
singular value thresholding algorithm. We demonstrate
the feasibility of reconstructing undersampled cardiac
cine data.
4249. |
53 |
Dynamic cardiac MRI
reconstruction with weighted redundant Haar wavelets 
Jun Liu1, Jeremy Rapin1, Ti-chiun
Chang1, Alban Lefebvre1, Michael
Zenge2, Edgar Mueller2, and
Mariappan S. Nadar1
1Siemens Corporate Research, Princeton, NJ,
United States, 2Siemens
AG, Healthcare Sector, Erlangen, Germany
High temporal resolution is often desired in Cardiac
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (CMRI). Parallel imaging
enables the reconstruction with a reduced the number of
acquired frequencies, hence accelerating the
acquisition, and spiral sampling scheme is widely used
in CMRI. In this work, a new approach was proposed for
dynamic cardiac MRI reconstruction by applying an L1
regularization based on the weighted 3D redundant Haar
wavele for incorporating the smoothness in both spatial
and temporal directions. Experiments conducted on a CMRI
data with only 15 spokes for each temporal phase
demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
4250. |
54 |
Comparing k-t SENSE and
Auto-Calibrating k-t SENSE Transfer Functions

Irene Paola Ponce Garcia1, Martin Blaimer2,
Felix Breuer2, Peter M Jakob1,2,
and Peter Kellman3
1Department of Experimental Physics 5,
University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 2Research
Center Magnetic Resonance Bavaria (MRB), Würzburg,
Bavaria, Germany, 3Laboratory
of Cardiac Energetics, National Institutes of Health,
National Heart, Lung and Blood, Bethesda, Maryland,
United States
In Dynamic Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging (pMRI)
there are many reconstruction methods aiming to speed up
acquisition and accurate reconstructions with high
temporal and spatial resolution. It has been
demonstrated that comparing to conventional k-t SENSE
approach, Auto-Calibrating k-t SENSE saves acquisition
time. Even though Auto-Calibrating k-t SENSE has been
compared to conventional k-t SENSE, the comparison of
the filter performing by both of them has not been jet
evaluated. In this work, the performance in the temporal
frequency of conventional and Auto-Calibrating k-t SENSE
was evaluated using the 2-D Modulated Transfer Function
4251. |
55 |
Fast Approximators for
Least-Norm Reconstructions of Undersampled Non-Cartesian MRI
Joshua D. Trzasko1, Yunhong Shu2,
Armando Manduca1, and Matt A Bernstein2
1Physiology and Biomedical Engineering, Mayo
Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
Least-norm reconstruction of undersampled Cartesian MRI
data, often referred to a “zero filling”, remains a
popular strategy due to its simple and efficient
implementation, and readily-characterized behavior. For
non-Cartesian MRI, however, determination of an
analogous reconstruction is computationally demanding
and requires iterative methods that may be impractical
for clinical use. In this work, we propose a novel and
efficient numerical framework based on positive
semi-definite constrained least-squares regression for
generating accurate, non-iterative (i.e., direct)
approximators of least-norm reconstructions of
non-Cartesian MRI data.
4252. |
56 |
Noise from non-cone
regions in segmented k-space
contributes to artifacts in Quantitative Susceptibility
Shuai Wang1,2, Tian Liu3, Weiwei
Chen4, Pascal Spincemaille2, and
Yi Wang2,5
1University of Electronic Science and
Technology of China, Cheng Du, Si Chuan, China, 2Radiology,
Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, New York,
United States, 3MedImageMetric
LLC, New York, New York, United States, 4Radiology,
Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong
University of Science&Technology, Wuhan, Hubei, China, 5Biomedical
Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York,
United States
Several Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM)
methods have been proposed to obtain tissue magnetic
susceptibility in vivo. We compared various QSM methods
in order to identify a robust QSM for clinical
applications. We found that noise from the non-cone
region in k-pace where the dipole inversion has been
regarded as well behaved can contribute to substantial
streaking artifacts in QSM. An accurate QSM needs
address noise in the entire k-space, and not just the
cone region. Evaluation on 21 consecutive patients
indicated that the image space based morphology enabled
dipole inversion is the most robust among three
evaluated methods.
4253. |
57 |
reconstruction using coil sensitivity information and image
content similarity 
Yu Li1, Feng Huang2, Wei Lin2,
Randy Duensing2, and Charles L. Dumoulin1
1Imaging Research Center, Radiology
Department, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical
Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, United States, 2Invivo
Diagnostic Imaging, Philips HealthCare, Gainesville,
Florida, United States
The presented work aims to overcome the parallel imaging
acceleration limit posed by spatial encoding capability
of multi-channel coil sensitivity in clinical MRI. A
previously reported framework of "correlation-based
reconstruction" is used to convert high-speed imaging
reconstruction to the estimation of correlation
functions that may include multiple data correlation
mechanisms underlying parallel acquisition. In the work
presented here, we investigated whether coil sensitivity
information and image content similarity can
synergistically benefit correlation-based reconstruction
for a static MRI scan.
4254. |
58 |
Restoration of within-FOV
aliasing in Propeller MRI using kt-Blast 
Su-Chin Chiu1, Hing-Chiu Chang2,
Tzu-Chao Chuang3, Fu-Nien Wang4,
and Hsiao-Wen Chung1
1Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2GE
Healthcare, Taiwan, 3Electrical
Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, 4National
Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
The FOV of Propeller MRI is approximately circular due
to the rotating blade sampling pattern in the k-space,
causing within-FOV aliasing artifact. In this article we
proposed a self-training method similar to kt-Blast to
restore the aliasing artifact to the conventional
rectangular FOV. Phantom experiments were performed to
verify the proposed method. Results show good agreement
with conventional Cartesian sampling.
4255. |
59 |
parallel imaging using simultaneous crossed blade
calibration APPEAR 
James H Holmes1, Philip J Beatty2,3,
Howard A Rowley4, Zhiqiang Li5,
and Jean H Brittain1
1Global Applied Science Laboratory, GE
Healthcare, Madison, WI, United States, 2Global
Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Thornhill,
ON, Canada,3Physical Sciences, Sunnybrook
Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 4Radiology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United
States,5MR Engineering, GE Healthcare,
Phoenix, AZ, United States
PROPELLER imaging with external calibration data driven
parallel imaging acceleration has been shown to generate
high T1 contrast while yielding sufficient blade width
for robust motion correction. In this work, we present a
crossed blade calibration method that enables greater
imaging blade accelerations and decreased acquired echo
trains for improved T1 contrast. Results from a
PROPELLER acquisition with blades using echo trains of 7
and 3x effective acceleration for an effective blade
width of 19 phase encodes are demonstrated to provide
improved T1 contrast while maintaining wide blades for
motion correction.
4256. |
60 |
Reconstruction of 3D
Radial MRI with Linogram Sampling 
Naoharu Kobayashi1, Djaudat Idiyatullin1,
Curtis A Corum1, and Michael Garwood1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United
Linogram sampling, introduced to radial MRI about 20
years ago, is a “semi-Cartesian” k-space sampling
method, where the sampling pattern is a concentric
square (2D) or cubic grid (3D). For linogram sampling,
there is a corresponding reconstruction algorithm known
as linogram reconstruction that does not need explicit
interpolation and simplifies the Jacobian calculation,
i.e. density correction. Therefore, linogram
reconstruction has potential to improve resolution,
minimize interpolation errors, and reduce computational
time. In this study, we show point spread functions and
reconstructed images from 3D linogram data that were
calculated with the three reconstruction methods:
gridding, backprojection and linogram reconstruction.
4257. |
61 |
Theoretical and
Experimental Investigation of Imaging 2D Interslice MT Ratio
Sung-Hong Park1, Jeffrey W. Barker1,2,
and Kyongtae Ty Bae1
1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Bioengineering,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Alternate Ascending/Descending Directional Navigation
(ALADDIN) is a new imaging technique that provides
interslice magnetization transfer (MT) asymmetry images
with no separate preparation pulse. In this article, we
investigated the ALADDIN MT asymmetry at various flip
angles. The MT asymmetry signals peaked at around 60
degree. Centric phase encode order provided about twice
higher MT asymmetry signals than linear phase encode
order. Experimental results agreed with simulations
results. The simulation results also showed that MT
asymmetry signals decay with RF excitations faster at
higher flip angle. The results of the study expand our
knowledge on the interslice MT asymmetry signals.
4258. |
62 |
Optimization of Saturation
Pulse Length in Parallel Transmission based Amide Proton
Transfer MRI for Oncology Applications 
Jochen Keupp1, Osamu Togao2,
Jinyuan Zhou3, Yuriko Suzuki4, and
Takashi Yoshiura2
1Philips Research, Hamburg, Germany, 2Department
of Clinical Radiology, Kyushu University, Fukuoka,
Japan, 3Department
of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 4Philips
Electronics Japan, Tokyo, Japan
Amide proton transfer (APT) offers a novel route to
sensitive MR molecular imaging of endogenous cytosolic
proteins and is expected to play an important role in
delineation/classification of active tumor tissue for
therapy planning/monitoring. The length of RF saturation
(Tsat) is a key for sensitivity, in
particular at low protein concentrations. With novel
parallel transmission based techniques, Tsat>1s
is possible on clinical scanners. A thorough protocol
optimization is needed for tumor contrast and
contrast-to-noise ratio. In a phantom study and
acquiring first exemplary clinical brain tumor data, the
effect of Tsat on
the APT contrast is studied in the range of Tsat=0.5s
up to 4s.
4259. |
63 |
An automatic real-time
optimization of MT off-resonance frequency 
Jyun-Ming Tsai1, Teng-Yi Huang1,
Hsu-Hsia Peng2, Yi-Chun Wu3, and
Fu-Nien Wang2
1Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan
University of Science and Technology, Tapei, Taiwan, 2Biomedical
Engineering and Environmental Sciences, National Tsing
Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 3Molecular
Imaging Center, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taoyuan,
This study presents an automatically real-time feedback
optimization for frequency adjustment of magnetization
transfer imaging. We proposed a general framework that
can automatically optimize MT frequency based on the
obtain image. The optimization can account for a whole
field-of-view or a specific region-of-interest (ROI). We
demonstrate this system by an experiment calibrating the
central frequency of MT pulse for a ROI. The system was
tested on a rabbit leg muscle. The frequency obtained by
the real-time system was consistent with that obtained
by a long sweep frequency scan. We therefore concludes
the proposed system is a potential useful tool for
MT-related studies, such as APT imaging.
4260. |
64 |
Analyzing the Minimum
Discretization of Pulses Required to Speed Up Model-based
Analysis for Pulsed CEST 
Yee Kai Tee1, Alexandr A Khrapichev2,
Manus J Donahue3, Nicola R Sibson2,
Stephen J Payne1, and Michael A Chappell1,4
1Department of Engineering Science, Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford, Oxford,
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Oncology, CR-UK/MRC Gray Institute for Radiation
Oncology & Biology, University of Oxford, Oxford,
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 3School
of Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Tennessee, United States, 4Oxford
Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain, University of
Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Discretizing the Gaussian pulses in pulsed CEST has been
used recently as a way to calculate stimulated spectra.
So far, different number of discrete intervals has been
applied to perform the task. Since the number of
intervals correlates directly to the computational time
required, it is important to use the minimal
discretization for efficient processing. In this study,
simulations were used to calculate the minimal intervals
required across a range of pulse parameters and the
optimal values were then used to fit both in vitro and
in vivo data. Excellent fits were found with minimum
processing time.
4261. |
65 |
A simple and fast method
for solving the time-dependent Bloch equations in
spin-locked chemical exchange saturation transfer (CESTrho)
magnetic resonance imaging
Kenya Murase1, and Shigeyoshi Saito1
1Department of Medical Physics and
Engineering, Osaka University Graduate School of
Medicine, Suita, Osaka, Japan
We present a simple and fast method for solving the
time-dependent Bloch equations in spin-locked chemical
exchange saturation transfer (CESTrho) MRI using the
2-pool CEST model, and for calculating the longitudinal
relaxation time in the rotating frame (T 1 ).
When using the population-averaged longitudinal (R 1)
and transverse relaxation rates (R 2), the T 1 values
obtained by our method agreed with the approximate
solutions given by Trott and Palmer, except for the
on-resonance SL case. When the population-averaged R 1 and
R 2 were
not used, some differences were observed between them.
Our method will be useful for better understanding and
optimization of CESTrho MRI.
4262. |
66 |
Analytical Description of
Magnetization Transfer Effects on the Transient Phase of
Balanced SSFP
Monika Gloor1, Klaus Scheffler2,3,
and Oliver Bieri1
1University of Basel Hospital, Radiological
Physics, Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 2MPI
for Biological Cybernetics, MRC Department, Tübingen,
Germany,3University of Tübingen, Neuroimaging
and MR-Physics, Tübingen, Germany
An inversion recovery (IR) balanced steady-state free
precession (bSSFP) sequence has been proposed for fast
T1, T2, and spin density quantification. It has recently
been shown that the presence of magnetization transfer
(MT) effects on the transient phase of bSSFP experiments
with short RF pulses leads to considerable deviations in
calculated T1 and T2 values. In this work, an analytical
expression of the two-pool IR bSSFP signal is presented
taking MT effects into account. Numerical simulations of
the Bloch equations are used to confirm the validity of
the approximations made, and comparisons of the new
equation to measurements are shown.
4263. |
67 |
Double-angle Amide Proton
Transfer Imaging: A New Chemical Exchange Saturation
Transfer (CEST) Contrast 
Zhongliang Zu1,2, Vaibhav Janve1,3,
Junzhong Xu1,2, Mark D Does1,2,
John Gore1,2, and Daniel Gochberg1,2
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
United States, 3Department
of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States
APT imaging has shown promise in many clinical
applications. However, the conventional CEST asymmetry
analysis, by subtracting a label scan from a reference
scan, is sensitive to confounding contributions from
magnetic field inhomogeneities, inherently asymmetric
macromolecular resonances, and lipid. In this study, we
introduce a new CEST contrast that avoids these issues
by creating label and reference scans based on varying
the irradiation pulse turn angle (180 and 360 degree)
instead of the frequency offset (3.5 and -3.5 ppm).
Clear peak has been found at 3.5 ppm by using our
method, but not by using the conventional asymmetry
4264. |
68 |
Analyse the Important
Fitted Parameters Using Pulsed Fitting and Continuous CEST
Approximation for Pulsed CEST 
Yee Kai Tee1, Alexandr A Khrapichev2,
Nicola R Sibson2, Stephen J Payne1,
and Michael A Chappell1,3
1Department of Engineering Science, Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford, Oxford,
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Oncology, CR-UK/MRC Gray Institute for Radiation
Oncology & Biology, University of Oxford, Oxford,
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 3Oxford
Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain, University of
Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Pulsed CEST (PC) is the only feasible irradiation scheme
for clinical application as a result of SAR and hardware
limitations but there is no simple analytical solution
available. Thus, it is typically treated as continuous
CEST (CC) by finding its equivalent average field or
power to exploit the closed-form analytical solution of
CC. Although fitting the data by discretizing the short
pulses used by PC is able to produce smaller fitted
errors, there is no significant difference found for the
important fitted parameters such as amide proton
exchange rate (related to pH) when CC approximation,
which is fast, is used.
4265. |
69 |
Optimization Strategies
for Accurate Quantitative MT Imaging
Pouria Mossahebi1, and Alexey A. Samsonov2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States
We studied several ways to optimize efficiency of CRI at
both 1.5 and 3T. We showed (for 3T case) that the CRI
efficiency may be improved by including extra sample(s)
from low Δ range (<1 kHz). Further, we demonstrated that
SAR-efficient pulses may provide additional large
efficiency gains in CRI. At the same time, high BW
SAR-efficient pulses may lead to a significant error in
qMT measures for the low offset frequency designs. One
simple solution is to resort to longer SAR-efficient
4266. |
70 |
Development of a 3D CEST
Pulse Sequence with Embedded Field Map and Low SAR for
pH-Weighted Contrast in Stroke Patients 
Chao Xu1,2, Christian Labadie2,3,
André Pampel2, Jochen B. Fiebach1,
and Harald E. Möller2
1Center for Stroke Research Berlin (CSB),
Charite-Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2Max
Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Germany, 3Laboratoire
de Spectrométrie Ionique et Moléculaire, Université
Claude-Bernard Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, France
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) permits the
detection of dilute labile proteins to allow pH-weighted
imaging. However, clinical applications of the technique
are currently limited due to time and specific
absorption rate (SAR) restrictions. We developed a
three-dimensional (3D) pulse sequence with low SAR and
embedded field map information. Potential application
for detecting ischemic acidosis is demonstrated in a
stroke patient imaged on the second day after symptom
4267. |
71 |
Rapid and Accurate
Variable Flip Angle T1 Mapping with Correction of
On-Resonance MT Effects

Pouria Mossahebi1, and Alexey A Samsonov2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, WI, United
Accurate estimation of T1 values from VFA measurements
requires consideration of magnetization transfer
effects, which may introduce T1 bias roughly
proportional to the macromolecular content. The fast T1
correction protocol developed in this work (VFA-MT)
requires a single MT scan in addition to regular VFA
measurements for accurate T1 mapping. The presented
approach is promising for fast high-resolution whole
brain T1 mapping within clinically acceptable scan
4268. |
72 |
Chemical Exchange
Saturation Transfer (CEST) Imaging Using Interleaved
Balanced Steady State Free Precession (SSFP) 
Zhongliang Zu1,2, Ke Li1,2,
Richard Dortch1,2, Seth Smith1,2,
Mark D Does1,2, John Gore1,2, and
Daniel Gochberg1,2
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
United States
Conventional CEST sequences contain a long saturation
block (several seconds of continuous wave or pulsed
irradiation) before acquisition. To fill k-space,
several saturation blocks followed by acquisitions may
be required, especially in high-resolution imaging. The
long scan time limits CEST imaging in clinical
applications. Here we present a new CEST imaging method
using interleaved balanced steady state free precession
(SSFP) acquisitions (named SSFP-CEST) to shorten imaging
time. Experiments on creatine/agar phantom show that the
SSFP-CEST has similar contrast as that of pulsed-CEST,
but the total acquisition time decreases by a factor of
Poster Session - Pulse Sequences & Reconstruction B |
Tools to Map the Brain & for Small Scale & Education
Click on
to view
the abstract pdf and click on
to view the
video presentation. (Not all presentations are available.)
Thursday 10 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
11:30 - 12:30 |
Computer # |
4269. |
49 |
Whole Cerebrum Myelin
Water Imaging In Less Than 15 Minutes

Thomas Prasloski1, Alexander Rauscher2,3,
Alex MacKay1,2, Madeleine Hodgson1,
Irene Vavasour2, Corree Laule4,
and Burkhard Mädler5
1Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2Department
of Radiology, University of British Columbia, 3UBC
MRI Research Centre, University of British Columbia, 4Department
of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, University of
British Columbia,5Department of Neurosurgery,
University of Bonn
We present the application of an accelerated GRASE pulse
sequence in the acquisition of data used to generate
myelin water fraction maps. This sequence allows whole
cerebrum coverage in scan times of less than 15 minutes.
Further, the results of region of interest analysis
indicate that myelin water fraction values correlate
well with those of a previously validated sequence. Fast
myelin water imaging could present new opportunities in
both clinical and scientific research.
4270. |
50 |
A 7min protocol for
quantitative, whole-brain, accurate water mapping at 3T for
neurological applications

Ana-Maria Oros-Peusquens1, Fabian Keil1,
Zaheer Abbas1, Vincent Gras1,
Klaus H.M. Möllenhoff1,2, and N. Jon Shah1,3
1Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine - 4,
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany, 2Department
of Cognitive Neuroscience, University Maastricht,
Maastricht, Netherlands, 3JARA
- Faculty of Medicine, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen,
The method proposed here is based on a long-TR
multiple-echo GRE measurement with 7:21 minutes
acquisition time. It has the advantage that all B1
corrections, which are large, are multiplicative and can
be approached heuristically, using a bias field
correction. A simple exponential fit of the signal decay
with echo time is the other postprocessing ingredient.
Well-separated distributions are found for the WM and GM
and agree very well with previous ones obtained at 1.5T.
It is anticipated that this easy to use, high-quality
water mapping method will open the road to routine,
widespread quantitative MR imaging of water content.
4271. |
51 |
Including a Third,
Non-Exchanging Water Component in mcDESPOT
Sean Deoni1
1School of Engineering, Brown University,
Providence, RI, United States
Rapid Myelin Water imaging can provide important
information in de-myelinating disease (Multiple
Sclerosis) as well as neuropsychological disorders that
may be associated with “disconnectivity”. Although
mcDESPOT is a rapid myelin water imaging, it suffers
from an implicit assumption of two-component relaxation,
which may not be true in voxels bordering CSF or edema.
Here we introduce a third, non-exchanging component to
address this deficiency. Results show improved myelin
water estimation in areas bordering the ventricles and
the periphery of the brain.
4272. |
52 |
Fast mapping of absolute
water content in the human brain using TAPIR 
Klaus H. M. Möllenhoff1,2, Fabian Keil1,
Zaheer Abbas1, Vincent Gras1,
Miriam Rabea Kubach1, Ana-Maria
Oros-Peusquens1, and N. Jon Shah1,3
1Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine - 4,
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany, 2Department
of Cognitive Neuroscience, University Maastricht,
Maastricht, Netherlands, 3JARA
- Faculty of Medicine, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen,
Absolute water content in the human brain is highly
regulated and shown to change in various diseases.Thus
mapping of H2O values in clinical acceptable
measurement times is of great interest. Here we present
a fast and accurate method for mapping H2O
values in vivo based on the 2D TAPIR approach.
4273. |
53 |
Changes in T1ρ in Human
Brain during Hypercapnic Challenge 
Hye Young Heo1,2, Brian J Dlouhy3,
Daniel R Thedens1, John Wemmie3,4,
and Vincent Magnotta1,4
1Department of Radiology, University of Iowa,
Iowa City, Iowa, United States, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa
City, Iowa, United States, 3Department
of Neurosurgery, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa,
United States, 4Department
of Psychiatry, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa,
United States
The purpose of this study is to assess the ability of pH
sensitive-T1ρ MRI to measure brain function. T1ρ
contrast was compared with the BOLD contrast in the
visual cortex during activation. In order to validate
the specificity of T1ρ to pH changes, a sheep phantom
study was performed, resulting in the double
dissociation between T1ρ and T2* in acidified and
oxygenated blood phantoms. In addition, we found that
the release of the lactate by neural activity is
consistent with the expected local acidosis.
4274. |
54 |
A high-resolution
large-scale 2D geometric magnetic susceptibility model of
white matter microstructure 
Way Cherng Chen1, Sean Foxley1,
and Karla Miller1
1Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain (FMRIB),
University of Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United
Studies have shown that magnetic susceptibility
introduces signal changes that are related to white
matter tract structure. We previously presented a
simple, small-scale 3D geometric model to estimate the
microscopic field pattern that is driven by of various
aspects of underlying tissue microstructure such as
orientation to B0, myelin thickness and tissue iron
concentration that can be used to predict
susceptibility-based MR contrast. Here, a more robust
and flexible 2D geometric model is introduced to allow
more physiologically realistic representations of the
actual WM microstructure.
4275. |
55 |
Accelerated Variable Flip
Angle T1 Mapping via View Sharing of Pseudo-Random Sampled
Higher Order K-Space 
Jason Su1, Manojkumar Saranathan1,
and Brian Rutt1
1Department of Radiology, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, United States
A view-sharing methodology in which higher order k-space
samples are shared between data frames is applied along
the flip angle dimension of a variable flip angle T1
mapping sequence to achieve an acceleration of 2.3x with
nearly negligible loss in T1 estimation. The
composite-derived maps had a percent error median of
0.104% and a 5-to-95 percentile range of -5.216% to
5.192%. Composite image quality and T1 map fidelity was
dramatically improved by correcting mixed data with a
scale factor based on values in the fully sampled center
of k-space. The 5-to-95 percent error range shrank by a
factor of 1.67.
4276. |
56 |
A rapid, spiral based VFA
approach to simultaneous T1 and
B1+ mapping 
Christopher Sica1, and Christopher Collins1
1Radiology, Pennsylvania State University,
Hershey, PA, United States
A method for simultaneous B1+ and
T1 mapping
is presented. The proposed method acquires a series of
spoiled 3D GRE scans with fixed TR and variable flip
angle between scans. A spiral acquisition with
off-resonance correction is utilized to speed
acquisition. Non-linear fitting is applied to the signal
expression M 0 B1-(1-E1)sin[
FA(λθ, ∆B0) ] / (1 – E1cos[ FA(λθ, ∆B0) ]) to
obtain B1+ and
T1. This method is compared to an inversion
recovery based method to measure T1 in
a set of doped water tubes, and agreement is on the
order of several percent. In-vivo results from this
technique are also presented.
4277. |
57 |
A high resolution high SNR
3D T2prep spiral protocol for robust whole brain myelin
water quantification at 3 Tesla 
Thanh D. Nguyen1, Mitchell Cooper1,2,
Pascal Spincemaille1, Ashish Raj1,
Yi Wang1,2, and Susan A Gauthier3
1Radiology, Weill Cornell Medical College,
New York, NY, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Cornell University, 3Neurology
and Neuroscience, Weill Cornell Medical College, New
York, NY, United States
Conventional multi-component T2 relaxometry for myelin
water fraction (MWF) mapping in the brain at 1.5T is
time-consuming and has limited spatial coverage. The
objective of this study is to develop a high resolution
and high SNR 3D T2prep spiral protocol for whole brain
myelin water mapping at 3T and to evaluate its
performance in healthy volunteers by comparing with the
conventional 1.5T acquisition. We found no significant
changes in MWF between 1.5T and 3T. MWF maps obtained at
3T have lower coefficient of variance and better
visualization of WM tracts.
4278. |
58 |
Stimulated echo
compensation enables accurate transverse relaxometry with
short echo train multi-echo spin echo imaging. 
Md. Nasir Uddin1, R. Marc Lebel1,
and Alan H. Wilman1
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Standard transverse relaxometry makes use of a
multi-echo spin echo sequence, typically with a large
number of echoes to enable accurate T2 fitting. Reducing
the number of echoes would enable substantially reduced
RF heating and increased slice coverage. However, in the
presence of spatially varying RF fields, across or
within a slice, standard exponential fitting methods are
shown to perform poorly with limited echo trains. We
demonstrate the use of a stimulated echo correction to
enable reduction of echo trains to as few as four echoes
while retaining accurate T2 fits in the human brain.
4279. |
59 |
Whole-Brain Tissue-Based
Assessment of the Ultrashort T2 Component Using 3D UTE MRI
Ece Ercan1, Peter Börnert2, Andrew
Webb1, and Itamar Ronen1
1C.J. Gorter Center for High Field MRI,
Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical
Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 2Philips
Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany
We present a whole-brain tissue-based characterization
of the ultrashort T2 components using 3D UTE MRI.
Initial results show distinct distributions of
ultrashort relaxation rates in gray and white matter.
The estimated mean and distribution of the ultrashort T2
value for white matter is likely to contain
contributions from cell membranes as well as from
myelin, which is more ubiquitous in white matter than in
gray matter. This implies that the actual ultrashort T2
value of myelin protons may be even shorter than the
mean value found here and in previous works.
4280. |
60 |
Iron quantification in
normal aging brain accessed by the MR signal decay in the
static spin dephasing regime of spherical perturbations

Jan Sedlacik1, Kai Boelmans2,
Ulrike Löbel1, Brigitte Holst1,
Susanne Siemonsen1, and Jens Fiehler1
1Neuroradiology, University Medical Center
Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 2Neurology,
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg,
MRI is able to quantitatively detect iron deposition by
changes in transverse relaxation rates and signal phase.
Recently, quantitative susceptibility mapping was used
to further extract the underlying magnetic
susceptibility from the MR signal phase information.
Purpose of this study was to demonstrate that true
quantitative iron content can be derived from the
transverse relaxation rates by using the analytical
model of the static spin dephasing regimen of spherical
perturbations. The established control values of iron
content in the normal aging brain will serve as control
for future clinical studies of neurodegenerative
diseases at our institution.
61 |
Imaging the whole life
span of a Zebrafish with Magnetic Resonance Microscopy (MRM)
using a standard bore 850 MHz system 
Thomas Neuberger1,2, Tatjana Neuberger1,
Darin Clark3, Victoria Braithwaite4,5,
and Keith Cheng3
1Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences,
Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA,
United States, 2Department
of Bioengineering, Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA, United States, 3Department
of Pathology, Penn State College of Medicine, Hershey,
PA, United States, 4School
of Forest Resources, Pennsylvania State University,
University Park, PA, United States, 5Department
of Biology, Pennsylvania State University, Univerity
Park, PA, United States
The zebrafish is now widely recognized as a key model
organism in biological research. Our study demonstrates
that MRI can image the zebrafish in detail across its
whole life span with an isotropic resolution of up to 8
microns. To perform these studies a standard bore 20
tesla system was utilized. Despite restricted space, we
achieved a throughput of more than 60 specimens of early
developmental stages. As the high resolution and
contrast to noise ratio permits the identification of
small details, we suggest that MRI could be a valuable
tool to quantify the progression of disease in the
4282. |
62 |
Cortical layers one by
one: T2*, phase and susceptibility at 80μm resolution

Ana-Maria Oros-Peusquens1, Johannes
Lindemeyer1, Alard Roebroeck2,
Ralf A.W. Galuske3, Hansjuergen Bratzke4,
and N. Jon Shah1
1INM-4, Research Centre Juelich, Juelich,
Germany, 2Dept.
of Psychology, University of Maastricht, Netherlands, 3Dept.
of Biology, TU Darmstadt, Germany, 4Dept.
of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,
JWG-University, Frankfurt/M, Germany
We report on a multiparametric, high-resolution study of
the motor cortex at 9.4T. Two intracortical bands were
visualised, with contrast strikingly different from that
of the surrounding cortex. We observe orientation
dependence of the contrast in both magnitude and phase
images as well as T2* and susceptibility maps.
Interestingly, the dependence of the visualisation of
the cortical bands on direction is complementary in
magnitude and phase. This is an indication of
microstructure dependence of T2* and phase contrast.
4283. |
63 |
Dichromate as an MR
Microscopy Stain
Ian J Rowland1, McLean Gunderson2,
Seth Dailey2, and Jose R Torrealba3
1Medical Physics, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 2Department
of Surgery, University of Wisconsin-Madison, United
States, 3Department
of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, University of
Unlike optical microscopy, MR microscopy has few stains
available to enhance contrast between tissue types.
Whilst a significant number of MR microscopy studies use
gadolinium based contrast agents to enhance available
signal, enhanced tissue contrast is not guaranteed. In
this study, we demonstrate that potassium dichromate may
be utilized as a general MR histology stain to enhance
contrast between a range of tissue types. The tissue
specific generation of paramagnetic chromium species is
responsible for the observed MR imaging contrast.
Despite tissue oxidation, this study also demonstrates
that standard histological procedures are unaffected
following the chromium based MR staining.
64 |
Quantitative in vivo
Imaging of Low Concentrations of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
with Adiabatic Preparation Pulses 
Steven Harris1, Liya Wang2, Jing
Huang2, Lei Zhou1, Hui Mao2,
and Xiaoping Hu1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology / Emory University,
Atlanta, GA, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United
Adiabatic preparation pulses and the failure of the
adiabatic condition for spins diffusing near the iron
oxide nanoparticles can be used to generate contrast
that is linearly increasing with particle concentration.
In this work, in vitro work is extended to an in vivo
model of nanoparticle accumulation in the mouse liver.
The adiabatic full passage contrast, as well as a
magnetization transfer compensated approach, is shown to
be linearly correlated with organ iron concentration by
biochemical measurement. The low nanoparticle
concentrations used in this study suggest the approach
may be suitable for in vivo quantitative molecular
imaging studies.
4285. |
65 |
Artem Khmelinskii1, Esben Plenge2,
Peter Kok3,4, Dirk Poot2, Oleh
Dzyubachyk3, Charl P. Botha4,
Ernst Suidgeest5, Wiro Niessen2,6,
Louise van der Weerd5,7, Erik Meijering2,
and Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt3,4
1Division of Image Processing, Dept. of
Radiology, LUMC, Leiden, The Netherlands, Leiden, Zuid-Holland,
Netherlands, 2BIGR,
Depts. of Radiology and Medical Informatics, ErasmusMC,
Rotterdam, Netherlands, 3Division
of Image Processing, Dept. of Radiology, LUMC, Leiden,
Netherlands, 4Data
Visualization Group, Dept. of Mediamatics, TU Delft,
Netherlands, 5Dept.
of Radiology, Molecular Imaging Laboratories Leiden,
Section Nuclear Medicine, LUMC, Leiden, Netherlands, 6Quantitative
Imaging Group, Dept. of Imaging Science & Technology, TU
Delft, Netherlands, 7Depts.
of Anatomy & Embryology, LUMC, Leiden, Netherlands
We present a new approach for producing highly resolved,
localized isotropic volumes-of-interest in whole-body
mouse MRI. This enables interactive HR visualization and
exploration of anatomical structures in MRI. The idea is
similar to that of well-known web-based geographical
maps, where it is possible from a global overview image
to zoom in on a detail of interest. Such functionality
is relevant in a biomedical setting when working with
high-resolution volumetric data. Using the method
presented in this paper, from a global LR image the user
can interactively zoom in on a sub-volume of interest.
4286. |
66 |
An efficient
reconstruction method for spatially encoded single-scan 2D
Congbo Cai1, Ying Chen1, Jing Li1,
Lin Chen1, Shuhui Cai1, Jianhui
Zhong2, and Zhong Chen1
1Department of Electronics Science, Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China, 2Departments
of Radiology and Physics and Astronomy, University of
Rochester, Rochester, New York, United States
A new reconstruction algorithm based on generalized
Fourier transform is explored for sequences with linear
frequency-swept excitation. A hybrid-encoding sequence
is tested. This algorithm improves the spatial
resolution of the images while maintaining the excellent
field perturbation immunity of the sequence. In vivo
experiments are performed on coronal and sagittal planes
of rat. Compared to the traditional gradient echo
sequence and spin-echo EPI sequence, the artifacts
induced by motion effects, susceptibility variation and
Nyquist ghost are greatly relieved in the images
produced by the hybrid-encoding sequence.
4287. |
67 |
Correcting patient
movement in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI 
Andrew Melbourne1
1University College London, London, United
This work is a review of techniques for retrospective
automatic image registration techniques in dynamic
contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI. Due to the length of time
required to obtain a DCE MRI series image registration
techniques are used to correct subject movement between
imaging volumes prior to physiological model-fitting to
extract features of the enhancement pattern. These
techniques are often modified for the DCE setting so
that they separate motion artefacts from contrast
enhancement. Due to the proliferation of techniques a
review is worthwhile so that knowledge of the technical
details of image registration can be made more widely
4288. |
68 |
measurement methods in MR imaging

Elizabeth M Tunnicliffe1, Martin J Graves2,3,
and Matthew D Robson4
1AVIC, Nuffield Department of Clinical
Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Medical Physics & Clinical Engineering, Cambridge
University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge,
United Kingdom, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United
Kingdom, 4OCMR,
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of
Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
There are a multitude of different SNR methods in MRI.
In this educational poster we provide an overview of
different SNR methods and their applicability, including
guidance on when different approaches may be most
69 |
Methods for quantitative
magnetization transfer imaging 
Ives R Levesque1, Nikola Stikov2,
and G Bruce Pike2
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Montreal
Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montreal, QC,
This educational poster reviews the basic concepts of
magnetization transfer and methods for quantitative MT
imaging (QMTI). Various off- and on-resonance methods
are discussed, along with their strengths and
limitations for in
vivo applications.
General findings in neurological and muskuloskeletal
imaging will also be discussed.