Poster Session - Diffusion & Perfusion |
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Wednesday 9 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
1828. |
Axon diameter mapping in
crossing fibers with diffusion MRI 
Hui Zhang1, Tim B Dyrby2, and
Daniel C Alexander1
1Department of Computer Science & Centre for
Medical Image Computing, University College London,
London, United Kingdom, 2Danish
Research Center for Magnetic Resonance, Copenhagen
University Hospital, Hvidovre, Denmark
This work presents a technique for axon diameter mapping
in fiber crossing regions. Earlier works assume a model
of axons with a single dominant orientation. Although
valid for many white matter areas, this approach
prevents the mapping of regions with crossing fibers
that are widespread in the brain and exhibit multiple
dominant orientations. A solution to this problem is
prerequisite for mapping axon diameter mapping over
whole brain. We address this challenge with a
crossing-fiber model that enables the simultaneous
estimation of crossing configuration and microstructural
features. We demonstrate the approach with synthetic and
ex vivo brain imaging data.
1829. |
Relating extracellular
diffusivity to cell size distribution and packing density as
applied to white matter
Dmitry S. Novikov1, and Els Fieremans1
1Radiology, NYU School of Medicine, New York,
NY, United States
Tissues are often viewed as tight packings of
practically impermeable cells. While the intra- and
extracellular water fractions can be determined using a
straightforward biexponential fit, quantifying the cell
size distribution and packing geometry with low-q
diffusion metrics has been a notoriously hard problem.
We develop a novel analytical approach for relating the
diffusivity in the extra-axonal space to the volume
fraction of axons and their size heterogeneity that
agrees with Monte Carlo simulations. Our formalism
quantitatively distinguishes between demyelination and
axonal loss in the diffusion coefficient of the
extra-axonal space transverse to the fibers.
1830. |
Effect of Cell Membrane
Water Permeability on Diffusion-Weighted MR signal: a Study
using Expression-controlled Aquaporin4 Cells 
Takayuki Obata1, Jeff Kershaw2,
Daigo Kuroiwa1, Sayaka Shibata2,
Abe Yoichiro3, Masato Yasui3, and
Ichio Aoki2
1Center for Charged Particle Therapy,
National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS),
Chiba, Chiba, Japan, 2Molecular
Imaging Center, NIRS, 3Department
of Pharmacology, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
We performed multi-b-value and multi-diffusion-time DWI
on AQP4-nonexpressed (noAQ) and AQP4-expressed (AQ)
cells to investigate the effect that CMP has on
diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance signal.
Significant signal differences between the noAQ and AQ
cells were observed only at high b-values.
Diffusion-time dependent ADC changes were also observed,
but there were no significant differences between the
noAQ and AQ cell samples.
1831. |
Microstructure of the
Marmoset Cerebral Cortex Observed using High Resolution
Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Frank Q Ye1, David A Leopold1,
Mustafa Irfanoglu2, Carlo Pierpaoli2,
and Afonso C Silva3
1NIMH, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland, United States, 2NICHD,
National Institutes of Health, 3NINDS,
National Institutes of Health
It is known that axons in the cerebral cortex show
distinct organization patterns, which in principle can
be mapped by diffusion MRI. Up to now, diffusion imaging
has not yet proved its value in study the microstructure
of cortical gray matter. In this study, q-ball diffusion
data of high spatial resolution and high SNR were
acquired from a fixed marmoset brain. Interesting
diffusion contrasts are observed in various cortical
regions that could potentially be used to delineate
cortical layers or to parcellate cortical structures.
1832. |
Measurement of apparent
diffusion coefficients (ADC) and 1H
transverse relaxation times (T2) of human brain
metabolites and water: insights on white matter
Francesca Branzoli1, Aranee Techawiboonwong2,
Andrew Webb1, and Itamar Ronen1
1C. J. Gorter Center for High Field MRI,
Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical
Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering, Mahidol University, Bangkok,
The phenomenon of diffusion of molecules in biological
tissues directly relates to the characteristic length
scales of tissue compartments and it has been recognized
as a powerful contrast mechanism for deriving
information on white matter microstructure. In this
study, for the first time the interaction between proton
transverse relaxation times (T2) and apparent diffusion
coefficients (ADC) was investigated, by means of
diffusion-weighted spectroscopy, for both water and
metabolites in the human brain at 7T.
1833. |
Diffusion Properties of
Metabolites in the Corpus Callosum at 7T: White Matter
Microstructure and Metabolite Compartmentation
Itamar Ronen1, Robert Rengelink2,
Ece Ercan1, and Andrew Webb1
1C.J. Gorter Center for High Field MRI,
Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical
Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 2Department
of Physics, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands
In this work we investigated the diffusion properties of
brain metabolites in a well-organized white matter fiber
bundle, i.e. the corpus callosum, at 7T. The results
indicate a clear difference in compartmentation among
metabolites and raise interesting questions when results
are fitted to conventional models of diffusion in given
1834. |
An empiric method for
separation of extra- and intra-cellular signal in mouse
spinal cord for q-space imaging 
Henry H. Ong1, and Felix W. Wehrli1
1Laboratory for Structural NMR Imaging,
Departement of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, United States
Q-space imaging offers potential for indirect assessment
of white matter architecture but is complicated by
signal from both extra- and intra-cellular spaces (ECS
and ICS). Here, we use an empiric method to separate ECS
and ICS signals based on different characteristics of
hindered and restricted diffusion in white matter tracts
of healthy mouse spinal cords. This method circumvents
problems with modeling or multi-exponential fitting to
distinguish the two signals. The measured mean axon
diameter show excellent agreement with histology. The
results demonstrate the feasibility of this method to
accurately separate and characterize diffusion in the
ECS and ICS.
1835. |
Incorporating DTI-derived
orientation information into a double-PFG framework
Evren Ozarslan1,2, Michal E Komlosh1,2,
and Peter J Basser1
1STBB / PPITS / NICHD, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2Center
for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine, USUHS,
Bethesda, MD, United States
Double pulsed field gradient (double-PFG) MR technique
could be an important tool that provides microstructural
information from tissue. In this study, orientation
information obtained from an independent DTI acquisition
was incorporated into a theoretical double-PFG framework
enabling accurate measurements of cell size. DTI data,
acquired in tandem, may reduce the sampling burden of
double-PFG acquisitions when the underlying fiber
orientation is known approximately, as is the case in
spinal cord. The method is used on a celery data set to
estimate the cell size in the vascular bundles of the
celery stalk.
1836. |
DWI Contrast between
Healthy and Malignant Tissue using OGSE's
Blake Walters1, and Jae Kim1
1Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute,
Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
We use a Monte Carlo simulation of diffusion in a tissue
model to analyze healthy/malignant contrast in DWI with
oscillating gradient spin echo (OGSE) sequences. Results
show that using OGSE's contrast due to the increased
nucleus-to-cell volume ratio (NCR) in malignant tissue
amounts to up to ~30% of total contrast at high (>= 40
G/cm) gradient strengths. Total contrast is maximized at
an optimum OGSE frequency. At high frequencies (>1kHz)
contrast is due only to changes in tissue cellularity.
The qualitative behaviour of contrast with OGSE
frequency can be predicted using a single calculated
effective diffusion coefficient.
1837. |
Composite inversion
recovery DTI model can seperate sub voxel components
Daniel Barazany1, and Yaniv Assaf1
1Neurobiology, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv,
Inversion recovery diffusion tensor imaging (IR-DTI)
framework presented in this work shows that integrating
different tissue characteristics allow more accurate
definition of tissue compartments. IR-DTI framework is
applicable, and requires only two DTI scans with
different TIs which will provide means to differentiate
between different sub-voxel diffusion components. The
analysis of multiple IR-DTI dataset is done by a
bi-tensor model, where each component has its own T1 and
diffusion characteristics. In this work we were able to
differentiate between the optic and sciatic nerves,
where each attribute distinct T1 and diffusivity
1838. |
Subvoxel processing-based
interpolation improves apparent q-space imaging displacement
Henry H. Ong1, and Felix W. Wehrli1
1Laboratory for Structural NMR Imaging,
Departement of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania
School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, United States
Q-space imaging (QSI) offers potential for indirect
assessment of axonal architecture (i.e. mean axon
diameter) in white matter through examination of the
displacement probability density function (d-PDF). A
major limitation is that the maximum gradient amplitude
available commercially is in-sufficient for the
displacement resolution required to accurately study
axons. In this work, we developed a subvoxel
processing-based interpolation algorithm to increase the
apparent displacement resolution and validated it with
experimental data from d-PDFs of healthy mouse spinal
cords. The results show that this method may be used to
interpolate d-PDFs up to a factor of four without loss
in accuracy.
1839. |
The relation between
distribution of effective diffusivity and multi-exponential
models in a varying microstructure: a Monte Carlo study 
Chu-Yu Lee1,2, Kevin M. Bennett3,
and Josef P. Debbins1,2
1Electrical Engineering, Arizona State
University, Tempe, AZ, United States, 2Neuroimaging
Research, Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ,
United States, 3School
of Biological and Health Systems Engineering, Arizona
State University, Tempe, AZ, United States
The non-monoexponential DWI decay at high b-values has
been attributed to the multiplicity of water diffusion
rates, which may provide the information about the water
compartmentation. The common way to compute the
diffusion rates is through the multi-exponential
analysis. The bi-exponential model assumes two diffusion
rates. Considering the multiple length scales in
tissues, the distributed exponential model makes no
assumption about the number of diffusion rates, and can
be empirically described by the stretched exponential
model (α-DWI). Those fitting models: bi-exponential and
α-DWI have a few parameters, and have been shown to
correlate with the pathology. However, it remains
difficult to pin down the underlying biophysical
mechanisms. In addition, the multi-exponential relation
is phenomenological, because each diffusion rate is no
longer associated with a mono-exponential decay when
diffusion time is long (>30 ms in a clinical DWI). In
this study, the distribution of ‘effective’
diffusivity of water molecules diffusing in a simulated
cell structure was created using Monte Carlo simulation.
DW experiments were also simulated, and the DWI signals
were fitted by the bi-exponential and α-DWI models. We
studied how the fitted parameters: Dfast, Dslow, Vfast
(fraction of Dfast) of bi-exponential fit, DDC, α of
α-DWI, tracked the distribution of effective
diffusivity when the microstructures were changed. This
may give insights into the relationship between the
phenomenological fitting models and the tissue
1840. |
An approximate analytical
formula for the long time apparent diffusion coefficient 
Jing-Rebecca Li1, Denis Grebenkov2,
Cyril Poupon3, and Denis Le Bihan3
1Equipe DEFI, INRIA-Saclay, Palaiseau Cedex,
France, 2Laboratoire
de Physique de la Matiere Condensee, CNRS -- Ecole
Polytechnique, PALAISEAU CEDEX, France, 3Neurospin,
CEA, Saclay, France
We give an approximate analytical formula for the long
time apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of the
diffusion MRI signal attenuation in two and three
dimensions. From the long time ADC measurements before
and after cell swelling, we are able to use the
analytical formula to accurately and robustly estimate
the change in the cellular volume fraction
1841. |
Diffusion in the
extra-cellular space of the rat cerebral cortex probed by
MRI and direct infusion of contrast agents
Gisela E Hagberg1, Ilgar Mamedov1,
Anthony Powers1, Michael Beyerlein1,
Hellmut Merkle2, Goran Angelovski1,
and Nikos K Logothetis1
1MPI Biological cybernetics, Tubingen,
Germany, Germany, 2LFMI-NINDS,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United
Measurements of the diffusion properties of substances
in the cerebral extra-cellular space (ECS) can be used
to study drug delivery/clearance and brain tissue
structure. Currently used methods have high sensitivity,
but are limited to single spatial points or are
performed post mortem, or has a limited depth
penetration. Here we explore the use of MRI during
direct infusion of T1 relaxating agents and mathematical
modelling for investigating ECS diffusion.
1842. |
Correlation time diffusion
MRI: comparison to pulsed field gradient diffusion in brain
imaging as a function of age 
Hernan Jara1, Stephan William Anderson1,
Jorge A Soto1, and Osamu Sakai1
1Radiology, Boston University Medical Center,
Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Purpose: To experimentally validate a correlation time
diffusion coefficient (DCT) algorithm that incorporates
the main phenomena affecting T1 relaxation: molecular
kinetics, paramagnetic and magnetization transfer
effects. Materials and Methods: The DCT technique was
applied to the brains of eleven subjects of varying age
and compared to standard pulsed field diffusion (DPFG)
MRI. Results: DCT and DPFG were in good agreement for
all patient ages studied. Conclusion: A correlation time
diffusion qMRI technique that does not involve
pulse-field-gradient diffusion sensitization, thus
yielding high spatial resolution and SNR with limited
vulnerability to motion artifact, has been developed and
1843. |
Effective diffusion tensor
computed by homogenization 
Dang Van Nguyen1, Denis Grebenkov2,
Cyril Poupon3, Denis Le Bihan3,
and Jing-Rebecca Li4
1CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau Cedex,
France, 2PMC,
Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau Cedex, France, 3Neurospin,
CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France, 4Equipe
DEFI, INRIA Saclay, Palaiseau Cedex, France
Diffusion MRI can give useful information on cellular
structure and structural change. We show that the
effective diffusion tensor obtained by mathematical
homogenization theory is a good approximation to the
long time apparent diffusion tensor under realistic DMR
scanning conditions for both isotropic and anisotropic
diffusion and general geometries. The homogenized
diffusion tensor is obtained by solving three
steady-state Laplace equations, which is a more
computationally efficient approach than long time
simulation in the time domain, either via Monte-Carlo
simulation or numerical solution of the time-dependent
Bloch-Torrey PDE.
1844. |
Temporal scaling
characteristics of diffusion as a new MRI contrast: Findings
in rat hippocampus
Evren Ozarslan1,2, Timothy M Shepherd3,
Cheng Guan Koay4, Stephen J Blackband5,
and Peter J Basser1
1STBB / PPITS / NICHD, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2Center
for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine, USUHS,
Bethesda, MD, United States,3University of
California, San Francisco, CA, 4University
of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 5University
of Florida, Gainesville, FL
An anomalous diffusion model, inspired by the theory of
diffusion in fractal and disordered media, is used to
characterize the temporal scaling (TS) properties of
diffusion MRI data acquired with multiple diffusion
times. A robust computational procedure was devised to
obtain accurate estimates even when the signal falls
below the Rician noise floor. The interplay between
diffusion anisotropy and TS was investigated. The
findings suggest the adequacy of the model as well as
the reproducibility of estimates. The TS parameters
could be used as new and useful markers of tissue
microstructure that could be altered by numerous
processes and pathologies.
Poster Session - Diffusion & Perfusion |
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the poster (Not all posters are available for viewing.)
Wednesday 9 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
1845. |
Automated Selection of
Hypointense Regions in Diffusion-Weighted Breast MRI 
Darryl McClymont1, Andrew Mehnert2,
Adnan Trakic1, Dominic Kennedy3,
and Stuart Crozier1
1University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD,
Australia, 2Chalmers
University of Technology, Sweden, 3Queensland
X-Ray, Australia
Recent research suggests that diffusion-weighted MRI can
be used to improve the sensitivity and specificity of
dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI for the detection of
breast cancer. However, to date the methods proposed for
determining a representative ADC value for a suspicious
lesion are highly varied. We propose an automated method
based on the converging squares algorithm, which is a
noise-robust minimum finding technique. We present an
evaluation of the method for computing a representative
ADC. The method is also compared to ensemble averaging
of ADC values over the entire lesion and the selection
of the global minimum ADC value.
1846. |
Diffusion MRI Diffusion
MRI of Malignant Breast Lesions using Multiple b-values:
Monoexponential and Biexponential Approaches
April M Chow1, Victor Ai2, Polly
SY Cheung3, Siu Ki Yu1, and Gladys
G Lo2
1Medical Physics & Research Department, Hong
Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Happy Valley, Hong Kong SAR,
China, 2Department
of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Hong Kong
Sanatorium & Hospital, Happy Valley, Hong Kong SAR,
China, 3Breast
Care Center, Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital, Happy
Valley, Hong Kong SAR, China
Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) characterizes the
random microscopic motion of molecules and enables
assessment of tissue microstructure. This technique has
been widely used to characterize malignant and benign
breast lesions; however, most studies only involve
implementation of monoexponential model which assumes
free and unrestricted water diffusion. In this study,
using intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) biexponential
analysis, we showed that both molecular water diffusion
and blood microcirculation contribute to the alteration
in apparent diffusion changes in malignant breast
lesions at 3 T. With the capability to quantify the
diffusion and perfusion effects separately, IVIM
analysis may be valuable for characterizing in malignant
breast lesions in
vivo non-invasively
without the use of contrast agents.
1847. |
Diagnostic Accuracy of
Diffusion-weighted MRI in comparison to Histopathology for
Detection of Lymph Node Metastases in Normal Sized Pelvic
Lymph-nodes in Patients with Bladder or Prostate Cancer
Johannes M Froehlich1, Maria Triantafyllou1,
Giuseppe Petralia1, Daniel GQ Chong1,
Peter Vermathen1, Frederic D Birkhaeuser2,
Achim Fleischmann3, Urs E Studer2,
and Harriet C Thoeny1
1Department of Radiology, University
Hospital, Bern, Switzerland, 2Department
of Urology, University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland, 3Institute
of Pathology, University, Bern, Switzerland
Diffusion-weighted MRI(DW-MRI) may help to increase the
diagnostic confidence of lymph node staging in patients
with bladder or prostate cancer. In an ongoing
prospective clinical trial 87 patients, all with normal
sized lymph nodes prior to inclusion, underwent DW-MRI
followed by surgical treatment with radical
lymphadenectomy. A first prospective reading yielded a
sensitivity of 56%, specificity of 64.5%, PPV of 39%,
NPV of 78.4% and diagnostic accuracy of 62.1%,
respectively. Three independent readers blinded for all
clinical information performed a second reading with
even slightly improved results. In comparison to
morphological imaging DW-MRI improves the diagnostic
1848. |
Impact of Kurtosis
Diffusion Weighted Imaging on the detection of liver and
kidney abnormalities at 1.5 and 3 Tesla
Jan Hansmann1, Andreas Lemke2,
Jens Wambsganss1, Mathias Meyer1,
Miriam Reichert1, Stefan O. Schoenberg1,
and Ulrike I. Attenberger1
1Institute of Clinical Radiology and Nuclear
Medicine, University Medical Center Mannheim, Mannheim,
BW, Germany, 2Computer
Assisted Clinical Medicine, University Medical Center
Mannheim, Mannheim, BW, Germany
Diffusion kurtosis parameter maps of the abdomen were
obtained in 118 consecutive patients at 1.5 and 3 Tesla
with 6 b-values (b=0-100-500-1000-1500-2000 s/mm).
Kurtosis values in normal parenchyma and a variety of
kidney and liver lesions (cysts, benign and malignant
tumors) were assessed and compared using the
Wilcoxon-Rang-Sum test. Results show statistically
signifcant differences in kurtosis values between normal
parenchyma and the assessed lesions. Thus, kurtosis
imaging of liver and kidney lesions is feasible at 1.5
and 3 Tesla and allows for a differentiation of various
lesions compared to normal parenchmya based on kurtosis
1849. |
Drug modulation of ADC and
IVIM parameters in the native rat kidney measured using
parallel imaging with standard vendor coils on a 1.5T
clinical system. 
Neil Peter Jerome1, Jessica K R Boult1,
Matthew Orton1, David J Collins1,2,
Simon P Robinson1, and Dow-Mu Koh2
1CRUK-EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre, The
Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, United
Kingdom, 2Department
of Radiology, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey,
United Kingdom
The superior hardware and development of clinical MR
imaging systems make them attractive for preclinical
studies; limited signal, and thus spatial resolution,
for small animal work can in part be overcome by use of
parallel imaging with combinations of vendor coils. We
demonstrate the use of a clinical 1.5 T system in
acquiring diffusion images of normal rat kidney with
isotropic resolution 1.5 mm3, and show
sensitivity to changes in diffusion and flow parameters
obtained from fitting ADC and IVIM diffusion models
following administration of hydralazine (systemic
vasodilator), furosemide (loop diuretic), and
angiotensin II (systemic vasoconstrictor).
1850. |
Comparison of Different
Models for Analysis of Renal Diffusion Imaging
Jinxia Zhu1, Claudia Lenz1, Markus
Klarhfer1, Oliver Bieri1, Klaus
Scheffler2,3, and Gregor Sommer4
1Radiological Physics, University of Basel
Hospital, Basel, Switzerland, 2MRC
Department, MPI for Biological Cybernetics, Tbingen,
Germany, 3Department
of Neuroimaging and MR-Physics, University of Tbingen,
Tbingen, Germany, 4Department
of Radiology, University of Basel Hospital, Basel,
Compared to the traditional mono-exponential model, the
application of more complex models (stretched
exponential model, diffusional kurtosis model, and
bi-exponential model) to analyze the renal diffusion
weighted MRI data can result in valuable additional
insight into pathological processes, for example, benign
cysts and renal cell carcinoma. In this research, we
compared these four different models to demonstrate that
renal pathologies can be differentiated from healthy
tissue by applying higher order diffusion models to DWI
data consisting of multiple diffusion weightings.
1851. |
The influence of
Holmium-166 loaded microspheres on diffusion weighted
imaging: an ex-vivo study 
Gerrit H van de Maat1, Maarten AD Vente2,
Johannes FW Nijsen2, and Chris JG Bakker2
1Image Sciences Institute, University Medical
Center, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Department
of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Netherlands
The influence of holmium-166 loaded microspheres (Ho-PLLA-MS)
on diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) was investigated
using an ex-vivo pig liver into which a non-radioactive
therapeutic amount of Ho-PLLA-MS was administered.
Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) maps were
constructed from DWI data and R2* maps were constructed
from multi gradient echo data, prior to and after
administration of Ho-PLLA-MS. No significant changes
were observed in ADC values at locations where
microspheres did lodge in the liver tissue according to
the R2* maps. This indicates that treatment response
measurements after radioembolization with Ho-PLLA-MS
using DWI are not hampered by the presence of the
ADC increase following
radiotherapy is a proxy for necrotic but not apoptotic cell
death in LoVo Tumour Xenografts 
Daniel Peter Burke1, Kaye Williams2,
John Charles Waterton1, Muhammed Babur2,
and James O'Connor1
1Imaging Sciences, University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom, 2School
of Pharmacy, University of Manchester, Manchester,
United Kingdom
Cancer drug development requires novel imaging
biomarkers to detect response to an intervention and
enable treatment efficacy to be gauged at an early time
point. The Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) has been
postulated as a biomarker of cell death. The
relationship between ADC and necrosis or apoptosis
requires investigation to further validate ADC. In
preclinical models of LoVo colorectal cancer ADC was
found to increase in response to radiotherapy treatment
and to be correlated with necrosis but not apoptosis
(p=0.001 vs. p=0.09). Chemotherapy was observed to
decrease ADC with no correlation between ADC and
necrosis or apoptosis (p=0.30 vs. p=0.28).
1853. |
Repeatability of diffusion
weighted magnetic resonance imaging in rectal cancer at
Martijn Intven1, Onne Reerink1,
and Marielle E.P. Philippens1
1Radiation Oncology, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht,
In rectal cancer, DW-MRI is increasingly used to select
candidates for organ-sparing treatment after
neo-adjuvant therapy. Quantitative response evaluation
or prediction is based on serial DW-MRI. Assessment of
the precision of ADC values is mandatory to distinguish
therapy related response from measurement variations. In
this study, in 14 patients, the repeatability of DW-MRI
in rectal cancer was assessed at 1.5T. A repeatability
coefficient for the rectal tumor of 10.0% was found for
measurements in one MRI protocol, compared to 6.6% in
the reference structure, the prostate central gland.
Differences in ADC values of >10% can be interpreted as
therapy related response in rectal cancer.
1854. |
Apparent Diffusion
Coefficient Estimation in Prostate DW-MRI using Maximum
Valentin Hamy1, Simon Walker-Samuel2,
David Atkinson1, and Shonit Punwani1
1Centre for Medical Imaging, UCL, London,
United Kingdom, 2Centre
for Advanced Biomedical Imaging, UCL, London, United
The problem of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)
estimation from Rician distributed diffusion-weighted
magnetic resonance (DW-MR) data is addressed. The least
squares (LS) algorithm, widely used in clinical
practice, is known to produce biased estimates as it
considers the noise as normally distributed. Maximum
likelihood (ML) can provide a more robust alternative.
In this study based on prostate cancer DW-MR, we
compared LS and ML efficiency, for signal to noise
ratios typical of the different types of tissue. The ML
approach provided significantly less biased estimates
than the LS, potentially allowing better accuracy in
prostate cancer grading from MR images.
1855. |
Finite Element Simulation
and Visualisation of Hyperpolarised Gas Diffusivity
Distributions in Models of Lung Airways
Juan Parra-Robles1, and Jim M Wild1
1Academic Unit of Radiology, University of
Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
In this work, we use histological sections to generate
computer models of acinar airways. Using these models,
finite element computer simulations of 3He and 129Xe gas
diffusion in the lungs are implemented. The results of
these simulations are presented here through maps of
microscopic magnetization and diffusivity distributions.
This approach to the simulation and visualization of the
results helps provide a better understanding of the
different length scales and diffusion regimes present in
lung diffusion MR experiments.
1856. |
Experimental investigation
of the non-Gaussian diffusion of 129 Xe
in human lungs
Juan Parra-Robles1, Xiaojun Xu1,
Martin H Deppe1, Steven R Parnell1,
Helen Marshall1, and Jim M Wild1
1Academic Unit of Radiology, University of
Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Short-range diffusion of 3He in the lungs is
non-Gaussian and the b-dependence of the ADC has been
used to extract morphometric information about the
geometry of acinar airways. Due to the lower diffusivity
of 129Xe, it may be more sensitive than 3He to airway
changes caused by emphysema. However, the measurement of
ADC at multiple b values is challenging for 129Xe due to
the lower SNR and the longer diffusion times required to
obtain large b values. In this work we present
preliminary results of the measurement of the
b-dependent ADC of 129Xe in healthy human volunteers.
1857. |
Relating Diffusion Tensor
MRI-Derived Alterations in Myocardial Microstructure to
Reduced Wall Motion in Hypertensive Left Ventricular
Archontis Giannakidis1, Alexander I Veress2,
Mustafa Janabi1, James P O'Neil1,
Osama M Abdullah3, Edward W Hsu3,
and Grant T Gullberg1,4
1Radiotracer Development and Imaging
Technology, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Berkeley, California, United States, 2Department
of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington,
Seattle, Washington, United States, 3Bioengineering,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 4Radiology,
University of California San Francisoc, San Francisco,
California, United States
DT-MRI delineation of microstructural alterations and
temporal evolution of ventricular wall mechanics in
hypertensive left ventricular hypertrophy
1858. |
Effect of b-value on DTI
sensitivity in revealing myocardial structure degradation in
rabbit models with acute myocardium infarction
Yin Wu1,2, Chao Zou1,2, Wei Liu1,2,
Wei-Qi Liao1,2, and Ed X. Wu3,4
1Paul C. Lauterbur Research Center for
Biomedical Imaging, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced
Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen,
Guangdong, China, 2Key
Lab of Health Informatics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 3Laboratory
of Biomedical Imaging and Signal Processing, The
University of Hong Kong, Pukfulam, Hong Kong, 4Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Pukfulam, Hong Kong
The free Gaussian process of water diffusion assumed in
conventional DTI was found to not apply with increase of
diffusion strength. In this study, effect of b-value on
detecting myocardial structural alteration was assessed
in infarcted rabbit models. Non-monoexponential
diffusion manner was confirmed in both infarct and
control groups. FA and radial diffusivity were found to
alter significantly in infarct and/or adjacent regions,
and the sensitivity to detect their statistical
differences among all the groups were b-value dependent
with the greatest total number of statistical
significances occurred at b-values of 750 to 2000 s/mm2.
The study demonstrated the important effect of diffusion
strength on DTI index characterization and emphasized
the necessity of optimizing b-value for better
monitoring and detecting myocardial structural
1859. |
DTI and Tractography of
the Normal Human Thigh: In-depth Analysis 
Caleb Robert Dulaney1, Juebin Huang2,
Manohar Roda3, Alexander P Auchus2,
and Judy Rose James3
1School of Medicine, University of
Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, MS, United States, 2Department
of Neurology, University of Mississippi Medical Center,
Jackson, MS, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Mississippi Medical Center,
Jackson, MS, United States
This study explores the ability of DTI to analyze the
functional architecture of a normal thigh muscle and
explore the changes in DTI parameters from within
various muscle compartments. DTI parameters in normal
thighs were quantified and significant measureable
differences between muscles in different parts of the
thigh have been reported. DTI could potentially be used
to detect subtle changes in skeletal muscles in diseases
such as inflammatory myopathies or muscular dystrophies.
These novel imaging markers may shed light on early
detection, differential diagnosis, and monitoring of
skeletal muscle diseases.
1860. |
Functional DTI in
Voluntarily Contracted Human Calf Muscles Using an MR
Compatible Ergometer 
Patrick Hiepe1, Daniel Gllmar1,
Christian Ros1, Tobias Siebert2,
Alexander Gussew1, Reinhard Rzanny1,
and Jrgen R. Reichenbach1
1Department of Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology 1, Medical Physics Group, Jena University
Hospital, Jena, Thuringia, Germany, 2Institute
of Sportscience - Science of Motion, Friedrich-Schiller
University, Jena, Thuringia, Germany
Knowledge about the 3D architecture of muscles is
important, first, for a deeper understanding of
contraction dynamics and muscle deformation, and second,
as a prerequisite for the development of realistic
finite-element muscle models. DTI provides valuable
information about muscle architecture in normal and
diseased states. In this work we introduce a framework
including an MR compatible ergometer with monitoring and
visual feedback options to perform DTI measurements
during voluntarily muscle contractions at different
joint angles. Data acquisition was performed in the
right lower leg of one healthy volunteer where we found
in activated muscles significant changes of DTI
1861. |
Does Attenuation of
Perfusion in Diffusion Weighted-MRI Behave as Exponential
Decay or as Damped Oscillation?
Paul Martin Murphy1, Nikolaus Szeverenyi1,
Claude Sirlin1, and Mark Bydder1
1Radiology, University of California - San
Diego, San Diego, CA, United States
In liver, the signal decay of diffusion-weighted MR
images has been modeled both as a mono-exponential
function, representing apparent diffusion, and as a
bi-exponential function, representing the separate
attenuation of perfusion. Parameters of these models
vary in several hepatic disease processes. Early
diffusion theory predicted that signal from small vessel
perfusion may decay as a sinc function, rather than as
an exponential. We demonstrate this form of damped
oscillation in a flow phantom and in liver in vivo. This
effect may allow measurement of small vessel flow
velocity in hepatic disease if temporal confounders can
be excluded as its cause.
Poster Session - Diffusion & Perfusion |
Click on
to view
the abstract pdf. Click on
to view
the poster (Not all posters are available for viewing.)
Wednesday 9 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
1862. |
Relationship Among Markers
of Cerebral Integrity with Aging 
S. Andrea Wijtenburg1, Stephen McGuire2,
David Sherman3, Laura M Rowland1,
and Peter Kochunov1
1Maryland Psychiatric Research Center,
Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School
of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Aerospace
Medicine Consultation Division, Dayton, OH, United
States, 3Neuroradiology,
59th Medical Wing, Lackland AFB, TX, United States
We used a multimodal MR protocol, which combined DTI
with 1H
MRS and 3D white matter lesion mapping to ascertain
changes in biologically important spectroscopy markers
and white matter lesion burden associated with changes
in FA values. The data were collected in two samples:
middle-aged and elderly healthy adults. Our findings
demonstrate that age-related decline in FA values is
associated with a decline in NAA concentrations in both
middle-aged and elderly individuals.
On the Stability of
Skeleton-Based Analyses of Diffusion Tensor MRI-based
Sonya Bells1, Luke Dustan1, David
J McGonigle1,2, C John Evans1, and
Derek K Jones1
1School of Psychology, CUBRIC, Cardiff,
Wales, United Kingdom, 2School
of Biosciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales,
United Kingdom
Tract based spatial statistics provides a unique tool to
assess brain connectivity. However, the stability of
performance-microstructure measurements and hemispheric
asymmetries are unknown and is explored here using
bootstrapping (100 permutations, 24 participants (omit
4)). The cross-correlation among all 100 permutations
were calculated and have a heterogeneous
cross-correlation matrix. Furthermore, significant white
matter tracts were very different among permutations
demonstrating low stability. On the other hand,
hemispheric symmetric measurements were far more stable.
Importantly, we showed using a resampling method that
for three different behavioural measures the stability
for a literature average number of participants (N=20)
was low.
1864. |
Short term learning
induced white matter plasticity in the fornix 
Shir Hofstetter1, Ido Tavor1,
Shimrit Tzur-Moryosef1, Tamar Blumenfeld
Katzir1, and Yaniv Assaf1
1Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel,
Previous studies in our lab found changes in DTI
parameters after short term learning task in humans and
rats, mainly in the hippocampus. We investigated whether
changes in the fornix accompany these modifications,
using TBSS. Changes in FA and MD were found in humans
after 2 hours of learning task, and reduction in MD in
rats undergoing short training in Morris water maze.
Additionally, correlation of MD change in the
hippocampus with changes in the fornix was detected in
all groups. This work provides first indication of short
term white matter plasticity that can be detected with
1865. |
The association of
elevated body mass index with reduced fractional anisotropy
using Tract-Based Spatial Statistics and Tract-Specific
Keigo Shimoji1, Shigeki Aoki1,
Osamu Abe2, Takanori Uka3,
Yoshifumi Tamura4, Koji Kamagata1,
Koichi Asahi1, Masaaki Hori1,
Atsushi Nakanishi1, and Yasmin Hasina1
1Department of Radiology, Juntendo University
Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, 2Department
of Radiology, Nihon University Graduate School of
Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, 3Department
of Neurophysiology, Juntendo University Graduate School
of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, 4Department
of Metabolism and Endocrinology, Juntendo University
Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
We explore the regional pattern of white matter
alteration in metabolic subjects. In addition, we
investigate whether white matter alteration was related
to BMI. TBSS analysis revealed significantly lower FA
values in metabolic subjects compared to normal control
subjects in the part of the right external capsule, the
entire corpus callosum and part of deep white matter of
the right frontal lobe. By using tract-specific
analysis, the mean FA value of right inferior fronto-occipital
fasciculus was significantly lower in metabolic subjects
compared with normal control subjects. A significantly
statistical negative correlation was observed between
BMI and FA values of right inferior fronto-occipital
1866. |
Mapping Microstructural
Correlations of White Matter in the Human Brain Using Seed-Voxel
Correlation Analysis of DTI 
Charvi Shetty1, Yi-Ou Li1, Julia
Owen1, Matthew Malter Cohen2, BJ
Casey2, and Pratik Mukherjee1
1Radiology, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United
States, 2Sackler
Institue for Developmental Psychobiology, Weill Medical
Colege of Cornell University, New York, NY, United
In this work, we use seed-voxel correlation (SVC) as a
means to assess the microstructural correlations between
white matter tracts in the normal, adult brain. We
compare our results with SVC to those obtained with
independent component analysis (ICA), as previously
published. We find 36 similar pairs of maps and we are
able to uncover frontal fiber tracts not found
previously. The results reveal that ICA and SVC yield
complimentary, as well as, overlapping maps of spatially
correlated white matter tissue.
1867. |
Comparison of Diffusion
Tensor Imaging-Derived Fractional Anisotropy in Multiple
Vendors at 1.5T
Kousaku Saotome 1,2, Akira Matsushita 1,
Tomonori Isobe 3, Eisuke Satou 4,
Satoru Osuka 3, Yoshiyuki Ishimori 5,
Akira Matsumura 1, and Yoshiyuki Sankai 1
1Center for Cybernics Research, University of
Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 2Tsukuba
Medical Center Hospital, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 3University
of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 4Kitasato
University, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, 5Ibaraki
Prefectural University of Health Sciences, Ami, Ibaraki,
1868. |
Comparisons of Distance
Function Based Permutation Testing in Diffusion Tensor-MRI
with Multiple Sclerosis Induced Microstructural Variations 
Lingchih Lin1, Jianhui Zhong1,2,
and Walter G. O'Dell3
1Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, United States, 2Department
of Imaging Sciences, University of Rochester, Rochester,
NY, United States, 3Department
of Radiation Oncology, University of Florida,
Gainesville, FL, United States
The distributions of inter- and intra- distances within
and between groups of subjects are compared by
Euclidean, Squared Euclidean, and Log-Euclidean based
distance functions for DT-MRI to calculate the exact
p-values in the permutation testing. A novel approach by
approximating the tail distributions of distance
functions as the test statistics from a generalized
Pareto model (GPD) is proposed to increase the
sensitivity of detection and computation efficiency at
the same time. Higher ratios of deterioration induced by
multiple sclerosis are detected from Log-Euclidean based
distance functions compared to mean and median based
distance functions in a larger portion of regions of
corpus callosum and corona radiata. Densities of
distribution function are quantified by parameters
estimated from maximizing likelihood, and compared with
methods of moments, and probability weighted moments.
1869. |
Cortical Surface Based
Representation of Diffusion: A Marmoset Study
Mustafa Okan Irfanoglu1,2, Frank Q Ye3,
Evren zarslan1, David Leopold3,
Afonso C Silva4, and Carlo Pierpaoli1
1NIH, NICHD, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2Center
for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine, Uniformed
Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda,
MD, United States, 3NIH,
NIMH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 4NIH,
NINDS, Bethesda, MD, United States
Diffusion in the brain cortex has a complicated
structuture. Traditional image axes based coordinate
frameworks might not be suitable to analyze finer level
details of this process and a new representation may be
needed. In this work, we propose to analyze the
diffusion properties relative to a "cortex based
coordinate framework". We use an ex-vivo marmoset data
to analyze the diffusion both wit the tensor and
spherical harmonics model.
1870. |
New Non-linear Color
Look-up Table for Fractional Anisotropy Demonstrated on
Multiple System Atrophy
Jiri Keller1,2, Aaron Michael Rulseh1,
Arnost Komrek3, Iva Latnerov1,
Robert Rusina4, Jiri Klempr5,
Katerina Zrubov6, and Josef Vymazal1
1RDG, Na Homolce Hospital, Prague 5, Prague,
Czech Republic, 2Neurology,
3rd Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague, Prague
10, Czech Republic, 3Faculty
of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague,
Czech Republic, 4Department
of Neurology, Faculty Thomayer Hospital, Czech Republic, 5Department
of Neurology and Center of Clinical Neuroscience, 1st
Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, 6Department
of Neurology, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles
University, Czech Republic
To facilitate the assessment of fractional anisotropy
(FA) in daily clinical practice, we propose a new
non-linear colour look-up table (LUT) based on healthy
subject data (in the present study 76 volunteers). Our
approach can be used to build a site-specific LUT,
especially relevant considering the variability of
signal-to-noise ratio. The LUT has been tested on a
cohort 17 multiple system atrophy (MSA) subjects, 13
Parkinson disease subjects and 17 healthy volunteers.
Three blinded radiologists achieved an average
sensitivity of 88% (65-100%) and specificity of 93%
(80-100%) in differentiating MSA from other groups
solely using this method.
1871. |
In vivo diffusion tensor
derived fiber orientation failed to detect secondary axonal
Joong Hee Kim1, and Sheng-Kwei Song1
1Radiology, Washington University School of
Medicine, St. Louis, MO, United States
The sensitivity of DTI derived anisotropy, diffusivity,
and tractography to primary and secondary white matter
injury was examined. Rat spinal cords undergoing right
lateral transection or sham operation were examined
using DTI at acute and 7 days after injury. At acute,
the axial diffusivity localized the epicenter with
severe diffusivity reduction where diffusion anisotropy
failed to detect the injury. At 7 days after injury,
both axial diffusivity and anisotropy visualized the
diffuse axonal injury from epicenter in close agreement
with histological validation. However, the main
orientation of axonal fiber was largely preserved
failing to detect the axonal injury.
1872. |
Evaluation of pre-defined
atlas based ROIs for the analysis of DTI data in Normal
Brain Development. 
Amritha Nayak1,2, Lindsay Walker1,2,
Carlo Pierpaoli3, and The Brain Development
Cooperative Group4
1STBB-PPITS, National Instritutes of Health,
NICHD, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2Center
for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine (CNRM),
Bethesda, MD, United States,3National
Instritutes of Health, NICHD, Bethesda, MD, United
We have evaluated the Atlas based image analysis using
Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping (LDDMM)
on DTI age specific group average brains that have been
created from a large cohort (0-22 yrs) of subjects that
were recruited as part of the NIH MRI Study of Normal
Brain Development project. Our goal has been to
understand the utility of the atlas based method in
accurately handling and extracting diffusion values that
are representative both of the underlying structure and
normal development.
1873. |
Functional diffusion maps
(fDMs) in glioblastoma treated with dendritic cell therapy.
Robert J. Harris1,2, Robert M. Prins3,
Whitney B. Pope1, Timothy M. Cloughesy4,
Linda M. Liau3, and Benjamin M. Ellingson1,2
1Radiological Sciences, David Geffen School
of Medicine, University of California - Los Angeles, Los
Angeles, CA, United States, 2Biomedical
Physics, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of
California - Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United
States, 3Neurosurgery,
David Geffen School of Medicine, University of
California - Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United
States, 4Neurology,
David Geffen School of Medicine, University of
California - Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Immunogenic dendritic cells have recently been studied
as a novel therapy for human brain tumors. In this
study, we examine MRI anatomical and diffusion data for
ten patients before and after dendritic cell treatment.
Functional diffusion maps were calculated using serial
diffusion images. One patient with a clear partial
response showed a decrease in the volume of decreasing
ADC voxels coupled with an increase in increasing ADC
voxels during the time following treatment, while two
patients with progressive disease showed opposite
trends. This suggests that a steadily decreasing volume
of decreased ADC following therapy is associated with a
favorable response.
1874. |
Predicting T1 information
from diffusion image data
Yogesh Rathi1, Oleg Michailovich2,
Sylvain Bouix3, Martha Shenton3,
and Carl-Fredrik Westin3
1Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United
States, 2ECE,
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, 3Harvard
Medical School
In this work, we propose a novel method for obtaining a
T1-weighted MR image from a diffusion MRI scan. Existing
measures of diffusion, such as, FA, entropy, etc. do not
provide enough contrast between gray matter and CSF
regions. The proposed algorithm produces images that can
better delineate the different tissue types just like a
T1 image. The predicted T1 images can be used in
registration, segmentation and visualization of fiber
Quantitative Magnetization
Transfer and Diffusion Tensor Imaging Provide Complementary
White Matter Information 
Gerard Thompson1, Sha Zhao1, and
Alan Jackson1
1University of Manchester, Manchester, United
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has been widely used to
study white matter in health and disease. Quantitative
magnetization transfer (qMT) imaging has also been used
to a lesser extent. We provide evidence that fractional
anisotropy (FA) form DTI and bound fraction (f) from qMT
provide complementary information in white matter.
Importantly, f remains high even in areas of reduced FA
due to fiber crossing. A combination of f and FA may
therefore provide complementary information about white
matter in health and disease, and allow interrogation of
regions of fiber crossing and sub-cortical regions not
normally assessable using FA alone.
Poster Session - Diffusion & Perfusion |
Click on
to view
the abstract pdf. Click on
to view
the poster (Not all posters are available for viewing.)
Wednesday 9 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
1876. |
In vivo imaging
of fiber pathways of the human brain with ultra-high
Van J Wedeen 1, Lawrence L Wald 1,
Julien Cohen-Adad 1, M Dylan Tisdall 1,
Jennifer A McNab 1, Ruopeng Wang 1,
Thomas Witzel 1, Ralph Kimmlingen 2,
Eva Eberlein 2, Philipp Hoecht 3,
Boris Keil 1, Juergen Nistler 2,
Dietmar Lehne 2, Keith Heberlein 3,
Herbert Thein 2, Franz Schmitt 2,
Jack Van Horn 4, Arthur Toga 4, and
Bruce R Rosen 1
1A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany, 3Siemens
Healthcare, Boston, MA, United States, 4Laboratory
of Neuro Imaging, Dept. of Neurology, UCLA, Los Angeles,
CA, United States
1877. |
Sub-millimeter diffusion
MRI at 7T: Does resolution matter? 
Robin Martin Heidemann1, Alfred Anwander1,
Thorsten Feiweier2, Cornelius Eichner1,
Ralf Ltzkendorf3, Johannes Bernarding3,
Thomas R Knsche1, and Robert Turner1
1Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and
Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 2Siemens
Healthcare Sector, Erlangen, Germany, 3Otto
von Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany
An isotropic sub-millimeter spatial resolution can be
achieved in diffusion MRI using advanced acquisition
strategies and hardware at 7T. It is shown that an
isotropic resolution of 1 mm results in micro-structural
maps with more details, especially in the cortex,
compared to 1.5 mm isotropic resolution. We show results
based on diffusion acquisitions with 800 m isotropic
resolution, showing fine structures even in basal
regions of the brain, such as the Thalamus.
1878. |
High Resolution DTI using
Highly Undersampled Variable Desnity Acquisition and iCORNOL
Wenchuan Wu1, Sheng Fang2, Chun
Yuan1,3, and Hua Guo1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging Research,
Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of
Medicine, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2Institute
of nuclear and new energy technology, Tsinghua
Univerisity, Beijing, China, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
United States
Combined variable density spiral (VDS) and improved
CORNOL was proposed to acquire high spatio-temporal
resolution diffusion tensor images. The oversampled data
from VDS central k space provides self-navigation
capability, thus they can be used to correct motion
induced phase error induced by motion sensitive
diffusion gradients. Additionally, VDS is a suitable
candidate for nonlinear reconstruction as the
undersampling artifacts are incoherent. CORNOL is a kind
of nonlinear reconstruction methods that can effectively
suppress incoherent aliasing artifacts while maintaining
image structure details for highly undersampled data.
Preliminary results show that with a reduction factor of
4, VDS and CORNOL combination for high resolution
diffusion tensor imaging has less artifacts and better
structure details compared to CG-SENSE.
1879. |
Multi Slice Localized
Parallel Excitation for EPI applications: first results in
Denis Kokorin1,2, Martin Haas1,
Stefanie Buchenau1, Jrgen Hennig1,
and Maxim Zaitsev1
1Department of Radiology, Medical Physics,
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2International
Tomography Center, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Parallel transmission in combination with spatially
selective excitation allows a reduction of field of view
in the phase encoding direction. In this study this
principle was examined for multi slice inner volume
imaging and the advantages for artifact suppression in
EPI are presented. The method was tested in vivo for DWI
applications on Siemens MAGNETOM TRIO human system with
8 channel TxArray extension.
1880. |
Combined RS-EPI and SAP-EPI
for High Resolution Diffusion-Weighted Imaging 
Murat Aksoy1, Samantha J Holdsworth1,
Rafael O'Halloran1, and Roland Bammer1
1Center for Quantitative Neuroimaging,
Department of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States
We propose a novel high resolution diffusion-weighted
imaging sequence that combines readout-segmented (RS)-EPI
and short-axis propeller (SAP)-EPI readouts. The RS-EPI
image provides a high resolution diffusion-weighted
image, whereas the SAP-EPI readout acts as a navigator
for both the RS-EPI and SAP-EPI readout and is also used
to form a second diffusion weighted image with a higher
T2-weighting and thus additional diffusion-weighted
1881. |
Pushing the Resolution of
3D Spin Echo Diffusion Acquisition 
J. L. Holtrop1, A. T. Van2, and B.
P. Sutton1,3
1Bioengineering, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 2Electrical
and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 3Beckman
Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, IL, United States
High resolution diffusion weighted imaging can provide
more accurate information on structural connectivity of
small fiber structures. Achieving high resolution with
diffusion weighting provides many challenges. Among
these challenges is the need to achieve sufficient SNR.
We propose an approach to diffusion imaging that
increases SNR efficiency by employing a multi-slab
strategy which is used to optimize the TR and combine
this with a multi-shot 3D encoding and motion induced
phase error correction. The strategy, employed along
with advances in image reconstruction, enable the
acquisition of 1mm isotropic diffusion weighted images.
Examples are shown for a whole brain study.
1882. |
Single-Shot Fast Spin-echo Imaging and the Effects of Eddy
Currents: Preliminary Investigation
Valentina Taviani1, Jean H. Brittain2,
Bruce D. Collick3, Diego Hernando1,
Nathan S. Artz1, and Scott B. Reeder1,4
1Department of Radiology, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States, 2Applied
Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Madison, WI, United
States, 3GE
Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States, 4Department
of Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
WI, United States
Diffusion-prepared (DP) fast spin-echo (FSE) techniques
could potentially produce distortion-free,
diffusion-weighted images with high SNR and high
resolution. However, the large diffusion-sensitizing
gradients applied during the preparation can produce
eddy-current-induced phase shifts at the time of
magnetization tip-up, resulting in an unwanted
modulation of the transverse magnetization. In this work
we demonstrate the improved eddy current properties of a
twice-refocused diffusion preparation scheme when
compared to previously reported once-refocused
preparations and we show preliminary phantom data
obtained with a DP single-shot FSE technique and the
twice-refocused diffusion-encoding scheme.
1883. |
How to avoid artifacts
from the FID of the first RF pulse in a twice-refocused
spin-echo diffusion-weighted sequence
Zoltan Nagy1, Nikolaus Weiskopf1,
and David L Thomas2
1Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging,
University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Institute
of Neurology, Department of Brain Repair and
Rehabilitation, University College London, London,
United Kingdom
In the twice-refocused spin echo sequence for diffusion
encoding several pathways may lead to a measurable
signal, of which, only the twice-refocused spin echo
should be acquired. Here we show that there is adequate
signal from FID of the 1st RF pulse and care must be
taken to make sure the diffusion-weighting and crusher
gradients do not cancel each other for any of the
diffusion-encoding directions. A general solution is
hard to achieve because the gradient timings depend on
the TE, gradient amplitude, etc but one solution may be
to always use crushers orthogonal to the diffusion
encoding direction.
1884. |
Compensation for bias from
unwanted gradient contributions in STEAM diffusion MRI 
Daniel C Alexander1, and Tim B Dyrby2
1Centre for Medical Image Computing, Dept.
Computer Science, UCL, London, United Kingdom, 2Danish
Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Copenhagen
University Hospital Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Denmark
We present a simple method to avoid bias introduced by
crusher and slice select gradients in stimulated echo
diffusion MRI. We demonstrate the necessity of using
such a compensation in classical diffusion tensor
imaging and ActiveAx axon diameter index mapping.
1885. |
q-Space Trajectories for
Faster q-Space Sampling
Stephen R Yutzy1, Sudhir K Pathak2,
Kevin Jarbo2, Walter Schneider2,
and Fernando E Boada1
1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Psychology,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
As white matter tractography grows in popularity, its
frequently lengthy acquisition times become more
problematic. We propose the q-space trajectory, where
multiple points in q-space are sampled within each TR,
as a reconstruction-independent method for accelerating
these acquisitions. Comparable orientation distribution
functions are obtained from a conventional DSI sequence
and an accelerated q-space trajectory version of the
same diffusion directions. The q-space trajectory
technique is compatible with other acceleration methods
such as compressed sensing and multi-band imaging.
1886. |
Acceleration strategy for
navigated diffusion imaging
Bruno Madore1, Jr-Yuan Chiou1,
Renxin Chu1, Tzu-Cheng Chao2, and
Stephan E. Maier1
1Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical
School, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, United
States, 2Department
of Computer Science and Information Engineering,
National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
A fast-imaging strategy is presented, to accelerate data
acquisition in segmented MR diffusion imaging. Navigator
echoes are typically employed to correct for motion
effects in multi-shot diffusion imaging. A
spatially-smooth representation of the object is
obtained from a small region around k-space center, and
only phase information is used for motion correction. On
the other hand, in the field of accelerated MRI,
spatially-smooth signal is often called prior
knowledge, and only magnitude information in an
x-y-frequency space is used for regularization purposes.
The proposed approach fully exploits the available
navigator signal, phase and magnitude, toward
accelerated motion-corrected diffusion imaging.
1887. |
Feasibility study of fast
diffusion tensor imaging based on distributed compressed
Yin Wu1,2, Yan-Jie Zhu1,2, Wei Liu1,2,
Qiu-Yang Tang1,2, Yi-Shuo An1,2,
Ed X. Wu3,4, Leslie Ying5, and
Dong Liang1,2
1Paul C. Lauterbur Research Center for
Biomedical Imaging, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced
Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen,
Guangdong, China, 2Key
Lab of Health Informatics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, 3Laboratory
of Biomedical Imaging and Signal Processing, The
University of Hong Kong, Pukfulam, Hong Kong, 4Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Pukfulam, Hong Kong, 5Department
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States
DTI is a powerful tool to probe microstructure of
biological tissues, but usually suffered from lengthy
data acquisition. In the current study, theory of
distributed compressed sensing (DCS) was applied to test
its feasibility of accelerating DTI data sampling.
Reconstruction performance was found to be related with
SNR and reduction factor based on simulation study. Good
reconstruction accuracy was numerically and visually
achieved even at high accelerating rate of 4 for the
experimental data. All the results indicate the
feasibility of DCS to speed DTI data acquisition, which
would greatly help to broaden its potential practical
applications in the future.
1888. |
Effects of Compressed
Sensing Reconstruction on Kurtosis Tensor Fitting in
Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Jonathan I. Sperl1, Marion I. Menzel1,
Ek T. Tan2, Kedar Khare2, Kevin F.
King3, Christopher J. Hardy2, and
Luca Marinelli2
1GE Global Research, Garching n. Munich, BY,
Germany, 2GE
Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States, 3GE
Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States
Diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) not only provides
angular information about diffusivity in the brain but
also radial information such as diffusional kurtosis.
Due to the non-Gaussian noise distribution in DSI, a
standard least-squares fitting of diffusion and kurtosis
tensor induces bias on the fitted tensor elements and
the subsequently derived scalar measures such as mean
kurtosis. This work is intended to show that compressed
sensing reconstruction in q-space, which is used to
accelerate DSI by enabling undersampled acquisitions,
also helps to reduce the bias on the data and by this
means improve the estimation of kurtosis.
1889. |
Anisotropic error
propagation in q-ball
Rdiger Stirnberg1, Tony Stcker1,
and N. Jon Shah1,2
1Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine - 4,
Forschungszentrum Jlich, Jlich, Germany, 2Department
of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, JARA, RWTH Aachen
University, Aachen, Germany
Several publications have addressed the analysis of
anisotropic error propagation in DTI, i.e. as a function
of fibre orientation. Recently, model-free diffusion
imaging methods requiring high angular resolved
diffusion imaging acquisitions have gained in
popularity, e.g. q-ball imaging (QBI). In this abstract,
QBI error anisotropy without and with noise (Monte Carlo
simulation) is compared for different encoding scheme
types with 30 to 240 directions and constant number of
excitations. It is shown that QBI error anisotropy
converges to a minimum with increasing numbers of
diffusion weighting directions provided an encoding
scheme type offering a high degree of uniformity is
1890. |
Optimal ordering of
diffusion MRI measurements: An extremely efficient and
effective approach
Cheng Guan Koay1, Samuel A Hurley1,
and M. Elizabeth Meyerand1
1Department of Medical Physics, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States
Diffusion MRI measurements are acquired sequentially
with unit gradient directions that are distributed
uniformly on the unit sphere. The ordering of the
gradient directions has significant effect on the
quality of dMRI-derived quantities. Even though several
methods have been proposed to generate optimal orderings
of gradient directions, these methods are not widely
used in clinical studies because of the two major
problems of computational inefficiency. In this work,
the authors propose two extremely efficient and
deterministic methods to solve these problems.
1891. |
Towards Organ-specific
b-Values for the IVIM-based Quantification of ADC: In vivo
Evaluation in the Liver 
Julien Sngas1, Thomas G Perkins2,3,
Jochen Keupp1, Christian Stehning1,
Gwenael Herigault4, Mariah Smith-Miloff3,
and Shahid M Hussain3
1Philips Research Laboratories, Hamburg,
Germany, 2Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 3University
of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, Nebraska, United
States, 4Philips
Healthcare, Best, Netherlands
Careful choice of the b-values for in vivo measurements
of ADC with IVIM is required to obtain non-biased ADC
values with maximal precision for a given acquisition
time. The proposed Monte Carlo methodology allows
targeting the b-values to the organ-specific perfusion
regime. Our results showed that b-value sampling schemes
designed to minimize noise propagation can significantly
outperform common sampling schemes such as regular
distributions of b-values: In the presented study, a 77%
increase in ADC SNR was observed just by modifying two
b-values from the original diffusion protocol,
confirming the prediction of the Monte Carlo
1892. |
Simultaneous Estimation of
Compartment Size and Eccentricity with Double-Wave-Vector
Tensor Imaging at Long Mixing Times 
Marco Lawrenz1, and Jrgen Finsterbusch1
1Institute of Systems Neuroscience,
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg,
Germany, Germany
Double-wave-vector diffusion-weighting (DWV) experiments
are a promising tool to investigate the tissue
microstructure by considering the signal amplitude vs.
the relative angle between the two wave vectors. While
for short mixing times between the two
diffusion-weighting periods involved, the signal
modulation is proportional to the cell size, it
increases with the cell eccentricity at long mixing
times. Here, it is shown that with an appropriate
direction combination scheme all elements of the
recently presented tensor model for DWV experiments at
long mixing times can be determined which allows the
estimation of compartment sizes and cell eccentricities
within a single experiment.
1893. |
Optimising time-varying
gradient orientation for microstructure sensitivity in
diffusion-weighted MR 
Ivana Drobnjak1, and Daniel C Alexander1
1Center for Medical Image Computing,
Department of Computer Science, University College
London, London, London, United Kingdom
We explore whether variable, rather than fixed,
orientation of diffusion-gradients improves sensitivity
to coherently oriented pore size. We optimise the shape
and orientation of the gradient waveform to minimise the
expected variance of parameter estimates of a simple
white-matter model. Results suggest that: varying
orientation in a plane perpendicular to the cylinders
does not increase sensitivity to model parameters;
variation in a parallel plane increases sensitivity
significantly because it improves the diffusion constant
estimates; similar improvement in estimates can be
achieved without optimising orientation, but by having
one measurement in the parallel and the others in the
perpendicular direction.
1894. |
An SSFP-based Pulse
Sequence for Measuring Hyperpolarized Gas Diffusion
Karen Mooney1, John P. Mugler III2,
Gordon D. Cates Jr.1,2, W. A. Tobias1,
and G. Wilson Miller2
1Physics, University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Virginia, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
The sensitivity of hyperpolarized helium to diffusion
provides an opportunity to generate diffusion weighting
based on asymmetric signal attenuation in a balanced
SSFP sequence, by placing diffusion-sensitizing
gradients in selected TR windows. We present a pulse
sequence designed to take advantage of this effect, and
use it make accurate measurements of the helium
diffusion coefficient at very short timescales.
1895. |
Silvia De Santis1, and Derek K Jones1
1CUBRIC, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United
We propose a simple and easily-implemented routine to
perform QA, and will make the analysis software freely
available. The routine comprises diffusion-weighted (DW)
acquisitions on a phantom along different gradient
directions at different b-values; each repetition lasts
less than 5 minutes. Linearity of the logarithm of the
diffusion signal vs b-value, uniformity of Gmax across
the field-of-view, mutual agreement of gradient power
across the three logical axes and temporal stability are
tested to spot potential issues that can lead to
inaccuracy in DTI and tractography studies.
1896. |
Analogy of Motion-Induced
Phase in Diffusion-Weighted Steady-State Free Precession MRI
with RF Spoiling 
Rafael O'Halloran1, and Roland Bammer1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States
In diffusion-weighted steady state free precession
imaging combining data from multiple shots to form an
image leads to artifactual signal dropout. The cause of
this is random, motion-induced phase from shot to shot.
A simple and intuitive way to understand this phenomenon
is by analogy to RF spoiling, in which random phase is
imposed on the transverse magnetization by changing the
phase of the RF excitation pulse. This analogy is
presented pictorially and discussed in the context of a
comparison of a single-shot EPI sequence to a multi-shot
SSFP sequence in a human volunteer.
1897. |
Quantitative Performance
Comparison of Reconstruction Methods for Multi-Coil DTI Data 
Christopher L Welsh1,2, Edward W Hsu1,
Ganesh Adluru2, Jeffrey S Anderson2,
and Edward VR DiBella2
1Department of Bioengineering, University of
Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 2UCAIR,
Department of Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, Utah, United States
Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is useful for
characterizing tissue microstructure, but suffers from
low temporal resolution and the associated low spatial
resolution and SNR. A model-based strategy is presented
to reconstruct undersampled multi-coil DTI data,
accelerating acquisition. The reconstruction is
performed by fitting the diffusion tensor directly to
the acquired data via minimizing a spatially regularized
cost function. The proposed approach, along with
traditional compressed sensing, GRAPPA and SENSE, are
compared against the fully sampled case. SENSE performs
the best in terms of fiber orientation estimation, while
the model-based approach performs the best in terms of
FA estimation.
Correction of vibration
artefacts in DTI using phase-encoding reversal (COVIPER)
Siawoosh Mohammadi1, Zoltan Nagy1,
Chloe Hutton1, Oliver Josephs1,
and Nikolaus Weiskopf1
1Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL
Institute of Neurology, University College London,
London, United Kingdom
Vibrations induced by strong diffusion gradients in DTI,
cause an echo shift in k-space and consequential
signal-loss. Here we present a simple method to correct
these vibration artefacts using phase-encoding reversal
(COVIPER) by combining two images with reversed PE
direction, each weighted by a function of its local
tensor fit error. COVIPER was validated against low
vibration reference data, resulting in an error
reduction of about 72% in FA maps. When COVIPER is
combined with other corrections based on phase encoding
reversal, they provide a comprehensive correction for
eddy currents, susceptibility-related distortions and
vibration artefacts in DTI.
1899. |
Localized High Resolution
DTI of the Human Brain Using Parallel Imaging and
Outer-Volume Suppression at 7T
Christopher J. Wargo1, and John C. Gore1
1Department of Radiology and Radiological
Sciences, Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging
Science, Nashville, TN, United States
In this abstract, outer volume suppression (OVS) is
combined with SENSE parallel imaging to accelerate
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in the human brain at 7T.
OVS provides additional reduction in the DTI data set
beyond that achieved using SENSE by constraining the FOV
to localized regions in the brain, targeting
specifically the midbrain, lentiform, and basal ganglia.
In-plane resolutions of 1mm x 1mm x 2 mm were acquired
using six diffusion directions and a b value of 1000
s/mm2. Resulting DTI-OVS images are of high quality with
minimal or no artifacts using a single shot EPI
sequence, enabling localized FA and ADC measurement.
1900. |
Effects of 8 and
32-Channel Phase Array Coils on DTI Metrics 
Guangqiang Geng1, Roland Henry2,
and Caroline Rae1,3
1Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney,
NSW, Australia, 2Departments
of Neurology, Radiology and Biomedical Imaging,
Bioengineering, UCSF, San Francisco, California, United
States, 3UNSW,
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with phase array coils
and an increased number of receiver channels improves
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). This would benefit imaging
methodologies sensitive to noise such as diffusion
tensor imaging (DTI). In order to verify the improved
imaging performance with increased acquisition channels,
we quantify the uncertainty of DTI measurements for
anisotropy through statistical analysis of human brain
data. We have proved that the uncertainties of DTI
results are consistently reduced with 32-channel coil
compared to 8 channels, and this will potentially reduce
the necessary scan time and SAR while maintaining the
reliability of DTI measurements.
1901. |
On the Appearance of
Crystals during Diffusion MRI
S Ennar1, H Tuo1, and I Sickle1
1CIRBUC, Ffidrac, Ffidrac, Iceland
In this work, we demonstrate a remarkable effect in
diffusion MRI. When pure dihydrogen monoxide (maintained
at room temperature) is sampled with a
carefully-calibrated sampling scheme comprising six
sampling vectors (arranged according to a model of
electrostatic repulsion), peaks in the orientational
density function are distributed with incredible
regularity. Despite the absence of apparent structure
outside the scanner, our analysis shows that a
combination of high B0-field (3000 mT), and rapidly
changing magnetic field gradients, leads to alignment of
the eigenvectors of the tensor produce a regular
crystalline dodecahedral arrangement. (Or perhaps not)
1902. |
Mitigating Vibration
Related Image Shading in Diffusion Weighted Imaging with
Adaptive Homodyne Reconstruction
Dan Xu1, Brice Fernandez2, Kenichi
Kanda3, Robert D. Peters1, Joe K.
Maier3, and R. Scott Hinks1
1Applied Science Lab, GE Healthcare,
Waukesha, WI, United States, 2Applied
Science Lab, GE Healthcare, Munich, Germany, 3MR
Engineering, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States
Homodyne processing with adaptively selected lowpass
filter for phase map estimation was previously shown
effective in reducing worm-like and shading artifacts
sometimes seen in partial Fourier based diffusion
weighted echo planar imaging (DW-EPI). Occasionally,
image shading artifacts can also appear in DW-EPI images
due to gradient induced table vibrations. In this paper,
we show that a k-space centroid based adaptive homodyne
method can be used to effectively mitigate the vibration
related image shading artifacts.
Hyperpolarized Diffusion
Weighted Carbon-13 MR
Bertram L Koelsch1, Kayvan R Keshari2,
Renuka Sriram2, Daniel B Vigneron1,2,
and John Kurhanewicz1,2
1Graduate Program in Bioengineering, UC
Berkeley - UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States
Most diffusion weighted imaging and spectroscopy studies
observe proton since carbon-13 is limited by low SNR,
resulting from the nucleis low gamma and its low
natural abundance. We take advantage of the signal
enhancement achieved with dissolution DNP and molecular
motion to acquire diffusion weighted spectra of
hyperpolarized carbon-13. The apparent diffusion
coefficient (ADC) measured for thermally polarized 13C
urea was similar to that measured by hyperpolarized 13C
urea. In comparing thermally polarized and
hyperpolarized 13C urea diffusion we show the
feasibility of using hyperpolarized diffusion weighted
spectroscopy in future bioreactor and animal studies to
quantify transport and enzyme kinetics.
Poster Session - Diffusion & Perfusion |
Click on
to view
the abstract pdf. Click on
to view
the poster (Not all posters are available for viewing.)
Wednesday 9 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
1904. |
Filtered multi-tensor
tractography using free water estimation
Christian Baumgartner1, Ofer Pasternak2,
Sylvain Bouix2, Carl-Fredrik Westin3,
and Yogesh Rathi2
1Information Technology and Electrical
Engineering, ETH Zrich, Zrich, Switzerland, 2Psychiatry
Neuroimaging Laboratory, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
MA, United States, 3Laboratory
of Mathematics in Imaging, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, United States
In this work, we describe a tractography method that
simultaneously estimates multiple diffusion tensors and
an isotropic component, we term as free water. The model
consists of three Gaussian tensors, one of which
represents isotropic diffusion of free water, that are
fitted to the DWI-signal using an unscented Kalman
filtering framework. By this means, each estimation is
guided by those previous, resulting in an inherent
regularization of the tracts. The proposed method can be
useful in tracing fibers through edema or lesions, where
traditional tractography algorithms fail.
1905. |
Improved white matter
tract segmentation reproducibility using global diffusion
tensor neighborhood tractography
Paul Armitage1, Susana Muoz Maniega2,
James Bridson2, Michael Poon2, and
Mark Bastin2
1University of Sheffield, Sheffield, South
Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 2University
of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Neighborhood tractography was implemented using a fast
marching algorithm to provide automated extraction of
white matter fibers of interest. Inter- and
intra-subject reproducibility of resulting tract volume, and
FA measurements from segmented white matter fibres were
obtained on a series of normal healthy subjects.
Variability of the automated method was found to be
comparable to previous studies, including those using
manual methods, and 83% of fibres were considered to
provide acceptable representations of the tract of
1906. |
Predicting DTI
Tractography Uncertainty from Diffusion-Weighted-Image Noise 
Jadrian Miles1, and David H. Laidlaw1
1Computer Science Department, Brown
University, Providence, Rhode Island, United States
We present an easy-to-implement method for computing
uncertainty in deterministic DTI tractography. The model
is derived from Monte-Carlo simulation studies of the
effect of diffusion-weighted image noise and Q-space
sampling on streamline orientation variability. The
result is a straightforward equation for the growth of
uncertainty that is linear in the arc-length distance
from a streamline seed point.
1907. |
Tractography: Improved Diffusion MRI Streamlines
Tractography using Anatomical Information 
Robert Elton Smith1,2, Jacques-Donald
Tournier1,2, Fernando Calamante1,2,
and Alan Connelly1,2
1Brain Research Institute, Florey
Neuroscience Institutes, Heidelberg, Victoria,
Australia, 2Department
of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia
Diffusion MRI streamlines tractography methods suffer
from a range of methodological inadequacies, which can
result in differences between fibre-tracking results and
the underlying biology. We propose a modular addition to
streamlines tractography, which makes effective use of
tissue segmentation from an anatomical contrast image,
to improve the biological accuracy of the reconstructed
connectome. Interestingly, this mechanism improves fibre-tracking
results when state-of-the-art diffusion models and
tracking algorithms are used, whilst highlighting the
inadequacies of inferior models and methods.
1908. |
Diffusion MR imaging with
anisotropic MPG for better depiction of pyramidal tract 
Yuichi Suzuki1, Yoshitaka Masutani1,2,
Kenji Ito1,2, Kenji Ino1, Katsuya
Maruyama3, Thorsten Feiweier4,
Yasushi Watanabe1, Yoshirou Satake1,
Masami Goto1, Akira Kunimatu1,2,
Masaaki Akahane1, Keiichi Yano1,
and Kuni Ohtomo1,2
1Department of Radiology, The University of
Tokyo Hospital, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 2Radiology
and Biomedical Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Graduate School of Medicine and Faculty of Medicine,
Japan, 3Siemens
Japan K.K., Japan, 4Siemens
AG, Germany
Our goal is depicting pyramidal tract with our
anisotropic MPG and to compare the ability of depiction
anisotropic MPG with Jones (isotropic) MPG. We performed
visual assessment of the tractography result by each
MPG, and compared the DICE factors. In visual
assessment, anisotropic MPG depicted pyramidal tract in
the all cases while the isotropic 60 MPG depicted 100%
of CST, but 75% of CBT. Therefore, our anisotropic MPG
has better depiction ability. In the comparison of DICE
factors, our anisotropic MPG was slightly superior to
that of the isotropic MPG though there was no
significant difference between each DICE factors.
1909. |
Maximal entropy
Lawrence R. Frank1, and David Meyer2
1Radiology, UCSD, San Diego, CA, United
States, 2Mathematics,
UCSD, La Jolla, CA, United States
We have developed a fiber tractography method that
computes the maximum entropy trajectories between
locations and depends upon the global structure of the
diffusion tensor field. Computation of the pathways
requires only solving a simple eigenvector problem for
which efficient numerical routines exist, and a simple
iterative computation. This method has potential
significance for a wide range of applications, including
studies of brain connectivity.
1910. |
Logical Foundations and
Fast Implementation of Probabilistic Tractography
Myron Zhang1,2, Ken E. Sakaie1,
and Jones Stephen1
1Imaging Institute, The Cleveland Clinic,
Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Physics,
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States
Maps of whole-brain anatomical connections generated by
tractography prove valuable for identifying targets for
resection in the treatment of phamacoresistant epilepsy.
Unfortunately, current implementations have difficulty
identifying a number of important connections while
relying on intuitively appealing but ad-hoc logic. In
this contribution, we present a logical formulation of
probabilistic tractography that lends itself to fast
implementation. The method identifies connections
throughout the entire brain and may prove important for
presurgical planning and other medical applications.
1911. |
GPU Accelerated CSD-based
Probabilistic Tractography
Parnesh Raniga1, Kai Wong1, Donald
Tournier2, Alan Connelly2,3, and
Olivier Salvado1
1CSIRO Preventative Health National Research
Flagship ICTC, The Australian e-Health Research Centre,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 2Brain
Research Institute, Florey Neuroscience Institutes
(Austin), Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3Department
of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia
We present a GPU accelerated version of an established
CSD-based multi-fibre tractography algorithm that is 25
times faster at computing full brain tractography maps.
1912. |
Incorporating directional
information in diffusion tractography derived maps: angular
track imaging (ATI) 
Kerstin Pannek1, David Raffelt2,
Olivier Salvado3, and Stephen Rose1
1The University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia, 2Brain
Research Institute, Australia, 3The
Australian E-Health Research Centre, Australia
A number of diffusion tractography derived scalar maps
have been introduced, including track density imaging
and average pathlength maps. We extend this technique by
incorporating the directional information contained
within the streamlines to build an angular track image
(ATI). The ATI reveals information about angular
streamline distribution. Information other than
streamline number, such as streamline length, FA within
streamlines, etc can also be incorporated in the
calculation of the ATI to generate quantitative maps
that can easily be compared across participants. ATIs
provide more detailed information than scalar
tractography maps by incorporating a directional
1913. |
Enhancing the performance
of local maximum method for extracting fiber directions from
the orientation distribution function using maximum
variation and clustering methods 
Getaneh Bayu Tefera1, Yuxiang Zhou1,
and Ponnada A Narayana1
1Diagnostic & Interventional Imaging,
University of Texas at Houston, Houston, Texas, United
Abstract: A method to obtain the principal diffusion
directions from the orientation density function (ODF)
determined using the fourth order tensor, where the
local maximum method fails, is developed. This method is
applied to analyze the human brain diffusion data using
high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) data.
Application of the proposed method to HARDI datasets, a
clear crossing pattern of superior longitudinal
fasciculus (SLF) and cerebral spinal tract (CST) that
was not seen with the local maximum method was
1914. |
Visualizing fiber pathways
in regions with complex white matter architecture 
Sjoerd B Vos1, Max A Viergever1,
and Alexander Leemans1
1Image Sciences Institute, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
We present a new tractography visualization for HARDI
data that captures the local configuration of crossing
fibers and displays it along the fiber trajectory. This
tract visualization object can be considered as the
continuous envelope of voxel-based three-dimensional
HARDI glyphs along the fiber pathway (also known as a
hyperstreamline), combining the local diffusion
information derived from these glyphs, e.g., the fiber
orientation distribution, with the global anatomical
information obtained from tractography. These HARDI
hyperstreamlines create a more complete visualization,
especially for tracts that traverse through areas of
complex fiber configurations, aiding in our
understanding of the white matter architectural
1915. |
Estimation of the Angle
Between Crossing Fibers as a Novel Structural Quantity 
Ofer Pasternak1, Yogesh Rathi1,
Martha Shenton1, and Carl-Fredrik Westin1
1Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United
We present a method to extract crossing-angle maps from
HARDI analysis. Applying the method on first-episode
schizophrenia patients demonstrates a significant
group-difference comparing with matched controls. In
addition, we demonstrate that FA is not sensitive to the
crossing-angle. Based on these findings we suggest the
crossing-angle as a novel structural marker sensitive to
unique HARDI information. The crossing-angle is expected
to be influenced by large brain deformations such as
tumors and sever trauma. However, in the absence of such
major confounds we expect crossing-angle abnormalities
to reflect developmental differences or local
cytoskeletal dysfunction that changed the configuration
of the crossings.
1916. |
Method for Parameterizing
Clinical Diffusion Measures Along Probabilistic Fiber
Ken E. Sakaie1, Jian Lin1, Lael
Stone2, and Mark J. Lowe1
1Imaging Institute, The Cleveland Clinic,
Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Mellen
Center, The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United
Tissue microstructure measurements specific to a
tractography-defined white matter fascicle may serve as
a clinically relevant measure in multiple sclerosis
(MS). One problem is substantial variability along a
fascicle, particularly if it includes regions near
cortex and deeper in the brain. We present a methodology
for segmenting a fascicle identified by probabilistic
tractography and demonstrate its use in the
transcallosal motor pathway of healthy subjects and MS
patients. Using this method, tissue microstructure
measurements can be made in a piecewise manner in order
to reduce the overall variance and improve sensitivity
to local differences.
1917. |
characterization of white matter tract geometry 
Peter Savadjiev1, Yogesh Rathi1,
Martha E. Shenton1, Sylvain Bouix1,
and Carl-Fredrik Westin2
1Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory, Brigham
and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
MA, United States, 2Radiology,
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, United States
We introduce a novel method for computing multi-scale
fibre tract shape and geometry based on the differential
geometry of curve sets. By measuring the variation of a
curve's tangent vector at a given point in all
directions orthogonal to the curve, we obtain a ``2D
dispersion orientation distribution function (ODF)'' at
that point. That is, we compute a function on the unit
circle which describes the extent to which the fibres
disperse, or fan, along each direction on the circle.
Our formulation is then easily incorporated into a
continuous scale-space framework.
1918. |
Within Subject
Reproducibility and Between Subject Variability of
Super-Resolution Track-Weighted Imaging 
Lisa Willats1, David Raffelt1,
Robert Elton Smith1,2, Jacques-Donald
Tournier1,2, Alan Connelly1,2, and
Fernando Calamante1,2
1Brain Research Institute, Florey
Neuroscience Institutes, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 2Department
of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Victoria,
Recently several novel image contrasts derived from
whole-brain fibre tracking-data (tractograms) have been
introduced. The novel contrasts of these track-weighted
imaging (TWI) methods may provide important information
for clinical studies. However, before they can be used
reliably to generate quantitative measures, it is
important to characterise the within-subject
intra-session and inter-session reproducibility, and
between-subject variability. In this work we investigate
the within-subject reproducibility (both intra-session
and inter-session), and between-subject variability of
TWI for a number of different contrasts across multiple
1919. |
Fusing PET and MRI data
using super-resolution track-weighted imaging 
Fernando Calamante1,2, Young-Don Son3,
Jacques-Donald Tournier1,2, Taek-Hyun Ryu3,
Se-Hong Oh3, Alan Connelly1,2, and
Zang-Hee Cho3
1Brain Research Institute, Florey
Neuroscience Institutes, Heidelberg, Victoria,
Australia, 2Department
of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia,3Neuroscience Research
Institute, Gachon University of Medicine and Science,
Incheon, Korea
We describe the first combination of PET images and
whole-brain diffusion MRI fibre-tracking data, to
generate super-resolution
track-weighted PET maps (with
250m isotropic resolution). This method is based on the
recently proposed technique of super-resolution
track-weighted imaging (TWI), which combines the
information from whole-brain fibre-tracking with a
reference image, to generate a super-resolution
track-weighted version of that image. The method is
illustrated on 11C-DASB, a radioligand with high
affinity for serotonin transporters. The proposed
technique of TW-PET opens up new possibilities in
molecular imaging, by combining the high sensitivity to
brain biomarkers from PET and the super-resolution
capabilities of TWI.
Track-density Imaging &
Noise: when Super-resolution Quality does
not yield Accuracy 
Thijs Dhollander1,2, Louise Emsell1,3,
Wim Van Hecke1,3, Frederik Maes1,2,
Stefan Sunaert1,3, and Paul Suetens1,2
1Medical Imaging Research Center (MIRC),
K.U.Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering (ESAT), K.U.Leuven, Leuven,
Belgium, 3Department
of Radiology, University Hospitals of the K.U.Leuven,
Leuven, Belgium
Track-density imaging (TDI) is a recently proposed
technique to achieve super-resolution from diffusion
weighted imaging datasets, by performing massive fiber
tracking and counting the tracks in each voxel of a high
resolution grid. In this work, the effect of noise in
the data on the final TDI is investigated. The findings
indicate that caution is needed: many discovered
patterns of structures might mostly be caused by noise
rather than true anatomy, although they look plausible
and do not resemble the traditional impression of noise.
Tools such as bootstrapping, combined with certain maps
can highlight regions where caution is due.
1921. |
Validation of a
template-based approach for quantitative tract-specific
analysis of diffusion spectrum imaging data 
Chieh-En Tseng1, Yung-Chin Hsu2,
Yu-Chun Lo3, and Wen-Yih Isaac Tseng3,4
1Biomedical Imaging and Radiological
Sciences, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan,3Center for Optoelectronic
Biomedicine, National Taiwan University College of
Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan, 4Department
of Medical Imaging, National Taiwan University Hospital,
Taipei, Taiwan
We proposed an automatic tract-specific analysis based
on a diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) template. This
template-based approach entails transformation of native
DSI data to the template, and performs tract-specific
analysis on the transformed DSI data. The approach
inevitably blurs out the data and may lead to errors in
quantitative analysis. To investigate this question, the
template-based approach was compared to a native-space
approach. Fifteen subjects were analyzed. The results
showed that mean generalized fractional anisotropy (GFA)
was lower in the template-based approach, but the two
approaches showed strong correlation. The results
support the use of template-based approach in
tract-specific analysis.
1922. |
Diffusion and multiple
orientations from 1.5 MR systems with limited gradient
Sylvain Louis Merlet1, Rachid Deriche1,
Kevin Whittingstall2, and Maxime Descoteaux3
1Athena Project-Team, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis,
Mditerrane, France, 2Radiology
department, Universit de Sherbrooke, Qubec, Canada, 3Sherbrooke
Connectivity Imaging Laboratory, Computer Science
Departement, Universit de Sherbrooke, Qubec, Canada
Diffusion MRI enables the quantification of water
diffusion, influenced by the structure of biological
tissues. While recent advances enable to recover complex
fiber geometries using diffusion measurements along
various sampling schemes some older MR systems work with
limited gradient tables ,designed for Diffusion Tensor
Imaging (DTI). DTI is an over simplification of water
molecules diffusion that cannot resolve crossing fibers.
We show that new diffusion signal modeling and
processing techniques enable to capture complex angular
structure of the diffusion process even from a reduced
gradient direction set arising from an older MR system.
1923. |
Compressed Sensing based
Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (CS-DSI) tractography
Namgyun Lee1, Bryce Wilkins1, and
Manbir Singh1
1Radiology and Biomedical Engineering,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA,
United States
A novel compressed sensing approach for Diffusion
Spectrum Imaging incorporating a unique sampling pattern
is presented. This approach relies on minimizing the l1
norm of spatial finite-differences of an ensemble
average propagator. Results of simulation studies show
significant improvements with our approach compared to
partial Fourier approach for accurately estimating
underlying crossing fibers and reducing false positives.
Human tractography studies show recovery of the cingulum,
fornix, and other tracts in crossing-fiber areas with
quality comparable to a fully-sampled reference
Poster Session - Diffusion & Perfusion |
Click on
to view
the abstract pdf. Click on
to view
the poster (Not all posters are available for viewing.)
Wednesday 9 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
1924. |
Automated Hierarchical
Clustering of DTI White Matter Fiber Tracts
Zhenyu Zhou1, Yijun Liu2, Guang
Cao1, Karen M. von Deneen2, and
Dongrong Xu3
1Global Applied Science Laboratory, GE
Healthcare, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2McKnight
Brain Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL,
United States, 3MRI
Unit, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States
Recently, the tract-based analysis of white matter
fibers has raised interests from the neurology and
clinical neuroscience community since this methodology
provides quantitative analysis of the properties of the
specific fiber bundles, which provide a useful
abstraction of the white matter structures and a clear
identification of neural fibers. In order to benefit
from the tract-based analysis, many clustering
algorithms of the fiber tracts have been proposed.
However, most approaches require a user initialization.
In this paper, we propose a novel cluster method to
automatically group brain white matter fibers into
biologically meaningful neural tracts.
1925. |
DSI Motion Correction and
Thalamo-Cortical Fiber Pathway Alteration after Stroke
Young Beom Kim1,2, Chrystelle Po2,
Daniel Kalthoff2, and Mathias Hoehn2
1Advanced Media Lab, SAIT, Yongin, Gyeonggi,
Korea, 2In-vivo-NMR
Lab, Max-Planck-Institute for Neurological Research,
Cologne, Germany
Fiber tracking in small laboratory animals is of great
interest as it is expected to open doors to
understanding connectivity in controlled paradigms which
can also be assessed with independent means. These fiber
tracking investigations have been performed using DTI
because of the demand to combine high resolution, low
signal-to-noise of small voxels, and speed of scan time
for minimization of anesthesia period. Diffusion
spectrum imaging provides a more complex analysis of
fiber circuits than the so far used DTI approach,
discriminating also crossing fibers in the brain.
1926. |
Lateral Transcallosal
Motor Fibers Reconstructed via Diffusion Tractography Do Not
Reflect Homotopic Distributions
Longchuan Li1, Matthew F Glasser2,
Todd M Preuss3, James K Rilling3,
Frederick W Damen4, and Xiaoping Hu1
1School of Medicine, Emory University/Gerogia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States, 2Department
of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Washington University, St
Louis, MO, United States, 3Center
for Translational and Social Neuroscience, Emory
University, Atlanta, GA, United States, 4Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States
Synopsis: Tracing studies in primates show that the
primary motor cortex exhibits homotopic callosal
projections, with (1) the strength of the callosal
projections showing a medial to lateral gradient and (2)
sectors of M1 having the densest connection with the
homotopic contralateral sectors. Here we used two
advanced tractography algorithms to trace these fibers
in humans to see whether they replicate the observations
in primates. While the medial sector showed significant
stronger connections, the densest homotopic projection
to the contralateral sectors were not observed in our
results, indicating the need for more robust
tractography methods for quantitative brain mapping
1927. |
The medial forebrain
bundle - A forgotten structure in the human brain identified
with statistical fiber mapping
Burkhard Mdler1, Thomas E. Schlpfer2,3,
Jaak Panksepp4, and Volker A. Coenen1
1Neurosurgery, University Bonn, Bonn, NRW,
Germany, 2Psychiatry
and Psychotherapy, University Bonn, Bonn, NRW, Germany, 3Psychiatry
and Mental Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
MD, United States, 4Comparative
Anatomy, Physiology and Pharmacology, Washington State
University - College of Veterinary Medicine, Pullmann,
WA, United States
The neuroanatomy of the MFB shows remarkable differences
between rodents and humans. In rodents the MFB is large
but a compact heterogeneous pathway that is a massive
connection highway for integrating lower and higher
brain functions whereas in humans the MFB depicts as a
truly bipartite structure. It is evident that the MFB
contains the major brain system that is responsible for
a variety of drug addictions. Thus, one could imagine
that inadvertently caused stimulation of the MFB during
STN DBS-stimulation could be addictive but also the
possibility of localized DBS of the slMFB may skirt some
of the other brain processes that produce addiction.
1928. |
Nico D. Papinutto1,2, Sebastiano Galantucci2,3,
Roland G. Henry2, Jorge Jovicich1,
and Maria Luisa Gorno-Tempini2
1CIMeC, University of Trento, Mattarello, TN,
Italy, 2University
of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United
States, 3Scientific
Institute and University Hospital San Raffaele, Milano,
MI, Italy
The anterior temporal lobe (ATL) is crucial for higher
order language functions, such as semantic memory, and
it is involved in behavioral regulation. Evidences of
ATL damage are found in many neurological diseases, but
little is known about the structural connections of this
area with the rest of the brain. In this study, by using
DTI on 21 healthy subjects, we explore the architecture
of the left ATL connectivity with many ipsilateral
regions of the brain (in particular the areas known to
have a key role in language) and we segment the ATL
based on these connectivity patterns.
1929. |
Quantifying the intra- and
inter-subject variability of whole-brain structural networks
from diffusion MRI 
Colin R. Buchanan1, Krzysztof Gorgolewski1,
Cyril R. Pernet2, Amos J. Storkey1,
and Mark E. Bastin2
1School of Informatics, University of
Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2School
of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, University of
Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
We assessed the intra and intersubject variability of
graph-theoretic measures of brain connectivity obtained
from diffusion MRI (dMRI). Our method involves: 1)
segmentation of cortical regions from high-resolution 3D
T1-weighted volume scans; 2) construction of structural
networks from dMRI data using established tractography
algorithms with seed points placed in cortical regions;
3) graph-theoretic analysis of cortico-cortical
connections; 4) quantification of between-subject and
within-subject differences of network metrics using a
percentile bootstrap technique. Results show that four
commonly used network metrics can be produced
consistently between imaging sessions with interscan
difference of less than 6%.
1930. |
Basal ganglia connectivity
inferred from tractography: dealing with direct and indirect
Linda Marrakchi-Kacem1,2, Christine Delmaire3,
Pamela Guevara2,4, Fabrice Poupon2,5,
Jrme Yelnik1,6, Sophie Lecomte2,5,
Pauline Roca2,5, Alan Tucholka7,
Alexandra Durr1,8, Jean-Franois Mangin2,5,
Marie Chupin1, Stphane Lehricy1,9,
and Cyril Poupon2,5
1UPMC, CRICM, UMR-S975, Inserm, U975, CNRS,
UMR 7225, Institut du Cerveau et de la Molle pinire,
Paris, France, 2NeuroSpin,
CEA, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France, 3Department
of Neuroradiology, CHU Lille, Lille, France, 4University
of Concepcin, Concepcin, Chile, 5IFR
49, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France, 6Dpartement
de Neurologie, Centre dInvestigation Clinique, Groupe
Hospitalier Piti-Salptrire, APHP, Paris, France, 7Department
of Radiology, CHUM Notre-Dame Hospital, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada, 8Department
of Genetics, Groupe Hospitalier Piti-Salptrire, APHP,
Paris, France, 9Center
for Neuroimaging CENIR, Groupe Hospitalier
Piti-Salptrire, APHP, Paris, France
In this study, we focused on the connectivity of the
basal ganglia inferred from tractography. We proposed a
novel method for the selection of the fiber tracts
linking two brain structures from a whole brain
tractogram obtained using streamline tractography. This
method takes into account the basal ganglia circuits and
provides only the direct connections between a pair of
brain regions of inerest. It allows removing the effect
of indirect connections from connectivity based studies.
We used surface connectivity atlases as an application
to illustrate the impact of this new tract selection
approach on the analysis of the connections between the
basal ganglia and the cortex.
1931. |
Fiber-Orientation can be
Used for Sub-Clustering Anatomical Labels within the Human
Sarah Mang1, Benjamin Bender2, and
Uwe Klose2
1E071, German Cancer Research Center DKFZ,
Heidelberg, DE, Germany, 2MR
Research Group, Department of Diagnostic and
Interventional Neuroradiology, University Hospital
Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany
Comparison of anatomical labels in the Thalamus with DTI
based segmentation.
1932. |
A Framework to Derive and
Analyze Anatomical Brain Networks in Chimpanzees using
Diffusion Tractography
Frederick William Damen1,2, Longchuan Li1,
and Xiaoping Hu1,2
1Biomedical Imaging Technology Center, Emory
University, Atlanta, GA, United States, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, GA, United States
The prospect to unveil the network architecture of the
human brain has recently achieved large progress through
the advancements in diffusion MRI and tractography.
However, such effort in chimpanzees is lacking.
Chimpanzees are our closest living relatives, and
comparing their brain networks with those of humans may
shed light on the unique cognitive and language
abilities owned by humans. Here, we investigated the
effects of parcellation schemes on the chimpanzee
cerebral cortex as the first step to establish a
framework to derive and compare brain connectivity
networks across three species.
1933. |
A HARDI multi-subject
bundle atlas of known deep white matter and short
superficial white matter tracts
Pamela Guevara1,2, Delphine Duclap1,3,
Cyril Poupon1,3, Linda Marrakchi-Kacem1,4,
Josselin Houenou1,5, Marion Leboyer5,
Denis Le Bihan1, and Jean-Fraois Mangin1,3
1Neurospin, CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2University
of Concepcin, Concepcin, Chile, 3IFR
49, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 4UPMC,
CRICM, UMR-S975, Inserm, U975, CNRS, UMR 7225, ICM,
Paris, France, 5AP-HP,
Univ. Paris-East, Dept. of Psychiatry, INSERM, U955
Unit, France
We present a HARDI human brain multi-subject bundle
atlas derived from a two-level intra-subject and
inter-subject clustering strategy. Each atlas bundle
corresponds to several inter-subject clusters labeled by
an expert in neuroanatomy to account for subdivisions of
the underlying pathway often presenting large
variability across subjects. An atlas bundle is
represented by the multi-subject list of the centroids
of all intra-subject clusters in order to get a good
sampling of the shape and localization variability. The
atlas contains 36 bundles deep white matter bundles
belonging to brain hemispheres and the corpus callosum,
and 47 superficial white matter bundles in each
1934. |
Comparison of novel
ICA-based approach to existing diffusion MRI multi-fiber
reconstruction methods 
Bryce Wilkins1, Namgyun Lee1,
Kyungmin Nam1, Darryl Hwang1, and
Manbir Singh1
1Radiology and Biomedical Engineering,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
California, United States
A novel Independent Component Analysis (ICA) based
approach to resolving multiple fiber directions per
voxel in diffusion-weighted MRI analysis is
quantitatively compared against four alternatives:
Generalized q-Sampling Imaging, Constrained Spherical
Deconvolution, analytical Q-Ball Imaging, and
Higher-Order Tensors. We investigate the performance of
the various methods when processing limited sample data,
as is likely to be acquired in clinical studies due to
constrained scan time. Results of two phantom datasets
and a human study are presented, revealing consistently
higher metric scores for the ICA-based approach,
especially in the case of limited gradient sampling.
1935. |
Using Tractography & MEG
to Infer Functional and Structural Motor Connectivity in
Monica Bucci1, Sri Nagarajan2,
Eduardo Caverzasi2, Kelly Westlake2,
Bagrat Amirbekian2, and Roland Henry3
1neurology, ucsf, san francisco, ca, United
States, 2ucsf, 3neurology,
This study was designed to investigate and map the
structural inter-regional connectivity of the hand motor
network, by combining functional Magnetoencephalography
Imaging (MEGI) with High angular resolution diffusion
imaging MRI (HARDI) probabilistic tractography methods.
We were able to map consistently the normal structural
hand motor network in 20 controls. Transcallosal fiber
tracts connecting Hand Primary Motor Cortex (Hand M1) to
the contralateral Primary Motor Cortex and Supplementary
Motor Area were not found in all the control subjects
and interestingly the MEGI of the subjects without these
connections showed a pattern of bilateral activation
during both hands motor tasks.
1936. |
Neuronal White Matter
Atlas Creation using Diffusion Imaging
Luke Bloy1, Madhura Ingalhalikar2,
Robert T Schultz3, Timothy P.L. Roberts4,
and Ragini Verma2
1Section of Biomedical Imaging, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Section
of Biomedical Imaging, Univeristy of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 3Center
for Autism Research, Children's Hospital of
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 4Lurie
Family Foundation's MEG Imaging Center, Children's
Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, United
We create and compare an automated atlas creation method
applied to DTI and HARDI data. The method works by
generating a population average DTI dataset which is
then parcellated using a normalized cuts segmentation
algorithm. The framework is demonstration through its
application to a population of adolescent subjects. The
resultant atlas is compared to one created using HARDI
datasets acquired on the same subjects. The HARDI atlas
is better able to capture regions of cortical WM and
those of complex WM such as fiber crossings.
Additionally, these two atlases can be used in a
population for comparative analysis between modalities.
1937. |
Template estimation for a
group of DSI datasets using LDDMM
Yung-Chin Hsu1, Ching-Han Hsu2,
and Wen-Yih Isaac Tseng3
1National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu,
Taiwan, Taiwan, 2National
Tsing Hua University, 3National
Taiwan University College of Medicine and Hospital
To our best knowledge, no method has been proposed to
construct the template which is intrinsically from a
group of DSI datasets. In the current study, we proposed
an algorithm to iteratively estimate the group-specific
DSI template, which incorporated a LDDMM-based method
capable of spatially transforming between two DSI
datasets. Seventy DSI datasets were recruited into the
template estimation procedure. The results show the
proposed method could construct the DSI template where
many important fibers could be tracked out on it,
indicating the effectiveness of the method.
1938. |
Development and Evaluation
of a Simulated FiberCup Phantom 
Bryce Wilkins1, Namgyun Lee1, and
Manbir Singh1
1Radiology and Biomedical Engineering,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles,
California, United States
The FiberCup diffusion phantom, designed to mimic a
coronal cross-section of the human brain, was developed
for quantitative evaluation of multi-fiber diffusion
models and tractography algorithms. The data available,
however, is insufficient to allow comparison against all
diffusion-weighted MRI methods, such as Diffusion
Spectrum Imaging. We outline development of an accurate
and flexible q-Space simulation of the FiberCup phantom,
and illustrate its versatility by synthesizing data and
processing it according to Diffusion Tensor Imaging,
Diffusion Spectrum Imaging, Constrained Spherical
Deconvolution and analytical Q-Ball Imaging methods.
Results of tractography are presented.
1939. |
A biomimetic phantom of
white matter for application in diffusion MRI 
Penny L Hubbard1,2, Feng-lei Zhou1,
Stephen J Eichhorn3, Tim B Dyrby4,
and Geoff J M Parker1,2
1Imaging Sciences, Manchester Academic Health
Science Centre, The University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom, 2The
Biomedical Imaging Institute, The University of
Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 3Physics
and Astronomy, The University of Exeter, United Kingdom, 4Danish
Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Copenhagen
University Hospital Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Denmark
There is a need for a physical biomimetic phantom to act
as a gold standard to allow a full characterisation and
validation of the different diffusion acquisition
methods, models, tracking algorithms, and microstructure
measures. Here we introduce the use of co-electrospinning,
a technique that allows the deposition of hollow,
aligned, micron-sized fibres which mimic the
microstructural and bulk characteristics of white matter
tracts. We have demonstrated that the measured
diffusivity is within the approximate range of
biological tissues and that different diameter
electrospun hollow fibres lead to different
diffusivities and anisotropies, as well as evidence of
fibre alignment.
1940. |
Temporal and
across-phantom evaluation of diffusion measures in multiple
anisotropic diffusion phantoms
Pim Pullens1,2, Alard Roebroeck1,
and Rainer Goebel1,2
1Maastricht Brain Imaging Center, Maastricht,
Netherlands, 2Brain
Innovation BV, Maastricht, Netherlands
Determining data quality and MR stability over time is
an important issue in DW-MRI. Until now, this was done
with isotropic phantoms or human subjects. We
investigated the temporal DW-MRI characteristics of an
anisotropic phantom, as well as the agreement in DW-MRI
measures in 5 different anisotropic phantoms.
A High Resolution
Tractography Phantom 
Michael Bach1,2, Klaus Fritzsche3,
Sena Minjoli2, Bram Stieltjes1,
and Frederik Bernd Laun1,2
1Quantitative Imaging-based Disease
Characterization, German Cancer Research Center,
Heidelberg, Germany, 2Dept.
of Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research
Center, Heidelberg, Germany, 3Medical
Imaging and Biological Informatics, German Cancer
Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany
The phantom presented here consists of six circular
fiber strands of different cross sections (5x5 mm^2, 3x3
mm^2, 2.5x2.5 mm^2, 2x2 mm^2, 1.5x1.5 mm^2, 1x1 mm^2).
These fiber strands are characterized by a homogeneous
and high FA (up to 0.9). The precision, with which the
fiber strands can be produced, opens up new
possibilities with regard to the validation of the whole
diffusion tensor imaging process. Presented data shows
resolution and partial volume effects in DTI and tracked
fibers. For example, a rotation of the field of view
leads to more pronounced partial volume effects and
therefore thicker strands.
1942. |
Impact of the Analysis of
Phantoms on Data Quality for the DTI Component of the NIH
MRI Study of Normal Brain Development 
Lindsay Walker1,2, Michael Curry1,
Amritha Nayak1,2, Nicholas Lange3,
Carlo Pierpaoli1, and The Brain Development
Cooperative Group4
1PPITS/STBB/NICHD, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United
States, 2CNRM,
USUHS, Bethesda, MD, United States, 3Harvard
Schools of Medicine and Public Health, Boston, MA,
United States,
The NIH MRI Study of Normal Brain Development (PedsMRI)
aims to study human brain development (birth 18 years)
using MRI modalities including diffusion tensor imaging
(DTI). In preparation for the upcoming PedsMRI data
release, including DTI data for the first time, we
performed an analysis of variability on the PedsMRI
phantom DTI data with the aim of providing high quality
DTI imaging data for the public data repository.
1943. |
measurements with an anisotropic diffusion tensor imaging
Daniel M Krainak1, Jennifer L Hufton2,
Nadia M Biassou3, David M Thomasson2,
and Sunder S Rajan1
1CDRH/OSEL/DP, U.S. Food & Drug
Administration, Silver Spring, MD, United States, 2NIAID,
NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 3CC,
NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States
We assess the reproducibility and reliability of
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)-derived metrics, such as
fractional anisotropy, using a previously reported
polyester fiber based anisotropic phantom. Our results
indicate that DTI-metrics are stable across time (days)
and slice location when acquired perpendicular to the
fiber orientation. The measurements (fractional
anisotropy, FA; axial diffusivity, AD; and radial
diffusivity, RD) obtained from various fiber
orientations were not consistent, and possibly
influenced by the orientation of the fibers relative to
the angulation of the acquisition slice.
1944. |
A Simple Isotropic Phantom
for Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging 
Els Fieremans1, Antonio Pires1,
and Jens H. Jensen1
1CBI, Radiology, New York University School
of Medicine, New York, NY, United States
Heat-treated heavy dairy cream is shown to have a
diffusion coefficient and a diffusional kurtosis similar
to values for in vivo brain and may therefore serve as a
practical and inexpensive phantom for testing
diffusional kurtosis imaging (DKI) protocols intended
for neuroimaging applications. A feature of the phantom
is that the fat/water shift may be exploited to provide
a nontrivial consistency check. This phantom may be
particularly useful as a calibration reference for
multicenter and longitudinal investigations.
Poster Session - Diffusion & Perfusion |
Contrast-Agent Based Blood Volume & Flow
Click on
to view
the abstract pdf. Click on
to view
the poster (Not all posters are available for viewing.)
Wednesday 9 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
1945. |
Dynamic susceptibility
Contrast MRI: Improved Discrimination of Hypoperfused Tissue 
Birgitte Fuglsang Kjlby1, Sren Christensen2,
Irene Klrke Mikkelsen1, Kim Mouriden1,
Peter Gall3, Valerij G Kiselev3,
and Leif stergaard1
1CFIN, Department of Neuroradiology, Aarhus
University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark, 2Department
of Neurology and Radiology, University of Melbourne,
Melbourne, Australia,3Department of
Diagnostic Radiology, Medical Physics, University
Hospital Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Perfusion DSC-MRI is becoming increasingly important in
the study of neurological diseases, in particular acute
stroke. Perfusion estimates are compared and studied to
establish a perfusion threshold that may guide the
selection of patients for thrombolysis. Therefore
perfusion measurements must be optimized to detect and
distinguish subtle levels of hypoperfusion. The
precision and accuracy of derived perfusion values rely
critically on the noise regularization used in the
deconvolution process. We compare existing methods with
a new method optimized for precision and show that it
improves CBF differentiation in hypoperfused tissues
both in individuals and in group studies.
1946. |
Analysis Of Dynamic Gadolinium Perfusion MRI
David Bonekamp1, Xu Li1,2, Richard
Leigh3, Peter C. van Zijl1,2, and
Peter B. Barker1,2
1Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD,
United States, 2FM
Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging,
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Neurology,
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore,
MD, United States
Perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI) performed using bolus
injection of Gd-DTPA is traditionally analyzed based on
changes in brain signal relaxation times (T2*,T2 and T1)
associated with passage of contrast through the brain.
Here, the feasibility of dynamic Quantitative
Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) of cerebral blood flow (CBF)
is shown. The expected linear susceptibility-contrast
concentration relationship and the independence of
contrast location (intra- or extravascular) on
susceptibility are advantages over existing methods. The
presented pilot study results show qualitative agreement
between  R 2* and  CBF
perfusion images for white matter. Current limitations
exist for CBF determination in the brain periphery (gray
1947. |
An empirical DSC-MRI data
model including first-pass, recirculation and leakage
components fully characterises signal changes in tumours and
normal brain
Matthew R Orton1, James A d'Arcy1,
Keiko Miyazaki1, Dow-Mu Koh2,
David J Collins3, and Martin O Leach1
1CR-UK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre,
Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, United
Kingdom, 2Department
of Radiology, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey,
United Kingdom, 3Clinical
MRI Unit, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey, United
DSC-MRI methods are designed to measure vascular
properties by analyzing the first-pass curves obtained
from dynamic T2*-weighted imaging. The presence of
recirculation and leakage will bias these measures,
which can be reduced by cropping the data to exclude
these features. However, useful information may be
contained in the cropped data and manually selecting the
cropping point is time consuming. In this abstract we
present an empirically motivated model that can be
fitted to DSC-MRI data that avoids the need to define
cut-off times and accurately fits all the data from all
pixels, including first-pass, recirculation and leakage
1948. |
Improved Vascular Model
-Based Analysis for DSC-MRI Perfusion Quantification 
Amit Mehndiratta1, Bradley J MacIntosh2,
David E Crane2, Stephen J Payne1,
and Michael A Chappell1
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United
Kingdom, 2Medical
Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
A vascular model-based Bayesian solution for perfusion
quantification of DSC-MRI has previously been proposed.
However, estimates from the method are potentially
biased due to the use of priors estimated from the data
within the analysis. Here a modification is proposed
that introduces a further parameter into the model
resulting in higher accuracy and providing an
independent estimate of MTT.
1949. |
DSC-MRI first-pass curve
fitting and modelling is improved with a novel cosine-based
Matthew R Orton1, James A d'Arcy1,
Keiko Miyazaki1, Nina Tunariu1,2,
David J Collins1,2, and Martin O Leach1
1CR-UK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre,
Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, United
Kingdom, 2Clinical
MRI Unit, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey, United
First-pass curves from DSC-MRI data can be characterized
by fitting them to a model, from which summary
parameters can be derived in this case the procedure
is effectively a de-noising operation. A less widely
used application is to fit a model that includes
specific parameters describing the tissue properties, in
a similar manner to that routinely used with DCE-MRI
data. Either way, the success of the technique depends
on how well the model describes the data. We propose a
novel model to describe DSC-MRI first-pass data, and
demonstrate that it gives improved fits compared with
two established models.
1950. |
Bayesian Model-Based
Correction for Macro Vascular Signal in Dynamic
Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion MRI 
Michael A Chappell1,2, Amit Mehndiratta1,
Stephen J Payne1, and Fernando Calamante3
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2FMRIB
Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Brain
Research Institute, Florey Neuroscience Institutes,
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Macro vascular (MV) contamination from contrast agent in
major arteries is a significant source of bias in
Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC) perfusion
measurements. In this work we propose a model-based
approach for MV correction that includes a MV component
within a previously proposed vascular model for DSC
1951. |
Comparison study of T2* effects
on DCE-MRI and T1 effects
on DSC-MRI between brain tumor and normal brain tissue
Haoyu Wang1, Yanming Yu2, Jiani Hu3,
E. Mark Haccke3, Wei Xing4, and
Shanglian Bao1
1Beijing Key Lab of Medical Physics and
Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China, 21Logging
technique research institute, great wall drilling
company, China National Petroleum Corporat, Beijing,
China, 3Department
of Radiology, Wayne State Univerisity, Detroit, MI,
United States, 4Department
of Radiology, Third Affiliated Hospital, Suzhou
University, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China
Dual-echo pulse sequence has been proposed to
simultaneously acquired T1 -
DCE and T2* -
DSC MRI. However, there is no comparative investigation
of T2* effects
on permeability and T1 effect
on perfusion between normal and tumor tissues of brain.
The goal of this work is to fill the gap. Preliminary
results show that the difference of relative rCBV for
healthy tissue with and without T1 correction
is about 20%, but for tumor it is about 153%. The
results indicate that T2* effects
on permeability and T1effects
on perfusion are much greater in tumor than in normal
brain tissue.
1952. |
Comparison of EPIK and
Parallel EPI in Dual-Shot DSC 
Ke Zhang1, Seong Dae Yun1, Irene
Neuner1,2, Christian Filss1,
Karl-Josef Langen1, and Nadim Joh Shah1,3
1Institute for Neuroscience and Medicine,
Medical Imaging Physics (INM-4), Forschungszentrum
Jlich, Jlich, Germany, 2Faculty
of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy,
JARA, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 3Faculty
of Medicine, Department of Neurology, JARA, RWTH Aachen
University, Aachen, Germany
For dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) based
perfusion, parallel EPI (pEPI) has been the traditional
method for readout. However, image artefacts such as
distortions in the peripheral region are still
problematic. EPIK which combines the keyhole imaging
scheme with multishot EPI approaches has been presented
to reduce the geometric distortion. In this work, we
compare EPIK and pEPI with T2*-weighted
images in a dual-shot contrast agent DSC study. Three
representative human brain tumour cases demonstrate that
the feasibility of DSC using EPIK. EPIK can offer less
distortion in peripheral region, higher perfusion
contrast in DSC, and same temporal resolution as pEPI.
Quantitative Cerebral Blood Volume Imaging in Humans Using
the Blood Pool USPIO Contrast Agent Ferumoxytol
Thomas Christen1, Deqiang Qiu1,
Wendy Wei Ni1, Georges Hankov1,
Zungho Zun1, Michael Moseley1, and
Greg Zaharchuk1
1Department of Radiology, Stanford
University, Stanford, California, United States
Cerebral blood volume (CBV) maps are usually acquired
using Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast imaging which
inherently limits the spatial resolution and signal to
noise ratio of the images. In the present study, we used
ferumoxytol (AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc., Cambridge, MA)
an FDA-approved compound to obtain steady-state
high-resolution quantitative CBV maps in 5 healthy
volunteers. The results show excellent contrast between
white and gray matter as well as fine highly-detailed
vascular structures. An average blood volume of 4% was
found in the brain of all volunteers, consistent with
prior literature values.
1954. |
Reproducibility of Renal
Blood Volume Measurements in Mice
C. Chad Quarles1, Feng Weng1,
Mohammed Tantawy1, Rosie Jiang2,
Keiko Takahashi2, Chuan-Ming Hao2,
Todd Peterson1, Raymond Harris2,
and Takamune Takahashi2
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2O'Brien
Mouse Kidney Physiology and Disease Center, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States
Renal relative blood volume (RBV) measurements could
provide a valuable tool to characterize abnormal renal
perfusion in mouse models of kidney disease. We
optimized MRI methods for spin-echo based RBV mapping in
mouse kidneys and assessed the reproducibility of RBV
measurements acquired on consecutive days. The mean
kidney RBV measured on consecutive days was 19.97 1.50
and 19.86 1.62, yielding a concordance correlation
coefficient of 0.94, indicating that this approach is
highly reproducible. Interestingly, the use of a
spin-echo sequence preferentially weighted towards
microvessels, revealed that microvascular RBV within
regions of the medulla were higher than that found in
1955. |
Variability of relative
cerebral blood volume normalization in patients with gliomas:
Interobserver and intraobserver reproducibility study 
Marcel Oei1, Bozena Goraj1, Anton
Meijer1, Jan-Jurre Mordang1,
Albert Idema2, Sandra Boots-Sprenger3,
Hendrik Laue1,4, and Mathias Prokop1
1Radiologie, Radboud University Nijmegen
Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands, 2Neurosurgery,
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen,
Gelderland, Netherlands, 3Pathology,
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen,
Gelderland, Netherlands, 4Fraunhover
Mevis, Bremen, Germany
rCBV values are normalized to an internal reference
standard. The normalization step of rCBV calculation is
subjective and introduces variability. 2 observers
measured rCBVtumor derived from DSC-MR images in 17
glioma patients on 2 occasions. rCBV was normalised
using 6 internal reference standards of normal apearing
white and gray matter. Inter- and intraobserver
reproducibility were quantified with intraclass
correlation coefficient (R) and the coefficient of
variation (CV). Inter- and intraobserver CV ranged from
7% - 17%. ICC showed good intra- (R=.69-.85) and
interobserver variability (R=.76) for contralateral
putamen. The least added variability was gained by
normalization in the contralateral putamen.
Cell Density and Spacing
Influence DSC-MRI Data Acquired in Brain Tumors
Natenael B Semmineh1, Junzhong Xu2,
Jerry Boxerman3, and C Chad Quarles2
1institute of imaging science, vanderbilt
university, nashville, TN, United States, 2institute
of imaging science, Vanderbilt university, 3Alpert
Medical School of Brown University
Synopsis: Brain tumor DSC-MRI studies can be confounded
by extravascular T2* effects that occur when the
contrast agent extravasates. The resulting signals are
consequently influenced by the extravascular
compartmentalization of the contrast agent and therefore
may depend on the spatial distribution of tumor cells
within tissue. Using simulations we demonstrate that
∆R2* is non-linearly related to cell density, with the
greatest influence occurring at cell volume fractions
between 40 60%. We also show that the spacing of cells
within a voxel can alter ∆R2* values by as much as 50%
for spacing variations on the order of the cell size.
1957. |
How the spatial
distribution of the vessels affects T2*? A 2D simulation
Nicolas Pannetier1,2, Clement Debacker1,3,
Franck Mauconduit1,3, Christen Thomas4,
and Emmanuel Barbier1,3
1Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences,
Universite Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France, 2Department
of Radiology & Biomedical Imaging, University of
California, San Francisco, CA, United States, 3U836,
INSERM, Grenoble, France, 4Department
of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
We investigated how the spatial distribution of the
vessels impacts the relaxation rate T2* of the MR
signal. We used simulation in 2D with different
constraints on the vessels distribution. We found that
at 7T, the distribution of the vessels may impacts for
about 8% the SO2 estimates. Moreover we found an
interesting linear relationship between T2* and a
spatial frequency that characterizes the distribution of
the vessels.
1958. |
Cerebral MR Signal Changes
Induced by Ferumoxytol and Saline Dilution Boluses: Initial
Human Experience
Wendy W Ni1,2, Deqiang Qiu1,
Thomas Christen1, Heiko Schmiedeskamp1,
Roland Bammer1, Michael E Moseley1,
and Greg Zaharchuk1
1Department of Radiology, Stanford
University, Stanford, California, United States, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, United States
In this study, we describe our initial human experience
with brain perfusion imaging using the ultrasmall
paramagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) ferumoxytol as a T2*
agent in steady state. We found that both ΔR2* and ΔR2
have strong linear dependence on dosage, and that the
effect of ferumoxytol on T2 decay is relatively small.
We also demonstrated the use of saline as a dilution
bolus following ferumoxytol injection to measure
relative cerebral blood volume in humans, finding low
SNR and physiological effects to be the main issues in
this technique.
Experimental evaluation of in
vivo transverse
relaxivity of Magnevist in brain tissue
Swati Rane1, Samet Kose2,
Stephan Heckers2, Malcolm Avison1,
and John C Gore1,3
1Radiology and Radiological Sciences,
Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Psychiatry,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 3Biomedical
Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
United States
Transverse relaxivity of Magnevist in the grey and white
matter was experimentally estimated with Gd enhanced
steady state imaging and dynamic susceptibility contrast
imaging experiments using a single dose of the contrast
agent. Relaxivity of the contrast agent was found to be
significantly different in grey matter and white matter.
1960. |
Effects of diffusion on MR
signal under various microvasculature
Cihat Eldeniz1, Weili Lin2, and
Hongyu An2
1unc at chapel hill, chapel hill, nc, United
States, 2UNC
at Chapel Hill
Paramagnetic deoxyhemoglobin within capillaries and
veins can induce magnetic field variations around these
vessels. MR signal decay is governed by both static and
diffusion induced dephasing effects. It has been
suggested that diffusion effects highly depends on MR
pulse sequence, echo time, and vessel size. Previous
studies have proposed models with simplistic assumptions
such as uniform vessel radii within a voxel, or explore
the morphology of cerebral cortex microvasculature that
might help modeling; however, a realistic mathematical
model that can embrace the vast variety of
microvasculature in various regions of the human brain
has not been established to date. This also complicates
the quantification of diffusion effects on the
measurement of hemodynamic parameters. In this study, we
aimed to shed light on how diffusion affects the MR
signal under different vascular configurations
pertaining to distinct regions.
Poster Session - Diffusion & Perfusion |
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI: Methods
Click on
to view
the abstract pdf. Click on
to view
the poster (Not all posters are available for viewing.)
Wednesday 9 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
1961. |
Impact of precontrast T1
relaxation times on DCE-MRI pharmacokinetic parameters: T1
mapping versus a fixed reference value 
Tobias Heye1, Daniel T. Boll1,
Mustafa Bashir1, and Elmar M. Merkle1
1Department of Radiology, Duke University
Medical Center, Durham, NC, United States
DCE-MRI pharmacokinetic parameter (Ktrans, Kep, Ve,
iAUGC) calculation requires the T1 relaxation time (RT)
of the tissue to convert signal intensity into a
gadolinium concentration. Commercially available DCE-MRI
post-processing software allow T1-RT measurement by
variable flip angle sequences or input of a reference
value. This study assesses the differences between
calculations by both methods in 15 DCE-MRI cases.
Additionally the behavior of pharmacokinetic parameters
with changing T1-RT is measured. There is a considerable
difference (6.6-54.9%) between calculations using T1-RT
measurement vs. a reference value. Increasing T1-RT
yield lower pharmacokinetic parameter values within the
same DCE-MRI data set.
1962. |
A Method for Correcting T1 maps
of Prostate at 3T Obtained by Variable Flip Angle Imaging
Sandeep N Gupta1, Ehud J Schmidt2,
Robert Mulkern3, Andriy Fedorov2,
Ileana Hancu1, Yingxuan Zhu1,
Clare Tempany-Afdhal2, and Fiona Fennessy2
1GE Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY,
United States, 2Radiology,
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 3Radiology,
Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI has shown promise in
non-invasive assessment of tumor vascular properties
with applications in prostate cancer staging and
treatment monitoring. Analysis of DCE requires knowledge
of pre-contrast T1 maps. T1 mapping using Variable Flip
Angle imaging is inaccurate due to B1 inhomogeneity. We
present a simple approach for correcting VFA T1 maps by
incorporating knowledge of approximate T1 of known
reference tissue. This method can be used to produce
clinically usable T1 maps in prostate. Our method was
tested in 8 prostate patients and verified using a
multiple-TR approach and the Bloch-Siegert B1 mapping
1963. |
DCE-PWI: 3D T1-measurement
as function of time or flip angle?
Irene Klrke Mikkelsen1, David Alberg Peters2,
and Anna Tietze1,3
1Centre for Functionally Integrative
Neuroscience, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 2Dept.
of Clinical Engineering, Central Denmark Region, 3Dept.
of Neuroradiology, Aarhus University Hospital
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Perfusion Weighted Imaging (DCE-PWI)
is usually measured with a 3D FLASH sequence. The
required baseline T1 measurement is also measured with
the 3D sequence, and for the sake of speed, the
measurement is often performed by measuring the signal
for a range of flip angles instead of as a function the
inversion (or saturation) time. This work investigates
how off-set in flip angles in the presence of B1
inhomogeneities propagates into large errors in the T1
estimates. The errors are markedly reduced when the
measurement is performed as a function of time, even
though a preparation pulse is then needed.
1964. |
Robust assessment of the
sensitivity of DCE-MRI parameterisation to breathing motion 
Anita Banerji1,2, Alexandra Morgan1,2,
Yvonne Watson1,2, Giovanni A Buonaccorsi1,2,
and Geoff J M Parker1,2
1Imaging Sciences, University of Manchester,
Manchester Academic Health Science Centre, Manchester,
United Kingdom, 2Biomedical
Imaging Institute, Manchester, United Kingdom
Voxel wise fitting of the extended Kety model to DCE-MRI
data allows estimation of a median Ktrans value
for a tumour. However, the estimation of Ktrans for
liver tumours is likely to be effected by respiratory
motion. Using synthetic data with motion based on
biomechanical modelling we have assessed the robustness
of model fitting to motion and the benefit of using a
model-driven registration. We have found that median Ktrans values
are largely insensitive to motion and that heterogeneity
measures are likely to benefit from translation only
registration. However, more complex registrations should
be used with caution.
1965. |
Simple Motion Correction
for Hepatic DCE-MRI: Registration of Sequential Breath Holds
in 3D Radial Time-Resolved Scans 
Eric Bultman1, Debra Horng2, Ethan
K Brodsky2, Kevin M Johnson2,
Walter F Block1,2, and Scott B Reeder1,3
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI,
United States,3Radiology, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States
Quantitative perfusion imaging of hypervascular liver
lesions performed over multiple breath-holds (BHs)
requires compensation for motion between BH periods. In
this work, we utilize a contrast-enhanced 3D radial
acquisition with 4s true temporal footprint to image the
entire abdomen of four healthy volunteers and four
patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. We demonstrate
that suspension of respiratory motion during sequential
BHs produces images free of motion artifact, and that
rigid registration of BH-averaged image volumes provides
excellent correction for subject motion and variations
in residual lung volume between BHs.
1966. |
Quantitative Accuracy of
Temporally Constrained Reconstruction in Dynamic Contrast
Enhanced MRI
Yiqun Xue1, Jiangsheng Yu1, Mark A
Rosen1, and Hee Kwon Song1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Temporally constrained reconstruction (TCR) has recently
been developed for dynamic MR imaging to achieve high
image quality at high undersampling factors. However,
whether this technique can achieve accurate quantitative
MRI measurements has not been investigated. In this
work, an enhanced simulation experiment was conducted to
evaluate of the accuracy of TCR for the assessment of
DCE-MRI perfusion parameters. Compared to simple
undersampled and KWIC methods, the TCR method yields
more accurate and precise perfusion measures, and is
much less sensitive to different levels of image noise,
Ktrans values, and tumor sizes.
Temporal requirements in
dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI of glioblastoma multiforme 
Magne Mrk Kleppest1, Christopher Larsson1,
Raimo Aleksi Salo1, Jonas Vardal1,
Kine Mari Bakke2, Knut Lote3,
Petter Brandal3, I. Andre Rasmussen1,
and Atle Bjrnerud1,2
1The Intervention Centre, Oslo University
Hospital, Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway, 2Department
of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, 3Departement
of Neuro-oncology, Oslo University Hospital,
Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway
Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI is an established method
of assessing brain hemodynamics and blood-brain-barrier
integrity in brain tumors. The kinetic properties of the
tumor is estimated from the measured signal intensity
change following the administration of a contrast agent.
However, there is no consensus on the temporal
parameters required to obtain accurate and reproducable
estimates from such measurements. Temporal resolution
and total sampling duration affects the quality of the
resulting parameter maps and is of practical importance
in the clinic. The present work investigates how these
parameters are best chosen to achieve reliable results
in high-grade brain tumors.
1968. |
In Vivo Analysis of Ktrans Repeatability
of Signal Difference and Standard Concentration-Based
Xia Zhao1, Yiqun Xue1, Ramesh
Paudyal1, Jiangsheng Yu1, Hyun
Seon Kang1, Sarah Englander1,
Thomas Ferrara1, Harish Poptani1,
Amit Maity2, Ramesh Rengan2, Rosen
Mark1, Ping Wang1, and Hee Kwon
1Department of Radiology, Hospital of the
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
United States, 2Department
of Radiation Oncology, Hospital of the University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
In this work, the standard concentration-based method of
computing tissue perfusion was compared with a simpler
signal difference method in patients with lung tumors
using a 3D radial DCE-MRI sequence. Repeatability of Ktrans is
slightly higher in the standard method, and is similar
to those observed in previous studies using Cartesian
based sequences. The results indicate that even in the
absence of intrinsic T1 or accurate flip angle
information perfusion parameters can be determined using
the signal difference methodology with only minor loss
of measurement precision.
1969. |
Comparison of the Signal
Difference Methodology with the Conventional Technique for
DCE-MRI Perfusion Parameter Accuracy in the Presence of Flip
Angle Deviations
Ping Wang1, Jiangsheng Yu1, Yiqun
Xue1, Xia Zhao1, Mark Rosen1,
and Hee Kwon Song1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States
In conventional DCE-MRI, flip angle accuracy is
important in accurately determining perfusion
parameters. It has been shown previously that large flip
angle deviations can occur throughout the body,
resulting in erroneous perfusion measures. Recently, a
simpler method for computing perfusion was proposed, in
which the absolute signal difference is used without the
need for baseline T1, contrast agent concentration
measurements, or flip angle assumptions. In this study
numerical simulations were used to systematically
compare the performance of the signal difference
methodology with the conventional technique in the
presence of flip angle deviations.
1970. |
Automatic extraction of an
AIF using a novel blood-tissue equilibrium approach 
Rejean Lebel1, Eric Poulin1, and
Martin Lepage1
1Centre d'imagerie molculaire de Sherbrooke,
Universit de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
We developed a new method that exploits the existence of
blood/tissue equilibrium (BTE) points in DCE-MRI to
automatically extract the shape of the AIF from the
tissue concentration (CT) maps. This method is (1) non
invasive, (2) does not require the assumption of Ktrans
or ve in a specific tissue, (3) is automated (no user
input/ROI tracing) and (4) corresponds to the average
AIF as perceived by the voxels inside the volume of
interest. In animals, the method is shown to yield
accurate AIFs compared to manual blood samples analysed
by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.
1971. |
Estimation of Reference
Tissue based Arterial Input Function using Neural Network 
Jin Zhang1, Alana Amarosa1, Andrew
B. Rosenkrantz1, and Sungheon Kim1
1Radiology, New York University School of
Medicine, New York, New York, United States
Arterial Input Function (AIF) plays an important role in
pharmacokinetic model analysis of dynamic contrast
enhanced (DCE)-MRI data. Reference tissue approaches
have been proposed as a means to estimate AIF using a
two compartment model and literature values of transfer
constant and interstitial space volume. In this study,
neural network was introduced to delineate reference
tissue concentration curve and consequently to
reconstruct AIF. Clinical and preclinical DCE-MRI
studies were performed to compare different reference
tissue approaches. The results demonstrated the proposed
method has improved reproducibility as well as
flexibility in estimating different shapes of AIF.
1972. |
A Linear Algorithm of the
Reference Region Model for DCE-MRI is more robust and
relaxes requirements for temporal resolution
Julio Crdenas-Rodrguez1, Christine M
Howison2, and Mark D. Pagel3
1Chemistry and Biochemistry, The Arizona
Cancer Center, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United
States, 2Arizona
Research Laboratories, University of Arizona, Tucson,
AZ, United States, 3Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry and Biochemistry,
and The Arizona Cancer Center, University of Arizona,
Tucson, Arizona, United States
We have developed a new Linear Reference Region (LRRM)
model for DCE-MRI, and compared its performance with the
standard Non-Linear Model (NLRRM) using simulations and
pre-clinical DCE-MRI data. The LRRM estimate the
relative Ktrans of tow tissues more accurately than the
standard NLRM at coarser temporal resolution (128 sec
vs. 32 sec), and lower SNR (15 vs 30). These results
show that our LRRM algorithm can be used to translate
the Reference Region Model to clinical setting.
1973. |
A Four Site Linear
Exchange Model for DCE-MRI
Matthias Christian Schabel1,2
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, Oregon
Health & Science University, Portland, OR, United
States, 2Radiology,
Utah Center for Advanced Imaging Research, Salt Lake
City, UT, United States
We have developed a four site linear exchange model
(4SLX) for pharmacokinetic analysis of DCE-MRI data.
This model incorporates separate compartments for
intracellular, extracellular extravascular, blood
plasma, and erythrocyte water. Comparison of parameter
estimates obtained using a simpler two-compartment
exchange (2CX) model that assumes the fast water
exchange limit with those obtained from the 4SLX in a
human glioma show modest but statistically significant
changes in parameter estimates.
1974. |
Simultaneous Bayesian
Estimation of Motion and Pharmacokinetic Parameters in
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI for the Discrimination of
Responders in Colorectal Cancer 
Manav Bhushan1, Julia Schnabel1,
Lydia Tanner2, Fergus Gleeson3,
Sir Michael Brady2, and Mark Jenkinson4
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Oxford
University, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Radiation Oncology and Biology, Oxford University, 3Department
of Radiology, Churchill Hospital, 4Centre
for Functional MRI of the Brain, Oxford University
We present a novel Bayesian framework for non-rigid
motion correction and Pharmacokinetic (PK) parameter
estimation in dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI. We use our
algorithm to co-register image volumes from dceMRI scans
acquired for Colorectal cancer patients before, and
after 5 weeks of chemoradiotherapy and estimate the
PK-parameter maps for the same. We then classify each
patient as a responder or non-responder to therapy on
the basis of the difference between the pre- and
post-therapy distributions of PK-parameters. We show
that there is a significant benefit in using
motion-correction within this framework, and also
compare the results obtained using two AIFs.
1975. |
A population model for
clinical DCE-MRI response to a single dose of bevacizumab
Gregory Z. Ferl1, Shiv J. Acharya1,
James P.B. O'Connor2, Geoffrey J.M. Parker2,
and Ruediger E. Port1
1Development Sciences, Genentech, Inc., South
San Francisco, CA, United States, 2Imaging
Sciences Research Group, School of Medicine, University
of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Here, we present a population level mathematical model
that describes the time course of Ktrans response
to a single dose of the therapeutic monoclonal antibody
bevacizumab based on Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI data
from a previously published post-licensing study, where Ktrans is
a composite measure of vascular permeability to contrast
agent, surface area and rate of tissue perfusion. We
show that the model is capable of describing a Ktrans response
characterized by rapid decrease during the first 4 hours
post-dose, followed by a slower return to baseline over
12 days.
1976. |
DCE-MRI using a three
compartment Leaky Tracer Kinetic Model (LTKM) for whole body
Ram KS Rathore1, Rakesh Kumar Gupta2,
Prativa Sahoo1, Rishi Awasthi2,
Divya Rathore1, and Bhaswati Roy2
1Mathematics & Statistics, Indian Institute
of Technology, Kanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, 2Radiodiagnosis,
Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical
Sciences, Lucknow, India, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
A three compartment tissue model - Leaky Tracer Kinetic
Model (LTKM) is introduced to take care of the varied
tissue natures in the whole body applications of DCE-MRI.
In particular it takes care of vasculature in accessible
leakage and provides a consistent determination of the
perfusion parameters. Applications of it elsewhere have
led to a better grading of tumors.
Ad hoc Constraints on
Complex Liver DCE-MRI Models can Reduce Parameter
Mikael Fredrik Forsgren1,2, Olof Dahlqvist
Leinhard1,2, Gunnar Cedersund3,4,
and Peter Lundberg1,2
1Depts of Radiation Physics, Linkping
University and Radiation Physics, UHL County Council of
Ostergotland, Linkping, Sweden, 2Center
for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV),
Linkping University, Linkping, Sweden, 3Depts
of Clinical and Experimental Medicine (IKE), Diabetes
and Integrated Systems Biology, Linkping University,
Linkping, Sweden, 4School
of Life Sciences, Freiburg Institute of Advanced
Sciences, Freiburg, Germany
Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI)using
hepatocyte-specific contrast agents (CA) has been
proposed as promising methods for liver function
characterization. A human whole body pharmacokinetic
model for DCE-MRI analysis has previously been proposed,
there is however issues with parameter uncertainties in
models aiming towards mimicking complex biological
systems. The aim of this study was to derive ad hoc
constraint that can reduce the model uncertainty. Our
results suggest that a lowest amount of CA residing
within the blood pool after 3 h is a likely candidate
that might be used on a variety of liver DCE-MRI models.
1978. |
A Unified Impulse Response
Model for DCE-MRI
Matthias Christian Schabel1,2
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, Oregon
Health & Science University, Portland, OR, United
States, 2Radiology,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States
We describe a new impulse response model for analysis of
DCE-MRI that mathematically unifies the Tofts-Kety (TK),
Extended Tofts-Kety (ETK), Adiabatic Tissue Homogeneity
(ATH), and Two Compartment Exchange (2CX) models. This
model introduces a distribution of capillary transit
times and includes a parameter describing the shape of
this distribution that continuously varies between the
ATH and 2CX limits. In vivo results in three human brain
tumors suggest that this shape parameter takes on values
spanning the range of possible values and may provide an
imaging biomarker characterizing disorder of the
capillary vascular bed.
1979. |
Comparison of Tissue
Homogeneity Tracer Kinetics Models on Pixel-by-Pixel DCE MRI
Data in Breast Tumors 
Dennis Lai Hong Cheong1,2, Thian Chor Ng3,4,
Bo Zhang1,5, Bingwen Zheng1,
Eugene Mun Wai Ong4, and Soo Chin Lee6,7
1Clinical Imaging Research Center, A*STAR &
National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 2Neuroradiology
Department, National Neuroscience Institute, 308433,
Singapore, 3Clinical
Imaging Research Center, A*STAR & National University of
Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore, 4Department
of Radiology, National University of Singapore, 119074,
Singapore, 5Quantitative
Image Processing Group, SBIC/A*STAR, 138671, Singapore, 6Department
of Haematology-Oncology, National University Health
System, 119074, Singapore, 7Cancer
Science Institute, 117456, Singapore
Pixel-by-pixel concentration time curves from a breast
tumor were extracted and analyzed by two compartmental
models (Tofts model and extended Tofts model), and two
distributed parameter models (adiabatic approximation to
tissue homogeneity model and two-compartment axially
distributed parameter model). All models are able to fit
the data although distributed parameter models have
slightly better fittings. Parameters Ktrans and ve and
impulse residue functions of the models were being
compared. In pixel-by-pixel analysis of DCE MRI data in
tumors, our preliminary data suggests that distributed
parameter models are better than compartmental models by
having better fittings and more stable parameter values.
1980. |
Assessment of uncertainty
in the estimation of pharmacokinetic model parameters for
DCE-MRI data analysis 
Jin Zhang1, and Sungheon Kim1
1Radiology, New York University School of
Medicine, New York, New York, United States
Due to lack of gold standard to measure pharmacokinetic
model parameters, it remains uncertain how accurately
these model parameters represent the tissue
microenvironment. Recently pharmacokinetic models with
inter-compartmental water exchange effects have been
introduced. However, it has not been shown how reliably
the parameter estimation can be done with such models
with additional parameters for water exchange. Hence, we
investigated the influence of initial values and noise
on the model parameter estimation with simulated MRI
data. Our results demonstrate that numerical simulation
studies can be used to assess the accuracy and precision
in the model parameter estimation.
1981. |
Liver DCE-MR imaging with
a blood pool contrast agent and distributed computing on the
European Grid Infrastructure: An innovative method for whole
liver perfusion quantification.
Benjamin Leporq1, Sorina Camarasu-Pop1,
Frank Pilleul1, and Olivier Beuf1
UCBL Lyon 1, Villeurbanne, Rhne-Alpes, France
This study presents a MR acquisition protocol and a
processing method using distributed computing on the
European Grid Infrastructure (EGI) to allow 3D liver
perfusion parametric mapping after DCE-MR imaging with
the MS-325 blood pool agent. In this preliminary study,
processing speed, reproducibility and accuracy were
assessed. The presented method allows 3D liver perfusion
quantification in a reasonable processing time, suitable
for clinical study in a research context. While the
distributed processing method was validated compared to
ROI-based quantification, such fully automatic
processing requires higher image quality which is now
achievable on the latest 3T MRI systems available.
1982. |
Effect of Acquisition
Parameters on the Diffusion Visualization and Quantification
of Peripheral Nerves: Diffusion Tensor Imaging to Identify
and Quantify Human Nerves in Forearm 
Yuxiang Zhou1, Manickam Kumaravel1,
Vipulkumar S Patel1, Kazim Sheikh2,
and Ponnada A Narayana1
1Diagnostic & Interventional Imaging,
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston,
Houston, Texas, United States, 2Department
of Neurology, University of Texas Health Science Center
at Houston, Houston, Texas, United States
The effect of spatial resolution, number of diffusion
gradient encoding directions (DGED), and number of
repetitions on the visualization and quantification of
peripheral nerves on the diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)
in human forearm was investigated. The fractional
anisotropy (FA) maps at higher spatial resolution
allowed the visualization of superficial radial, median,
and ulnar nerves consistently on all the scans, whereas
only ulnar and median nerves were clearly visualized at
lower spatial resolution. Our results indicate the
visualization and the quantification of the diffusion
anisotropy of forearm nerves is strongly influenced by
the SNR, spatial resolution, and number of DGED. These
studies help in the identification of optimum scan
parameters for the DTI of peripheral nerves.
Poster Session - Diffusion & Perfusion |
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI: Applications
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the abstract pdf. Click on
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the poster (Not all posters are available for viewing.)
Wednesday 9 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
1983. |
Novel pharmacokinetic
model for fractional blood volume quantification with the
Rapid Steady State T1 MRI
technique in tumors with Gd-DOTA permeable vasculature 
Teodora-Adriana Perles-Barbacaru1, Michel
Sarraf1, Regine Farion1, Marie
France Nissou1, Boudewijn van der Sanden1,
Francois Berger1, and Hana Lahrech1
1Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences, INSERM
U836, Grenoble, France
A blood volume fraction (BVf) in a C6 rat brain tumor
model is quantified with the Rapid Steady State T1 (RSST1)
technique and Gd-DOTA using a novel pharmacokinetic
model to account for transendothelial contrast agent
leakage. The BVf is validated with a ΔR2*
steady state technique employing a blood pool contrast
agent and histologically. The advantage of the RSST1 technique
over conventional dynamic contrast enhanced techniques
is that it does not require measurement of the arterial
input function, making BVf quantification
straightforward and easy to apply in the clinical
1984. |
The Role of Akt1 in
Ovarian Graft Reception 
Yoni Cohen 1, Hagit Dafni 1, Inbal
Biton 1, Tal Raz 1, and Michal
Neeman 1
1Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot,
ConvectionMRI, a novel
method for measuring tumour interstitial fluid velocity 
Simon Walker-Samuel1, Rajiv Ramasawmy1,
Peter Johnson2, Jack Wells1,
Bernard Siow1, Barbara Pedley2,
and Mark F. Lythgoe1
1Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging,
University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Cancer
Institute, University College London, United Kingdom
Tumours exhibit raised interstitial fluid pressure (IFP),
which acts as a barrier to drug delivery and results in
convection currents that radiate from the centre of the
tumour to the periphery. We report a novel method named
extra-vascular convectography (EVAC) for measuring
interstitial fluid velocity (IFV), that does not require
a contrast agent, and have evaluated it in two tumour
models. The method consists of vascular nulling using a
double inversion preparation, a recovery delay, and a
velocity encoding readout. Using EVAC we have identified
both radial and laminar interstitial convection patterns
with a median velocity of 0.28 mm/s.
1986. |
Quantification of skin
penetration with contrast-enhanced MRI at 7T 
Maximilian N. Voelker1, Jan M. Burg2,
Peggy Schlupp3, Ulf Maeder2,
Alexander M. Koenig1, and Johannes T.
1Diagnostic Radiology, Philipps University,
Marburg, Hessen, Germany, 2Institute
of Medical Physics and Radiation Protection, University
of Applied Sciences Giessen-Friedberg, Giessen, Germany, 3Institute
of Biopharmaceutical Technology, University of Applied
Sciences Giessen-Friedberg, Giessen, Germany
A topically applied submicron emulsion on porcine skin
samples was used as a carrier system for the contrast
agent. Contrast enhanced MRI enables the measurement of
its penetration into the skin. Measuring the relaxation
time change due to the penetration of the contrast agent
into the skin allowed the quantification of the drug
carrier system. Compared with common optical and
analytical assessment of skin penetration, contrast
enhanced MRI has an advantage in unlimited imaging
depth. Moreover, it provides an easy and precise
quantification despite the worse resolution.
1987. |
Clinical Translation of
VSI using Ferumoxytol: Feasibility in a Phase I Oncology
Clinical Trial Population
Jill Fredrickson1, Natalie Serkova2,
Richard Carano1, Shelby Wyatt1,
Andrea Pirzkall1, Colin Weekes2,
Jeffrey Silverman3, Lee Rosen4,
and Alex de Crespigny1
1Genentech, South San Francisco, CA, United
States, 2University
of Colorado Hospital, Denver, CO, 3Landmark
Imaging, LLC, Santa Monica, CA, 4Premiere
Oncology, Santa Monica, CA
Vessel size imaging (VSI) metrics acquired using
ferumoyxtol and stock pulse sequences in a Phase 1
patient population with advanced solid tumors are
compared to pre-clinical results. Despite using half the
ferumoxytol dose, % changes in both R2 and R2* are much
greater in human liver metastases than in xenografts.
Average vessel density is lower in humans due to the
greater increase in ∆R2*. Clinical VSI is feasible using
stock pulse sequences in a Phase 1 population; in
particular, the high level of ferumoxytol in the normal
liver does not prevent the measurement of VSI metrics in
liver metastases.
1988. |
DCE-MRI for Predicting of
Treatment Response of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma 
Steven K.K. Chow1, Ann D King1,
David K.W. Yeung1, Jing Yuan1,
Kunwar Bhatia1, Anil T Ahuja1,
Alexander C Vlantis2, and Brian K.H. Yu3
1Department of Imaging and Interventional
Radiology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Sha Tin,
N.T., Hong Kong, 2Department
of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 3Department
of Clinical Oncology, The Chinese University of Hong
We used DCE-MRI to examine whether this technique can be
used to predict treatment response in head and neck
cancer. We examined 19 primary and 21 metastatic nodal
lesions. Despite no significant difference was found
between Ktrans parameters of tumors with disease control
and disease failure, there was a trend towards disease
failure in tumors with a lower Ktrans mean, Ktrans
skewness and Ktrans kurtosis. This study is ongoing and
presently we could only report that there appears to be
a trend towards treatment failure in primary and nodal
metastases with lower Ktrans means.
1989. |
DCE-MRI at 3T in patients
with hepatocellular carcinoma using a saturation-prepared
dual-acquisition pulse sequence 
Andrew B Gill1, David J Bowden1,
Richard T Black1, Andrew N Priest1,
Ilse Joubert1, Martin J Graves1,
and David J Lomas1
1Radiology, Addenbrooke's Hospital &
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
This pilot study investigated the ability of DCE-MRI
indices to differentiate between tumour and unaffected
regions in the livers of patients with hepatocellular
carcinoma. Data was collected from 6 patients and 9
healthy volunteers using a saturation-prepared
dual-acquisition sequence, and analysed with a
dual-input single-compartment pharmacokinetic model. The
arterial fraction was found to be significantly higher
in tumour tissue than in unaffected tissue and
significantly higher than that in volunteers. Mean total
perfusion was found to be lower in tumours than in the
livers of volunteers, probably due to the degree of
necrosis in the tumour central regions.
1990. |
Discrimination of Renal
Cell Carcinoma Subtypes with dynamic contrast-enhanced
perfusion MRI and Pharmacokinetic Modeling 
Alana R. Amarosa1, Hersh Chandarana1,
Stella K. Kang1, Mary T. Bruno1,
Konstantinos Arhakis1, William C. Huang2,
Edgar F. Suan1, and Sungheon Kim1
1Radiology, NYU School of Medicine, New York,
New York, United States, 2Urology,
NYU School of Medicine, New York, New York, United
The purpose of this study was to investigate the
feasibility of dynamic contrast enhanced perfusion MRI
with pharmacokinetic modeling to generate and analyze
parameters, ktrans, ve, vp, for discrimination of renal
cell cancer (RCC) subtypes. In this prospective study 22
patients with known or suspected renal tumors underwent
preoperative DCE-MRI at 1.5T. The generalized kinetic
model was used for pharmacokinetic analysis to obtain
ktrans, ve, vp for total of 23 lesion. Significant
differences were found in ktrans between clear cell RCC
and oncocytic tumors (p = 0.038) and between clear cell
and papillary RCCs (p = 0.074).
1991. |
Age-related Changes of
Prostatic Tissues in Healthy Adults Measured by Kinetic
Parameters from DCE MRI 
Wenchao Cai1, Feiyu Li1, Yi Dang2,
Jue Zhang2,3, Xiaoying Wang1,2,
and Xuexiang Jiang1
1Radiology, Peking University First Hospital,
Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Academy
for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Peking
University, Beijing, Beijing, China, 3College
of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, Beijing,
Purpose:To identify age-related changes and differences
in the kinetic parameters obtained from DCE-MRI within
the prostate gland in heathy adult men. Methods:A total
of 68 heathy male volunteers were recruited into the
study. The patients were divided into three age
groups(10~30years,31~50years and >50years). The DCE-MRI
examinations were performed on a clinical 3.0 T MR
scanner. Post-procession of DCE-MRI data was conducted
in the Matlab to obtain the Ktrans,Vep and Ve values.
Results:The Variance(ANOVA) analysis identified
significant differences of Ktrans , Kep among the three
age groups within the PZ (all P<0.05),While Ve showed no
statistically significant difference. Conclusion:Our
results shows that there is a decrease trend of Ktrans
and Kep along with age increase within the prostate PZ
of healthy adults.
1992. |
DTI and DCE perfusion MRI
Metrics Discriminate Chronic Infective from Chronic
Inflammatory Knee Arthritis
Rishi Awasthi1, Rakesh Kumar Gupta1,
Deepak Tripathi2, Vikas Agarwal2,
Vinita Agrawal3, Prativa Sahoo4,
and Ram KS Rathore4
1Radiodiagnosis, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate
Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India, Lucknow,
Uttar Pradesh, India, 2Immunology,
Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical
Sciences, Lucknow, India, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, 3Pathology,
Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical
Sciences, Lucknow, India, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India, 4Mathematics
& Statistics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur,
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
This study was performed on 73 patients who had
inflammation in knee joint with age ranging from 18-65
years. DTI and DCE-MRI were performed on a 3T MR
scanner. On discriminant analysis, DCE derived BV and
DTI derived FA values were found to be significant
discriminators between tubercular and non-tubercular
inflammation with canonical correlation of 0.851. We
were able to correctly classify a total of 98.6% of
original grouped cases into tubercular and
non-tubercular knee arthritis with very narrow range of
overlapping values.
Poster Session - Diffusion & Perfusion |
Arterial Spin Labeling and Oxygenation: Methods
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the abstract pdf. Click on
to view
the poster (Not all posters are available for viewing.)
Wednesday 9 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
1993. |
Detecting cerebral
perfusion territories and arterial source locations with
minimal prior planning using harmonically encoded
pseudocontinuous arterial spin labeling
Wen-Chau Wu1,2
1Graduate Institute of Oncology, National
Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Medical
Imaging, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei,
Territorial arterial spin labeling (TASL) has been known
for its capability of noninvasively measuring regional
blood flow supplied by a single or a subset of feeding
arteries, which in the human brain is currently only
achievable by using interventional digital subtraction
angiography. The prior determination of target vessels
for TASL demands familiarity of vascular anatomy and can
be difficult when variations are caused by diseases.
Here we propose to expand the use of pseudocontinuous
ASL and harmonic encoding to detect flow territory,
arterial source location, and off resonance with minimal
prior planning.
1994. |
Mapping of Cerebral Blood
Flow Directionality with Alternate Ascending/Descending
Directional Navigation (ALADDIN)
Sung-Hong Park1, Bumwoo Park1,
Jung-Hwan Kim1, Tiejun Zhao2, and
Kyongtae Ty Bae1
1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2MR
Research Support, Siemens Healthcare, Pittsburgh, PA,
United States
Blood flow signals are commonly measured with arterial
spin labeling (ASL) technique and represented in a
scalar quantity. We tested the feasibility of mapping
blood flow directionality in a vector and a tensor forms
using a new ASL technique, alternate
ascending/descending directional navigation. Blood flow
directions mapped in the vector form was from brain
center to lateral, anterior, and posterior and from feet
to head. Although the directions of the primary
eigenvector calculated from the tensor form were
heterogeneous between regions, regional clusters of the
same directionality were consistent across subjects.
Further studies are necessary to validate the new
Parallel Transmit Vessel
Selective Arterial Spin Labelling: Phantom and In-Vivo
Aaron Oliver-Taylor1, Chris Randell2,
Roger J Ordidge3, and David L Thomas4
1Department of Medical Physics and
Bioengineering, University College London, London,
England, United Kingdom, 2PulseTeq
Products Division, Renishaw PLC, United Kingdom,3Centre
for Neuroscience, University of Melbourne, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia, 4Institute
of Neurology, University College London, London,
England, United Kingdom
Vessel selective continuous arterial spin labelling can
be achieved using a single surface coil placed over one
of the carotid arteries. However the labelling B1 field
extends across the neck causing contralateral labelling.
Presented is a method using parallel transmission to
nullify the B1 field
at the contralateral artery. Both phantom and in-vivo
results show a reduction in contralateral labelling is
possible, improving specificity without losing the
advantageous high labelling efficiency and no
magnetisation transfer effects of separate-coil CASL.
1996. |
Functional perfusion
imaging using pseudo-continuous ASL with low-flip-angle
segmented 3D spiral readouts 
Jon-Fredrik Nielsen1, and Luis
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) provides quantitative and
reproducible measurements of cerebral blood flow, and is
an attractive method for functional MRI. Most existing
ASL fMRI protocols are based on 2D multislice or 3D
spin-echo, and suffer from low image signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR) or through-plane blurring. 3D ASL with
multi-shot (segmented) readouts can improve the SNR
efficiency relative to 2D multislice, and does not
suffer from T2-blurring. We characterize the temporal
SNR of a segmented 3D spiral ASL sequence, and
investigate the effects of RF phase-cycling scheme and
flip angle schedule on the ASL time-course signal. We
conclude that RF-spoiled segmented 3D spiral ASL with a
cubic flip angle schedule starting at 15o can produce
high-quality functional activation maps with only modest
through-plane blurring.
1997. |
Accelerated Kinetic ASL
using 3D Spiral TSE and Compressed Sensing
Li Zhao1, Xiao Chen1, Samuel W.
Fielden1, Frederick H. Epstein1,
John P. Mugler III2, Josef Pfeuffer3,
Manal Nicolas-Jilwan2, Max Wintermark2,
and Craig H. Meyer1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia,
United States, 3Siemens,
Erlangen, Germany
To achieve high SNR, we develop 3DTSE with stack spiral
acquisition. To shorten scan time, compress sensing is
modified to perform on spiral trajectory. CBF and MTT
are estimated from dynamic data properly and off-line
reconstruction with acceleration rate of 3 shows little
1998. |
Deblurring in 3D GRASE ASL
by using variable flip angles and k-space demodulation
Xiaoyun Liang 1, Alan Connelly 1,2,
Jacques-Donald Tournier 1,2, and Fernando
Calamante 1,2
1Brain Research Institute, Florey
Neuroscience Institutes, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 2Department
of Medicine, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC,
1999. |
Effects of Readout
Sequence on the Temporal and Spatial SNR of
Pseudo-continuous Arterial Spin Labeling 
Marta Vidorreta1, Ze Wang2,
Ignacio Rodrguez3, John A. Detre4,5,
and Mara A. Fernndez-Seara1
1Functional Neuroimaging Laboratory, CIMA,
University of Navarra, Pamplona, Navarra, Spain, 2Department
of Psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States, 3Instituto
de Estudios Biofuncionales, UCM, Madrid, Spain, 4Department
of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States, 5Deparment
of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States
ASL can be implemented combining different labeling
schemes and readout sequences. A consensus is emerging
in the ASL community concerning the use of
pseudo-continuous ASL as the optimum labeling strategy.
However, there is no agreement to date on the choice of
readout sequence. In this work, we have compared the
performance of 3 different sequences: two background
suppressed 3D fast spin echo based sequences (GRASE and
FSE spiral) and the standard 2D EPI. The SNR of the 3D
sequences is greatly improved with respect to 2D EPI.
The spiral based readout offers a further increased in
temporal SNR that translates in higher statistical power
for task-activation studies.
2000. |
3D GRASE ASL using a
modified refocusing pulse phase cycling scheme compatible
with vascular crusher gradients
David L Thomas1, Enrico De Vita1,2,
Xavier Golay1, and Maria A Fernandez-Seara3
1Department of Brain Repair and
Rehabilitation, UCL Institute of Neurology, London,
London, United Kingdom, 2Lysholm
Department of Neuroradiology, National Hospital for
Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, London, United
Kingdom, 3Center
for Applied Medical Research, University of Navarra,
Pamplona, Navarra, Spain
3D GRASE pCASL is a method for obtaining non-invasive
perfusion maps of the brain with good SNR. A CPMG RF
refocusing pulse phasing scheme is typically chosen for
the 3D GRASE readout, to maximise robustness to B1 inhomogeneity.
However, this method fails when vascular crusher
gradients are implemented, due to violation of the CPMG
condition. In this work, we implement an alternative
refocusing pulse phasing scheme which is insensitive to
the initial phase of the transverse magnetisation and
still robust to B1 inhomogeneity,
enabling use of vascular crusher gradients and improving
the accuracy of perfusion quantification in 3D GRASE ASL.
2001. |
Look-Locker acquisition
for estimation of partial volume fractions in ASL data 
Jan Petr1, Georg Schramm1, Frank
Hofheinz1, Jens Langner1, Jrg
Steinbach1, and Jrg van den Hoff1
1PET center, Department of Radiopharmacy,
Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany
Partial volume correction becomes an important issue in
arterial spin labeling. It is usually done using the
partial volume maps obtain by segmenting the high
resolution T1-weighted images. This brings
additional issues with imperfections in segmentation and
corrections of image distortion. We propose an
alternative by using T1 relaxation
times obtained from the Look-Locker sequence to directly
obtain the partial volume ratios. These ratios show
higher agreement with the perfusion data than the
standard T1-weighted images segmentation.
2002. |
Magnetization dispersion
effetcs on quantitative perfusion imaging for pulsed and
continuous arterial spin labeling 
Mustafa Cavusoglu1,2, Rolf Pohmann2,
and Kamil Uludag3
1Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich,
Switzerland, 2High
Field MR Center, Max Planck Institute, Tuebingen,
Germany, 3Department
of Cognitive Neuroscience, Maastricht Brain Imaging
Centre (MBIC), Maastricht, Netherlands
The arterial transit time is a key local variable which
has to be included in the kinetic models to estimate the
CBF (f) in arterial spin labeling. Due to cardiac
pulsation, non-uniform cross-sectional flow profile and
complex vessel networks, the distribution of transit
delay time has a statistical nature instead of being
uniform. In this study, we have investigated the
regional effects of magnetization dispersion for varying
distances between tagging and imaging regions by
implementing pulsed (PASL), pseudo-continuous (PCASL)
and dual-coil continuous (DC-CASL) ASL encoding schemes.
2003. |
Estimating Effective
Residue Functions in Model-Free ASL: Comparison of
Deconvolution Algorithms 
Andr Ahlgren1, Ronnie Wirestam1,
Freddy Sthlberg1,2, and Linda Knutsson1
1Dept. of Medical Radiation Physics, Lund
University, Lund, Skne, Sweden, 2Dept.
of Diagnostic Radiology, Lund University, Lund, Skne,
To improve estimated residue function characteristics
and cerebral blood flow (CBF) quantification in arterial
spin labeling (ASL), we recently proposed the
implementation of nonlinear stochastic regularization (NSR)
in model-free ASL. Here we present quantitative results
from an improved implementation and compare it to the
more common singular value decomposition (SVD) methods.
SVD based methods yielded unrealistic residue functions
and reasonable (cSVD) or low (oSVD) CBF estimates. NSR
yielded realistic residue functions and robust perfusion
maps but somewhat low CBF values.
2004. |
Observations on the
tagging time and velocity cutoff dependence in velocity
selective ASL 
Jia Guo1, and Eric C. Wong2
1Bioengineering, University of California San
Diego, La Jolla, California, United States, 2Radiology
and Psychiatry, University of California San Diego, La
Jolla, California, United States
We explore here the dependence of the velocity selective
ASL signal on the tagging time and the velocity cutoff.
We note that the peak of the ASL signal occurs at lower
TI than expected, suggesting significant tissue water
exchange or a shorter than expected bolus length. We
also note oscillations in the inflow curve in some
subjects that may provide information on the rate of
deceleration in arteries.
2005. |
Improved Multislice
Cerebral Blood Flow Imaging Using Velocity-Selective
Arterial Spin Labeling
Zungho Zun1, Brian A. Hargreaves1,
and Greg Zaharchuk1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States
We demonstrate that velocity-selective arterial spin
labeling (VSASL) can be improved particularly for 2D
multislice cerebral blood flow (CBF) imaging. (1)
Stimulated echo removal using variable gradient spoiler
reduced the temporal noise in CBF time series by 27%.
(2) Improved slice profile using matched-phase RF pulse
reduced the slice spacing to one third of the imaging
slice thickness for near-contiguous multislice. (3)
Timing optimization reduced the temporal noise by 34%
due to increased SNR efficiency. (4) Off-resonance
correction minimized blurring from spiral trajectory.
These changes are expected to drastically improve the
utility of VSASL for clinical studies.
2006. |
Resting-state fluctuations
of venous blood oxygenation in the sagittal sinus are a
potential indicator of arteriolar vasomotion 
Minghui Tang 1, and Toru Yamamoto 2
1Graduate School of Health Sciences, Hokkaido
University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 2Faculty
of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University, Sapporo,
Hokkaido, Japan
2007. |
Dynamic Subtraction VASO
with Second Image Acquisition Allows for Combined CBV and
CBF Estimation In-vivo 
Alexander Graeme Gardener1, and Peter Jezzard1
1FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford,
United Kingdom
Dynamic Subtraction VASO has been proposed as a method
of measuring cerebral blood volume. Paired images are
acquired - in the first global inversion then
slice-selective inversion are applied; the second
employs two slice-selective inversions back-to-back.
Images are acquired at blood null time (TI1).
Subtracting the first set from second allows for
quantification of CBV. This study extends this to
acquire additional images at longer delay (TI2) with CBF
weighting, improving time efficiency of the sequence and
allowing for simultaneous CBV/CBF estimation, to give
additional concurrent insight into cerebral
haemodynamics. Values found are comparable to existing
separate measurement methods.
2008. |
Improved selection of the
venous blood pool for OEF determination: IQ-OEF 
Sophie Schmid1, Esben T. Petersen2,
Jeroen Hendrikse2, Andrew Webb1,
and Matthias J.P. van Osch1,3
1C.J. Gorter Center for High Field MRI, Dept.
of Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden,
Netherlands, 2Dept.
Radiology and Radiotherapy, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Leiden
Institute of Brain and Cognition, Leiden, Netherlands
A new method called Inflow QUIXOTIC (IQ) is introduced,
which employs a pulsed ALS module at T1blood*ln(2)
seconds before VS-labeling to null the arterial pool. By
nulling the arterial signal, the venous pool will be
labeled exclusively by a single VS-module. IQ with and
without QUIPSS was compared to QUIXOTIC. IQ enables
selection of the local venous blood pool, showed a
higher SNR, and provides also the opportunity to not
only estimate the venous, but also the arterial T2.
Whereas T2 measurements in large vessels (both arteries
and veins) were feasible with our current sequence,
tissue measurements were hampered by artifacts.
2009. |
Improved estimation of
venous saturation using simultaneous arterial
and venous acquisition of T2
David D Shin1, Thomas T Liu1,
Richard B Buxton1, Guo Jia2, and
David J Dubowitz1
1Center for Functional MRI, University of
California, San Diego, La Jolla, California, United
States, 2Department
of Bioengineering, University of California, San Diego,
La Jolla, California, United States
A novel approach to TRUST (T2 relaxation under spin
tagging) for measuring venous O2 saturation (Yv) is
presented. Critical to the measurement of Yv is a
calibration between R2v and Yv. Although several authors
have published calibration data, this are critically
technique dependent which limits its universal
applicability. We present a theoretical framework and
propose a method to measure a R2 difference between two
vessels (deltaR2) which removes some of the potential
systematic errors from a calibration that is not locally
applicable. This reduces the number of fit parameters
from 6 to only 3. Initial tests in vivo reveal a better
estimate of Yv and OEF than those obtained by assuming
universal applicability of all 6 fit parameters. An
novel imaging technique (SAVANT) is presented that
directly measured the required deltaR2 by Simultaneous
Arterial and Venous AcquisitioN of T2
2010. |
Combined measurement of
perfusion and venous oxygen saturation during reactive
hyperemia in the leg 
Erin K Englund1, Michael C Langham2,
Cheng Li1, Emile R Mohler3, Thomas
F Floyd4, and Felix W Wehrli2
1Department of Bioengineering, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States, 3Department
of Cardiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States, 4Department
of Anesthesiology, Stony Brook University School of
Medicine, Stony Brook, NY, United States
To make use of the dead time during the post-labeling
delay inherent in ASL sequences, a hybrid PASL/MR
susceptometry sequence was developed capable of
measuring perfusion, a microvascular parameter, and
venous oxygen saturation (SvO2), a
macrovascular parameter, with 2-second temporal
resolution. Repeated measurements of perfusion alone, SvO2 alone,
and PASL/SvO2 combined
revealed no significant difference between the perfusion
measurements (PASL vs. PASL/SvO2),
or SvO2 (susceptometry
vs. PASL/SvO2). These data suggest
that the combined method is capable of quantifying
perfusion and oxygen saturation simultaneously, thus
providing measures of vascular physiology on both the
macrovascular and microvascular level.
2011. |
Heterogeneity and
reproducibility of cerebral perfusion and capillary volume
fraction measurements, derived from combined Arterial Spin
Labelling and Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Imaging of the
healthy adult brain 
Patrick W Hales1, and Chris A Clark1
1Imaging & Biophysics Unit, University
College London, London, United Kingdom
Multi-TI ASL and multi-b-value DWI measurements were
made in ten healthy adult brains, and repeated after 20
min in five subjects. Estimates of capillary volume
fraction (vbw) were derived from the DWI data using the
IVIM model. vbw data were used in a two-compartment ASL
model to estimate cerebral blood flow (CBF), bolus
arrival time (BAT) and capillary permeability surface
product (PS). CBF was most heterogeneous in the frontal
lobe, vbw was most heterogeneous in the occipital lobe.
By incorporating measured vbw values in a
two-compartment ASL models, PS measurements showed
improved heterogeneity and repeatability compared to
previously published studies.
2012. |
Flow compensated IVIM as a
tool to probe microvasculature 
Andreas Wetscherek1, Bram Stieltjes2,
Wolfhard Semmler1, and Frederik Bernd Laun1
1Dept. of Medical Physics in Radiology,
German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany, 2Quantitative
imaging based disease characterization, German Cancer
Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany
To investigate the origin of the IVIM models diagnostic
capabilities we measured the signal attenuation in the
pancreas for bipolar and flow compensated diffusion
gradients. The diffusion weighting time T was varied
while TE was kept fixed. Using a simple model relying on
microscopic parameters of blood flow in
microvasculature, we were able to reproduce the observed
T-dependence in the flow compensated DWI data and the
strong signal decay at small b-values for the bipolar
DWI data. We found the characteristic time >
100 ms implying that only a fraction of the blood
exhibits directional changes during T.
Poster Session - Diffusion & Perfusion |
Arterial Spin Labeling: Applications
Click on
to view
the abstract pdf. Click on
to view
the poster (Not all posters are available for viewing.)
Wednesday 9 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
2013. |
Age Dependent Effects of
Retinal Blood Flow by MRI
Oscar San Emeterio Nateras1, Yi Zhang1,2,
Qi Peng1, Eric Muir2, and Timothy
1Radiology, University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, United
States, 2Research
Imaging Institute, University of Texas Health Science
Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, United States
This study reports human retina-choroidal blood flow
values across different age groups. The BF was obtained
using a quantitative MRI technique previously developed,
performed on a 3.0T Phillips Achieva System. The images
were acquired with high resolution BF MRI (0.5x0.8x6
mm3) on a single central-axial slice bisecting the optic
nerve head and fovea. The study aims to evaluate BF MRI
on human retina to learn the effects of aging on retina-choroidal
vasculature. BF MRI of the retina provides quantitative
data and has the potential to complement and
cross-validate existing retinal imaging techniques.
2014. |
CBF Quantification in
Infants Using Look-Locker ASL and a Single Blood Compartment
Laura M. Parkes1, Helen Beaumont1,
and Laurence Abernethy2
1Biomedical Imaging Institute, University of
Manchester, Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Radiology, Alder Hey Children's Foundation Trust,
Liverpool, United Kingdom
For accurate quantification of cerebral blood flow (CBF)
using Arterial Spin Labelling, multiple time-point
measurements are required, allowing estimation of
arrival time and CBF. A standard sequence is
time-inefficient as no signal is collected during the
delay period. The Look-Locker readout offers a more
efficient approach, but complicates quantification. The
aim of this work is to develop a simplified
quantification model for the Look-Locker signal using a
single blood compartment model. The model is validated
using data from a healthy volunteer at a range of flip
angles and is applied to 9 infants during routine
clinical practice.
2015. |
Long-term Reproducibility
of PCASL with a Background Suppressed 3D Single-shot Readout
Maria A. Fernndez-Seara1, Marta Vidorreta1,
Maite Aznarez-Sanado1,2, Federico Villagra1,
and Maria A. Pastor1
1Neuroscience, Center for Applied Medical
Research - University of Navarra, Pamplona, Navarra,
Spain, 2Radiology,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United
Most previous reproducibility studies of Arterial Spin
Labeling (ASL) have assessed within-session or
short-term reproducibility (at 1 week intervals) in
young volunteers. The purpose of this study was to
assess long-term reproducibility at monthly intervals,
in a group of older adults. Whole brain CBF measurements
showed good reproducibility for the duration of the
study period, with a wsCV of 10%. This information can
be useful for planning longitudinal studies that are
usually carried out during periods of several months.
2016. |
Evaluation of
pseudocontinuous arterial spin labeling in moyamoya
patients: comparison with CT perfusion 
Songlin Yu1, Rui Wang2, Dong Zhang3,
Rong Wang3, Shuo Wang3, Zhentao
Zuo2, Lin Ai4, Bo Wang2,
Danny J. J. Wang5, and Jizong Zhao3
1Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical
University, beijing, beijing, China, 2The
State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive Science,
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of, 3Beijing
Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University, 4Beijing
Neurosurgical institute, 5Department
of Neurology University of California Los Angeles
Ahmanson-Lovelace Brain Mapping Center
The major quantitative calculation error of regional
cerebral blood flow (rCBF) using arterial spin labeling
(ASL) may exist in the differences in arterial transit
arrival time. In this study we applied pseudocontinuous
ASL (pCASL) with four postlabel delay (PLD) times and
correlated the CBF results with that of CT perfusion to
determine the optimal PLD that can best reflect the
hemodynamics in moyamoya patients. The results show that
pCASL images obtained at 2 to 2.5s best correlate with
CTP. CBF values obtained at 1.5s may underestimate CBF
values while the values obtained at 3000ms begin to
decrease, likely due to the relaxation of the labeled
2017. |
Pseudo-Continuous Arterial
Spin Labeling quantification errors in the obese population
Dennis F Heijtel 1, ElsMarieke van de Giessen 2,
Matthan W Caan 1, and Aart J Nederveen 1
1Radiology, Academic Medical Center,
Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2Nuclear
Medicine, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam,
2018. |
Resting Fluctuations in
Volumetric Arterial Spin Labeling
Weiying Dai1, Gopal Varma1, Rachel
Scheidegger1, Ajit Shankaranarayanan2,
Gottfried Schlaug3, and David Alsop1
1Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center, Boston, MA, United States, 2Global
Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park,
CA, United States, 3Neurology,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, United
We report the measurement of resting physiologic
fluctuations in volumetric arterial spin labeling (ASL)
blood flow images of normal volunteers. When sufficient
background suppression is employed, coherent spatial
patterns of fluctuations consistent with resting state
networks are the dominant contributor to structured
noise. All 7 networks identified by independent
component analysis (ICA) are consistent with the
networks reported using blood oxygenation
level-dependent (BOLD) fMRI. ASL studies of resting
state networks may be useful for characterization of
temporal frequencies and regions of the brain poorly
studied with BOLD. Better understanding of resting
fluctuations may be necessary for accurate analysis of
multi-scan ASL studies.
2019. |
The effects of tea and
caffeine on cerebral blood flow measured using Arterial Spin
Rishma Vidyasagar1, Arno Greyling2,
Yvonne Zebregs2, Richard Draijer2,
and Laura M Parkes1
1School of Cancer and Enabling Sciences,
University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2Unilever
R&D Vlaardingen, Vlaardingen, Netherlands
Black tea is widely consumed around the world and
consists of dietary compounds such as flavonoids and
caffeine. Studies have shown flavonoids impact
endothelial nitric oxide synthase which lead to vascular
relaxation and increased blood flow in the brachial
medial artery, whilst clinical studies have observed
quicker recovery from vascular diseases that correlate
with black tea consumption. Caffeine has been shown to
reduce cerebral blood flow and is known to be an
adenosine antagonist. The primary aim of this study was
to use arterial spin labelling methods to observe
effects that these compounds in tea have on cerebral
2020. |
The effect of caffeine on
cerebral blood flow in a test-retest study using
pseudo-continuous ASL 
Joost PA Kuijer1, Petra JW Pouwels1,
Ajit Shankaranarayanan2, David Alsop3,
Frederik Barkhof4, and Rudolf Verdaasdonk1
1Physics and Medical Technology, VU
University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2Global
Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park,
CA, United States,3Radiology, Beth Harvard
Medical School, Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston,
MA, United States, 4Radiology,
VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Caffeine intake is a known confounder in ASL studies. A
test-retest study is presented with intervention using a
single serving of coffee and a control group, after a
4-hour abstinence. Ten minutes after coffee intake a
significant effect of caffeine on CBF was found. No
significant change in CBF was found for the control
group. Additionally, a lower group variance was found
during retest, suggesting a scanner habituation time may
lower group variance.
2021. |
Assessment of Brain
Cholinergic Function using Arterial Spin Labeling
Tamara Fong1, Weiying Dai2, Li-Wen
Huang3, Leo Waterson3, Sharon
Inouye4, and David Alsop2
1Neurology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center, Boston, MA, United States, 2Radiology,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA, United
States, 3Psychiatry,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical
School, 4Gerontology,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA, United States
The cholinergic system plays a key role in human
cognition. In vivo imaging of cholinergic function has
the potential of advancing our understanding of its
effects on regional and network activity. Here we
examine the cholinergic system in vivo using
pharmacologic arterial spin-labeling (ASL) perfusion
MRI. Fifteen subjects were administrated anticholinergic
drugs (mecamylamine or scopolamine or combined) to
induce cholinergic blockade. ASL was used to measure
cerebral blood flow (CBF) after administration. In vivo
results showed cholinergic blockade caused significant
CBF changes and worse cognitive performance.
2022. |
Changes in cerebral blood
flow and vasoreactivity to CO2 after 7 days at 4400 m
Marjorie Villien1,2, Laurent Lamalle3,
Irne Troprs3, Thomas Rupp4,
Franois Estve1,5, Alexandre Krainik1,6,
Patrick Levy4, Jan Warnking1,2,
and Samuel Vergs4
1U836, INSERM, Grenoble, France, 2Grenoble
Institut of Neurosciences, Universit Joseph Fourier,
Grenoble, France, 3SFR1,
Universit Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France, 4HP2
Laboratory (INSERM U 1042), Universit Joseph Fourier,
Grenoble, France, 5European
Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France, 6Department
of NeuroRadiology and MRI, CHU Grenoble, Grenoble,
The aim of this study was to assess the effects of
altitude acclimatization on cerebral blood flow (CBF)
and cerebro-vascular reactivity to CO2 (CVR). Eleven
healthy male subjects were investigated at sea level
prior to and after 7 days at 4400m using
pseudo-continuous ASL during a block-design inhalation
paradigm to measure basal CBF and CVR. EtCO2 was
significantly decreased post-altitude, while basal CBF
increased in most subjects. CVR did not change
significantly. Isocapnic CBF, obtained correcting for
changes in basal capnia using measured CVR maps, was
significantly increased in all subjects, by up to 40%,
after 7 days at 4400m.
2023. |
Quantifying the dynamics
of the cerebral blood flow response to hypoxia 
Ashley D Harris1, Kevin Murphy2,
Claris Diaz1, Neeraj Saxena3,
Judith E Hall3, Thomas T Liu4, and
Richard G Wise1
1CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff
University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2CUBRIC,
School of Psycholog, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United
Kingdom, 3Department
of Anaesthetics, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine,
Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 4Centre
for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging & Department
of Radiology, University of California San Diego, La
Jolla, California, United States
Cerebral blood flow data (ASL acquisition) was collected
before, during and after a hypoxic challenge. Based on a
model developed for blood flow in the middle cerebral
artery, the dynamics of the CBF response to hypoxia is
then used to quantify CBF dynamics in response to a
hypoxic challenge and during the return to normoxia. The
CBF response to hypoxia differs regionally and in
comparison to bulk arterial flow. Interpretations and
implications of these finding are then discussed.
2024. |
Validation of Quantitative
Human Brain Perfusion Measurement with Intravoxel Incoherent
Motion (IVIM), with a Hypercapnia and Hyperoxygenation
Christian Federau1, Philippe Maeder1,
Kieran O'Brien2, Patrick Browaeys1,
Markus Klarhoefer3, Reto Meuli1,
and Patric Hagmann1
1Dept. of Radiology, CHUV, Lausanne,
Switzerland, 2University
of Geneva, CIBM, Switzerland, 3Siemens,
Quantitative brain perfusion measurement remains a major
challenge to currently available MR perfusion methods.
The intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) method offers a
non-invasive, alternative method to measure brain
perfusion quantitatively, based on a bi-exponential fit
of the relative signal obtained with an standard
diffusion sequence for multiple b-values, usually
between 0 and about 1000 s/mm2. We challenged the IVIM
method with graded hypercapnia and hyperoxgenation in 7
healthy volunteers and report a statistically
significant, graded increase of the IVIM perfusion
parameters under hypercapnia, namely of the perfusion
fraction f and of the pseudo-diffusion coefficient D*.
2025. |
The measurement and
interpretation of intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) of
skeletal muscle in vivo: preliminary results 
Yoshikazu Okamoto1, Tomonori Isobe2,
and Yuji Hirano3
1University of Tsukuba Hospital, Tsukuba,
Ibaraki, Japan, 2University
of Tsukuba, 3University
of Tsukuba hospital, Japan
The soleus muscle (SOL) and the flexor digitorum
profundus muscle (FDP) was scanned to cover b-factors
from 0 to 3,500 s/mm2 of diffusion weighted image. A
statistical comparison between monoexponential and
biexponential fits was performed, and a statistically
improved fit (P < 0.05; F test) was observed in all
cases. The fast and slow diffusion fractions and fast
and slow apparent diffusion coefficient (ADCfast and
ADCslow) were 0.92 } 0.05, 0.08 } 0.05, 1.68 } 0.14,
and 0.26 } 0.17, for SOL, and 0.95 } 0.01, 0.05 }
0.01, 1.75 } 0.22, and 0.01 } 0.02, respectively, for
2026. |
Investigation of
physiological parameters for pulsed ASL in calf muscles. 
Hou-Jen Chen1,2, and Graham A Wright1,2
1Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, 2Medical
Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
This work presented an optimization of Arterial Spin
Labeling for peripheral limbs. The arterial and
perfusion responses after exercise during temporary
ischemia were characterized. Perfusion was also measured
with different post-labeling delays in a paradigm where
the hyperemia was prolonged. The blood velocity was used
to estimate the ideal sequence repetition time and
spatial extent of labeling. The image samples at
different delays were used to estimate transit delay.
Quantification of perfusion and the sensitivity to
peripheral hyperemia can be improved by physiological
optimization based on the data.
2027. |
Balanced tissue
magnetization reduces confounding BOLD effect in
post-ischemic muscle perfusion quantification 
Michael C LANGHAM1, Erin K Englund1,
Cheng Li2, Thomas F Floyd3, Emile
R Mohler III4, and Felix W Wehrli1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA -
Pennsylvania, United States, 3Anesthesiology,
SUNY Stondy Brook, Stony Brook, New York, United States, 4Vascular
Medicine Section, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States
Microvascular dysfunction, associated with peripheral
arterial disease, has previously been assessed by
quantifying post-ischemic perfusion in calf muscle with
continuous arterial spin labeling (CASL). We demonstrate
that the saturation inversion-recovery (SATIR) PASL
outweighs the SNR gain of CASL significantly by reducing
the confounding BOLD effect in temporally resolved
quantification of post-ischemic muscle perfusion. The
two main features of SATIR PASL that reduce the
imbalance in the tissue magnetization caused by the BOLD
effect between successive images are higher temporal
resolution and the slice-selective saturation pulse
played out at the end of each pulse sequence cycle.
Poster Session - Diffusion & Perfusion |
Non-invasive Perfusion Imaging in Animals
Click on
to view
the abstract pdf. Click on
to view
the poster (Not all posters are available for viewing.)
Wednesday 9 May 2012
Exhibition Hall |
13:30 - 15:30 |
2028. |
IVIM and DSC metrics are
heightened in rat C6 brain tumors.
Alexander David Cohen1, Peter S LaViolette2,
Kimberly Pechman1, and Kathleen M Schmainda1,2
1Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin,
Wauwatosa, WI, United States, 2Radiology,
Medical College of Wisconsin, Wauwatosa, WI, United
The Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) theory assumes
diffusion within live tissue is more complex than simple
random Brownian motion. The theory includes a faster
water diffusion component representing the
microcirculation of blood through capillaries, and there
remains some debate as to what this perfusion fraction
actually represents. Rats injected with a C6 glioma were
imaged with multiple-bvalue DWI and DSC. IVIM and rCBV
were compared in tumor versus normal brain. rCBV and
IVIM metrics were found to be heightened in tumors
compared to normal brain indicating IVIM may be
biologically relevant in brain tumors.
2029. |
Influence of the
non-linear fitting approach on intravoxel incoherent motion
(IVIM) MRI: A model selection study 
Moritz Schneider1, Michael Ingrisch1,
Matthias Moser2, Heidrun Hirner2,
Clemens Cyran2, Konstantin Nikolaou2,
Maximilian Reiser2, and Olaf Dietrich1
1Josef Lissner Laboratory for Biomedical
Imaging, Department of Clinical Radiology, LMU Ludwig
Maximilian University of Munich, Munich, Germany, 2Department
of Clinical Radiology, LMU Ludwig Maximilian University
of Munich, Munich, Germany
Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) MRI is performed by
fitting a biexponential model function to the measured
diffusion-weighted signal attenuation. While the
conventional biexponential model has 4 free parameters
including the initial signal at b-value 0, several
studies use only the signal attenuation relative to this
initial value, discriminating, thus, artificially the
measurement at b=0 and at higher b-values. In this
study, the Akaike Information Criterion is used to
determine whether the 3- or 4-parameter model is more
appropriate for typical IVIM data. The comparison
results in a very strong preference of the 3-parameter
approach (relative attenuation).
2030. |
Observation of anomalous
perfusion effects in the rat liver using temporal diffusion
Sabrina Doblas1, Philippe Garteiser1,
Mathilde Wagner1,2, Valrie Vilgrain1,2,
Bernard E. Van Beers1,2, and Ralph Sinkus1
1U773-CRB3, INSERM, Paris, France, 2Radiology
Department, Beaujon University Hospital, Clichy, France
The oscillating-gradient spin-echo (OGSE) technique is
based on the replacement of classical motion-encoding
gradients by oscillating gradients, to obtain DWI
experiments with short evolution times and corresponding
spatial scales in the order of the micron. This lead to
higher ADC compared with ADC determined using a
classical EPI-DWI acquisition with relatively long
evolution time. In vivo experiments were conducted in
rats presenting different hepatic lesions, and showed
the interest of using OGSE to gather a new dimension of
information on tumor microenvironment and vasculature.
2031. |
Retrospective T1
measurements in small rodents using radial trajectory 
Patrick Winter1, Fabian Gutjahr2,
Thomas Kampf2, Xavier Helluy2,
Cord Meyer2, Volker Herold2, and
Peter Michael Jakob2
1Universitt Wrzburg, Krnach, Bavaria,
Germany, 2Universitt
In this work, we introduce a retrospectively gated
inversion recovery snapshot FLASH sequence with radial
k-space sampling for robust myocardial T1 mapping in
small rodents. The sequence was tested at 7T on rats and
mice yielding T1 maps with good agreement with
literature. In rats, retrospective gating using internal
navigator was as successful as using an In this work, we
introduce a retrospectively gated inversion recovery
snapshot FLASH sequence with radial k-space sampling for
robust myocardial T1 mapping in small rodents. The
sequence was tested at 7T on rats and mice yielding T1
maps with good agreement with literature. In mice, the
internal navigator was often not sensitive enough to
allow retrospective triggering. In rats, retrospective
gating using internal navigator was as successful as
using an external ECG signal.
2032. |
Cerebral blood flow of the
rat under hyperbaric and hyperbaric oxygen conditions
Eric R Muir1, Damon Cardenas1,
Guang Li1, John Roby1, and Timothy
1Research Imaging Institute, UT Health
Science Center, San Antonio, TX, United States, 2Ophthalmology,
UT Health Science Center
Understanding brain physiology and function under
hyperbaric-oxygen could be useful since
hyperbaric-oxygen has been used as treatment for various
neurological diseases. Under hyperbaric conditions,
there will be more oxygen, which is vasoconstrictive on
cerebral vasculature, so cerebral blood flow (CBF) may
be reduced. The aim of this study was to use arterial
spin labeling MRI to study the effect of
hyperbaric-oxygen on CBF in rats. A hyperbaric chamber
was built that could be put in the MRI scanner, allowing
MR acquisition during hyperbaric conditions.
2033. |
Perfusion in murine
myocardium: A retrospectively triggered Look-Locker Arterial
Spin Labeling Sequence using model based reconstruction
Fabian Tobias Gutjahr1, Thomas Kampf2,
Patrick Winter2, Cord Meyer2,
Christian Herbert Ziener3, Xavier Helluy2,
Peter Michael Jakob2,4, and Wolfgang Rudolf
1Experimental Physics 5, University of
Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 2Experimental
Physics 5, University of Wuerzburg, 3DKFZ,
Heidelberg, 4Magnetic
Resonance Bavaria, Wuerzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 5Medizinische
Klinik und Poliklinik I, Universittsklinikum Wuerzburg,
Wuerzburg, Bavaria, Germany
A retrospectively triggered Inversion Recovery Snapshot
Flash sequence is proposed for robust quantification of
perfusion in murine myocardium. An external ECG signal
is recorded for retrospective triggering. The sequence
which maintains strict Look-Locker condition can be
implemented on virtually any MRI system as it does not
need advanced triggering capabilities. A reconstruction
based on the framework of partially separable functions
using Principle Component Analysis is used to
interpolate missing k-space data. Quantitative T1 and
perfusion maps agree well with literature.
2034. |
Pseudocontinuous ASL
(pCASL) Combined with EPI, RARE and TrueFISP for High
Resolution Multi-Orientation Mouse Brain Perfusion Imaging 
Guillaume Duhamel1, Virginie Callot1,
and Patrick J. Cozzone1
1CRMBM, UMR 6612, CNRS, Aix-Marseille
University, Marseille, France
Mouse models of human brain diseases are extensively
studied with long scan time multimodal MR protocols that
include functional, metabolic and structural approaches.
To further describe the pathologies, there is a real
need for a high resolution, sensitive method which
allows assessing quantitative whole brain perfusion
within a reasonable scan time. This work presents the
use of the ubpCASL technique in combination with fast
imaging sequences for the acquisition of high resolution
quantitative CBF maps within a short scan time protocol.
The pCASL inversion efficiency was measured and
multi-orientation acquisitions were investigated
2035. |
Volumetric Perfusion
Mapping with Continuous Arterial Spin Labelling in Rat Brain 
Basil Knnecke1, Thomas Bielser1,
and Markus von Kienlin1
1CNS Research, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd,
Basel, Switzerland
Continuous arterial spin labelling (CASL) has proven a
valuable tool for assessing cerebral perfusion as a
proxy for neural activity, but it inherently lacks
multi-slice capabilities. Newer variants such as pseudo
CASL and sine wave-modulated CASL have been proposed to
remedy this deficiency. Here we have implemented and for
the first time applied these modalities for 3D
volumetric perfusion mapping in rats at 4.7T and 9.4T.
Off-centre-labelling and optimisation of labelling
conditions especially for the control scan, together
with RARE-based data readout, provided high-quality and
highsensitivity perfusion maps in only 4 minutes
measurement time with nearly distortion-free image
2036. |
Cerebral Blood Flow
Quantification in Swine Model using Pseudo-Continuous
Arterial Spin Labeling 
Megan Johnston1, Zhenlin Zheng2,
Joseph Maldjian3, Christopher T. Whitlow3,
Michael J. Morykwas2, and Youngkyoo Jung1,3
1Biomedical Engineering, Wake Forest School
of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United
States, 2Plastic
Surgery, Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem,
North Carolina, United States, 3Radiology,
Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North
Carolina, United States
Swine brain perfusion is a good model for that of humans
due to the similar proportions of gray and white matter.
In order to measure swine perfusion, PCASL was
implemented using this model. Our investigation
identified parameters of the swine PCASL procedure that
required optimization, as follows: The arterial blood
velocity was measured to optimize tagging efficiency by
adjusting acquisition parameters. Multiple post-labeling
delays were collected so that the CBF quantification
would be less sensitive to varying transit delays across
the brain. Model-specific blood T1 and
the M0 ratio
of blood-to-white matter were measured for the
quantification of CBF.
2037. |
Blood flux imaging in
rodent brain using FENSI 
Olivier Reynaud1, and Luisa Ciobanu1
1Neurospin, CEA, Saclay, France
This study uses the FENSI technique as an alternative to
ASL to characterize and quantify non-invasively tumor
microvascular flux in a rat glioma model (9L). We
highlight a significant increase (1248%) in tumor blood
flux at early developmental stages (tumor size < 2mm).
At late stages (tumor size > 3mm) we observe tumor
compartmentalization with the presence of a
hypovascularized core (5511L/min/cm) and a peripheral
region presenting similar blood flux (8323L/min/cm)
as the healthy contralateral side. The different regions
found in our FENSI flux maps correlate well with
histological results which reflect endothelial cell
concentrations (CD31 staining).
2038. |
SR-T1app Method
of Imaging Absolute CBF Change in Rat Brain at 9.4T and
Xiao Wang1, Ming Lu1, Xiao-Hong
Zhu1, Yi Zhang1, and Wei Chen1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
Department of Radiology, University of Minnesota Medical
School, Minneapolis, MN, United States
In the present study, the absolute CBF increase induced
by transient mild hypercapnia in the rat brain was
directly compared using the SR-T 1app method
at 9.4T and 16.4T. The results show a consistent  R 1app,
and thus  CBF
induced by hypercapnia although the absolute T 1app was
significantly longer at 16.4T than that at 9.4T under
both normocapnia and hypercapnia conditions. The
magnetic field strength independence of  R 1app,
along with a good agreement of CBF change calculated
with the SR-T 1appmethod and with
the CASL technique further demonstrates that the SR-T 1app method
provides a noninvasive, simple and efficient way to
image and quantify CBF change induced by physiological
and pathological perturbations in the rat brain.
2039. |
Cross validation of
retinal and choroidal blood flow using arterial spin
labeling MRI and fluorescent microsphere
Yen-Yu Ian Shih1, Guang Li1, Bryan
H De La Garza1, Lin Wang2, and
Timothy Q Duong1
1Research Imaging Institute, University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio,
Texas, United States, 2Devers
Eye Institute, Legacy Clinical Research and Technology
Center, Portland, OR, United States
: This study reports the cross validation of retinal and
choroidal blood flow in rats using microsphere and ASL
MRI technique. The retinal and choroidal blood flows
were 1.2 and 8.1 ml/g/min, respectively as measured by
MRI and 9.1 and 73 gl/min as measured by microsphere.
Taking the wet weight of the retina (5-35 mg), the
retinal blood flow measured by microsphere in the
present study ranged 0.23 V 1.64 ml/g/min, in
reasonable agreement with the MRI results. ASL MRI can
be used to longitudinally to image retinal and choroid
blood flow in vivo.
2040. |
Measuring Bi-exponential
Transverse Relaxation of the ASL signal at 9.4T to Estimate
Arterial Oxygen Saturation and the Time of Exchange of
Labelled Blood Water into Cortical Brain Tissue
Jack A Wells1, Bernard Siow1, Mark
F Lythgoe1, and David L Thomas2
1UCL Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging,
UCL Division of Medicine and Institute of Child Health,
London, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, UCL Institute of
Neurology, London. ML and DT are joint senior authors.
The transverse decay of the FAIR ASL signal at 5 inflow
times (TIs) was measured in the rat brain at 9.4T.
Bi-exponential behavior was observed that appears to
derive from different T2 values associated with the
intra-vasculature (IV) and extra-vascular (EV)
compartments. A two compartment bi-exponential model was
used to assess the relative contribution of the IV and
EV compartments to the ASL signal at the 5 TIs, without
needing to assume a constant T2 for labeled blood water
in the vessels. This novel method was applied to
estimate tissue transit time and the oxygen saturation
on the arterial side of the vasculature