ISMRM 21st
Annual Meeting & Exhibition
20-26 April 2013
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA |
Monday, 22 April 2013 (14:15-15:15) Exhibition Hall |
Computer # |
3029. |
1 |
Arterial Spin Labeling Based Dynamic Angiographic
Imaging with Decreased Number of Acquisitions 
Onur Ozyurt1, Alp Dincer2, Ali
Avci3, and Cengizhan Ozturk1
1Biomedical Engineering Institute,
Kandilli, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Acibadem
University, Kozyatagi, Istanbul, Turkey, 3Siemens
Turkey, Kartal, Istanbul, Turkey
Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling (pCASL)
based dynamic angiographic images were obtained with
decreased number of acquisitions. An efficient
labeling based on Hadamard encoding were used
replacing the conventional control-tag pair imaging.
3030. |
2 |
Prospective Motion
Correction of 3D GRASE PASL Acquisitions with Volume
André J. W. van der Kouwe1,2, Matthew
Dylan Tisdall1,2, Himanshu Bhat3,
Borjan Gagoski2,4, and Keith A. Heberlein5
1A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Radiology,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Siemens
Medical Solutions, Charlestown, MA, United States, 4Center
for Fetal-Neonatal Neuroimaging and Developmental
Science, Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA,
United States, 5Siemens
Healthcare USA, Charlestown, MA, United States
3D GRASE PASL is a useful technique for efficiently
measuring perfusion in clinical populations such as
stroke patients. The technique is sensitive to
motion because of the 3D segmented acquisition and
successively acquired label and control volumes.
This abstract describes an implementation of
real-time prospective motion correction using
embedded 3D EPI-based volume navigators. The method
corrects rigid body head motions without increasing
acquisition time and the motion corrected perfusion
images are generated immediately on the scanner.
3031. |
3 |
Arterial Spin Labeling with Prospective Motion
Correction (PCASL-PROMO) 
Zungho Zun1, Ajit Shankaranarayanan2,
and Greg Zaharchuk1
1Radiology, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2GE
Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United States
Arterial spin labeling (ASL) scans can benefit from
motion correction techniques particularly for
disoriented or uncooperative patients. Prospective
motion correction (PROMO) is a rigid-body motion
correction method based on image domain using
3-plane navigator. In this work, PROMO was
incorporated into pseudocontinuous ASL (PCASL)
sequences for cerebral blood flow (CBF)
measurements. In the presence of brain motion,
blurring artifacts were generated in ASL images, but
these were removed dramatically using PROMO. In
addition, ASL imaging was not perturbed by navigator
imaging in PROMO and the labeling efficiency was not
affected by the brain motion.
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4 |
Pulsatile Motion
Artifact Correction in Multishot Spiral PCASL 
Li Zhao1, Samuel W. Fielden1,
and Craig H. Meyer1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia,
United States
ASL is sensitive to motion, because of low SNR and
control-label subtraction. Small blood flow changes
can cause ring artifacts in multi-shot spiral ASL.
The parallel reconstruction method SPIRiT removes
aliasing by using multi-coil information and is
proposed to reduce the artifact here. Volunteer
PCASL images were reconstructed using conventional
gridding method and using SPIRiT. By using SPIRiT
parallel image reconstruction to reconstruct each
spiral interleaf separately, the ring artifact
resulting from pulsatile venous blood flow in
multi-shot spiral ASL can be largely eliminated.
3033. |
5 |
Improving ASL Using 3D
bSSFP with Background Suppression and Two-Dimensional
-permission withheld
Hua-Shan Liu1, Daeun Kim1,
Randall B. Stafford1, Se-Hong Oh1,
Sung-Hong Park2, Danny J.J. Wang3,
Ze Wang1, Misung Han4, John A.
Detre1, and Jongho Lee1
1University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 2Korean
Advanced Institute for Science and Technology,
Daejun, Korea, 3University
of California, Los Angeles, LA, United States, 4University
of California, San Francisco, San Francisco,
California, United States
In this study, we investigated the characteristics
of a 3D bSSFP sequence in ASL. We developed a
BS-pCASL bSSFP with 2D (Ky and Kz) GRAPPA
acceleration. The results were compared with
conventional 2D EPI ASL. We demonstrated the
advantages of a 3D BS pCASL-bSSFP sequence with high
quality data while keeping the acquisition fast and
3034. |
6 |
Benefits of Spiral
Imaging for Arterial Spin Labeling as Compared to EPI
-permission withheld
Britta Lehmann1, Tiejun Zhao2,
and Josef Pfeuffer1
1Siemens Healthcare, MR Application
Development, Erlangen, BY, Germany, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Pittsburg, PA, United States
The most common imaging methods for PASL are EPI and
spiral imaging. Segmenting the spiral trajectory
into two interleaved spirals reduces the duration of
each spiral and therefore blurring by off resonance
effects. In this work, an approach with a one and a
two-segmented spiral in comparison to full and
partial k-space EPI were evaluated in terms of SNR
and the impact of artifacts (off resonance,
physiology) of the ASL signal. PICORE-PASL data from
subjects were acquired in human subject at 3T. In
conclusion, the two-segmented spiral method provided
the bests result with regard to artifacts and SNR
for PASL.
3035. |
7 |
Feasibilty of Dual-Echo
PCASL and PASL BOLD-RCBF fMRI in Olfactory Experiments 
Ana Beatriz Solana1, Elena Molina2,
Pablo García-Polo2, Juan Antonio
Hernández-Tamames2,3, Susana Borromeo2,
Fernando Zelaya4, and Francisco del Pozo1
1Universidad Politécnica de Madrid,
Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain, 2Universidad
Rey Juan Carlos, Móstoles, Madrid, Spain, 3Fundación
CIEN-Fundación Reina Sofía. Madrid, Madrid, Madrid,
Spain, 4King's
College London, London, United Kingdom
The study of the primary olfactory cortex with fMRI
is difficult because of its location in medial
temporal lobe, highly affected by magnetic field
inhomogeneities causing both local image distortion
and signal dropout. Arterial Spin Labelling is a
promising fMRI technique, , above all in these
distorted areas, due to its shorter TE and also
because its a quantitative measurement. However, ASL-fMRI
is challenging due to its low SNR. In this work, we
showed the feasibility and advantages of using
simultaneous dual-echo BOLD-ASL fMRI acquisition
with spiral readout using PCASL and PASL in
olfactory experiments in healthy volunteers.
3036. |
8 |
Reproducibility of
Total Cerebral Blood Flow and Determination of Tagging
Efficiency in PCASL Using Gated and Non-Gated PCMRA 
Yuxiang Zhou1,2, Lingyun Chen2,
Xiaojun Sun1, Vipulkumar Patel1,
Jerry S. Wolinsky3, and Ponnada A.
1Department of Diagnostic and
Interventional Imaging, University of Texas Medical
School at Houston, Houston, TX, United States, 2Department
of Diagnostic & Molucular Imaging, Beaumont Health
System, Royal Oak, MI, United States, 3Department
of Neurology, University of Texas Medical School at
Houston, Houston, TX, United States
Tagging efficiency plays an important role in
absolute CBF quantification based on (pseudo
continuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL). In pCASL,
the tagging efficiency strongly depends on the
subject and other factors. Phase contrast MRA (PCMRA)
is used for determining the tagging efficiency in a
subject specific manner. Reproducibility of CBF and
tagging efficiency were investigated by scanning the
subject twice within one hour. No statistically
significant differences between the mean of the two
measurements was observed, suggesting excellent
reproducibility. This study also demonstrates that
non-gated PCMRA, which involves shorter scan times,
is a reliable method for measuring the tagging
3037. |
9 |
Robust Perfusion Maps
in Arterial Spin Labeling by Means of M-Estimators 
Camille Maumet1, Pierre Maurel1,
Jean-Christophe Ferré1,2, and Christian
1Inria, IRISA, RENNES, Brittany, France, 2Department
of Neuroradiology, CHU Rennes, Rennes, Brittany,
In Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL), the perfusion
signal is usually extracted by averaging the volumes
acquired over several repetitions. Unfortunately,
the presence of artefacts is a well-known source of
outliers and can drastically alter the perfusion map
obtained by averaging. In this paper, we propose to
compute ASL perfusion maps using Huber's
M-estimator, a robust statistical function that is
not overly impacted by outliers. This method is
compared to an empirical approach, previously
introduced in the literature, based on z-score
thresholding. Overall, Huber's M-estimator is more
robust than z-thresholding. Both robust approaches
outperform the sample mean in the presence of
3038. |
10 |
Simultaneous Imaging of
Cerebral Perfusion and Glucose Metabolism by PET/MRI 
Udunna Anazodo1,2, R. Stodika1,2,
John Butler1, Jonathan Mandel3,
Terry Thompson1,2, F.S Prato1,2,
Danny J.J. Wang4, and Keith, S St.
1Lawson Health Research Institute,
London, Ontario, Canada, 2Medical
Biophysics, Western University, London, Ontario,
Canada, 3Radiology
Department, St Joseph's Health Care, London,
Ontario, Canada, 4Department
of Neurology, UCLA, Ahmanson-Lovelace Brain Mapping
Center, Los Angeles, California, United States
Objective of this study was to investigate the
ability of a hybrid PET/MRI scanner to collect
whole-brain images of cerebral perfusion and
metabolism simultaneously by combining
pseudo-continuous ASL with PET imaging of
fluorine-18 fluoro-deoxyglucose (FDG) imaging. A
strong correlation between regional cerebral blood
flow and energy metabolism was found in two
neurologically normal patients and one patient with
traumatic brain injury. A perfusion/metabolism
mismatch was found in a patient with frontotemporal
dementia, similar to previous studies of Alzhemier’s
3039. |
11 |
Calibration of Cerebral
Blood Oxygenation and Perfusion MR Imaging in Mice by
Invasive Micro Probe Measurements. 
Jan Sedlacik1, Matthias Reitz2,
Div S. Bolar3, Elfar Adalsteinsson4,
Nils Ole Schmidt2, and Jens Fiehler1
1Neuroradiology, University Medical
Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 2Neurosurgery,
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf,
Hamburg, Germany, 3Radiology,
A. A. Martinos Center, Charlestown, MA, United
States, 4Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United
Quantitative MR measurements sensitive to blood
oxygenation (R2*, QUIXOTIC-R2) and perfusion
(Q2TIPS-ASL) were calibrated by different
respiratory stimuli and subsequent invasive micro
probe measurements. We found reasonable consistency
between MRI and micro probe measurements. However,
adverse effects of anesthesia and trauma during
micro probe insertion have to be solved in further
3040. |
12 |
Accuracy of
Vessel-Encoded Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
in Identification of Feeding Arteries in Patients with
Intracranial Arteriovenous Malformation
Songlin Yu1, Rui Wang2, Rong
Wang1, Shuo Wang1, Yuqiang Yao3,
Dong Zhang1, Yuanli Zhao1,
Zhentao Zuo2, Rong Xue2, Danny
J.J. Wang4, and Jizong Zhao1
1Tiantan hospital, Beijing, Beijing,
China, 2Institute
of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
Beijing, China, 3Beijing
Jishuitan Hospital, Beijing, Beijing, China, 4University
of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California,
United States
In order to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of
VE-PCASL in identifying feeding arteries of
intracranial AVM, sixteen AVM patients were examined
with VE-PC ASL. Supply fraction of each feeding
artery to the AVM was calculated. ROC curves were
calculated to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of
VE-PCASL for identifying feeding arteries of AVMs,
using DSA as the gold standard. Results are that for
VE-PCASL with standard labeling efficiencies, the
AUC was 0.935. The optimal cut-off of supply
fraction for identifying feeding arteries was 15.17%
and the resulting sensitivity was 83.3% and
specificity was 91.7%. For VE-PCASL with custom
labeling efficiencies, the AUC was 0.956. The
optimal cut-off of supply fraction was 11.73% which
yielded 88.9% sensitivity and 91.7% specificity. We
conclude VE-PCASL with either standard or custom
labeling efficiencies offers a high level of
diagnostic accuracy compared to DSA for identifying
feeding arteries.
3041. |
13 |
Selective ASL with 2D
RF Pulses 
Britta Lehmann1, Dieter Ritter1,
and Josef Pfeuffer1
1Siemens Healthcare, MR Application
Development, Erlangen, BY, Germany
Different methods for selective labeling of single
arteries have been developed for selective Arterial
Spin Labeling. In this study, a spatially selective
2D-RF pulse was designed for a 2-channel pTX system
and evaluated in human subjects. The pulse design
used a variable-density TX trajectory, taking into
account subject-specific B1 maps and hardware and
SAR constraints. It was shown that these 2D-RF
pulses can provide comparable results to the
standard FOCI-PICORE method. The perfusion
territories of the left internal carotid artery
(ICA), right ICA and basilar artery were determined
with a reasonable SNR even at small target sizes.
3042. |
14 |
Full Brain and
Territorial Arterial Spin Labeling with External RF
Shimmed Labeling Coil at 7 Tesla 
Wouter Koning1, Esben Thade Petersen1,
Jaco J.M. Zwanenburg1, Peter R. Luijten1,
and Dennis W.J. Klomp1
1University Medical Center, Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands
Arterial spin labeling (ASL) at ultra high field can
theoretically offer a high signal to noise ratio
(SNR) of the perfusion signal due to higher
intrinsic SNR and the longer T1 relaxation times. A
major challenge at 7T MRI is the absence of a body
coil. Due to the limited range the head coils used
at the 7 Tesla scanners, it is difficult to label
the lower regions of the brain. In this research, a
simple U-Tube transmitter is used as an external
labelling coil, in combination with the standard
head coil. With this setup, full brain and
territorial ASL maps could be acquired.
3043. |
15 |
Pulsed Continuous 3DASL
Cerebral Perfusion Imaging Using Multiple Post Label
Delay(PDL) Acq. in the Clinical Utility of Arterial
Transit Time(ATT) Mapping: Comparative Study with
PET-OEF in Patients with Chronic Occlusive Vascular
Hirohiko Kimura1, Tetsuya tsujikawa1,
Tsuyoshi Matsuda2, Yasuhiro Fujiwara3,
Kennichi Kikuta4, and Hidehiko Okazawa5
1Radiology, University of Fukui, Fukui,
Japan, 2Applied
Science Laboratory Asia Pacific, GE Healthcare
Japan, HIno, Japan, 3Radiology
center, University of Fukui Hospital, Fukui, Japan, 4Neurosurgery,
University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan, 5Biomedical
Imaging Center, University of Fukui, Fukui, Japan
Arterial spin labeling (ASL) is a means of
non-invasive MR perfusion assessment that provides a
quantitative map of cerebral blood flow. However, it
has not been fully investigated whether the
hemodynamic changes in patients with occlusive
cerebrovascular disease which affects the
reliability of ASL-CBF value. The goal of the
current study is to demonstrate arterial transit map
calculation as well as CBF based on a
two-compartment model using a 3DASL with multi-PLD
approach. The comparison of CASL-ATT and O15 PET-OEF
was also performed for the demonstration of clinical
utility of ATT mapping in patients with chronic
occlusive cerebrovascular disease.
3044. |
16 |
Examining the
Relationship Between Cerebral Blood Flood and Grey
Matter Structure in Typically Developing Children 
Jeffrey T. Duda1, Emily Kilroy2,
James C. Gee1, Danny J.J. Wang2,
and Brian B. Avants1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Neurology,
University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
CA, United States
Cerebral blood flow is measured in typically
developing children using pseudo-continuous arterial
spin labeled MRI. Additionally, T1 and diffusion
tensor images are acquired. Metrics derived from the
structural images are used to create linear
regression models in order to determine the extent
to which structural properties of tissue account for
variance in the measurement of cerebral blood flow
in grey matter. The structural metrics examined
include grey matter probability, white matter
probability, cortical thickness, fractional
anisotropy and mean diffusion.
3045. |
17 |
Effect of NMDA-Receptor
Inhibition on Relative Cerebral Blood Flow to the
Hippocampus and Medial Prefrontal Cortex: A Placebo
Controlled Repeated Measures Study of Ketamine in
Healthy Young Men 
Najmeh Khalili Mahani1, Marieke Niesters1,
Matthias J.P. van Osch2, and Albert Dahan1
1Anesthesiology, Leiden University
Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 2Radiology,
Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden,
Pseudocontinuous ASL (pCASL) reveals regional
effects of ketamine on relative cerebral blood flow
in the hippocampus, basal ganglia, cerebellum and
medial visual and prefrontal cortical regions.
3046. |
18 |
Correlation Between
Cerebral Blood Flow and Anisotropy in White Matter 
Andrea Federspiel1, Sebastian Walther1,
Ariane Orosz1, Roland Wiest2,
Stéphanie Giezendanner1, Jennifer
Andreotti1, Simon Schwab1,
Thomas Dierks1, and Kay Jann1
1Dept. of Psychiatric Neurophysiology,
University Hospital of Psychiatry / University of
Bern, Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2Institute
of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology,
University of Bern, Bern, Bern, Switzerland
In the present study the relationship between
cerebral blood flow (CBF) and fractional anisotropy
(FA) within white matter was investigated in a
cohort of twenty four healthy subjects. After
rigorous treatment of partial volume effects a
significant negative linear relationship located
within the splenium of the corpus callosum was
observed between these variables in all subjects.
The findings of the present study are in line with
previous findings, but with a larger sample. The
inverse relationship could indicate a dependency of
CBF values with averaged axonal diameter of the
tracts within WM.
3047. |
19 |
Measurement of Perfusion and BOLD Changes in Calf Muscle
During Exercise 
Jason K. Mendes1, Christopher J. Hanrahan1,
Gwenael Layec2, Corey Hart2,
Russell S. Richardson2, and Vivian S. Lee3
1Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, Utah, United States, 2Internal
Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah,
United States, 3School
of Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
Utah, United States
Perfusion and oxygenation in calf muscle have been
shown to be beneficial in determining severity of
peripheral arterial disease and monitoring response
to therapeutic interventions. However, imperfections
in the saturation/inversion pulses used in ASL
sequences cause significant errors in the
measurement of perfusion. This works demonstrates
the feasibility of modeling these imperfections in
the calculation of perfusion.
3048. |
20 |
Measurement of Reduced
Lymphatic Flow Velocity Under Conditions of Obstructed
Lymphatic Flow Using Spin Labeling Approach 
Swati Rane1, Paula Donahue2,3,
Theodore F. Towse1, Sheila Ridner4,
John C. Gore1,5, Michael A. Chappell6,7,
and Manus J. Donahue1,8
1VUIIS, Radiology and Radiological
Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
United States, 2Vanderbilt
Dayani Center for Health and Wellness, Vanderbilt
University Med. Center, Nashville, TN, United
States, 3Vanderbilt
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Vanderbilt
University Med. Center, Nashville, TN, United
States, 4School
Of Nursing, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
United States, 5Biomedical
Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
United States,6Institute of Biomedical
Engineering, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX,
United Kingdom, 7John
Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford Centre for Functional MRI
of the Brain, Oxford, OX, United Kingdom, 8Psychiatry,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States
This work tests the feasibility of our recently
developed lymph spin labeling approach to study
reduced lymphatic velocity in breast cancer
treatment related lymphedema subjects
3049. |
21 |
Perfusion Imaging of
Renal Tumors at 3 Tesla Using Pulsed Continuous Arterial
Spin Labeling 
Ananth J. Madhuranthakam1, Ivan E.
Dimitrov2, David C. Alsop3,
and Ivan Pedrosa1
1Radiology and Advanced Imaging Research
Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX,
United States, 2Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States, 3Radiology,
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
We investigated pulsed continuous arterial spin
labeling combined with background suppression for
renal perfusion imaging at 3 Tesla using single shot
fast spin echo acquisition. High image quality was
achieved in normal volunteers and five patients with
renal tumors. Averaged across all subjects, mean
perfusion was measured as 235±72 mL/100g/min in
cortex and 134±25 mL/100g/min in medulla and in
agreement with values previously reported in the
literature. Perfusion was heterogeneous in tumors
and varied considerably across patients, most likely
depending upon the tumor histopathologic subtypes.
3050. |
22 |
Measurement of Renal
Perfusion Using 3D Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin
Kaining Shi1, Haiyi Wang2, and
Yehuan tang2
1Applied Science Lab (China), GE
HealthCare, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2the
Department of Radiology, People¡¯s Liberation Army
General Hospital, Beijing, Beijing, China
3D Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling is a
desirable approach for the measurement of renal
perfusion because of its capability of providing
noninvasive and non-contrast perfusion imaging.
Compared to prior approaches, the 3D PCASL technique
exhibits more uniform perfusion images with better
SNR and lower SAR. In this work, 3D PCASL technique
was successfully implemented in the measurement of
kidney perfusion and renal blood flow was
calculated. Perfusion weighted images with 2025ms
PostLabelDelay time had better CNR and background
suppression. Mean renal blood flow of the kidney
cortex is about 0.5015 ml/min/g, similar to prior
PET results.
3051. |
23 |
A Double-Excitation
Approach Is the Optimal Strategy for Whole-Brain ASL/BOLD
Vincent J. Schmithorst1,2, Luis
Hernandez-Garcia3, Jennifer Vannest2,
Akila Rajagopal2, Gregory Lee2,
and Scott Holland2
1Radiology, Children's Hospital of
Pittsburgh of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Radiology,
Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH,
United States, 3Functional
MRI Laboratory, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
MI, United States
The optimal approach for simultaneous ASL/BOLD
imaging covering the whole brain is unknown. Via
simulations, we compared relative ASL and BOLD CNR
obtained using three possible acquisition
strategies. Optimal performance was obtained using a
dual-excitation approach, in which images with a
short TE for ASL contrast are obtained immediately
after the ASL tagging pulse; afterwards, images with
a longer TE for BOLD contrast are acquired. Compared
to a dual-echo acquisition, the dual-excitation
strategy with optimized excitation flip angles
provided a near 70% increase in ASL CNR for
later-acquired slices, with only a 1% reduction in
3052. |
24 |
Comparison of
Multi-Parametric ASL and CT Perfusion in Moyamoya
Rui Wang1, Songlin Yu2, Jeffry
R. Alger3, Bo Wang1, Jizong
Zhao2, Zhentao Zuo1, Rong Xue1,
and Danny J.J. Wang3
1State Key Laboratory of Brain and
Cognitive Science, Beijing MRI Center for Brain
Research, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy
of Sciences, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Department
of Neurosurgery, Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital
Medical University, Beijing, Beijing, China, 3Department
of Neurology, University of California Los Angeles,
Los Angeles, CA, United States
The goal of this study was to present a novel
multi-delay multi-parametric pseudo-continuous ASL (pCASL)
protocol which allows simultaneous estimation of
cerebral blood flow (CBF), arterial cerebral blood
volume and arterial transit time (ATT). Its accuracy
was compared with CT perfusion (CTP) in 17 moyamoya
patients. Based on both intra- and inter-subject
correlation analysis, pCASL and CTP provided highly
consistent results for the evaluation of
hemodynamics in moyamoya patients. By incorporating
delayed ATT in CBF calculation, pCASL is able to
provide quantitative multi-parametric perfusion
imaging consistent with CTP in moyamoya disease.
Monday, 22 April 2013 (15:15-16:15) Exhibition Hall |
Perfusion & Permeability Measured with Contrast Agents
Computer # |
3053. |
1 |
The Influences of Vertebral
Level and Age on Perfusion Parameters of Thoracic-Lumbar
Vertebral Marrow in Adults Using T1-Weighted Dynamic
Contrast Enhancement MRI
Qinxiang Li1, He Wang2, and Yunfei
HUBEI, China, 2MR
Research China, GE Healthcare, Shanghai, China
This study investigated the differences in quantitative
perfusion parameters of thoracolumbar vertebral bone
marrow(VBM) in adults in relation to vertebral level and
age using dynamic contrast enhancement MRI(DCE-MRI). We
found that the quantitative parameters (Ktrans,Kep and
Ve )were significantly associated with vertebral level
and significantly influenced by age, which could lay a
foundation for the further research of vertebral marrow
3054. |
2 |
Differences in
Two-Compartment Model Parameters of Gluteal and Deep Pelvic
Milica Medved1, Aytekin Oto1,
Xiaobing Fan1, Federico D. Pineda1,
Russell Z. Szmulewitz2, and Gregory S.
1Radiology, University of Chicago, Chicago,
Illinois, United States, 2Medicine,
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States
In applications of the two compartment model to tissue
contrast agent uptake and washout, it is critical to
determine the arterial input function (AIF). The AIF
cannot always be measured directly, and approximate
methods are sometimes used to derive it. For example, it
can be derived by using muscle – with known Ktrans and
ve values
– as a reference tissue. Published values for skeletal
muscle are used, typically measured in an accessible
muscle, such as the calf. We show that Ktrans and
ve vary
between gluteal and deep pelvic muscles, and that thus
skeletal muscles should be characterized individually.
3055. |
3 |
Simultaneous Quantification
of Permeability and Perfusion in Multiple Sclerosis Lesions 
Katherine C. Gao1, Govind Nair1,
Colin D. Shea1, Pietro Maggi1,2,
Souheil J. Inati3, Luca Massacesi2,
and Daniel S. Reich1
1National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke, Bethesda, Maryland, United States, 2Department
of Neurological and Psychiatric Sciences, University of
Florence, Florence, Italy, 3Natiional
Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United
Patients with MS typically develop lesions around
inflamed blood vessels in the brain. Since permeability
and perfusion of MS lesions have been shown to change
with time, ascertaining these parameters within
individual MS lesions at a particular time point may
provide a snapshot of the underlying inflammatory and
pathphysiological processes. By acquiring a dual-echo
T1-weighted dynamic scan during a single bolus of MRI
contrast, we simultaneously estimated permeability and
perfusion of chronic and active lesions in MS patients.
As expected, enhancing lesions had the highest
permeability. Additionally, some chronic lesions had
non-zero permeability, which may reflect inflammatory
activity that is no longer visibly detectable as
enhancement in post-contrast T1-weighted images.
Longitudinal studies are underway to track changes in
lesion permeability and perfusion over time and will
determine whether this methodology can be used to assess
the effects of disease-modifying therapies that reduce
inflammation and maintain the blood-brain-barrier.
3056. |
4 |
Cerebral Blood Flow
Measurement Obtained by PET/MR Dual-Modality Imaging System 
Parinaz Massoumzadeh1, Yi Su1,
Joshua S. Shimony1, Andrei Vlassenko1,
Jonathan McConathy1, and Tammie Benzinger1
1Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology,
Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO,
United States
Cerebral blood flow (CBF) has been compared using PET
and MR, methods but not using a PET/MR dual-modality
imaging system. Here, we compare CBF measurement
obtained using three methods: dynamic susceptibility
contrast (DSC) MR, Dynamic F18-FDG, and O-15 water PET
scans for patients with brain tumor. We use a PET/MR
scanner (Siemens Biograph mMR). MR based CBF were found
to be correlated with PET CBF at both voxel and regional
level, although the correlation was lower than the
correlations between [015]PET and FDG imaging. Further
investigation is ongoing to investigate the difference
between PET and MR based CBF measurements.
3057. |
5 |
Time to Peak Based
Differentiation of Functional Placental Compartments in the
Mouse Model 
Fabian Kording1, Wedegaertner Ulrike1,
Nils Daniel Forkert2, Jan Sedlacik1,
Gerhard Adam1, and Chressen K. Much1
1Department of Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf,
Hamburg, Germany, Germany, 2Department
of Computational Neuroscience, University Medical Center
Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, Germany
The assessment placental perfusion using dynamic
contrast enhanced MRI is of increasing importance for
early prediction of fetal growth restrictions and
vascular complications during pregnancies. To assess
differences in the placenta perfusion in experimental
studies analysis is performed as an average over the
whole placenta. However, the mouse placenta consists of
two different functional zones and differentiating the
two compartments may lead to additional important
information. In this work placenta functional
compartments were successfully differentiated using
time-to-peak values of the contrast agent time curve.
Perfusion analysis of both compartments revealed
significant differences which could be beneficial for
further studies.
3058. |
6 |
Measurement of Rat Brain
Tumor Kinetics Using an Intravascular Mr Contrast Agent and
DCE-T1 Nested Model Selection 
Wilson B. Chwang1, Rajan Jain1,2,
Siamak P. Nejad-Davarani3,4, A.S.M. Iskander1,
Ashley VanSlooten5, Lonni Schultz5,
James R. Ewing3,6, Ali S. Arbab1,7,
and Hassan Bagher-Ebadian3,6
1Department of Radiology, Henry Ford
Hospital, Detroit, MI, United States, 2Department
of Neurosurgery, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI,
United States,3Department of Neurology, Henry
Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, United States, 4Department
of Biomedical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann
Artbor, MI, United States, 5Department
of Public Health Sciences, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit,
MI, United States, 6Department
of Physics, Oakland University, Rochester Hills, MI,
United States, 7Department
of Radiology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI,
United States
The purpose of this study was to investigate parameters
of vascular physiology such as vp, Ktrans, and ve in a
rat glioma model using two different contrast agents, an
intravascular or blood pool agent (gadofosveset) and an
extravascular agent (gadopentetate dimeglumine, Gd-DTPA)
using DCE T1 nested model selection. We found that
Ktrans was significantly lower using gadofosveset
compared to Gd-DTPA, while vp and ve measures were not
statistically different. But more importantly these
parameters were measured with high agreement using DCE
T1 NMS, demonstrating the stability of nested model
selection in DCE-MRI and its importance for assessing
the tumor microenvironment.
3059. |
7 |
Reducing the Scan Time in
Quantitative Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of the Breast
Using the Extended Graphical Model 
Huijun Chen1, Matthew L. Olson2,
Savannah C. Partridge3, and William Kerwin3
1Tsinghua University, Beijing, Beijing,
China, 2University
Of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States, 3University
of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States
The Extended Graphical Model (EGM) has the ability to
acquire accurate pharmacokinetic parameters (contrast
transfer constant: Ktrans) using a shorter scan time
than the widely used modified Kety/Tofts model in
dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) MRI of carotid
atherosclerotic plaque. However, in the area of
oncology, where DCE MRI and pharmacokinetic modeling are
widely used in clinical research, the capability of the
EGM has not been investigated. In this study, we sought
to evaluate the EGM in breast imaging for use with a
novel hybrid DCE MRI that provides separate high spatial
and high temporal resolution datasets with full
bilateral coverage.
3060. |
8 |
Improving the Consistency
in Permeability Measurement with DCE-MRI for Longitudinal
Follow-Up of Brain Metastatic Tumors 
Yi-Ying Wu1, Chen-Hao Wu1,2,
Chih-Ming Chiang1, Clayton Chi-Chang Chen1,3,
and Jyh-Wen Chai1,4
1Department of Radiology, Taichung Veterans
General Hospital, Taichung City, Taiwan (R.O.C), Taiwan, 2Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University,
Taipei City, Taiwan(R.O.C.), Taiwan, 3Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Hung Kuang University,
Taichung City, Taiwan (R.O.C.), Taiwan, 4College
of Medicine, China Medical University, Taichung City,
Taiwan (R.O.C), Taiwan
Venous output function (VOF) from the larger and
straighter superior sagittal sinus, with similar shape
of the concentration time curves as AIF, has shown the
effectiveness in permeability measurements of brain
neoplasms. However, there are still some errors from VOF
that may influence the quantification of tissue
permeability. The aim of this study is to investigate
the clinical applicability of permeability measurement
with DCE-MRI, by using a combination of the scaled AIF
with VOF and the normalization to the plasma volume of
the adjacent white matter, to estimate Ktrans of brain
metastatic lesions in the longitudinal follow-up.
3061. |
9 |
Repeatability of Cerebral
Perfusion Measurements Using Susceptibility Contrast MRI 
Kourosh Jafari-Khouzani1, Kyrre E. Emblem1,2,
Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer1, Atle Bjørnerud2,3,
Mark Vangel1, Elizabeth R. Gerstner4,
Kathleen M. Schmainda5, Tracy T. Batchelor4,
Bruce Rosen1, and Steven M. Stufflebeam1
1Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General
Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United
States, 2The
Intervention Centre, Rikshospitalet, Oslo University
Hospital, Oslo, Norway, 3Dept
of Physics, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway,4Massachusetts
General Hospital Cancer Center, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, United States, 5Department
of Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee,
WI, United States
This study evaluates the repeatability of dynamic
susceptibility contrast (DSC) based perfusion imaging
using a double baseline MRI acquisition setup in 31
adult patients (18 M, 13 F, age 23-72, mean 56) with
newly diagnosed glioblastoma. The images were acquired
using a dual-echo, combined gradient-echo (GE) and
spin-echo (SE) echo planar imaging sequence. Cerebral
blood volume (CBV) and cerebral blood flow (CBF) maps
were generated and evaluated within tumor regions
(enhancing tumor from T1-weighted images and whole tumor
including edema from FLAIR image). Repeatability was
evaluated using intraclass correlation coefficients.
High repeatability was obtained for mean values of
perfusion maps within tumor regions.
3062. |
10 |
Variability of CBF
Calibration Using Venous Output Function in DSC-MRI of Rat
I Chi Liu1,2, Tsong-Hai Lee3,
Ching-Chung Liang4, and Ho-Ling Liu1,5
1Department of Medical Imaging and
Radiological Sciences, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan,
Taiwan, 2Department
of Medical Physics, Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer
Center, Taipei City, Taiwan, 3Department
of Neurology and Stroke Center, Chang Gung Memorial
Hospital and Chang Gung University College of Medicine,
Taoyuan, Taiwan, 4Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chang Gung Memorial
Hospital, and Chang Gung University College of Medicine,
Taoyuan, Taiwan, 5Department
of Medical Imaging and Intervention, Chang Gung Memorial
Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
Accurate estimation of arterial input function (AIF) is
crucial for the CBF quantification using DSC-MRI. In
small animals, AIF is difficult to identify due to the
inevitable partial-volume effects. This study aimed to
investigate the feasibility of using a venous output
function (VOF) for calibrating the AIF in rats, and
evaluate the deviation caused by the selection of VOF
within sagittal sinus. The results showed that using the
ratio of areas under the curve from VOF versus AIF after
a gamma-variate fitting yielded the most stable CBF
calibration. The uncertainties of resulted CBF values
were in the range of 8-28%.
3063. |
11 |
A Physiological Model for
Injected Contrast Agent Concentration Incorporating
Recirculation, Extravasation and Excretion 
Dennis Lai Hong Cheong1 and
Thian C. Ng1,2
1Clinical Imaging Research Center,
SBIC/A*STAR & National University of Singapore,
Singapore, Singapore, 2Department
of Diagnostic Radiology, National University of
Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
In the analysis of DCE MRI, a functional curve
representing the arterial or vascular input function is
beneficial. Empirical formulations depend on the shape
of the input function, and its parameters provide little
physiologic meaning. Horsfield physiologically based
model is good but its application is limited to human
DCE MRI study using Gd-DTPA. We have developed a
physiologically based model without this limitation. We
demonstrate its ability to fit data measured by both DCE
MRI and DCE CT, and at different blood vessel locations.
It has potential application to animal studies, and to
other measurements (e.g. PET). Unphysiological parameter
values may assist in identifying errors in measured
input functions, especially in DCE MRI where
quantification is problematic.
3064. |
12 |
Automatic AIF Estimation in
Multi-Echo DSC-MRI of Pediatric Patients - Avoiding the
Noise Floor 
Allen T. Newton1,2, Jack T. Skinner1,
and Christopher C. Quarles1
1Radiology and Radiological Sciences,
Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science,
Nashville, TN, United States, 2Radiology
and Radiological Sciences, Monroe Carell Jr. Children's
Hopsital at Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN, United States
We present a simple method by which investigators
performing multi-echo DSC-MRI perfusion studies can
identify voxels saturating into the noise floor at later
echo times, and show the effect of removing these voxels
from analysis on AIF estimation. Furthermore, our study
evaluates these methods in a population of pediatric
patients, demonstrating their applicability in an actual
clinical context.
3065. |
13 |
Alternative Sequence for
Arterial Input Function Measurements for Bolus Tracking
Perfusion Imaging in the Brain 
Elias Kellner1, Irina Mader2,
Marco Reisert1, and Valerij G. Kiselev1
1Department of Radiology, University Hospital
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Section
of Neuroradiology, University Hospital Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany
We recently presented a method for a quantitative
determination of the arterial input function in the
carotid arteries. The AIF-measurement plug-in in the
standard DSC perfusion sequence used the apparent shift
in the arterial position in one-dimensional projection
images and was optimised for high doses of contrast.
Here we demonstrate an alternative AIF measurement
plug-in for low-dose clinical measurements based on fast
two-dimensional readout and the phase AIF. Efficient
background suppression using inversion recovery remains
a crucial component of the method. We present a
comparative discussion of both methods in relation to
the dose, tracer type, and the field strength.
3066. |
14 |
High Relaxivity Contrast
Reagents Allow Detection of Erythrocyte Transcytolemmal
Water Exchange 
Gregory J. Wilson1, Charles S. Springer, Jr.2,
Mark Woods2,3, Sarah Bastawrous1,4,
Puneet Bhargava1,4, and Jeffrey H. Maki1
1Radiology, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA, United States, 2Advanced
Imaging Research Center, Oregon Health and Science
University, Portland, OR, United States, 3Chemistry,
Portland State University, Portland, OR, United States, 4Radiology,
Puget Sound VAHCS, Seattle, WA, United States
Measurements of longitudinal relaxation rates (R1)
of 1H2O
in whole blood with gadolinium-based contrast reagent
concentrations ([CR]) in the range of 2 to 18 mM provide
evidence of water exchange across the erythrocyte cell
membrane. The dependence of R1 on
[CR] was accurately predicted by the two-site-exchange
(2SX) model in the fast exchange regime (FXR). Contrast
reagents with high protein binding affinity (gadobenate
dimeglumine and gadofosveset trisodium) were more
sensitive to the water exchange kinetics because of
their higher relaxivities. This sensitivity to water
exchange across the cell membrane may enable future
studies of erythrocyte function.
3067. |
15 |
Does DCE-MRI Have a
Metabolic Dimension? 
Martin M. Pike1, Mohan L. Jayatilake1,
Xiaoyan Wang2, Merryl R. Lobo1,
Xin Li1, Matthias C. Schabel1,
William D. Rooney1, Dale J. Christensen3,
Jerry D. Glickson4, Rosalie C. Sears2,
Wei Huang1, and Charles S. Springer, Jr.1
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, Oregon
Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, United
States, 2Molecular
and Medical Genetics, Oregon Health & Science
University, Portland, Oregon, United States, 3Oncotide
Pharmaceuticals, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina,
United States,4Radiology, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
The metabolic dimension of DCE-MRI is explored by using
targeted therapy on a genetically modified mouse
spontaneous breast cancer. DCE-MRI suggests a metabolic
flux decrease upon therapy.
3068. |
16 |
Quantifying Cerebral
Haemodynamics Beyond CBF Using Control Point Interpolation
Deconvolution for DSC MRI Perfusion Analysis 
Amit Mehndiratta1, Bradley J. MacIntosh2,
David E. Crane2, Stephen J. Payne1,
and Michael A. Chappell1
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United
Kingdom, 2Medical
Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Perfusion analysis could provide tissue residue function
by deconvolution of the observed MR signal with AIF;
however with SVD it is challenging due to
non-physiological oscillations. The Control Point
Interpolation method has been demonstrated to provide
smooth residue functions in perfusion analysis and is
sensitive to pathological variations. Our analysis of
eight atherosclerotic disease patients showed variation
in residue function among healthy and ischemic tissue
which was quantified by calculating the time taken for
the residue function to drop to 50% and 10% of its
maximum value. Capillary transit time heterogeneity
information was also extracted from this residue
function by calculating transit time distribution for
3069. |
17 |
DSC-MRI Simulations: What
Is the Correct Model for the in
vivo Tissue
Residue Function? 
Amit Mehndiratta1, Fernando Calamante2,
Bradley J. MacIntosh3, David E. Crane3,
Stephen J. Payne1, and Michael A. Chappell1
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United
Kingdom, 2Melbourne
Brain Centre - Austin campus, Brain Research Institute,
Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia, 3Medical
Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Exponential residue function is commonly used in DSC MRI
simulations for cerebral haemodynamic approximation to
validate novel deconvolution methodologies. However, the
haemodynamics is significantly altered in pathology
where exponential approximation might be no more valid.
In the study in-vivo observed residue function with
non-parametric CPI method were approximated with four
commonly used analytical expressions where
bi-exponential expression was found to be more realistic
approximation of normal and pathological variation in
3070. |
18 |
CBF Quantification in the
Face of Dispersion and Separation of Its Effects from Normal
Cerebral Haemodynamics: A Comparison of Deconvolution
Methods in DSC-MRI 
Amit Mehndiratta1, Fernando Calamante2,
Bradley J. MacIntosh3, David E. Crane3,
Stephen J. Payne1, and Michael A. Chappell1
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United
Kingdom, 2Melbourne
Brain Centre - Austin campus, Brain Research Institute,
Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia, 3Medical
Physics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
Bolus dispersion is a significant problem in perfusion
imaging because of remote AIF measurement. It is
challenging to accurately estimate CBF in presence of
dispersion; in this study our motivation was to
investigate the accuracy in CBF estimate with a number
of deconvolution methods, and also investigate the
possibility to separate the effects of dispersion from
cerebral haemodynamics using these techniques. The
ambiguity between true residue function and dispersion
could not be resolved with any of the deconvolution
methods, but accurate estimates of cerebral perfusion
can be achieved with an effectively non-parametric CPI
approach even in presence of dispersion.
3071. |
19 |
Analyzing Error Propagation
in Semi-Quantitative DCE MRI Parameters in Brain Tumors: A
Comparison Study to Monte Carlo Simulation Predictions 
Ka-Loh Li1, Xiaoping Zhu1, and
Alan Jackson1
1The Wolfson Molecular Imaging Centre, The
University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Uncertainty analysis for error propagation in five
semi-quantitative DCE-MRI parameters was performed. Five
patients with NF2 were used for evaluation. Percent
deviation (PD) distributions from Monte Carlo simulation
were compared with in vivo data. Results: 1) The sum of
SE and SErel had greater precision than non-summed
metrics for persistent type SI(t); (2) The “normalized”
parameters had poorer precision than non-normalized
metrics;(3) Rse1/se2 was more accurate for persistent
type than washout type; (4) Rse1/se2, showed wide PD
distribution. In summary, comparison of in-vivo analysis
with Monte Carlo simulation supports the findings of
previous studies on synthetic data.
3072. |
20 |
Susceptibility Induced
Signal Quenching in DCE-MRI Is Tissue Dependent 
Xin Li1, Seymur Gahramanov2,
Charles S. Springer, Jr.1, William D. Rooney1,
and Edward A. Neuwelt2
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, Oregon
Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, United
States, 2Department
of Neurology, Oregon Health & Science University,
Portland, Oregon, United States
Conventional gradient echo Dynamic-Contrast-Enhanced (DCE)
MRI protocols acquire data at short but finite echo time
(TE). During contrast reagent (CR) bolus passage, T2*
related MRI signal reduction (mainly due to
susceptibility gradient introduced by CR) may not be
negligible even with short TE, especially at ultra-high
field. Using a sequential multi-session DCE-MRI data
collection at 11.75 T, we demonstrate that the T2*
signal loss in DCE-MRI is tissue dependent and most
pronounced for tissues with low CR extravasation which
transiently experience large intra-voxel susceptibility
3073. |
21 |
Random Matrix Theory-Based
Noise Reduction for Dynamic Imaging: Application to DCE-MRI
Jeiran Jahani1, Glyn Johnson2,
Valerij G. Kiselev3, and Dmitry S. Novikov4
1New York University School of Medicine, New
York City, New York, United States, 2University
of East Anglia, East Anglia, United Kingdom, 3University
Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 4Radiology,
New York Univeristy School of Medicine, New York City,
New York, United States
We present a nonlinear algorithm for a simultaneous
reduction of noise in a series of dynamic maps, such as
those acquired during bolus passage in DCE MRI. Our
algorithm utilizes a universal distribution of
eigenvalues of a random covariance matrix. Thus we are
able to objectively remove the “noisy” eigenvalues and
preserve the significant principal components. We test
our method in a numerical dynamic phantom to show that
the noise-reduction preserves all structural
information, and further apply it to DCE MRI. Our method
selectively reduces noisy components of the images
across time while preserving the informative structures
of contrast dynamics.
3074. |
22 |
Determination of Local
Tissue Enhancement from Radially Reconstructed Images 
Jennifer Moroz1, Piotr Kozlowski2,3,
and Stefan A. Reinsberg1
1Physics and Astronomy, UBC, Vancouver, BC,
Canada, 2Radiology,
UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 3MRI
Research Centre, UBC, Vancouver, BC, Canada
A high-temporal resolution arterial input function (AIF)
is desired for pharamacokinetic modelling, which may be
achieved with a projection-based approach. However,
local tissue enhancement will affect the accuracy of the
AIF. Tissue enhancement may be visualized from the
projections used to estimate the AIF, if acquired
radially. This work investigates three methods for
radial reconstruction and evaluates their potential for
measuring tissue enhancement. An error profile, a plot
comparing the profile of the measured enhancement
(radial image) with the expected result, was calculated
to evaluate the techniques. The NFFT technique had the
lowest errors, making it attractive for our application.
3075. |
23 |
Spatial Information Based
DCE-MRI Data Reconstruction and Analysis Using PCA 
Dattesh D. Shanbhag1, Suresh E. Joel1,
Ming-Ching Chang2, Kumar T. Rajamani1,
Sandeep Narendra Gupta2, and Rakesh Mullick1
1GE Global Research, Bangalore, Karanataka,
India, 2GE
Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States
In this work, we investigated a block-wise PCA based
approach to reconstruct DCE-MRI data. It is based on the
hypothesis that there exists overlapping temporal
information within a spatial neighborhood which can be
exploited to separate noise from true contrast
enhancement while maintaining tissue heterogeneity. We
demonstrate that PCA based reconstruction of dynamic DCE
data produced smooth parametric maps while preserving
the lesion conspicuity, compared to pixelated maps
produced using voxel-by voxel analysis. This will
improve the accuracy of DCE-MRI quantification and
enhance the sensitivity of the method in clinical
24 |
Magnetic Susceptibility
Alterations in Mouse Brains with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure:
A Preliminary Study 
Wei Cao1, Wei Li1, Shonagh K.
O’Leary-Moore2, Kathleen K. Sulik2,
G. Allan Johnson3, and Chunlei Liu1,4
1Brain Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke
University, Durham, NC, United States, 2Bowles
Center for Alcohol Studies,University of North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, NC, United States, 3Center
for In Vivo Microscopy, Duke University, Durham, NC,
United States, 4Department
of Radiology, Duke University, Durham, NC, United States
The primary effects of prenatal alcohol exposure are on
the brain development and the cognitive and behavioral
deficits that ensue. Magnetic susceptibility imaging was
used to assess its impact to mouse brains. Two groups of
mice (n=3, postnatal day 80) were characterized: an
ethanol group and a control group. Two main white matter
fiber bundles, anterior commissure and corpus callosum,
were analyzed. The orientation dependence of magnetic
susceptibility was found significantly decreased in
ethanol exposed brains compared to their age-matched
controls in both regions. This may be interpreted as a
loss of myelination due to prenatal alcohol exposure.
Monday, 22 April 2013 (14:15-15:15) Exhibition Hall |
Computer # |
3077. |
25 |
Progressive Myocardial
Sheet Dysfunction from 3 to 16 Months in Duchene Muscular
Dystrophy Mice (mdx) Defined by Diffusion Tensor MRI (DTI) 
Ya-Jian Cheng1, Junjie Chen2,
Shelton D. Caruthers2, and Samuel A. Wickline2
1Biomedical Eng., Washington University In
Saint Louis, Saint Louis, Missouri, United States, 2Washington
University In Saint Louis, St Louis, MO, United States
Heart muscle, the most important muscle in our body,
demonstrates mysterious mechanical function during each
heart beat. The heart wall generates up to 50% wall
thickening with lower than 15% of fiber shortening. A
laminar-like muscle structure, a.k.a. sheets, was found
to contribute to such function. Here, we accessed the
sheet reorientation function in the most used dystrophy
model, mdx mice, with the Langendorff perfused viable
hearts and mighty 11.7T diffusion tensor MRI.
3078. |
26 |
Comparison of in
vivo and Ex
Vivo DTI Cortical Connectivity Measurements in the Squirrel
Monkey Brain 
Yurui Gao1,2, Ann S. Choe1,2, Xia
Li1, Iwona Stepniewska3, and Adam
W. Anderson1,2
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, Tennessee, United States, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, Tennessee, United States, 3Department
of Psychological Sciences, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
In a previous study, we validated DTI-tractography-derived
measures of primary motor area (M1) corticocortical (CC)
connectivity by comparing the ex vivo DTI connectivity
with the histological ground truth. Ex vivo acquisitions
typically provide higher image quality than in vivo
experiments, since scan times can be much longer and
motion is usually not an issue. The goal of the present
study was to get a more realistic understanding of the
limitations of in vivo DTI measures of CC connectivity
by comparing the reliability of in vivo and ex vivo DTI
data acquired from the same squirrel monkey.
3079. |
27 |
Preliminary Results on
Image Artifacts in Lipid Diffusion Imaging
-permission withheld
Jutta Janke1, Andreas Wetscherek1,
Bram Stieltjes2, and Frederik B. Laun1,2
1Dpt. Medical Physics in Radiology, German
Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg,
Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 2Quantitative
Imaging-Based Disease Characterization, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg,
The Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) of lipids may
be a valuable biomarker for various diseases, e.g.
diabetes. The low ADC of lipids requires the use of long
diffusion weightings, which results in low
signal-to-noise ratios. Compensating the low SNR by
thicker slices lead to unexpected artifacts, which
usually do not appear in water diffusion experiments. In
particular, we observed pronounced signal drops that we
attribute to tissue pulsation and imperfect slice
selections due to residual eddy currents. We compensated
for these signal drops by using only the maximal signal
intensity of all acquired images for the calculation of
the ADC.
3080. |
28 |
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of
the Mouse Brain with a Cryogenic Coil at Ultrahigh-Field:
Fast Imaging Allows for Cohort Studies 
Hans-Peter Mueller1, Ina Vernikouskaya2,
Albert Ludolph1, Jan Kassubek1,
and Volker Rasche2,3
1Department of Neurology, Ulm University,
Ulm, Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany, 2Core
Facility Small Animal MRI, Ulm University, Ulm, Baden
Wuerttemberg, Germany, 3Experimental
Cardiovascular Imaging, Ulm University, Ulm, NA, Germany
The SNR gain of cryogenically cooled resonators (CCR)is
supposed to generate high fidelity DTI data with high
in-plane resolution and thin slices in order to get
close to isotropic voxel resolution. That way, accurate
fractional anisotropy (FA) mapping and improved
isotropic 3D DTI fiber reconstruction could be obtained.
The aim of this study is to keep the overall scanning
time at approximately 30 minutes in order to enable the
application of the scan protocol to in-vivo cohort
studies aiming at DTI comparisons of murine brain at the
group level.
3081. |
29 |
High Spatial Resolution
Diffusion Tensor and Kurtosis Analysis of Formalin Fixed
Whole Prostate Tissue 
Roger Bourne1, Dominic Pang1,
Andre Bongers2, Carl Power2, Paul
Sved1, and Geoffrey Watson3
1University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW,
Australia, 2University
of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 3Royal
Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia
This work compares a high spatial resolution diffusion
kurtosis analysis of two whole fixed prostates with
single b-value DTI of the same voxels. Kurtosis was
found to be high in low diffusivity glandular tissue and
low in stromal tissue. Variance of the kurtosis
correlated strongly with DTI-derived fractional
3082. |
30 |
Manganese Alters Water
Movement in Ocular Lens Detected by DTI in
Jennifer Mei1, Hsiao-Fang Liang2,
and Shu-Wei Sun2
1University of California, Loma Linda, CA,
United States, 2Loma
Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, United States
The calcium-dependent aquaporin water channel (AQP) 0 in
ocular lens fiber cells facilitates fluid circulation
for nourishing the vascular lens to maintain
transparency. The goal of this study is to evaluate
whether AQP0 malfunction can be detected non-invasively
by Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). We used Manganese
ions (Mn2+) to alter the AQP0 function in mouse lens. A
reduction of radial diffusivity was found in
Mn2+-affected lens, compared to the controls.
3083. |
31 |
On the Application of
Anomalous Diffusion Metrics in Animal Stroke Models 
Farida Grinberg1, Ezequiel Farrher1,
Luisa Ciobanu2, and Nadim Jon Shah1,3
1Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine 4 -
Medical Imaging Physics, Forschungszentrum Juelich,
Juelich, Germany, 2Neurospin,
CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette, France,3Department of
Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, JARA, RWTH Aachen
University, Aachen, Germany
We analyse the sensitivity of the stretched- exponential
model in providing contrast for ischemic lesions in
animal stroke models. Good fits in the extended range of
the diffusion weightings were obtained. In frame of the
proposed analytical models, the stretched-exponential
function is indicative of anomalous diffusion mechanisms
and provide complementary means to infer valuable
microstructural information. We obtained promising
results in terms of image contrast and better
understanding of pathological changes in the ischemic
3084. |
32 |
Preliminary Evidence of
Abnormalities in the Prefrontal Cortex of 10 Weeks Old
Ts65Dn Mouse Model of Down Syndrome Using DKI-Cerebral
Microenvironment Modeling. 
Xingju Nie1, Edward S. Hui1, Jens
H. Jensen1, Joseph A. Helpern1,2,
Ann-Charlotte E. Granholm-Bentley2, Heather
A. Boger2, and Maria F. Falangola1,2
1Radiology and Radiological Science, Center
for Biomedical Imaging, Medical University of South
Carolina, Charleston, SC, United States, 2Neurosciences,
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC,
United States
The goal of this study was to utilize a recently
developed cerebral microenvironment modeling (CMM)
method to investigate the morphological abnormalities in
the prefrontal cortex of young Ts65Dn mice. CMM relates
diffusional kurtosis imaging (DKI) data to specific
biophysical tissue characteristics. We demonstrated that
CMM parameters are sensitive indicators of changes in
the complexity of the neurite architecture associated
with abnormal brain development and maturation in this
3085. |
33 |
Design of a Noninvasive
System to Characterize Collagen-Sponge Remodeling Using MRI 
Mohammed Salman Shazeeb1,2, Stuart Howes2,
Sivakumar Kandasamy2, Christopher H. Sotak1,2,
and George Pins2
1Radiology, University of Massachusetts
Medical School, Worcester, MA, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester,
MA, United States
The in vivo evaluation of the remodeling of soft
biomaterial implants often involves surgical removal of
the implant for subsequent histological assessment. This
approach is very resource intensive, it is often
destructive, and imposes practical limitations on how
effectively these materials can be evaluated. MRI has
the potential to non-invasively monitor the remodeling
of collagen scaffolds. This study investigated the
development of a model system to evaluate the remodeling
of implanted collagen scaffolds using MRI and
conventional histological techniques. Significant
correlations were found between the MRI and histological
parameters demonstrating that MRI is sensitive to
specific remodeling parameters.
3086. |
34 |
Does Skeletal Muscle
Contain Fast and Slow Diffusion Components in High B-Value
Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI)? 
Yoshikazu Okamoto1, Tomonori Isobe1,
and Yuji Hirano1
1University of Tsukuba Hospital, Tsukuba,
Ibaraki, Japan
How slow and fast diffusion components work in the
skeletal muscle?
3087. |
35 |
Accurate Monitoring of the
Treatment Response in Whole-Body Bone Marrow Metastatic
Cancers Based on ADC Histogram Analysis Employing an
Automatic Multiparametric (T1/ADC) Registration/Segmentation
Faezeh Sanaei Nezhad1, Anahita Fathi
Kazerooni2,3, Anwar R. Padhani4,
Hamid Soltanian Zadeh1, and Hamidreza
Saligheh Rad2,3
1School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering (ECE), College of Engineering, University of
Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2Medical
Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Tehran University of
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, 3Quantitative
MR Imaging and Spectroscopy Group, Research Center for
Cellular and Molecular Imaging, Tehran University of
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, 4Paul
Strickland Scanner Centre, Mount Vernon Cancer Centre,
London, United Kingdom
Bone marrow metastases are common manifestation of many
malignant cancers. In order to gain deeper insight into
patient’s state of disease and the treatment response,
the bone marrow cellularity can be assessed by the
histogram analysis and monitoring of the ADC-maps
acquired by DW-MRI. However, correct decision making
about the effectiveness of therapy is dependent on the
ROIs selected from the ADC-maps, raising concerns about
the susceptibility of manual ROI placement to human
errors. In this work, an automatic bone marrow
registration/segmentation histogram analysis approach
was applied to the ADC-maps, to show its superiority
over the manual ROI analysis method.
3088. |
36 |
Distinct Effects of the
Nuclear Volume Fraction and Cell Diameter on Diffusion
Contrast in Tumors 
Nathan White1 and
Anders M. Dale2
1University of California, San Diego, La
Jolla, CA, United States, 2Radiology
and Neurosciences, University of California, San Diego,
La Jolla, CA, United States
The apparent restricted water signal, derived from
restriction spectrum imaging (RSI) data, provides
improved conspicuity and delineation of high-grade brain
tumors and reduced sensitivity to edema compared with
traditional ADC. However, the biological origin of the
restricted water signal remains poorly understood. In
this study, we use Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate
the specific role of the nuclear volume fraction and
cell diameter on RSI signal contrast. The results
suggest that the nuclear volume fraction is an important
cellular characteristic for both RSI and ADC contrast,
that may explain in part the lack of apparent
restriction in low-grade tumors.
3089. |
37 |
Characterization of
Diffusion Signal Decay in the Spinal Cord Based on Angular
Dispersion of Axons 
Novena Rangwala1, David Hackney1,
and David C. Alsop1
1Department of Radiology, Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, United States
A model of diffusion signal decay in the transverse
plane is proposed and applied to high b-value
diffusion-weighted (DW) images of the cervical spinal
cord (SC) in
vivo. This model assumes that axons within SC are
not perfectly aligned and the transverse signal decay is
a function of the angle made by the axons with the cord
axis. The results show that the average axonal
dispersion in the cord is ~10°, and decreases to ~6.5°
within the posterior funiculus of white matter,
indicating that the model is sensitive to regional
differences in axon structure.
3090. |
38 |
Comparison of Conventional
Histology and Diffusion Weighted Microimaging for Estimation
of Epithelial, Stromal, and Acinar Volumes in Prostate
Michael Zhao1, Esther Myint2,
Geoffrey Watson3, and Roger Bourne1
1University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW,
Australia, 2Laverty
Pathology, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 3Royal
Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Diffusion weighted microimaging of fixed prostate tissue
reveals distinct diffusivity differences between
epithelium, stroma, and acinal spaces1. In normal
glandular tissue changes in the relative volumes of
epithelium and stroma explain ~60% of the variation in
signal fraction of a biexponential model of diffusion
signal decay. We hypothesise that microscopic tissue
volume changes may also explain the observed strong
correlation between cancer Gleason grade and apparent
diffusion coefficient measured in vivo. In this pilot
study we used semi-automated morphometry methods to
quantify partial volumes of epithelium, stroma and
acinal space in H&E-stained histological images of
benign and cancerous prostate tissue and compared these
results with segmentation and statistical analysis of
diffusion weighted microimages of normal tissue.
3091. |
39 |
Diagnostic Accuracy of
Periodically Rotated Overlapping Parallel Lines with
Enhanced Reconstruction (PROPELLER) Diffusion-Weighted MRI
in Cholesteatomas
-permission withheld
Yu-Chun Lin1, Jiun-jie Wang2,
Che-Ming Wu3, and Shu-Hang Ng1
1Department of Medical Imaging and
Intervention, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou, 333,
Taiwan, 2Department
of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, Chang Gung
University, Taoyuan, 333, Taiwan, 3Department
of Otolaryngology, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Linkou,
Taiwan, Taiwan
The study evaluated the diagnostic value of multishot
fast spin-echo periodically rotated overlapping parallel
lines with enhanced reconstruction (PROPELLER) diffusion
weighted imaging (DWI) in detecting cholesteatoma. The
surgical pathologic findings were used as the reference
standard in 23 patients. The images using PROPELLER DWI
had significantly lower susceptibility and geometric
artifacts, which resulted in higher sensitivity and
accuracy compared with those using the single-shot EPI
DWI. Both two techniques had 100% specificity in
diagnosis. The multishot fast spin-echo PROPELLER DWI
provided better diagnostic utility in detecting middle
ear cholesteatoma compared with conventional EPI-DWI.
3092. |
40 |
Diffusion Weighted Magnetic
Resonance Imaging of the Breast: Technical Considerations
and Clinical Applications 
Habib Rahbar1,2, Matthew L. Olson1,2,
Constance D. Lehman1,2, and Savannah C.
1Radiology, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA, United States, 2Radiology,
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance, Seattle, WA, United States
Diffusion weighted (DW) breast MR holds promise as an
adjunct technique to standard dynamic contrast-enhanced
breast MR, a biomarker of disease subtypes, and a
non-contrast screening tool. In this educational
exhibit, we review the technical considerations and
current evidence for clinical applications of this
promising MR technique. We also highlight areas
requiring further research to allow widespread
implementation of this technique into clinical breast MR
3093. |
41 |
in vivo Measurement
of Axonal Diameter and Density of Human Corpus Callosum
Using Bi-Gaussian Model Q-Planar MRI 
Jun-Cheng Weng1,2, Sih-Yu Lin1,
and Wen-Yih Isaac Tseng3,4
1School of Medical Imaging and Radiological
Sciences, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung,
Taiwan, 2Department
of Medical Imaging, Chung Shan Medical University
Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan, 3Center
for Optoelectronic Biomedicine, National Taiwan
University College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan, 4Department
of Medical Imaging, National Taiwan University Hospital,
Taipei, Taiwan
It is known that water signal decay in a MR diffusion
experiment in neuronal tissues, at sufficiently high
diffusion weighting, appears to be non-mono-exponential,
thus complicating even further the interpretation and
assignment of the different components to actual
physiological compartments. Therefore, we used 2D
bi-Gaussian model (i.e. slow and fast components) to fit
our QPI data. After 2D Fourier transformation of the
slow and fast Gaussian curved surfaces of signal decay,
respectively, two Gaussian curved surfaces of
displacement distribution (i.e. narrow and broad
components) were obtained. Intracellular and
extracellular information could then be extracted from
the narrow and broad Gaussian displacement
distributions, respectively. Our results demonstrated
that bi-Gaussian fitting QPI produced reasonable
distribution of relative axonal diameters of CC in
normal human brain.
3094. |
42 |
Comparison of the ADC
Measurement in Liver DWI with Multi-Breath-Hold, Free
Breathing, Respiratory Triggered and Navigator Triggered
Zaiyi Liu1, Changhong Liang1, and
Xin Chen1
1Dept. of radiology, Guangdong General
Hospital, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
ADC is a promising imaging biomarker for characterizing
liver lesions and predicting and monitoring the response
of hepatic diseases to treatment. However, there's a
wide variety in liver ADC values which have been
reported, even in normal liver. Knowledge of the
characteristic of ADC measurement in normal liver is of
great importance for accurate interpretation of ADC
changes. Our results showed that the ADC values are
influeced by both DWI techniques and anatomical location
of the liver, thus we should use the same technique and
the same location when evaluate the ADC values changes
in diffuse liver disease after treatment.
3095. |
43 |
Hormonal Contraceptives
Dependency of Quantitative Diffusion Kurtosis Parameters in
the Limbic System: A Voxel Based Approach 
Timo De Bondt1, Wim Van Hecke2,
Jelle Veraart3, Alexander Leemans4,
Jan Sijbers3, Stefan Sunaert5,
Yves Jacquemyn6, and Paul M. Parizel1,7
1Radiology, Antwerp University Hospital,
Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 2icoMetrix,
Leuven, Belgium, 3Physics,
University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium,4Image
Sciences Institute, University Medical Center Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands, 5Radiology,
University Hospitals of the Catholic University Leuven,
Leuven, Belgium, 6Gynaecology
and Obstaetrics, Antwerp University Hospital, Antwerp,
Antwerp, Belgium, 7Radiology,
University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
3096. |
44 |
Semiautomatic Segmentation
and Quantification of Volume, T2 Relaxation Time and Mean
Diffusivity of the Human Brain CSF Compartments Across the
Khader M. Hasan1 and
Ponnada A. Narayana1
1Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging,
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston,
Houston, Texas, United States
Due to its close interplay with the vasculature,
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) serves as a chemical conduit
in intracranial pressure regulation and chemical
function. Whole brain, sulcal and ventricular CSF
volumes have been used as a marker of normal brain
development and aging and atrophy in a host of
pathologies, including closed traumatic brain injuries.
In addition CSF chemical and metabolic content serves as
a robust biomarker of neural degeneration. A
comprehensive analysis of normative CSF compartmental
volumetry, relaxometry and diffusimetry has not been
described previously using quantitative magnetic
resonance imaging (qMRI). In this report, we applied
novel and validated atlas-based segmentation methods for
a detailed investigation of age dependent qMRI changes
in the CSF compartments in both men and women
3097. |
45 |
Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow
Detection on Diffusion-Weighted Reversed Fast Imaging with
Steady-State Precession
-permission withheld
Tetsu Niwa1, Koki Kusagiri2,
Noriko Aida2, Taro Takahara3,
Tomoaki Nagaoka4, and Yutaka Imai1
1Radiology, Tokai University School of
Medicine, Isehara, Kanagawa, Japan, 2Radiology,
Kanagawa Children's Medical Center, Yokohama, Kanagawa,
Japan,3Biomedical Engineering, Tokai
University School of Engineering, Isehara, Kanagawa,
Japan, 4Electromagnetic
Compatibility Laboratory, Applied Electromagnetic
Research Institute, National Institute of Information
and Communications Technology, Koganei, Tokyo, Japan
We assessed whether diffusion-weighted reversed fast
imaging with steady-state precession (DW-PSIF) can
demonstrate cerebrospinal fluid flow. DW-PSIF showed
signal reduction at the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which
was corresponded to CSF flow on phase-contrast imaging.
DW-PSIF with higher moment revealed less imaging quality
and less signal-to-noise ratio. DW-PSIF can be a method
to assess CSF flow in a relatively good imaging quality
and in a short time.
3098. |
46 |
in-vivo Diffusion
Tensor Imaging of the Systemic Right Ventricle at 3T 
Jack Harmer1, Nicolas Toussaint1,
Kuberan Pushparajah1, Christian T. Stoeck2,
Rachel W. Chan3, Reza Razavi1,
David Atkinson3, and Sebastian Kozerke1,2
1Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical
Engineering, Kings College London, London, United
Kingdom, 2Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland, 3Centre
for Medical Imaging, University College London, London,
United Kingdom
Advances in diffusion acquisition schemes employing
stimulated echoes now allow for robust DTI of the
beating heart. When used in conjunction with respiratory
navigation, data can be acquired during free breathing
making it potentially feasible in patients. We
demonstrate how in-vivo DTI data can be acquired in a
patient with a systemic right ventricle, allowing novel
insights into the adaptation of myofibre architecture in
a morphological right ventricle supporting systemic
circulation. This is to our knowledge the first record
of in-vivo DTI of a systemic right ventricle. The
technique has considerable potential for furthering our
understanding of congenital heart disease.
3099. |
47 |
Diffusion Behaviour of
Water and Fat in Bone Marrow 
Valentina Di Marco1, Marco Palombo1,2,
and Silvia Capuani1,2
1Physics Department, Sapienza University,
Rome, Rome, Italy, 2CNR
IPCF UOS Roma, Physics Department, Sapienza University,
Rome, Rome, Italy
We investigated the potential of Gaussian and
non-Gaussian diffusion methods to obtain information
about the microstructural complexity and the water
compartmentalization in free and trabecular bone-marrow
by investigating apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) of
the water and the fat component as a function of
diffusion time (  ).
ADCs of the fat were found to be constant as a function
of  ,
while the intracellular and the extracellular water
exhibits a different ADC behavior as a function of in
free and trabecular bone marrow. Internal gradient at
the interface between water and bone affects
extracellular ADC behaviour which is non-Gaussian.
3100. |
48 |
Quantitative and
Qualitative Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the
Median Nerve Region at the Carpal Tunnel in Various Clinical
-permission withheld
Eiko Yamabe1, Ryo Miyagi2,
Toshinori Sakai3, Toshiyasu Nakamura4,
and Hiroshi Yoshioka1
1Department of Radiological Sciences,
University of California Irvine, Orange, CA, United
States, 2Department
of Orthopaedic Surgery, Miyoshi City National Insurance
Nishi-Iya Clinic, Tokushima, Japan, 3Department
of Orthopedics, Institute of Health Biosciences, The
University of Tokushima Graduate School, Tokushima,
Japan, 4Department
of Orthopaedic Surgery, Keio University School of
Medicine, Tokyo, Japan
We qualitatively visualized the median nerve with
diffusion tensor imaging in various acquisition
positions/parameters and quantitatively investigated
changes in diffusion values (FA, ADC) of the median
nerve at different locations of the carpal tunnel in
healthy volunteers. The median nerve at the carpal
tunnel including a small nerve fiber such as a motor
branch was well appreciated on fiber tracking images.
Comparable fiber tracking images and FA/ADC values were
obtained in supine and prone positions without any
statistical differences. These results show a potential
for their clinical use.
Monday, 22 April 2013 (15:15-16:15) Exhibition Hall |
Diffusion to Measure Perfusion
Computer # |
3101. |
25 |
Perfusion Measurement of
Brain Tumors:Comparison Between IVIM and DSC 
Qunfeng Tang1, Hongwei Chen1, and
Hui Liu2
1Radiology, Wuxi People Hospital, Nanjing
Medical University, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China, 2MR
Collaboration NE Asia, Siemens Healthcare, Shanghai,
Shanghai, China
In the brain application, IVIM is a method capabling of
simultaneously measuring CBF, CFV and ADC. In this
study, we evaluated this IVIM based perfusion by
comparing with the traditional DSC based perfusion
measurement in 3 types of tumors. Initial results shows
the consistent in CBF measurement between IVIM and DSC
based methods except 18% cases which are considered to
be contributed by flow effect for IVIM measurement.
3102. |
26 |
Imaging Parameters of High
Grade Gliomas in Relation to the MGMT Promoter Methylation
Status: Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Perfusion Imaging and
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Imaging Using 3.0-T MR 
Tao Jiang1, Peng Wang1, Shi-Yuan
Liu1, Weibo Chen2, and Queenie
1Department of Radiology, Shanghai Changzheng
Hospital, Shanghai, China, 2Philips
Healthcare, Shanghai, China, 3Philips
Healthcare, Hong Kong, China
This study mainly focus on whether the the
methyl-guanine methyl transferase(MGMT) promoter
methylation status is associated with a specific imaging
feature and several imaging parameters (ADC, FA and
perfusion parameters) of HGGs.
27 |
Potential of Perfusion and
Diffusion IVIM MRI in a Rat Brain 9L Glioma Model
-permission withheld
Mami Iima1,2, Olivier Reynaud1,
Tomokazu Tsurugizawa1, Luisa Ciobanu1,
Jing-Rebecca Li1, Françoise Geffroy1,
Boucif Djemai1, Masaki Umehana3,
and Denis Le Bihan1
1Neurospin, CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette,
Ile-de-France, France, 2Diagnostic
Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Kyoto University Graduate
School of Medicine, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, 3Kyoto
University Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
IVIM MRI images were acquired in 14 rats implanted with
a 9L glioma model using a 17.2T MRI scanner. IVIM maps
clearly highlighted areas with high and low fraction
perfusion within tumors which were generally
heterogeneous, as confirmed by histology. Perfusion
parameters could easily be obtained using a 2-steps
processing approach. Diffusion parameters obtained using
a biexponential 2-compartments diffusion model, such as
ADCo and fslow, additionally provided information in
tissue structure. However, the diffusion parameters
estimated from the biexponential model were found to be
very sensitive to noise and to the initial values used
for data fitting.
3104. |
28 |
Optical Model Mapping for
Characterizing Tumor Microcirculation with Diffusion
Weighted Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer 
Yonggang Lu1, Jacobus F.A. Jansen2,
Yousef Mazaheri1, Hilda E. Stambuk3,
and Amita Shukla-Dave1
1Medical Physics Department, Memorial Sloan-kettering
Cancer Center, New York, NY, United States, 2Radiology
Department, Maastricht University, Maastricht,
Maastricht, Netherlands, 3Radiology
Department, Memorial Sloan-kettering Cancer Center, New
York, NY, United States
This study proposes optimal model mapping to
characterize tumor microcirculation with diffusion
weighted imaging in head and neck cancer. At each voxel
within tumor tissue, an optimal model was determined to
quantify tumor microcirculation from several common
diffusion models based on the Bayesian Information
Criterion. For individual tumors, voxel percentage for
each model and the optimal model map were generated. The
results were promising in characterizing the
heterogeneity of tumor microcirculation. Future studies
with large cohort of patients need to assess the use of
this method in clinical applications such as tumor
diagnosis, staging and treatment monitoring.
3105. |
29 |
Intravoxel Incoherent
Motion MR Imaging and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Brain
Tumors: Correlation of Quantitative and Semi-Quantitative
Moritz Jörg Schneider1, Michael Ingrisch1,
Birgit Ertl-Wagner2, Maximilian F. Reiser2,
and Olaf Dietrich1
1Josef Lissner Laboratory for Biomedical
Imaging, Institute for Clinical Radiology, LMU Ludwig
Maximilian University of Munich, Munich, Bavaria,
Germany,2Institute for Clinical Radiology,
LMU Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Munich,
Bavaria, Germany
Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) MRI can be used to
obtain information about tissue microcapillary perfusion
properties based on diffusion-weighted acquisitions.
Therefore, we compare perfusion-related parameters
obtained by IVIM measurements with cerebral blood volume
and flow (CBV,CBF) as well as semi-quantitative
parameters retrieved from dynamic-contrast-enhanced
(DCE) MRI in tumorous and normal-appearing white matter.
The IVIM perfusion fraction f correlates well with CBV
and CBF, indicating that IVIM yields perfusion-related
information. All of the DCE parameters correlate
strongly with the product D*×f, which reflects a
“makeshift flow”and is therefore likely to be the best
indicator for tissue-perfusion changes.
3106. |
30 |
Investigating the Effect of
Intra-Voxel Contrast Agent Diffusion on Quantitative DCE-MRI 
Stephanie L. Barnes1,2, Christopher C.
Quarles1,2, and Thomas E. Yankeelov1,2
1Radiology and Radiological Sciences,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Vanderbilt
University Institute of Imaging Sciences, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States
Quantitative DCE-MRI analysis does not account for
diffusion of the contrast agent (CA) within a voxel.
This work utilizes a finite element model of CA
diffusion to investigate the effect of diffusion on
intra-voxel CA distribution, and the resulting effect on
voxel SI and parameterization error. The results show
that decreasing homogeneity of CA distribution increase
the difference in effective total voxel signal intensity
(SI). Additionally, CA diffusion (over a range of
relevant values) affects SI on a time scale on the order
of common temporal resolutions. These results
demonstrate the potential importance of CA diffusion in
DCE-MRI analysis.
3107. |
31 |
Pulsatile Microvascular
Perfusion Demonstrated in the Human Brain with Intravoxel
Incoherent Motion (IVIM) MRI 
Christian Federau1, Kieran O'Brien2,
Markus Müller3, Matthias Stuber1,4,
Reto Meuli1, Philippe Maeder1, and
Patric Hagmann1
1Radiology, CHUV, Lausanne, VD, Switzerland, 2CIBM,
Université de Genève, Lausanne, VD, Switzerland, 3The
Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical
Physics, Trieste, Trieste, Italy, 4CIBM,
Lausanne, VD, Switzerland
We present evidence that the IVIM perfusion parameters
(f, the perfusion fraction, D*, the pseudo-diffusion
coefficient, and fD*, which is related to blood flow)
depend on the cardiac cycle in the human brain, while
the diffusion coefficient was found to be stable. This
represents direct experimental evidence of pulsatile
flow in the human brain microvasculature and correlates
well with recently reported measurement of pulsatile
blood flow in the microvasculature of the cortex of the
mice brain by Santisakultarm et al (Am J Physiol Heart
Circ Physiol, 2012) using two-photon microscopy.
3108. |
32 |
Different Kinetics of
Post-Exercise Perfusion Fraction by Diffusion-Weighted
Imaging Between Athletes and Non-Athletes 
Yoshikazu Okamoto1, Graham J. Kemp2,
and Tomonori Isobe1
1University of Tsukuba Hospital, Tsukuba,
Ibaraki, Japan, 2University
of Liverpool, Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
New measurement method of skeletal mucle perfusion by
3109. |
33 |
IVIM with Simultaneous T2
Mapping and Relaxivity Correction 
Sangwoo Lee1, Jeong Min Lee2,
Jeong Hee Yoon2, and Hiroyuki Kabasawa3
1Global Applied Science Lab, GE Healhcare,
Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea, 2Radiology,
Seoul National University Hospital, Jongno-gu, Seoul,
Korea, 3Global
Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healhcare, Hino-shi,
Tokyo, Japan
IVIM (IntraVoxel Incoherent Motion) has been widely used
in various clinical applications including liver
fibrosis staging and hepatic tumor characterization.
However, in those studies, there has been no
consideration of T1 and T2 relaxation differences
between blood and tissue within the IVIM signal model.
It was reported that perfusion fraction can be
significantly affected by imaging TE due to such
relaxation differences. In this work, we demonstrated
the feasibility of simultaneous estimation of tissue T2
map within single IVIM data acquisition and compensation
of perfusion fraction using the acquired T2 map.
3110. |
34 |
Insight Into Intravoxel
Incoherent Motion: Appearance of Signal from Interstitial
Kimihiro Ogisu1, Akiko Fujita2,
and Toru Yamamoto3
1Department of Radiology, National Hospital
Organization Hokkaido Medical Center, Sapporo, Hokkaido,
Japan, 2Graduate
School of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University, Sapporo,
Hokkaido, Japan, 3Faculty
of Health Sciences, Hokkaido University, Sapporo,
Hokkaido, Japan
Blood flow in capillaries has been believed to be
intravoxel incoherent motion whose MR signal appears in
diffusion weighted imaging at low b values as well as MR
signal from free water. However, we found an increase in
T2 with decreasing b values, and this increase cannot be
interpreted by blood in capillaries. MR signal from
interstitial fluid (ISF), the T2 of which is around 300
ms, agrees the T2 increase. Blood flow in capillaries is
rather understood as intravoxel coherent motion by using
anisotropic directional distribution model of vessel
3111. |
35 |
Compressed Sensing for
Flow-Compensated Intra-Voxel Incoherent Motion Modeling 
Andreas Wetscherek1,2, Frederik B. Laun1,3,
Claudia Prieto2,4, and Cristián Tejos2,5
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Biomedical
Imaging Center, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de
Chile, Santiago, Chile, 3Quantitative
Imaging-Based Disease Characterization, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 4Division
of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King's
College London, London, United Kingdom, 5Department
of Electrical Engineering, Pontificia Universidad
Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
The flow-compensated (FC) intra-voxel incoherent motion
(IVIM) model allows probing the characteristic timescale
and velocity of the incoherent motion using FC diffusion
weighted MRI. To reduce the long acquisition times
required, we applied a compressed sensing reconstruction
exploiting sparsity of the Karhunen-Loève transform
domain to a 3x undersampled data set. We were able to
show that the CS reconstruction improved the accuracy of
the parameter maps obtained from the undersampled data
making their quality comparable to those obtained from
non-undersampled data.
3112. |
36 |
Lenaldekar Prevented
Relapses in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Mice:
A Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging Study 
Xiaojie Wang1, Matthew Cusick2,
Robert S. Fujinami2, and Sheng-Kwei Song3,4
1Chemistry, Washington University, St. Louis,
MO, United States, 2Pathology,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 3Radiology,
Washington University, St. Louis, MO, United States, 4Hope
Center for Neurological Disorders, Washington
University, St. Louis, MO, United States
SJL-EAE mice were treated with LDK or vehicle from the
onset of first relapse to the study end-point (37 day
post immunization). 99-direction DBSI was performed to
examine the spinal cord white matter pathology. Axon and
myelin integrity of the spinal cord white matter was
assessed using axial and radial diffusivity,
respectively, while inflammation extent was evaluated
using cell ratio and edema water ratio derived by DBSI.
LDK diminished the disease activity through the
anti-inflammatory, axon preservation and probably
remyelination effect.
3113. |
37 |
Comparing of
Mono-Exponential, Bi-Exponential and Stretched Exponential
Models with Multi-B Value Diffusion Weighed Imaging in
Uterus Malignancies¡ªpilot Study
-permission withheld
Yan Zhou1, Jianyu Liu2, He Wang3,
and Nan Sun4
1Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing,
Beijing, China, 2Radiology
Department, Peking University Third Hospital, Beijing,
Beijing, China, 3MR
Research China, GE Healthcare, Shanghai, Shanghai,
China, 4MR
Research China, GE Healthcare, Beijing, Beijing, China
In this study, multi-b value Diffusion Weighed imaging
models of mono-exponential, bi-exponential (intravoxel
incoherent motion, IVIM) and stretched exponential
models were discussed in diagnosing endometrial cancer
and cervix cancer, in order to find more reliable or
more precise method to deal with DWI. The results showed
good diagnostic value of Slow ADC in IVIM model, and
showed potentially ability of using perfusion fraction
as a non invasive method assessing perfusion. While
stretched exponential model were questioned by some
results from this study.
3114. |
38 |
Development of a Phantom
for Quality Assurance in Multi-Centre Clinical Trials with
Diffusion-Weighted MRI 
Naomi H. M. Douglas1, Jessica M. Winfield1,
Nandita M. deSouza1, David John Collins1,
and Matthew R. Orton1
1Radiotherapy and Imaging, Institute of
Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom
A phantom suitable for quality assurance in multi-centre
clinical trials has been designed and built. Phantom
development involved testing of: temperature stability;
relaxivity dependence on concentrations of sucrose and
manganese chloride; ADC dependence on concentrations of
sucrose and manganese chloride. Sodium azide was added
to each of the solutions as a bactericidal agent. The
final phantom is of a modular design containing samples
with physiologically relevant values of ADC, T1 and T2.
This test object is being used to aid the validation of
ADC as a biomarker for treatment response of tumours in
multi-centre clinical trials.
3115. |
39 |
UMMDiffusion: An OsiriX
Plug-In for ADC and IVIM Analysis in Clinical Routine 
Frank G. Zöllner1, Sven Kaiser1,
Gerald Weisser2, and Lothar R. Schad1
1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Medical
Faculty Mannheim, Heidelberg University, Mannheim,
Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 2Institute
for Clinical Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Medical
University Center, Heidelberg University, Mannheim,
Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Intra-voxel incoherent motion (IVIM) diffusion weighted
imaging (DWI) is an emerging method to derive
microscopic structural information non-invasively [1].
To allow for a broader usage, in this work, an OsiriX
plug-in was developed to submit the DWI analysis and
specific the IVIM model for integration in the clinical
routine diagnostics.Based on 30 data sets of prostate, a
t-test revealed, that there was no significant
difference (p < 0.05) between the plugin and a reference
3116. |
40 |
Does the Protein Content
Influence on DWI-Thermometry?: Artificial CSF Phantom Study
-permission withheld
Koji Sakai1, Ryusuke Nakai1, Kei
Yamada2, Jun Tazoe2, Kentaro
Akazawa2, and Naozo Sugimoto1
1Kyoto University, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, 2Kyoto
Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
Among these MR methods, the most clinically applicable
may be the post processing of diffusion-weighted images
(DWI). However, this DWI-based method might be
influenced by the composition of the CSF, which can
strongly affect its viscosity and diffusivity. The
purpose of this study was to investigate the influence
of protein content on DWI thermometry by using
artificial CSF (ACSF) with variable protein
concentrations. The protein content of ACSF increased
viscosity and decreased the diffusion coefficient.
Consequently, the results of DWI thermometry were
influenced by the protein content in the range of 0.10
to 1.11 mg/ml (0.10 ºC – 0.42ºC).
3117. |
41 |
Measurement of Portal
Venous Flow Using Phase-Contrast MRI at 9.4T: Preliminary
Repeatability, Reproducibility and Invasive Validation
Manil Chouhan1,2, Alan Bainbridge3,
Nathan Davies4, Rajiv Jalan4,
Rajeshwar Mookerjee4, Simon Walker-Samuel2,
Mark F. Lythgoe2, Shonit Punwani1,
and Stuart Taylor1
1UCL Centre for Medical Imaging, University
College London, London, London, United Kingdom, 2UCL
Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging, University
College London, London, London, United Kingdom, 3Department
of Medical Physics, University College Hospitals NHS
Trust, London, London, United Kingdom, 4UCL
Institute for Liver and Digestive Health, University
College London, London, London, United Kingdom
The lack of robust non-invasive techniques for repeated
measurement of liver blood flow has restricted
understanding of the vascular changes underpinning
chronic liver disease and the development of therapies
to address these changes. Phase-contrast MRI has
potential for portal venous flow quantification and in
this study we demonstrate repeatability of
phase-contrast MRI and present encouraging initial data
demonstrating reproducibility of measurements and
validation of flow quantification against invasive
transit-time ultrasound measurements.
3118. |
42 |
Validation of Cerebral
Blood Volume Quantification in Humans by Rapid Steady State
Teodora-Adriana Perles-Barbacaru1, Irène
Troprès1, David Chechin2, Sylvie
Grand1, Jean-François Le Bas1,
Francois Berger1, and Hana Lahrech1
1Grenoble Institute of Neurosciences,
University of Joseph Fourier, INSERM U 836, La Tronche,
France, 2Philips
Healthcare, Suresnes, France
The Rapid Steady State T1 technique
enables direct quantitative mapping of the cerebral
blood volume fraction with a clinically approved Gd-DOTA
dose during the first pass and without requirement of
the arterial input function. It facilitates treatment
monitoring and clinical studies in particular for the
evaluation of antiangiogenic therapies.
3119. |
43 |
Quantification of Pulmonary
Perfusion Using Fourier Decomposition Method 
Åsmund Kjørstad1, Dominique M.R. Corteville1,
André Fischer2, Frank G. Zöllner1,
and Lothar R. Schad1
1CKM, Heidelberg University, Mannheim,
Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 2Institute
of Radiology, University of Wuerzburg, Würzburg,
Bavaria, Germany
The Fourier Decomposition method is established as a
non-invasive method for perfusion related information in
the lung, and has shown promise in clinical studies. One
drawback is the lack of meaningful quantification,
making follow-up and comparison of patients difficult.
We show that quantification of Fourier Decomposition
maps is both possible and easy, requiring only a small
amount of post-processing.
3120. |
44 |
D2O Perfusion
MRI: Investigation on the D2O Infusion Method 
Chin-Tien Lu1, Tzu-Chen Yeh2, and
Fu-Nien Wang1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering and
Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2Department
of Radiology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei,
D2O can be used as a free diffusible tracer
for measurement of tissue perfusion. Recently, an
indirect strategy for D2O perfusion MRI was
proposed by monitoring the 1H
signal attenuation. In this study, we aimed to further
utilize the characteristic of long time course of D2O.
Using syringe pump for stable infusion of 2ml/100g D2O
and proton-density weighted RARE for dynamic imaging,
intact brain morphology and good perfusion contrast were
achieved in location with severe susceptibility effect.
3121. |
45 |
Numerical Approach for
Quantitative BOLD with Vessel Size Estimate – Validation on
Nicolas Pannetier1,2, Maja Sohlin3,
Thomas Christen4, Lothar R. Schad5,
and Norbert Schuff1,2
1Department of Radiology, University of
California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United
States, 2Centre
for Imaging of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Veteran
Affairs Medical Centre, San Francisco, CA, United
States, 3MR
centre, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Goteborg,
Goteborg, Sweden, 4Department
of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
States, 5Computer
Assisted Clinical Medicine, Heidelberg University,
Mannheim, Heidelberg, Germany
MRI is a powerful tool to investigate the
microvasculature. Various techniques benefit from the
entanglement of the contrasts that arise within a voxel
and provide relevant biomarkers. However, the analysis
relies on analytical models that present a discrepancy
with Monte Carlo simulations. In this work we present a
versatile approach directly based on a numerical model.
The approach is evaluated on phantom data where vessels
are mimicked by polyamide strings. We compared our model
with analytical ones and we demonstrated that this
approach could provide a mean to estimate the radius of
the vessel without the use of contrast agent (CA).
46 |
Quantitative BOLD Analysis
Using a Numerical Model. Blood Volume, Oxygenation and
Vessel Size Measurement in the Rat Brain. 
Nicolas Pannetier1,2, Benjamin Lemasson3,4,
Thomas Christen5, Greg Zaharchuck5,
Emmanuel Luc Barbier3,4, and Norbert Schuff1,2
1Department of Radiology, University of
California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United
States, 2Centre
for Imaging of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Veteran
Affairs Medical Centre, San Francisco, CA, United
States, 3Grenoble
Institute of Neurosciences, Grenoble University, La
Tronche, Rhone-Alpes, France, 4U836,
INSERM, La Tronche, Rhone-Alpes, France, 5Department
of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
The analytical description of the susceptibility-related
MR dephasing is used to assess the microvasculature.
However, analytical solutions are discordant with Monte
Carlo simulations and this discrepancy lead to bias
vascular estimates. Moreover recent results demonstrate
that BVf and SO2 cannot be assessed at once in qBOLD. In
this work, we proposed a new integrative approach to
simultaneously assess blood volume, oxygenation and the
radius of the vessel. We built up a densely sampled
lookup table by simulating the MR signal provided by a
Gradient Echo Sampling of the FID and SE sequence prior
and post injection of a contrast agent. We acquired the
corresponding sequence on rats with focal brain ischemia
and we estimated the vascular parameters from the LT.
3123. |
47 |
Does T2' Depend on the
Measurement Method? Considerations for Quantitative BOLD
Wendy W. Ni1,2, Thomas Christen1,
Zungho Zun1, and Greg Zaharchuk1
1Department of Radiology, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States
In this study, we compare the measurement of reversible
contribution R2'=1/T2' of the transverse relaxation rate
using nine methods characterized by three approaches:
asymmetric spin echo (ASE), Gradient-Echo Sampling of
FID and Echo (GESFIDE), and combined (COMBO). We found
that the mean value, spatial SNR and inter-subject
variation of resulting R2' maps differed significantly
between methods, highlighting the importance of making a
careful choice in R2' measurement method for
quantitative BOLD (qBOLD) oxygenation measurements.
Monday, 22 April 2013 (14:15-15:15) Exhibition Hall |
Diffusion: Models & Microstructure
Computer # |
3124. |
49 |
Complex Patterns of
Non-Gaussian Diffusion in Artificial Anisotropic Tissue
Farida Grinberg1, Ezequiel Farrher1,
Ivan I. Maximov1, and Nadim Jon Shah1,2
1Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine,
Forschungszentrum Juelich, Juelich, Germany, 2Faculty
of Medicine, JARA, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen,
We report on the results of the application of several
non-Gaussian (diffusion kurtosis, log-normal
distribution function, stretched exponential function)
and anomalous diffusion models to describe experimental
data in the anisotropic fibre phantoms. We focus on the
influence of fibre packing density on the quantitative
metrics of these models and compare their sensitivity to
this parameter. We examine the power-law dependences of
the apparent diffusivity on time and fibre density in
the frame of anomalous diffusion model.
3125. |
50 |
Classification of Axon
Diameter Properties Using Machine Learning 
Shlomi Lifshits1, Assaf Horowits2,
Daniel Barazany2, Saharon Rosset1,
and Yaniv Assaf2
1Department of Statistics and Operations
Research, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2Department
of Neurobiology, Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv, Israel
We suggest formulating the AxCaliber framework as a
statistical learning classification problem and show
that biologically consistent results are achieved by the
resulting axon diameter distribution probability maps.
3126. |
51 |
Pinning Down Specificity of
Biomarkers to Axon and Myelin Damage: Preliminary Results 
Gemma Nedjati-Gilani1, Torben Schneider2,
Bernard M. Siow1,3, Mohamed Tachrount4,
Andrew Davies2, Kenneth J. Smith2,
Ying Li4, Olga Ciccarelli4, David
L. Thomas4, Daniel C. Alexander1,
and Claudia Angela M. Wheeler-Kingshott2
1Centre for Medical Image Computing,
Department of Computer Science, University College
London, London, United Kingdom, 2NMR
Research Unit, Queen Square MS Centre, Department of
Neuroinflammation, UCL Institute of Neurology, London,
United Kingdom, 3Centre
for Advanced Biomedical Imaging, University College
London, London, United Kingdom, 4Department
of Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, UCL Institute of
Neurology, London, United Kingdom
This works tests the feasibility of parameters from
diffusion MR such as exchange time i and
axonal density f as
biomarkers for axonal loss and demyelination, using an
animal model of axonal loss in the spinal cord.
Preliminary results show a significant decrease in f in
regions of axon loss. Exchange time also decreases, but
is not necessarily significant. This suggests that f is
a potentially useful biomarker of axonal degeneration.
Future work will extend the methodology to investigate
3127. |
52 |
Microstructure by a Time-Dependent Transverse Relaxation
Alexander Ruh1, Philipp Emerich1,
Dmitry S. Novikov2, and Valerij G. Kiselev1
1Department of Radiology, Medical Physics,
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Bernard
and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Department of Radiology, New York University School of
Medicine, New York, NY, United States
The correlation time of diffusing spins in magnetically
heterogeneous tissues is often commensurate with the
timing of MRI experiments. This results in a time
dependent transverse relaxation rate that for long times
approaches the monoexponential limit. Here we show that
the power law of this approach represents the statistics
of large-scale organization of magnetic microstructure.
The origin of this effect is the self-averaging, which
is inherent to diffusion narrowing, when spins are
exploring microstructure via diffusion. The present
results enable an analysis scheme alternative to a
previously proposed spectral domain approach, which
enlarges options for future quantifications.
3128. |
53 |
Using in-vivo Human
Brain Data to Select Diffusion MRI Compartment Models 
Uran Ferizi1,2, Torben Schneider2,
Eleftheria Panagiotaki1, Gemma Nedjati-Gilani1,
Hui Zhang1, Claudia Angela M.
Wheeler-Kingshott2, and Daniel C. Alexander1
1Centre for Medical Image Computing and
Department of Computer Science, University College
London, London, England, United Kingdom, 2NMR
Research Unit, Queen Square MS Centre, Department of
Neuroinflammation, UCL Institute of Neurology, London,
England, United Kingdom
Finding models that are more descriptive than the
standard Diffusion Tensor is necessary in producing
better disease biomarkers that provide more specificity
to the physiological changes and sensitivity to the
pathological impact of the disease in the body. This
work investigates which compartment models of diffusion
MRI are best at describing the signal from in-vivo human
brain white matter, and how reproducible these results
are across acquisition sessions.This study helps
clinicians and medical physicists in choosing models for
future in-vivo brain microstructure imaging.
3129. |
54 |
Multimodality Investigation
of Microstructures by the Combination of Diffusion NMR and
Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy 
Alessandro Proverbio1, Bernard M. Siow2,
Daniel Alexander3, and Adam Gibson1
1Department of Medical Physics and
Bioengineering, University College London, London,
United Kingdom, 2Centre
for Advanced Biological Imaging, University College
London, London, United Kingdom, 3Centre
for Medical Image Computing and Department of Computer
Science, University College London, London, United
Non-invasive histology is a key research area. Diffusion
NMR (dNMR) and Diffuse Optical Spectroscopy (DOS) can
provide complementary information about the
microstructure of a tissue using different contrast
mechanisms. Here, we developed a biophysical model of
the microstructure directly informed by dNMR and DOS
signals, and we applied it to a sample to estimate three
microstructural parameteres. This is a proof of concept
that a low level combination of information obtained
from dNMR and DOS can improve the accuracy of parameters
estimatation. The model was developed in order to allow
an extention to real tissues microstructure.
3130. |
55 |
Differentiation Between
Apoptotic and Non-Apoptotic Cell Death Using
Diffusion-Weighted MR 
Sato Eida1, Marc Van Cauteren2,
Yuka Hotokezaka1, Makoto Obara2,
Tomoaki Okuaki2, Ikuo Katayama1,
Miho Sasaki1, Misa Sumi1, and
Takashi Nakamura1
1Radiology and Cancer Biology, Nagasaki
university, nagasaki, nagasaki, Japan, 2Philips
Electronics, tokyo, tokyo, Japan
The area and integrity of the plasma membranes, as
quantified by the total CPL, are critical determinants
of the diffusion characteristics on the cellular level.
The evolution over time of the ADC values is
characteristic of whether the cells die via apoptotic or
non-apoptotic (necrotic) pathway. Therefore, this can be
used as a cancer biomarker for differentiating between
different pathways of cell death, e.g. in testing the
effects of cancer drugs in vitro.
3131. |
56 |
High-Resolution Diffusion
Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) Enabled by Segmented Position
Orientation Adaptive Smoothing (POAS) 
Siawoosh Mohammadi1, Karsten Tabelow2,
Thorsten Feiweier3, Joerg Polzehl2,
and Nikolaus Weiskopf1
1Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at
UCL, ION UCL, UCL, London, London, United Kingdom, 2Weierstrass
Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin,
Berlin, Germany, 3Healthcare
Sector, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Bayern, Germany
Recent studies suggest that Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI)
is more sensitive to gray microstructure than the
well-known diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). However, DKI
suffers from a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), since it
is based on multiple and high b-value data. Thus,
in-vivo high-resolution DKI with small voxel sizes has
not been available on clinical scanners. We aimed to
overcome the low SNR issue by using a novel version of
the position orientation adaptive smoothing (POAS),
which is separately applied on grey and white matter
3132. |
57 |
Exact Analytical Results
for ADC for Oscillating Diffusion Sensitizing Gradients 
Alexander L. Sukstanskii1
1Radiology, Washington University, St. Louis,
Missouri, United States
Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) is analyzed for the
case of oscillating diffusion sensitizing gradients. The
exact analytical expressions are obtained for the
high-frequency expansion of ADC for an arbitrary number
of oscillations. The validity conditions of the
high-frequency expansion of ADC are analyzed. It is
shown that these conditions are substantially different
for cos- and sin-type gradients. For the cos-type
gradients, the high-frequency regime is reached whenT<<tD (T is
the period of oscillations, tD is
the characteristic diffusion time), whereas for the
sin-type gradients, this regime is achieved when the
total diffusion time t is
smaller tD.
3133. |
58 |
Evaluation of the
Biexponential Model for the Description of Diffusion Data
Acquired with Multiple B-Values 
Letizia Squarcina1, Denis Peruzzo1,
Filippo Arrigoni2, Fabio Triulzi3,
and Alessandra Bertoldo1
1Department of Information Engineering,
University of Padova, Padova, Italy, Italy, 2Neuroimaging
Unit, Scientific Institute, IRCCS Eugenio Medea, Bosisio
Parini, Lecco, Italy, 3Neuroimaging
Unit, Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda, Ospedale Maggiore
Policlinico, Milano, Italy, Italy
The aim of this work is to understand if diffusion brain
data are better described by a bi-exponential model
rather than with the conventional mono-exponential. We
investigate if all brain areas or only a critical
portion of them benefit from the more complicated
bi-exponential model and if the derived diffusion
indexes obtained with the two models are comparable. The
bi-exponential model resulted to fit the data
significantly better in all brain areas, with a higher
impact in term of diffusion indexes on those where the
estimated fraction volume suggests two components.
3134. |
59 |
Investigation of Diffusion
Kurtosis Imaging of the Organ with Plenty of Perfusion/flow
Yuriko Suzuki1 and
Marc Van Cauteren2
1Philips Electronics Japan, Minato-ku, Tokyo,
Japan, 2Philips
Healthcare Asia Pacific, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) is a method to study
the deviation of water diffusion from Gaussian
distribution, which has been successfully applied to
several brain diseases recently. However, in the organ
with plenty of flow, DKI curve fitting is ruined. The
aim of study is to define the DKI model which consider
perfusion/flow component, and using this model,
investigate how the conventional DKI fitting is affected
by perfusion/flow. Our study has shown that large
perfusion/flow fraction induced lower R2 of fitting,
overestimated D and large error of estimated K.
3135. |
60 |
Does the Signal Arising
from a Single Fascicle Significantly Deviates from a
Monoexponential Decay with a Clinical Scanner? 
Benoit Scherrer1, Maxime Taquet1,2,
Onur Afacan1, and Simon K. Warfield1
1Computational Radiology Laboratory, Boston
Children's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA,
United States, 2ICTEAM
Institute, Université catholique de Louvain,
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Multiple works have shown that the diffusion attenuation
in a voxel significantly deviates from a monoexponential
decay. However, when imaging with a clinical scanner
with long δ, it is not clear that the signal arising
from a single fascicle is non-monoexponential. We
hypothesize that the non-monoexponential behavior
observed in voxels may reflect predominantly the
presence of multiple fascicles with heterogeneous
orientation and the presence of an additional
compartment that is macroscopically isotropic. We imaged
a region containing a single fascicle orientation, the
body of the corpus and investigated the residual
diffusion decay after subtracting the contribution of
unrestricted diffusion.
3136. |
61 |
Microstructural Information
by Double-Pulsed-Field-Gradient NMR: from Model Systems to
Darya Morozov1, Leah Bar2, Nir
Sochen2, and Yoram Cohen1
1School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University,
Tel Aviv, Israel, 2School
of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv,
Diffusion NMR is a powerful tool for gleaning
microstructural information on opaque systems. We
demonstrate that our modeling of d-PFG MR experiments,
performed on a series of phantoms of increasing
complexity where the ground truth is known a priori,
can, without assuming the number of compartments,
identify the number of restricted compartments, detect
their sizes and determine their relative populations. In
addition the model can identify free diffusion when
presents in addition to the restricted compartments.
This model was then used to study diffusion in excised
nerves, showing that it provides a mean to obtain
detailed microstructural information in nerves.
3137. |
62 |
Nerve Microstructure:
Modeling of the Diffusion MR Signal in Calibrated Model
Systems and Nerves 
Darya Morozov1, Leah Bar2, Nir
Sochen2, and Yoram Cohen1
1School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University,
Tel Aviv, Israel, 2School
of Mathematical Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv,
Diffusion NMR is a powerful tool for gleaning
microstructural information on opaque systems. We
demonstrate that our modeling of s-PFG MR experiments,
performed on a series of phantoms of increasing
complexity where the ground truth is known a priori,
can, without assuming the number of compartments,
identify the number of restricted compartments, detect
their sizes and determine their relative populations. In
addition the model can identify free diffusion when
presents in addition to the restricted compartments.
This model was then used to study diffusion in excised
nerves, showing that it provides a mean to obtain
detailed microstructural information in nerves.
3138. |
63 |
Monte-Carlo Simulation of
Susceptibility Effects on the PGSE Signal and Diffusion
Pim Pullens1,2, Alard Roebroeck2,
Rainer Goebel2, and Kamil Uludag2
1Biomedical MR Imaging and Spectroscopy
Group, Image Sciences Institute, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Maastricht
Brain Imaging Center, Maastricht, Netherlands
The susceptibility in white matter fiber is
orientation-dependent and, thus, affects the
gradient-echo signal. Rotating a fibrous phantom in the
magnetic field, we also observed signal changes in
diffusion-weighted spin-echo experiments. Consequently,
diffusion parameters, such as FA and ADC, can be
distorted by these orientation-dependent effects. In the
study, Monte-Carlo simulations were performed to
investigate the effect of susceptibility changes in a
PGSE experiment. We found in our simulations that
diffusion-weighted signal, FA and ADC change as a result
of susceptibility differences. This could have an impact
on human DW-MRI measurements especially at high and
ultra-high fields.
3139. |
64 |
Explicit Formula for
Diffusion Orientation Distribution Function Using a Kurtosis
Jens H. Jensen1,2, Ali Tabesh1,2,
and Joseph A. Helpern1,2
1Radiology and Radiological Science, Medical
University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, United
States, 2Center
for Biomedical Imaging, Medical University of South
Carolina, Charleston, SC, United States
The diffusion orientation distribution function (dODF)
can be used to estimate the directions of axonal fiber
bundles and may be combined with white matter fiber
tractography algorithms. Here a new analytical
representation for the dODF is presented that includes
the leading non-Gaussian corrections through the
diffusional kurtosis tensor. By using numerical
simulations, it is shown that including the non-Gaussian
corrections both improves the accuracy of the predicted
fiber bundle directions and allows for the direct
quantification of intra-voxel fiber crossings. This
explicit formula for the dODF may be of utility when
diffusional kurtosis imaging data is available.
3140. |
65 |
The Influence of
Macroscopic and Microscopic Fibre Orientation Dispersion on
Diffusion MR Measurements: A Monte-Carlo Simulation Study 
Tingting Wang1, Hui Zhang1, Matt
G. Hall1, and Daniel C. Alexander1
1University College London, London, United
Two classes of fibre orientation dispersion are observed
in biological tissue: 1) Macroscopic dispersion, a
population of straight fibres with different
orientation, e.g. crossing and fanning fibres. 2)
Microscopic dispersion, individual fibres with varying
orientation, e.g. undulating fibres. Current
reconstruction techniques implicitly assume macroscopic
dispersion. Here we construct virtual tissue
environments and conduct Monte-Carlo simulations to
study differences that arise in the water dispersion,
FA, and parameter estimates from biophysical models. Our
results suggest that, the ODF can be recovered
accurately in macroscopic dispersion, but not with small
scale microscopic dispersion. We suggest considering
such effects in future modelling works.
3141. |
66 |
Monte Carlo Simulation of
White Matter as a Composite Porous Medium 
Gregory T. Baxter1 and
Lawrence R. Frank1
1Radiology, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, United States
Sen and Basser developed a theoretical model for
diffusion in white matter in the brain in the long-time
limit. Their model represents white matter fascicles as
coated cylinders in periodic arrays, with distinct
axonal core, myelin sheath, and surrounding medium. We
implement this white matter model in a Monte Carlo
diffusion simulator to find results in the context of
DTI. Anisotropy calculated from numerical simulations
matches the theoretical model in the long-time limit,
but anisotropy is significantly understated when
diffusion time is short. Anisotropy is also sensitive to
the concentration of spins in the myelin sheath.
3142. |
67 |
Numerical Simulation of
DMRI Signals in a Complex Tissue Model 
Jing-Rebecca Li1 and
Denis Le Bihan2
1Equipe DEFI, INRIA Saclay, Palaiseau Cedex,
Palaiseau Cedex, France, 2NeuroSpin,
CEA, Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
We numerically simulated the magnetization of diffusing
water molecules in a two compartment tissue model
consisting of permeable cells, with cylindrical and
spherical shapes, and extra-cellular space subject to
the pulsed gradient spin echo (PGSE) sequence at various
diffusion times by numerically solving the Bloch-Torrey
partial differential equation using a finite volume
spatial discretization coupled with a Runge-Kutta
Chebyshev time-stepping method. The simulated results
are consistent with experimental findings in rat cortex
in vivo.
3143. |
68 |
Selective Sensitivity of
Diffusion-Weighted MRI to Various Length Scales in Tumors
Following Treatment 
Junzhong Xu1 and
John C. Gore1
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States
Many practical anti-cancer treatments induce tumor
microstructural variations at both supra- and
subcellular levels, and detecting changes across
different length scales is likely to provide more
comprehensive information about tumor status. In this
study, we used histology-based simulations and imaging
in vivo of mouse xenografts to demonstrate the
importance of probing various length scales of tumors.
The results suggest that, in order to obtain
comprehensive information about tumor status or to
maximum the sensitivity for monitoring tumor response to
treatment, diffusion measurements with a broad range of
diffusion times may be necessary
3144. |
69 |
The Anomalous Diffusion
Parameter Provides
the Most Relevant Information of Structural Complexity in
Heterogeneous Media 
Marco Palombo1,2, Andrea Gabrielli3,
Giancarlo Ruocco1,2, and Silvia Capuani1,2
1Physics Department, Sapienza University,
Rome, Rome, Italy, 2CNR
IPCF UOS Roma, Sapienza University, Rome, Rome, Italy, 3ISC-CNR,
Rome, Rome, Italy
The anomalous diffusion parameter  ,
which quantifies sub-diffusion processes was
investigated as a function of the sphere-density  .
We demonstrated, by using numerical simulation and
experimental results that, unlike conventional
tortuosity investigations based on long diffusion time
behavior of D(t)/D0,  quantifies
the global structural complexity (disorder) of
heterogeneous systems. Moreover, we showed that can
be measured by using  -varying
PFG experiment which is faster than the diffusion time
behavior of D(t)/D0 study. As a consequence we speculate
that our approach could be used as a new tool to probe
changes in microstructural properties in healthy and
pathological tissues.
3145. |
70 |
Improvement of Diffusion
Spectrum Imaging Using Bi-Exponential Diffusion Weighting 
Kwan-Jin Jung1
1Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
The brain tissue is known to be bi-exponential in
diffusion weighting at a high b value. The diffusion
spectrum imaging (DSI) employs a wide range of b values
with a peak value greater than 5000 and hence the
diffusion in DSI should be considered to be
bi-exponential. However, the conventional analysis of
DSI has not considered the bi-exponential diffusion
weighting. The bi-exponential diffusion weighting in DSI
has been accounted for by replacing the acquired b with
an adjusted b* which can be obtained by a simple
nonlinear curve fitting. The bi-exponentially adjusted
b* was experimentally confirmed to be effective in
improving the fiber tracts particularly through the
multiple fiber crossing regions.
3146. |
71 |
Correlation Time Vs. Pulsed
Field Gradient Diffusion MRI of the Brain: On the Effects of
Magnetization Transfer and Myelination as a Function of Age 
Hazem Eltawell1, Stephan Anderson1,
Osamu Sakai1, and Hernan Jara1
1Boston University Medical Center, Boston,
MA, United States
The aim of our work was to discern the effects of the
brain growth and development on global diffusion
coefficients measured by correlation time technique DCT,
in comparison to the standard DPFG technique. 27
subjects (0.5 to 24 years old) brains were scanned using
1.5 T scanner, DW-SE-sshEPI, and mixed-TSE pulse
sequence, images were processed by qMRI algorithm to
produce parametric maps used to calculate global DPFG
and DCT histograms. Statistical analysis of the Peak
DPFG and DCT histograms gives a power fit with different
degrees of correlation, R2=0.92; R2=0.47 respectively,
and maximum 17% age (myelination) related difference.
3147. |
72 |
Distinguishing Small Pore
Sizes Using Oscillating Gradient Spin Echo Sequences 
Sheryl L. Herrera1, Trevor J. Vincent2,
Jonathan D. Thiessen1,3, Richard Buist3,
and Melanie Martin2,4
1Physics and Astronomy, University of
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2Physics,
University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 3Radiology,
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 4Radiology,
Physics and Astronomy, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,
Manitoba, Canada
Oscillating gradient spin echo (OGSE) sequences probe
the shortest possible diffusion time scales so that the
transition from restricted to hindered diffusion within
the smallest structures can be detected. Here we
simulate different geometries using OGSE sequences to
determine the ability of the OGSE sequences to
distinguish small pore sizes. As expected, OGSE
frequencies corresponding to scales in the range between
completely restricted and free diffusion best
distinguish restriction sizes. Combining these
measurements with other techniques such as AxCaliber and
ActiveAx can allow for the inference of restriction
sizes in the samples.
Monday, 22 April 2013 (15:15-16:15) Exhibition Hall |
Fiber ODF & Fiber Tracking
Computer # |
3148. |
49 |
RESDORE: Robust Estimation
in Spherical Deconvolution by Outlier Rejection 
Greg D. Parker1,2, David Marshall2,
Paul L. Rosin2, Nicholas Drage3,
Stephen Richmond3, and Derek K. Jones1
1CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff
University, Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom, 2School
of Computer Science, Cardiff University, Cardiff, South
Glamorgan, United Kingdom, 3School
of Dentistry, Cardiff University, Cardiff, South
Glamorgan, United Kingdom
We present a novel method for robust estimation of fibre
orientation distribution functions through diffusion
weighted signal outlier rejection. Our algorithm
combines aspects of the Richardson-Lucy spherical
deconvolution with a non negative sparse coder to
produce an adaptive signal dictionary that 'learns'
compensations for common non-axially symmetric
noise/corruption while preserving signals arising from
complex fibre architecture. This has the effect of
improving both fODF estimation and (by studying the
dictionary adaptations) the robustness of outlier
3149. |
50 |
Robust Fiber Response
Function Estimation for Deconvolution Based Diffusion MRI
Chantal M.W. Tax1, Ben Jeurissen2,
Max A. Viergever1, and Alexander Leemans1
1Image Sciences Institute, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Department
of Physics, University of Antwerp, iMinds-Vision Lab,
Antwerp, Belgium
Spherical deconvolution techniques characterize complex
fiber configurations within a voxel. Currently, the
response function (RF) needed for deconvolution is
derived from voxels with the highest fractional
anisotropy (FA). Poor accuracy of FA in the high b-value
and low SNR regime and the ad-hoc nature of selecting
these voxels complicate RF estimation, which may lead to
the detection of false positive peaks and altered peak
magnitudes. In this work, the computation of the RF is
optimized by excluding "crossing fibers" voxels in a
recursive framework, which does not rely on FA.
Feasibility is demonstrated on simulated and real
diffusion MRI data.
3150. |
51 |
Tractography Using Path Finding by Dynamic Programing 
Muwei Li1, J. Tilak Ratnanather2,
Yajing Zhang1, Hangyi Jiang1,
Kenichi Oishi1, Michael I. Miller2,
and Susumu Mori1
1The Russell H. Morgan Department of
Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United
States, 2Center
for Imaging Science, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, United States
A knowledge-guided path-finding approach is proposed in
this study. Combined with the automated brain
segmentation, this approach can automatically generate
106 tracts based on our anatomical knowledge.This tool
can be used to investigate tract-specific white matter
anatomical states in various brain disorders.
3151. |
52 |
Assessment of Local Fiber
Plausibility Using a HARDI Based Reference 
Peter F. Neher1, Bram Stieltjes2,
Ivo Wolf3, Hans-Peter Meinzer1,
and Klaus Hermann Fritzsche1,2
1Medical and Biological Informatics, German
Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Quantitative
Image-based Disease Characterization, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 3Medical
Informatics, Mannheim University, Mannheim, Germany
Evaluation of diffusion MRI-based tractography methods
is challenging and existing approaches for quantitative
assessment mainly focus on measures of general tract
overlap or the presence of anatomically plausible
connections between brain regions. We present an
evaluation of the local fiber direction plausibility on
a voxel-wise basis. We further propose a reference-based
validation procedure that aims at evaluating tractograms
obtained from data of clinical quality using high
quality HARDI data as a reference.
3152. |
53 |
A Variational Bayesian
Approach to Network Modularity Applied to the Structural
Connectome of the Human Brain 
Etay Ziv1, Julia P. Owen1, Yi-Ou
Li1, Eric J. Friedman2, and Pratik
1University of California, San Francisco, San
Francisco, California, United States, 2International
Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, California, United
We apply a Variational Bayesian approach to modularity
analysis of the structural connectome in normal adult
subjects and compare this VBMOD algorithm to the two
most widely used module detection algorithms within the
brain network community. We demonstrate the superiority
of VBMOD to these existing methods in precision,
accuracy and robustness to noise, both in module
identification and cardinality inference. These findings
are consistent over a broad range of thresholds used to
binarize the networks. Our results are of interest to
researchers in the connectomics and diffusion
tractography literature.
3153. |
54 |
Towards a Super-Resolution
CONNECT/ARCHI Atlas of the White Matter Connectivity 
Delphine Duclap1, Benoit Schmitt1,
Alice Lebois1, Pamela Guevara2,
Hui Zhang3, Clarisse Longo Dos Santos1,
Denis Le Bihan1, Jean-François Mangin1,
and Cyril Poupon1
1I2BM, CEA NeuroSpin, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 2University
of Concepción, Concepción, Chile, 3Department
of Computer Science and Centre for Medical Image
Computing, University College London, London, United
Super-resolution techniques now provide an efficient
strategy to improve the spatial resolution of individual
diffusion maps. We extended this approach to a
population of subjects and proposed a novel
half-millimeter isotropic probabilistic atlas of the
human brain connectivity, using the ARCHI database
acquired in the frame of the European CONNECT connectome
project. We demonstrate the efficacy of this approach
combining a super-resolution technique based on high
density streamline tractography and a robust
segmentation technique of the white matter bundles.
3154. |
55 |
Towards Probabilistic
Atlases of the T1/T2 Relaxation Times from the CONNECT/ARCHI
Alice Lebois1, Delphine Duclap1,
Benoit Schmitt1, Clarisse Longo Dos Santos1,
Pamela Guevara2, Hui Zhang3, Denis
Le Bihan1, Jean-François Mangin1,
and Cyril Poupon1
1I2BM, CEA-NeuroSpin, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France,
France, 2University
of Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile, Chile, 3Department
of Computer Science and Centre for Medical Image
Computing, University College of London, London, United
This work is focused on the construction of two
probabilistic atlases of the quantitative T1 and T2
parameters of the human brain from the relaxometry data
of the CONNECT/ARCHI database, an open MRI database of
79 healthy subjects built under the framework of the
European CONNECT project which aims at inferring the
connectome atlas of the human brain from functional and
anatomical MRI data at 3T. We combined these atlases to
density maps of the major white matter bundles we
extracted from the diffusion data of the 79 subjects to
compute the average T1/T2 relaxation times for each
3155. |
56 |
A Novel Probabilistic
Connectivity Atlas for the Human Connectome : The
Benoit Schmitt1, Delphine Duclap1,
Alice LEBOIS*1, Pamela Guevara2,
Hui Zhang3, Yaniv Assaf4, Fabrice
POUPON1, Denis Riviere1, Yann
Cointepas1, Denis Le Bihan1,
Jean-François Mangin1, and Cyril POUPON1
FRANCE, France, Metropolitan, 2University
of Concepcion, CONCEPCION, CHILE, Chile, 3Department
of Computer Science & Centre for Medical Image
Computing, University College London, LONDON, UNITED
KINGDOM, United Kingdom, 4Department
of Neurobiology, Tel-Aviv University, TEL-AVIV, ISRAEL,
Providing a map of the human connectome is today a major
challenge of diffusion. To reach this goal, two projects
were launched: Human Brain Connectome in the USA and
CONNECT project in Europe. This study was done in the
frame of CONNECT project and included 79 subjects. In
this study, we built the first probabilistic atlas of
the human brain connectivity and diffusion quantitative
statistics along bundles. We believe this novel atlas
will help to infere the human brain connectome and
further to provide some microstructural information for
each bundle.
3156. |
57 |
Multi-Fascicle Model
Reconstruction from Acquisitions of DWI at a Single B-Value
with a Population-Informed Prior 
Maxime Taquet1,2, Benoit Scherrer1,
Benoit Macq2, and Simon K. Warfield1
1Computational Radiology Laboratory, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United States, 2ICTEAM
Institute, Université catholique de Louvain,
Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
DTI are unable to distinguish fascicles crossing in one
voxel, making them impractical to study the white matter
microstructure and the brain connectivity. Multi-tensor
models are a valuable option in these contexts. However,
their reconstruction requires acquisitions of DWI at
multiple b-values, unlike all datasets acquired with a
single-shell HARDI sequence. This results in a waste of
money, effort and imaging time. In this study, we
propose a method to circumvent the multiple b-values
requirement, allowing the community to use their
existing datasets to reconstruct multi-fascicle models
and conduct further analyses of the white matter at no
additional cost.
3157. |
58 |
Construction of a Fiber
Atlas of the Murine Heart 
Stelios Angeli1, Nicholas Befera2,
Gary Cofer2, G. Allan Johnson2,
and Christakis Constantinides1
1University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Nicosia,
Cyprus, 2Radiology,
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, United
The unique myocardial architecture, comprised of
oriented laminar sheets and helical spiral tracts of
fibers, accounts for its efficient contractile and
torsional mechanical function. The inherent
structural-functional associations of the heart also
underline the potential significance of fiber
tractography in remodeling or cellular disarray,
following early, or late pathological states. Diffusion
MRI tractography can provide 3-dimensional (3D) mapping
of the myofiber structure . This study employs 3D,
microscopic, spin-echo, diffusion-weighted MRI to
construct a fiber atlas of the ex-vivo, fixed, C57BL/6
murine heart.
3158. |
59 |
Voxel-Wise Analysis (TBVA): A New Approach for Detecting
White Matter Abnormalities in Clinical Populations 
Su-Chun Huang1,2, Gregory J. Pauley1,
Todd L. Richards1, Neva M. Corrigan3,
Dennis W. Shaw3, Alan A. Artru4,
Annette Estes5, Stephen R. Dager3,
and Natalia M. Kleinhans1,3
1Integrated Brain Imaging Center, Department
of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
United States, 2Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
United States, 4Department
of Anesthesiology, University of Washington, Seattle,
WA, United States, 5Speech
and Hearing Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle,
WA, United States
Here we introduce a new analysis pipeline named
tractography-based voxel-wise analysis (TBVA), which
combines the advantages of TBSS and probabilistic
tractography. This approach shows individual tract
bundles in MNI standard space and performs voxel-wise
comparisons within the tract bundle. We employed TBVA on
the cingulum bundle (CB) in a group of participants with
autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and age and IQ matched
controls, and compared the results from conventional
TBSS to the TSVA tractography results.
3159. |
60 |
Slow Diffusion Tractography in Humans Enhances Visualisation
of Fibre Pathways 
Farida Grinberg1, Ivan I. Maximov1,
Ezequiel Farrher1, and Nadim Jon Shah1,2
1Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine 4 -
Medical Imaging Physics, Forschungszentrum Juelich,
Juelich, Germany, 2Department
of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, JARA, RWTH Aachen
University, Aachen, Germany
Diffusion-based tractography is restricted by an
uncertainty of determination of the diffusion
directionality in the regions where fibre alignment
anisotropy is low or fibre configuration is complex. In
this work, we exploit the higher fractional anisotropy
of the slow diffusion component which refers, in frame
of the established models, to the restricted axonal
water fraction. We show that advanced, model-based fibre
tracking allows one to enhance reliability and
visualisation of various fibre tracks, especially at the
borders between white and grey matter. Potential
benefits are discussed also in the context of combined
functional and structural connectivity studies.
3160. |
61 |
Evaluating the Accuracy of
White-Matter Connectomes
Franco Pestilli1, Jason Yeatman1,
Ariel Rokem1, Kendrick Kay1, and
Brian Wandell2
1Psychology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States, 2Psychlogy,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
We propose a method to evaluate the accuracy of
white-matter connectomes generated using diffusion
weighted MRI and fiber tractography. The method predicts
the diffusion data in each voxel as a weighted sum of
the contributions from all the fascicles in that voxel.
We derive several connectomes using different
tractography algorithms (TEND, FACT and CSD). We
evaluate each connectome using cross-validation with
respect to a second set of diffusion measurements in the
same subject. Connectomes generated using the CSD
algorithm with an intermediate order of spherical
harmonic basis set (4>lmax<16) predicts diffusion
measurements better than data reliability.
3161. |
62 |
Large Deformation
Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping for Unlabeled Curves:
Application to Fiber Tract Bundles 
Yung-Chin Hsu1 and
Wen-Yih Isaac Tseng1,2
1Center for Optoelectronic Biomedicine,
College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taiwan, 2Graduate
Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences, College of
Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
A registration method for unlabeled curves under the
LDDMM framework is proposed, and this method is applied
to register two right cingulum bundles for
demonstration. The results show that the proposed method
could effectively transform the tract bundles so that
the global shapes are matched well. By registering the
tract bundles to a common space, this method would be a
valuable tool to investigate the brain morphology, which
is a hot topic in neuroimaging studies in development,
ageing or mental disorders.
3162. |
63 |
Fiberfox: A Novel Tool to
Generate Software Phantoms of Complex Fiber Geometries 
Peter F. Neher1, Bram Stieltjes2,
Frederik B. Laun3, Hans-Peter Meinzer1,
and Klaus Hermann Fritzsche1,2
1Medical and Biological Informatics, German
Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Quantitative
Image-based Disease Characterization, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 3Medical
Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research Center
(DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
We present an interactive graphical tool, Fiberfox, to
generate arbitrary fiber configurations and
corresponding diffusion weighted images (DWI). The
intuitive user interface allows for the generation of
any number of straight, bended, crossing, kissing,
twisting and fanning fiber bundles, simply by placing
3D-ROIs used as waypoints for the synthetic fibers. From
these fibers, a DWI is calculated applying a user
defined number of gradient directions, b-value, SNR,
image size and spacing. Fiberfox is implemented in the
open source medical imaging interaction toolkit (MITK)
and will also be available as free download included in
the next release of MITK Diffusion.
3163. |
64 |
Cerebellar-Cortical Connections with Advanced Diffusion
Fulvia Palesi1,2, Donald Tournier3,4,
Fernando Calamante4,5, Niels Muhlert6,
Gloria Castellazzi2,7, Declan T. Chard6,
Egidio Ugo D'Angelo2,8, and Claudia Angela M.
1Department of Physics, University of Pavia,
Pavia, Italy, 2Brain
Connectivity Center, IRCCS C. Mondino, Pavia, Italy, 3Melbourne
Brain Centre - Austin Campus, The Florey Institute of
Neuroscience and Mental Health, Heidelberg, Victoria,
Australia, 4Department
of Medicine, Austin Health and Northern Health,
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 5Melbourne
Brain Centre - Austin Campus, Florey Institute of
Neuroscience and Mental Health, Heidelberg, Victoria,
Australia, 6NMR
Research Unit, Queen Square MS Centre, Department of
Neuroinflammation, UCL Institute of Neurology, London,
United Kingdom,7Department of Industrial and
Information Engineering, University of Pavia, Pavia,
Italy, 8Department
of Public Health, Neuroscience, Experimental Medicine,
University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
The study of cerebellum’s connectivity networks is
challenging. This study assessed the feasibility of
using advanced diffusion imaging methods to reconstruct
whole contralateral cerebellar-cortical tracts in vivo.
We combined two techniques: track reconstruction with
constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD) algorithm and
seed/target placement through the creation of
super-resolution maps using track density imaging (TDI).
We reconstructed tracts by placing ROIs both on b0 and
TDI images: tracts appeared more anatomically accurate
when using TDI maps rather than b0 images and
inter-subject variability of cerebellar FA was found to
be more reproducible when using ROIs placed on TDI.
3164. |
65 |
A Multiple-Fibre Diffusion
Phantom for the Validation of HARDI Methods
-permission withheld
Ezequiel Farrher1, Farida Grinberg1,
A. Avdo Celik2, Kaveh Vahedipour2,
and Nadim Jon Shah2,3
1Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine 4 -
Medical Imaging Physics, Forschungszentrum Juelich,
Jülich, Germany, 2Institute
of Neuroscience and Medicine 4 - Medical Imaging
Physics, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany, 3Department
of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, JARA, RWTH Aachen
University, Aachen, Germany
We present a new multiple-fibre design of an anisotropic
fibre phantom for diffusion MRI applications. The
valuable feature of the new design relates to the
integration of several geometrical configurations and
fibre populations in a single device. We have
demonstrated the application of the design in the
analysis of high angular resolution diffusion imaging
(HARDI) data analysis methods. The new phantom is shown
to be an excellent tool for the investigation and
comparison of several of HARDI methods as well as fibre
tractography algorithms.
3165. |
66 |
Comparison Study of Two DTI
Tractography Methods for Quantifying Brain Structural
Qing Ji1, John O. Glass2, and
Wilburn E. Reddick1
1Radiological Science, St.Jude Children's
Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United States, 2Radiological
Science, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis,
TN, United States
In this study, deterministic and probabilistic
tractography algorithms for measuring brain structural
connectivity were quantitatively evaluated on data from
8 healthy subjects. Eighty-two brain anatomic structures
were obtained on each subject using FreeSurfer and
connections between these structures were calculated by
both tractography techniques. Neuroanatomical
connectivity metrics between the two tractography
methods were significantly correlated and fiber tracks
from the deterministic algorithm were spatially similar
to fiber probability distributions created using the
probabilistic algorithm. While there was a high degree
of correspondence between the approaches, the
probabilistic algorithm provides more connections among
brain structures and the additional information of
3166. |
67 |
Analysis of Tractography
Biases Introduced by Anisotropic Voxels 
Peter F. Neher1, Bram Stieltjes2,
Ivo Wolf3, Hans-Peter Meinzer1,
and Klaus Hermann Fritzsche1,2
1Medical and Biological Informatics, German
Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Quantitative
Image-based Disease Characterization, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 3Medical
Informatics, Mannheim University, Mannheim, Germany
In research settings it is common practice to acquire
diffusion weighted images with an isotropic resolution.
In contrast, clinical datasets are often acquired with a
relatively high in-plane resolution of about 1-2 mm but
much thicker slices (2-5 mm). The impact of such
anisotropic image resolutions on the outcome of fiber
tractography has not been systematically analyzed yet.
This work uses software phantom data to quantify the
impact of anisotropic voxels on nine different publicly
available and commonly used algorithms.
3167. |
68 |
Distortion Correction
Improves DTI Visualization of the Microscopic Elements of
the Medial Temporal Lobe
-permission withheld
Michael Zeineh1, Samantha J. Holdsworth1,
Mansi B. Parekh1, Stefan Skare2,
and Roland Bammer3
1Stanford, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Neuroradiology,
Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, 3Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, United States
Abnormal neuronal connectivity may be important in
disease states involving the medial temporal lobes (MTL),
including Alzheimer’s disease and temporal lobe
epilepsy. Our prior work pushed the resolving power of
DTI to near-mm isotropic voxel size and utilized a
detailed segmentation to characterize the major
subregions and pathways of the MTL. However, DTI data is
subject to echo-planar (EPI) distortion that complicates
coregistration with structural images, making
segmentation difficult. Additionally, this distortion
can create inaccuracies in tractography. In this study,
we applied distortion-correction to our source EPI data
and found improved structural accuracy.
3168. |
69 |
Repeatability and
Variability of Graph Metrics in a Test-Retest of Whole-Brain
Structural Networks. 
Jennifer Andreotti1, Kay Jann1,
Lester Melie-Garcia2, Thomas Dierks1,
and Andrea Federspiel1
1Dept. of Psychiatric Neurophysiology,
University Hospital of Psychiatry / University of Bern,
Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2Neuroinformatics
Department, Cuban Neuroscience Center, Havana, Havana,
Objective: to compare properties and variability of
whole-brain structural networks weighted by connectivity
density or by communicability. Methods: Graphs nodes are
defined by automatic parcellation of the brain while
edges are defined by connectivity density or
communicability based on the tractography maps. Global
and local network properties as well as their
variability were computed. Results: results show larger
variability between than within subjects for all
properties and weightings. Between subjects' variability
is slightly reduced in weighted communicability
networks. Discussion: This study shows that network
measures may be used to compare subjects. Measures
extracted with different weightings correlate well.
3169. |
70 |
Test-Retest Reliability of
Computational Network Metrics Derived from the Structural
Connectome of the Human Brain 
Julia P. Owen1, Etay Ziv1, Polina
Bukshpun2, Nicholas Pojman2, Mari
Wakahiro2, Jeffrey I. Berman3,
Timothy Roberts4, Elliott Sherr2,
and Pratik Mukherjee1
1Radiology, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United
States, 2Neurology,
UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States, 3Radiology,
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA,
United States, 4Radiology,
CHOP, Philadelphia, PA, United States
In this study, we evaluate the test-retest reliability
of graph theory techniques as applied to the structural
connectome of the human brain. We explore unweighted and
weighted graph metrics, as well as other measures of
consistency, such as edge weights and module
assignments. Two cohorts are used, one group (n=10) was
scanned twice on the same scanner and the other group
(n=5) was scanned once at two different sites, on the
same model of scanner with identical acquisition
3170. |
71 |
How Diffusion Model and
Tract Direction Growth Affects Quantitative DTI Parameters
in Ataxia 
Yu Zhang1, Xue Wang2, Yufen Chen2,
Michael Rozenfeld2, Puneet Opal3,
and Todd Parrish1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern
University, Evanston, IL, United States, 2Radiology,
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States, 3Neurology,
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States
This study how model selection between bedpostx and
qboot and direction issue will affect the probabilistic
diffusion tractography.
3171. |
72 |
In Vivo Isotropic
Resolution Diffuson Tensor Imaging of Mouse Brain at 9.4T 
Mingtao Wang1, Caterina Caffes2,
Stephen T.C. Wong1,3, and Kelvin K. Wong1,3
1Department of Systems Medicine &
Bioengineering, The Methodist Hospital Research
Institute, Houston, TX, United States, 2Texas
Children's Hospital, Houston, TX, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York,
NY, United States
In vivo diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a powerful
tool to understand neuroanatomical connectivity and to
evaluate neuronal integrity in mouse models. To resolve
the complex connectome in a small brain in vivo, high
spatial resolution imaging are crucial. We present a
high resolution in vivo DTI and tractography method for
mouse brain at 150~150~150 ƒÊm3 resolution at 9.4T.
The protocol includes a new low-cost elastomeric padding
head restrain to significantly reduce head motion. High
resolution isotropic diffusion tensor tractography
offers high quality fractional anisotropy map and
consistent fiber tracking for connectivity studies
between brain regions.
Monday, 22 April 2013 (14:15-15:15) Exhibition Hall |
Diffusion Acquisition & Analysis
Computer # |
3172. |
73 |
Flow Sensitive Cine MR
Imaging Using Improved Motion Sensitized Driven Equilibrium
Kazuyuki Endo1, Tomohiko Horie1,
Isao Muro1, Yutaka Imai2, Kagayaki
Kuroda3, Tetsuo Ogio4, Makoto
Obara4, Marc Van Cauteren4, Thomas
C. Kwee5, and Taro Takahara6
1Department of Radiological Technology, Tokai
University Hospital, Isehara, Kanagawa, Japan, 2Radiology,
Tokai University Hospital, Isehara, Kanagawa, Japan, 3Information
Science and Technology, Tokai University, Hiratuka,
Kanagawa, Japan, 4Philips
Healthcare, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 5Radiology,
University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht,
Netherlands, 6Biomedical
Engineering, Tokai University, Isehara, Kanagawa, Japan
Improved Motion Sensitized Driven EquilibriumiiMSDEjis
a kind of T2-prep pulse with motion probing gradients.
it can be widely used for clinical applications
including black-blood vessel wall imaging , lower
extremity MR venography , or suppression of flow
artifacts in contrast-enhanced studies for brain
metastasis detection . The purpose of this study was to
investigate basic appropriate parameters and evaluate
the feasibility of this technique as gFlow sensitive
cine MR imagingh. Flow sensitive cine MR imaging with
iMSDE pre-pulse allows visualization of flow phenomena
very clearly, which was not able with conventional cine
MR imaging.
3173. |
74 |
The Effect of Coil Types
and GRAPPA Acceleration in HARDI and Probabilistic
Javier Urriola Yaksic1, Nyoman Dana Kurniawan1,
Aiman Al Najjar1, and David C. Reutens1
1Centre for Advanced Imaging, The University
of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Increasing numbers of channels developed for parallel
imaging have enabled higher image signal-to-noise ratio
and faster acquisition time, while increasing image
quality with a reduction of geometrical distortions in
EPI sequences. However, little is known about the
effects of coil type and acceleration factor to the
accuracy of fibertracking of the whole brain. Our
results showed that the choice of coil types and
acceleration factors are important in quantitative
diffusion fibertracking. The increasing number of false
aberrant tracks offsets the advantage of shorter
acquisition time and inhomogeneity artefacts when the
HARDI data was acquired using larger number of
acceleration factors.
3174. |
75 |
Self-Correction of B1
Inhomogeneity Artifact in Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Using
Double-Angle Excitation 
Kun Zhou1 and
Wei Liu1
1Siemens Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd.,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
In diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), B1 inhomogenetiy
induced signal nonuniformity artifacts may degrade image
quality and affect diagnosis. A modified DW-EPI sequence
with build-in double-angle B1+ mapping mechanism is
introduced to address this problem. With the modified
sequence, the B1 inhomogeneity information can be
calculated and used to reduce related artifacts in DWI
3175. |
76 |
Diffusion Pore Imaging by
Double Wave Vector Measurements 
Tristan Anselm Kuder1 and
Frederik B. Laun1,2
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Quantitative
Imaging-Based Disease Characterization, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
NMR diffusion measurements allow collecting the signal
from the whole sample. This mainly eliminates the
problem of vanishing signal at increasing resolution. It
has been a longstanding question if the exact shape of
closed pores can be determined by diffusion
measurements. Here, we present a method using short
diffusion gradient pulses only, which is able to reveal
the shape of arbitrary closed pores. Compared to former
approaches, the method has reduced demands on relaxation
times due to faster convergence to the diffusion long
time limit and allows for a more flexible NMR sequence
design since stimulated echoes can be used.
3176. |
77 |
Simultaneous Multi-Slab
Acquisition in 3D Multi-Slab Diffusion-Weighted
Readout-Segmented Echo-Planar Imaging 
Robert Frost1, Peter Jezzard1,
David A. Porter2, and Karla L. Miller1
1FMRIB Centre, Nuffield Department of
Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, Oxford,
United Kingdom, 2Healthcare
Sector, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany
Readout-segmented echo-planar imaging (rs-EPI) acquires
robust, high-quality diffusion-weighted images using a
navigated, multi-shot acquisition. However, the scan
times are extended roughly by the number of readout
segments compared to single-shot echo-planar imaging.
Here we present simultaneous multi-slab acceleration in
a 3D multi-slab rs-EPI sequence that enables full brain
coverage in SNR-optimal TR of 1-2s, which is difficult
to achieve with conventional 2D or 3D methods. The
modified sequence is used to acquire 1.5mm isotropic
trace-weighted data with whole-brain coverage.
3177. |
78 |
Improving the Efficiency of
Diffusion Spectrum MRI Through Radial Acquisitions in
Fernando Emilio Boada1 and
Steven Yutzy2
1Radiology, New York University, New York,
New York, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
United States
A sampling and reconstruction scheme for increasing
angular resolution in Diffusion Spectrum Imaging is
presented and demonstrated at 3T
3178. |
79 |
A k-D Space
Acceleration Strategy for HARDI with Compressed Sensing 
Tzu-Cheng Chao1,2, Jr-Yuan Chiou3,
Cheng-Wen Ko4, Ming-Ting Wu5,
Stephan E. Maier3, and Bruno Madore3
1Department of Computer Science and
Information Engineering, National Cheng-Kung University,
Tainan, Taiwan, 2Institute
of Medical Informatics, National Cheng-Kung University,
Tainan, Taiwan, 3Department
of Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, United States, 4Department
of Computer Science and Engineering, National Sun
Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 5Department
of Radiology, Kaohsiung Veteran General Hospital,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
An accelerated sampling strategy is proposed that can
effectively reduce both geometric distortion and scan
time in the context of the high Angularly Resolved
Diffusion Imaging(HARDI) diffusion-weighted imaging
method. The approach combines sampling strategies
inspired from accelerated dynamic imaging and from the
rossing Fiber Angular Resolution of Intra-Voxel
structure (CFRI) algorithm to resolve crossing fibers in
a manner that is fast and fairly insensitive to
susceptibility-induced field variations and geometric
3179. |
80 |
Charged Containers for
Optimal 3D Q-Space Sampling 
Hans Knutsson1 and
Carl-Fredrik Westin1,2
1Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Medical Informatics, Linköping University, Linköping,
Sweden, 2Department
of Radiology, BWH, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA,
United States
We have presented a novel method for generating evenly
distributed samples in a part of q-space that can be
pre-specified in a general way. We have demonstrated the
feasibility for two shapes, a sphere and a cube. The
results are interesting from several points of view.
There is a market tendency for the samples to group in
shells indicating that the present work may provide a
preferable alternative to recently proposed
shell-interaction schemes . The distributions attained
for the cube case are far from Cartesian, this may be an
advantage in a sparse reconstruction, e.g. compressed
sensing, setting.
3180. |
81 |
3 Phase Cycle Diffusion
Prepared 3D FSE to Eliminate Diffusion Weighted Image
Mitsuharu Miyoshi1, Yuji Iwadate1,
and Hiroyuki Kabasawa1
1Global Applied Science Laboratory, GE
Healthcare Japan, Hino, Tokyo, Japan
B0 inhomogeneity and eddy current produce image
distortion in DW-EPI. Diffusion Prepared 3D FSE
(DP-Cube) was developed in this study. Diffusion
Prepared pulse sequence with 3 phase cycle were used to
eliminate image distortion and banding artifact. Flow
Compensated MPG gradient and peripheral trigger were
used to make the sequence insensitive to motion.
Measured ADC value was higher than literature and DW-EPI
because of motion artifacts. Distortion free Diffusion
weighted images were acquired with DP-Cube.
3181. |
82 |
3D DP-FISP for Diffusion
Measurements in MR Microscopy at Ultra-High Field. 
Ileana Ozana Jelescu1, Denis Le Bihan1,
and Luisa Ciobanu1
1NeuroSpin, Gif-sur-Yvette, Essonne, France
A 3D diffusion-prepared fast imaging with steady-state
free precession (DP-FISP) sequence was implemented at
17.2T to perform apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)
measurements in small biological samples (i.e. single
cells). The sequence was tested on phantoms with
different T1s, including values similar to
those of biological tissues, and was compared with a
standard diffusion-weighted spin-echo (DW-SE) sequence.
The FISP flip angle was optimized for minimal T1 bias
in ADC estimation (< 10%) for b-values up to 600 s/mm².
Our sequence is less prone to artifacts than EPI and
eight times faster than DW-SE. Future improvements
include extension to higher b-values.
3182. |
83 |
Scan Time Reduction in 3D
Diffusion-Weighted Steady-State Free Precession Imaging
Using Constrained Reconstruction 
Rafael O'Halloran1, Florian Knoll2,
Kristian Bredies3, Rudolf Stollberger2,
and Roland Bammer1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States, 2Institute
of Medical Engineering, Graz University of Technology,
Graz, Austria, 3Department
of Mathematics and Scientific Computing, University of
Graz, Graz, Austria
3D DTI acquisitions can be lengthy and as the demand for
higher-resolution and more encoding directions
increases, strategies for reducing scan times will be
critical for adoption of these techniques into the
clinic. Here undersampled diffusion-weighted SSFP is
combined with a TGV2 constrained
reconstruction to reduce the scan time by a factor of
4-8. The effect of undersampling on the FA and the
direction of the principle eigenvector is investigated
and compared to a conventional gridding reconstruction.
3183. |
84 |
Accelerated Diffusional
Kurtosis Imaging Using Simultaneous Multi-Slice Echo Planar
Jian Xu1, George Russell Glenn2,
Himanshu Bhat3, Stephen F. Cauley4,
Kawin Setsompop5, Ray Lee6, Ali
Tabesh2, Jens H. Jensen2, Joseph
A. Helpern2, and Keith A. Heberlein7
1Siemens Healthcare USA, New York, NY, United
States, 2Department
of Radiology and Radiological Science, Medical
University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, United
States, 3Siemens
Medical Solutions, Charlestown, MA, United States, 4A.A.
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Dept. of
Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA,
United States, 5A.A.
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Dept. of
Radiology, MGH, Boston, MA, United States, 6Princeton
University, Princeton, NJ, United States, 7Siemens
Healthcare USA, Charlestown, MA, United States
Diffusional kurtosis imaging extends diffusion tensor
imaging by quantifying the non-Gaussian behavior of
water diffusion. Established DKI acquisition protocols
typically use multi-slice 2D EPI with multiple b-values
(¡Ý) and typically 30 gradient directions, which
requires 7-15 minutes for full brain coverage. Recently
a slice-acceleration method acquiring multiple slices
simultaneously with the blipped CAIPIRINHA technique and
individually reconstructed using the slice GRAPPA
reconstruction method was introduced. In this study, the
combination of DKI and the aforementioned multi-slice
acceleration technique was performed and initial
comparisons of the resultant parametric maps are
3184. |
85 |
3185. |
86 |
Diffusion Tensors from
Double-PFG of the Human Brain 
Carl-Fredrik Westin1,2, Markus Nilsson3,
Ofer Pasternak1, and Hans Knutsson2
1Department of Radiology, BWH, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Medical Informatics,
Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden, 3Department
of Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University, Lund,
In this work we estimate diffusion tensors from double-PFG
diffusion MRI using two types of measurements 1) paris
of gradients that are collinear, and 2) pairs of
gradients that are non-collinear. It is known from
angular double-PFG that compartment shape anisotropy can
be measured with varying the angle between the gradient
pairs. The ratio between the measurements with 90
degrees (non-collinear) and the one with 0 degrees
(collinear), depends on the compartments shape
anisotropy. This work provides and alternative to the
model of angular double-PFG introducing two different
estimation of the diffusion tensor, where the ratio
between them is related to the compartment shape
87 |
Super Resolution
Reconstruction from Differently Oriented Diffusion Tensor
Gwendolyn Van Steenkiste1, Ben Jeurissen1,
Jan Sijbers1, and Dirk H.J. Poot2
1iMinds-VisionLab, University of Antwerp,
Antwerp, Belgium, 2Biomedical
Imaging Group Rotterdam, Erasmus MC - University Medical
Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Diffusion MRI typically employs large voxels to obtain
sufficiently high SNR. Given the large voxel sizes, many
voxels consist of a mixture of signals from different
anatomical structures. To reduce the partial volume
effect and retain high SNR, we propose a super
resolution acquisition and reconstruction technique that
directly computes high SNR and high resolution DTI
parameters from a set of low resolution diffusion MRI
data sets. Using simulations we show our technique
outperforms direct high resolution acquisition and
current super resolution reconstruction techniques which
don't take into account the underlying diffusion model.
3187. |
88 |
Assessing Scan-Rescan
Reproducibility of the Parameter Estimates from NODDI
Maira Tariq1, Torben Schneider2,
Daniel C. Alexander1, Claudia Angela M.
Wheeler-Kingshott2, and Hui Zhang1
1Department of Computer Science & Centre for
Medical Image Computing, University College London,
London, United Kingdom, 2NMR
Research Unit, Queen Square MS Centre, Department of
Neuroinflammation, UCL Institute of Neurology, London,
United Kingdom
NODDI (Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density
Imaging) is a recent diffusion MRI technique for
directly quantifying microstructual indices of neurites
using clinically feasible acquisition. It has been shown
to be able to disentangle the key microstructural
contributors to the standard measures from diffusion
tensor imaging (DTI). This study assesses the
scan-rescan reproducibility of NODDI in healthy subjects
in comparison to DTI. The results show that NODDI has
high reproducibility comparable to that of DTI.
3188. |
89 |
Convenient B-Value and
B-Matrix Computations for Arbitrary Gradient Waveforms:
Characterizing Signal Decay Due to Gaussian Diffusion
-permission withheld
Evren Ozarslan1 and
Thomas H. Mareci2
1Department of Radiology, Brigham and Women's
Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United
States, 2Department
of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of
Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States
Estimations of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and
tensor (ADT) from diffusion-weighted acquisitions
necessitate computations of, respectively, the b-value
and b-matrix associated with the employed pulse
sequence. We show that these important quantities can be
conveniently computed for any gradient waveform using a
simple algorithm that requires a few lines of code. This
is achieved by representing the waveform by a piecewise
constant function. With this representation, our
technique complements the existing methods commonly used
to compute the effects of restricted diffusion, and
provides a consistent and convenient framework for
studies that aim to infer the microstructural features
of the tissue.
3189. |
90 |
On Random Walks and Entropy
in Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of
Neural Tissue 
Carson Ingo1, Richard L. Magin1,
Luis Colon-Perez2, William Triplett3,
and Thomas H. Mareci3
1Department of Bioengineering, University of
Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States, 2Department
of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL,
United States, 3Department
of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of
Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States
We modeled diffusion in neural tissue from the
perspective of the continuous time random walk. The
characteristic diffusion decay is represented by the
Mittag-Leffler function, which does not make a priori
assumptions about the governing statistics. We then used
entropy as a measure of the anomalous features for the
characteristic function. DWI experiments were performed
on fixed rat brains using a spectrometer at 17.6 Tesla
at b-values arrayed up to 25,000 s/mm^2. In white and
gray matter regions, the Mittag-Leffler and entropy
parameters demonstrated new information regarding
sub-diffusion and produced different image contrast from
that of the classical diffusion coefficient.
3190. |
91 |
Application of Multi-Tensor
Tract-Based Analysis (MTTA) with Routine Clinical Diffusion
Virendra Mishra1 and
Hao Huang1
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, University
of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United
Single tensor fractional anisotropy (FA) values are
significantly underestimated at the crossing-fiber
regions. Single tensor FA, therefore, is biased in
characterizing white matter integrity in clinical
research. Tract analysis has obtained recent attention
as individual white matter tracts have more clinical
significance. In this abstract, we further explored an
MTTA technique capable of restoring the FA values of the
targeted tract along its path while correcting the bias
in single tensor FA. Specifically, we directly tested
MTTA with in vivo diffusion MRI acquired in routine
clinical research and proposed weighted FA at the
crossing-fiber voxels as an unbiased anisotropy metric.
3191. |
92 |
TBSS May Be Sub-Optimal for
Detection of DTI Parameter Changes in Crossing Fiber Regions 
Vincent J. Schmithorst1, Jessica L. Wisnowski1,
and Ashok Panigrahy1
1Radiology, Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
of UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
In crossing fiber regions, the Tract-Based Spatial
Statistics (TBSS) algorithm for spatial normalization
may be sub-optimal, as these voxels might not be
projected onto the skeleton and thus excluded from
analysis. We investigated the relation of functional
network integration to DTI parameters and compared TBSS
to an alternative technique involving normalization to a
white matter template. While no region with a
significant correlation was found with TBSS, a
crossing-fiber region in the right hemisphere was
detected via the alternative technique. Results suggest
that normalization to a white matter template should be
considered as a complementary analysis strategy to TBSS.
3192. |
93 |
Motion Correction in
Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Using Simulated Diffusion Images
at Multiple B Bands
Kwan-Jin Jung1, Nidhi Kohli2,
Fang-Cheng Yeh3, Timothy Keller4,
and Tiejun Zhao5
1Psychology, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 3Biomedical
Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, United States, 4Psychology,
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
United States, 5MR
R&D Collaborations, Siemens Medical Solutions USA,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
The motion in diffusion imaging was more accurately
estimated using simulated diffusion images rather than
the b=0 images because the simulated diffusion images
had the same contrast as the diffusion images. For
diffusion imaging with a single shell b this method has
been confirmed to be effective without extensive
iteration even for a large amount of deliberate motion.
Furthermore, this method has been extended to account
for multiple exponential diffusion weighting in
diffusion spectrum imaging where the b value ranges
3193. |
94 |
Performance Evaluation of
Various Numerical Algorithms for a Multi-Compartmental
Burkhard Mädler1 and
Volker A. Coenen2
1Neurosurgery, University Bonn, Medical
Centre, Bonn, Germany, 2Divison
Stereotaxy and MR-based OR Techniques, University Bonn -
Medical Centre, Bonn, Germany
Diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) is a non-invasive imaging
technique that detects thermally driven, random motion
of water molecules in living tissue and is able to
characterize its interaction with cell membranes,
macromolecules and potential diffusion barriers. Le-Bihan
proposed a bi-exponential model to separate intra- and
extracellular diffusion from incoherent motion of water
molecules within randomly oriented capillaries – IVIM.
The presence of noise may substantially affect IVIM
parameter estimation. Mathematical inversion of
multi-exponential processes like water diffusion in
living tissue is a strongly ill-posed problem and the
necessity for a large number of signal points and SNR is
imminent for a reliable separation of more than one
exponential time constant. The evaluation of current
fitting modalities for IVIM data and investigating their
limitations in relation to SNR and number of b-values is
therefore prudent.
95 |
Information Extraction from
Raw DTI Data Using Texture Based Analysis: A Preliminary
Study of Classification and Regression 
Che-Wei Chang1,2, Chien-Chang Ho1,
and Jyh-Horng Chen1,2
1Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Interdisciplinary
MRI/MRS Lab, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
This study presents a texture based analysis, Local
Binary Pattern on Three Orthogonal Planes (LBP-TOP), to
extract effective features from raw DTI data. Examples
of sex classification and age estimation were used to
demonstrate the performance of this method. A total 204
subject downloaded from NKI/Rockland Samples were used
to evaluate those approaches. Our results show that the
best sex classification accuracy is 0.81, and the best
age estimation mean average error is 6.32 years. We
demonstrated that LBP-TOP is capable of extracting
effective information from DTI and could be a good
candidate for classifying or evaluating neurological
diseases based on raw DTI data.
3195. |
96 |
High-Spatial and
High-Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging with a Fragmented
Acquisition Scheme 
Sjoerd B. Vos1,2, Murat Aksoy2,
Julian R. Maclaren2, Zhaoying Han2,
Samantha J. Holdsworth2, Alexander Brost2,
Christoph Seeger2,3, Alexander Leemans1,
and Roland Bammer2
1Image Sciences Institute, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Center
for Quantitative Neuroimaging, Department of Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United
States, 3Pattern
Recognition Lab, Department of Computer Science,
Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg,
Erlangen, Germany
Recent 3D DWI pulse sequences can achieve resolutions up
to 1mm isotropic, at the expense of longer acquisition
times per volume. To acquire HARDI data with these high
resolutions, the large number of diffusion directions
required for HARDI can be spread out over different
imaging sessions. We present a validated approach to
acquire high-angular and high-spatial resolution
diffusion imaging over different sessions, suggesting a
‘head holder’ that fits tightly around the subject’s
head and in the coil. Accurate subject repositioning is
ensured in each session, resulting in seamless fusion of
data from different sessions.
Monday, 22 April 2013 (15:15-16:15) Exhibition Hall |
Diffusion MR Artefacts & Data Quality
Computer # |
3196. |
73 |
Retrospective Correction of
Physiological Noise in DTI Using Peripheral Measurements in
an Extended Tensor Model Framework 
Siawoosh Mohammadi1, Chloe Hutton1,
Zoltan Nagy1, Oliver Josephs1, and
Nikolaus Weiskopf1
1Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging at
UCL, ION UCL, UCL, London, London, United Kingdom
One important and still unresolved artefact in diffusion
MRI is physiological movement, which can lead to severe
bias in the signal. We developed an easy-to-implement
extension of the original diffusion tensor model to
account for physiological noise using measures of
peripheral physiology (pulse and respiration), the
so-called extended tensor model. We tested the
performance of four different extended tensor models
with different physiological noise regressors on
non-gated and gated diffusion tensor imaging data, and
compared it to an established data-driven robust fitting
method. We showed that the framework of the extended
tensor model facilitates investigation into
physiological noise in DTI.
3197. |
74 |
Inter-Vendor Variability in
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values
-permission withheld
Michael A. Levine1, Pavlina Polaskova1,
Sara Maria Sprinkhuizen1, Steven M.
Stufflebeam1, Bruce R. Rosen1,
Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer1, and Elizabeth R.
1Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown,
MA, United States
Fifteen glioblastoma patients treated with combination
cediranib and cilengitide were enrolled in a correlative
magnetic resonance imaging substudy. Ventricular
apparent diffusion coefficient values were found to be
statistically different across vendors. Multi-center
clinical trials should be particularly careful to ensure
that results acquired from different vendors are
3198. |
75 |
How Is the Fractional
Anisotropy Affected by Frequency-Dependent Changes to the
Eigenvalues of the Apparent Diffusion Tensor Measured with
Oscillating-Gradient Spin-Echo Diffusion Tensor Imaging? 
Jeff Kershaw1,2, Christoph Leuze3,
Ichio Aoki1, Takayuki Obata4, Iwao
Kanno1, Hiroshi Ito1, Yuki
Yamaguchi2, and Hiroshi Handa2
1Molecular Imaging Centre, National Institute
of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan, 2School
of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Tokyo Institute of
Technology, Yokohama, Japan, 3Department
of Neurophysics, Max Planck Institute for Human
Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany, 4Research
Centre for Charged Particle Therapy, National Institute
of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan
Recent work applying the oscillating-gradient spin-echo
sequence to diffusion-tensor imaging of in vivo rat
brain has found substantial, approximately linear
changes with frequency to the eigenvalues (EVs) of the
apparent diffusion tensor and to the fractional isotropy
(FA). While the FA is a well known function of the EVs,
it is not immediately clear how the behaviour of the EVs
relates to the trends in the FA. This work investigates
how the FA is affected by changes to the EVs.
3199. |
76 |
SNR Dependence of Mean
Kurtosis and How to Correct It 
Elodie André1, Christophe Phillips1,2,
Ezequiel Farrher3, Ivan I. Maximov4,
Farida Grinberg3, Nadim Jon Shah4,5,
and Evelyne Balteau1
1Cyclotron research center, University of
Liège, Liège, Belgium, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
University of Liège, Liège, Belgium, 3Institute
of Neuroscience and Medicine - 4, Forschungszentrum
Juelich, Juelich, Germany, 4Institute
of Neuroscience and Medicine - 4, Forschungszentrum
Juelich GmbH, Juelich, Germany, 5Department
of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, RWTH Aachen
University, JARA, Aachen, Germany
The use of high b-values in diffusion kurtosis imaging
makes the derived parameters very sensitive to low
signal to noise. Here we show the dependence of mean
kurtosis on SNR and demonstrate that noise correction is
a necessary step, leading to more reproducible metrics.
3200. |
77 |
Bias in Diffusion Tensor
Tissue Integrity Measures Due to Sum of Squares
Reconstruction: Characterization and Retrospective
Ken E. Sakaie1, Kecheng Liu2, and
Mark J. Lowe1
1Imaging Institute, The Cleveland Clinic,
Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Siemens
Medical Solutions USA, Inc, Malvern, PA, United States
Diffusion tensor imaging provides quantitative measures
of tissue integrity that can be biased by the properties
of the noise distribution. Sum of squares is commonly
used for reconstructing multi-coil imaging data and
exhibits Rician bias for signals near noise floor,
leading to substantial bias in diffusivity values. Here,
we quantify the bias and demonstrate that a simple but
effective correction that can be applied
3201. |
78 |
The Influence of Imaging
Gradients in the Analysis of Diffusion Signals from Pulsed
and Oscillating Gradient Sequences 
Damien McHugh1,2, Penny L. Hubbard1,2,
Geoffrey Parker1,2, and Josephine H. Naish1,2
1Centre for Imaging Sciences, University of
Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2The
University of Manchester Biomedical Imaging Institute,
Manchester, United Kingdom
The effect that imaging gradients have on b-values in
oscillating and pulsed gradient diffusion sequences are
compared. The impact this has on parameters obtained
from model fitting is then evaluated using synthetic
data from three models: monoexponential decay,
biexponential decay, and the kurtosis model. It is shown
that the diffusion-weighting introduced by imaging
gradients in oscillating gradient sequences has little
impact on parameter estimates for each model.
Conversely, ignoring the influence of imaging gradients
in pulsed gradient sequences is shown to lead to
significant errors in fitted parameters, especially for
the biexponential model.
3202. |
79 |
Gradient Nonlinearity
Correction to Improve ADC Accuracy and Standardization in
Breast Cancer Clinical Trials 
David C. Newitt1, Ek T. Tan2,
Thomas L. Chenevert3, Lisa J. Wilmes1,
Suchandrima Banerjee4, Luca Marinelli2,
and Nola M. Hylton5
1Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University
of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United
States, 2Diagnostics
and Biomedical Technologies, GE Global Research,
Niskayuna, New York, United States, 3Radiology
– MRI, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan,
United States, 4Applied
Science Lab, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park, California,
United States, 5Radiology
and Biomedical Imaging, University of California San
Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States
Gradient nonlinearity (GN) is a significant source of
error for quantitative diffusion MRI, and the extent of
GN varies with the scanner used. This confounds results
from multi-center and longitudinal studies required in
clinical trials. GN effects are of particular concern in
breast imaging, where the anatomy has large offsets from
magnet isocenter. Retrospective GN correction (GNC) was
evaluated in a multi-center setting with phantoms and in
normal and breast cancer subjects. GNC significantly
reduced the spatial-dependence of ADC values and
improved quantitative accuracy of ADC, which could in
turn improve the sensitivity of cancer-detection and
cancer-monitoring in diffusion MRI.
3203. |
80 |
Improved Accuracy of Motion
and Affine Eddy Current Distortion Correction in High
B-Value Diffusion Weighted Imaging Using Brain Mask Based
Weighting Functions 
Christopher Leslie Adamson1, Richard Beare1,
Deanne Thompson1, and Marc Seal1
1Developmental Imaging, Murdoch Childrens
Research Institute, Parkville, VIC, Australia
We present an improved method for correction of affine
distortions in high b-value diffusion weighted imaging
due to eddy currents and subject movement. We show that
our method improves the alignment and scaling of the
registration results. The improved registration has
implications for DTI and tractography applications.
3204. |
81 |
Joint Estimation Based
Phase Error Correction in Multi-Shot Spiral Diffusion
Weighted Imaging 
Pan Su1, Xiaodong Ma2, Wenchuan Wu2,
and Hua Guo2
1School of Electronic and Information
Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing, China, 2Center
for Biomedical Imaging Research, Department of
Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua
University, Beijing, China
Phase inconsistencies among different shots in
multi-shot diffusion imaging causes artifacts in final
images. Oversampling in k-space center is thus required
to remove these errors, however, it inevitably lengthens
the readout window and introduces further blurring
artifacts. In this study, a new method is proposed to
estimate object function and motion-induced phase map in
muti-shot spiral DWI jointly, and is validated by the
simulation results. Our proof-of-concept work
demonstrates that this method estimates the desired
artifact-free image more accurately than self-navigator
based technique when navigator information is limited,
which has potential utilization in high resolution
diffusion imaging.
3205. |
82 |
Fast Automatic Spike
Artifact Assessment in DTI Data for Monitoring Possible
Hardware Issues 
Daniel Güllmar1, Stefan Kämmer2,
and Jürgen R. Reichenbach1
1Medical Physics Group, Institute of
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology I, Jena
University Hospital - Friedrich Schiller University
Jena, Jena, Germany,2Faculty of Computer
Science and Automation, Technical University Ilmenau,
Ilmenau, Germany
A simple and fast algorithm for assessment of DTI spike
noise based on the background signal was implemented and
applied to more than 1500 data sets. The determined
quality measure was used as indicator for hardware
issues and correlated to recorded incidents in the past.
We found that all relevant hardware problems which
forward spike noise had have been detected using this
3206. |
83 |
in-vivo High
Resolution Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Human Heart at
3T: Fat Suppression in the Presence of B0 Field
Jack Harmer1, Christian T. Stoeck2,
Rachel W. Chan3, Nicolas Toussaint1,
Constantin Von Deuster2, David Atkinson3,
and Sebastian Kozerke1,2
1Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical
Engineering, Kings College London, London, United
Kingdom, 2Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland, 3Centre
for Medical Imaging, University College London, London,
United Kingdom
In recent work diffusion acquisition schemes that employ
stimulated echoes (STE) have been used to allow
diffusion tensor imaging of the beating heart. Higher
order localized image based shimming can partially
compensate for the increased field inhomogeneity at high
field strength but, at the same time, compromises the
effectiveness of fat saturation techniques such as SPIR
across the entire field-of-view. We present a dual
navigated STE sequence with Slice Selective Gradient
Reversal (SSGR) applied to the second and third RF
pulses in order to suppress the fat signal in in-vivo
data of the human heart at 3T.
3207. |
84 |
A Novel Method for
Determining the Reliability of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Karl G. Helmer1, Ming-Chung Chou2,
Ronny I. Preciado3, Allen Song4,
Jessica Turner5, Barjor Gimi6, and
Susumu Mori7,8
1Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Department
of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, Kaohsiung
Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 3Massachusetts
General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 4Radiology,
Duke University, Durham, NC, United States,5Translational
Neuroscience, The Mind Research Network, Albuquerque,
NM, United States, 6Radiology
and Medicine, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center,
Lebanon, NH, United States, 7Radiology,
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United
States, 8Kennedy
Kreiger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States
We report on a method using histogram-similarity
measures to establish normative data which can be used
in the “calibration” of diffusion-weighted imaging data
collected at a single or multiple sites. This method can
be used to quantitatively determine the quality of new
data acquired over time by comparing it to the normative
data. We have calculated histogram similarity using
different metric types, both within and between sites
and have shown that these metrics are sensitive measures
for both fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity
(MD). Statistical significance of the results was
determined using simulations of two different histogram
3208. |
85 |
Feasibility of Ultra-Short
EPI Navigator for DTI Motion Detection 
Hu Cheng1
1Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, United
Information of head rotation during DTI data acquisition
is critical for reliable fiber tracking. However, the
information can be erroneously extracted by decomposing
the affine matrix from image registration because of
image distortions induced by Eddy current. In this work,
we examined the feasibility of retrospective motion
correction by using an ultra-short EPI navigator via
GRAPPA operators. Based on the simulated data from real
EPI scans, it is possible to use only three K-space
lines to obtain accurate between-volume head motion. Our
results are encouraging for implementing this technique
in DTI pulse sequence.
3209. |
86 |
Relaxation Corrected
Diffusion Weighted Imaging 
Daniel Guo Quae Chong1
1Dept. of Diagnostic, Interventional and
Pediatric Radiology (DIPR), Inselspital, Bern, Bern,
DWI is inherently T2 weighted
and can caused problem such as T2 shine
through. Relax DWI is a novel sampling scheme that can
estimate T2 map
with only one additional b value measurement compare to
normal DWI. Relax DWI uses minimum TE for each b values.
Additional data point at low b value and long TE assist
in fit stability. T2 shine
through can be corrected by remove T2 component
from DWI at different b values. Examples like abdominal
organs and peritoneal metastasis are shown.
3210. |
87 |
Prospective Correction
Rigid-Body Motion-Induced Phase for Diffusion-Weighted SSFP
Rafael O'Halloran1, Anh Tu Van1,
Eric Aboussouan1, Murat Aksoy1,
and Roland Bammer1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States
Diffusion-weighted SSFP Imaging is an alternative to
single-shot spin echo EPI that can provide high
resolution (<1.5mm isotropic) DWI and DTI images.
Because Diffusion-weighted SSFP is a multi-shot
technique, motion-induced phase errors can cause
reconstruction issues and most critically, can cause
loss of steady-state phase coherence. Phase navigation
has been shown to help retrospectively to mitigate loss
of image magnitude but errors remain because phase
errors accrued during a particular TR propagate into all
coherence pathways derived from the transverse phase
states of that TR. This ultimately results in disruption
of the steady state. In this work phase navigation is
used to prospectively correct the rigid-body component
of motion-induced phase and is shown to improve signal
magnitude in a phantom-based feasibility study.
3211. |
88 |
Impact of Accuracy and
Reliability of Diffusivity in Assessing Acute Ischemic
-permission withheld
Venkata Veerendranadh Chebrolu1, Dattesh D.
Shanbhag1, Ek Tsoon Tan2, Patrice
Hervo3, Marc-Antoine Labeyrie4,
Catherine Oppenheim4,5, and Rakesh Mullick1
1Medical Image Analysis Lab, GE Global
Research, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 2GE
Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, India, 3GE
Healthcare, Buc, France,4Departments of
Radiology and Neurology, Centre Hospitalier,
Sainte-Anne, Paris, France, 5Université
Paris Descartes, Paris, France
The b-factor used for DWI imaging could vary due to
factors such as gradient non-linearity and concomitant
field effects. These system imperfections may differ
between different vendors and MRI systems. This
variation would impact multi-center studies evaluating
the efficacy of the PDM criteria for thrombolysis
treatment decision. In this work we demonstrate that in
presence of b-factor variability a joint DWI and ADC
based method may offer more robust perfusion-diffusion
mismatch assessment compared to ADC alone based DWI
lesion segmentation method.
3212. |
89 |
Combined Eddy-Current and
EPI-PSF-Based Distortion Corrections in Quantification of DW
Oleg Posnansky1, Myung-Ho In1, and
Oliver Speck1
1BMMR, IEP, Otto-von-Guericke University,
Magdeburg, SA, Germany
Single-shot spin-echo echo-planar imaging allows for
very fast signal acquisition and is frequently used in
diffusion-weighting (DW) MRI. However, it is prone to
severe distortions due to local variations in the static
magnetic field, eddy currents induced by the DW
gradients, susceptibility, and chemical shift,
especially at ultra-high magnetic field. Geometric
incongruence in DW images may impose significant errors
in calculations of diffusion tensors and their derived
metrics. We demonstrate that these imperfections can be
corrected effectively by a combination of eddy-current
correction and improved point-spread function mapping.
3213. |
90 |
Comparison of Image Quality
Control Tools for Diffusion Tensor Images 
Bilan Liu1, Tong Zhu2, and Jianhui
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, United States, 2Imaging
Sciences, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY, United
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is susceptible to
numerous artifacts. Therefore the Quality control (QC)
of the Diffusion tensor images is critical for image
interpretation and diagnostic accuracy. The goal of this
study is to develop an experimental protocol to help
choose between existing QC tools by analyzing the
precision and accuracy of fractional anisotropy (FA),
mean diffusivity (MD) calculated by those tools in the
presence of major DTI-specific artifacts. Both
simulation data obtained using Monte Carlo simulation
and human in vivo data were used to help assess the
effectiveness of those QC tools.
3214. |
91 |
Clinical Diffusion Imaging:
Can We Still Use Corrupted Images in Voxelwise Analysis? 
Ivan I. Maximov1, Farida Grinberg2,
Irene Neuner1,3, and Nadim Jon Shah1,4
1Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine 4,
Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH, Juelich, Germany, 2Institute
of Neuroscience and Medicine 4, Forschungszentrum
Juelich, Juelich, Germany, 3Department
of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, RWTH
Aachen University, Aachen, Germany,4Department
of Neurology, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Clinical diffusion imaging frequently suffers from
multiple artefacts. As a consequence, many corrupted
datasets cannot be used in further analysis and/or
medical treatments. We have developed a robust
post-processing framework that allows one to recover the
degraded datasets and to return them to use. In order to
demonstrate the advantages of the developed framework,
the results obtained by the robust approach with other
post-processing algorithms are compared. We show the
benefits of the robust post-processing framework using
voxelwise analysis by TBSS software from FSL package.
3215. |
92 |
Quantitative Analysis of
Directional Bias Imposed on Primary Eigenvector Estimations
in DTI When Gradient Table Correction Is Neglected 
Ali Ersoz1, Volkan Emre Arpinar2,
and L. Tugan Muftuler2,3
1Department of Biophysics, Medical College of
Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States, 2Department
of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, WI, United States, 3Center
for Imaging Research, Medical College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, WI, United States
We conducted a quantitative analysis of directional bias
imposed on primary eigenvector (PE) estimations in DTI
when gradient table is not reoriented after motion
correction. We compared this bias with the inherent
uncertainty in the estimation of orientation
distribution functions. We found that 90% percent of the
voxels in cingulum and CST tracts had substantially
smaller directional adjustments on the PE than the
uncertainty in their estimations. We also demonstrated
that this directional bias might accumulate along the
fiber tract and lead to inaccurate fiber tracking. The
findings were validated using simulations.
3216. |
93 |
Gradient Nonlinearity
Effects of Diffusion Weighted Imaging in a Dedicated
Head-Only MRI System 
Ek T. Tan1, Seung-Kyun Lee1,
Jean-Baptiste Mathieu1, Venkata Veerendranadh
Chebrolu2, Dattesh D. Shanbhag2,
Matthew A. Bernstein3, John Huston III3,
Luca Marinelli1, and John F. Schenck1
1Diagnostics and Biomedical Technologies, GE
Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States, 2Diagnostics
and Biomedical Technologies, GE Global Research,
Bangalore, India, 3Radiology,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
A head-only MRI system can have cost and performance
advantages, especially in diffusion imaging. However, a
dedicated head-only gradient coil tends to have a
greater gradient field nonlinearity (GN) compared to a
conventional whole-body gradient coil optimized for body
imaging. This nonlinearity results in a larger spatial
variation of the diffusion-encoding b-value. Diffusion
imaging using a dedicated, head-only gradient coil
without nonlinearity correction was found to produce
significant, spatially-varying b-values that would
result in highly inaccurate diffusion-weighted images,
ADC and FA. However, the inaccuracies were correctable
with GN correction employing 5th-order spherical
harmonics. These results will be of interest in
quantitative stroke and oncology imaging.
3217. |
94 |
Practical Aspects of
Correcting ADC Bias Due to Gradient Nonlinearity in Media of
Arbitrary Anisotropy 
Dariya I. Malyarenko1, Brian D. Ross1,
and Thomas L. Chenevert1
1Radiology - MRI, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, Michigan, United States
Relatively large ADC bias error, well exceeding
measurement noise, can be observed for anatomical
regions imaged distant from magnet isocenter. Gradient
nonlinearity is a main source of bias. Our
previously-described approach allowed substantial
reduction of spatial ADC bias for media of arbitrary
anisotropy using DWI encoding along any three orthogonal
directions. This work focuses on practical aspects of
ADC correction implementation via system nonlinearity
tensor for derivation of correctors applicable to DWI or
b-map generation. Correction performance was evaluated
for isotropic and anisotropic media.
3218. |
95 |
Effects of Noise Estimation
Error on the Accuracy and Precision of Maximum Likelihood
Estimation of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient 
Jing Yuan1, Qinwei Zhang1, David
Ka Wai Yeung1, Anil T. Ahuja1, and
Ann D. King1
1Department of Imaging and Interventional
Radiology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT,
Hong Kong
Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) is preferable as an
unbiased estimator compared to least-squares estimation
(LSE) due to the Rician noise distribution of magnitude
MR image. Accurate noise estimation is essential for MLE
that affects accuracy and precision of MLE, but is often
hampered by many factors in practice. We investigate the
effects of erroneous noise estimation on ADC estimation
by MLE through simulation and ADC mapping of clinical
DWI images. Results show that MLE accuracy and precision
are significantly reduced by noise estimation error at
low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), but exhibit fairly
good robustness to such errors at high SNRs>10.
3219. |
96 |
A Simple and Efficient
Method for Acceleration and Denoising of Multi-Contrast
Diffusion Data: Application to Q-Space and HARDI 
Ana-Maria Oros-Peusquens1 and
Nadim Jon Shah1,2
1INM-4, Research Centre Jülich, Jülich,
Germany, 2Faculty
of Medicine, JARA, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen,
We present a method combining acceleration of
multi-contrast diffusion data using UNFOLD with
denoising based on singular value decomposition (SVD).
UNFOLD is ideally suited for acceleration of q-space
acquisition because q-space information is extracted
from the Fourier transform of the q-dependent diffusion
signal. The information is largely contained in the
q-space centre, a region unaffected by aliasing at
moderate UNFOLD acceleration (2-4). Multi-direction
HARDI signal also has Fourier components in a restricted
interval and is thus very well suited for UNFOLD
acceleration. SVD denoising works extremely well for
q-space data and also, but less spectacularly, for
quantitative information obtained with HARDI. In
conclusion, acceleration and denoising of q-space and
HARDI data is demonstrated, using simple methods with
numerically undemanding reconstruction. The same method
should work well for combinations of q-space and HARDI,
such as diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI).