14:15 |
0091. |
MRI-US Fused Targeted
Prostate Biopsy Detects Clinically Significant Cancer in
Active Surveillance Patients Better Than 12 Core Random
Biopsy with Less Than 4 Cores 
Michael Da Rosa1,2, Laurent Milot1,3,
Linda Sugar3,4, Danny Vesprini3,5,
Hans Chung3,5, Andrew Loblaw3,5,
Laurence Klotz3,6, and Masoom A. Haider1,3
1Department of Medical Imaging, University of
Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Institute
of Medical Science, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON,
Canada,3Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre,
Toronto, ON, Canada, 4Laboratory
Medicine and Pathobiology, University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON, Canada, 5Radiation
Oncology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 6Division
of Urology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
The purpose of this prospective study was to determine
the ability of an MRI-US fusion biopsy system to detect
clinically significant (CS) disease in active
surveillance (AS) patients compared to random
transrectal ultrasound (R-TRUS) guided biopsy (bx).
Multiparametric MRI prospectively identified up to 4
suspicious targets in each patient. Biopsy was performed
using an MRI-ultrasound navigation system (UroNav,
Philips Healthcare). MRI-US fusion biopsy detected more
CS cancers with fewer biopsy cores than random biopsy in
AS patients. In addition, MRI in AS patients has a high
negative predictive value for the presence of CS disease
on subsequent biopsy.
14:27 |
0092. |
Validation Study of ESUR
Prostate MR Guidelines 2012: The Significance of Different
Sequences of Multi-Parameter MRI in Detection of Prostate
Cancer in 106 Consecutive Patients 
Juan Hu1, He Wang1, Xuedong Yang1,
Chengyan Wang2, Rui Wang1, Ge Gao1,
Hui Zhang2, Wenchao Cai1, Wei Wang1,
Jue Zhang2,3, and Xiaoying Wang1,2
1Radiology Department, Peking University
First Hospital, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Academy
for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Peking
University, Beijing, Beijing, China, 3College
of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, Beijing,
Multi-parameter MRI (Mp-MRI) plays an increasingly
important role in the detection, localization and
staging of prostate cancer (PCa). To solve the absence
of unified criterion of technique and the interpretation
of images of Mp-MRI in PCa detection. A recent consensus
meeting of PCa experts from ESUR recommended PI-RADS
scoring system. True evidence-based guidelines could not
be formulated. Our retrospective study proved that PI-RADS
scoring was an operable and useful scoring system for
interpretation of Mp-MRI used in PCa detection. The
diagnostic status of each MR sequence was not at the
same level. Only appropriate combined mode was used, the
excellent diagnostic efficacy of Mp-MRI can be obtained.
14:39 |
Derivation and Comparison
of Site Specific Peripheral and Transition Zone Quantitative
DCE MRI Logistic Regression Models for Prostate Cancer
Detection: Does Cancer Location Matter? 
Nikolaos Dikaios1, Mohamed Abd Alazeez2,
Mark Emberton2, Taiki Fujiwara3,
David Atkinson1, and Shonit Punwani1
1Centre for Medical Imaging, University
College London, London, Greater London, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Urology, University College London Hospital, London,
Greater London, United Kingdom, 3Department
of Radiology, University College London Hospital,
London, Greater London, United Kingdom
Dynamic contrast enhancement (DCE) MRI has been
advocated for detection of prostate cancer, but studies
predominantly concentrate on peripheral zone tumours.
Biological differences are known to exist between
tumours within transition and peripheral zones due to
their different microenvironment. This study aims to
compare and contrast quantitative DCE MRI parameters of
prostate PZ and TZ cancer and non-cancer regions; to
identify those best able to classify cancer tissue at
each site and thereby improve DCE MRI based diagnostic
models used within computer aided detection software.
14:51 |
0094. |
Computed Diffusion-Weighted
Imaging of the Prostate at 3T: Impact on Image Quality and
Tumor Detection 
Andrew B. Rosenkrantz1, Nicole Hindman1,
Hersh Chandarana1, Fang-ming Deng2,
James S. Babb1, Samir S. Taneja3,
and Christian Geppert4
1Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New
York, New York, United States, 2Pathology,
NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, New York, United
States,3Urologic Oncology, NYU Langone
Medical Center, New York, New York, United States, 4Siemens
Medical Systems, New York, New York, United States
49 prostate cancer patients underwent 3T MRI including
DWI with b-values 50 and 1000 mm2/sec. Computed DW-images
with b-value 1500 were generated from the lower b-value
images without additional scan time. Directly acquired
b1500 images were also obtained in 39 patients. For two
independent readers, using prostatectomy as reference,
computed b-1,500 images had higher sensitivity and PPV
for tumor than direct b-1,000 images and no significant
difference than direct b-1,500 images. Scores for
diagnostic confidence, tumor conspicuity, distortion,
and benign prostate tissue suppression, were also
significantly better for computed b-1,500 images than
for direct b-1,000 images for both readers.
15:03 |
0095. |
Contrast Dispersion Mapping
in DCE MRI: A New Option for Prostate Cancer Detection 
Massimo Mischi1, Kyveli Kompatsiari1,
Tamerlan Saidov1, Marc Engelbrecht2,
Hessel Wijkstra1,2, and Marcel Breeuwer1,3
1Eindhoven University of Technology,
Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2Academic
Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3Philips
Healthcare, Best, Netherlands
A new method is proposed for characterization of the
microvascular architecture by assessment of contrast
intravascular dispersion in dynamic contrast enhanced
MRI. Dispersion is estimated by fitting a new model that
integrates the Tofts model for permeability estimation
together with a solution of the convective dispersion
equation. Based on the link between angiogenesis and
cancer growth, this method is evaluated for localization
of prostate cancer by comparison with histology results
following radical prostatectomy. Without need for an
arterial input function, MR dispersion imaging enables
the simultaneous generation of dispersion and
permeability maps. Promising preliminary results in 7
patients are reported.
15:15 |
Hybrid T2 and Diffusion
Weighted MRI for Prostate Cancer Detection 
Shiyang Wang1, Yahui Peng1, Milica
Medved1, Ambereen Yousuf1, Marko
Ivancevic2, Ibrahim Karademir1,
Yulei Jiang1, Tatjana Antic3,
Steffen Sammet1, Aytek Oto1, and
Gregory S. Karczmar1
1Radiology, University of Chicago, Chicago,
IL, United States, 2MR
clinical science, Philips Healthcare, Cleveland, OH,
United States, 3Pathology,
University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States
A novel, hybrid MR imaging method was implemented for
prostate cancer detection. The proposed hybrid imaging
acquires diffusion weighted MRI (DWI) data at three echo
times (TE’s), and allows calculation of ADC and T2 as
functions of TE and diffusion weighting factor
(b-value), respectively. Preliminary results showed that
both ADC and T2 calculated from the hybrid imaging data
can help differentiate normal tissue regions and cancer
foci. ADC at higher TE showed better differentiation
than ADC at lower TE. The two dimensional 1/T2 map
improved separation of cancer and normal voxels relative
to a 1D comparison.
15:27 |
0097. |
1 H
MRSI of Prostate Cancer Incorporating Spermine in the
Quantification, a 7 Tesla Patient Study 
Mariska P. Luttje1, Robin A. de Graaf2,
Catalina S. Arteaga de Castro1, Peter R.
Luijten1, Marco van Vulpen1, Uulke
A. van der Heide3, and Dennis W.J. Klomp1
1Imaging Division, Univerity Medical Center,
Utrecht, Netherlands, 2MRRC,
Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States, 3Department
of Radiotherapy, The Netherlands Cancer Institute -
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, Netherlands
In this study at 7T, we show the influence of polyamines
in the variability of the cho+pa+cr/cit vs cho+cr/cit
ratio by using spectral fitting with simulated basissets
at 7T instead of the commonly used signal integration
when including more than 200 MR spectra obtained from
six patients diagnosed with prostate cancer. Ratios
excluding the fitted polyamines resonances show a clear
trend towards less spread over the voxels (tumor as well
as healthy).
15:39 |
Stratification of Disease
Aggressiveness of Prostate Cancer Using MRSI and DWI 
Durgesh Kumar Dwivedi1, Girdhar Bora2,
Rajeev Kumar2, Sanjay Thulkar3,
Sanjay Sharma3, Siddhartha D. Gupta4,
and Naranamangalam R. Jagannathan1
1Department of NMR & MRI Facility, All India
Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 2Department
of Urology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New
Delhi, Delhi, India, 3Department
of Radio-diagnosis, All India Institute of Medical
Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 4Department
of Pathology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
New Delhi, Delhi, India
The challenge to clinicians in the management of
prostate cancer (PCa) patients is the in vivo assessment
of disease aggressiveness. TRUS biopsy detects the PCa
and determines the Gleason score. Identification of
patients with more-aggressive disease would help to
prevent overtreatment of those with low-risk tumors. Our
results showed the reduction of metabolite ratios [Cit/(Cho+Cr)]
and ADC values with the increase of Gleason score. The
present study indicates that MRSI and DWI could stratify
the PCa disease aggressiveness non-invasively.
15:51 |
MR Spectroscopic Imaging of
Prostate Cancer: Metabolism or Morphology? 
Thiele Kobus1, Jeroen Van der Laak2,
Caroline Bruggink1, Christina Hulsbergen-Van
de Kaa2, Tom W.J. Scheenen1, and
Arend Heerschap1
1Radiology, Radboud University Nijmegen
Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands, 2Pathology,
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen,
Gelderland, Netherlands
Variations in the signal intensity of citrate and other
metabolites in 1H
MRSI of the prostate may be caused by changes in luminal
volume. This was investigated for cancer containing
prostates by correlating signal intensities with
morphological features of digitally segmented
histopathological slices. A significant relation was
found between the Cho+Spm+Cr/Cit ratio and the
%area-of-nuclei / %-area-of-lumen, obtained from HE
stained slices of prostatectomy samples. This study
indicates that changes in the signal of Cit (and
possibly of other metabolites) in PCa result from
morphological alterations, rather than changes in
16:03 |
0100. |
Planning a Boosted
Radiotherapy Dose to the Dominant Intraprostatic Tumour
Lesion Within the Prostate as Defined by Multifunctional MR
Sophie F. Riches1, Geoffrey S. Payne1,
Nandita M. deSouza1, Scott Morgan2,
David Dearnaley3, Veronica A. Morgan1,
Sharon L. Giles1, and Mike Partridge4
1CR-UK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre,
Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden NHS
Foundation Trust, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom, 2Division
of Radiation Oncology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada, 3Division
of Radiotherapy & Imaging, Institute of Cancer Research
and Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Sutton, Surrey,
United Kingdom, 4Gray
Institute for Radiation Oncology and Biology,Department
of Oncology, University of Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire,
United Kingdom
The use of a boosted radiation dose to a tumour nodule
within the prostate is limited by poor accuracy for
tumour localisation on morphological imaging; functional
imaging offers more accurate delineation of the dominant
intraprostatic lesion. This study uses a model that
combines multifunctional MR parameters to define an
intraprostatic lesion and plans an 84 Gy radiation boost
to functional imaging-defined tumour with IMRT. Compared
to a standard clinical treatment of 72 Gy applied
uniformly across the prostate, a focal boost resulted in
a greater therapeutic ratio, with potentially greater
tumour control and fewer side-effects from the