14:15 |
Fast Cerebral Flow
Territory Mapping Using Vessel Selective Dynamic Arterial
Spin Labeling 
Xingxing Zhang1, Eidrees Ghariq1,
Sophie Schmid1, Wouter M. Teeuwisse1,
Andrew G. Webb1, and Matthias J.P. van Osch1
1C.J.Gorter center for high field MRI,
Radiology, Leiden university medical center, Leiden,
Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Vessel selective dynamic ASL (VS-DASL) was proposed to
do a fast cerebral flow territory mapping. The results
were in good agreement with traditional vessel selective
ASL. The percentage of correctly classified voxels in
the flow territory map proved that VS-DASL has potential
to map the flow territories in a short scan time
(~30-60s), enabling the use in patients with acute
14:27 |
The Use of k-Means
Clustering and Bayesian Inference Framework for the
Processing of Vessel-Encoded P-CASL Images as Compared with
Super-Selective P-CASL MRI 
Nolan S. Hartkamp1, Michael Helle2,
Michael A. Chappell3,4, Thomas W. Okell4,
Reinoud P H Bokkers1, Jeroen Hendrikse1,
and Matthias J.P. van Osch5
1Department of Radiology, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Philips
Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany, 3Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Engineering
Science, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 4FMRIB
Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 5C.J.
Gorter Center, Department of Radiology, Leiden
University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands
We show that the territorial perfusion maps produced by
VE p-CASL agree reasonably well with the perfusion maps
acquired with super-selective p-CASL. Special
consideration should be taken when using k-means
clustering since it tends to fail in regions with high
mixed perfusion, such as the deep gray matter. VE p-CASL
with k-means
clustering appears suitable as a general purpose T-ASL
strategy, but the Bayesian framework is preferable since
it can determine mixed perfusion. This is however only
reliable where the VE p-CASL images contain sufficient
vessel selectivity. To accurately determine the
perfusion territories of a vessel, super-selective p-CASL
is still recommended.
14:39 |
0103. |
VENTI: Venous Territory
Imaging Using Remote Sensing 
Eric Wong1 and
Jia Guo2
1Radiology/Psychiatry, UC San Diego, La
Jolla, CA, United States, 2Bioengineering,
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United
In recent years, several methods have been introduced
for mapping of arterial perfusion territories using
arterial spin labeling. In this work, we adapt these
remote sensing principles for mapping of vascular
territories on the venous side, using spatial encoding
of tissue water, and phase contrast based acquisition of
signal from draining veins. Possible applications
include venous thrombosis, multiple sclerosis, and
mapping of oxygenation extraction.
14:51 |
High Temporal Resolution
Sampling of Tracer Kinetic Curves Using Time Encoded PCASL
with Look-Locker Readout. 
Wouter M. Teeuwisse1, Sophie Schmid1,
Andrew G. Webb1, and Matthias J.P. van Osch1
1Radiology, C.J.Gorter Center for High Field
MRI, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, ZH,
Time encoded pseudo continuous arterial spin labeling (te-pCASL,
a.k.a. Hadamard encoded pCASL) combined with a
Look-Locker (LL) read out was applied to sample the
tracer kinetics curve with high temporal resolution (50
ms). To improve LL performance a flip angle sweep and a
temporal shift of LL images in subsequent acquisitions
were implemented. Perfusion signal curves in arteries
and tissue were fitted and variants of perfusion
modeling were evaluated. Measurement of tissue perfusion
in the visual cortex demonstrated decreased arterial
cerebral blood volume (aCBV) and arterial transit time
(ATT) upon visual stimulation while cerebral blood flow
(CBF) increased.
15:03 |
Time Efficient
Determination of Spin Compartments by Time Encoded Arterial
Spin Labeling 
Sophie Schmid1, Wouter M. Teeuwisse1,
Eidrees Ghariq1, Andrew Webb1,
Hanzhang Lu2, and Matthias J.P. van Osch1
1C.J.Gorter Center for High Field Magnetic
Resonance, Radiology, Leiden University Medical Center,
Leiden, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands, 2UT
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, United
The aim of this study is to employ a method to measure
the transverse relaxation time as a function of the
inflow time and to distinguish spin compartments based
on their T2 in a highly time-efficient and voxelwise
manner. By the use of Time encoded (also known as
Hadamar encoded) pseudo Continuous Arterial Spin
Labeling (te-pCASL) in combination with
T2-Relaxation-Under-Spin-Tagging (TRUST) it is feasible
to be more specific due to the short bolus duration and
reduce the measurement time, while still keeping an
equal SNR compared to separate multi-timepoint pCASL
15:15 |
Assessing Intracranial
Vascular Compliance Using Dynamic Arterial Spin Labeling 
Lirong Yan1, Robert Smith1, Collin
Liu2, Emily Kilroy1, Yufen Chen3,
and Danny J.J. Wang1
1Neurology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United
States, 2Neurology,
USC, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Radiology,
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States
Vascular compliance (VC) is an important risk factor for
cardiovascular disorders and stroke. In this study, we
propose a novel MRI technique for assessing intracranial
VC by synchronizing dynamic arterial spin labeling (ASL)
scans with systolic and diastolic cardiac phases
respectively. VC is estimated as the ratio between
changes in arterial blood volume (BV) and changes in
blood pressure (BP) between systolic and diastolic
phases (i.e., VC=¦¤BV/¦¤BP). Our results showed that
intracranial VC mainly occurs in big arteries, gradually
decreases in small arteries and arterioles, and finally
disappears in capillaries and tissue. Initial data also
showeda decreased VC with aging.
15:27 |
Simultaneous Acquisition of
Cerebral Blood Volume, Blood Flow and Blood Oxygenation
Weighted MRI Signals at 7T 
Steffen N. Krieger1,2, Laurentius Huber1,
Gary F. Egan2, and Robert Turner1
1Neurophysics, Max-Plank Institute for Human
Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Saxonia, Germany, 2Monash
Biomedical Imaging, Monash University, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia
Beside the classical blood oxygenation level dependent
(BOLD) contrast methods, cerebral blood volume (CBV) and
cerebral blood flow (CBF) based functional MRI (fMRI)
measurements have recently become frequently used tools
in neuroscience. However, the quantitative relationships
between each of these parameters is not yet fully
understood. We present an fMRI technique that
simultaneously measures CBV, CBF and BOLD signals. This
method benefits from the high static magnetic field
strength of 7T as well as the implementation of
slab-selective VASO and a multiple EPI-readout in order
to correct for BOLD contamination effects in the CBV-
and CBF weighted MRI signals.
15:39 |
0108. |
Multi-Bolus Pulsed ASL for
Improved Renal Perfusion Quantification 
Xiang He1, Serter Gumus1, Ayaz
Aghayev1, and Kyongtae Ty Bae1
1Department of Radiology, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
High pulsatile blood flow/velocity in the descending
aorta renders the labeling bolus of a standard pulse ASL
(PASL) experiment to be limited within a single cardiac
RR interval. In this study, we took advantage of such
temporally uneven blood flow to generate multiple
labeling boluses across consecutive RR intervals. We
demonstrated that the proposed multi-bolus PASL scheme
improved the sensitivity of renal PASL perfusion signal
by ~30 to 50%.
15:51 |
0109. |
Simultaneous Arterial Spin
Labelling MRI and H2O15 Position
Emission Tomography 
Ke Zhang1, Hans Herzog1, Christian
Filss1, Thomas Fischer2, Walter
Sturm3, Burkhard Brocke2, and
Nadim Jon Shah1,4
1Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine 4,
Medical Imaging Physics, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH,
Jülich, Germany, 2Neurobiology
of Personality and Neurogenetics, Department of
Psychology, Dresden Universi Laboratory, Dresden,
Germany, 3Clinical
Neurology, University Hospital Aachen, Aachen, Germany,4Department
of Neurology, JARA, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen,
A number of studies have compared ASL-MRI and 15O-water
PET for the evaluation of ASL reliability and
reproducibility. But none of these studies had the
possibility to perform both techniques simultaneously to
minimize the physiological variations. In this work, a
simultaneous ASL-MRI and 15O-water
PET approach has been implemented on a hybrid MR-PET for
a truly quantitative comparison between the two methods
in absolutely the same physiological and functional
16:03 |
0110. |
Investigating White Matter
Perfusion Using Optimal Sampling Strategy Arterial Spin
Labeling (OSS-ASL) at 7T 
Alexander Graeme Gardener1 and
Peter Jezzard1
1FMRIB Centre, Nuffield Department of
Clinical Neurosciences, Oxford, United Kingdom
The measurement of White Matter perfusion (WM-CBF) using
Arterial Spin Labeling techniques has proven difficult
due to the low Contrast-to-Noise ratio and long labeled
blood transit times found in this tissue. An Optimal
Sampling Strategy approach was used to weight TI
acquisition times to later blood arrival. This was
combined with an ultra-high field 7T scanner to improve
CNR and benefit from longer T1 relaxation time in
labeled blood. It is shown that reasonable WM-CBF
quantification can be achieved consistently in healthy
human subjects. Fitted CBF and bolus arrival times were
comparable to literature values.