16:30 |
0131. |
A Separated Transmit-Only,
Receive-Only Array for Body Imaging at 7T with Automated
Tuning and Matching Capabilities 
Carl Snyder1, Lance DelaBarre1,
Aaron T. Hess2, Chris Rodgers2,
Mattew Robson2, and University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota Vaughan1
1University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN,
United States, 2University
of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
Describe below is a novel 16-channel TEM transmit-Only
array used with a 32-channel receive-only loop array for
body imaging at 7T. Additionally, and more importantly,
we describe an electromechanical method for automating
the tuning and matching process for the 16 transmit
elements using piezoelectric actuators. Automation of
the tuning and matching procedure took, on average 50s
and with an average S11 greater than 20dB. Following
tuning and matching the array successfully imaged the
human torso.
16:42 |
0132. |
A Novel Flexible Flex Cable
Antenna (FFCA) for Foot MR Imaging 
Hongyang Yuan1, Qunzhi Chen2, Yu
Wang2, Wenchao Cai3, Xiaoying Wang2,3,
Jue Zhang1,2, and Jing Fang1,2
1College of Engineering, Peking University,
Beijing, China, 2Academy
for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, Peking
University, Beijing, China, 3Department
of Radiology, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing,
In this study, a novel flexible antenna, which is
consisted of a flex cable and tuning/matching box, was
developed for human foot MR imaging. Experimental
results show that compared to conventional phase array
coils, the FFCA have a higher SNR and better magnetic
field homogeneity, and it can be easily designed for
individual foot shape with higher fill factor.
Meanwhile, the feasibility of FFCA has been validated by
phantom and healthy human foot experiments. In the near
future, it is believed that as a flexible antenna, the
FFCA can be applied for hand or other unusual shape of
human body.
16:54 |
Screen Printed Flexible
2-Channel Receive Coil Array 
Joseph R. Corea1, Ana Claudia Arias1,
Anita Flynn1, Greig C. Scott2,
Peter Shin3, and Michael Lustig1
1EECS, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, California,
United States, 2EE,
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United
States, 3EE,
UC San Francisco, San Fransisco, California, United
Taking advantage of recent advances in printed
electronics, we have created a flexible 2-channel
receive coil array. This array was fabricated from
solution using screen-printing, a high volume
manufacturing technique. The entire array is highly
flexible and allows for a new level of conformity to the
patient. We discuss the performance of the array and
compare the printed components to traditional ceramic
components under various bending conditions. We also
demonstrate major steps toward clinical usability with
the first phantom and in-vivo imaging results.
17:06 |
Development of a
Catheter-Mounted Cardiac RF Coil for Temperature Imaging in
Atrial Fibrillation Treatment 
Nelly A. Volland1,2, Robb Merrill1,
J. Rock Hadley1,2, and Dennis L. Parker1,2
1Ucair/ Radiology, University of Utah, Salt
Lake City, UT, United States, 2CARMA,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States
Purpose: An expandable catheter-mounted local RF cardiac
coil was developed and evaluated. Methods: Elastic
fiberglass filaments with predetermined curvature
allowed the flexible inductive coil loop to fold and
unfold in and out of a sheath. A microcoaxial cable
electrically connected the inductive loop to the
receiver circuit board through the sheath. For
expansion, the support arms were pushed out of the 11 Fr
catheter sheath until the loop was fully extended.
Results and conclusion: The prototype of an expandable
catheter-mounted local cardiac coil was successfully
constructed and used to acquire MR images at 3T in a
saline phantom.
17:18 |
0135. |
Superconducting Radiofrequency Probe for MRI Applications
Operated Below Ambient Pressure in a Simple Liquid-Nitrogen
Simon Auguste Lambert1, Marie Poirier-Quinot1,
Jean-christophe Ginefri2, and Luc Darrasse1
1CRB3- INSERM U773, Univ Paris Diderot,
Sorbonne Paris Cité, Clichy, France, 2CRB3-
INSERM U773, Univ Paris-Sud, Clichy, France
Small high-temperature superconducting coils improve the
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) but their use is limited by
the large degradation of their electrical properties due
to the static magnetic field, depending both on the coil
orientation relative to B0 and on the cooling
temperature (THTS). In this work, by decreasing THTS
from 83K to 69K, SNR improvement has been demonstrated,
degree of freedom in the coil orientation has been
added. Moreover THTS control has appeared to be an easy
way to retune the HTS coil to the NMR frequency.
Additional THTS decrease would be beneficial for imaging
small animals at higher fields.
17:30 |
MR Microimaging Using a
High Tc Superconducting
Bulk Magnet with Compressed Sensing 
Daiki Tamada1,2, Takashi Nakamura1,2,
and Katsumi Kose1,2
1Institute of Applied Physics, University of
Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 2RIKEN,
Wako, Saitama, Japan
A high critical temperature (Tc) superconducting bulk
magnet is a promising magnet for magnetic resonance (MR)
microimaging since it produces a strong (up to 17 T) and
very stable (0.018 ƒÊT/hour) magnetic field with a small
installation space. However, the major application for
the bulk magnet is now limited to MR microimaging of
small objects because the room temperature bore diameter
is limited. In such case, a long signal averaging time
is required to achieve sufficient signal-to-noise ratio
due to the small voxel volume.In this study, we
demonstrated usefulness of compressed sensing in MR
microimaging using the high Tc bulk magnet.
17:42 |
0137. |
A Lightweight, Portable MRI
Brain Scanner Based on a Rotating Halbach Magnet 
Clarissa Zimmerman Cooley1,2, Jason P.
Stockmann2,3, Brandon Dean Armstrong2,3,
Matthew S. Rosen2,3, and Lawrence L. Wald2
1Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States, 2Athinoula
A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of
Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown,
MA, United States, 3Department
of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United
A lightweight brain scanner based on a rotating
permanent-magnet Halbach array is constructed and tested
in phantom imaging. As the magnet is rotated around the
object, the multipolar static field inhomogeneity
creates generalized projections. The image is
reconstructed using an iterative algebraic
reconstruction technique based on knowledge of the field
map. We show 2D phantom images containing aliasing
artifacts similar to radial PatLoc images, which share
the multipolar encoding field. These artifacts are
greatly reduced through parallel imaging methods, which
further reduce streaking and other residual artifacts
while improving resolution.
17:54 |
Target Field Based RF Phase
Gradient Transmit Array for 3D TRASE MRI 
Jesse Bellec1, Scott B. King1,2,
Chen-Yi Liu1, and Christopher P. Bidinosti3
1Physics and Astronomy, University of
Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2National
Research Council of Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 3Physics,
University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Transmit array spatial encoding (TRASE) is novel
gradient-free imaging technique relying on Tx RF phase
gradients to spatially encode the transverse
magnetization. Ideal phase gradients have uniform
magnitudes and linear phase gradients. To perform a 3D
TRASE MRI experiment, 2 distinct phase gradients are
required for each dimension. A target field approach was
used to design a five coil Tx array that can be driven
to produce a set six RF phase gradients necessary for 3D
18:06 |
An Open Source Mobile NMR
Relaxometry Platform 
Michael Twieg1, Matthew J. Riffe2,
Natalia Gudino2, and Mark A. Griswold1,3
1Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH,
United States, 2Dept.
of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 3Dept.
of Radiology, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH, United States
We present an improved mobile and low-cost NMR hardware
platform aimed for use in simple NMR relaxometry
experiments. The platform includes all necessary
hardware, with the exception of the NMR probe itself, in
a single enclosure. The platform is versatile, allowing
for operation across a wide frequency range and with
various NMR probes. The flexible system firmware allows
for many relaxometry experiments, including measurement
of T1, T2, ρ0, and self
diffusion coefficient (D). The total cost of the system,
neglecting the host computer, is less than $750.
Documentation on the platform is open source and
available online.
18:18 |
0140. |
Magnetic Particle Imaging
for Safe Angiography and Stem Cell Tracking 
Emine U. Saritas1, Patrick W. Goodwill1,
Justin J. Konkle1, Laura R. Croft1,
Kuan Lu1, Bo Zheng1, and Steven M.
1Department of Bioengineering, University of
California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences,
University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United
Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) is a new imaging
modality that re-uses FDA-approved superparamagnetic
iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticle contrast agents in a new
imaging scanner (i.e., not an MRI scanner) [1-3]. The
MPI method has ideal SNR, penetration, linearity and
contrast, and is completely non-invasive. Moreover,
compared to iodine and gadolinium, the SPIO contrast
agents are much safer for patients with Chronic Kidney
Disease (CKD). This work describes our state-of-the-art
MPI scanners and MPI’s potential for applications such
as angiography and quantitative cell tracking.