16:30 |
0141. |
Aging Augments the
Suppression Ratio, a MRI Biomarker of Cortical Bone Porosity 
Yusuf A. Bhagat1, Cheng Li1, Shing
Chun Benny Lam1, Alan C. Seifert1,
Mahdieh Bashoor Zadeh1, and Felix W. Wehrli1
1Laboratory for Structural NMR Imaging,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United
The pore water fraction of cortical bone water is known
to increase with age. Here, 3T-based ultra-short
echo-time (UTE) MRI of the mid-diaphyseal tibia was used
to evaluate the potential of the suppression ratio (SR,
unsuppressed to soft-tissue suppressed UTE signal) as a
surrogate parameter for porosity in 39 healthy women
(24-81 years) and in 13 cortical bone specimens from
human donors (27-97 years). SR was strongly associated
with age and correlated with micro-CT-derived porosity.
SR may serve as an in vivo biomarker of porosity in lieu
of more involved methods such as bi-component T2*
16:42 |
0142. |
Can We Assess Cortical Bone
Microstructure with Magnetic Resonance Imaging? 
Won C. Bae1, Reni Biswas1,
Shantanu Patil2, Christine Chung1,
Darryl D. D'Lima2, Graeme M. Bydder3,
and Jiang Du1
1Radiology, University of California, San
Diego, San Diego, CA, United States, 2Molecular
and Experimental Medicine, Scripps Translational Science
Institute, La Jolla, CA, United States, 3Radiology,
University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA,
United States
Bone water occurs at various locations and in different
binding states, including water bound to organic matrix
and free water residing in the microscopic pores of
cortical bone. Cortical bone is typically regarded as
“MR invisible” with conventional clinical MR sequences.
In this study, we aimed to investigate bone water
imaging with UTE and clinical FSE sequences, and to
correlate the structure seen with FSE imaging with that
seen with uCT imaging.
16:54 |
0143. |
The Porous System Model
Suitable to Investigate the Structural Properties of the
Cancellous Bone by Using Diffusion Techniques: Validation in
Calcaneus and Femoral Neck 
Silvia Capuani1
1Physics Department, Sapienza University,
Rome, Italy, Italy
A porous system model suitable to investigate the
structural properties of the cancellous bone by using
diffusion techniques is shown. To validate the model,
the calcaneus and the femoral neck of healthy,
osteopenic and osteoporotic subjects, as classified by
the bone mineral density (BMD) were investigated by
measuring the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC),
together with the marrow fat content (Mfc) and assessing
associations between BMD, Mfc and ADC. In calcaneus
cancellous bone, a microstructure deterioration with a
pore enlargement due to osteoporosis, increases ADC.
Diffusion assessment obtained in large populations,
might increase our pathophysiological understanding of
17:06 |
0144. |
Assessment of Bone Marrow
Fat Fraction in the Presence of Trabecular Bone: Initial
Comparison of Water-Fat Imaging with Single-Voxel MRS 
Dimitrios C. Karampinos1,2, Gerd Melkus1,
Thomas Baum2, Jan S. Bauer2, Ernst
J. Rummeny2, and Roland Krug1
1Department of Radiology and Biomedical
Imaging, University of California, San Francisco, San
Francisco, California, United States, 2Department
of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Technical
University of Munich, Munich, Germany
Single-voxel MR spectroscopy has been the technique of
choice for measuring fat content in localized bone
marrow regions. However, there is a growing interest on
applying quantitative water-fat imaging techniques to
measure bone marrow fat content with high spatial
resolution. Bone marrow fat content measurements in the
presence of trabecular bone are hindered by strong
susceptibility effects and short T2*. The
present study describes our preliminary findings in
comparing bone marrow fat fraction measurements in the
presence of trabecular bone using water-fat imaging and
single-voxel MRS. A good agreement was found between the
two techniques after accounting for the effect of short
T2* species.
17:18 |
0145. |
Variation of Lamellar Layer
Thickness in Human Menisci on Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE)
Imaging: Correlation with Indentation Stiffness 
Ja-Young Choi1, Reni Biswas2, Mike
Im1, Won C. Bae1, Sheronda Statum1,
Eric Chang2, Jiang Du2, Graeme M.
Bydder3, Darryl D. D'Lima4, and
Christine Chung2
1Radiology, UC San Diego Medical Center, San
Diego, California, United States, 2Radiology,
University of California, San Diego, San Diego,
California, United States,3Radiology,
University of California San Diego, San Diego,
California, United States, 4Molecular
and Experimental Medicine, Scripps Translational Science
Institute, La Jolla, California, United States
In this study, variation of lamellar layer thickness in
normal human menisci was evident on 2D UTE images, and
femoral lamellar layers were found to be significantly
thicker than tibial ones. Moreover, the thickness
significantly correlated with surface indentation
17:30 |
0146. |
Correlation Between
Quantitative Delayed Contrast-Enhancement in Meniscus and
Cartilage in Knee Osteoarthritis 
Jasper van Tiel1,2, Esther Bron1,3,
Koen Bos2, Stefan Klein1,3, Max
Reijman2, Jan Verhaar2, Gabriel
Krestin1, Harrie Weinans2,4, Gyula
Kotek1, and Edwin Oei1
1Radiology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland,
Netherlands, 2Orthopedic
Surgery, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland,
Netherlands, 3Medical
Informatics, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Zuid-Holland,
Netherlands, 4Biomechanical
Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, Zuid-Holland,
We investigated the relation between delayed
contrast-enhancement of an ionic contrast agent in the
meniscus and adjacent cartilage in early stage knee
osteoarthritis patients. We observed a moderate to
strong relation between contrast uptake into both
structures after a 1.5 hour delay. This finding is in
agreement with the outcomes of previous research in
which semi-quantitative whole joint assessment on MR
images showed a relation between meniscal damage and
cartilage loss. However, our results also raise a
question about the specificity of delayed
gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage for sGAG content in
(osteoarthritic) cartilage.
17:42 |
0147. |
Experimental Influences on
the Anisotropies of Multi-Component T2 and T1? in Tendon
-permission withheld
Yang Xia1,2 and
Nian Wang1
1Physics, Oakland University, Rochester,
Michigan, United States, 2Center
for Biomedical Research, Oakland University, Rochester,
Michigan, United States
To study the anisotropic characteristics of
multi-component T1ρ and T2 relaxation times in tendon,
T2 and T1ρ were measured by NMR spectroscopy at
different orientations and by microscopic MRI at the
magic angle. Up to three T2 and T1ρ components were
resolved in tendon. Both the values and the fractions of
T2 in tendon showed significant orientational
dependence. T1ρ strongly depended on both the specimen
orientation and the spin-lock strength. The imaging
resolution (35 – 280 µm) had little influence in the T2
experiments. The transitions between mono- and
multi-component result call for the caution in
interpreting the relaxation results.
17:54 |
0148. |
The Shear Modulus of the
Nucleus Pulposus Measured Using MR Elastography: A Potential
Biomarker for Intervertebral Disc Degeneration 
Daniel H. Cortes1, Jeremy F. Magland2,
Alexander C. Wright2, and Dawn M. Elliott1
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Delaware, Newark, DE, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United
Intervertebral disc degeneration is characterized by a
progressive cascade of biochemical and mechanical
changes that affect its function. The structural changes
characteristic of advanced degeneration are considered
permanent due to the slow matrix turnover performed by
disc cells. Therefore, early diagnosis of disc
degeneration is critical for the success of any
molecular or biological treatment. It is known that the
shear modulus of the tissues in the disc changes
significantly even for mild degeneration, and therefore
it has potential for the diagnosis of early changes in
the degeneration cascade. The objectives of the this
study are: 1) to develop MRE methods to measure the
shear modulus of the NP of intervertebral disc segments,
2) to quantify the effect of disc degeneration on the
shear modulus measured using MRE, and 3) to compare the
shear modulus to other MR-based biomarkers of disc
18:06 |
0149. |
Feasibility of Using MR
Elastography in the Intervertebral Disc and Comparison to
Finite Element Model 
Ephraim I. Ben-Abraham1, Jun Chen1,
and Richard Leroy Ehman1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, United
Low back pain (LBP) is a very costly and prevalent
health disorder in the U.S. One of the most common
causes of LBP is degenerative disc disease (DDD). There
are many techniques to characterize disc degeneration;
however there is no way to directly assess the material
properties of the intervertebral disc within the intact
spine. Shear stiffness may be a more sensitive measure
for DDD than current methods. In this study, we
investigate the feasibility of using MRE to detect shear
wave propagation in the intervertebral disc, and compare
the experimental results with a finite element model of
disc MRE.
18:18 |
0150. |
DCEMRI Shows Slower
Wash-Out in Lumbar Disc Endplates to Sustain Diffusion of
Nutrients Into the Discs 
L. Tugan Muftuler1,2, Hon J. Yu3,
Vance O. Gardner4, and Dennis J. Maiman1
1Department of Neurosurgery, Medical College
of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United States, 2Center
for Imaging Research, Medical College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, WI, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, University of California, Irvine, CA,
United States, 4Orthopaedic
Education and Research Institute of Southern California,
Orange, CA, United States
The IVD is avascular; nutrition is supplied via
diffusion from the capillary beds of the cartilaginous
vertebral body endplates. We are investigating perfusion
characteristics in these capillary beds, disruption of
which might cause poor nutrient delivery and lead to
disc degeneration. We anticipated that the DCEMRI signal
would be different in the endplate capillaries from
those in bone marrow in adjacent vertebral bodies
because of the different mechanisms of nutrient delivery
to these two different systems. Our findings show slow
wash-out in the endplates, which might be needed to
maintain higher concentrations to sustain diffusion into
the discs.