13:30 |
0274. |
High Resolution Diffusion
Weighted Imaging of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Using 2D
Reduced Field of View Single-Shot Echo-Planar Imaging at 3.0
Yan Li1, Chao Ma1, He Wang2,
Shi Yue Chen1, and Jian Ping Lu1
1Department of Radiology, Changhai Hospital,
The Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China, 2MR
Research China, GE Healthcare, Shanghai, China
Pancreatic cancer is one of the few cancers which have
shown little improvement in survival over the past 30
years, with a 5-year survival rate of less than 5%.
Combined with traditional MRI (such as T1WI, T2WI),
Diffusion-weighed imaging (DWI) has showed high
sensitivity and specificity in diagnosis of pancreatic
cancer. We introduced a new way which may play a role in
early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, using DWI.
13:42 |
0275. |
Precontrast T1-Weighted
Hyperintense Nodules in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis: The
Utility of Dynamic and Hepatobiliary Phases with Gadoxetate-Enhanced
Jing Luo1, Ka-kei Ngan1, Michael
Nalesnik2, and Keyanoosh Hosseinzadeh1
1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Pathology,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Purpose: evaluate the utility of gadexotate-enhanced MRI
for detecting HCC in patient with liver cirrhosis who
have T1-weighted hyperintense lesions. Method: 31
nodules were evaluated. Diagnostic performance of
dynamic vs. dynamic and HB phase, Cohen statistics for
interobserver agreement, bootstrap resampling technique
for comparing lesion size, and fisher exact test for
correlation between HB phase and histology were
performed. Conclusion: the addition of HB phase did not
improve diagnostic performance; however, our data shows
that nodules demonstrating both precontrast T1
hyperintensity and HB phase hypointensity are malignant
and there is a statistically significant size difference
between benign and malignant lesions.
13:54 |
A Novel MRI Protocol to
Examine Haemodynamic Compartments in Compensated Liver
Eleanor F. Cox1, Antonella Ghezzi2,
Andrea Bennet2, Mina Patel2,
Andrew Jackson2, David Harman2,
Carolyn Costigan1, Nur Farhayu Omar1,
Martin W. James2, Stephen D. Ryder2,
Penelope A. Gowland1, Guru P. Aithal2,
I. Neil Guha2, and Susan T. Francis1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance
Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, 2NIHR
Biomedical Research Unit in Gastrointestinal and Liver
Diseases, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust and
the University of Nottingham, Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
The haemodynamics of four compartments (liver,
splanchnic, cardiac and renal) are examined in a single
scan session in early compensated cirrhosis (CC)
patients and age matched healthy volunteers (HV) using
phase contrast and arterial spin labelling in
combination with cardiac MR. Patients with CC have lower
perfusion in the liver and spleen compared with HV and
increased splanchnic flow with vasodilation. Patients
also have increased aortic outflow, left ventricular
ejection fraction and cardiac output. The detection of
these changes suggests the technique improves
understanding of pathophysiology and has the potential
as a tool to assess novel drug therapies.
14:06 |
0277. |
Evaluation of Liver
Fibrosis and Hepatic Venous Pressure Gradient with Magnetic
Resonance Elastography in a Novel Swine Model of Cirrhosis. 
Steven Y. Huang1, Samer Harmoush1,
Mohamed E. Abdelsalam1, Joe Ensor2,
Katherine Dixon1, Ken-Pin Hwang3,
and Rony Avritscher1
1Dept of Diagnostic Radiology, University of
Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, United
States, 2Dept
of Biostatistics, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston, Texas, United States, 3Dept
of Imaging Physics, University of Texas MD Anderson
Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, United States
In patients with cirrhosis, complications often arise
from portal hypertension, which is an increase in the
porto-systemic pressure gradient. The porto-systemic
gradient is most commonly estimated by measuring the
hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG). A large animal
model of liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension is used
to correlate liver stiffness measured by magnetic
resonance elastography with HVPG. Significant
correlations were observed between liver stiffness,
hepatic fibrosis and HVPG. Our results corroborate the
utility of MRE as a noninvasive method to measure liver
fibrosis and HVPG while highlighting additional
similarities between cirrhosis in humans and swine.
14:18 |
MR Elastography of Liver
with Iron Overload: Development, Evaluation and Preliminary
Clinical Experience with Improved Spin Echo and Spin Echo
EPI Sequences 
Yogesh K. Mariappan1, Sudhakar K. Venkatesh1,
Kevin J. Glaser1, Kiaran P. McGee1,
and Richard Leroy Ehman1
1Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, MN, United States
MR Elastography (MRE) is rapidly gaining clinical
acceptance for the assessment of hepatic fibrosis.
However, the standard gradient echo MRE technique can
fail in cases with high iron deposition within the liver
due to T2* signal loss. To address this
issue, spin echo and spin echo EPI MRE pulse sequences
with short TE values were developed and evaluated in
subjects with and without iron overload. These sequences
provided shear stiffness values comparable to the
standard MRE sequence in unaffected subjects, and in
patients with iron overload where the standard sequence
failed, the spin echo approaches successfully provided
valid shear stiffness maps.
14:30 |
0279. |
Detection of Tissue
Inflammatory Change with Multifrequency 3-D Magnetic
Resonance Elastography 
Meng Yin1, Kevin J. Glaser1, Jun
Chen1, Yogesh K. Mariappan1,
Jayant A. Talwalkar2, and Richard Leroy Ehman1
1Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
Minnesota, United States, 2Gastroenterology
and Hepatology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota,
United States
To investigate the utility of MRE derived mechanical
properties in detecting hepatic inflammation, we
performed multifrequency 3-D/3-axis MRE technique on
poroelastic phantoms and 87 patients with biopsy-proven
chronic liver disease. Results demonstrated systematic
variations in mechanical properties with increased
interstitial fluid pressure, with delta (acrTan(G’’/G’))
the most promising. These findings offer preliminary
evidence of the potential to extend MRE to distinguish
and independently assess necroinflammatory and fibrotic
14:42 |
Assessing Liver Fibrosis:
Comparison of Arterial Enhancement Fraction and
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
-permission withheld
David Bonekamp1, Susanne Bonekamp1,
Hsin-You Ou1, Michael S. Torbenson2,
Celia Pamela Corona-Villalobos1, and Ihab R.
1The Russell H. Morgan Department of
Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2Department
of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States
Arterial Enhancement Fraction (AEF) was compared to
apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) for assessment of
hepatic fibrosis in chronic liver disease. Quantitative
mapping of contrast enhanced MRI-derived AEF were used
to grade fibrosis according METAVIR criteria. AEF and
ADC values differed significantly between fibrosis
stages. ROC analysis showed improved discrimination of
fibrosis stages for AEF compared to ADC. AEF can be used
for accurate noninvasive prediction of the presence of
liver fibrosis stage, and its predictive value is
increased with concomitant use of ADC in the form of a
weighted composite score of AEF and ADC.
14:54 |
0281. |
Distinction Between Pure
Steatosis and NASH Using a Fat Quantification Method in
Combination with Liver Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Imaging
in MRI at 3.0 T. 
Benjamin Leporq1, Frank Pilleul1,2,
Jerome Dumortier3, Olivier Guillaud3,
Thibaud Lefort3, and Olivier Beuf1
UCBL, Université de Lyon, Villeurbanne, Rhône-Alpes,
France, 2CHU
Edouard Herriot; Department of digestive imaging,
Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France, 3CHU
Edouard Herriot; Department of Hepatology, Hospices
Civils de Lyon, Lyon, Rhône-Alpes, France
Distinction between pure steatosis and NASH in patients
with NAFLD is clinically important and drives the
therapeutic strategy. While histology after liver biopsy
is the gold standard for liver steatosis diagnosis and
to establish the distinction between NASH and pure
steatosis, inherent risk with a recognized morbidity and
mortality, inter-observer variability and sampling
errors renders this method unsuitable for longitudinal
clinical monitoring, in particularly on children.
Non-invasive quantification methods have been developed
to quantify liver fat content. Nevertheless, these
latter are not able to separate pure steatosis and NASH.
Aim of this study was to evaluate the combination of
liver intra-voxel incoherent motion imaging (IVIM) and a
MRI fat quantification method at 3.0 T to make the
distinction between NASH and pure steatosis. Preliminary
results suggested that combining a fat quantification
method with IVIM could be a relevant none invasive mean
to evaluate steatosis severity and distinguish between
pure steatosis and NASH.
15:06 |
Comprehensive Assessment of
Diffuse Liver Disease with Quantitative MRI Biomarkers of
Steatosis, Fibrosis and Portal Flow: A Biopsy Correlation
Alejandro Roldán-Alzate1, Alejandro Muñoz del
Rio1, Rashmi Agni2, Adnan Said3,
Oliver Wieben1,4, and Scott B. Reeder1,4
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
WI, United States, 2Pathology,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States, 3Hepatology,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States, 4Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United
NAFLD is the most common type of chronic liver disease
and a large and increasing number of NAFLD patients
develop cirrhosis and liver. In this study we
investigated the relationship between liver stiffness,
fat content and portal venous flow using MRI compared to
biopsy, in patients with diffuse liver disease. Results
show positive correlation between normalized portal flow
and liver stiffness, and a negative correlation between
fat content and stiffness (independent of fibrosis). The
combination of quantitative MRI biomarkers for fat
content, stiffness and portal blood flow may provide
comprehensive assessment for the diagnosis and treatment
monitoring of diffuse liver disease.
15:18 |
Initial in
vivo Validation
of a Hybrid Magnitude/Complex MRI-Based Method for Liver Fat
Ghaneh Fananapazir1, Xiaodong Zhong2,
Lauren M.B. Burke1, Brian M. Dale3,
Berthold Kiefer4, Daniel T. Boll1,
and Mustafa R. Bashir1
1Radiology, Duke University Medical Center,
Durham, NC, United States, 2MR
R&D Collaborations, Siemens Healthcare, Atlanta, GA,
United States, 3MR
R&D Collaborations, Siemens Healthcare, Morrisville, NC,
United States, 4MR
R&D Collaborations, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen,
Hepatic steatosis can precede liver inflammation,
chronic fibrosis, and ultimately liver failure and
malignancy. A novel method has been developed to measure
proton density fat fraction from a multi-echo MRI
acquisition. This is a hybrid magnitude/complex data
method which takes advantage of the insensitivity to
phase error of magnitude-data techniques and the full
0-100% dynamic range of complex-data techniques. This
study looked to validate this technique against
co-localized T2-corrected single voxel spectroscopy.
Agreement between these two methods was very strong.
Additionally, this technique allows for assessment of
the variability of disease within the liver as well as
total lipid burden.