16:00 |
0325. |
Xiaoping P. Hu
16:12 |
Resting-State Functional
Connectivity-Based Parcellation of the Thalamus 
Yang Fan1, Qihong Zou1, and Jia-Hong
1MRI Research Center and Beijing City Key Lab
for Medical Physics, Peking University, Beijing, China, 2Brain
Research Imaging Center and Department of Radiology,
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States
The thalamus plays an important role in brain functions.
Limitations of the previous studies on parcellation of
the thalamus lie in the determination of the number of
subdivisions. Here, a novel functional
connectivity-based approach was obtained. Various
cluster solutions have been proposed and several indices
were used to evaluate these solutions. An optimal
solution with relative high robustness, symmetry and
well hierarchy structure was obtained. Partial
correlation was used to detect cortical regions which
were specifically functional connected to each
subdivision from the optimal solution. Correspondences
to the anatomical connectivity were revealed, which
proved validity of our approach.
16:24 |
Mapping Thalamocortical
Networks in the Awake Rat Brain Using Resting-State
Functional Connectivity 
Zhifeng Liang1 and
Nanyin Zhang1
1Center for Comparative NeuroImaging,
Department of Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts
Medical School, Worcester, MA, United States
In the present study we have employed an awake animal
imaging approach to systematically map thalamocortical
connectivity for multiple thalamic nucleus groups in
rats. The findings have provided important evidence
supporting the validity of rsfMRI measurement in awake
animals. More importantly, they have made it possible to
non-invasively investigate the function, neuroplasticity
and mutual interactions of thalamic nuclei and thalamo-cortical
networks in animals.
16:36 |
Combining Structural and
Funcional Connectivity Techniques to Characterize the
Thalamo-Cortical Networks in
Chiara Mastropasqua1,2, Marco Bozzali3,
Giacomo Koch4,5, Carlo Caltagirone6,7,
and Mara Cercignani1,8
1Neuroimaging Laboratory, IRCCS Santa Lucia,
Rome, Italy, 2Dep
of Neuroscience, Trieste University, Trieste, Italy, 3Neuroimaging
Laboratory, Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy, 4Department
of Clinical and Behavioural Neurology, IRCCS Santa
Lucia, Rome, Italy, 5Stroke
Unit, Department of Neuroscience, University of Rome Tor
Vergata, Rome, Italy, 6Department
of Clinical and Behavioural Neurology, IRCCS Santa Lucia
Foundation, Rome, Italy, 7Department
of Neuroscience, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome,
Italy, 8Clinical
Imaging Sciences Centre, Brighton & Sussex Medical
School, Falmer, United Kingdom
Our aim is to validate precedent approach for thalamic
parcellation based on probabilistic tractography and to
compare structural and functional connectivity between
the thalamus and the cerebral cortex. We used DTI
tractography to define distinct thalamic nuclei
connected to different cortical areas. Seed-based
RS-fMRI was then performed to identify the cortical
areas more strongly connected with thalamic nuclei
previously obtained. The results were visually compared
to cross-validate these 2 commonly used approaches to
assess anatomical and functional connectivity. Our
results confirm the reproducibility of thalamic
parcellation based on probabilistic tractography and
show that these two methods yield partially consistent
16:48 |
0329. |
Interhemispheric Functional
Connectivity in the Thalamus and Dorsolateral Prefrontal
Cortex of Mild TBI Patients with and Without Post-Concussive
Joseph H. Rosenberg1, Chandler R. Sours1,
Jiachen Zhuo1, Elijah O. George1,2,
and Rao P. Gullapalli1
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology and
Nuclear Medicine, University of Maryland School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Department
of Bioengineering, University of Maryland, College Park,
MD, United States
Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) patients received a
resting state fMRI scan and completed the Automated
Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM) at the
acute (  10days)
and sub-acute (1 month) stages of injury. During the
sub-acute stage, mTBI patients demonstrated reduced
interhemispheric functional connectivity (IH-FC) in both
the thalamus and the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, as
well as deficits on the ANAM, compared to matched
controls. Patients reporting Post-Concussive Syndrome
(PCS) demonstrated a significant reduction in thalamic
IH-FC from the acute stage to the sub-acute stage. PCS
patients also performed significantly worse on the ANAM
than those without.
17:00 |
The Effects of Altered
Hemodynamics on Measurements of Functional Connectivity
Following Ischemic Stroke 
Adam Bauer1, Andrew Kraft2,
Patrick Wright1, Jin-Moo Lee2, and
Joseph Culver1
1Radiology, Washington University in Saint
Louis, Saint Louis, MO, United States, 2Neurology,
Washington University in Saint Louis, Saint Louis, MO,
United States
Stroke is a major health concern in the US. It is
becoming increasingly apparent that a brain-wide
assessment of functional connections may provide better
insight into recovery potential than assessment of
anatomic infarction. While recent findings suggest that
bilateral connectivity is associated with recovery,
signal regression can influence interpretation of
functional connectivity patterns. Neglecting to
distinguish unique signals within and across hemispheres
may confound potentially recovery-relevant information.
We applied a novel functional connectivity optical
intrinsic signal imaging technique to a mouse model of
ischemic stroke to evaluate altered regional
hemodynamics and how they can affect measurements of
connectivity after stroke.
17:12 |
Alterations of
Resting-State Functional Activity and Connectivity in the
Rat Brain Induced by Acute Ketamine Treatment – Implications
for Schizophrenia 
Dany D'Souza1, Andreas Bruns2,
Basil Kuennecke1, Daniela Alberati1,
Edilio Borroni1, Markus von Kienlin1,
Annemie Van der Linden3, and Thomas Mueggler1
1pRED, Pharma Research & Early Development,
DTA Neuroscience, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Basel,
Switzerland, 2pRED,
Pharma Research & Early Development, DTA Neuroscience,
F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Basel, Switzerland, 3Bio-Imaging
Lab, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
Using resting-state fMRI, we characterized 1) complexity
of spontaneously fluctuating BOLD signals, 2) alteration
of functional connectivity between brain regions in rats
after a sub-anaesthetic dose of ketamine, an NMDAR
antagonist known to induce positive and negative
symptoms, and cognitive deficits in healthy subjects as
well as psychotic-like behaviour in rodents. However,
the neural circuitry underlying the psychotic symptoms
produced by ketamine is poorly understood. Our findings
of functional activity and connectivity alterations
specifically in prefrontal, auditory and visual cortex
may be linked to the disturbed neural oscillation and
synchrony putatively underlying the psychotic-like
behavior observed in this model.
17:24 |
Resting-State MRI Detects
Donepezil Effects on Functional Connectivity and Maze
Learning in Rodent Brain 
Fatima Ali Nasrallah1, Xuan Vinh To1,
Tovia Yun Jie Ng1, and Kai-Hsiang Chuang1
1Magnetic Resonance Imaging Group, A*Star
Biomedical Research Institutes, Singapore, Singapore,
Functional connectivity MRI has emerged as a means to
map intrinsic brain networks without the need of
explicit tasks. We investigated the effects of Donepezil
on brain function using Atlantis Watermaze and
functional connectivity MRI. Donepezil is a popular
treatment for improving cognitive function in
Alzheimer’s disease patients. We show that the
alteration of the functional connectivity pattern after
donepezil treatment is closely associated with cognitive
17:36 |
0333. |
Functional and Structural
Connectivity Impairments Precede Plaque Deposition in a
Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease 
Joanes Grandjean1, Pan He2, Aileen
Schröter1, and Markus Rudin1,3
1Inst. f. Biomedizinische Technik, ETH and
University Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, 2ETH
Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, 3Institute
of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Zürich,
8057, Switzerland
Functional connectivity (FC) and fractional anisotropy
(FA) was measured in ArcAbeta mouse model of Alzheimer's
disease at 5, 8, 11, 19 and 21 months of age. Decrease
in FC and FA was detectable in 5 months old mice
compared to wild-type, in the sensory-motor networks for
FC and in the corpus callosum for FA. Changes in FC and
FA remained constant over the progression of the disease
until the last measurements at 21 months. ArcAbeta
develop amyloid plaques starting at 7 months. Our
results suggest that changes in FC and FA precede
amyloid plaque deposition in the ArcAbeta mouse model.
17:48 |
Change in Tissue
Microstructure and Resting-State Functional Connectivity in
Hippocampus During Pregnancy 
Russell W. Chan1,2, Leon C. Ho1,2,
Iris Y. Zhou1,2, and Ed X. Wu1,2
1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal
Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR,
China, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
Previously, it was reported that hippocampal dendritic
spine density increased during pregnancy. It suggested
that this additional neural plasticity facilitated
learning and memory. Moreover, it was confirmed that
pregnancy improved spatial learning and memory and,
reduced anxiety and stress responsiveness. It was
documented that these changes are related to
hippocampus. Hence, this study investigated the
feasibility of utilizing diffusion tensor imaging and
resting-state functional connectivity MRI to detect
tissue microstructural changes and functional
connectivity changes in the hippocampus respectively.
The results indicated that pregnancy induced tissue
microstructural and functional connectivity changes in
the hippocampus. Furthermore, the results suggested that
fractional anisotropy changes and functional
connectivity changes were correlated and coupled during