16:00 |
0355. |
Skeletal Muscle State
Estimation by T2 and
Rotating Frame Relaxations in Ischemic Hind Limb Mouse Model 
Hanne Hakkarainen1, Galina Dragneva1,
Petra Korpisalo-Pirinen1, Seppo Ylä-Herttuala1,
Olli Gröhn2, and Timo Liimatainen1
1A.I. Virtanen Institute for Molecular
Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio,
Finland, 2University
of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland
T 2 and
rotating frame relaxation time constants were applied to
estimate ischemic muscle viability in a mouse hind limb
ischemia model with and without AdhVEGF-D gene therapy.
On ischemic leg, percentages of pixels where relaxation
times were at the same range as in intact leg were
determined and correlated with normal areas determined
from histology. High correlations were found with the
relaxation times studied (T 2, T 1 ,
T RAFF2), indicating that they could be used
to evaluate ischemic muscle state non-invasively and
provide potential imaging marker for therapy outcome.
16:12 |
0356. |
Monitoring Skeletal Muscle
Regeneration and Dystrophy in Mice Using T2 and
Diffusion Tensor MRI and Fiber Tracking 
Khan Hekmatyar1, Steven J. Foltz2,
Marisa J. Fortunato2, and Aaron M. Beedle2
1BioImaging Research Center/Complex
Carbohydrate Research Center, University of Georgia,
Athens, GA, United States, 2Department
of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, University of
Georgia College of Pharmacy, Athens, GA, United States
Quantitative T2 measured
in our dystrophic mouse model has shown distinct
dystrophic pathology that correlates with histological
measurements at young, but not older ages. Here we
explored the role of regenerating muscle fibers in
altering T2 measurements
in muscle and sought to identify other parameters to
provide complimentary information about the cascade of
events occurring after muscle damage. We find that DTI
and fiber tracking is a promising means to evaluate
muscle fiber regeneration and dystrophic pathology.
16:24 |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Detects Therapeutic Effects of Endothelial Progenitor Cells
on Tissue Repair and Muscle Regeneration Into Ischemia
Xingui Peng1, Shenghong Ju1, Judy
Rose James2, and Darya P. Shlapak2
1Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Molecular and
Functional Imaging, Department of Radiology, Zhongda
Hospital, Medical School, Southeast University, Nanjing,
Jiangsu Province, China, 2Department
of Radiology, University of Mississippi Medical Center,
Jackson, Mississippi, United States
This study aimed to use the diffusion tensor imaging
(DTI) and T2 weighted MR imaging to assess the
therapeutic effect of endothelia progenitor cell in a
mouse model of hind limb ischemia. DTI can be used as a
marker in vivo and as a diagnostic tool for assessment
of ischemia-induced muscle damage and repair.
16:36 |
Three Dimensional Mapping
of the Creatine Kinase Reaction Rate in Muscles of the Lower
Prodromos Parasoglou1, Ding Xia1,
Gregory Chang1, Antonio Convit2,
and Ravinder R. Regatte1
1Department of Radiology, New York University
Langone Medical Center, New York, New York, United
States, 2Departments
of Psychiatry and Medicine, New York University Langone
Medical Center, New York, New York, United States
In this study, we developed and implemented a novel
three-dimensional 31P-MT imaging sequence that maps the
kinetics of CK in the entire volume of the lower leg
within acquisition times that can be tolerated by
patients. We tested the sequence on five healthy and two
clinically diagnosed type 2-diabetic patients. Overall,
we obtained measurements that are in close agreement
with measurements reported previously using
spectroscopic methods. Importantly, our
spatially-resolved method allowed us, in the case of
diabetic patients, to detect variations of the CK rate
of different calf muscles, which would not have been
possible using unlocalized MRS methods.
16:48 |
0359. |
Multi-Parameter MRI
Analysis of the Time Course of Induced Muscle Damage and
Donghoon Lee1, Shu Feng1, Daniel
Chen1, and Martin Kushmerick1
1University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
United States
We analyzed the time course of changes in mouse
hind-limb musculature following localized myotoxin
injection by T1, T2, magnetization transfer (MT) and
diffusion MRI. Diffusivity and edema increased within
the first hours after toxin injection, and faster than
the rates of rise of both T2 and MT ratio. Volume
decreased faster than T2 and ADC during regeneration. MT
returned to control the slowest. Histological analyses
confirmed the underlying cellular changes. The kinetics
of change in the MRI modalities can be distinguished
during muscle damage and regeneration and provide a
basis for specific MRI methods to distinguish the
underlying cellular processes.
17:00 |
in vivo Diffusion
Assessment of Intramyocellular Lipid Droplet Size Changes
Associated with High-Fat Diet Induced Obesity and
Streptozotocin Induced Diabetes 
Peng Cao1,2, Anna M. Wang1,2,
Victor B. Xie1,2, Shu-Juan J. Fan1,2,
Zhongwei Qiao3, and Ed X. Wu1,2
1The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong
Kong SAR, China, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hong Kong,
Hong Kong SAR, China,3Department of
Radiology, Fudan University, Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Intramyocellular lipid (IMCL) serves as the principal
reservoir for storing cellular energy in muscles.
Mounting evidence indicates that elevated IMCL in
skeletal muscle is closely associated with insulin
resistance and type 2 diabetes. Our experimental results
demonstrated that in vivo IMCL ADC can differentiate
high fat diet induced obesity and STZ induced diabetes.
In diabetic model, IMCL level increased but exhibited
more restricted diffusion. In obesity model, the IMCL
level increased but the droplet size didn¡¯t change.
Diffusion measurements were largely in agreement with
our histological observation. Such an MR approach may
provide a new dimension in the study of intracellular
lipogenesis and lipolysis, and lead to improved
understanding and diagnosis in treatment and management
of several prevalent metabolic disorders such as obesity
and diabetes in both basic and clinical sciences.
17:12 |
0361. |
Assessing Lower-Extremity
Hemodynamics in Individuals with Diabetes 
Jie Zheng1, Mary K. Hasting1,
Xiaodong Zhang2, Andrew Coggan3,
Hongyu An4, David Muccigrosso3,
Darrah Snozek3, Adil Bashir3,
Robert J. Gropler3, and Michael Mueller5
1Washington University in St. Louis, Saint
Louis, Missouri, United States, 2Peking
University First Hospital, Beijing, Beijing, China, 3Washington
University in St. Louis, Saint Louis, MO, United States, 4University
of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, United States, 5Physical
Therapy, Washington University in St. Louis, Saint
Louis, MO, United States
A newly developed non-contrast MRI oximetry method was
applied to evaluate skeletal muscle perfusion and
oxygenation in individuals with diabetes mellitus. The
study was performed in 4 healthy volunteers and 4
age-matched diabetic patients, at rest and during
sustained isometric exercise. Significant attenuations
in muscle perfusion and oxygenation were clearly
observed in diabetic patients.
17:24 |
in vivo Oxidative
Capacity Vs. Mitochondrial Volume Density in Skeletal Muscle
of Age-Matched, Elderly Athletes and Sedentary Subjects – a
Matter of Function and Content 
Andreas Boss1, Nicholas Thomas Broskey2,
Roland Kreis1, Francesca Amati1,2,
and Chris Boesch1
1Depts Clinical Research and Radiology,
University Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2Dept
of Physiology, University of Lausanne, Lausanne,
We assessed oxidative capacity using the rate k of
phosphocreatine recovery in age-matched elderly (60-80y)
endurance-trained (N=11) and sedentary subjects (N=13).
Mitochondrial volume density (MitoVD) was determined
from muscle biopsies using electron microscopy. k was
significantly increased (p=0.01) in the trained, which
was paralleled by a ~50% greater MitoVD (p=0.02).
Furthermore, k was significantly correlated with MitoVD
(r2=0.46, p<0.003), and the ratio k to MitoVD was
similar between trained and sedentary. This indicates
that in age-matched elderly subjects, the greater muscle
oxidative capacity in trained is due to increased
mitochondrial volume, but not necessarily enhanced
function per mitochondrial volume.
17:36 |
0363. |
Time-Dependent Diffusion in
Skeletal Muscle of Normal Controls and Chronic Exertional
Compartment Syndrome Patients 
Eric E. Sigmund1, Dmitry S. Novikov1,
Steven Baete1, Kecheng Liu2, Jenny
Bencardino3, and Els Fieremans4
1Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center,
Bernard and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical
Imaging, New York, NY, United States, 2Siemens
Medical Systems, Cleveland, OH, United States, 3Radiology,
NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY, United States, 4Radiology,
New York University, New York, NY, United States
The microstructural sensitivity of diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI) depends upon the experimental diffusion
time. Combining time-dependent diffusion measurements
with appropriate tissue modelling may enhance
specificity by directly quantifying microstructure. We
analyzed time-dependent stimulated echo DTI at 3 T in
skeletal muscle of normal controls and suspected chronic
exertional compartment syndrome (CECS) patients, before
and after exercise, and used the random permeable
barrier model to quantify free diffusion, fiber
diameter, and membrane permeability. Overall, patients
showed significantly larger free diffusion changes,
smaller diameter changes, and larger permeability
increases than controls. Results are considered in light
of microscopic changes in CECS pathophysiology.
17:48 |
0364. |
Age Related Changes in 2D
Strain Rate Tensor of the Medial Gastrocnemius Under Passive
Usha Sinha1, Ali Moghadasi2, Ryuta
Kinugasa3, and Shantanu Sinha4
1Physics, San Diego State University, San
Diego, CA, United States, 2University
of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA, United
States, 3Human
Science, Kanagwa University, Kanagawa, Japan, 4Radiology,
University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA,
United States
Strain rate describes the rate of regional deformation
and does not require 3Dal tracking, or a reference state
since strain rate is an instantaneous measure of
kinematic properties. Further, measurement of strain
rate in young and old subjects will help characterize
and elucidate age related changes in muscle structure
and function. The strain rate tensor orientation
deviated significantly from the muscle fiber orientation
in both young and old subjects and may be an index of
structural integrity. The out-of-plane strain rate
component was significantly increased in the older
subjects indicating age related loss of structural