10:00 |
0379. |
Differential Effects of
Levodopa and Deep Brain Stimulation on Motor Networks in
Parkinson’s Disease 
Karsten Mueller1, Stefan Holiga1,
Harald E. Möller1, Matthias L. Schroeter1,2,
Josef Vymazal3, Filip Ružicka4,5,
Dušan Urgošík4,5, Evžen Ružicka4,
and Robert Jech4
1Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and
Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany, 2Clinic
for Cognitive Neurology, Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany, 3Department
of Radiology, Na Homolce Hospital, Prague, Czech
Republic, 4Department
of Neurology and Center of Clinical Neuroscience, First
Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague,
Prague, Czech Republic, 5Department
of Stereotactic and Radiation Neurosurgery, Na Homolce
Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic
We explored differential effects of levodopa treatment
and deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic
nucleus (STN) on motor networks affected by Parkinson’s
disease (PD), using resting-state functional magnetic
resonance imaging. The results revealed significantly
altered functional connectivity between premotor cortex
and other brain regions as cerebellum and thalamus, by
contrasting levodopa treatment with DBS. Our results
indicate that levodopa and DBS might have a distinctive
influence on connectivity patterns in PD motor networks.
The overlying DBS and surgery-related microlesion
effects need to be studied separately in order to
further investigate these findings.
10:12 |
0380. |
Brain Softening - A
Hallmark of Neurodegeneration: Cerebral MR Elastography in
Patients with Supranuclear Palsy and Idiopathic Parkinson’s
Ingolf Sack1, Axel Lipp2, Radmila
Trbojevic1, Friedemann Paul3,
Andreas Fehlner4, Sebastian Hirsch1,
Michael Scheel1, Cornelia Noack2,
Jing Guo5, Dieter Klatt1, Jens
Wuerfel3, and Juergen Braun6
1Department of Radiology, Charité -
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2Department
of Neurology, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 3Neurocure,
Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Berlin,
Germany, 4Department
of Radiology, Charité University Medicine, Berlin,
Berlin, Germany, 5Department
of Radiology, Charite - University Medicine Berlin,
Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 6Institute
of Medical Informatics, Charite - University Medicine
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany
2D-multifrequency MRE and 3D-MRE was used to assess the
sensitivity of cerebral viscoelastic properties for
discriminating two neurodegenerative disorders with
overlapping clinical presentation, but different
underlying neuropathology -namely progressive
supranuclear palsy (PSP, N=16) and idiopathic
Parkinson’s disease (PD, N=18)– in comparison to healthy
controls (N=18). We observed a close negative
correlation between MRE constants and measures of
clinical severity in PD and PSP. Moreover, we showed
that brain viscoelasticity in PSP and PD is differently
affected; whereas in PSP all MRE constants are reduced,
changes in PD are limited to declining elasticity
10:24 |
Elevated Arteriolar
Cerebral Blood Volume in Prodromal Huntington’s Disease 
Jun Hua1,2, Paul G. Unschuld3,4,
Russell L. Margolis3,5, Peter C.M. van Zijl1,2,
and Christopher A. Ross3,6
1Neurosection, Div. of MRI Research, Dept. of
Radiology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2F.M.
Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging,
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, United
States, 3Department
of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland,
United States, 4Division
of Psychiatry Research and Psychogeriatric Medicine,
University of Zürich, Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, 5Department
of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 6Department
of Neuroscience and Pharmacology, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland,
United States
Neurovascular alterations have been implicated in the
pathophysiology of Huntington’s Disease (HD). As
arterioles are most responsive to metabolic alterations,
arteriolar cerebral blood volume (CBVa) is an important
indicator of cerebrovascular regulation. We show that
cortical CBVa, measured with the inflow-based
vascular-space-occupancy (iVASO) MRI technique, is
significantly elevated in prodromal HD patients, and
this effect correlates with genetic measures. By
contrast, no significant brain atrophy was detected in
these prodromal HD patients. Our results suggest CBVa as
a potential biomarker prior to prominent brain atrophy
in prodromal HD.
10:36 |
0382. |
Disrupted Frontal White
Matter Development and Integrity in Patients Treated for
Pediatric Infratentorial Brain Tumors 
John O. Glass1, Robert J. Ogg1,
Yimei Li2, Amar Gajjar3, and
Wilburn E. Reddick1
1Radiological Sciences, St. Jude Children's
Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United States, 2Biostatistics,
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN,
United States, 3Oncology,
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN,
United States
This study compared white matter (WM) development of 103
patients with 616 examinations to 56 normal healthy
age-similar controls with 166 examinations. Conventional
imaging was collected to assess WM volume, and
fractional anisotropy (FA) maps were calculated from
diffusion tensor imaging. A generalized estimating
equation was used to model the normal developmental
trajectories between groups. Relationships between age
and WM volume and FA were seen in all regions, and
differences between patients and controls were detected
for FA and frontal WM volume. Typical maturation of
frontal lobe myelination is disrupted in patients
treated for pediatric infratentorial brain tumors.
10:48 |
0383. |
CEST MR Imaging
Investigation of Parkinson Disease at 3 T
-permission withheld
Chunmei Li1, Xuna Zhao2, Rui Wang1,
Shuai Peng1, Cheng Zhou1, Jinyuan
Zhou3, and Min Chen1
1Department of Radiology, Beijing Hospital of
the Ministry of Health, Beijing, China, 2Peking
University, Beijing, China, 3Department
of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging is
a novel molecular MRI technique that can generate image
contrast based on the endogenous or exogenous,
low-concentration chemicals. We performed CEST imaging
experiments on patients with PD. The CEST signals at the
offset of 3.5ppm of caudate, putamen and globus pallidus
in PD patients was significantly higher than normal
controls, while the CEST signal at the offset of 1.5ppm
of substantia nigra was significantly lower in PD
patients than normal controls.
11:00 |
0384. |
Physical Exercise Impacts
Brain Structure: A Longitudinal VBM and TBSS Study in
Overweight and Obese Subjects 
Karsten Mueller1, Harald E. Möller1,
Alfred Anwander1, Franziska Busse1,
Annette Horstmann1,2, Matthias Raschpichler2,
Jöran Lepsien1, Matthias L. Schroeter1,3,
Matthias Blüher2,4, Arno Villringer1,3,
and Burkhard Pleger1,3
1Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and
Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany, 2Integrated
Research and Treatment Center (IFB) AdiposityDiseases,
Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany, 3Clinic
for Cognitive Neurology, Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany, 4Department
for Internal Medicine, University Hospital Leipzig,
Leipzig, Sachsen, Germany
To investigate the influence of intense physical
exercise on changes in human brain structure in
overweight and obese subjects, a longitudinal MR study
was performed with 16 young participants before and
after a 3-month fitness course with intense training
twice a week. Scanning protocol included the acquisition
of high resolution T1- and diffusion-weighted images
using a 3T TIM Trio system (Siemens, Erlangen) with a
12-channel head array coil. Grey and white matter
changes were detected using voxel-based morphometry and
tract-based spatial statistics. The comparison of images
before and after the fitness course suggests that
physical exercise together with the parallel loss in
body weight can reverse some of the overweight-related
structural brain changes.
11:12 |
0385. |
A Multivariate Approach to
a MR Based Biomarker for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis 
Robert Cary Welsh1,2 and
Bradley R. Foerster1
1Radiology, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, MI, United States, 2Psychiatry,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
We explore the utility of multi-variate techniques with
diffusion tensor and resting state functional
connectivity as possible biomarkers of amyotrophic
lateral sclerosis.
11:24 |
0386. |
Presymptomatic Altered
White Matter Diffusivity in Inherited Prion Disease 
Harpreet Hyare1, Enrico De Vita2,
Gerard R. Ridgway1, Marie-Claire Porter1,
Peter Rudge1, Tarek A. Yousry2,
Simon Mead1, John Collinge3, and
John Thornton2
1UCL - Institute of Neurology, London, United
Kingdom, 2Lysholm
Department of Neuroradiology, London, United Kingdom, 3UCL
Institute of Neurology, London, United Kingdom
We present the application of voxel-based analysis of
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and voxel-based
morphometry in the largest cohort of presymptomatic
mutation carriers of prion disease and symptomatic
patients with a range of human prion diseases. We
observed presymptomatic increased fractional anisotropy
(FA) in functionally relevant white matter (WM) tracts
whereas decreased FA was seen in symptomatic patients.
Our findings could be due to propagation of the abnormal
prion protein along white matter tracts before the other
pathological hallmarks of prion disease that cause loss
of WM integrity are evident.
11:36 |
0387. |
GABA Level Correlates with
Occupational Manganese Exposure and Motor Tests in Smelters 
Zaiyang Long1,2, Yue-Ming Jiang3,
Xiang-Rong Li4, Jun Xu1,2, Li-Ling
Long4, Wei Zheng1, James B.
Murdoch5, and Ulrike Dydak1,2
1School of Health Sciences, Purdue
University, West Lafayette, IN, United States, 2Department
of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Indiana University
School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, United States, 3Dept.
of Occupational Health and Toxicology, Guangxi Medical
University, Nanning, Guangxi, China, 4Department
of Radiology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi
Medical University, Nanning, Guangxi, China, 5Toshiba
Medical Research Institute USA, Mayfair village, OH,
United States
Manganese (Mn) overexposure can lead to parkinson-type
motor symptoms, for which no treatment exists to date.
Nine Mn-exposed smelters and ten controls were recruited
and underwent Purdue pegboard test to access manual
dexterity and steadiness. A GABA-edited proton spectrum
was acquired from the thalamus using the MEGA-PRESS
sequence on a 3T Philips Achieva whole-body clinical
scanner. We found a significant correlation between the
increase in GABA+/total creatine (tCr) and the duration
of exposure, and significant inverse correlations
between GABA+/tCr and all Purdue pegboard test scores.
GABA+ may function as a biomarker of Mn-induced toxic
effects, in particular of motor deficits.
11:48 |
Gray Matter Perfusion and
Its Association with Neurocognitive Performance to Evaluate
Late Effects of Cancer Treatment 
Adam M. Winchell1,2, Kevin R. Krull3,
Matthew A. Scoggins1, Ralf B. Loeffler1,
Robert J. Ogg1, Melissa Hudson3,
and Claudia M. Hillenbrand1
1Radiological Sciences, St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Memphis, Memphis, TN, United
States, 3Epidemiology
& Cancer Control, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital,
Memphis, TN, United States
Children treated with cranial radiation for childhood
leukemia are at significant risk of developing cognitive
problems as are long-term survivors of Hodgkin Lymphoma
treated with thoracic radiation. Examining the late
effects of treatment with radiation and chemotherapy are
necessary to derive effective treatment options that
simultaneously minimize late effects for future
patients. GLM analysis identified a significant region
in the left superior temporal gyrus where resting state
blood flow was correlated with FSIQ performance in
Hodgkin Lymphoma survivors and not in Acute
Lymphoblastic Leukemia survivors.