13:30 |
0469. |
Evaluation of an Integrated
MR-EP Suite and Catheter-Navigated Local MR Lesion
Monitoring After RF Ablation 
Steffen Weiss1, Sascha Krueger1,
Peter Koken1, Gregg Stenzel2,
Steve Wedan2, Ronald Holthuizen3,
Jouke Smink4, Anne Krogh Grøndal5,
Lars Ølgaard Bloch5, James Harrison6,
Mark O'Neill6, Reza Razavi6, and
Tobias Schaeffter6
1Innovative Technologies, Research
Laboratories, Philips Technologie GmbH, Hamburg,
Germany, 2Imricor
Medical Systems, Burnsville, MN, United States, 3MR
Clinical Functionality, Philips Healthcare, Best,
Netherlands, 4MR
Clinical Science, Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands, 5MR
Research Centre, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus,
Denmark, 6Division
of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King’s
College London, London, United Kingdom
An MR-EP suite was developed that closely integrates all
components required for clinical EP procedures. This
includes wireless transmission of the ECG from the
patient monitor to the EP recorder, automatic
transmission of activation time delays from the EP
recorder with on-the-fly generation of color-coded time
maps based on a cardiac model, and automatic planning of
scan orientations based on the position of the active
tracking catheter. The suite was evaluated in
pre-clinical mapping and ablation sessions in pigs. It
enabled time-efficient mapping and ablation including
catheter-navigated monitoring of catheter-tissue contact
and lesion formation including wall thickening.
13:42 |
Atrial Wall Thickness
Imaging for Cavotricuspid Isthmus Ablation
-permission withheld
Tobias Voigt1, Peter Koken2, James
Harrison3, Steffen Weiss2, Sascha
Krueger2, and Tobias Schaeffter3
1Clinical Research Europe, Philips Research,
London, London, United Kingdom, 2Tomographic
Imaging Systems, Philips Research, Hamburg, Hamburg,
Germany, 3Division
of Imaging Sciences, King's College London, London,
London, United Kingdom
In this work a fully integrated MR Wall Thickness Imagin
(WTI) procedure for cavotricuspid isthmus (CTI) ablation
is described. The treatment of cardiac arrhythmias by RF
ablation has grown rapidly in recent years. The main
goal of atrial ablation procedures is to block unwanted
conduction pathways by creating transmural lesions. A
major challenge is given by the unknown atrial wall
thickness. MR atrial wall thickness imaging (WTI) may
provide this information and contribute to increase in
ablation success rates. The proposed technique is
validated in a phantom study and applied in healthy
volunteers and an atrial flutter patient.
13:54 |
MR-Guided Sclerotherapy of
Low-Flow Vascular Malformations: Visualization and Needle
Guidance Using Contrast-Prepared SSFP (CP-SSFP) 
Di Xu1, Daniel A. Herzka2, Paul A.
DiCamillo3, Wesley D. Gilson4,
Elliot R. McVeigh1, Jonathan S. Lewin3,
and Clifford R. Weiss3
1Biomedical Engineering, The Johns Hopkins
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,
United States, 3Radiology,
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD,
United States, 4Siemens
Corporation, Corporate Technology, Baltimore, MD, United
Venous and lymphatic malformations (VMs/LMs) are
diagnostically visualized using T2-weighted
fat-suppressed turbo spin echo. Once identified, lesions
typically are treated percutaneously using ultrasound
and fluoroscopic guidance. Treatment is limited in
lesions that are deep, lie beneath scar, or within bone.
Additionally, almost all patients require multiple
treatments, accruing significant exposure to ionizing
radiation. Real-time MR-guided intervention serves as a
safer alternative, with better visualization of critical
structures. Conventional sequences are limited: with
blurry, distorted edges (HASTE) or with inferior VM/LM
delineation because of poor T2-weighting (SSFP). We
present real-time imaging for the VMs/LMs visualization
during MR-guided sclerotherapy: Contrast-Prepared SSFP.
14:06 |
Catheters for
Interventional MR: LaserLathe Fabrication of Micro-Coils for
Remote Catheter Tip Deflection 
Prasheel Lillaney1, Vincent Malba1,
Leland Evans1, Anthony Bernhardt1,
Mark Wilson1, Timothy Roberts2,
Alastair Martin1, Maythem Saeed1,
Ronald Arenson1, and Steven W. Hetts1
1Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University
of California San Francisco, San Francisco, California,
United States, 2Radiology
Department, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States
This work presents a method for the fabrication of
micro-coils assembled onto the tips of catheters for use
in guiding a catheter in an MR field. The approach
utilizes the static magnetic field of an MR system to
interact with a magnetic moment created by passing an
electric current through coils placed at the catheter
14:18 |
0473. |
Motion-Corrected High-Resolution Intravascular MRI at 3T 
Shashank Sathyanarayana Hegde1, Yi Zhang2,
and Paul A. Bottomley1
1Radiology, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
High-resolution intravascular (IV) MRI is susceptible to
degradation from physiological motion, and requires high
frame-rates for true endoscopy. Fortunately, IV MRI
detectors have intrinsically radial and
sparsely-localized sensitivity profiles, and high local
signal-to-noise ratios. Here, compressed sensing with
sparse reconstruction is combined with motion correction
using frame-by-frame projection shifting based on a
singularity at the probe’s location, to provide up to
four-fold effective speed-up in image acquisition and a
significant reduction in motion sensitivity. We present
data acquired in phantoms, and human vessel specimens.
These strategies can greatly facilitate high-resolution
(~100 micron) real-time MRI endoscopy.
14:30 |
0474. |
in vivo Active
Visualization of an Ablation Guidewire for the
Revascularization of Occlusive Arterial Disease 
Kevan Anderson1, Nicolas Yak1,
Labonny Biswas1, Jennifer Barry1,
and Graham Wright1,2
1Physical Sciences, Sunnybrook Research
Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Medical
Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
Studies investigating the use of MRI for lesion
revascularization have focused on the development of
specialized active catheters and guidewires that
incorporate receive coils to enable device
visualization. There are many engineering challenges
associated with this approach and the added complexity
will typically limit device performance. In this study
we evaluate the ability to actively visualize a
commercially available radio-frequency ablation
guidewire in an animal model of occlusive arterial
disease. The selected technique utilizes an external
coupling device that is magnetically coupled to the
guidewire and the capacity to visualize the guidewire in
vivo is demonstrated.
14:42 |
0475. |
Quantification of
Intra-Procedural Gland Motion During Transperineal
MRI-Guided Prostate Biopsy 
Andriy Fedorov1, Kemal Tuncali1,
Tobias Penzkofer1,2, Junichi Tokuda1,
Sang-Eun Song1, Nobuhiko Hata1,
and Clare Tempany1
1Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Department
of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, RWTH Aachen
University Hospital, Aachen, North Rhine-Westphalia,
Interventional applications of MRI in PCa management
include MRI-guided core needle biopsy that can be
recommended for some patient populations, and may lead
to improved accuracy of cancer detection. In this work
we apply deformable registration retrospectively to
recover and quantify intra-procedural motion of the
pelvis and prostate gland. Our results show significant
motion of the gland, which cannot be fully recovered by
compensating for pelvis motion. This can lead to
significant errors between the planned and true location
of the biopsy target. Application of intra-procedural
registration is recommended for intra-procedural
quantification and recovery of target motion.
14:54 |
0476. |
SPIO-Labeled 90Y
Microspheres Permit Accurate Quantification of Macroscopic
Intra-Hepatic Biodistribution 
Weiguo Li1,2, Zhuoli Zhang1, Yang
Guo1, Jodi Nicolai1, Reed A. Omary1,
and Andrew C. Larson1
1Radiology, Northwestern University, Chicago,
Illinois, United States, 2Research
Resource Center, University of Illinois at Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois, United States
Visualization and quantification of Yttrium-90 (90Y)
microsphere biodistribution using conventional
radiologic modalities is challenging. Whereas labeling
90Y microspheres with SPIOs offers the potential to use
MRI to visualize in vivo biodistribution, optimization
of the amount of SPIO included within these microspheres
may be critical. In this study, we have demonstrated the
potential to optimize SPIO content for future studies
intended to quantify microsphere concentrations in vivo;
we found that spheres with 2% SPIO contents will be
ideal candidates for in vivo studies.
15:06 |
An Experimental Setup to
Simulate the Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)-Effect with Respect
to Intra Cardiac ECG Signals 
Waltraud Brigitte Buchenberg1, Ramona Lorenz1,
Peter Laudy2, Wolfgang Mader3,
Carsten Bienek4, and Bernd Jung1
1Dept. of Radiology, Medical Physics,
University Medical Center, Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg,
Germany, 2CardioTek
B.V., Maastricht-Airport, Limburg, Netherlands, 3Freiburg
Center for Data Analysis and Modeling, Albert-Ludwigs-University,
Freiburg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 4R&D,
Schwarzer GmbH, Heilbronn, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
The analyses of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) effect
occurring in electro-physiologic (EP) examinations
carried out in an MR environment is of importance in
order to establish tool boxes to remove MHD related
effects from intra-cardiac ECG signals. The aim in this
work was to establish an experimental setup to simulate
the MHD effect in a model system using standard
EP-measurement equipment with respect to a
characterization of the pure MHD signal.
15:18 |
0478. |
Boosting MR Temporal
Resolution Using Rapid Ultrasound Measurements, for
Motion-Tracking Purposes 
Matthew Toews1, Chang-Sheng Mei1,
Renxin Chu1, W. Scott Hoge1,
Benjamin M. Schwartz1, Guangyi Wang1,2,
Lawrence P. Panych1, and Bruno Madore1
1Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical
School, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, United
States, 2Department
of Radiology, Guangdong General Hospital, Guangdong
Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
A frame rate of twenty frames per second or more is
often considered necessary to properly resolve breathing
motion for MR-guided therapies. But images with the
overall quality, information content and spatial
coverage required for effective guidance often cannot be
acquired that fast. The present work proposes a system
for boosting MR temporal resolution by incorporating
ultrasound (US) measurements with high temporal
resolution. Experiments showed that predicted MR images
could be used to accurately localize anatomical targets
in in-vivo liver data, in the presence of breathing