13:30 |
0672. |
Houchun H. Hu
13:42 |
Impact of Isocaloric
Fructose and Glucose Diets on Lipid Metabolism Studied in
Vivo by
Multinuclear MR Spectroscopy
-permission withheld
Patricia M. Nunes1, Alan J. Wright1,
Andor Veltien1, Jack JA van Asten1,
Cees J. Tack2, John G. Jones3, and
Arend Heerschap1
1Radiology, Radboud University Nijmegen
Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands, 2Internal
Medicine, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre,
Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands,3Center for
Neurosciences and Cell Biology, Coimbra, Coimbra,
We investigated in
vivo the
effects of isocaloric fructose and glucose feeding of
mice over 8 weeks on ectopic lipid deposition and
hepatic energy status by MRS. Hepatic lipid sources were
resolved into dietary, which was investigated in
vivo with 1H{13C}MRS
after an oral bolus of [U-13C]lipids, and de
novo lipogenesis
which was assessed by 2H
NMR spectroscopy using 2H2O
as tracer. Isocaloric fructose feeding had no effect on
intramyocellular lipids, but significantly increased
hepatic lipids, most likely by stimulating de
novo lipogenesis
and not by promoting dietary fat uptake. This occurs
without expense of net hepatic energy, as shown by 31P
MRS, unlike acute doses of fructose.
13:54 |
0674. |
in vivo Assessment
of Fatty Diabetic Kidney by Diffusion Weighted and BOLD MRI
in Rats 
Koji Sagiyama1, Orson W. Moe2, and
Masaya Takahashi1
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, University
of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas,
United States, 2Mineral
Metabolism/Internal Medicine, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center, Dalla, Texas, United States
Our previous studies in murine models of unilateral
ureteral obstruction and dietary phosphate overload have
shown excellent correlation between MRI and kidney
histopathology, where the apparent diffusion constant
(ADC) determined by DW-MRI inversely correlates with the
severity of fibrosis. It has also been shown that blood
oxygen level dependent (BOLD) MRI measures renal hypoxia
where hypoxic tissue shows lower T2*. The purpose of
this study was to test our hypothesis that a combination
of DW- and BOLD-MRI would reflect histopathological and
functional changes in vivo in the kidney with type II
14:06 |
0675. |
Non-Invasive Quantification
of Hepatic Metabolic Rate of Oxygen (HMRO2) by MRI 
Deng Mao1, Lisa Krishnamurthy1,
and Hanzhang Lu1
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, University
of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas,
United States
Liver consumes 20 percent of the total resting state
oxygen consumption and oxygen supply is important for
its functionality and viability. However, the current
methods measuring hepatic oxygen metabolism rate (HMRO2)
are limited due to invasiveness. Therefore, a new and
non-invasive way to measure HMRO2 was first developed by
us. This method measures the oxygenation level of
hepatic vein and hepatic portal vein by a newly
established sequence called
T2-Relaxation-Under-Spin-Tagging (TRUST). Plus using
phase contract MRI to measure portal vein blood flow,
HMRO2 can be calculated based on Fick principal. The
preliminary results demonstrate a proof-of principle for
the method.
14:18 |
0676. |
Real-Time MRI of Esophageal
Function at a Resolution of 50 Ms: Initial Results in
Healthy Subjects 
Shuo Zhang1, Alexander Beham2,
Arun Joseph1, Henrik Forster2,
Aaron Niebergall1, Martin Uecker3,
and Jens Frahm1
1Biomedizinische NMR Forschungs GmbH am
Max-Planck-Institut fuer biophysikalische Chemie,
Goettingen, Niedersachsen, Germany, 2Allgemein-
und Visceralchirurgie, University Hospital Goettingen,
Goettingen, Lower Saxony, Germany, 3Dept.
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences,
University of California, Berkeley, California, United
Previous studies of esophageal function using
conventional clinical methods suffer mainly from
invasiveness and limited soft-tissue contrast. Here, we
applied the recently introduced real-time MRI technique
based on undersampled radial FLASH and nonlinear
inversion. Typical T1-weighted images had an in-plane
resolution of 2.0 mm and acquisition times of 50 ms (20
fps), and are free from susceptibility or motion
artifacts. The movies successfully resolved the
transport of pineapple juice as bolus through the
esophagus from its thoracic part to sphincter and to
stomach. Preliminary results also demonstrated potential
to visualize gastroesophageal reflux, which promises a
useful tool for disease diagnosis.
14:30 |
A Novel Technique for
Global Small Bowel Motility Assessment Using Dynamic MRI 
Alex Menys1, Stuart A. Taylor1,
Anton Emmanuel2, Asia Ahmed1,
Andrew Plumb1, Freddy Odille3,4,
Ahsan Alam2, Steve Halligan1, and
David Atkinson1
1Centre for Medical Imaging, UCL, London, UK,
United Kingdom, 2GI
Physiology UCLH, London, UK, United Kingdom, 3INSERM
U947, Nancy, Nancy, France, 4IADI,
Université de Lorraine, Nancy, Nancy, France
Aberrant small bowel motility is described in a range of
diseases including chronic intestinal
pseudo-obstruction, Crohn’s disease and irritable bowel
syndrome. Few tools exist to investigate abnormal
motility and those that do are often invasive and fail
to assess the whole of the small bowel. This article
describes the validation of a novel MRI technique which
safely and non-invasively quantifies global small bowel
motility, reporting within-subject repeatability in
healthy human subjects and sensitivity to the motility
altering drugs butylscopolamine and neostigmine.
14:42 |
0678. |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
for Detection of Early Intestinal Injury of Neonatal
Necrotizing Enterocolitis in a Rodent Model 
Devkumar Mustafi1, Sheng-Ru Shiou2,
Xiaobing Fan3, Erica Markiewicz1,
Gregory S. Karczmar1, and Erika Claud4
1Radiology, The University of Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois, United States, 2Pediatrics,
The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United
States, 3Radiology,
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States, 4Pediatrics
and Medicine, The University of Chicago, Chicago,
Illinois, United States
Neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a poorly
understood, life-threatening illness afflicting
premature infants. The pathophysiology for this disease
is also poorly understood. Moreover, there is no
suitable animal model or appropriate method for
monitoring the disease non-invasively. Using
high-resolution anatomical and diffusion weighted
imaging, including pixel-by-pixel T2 and ADC maps, in
conjunction with the gold-standard histological images
of the excised ileal tissue samples and the measured
levels of intestinal inflammatory cytokines, we have
detected NEC in 2-4 days old rat pups. We have also
assessed intestinal injuries prior to clinical symptoms
in a physiologic rat pup model of NEC.
14:54 |
0679. |
A New Validated MRI Method
for Measuring Colonic Transit Time 
Gemma Louise Chaddock1
1Physics & Astronomy, The University of
Nottingham, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
We developed a novel MRI technique to measure colonic
transit time using MRI marker capsules. We validated
this new method against the gold standard X-ray
radiopaque markers. 20 subjects took part in the study
twice (test-retest). On each study week they swallowed 5
MRI transit marker capsules 24 hours before undergoing
an MRI scan. Subjects also undertook the X-ray test,
swallowing 20 radiopaque markers on 3 consecutive days
with a single abdominal x-ray taken on day 4 as
validated in the literature. We found that the MRI
transit marker and radiopaque marker results correlated
well (Spearman’s r= 0.85, p<0.0001).This could provide
an alternative test for measuring colonic transit which
is simple to carry out and interpret, convenient, non
invasive, and does not involve exposure to ionising
15:06 |
0680. |
First In-Human
MR-Visualisation of Surgical Mesh Implants for Inguinal
Hernia Treatment. 
Nienke Lynn Hansen1, Alexandra Barabasch1,
Martina Distelmaier1, Alexander Ciritsis2,
Nicolas Kuehnert3, Jens Otto3,
Joachim Conze3, Christiane K. Kuhl1,
and Nils Andreas Kraemer1
1Department of Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology, RWTH Aachen University Hospital, Aachen, NRW,
Germany, 2Department
of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, RWTH
University Hospital, Aachen, NRW, Germany, 3Department
of Surgery, RWTH Aachen University Hospital, Aachen,
NRW, Germany
Thirteen patients surgically treated for inguinal
hernias using iron-loaded visible mesh implants were
examined by MRI on the first postsurgical day. Two
conventional gradient echo sequences and a T2-weighted
turbo-spin echo (TSE) sequence were used. To achieve
best mesh visualization, GRE sequences were preferred,
whereas anatomy was depicted best using TSE.
Consequently, for optimal diagnosis we propose a
combination of both types of sequences.
15:18 |
0681. |
"Purse String" Morphology
of External Anal Sphincter in Nullipara Women with
Ultrasound, High Resolution MRI, DTI and Fiber Tracking. 
Shantanu Sinha1, Valmik Bhargava2,
Melissa Ledgerwood2, and Ravinder Mittal2
1Radiology, University of California at San
Diego, San Diego, C, United States, 2Medicine,
University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA,
United States
The External Anal Sphincter (EAS) is the most commonly
affected muscle in patients with fecal incontinence.
Current belief is that the EAS is “donut shaped” ; we
hypothesize that the EAS instead has a “purse-string”
morphology with transverse perinei being extensions of
the EAS muscles. Such structure contracts in a
circumferential manner to generate higher anal canal
pressure than the circular shape and has significant
relevance for the effects of lateral episiotomy on EAS
function. We report a combination of multiple imaging
techniques including 3D-ultrasound, structural MRI and
fiber tractography that strongly suggest that EAS is
configured as a “purse-string”.