13:30 |
0692. |
Dynamic Magnetic Property
of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions at Various Ages Measured by
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
-permission withheld
Weiwei Chen1, Susan A. Gauthier2,
Ajay Gupta2, Joseph Comunale2,
Tian Liu2, Shuai Wang3, Mengchao
Pei2, David Pitt4, and Yi Wang2
1Radiology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical
College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan, Hubei, China, 2Weill
Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, United States, 3School
of Electronic Engineering, University of Electronic
Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, Sichuan,
China, 4The
Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States
A total of 293 MS lesions were detected in 12 clinically
definite MS patients who underwent twice quantitative
susceptibility mapping (QSM) from 8/2011 to 5/2012. This
longitudinal study of susceptibilities of MS lesions of
different ages using QSM suggests the following
findings. 1) There are 6 patterns of lesions manifested
in MRI, with various patterns in individual patients. 2)
QSM can detect lesions that are not detectable on
conventional MRI (pattern Q). 3) Susceptibilities of MS
lesions increase at early stage, peak in 1-3 yrs,
subsequently decrease in 3-7 yrs, and return to normal
after 7 yrs.
13:42 |
0693. |
Imaging Multipole Magnetic
Susceptibility Anisotropy in
Chunlei Liu1 and
Wei Li1
1Brain Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke
University, Durham, NC, United States
A method was demonstrated to extract sub-voxel tissue
magnetic response in vivo. A set of magnetic multipoles
were obtained by analyzing a single volume of
gradient-echo images in the spectral space (p-space). An
algorithm was developed for multipole analysis of images
acquired with multiple coils. A number of unique
findings were described: 1) multipole response of white
matter exhibits strong dependence on p-value; 2)
multipole response of white matter is anisotropic; 3)
multipole tensors provide distinctive contrasts and 4)
are indicative of tissue microstructure. Most
importantly, this unique information can be obtained
from a single volume of GRE images.
13:54 |
Artery-Vein Segmentation in
Non-Contrast-Enhanced Flow-Independent 3D Peripheral
Serena Y. Yeung1, Kie Tae Kwon1,
Bob S. Hu1,2, and Dwight G. Nishimura1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Palo
Alto Medical Foundation, Palo Alto, CA, United States
Magnetization-prepared 3D SSFP sequences have shown
promise for non-contrast-enhanced flow-independent
angiography (FIA), where intrinsic tissue parameters
such as T1, T2, and chemical shifts are exploited to
generate stable vessel contrast even under slow flow
conditions. However, an important challenge with this
approach is sufficient artery-vein contrast, which is
crucial for artery visualization and the diagnosis of
arterial disease. In this work, we apply the Maximally
Stable Extremal Regions (MSER) detector and k-means
clustering to perform unsupervised segmentation and
removal of the femoral veins in 3D FIA datasets of the
lower extremities.
14:06 |
0695. |
Optimal Enhancement of
Brain Structures by Combining Different MR Contrasts:
Demonstration of Venous Vessel Enhancement in Multi-Echo
Gradient-Echo MRI 
Andreas Deistung1, Ferdinand Schweser2,
and Jürgen R. Reichenbach2
1Medical Physics Group, Institute of
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology I, Jena
University Hospital - Friedrich Schiller University
Jena, Jena, Germany, 2Medical
Physics Group, Institute of Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology I, Jena University Hospital -
Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany
We present a supervised approach for creating image
contrast that enhances specific structures of interest.
To this end, we apply linear discriminant analysis (LDA)
to optimally combine multiple image contrasts generated
from complex-valued multi-echo GRE information (magnetic
susceptibility, R2*, and S0) to create a novel contrast
with increased cerebral venous vessel contrast. This
approach can easily be adjusted to emphasize other
tissue properties by changing the definition of classes
in the training step.
14:18 |
Automatic Bolus Analysis
for DCE-MRI Using Radial Golden-Angle Stack-Of-Stars GRE
Robert Grimm1, Li Feng2, Christoph
Forman3, Jana Hutter1, Berthold
Kiefer4, Joachim Hornegger1, and
Kai Tobias Block5
1Pattern Recognition Lab, FAU
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany, 2Department
of Radiology, New York University Langone Medical
Center, New York City, NY, United States, 3Pattern
Recognition Lab, Friedrich-Alexander-University
Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 4Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany, 5Department
of Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York City,
NY, United States
Compressed Sensing reconstruction of DCE-MRI with radial
stack-of-stars GRE acquisition suffers from two
shortcomings: First, the acquisition cannot be combined
with conventional bolus-detection techniques to confirm
successful bolus administration. Second, in abdominal
examinations only few of the up to 100 reconstructed
volumes are relevant for clinical diagnosis. An
automatic, k-space based method is presented that
addresses both problems. A bolus signal reflecting the
course of global contrast enhancement is extracted and
used to accurately determine the bolus arrival time.
Using population-based estimates for the delay of
arterial and venous enhancement in the liver, the
corresponding images can be identified.
14:30 |
Articulation Analysis Using
Real Time Spiral MRI with TRACER 
Bo Xu1, Sam Tilsen2, Pascal
Spincemaille3, Madhur Srivastava2,
Peter Doerschuk2, and Yi Wang1
1Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York, United States, 2Cornell
University, Ithaca, New York, United States, 3Weill
Cornell Medical College, New York, New York, United
In this study, the real-time spiral MRI combined with
the TRACER reconstruction is used for articulation
analysis. This method maintains coverage and spatial
resolution but achieves a high temporal frame rate that
is shown to be advantageous for the investigation of
speech motor control.
14:42 |
0698. |
Super-Resolution of Diffusion MRI for Microstructure Imaging 
Alexandra Tobisch1 and
Hui Zhang2
1Department of Medical Physics and
Bioengineering, University College London, London,
United Kingdom, 2Department
of Computer Science and Centre for Medical Image
Computing, University College London, London, United
This work develops a super-resolution reconstruction (SRR)
technique that constructs isotropic high-resolution
diffusion-weighted images (DWI) from multiple
anisotropic low-resolution acquisitions. The technique
will enable the mapping of tissue microstructure for
fine brain structures without the need for prohibitively
long imaging time. It advances the state-of-the-art by
adopting a model-based approach to directly
super-resolve the parameter maps of the underlying
tissue microstructure.
14:54 |
0699. |
Experimentally and
Computationally Fast Method for Estimation of the Mean
Brian Hansen1, Torben E. Lund1,
Ryan Sangill1, and Sune N. Jespersen1,2
1CFIN, Aarhus University, Aarhus C, Denmark, 2Department
of Physics, Aarhus University, Aarhus C, Denmark
Diffusion kurtosis imaging is a popular extension of
diffusion tensor imaging accounting for nongaussian
aspects of diffusion in biological tissue. Recently,
several studies have indicated enhanced sensitivity of
mean kurtosis (MK) to pathology, including stroke.
However, lengthy acquisition time and postprocessing
remains an obstacle for the exploration of further
clinical applications. Here we propose a very fast
acquisition and postprocessing scheme based on a linear
combination of 13 diffusion weighted images for
estimation of a new mean kurtosis metric, the trace of
the kurtosis tensor, which is then shown to have very
similar contrast to MK in the human brain.
15:06 |
REKINDLE: Robust Extraction
of Kurtosis INDices with Linear Estimation 
Chantal M.W. Tax1, Willem M. Otte1,
Max A. Viergever1, Rick M. Dijkhuizen1,
and Alexander Leemans1
1Image Sciences Institute, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) provides new avenues
for an accurate and complete tissue characterization
within clinically feasible scanning times. In a clinical
setting, however, such benefits are often nullified by
numerous acquisition artifacts. In this work, we propose
to extend the popular Robust Estimation of Tensors by
Outlier Rejection (RESTORE) approach, which is widely
used in diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), to DKI. In
addition, a linearized framework, coined REKINDLE
(Robust Extraction of Kurtosis INDices with Linear
Estimation), has been developed that drastically reduces
the computational cost without compromising the
estimation reliability.
15:18 |
0701. |
Framework for Task-Based
Assessment of MR Image Quality 
Christian G. Graff1
1Division of Imaging and Applied Mathematics,
U. S. Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD,
United States
A computational modeling framework has been developed
which is able to analyze and compare image quality
across different sequences, trajectories and
reconstruction techniques. The image quality metrics are
based on practical analysis tasks which emulate the
complex uses of clinical MR. Using these metrics we show
how even complex reconstruction methods such as
compressed sensing can be analyzed in a rigorous manner,
which is not possible with traditional image quality