16:00 |
A High-Efficiency Linear
MRI Transmit Amplifier Using Envelope-Tracking 
Pascal P. Stang1, John M. Pauly1,
and Greig C. Scott1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CALIFORNIA, United States
Linear Class-AB RF amplifiers are favored in MRI for
their excellent linearity and phase stability. Yet the
wide peak-to-average power spread common in MRI transmit
pulse sequences forces linear amplifiers to run at
dismal efficiencies, producing high levels of pulsatile
heat dissipation which negatively impacts design,
performance, and operating consistency (e.g. memory
effects). We apply envelope-tracking to classic linear
amplifiers to achieve higher efficiency and reduced
thermal stress without sacrificing performance or
fidelity. Comparative results are presented on sinc and
hard pulses at a range of amplitudes. Broad DC-to-RF
efficiency improvements up to 3.5x are observed,
translating into reductions up to 40% in dissipated
power while delivering the same RF output.
16:12 |
0723. |
Image-Based Validation of
Optically Coupled Current Sensor for RF Safety Monitoring 
Maryam Etezadi-Amoli1, Pascal P. Stang1,
Adam Kerr1, John Pauly1, and Greig
C. Scott1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States
We validated the accuracy of an optically coupled,
photonically powered RF current sensor by comparing both
submerged and free space current sensor measurements to
current computed from B1 maps within the imaging volume.
The sensor and image-based measurements differed by less
than 10%. Such quantitative methods of real-time current
monitoring could greatly enhance the safety of MRI scans
performed in the presence of long conductors, such as
interventional guidewires and ablation devices.
16:24 |
0724. |
Magnetic Walls for RF Coil
Elements Decoupling 
Mohamed Ahmed Abou-Khousa1, Joseph S. Gati1,
and Ravi Menon1,2
1Robarts Research Institute, Western
University, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Dept.
of Medical Biophysics, Western University, London,
Onatrio, Canada
Novel and essentially lossless RF array coil elements
decoupling method is introduced and analyzed. The
proposed method is based on utilizing artificially
engineered “magnetic walls” to effectively isolate the
array elements. The efficacy of the decoupling method is
demonstrated with 7T linear Tx/Rx visual cortex array
for high-resolution fMRI. The method can be used quite
systematically to decouple transmit-, receive- as well
as transceive-arrays.
16:36 |
Enhancement Mode GaN (EGaN)
FETs for On-Coil MRI Transmit Amplifiers 
Michael Twieg1, Matthew J. Riffe2,
Natalia Gudino2, and Mark A. Griswold1,3
1Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH,
United States, 2Dept.
of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 3Dept.
of Radiology, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH, United States
We present the first use of enhancement-mode Gallium
Nitride (eGaN) FETs, a novel emerging transistor
technology, in on-coil transmit amplifiers for MRI. This
work demonstrates the operation of a complete miniature
on-coil amplifier module using the current mode class D
(CMCD) topology as well as AM modulation via envelope
elimination and restoration (EER). We show that the
small size and low cost of eGaN FETs offer significant
advantages over traditional Silicon (Si) FET technology
for small and high efficiency RF amplifiers.
16:48 |
0726. |
Muti-Channel, In-Bore Power
Amplifiers for Multi-Channel Coil at 7T 
Lance DelaBarre1, Daniel Myer2,
and University of Minnesota University of Minnesota
1Radiology - Center for MR Research,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2CPC
Amps, Inc., Hauppauge, NY, United States, 3Radiology
- Center for MR Research, U. of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
MN, United States
Parallel transmission in MRI has created a need for
multiple, independently controlled power amplifier
channels. Meeting this need with multiple, intermediate
powered amplifiers opens the possibility to move the
amplifiers closer to the RF coil to eliminate cable
losses. Eight 1 kW A/B linear RF Amplifiers operating
inside a 7T magnet bore are demonstrated.
17:00 |
0727. |
Highly Accelerated Parallel
Imaging Using Rotating Radiofrequency Coil Array at 7T 
Mingyan Li1, Jin Jin1, Feng Liu1,
Adnan Trakic1, Ewald Weber1, and
Stuart Crozier1
1School of Information Technology and
Electrical Engineering, The University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
In this work, the novel 4-element rotating
radiofrequency coil array (RRFCA) was numerically
modelled, and its potential to accelerate imaging in
different modes was investigated at 7T. Compared with
lower field, its acceleration ability was strengthened
owing to improved electromagnetic isolation and more
distinctive sensitivity profiles. As demonstrated by
calculated g-maps and reconstructed images, the RRFCA
illustrated clear advantages in imaging acceleration
compared with 8-element stationary phased-array coils at
17:12 |
0728. |
Energy Harvesting Towards
Autonomous MRI Detection 
Jens Höfflin1, Elmar Fischer2,
Jürgen Hennig2, and Jan G. Korvink1,3
1Lab of Simulation - Department of
Microsystems Engineering, University of Freiburg - IMTEK,
Freiburg, Germany, 2Department
of Radiology, University Medical Center Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany, 3Freiburg
Institute for Advanced Studies - FRIAS, University of
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
We present a first prototype of an energy harvesting
coil made from insulated copper wire wound on a PMMA
holder, designed to fit inside the RF transmission coil
of a Bruker AVANCE III MRI spectrometer. The harvesting
coil scavenges power from gradient switches and RF
pulses and converts these AC signals into a DC voltage
suitable for driving a receiving coil’s preamplifier. To
limit power consumption, we used a monolithic IC
preamplifier manufactured at the Fraunhofer IAF III-V
foundry. We were able to show that the preamplifier
could be driven solely by our harvester with no external
power supply necessary.
17:24 |
0729. |
A Quantum Description of
Signal Transduction in Magnetic Resonance: Analytical
Results, Cavity Damping, and Relaxation 
James Tropp1
1GE Healthcare Technologies, Fremont, CA,
United States
We expand our earlier quantum mechanical treatment of
NMR transduction by the Jaynes-Cummings formalism for a
spin ½ coupled to a quantized cavity, to include the
effects of cavity losses, and spin relaxation. Some
analytical results for Rabi oscillation are also given.
17:36 |
Signal and Noise
Propagation in MR Receive Arrays: Theory and Experimental
Matteo Pavan1, David Otto Brunner1,2,
Manuel Schneider1, and Klaas P. Pruessmann1
1ETH and University Zurich, Zurich,
Switzerland, 2University
and ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Receive coil arrays are design to maximize Signal to
Noise Ratio of the detected spin magnetization. Recent
work reveals an experimental case in which high noise
correlation could be tolerated in order to increase the
SNR performance of a two channels array; a theory that
describes this behavior is here explained and
experimentally validated. This work is targeted at MRI
technologists dealing with receive coil arrays and aims
to address a new theoretical understanding of SNR
behavior depending on array’s matching condition with
clear distinction between the impact of different
components along the receive chain.
17:48 |
0731. |
RF Coil Design with
Automatic Tuning and Matching 
Sung-Min Sohn1, Lance DelaBarre2,
Anand Gopinath1, and University of Minnesota
University of Minnesota Vaughan1,2
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Center
for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
RF coils with transmission line elements are commonly
used for high-field MRI, as both transmitter and
transceiver elements. The RF coil element is typically
terminated at the variable trimmer capacitors commonly
called matching capacitor (Cm) and tuning capacitor (Ct)
at one end, and a fixed value capacitor (Cf) at the
other to form a capacitively tuned, matched, and
shortened half-wave resonator. These resonant coil
elements usually have a high quality factor (Q). High
transmit efficiency and receiver signal-to-noise (SNR)
are dependent on a well tuned (to Larmor frequency) and
matched (to load) resonance for the element. Conversely,
variable body loading of these coil elements can
adversely impact both tuning and matching, and therefore
efficiency and SNR of the coil. This study demonstrates
a high-speed, electronically actuated, automatic
impedance matching and tuning technique to assure
optimal coil efficiency and SNR over a range of
patient-coil loading conditions.