10:30 |
0824. |
A 16-Channel Breast RF-Coil
for Simultaneous PET/MR 
Manoj M. Nimbalkar1, Matthias Müller2,
Titus Lanz2, Stephan G. Nekolla1,
Sibylle Ziegler1, Rebekka Kraus1,
Sebastian Fürst1, Axel Haase3,
Markus Schwaiger1, and Isabel Dregely1
1Klinikum rechts der Isar, Technischen
Universität München, München, Bayern, Germany, 2RAPID
Biomedical GmbH, Rimpar, Germany,3Zentralinstituts
für Medizintechnik, Technische Universität München,
München, Bayern, Germany
Novel hybrid systems such as PET/MR can simultaneously
provide metabolical and anatomical information in breast
cancer imaging. Here we present design and
implementation of a 16-channel breast RF coil optimized
for simultaneous PET/MR (3T) systems. In phantom studies
we found that the MR performance of the PET/MR coil was
comparable to MR-only coils. Accurate PET quantification
could be achieved with the PET/MR breast coil in the PET
FOV by implementing a CT-based template-attenuation
correction (AC) map of the coil to be combined with the
MR-acquired phantom-AC map.
10:42 |
0825. |
A PET Optimized 16-Element
Anterior Array Coil for 3T Simultaneous MR/PET System 
Yun-Jeong Stickle1, Tae-Young Yang1,
Tom E. Zink1, Sahil Bhatia1,
Victor Taracila1, Fraser Robb1,
Bijay K. Shah2, and David M. Goldhaber2
1Engineering, GE Healthcare, Aurora, OH,
United States, 2Engineering,
GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States
A PET optimized 16- Element anterior array coil is
described for acquiring high-sensitivity MR (Magnetic
Resonance) images and good quality PET images of the
torso and cardiac at 3 Tesla simultaneous PET/MR system.
This anterior coil has been optimized to minimize the
interference with gamma ray detection from the PET
without scarifying MR image quality. In this study, we
reduced the thickness of the rigid coil formers that
consist of a Lexan 940 with the PET transparent material
supports, optimized arrangement of components (internal
cables, internal cable baluns, feedboards and decoupling
boards) and introduced the new mechanical feedboard and
decoupling housing design.
10:54 |
Low 511keV-Attenuation
Array Coil Setup for Simultaneous PET/MR Imaging of the
Monkey Brain 
Christin Y. Sander1,2, Avilash Cramer1,
Boris Keil1, Azma Mareyam1, Bruce
R. Rosen1,3, and Lawrence L. Wald1,3
1A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Electrical
Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA, United States, 3Health
Sciences and Technology, Harvard-MIT, Cambridge, MA,
United States
Simultaneous PET/MR imaging of non-human primates is
challenging due to the lack of dedicated coils that are
needed to target smaller brain volumes and allow for
increased resolution without a loss in sensitivity.
Moreover, the attenuation properties of coils are an
important design parameter to ensure PET imaging with
minimal artifacts. In this study, we developed two
monkey coils of different sizes that minimized 511 keV
attenuation and showed superior sensitivity and
acceleration compared to the alternative use of a human
head coil.
11:06 |
0827. |
3T Head Neck Coil for
Simultaneous MR-PET Imaging 
Sahil Bhatia1, Gabriel Searles2,
Dmitriy Londarskiy2, Tom E. Zink2,
Darren Gregan2, Tae-Young Yang2,
Bijay Shah3, and Yun-Jeong Stickle2
1GE Healthcare, Aurora, OH, United States, 2G.E.
Healthcare, Aurora, OH, United States, 3G.E.
Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States
MR-PET combines the advantages of MRI’s morphological
imaging with excellent soft tissue contrast and PET’s
functional imaging. Integrated MR-PET scanners offer
several advantages over sequential scanners such as
reduction in overall scan time and elimination of
patient repositioning. In an integrated MR-PET system,
phased array surface coils are directly in the PET field
of view and attenuate positrons resulting in artifacts
and poor quality PET images. This paper presents a head
neck coil at 3T designed specifically to be transparent
to PET positrons. Significant improvements in PET
sensitivity loss are shown without loss in MR
11:18 |
0828. |
Highly Efficient
Inductively Coupled Double Resonant Surface Coil for
Simultaneous 1H/19F
-permission withheld
Christian Findeklee1, Christoph Leussler1,
Daniel Wirtz1, and Jochen Keupp1
1Research Laboratories Hamburg, Philips
Technologie GmbH, Hamburg, Germany
A PET compatible 1H/19F
surface coil was realized by an adjustable dual resonant
inductive coupling loop. This concept enables convenient
and accurate tuning and matching across a wide variety
of different loading scenarios. In addition, the
inductive coupling mechanism integrates a cable trap
function. Furthermore, the stray field of the feeding
loop is exactly the same at both operating frequencies.
The coil was designed such that it is merely transparent
for PET imaging.
11:30 |
MR-PET Respiration
Compensation Using Self-Gated Motion Modeling 
Robert Grimm1, Sebastian Fürst2,
Isabel Dregely2, Stephan G. Nekolla2,
Sibylle Ziegler2, Simon Bauer3,
Dominik Nickel3, Berthold Kiefer3,
Joachim Hornegger1, Markus Schwaiger2,
and Kai Tobias Block4
1Pattern Recognition Lab, FAU
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany, 2Department
of Nuclear Medicine, Technische Universität München,
Munich, Germany, 3Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany, 4Department
of Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York City,
NY, United States
First in-vivo results of respiratory motion compensation
in hybrid PET-MRI systems are presented. With the help
of self-gated reconstructions of a 3D radial
stack-of-stars GRE sequence, a motion model can be
generated from the MR images. The derived self-gating
signal also allows motion-binned PET reconstruction. The
motion model is applied to warp the µ-map to different
respiratory levels as well as to perform motion
correction in the reconstructed PET images. The
resulting images show better lesion delineation and
sharpness of the liver dome compared to uncorrected
11:42 |
Simultaneous PET/MR
Imaging: Automatic Attenuation Correction of Flexible RF
René Kartmann1, Daniel H. Paulus1,
Bassim Aklan1, Susanne Ziegler1,
Harald Braun1, Bharath Navalpakkam1,
and Harald H. Quick1
1Institute of Medical Phyics, Erlangen,
Bavaria, Germany
Flexible RF surface coils used in simultaneous PET/MR
imaging attenuate the PET signal and are currently not
attenuation corrected. An algorithm is presented, which
automatically integrates CT-based attenuation maps of
flexible surface coils into PET attenuation correction.
Registration is based on markers. Two phantoms are
scanned with/out RF coils placed on top. Considerable
local attenuation due to the presence of the coils was
measured in regions close to the coils. The combined
attenuation maps generated by the presented algorithm
perform well concerning the attenuation correction of
the coils. Furthermore, volunteer scans provide evidence
that the algorithm is accurate and robust.
11:54 |
0831. |
Modular Rotating Gamma
Camera Insert for Simultaneous SPECT and MR Small-Animal
Mark Jason Hamamura1, Seunghoon Ha2,
Werner W. Roeck1, James W. Hugg3,
Dirk Meier4, and Orhan Nalcioglu1,5
1Tu & Yuen Center for Functional Onco-Imaging,
University of California, Irvine, CA, United States, 2Tu
& Yuen Center for Functional Onco-Imaging, University of
California Irvine, Irvine, CA, United States, 3Gamma
Medica, Inc., Northridge, CA, United States, 4Gamma
Medica, Inc., Fornebu, Norway, 5Department
of Cogno-Mechatronics, Pusan National University, Busan,
We have developed a modular rotating gamma camera insert
that has been designed for straightforward integration
with existing MRI systems for simultaneous SPECT and MR
imaging. Operation of the combined system was
demonstrated through phantom and small animal imaging.
Due to its versatility, we anticipate that this system
can be utilized for a wide range of small-animal imaging
12:06 |
A 10-Channel RF Coil for
Use in Magnetic Resonance Guided High Intensity Focused
Ultrasound of the The Brain. 
Emilee Minalga1, Robb Merrill1,
Nick Todd1, Dennis L. Parker1, and
J. Rock Hadley1
1Department of Radiology, University of Utah,
Salt Lake City, UT, United States
This work describes the design of an open access
10-channel brain RF coil for magnetic resonance guided
high intensity focused ultrasound. The coil was built to
be compatible with a head stereotactic device and
waterproof for use in a water tank. This coil uses
capacitive decoupling of adjacent loops. The coil is
evaluated for SNR performance, temperature imaging
performance, and a comparison of anatomy scans. The coil
was found to give better SNR over the body coil. This
SNR increase translates to better anatomy imaging and
temperature measurements.
12:18 |
0833. |
Hybrid MRI/RF-Heating at
7.0 Tesla and 11.7 Tesla: Electro-Magnetic Field
Simulations, Temperature Simulations/Measurements, Dipole
Antenna Design and Heating Experiments 
Lukas Winter1, Tessa van de Lindt1,
Celal Özerdem1, Werner Hoffmann2,
Davide Santoro1, Alexander Müller1,
Andreas Graessl1, Reiner Seemann2,
Jaroslav Marek1, and Thoralf Niendorf1,3
1Berlin Ultrahigh Field Faciltiy (B.U.F.F.),
Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin,
Germany, 2Metrology
in Medicine, Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt,
Berlin, Germany, 3Experimental
and Clinical Research Center (ECRC), a joint cooperation
between Charité Medical Faculty and Max-Delbrück Center
for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany
The concept of combining dedicated MR hardware for MR
imaging, MR thermometry and targeted RF heating at 7.0T
has been demonstrated recently. This study examines
controlled RF induced heating at even higher frequencies
(11.7T), to benefit from the sharpening and focusing
abilities of a RF wavelength reduction. The presented
antenna configurations both for 7.0T and 11.7T are
suitable for MR imaging, MRTh and targeted RF-Heating.
Temperature simulations in voxel models show, that a
controlled generation of a hotspot in the human brain is
feasible and the hotspot dimensions can be further
reduced with an increase in frequency.