10:30 |
2-In-1: Simultaneously T2/T2* Weighted
Double Echo Fast Spin Echo Imaging 
Katharina Fuchs1, Fabian Hezel1,
Sabrina Klix1, and Thoralf Niendorf1,2
1Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility (B.U.F.F.),
Max-Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin,
Germany, 2Experimental
and Clinical Research Center, a cooperation of the
Charité Medical Faculty and the Max-Delbrueck Center for
Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany
Both T2 and
T2* weighted
Fast Spin Echo (FSE) sequences are frequently applied in
clinical practice. This work presents an FSE technique
which is simultaneously sensitive to T2and T2* offering
various applications including simultaneous mapping. The
dual weighting of the proposed two-in-one sequence is
generated via the separation of spin echoes and
stimulated echoes. Applicability of the presented
approach is examined in phantoms and healthy volunteers
at 3.0 T and 7.0 T.
10:42 |
T2-Weighted Fat Suppressed
Balanced SSFP Imaging (Contrast-Prepared SSFP) for
Interventional Guidance 
Di Xu1, Clifford R. Weiss2, Ozan
Sayin1, Wesley D. Gilson3,
Jonathan S. Lewin2, Elliot R. McVeigh1,
and Daniel A. Herzka4
1Biomedical Engineering, The Johns Hopkins
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Radiology,
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD,
United States,3Siemens Corporation, Corporate
Technology, Baltimore, MD, United States, 4Biomedical
Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,
United States
T2-weighted fat suppressed MR images are diagnostically
relevant in lesion and critical structure
characterization in vascular anomalies, oncology, and
cardiology, etc. Current techniques used in MR-guided
interventions have limited T2 contrast and fat
suppression (e.g SSFP), are slow (e.g. T2W-TSE), or
yield blurry images and inferior speed (HASTE). Hence,
an imaging technique with sufficient speed for real-time
procedure guidance in addition to T2 contrast and fat
suppression is of interest. We present contrast-prepared
SSFP (CP-SSFP), a technique for interventional guidance
incorporating several technical improvements. The
technique is evaluated on phantoms and patients
undergoing therapeutic or diagnostic imaging for
vascular malformations.
10:54 |
0866. |
On the Role of Neuronal
Magnetic Susceptibility and Structure Symmetry on Gradient
Echo MR Signal Formation 
Alexander L. Sukstanskii1 and
Dmitriy A. Yablonskiy1
1Radiology, Washington University, St. Louis,
Missouri, United States
In this communication we analyze the effect of magnetic
anisotropy associated with the presence of radially-oriented
long-chain lipoprotein molecules in the myelin sheath of
WM fibers on gradient echo MRI signal formation. We
incorporate this effect into previously developed
Generalized Lorentzian approach and calculate water
frequency shifts in axons, myelin and extracellular
space. Frequency shifts in axons and myelin sheath are
shown to be highly anisotropic with respect to B0.
Importantly, both the cylindrical symmetry of WM tissue
structure and of magnetic susceptibility contribute to
this anisotropic effect. It is also shown that myelin
water signal is substantially non-T2* type.
11:06 |
Myelin Water Imaging 
Se-Hong Oh1 and
Jongho Lee1
1Department of Radiology, Perelman School of
Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States
In this study, a new MRI sequence that selectively
acquires myelin water signal is proposed. Compared to
conventional myelin water imaging, the new myelin water
imaging method provides substantially improved image
quality showing potentials for clinical applications.
11:18 |
Differential Developmental
Trajectories of Magnetic Susceptibility in Human Brain Gray
and White Matter 
Wei Li1, Bing Wu2, Anastasia
Batrachenko1, Christian Langkammer3,
Stefan Ropele3, Rajendra Morey1,4,
Vandana Shashi5, Allen W. Song1,6,
and Chunlei Liu1,6
1Brain Imaging & Analysis Center, Duke
University, Durham, North Carolina, United States, 2GE
Healthcare China, Beijing, China, 3Neurology,
Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 4Psychiatry
and Behavioral Sciences, Durham VA Medical Center,
Durham, North Carolina, United States, 5Pediatrics,
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, United States, 6Radiology,
Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, United States
The evolution of regional magnetic susceptibility in the
human brain is assessed in 181 subjects from 1 to 83
years. The evolution of magnetic susceptibility over the
lifespan was found to display differential trajectories
between gray and white matter. Both cortical and
subcortical white matter showed an initial decrease
followed by a subsequent increase of magnetic
susceptibility, while both cortical gray matter and
iron-rich deep nuclei displays a monotonic increase.
These results suggest that magnetic susceptibility may
provide valuable information regarding the spatial and
temporal patterns of brain myelination and iron
deposition during brain maturation and ageing.
11:30 |
0869. |
MRI Contrasts Generated
Using Fictitious Fields in High-Rank Rotating Frames
Correlate with Myelin Content in Normal Rat Brain ex
Timo Liimatainen1, Alejandra Sierra1,
Hanne Hakkarainen1, Djaudat Idiyatullin2,
Christine Storino2, Silvia Mangia2,
Olli Gröhn1, Michael Garwood2, and
Shalom Michaeli2
1A.I.Virtanen Institute for Molecular
Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Fi,
Finland, 2Center
for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
Relaxation Along a Fictitious Field (RAFF) was used to
characterize MRI tissue contrast in a rotating frames of
rank n, where n was varied between 1 and 5. Relaxation
times maps in high-rank rotating frames correlate with
myelin content in the rat brain ex vivo better than T 1,
T 2, T 1 ,
T 2 or
MT. The RAFFn provides high potential for mapping of
myelination in the brain.
11:42 |
0870. |
MR Elastography as a Method
to Estimate Brain Stiffness and Its Correlation to
Intracranail Pressure in Pseudotumor Ceribri Patients 
Wael Marashdeh1, Bradley Gans1,
Brian Raterman1, Eric Bourekas1,
and Arunark Kolipaka1
1Radiology, ohio state university wexner
medical center, Columbus, ohio, United States
Measuring the stiffness of the brain provides important
diagnostic information.Magnetic Resonance
Elastography(MRE)is a noninvasive method to estimate the
stiffness of the brain.This study aims to determine the
correlation between intracranial pressures and whole
brain stiffness.Our results demonstrated no significant
difference in MRE derived brain stiffness to the opening
and closing intracranial pressures measured by lumbar
puncture in a pool of 7 patients. However, more studies
are warranted to establish the correlation between
intracranial pressure and brain stiffness.
11:54 |
0871. |
Selective Spectral
Displacement Projection in 3D Multifrequency MRE 
Temel Kaya Yasar1, Dieter Klatt2,
Richard L. Magin2, and Thomas J. Royston2
1Department of Mechanical & Industrial
Engineering, The University of Illinois at Chicago,
Chicago, Illinois, United States, 2Department
of Bioengineering, The University of Illinois at
Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States
We introduce selective spectral displacement projection
(SDP) as a new motion encoding concept for 3D
multifrequency MRE. SDP-MRE can be applied to a
vibration spectrum composed of three frequencies and
exploits the filter condition of MRE for selecting one
frequency each per spatial direction. The selected
components are simultaneously encoded in the phase of
the MR signal and the acquisition of temporally-resolved
phase images enables the decomposition of the individual
components. SDP-MRE reduces the number of
temporally-resolved MRE experiments for data acquisition
by a factor of 3, while providing the same wave images
as found using conventional monofrequency MRE.
12:06 |
0872. |
Detection of Amyotrophic
Lateral Sclerosis Using in
vivo Waveguide
Anthony J. Romano1, Jing Guo2,
Torben Prokscha3, Sebastian Hirsch4,
Juergen Braun5, Ingolf Sack3, and
Michael Scheel3
1Physical Acoustics, Naval Research
Laboratory, Washington, DC, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Charite - University Medicine Berlin,
Berlin, Germany, 3Department
of Radiology, Charite-Universitatsmedizin, Berlin,
Germany, 4Department
of Radiology, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
Berlin, Germany, 5Institute
of Medical Informatics, Charite - University Medicine
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
We implemented a method called Waveguide Elastography in
the analysis of orthotropic elastic parameters of the
corticospinal tracts (CSTs) in the brains of five
healthy volunteers. Here, we extend this method in an
attempt to detect Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) by
analyzing the stiffness of the CSTs of 10 subjects:
These included five healthy controls and five patients
who present with ALS. We found that we were able to
detect a 5% reduction in shear stiffness in the patients
vs the controls, and using a Mann-Whitney-U test, we
obtained a p = 0.008 demonstrating significant
differences between the two groups.
12:18 |
0873. |
An Atlas of the Anatomy of
Human Brain Viscoelasticity 
Jing Guo1, Sebastian Hirsch2,
Sebastian Papazoglou1, Andreas Fehlner3,
Michael Scheel1, Jens Wuerfel4,
Juergen Braun5, and Ingolf Sack1
1Department of Radiology, Charite -
University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2Department
of Radiology, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
Berlin, Berlin, Germany,3Department of
Radiology, Charité University Medicine, Berlin, Berlin,
Germany, 4Institute
of Neuroradiology, University Luebeck, Luebeck,
Schleswig-Holstein, Germany,5Department of
Medical Informatics, Charite - University Medicine
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany
We introduce a novel wave field reconstruction method
which we used for analyzing 3D-multifrequency MRE brain
data of 23 healthy volunteers providing viscoelastic
parameter maps with a spatial resolution superior to
former approaches. Individual parameter maps reflecting
the magnitude of the complex modulus and the powerlaw
exponent of the springpot model were normalized and
averaged in order to obtain an atlas of the mechanical
anatomy of the human brain.