The exhibition floor
will be open for longer hours in 2013 for extended poster viewing.
Due to
overwhelming requests from our attendees to extend poster viewing
hours, the ISMRM Board of Trustees has agreed it is in the best
interest of our attendees to do so. Therefore, the exhibition floor
will be open for longer hours in order to accommodate poster
viewing. While exhibition hours will remain the same, this change
simply indicates that when the Technical Exhibition closes at 17:00
daily, the exhibit hall will remain open for poster viewing. There
will likely be people still roaming around viewing once you have
left your booth for the day. Due to this change, it is recommended
by the ISMRM for all exhibitors to consider purchasing additional
security measures or securing booth valuables in a locked cupboard.
While the ISMRM will provide perimeter security and walk-about
security in the exhibition hall, we are not responsible for booth
security. Please consider this point carefully and remember to order
your own security or lockable cupboards to support valuables. Booth
security forms and lockable furniture rentals will be available in
our Exhibitor Service Kit which will go live online 23 January 2013
to all paid exhibitors. |
Contractor Services
ISMRM will designate contractors, as named in the Exhibitor Service
Kit, to provide buildup and dismantling services to exhibitors. Such
contractors will provide all show services other than supervision.
The exhibitor shall provide only the material and equipment that it
owns and that is to be used in the exhibit space. All other items
used in the booths are to be provided only by such contractors. The
official freight contractor will have complete control of all dock
and loading facilities. The freight contractor will receive all
shipments and van loads, handle all freight, and provide all
rigging, labor, and equipment relating to freight handling.
Electrical, plumbing, catering, and telephone services can be
ordered by using the forms in the Exhibitor Service Kit.
Service Kit
If an exhibitor wishes to use a labor contractor other than the
official Labor Contractor, the exhibitor must submit the Exhibitor
Appointed Contractor Forms to Freeman 30 days before the beginning
of move-in. At the same time as this form is submitted, the
exhibitor must also provide ISMRM with certificates of insurance for
all agents or representatives who are performing services at the
Salt Palace Convention Center site other than the exhibitor�s
employees. These agents or representatives, as well as all
employees, must be identified by the official ISMRM badge prior to
entering the exhibition hall.
Labor Rates and
Detailed information regarding work rules for all trades operating
at the Salt Palace Convention Center site will be provided in the
Exhibitor Service Kit. Labor rates will be announced in the Service
Kit; all rates will be listed in United States dollars. Rates
subject to change; local and government taxes are not included.
Final labor rates will be published in the Exhibitor Service Kit. |