ISMRM 21st
Annual Meeting & Exhibition
20-26 April 2013
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA |
Monday, 22 April 2013 (16:30-18:30) Exhibition Hall |
2044. |
Fat Suppressive and
Susceptibility Tolerant PINS Pulses for Multi-Band
Diffusion Weighted EPI
Eric Aboussouan1, Rafael O’Halloran1,
Anh Tu Van1, Samantha J. Holdsworth1,
William A. Grissom2, and Roland Bammer1
1Radiology, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Tennesse, United States
Multi-band acquisitions make diffusion imaging with
full brain coverage faster and more SNR-efficient by
simultaneously acquiring multiple slices with
limited g-factor penalty. To do so, special RF
pulses must be employed. PINS pulses excite multiple
slices simultaneously with limited power deposition
and can additionally be designed to be inherently
fat suppressive. In this work, we present and
compare two multiband excitation and refocusing
schemes for Diffusion Weighted EPI (DW-EPI). The
first method performs lipid suppression by shifting
the fat slice in opposite directions during the
excitation and refocusing steps. The second method
reduces susceptibility artifacts by matching the
time-averages of the slice selection gradients of
the excitation and refocusing pulses.
2045. |
SAR Efficient
Simultaneous Multislice Diffusion Weighted Imaging at 7T
Using PINS RF Pulses 
Markus Barth1,2, Peter J. Koopmans1,2,
Rasim Boyacioglu1, Jennifer Bersch1,
and David G. Norris1,2
1Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition
and Behaviour, Radboud University, Nijmegen,
Netherlands, 2Erwin
L. Hahn Institute for Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
Simultaneous multislice (SMS) imaging is an
efficient way to speed up multislice 2D acquisitions
by exciting several slices simultaneously and
reconstructing them via parallel imaging algorithms.
Specifically, diffusion weighted imaging (DWI)
profits largely when this technique is used,
however, at high field strengths conventional
multiband pulses lead to high SAR. We show that by
using RF pulses where the power is independent of
the number of slices (PINS), SAR and amplitude
constraints can be resolved even for
double-refocused spin-echo DWI at 7 Tesla leading to
short acquisition times (< 3 minutes for 60
diffusion directions).
2046. |
Compressive Diffusion
MRI – Part 2: Performance Evaluation Via Low-Rank Model
Hao Gao1,2, Longchuan Li3, and
Xiaoping P. Hu3
1Department of Mathematics and Computer
Science, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, United
States, 2Department
of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Emory University,
Atlanta, Georgia, United States,3Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Emory University and
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia,
United States
In another submitted abstract “Compressive Diffusion
MRI – Part 1: Why Low-Rank?”, we compared several
sparsity models and found that the low-rank (LR)
model is the most suitable for diffusion MRI. In
this abstract we retrospectively explore compressive
MRI in the context of diffusion MRI via LR. The
results suggest that LR is able to accurately
reconstruct the diffusion MR images from highly
undersampled k-space, in terms of both the image
quality and the angular differences in the principal
and secondary diffusion orientations.
How to Make Sure You
Are Using the Correct Gradient Orientations in Your
Diffusion MRI Study
Ben Jeurissen1, Alexander Leemans2,
and Jan Sijbers1
1iMinds-Vision Lab, University of
Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium, 2Image
Sciences Institute, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Ensuring one is using the correct gradient table in
a diffusion MRI study can be a challenging task.
Different scanners, file formats and processing
tools use different coordinate frame conventions.
This can lead to gradient orientations containing an
angulation error, which might go unnoticed when
small. In this work, we propose a fast and reliable
tool to automatically align the gradient table with
the corresponding diffusion weighted images, using a
metric based on whole brain tractography.
Simulations show that sub-degree accuracy and
precision is achieved. This tool will be made
available during the meeting as a web application.
2048. |
Diffusion Signal
Decomposition Using Periodical Sampling in Gradient
Direction Domain and Fourier Approximation 
Farshid Sepehrband1, Jeiran Choupan1,
Nyoman Dana Kurniawan1, David C. Reutens1,
and Zhengyi Yang2
1Centre for Advanced Imaging, The
University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 2school
of Information Technology and Electrical
Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane,
QLD, Australia
In this work we proposed a novel data driven
approach to decompose restricted diffusion from
diffusion signal, and validated it using ex-vivo
mouse brain tractography. To achieve this goal,
first, we impose a periodic spiral sampling in
gradient direction domain. Then, we applied low pass
filter based on finding the optimal cut-off
frequency to decompose the diffusion signal. We
assume that restricted diffusion is sensitive to
sampling orientation, while free diffusion and noise
are orientationally independent. Therefore,
restricted diffusion contributes in the low
frequency parts of diffusion signal, while free
diffusion and noise contribute in high frequencies.
Periodic Sampling in
the Gradient Direction Domain Facilitates Noise
Reduction in Diffusion Weighted Imaging 
Farshid Sepehrband1, Jeiran Choupan1,
Viktor Vegh1, Quang M. Tieng1,
David C. Reutens1, and Zhengyi Yang2
1Centre for Advanced Imaging, The
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland,
Australia, 2School
of Information Technology and Electrical
Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia
We have proposed a new sampling scheme for Higher
Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging. The scheme is
based on sampling the diffusion gradient directions
periodically in a spiral over the unit sphere.
Diffusion signal acquired with this scheme inherits
the periodicity of the sampling, which brings
post-processing opportunities for diffusion MRI
data, such as denoising, compressed sensing and
tractography. Here we have demonstrated its effect
on signal-to-noise improvement.
2050. |
Ordering of Multiple
Diffusion Gradient Directions for High Resolution ADC
Maps Using Golden Angle 
Hyunseok Seo1, Yeji Han1, and
HyunWook Park1
1Electrical Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon,
This abstract proposes a diffusion weighted-imaging
method containing various directional diffusion
information in an imaging sequence using radial
trajectories. The order of diffusion gradient
directions is also proposed to reduce artifacts
caused by the anisotropic diffusion properties in
the ADC map. Computer simulations were performed to
evaluate the proposed method. MR experiment results
from phantom and in vivo brain studies show that the
proposed method is more accurate and faster than
conventional methods. Another merit of the proposed
method was also verified through the high-resolution
ADC map.
2051. |
Twice-Refocused Adiabatic Spin Echo Sequence for
Diffusion Weighted Imaging of Humans at 7T
Priti Balchandani1,2 and
Deqiang Qiu2
1Radiology, Mount Sinai School of
Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) at higher field
strengths, such as 7 Tesla, may benefit from
increased signal-to-noise ratio but suffers from
susceptibility to B1-inhomogeneity. This
effect is particularly pronounced when using a
twice-refocused spin echo DWI sequence to mitigate
eddy current effects. We have employed the adiabatic
SLR algorithm for RF pulse design to design
optimized B1-insensitive 180° RF pulses
and used them to replace the standard 180° pulses in
a twice-refocused spin echo DWI sequence. We show
improved diffusion weighted images of the human
brain at 7T with more uniform SNR when using this
method when compared to the standard non-adiabatic
2052. |
An in
vivo Investigation
Into the Potential Benefit of High-Field MR for
Diffusion Imaging
Joelle E. Sarlls1 and
S Lalith Talagala1
1NINDS/NMR Center, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, MD, United States
It is still unclear if typical diffusion-weighted
imaging (DW) will benefit from 7T. At higher field
there is an increase in magnetization, yet
T2-relaxation is shortened, limiting the utility of
DWI due to the neccesarily long echo times. Previous
studies comparing SNR for DWI at 7T and 3T used
significantly different scan parameters and receiver
coils. In this study, we compare the SNR of white
matter regions, in vivo, for DWI relevent echo times
at 7T and 3T using identical scan parameters and
comparable receive coils. Our data shows that SNR is
greater at 7T for all echo times investigated.
2053. |
Noise Reduction in
Accelerated Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Through
Integration of SENSE Reconstruction Into Joint
Reconstruction in Combination with Q-Space Compressed
Vladimir Golkov1,2, Tim Sprenger1,3,
Marion I. Menzel1, Ek T. Tan4,
Kevin F. King5, Christopher J. Hardy4,
Luca Marinelli4, Daniel Cremers2,
and Jonathan I. Sperl1
1GE Global Research, Garching n. Munich,
Bavaria, Germany, 2Department
of Computer Science, Technical University Munich,
Garching n. Munich, Bavaria, Germany, 3IMETUM,
Technical University Munich, Garching n. Munich,
Bavaria, Germany, 4GE
Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States, 5GE
Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States
Sensitivity encoding (SENSE) reconstruction of
diffusion weighted images (DWIs) in diffusion MRI is
usually done independently for each DWI, without
exploiting structural correlations between the DWIs.
In this work, SENSE is incorporated into a joint
reconstruction framework which models the prior
knowledge of common smooth regions and edges in the
DWIs. Image quality is improved in comparison to
SENSE reconstruction, and even more so in
combination with q-space compressed sensing.
2054. |
Phase Sensitive
Reconstruction in Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Enabling
Velocity Encoding and Unbiased Noise Distribution 
Jonathan I. Sperl1, Ek T. Tan2,
Tim Sprenger1,3, Vladimir Golkov1,3,
Kevin F. King4, Christopher J. Hardy2,
Luca Marinelli2, and Marion I. Menzel1
1GE Global Research, Garching, Germany, 2GE
Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States, 3Technical
University Munich, Garching, Germany, 4GE
Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States
Standard diffusion MRI data processing is based on
the magnitude of the data, while the phase is
neglected. However, valuable information about
coherent motion like flow or pulsatility is encoded
in the phase. Moreover, by separating the phase
information from the data, subsequent processing
like tensor fitting or fiber tracking can be done
based on the real part of the data avoiding the bias
introduced by the Rician noise distribution of the
magnitude data. This work presents a robust workflow
for a phase sensitive reconstruction of DSI data
allowing for the extraction of velocity components
and bias-free diffusion information.
2055. |
Full Optimization of
Multi-Shell Diffusion Acquisition Schemes for Advanced
Microstructural Imaging
Silvia De Santis1, Yaniv Assaf2,
and Derek K. Jones1
1CUBRIC Cardiff University, Cardiff,
United Kingdom, 2Department
of Neurobiology, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv,
A comprehensive optimisation of the experimental
acquisition scheme for advanced microstructural
imaging is developed, optimising and comparing
different approaches reported in the literature
though both Monte-Carlo simulations and in vivo
acquisitions. As a result, an optimised protocol for
multi-shells acquisitions is proposed, that balances
scan duration with accuracy/precision on the
estimated parameters, needing only a 12 minutes
acquisition for whole-brain maps of the axonal
density and the fibre orientation.
2056. |
Diffusion Spectrum
Imaging with PROPELLER EPI Acquisition 
Ming-Chung Chou1, Ya-Ling Lin1,
Hsiao-Chien Miao1, Hing-Chiu Chang2,
Tsyh-Jyi Hsieh3, and Gin-Chung Liu3
1Department of Medical Imaging and
Radiological Sciences, Kaohsiung Medical University,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2Graduate
Institute of Biomedical Engineering and
Bioinformatics, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taiwan, 3Department
of Medical Imaging, Kaohsiung Medical University
Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI) is an imaging
technique capable of resolving intra-voxel fiber
crossings and has been widely utilized to study
neuronal fiber tracts in human brain. Since DSI
technique requires hundreds of diffusion directions
being sampled in Cartesian coordinate of q-space and
takes very long acquisition time, echo-planar
imaging (EPI) was usually employed to acquire the
DSI data due to its high time-efficiency and high
signal-to-noise ratio. However, the insufficient
bandwidth in the phase-encoding direction caused
strong susceptibility distortions in
diffusion-weighted EPI. PROPELLER EPI was
demonstrated to have capability of reducing
susceptibility distortions and has been utilized to
acquire DTI data [2]. Also, by using the keyhole
reconstruction, the PROPELLER EPI can be further
harnessed to reduce susceptibility distortions in
QBI without lengthening acquisition time. Hence,
this study employed PROPELLER acquisition to acquire
DSI data and compare the fiber tracts with those of
conventional DSI, and results showed that the tracts
were in better agreement with anatomical locations
in TSE T2WI.
2057. |
Accurate Estimation of
a Multiple Fascicle Model Is Enabled by Manipulation of
Gradient Strength in a Two-Shell HARDI to Achieve Low
Benoit Scherrer1 and
Simon K. Warfield1
1Radiology, Harvard Medical School and
Boston Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, United
We propose a novel Cube and Sphere (CUSP) diffusion
gradient encoding scheme that images multiple
non-zero b-values with low TE and therefore high SNR
to estimate a multi-tensor model. It is constructed
from the projection of a two-shell HARDI on the
enclosing cube of the inner shell, by reducing the
gradient strength until the cube surface is reached.
We shows that, despite the fact that CUSP doesn’t
have full spherical coverage, it does not introduce
any angular sensitivity to fascicle orientation and
provides a lower estimation uncertainty than the
corresponding two-shell HARDI. CUSP enables accurate
white matter diffusion imaging.
2058. |
Axon Diameter
Distribution (ADD) MRI
Raisa Z. Freidlin1, Evren Ozarslan2,
Sinisa Pajevic1, Michal E. Komlosh3,
and Peter J. Basser3
1NIH/CIT/DCB, Bethesda, MD, United
States, 2Radiology,
BWH, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United
Bethesda, MD, United States
Obtained the axon diameter distribution (ADD) for
fascicles in any orientation, anywhere within a
brain volume, is based on estimate of an average
propagator in each voxel using a 3-D generalization
that determines the direction of maximum diffusivity
and then estimates the DW signal attenuation
profile. Two novel statistical model are used to fit
ADD data. One is a parametric probability density
function (pdf) developed by maximizing the
information transmitted along fascicles subject to
anatomical and energetic constraints. The second is
a non-parametric modeling framework that empirically
determines the form of the pdf by using non-uniform
b-splines (NUBS).
2059. |
Whole-Body STIR
Diffusion-Weighted MRI in One Third of the Time
Alto Stemmer1, Wilhelm Horger1,
and Berthold Kiefer1
1Healthcare Sector, Siemens AG, Erlangen,
This work describes a recently developed DW-EPI
sequence with STIR fat suppression. The sequence
utilizes an efficient IR interleaving scheme and
thereby allows reducing scan times of whole Body DWI
up to one third.
2060. |
Reduced FOV
Diffusion-Weighted 3D-EPI 
Mathias Engström1,2 and
Stefan Skare1,2
1Department of Clinical Neuroscience,
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Department
of Neuroradiology, Karolinska University Hospital,
Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden
This work details a reduced FOV, parallel imaging
accelerated, diffusion-weighted 3D-EPI sequence for
head, neck, and spine imaging. The sequence combines
inner volume imaging with GRAPPA parallel imaging
reconstruction for increased distortion reduction.
2061. |
Simultaneous Multislice
Readout-Segmented Diffusion-Weighted EPI with
Blipped-Controlled Aliasing
Samantha J. Holdsworth1, Rafael
O'Halloran1, Anh Tu Van1, Eric
Aboussouan1, William A. Grissom2,
Anuj Sharma2, Murat Aksoy3,
Julian R. Maclaren3, Stefan Skare4,
and Roland Bammer3
1(Equal contribution): Center for
Quantitative Neuroimaging, Department of Radiology,
Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, United States, 2(Equal
contribution): Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, Tennessee, United States, 3Center
for Quantitative Neuroimaging, Department of
Radiology, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA,
United States, 4Clinical
Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm,
Readout-segmented EPI (RS-EPI) has been shown as a
promising candidate for reducing distortion in
diffusion-weighted (DW)-EPI while being robust to
motion-induced phase errors. However, the
requirement of several adjacent segments (or
'blinds') in RS-EPI can make the scan time can
prohibitively long – particularly for thin slices
which require a large number of slices to achieve
full brain coverage. In this work, we reduce the
minimum TR in RS-EPI with the use a simultaneous
multislice acquisition using PINS multiband pulses
coupled with blipped-controlled aliasing.
2062. |
Diffusion MRI Based on
SPatio-temporal ENcoding: Analytical Description and
Eddy Solomon1, Noam Shemesh1,
and Lucio Frydman1
1Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of
Science, Rehovot, Israel
Single-scan SPatio-temporal ENcoding (SPEN) MRI is
explored as an alternative for acquiring
diffusion-weighted images. As these experiments
involve the combined application of frequency-swept
pulses and magnetic field gradients, the Stejskal-Tanner
derivation of the b-values is no longer valid; in
addition to diffusion-sensitizing gradients, SPEN’s
gradients and swept RF fields impose additional
spatially-dependent diffusion weightings over the
sample. These effects, as well as potential
cross-talk terms between the diffusion-sensitizing
and SPEN gradients, are calculated in this study.
Excellent agreement is then found between the
analytical predictions and SPEN diffusion
experiments in isotropic phantoms and anisotropic
systems including spinal-cords.
2063. |
Accelerated Multi-Shot
Diffusion Imaging 
Bruno Madore1, Jr-Yuan Chiou1,
Renxin Chu1, Tzu-Cheng Chao2,
and Stephan E. Maier1
1Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical
School, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA,
United States, 2Department
of Computer Science and Information Engineering,
National Cheng-Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
A method is proposed to reduce geometric distortions
in diffusion-weighted imaging, at essentially no
cost in scan time. The approach exploits the fact
that diffusion-encoded data tend to be sparse when
represented in the kb-kd space,
where kb and kd are
the Fourier transform duals of b and d,
the b-factor and the diffusion direction,
respectively. A main characteristic of the present
work is how thoroughly navigator data get utilized
in the reconstruction: The phase is used for motion
correction, while the magnitude in kb-kd space
is used for regularization purposes. Results were
obtained showing marked reductions in image
distortion as compared to single-shot EPI
2064. |
Diffusion Weighted
Imaging with Whole Brain Coverage and Sub-Microliter
Joseph L. Holtrop1,2 and
Bradley P. Sutton1,2
1Bioengineering, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States, 2Beckman
Institute, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL, United States
Diffusion weighted imaging provides a contrast
mechanism that is sensitive to the microscopic
restrictions of water. This contrast can be used to
infer information about the general health of the
tissue, integrity of white matter tracts, or to
study microvascular blood flow. In this work, we
demonstrate a 3D multislab technique that can be
used to create images with comparable resolutions
and coverage to high resolution structural MRI
scans, but with diffusion weighting as contrast.
Results from a 3 T system with 0.8 mm isotropic
resolutions and whole brain coverage are presented.
2065. |
Mapping Axon Radius in
the Human Corpus Callosum Using Dual Spin-Echo Diffusion
Jonathan D. Clayden1, Zoltan Nagy2,
Nikolaus Weiskopf2, Daniel C. Alexander3,
and Christopher A. Clark1
1Institute of Child Health, University
College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Wellcome
Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, University College
London, London, United Kingdom, 3Centre
for Medical Image Computing, University College
London, London, United Kingdom
The use of diffusion MRI to estimate physical
microstructure parameters such as axon radius and
density has gained a lot of recent attention. Here
we present the first in vivo axon radius maps
derived from an optimised dual spin-echo pulse
2066. |
Optimization of Scan
Parameters for Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging at 1.5 T
Suguru Yokosawa1,2, Yoshitaka Bito1,
Yoshihisa Soutome1, Kenji Ito2,
Fumio Yamashita2, Kohsuke Kudo2,
and Makoto Sasaki2
1Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi,
Ltd., Kokubungi-shi, Tokyo, Japan, 2Division
of Ultrahigh Field MRI, Institute for Biomedical
Science, Iwate Medical University, Yahaba, Iwate,
We investigated the effects of the b-values, number
of diffusion directions, and number of signals
averaged (NSA) on the accuracy of diffusion kurtosis
imaging (DKI) and attempted to determine the ideal
combinations of these parameters to achieve both
accuracy and time efficiency at 1.5 T. We
demonstrated that a b-value of 2500 s/mm2 and the
NSA can improve the accuracies of DKI maps and that
varying the numbers of b-values and diffusion
directions was not effective for this purpose.
Accurate DKI maps can be obtained with an acceptable
acquisition time even at 1.5 T when the scan
parameters are optimized.
2067. |
Clinical Feasibility of
High-Resolution Single-Shot Diffusion Tensor Trace
-Weighted (SsTW) MRI
Alexandru V. Avram1, Joelle E. Sarlls2,
Raisa Z. Freidlin3, and Peter J. Basser1
1Section on Tissue Biophysics and
Biomimetics, NICHD, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD, United States, 2National
Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United
States, 3Division
of Computational Bioscience, CIT, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, United
Given the clinical importance of the mean apparent
diffusion coefficient (ADC), we revisit strategies
for measuring this important parameter in a single
scan and propose an optimized solution for achieving
high-resolution diffusion tensor trace -weighted
imaging with whole brain coverage. Mean ADC maps
measured using the proposed method are similar to
those obtained using conventional diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI), despite the significant scan time
reduction. This technique could be uniquely suited
to provide a quantitative microstructural assessment
in whole-brain and whole-body diffusion MRI
applications where motion is problematic.
2068. |
Angular Double-PGSE
Spectroscopy of the Long Evans Shaker Spinal Cord
Debbie Anaby1, Ian D. Duncan2,
Chelsey M. Smith2, and Yoram Cohen1
1Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv,
Israel, 2Medical
Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison,
Wisconsin, United States
Conventional single-pulsed-field-gradient (s-PFG)
methodologies are capable of faithfully depicting
diffusion anisotropy in coherently ordered
structures. However, randomly oriented compartments
are more difficult to characterize. Double-PFG
(d-PFG) MR methodologies were recently suggested as
an alternative for studying microstructure in CNS.
Specifically, the angular d-PFG experiment may offer
novel microstructural information that is not
available from s-PFG by yielding specific signatures
in relatively low q values. The angular d-PFG was
used to distinguish between control and Long Evans
Shaker (les) spinal cords by providing information
on macroscopic anisotropy and compartment shape
2069. |
Mapping of Microscopic
Diffusion Anisotropy Measures in the Living Human Brain 
Marco Lawrenz1,2 and
Jürgen Finsterbusch1,2
1Department of Systems Neuroscience,
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf,
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 2NeuroimageNord,
Hamburg-Kiel-Lübeck, Hamburg-Kiel-Lübeck, Germany
Double-wave-vector diffusion-weighting experiments
with two weighting periods applied successively
offer access to microscopic tissue. Thus, they may
help to overcome confounds of DTI, e.g. in white
matter fibre crossings. But so far, only the angular
signal modulation that reflects the presence of
microscopic diffusion anisotropy has been detected
in vivo. This study extends present experiments to
determine rotationally invariant measures of the
microscopic diffusion anisotropy introduced
recently. With the dedicated direction combination
schema experimental signal variations could be
reduced which improves the reliability of the
measures. Additionally, the rotational invariance
and the applicability in full brain white matter are
2070. |
Double-Pulsed-Field-Gradient MRS of CNS Metabolites 
Noam Shemesh1, Jean-Nicolas Dumez1,
and Lucio Frydman1
1Department of Chemical Physics, Faculty
of Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot,
Angular double-Pulsed-Field-Gradient (d-PFG) MR is
gaining increasing attention due to its ability to
depict microstructural parameters such as
microscopic anisotropy (ìA) and compartment shape
anisotropy (csA) in macroscopically disordered
systems such as gray matter (GM). Here, we developed
localized d-PFG MRS in the aim of extending the
methodology towards CNS metabolites. Both ìA and csA
were detected for the first time in GM of pig spinal
cords for Lac, NAA, Cre and Cho. As some metabolites
are considered compartment-specific, we expect this
methodology to reveal insights into the interplay
between microstructure, function and metabolism.
2071. |
Rotationally Invariant
Double Pulsed Field Gradient Diffusion Imaging 
Sune Nørhøj Jespersen1,2, Henrik Lundell3,
Casper Kaae Sønderby3, and Tim B. Dyrby3
1CFIN/MINDLab, Aarhus University, Aarhus,
Denmark, 2Department
of Physics, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 3Danish
Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Copenhagen
University Hospital Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Denmark
Multiple pulsed field gradient diffusion sequences
(PFG) with 2 diffusion encoding blocks have been
shown to be able to detect pore shape anisotropy in
macroscopically isotropic samples. However, current
approaches to quantifying pore shape anisotropy are
not rotationally invariant and are affected by the
distribution of pore orientations when applied to
macroscopically anisotropic systems. Here we present
a rotationally invariant sampling scheme for double
PFG involving 60 pairs of diffusion wave vectors,
and study its properties with numerical simulations.
We demonstrate it experimentally on a fixated vervet
monkey brain, and obtain maps of a rotationally
invariant pore shape anisotropy index.
2072. |
Whole-Brain Assessment
of Microscopic Anisotropy Using Multiple Pulse-Field
Gradient (MPFG) Diffusion MRI
Alexandru V. Avram1, Joelle E. Sarlls2,
and Peter J. Basser1
1Section on Tissue Biophysics and
Biomimetics, NICHD, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD, United States, 2National
Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United
Recent studies have shown that multiple pulsed-field
gradient (mPFG) diffusion MRI has the potential to
exclusively characterize water trapped in
microscopic compartments with unique measures of
average cell geometry. We applied quadruple PFG
diffusion MRI on a clinical scanner to assess
microstructural anisotropy parameters across the
whole brain. Calculated maps of average axon
diameter, axonal water diffusivity, intra-axonal
signal fraction, and extracellular water diffusivity
provide information that is complementary to that
obtained with conventional diffusion tensor imaging
(DTI). Upon further improvements in acquisition
strategy and tissue modeling, mPFG diffusion MRI
could provide a non-invasive whole brain
histological assessment.
Increasing the
Sensitivity of Temporal Diffusion Spectroscopy with
Circularly Polarized Oscillating Gradient Spin Echo
Henrik Lundell1, Casper Kaae Sønderby1,
and Tim B. Dyrby1
1DRCMR, Copenhagen University Hospital
Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Denmark
We introduce circularly polarized OGSE (CP-OGSE) as
a way to increase diffusion weighting and thus the
contrast in high frequency OGSE for the study of
tissue microstructure. We show in simulations and
experiments on perfusion fixed monkey brain tissue
that multi-planar CP-OGSE improves data quality
substantially and renders the same rotationally
invariant diffusion tensor metrics as the
conventional OGSE. CP-OGSE can be a significant
contribution for making OGSE and temporal diffusion
spectroscopy possible with higher frequencies and
makes the technique realizable for studies of the
human brain in vivo on clinical systems with
moderate gradient strengths.
2074. |
Modelling Extra-Axonal
Diffusion Spectra for Oscillating Gradient Measurements 
Wilfred W. Lam1, Saad Jbabdi1,
and Karla L. Miller1
1FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford,
Oxford, Oxon, United Kingdom
Diffusion imaging has enormous potential for
quantitative measurements of properties like axon
diameter that are directly relevant to brain
function and pathology. Most work has focused on
intra-axonal diffusion, despite the fact that
significant signal is expected to arise from the
extra-axonal space. Current diffusion models do not
account for the frequency dependence of extra-axonal
signal in oscillating gradient experiments. Two
analytic models are proposed for the diffusion
attenuation spectra of spins diffusing in the space
between regularly packed cylinders. We compare our
model predictions to Monte Carlo simulations. These
models capture salient properties of extra-axonal
diffusion spectra.
2075. |
Bipolar Single Spin
Echo: Diffusion Encoding with Concomitant Field and Eddy
Current Correction 
R. Marc Lebel1,2, Corey Allan Baron3,
Christian Beaulieu3, Ek T. Tan4,
and Ajit Shankaranarayanan5
1GE Healthcare, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2Radiology,
University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 3Biomedical
Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada, 4GE
Global Research, Niskayuna, New York, United States, 5GE
Healthcare, Menlo Park, California, United States
Diffusion imaging has become a crucial component of
clinical and research protocols; robust and accurate
diffusion encoding schemes are required to produce
consistent and factual results. It was recently
shown that the dual spin echo encoding scheme is
prone to erroneous measurements due to concomitant
fields, while the Stejskal-Tanner single spin echo
encoding is susceptible to eddy currents. We present
and validate an alternative encoding scheme, called
bipolar single spin echo, which alleviates many of
the problems encountered with current diffusion
2076. |
Two-Scan Multiple Echo
Diffusion Tensor Acquisition Technique on a 3T Clinical
Scanner with Application to Skeletal Muscle 
Steven Baete1, Gene Cho1,2,
and Eric E. Sigmund1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging, Dept. of
Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, NY,
United States, 2Sackler
Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, NYU
School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States
This abstract describes a method with accelerated
diffusion encoding, capable of acquiring a full
diffusion tensor in just two encodings on a clinical
scanner. The method, Multiple Echo Diffusion Tensor
Acquisition Technique (MEDITATE), employs five rf-pulses,
optimized for the tissue of interest, and a pattern
of diffusion gradients to encode a train of echoes
with different diffusion weightings and directions.
The resulting signals can be used to estimate DTI
parameters as demonstrated in in vivo skeletal
muscle. This sequence may be useful in the future in
clinical applications requiring time-sensitive
acquisition of DTI parameters such as dynamical DTI
in muscle.
Monday, 22 April 2013 (16:30-18:30) Exhibition Hall |
Diffusion: Noise, Artifacts & Phantoms
2077. |
Low-Rank Basis Smoothing
for the Denoising of Diffusion Weighted Images
Stephen F. Cauley1, Obaidah A. Abuhashem2,
Berkin Bilgic3, Itthi Chatnuntawech3,
Julien Cohen-Adad4, Kawin Setsompop5,
Elfar Adalsteinsson2,5, and Lawrence L. Wald5,6
1A.A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Dept. of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT,
Cambridge, MA, United States, 3Department
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA,
United States, 4Department
of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Biomedical
Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Montreal,
QC, Canada, 5A.A.
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Dept. of
Radiology, MGH, Charlestown, MA, United States, 6Harvard-MIT
Division of Health Sciences and Technology, MIT,
Cambridge, MA, United States
The substantial signal attenuation in DI images for
large b-values can affect accurate calculation of
orientation distribution functions (odf) and fiber
tracks. In addition, the low signal-to-noise (SNR)
observed at large b-values hinders the performance of
popular denoising methods like the LMMSE estimator and
the NLM filter. In this work we demonstrate the benefits
of basis smoothing within a low-rank DWI estimation
framework. Our method significantly reduces the
dependencies on noisy basis vectors while preserving
root-mean-square error (RMSE) relative to low-noise data
(computed by averaging multiple acquisitions).
Higher Order Variational
Denoising for Diffusion Tensor Imaging 
Florian Knoll1, Tuomo Valkonen2,
Kristian Bredies3, and Rudolf Stollberger1
1Institute of Medical Engineering, Graz
University of Technology, Graz, Austria, 2Department
of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3Department
of Mathematics and Scientific Computing, University of
Graz, Graz, Austria
High resolution diffusion weighted imaging and diffusion
tensor imaging with isotropic voxels are desirable for a
large number of applications. Unfortunately,
acquisitions of such data sets are challenging, due to
the notoriously low SNR of DWI. In addition, even with
fast sequences like single shot EPI, measurement times
often become prohibitively long because of the large
number of diffusion encoding directions that have to be
acquired. In this work we introduce two higher-order
variational denoising approaches to reconstruct DTI data
with isotropic voxels from a single average which are
based on Total Generalised Variation.
2079. |
A Simple Retrospective
Noise Correction for Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging 
Russell Glenn1, Ali Tabesh1, and
Jens H. Jensen1
1Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Medical
University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC, United
Diffusion MRI (dMRI) measurements are positively biased
by noise from use of magnitude reconstructed images. The
effects of the noise bias increase with decreasing
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which can be problematic in
high resolution dMRI acquisitions. A simple,
retrospective noise correction technique is described
and a weighted linear least squares fitting algorithm is
presented for diffusional kurtosis imaging (DKI). Noisy
phantom data is analyzed in DKI datasets with variable
SNR, and the results of the noise correction are
compared to uncorrected and reference data. Noise
correction substantially reduces the bias in kurtosis
2080. |
Noise Estimation for
Averaged DW MR Images 
Nikolaos Dikaios1, Valentin Hamy1,
Shonit Punwani1, and David Atkinson1
1Centre for Medical Imaging, University
College London, London, Greater London, United Kingdom
The scope of this project was to estimate the noise
using an adaptation of the median-absolute-deviation
(MAD) in the wavelet domain for the expected noise
distribution, and calculate the diffusion coefficient
(ADC) with a non linear regression (NR) algorithm that
accounts for underlying noise.
2081. |
Estimation of Spatially
Variable Rician Noise Map in Diffusion MRI 
Jelle Veraart1, Jeny Rajan1,
Ronald R. Peeters2, Alexander Leemans3,
Stefan Sunaert2, and Jan Sijbers1
1Vision Lab, University of Antwerp, Antwerp,
Belgium, 2Dept.
Radiology, University Hospitals of Leuven, Leuven,
Belgium, 3Image
Sciences Institute, University Medical Center Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands
Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) is widely
used to quantify water diffusion in biological tissue.
The accuracy of diffusion model-specific measures will
be limited if not accounting for the statistical
distribution of the magnitude dMRI data. The prior
knowledge of the underlying noise is thus of importance
when aiming for more accurate dMRI analyses. Many
existing techniques to estimate the noise parameters
rely, however, on assumptions that are generally not
fulfilled in actual dMRI. Therefore, a new approach is
2082. |
Influence of Image Noise
and Microcapillary Perfusion (IVIM) on Diffusional Kurtosis
Measurements in the Body 
Olaf Dietrich1, Anno Graser2,
Martina Karpitschka2, Melvin D'Anastasi2,
and Maximilian F. Reiser1,2
1Josef Lissner Laboratory for Biomedical
Imaging, Institute for Clinical Radiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University
Hospital Munich, Munich, Germany, 2Institute
for Clinical Radiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University
Hospital Munich, Munich, Germany
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence
of image noise and intravoxel-incoherent-motion (IVIM)
effects on diffusional kurtosis imaging (DKI) outside
the brain. DKI was performed in the prostate (bmax=2000s/mm²)
and data was analyzed with and without fit of the noise
level and with and without suppression of IVIM effects.
Kurtosis values were substantially increased due to
noise and also due to IVIM effects at low b-values.
Including the image noise level into the kurtosis
analysis and choosing a minimum b-value of 200s/mm² is
recommend for DKI outside the brain.
2083. |
On the Phase-Error
Propagation in Diffusion-Weighted Steady State Free
Precession (DW-SSFP) Imaging
Roland Bammer1 and
Rafael O'Halloran1
1Center for Quantitative Neuroimaging,
Department of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States
Diffusion-weighted SSFP (dwSSFP) offers an efficient
diffusion preparation and is a promising approach to
high-resolution 3D DW MRI. As a multi-shot technique
dwSSFP is affected by shot-to-shot phase inconsistencies
as all multi-shot diffusion-weighted sequences are.
However, because the steady state signal is composed of
the constructive addition of many phase coherence
pathways, motion-induced phase accrued during the
application of a single diffusion-encoding gradient can
propagate to subsequent phase pathways. This represents
an additional mechanism of signal loss in dwSSFP. In
this work, these errors are classified into two types
and strategies for correcting each type are discussed.
2084. |
Estimation and Compensation
of Motion-Induced Phase Error in 3D for Multi-Shot Diffusion
Eric Aboussouan1, Anh Tu Van1,
Rafael O’Halloran1, Samantha J. Holdsworth1,
Marcus T. Alley1, Murat Aksoy1,
and Roland Bammer1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
California, United States
Synopsis: High-resolution diffusion-weighted imaging is
limited to multi-shot acquisitions, which are subject to
signal decay due motion-induced phase variations. These
variations are caused by rigid-body (non-repeatable) and
pulsatile (repeatable over the cardiac cycle) motion
during the diffusion-encoding period. It is possible to
prospectively correct this phase before the creation of
the spurious echo pathways in RF-refocused sequences
(e.g. FSE, SSFP). While linear and constant phase errors
can be corrected with gradient blips and the RF phase,
the non-linear phase component should be compensated by
the application of an RF pulse designed to remove that
particular phase profile. In this work we will
investigate methods to estimate the non-linear component
of the 3D motion-induced phase and compensate it using a
time-efficient 3D RF pulse design.
2085. |
Effects of Corrupted
Signals on Orientation Distribution Function in Q-Ball
Imaging: A Simulation Study
Yen-Wei Cheng1, Ming-Chung Chou2,
Wen-Yih Isaac Tseng3, and Hsiao-Wen Chung4
1Department of Electrical Engineering,
National Ilan University, IIran, Taiwan, 2Department
of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, Kaohsiung
Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 3Center
for Optoelectronic Biomedicine, National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Taiwan, 4Department
of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan
The purpose of this study was to simulate the randomly
corrupted signals and evaluate the resultant ODF errors
as well as error reduction rates by using a neighboring
interpolation correcting method. The simulation was
performed by generating corrupted signals in the gold
standard QBI with random loss of signal intensity as
well as random occurrence of pixel location. We found
that the reduction rates of ODF errors by neighboring
interpolation method were 82.62%, 79.32%, 77.67% for b =
2000, 3000, 4000 s/mm2 QBI datasets, so it suggests the
proposed NI method is helpful to correct signal loss
artifacts in QBI.
2086. |
Influences of B-Value on
the Reproducibility and Accuracy of Diffusion Kurtosis
Ming-Chung Chou1, Wan-Hsin Wen1,
Sheng-Fang Huang1, Cheng-Wen Ko2,
and Ping-Hong Lai3
1Department of Medical Imaging and
Radiological Sciences, Kaohsiung Medical University,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2Department
of Computer Science and Engineering, National Sun
Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan,3Department
of Radiology, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) was demonstrated to
successfully estimate the non-Gaussian distribution of
water diffusion in vivo and has been applied in many
clinical applications. Similar to diffusion tensor
imaging, b-value is an important factor in the
measurement of DKI indices and may have influential
effects on them. Rapid DKI with three b-values was
proposed to obtain DKI indices in clinically acceptable
time, but the results may be affected by the choice of
b-value. This study performed repeated measurement to
investigate the effects of b-value on the
reproducibility and accuracy of DKI indices and found
that both reproducibility and accuracy were impacted by
2087. |
Variability Analyses of
Track Density Imaging 
Javier Urriola Yaksic1, Nyoman Dana Kurniawan1,
Zhengyi Yang2, and David C. Reutens1
1Centre for Advanced Imaging, The University
of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 2Information
Technology and Electrical Engineering, The University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Track density imaging (TDI) mapping method has been
developed to dramatically increase the spatial
resolution of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) data
beyond the acquired resolution. However, it is not clear
if TDI maps can be used to reliably to quantify
differences in brain populations. This project aims to
characterise short track TDI (stTDI) in terms of
stability and reproducibility as a quantitative tool for
group comparison of brain structures. Our results showed
that stTDI produced more consistent profile in the white
matter compared to the gray matter. Multiple stTDI
reconstructions of a single dataset need to be generated
then averaged to minimise the noise resulting from
probabilistic fibertracking. Limited comparison between
intra- and inter-subject variability suggests that stTDI
could be developed as a method to measure differences in
brain structures between two populations.
2088. |
Evaluating Longitudinal
Reliability and Cross-Subject Sensitivity of Structural
Connectivity Networks Computed Using Probabilistic Fiber
Alex Smith1, Madhura Ingalhalikar1,
and Ragini Verma1
1Section for Biomedical Image Analysis,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United
This study assesses the reliability of graph metrics
extracted from structural networks constructed via
probabilistic tractography, and the sensitivity of such
networks to individual subjects. Both weighted and
binarized networks were evaluated. It was found that
subjects could be differentiated based on their weighted
structural connectivity patterns, suggesting that such
networks can be used in population studies. The
intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) of the
assessed metrics tended to be moderately high across
network types, indicating longitudinal robustness across
scan sessions. The ICCs tended to be lower in the
weighted networks, possibly due to their decreased
uniformity versus the binarized versions.
2089. |
Reproducibility of
Connectivity Based Parcellation - Primary Visual Cortex 
Jérémy Lecoeur1, Madhura Ingalhalikar1,
and Ragini Verma1
1Section of Biomedical Image Analysis,
Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States
This study investigates the stability of cortical
connectivity based parcellation over time. Such
parcellations provide a unique characterization of the
brain and it is believed that any change can be
interpreted as being introduced by pathology or
development. Hence a parcellation profile for a person
could be defined using this paradigm and that
constitutes a first step in quantifying differences
between subjects, facilitating a meaningful clinical
study. We demonstrate that such parcellation for the
primary visual cortex is replicable over time with high
similarity scores between the obtained clusters with an
unsupervised algorithm.
2090. |
Optimisation of ex
Vivo Diffusion
Imaging: The Effects of Tissue Preparation and Imaging
Parameters on Data Quality 
David Alexander Slater1, Po-Wah So2,
Karthik Munikoti Prakash2, Istvan Bodi3,
Michel Modo4,5, and Flavio Dell'Acqua1,6
1NATBRAINLAB, Department of Neuroimaging,
King's College London, Institute of Psychiatry, London,
United Kingdom, 2Department
of Neuroimaging, King's College London, Institute of
Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom, 3Department
of Clinical Neuropathology, King's College Hospital,
London, United Kingdom, 4McGowan
Institute for Regenerative Medicine, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States,5Department
of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, United States, 6NIHR
Biomedical Research Centre for Mental Health at South
London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, King's College
London, Institute of Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom
Diffusion imaging of fixed human brain tissue has the
potential to reveal neuroanatomical details at a scale
that remains largely unexplored. Here we investigated
how the optimisation of tissue sample preparation and
imaging parameters can increase data quality. Our
findings suggest that phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
and specific concentrations of the contrast agent
GD-DTPA have the potential to dramatically increase SNR-efficiency
at short TE and TR. However, longer diffusion times also
provide improved diffusion contrast and thus a balance
is required between potential increases in SNR-efficiency
and diffusion contrast. These findings may provide
improved SNR, enhanced resolution and/or faster
2091. |
A High-Speed
Diffusion-Weighted MRI Simulator with Bloch-Torrey Equation 
Shogo Fujii1, Etsuji Yamamoto1, Yo
Taniguchi2, and Yoshitaka Bito1,2
1Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba
University, Chiba-shi, Japan, 2Central
Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd., Kokubunji-shi, Japan
The purpose of this study is to develop a DWI simulator,
which can generate the images for the adult human brain
size models in a reasonable time. In order to shorten
the computation time, we proposed three approaches based
on the principle of MRI to increase simulation
efficiency and succeded in improving the efficiency
approximately 140,000 times. As a result, simulation
time for an adult human brain size model reduced to less
than one hour.
2092. |
SNR-Dependent Quality
Assessment of Compressed-Sensing-Accelerated Diffusion
Spectrum Imaging Using a Fiber Crossing Phantom
Tim Sprenger1,2, Brice Fernandez3,
Jonathan I. Sperl1, Vladimir Golkov1,2,
Michael Bach4, Ek T. Tan5, Kevin
F. King6, Christopher J. Hardy5,
Luca Marinelli5, Michael Czisch7,
Philipp Sämann7, Axel Haase8, and
Marion I. Menzel1
1GE Global Research, Garching, Germany, 2Technical
University Munich, Garching, Germany, 3GE
Healthcare, Munich, Germany, 4German
Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany, 5GE
Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States, 6GE
Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, United States, 7Max
Planck Institute for Psychiatry, Munich, Germany, 8Technische
Universität München, Garching, Germany
Conventional diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) requires
Nyquist or full-sampling of q-space, and hence suffers
from long acquisition times. To overcome this
limitation, compressed-sensing-accelerated DSI has been
proposed recently. For this technique q-space is
randomly undersampled and subsequently reconstructed
exploiting the signal sparsity in an appropriate
transform domain. This work studies the SNR-dependent
performance of compressed sensing-accelerated DSI using
a fiber crossing phantom and by that validates the
superior signal recovery and denoising properties.
2093. |
Avian Egg Latebra as Tissue
Water Diffusion Model
Stephan E. Maier1 and
Robert V. Mulkern2
1Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical
School, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, United
States, 2Department
of Radiology, Harvard Medical School, Children's
Hospital, Boston, MA, United States
The egg presents a simple but relevant object for
exploring biophysical aspects of common tissue contrast
parameters like diffusion and transverse relaxation. The
biexponential characterization of the white yolk
containing latebra diffusion signal decay results in
diffusion coefficients and signal fractions that are
very similar to those found in brain. White yolk
contains spheres with membranes. The size of the spheres
observed in white yolk falls in the range of cell sizes
typically encountered in tissues. The avian egg latebra,
is thus an easily accessible model for tissue water
2094. |
A Simple and Robust Test
Object for Diffusion Kurtosis 
Jonathan Phillips1,2 and
Geoffrey David Charles-Edwards3
1Medical Engineering and Physics, King's
College London, 124-126 Denmark Hill, London, United
Kingdom, 2Institute
of Life Science 2, Swansea University, Swansea, Wales,
United Kingdom, 3Medical
Physics, St. Thomas' Hospital, Westminster Bridge Road,
London, United Kingdom
Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) is an extension of
conventional diffusion-weighted MRI which fits a model
to diffusion b-value images from which a value of
diffusion kurtosis K, the degree to which diffusion is
non-Gaussian, is obtained. We present a simple and
robust DKI test object based upon colloidal spheres
dispersed in water. A linear relationship between
concentration of spheres and kurtosis is found. DKI
measurements over a period of time showed excellent
reproducibility indicating the suitability of these
colloidal spheres as a long term test object for DKI.
Monday, 22 April 2013 (16:30-18:30) Exhibition Hall |
Diffusion: Pre-Clinical & Clinical Applications
2095. |
Towards Spinal Cord
Microstructure Mapping with the Neurite Orientation
Dispersion and Density Imaging 
Francesco Grussu1, Torben Schneider1,
Hugh Kearney1, Hui Zhang2, David
H. Miller1, Olga Ciccarelli3,
Daniel C. Alexander2, and Claudia Angela M.
1NMR Research Unit, Queen Square MS Centre,
Department of Neuroinflammation, UCL Institute of
Neurology, London, England, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Computer Science and Centre for Medical Image
Computing, University College London, London, England,
United Kingdom, 3NMR
Research Unit, Queen Square MS Centre, Department of
Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, UCL Institute of
Neurology, London, England, United Kingdom
We investigate the feasibility of Neurite Orientation
Dispersion Imaging (NODDI) in the spinal cord. NODDI is
a new technique that promises novel markers of neuronal
density and dispersion, which may be informative in
diseases like Multiple Sclerosis (MS) beyond routine
Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). Here we compare NODDI
with standard DTI metrics in healthy volunteers and MS
patients. NODDI disentangles the microscopic sources of
DTI measures and provides better discrimination between
very coherent and less coherent neural tissue
structures. Further work will improve the acquisition
protocol and study NODDI in a larger patient cohort.
2096. |
Histological Correlation of
DKI-White Matter Modeling Metrics in the Cuprizone-Induced
Corpus Callosum Demyelination 
Maria F. Falangola1,2, David Guilfoyle3,
Edward S. Hui1, Xingju Nie1, Ali
Tabesh1, Jens H. Jensen1, Scott
Gerum3, Caixia Hu3, John
LaFrancois3, Heather Collins1, and
Joseph A. Helpern1,2
1Radiology and Radiological Science, Center
for Biomedical Imaging, Medical University of South
Carolina, Charleston, SC, United States, 2Neurosciences,
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC,
United States, 3Nathan
Kline Institute, Orangeburg, NY, United States
The goal of this study was to utilize a recently
developed white matter modeling method compatible with
diffusional kurtosis imaging to characterize the
demyelination process in the corpus callosum of the
cuprizone mouse model. We studied 10 cuprizone and 10
control mice for a period of 10 weeks. All diffusion
metrics were derived from DKI datasets. Quantitative
analysis of myelin density was performed using
Solochrome staining. The histological correspondence
shown in our results demonstrate the correspondence
between the WMM metrics and a well established
histological marker of myelin.
2097. |
The Water Apparent
Diffusion Coefficient, But Not T2, in ex
vivo Brain
Tissue Is Affected by Previous Exposure to Alkaline pH 
Lindsey A. Leigland1, Marcus Cappiello2,
and Christopher D. Kroenke1,3
1Advanced Imaging Research Center and
Department of Behavioral Neuroscience, Oregon Health &
Science University, Portland, OR, United States, 2Department
of Physics, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR,
United States, 3Division
of Neuroscience, Oregon National Primate Research
Center, Oregon Health & Science University, Beaverton,
OR, United States
The goal of this research was to improve understanding
of the determinants of physical properties (spin
relaxation, diffusion, etc.) in postmortem tissue, as
well as further characterize the dependence of these
molecular properties on common laboratory tissue
processing procedures. Here we show that exposure of
tissue to alkaline conditions can induce dramatic
(>2-fold) and irreversible changes in the water apparent
diffusion coefficient (ADC) without affecting the water
1H transverse relaxation, an effect that is potentially
realized through modifications to biological membranes.
This research provides an avenue toward developing
further insight into the determinants of physical
parameters observable by MRI.
2098. |
Potential of Diffusion
Tensor Imaging as a Virtual Dissection Tool for Cardiac
Muscle Bundles: A Pilot Study 
Seongjin Choi1, Ria Mazumder2,
Petra Schmalbrock1, Michael V. Knopp1,
Richard D. White1,3, and Arunark Kolipaka1,3
1Radiology, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio, United States, 2Electrical
and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio, United States, 3Internal
Medicine, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio,
United States
Diffusion-based tractography has the potential to
delineate complex cardiac muscle fiber architecture. We
explored fractional anisotropy distribution, angle and
length threshold dependency of tractography in a fixed
heart specimen. Tracking method used in the brain
research was applied straightforwardly. Among three
tracking constraints, seeding FA value and minimum fiber
length threshold noticeably affected the tractography
results. z-component of principal eigenvectors was
useful index for subepi/subendocardium segmentation.
Three long fiber bundles of interest and
subepi/subendocardium were segmented as a demonstration
of this approach.
2099. |
Concurrent Dual-Slice
Cardiac DTI of the in-vivo Human
Constantin von Deuster1,2, Christian T.
Stoeck2, Daniel Giese1, Jack
Harmer1, Rachel W. Chan3, David
Atkinson3, and Sebastian Kozerke1,2
1Division of Imaging Sciences, King's College
London, London, United Kingdom, 2Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, ETH Zurich, Zurich,
Switzerland, 3Centre
for Medical Imaging, University College London, London,
United Kingdom
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of the beating human
heart became feasible in the last years, employing
Stimulated Echo (STEAM) sequences for diffusion
acquisition. Several signal averages and diffusion
encoding directions make the image formation process
however fundamentally slow. Hence acquisitions for 3D
whole heart fibre configurations are not clinically
applicable as several slices are necessary. We could
show that concurrent dual-slice single-shot EPI cardiac
diffusion weighted imaging using multi-band STEAM and
controlled aliasing in parallel imaging can be used to
speed up scan speed by a factor of two.
2100. |
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of
Fresh and Formalin Fixed Porcine Hearts: A Comparison Study
of Fiber Tracts
Ria Mazumder1, Seongjin Choi2,
Bradley Dean Clymer1, Richard White2,3,
and Arunark Kolipaka2,3
1Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
United States, 2Deparment
of Radiology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
United States, 3Deptarment
of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiology, The Ohio
State University, Columbus, OH, United States
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a technique used for
fiber tracking. It has been rarely explored to track
cardiac fibers .Previous studies have used formalin
fixed heart for tracking fibers. However, formalin
fixation tends to change the diffusion properties of
tissues. This study explores the effects formalin
fixation has on fiber tracking when compared to fresh
hearts. DTI analysis parameter such as fractional
anisotropy was further exploited to track the fibers in
fresh and formalin fixed hearts. We have observed that
formalin fixation makes diffusion pattern of the cardiac
muscle fibers more isotropic and thereby lowers the FA
2101. |
SPatio-Temporal ENcoded
Diffusion-Weighted Breast MRI Studies 
Eddy Solomon1, Noam Nissan1,2,
Hadassa Degani3, and Lucio Frydman1
1Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of
Science, Rehovot, Israel, 2Biological
Regulation, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot,
Israel, 3Biological
Regulation, Weizmann Institue of Science, Rehovot,
Breast imaging is particularly challenging owing to a
number of factors, including the relatively high
fat/water heterogeneities that characterize breast, the
off-center character of the targeted organs, and the
unavoidability of breathing/cardiac motions. Here we
exploit SPEN’s abilities to deliver quality
single-scan images even from challenging regions subject
to all these problems, to explore its use in DW MRI.
Diffusion SPEN measurements were carried out at 3T in
female breast analyses, showing significant advantages
in anatomical and diffusional information vis-Ã -vis
2102. |
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of
the Normal Human Uterus in
Koji Fujimoto1, Aki Kido2,
Tomohisa Okada2, Masato Uchikoshi3,
and Kaori Togashi2
1Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear
Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 2Department
of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine, Kyoto
University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan,3Siemens
Japan K.K., Tokyo, Japan
Uterine DTI was performed for nine healthy young women
on a 3T scanner. VOIs were drawn for the outer
myometrium (OM), junctional zone (JZ) and endometrium
(EM). ADC, FA and maximum fiber length were compared.
Fibers were classified into 12 groups and visually
evaluated. ADC was highest for OM (1.12), followed by EM
(0.97) and JZ (0.83). FA was highest for JZ (0.297),
followed by OM (0.257) and EM (0.186). Fibers were
longest in OM (42.0mm), followed by JZ (34.2mm) and EM
(20.0mm). Circular orientation was observed in 50%
(36/72) of fibers in OM and in 44% (32/72) in JZ.
2103. |
Measurement of Apparent
Diffusion Coefficients of Hyperpolarized 13C-Metabolites
Franz Schilling1,2, Jan Henrik
Ardenkjær-Larsen3, Martin A. Janich2,
Marion I. Menzel2, and Lise Vejby Søgaard3
1Institute of Medical Engineering, Technische
Universität München, Garching, Germany, 2GE
Global Research, Garching, Germany, 3Danish
Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Copenhagen
University Hospital Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Denmark
We suggest a new approach to characterize the metabolism
by performing apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)
measurements of hyperpolarized metabolites in-vivo. A
diffusion-weighted pulse sequence was developed based on
the pulsed gradient spin echo with low flip angle (α =
20˚) slice selective excitation in combination with a
band-selective universal-rotation refocusing pulse
optimized by optimal control theory. In two rats, we
acquired 13C-metabolite
ADCs in 3 spatial directions from lactate, alanine and
pyruvate in muscle tissue at 4 different positions. The
analysis of diffusion properties of intracellularly
produced hyperpolarized compounds might potentially be
useful for characterizing pathological changes in tumor
2104. |
Diffusion-Weighted MRI for
the Early Response Assessment of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in
Breast Cancer: Does Perfusion Effect Influence ADC Map
David Garbera1, Jyoti Parikh2, and
Geoffrey David Charles-Edwards3
1Imaging Sciences, King's College London,
London, United Kingdom, 2Radiology,
Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London,
United Kingdom, 3Medical
Physics, Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust,
London, United Kingdom
We analyse use of diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) scanning,
and generation of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)
maps, in predicting early response to neoadjuvant
chemotherapy (NACT) in patients with breast cancer. It
is thought that perfusion effects may confound accuracy
of ADC values calculated from DWI. We gathered mean ADC
values from pre and mid-treatment scans by generating a
region of interest around a whole lesion. Early changes
in mean ADC value were correlated with eventual
radiological response to NACT. Early change in mean ADC
value performed better than long-axis measurements in
predicting response. Only ADC maps excluding perfusion
were significantly better.
2105. |
in vivo Characterisation
of Colorectal Tumour Microstructure with DW-MRI 
Eleftheria Panagiotaki1, Simon Walker-Samuel2,
Bernard M. Siow1,2, Peter Johnson3,
Rosamund Barbara Pedley3, Mark F. Lythgoe2,
and Daniel C. Alexander4
1Centre for Medical Image Computing,
University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Centre
for Advanced Biomedical Imaging, University College
London, London, United Kingdom, 3Cancer
Institute, University College London, London, United
Kingdom, 4Centre
for Medical Image Computing, Dept Computer Science,
University College London, London, United Kingdom
This work explores the diffusion weighted (DW) MR signal
of cancer cell lines with a selection of
multi-compartment diffusion models, adapting a method
for diffusion model identification in brain tissue .
Characterisation of colorectal cancer cells (CRC) can
improve the response of the cells to treatment. Most
previous cancer cell classification studies involve
invasive histological methods that alter the state of
the sample. This study uses DW-MRI to quantitatively
characterise CRC cell lines in vivo based on their
2106. |
The Clinical Use of
Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging for
Oncological Biomarkers
Karen Bae1, Daniel Ying1, David
Yerushalmi1, Alice Kim1, and Jinha
1Diagnostic Radiology, City of Hope, Duarte,
CA, United States
Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI)
has been suggested as a promising, non-invasive, yet
quantitative tool to detect lesions. However, global
implementation of DW-MRI as a means of assessing cancer
faces challenges due to lack of quality assessments and
no accepted standards for measurements and analysis. The
purpose of this study was to address this issue by
assessing a recently implemented liver DWI protocol at
our institution - City of Hope National Medical Center.
In this retrospective study, we investigated the
apparent diffusion coefficient values of liver lesions
and found a statistical difference between benign and
malignant lesions (p<0.0001). These results were
consistent with previously published reports and
demonstrate the clinical benefit of adopting DWI as a
standard sequence in a liver MRI protocol.
2107. |
DTI Is More Sensitive to
Detect Effects of Hypercapnia on White Matter Development in
ELBW Infants Than Conventional MRI
Xiawei Ou1, Charles M. Glasier1,
Raghu H. Ramakrishnaiah1, Sarah B. Mulkey2,
Vivien L. Yap2, and Jeffrey R. Kaiser2
1Radiology, Arkansas Children's Hospital;
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little
Rock, AR, United States, 2Pediatrics,
Arkansas Children's Hospital; University of Arkansas for
Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, United States
Cerebral white matter injury is very common in extremely
low birth-weight (ELBW) infant survivors of intensive
care and is associated with poor long-term neurological
outcomes. In this study, we used DTI in addition to
conventional MRI to evaluate two groups of ELBW infants:
one was randomized to permissive hypercapnia ventilation
during the first week of life, and the other was
randomized to normocapnic ventilation. We found that
while the average white matter score from conventional
MRI for the hypercapnic group was not significantly
different with that in the normocapnic group, DTI
revealed lower FA values and higher MD values in the
genu and splenium of hypercapnic subjects, suggesting
that hypercapnia may have unfavorable effects on the
white matter development of ELBW infants, and DTI may be
more sensitive to detect these effects than conventional
2108. |
A Pilot Study of Motion
Corrected DTI in the Fetal Brain
Georgia Lockwood Estrin1,2, Zhiqing Wu2,
Serena J. Counsell3, Mary A. Rutherford1,
and Joseph V. Hajnal2
1Perinatal Imaging, Imperial College London,
London, United Kingdom, 2Centre
for the Developing Brain, Kings College London, London,
United Kingdom, 3Centre
for the Developing Brain, King's College London, London,
United Kingdom
Fetal DTI offers the potential to provide detailed
information on normal white matter development. A major
limitation is movement, which is often not addressed in
fetal MR studies. This study employs a fully motion
corrected reconstruction method including distortion
correction using a measured B0 field map to measure
fractional anisotropy (FA) in 19 fetuses. Results were
compared with ex utero preterm FA data of similar
post-menstrual ages. The fetal FA values were consistent
with the preterm neonates, including trends with age.
This provides confidence that the method is reliable and
offers the opportunity to study white matter development
in utero.
2109. |
Distinct Cerebral Tissue
Alterations in Diabetic and Hereditary Neuropathic Pain as
Revealed by Voxel-Based Morphometry and Tract-Based Spatial
Arzu Ceylan Has1, Aslihan Taskiran Sag2,
Cagri Mesut Temucin3, Nese Oztekin2,
Fikri Ak2, and Kader Karli Oguz4
1National Magnetic Resonance Research Centre
(UMRAM), Bilkent University, ANKARA, Turkey, 2Department
of neurology, Ankara Numune Education and Research
Hospital, ANKARA, Turkey, 3Department
of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, and Institute of
Neurological Sciences and Psychiatry, Hacettepe
University, ANKARA, Turkey, 4Department
of Radiology and National Magnetic Resonance Research
Centre (UMRAM), Hacettepe University and Bilkent
University, ANKARA, Turkey
Neuropathic pain is caused by a lesion or a disease of
the somatosensory system itself. It’s usually more
prominent in acquired pathologies of nerve fibers like
diabetic neuropathy (DNP) despite less severe
degeneration than hereditary neuropathies (HNP). On the
basis of differences in etiopathogenetic mechanisms, we
hypothesized that grey and white matter alterations
would reveal distinct patterns in patients with DNP and
Short-Term Plasticity of
the Motor System Induced by Piano Learning 
Ido Tavor1, Rotem Botvinik1, and
Yaniv Assaf1
1Department of Neurobiology, Tel Aviv
University, Tel Aviv, Israel
Diffusion MRI was recently shown to be sensitive to
short term neuroplasticity in spatial learning. While
spatial learning is expected to cause structural changes
in limbic structures, the neuroplasticity aspects in
higher cognitive domains are not straightforward. Thus
in the current study we used DTI in order to investigate
the neuroplasticity that accompanies motor learning.
Non-musician subjects were scanned before and after a
motor sequence learning task based on an electric piano
keyboard. We found learning related changes in diffusion
properties in motor system regions, suggesting that DTI
can follow on short-term learning-related brain
plasticity of an entire cognitive domain.
2111. |
Laterality of the
Corticospinal Tract and Variation with Handedness: The
Findings of a DTI Study 
Khin Khin Tha1, Satoshi Terae2,
Hiroyuki Hamaguchi2, Kinya Ishizaka2,
Makoto Hirotani2, Kazuyuki Minowa3,
Yuriko Suzuki4, and Hiroki Shirato1
1Department of Radiobiology and Medical
Engineering, Hokkaido University Graduate School of
Medicine, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 2Hokkaido
University Hospital, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 3Hokkaido
University Graduate School of Dental Medicine, Sapporo,
Hokkaido, Japan, 4Philips
electronics Japan, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
Laterality in the DTI indices of the corticospinal tract
(CST) of the brain and the spinal cord and their
variation with handedness were evaluated in 8 left
handers and 8 age- and gender-matched right handers. The
DTI indices were compared across the two sides and
between the two handers, at various CST levels. The
results revealed a similar pattern of asymmetry in the
indices between the brain and the spinal cord for both
handers. The values differed between the two handers.
The knowledge of laterality of the DTI indices and
variation with handedness is important in interpretation
of the indices.
2112. |
Comparison of Relationships
Between Two Different White Matter Tracts and Memory
Function with Healthy Individuals by Using Diffusion Tensor
Tetsuo Sato1, Nobuyuki Maruyama2,
Toru Hoshida2, and Kotaro Minato1
1Nara Institute of Science and Technology,
Ikoma, Nara, Japan, 2National
Hospital Organization Nara Medical Center, Nara, Nara,
In this research, we have calculated the correlation
coefficient between the DTI parameter of uncinate
fasciculus, fornix and WMS-R score. Correlations between
DTI measures and memory performance suggest the
relationships between the UF, fornix and function in
memory tasks lateralization. Our finding matches
previous reports on the correlation between FA in the
left or L1 in the right UF and performance on visual
2113. |
Time Dependence of the
Diffusional Kurtosis in the Human Calf Muscle 
Anja Maria Marschar1, Tristan Anselm Kuder1,
Bram Stieltjes2, and Frederik B. Laun1,2
1Department of Medical Physics in Radiology,
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg,
Germany, 2Quantitative
Imaging Based Disease Characterization, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
The diffusional kurtosis (Kapp) and the
apparent diffusion coefficient (Dapp) were
measured in the human calf muscle. Maps of Dapp and
Kapp are
shown and the time dependence of both values is
reported. A dependence on the diffusion direction is
visible for both values, but a higher anisotropy can be
observed for Dapp than
for Kapp. The kurtosis decreases at longer
diffusion time. Absolute values of Kapp in
the muscle tissue are much smaller than in white matter
tissue in the brain.
2114. |
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of
the Pediatric Thoracic Spinal Cord Using a Short Echo Time
Inner-Field-Of-View Sequence 
Devon Middleton1, Feroze Mohamed1,
Nadia Barakat2, Scott Faro1,
Pallav Shah1, MJ Mulcahey2, Amer
Samdani2, and Jürgen Finsterbusch3
1Radiology, Temple University, Philadelphia,
PA, United States, 2Shriners
Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 3University
Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany
DTI of the pediatric spinal cord (SC) has the potential
to provide useful information on white matter integrity
and to serve as an important biomarker for spinal cord
injury (SCI). This study examines the evaluate the
efficacy of an inner-field-of-view DTI sequence for
imaging of the thoracic spinal cord in pediatric
subjects, both normal and with SCI. Good quality DTI
images were successfully collected for six healthy
subjects and two subjects with SCI and DTI indices were
examined for both groups.
2115. |
Diffusion Tensor
Measurements in Healthy Human Sciatic Nerve
Christopher D.J. Sinclair1,2, Laura Mancini2,3,
and John S. Thornton1,2
1MRC Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases, UCL
Institute of Neurology, London, London, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, UCL Institute of
Neurology, London, London, United Kingdom,3Lysholm
Department of Neuroradiology, National Hospital for
Neurology and Neurosurgery, London, London, United
The sciatic nerve is conveys motor and sensory signals
in the lower limbs and abnormalities can include focal
tumours or demyelination in peripheral neuropathies. We
performed high-resolution anatomical imaging and
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of the sciatic nerve in
healthy subjects at 3T in order to visualize the course
of the nerve and derive metrics such as the fractional
anisotropy (FA). The mean FA of the nerve was 0.62±0.04,
substantially higher than the surrounding muscle
(0.22±0.02). FA maps provided good depiction of the
course of the nerve and any observed variations may be
valuable in monitoring conditions such as
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.
2116. |
MesoFT: Mesoscopic
Structure and Orientation with Fiber Tracking
Marco Reisert1, Matthias Weigel1,
Els Fieremans2, Valerij G. Kiselev1,
and Dmitry S. Novikov3
1Dpt. of Radiology, Medical Physics,
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, BW,
Germany, 2Center
for Biomedical Imaging, Dpt. of Radiology, New York
University, New York, NY, United States, 3Center
for Biomedical Imaging, Dpt. of Radiology, New York
University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United
As the inverse problem of quantifying tissue structure
in every voxel is highly ill-posed, we regularize it by
unifying sub-voxel modeling of dMRI signal at the
mesoscopic scale with multi-voxel connectivity achieved
with global fiber tracking. When MesoFT converges, we
obtain the physically motivated fiber directions,
connections, voxel-wise neurite densities, and, in
principle, can incorporate other mesoscopic structural
parameters. In particular, MesoFT yields strong
anisotropy of extra-axonal diffusion and a notable
tortuosity in corpus callosum.
Monday, 22 April 2013 (16:30-18:30) Exhibition Hall |
Fibre PDF's & Tractography
2117. |
Non-Negative Spherical
Deconvolution for Fiber Orientation Distribution Estimation
Jian Cheng1, Dinggang Shen1, and
Pew-Thian Yap1
1Department of Radiology and Biomedical
Research Imaging Center (BRIC), The University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina,
United States
In diffusion MRI, Spherical Deconvolution (SD) was
proposed to estimate the fiber Orientation Distribution
Function (fODF) based on spherical deconvolution using a
single-fiber response function. The peaks or the shape
of fODFs can be used to infer local fiber directions.
Constrained Spherical Deconvolution (CSD), which takes
into consideration the non-negative of the fODF, is the
most widely used method among SD variants. Although CSD
is capable of accurately determining fiber directions,
it is susceptible to false positive peaks especially in
the regions with low anisotropy. This is a common
drawback of all existing SD-based methods. Moreover, in
practice the fODF estimated using CSD still has
significant negative values. We propose a method called
Non-Negative Spherical Deconvolution (NNSD) to solve the
above two problems. Based on a Riemannian framework of
ODFs and Square Root Parameterized Estimation for
non-negative definite Ensemble Average Propagator, NNSD
is formulated such that the non-negativity of the fODF
is guaranteed with largely reduced false positive
peaks.The synthetic data and real data experiments
demonstrated the improvement of NNSD over CSD.
2118. |
Effect of Order and
Sharpening on Orientation Distribution Function for
Identifying Fiber Orientations in Higher Order Tensor Model 
Getaneh Bayu Tefera1, Yuxiang Zhou1,
and Ponnada A. Narayana1
1Diagnostic & Interventional Imaging, UT
Houston, Houston, Texas, United States
High angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) data
was analyzed using 4th and 6th order tensors. The
orientation diffusion function (ODF) was deconvolved
using spherical basis set with order 4 and 6. The
performance of this method was demonstrated by
performing tractography around the centrum semiovale
regions and corpus callosum. Our results indicate that
sixth order tensor, convolved with six basis functions
is superior to the fourth order tensor in resolving
multiple crossing fibers
2119. |
Test-Retest Reliability in
Fibre Orientation Distribution (FOD) Measurements in HARDI
Kai-kai Shen1, Stephen Rose1,
Jurgen Fripp1, Katie McMachon2,
Greig de Zubicaray3, Nicholas Martin4,
Paul Thompson5, Margret Wright4,
and Olivier Salvado1
1Australian eHealth Research Centre, CSIRO,
Herston, Queensland, Australia, 2Centre
for Advanced Imaging, University of Queensland,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 3School
of Psychology, University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia, 4Queensland
Institute of Medical Research, Brisbane, Queensland,
Australia, 5Imaging
Genetics Center, Laboratory of Neuro Imaging, UCLA, Los
Angeles, CA, United States
We evaluated the test-retest reliability for measures
based on the fibre orientation distribution (FOD) using
constrained spherical deconvolution (CSD). We derived
measurements in the peak direction identified from the
FOD, and evaluated the test-retest reliability for these
FOD peak amplitudes using the intra-class correlation
(ICC) coefficient. We visualized the ICC coefficients on
the FOD orientation plot. We compared the reliability of
measuring the FOD peak amplitudes and the fractional
anisotropy (FA) derived from the diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI) model.
2120. |
Multiple Kernel Spherical
Deconvolution and Intrinsic FA of Crossing Fiber Populations
Qiuyun Fan1,2, Erika Spangler3,
Xin Hong4, Ha-Kyu Jeong5, Nicole
Davis2,6, Laurie E. Cutting2,3,
and Adam W. Anderson1,2
1Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Vanderbilt
University Institute of Imaging Science, Nashville, TN,
United States, 3Department
of Special Education, Peabody College of Education and
Human Development, Nashville, TN, United States, 4Singapore
Bioimaging Consortium, Singapore, Singapore, 5Philips
Healthcare, Korea Basic Science Institute, Cheongwon,
Korea, 6Department
of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States
Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) provides valuable
information about neuronal tissues, such as fractional
anisotropy (FA), but is limited to single-fiber
populations. High angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI)
methods have been developed to reveal complex white
matter structures. The conventional spherical
deconvolution approaches do not allow for estimates of
fiber-specific response kernels in the case of crossing
fibers. The multiple kernel spherical deconvolution (MKSD)
method can resolve the orientations of multiple fiber
populations and provide estimates of the diffusion
properties intrinsic to each fiber. In this work, we
developed fiber tracking algorithms based on MKSD fiber
orientation distribution functions and studied the
stability of the fiber-specific FA estimates obtained.
2121. |
A Separable Approximation
to DSI Deconvolution 
Michael Paquette1 and
Maxime Descoteaux2
1SCIL, Universite de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke,
Quebec, Canada, 2SCIL,
Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
The q-space truncation induce in the classical
acquisition scheme of Diffusion Spectrum Imaging leads
to a modified version of the diffusion propagator. That
modification can be inverted by deconvolution methods.
This work present a separable deconvolution
approximation to get better propagator. Those better
propagators leads to more physically meaningful
diffusion space metric and sharper orientation
distribution functions.
2122. |
RubiX: Combining Spatial
Resolutions for Bayesian Inference of Crossing Fibres in
Diffusion MRI 
Stamatios N. Sotiropoulos1, Saad Jbabdi1,
Jesper L. Andersson1, Mark W. Woolrich1,2,
Kamil Ugurbil3, and Timothy E.J. Behrens1
1FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford,
United Kingdom, 2Oxford
Centre for Human Brain Activity (OHBA), University of
Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Center
for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
The trade-off between signal to noise ratio and spatial
specificity governs the choice of spatial resolution in
diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging. We
present an approach for tackling this trade-off by
combining data acquired both at high and low spatial
resolution. We combine all data into a single Bayesian
model to estimate the underlying fibre patterns,
therefore, combining the benefits of each acquisition.
We show that fibre crossings at the highest spatial
resolution can be inferred more robustly using this
model compared to a simpler model that operates only on
high-resolution data, when both approaches are matched
for acquisition time.
2123. |
Improved Angular Resolution
with GQI2: A New Diffusion Imaging Q-Space Cartesian Lattice
Reconstruction Method 
Ian Nimmo-Smith1, Frank Fang-Cheng Yeh2,
and Eleftherios Garyfallidis3
1MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit,
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA,
United States, 3University
of Cambridge, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
GQI2 is a new non-parametric method for reconstruction
of diffusion imaging data acquired with Q-space
cartesian lattice design. Using simulations and human
data we show it has superior ability to resolve angular
directions in voxels with two or three crossing fiber
directions. GQI2 also has efficiency advantages over
diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) in terms of computer
memory and computation time.
2124. |
Cortical Fiber Insertions
and Automated Layer Classification in Human Motor Cortex
from 9.4T Diffusion MRI
Matteo Bastiani1,2, Ana-Maria Oros-Peusquens2,
Daniel Brenner2, Klaus Moellenhoff2,
Arne Seehaus1,3, Avdo Celik2, Jörg
Felder2, Andreas Matusch2, Ralf
Galuske3, Hansjürgen Bratzke4,
Nadim Jon Shah2,5, Rainer Goebel1,
and Alard Roebroeck1
1Department of Cognitive Neuroscience,
Maastricht University, Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands, 2Institute
of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-4), Research Centre
Jülich, Jülich, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany,3Department
of Biology, TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Hesse, Germany, 4Department
of Forensic Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, JWG-University,
Frankfurt/Main, Hesse, Germany, 5Faculty
of Medicine, JARA, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen,
Ultra-high resolution diffusion weighted imaging (DWI)
on ex vivo tissue represents a unique tool to
investigate human brain anatomy at a microscopic scale.
This study focuses on two separate aspects which can be
derived from high isotropic resolution HARDI data
analysis on post mortem human tissue: i) we reconstruct
and analyze the short association fibers connecting
human motor and premotor area and fanning cortical
insertions in the gyral crown and ii) we distinguish the
majority of cortical layers by automatic clustering of
their diffusion characteristics. Both aspects are
validated using myelin stains of the sectioned tissue.
2125. |
Imaging the Grid Structure
of the Brain with DSI and QBI with the 3T Connectom
Instrument: Conditional Validation of in
vivo MRI
Tractography in Humans
Van J. Wedeen1, Ruopeng Wang1,
Timothy G. Reese1, Thomas Witzel1,
Julian Cohen-Adad2, Bruce R. Rosen1,
and Lawrence L. Wald1
1Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Mass
General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown,
MA, United States, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Biomedical
Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Montreal,
Quebec, Canada
It has been recently shown that the fiber pathways of
the brain follow a natural curvilinear coordinate
system, and being vanishingly improbable, this finding
is conditionally self-validating. To test these results
in human subjects, we obtained Q-ball and diffusion
spectrum MRI and with a simple automated procedure
mapped their grid structure. Grid structure was observed
widely in the brain regions with all diffusion methods,
though different methods emphasized different
structures. This study indicates that grid structure is
readily obtained in humans, and offers a promising
strategy for tractography validation and the mapping of
brain structure.
2126. |
Which Blind Tract
Clustering Method Is Most Robust to False Positives? 
Mark Drakesmith1, John Evans1,
Anthony David2, and Derek Jones1
1CUBRIC, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales,
United Kingdom, 2Institute
of Psychiatry, Kings College London, London, United
The effect of false positives on the performance of
blind tract clustering is unclear. From an idealised
dataset of 6 pre-defined bundles, various distance
metrics and clustering methods were tested across
varying FP-rates by substituting a random proportion of
‘true’ tracts with FPs. Most methods deteriorate
gradually with noise. Affinities computed from maximum (Hausdorff)
and endpoint distances were most robust to noise. These
methods showed FP misclassification were concentrated on
the smallest fibre bundle while other methods showed
more diffuse misclassification across adjacent bundles.
These two distance metrics are therefore best for
clustering noisy tractography datasets.
2127. |
Quantitative Fiber
Bundle-Driven Analysis of Diffusion MRI Data
Christian Ros1,2, Daniel Guellmar1,
Martin Stenzel2, Hans-Joachim Mentzel2,
and Jürgen R. Reichenbach1
1Medical Physics Group, Institute of
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology I, Jena
University Hospital - Friedrich Schiller University
Jena, Jena, TH, Germany, 2Pediatric
Radiology, Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology I, Jena University Hospital - Friedrich
Schiller University Jena, Jena, TH, Germany
With this contribution, we presented a new method for
the analysis of DTI data sets that uses fiber bundles to
enhance the quantitative analysis. By utilizing fiber
bundles the occurrence of adverse interpolation effects
at the boundaries of white matter structures as a result
of the non-linear spatial normalization is prevented.
The method was used to assess hemispheric differences in
selected fiber bundles using FA maps of 46 healthy
volunteers. A statistical analysis was performed and
correction methods were employed to deal with
statistical errors. In various bundles, statistically
significant differences were observed that are in line
with the literature.
2128. |
Probabilistic Atlas of the
Adult Human Brain White Matter 
Anna Varentsova1, Shengwei Zhang2,
and Konstantinos Arfanakis2
1Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology,
Chicago, IL, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago,
IL, United States
Digital human brain white matter (WM) atlases play an
important role in brain imaging research. Existing WM
atlases have been generated either based on anatomical
landmarks, thus mixing tracts with substantially
different roles, or using DTI tractography, which fails
in regions with crossing fibers. The purpose of this
study was to develop a probabilistic WM atlas of the
adult human brain by performing probabilistic
tractography on an artifact-free high angular resolution
diffusion imaging (HARDI) brain template constructed in
ICBM-152 space. Presented preliminary results show that
the information contained in the new atlas is in
agreement with known anatomy.
2129. |
Development of a
Comprehensive Digital Human Brain Atlas 
Shengwei Zhang1 and
Konstantinos Arfanakis1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, United
A comprehensive digital human brain atlas was generated
in this work. The atlas contains high quality,
artifact-free anatomical and diffusion MRI data, and
detailed WM and GM labels, in the same space (ICBM-152).
The atlas also contains a number of supporting maps of
quantities describing the quality of the information
provided in different brain structures. The new resource
provides a flexible reference frame for integration of
macro-structural, micro-structural and functional
information about the human brain.
2130. |
A White Matter Tract Atlas
Based on a Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI) Template 
Yu-Chun Lo1, Yu-Jen Chen1,
Yung-Chin Hsu1, and Wen-Yih Isaac Tseng1,2
1Center for Optoelectronic Biomedicine,
National Taiwan University College of Medicine, Taipei,
Taipei, Taiwan, 2Department
of Medical Imaging, National Taiwan University Hospital,
Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
In this study, a standard procedure of tractography was
used to develop an atlas of fiber tracts of the whole
brain. This procedure entailed a diffusion spectrum
imaging (DSI) template on which interested fiber
pathways and their ROIs were determined and validated by
experts. A total of 107 major white matter tracts were
reconstructed. Based on this atlas, a template-based
approach was proposed to enable an automated analysis of
the microstructural integrity of the tracts identified
in the atlas. The atlas and the automated tract analysis
method may facilitate the connectome study in a large
2131. |
3D Visualisation of
Connectomes Using Streamtubes
Kerstin Pannek1, Roslyn Boyd1, and
Stephen Rose2
1The University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia, 2The
Australian E-Health Research Centre, CSIRO, Brisbane,
Connectomes are typically represented in matrix form. To
improve visual assessment of the connectome, we suggest
the use a streamtube representation of connections.
Representation of connections contained in the
connectome using streamtubes allows visualization of
confidence in the existence of a connection (streamline
number) and local attributes of the connections (e.g.
FA). Tube thickness, colour and opacity can be
fine-tuned for optimized visualization of cortical or
deep structures. The opacity and colour of individual
streamtubes can be adjusted to highlight subsets of
connections, such as connections of altered
2132. |
Whole-Brain Neighbourhood
Kiran K. Seunarine1, Jonathan D. Clayden2,
and Christopher A. Clark2
1Imaging and Biophysics Unit, UCL Institute
of Child Health, London, United Kingdom, 2Imaging
and Biophysics Unit, University College London, London,
United Kingdom
Tractography allows the probing of brain connectivity.
Limitations of the standard approaches are that they can
be time consuming, require good anatomical knowledge and
can be prone to false-positives. Neighbourhood
tractography (NT) overcomes these limitations by using a
priori information about the expected path of the tract
through the brain. This work introduces a whole-brain
extension to the NT algorithm to overcome some of the
limitations of the method. We demonstrate the approach
by segmenting four white-matter tracts. The
segmentations show clear differences over single-seed
NT, including fewer false-positives and a greater extent
to the segmentation.
2133. |
Functional Connectivity
Suggests Mean Pathway Radial Diffusivity as a Robust Metric
of Anatomic Connectivity 
Mark J. Lowe1, Ken E. Sakaie1,
Katherine Koenig1, Lael Stone2,
Robert A. Bermel3, and Micheal D. Phillips1
1Imaging Institute, Cleveland Clinic,
Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Neurologic
Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United
States, 3Neurologic
Institute, The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United
There are several diffusion and fiber tracking-related
measures that are used as metrics of functional
connectivity. Many of these depend on the tracking
algorithm. This makes it difficult to compare different
studies. We propose a very simple tensor-based measure
as a robust metric of anatomic connectivity that can
easily be combined with different tracking algorithms
and results in a metric that can be compared across
2134. |
Partitions of Human Brain Structural Networks 
Alessandra Griffa1,2, Richard Betzel3,
Kim Q. Do4, Philippe Conus5,
Patric Hagmann1,6, and Jean-Philippe Thiran1,6
1Signal Processing Laboratory (LTS5), Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne,
Vaud, Switzerland, 2Department
of Radiology, University Hospital Center (CHUV) and
University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, Vaud,
Switzerland, 3Department
of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University,
Bloomington, Indiana, United States, 4Center
for Psychiatric Neurosciences, Lausanne University
Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne, Lausanne,
Vaud, Switzerland, 5Department
of Psychiatry, Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV),
Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland, 6Department
of Radiology, Univerity Hospital Center (CHUV) and
University of Lausanne (UNIL), Lausanne, Vaud,
Diffusion MRI, tractography and graph analysis allowed
to characterize the brain structural architecture as a
small-world, hierarchically modular network. The study
of the brain modular topology is raising new interest,
and could be a key approach for the understanding of
neurodevelopmental disorder. In this framework, it is
important to individuate representative partitions for
whole groups of subjects. In this work we use
information theory-derived measures to quantify the
inter-subjects variability of structural network modular
decomposition, and we propose different approaches (and
particularly the consensus clustering algorithm) to
individuate a group-representative partition.
Evidence for the Improved
Biological Interpretability of White Matter Connectivity
Derived Following Tractogram Filtering Using SIFT 
Robert E. Smith1, Jacques-Donald Tournier1,
Fernando Calamante1, and Alan Connelly1
1Brain Research Institute, Florey Institute
of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Heidelberg, Victoria,
SIFT (Spherical-deconvolution Informed Filtering of
Tractograms) has recently been proposed as a method for
improving the correspondence between a whole-brain fibre-tracking
reconstruction and the underlying diffusion data. Here
we evaluate its utility for quantitative tractography
analysis (such as connectomics) by comparing properties
of tractography reconstructions before and after
application of SIFT to those estimated from post-mortem
brain dissection.
2136. |
How Well Does the Residual
Bootstrap Predict Scan-Rescan Repeatability of Spherical
Deconvolution Diffusion MRI? 
Jennifer S.W. Campbell1 and
Bruce G. Pike2
1McConnell Brain Imaging Centre, McGill
University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2McConnell
Brain Imaging Centre, Montreal Neurological Institute,
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
The purpose of this study was to evaluate how well the
residual bootstrap statistical technique predicts the
variability in scan-rescan estimates of fibre
orientation, using spherical deconvolution diffusion
MRI. Here, we evaluated how well the fibre orientations
obtained from different, coregistered datasets in the
same subject fit the fibre probability distribution
function obtained from the residual bootstrap technique.
For major fibre tracts (i.e., FA>0.3), the
correspondence between the observed variability in the
fibre orientations and the variability predicted by the
bootstrap was very good. For low FA, the residual
bootstrap underestimates the scan-rescan repeatability.
2137. |
Explore the Brain White
Matter Networks in Real-Time: Multi-Sticks Fiber Tracking 
Maxime Chamberland1 and
Maxime Descoteaux1
1Computer Science, Université de Sherbrooke,
Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
Real-time fiber tractography consists in achieving the
computation and simultaneous display of fiber tracts. By
doing so, this permits the user to interactively tweak
any parameters involved in the tracking process and
therefore see the effect of each adjustement made on the
resulting fibers. For neurosurgical planning, this
feature is crucial since giving a pre-computed set of
tracts in the hands of neurosurgeon can hide important
information, which could have been explored and tuned in
2138. |
A Diffusion MRI Resource of
80 Age-Varied Subjects with Neuropsychological and
Demographic Measures
Ryan P. Cabeen1, Ksenia Andreyeva2,
Mark E. Bastin2, and David H. Laidlaw1
1Brown University, Providence, RI, United
States, 2University
of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
The primary purpose of this work is to provide a
resource of high angular resolution diffusion MRI
datasets of 80 normal volunteers aged 25-64 together
with neuropsychological testing data spanning general
cognitive ability, memory, and information processing
speed. To support the value of these data, we
demonstrate statistical correlations between age and
tract-based metrics calculated automatically from the
data. The metrics are a function of fiber count, length,
diffusion rate, and diffusion anisotropy; the
statistical relationship to age was modeled with linear
2139. |
Tractography and
Connectivity Analysis with the TractoR Software Package
Jonathan D. Clayden1, Susana Munoz Maniega2,
Amos J. Storkey3, Martin D. King1,
Mark E. Bastin4, and Christopher A. Clark1
1Institute of Child Health, University
College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Division
of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 3School
of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh,
United Kingdom, 4Centre
for Clinical Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
This abstract introduces and describes TractoR, a freely
available software package for MR image analysis
implemented in R. The package has a particular emphasis
on tractography and connectivity analysis.
2140. |
A Comparison of Two
Automated and Probabilistic Tract Segmentation Methods
Jonathan D. Clayden1, Susana Munoz Maniega2,
Mark E. Bastin3, and Christopher A. Clark1
1Institute of Child Health, University
College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Division
of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 3Centre
for Clinical Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, United Kingdom
In this work, we compare two freely available,
probabilistic and automated methods for segmenting white
matter tracts from diffusion MRI data.
2141. |
Segmentation of the Precuneus in Individual Adolescent
Rhesus Macaque DTI Data. 
Elizabeth Zakszewski1, Nagesh Adluru1,
Ned Kalin1, and Andrew L. Alexander1
1University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison,
WI, United States
Connectivity-based segmentation of the precuneus, an
important connectome hub, is performed on DTI data of
young rhesus monkeys. We observe how the proportion of
connections from the precuneus to functionally different
brain regions (limbic, somatosensory, and visual) shifts
with increasing age. This gives us valuable information
for creating models of brain development.
2142. |
Correlation of Imaging
Connectivity with Electrophysiological Connectivity Using
Intracranial Electrodes 
Stephen Jones1, Erik B. Beall2,
Jorge A. Gonzalez-Martinez1, Blessy Mathew1,
Dileep Nair1, Imad Najm1, Michael
Phillips1, Ken E. Sakaie1, and
Myron Zhang1
1Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH,
United States, 2Cleveland
Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States
We study the correlation between diffusion weighted
imaging (DWI) measures of structural brain connectivity
and electrophysiological connectivity obtained from
intracranial electrodes in epilepsy patients. We have
collected data from four patients, each with around 150
electrode contacts implanted, and our analysis suggests
that the correlation between DWI-based connectivity and
electrophysiological connectivity is only modest and
still uncertain, which may shape how we interpret DWI
data and results.
2143. |
Spatial Resolution
Requirements for Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Fornix 
Ken E. Sakaie1, Mark J. Lowe1,
Katherine Koenig1, Robert A. Bermel2,
Lael Stone2, and Michael Phillips1
1Imaging Institute, The Cleveland Clinic,
Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Mellen
Center for Multiple Sclerosis Treatment and Research,
The Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States
As the primary efferent of hippocampus, diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI) of fornix has potential as a biomarker for
memory-related cognitive decline. As commonly-used
spatial resolution for DTI risks partial volume
averaging with surrounding CSF spaces, increases in
diffusivity associated with disease that simply result
from atrophy may be misinterpreted as change in tissue
integrity. Here, we examine the use of high spatial
resolution DTI of fornix to avoid partial volume
averaging. The results suggest that 1mm isotropic voxels
are sufficient for characterizing fornix in healthy
controls but may be inadequate in multiple sclerosis
patients experiencing atrophy.
Monday, 22 April 2013 (16:30-18:30) Exhibition Hall |
2144. |
Longitudinal Study of
Cerebral Blood Flow Measurements in Normals Using
Pseudocontinuous and Velocity-Selective Arterial Spin
Zungho Zun1, Deqiang Qiu1, Jarrett
Rosenberg1, and Greg Zaharchuk1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States
Arterial spin labeling (ASL) allows for quantitative
measurements of cerebral blood flow (CBF), enabling
longitudinal observation of CBF in the same subjects. In
this work, monthly CBF measurements were performed in
five normal volunteers for six months using
pseudocontinuous ASL (PCASL) and velocity-selective
arterial spin labeling (VSASL). Global CBF measurement
of gray matter for six months was, on average, 61 ± 5
ml/100 g /min with PCASL and 44 ± 4 ml/100 g/min with
VSASL. While CBF measurement with PCASL showed good
agreement with literature values, both methods showed
similar coefficient of variation.
2145. |
Comparing 3D
Velocity-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling to 3D
Pseudocontinuous Arterial Spin Labeling
Zungho Zun1, Ajit Shankaranarayanan2,
and Greg Zaharchuk1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States, 2GE
Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United States
Velocity-selective arterial spin labeling (VSASL) is a
promising method for measuring cerebral blood flow (CBF)
in patients with slow or delayed flow. Most previous
works on VSASL were demonstrated using 2D imaging, and
no previous work reported comparison of VSASL and PCASL,
both with 3D imaging and with the same quantification
method. In this study, VSASL was combined with 3D image
acquisition and was performed in normal volunteers along
with 3D PCASL. CBF maps acquired using two methods
showed consistent results. Measured signal-to-noise
ratio (SNR) from VSASL was about 30% lower than that of
PCASL, but was adequate to provide good image quality.
Signal-To-Noise Optimal Arterial Spin Labeling and Sampling
Esben Thade Petersen1,2, Jill Britt De Vis1,
Cornelis A.T. van den Berg2, and Jeroen
1Department of Radiology, UMC Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Department
of Radiotherapy, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
In this work an optimal labeling and acquisition scheme
for Arterial Spin Labeling is proposed. Repeated pulsed
labeling during a multi time-point Look-Locker readout,
allow full-brain acquisition while keeping optimum
perfusion signal. The method gained 2-5 times the
temporal SNR as compared to existing pCASL sequences
while at the same time providing information about
auxiliary parameters needed for quantification such as
bolus arrival time, tissue T1, and arterial input
function and blood volume. The method which is an
extension of the model-free QUASAR ASL sequence was
dubbed Turbo-QUASAR and it will boost any pulsed
labeling approach (Pulsed, Velocity- or
2147. |
Thin Slab Pseudo-Continuous
Arterial Spin Labeling
Weiying Dai1 and
David C. Alsop1
1Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center & Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United
Thin slab Flow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery
(FAIR) arterial spin labeling (ASL) can be advantageous
when the geometry or transit delay of the arterial
supply is not known, but FAIR has reduced signal
compared to continuous labeling methods. Here, a
modification of pseudo-continuous labeling that achieves
labeling very close to both sides of a slice is
presented. Labeling RF is applied centered on the slab
and labeling planes on both sides of the slice are
created. The performance of this approach is evaluated
in single slice perfusion imaging of the brain.
Suppression of Free Fluid
Perfusion Artefacts in Velocity Selective ASL Using a BIR-4
T2-FLAIR Preparation 
James A. Meakin1,2, Natalie L. Voets1,
Thomas W. Okell1, and Peter Jezzard1
1FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford,
United Kingdom, 2Department
of Oncology, University of Oxford, Oxford, United
Velocity selective arterial spin labeling (VSASL) is not
diffusion balanced between the tag and control
condition, which causes artefacts from free fluids to
appear as positive signal in the perfusion weighted
subtractions. This affects both the healthy brain (CSF)
and in tumors (inflammation response, edema). Here we
present a T2-FLAIR method to null long T1/T2 spins at
the time of the velocity selective tag using a segmented
BIR-4 inversion. We find that this method increases the
accuracy of perfusion measurements with VSASL in healthy
grey matter by reducing CSF partial volume effects.
2149. |
Pulmonary Blood Flow
Measurement Using Velocity-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling
at 3.0T
Jia Guo1 and
Eric C. Wong1
1University of California San Diego, La
Jolla, California, United States
In this study, we demonstrated that it is feasible to
use Velocity-Selective ASL (VSASL) to measure pulmonary
blood flow (PBF) at 3.0 T with bSSFP and cardiac gating.
Comparing with FAIR, the intravascular signal of VSASL
is minimized by choosing a proper cutoff velocity (2cm/s
in this study) without affecting the quantification,
therefore providing a less biased thus more accurate
estimate of PBF. We expect VSASL to benefit from the
longer T2/T2* at a lower field (1.5 T) on measurement of
2150. |
ASL-Based Time-Resolved MRA
Acquiring Labeled and Control Images in a Single
Look-Locker-Like Acquisition 
Yuriko Suzuki1, Noriyuki Fujima2,
Hiroyuki Sugimori2, Tetsuo Ogino1,
and Marc Van Cauteren3
1Philips Electronics Japan, Minato-ku, Tokyo,
Japan, 2Hokkaido
University Hospital, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan, 3Philips
Healthcare Asia Pacific, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Hemodynamic information is useful for the accurate
diagnosis, effective treatment and follow-up for
numerous neurovascular diseases. Recently developed
non-contrast-enhanced time-resolved 4D MRA using
arterial spin labeling (ASL) methods achieve both high
spatial and temporal resolution with 3D coverage.
However, these methods require labeled and control
images to make the subtracted image, doubling the scan
time. We present a new non-contrast-enhanced
time-resolved 4D MRA, in which contrast and labeled
images are acquired in a single Look-Locker like
acquisition, making scan time half compared to the
conventional ASL method.
2151. |
Theoretical and Practical
Investigation of Acoustic Noise Level Reduction in
Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
Magdalena Sokolska1, Aaron Oliver-Taylor1,
Xavier Golay2, and David Thomas1
1Department of Brain Repair & Rehabilitation,
UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Brain Repair & Rehabilitation, University College
London, London, UK, United Kingdom
Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) is a non-invasive imaging
technique for quantifying blood perfusion in tissue.
Pseudo-continuous ASL has recently emerged as the method
of choice. However, concern has been raised about
acoustic noise levels experienced by patients undergoing
pCASL scans, leading to patient discomfort. This is
especially a concern in imaging unsedated infants or
elderly patients, where exposure to long lasting
acoustic noise can increase patient unease in the
scanner. This study investigates the Sound Pressure
Level (SPL) produced by the pCASL sequence and how it
can be reduced without significantly changing the
inversion efficiency.
2152. |
Silent Pseudo-Continuous
Arterial Spin Labeling 
Michael Helle1 and
Tim Nielsen1
1Philips Research Laboratories, Hamburg,
Conventional pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling
(pCASL) employs trapezoidal gradient waveforms and
requires high gradient strengths in combination with
high slew rates for sufficient labeling of flowing blood
spins, which results in mechanical vibrations and a high
acoustic noise level. In this study, possibilities are
presented on how to reduce the acoustic noise level and
the mechanical strain of a pCASL sequence, either by
optimizing the labeling interval duration or by applying
a sinusoidal gradient waveform for the labeling sequence
or both.
2153. |
Active Head Coil Detuning:
A Method to Reduce SAR in CASL at 7T
Randall B. Stafford1,2, Se-Hong Oh1,2,
Myung-Kyun Woo3, Tiejun Zhao4,
Kyoung-Nam Kim3, Young-Bo Kim3,
Zang-Hee Cho3, John A. Detre1,2,
and Jongho Lee1,2
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Center
for Functional Neuroimaging, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 3Neuroscience
Research Institute, Gachon University, Incheon, Incheon,
Korea, 4Siemens
Healthcare USA, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
PA, United States
Arterial spin labeling has the dual benefit of increased
spin polarity and elongation of the T1 relaxation time
of arterial blood at 7T. In order to realize these
benefits at 7T, specific absorption rate limits must be
mitigated. One way to reduce the SAR deposition is to
eliminate the need for RF power during ASL control
acquisitions. Here, we use a novel ASL head/labeling
coil system with active detuning to eliminate
magnetization transfer effects during labeling, thereby
allowing us to remove the control RF. This reduces the
SAR deposition by almost 50%, and allows for shorter TRs.
We demonstrate the utility of this system for CASL in
healthy volunteers with a SAR-minimum TR under 7
2154. |
Vascular Territory
Segmentation Using Mutual Clustering in Image and Label
Youngkyoo Jung1,2, Megan E. Johnston2,
Christopher T. Whitlow1,3, and Joseph A.
1Radiology, Wake Forest School of Medicine,
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Wake Forest School of Medicine,
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States, 3Translational
Science Institute, Wake Forest School of Medicine,
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States
Pseudo-continuous ASL (PCASL) based vascular territory
mapping enables the detection of source arteries. An
automated vascular territory segmentation using
connectivity information from both image space and label
space is proposed. The algorithm was tested with data
obtained at two locations with middle cerebral artery
branching. The algorithm demonstrates the ability to
resolve neighboring sources into separate territories
with minimal computational burden.
2155. |
Analysis of Localization
Error of Decoded Vascular Sources in Random Vessel Encoded
Arterial Spin Labeling 
Yi Dang1, Jia Guo2, Jue Zhang1,3,
and Eric C. Wong4
1Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary
Studies, Peking University, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Department
of Bioengineering, University of California San Diego,
San Diego, California, United States, 3College
of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, Beijing,
China, 4Department
of Radiology and Psychiatry, University of California
San Diego, San Diego, California, United States
Random Vessel-encoded arterial spin labeling (R-VEASL)
can be used to uniquely identify the locations of the
source arteries in the tagging plane. However,
localization of the decoded vascular sources is accurate
in most but not all cases. In this work, the causes of
this have been investigated. In our data, motion during
the scan did not dominate the errors in the detecting
process. The estimation of vessel locations was only
slightly improved by selective filtering of data. In
some cases, the detected vessel locations correlated
closely with the vascular anatomy several millimeters
inferior to the nominal tagging plane.
2156. |
Investigation of the
Theoretical Signal Model Used in Random Vessel Encoded
Arterial Spin Labeling 
Yi Dang1, Jia Guo2, Jue Zhang1,3,
and Eric C. Wong4
1Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary
Studies, Peking University, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Department
of Bioengineering, University of California San Diego,
San Diego, California, United States, 3College
of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, Beijing,
China, 4Department
of Radiology and Psychiatry, University of California
San Diego, San Diego, California, United States
In Random vessel encoded arterial spin labeling (R-VEASL),
the correlation coefficient between acquired perfusion
signal data and the theoretical signal model was used to
detect the vessel locations. In this work, the accuracy
of the theoretical signal model derived from Bloch
simulation that is currently used to estimate vessel
location in R-VEASL has been demonstrated. The
theoretical model appears to generally fit the data
well, and is insensitive to vessel velocity selection.
This suggests that the method is robust to assumed
velocity for the purpose of vessel detection, but that
the data likely cannot be used to estimate flow
Accelerated 3DPCASL Using
Compressed Sensing
Li Zhao1, Samuel W. Fielden1, Xiao
Chen1, John P. Mugler, III2, Josef
Pfeuffer3, Manal Nicolas-Jilwan2,
Max Wintermark2, and Craig H. Meyer1
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia,
United States, 3Siemens,
Erlangen, Germany
Low SNR in ASL limits the achievable spatial resolution
and the accuracy of perfusion maps. Dynamic ASL is
time-consuming and also suffers from low SNR. Compressed
sensing can improve image quality by enforcing
spatial-domain sparsity. Compressed sensing can also
enforce time-domain sparsity in dynamic ASL. Volunteer
data are shown to demonstrate CS performance on single
PLD PCASL images and multiple dynamic frames. The
results show image SNR and image quality improvement.
More importantly, the estimated CBF becomes more
accurate and stable with compressed sensing image
2158. |
Accelerating Arterial Spin
Labeled Perfusion Imaging Using Compressed Sensing 
Yihang Zhou1,2, Jie Zheng3, Dong
Liang4, and Leslie Ying1,2
1Electrical Engineering, University at
Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, University at Buffalo,
Buffalo, NY, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, Washington University, St. Louis, MO,
United States, 4Paul
C. Lauterbur Research Centre for Biomedical Imaging,
Shenzhen, China
Arterial spin labeled (ASL) MRI method has been used as
an alternative to first-pass perfusion imaging in
assessing end organ perfusion. It has the advantage of
avoiding administration of any contrast agent. However,
this method is sensitive to motion artifacts due to
prolonged data acquisition time for each T1 weighted
image. The motion artifacts will greatly degrade the
image quality and reduce the accuracy of perfusion
measurements. In this study, the feasibility of
accelerating ASL acquisition using compressed sensing is
investigated. Results on calf muscle and cardiac
experiments demonstrate compressed sensing is able to
preserve the perfusion information with accelerated
2159. |
Pulsed Arterial Spin
Labeling with Multi-Band Excitation
Tae Kim1, Wanyong Shin2, Erik B.
Beall2, Mark J. Lowe2, Tiejun Zhao3,
and Kyongtae Ty Bae1
1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Imaging
Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United
States, 3Siemens
Medical Solution USA, INC., Siemens MediCare Healthcare
USA, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Multi-band (MB) excitation for data acquisition was
successfully implemented into pulsed arterial spin
labeling and evaluated on healthy volunteers at 3T.
Perfusion quantification for MB excitation was highly
comparable with that of a conventional perfusion
acquisition. Our study demonstrates that the MB
technique facilitates an accelerated acquisition of high
resolution, whole-brain perfusion maps.
2160. |
Interleaved Multi-Slab 3D
Gradient and Spin Echo for Arterial Spin Labeling
Hiroshi Toyoda1,2, Guoxiang Liu2,
Yusuke Morito2, and Yasuyoshi Watanabe1
1RIKEN Center for Molecular Imaging Science,
Kobe, Japan, 2National
Institute of Information and Communications Technology,
Kobe, Japan
A new 3D arterial spin labeling (ASL) acquisition using
multi-slab 3D gradient and spin echo (GRASE) was
proposed, which shortened scanning time without
sacrificing measurement accuracy. We have shown that the
ASL imaging based on a multi-slab 3D GRASE sequence
provided equivalent results in the absolute
quantification of the CBF to that of the single slab
sequence. The feasibility of this new multi-slab 3D
acquisition approach was demonstrated by its better time
efficiency and equivalent quantification accuracy.
2161. |
Dual Slice Perfusion
Measured with PASL-SIR 
Erin K. Englund1, Michael C. Langham1,
Cheng Li1, and Felix W. Wehrli1
1Department of Radiology, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States
In this work, a traditional pulsed arterial spin
labeling (PASL) technique is combined with simultaneous
image refocusing (SIR) EPI readout to measure dual-slice
perfusion in the leg. PASL-SIR is evaluated by comparing
results acquired in the two slices to an otherwise
identical single-slice PASL sequence during a series of
ischemia reperfusion paradigms in the leg. Time course
parameters for the dual-slice PASL-SIR technique are in
relative agreement with single-slice-measured perfusion
and with literature reported values. Implementation of
PASL-SIR in longitudinal studies may improve
reproducibility by reducing errors due to subject
2162. |
Comparison of Water
Excitation Versus Fat Saturation in Perfusion MRI - Effects
on Lipid Signal, SNR and CBF 
Karthik Prabhakaran1, Ryan D. Hopson1,
Mark A. Elliott1, Kosha Ruparel1,
Raquel E. Gur1, Ruben C. Gur1, and
John A. Detre1
1University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States
The use of frequency-selective fat saturation in EPI
based perfusion imaging results in spurious measurements
of cerebral blood flow (CBF) if the lipid suppression is
poor and inconsistent. Frequency-selective water
excitation provided superior lipid suppression and
yielded higher CBF measurements when compared to
frequency-selective fat-saturation in a spin-echo EPI
pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL)
application at 3T.
2163. |
Comparison of Cerebral
Blood Flow and Arterial Transit Time Estimation Methods
Using Monte-Carlo Simulation 
Megan E. Johnston1, Joseph A. Maldjian2,
and Youngkyoo Jung1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, Wake Forest
University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North
Carolina, United States, 2Radiology,
Wake Forest University School of Medicine,
Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States
The arterial transit time is a valuable metric for both
optimizing arterial spin labeling parameters and as a
complementary diagnostic tool in cerebrovascular
disease. Simulations were performed for three arterial
spin labeling based methods in order to compare their
efficiencies in estimating the arterial transit time and
cerebral blood flow. The three methods included a method
with variable TR, Hadamard-encoded ASL, and a method
using Look-Locker acquisition. The variable TR method
produced the lowest error in arterial transit time
estimation and the lowest percentage error in cerebral
blood flow measurement over the range of arterial
transit times simulated.
2164. |
Optimal PLD Design and
Maximum Likelihood CBF Estimation for Dynamic PCASL with
Rician Noise
Li Zhao1 and
Craig H. Meyer1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia,
United States
Noise in low SNR ASL images is more accurately modeled
as Rician rather than Gaussian. Least squares estimation
is typically used in ASL, but this results in a biased
estimate with Rician noise. This work describes a new
maximum likelihood (ML) estimator and an optimal
post-label delay (PLD) design for dynamic ASL assuming
Rician noise. To verify the performance of CBF
estimation, a simulation is performed based on low SNR
dynamic ASL signal. The results show that the new ML
estimator provides unbiased estimation and that optimal
PLD design can reduce the variance of CBF estimation
2165. |
Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling for Robust
Quantification of Cerebral Blood Flow 
David D. Shin1, Ho-Ling Liu2, and
Thomas T. Liu1
1Center for Functional MRI, University of
California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, 2Chang
Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
We present a novel PCASL technique for correcting
compromised inversion efficiency resulting from
off-resonance effects and gradient imperfections at the
tagging plane. The implemented sequence acquires the ASL
signal using 8 RF phase offsets during the first 32 reps
then switches to the regular tag/control mode to acquire
the conventional PCASL signal. The inversion response
curves from the first mode is used to estimate the
tagging efficiencies for the main feeding arteries,
which are in turn used during the quantification step to
correct for underestimated CBFs associated with regular
PCASL. The gray matter CBFs calculated from
alpha-corrected PCASL are compared to those from
OptPCASL which restores inversion efficiency but
requires additional calibration scans.
2166. |
Robust T2 Measurements for
Multi-TI Arterial Spin Labeling 
Johanna Kramme1 and
Matthias Günther1,2
1Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Germany, Germany, 2Faculty
of Physics and Electronics, University of Bremen,
Bremen, Germany, Germany
Precise arterial spin labeling T2 measurements are
challenging because they are influenced by many factors
like the choice of crusher gradients, the refocusing
flip angle, and the number of fitted echoes. When
extended to multi-TI T2 measurements, SNR at longer
inflow times can be critical, especially if scan time
limits the number of image averages. Here, a robust and
reliable multi-TI T2 acquisition and fitting routine is
presented that is fast enough to be implemented in
clinical routine to determine T2 values for every
individual patient. The T2 values could then be
incorporate in two compartment models for permeability
2167. |
Sensitivity to Bolus
Dispersion in Continuous and Pulsed Multi-TI ASL Techniques
Roman Fleysher1, Mark E. Wagshul1,
Michael L. Lipton1, and Craig A. Branch1
1Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center,
Department of Radiology, Albert Einstein College of
Medicine, Bronx, NY, United States
Both Gaussian dissipation and single compartment Kety
models are found to be inadequate for description of ASL
experiments for two major reasons: 1) bolus disperses
continuously as it travels down the vascular tree and
must be modeled as such all the way to the capillary
level and 2) exchange through the capillary wall is not
instantaneous. We use more realistic simulations with
continuous bolus dispersion and restricted water
permeability of capillary walls to ascertain sensitivity
of CASL, ITS-FAIR and Quasar ASL techniques to bolus
dispersion. Quasar is found to handle bolus dispersion
most effectively at 20 degree flip angle.
2168. |
Transient Effects in
Arterial CBV Quantification 
Kathrin Lorenz1, Toralf Mildner1,
André Pampel1, and Harald E. Möller1
1Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Unit, Max Planck
Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Inflow vascular-space-occupancy (iVASO) is a
non-invasive method for the quantification of absolute
arterial cerebral blood volume (aCBV). The present work
is purposed to investigate determining factors of aCBV
measurement like slow inflow of inverted blood from
small vessels and inflow of fresh, i.e. non-inverted,
blood in case of short arterial transit times. Transient
effects related to the blood delivery by vessels of
variable size were addressed by dedicated experiments.
Such effects potentially lead to biased values in the
aCBV measurement and were shown to vary between
different regions in the human brain.
2169. |
Delay and Dispersion in the
Microvascular Network Due to Laminar Flow with Account for
Vessel Bifurcations
Elias Kellner1, Roman Fleysher2,
Matthias Günther3, Marco Reisert1,
Peter Gall1, and Valerij G. Kiselev1
1Department of Radiology, University Hospital
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Gruss
Magnetic Research Center, Department of Radiology,
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, United
States, 3Institute
for Medical Image Computing, Fraunhofer MEVIS, 28359,
Proper account for blood transport is imperative for
quantitative analysis of pharmacokinetic and perfusion
data in DSC, DCE, ASL MRI and CT/PET. The empirical
nature of currently available models hinders prediction
of delay and dispersion in higher generations of the
vascular tree. We present an analytical framework for
solving this problem based on the morphological
parameters of vascular networks. Explicit expression
with one fitting parameter is obtained for a simple
scaling vascular tree. An ASL measurement in large
cerebral arteries supports the model, but demonstrates
weak disambiguation between several models using this
vessel group.
2170. |
A Two-Stage General Kinetic
Model for Improved Estimation of Brain Tumour Perfusion
Using Arterial Spin Labeling 
Patrick W. Hales1, Kim P. Phipps2,
Ramneek Kaur1, Tina Banks3, and
Christopher A. Clark1
1Imaging and Biophysics, University College
London, London, London, United Kingdom, 2Neuro-oncology
Department, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London,
London, United Kingdom, 3Radiology
Department, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London,
London, United Kingdom
A ‘two-stage’ model for quantification of CBF and
arterial volume fraction in dynamic ASL data is
presented. The two-stage model provides CBF values in
healthy grey matter that are more in line with
previously published data from PET studies (compared to
standard ‘single stage’ ASL models), due to a reduction
in ‘large vessel’ artefacts. Furthermore, the two-stage
model is shown to provide a better fit to data collected
in paediatric brain tumour patients, and provide novel
contrast, in terms of arterial volume maps in and around
the tumour region.
2171. |
Correlation Between PCASL
and DSC Perfusion MRI with and Without Contrast Agent
Leakage Correction in Brain Tumors 
Feng-Xian Yan1, Alex M. Wong2, and
Ho-Ling Liu1,2
1Department of Medical Imaging and
Radiological Sciences, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan,
Taiwan, 2Department
of Medical Imaging and Intervention, Chang Gung Memorial
Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
This study aimed to evaluate whether pseudo-continuous
ASL (PCASL) perfusion method is sensitive to leaky
vessels in brain tumors by comparing with DSC-MRI with
and without leakage correction. Eight patients with
contrast-enhancing tumors participated in this study.
The results demonstrated that tumor/white matter (WM)
CBF ratios obtained from PCASL had significant positive
correlation with the leakage-corrected tumor/WM CBV
ratios obtained from DSC-MRI(p=0.01), but not with the
CBV ratios before correction(p=0.13). This study
provides a direct evidence for supporting that using
PCASL for evaluation of brain tumor perfusion is
advantageous because it is insensitive to contract agent
extravasation from tumor vessles.
2172. |
Cerebral Blood Flow
Quantification from QUASAR ASL by Stable Spline
Marco Castellaro1, Amit Mehndiratta2,
Denis Peruzzo1, Gianluigi Pillonetto1,
Esben Thade Petersen3, Xavier Golay4,
Michael A. Chappell2, and Alessandra Bertoldo1
1Department of Information Engineering,
University of Padova, Padova, PD, Italy, 2Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford, Oxford,
United Kingdom, 3Departments
of Radiology and Radiotherapy, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 4University
College London, London, United Kingdom
QUASAR ASL allows the simultaneous estimation of
Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) and the residue function using
deconvolution techniques. One vital aspect of
quantification process is the estimation of delay
between arterial input function and tissue. The error in
delay might be propagated to CBF estimation. In this
study the performance of a novel deconvolution method,
Stable Spline (SS) was compared with the most commonly
used method (oSVD) both on simulated and clinical data.
SS showed a reliable estimation of delay, CBF along with
physiologically realistic residue function compared to
2173. |
A Novel Efficient Denoising
Method for ASL Data: Assessment Using Voxel-Wise Network
Xiaoyun Liang1, Alan Connelly1,2,
and Fernando Calamante1,2
1Brain Research Institute, Florey Institute
of Neuroscience and Mental Health, Heidelberg, VIC,
Australia, 2Department
of Medicine, Austin Health and Northern Health,
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
The SNR of fMRI images is critical for functional
connectivity studies. Although ASL has some advantages
over BOLD fMRI, the reliability for detecting networks
may be compromised due to its intrinsic low SNR. In this
study, we proposed a denoising method combining
block-wise non-local means and dual-tree complex wavelet
transform to enhance the SNR of ASL images. Simulations
show that the proposed method was superior to discrete
wavelet transform. The validity of the proposed method
has been further confirmed by the more robust detection
of functional connectivity from in vivo data. Overall,
the proposed method can enhance the SNR of ASL data
significantly and thus enable more reliable network
2174. |
Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL)
Denoising with Markov Random Field (MRF) Optimization 
Yongsheng Zhang1 and
Ze Wang1
1Department of Psychiatry, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States
ASL MRI has an intrinsic low signal-to-noise-ratio,
requiring an efficient denoising method. Spatial
smoothing is efficient for suppressing random noise but
at the expense of a resolution loss. We proposed a
resolution preserving ASL denoising method based on the
Markov random field theory. Our evaluation results
showed that the proposed method can gain up to 4 fold
SNR increase while still keep the structural details
intact. By contrast, spatial smoothing induced severe
blurring effects when a similar level of SNR increase
was achieved.
2175. |
Performance of
Capnia-Derived Regressors and Physiological Noise Correction
for ASL Measurement of Cerebral Vasoreactivity to
Circulating Gases
Marjorie Villien1,2, Alexandre Krainik3,
Julien Bouvier1, Matthias J.P. van Osch4,
Laurent Lamalle5, Irène Troprès5,
and Jan M. Warnking1
1Grenoble Institut of Neurosciences, INSERM,
Grenoble, France, 2Athinoula
A. Martinos center for biomedical imaging, Massachusetts
General Hospital, Charlestown, Massachusetts, United
States, 3Clinique
universitaire de neuroradiologie et d'IRM, CHU Grenoble,
Grenoble, France, 4Leiden
University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 5SFR1,
Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France
Our aim is to compare the performance of a variety of
data analysis methods in order to maximize the
robustness of ASL CVR mapping in the context of clinical
exams and basic and clinical research. Here, we analyzed
56 sessions of ASL vasoreactivity data obtained in
patients and healthy subjects using the classical block
regressor and regressors based on the physiological
state of the individual subjects. We also analyzed the
effect of excluding data obtained during the transition
periods between capnia levels, and of regressors
modeling physiological noise. Regressors based on
individual capnia timecourses consistently outperformed
standard block regressors.
2176. |
ASL Inversion Efficiency
for Three Methods and Two Magnetic Fields 
Clément S. Debacker1,2, Jan M. Warnking1,3,
Jérôme Voiron2, and Emmanuel Luc Barbier3,4
1Team 5: Functional NeuroImaging and Brain
Perfusion, Grenoble-Institute of Neuroscience, La
Tronche, France, 2MRI,
Bruker BioSpin, Ettlingen, Germany, 3U836,
INSERM, La Tronche, France, 4Team
5: Functional NeuroImaging and Brain Perfusion, Grenoble
Institute of Neurosciences, La Tronche, France
Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) methods can quantify
cerebral blood flow (CBF), but this requires an estimate
of the inversion efficiency (IE). The purpose of this
study is to estimate IE for three ASL methods (pulsed
ASL (PASL), continuous ASL (CASL), and pseudo-continuous
ASL (pCASL)) and two magnetic fields in the context of
pre-clinical imaging. We also show that shim correction
seems to increase IE.
2177. |
Perfusion Quantification
Using Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labelling: The Impact
of Labelling Efficiency Estimation
Magdalena Sokolska1, Xavier Golay2,
and David Thomas1
1Department of Brain Repair & Rehabilitation,
UCL Institute of Neurology, London, UK, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Brain Repair & Rehabilitation, University College
London, London, UK, United Kingdom
Arterial Spin Labelling (ASL) is a non-invasive method
allowing quantitative measurement of CBF.
Pseudo-continuous ASL (pCASL) is considered one of the
best ASL techniques due to its high SNR. However, the
accurate and reproducible CBF quantification using this
technique can be challenging , because the labelling
efficiency of the protons (α), which measures the
effectiveness of the magnetic labelling of spins,
depends on a number of subject-specific factors. The aim
of this study was to compare different methods of
labelling efficiency estimation of pCASL and evaluate
error distribution on perfusion quantification resulting
from α.
2178. |
Quantitative Estimation of
Cerebral Oxygenation in Micro-Vessels
Harshan Ravi1,2, Jinsoo Uh3,
Peiying Liu1, Lisa C. Krishnamurthy1,2,
and Hanzhang Lu1
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, University
of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas,
United States, 2Department
of Bioengineering, University of Texas at Arlington,
Arlington, Texas, United States,3Department
of Radiological Sciences, St. Jude Children’s Research
Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Venous blood oxygenation is an important parameter for
the quantification of cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen
(CMRO2), a key biomarker for brain tissue viability and
functionality. T2 based methods has been reported to
measure Yv in macroscopic veins. However, the
oxygenation of microvasculature (capillary/venule),
which renders spatially more specific information, is
not yet investigated. In this study we propose a novel
technique to isolate microvascular venous blood signal
and measure its oxygenation, named micro-vasculature
T2-relaxation-Under-Spin-Tagging (mTRUST). This
technique complements and extends the applicability of
existing methods targeting macroscopic veins, and may
lay foundation to region specific CMRO2 mapping in
2179. |
Comparison of 3D
Pseudo-CASL and H215O PET for
Quantification of Cerebral Blood Flow
Joost P. A. Kuijer1, Larissa W. van Golen2,
Marc C. Huisman3, Richard G. IJzerman2,
Frederik Barkhof3, Michaela Diamant2,
and Adriaan A. Lammertsma3
1Physics and Medical Technology, NCA, VU
University Medical Center, Amsterdam, NL, Netherlands, 2Diabetes
Center, Internal Medicine, VU University Medical Center,
Amsterdam, NL, Netherlands, 3Radiology
and Nuclear Medicine, NCA, VU University Medical Center,
Amsterdam, NL, Netherlands
Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) was compared with H215O
Positron Emission Tomography (PET), the current gold
standard for non-invasive quantification of CBF, in
patients with type 1 diabetes and healthy subjects. The
ASL variant used was pseudo-continuous, with background
suppression, and a 3D FSE spiral readout. Both methods
were compared in terms of absolute quantification and
regional differences.
2180. |
Automated Group Analysis
Tools for CBF Measures Using CBFBIRN Database and Analysis
David D. Shin1, Burak I. Ozyurt2,
and Thomas T. Liu1
1Center for Functional MRI, University of
California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, 2Dept.
of Psychiatry, University of California, San Diego, La
Jolla, CA, United States
Since its introduction in 2011 ISMRM, the CBFBIRN
Database and Analysis Pipeline (CBFDAP) has
processed/stored more than 1300 ASL datasets contributed
by 24 research studies. The availability of CBF data
from many diverse conditions (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease,
schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc.) and associated
subject demographics/assessments provides a unique
opportunity to explore and mine clinically useful
information. In order to facilitate this process, we
developed a host of automated group analysis tools and
integrated them to the CBFDAP. Three types of group
analysis are supported, Path 1: mean gray matter
analysis; Path 2: Regional analysis with user-provided
ROIs; Path 3: voxel-level standard space analysis.
Examples from all three paths are presented.
2181. |
Quantitative Cerebral and
Retinal Blood Flow Using Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
MRI and Fluorescent Microsphere
Yen-Yu Ian Shih1,2, Bryan H. De La Garza2,
Shiliang Huang2, Guang Li2, Lin
Wang3, and Timothy O. Duong4
1Experimental Neuroimaging Laboratory,
Department of Neurology and Biomedical Research Imaging
Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC,
United States, 2Research
Imaging Center, University of Texas Health Science
Center at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, United States, 3Devers
Eye Institute, Legacy Research Institute, Portland, OR,
United States, 4Research
Imaging Center, UT Health Science Center at San Antonio,
San Antonio, TX, United States
Continuous arterial spin labeling (CASL) MRI, widely
used to non-invasively image blood flow (BF) of the
brain, has been applied to image BF of the rat brain and
retina but remains to be validated. The goal of this
study was to use an established microsphere technique to
cross-validate ASL MRI BF measurement in the rat brain
and retina. By using a mixture of the two different
sized fluorescent microspheres with two different
colors, the cerebral, retinal and choroidal BF can be
measured simultaneously in the same subject. Our data
showed that BF values by MRI are in good accordance with
the microsphere technique in the rat retina and cerebral
2182. |
Measuring Tissue Perfusion
in the Human Brainstem Using Multi-Inversion Time Pulsed
Arterial Spin Labelling 
Esther A H Warnert1, Ashley D. Harris1,
Kevin Murphy1, Michael A. Chappell2,
Judith E. Hall3, and Richard G. Wise1
1Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging
Centre, Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United Kingdom, 2University
of Oxford, Headington, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Department
of Anaesthetics, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine,
School of Medicine, Cardiff, South Glamorgan, United
We have performed a multi-inversion time pulsed ASL
study with healthy subjects to obtain tissue perfusion
kinetic curves of the brainstem. A two-compartment model
was used that contains a tissue and intra-arterial
component in order to model out macrovascular signal.
Our study showed that the brainstem perfusion signal
indeed has a relatively high macrovascular component,
which can be model out to obtain tissue perfusion
2183. |
Effect of Deep Isoflurane
Anesthesia on Cerebral Blood Flow Autoregulation in
Non-Human Primates
Chun-Xia Li1, Sudeep Patel1, Danny
J.J. Wang2, and Xiaodong Zhang1
1Yerkes Imaging Center, Yerkes National
Primate Research Center, Emory University, Atlanta, GA,
United States, 2Ahmanson-Lovelace
Brain Mapping Center, Department of Neurology, UCLA, Los
Angeles, CA, United States
Non-human primates were widely used as various disease
models in neuroscience studies and examined under
isoflurane anesthesia. It is known that the cerebral
blood flow (CBF) autoregulation can be disrupted under
high isoflurane dosage and is more vulnerable in
subcortical regions, but the regional specification of
the effect remains poorly understood. In the present
study, the pseudo continuous arterial-spin-labeling (pCASL)
technique was used to evaluate the dose-dependent effect
of deep isoflurane anesthesia on CBF of different brain
structures. The result indicates that the CBF
autoregulation in most cortical and subcortical regions
of monkeys is impaired under 2% isoflurane.
2184. |
Reinvestigation of
Perfusion Measurement in Cerebral White Matter Using
Pseudocontinuous Arterial Spin Labeling MRI 
Wen-Chau Wu1,2, Shu-Chi Lin2, and
Kuan-Lin Chen2
1Graduate Institute of Oncology, National
Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Medical
Imaging, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei,
The feasibility of ASL MRI in cerebral perfusion
measurement has been recognized in gray matter, but
remains pending in white matter, mainly due to the
tissue's low flow rate and long transit time. We tried
to optimize the labeling duration (  )
and post-labeling delay (PLD) of pseudocontinuous ASL
experimentally and numerically, based on a spatial
resolution (1.56x1.56x5 mm 3) finer than
commonly used (3.4x3.4x5 mm 3) to avoid
partial volume effect. Results showed that cerebral
perfusion can be measured in about 60% of white matter
and that the optimal value is 2000 ms for and
1500-1800 ms for PLD.
2185. |
Assessment of
Microcirculation in Murine Myocardium: A Retrospective
Method for Quantification of Perfusion and Regional Blood
Fabian Tobias Gutjahr1, Thomas Kampf1,
Xavier Helluy1, Christian Herbert Ziener2,
Peter M. Jakob1,3, and Wolfgang Rudolf Bauer4
1Experimental Physics 5, University of
Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 2German
Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Baden Wuerttemberg,
Germany, 3Magnetic
Resonance Bavaria, Wuerzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 4Medizinische
Klinik und Polyklinik I, Universitaetsklinikum
Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Bavaria, Germany
In this work a retrospectively triggered method for the
quantification of perfusion and regional blood volume
(RBV) in murine myocardium is demonstrated. Perfusion
and RBV maps can be reconstructed on any desired
position in the heart cycle. Furthermore the calculation
of RBV maps requires a voxel by voxel comparison of a
pre and post contrast agent T1 map.
A good match for both map can be guaranteed due to the
ability to reconstruct T1 maps
of any desired position in the heart cycle. The obtained
RBV and perfusion values are shown to be in agreement
with previous studies.
2186. |
Simultaneous Quantification
of Perfusion, Venous Oxygen Saturation, and Skeletal Muscle
T2* in Response to Cuff-Induced Ischemia in the
Erin K. Englund1, Michael C. Langham1,
Cheng Li1, Emile R. Mohler2,
Thomas F. Floyd3, and Felix W. Wehrli1
1Department of Radiology, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Department
of Cardiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States, 3Department
of Anesthesiology, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook,
NY, United States
A novel method to simultaneously measure perfusion,
venous oxygen saturation, and skeletal muscle T2*
using an interleaved pulsed arterial spin labeling and
multi-echo GRE sequence, termed PASL/Ox-BOLD, is
presented. The technique is assessed in healthy subjects
during a series of ischemia reperfusion paradigms. Time
course data is analyzed to investigate the kinetics of
recovery following cuff-induced ischemia. Results
indicate that PASL/Ox-BOLD is capable of faithfully
measuring all three parameters at 2 second temporal
resolution. The method is also used to investigate a
small cohort of peripheral artery disease patients. In
these patients, a blunted and delayed hyperemic response
is detected.
2187. |
ASL in Low-Intensity
Exercise at 7T - Initial Experiences 
Kiril Schewzow1,2, Georg Bernd Fiedler1,2,
Martin Meyerspeer1,2, Ewald Moser1,2,
and Albrecht Ingo Schmid1,2
1Medical Physics and Biomedical Engeneering,
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Wien, Austria, 2MR
Centre of Excellence, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna, Wien, Austria
Adequate perfusion is essential for muscle function and
tissue health. Vascular complications are a common
problem in several diseases like diabetes mellitus.
Arterial spin labeling represents a non-invasive
assessment of tissue perfusion using magnetically
labeled blood water as an endogeneous tracer. ASL has
been used to measure dynamic changes in skeletal muscle
perfusion during and after exercise (plantar flexion).
In this study we demonstrate the feasibility of
measuring ASL in aerobic exercise at 7 Tesla with a high
temporal resolution and good SNR and high
intra-individual reproducibility.
2188. |
Multi-Slice Look-Locker
FAIR for Hepatic Arterial Spin Labelling 
Rajiv Ramasawmy1,2, Adrienne E.
Campbell-Washburn1, Sean Peter Johnson2,
Jack Wells1, Rosamund Barbara Pedley2,
Simon Walker-Samuel1, and Mark F. Lythgoe †1
1Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging,
University College London, London, Greater London,
United Kingdom, 2Cancer
Institute, University College London, London, Greater
London, United Kingdom
We present a novel use of a multi-slice
respiratory-triggered flow-sensitive alternating
inversion recovery (FAIR) Look-Locker arterial spin
labelling (ASL) technique to measure perfusion within a
mouse liver. Measurements from the multi-slice technique
were in good agreement with those from single-slice
triggered FAIR Look-Locker ASL. As the acquisition time
is the same for the multi-slice and single-slice
sequences, the multi-slice technique demonstrates a
three-fold increase in efficiency of liver coverage.
Pre-clinical liver perfusion measurements will find
utility in a number of disease models such as liver
metastases and liver cirrhosis. As ASL does not require
injected contrast agents, this technique is suitable for
follow-up and repeated measurements to track subject
response to therapies.
2189. |
Renal Perfusion Imaging
with Two-Dimensional Navigator Gated Arterial Spin Labeling 
Huan Tan1, Ioannis Koktzoglou1,2,
and Pottumarthi Vara Prasad1,2
1NorthShore University HealthSystem,
Evanston, IL, United States, 2The
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine,
Chicago, IL, United States
A single breath-hold scan does not provide enough time
for signal averaging needed by arterial spin labeling
technique in renal perfusion measurement. In our study,
we have implemented a novel two-dimensional (2D)
navigator technique in concert with FAIR True-FISP to
minimize respiratory motion via retrospective
reconstruction and allow for multiple averages during
free-breathing acquisition. The 2D navigator-gated
approach achieved good image quality in patients while
the breath-hold results were unusable. Given the
limitation of using contrast agents in patients with
compromised renal function, free breathing ASL offers a
non-invasive method to evaluate renal perfusion.
2190. |
Measurement of Bulk Liver
Perfusion: Initial Assessment of Agreement Between ASL and
Phase-Contrast MRI at 9.4T 
Manil Chouhan1,2, Rajiv Ramasawmy2,3,
Adrienne E. Campbell-Washburn2, Alan
Bainbridge4, Jack Wells2, Nathan
Davies5, Rosamund Barbara Pedley3,
Raj Mookerjee5, Shonit Punwani1,
Stuart Taylor1, Simon Walker-Samuel2,
and Mark F. Lythgoe2
1Centre for Medical Imaging, University
College London, London, Greater London, United Kingdom, 2Centre
for Advanced Biomedical Imaging, University College
London, London, Greater London, United Kingdom,3Cancer
Institute, University College London, London, Greater
London, United Kingdom, 4Department
of Medical Physics and Bioengineering, University
College London, London, Greater London, United Kingdom,5Institute
for Liver and Digestive Health, University College
London, London, United Kingdom
Non-invasive liver perfusion measurements could be used
to monitor hepatic disease development and provide a
functional biomarker for novel therapies. Arterial spin
labelling (ASL) has not found extensive utility in the
liver, mainly due to its dual vascular supply and
susceptibility to respiratory motion. ASL can provide
regional perfusion maps whereas with phase-contrast
measurements taken in the portal vein can provide a bulk
portal perfusion. Previous work has reported mouse liver
regional perfusion maps but here we present rat liver
ASL validated against phase-contrast measurements.
2191. |
Cerebral Blood Flow of
Mouse Increases Upon Insulin-Induced Hypoglycemia Using the
Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling Technique 
Hongxia Lei1,2 and
Rolf Gruetter3,4
1University of Geneva, Geneva, Geneva,
Switzerland, 2EPFL,
Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland, 3École
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Geneva, Geneva,
Switzerland, 4University
of Lausanne, Lausanne, Vaud, Switzerland
The aim of our study was to apply the continuous
arterial spin labeling (CASL) technique on mouse before
and during hypoglycemia at 9.4T. The elevated blood flow
upon hypoglycemia was observed even when animals were
under isoflurane anesthesia. This study opens
possibility of investigating genetically modified models
using multiple MR modalities at high magnetic fields.
2192. |
Arterial Transit Delay
Effects on Perfusion Measurement in an Elderly Cohort
Weiying Dai1, Ajit Shankaranarayanan2,
and David C. Alsop1
1Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United
States, 2Global
Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Menlo Park,
CA, United States
Arterial transit delay (ATD) measurement has been
proposed to eliminate the ATD errors in perfusion
measurements. In elderly cohorts, potentially longer and
more variable ATD may introduce systematic errors in
perfusion measurement if not taken into account. A quick
ATD measurement was performed in 59 elderly patients
over 70 years old scheduled for elective surgical
procedures. ATD was heterogeneous across different brain
regions and significantly longer than the young in all
regions except posterior regions. ATD measurement can
improve the reliability and accuracy of perfusion
measurement in the elderly population and thus should
improve the sensitivity of clinical research studies
involving elderly subjects.
2193. |
Resting State Functional
Connectivity of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Parkinson’s
Disease Assessed Using Arterial Spin Labeling 
Maria A. Fernandez-Seara1, Elisa Mengual2,
Marta Vidorreta1, Francis Loayza1,
Jaione Irigoyen1, and Maria Pastor1
1Neuroscience, CIMA - University of Navarra,
Pamplona, Navarra, Spain, 2Anatomy,
Medical School - University of Navarra, Pamplona,
Navarra, Spain
Arterial spin labeled (ASL) perfusion MRI offers the
possibility of measuring cerebral blood flow (CBF) and
assessing resting state functional connectivity (FC) by
means of evaluating the spatial patterns of synchronous
spontaneous fluctuations in the CBF time series. Recent
work has shown that ASL FC has statistical power
comparable to that of BOLD FC and could provide a better
characterization of low frequency fluctuations than
BOLD. In this work, ASL FC has been used to study FC
connectivity of the STN in healthy controls and to
evaluate STN FC alterations in Parkinson’s disease.
Monday, 22 April 2013 (16:30-18:30) Exhibition Hall |
2194. |
3D Spoiled
Gradient-Recalled Echo Sequence with Compressed Sensing for
DCE-MRI: Improved Temporal Resolution and Image Contrast
Bin Chen1, Kai Zhao2, Bo Li3,
Wenchao Cai2, Xiaoying Wang1,2,
Jue Zhang1,3, and Jing Fang1,3
1Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary
Studies, Peking University, Beijing, China, 2Dept.
of Radiology, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing,
China, 3College
of Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, China
Compressed sensing (CS) technique was introduced in this
study in order to improve the temporal resolution in
Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR imaging. A real pulse
sequence was modified with CS MRI scheme with
undersampling in phase encoding, resulting in 2x, 3x,
4x, and 8x accelerations. Actual high temporal
resolution was achieved, which could contribute more
creditable quantitative renal perfusion measurements. In
addition, the contrast-to-noise ratio of reconstructed
images was effectively improved.
2195. |
Analysis of the Spin and
Gradient Echo (SAGE) Sequence for DSC-MRI in Rat Brain
Ashley M. Stokes1,2 and
Christopher C. Quarles1,2
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Radiology
and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States
A combined spin- and gradient-echo (SAGE) EPI method was
applied in a rat glioma model to obtain absolute ΔR2,
ΔR2* and ΔR1 curves,
thereby permitting derivation of dynamic susceptibility
contrast (DSC) parameters. T1-insensitive
estimates of R2 and
R2* were
acquired with SAGE and compared to conventional GE and
SE DSC parameters, as well as independently measured R2 and
R2*. The normal brain GE and SAGE
ΔR2* curves
produced similar relative cerebral blood volume (rCBV)
values, while tumor leakage effects led to substantially
underestimated rCBV values from the GE ΔR2* curve.
Dynamic SAGE acquisition can provide improved perfusion
and permeability information.
2196. |
A Single-Shot Multiple
Spin- And Gradient-Echo Acquisition for Perfusion Imaging
Using SENSE Acceleration and Partial K-Space Sampling 
Jack T. Skinner1,2, Ryan K. Robison2,3,
and Christopher C. Quarles1,2
1Radiology and Radiological Sciences,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Institute
of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
TN, United States, 3Philips
Healthcare, Highland Heights, OH, United States
Previous single-echo techniques for perfusion imaging
have been extended to multiple-echo sequences to acquire
more accurate estimates of R2* with contrast
injection. Recently, a spin- and gradient-echo (SAGE)
acquisition, for simultaneous R2 and
R2* mapping, was introduced. This current
study implements a single-shot SAGE sequence that
utilizes SENSE parallel imaging and partial k-space
sampling, allowing short echo times (< 10ms) suitable
for AIF characterization. Validation of the current
protocol with conventional multiple-echo acquisitions
was carried out in phantoms and in the brain. The
suggested single-shot SAGE acquisition may provide a
robust method for quantitative perfusion imaging in
brain tumors.
2197. |
On the Importance of T1
Estimation for SAGE Perfusion MRI Data
Alexander Brost1, Heiko Schmiedeskamp1,
Matus Straka1, Jalal Andre2, and
Roland Bammer1
1Center for Quantitative Neuroimaging,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA,
United States
The spin- and gradient-echo (SAGE) EPI sequence was
developed to estimate cerebral blood flow (CBF) and
cerebral blood volume (CBV). The main purpose of the
sequence is to provide T1-independent perfusion-weighted
imaging maps. Gadolinium-based contrast agents cause
T1-shortening, in particular, when contrast agent leaks
into the extravascular-extracellular space. Leakage
correction using SAGE EPI requires a separately acquired
pre-bolus T1 map. To estimate the effects of an
incorrect T1 map, we simulated the effects using a
pharmacokinetic model. Leakage correction could be
applied to multi-echo data that lack a properly
determined prebolus T1 map without significantly
compromising CBV and MTT estimates.
2198. |
Calibration of Dynamic
Susceptibility Contrast MRI Using T1-Based Steady-State CBV
(Bookend Technique) and Vascular Space Occupancy (VASO):
Comparison with Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling 
Emelie Lindgren1, Ronnie Wirestam1,
Karin Markenroth Bloch1,2, André Ahlgren1,
Matthias J.P. van Osch3, Danielle van Westen4,
Yulia Surova5,6, Freddy Ståhlberg1,7,
and Linda Knutsson1
1Department of Medical Radiation Physics,
Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 2Clinical
science, Philips, Lund, Sweden, 3C.J.Gorter
Center for high field MRI, Department of Radiology, LUMC,
Leiden, Netherlands, 4Center
for Medical Imaging and Physiology, Skane University
Hospital Lund, Lund, Sweden, 5Department
of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 6Department
of Neurology, Skåne University Hospital, Lund, Sweden,7Lund
University Bioimaging Centrum, Lund University, Lund,
Quantification of CBF in absolute terms is relevant in
some clinical applications. However, absolute CBF
obtained by dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI
(DSC-MRI) is usually overestimated. One solution is to
calibrate DSC-MRI CBF using a complementary CBV method.
In this study, T1-based CBV (Bookend) and VASO were used
to calibrate CBF from DSC-MRI, and results from
calibrations were compared with CBF from
pseudo-continuous ASL (pCASL). Both calibration methods
showed absolute grey matter CBF values which were
comparable with corresponding CBF values from pCASL.
2199. |
Improved T1 Mapping
and DCE-MRI Quantification for Prostate at 3T by
Incorporating B1 Inhomogeneity
Ming-Ching Chang1, Sandeep Narendra Gupta1,
Laura I. Sacolick2, Clare Tempany-Afdhal3,
Fiona Fennessy3, and Ehud J. Schmidt3
1GE Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY,
United States, 2GE
Global Research Center, Munich, Germany, 3Radiology,
Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) is used for the
assessment of tumor vascular properties with application
to prostate cancer staging and treatment monitoring.
Analysis of DCE-MRI requires knowledge of pre-contrast
T1 maps. T1 mapping using Variable Flip Angle imaging is
inaccurate due to B1 inhomogeneity. We present improved
T1 mapping and PK quantification in prostate DCE-MRI at
3T by incorporating B1 inhomogeneity correction using
the Bloch-Siegert B1 mapping method. We validated the
method on 26 subjects and demonstrated good T1
quantification and better PK maps by incorporating B1
correction into DCE-MRI quantification.
2200. |
Accuracy of Quantitative 3D
DCE-MRI Using Variable Flip Angle T1 Mapping, B1 Correction,
and the Bookend Method 
Brandon Zanette1, Greg O. Cron2,3,
Thanh B. Nguyen2,3, Mark E. Schweitzer2,3,
and Ian G. Cameron2,3
1Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada, 2Ottawa
Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 3Radiology,
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
For quantitative DCE-MRI, Gd concentration is
conventionally estimated via a pre-DCE T1 map using
variable flip angles (VFA), which allows conversion of
DCE signal to concentration. This approach, however, is
sensitive to B1 variations. Two techniques may
potentially reduce errors: B1 mapping and the “Bookend
Method” (involving a post-DCE T1 map). The results of
this study show that, when estimating concentration in
tissue for quantitative DCE-MRI, the best results will
be achieved using the Bookend Method and accurate T1
maps. B1-corrected VFA does not consistently deliver
enough T1 accuracy, indicating that further improvements
in T1 mapping techniques are required.
2201. |
Monitoring of T2 with
Application of Diffusion Gradients to Remove
Microcirculation Contributions to Signal for Optimisation of
Diffusion Protocols and Generation of Flow-Free T2 Maps 
Neil P. Jerome1, James A. d'Arcy1,
Matthew R. Orton1, Thorsten Feiweier2,
Dow-Mu Koh3, Martin O. Leach1, and
David John Collins1
1Radiotherapy & Imaging, The Institute of
Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom, 2Imaging
& Therapy Division, Siemens AG, Healthcare Sector,
Erlangen, Germany, 3Department
of Radiology, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey,
United Kingdom
Diffusion-weighted MRI in the body must account for a
microcirculation fraction, separate to self-diffusion,
within imaging voxels. Explicit control of diffusion
pulse length and delay allows reproducible application
of diffusion gradients with varying echo times;
calculation of mono-exponential T2 estimates with
applied gradients of b=0 and b=200 s/mm2 shows
significant changes observed in liver, kidney and
spleen. This suggests that the microcirculation
component, with its own distinct T2, is being removed,
allowing the generation of flow-free T2 maps more
robustly estimating tissue T2s. This approach enables
appropriate b-value choices when considering diffusion
models that include or exclude microcirculation
2202. |
The Influence of Vascular
Morphology on DSC-MRI Derived Blood Volume Measurements in
Brain Tumors
Natenael B. Semmineh1, Junzhong Xu1,
and Christopher C. Quarles1
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States
The use of DSC-MRI in tumors can be confounded by the
assumption that a linear relationship, with a spatially
uniform rate constant termed the vascular susceptibility
calibration factor, exists between the contrast agent
concentration and the measured transverse relaxation
rate change. Using simulations we demonstrate that
varying vascular morphology parameters can increase or
decrease the vascular susceptibility calibration factors
found in tumor-like vessel trees, leading to the
overestimation or underestimation of the tumor blood
2203. |
Optimizing Repeatability of
Independent Component Analysis Applied to Dynamic
Susceptibility Contrast MRI in 68 Brain Tumor Patients with
Five Repeated Scans.
Peter S. LaViolette1, Mitchell Daun2,
Alexander D. Cohen3, Jennifer Connelley2,
and Kathleen M. Schmainda1
1Radiology, Medical College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, WI, United States, 2Neurology,
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United
States, 3Biophysics,
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, United
Independent component analysis applied to DSC perfusion
data allows the separation of arterial and venous
perfusion. This study varies the number of ICA
components modeled to determine which number generates
the most repeatable arterial and venous maps. 68
patients with 5 repeated scans on the same scanner were
compared. We conclude the modeling 3 components reliably
generates arterial and venous maps.
2204. |
Network Analysis Based on
Analytic Solution to Permutation Tests on Support Vector
Madhura Ingalhalikar1, Bilwaj Gaonkar1,
Alex R. Smith1, Robert T. Schultz2,
and Ragini Verma1
1Section of Biomedical Image Analysis,
Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Center
for Autism Research, Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia,
Philadelphia, PA, United States
The study employs a novel method using an analytic
approach to permutation tests on support vector machines
for computing statistical significance maps on
connectivity matrices. Permutation tests are critical
for interpreting SVM output for high dimensional data.
However performing these tests is time consuming and
computationally expensive. However, the analytical
approximation to these tests can yield the results
quickly. We apply this method to investigate the
differences between patients with autism and typically
developing controls based on their structural
connectivity networks. We find that patients with autism
show lower connectivity mainly in the connections
initiating from temporal regions like fusiform gyrus and
insula as well between fronto-parietal tracts.
2205. |
PCA of Combined DCE-MRI
Data from a Large Cohort Can Be Used to Assess Treatment
Effects with Similar Sensitivity to Pharmacokinetic Model
Matt Nathan Gwilliam1, David John Collins1,
Martin O. Leach1, Helen Young2,
and Matthew R. Orton1
1CRUK and EPSRC Imaging Centre, Institute of
Cancer Research, Sutton, London, United Kingdom, 2Astrazeneca,
Macclesfield, Cheshire, United Kingdom
DCE-MRI is widely used in clinical trials of
antiangiogenic and vascular disrupting agents in the
assessment of treatment response. Fitting
pharmacokinetic models gives well defined measures of
vascular function, but difficulties in obtaining a
patient-specific AIF can cause additional errors on PK
metrics. This abstract demonstrates that a model-free
PCA approach is as sensitive to DCE-MRI treatment
changes as model-based PK measures in a group of
patients receiving a VEGF inhibitor.
2206. |
Time-Consistent Non-Rigid
Motion Compensation for 3D DCE-MRI of the Entire Liver 
Marijn van Stralen1, Hanke J. Schalkx2,
Harriët W. Mulder1, Kenneth Coenegrachts3,
Maarten S. van Leeuwen2, Wouter B. Veldhuis2,
and Josien P.W. Pluim1
1Image Sciences Institute, UMC Utrecht,
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Radiology,
UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Radiology,
AZ St.‐Jan Brugge‐Oostende AV, Brugge, West-Vlaanderen,
Recent developments have enabled high-resolution dynamic
contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) of the entire liver.
However, breathing and other organ motion hampers the
current clinical use of DCE-MRI for perfusion analysis.
Moreover, intensity change as a result of contrast
perfusion challenges existing motion correction
techniques. We propose a temporally consistent motion
compensation method based on the integrated 3D + time
alignment of the gradient magnitude of the image
intensity. It is shown that time-consistent non-rigid
registration outperforms temporal independent
registration by measuring surface errors on manual liver
segmentations. These results promise improved perfusion
analysis (eg. pharmacokinetic modeling) of abdominal
organs using DCE-MRI.
2207. |
Segmentation of Normal
Liver Volume Using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Gd-EOB-DTPA
Time Intensity Curves
Jonathan P. Dyke1, Pascal Spincemaille1,
Martin R. Prince1, and Krishna Juluru1
1Radiology, Weill Cornell Medical College,
NY, NY, United States
Monitoring total liver volume is of importance to assess
regeneration post-resection. Normal liver volume is also
of prognostic importance in subject with tumor burden
and inflammatory disease. A technique is presented to
segment normal liver by calculating a voxel wise
Pearson’s R2 correlation coefficient with slice specific
Gd-EOB-DTPA (Eovist) dynamic contrast enhanced DCE-MRI
uptake curves. Significant correlation was found with
DCE segmented liver volume and manual tracing methods.
Future application of this technique may be found in
other organ systems and patient specific monitoring of
organ volume over time.
2208. |
Signal Intensity and
Texture Feature Analysis in Contrast-Enhanced Liver MRI for
Chronic Liver Disease Diagnosis 
Jihun Oh1, Diego Martin2, and
Xiaoping P. Hu3
1School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
Georgia, United States, 2Department
of Medical Imaging, University of Arizona, Tucson,
Arizona, United States, 3Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of
Technology and Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia,
United States
This paper describes our work of using features derived
from contrast-enhanced liver MR images for providing a
quantitative assessment of chronic liver disease
severity. We first examined the mean slope of contrast
uptake in hepatobiliary phase and demonstrated that it
is significantly correlated with fibrosis score. We also
examined several texture measures in equilibrium phase
using Gabor filtering and grey level co-occurrence
matrix and built a supervised maximum a posteriori
classifier using these features to predict the disease
severity. The classifier was evaluated by
cross-validation and shown to be highly robust in
predicting fibrosis score.
2209. |
Logan Plot Estimates of
Tracer Distribution Volume from Dynamic Contrast Enhanced
MRI Data and Tumor Cellularity in a Rat Model of Cerebral
Glioma at 7T
Madhava P. Aryal1,2, Tavarekere N. Nagaraja2,
Kelly A. Keenan2, Hassan Bagher-Ebadian2,
Swayamprava Panda2, Stephen Brown2,
and James R. Ewing1,2
1Physics, Oakland University, Rochester, MI,
United States, 2Henry
Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, United States
In this study, Logan plot graphical approach was applied
to dynamic contrast enhanced MRI(DCE-MRI) data to
estimate the distribution volume(VD) in a rat model of
cerebral glioma. Test-retest VD values for 18 animal
studies were quite stable. The test group mean of VD
(7.94%) moved downward to (7.21%) in the retest group,
but not significantly (p=0.21). The combined sample
mean(±standard deviation) of VD was; (7.58±2.33)%. Also,
the estimated VD showed a strong correlation to
corresponding Patlak plot estimate (r=0.93, p<0.001).
The mean tumor cellularity count was 2441 ± 850. Tumor
cellularity and VD were highly correlated (r =0.76, p <
0.01). Thus, the Logan plot graphical approach can be a
useful tool on DCE-MRI also for the diagnosis and
evaluation of therapeutic response in tumors.
2210. |
A Threshold Method to
Exclude Unreliable Tracer Kinetic Model Parameters Measured
from DCE MRI in Breast Cancer 
Dennis Lai Hong Cheong1, Bo Zhang1,
Soo Chin Lee2, and Thian C. Ng1,3
1Clinical Imaging Research Center, SBIC/A*STAR
& National University of Singapore, Singapore,
Singapore, 2Department
of Haematology-Oncology, National University Health
System, Singapore, Singapore, 3Department
of Diagnostic Radiology, National University of
Singapore, Singapore, Singapore
Model based tracer kinetic analysis of DCE MRI relies on
some curve fitting process. The reliability of voxel
level measured parameter depends on two main criteria:
sufficient contrast to noise ratio (CNR) and successful
curve fitting. We present a method to filter out
unreliable voxels with low CNR and poor quality of fit
based on fraction of modeling information (FMI). We
found that CNR and FMI are useful measures for rejecting
voxels with unreliable parameter values that were either
due to a low CNR or a poor curve fitting. This is a part
of our DCE-MRI project on breast tumors.
2211. |
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced –
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DCE-MRI): Insights About
Arterial Input Function Definition, Model Selection and the
Quantitative Signal Difference Method 
Georges Hankov1, Jill Fredrickson1,
Gregory Ferl1, David Clayton1,
Alexandre Coimbra2, and Alexandre de
1Genentech Inc., South San Francisco,
California, United States, 2Genentech
Inc, South San Francisco, California, United States
The use of DCE-MRI in multicenter therapeutic trials
requires standardization, streamlined processing, and a
focus on reproducibility. The purpose of this work was
to assess the necessity of modeling the AIF and
estimating the time lag between tissue and AIF uptake,
and also evaluated the reproducibility of the Signal
Difference [SD] method, using simulations and patient
data. We found that modeling the AIF results in
underestimation of the parameters, especially plasma
volume, vp. Estimating the time lag increases vp
estimates, without altering the other kinetic
parameters. The simpler [SD] method was slightly more
reproducible than the regular apparent concentration
2212. |
Arterial Input Function
Reconstruction for DCE-MRI of the Liver Using Pre-Bolus
Acquisition with Low Dose Gadolinium Contrast 
Guido H. Jajamovich1, Claudia Calcagno1,
Hadrien A. Dyvorne1, Henry Rusinek2,
Shimon Aronhime1, and Bachir Taouli1
1Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York,
NY, United States, 2NYU
School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States
A reconstructed arterial input function (AIF) using
prebolus injection of a low dose gadolinium contrast
(1.3 mL) was quantified and compared with the measured
AIF after the injection of the main bolus in DCE-MRI of
the liver. The curve shape reconstructed using pre-bolus
injection was observed to be of better quality than the
measured main bolus AIF in the majority of cases. The
quantified AIF using pre-bolus showed better parameter
reproducibility and significantly higher AUC60 (area
under the curve at 60 sec), peak and upslope and
significantly lower FWHM (full width at half maximum)
compared to main bolus AIF.
2213. |
Bolus Tracking Perfusion
Imaging in Humans Using Quantitative Arterial Input Function
Elias Kellner1, Irina Mader2,
Marco Reisert1, and Valerij G. Kiselev1
1Department of Radiology, University Hospital
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Section
of Neuroradiology, University Hospital Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany
We recently presented a method for a quantitative
determination of the arterial input function for DSC
MRI. The method was verified in the pig model. In this
work, we present measurements in patients with carotid
stenosis and discuss the quantitative perfusion
parameters obtained with our extended technique.
Obtained cerebral blood flow is compared with the
whole-brain flow evaluated using phase contrast MRI
measurements in large arteries. Discussion focuses on
issues, which are crucial for correct perfusion
evaluation, such as vascular transport effects and water
relaxation properties in tissue.
2214. |
AIF Induced Limits of
Parameter Uncertainty in Pharmakokinetic Models of
Pre-Clinical DCE-MRI 
Tammo Rukat1,2, Simon Walker-Samuel3,
and Stefan A. Reinsberg1
1Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2Institut
für Physik, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Berlin,
Germany, 3Centre
for Advanced Biomedical Imaging, University College
London, London, United Kingdom
The reliability of small animal DCE-MRI data analysis
with quantitative pharmakokinetic models depends
strongly on the time course of contrast agent (CA)
administration, known as arterial input function (AIF).
In this study the dependence of the intrinsic limits of
a parameter predictability on the width of the AIF-peak
(i.e. the speed of CA administration) is quantified to
provide investigators with a tool to determine
reasonable limits for CA administration protocols.
2215. |
Fast NSR: An Optimized
Non-Linear Stochastic Deconvolution for Large Data Sets and
Clinical Analyses
Denis Peruzzo1, Danilo Benozzo1,
Gianluigi Pillonetto1, and Alessandra
1Department of Information Engineering,
University of Padova, Padova, PD, Italy
We present fast NSR, an optimization of the original
Non-linear Stochastic Regularization algorithm to
quantify the residue function and the CBF in DSC-MRI.
Fast NSR introduces a preliminary step that allows to
overcome the limits in the original NSR implementation,
such as the sensitivity to the starting points and the
required computational time. In the preliminary step the
optimal starting points and the stochastic component of
the residue function are computed for each voxel. Fast
NSR elaborates a whole subject in a couple of hours and
is now suitable for the analysis of large data sets and
in clinical context.
2216. |
DSC-MRI Derived T2* Leakage
Effect Depends on Structural Features of Extravascular Space
Natenael B. Semmineh1, Junzhong Xu1,
Jerry Boxerman2, Gary W. Delaney3,
and Christopher C. Quarles1
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Alpert
Medical School of Brown University, Providence, Rhode
Island, United States, 3CSIRO
Mathematical and Information Sciences, Clayton South,
Vic, Australia
Brain tumor DSC-MRI studies can be confounded by
extravascular T2* effects that occur when the contrast
agent extravasates. The resulting signals are
consequently influenced by the extravascular
compartmentalization of the contrast agent and therefore
may depend on the spatial distribution of tumor cells
within tissue. Using simulations we demonstrate that the
dependence of ∆R2* on tissue CA concentration is
significantly influenced by to cell density. We also
show that the spacing of cells and cellular cluster
distribution within a voxel can alter ∆R2* values
significantly for cell spacing variations on the order
of the cell size.
2217. |
Tumour Leakage
Characterized Using a Novel Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast
MRI Model Correlates with Tumour Interstitial Space 
Keiko Miyazaki1, David John Collins1,
James A. d'Arcy1, Dow-Mu Koh2,
Anwar R. Padhani3, Martin O. Leach1,
and Matthew R. Orton1
1CR-UK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre, The
Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, United
Kingdom, 2Department
of Diagnostic Radiology, The Royal Marsden NHS
Foundation Trust, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom, 3Paul
Strickland Scanner Centre, Mount Vernon Hospital,
Northwood, Middlesex, United Kingdom
A recently published DSC-MRI model that includes
first-pass, re-circulation and leakage components was
evaluated on serially acquired brain tumour data after
pre-loading with Gd-contrast. Relationships between
DSC-MRI and DCE-MRI kinetic parameters were explored.
The tertiary amplitude parameter a3 of the novel model,
which characterizes the equilibrium phase (where BBB is
intact) or leakage (where BBB is disrupted), was found
to correlate strongly with the interstitial space.
Results suggest it may be possible to obtain information
on tumour interstitial space, in addition to blood
volume, blood flow and mean transit time, from a single
DSC-MRI measurement by employing this novel model.
2218. |
Optimal Sampling Settings
for Reliable Blood Brain Barrier Permeability Quantification
Using DCE-MRI, a Monte Carlo Approach 
Cecile RLPN Jeukens1, Harm J. van de Haar1,
Jacobus F.A. Jansen1, Paul A.M. Hofman1,
C. Eleana Zhang2, Julie Staals2,
Saartje Burgmans3, Frans RJ Verhey3,
Robert J. van Oostenbrugge2, and Walter H.
1Radiology, Maastricht University Medical
Centre, Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands, 2Neurology,
Maastricht University Medical Centre, Maastricht,
Limburg, Netherlands, 3Alzheimer
Centre Maastricht, Maastricht University Medical Centre,
Maastricht, Limburg, Netherlands
Using Monte Carlo simulations, we aim to determine the
optimal sampling settings for reliable permeability (K i)
and plasma volume (v p) determination: 1) a
single temporal resolution, i.e a single sample
frequency (  t),
versus dual temporal resolution, i.e., a high initial
sample frequency (  t1=2.5s
for 1:30min) followed by a lower sample frequency (  t2=10s—3min),
and 2) the scan duration. We find that using a dual
temporal resolution protocol and a scan duration of
15-20 minutes allows a reliable K i and
v p determination
(5%/95% CI = -/+ 10%) for K i and
v p values
down to K i=0.002 min -1 and
v p =
Assessment of Vessel
Permeability by Combining DCE and ASL MRI 
Ting-Ting Chang1, Alex M. Wong2,
Feng-Xian Yan1, Yu-Shi Lin1, and
Ho-Ling Liu1,2
1Department of Medical Imaging and
Radiological Sciences, Chang Gung University, Kwei-Shan,
Tao-Yuan, Taiwan, 2Department
of Medical Imaging and Intervention, Chang Gung Memorial
Hospital, Kwei-Shan, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan
This study proposed to combine dynamic contrast enhanced
(DCE) and arterial spin labeling (ASL) MRI for assessing
tumor vessel permeability in a group of 11 pediatric
patients. After co-registration of measured parametric
maps, permeability-surface-product (PS) was calculated
by Ktrans from DCE-MRI and CBF from ASL on
voxel-by-voxel basis. The results showed that for small
Ktrans values they were approximately equal to the
resulted PS values. When Ktrans values were greater,
they became increasingly underestimated than the PS
values. The largest discrepancy between Ktrans and PS in
this study was 13% in a patient with mean tumor Ktrans
of 0.10 min-1.
2220. |
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced
MRI of Mouse Cirrhotic Liver: A Pilot Study
Septian Hartono1,2, Tong San Koh1,
Lei Zhou3, Quan Sing Ng1, Puor
Sherng Lee1, Kai-Hsiang Chuang4,
Yock Young Dan3, Laurent Martarello5,
and Choon Hua Thng1
1National Cancer Centre Singapore, Singapore,
NA, Singapore, 2Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore, NA, Singapore, 3National
University Health System, Singapore, NA, Singapore, 4Singapore
Bioimaging Consortium, Singapore, NA, Singapore, 5Roche
Translational Medicine Hub, Singapore, NA, Singapore
We carried out a pilot study using DCE-MRI to assess
liver cirrhosis in mice. Elevated values of
extravasation parameters such as interstitial volume and
vascular permeability were found in the cirrhotic mice,
which was consistent to the capillarisation of liver
sinusoidal endothelium found in liver cirrhosis.
2221. |
Entropy Analysis of Peak
Enhancement Ratio from DCE-MRI as a Potential Marker to
Assess Brain Tumor Response to Radiotherapy 
Chih-Feng Chen1, Ho-Ling Liu2,3,
Yu-Jie Huang4, Yuan-Hsiung Tsai1,
and Hsu-Huei Weng1
1Department of Radiology, Chang Gung Memorial
Hospital, Chiayi branch, and Chang Gung University of
Science and Technology, Chiayi, Taiwan, 2Department
of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, Chang Gung
University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 3Healthy
Aging Research Center, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan,
Taiwan, 4Kaohsiung
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Chang Gung University
College of Medicine, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
This study assessed heterogeneity changes in peak
enhancement ratio (PER) from DCE-MRI by calculating
entropy in brain tumors before and after radiotherapy.
There were 11 patients in the non-responder group and 12
patients in the responder group. The post- to
pre-radiotherapy ratio of entropy was defined as
therapeutic entropy ratio (TER). TER was significantly
higher in the non-responder (1.14¡Ó0.14) than that in
the responder (0.86¡Ó0.1). The corresponding area under
the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.98. In
conclusion, calculating the heterogeneity changes in
tumors via entropy could help diagnose response to
therapy in clinical.
Imaging the Fragile Brain:
Using BOLD Signal Fluctuations to Study Perfusion in Normal
Subjects and Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease
Thomas Christen1, Deqiang Qiu1,
Wendy W. Ni1, Michael E. Moseley1,
and Greg Zaharchuk1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
California, United States
In this work, we acquired resting state BOLD image data
in normal subjects and patients with cerebrovascular
disease to study brain perfusion. The signal was
analysed in two ways: (1) we looked at the amplitude of
the fluctuations after high pass filtering of the
signal, and (2) we looked at the correlation between the
MR signal in major blood vessels (such as the sagittal
sinus) and the rest of the brain. These maps
demonstrated similar characteristics to CBF and CBV but
did not require contrast.
2223. |
Correlation Between
Hemodynamic Variation and Resting-State fMRI in Patients
with Carotid Artery Stenosis 
Feng-Xian Yan1, Tsong-Hai Lee2,
Pin-Hsun Huang1, Kuo-Lun Huang2,
Ho-Fai Wong3, and Ho-Ling Liu1,3
1Department of Medical Imaging and
Radiological Sciences, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan,
Taiwan, 2Department
of Neurology and Stroke Center, Chang Gung Memorial
Hospital, and Chang Gung University College of Medicine,
Taoyuan, Taiwan, 3Department
of Medical Imaging and Intervention, Chang Gung Memorial
Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan
This study aimed to investigate whether the functional
connectivity (FC) derived from BOLD signal fluctuation
is correlated with deficient blood supply in patients
with unilateral internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis.
Thirty-eight patients underwent resting-state (RS) fMRI
and DSC perfusion MRI scans. This study found that the
prolonged perfusion delay time (Tmax) was significantly
correlated (p < 0.05) with reduced default-mode network
connectivity in the inferior parietal cortex ipsilateral
to the ICA stenosis without apparent CBF impairments.
Further studies are required to understand whether such
correlation is originated from neuronal or purely
hemodynamic variations.
2224. |
The Comparison Study of ASL
and DCE MRI for Renal Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
Jing Wang1, Yudong Zhang2, Jue
Zhang1, Xiaoying Wang3, and Jing
1Academy for Advanced Interdisciplinary
Studies, Peking Unversity, Beijing, China, 2Department
of Radiology, The First Affiliated Hospital With Nanjing
Medical University, Nanjing, China, Beijing, China, 3Department
of Radiology, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing,
China, 4Peking
University, Beijing, China
This study developed a new approach for noninvasive
renal perfusion and glomerular filtration rate mapping
based on PASL using variable TE acquisitions on clinical
3T MR. There were six rabbits included in the initial
experiments and each of them accepted 6 different TEs
ASL scans. Based on the proposed method, the rabbit RBF,
blood R2* and GFR maps were obtained simultaneously by a
two-compartment model fitting. Furthermore, the
non-contrast GFR values were compared with DCE-MRI
results to explore the feasibility of VTE-ASL as a
noninvasive assessment of renal status in a single
2225. |
Direct CBF Comparison
Between MRI ASL and DSC and Perfusion CT-Scan in Treated
Tumor Patients
Marjorie Villien1,2, Do Kien N Guyen1,
Julien Bouvier1, Cedric Mendoza3,
Sylvie Grand3, Louise Fanchon1,
Emmanuel Luc Barbier4, Irène Troprès5,
Jean-François Le Bas3, Alexandre Krainik3,
and Jan M. Warnking1
1Grenoble Institut of Neurosciences, INSERM,
Grenoble, France, 2Massachusetts
General Hospital, Harvard, Charlestown, Massachusetts,
United States, 3Clinique
universitaire de neuroradiologie et d'IRM, CHU Grenoble,
Grenoble, France, 4Grenoble
Institut of Neurosciences, INSERM U836, Grenoble,
France, 5SFR1,
Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France
The goals of this study were to assess the
reproducibility of Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC)
MRI and Perfusion-CT (PCT) and to compare the CBF
estimates obtained with DSC, PCT, and Arterial Spin
Labeling (ASL). We included patients with cerebral
tumor, routinely monitored with these imaging methods.
We observed good agreement between DSC and PCT, and poor
correlation between DSC and ASL. A more detailed
analysis of the present data could yield insights into
the respective strengths and weaknesses of each method
depending on the vascular properties.
2226. |
Comparison of Quantitative
Cerebral Blood Flow Measured with Bolus Tracking Perfusion
MRI and H215O PET in the Porcine Model
Elias Kellner1, Irina Mader2,
Michal Mix3, Marco Reisert1,
Katharina Förster4, Thao Nguyen-Thanh2,
Daniel Nico Splitthoff1, Peter Gall1,
and Valerij G. Kiselev1
1Department of Radiology, University Hospital
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Section
of Neuroradiology, University Hospital Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany, 33Department
of Nuclear Medicine, University Hospital Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany, 44Department
of Cardiovascular Surgery, University Hospital Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany
We recently presented a method for the quantitative
determination of the arterial input function for bolus
tracking perfusion imaging. Here we present evaluation
of cerebral blood flow obtained with the new method in
comparison with 15H2O Positron-Emission-Tomography (PET)
in the porcine model (N=13). In contrast to previous
studies, we do not employ any adjustable parameters. The
CBF values obtained with both methods correlate
significantly, but MRI CBF is systematically lower.
Present results create a quantitative basis for
discussing the role of delay and dispersion in as well
as the principal difference between PET and MRI
perfusion measurements.