ISMRM 21st
Annual Meeting & Exhibition
20-26 April 2013
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA |
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 (13:30-15:30) Exhibition Hall |
Pulse Sequences & Applications
2351. |
Quantitative Comparison
of Susceptibility-Weighted Methods in Deep Grey Matter
in Multiple Sclerosis
Luca Y. Li1, Cheryl R. McCreary1,2,
Fiona Costello3,4, and Richard Frayne3,4
1Seaman Family MR Research Centre,
Foothills Medical Centre, Alberta Health Services,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2Departments
of Radiology and Clinical Neurosciences, University
of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 3University
of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 4Hotchkiss
Brain Institute, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Accumulation of iron in deep grey matter structures
has been shown to correlate with physical and
cognitive and dysfunction in multiple sclerosis. MR
susceptibility imaging could provide an objective
surrogate marker for accumulation of iron. We
compared normalized signal, SNR and CNR of the
caudate nucleus, putamen, globus pallidus, and
thalamus between T2* gradient echo and SWAN
sequences on our 3T GE scanner. 13 subjects with
multiple sclerosis and 5 healthy controls
participated. Results suggest that changes in signal
are more distinguishable on T2* GRE.
2352. |
MR-Based Oxygen
Extraction Fraction OEF Using Spatial ICA of Breath-Hold
PARSE Acquisitions.
Charles G. Cantrell1, Rajiv G. Menon1,
Parmede Vakil1, Sumeeth Vijay Jonathan1,
and Timothy J. Carroll1
1Northwestern University, Chicago, IL,
United States
We examined MR based OEF using spatial ICA of
breath-hold PARSE acquisitions to determine the
dynamic effects on brain oxygen absorbtion. Results
clearly show a frontal shift in OEF during the
period of induced stress followed by a return to the
baseline after the stress is removed.
2353. |
High Resolution
Volumetric T1 Mapping Using a Novel MP3RAGE Method 
Wei-Feng Hung1, Po-Tsun Chen1,
Tzu-Chao Chuang1, Hing-Chiu Chang2,
and Ming-Ting Wu3,4
1Department of Electrical Engineering,
National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2Brain
Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke University,
Durham, North Carolina, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, Kaohsiung Veteran General Hospital,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 4School
of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei,
MP2RAGE, which collects two volumes at different
inversion times, can be applied for volumetric T1
mapping because the relationship between T1 and the
ratio of two gradient echoes can be derived with a
known inversion efficiency of adiabatic pulse.
However, the over-estimation of inversion
efficiency, which was simulated according to pulse
profile, may lead to under-estimation of T1. An
improved sequence, MP3RAGE, was developed to acquire
data at three distinct inversion times, taking
inversion efficiency as a free parameter to estimate
T1 relaxation time more accurately.
2354. |
Remember PSIF? a
2-Second Imaging Method for T2 Contrast at 7T
Yiu-Cho Chung1, Yanjie Zhu1,
Xin Liu1, and Chao Zou1
1Paul C. Lauterbur Research Center for
Biomedical Imaging, Shenzhen Key Laboratory for MRI,
Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
T2 weighted imaging at 7T using TSE is challenged by
B1 transmit field inhomogeneity and SAR limitation.
We propose to use PSIF instead of TSE at 7T. PSIF
uses low flip angle and is less sensitive to RF
system imperfections. The high magnetic field offers
the SNR needed in PSIF. Also, 2DPSIF is fast (2sec
per image) due to short TR used. In 2DPSIF, the SNR
of white matter is about 30, and the CNR between
grey matter and white matter is about 18,
sufficiently high for diagnostic purposes. 2DPSIF is
a good alternative to T2 weighted TSE at 7T.
2355. |
Rapid Whole-Brain
Myelin Water Mapping Using Multi-Component Gradient Echo
Sampling of Spin Echoes (McGESSE)
Yann Gagnon1,2, Neil Gelman1,2,
Rob Nicolson3, and Jean Théberge1,2
1Medical Biophysics, University of
Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Imaging,
Lawson Health Research Institute, London, Ontario,
Canada, 3Psychiatry,
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario,
The myelin water fraction describes the proportion
of the multi-exponential T2 decay in white matter
originating from water trapped within the bi-layers
of the myelin sheath. The most established method
used to obtain the MWF involves the acquisition of
32 or more spin echoes but the inability to perform
a multi-slice acquisition and the high specific
absorption rate of this method are drawbacks that
have motivated the development of alternative
techniques. In this work, we described the in-vivo
implementation of a novel strategy for rapid whole
brain MWF mapping, based on the multi-component
gradient echo sampling of spin echoes (mcGESSE).
2356. |
Acquisition of Interslice Blood Flow, Magnetization
Transfer Ratio Asymmetry, and MTR 
Sung-Hong Park1,2, Jeffrey William Barker1,3,
and Kyongtae Ty Bae1
1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Bio
and Brain Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology, Daejeon, Daejeon, Korea, 3Bioengineering,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United
We investigated the feasibility of simultaneous
mapping of interslice blood flow, MTR asymmetry, and
MTR, using a recently developed method, alternate
ascending/descending directional navigation
(ALADDIN). The cumulative MT effects in edge slices
from simulations based on a modified two-pool MT
model were in agreement with empirical results .
Simultaneous mapping of blood flow, MTR asymmetry,
and MTR in the whole brain was feasible with ALADDIN
within a clinically reasonable time of  ~7
min. Our proposed method provides readily a full
spectrum of MR measurements useful to characterize a
wide range of brain pathological conditions and
functional evaluation.
2357. |
Magnetization Transfer
Prepared Gradient Echo CEST MRI at 7 Tesla
Zhuozhi Dai1, Jim Ji2, Gang
Xiao3, Gen Yan1, Zhiwei Shen4,
Guishan Zhang1, Lvhao Wang1,
Phillip Zhe Sun5, and Renhua Wu1
1Medical Imaging, Medical College of
Shantou University, shantou, guangdong, China, 2Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M
University, College Station, Texas, United States, 3Hanshan
Normal University, Chaozhou, Guangdong, China, 4the
provincial key laboratory of medical molecular
imaging, Shantou, Guangdong, China, 5Athinoula
A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Department of Radiology, MGH and Harvard Medical
School, Charlestown, Massachusetts, United States
CEST MRI is a relatively new contrast mechanism that
is promising for clinical translation in a host of
diseases including stroke, tumor and multiple
sclerosis. However, the conventional CEST MRI
requires significant sequence development and is
susceptible to field inhomogeneity-induced
distortion at high field. To address these
limitations, we evaluated the magnetization transfer
prepared gradient echo (MTPGE) MRI for CEST imaging.
We validated and optimized the proposed MTPGE in
creatine-gel phantom, and demonstrated the
endogenous amide proton transfer (APT) MRI in vivo.
2358. |
A Novel Method for
Magnetization Transfer Ratio Imaging Without Requiring
Separate Saturation Pulse 
Jeffrey William Barker1,2, Kyongtae Ty
Bae1, and Sung-Hong Park1,3
1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 2Bioengineering,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
United States, 3Bio
and Brain Engineering, Korean Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology, Daejeon, Yuseong-gu, Korea
We present a new technique for magnetization
transfer (MT) ratio imaging that utilizes interslice
MT effects inherent to multislice bSSFP imaging to
generate MT contrast, which was controlled via an
interslice delay (0-8s). We validated the source of
contrast on a 4% agar phantom and saline phantom
control. We also demonstrated the feasibility of in
vivo MTR
imaging by acquiring images in the brain of healthy
normal volunteers (N = 5, age 24-49). Agar phantom
images were homogeneous, and control images were
free of contamination. Mean MTR values from all
subjects for white and gray matter regions were
(31.7±1.0)% and (21.7±1.2)%, respectively.
2359. |
Acquisition: A Novel Application for Superluminal
Photons in MRI 
H. Morgan1, T. Traveler1, D.
R. Who1, and E. Brown1
1Radiology, General Hospital, Memphis,
TN, United States
Superluminal MRI has great potential for clinical
imaging. Implementation of the method is straight
forward on a clinical scanner with minimal changes.
Here we report on a study with 89 patients where the
technique was successfully applied with no adverse
effects. All patients had their complete report
available by the time they prepared for their scan.
In few cases potential disruptions of the space-time
continuum could be observed. Great efficiencies can
be achieved reducing cost, staff idle time and
patient waiting time.
2360. |
Centric Reordered 2D
BSSFP Imaging Using Variable Flip Angles for Fourier
Decomposed MRI in the Lung 
Dominique M.R. Corteville1, Åsmund
Kjørstad1, Frank G. Zöllner1,
and Lothar R. Schad1
1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine,
Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Baden Württemberg,
The variable flip angle approach for balanced
steady-state free precession (bSSFP) imaging makes
it possible to increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
while keeping the specific absorption rate (SAR)
constant. In this contribution the application of
this technique to fourier decomposed (FD) proton
pulmonary MRI is systematically investigated. For
this purpose several flip angle schemes were
combined with centric k-space reordering in such a
way that the center of k-space was acquired with a
higher flip angle than the periphery.
2361. |
High Speed 3D B-SSFP at
6.5 mT 
Mathieu Sarracanie1,2, Brandon Dean
Armstrong1,2, and Matthew S. Rosen1,2
1Department of Physics, Harvard
University, Cambridge, MA, United States, 2MGH/Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, Boston, MA, United
The present work reports on the development of fast
3D imaging at very-low magnetic field (6.5 mT) based
on the intrinsic 1H
NMR signal using balanced steady state free
precession (b-SSFP). This result is the first
implementation of b-SSFP at very low magnetic field.
The presented optimized bi-planar electromagnet
combined with fast 3D imaging strategies and sparse
sampling has potential to reach clinical standards
for patient imaging and open new perspectives for
new generation of lower-cost high-performance
purpose-built imagers practical for operation in
hospitals, battlefield medical facilities, or
forward triage.
Strategies for Improved
3D Small-Tip Fast Recovery (STFR) Imaging
Hao Sun1, Jeffrey A. Fessler2,
Douglas C. Noll3, and Jon-Fredrik Nielsen3
1Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, The University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann
Arbor, Michigan, United States, 2Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States, 3Biomedical
Engineering, The University of Michigan-Ann Arbor,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States
Small tip fast recovery (STFR) imaging has been
proposed recently as a potential alternative to
balanced steady state free precession (bSSFP). STFR
relies on a tailored “tip-up” RF pulse to achieve
comparable signal level and image contrast as bSSFP,
but with reduced banding artifacts. 2D STFR imaging
can use fast 2D tailored pulses (e.g., spiral) in
combination with RF-spoiling, but in many
applications such as fMRI it is necessary to do 3D
imaging. Designing a 3D RF pulse that accurately
tailors the excitation pattern to the local B0
inhomogeneity over the entire imaging volume is a
challenging and unsolved problem. Here we propose
two complementary strategies for improved 3D STFR
imaging: First we show that unbalanced non-RF-spoiled
STFR imaging (“G-STFR”) is less sensitive to tip-up
pulse error than the corresponding RF-spoiled
sequence (“RF-STFR”). Second, we propose to use
non-slice-selective tailored pulses for both
tip-down and tip-up, and present two alternative RF
pulse design algorithms.
Rapid High Resolution
3D Volume Imaging of the Human Brain Using Spin Echo EPI,
Parallel Imaging, Reduced-FOV Methods, and Oversampling
Reduction at 7T
Christopher Joseph Wargo1 and
John C. Gore1
1Department of Radiology and Radiological
Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
United States
The aims of this research were to develop and
evaluate an inner volume imaging approach to achieve
high resolution with dramatically reduced scan times
at the ultra-high field strength of 7T. This was
accomplished using a combination of 3D multi-shot
and single-shot EPI, parallel imaging using SENSE,
reduced-FOV methods, and volume oversampling
reduction by applying outer-volume suppression (OVS)
bands at the ends of the 3D volume. Both 500 and 300
micron resolutions were achieved in the human
midbrain without artifacts, within 3 to 7 minutes.
2364. |
Diagonal Multi-Slab
Inner Volume 3D GRASE Imaging for High Resolution T2
Weighted fMRI 
An T. Vu1, David A. Feinberg2,3,
Noam Harel1, Kamil Ugurbil1,
and Essa S. Yacoub1
1Radiology, Center for Magnetic Resonance
Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, United States, 2Advanced
MRI Technologies, Sebastopol, CA, United States, 3Helen
Willis Neuroscience, University of California,
Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States
Single shot 3D GRASE provides T2 weighted images
with high isotropic resolutions in a single shot.
However it has yet to see wide usage in fMRI in part
due to its limitation of imaging only a small field
of view. Multi-slab 3D approaches could extend the
FOV. However, with inner volume imaging,
orthogonally oriented refocussing RF pulses saturate
potential neighboring slabs. Here we present a
method for multi-slab 3D GRASE inner volume imaging
for fMRI which avoids the problem of saturated
neighboring slabs and allows imaging of multiple
regions of interest without extending TR and without
any significant SNR penalties.
2365. |
Multi-Volume GRASE Imaging
Liyong Chen1,2 and
David A. Feinberg2,3
1Advanced MRI Technologies, LLC,
Sebastopol, CA, United States, 2Helen
Wills Neuroscience Institute, University of
California, Berkeley, CA, United States, 3Advanced
MRI Technologies, Sebastopol, CA, United States
A new approach for encoding multiple slabs and
multiple 3D volumes simultaneously was proposed by
applying orthogonal multibanded excitation and
refocusing rf pulse slabs in zoomed 3D GRASE. This
approach greatly increase spatial resolution
(zoomed) and spatial coverage.
2366. |
3D Adiabatic FSE with
GRASE Acquisition at 4T
Naoharu Kobayashi1 and
Michael Garwood2
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
United States, 2University
of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
We introduce a novel adiabatic 3D FSE sequence that
overcomes the high SAR and long scan time in 3D
adiabatic FSE by using the following 4 techniques:
(1) Variable-rate selective excitation (VERSE), (2)
gradient- and spin-echo (GRASE) acquisition, (3)
k-space undersampling, and (4) image space phase
correction. The image space phase correction played
a critical role to reconstruct odd and even echo
data as a single image. The proposed sequence
allowed 3D in vivo human brain FSE imaging with
acceptable SAR and scan time at 4T.
2367. |
3D Center-Out EPI with
Cylindrical Encoding 
Manoj Shrestha1, Toralf Mildner1,
Christian Labadie1, and Harald E. Möller1
1Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive
and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
3D center-out EPI with cylindrical encoding is
proposed as a rapid sampling method of 3D k-space
enabling ultra-short echo time. Acquisition of
multiple center-out EPI half-planes is performed
while the (EPI) phase-blip gradient is rotated. 3D
k-space is thus usually encoded along the read
direction, and radially encoded in the planes
perpendicular to it. The feasibility of the approach
is demonstrated by preliminary images which are
compared to imaging methods like 3D FLASH and 2D EPI.
Due to the cylindrical sampling and an inherent
manifold oversampling of the central k-space line, a
lower susceptibility to subject motion can be
2368. |
Radial Single-Slab 3D
Turbo Spin Echo (SPACE) 
John P. Mugler, III1, Simon Bauer2,
Dominik Paul2, Alto Stemmer2,
and Berthold Kiefer2
1Radiology & Medical Imaging, University
of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany
Optimized, single-slab, 3D fast/turbo spin-echo
(FSE/TSE) imaging (e.g., CUBE, SPACE, VISTA) has
recently gained popularity for various clinical
applications. While commercial implementations use
conventional Cartesian sampling of k space, certain
applications may benefit from the favorable
properties of non-Cartesian k-space trajectories.
The purpose of this work was to incorporate radial
k-space sampling into optimized, single-slab, 3D
FSE/TSE imaging, and to perform a preliminary
evaluation of imaging performance. We found that
good image quality can be obtained when radial
k-space sampling is combined with the very long
spin-echo trains and variable-flip-angle refocusing
RF pulses used in state-of-the-art single-slab 3D
FSE/TSE techniques.
2369. |
in-vivo Brain
3D RSI (Rosette Spectroscopic Imaging) with
Spherical/ellipsoidal Encoding. Comparison to 3D RSI
with Cylindrical Encoding and to Ellipsoidal CSI. 
Claudiu Schirda1, Tiejun Zhao2,
Ovidiu C. Andronesi3, and Fernando Emilio
1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh
School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Siemens
Medical Solutions, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 3Radiology,
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United
Rosette Spectroscopic Imaging (RSI) with spherical
encoding is demonstrated in-vivo brain and using the
braino MRS phantom. The PSF function is compared to
the PSF for RSI with cylindrical encoding and to CSI
with ellipsoidal/spherical encoding.
2370. |
High Resolution Radial
3D Ultra-Short Echo Time Imaging in
Karl-Heinz Herrmann1, Martin Krämer1,
Martin Stenzel2, Hans-Joachim Mentzel2,
and Jürgen R. Reichenbach1
1Medical Physics Group, Institute of
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology I, Jena
University Hospital - Friedrich Schiller University
Jena, Jena, Germany, 2Pediatric
Radiology, Institute of Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology I, Jena University Hospital
- Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany
Ultra-short echo time imaging (UTE) allows
visualization of structures with very short T2
relaxation times. Commonly, slice selective 2D
double-half RF-pulse UTE with radial readouts is
used. However, 3D radial center-out trajectories
(“spiky ball”) have several advantages: Short, hard
excitation pulses lead to extremely short echo
times, oversampling is possible in all directions
avoiding foldover artifacts, and extreme
over-sampling of k-space renders the acquisition
very robust against motion with excellent SNR. We
present 3D UTE in vivo images with excellent
resolution and display of anatomical details.
2371. |
Evidence of Tissue
Conductivity as a Source of Signal Inhomogeneities in
Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) Imaging 
Ferdinand Schweser1,2, Li Huang1,3,
Karl-Heinz Herrmann1, Martin Krämer1,
Andreas Deistung1, and Jürgen R.
1Medical Physics Group, Institute of
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology I, Jena
University Hospital - Friedrich Schiller University
Jena, Jena, Germany, 2School
of Medicine, Friedrich Schiller University Jena,
Jena, Germany, 3Abbe
School of Photonics, Faculty for Physics and
Astronomy, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena,
In this contribution we investigated with a
dedicated phantom experiment B1+ contributions
to UTE signal inhomogeneities and showed that B1-related
effects substantially affect the UTE signal. By
applying Electric Property Tomography (EPT) to the
complex-valued UTE signal we demonstrate that B1-effects
due to the underlying tissue electrical conductivity
are a major source of both magnitude and phase UTE
signal inhomogeneity.
2372. |
High-Resolution 3D-FMRI
at 9.4 Tesla with Intrinsically Minimised Geometric
Rüdiger Stirnberg1, Daniel Pflugfelder1,
Tony Stöcker1, and Nadim Jon Shah1,2
1Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine -
4, Research Centre Juelich GmbH, Jülich, Germany, 2Department
of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, JARA, RWTH Aachen
University, Aachen, Germany
The application of a 3D-EPI sequence with
intrinsically minimised geometric distortions for
high-resolution functional imaging (fMRI) is
demonstrated in vivo at 9.4 Tesla. In addition to
acceleration by means of ramp sampling and parallel
imaging, a further increase of the effective imaging
bandwidth is achieved by segmentation in the blipped
phase encode dimension. The presented results
indicate the potential but also the practical
limitations (e.g. acceptable temporal resolution) of
minimising geometric distortions without employing
further post-processing. However, resulting
activation patterns, which precisely match the
expected locations, prove the feasibility of
segmented 3D-EPI for high-resolution fMRI at 9.4
2373. |
MRiLab: Performing Fast
3D Parallel MRI Numerical Simulation on a Simple PC
Fang Liu1, Richard Kijowski2,
and Walter F. Block1,3
1Department of Medical Physics,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin,
United States, 2Department
of Radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 3Department
of Biomedical Engineering, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States
A simulation package named MRiLab is introduced here
for performing efficient and flexible 3D numerical
MRI simulation on simple PC. MRiLab features
user-friendly interface and optimized
programming-free modules that well suits for MR
pulse sequence design and image reconstruction
technique development. Associated tools are also
provided for analyzing multiple spin evolution, MR
signal and k-space formation, local SAR
distribution, etc. With the simulation acceleration
accompanied by GPU and multi-threaded CPU, MRiLab
has proven to be a fast and effective parallel
simulation framework with minimum computation
hardware requirements.
2374. |
Combination of
Multiplexed EPI with EPIK (EPI with Keyhole) for Reduced
Image Distortions at 3T 
Seong Dae Yun1 and
Nadim Jon Shah1,2
1Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine -
4, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany, 2JARA
- Faculty of Medicine, RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen, Germany
The relatively high imaging speed of EPI has led to
its widespread use in dynamic MRI studies. For even
faster acquisition of multiple slices using EPI, the
M-EPI (Multiplexed EPI) method has been recently
presented (Feinberg et al.). However, the use of
multiple RF pulses for multiple-slice excitation
causes an increase of readout duration, which in
turn increases image distortions. To overcome this
problem, in this work M-EPI has been combined with
EPIK (EPI with Keyhole) which has been proven to be
effective in reducing the EPI image distortions.
Experiments were performed at 3T and the method was
validated with a phantom as well as on human brain
2375. |
A New K-Space
Trajectory for Compressed Sensing MRI 
Ya Li1 and
Ran Yang1
1School of Information Science and
Technology, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guang Zhou,
Guang Dong, China
we propose a new k-space trajectory named as four
leaved rose curve (FLRC),which is a short, smooth,
variable density and random-like. Simulations show
that FLRC trajectory has better fidelity than
spiral. It is well-suited for CS-MRI, because of: 1)
The locations of FLRC sampling points are more
irregular than spiral. And these artifacts are
different. For spiral, the artifact looks like more
regular, however, it is noise-like for FLRC. 2).The
FLRC trajectory has more smaller side-lobe of PSF
than spiral . That means incoherence what is the
very important requirements should be satisfied for
application of CS.
An Efficient Scheme of
Trajectory Optimization for Both Parallel Imaging and
Compressed Sensing 
Enhao Gong1, Feng Huang2, Kui
Ying3, Xuening Liu4, and
George Randy Duensing5
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Philips
Healthcare, Shanghai, China, 3Department
of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China, 4Department
of Automation, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 5Philips
Healthcare, Gainesville, FL, United States
Undersampling of k-space is a widely adopted
approach for fast imaging. Instead of using a fixed
sampling trajectory, trajectory optimization has
been proposed for both Parallel Imaging and
Compressed Sensing to achieve significantly improved
reconstruction. Here we present an efficient scheme
for clinically applicable trajectory optimization by
using one scan in the exam as references and fast
pseudo-reconstruction. Experiments on in-vivo
datasets illustrated the proposed scheme can results
in great improvement of reconstruction using
Parallel Imaging and Compressed Sensing.
2377. |
Simultaneous T2 Prep
and Motion Tracking Using Volume Projections
Liheng Guo1, Di Xu1, and
Daniel A. Herzka1
1Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, MD, United States
We test the feasibility of performing motion
tracking during T2 preparation (“T2 prep”) for the
purpose of scan time reduction. For demonstration
purposes, a single fully balanced readout is
inserted in the midpoint between the innermost pair
of T2 prep refocusing RFs to acquire a projection of
the imaging volume. Preliminary motion phantom study
has shown that this technique does indicate motion
without visibly disturbing T2 contrast image
quality. More elaborate motion readouts that can be
inserted into T2 prep and their performance in human
warrant further study.
2378. |
Can Flow Be Measured
with a Flow-Compensated Sequence? 
Bo Xu1, Pascal Spincemaille2,
Tian Liu2, and Yi Wang1
1Biomedical Engineering, Cornell
University, Ithaca, New York, United States, 2Weill
Cornell Medical College, New York, New York, United
A new flow quantification measured is proposed.
Multi-echo gradient echo sequence is used for data
acquisition. Polynomial fit of multi-echo phase data
is used to extract field inhomogeneity information.
Coefficient of the fit is directly related to flow
velocity. Thus by changing the background field
inhomogeneity, flow could be quantified. This method
is validated in phantom and in vivo experiments.
2379. |
PatLoc Single Shot
Sebastian Littin1, Jakob Assländer1,
Andrew Dewdney2, Anna M. Welz1,
Hans Weber1, Gerrit Schultz1,
Jürgen Hennig1, and Maxim Zaitsev1
1Radiology, Medical Physics, University
Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Healthcare
Sector, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany
It has recently been proposed to use non-linear
gradient encoding fields in order to reduce
peripheral nerve stimulation and to allow for
spatially varying resolution in different areas of
the FOV. An industrially built PatLoc gradient
insert coil brings us in the range of single shot
imaging. The aim of this study is to show the
feasibility of spiral and EPI imaging.
2380. |
MR Pulse Sequence
Design with Artificial Neural Networks
Nahal Geshnizjani1, Kenneth A. Loparo1,
Dan Ma2, and Mark A. Griswold2,3
1Dept. of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 2Dept.
of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 3Dept.
of Radiology, University Hospitals of Cleveland and
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio,
United States
This work presents a framework for automatic Pulse
sequence design. We used Artificial Neural Networks
(ANN) with a novel sequential block structure to
design a system to automatically construct MR pulse
sequences. We are able to predict a pure but
extended T2-weighted signal from a TrueFisp
sequence. This method can be utilized in MR
Fingerprinting by designing non-traditional
randomized pulse sequences for quantitative imaging
2381. |
Real-Time, Self-Gated
Spiral Flow Imaging Using Sliding-Window Phase Matching
Wei Feng1, Yang Xuan1, Jiani
Hu1, and Ewart Mark Haacke1,2
1Radiology, Wayne State University,
Detroit, Michigan, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit,
Michigan, United States
A real-time, self-gated spiral flow imaging sequence
using a sliding window phase matching reconstruction
is proposed. The acquisition for reversed flow
encodings was separated into a negative reference
block and a positive acquisition block. View-shared
reconstruction in each block was performed before
phase contrast images were generated using a novel
sliding window phase matching algorithm for
self-gating. Experiments on normal volunteers and
under different breathing conditions show that the
proposed method can accurately quantify blood flow
in real time.
2382. |
Jinjin Zhang1,2, Djaudat Idiyatullin1,
Curtis Andrew Corum1, Naoharu Kobayashi1,
and Michael Garwood1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota,
United States, 2Department
of Physics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, United States
We report Sweep Imaging with Fourier Transformation
(SWIFT) using time varying gradients during
excitation. Gradient-modulated offset independent
adiabaticity (GOIA) approach was used to modify the
pattern of the RF pulse. Linear response theory was
used to derive the signal evolution. A specific
correlation method to retrieve the spin density for
this case was developed. This method greatly
increases the versatility of the SWIFT method and
allows, for example, RF power reduction and
increasing of the effective acquisition bandwidth.
These conclusions are supported by simulations,
resolution phantom experiments, and imaging of human
brain in vivo using different types of gradient
2383. |
Dual-Echo Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy Imaging: Application to Traumatic
Brain Injury
Elijah George1,2, Steven Roys1,3,
Jiachen Zhuo1, Chandler Sours4,
and Rao P. Gullapalli1
1Magnetic Resonance Research Center,
University of Maryland School of Medicine,
Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Bioengineering,
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, United
States, 3Diagnostic
Radiology & Nuclear Medicne, University of Maryland,
Baltimore, MD, United States, 4Program
in Neuroscience, University of Maryland School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States
In Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy studies of the
human brain, the echo time (TE) of acquisition plays
a huge role in determining which metabolite signals
are present in the spectrum in addition to how well
the baseline for signal quantification can be
defined. Given that the scan times are long for
MRSI, seldom both the long and short TE data is
obtained on the same subject within the same
session. Herein we describe a dual-echo (DE) MRSI
acquisition that is capable of simultaneously
acquiring both long and short TE data sets with the
same scan time as a standard MRSI method and apply
it on traumatic brain injury patients where the
short and long T2 metabolites provide invaluable
2384. |
3D Curved Slice Imaging 
Hans Weber1, Sebastian Littin1,
Gigi Galiana2, Feng Jia1, Anna
M. Welz1, Robert Todd Constable2,3,
Jürgen Hennig1, and Maxim Zaitsev1
1Department of Radiology, Medical
Physics, University Medical Center Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany, 2Diagnostic
Radiology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United
States,3Biomedical Engineering, Yale
University, New Haven, CT, United States
ExLoc allows excitation and geometrically matched
spatial encoding of curved slices by the application
of a set of nonlinear, but locally orthogonal,
encoding fields. So far the concept could be
demonstrated for slices with one curved dimension.
In this study, we apply ExLoc to a planar gradient
system, generating field components with nonlinear
variation along all three dimensions. For the first
time, this allows selection and encoding of slices
with two curved dimensions.
2385. |
Potential Impact of
Time-Varying Gradient Delays in the EPI Train on Nyquist
Ghost Correction 
Silke Hey1, Jos Koonen1,
Zhaolin Chen1, and Johan van den Brink1
1Philips Healthcare, Best, Netherlands
Reliable phase correction for long fMRI scans is
crucial to ensure low ghost levels. Phase correction
strategies are based on the measurement of gradient
delays, usually using a phase navigator. In this
work, we show that gradient delays vary across the
echo train depending on the used echo-spacing
frequency. This variation may change in the course
of long fMRI acquisitions (several minutes). That is
why, accurate and robust correction of the Nyquist
ghost in EPI requires determination of the gradient
delays at the echo time of the EPI sequence.
2386. |
Flip Angle ModulatioN
Scheme (FANS) to Achieve an Arbitrary Signal Modulation
in SPGR 
Yongchuan Lai1
1GE Healthcare, Beijing, China
Spoiled gradient-recalled echo (SPGR) is widely used
for T1 contrast applications. A variable flip angle
(FA) scheme may be used to mitigate the signal
modulation caused by Mz preparation. However, the
challenge remains to find an appropriate variable
flip angle scheme given a desired signal modulation.
Here we propose a novel algorithm, Flip Angle
modulatioN Scheme (FANS), to find such an optimal FA
scheme to achieve an arbitrary signal modulation.
FANS is implemented with the BRAVO of GE 1.5T
scanner and better CNR is achieved in both
simulation and in vivo scan.
2387. |
High-Order B0 Shimming
with Compensating RF Pulses Enables Efficient and
Uniform Flip Angles
Vincent Oltman Boer1, Irene M.L. van
Kalleveen2, Peter R. Luijten2,
Robin A. de Graaf3, and Dennis W.J. Klomp2
1Radiology, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, NL, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Radiology,
UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, NL, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Department
of Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University, New Haven,
CT, United States
Here we show how the additional degrees of freedom
of a higher order B0 shim
system can be utilized to compensate the flip angle
variations generated by RF coils. The principle of
compensation relies on linking spatially similar B0 and
B1 distributions
with an RF pulse with an appropriate frequency
response. Experimental results in the human brain at
7T show that a compensating RF pulse in combination
with a third order B0 offset
field can mitigate the flip angle variations
associated with a surface coil.
2388. |
Turbo Spin Echo
O-Space: Avoiding Artifacts and Enhancing Contrast
Gigi Galiana1, Dana Peters1,
Leo K. Tam1, and Robert Todd Constable1
1Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University,
New Haven, Connecticut, United States
O-Space imaging has been shown to provide good
reconstructions from a minimal number of echoes,
suggesting it could be a useful strategy for
accelerated imaging. To further reduce scan time, we
are developing strategies that will allow O-space
acquisitions to play out in a turbo spin echo train.
By carefully ordering the center place acquisitions,
using offsets to control the TE of low frequency
data, and applying spatially and temporally varying
filters in reconstruction, we can dramatically
reduce artifacts and improve contrast in TSE O-Space
Imaging of the Human Brain at 9.4 T Using K-Space
Weighted Acquisition
Juliane Budde1, Gunamony Shajan1,
Klaus Scheffler1,2, and Rolf Pohmann1
1Max Planck Institute for Biological
Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany, 2Department
for Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University of
Tübingen, Tuebingen, Germany
Imaging with high spatial resolutions suffers from
low SNR, long durations and high sensitivity to
artifacts. K-space weighted imaging by acquiring a
varying number of averages depending on the position
in k-space constitutes a means to reduce signal
contamination from adjacent voxels as well as to
increase the apparent SNR. The resulting advantages
are evaluated for high resolution human brain
imaging at 9.4 T, yielding a gain in SNR of between
15 % and 28 % compared to conventional 3D GRE. With
this technique, it was possible to acquire images
from the human brain with voxel volumes of 14 nl.
2390. |
SPatiotemporal ENcoding Imaging of Renal Kinetics in
Perfused Mice 
Eddy Solomon1, Avigdor Leftin1,
Peter Bendel2, and Lucio Frydman1
1Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of
Science, Rehovot, Israel, 2Chemical
Research Support, Weizmann Institute of Science,
Rehovot, Israel
One of real-time MRI’s aims is to monitor fast
dynamic processes. Here we explore the use of “ultrafastâ€
SPEN MRI, as a candidate for monitoring in real time
the injection of contrast material into a mouse at
high fields. Thanks to SPEN's ability to yield
quality images even in challenging environments and
in zoomed regions, fast perfusion phenomena could be
viewed in both or in a single mouse kidney.
Black Blood MRI of the
Carotid Arteries with Local Excitation Coils at 7 Tesla 
Tijl A. van der Velden1, Wouter Koning1,
Maarten J. Versluis2, Dennis W.J. Klomp1,
Peter R. Luijten1, and Jaco J.M.
1Radiology, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Radiology,
Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Zuid-Holland,
When imaging plaque formation in the carotid artery
black blood methods like DIR are used to increase
the contrast between the vessel wall and the lumen.
Due to the absence of a built-in volume coil the
traditional black blood methods cannot be used at 7
tesla. This work evaluated the performance of 6
different black blood methods using local excitation
coils. Evaluation was performed based on the
suppression of the blood as well as the effects on
the static tissue in a phantom setup. In-vivo
experiments with healthy volunteers were performed
to validate the performance when imaging the carotid
2392. |
Enhancement of the
Myelin Rich Regions in MR Images in the Mouse Brain in
vivo Using
IR-UTE with a Cryo-Coil at 9.4 T. 
Weronika Piedzia1, Krzysztof Jasinski1,
Katarzyna Kalita1, Boguslaw Tomanek1,2,
and Wladyslaw Piotr Weglarz1
1Department of MRI, Institute of Nuclear
Physics PAN, Krakow, Malopolskie, Poland, 2Department
of Clinical Neurosciences and Radiology, University
of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Efficiency of the IR-UTE pulse sequence in improving
contrast to noise ratio (CNR) of myelin and other
structures in mouse brain in vivo at 9.4T using
standard volume coil and CryoProbe was assessed. 2D
UTE and IR-UTE with two inversion recovery times
(TI): 500 ms and 1000 ms were used. Positive
enhancement of CNR for white matter in relation to
CSF and grey matter was observed in images obtained
with IR-UTE (TI = 1000 ms), when compared to 2D UTE.
An increase in CNR of approximately 2.5-fold was
observed using CryoProbe as compared to birdcage
coil for each structure.
2393. |
In Vivo Optimisation
of GABA Measurements in the Hippocampus Using MEGA-PRESS
at 3T
Bhavana S. Solanky1, Niamh Cawley2,
Anna Graca1, Richard Anthony Edward Edden3,4,
Olga Ciccarelli2, and Claudia Angela M.
1NMR Research Unit, Queen Square MS
Centre, Department of Neuroinflammation, UCL
Institute of Neurology, London, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, UCL Institute of
Neurology, London, United Kingdom, 3Russell
H Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological
Science, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,
United States, 4F.M.
Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging,
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United
GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter. Using
MEGA-PRESS editing techniques GABA measurements in
many areas of the brain but have been reported
mainly limited to large voxels in areas of B0
homogeneity. 1H MRS measures in the hippocampus,
which has an important role in memory and cognitive
function, are limited due its small size, strong
susceptibility changes and the pulsatile flow of
cerebrospinal fluid. This study successfully
measured GABA in vivo in the hippocampus at 3T using
cardiac triggered MEGA-PRESS. A mean value of 1.7mM
was found. This protocol allows reliable absolute
measures of GABA in the hippocampus.
2394. |
Signal Behavior of
FLASE and TSE for Measuring Trabecular Bone - Theory and
Jakob Kreutner1, Peter M. Jakob1,2,
and Daniel Haddad3
1Research Center
Magnetic-Resonance-Bavaria, Würzburg, Bavaria,
Germany, 2Experimental
Physics 5, University of Würzburg, Würzburg,
Bavaria, Germany, 3MRB
Research Center, Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany
The usage of spin echo sequences for imaging
trabecular bone is limited by the low number of
echoes that can be acquired per excitation due to
the long echo spacing compared to T2-relaxation.
Instead of using a 90° excitation pulse and wait for
full T1-relaxation, we calculated the signal for
different combinations of turbo factor, repetition
time and excitation angle with constant scan time
and compared these to a widely-used FLASE protocol.
Calculations and experiments show in good agreement,
that TSE can achieve a higher signal than FLASE at
the cost of a slightly broadened point spread
2395. |
Imaging the Mandibular
Nerve at High Isotropic Resolution Using a Turbo Spin
Echo with Local Look 
Jakob Kreutner1, Andreas J. Hopfgartner2,
Julian Boldt3, Kurt Rottner3,
Ernst J. Richter3, Peter M. Jakob1,
and Daniel Haddad4
1Research Center
Magnetic-Resonance-Bavaria, Würzburg, Bavaria,
Germany, 2Experimental
Physics 5, University of Würzburg, Würzburg,
Bavaria, Germany,3Prosthodontics, Dental
School, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Bavaria,
Germany, 4MRB
Research Center, Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany
Precise knowledge of the course of the mandibular
nerve is necessary for choosing correct positioning
and size of dental implants. Using a 3D Turbo Spin
Echo with Local Look, allows 0.5mm isotropic
resolution within 6.5 minutes scan time. The nerve
canal can be easily traced due to the high contrast
to the surrounding bone marrow. Distances can be
easily quantified and a 3D reconstruction can be
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 (13:30-15:30) Exhibition Hall |
A Simultaneous Multi-Slice
Fast-Kz RF
Pulse for Reduced B1+ Inhomogeneity 
Robert James Anderson1, Benedikt A. Poser1,
William A. Grissom2, and Victor Andrew
1Dept. of Medicine, University of Hawaii,
Honolulu, HI, United States, 2Dept.
of Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt Universiy,
Nashville, TN, United States
There is recent interest in Simultaneous Multi-Slice (SMS)
imaging because of reduced imaging times. SMS excitation
is typically achieved with a single-slice pulse
modulated to excite N identical slices. However, there
has been little work done on extending SMS excitations
to multi-dimensional RF pulses. For example, the “Fast-kz”
or “spokes” 3D RF pulse has been shown to excite thin
slices with in-plane B1+ inhomogeneity reduction. We
present a simple, analytical “proof-of-concept” SMS
Fast-kz pulse
for correcting the central brightening associated with
B1+ inhomogeneity from a volume transmitter. We
demonstrate the excitation of multiple B1+ inhomogeneity
compensated brain slices at 3T.
2397. |
Multidimensional Pulses
Based on Spatiotemporal Encoding Concepts 
Jean-Nicolas Dumez1 and
Lucio Frydman1
1Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann
Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
The concepts of spatiotemporal encoding are exploited to
design a new class of multidimensional pulses. In
particular, 2D pulses are implemented, which operate in
a hybrid direct and reciprocal excitation space. These
hybrid 2D pulses are shown to be compatible with SPEN as
well as Fourier imaging. In the case of Fourier imaging,
a self-unfolding mechanism can be used to retrieve the
region of interest even when it overlaps with excitation
sidebands, thus allowing for larger bandwidths. Phantom
experiments at 7T are used to illustrate the properties
of SPEN-based multidimensional pulses.
2398. |
Complex Multiband
Spectral-Spatial RF Pulse Design for Hyperpolarized C-13
Adam B. Kerr1, Peder E.Z. Larson2,
Daniel B. Vigneron2, and John M. Pauly1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States
A novel approach for designing multiband
spectral-spatial RF pulses with complex spectral profile
specifications is described. Example RF pulses for
application to C-13 imaging are presented and
experimentally validated. The complex profile capability
is also exploited to achieve a 20% reduction in the peak
B1 required by a complex-phase spectral-spatial pulse
compared to its linear-phase analog by optimizing the
phase for each spectral band.
2399. |
RF Pulses and Their Design Using a Rotated Shinnar-Le Roux
William A. Grissom1 and
Mark D. Does1
1Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, Tennessee, United States
A new class of B1+-selective RF pulses is presented that
produce excitation only over a prescribed |B1+|, and are
designed using the Shinnar-Le Roux algorithm. The
pulses' amplitude waveforms resemble refocused gradient
trapezoids, while their frequency waveforms resemble
sine-modulated slice-selective pulses. Simulated and
experimental validation results are presented, including
a simulated comparison to an adiabatic (BIR-4) pulse.
The pulses could be used for reduced-FOV imaging based
on B1+, or in place of non-selective adiabatic pulses,
where they would have the advantage of providing a
uniform excitation over only a prescribed B1+ range,
with a minimum pulse duration.
2400. |
A Spectral Spatial Fat
Suppressing Pulse for Simultaneous Multi-Slice Excitation 
Robert James Anderson1, Benedikt A. Poser1,
and Victor Andrew Stenger1
1Dept. of Medicine, University of Hawaii,
Honolulu, HI, United States
Two methods for achieving simultaneous multi-slice (SMS)
excitation, multi-band and PINS RF pulses, are combined
with a fat-suppressing spectral-spatial pulse in order
to minimize the time needed to acquire a single volume
of the brain. Both pulses are shown to excite only the
water signal across nine simultaneously excited slices
of a water/oil phantom and a human brain. Without the
need to run a fat-saturating pre-pulse and the almost
nine-fold reduction in acquisition times due to SMS, it
was possible to acquire a volume with voxel size
3.5x3.5x5mm3 within
a TR of 275ms.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 (13:30-15:30) Exhibition Hall |
Fat & Water: Methods & Evaluations
2401. |
Fat Suppression Using the
Gradient Reversal Technique for Continuously-Moving-Table
Whole-Body MRI: A Comparative Study
Yeji Han1, Yoojin Lee1, Dong Chan
Kim1, Joonsoo Kim1, and HyunWook
1Department of Electrical Engineering, Korea
Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon,
Daejeon, Korea
Continuously moving table (CMT) MRI is an efficient
whole-body (wb) imaging technique for screening-type
applications, which provides spatially and temporally
continuous images. However, CMT-MRI has to pay careful
attention to fat suppression because the rationale
behind the conventional fat suppression approaches,
including short tau inversion recovery (STIR) and fat
saturation, is not applicable to the CMT cases. In this
abstract, we propose an expansion of the GR technique
for CMT sequences and compare it with other fat
suppression techniques to demonstrate the efficiency of
the GR algorithm for fat suppression.
Utilization of a BSSFP
Signal Model for Improved Fat/Water Decomposition in BSSFP
Breast Imaging 
Leah C. Henze Bancroft1, Diego Hernando2,
Kevin M. Johnson3, Frederick Kelcz4,
Roberta Strigel4, and Walter F. Block3,5
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United
States, 3Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI,
United States, 4Radiology,
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, WI, United
States, 5Biomedical
Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison,
WI, United States
The IDEAL fat/water decomposition algorithm makes use of
multipeak fat model that improves decomposition process
with Gradient Echo and Spin Echo sequences. However,
when a bSSFP sequence is used the resulting signal
magnitude and phase responses can differ significantly
from the standard multipeak fat signal model. Presented
here are previously uncharacterized changes to this
model due to bulk phase changes and amplitude
modulations that occur with the use of a bSSFP sequence
as well as a method for incorporating this model into a
fat/water decomposition algorithm.
Balanced SSFP-Like Imaging
with Simultaneous Water-Fat Separation and Band Reduction
Using Small-Tip Fast Recovery 
Feng Zhao1, Hao Sun2, Jon-Fredrik
Nielsen1, Jeffrey A. Fessler3, and
Douglas C. Noll1
1Biomedical Engineering, The University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 2EECS,
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United
States, 3EECS,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
We propose to use a bSSFP-like imaging sequence,
referred to as Small-tip Fast Recovery imaging (STFR),
to simultaneously suppress banding artifacts and
separate water/fat. This method works for both small and
large tip angles, which is advantageous over a recently
proposed bSSFP-based fat suppression method called LAMA.
2404. |
Better Fat Saturation
Employing DRFS 
Xiaocheng Wei1, Yongchuan Lai1,
and Weiwei Zhang1
1GE Healthcare, Beijing, Beijing, China
The traditional chemical shift selective (CHESS)
radiofrequency pulse is often ineffective in suppressing
lipid within a large field of view (FOV) due to the
presence of B0 inhomogeneity. In this abstract, we
propose a new method to suppress lipid signal,
Dual-Region Fat Saturation (DRFS). DRFS divides a scan
region into multiple sub-regions, in which the shimming
could then be applied independently. Volunteer results
show that compared with CHESS, DRFS could achieve better
and uniform fat suppression across entire FOV, which
enable DRFS a much broader application.
2405. |
Respiratory Self-Gating for
Free-Breathing Quantitative Fat/Water Imaging in the Abdomen 
Tianjing Zhang1,2, Ning Jin1,3,
Weiguo Li1,4, Xiaoming Yin1, and
Andrew C. Larson1,2
1Radiology Department, Northwestern
University, Chicago, Illinois, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering Department, Northwestern University,
Evanston, Illinois, United States, 3Siemens
Healthcare, Columbus, Ohio, United States, 4University
of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States
This work introduces the combination of free-breathing
technology with a fat/water separation method. A revised
MGRE sequence was implemented to acquire imaging data
during each volunteer’s free-breathing process, followed
by an off-line image reconstruction. After that a global
optimization algorithm was performed for fat/water
separation. The results demonstrated that respiratory
self-gated multiple gradient recalled echo sequence with
the variable projection fat/water separation method is
efficient in reducing the motion artifacts in abdominal
imaging. In that way there are no restrictions for slice
coverage, spatial resolution as well as scan time in the
abdominal fat/water separation applications.
2406. |
Improved Single-Pass Dual
Echo Dixon Imaging with Ramp Sampling and Flexible Echo
Ken-Pin Hwang1,2, Olen Rambow2,
Ersin Bayram3, John D. Hazle2,
John E. Madewell4, Zachary W. Slavens5,
Anthony T. Vu5, and Jingfei Ma2
1Global Applied Science Laboratory, General
Electric Healthcare, Houston, TX, United States, 2Department
of Imaging Physics, University of Texas MD Anderson
Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States, 3Global
Applied Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Houston, TX,
United States, 4Department
of Radiology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston, TX, United States, 5MR
Engineering, General Electric Healthcare, Waukesha, WI,
United States
Errors in conventional two-point fat-water separation
methods may occur when acquired echo times deviate far
from those expected by the separation algorithm.
Single-pass, dual-echo sequences are particularly
vulnerable when pursuing high resolution at higher field
strengths, where the increased frequency shift of lipid
demands shorter echo times and echo spacings. This study
alleviates this resolution limitation by extending the
sampling window to the ramps of the readout pulses and
freeing the echo time constraints with a flexible TE
algorithm. With this combined method, we demonstrate
improved spatial resolution while also improving the
overall scan efficiency the sequence.
Selectivity Using Spatiotemporal Encoding 
Jean-Nicolas Dumez1, Rita Schmidt1,
and Lucio Frydman1
1Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann
Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
A mechanism based on spatiotemporal encoding is
exploited to add spectral selectivity to a pair of
slice-selective frequency-swept pulses. The SPEN-based
SPSP selectivity is used for fat suppression in
spin-echo imaging. It does not require fast oscillating
gradients and provides high-quality slice profiles. It
can also be used to acquire images for two chemical
species simultaneously. These concepts are illustrated
with phantom experiments at 7T. Examples of fat
suppression and water/fat imaging are also shown for
breast imaging of human volunteers at 3T.
2408. |
A Systematic Evaluation of
an Auto Regressive Moving Average (ARMA) Model for Fat-Water
Quantification and Simultaneous T2* Mapping 
Axel J. Krafft1, Brian Allen Taylor1,
Hannah Lin1,2, Ralf B. Loeffler1,
and Claudia M. Hillenbrand1
1Radiological Sciences, St. Jude Children's
Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United States, 2Rhodes
College, Memphis, TN, United States
Iron overload assessment is one of the most prominent
applications of multi-echo GRE-based quantitative T2* mapping.
One of the major confounding factors arises in the
presence of fat due to additional modulations of the
mGRE signal. However, these modulations can be modeled
and have led to dedicated techniques for fat-water
quantification with T2* estimation.
Here, we systematically analyze a recently proposed
autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model for its
ability to simultaneously quantify fat-water
concentrations and the associated T2* times.
The ARMA model is compared to conventional fitting
approaches and evaluated in phantoms and volunteer data.
2409. |
Single-Point Fat-Water
Separation Using a Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm 
Junmin Liu1, David W. Holdsworth1,2,
and Maria Drangova1,2
1Imaging Research Laboratories, Robarts
Research Institute, Schulich School of Medicine &
Dentistry, University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, Canada,2Department of Medical
Biophysics, Shulich School of Medicine & Dentistry,
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
A single-point Dixon fat-water separation method is
presented to address the concern of relative long scan
times associated with multi-echo acquisition. The method
derives field maps using the bias-corrected fuzzy
C-means (BCFCM) algorithm from a single-echo data set.
In vivo 3D experimental results demonstrate that the
proposed technique offers robust fat-water separation
from a single data set; the results are compared those
generated by the three-point IDEAL technique.
2410. |
A Geometric Interpretation
of Water-Fat Identification in Two-Point Dixon Imaging
Without Phase Correction 
Olen Rambow1, John D. Hazle1, John
Clark2, and Jingfei Ma1
1Imaging Physics Department, University of
Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United
States, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering, Rice University, Houston, TX,
United States
The possible solutions to the signal equations in
two-point Dixon imaging are the intersection points of
two ellipses in the water-fat plane. When the multi-peak
spectrum of fat is included in the signal model, the
ellipses tilt in such a way that at certain echo time
combinations only one solution remains in the region
where water and fat are both non-negative. This makes it
possible to select the correct solution without phase
correction. Simulation, phantom, and in vivo data show
that the accuracy achievable by this method depends on
both SNR and the echo times.
2411. |
Water/Fat Decomposition
Using Globally Optimal Non-Iterative Graph Surface
Chen Cui1, Xiaodong Wu2, Milan
Sonka2, and Mathews Jacob2
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, The
University of Iowa, Iowa city, IA, United States, 2Electrical
and Computer Engineering, The University of Iowa, Iowa
city, Iowa, United States
We introduce a novel fat-water decomposition based on
non-iterative graph surface estimation.Global optimum of
solution is guaranteed through 3D graph searching
scheme. Method is applicable to multi-fat peaks
situtation. Method are tested on multiple clinical
datasets successfully. Computation expense is saved
significantly compared to other major algorithms.
2412. |
Noniterative Closed Form
Solution to Multipeak Proton-Density Fat Fraction Estimation 
Takeshi Yokoo1,2, Qing Yuan1, and
Ivan E. Dimitrov2,3
1Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center,
Dallas, TX, United States, 2Advanced
Imaging Research Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center,
Dallas, TX, United States,3Phillips Medical
Systems, Highland Heights, OH, United States
This proof of concept study shows that a closed form
estimation of multipeak proton-density fat fraction is
possible using multiecho gradient-echo imaging. It
compares favorably to the conventional nonlinear
least-square fitting methods.
2413. |
Optimization of Fat-Water
Separation Algorithm Selection and Options Using Image-Based
Metrics with Validation by ISMRM Fat-Water Challenge
David S. Smith1, Johan Berglund2,
Joel Kullberg3, Håkan Ahlström3,
Malcolm J. Avison4, and E. Brian Welch5
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, Tennessee, United States, 2Philips
Healthcare, Stockholm, Sweden, 3Department
of Radiology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 4Department
of Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Tennessee, United States, 5Department
of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, Tennessee, United States
This research describes a robust fat-water separation
algorithm for multi-echo MRI applicable to datasets
spanning a wide range of anatomy, magnetic field
strengths and collected echo times. The algorithm is
validated in the context of the 2012 ISMRM Fat-Water
Challenge. We show evidence of the power of image-based
metrics to predict the best (or nearly best) option
among multiple results obtained with various advanced
fat-water separation algorithms. No matter the contest
outcome, we look forward to sharing the full details of
our final algorithm and to seeing many excellent
solutions developed by other teams participating in the
ISMRM Fat-Water Challenge.
2414. |
A Novel Tiered,
Multi-Threaded Region Growing Algorithm for Improved Phase
Correction for Two-Point Dixon Imaging 
Jingfei Ma1 and
John D. Hazle1
1Imaging Physics, MD Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, TX, United States
We present a novel tiered, multi-threaded region growing
algorithm for two-point Dixon water and fat imaging that
can overcome the difficulty in phase correction when
regions of large noise, artefacts, or isolated tissues
are present. Each thread of processing starts from an
initial seed and covers only a high-quality region
containing the initial seed. Tiered seed masks serve as
a quality metric and allow more trusted regions to be
processed first even when completely isolated regions
are present. Successful application of the algorithm is
demonstrated for processing in vivo two-point Dixon
2415. |
Water-Fat Identification
for Analytical Multipoint Dixon’s Method 
Dinghui Wang1 and
James G. Pipe1
1Neuroimaging Research, Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States
The recently proposed analytical formula obtains two
sets of solutions of the field map, water and fat from
images acquired at multiple points with flexible TE
increments. We propose a post-processing based on
regional iteration and region growing to reliably
extract the correct field map from the two solutions.
The field map can then be used to recalculate water and
fat, and correct imaging artifacts such as blurring in
spiral imaging. Results of the implementation with 3D
spiral imaging suggest the feasibility of the method for
a wide range of field map using short, uneven TE
2416. |
Effects of Denoising in the
Estimation of T2* from Images Acquired Through Dixon Imaging 
Rodrigo Moreno1, Thobias Romu2,
Olof Dahlqvist Leinhard1, Magnus Borga2,
and Ebo de Muinck1
1Department of Medical and Health Sciences,
Linköping University, Linköping, Östergötland, Sweden, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Linköping University,
Linköping, Östergötland, Sweden
This abstract explores the effect of prefiltering in the
estimation of T2* from images acquired through symmetric
Dixon imaging. Non-stationary Gaussian noise is removed
from 8-point Dixon images acquired from the abdomen. T2*
is computed by curve fitting of the in-phase images and
the improvement of the estimation is computed through
R2. The mean of R2 in is improved with the filtering
from 0.73 to 0.75, from 0.84 to 0.89 and from 0.84 to
0.93 for fat- and water-dominant regions and ROIs in the
liver respectively. Results suggest that advanced signal
model fitting is only necessary in the fat-dominant
2417. |
Comparison of Accuracy and
Precision of Image-Based Fat Quantification with Different
Flip Angle Approaches in Skeletal Muscle 
Pernilla Peterson1 and
Sven Månsson1
1Medical Radiation Physics, Malmö, Lund
University, Malmö, Sweden
This study aims at investigating the potential gain in
precision using large or dual flip angles (FAs) for
quantification of fat fraction (FF) in skeletal muscles,
compared to a small FA approach. The accuracy and
precision within muscle tissue in the lower leg of five
lymphedema patients was investigated using small, large,
and dual FAs. There was no improvement in precision of
FF quantification from using neither a large nor dual FA
approach. The large FA approach also resulted in a clear
overestimation of the FFs. In conclusion, a small FA
approach is preferable for FF quantification in skeletal
2418. |
Validation of a Convex
Relaxation Approach for Field Map Estimation 
Abraam S. Soliman1,2, Jing Yuan2,
Terry M. Peters1,2, and Charles A. McKenzie1,3
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Imaging
Research Laboratories, Robarts Research Institute,
London, Ontario, Canada,3Medical Biophysics,
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
MRI provides a unique ability to distinguish fat and
water signals based on their unique chemical shifts. A
successful separation largely relies on the correct
estimation of B0 magnetic field inhomogeneities. In this
work, we validate a previously proposed approach for
field map estimation using datasets provided by the
ISMRM challenge for water-fat reconstruction. All the
datasets acquired with equally-spaced echo-times were
processed by our technique. The average online scoring
was 98.78 %, demonstrating that our method can be
reliably applied on a wide variety of anatomies in
clinical practice.
2419. |
Comparison of Hepatic Fat
Measurements Using Dual-Echo MDIXON Imaging and 1H
MRS with Fat Phantom Validation 
Paul Begovatz1, Peter Nowotny1,
Tomas Jelenik1, Bettina Nowotny1,
Birgit Klüppelholz2, Guido Giani2,
Juergen Bunke3, Michael Roden1,4,
and Jong-Hee Hwang1
1Institute of Clinical Diabetology, German
Diabetes Center, Duesseldorf, Germany, 2Institute
for Biometry and Epidemiology, German Diabetes Center,
Duesseldorf, Germany, 3Philips
Healthcare, Hamburg, Germany, 4Department
of Metabolic Diseases, University Clinics, Heinrich
Heine University, Duesseldorf, Germany
DIXON imaging is increasingly being used for liver fat
quantification with a flexible Dual-Echo (mDIXON)
technique recently introduced that provides a higher SNR
through very short echo times. Tests of mDIXON versus
1H-MRS were conducted in a set of fat phantoms and human
subjects. mDIXON showed a good correlation (slope=1.00,
r=0.99, p<.001, intercept=4.5%) in the fat phantoms, and
between mDIXON and 1H-MRS in vivo hepatic fat
(slope=1.07, r=0.96, p<.001, intercept=1.6%). This shows
that mDIXON can be used to detect changes in liver fat
due to intervention in diabetics, but more work must be
done for accurate disease diagnosis.
2420. |
IDEAL Fat-Water Separation
for the Detection and Characterization of Subcutaneous
Andreas Petrovic1, Clemens Diwoky2,
Eva Hassler1, Kathrin Ogris1, and
Eva Scheurer1
1Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for
Clinical-Forensic Imaging, Graz, Austria, 2Institute
for Medical Engineering, Graz University of Technology,
Graz, Austria
In forensic medicine the morphological characterization
of subcutaneous (s.c.) hemorrhage caused by violent
events is highly desired. Detailed knowledge of the
origin and age of injury can help to reconstruct the
sequence of events. However, accurate dating of s.c.
hemorrhage is still an unsolved problem. In this study
we examined volunteers with artificially created
hematomas at several points in time after hematoma
creation using the IDEAL fat-water separation technique.
We found that with this method excellent delineation of
s.c. hemorrhage is possible. Additionally, ROI analysis
of water fraction images indicates a systematic decrease
of water fraction with time.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 (13:30-15:30) Exhibition Hall |
2421. |
in vivo Quantification
of Local Transient Softening in the Juvenile Rat Brain After
Cannabinoïd Treatment: First Indications for Neuronal
Simon Chatelin1, Marie Humbert-Claude2,
Philippe Garteiser1, Valérie Vilgrain1,3,
Bernard E. Van Beers1,3, Zsolt Lenkei2,
and Ralph Sinkus1
1U773-CRB3, INSERM, Université Paris Diderot,
Sorbonne Paris Cité, Paris, France, 2Laboratoire
de Neurobiologie, ESPCI-CNRS UMR 7637, ESPCI-ParisTech,
Paris, France,3Department of Radiology,
University Hospitals Paris Nord Val de Seine, Beaujon,
Clichy, France
Recent studies suggest a significant influence of type-1
cannabinoïd receptors (CB1R) on the puberty maturation
processes. A preliminary study showed a decrease of the
hippocampus elasticity after CB1R agonist injection. The
aim of this study is to assess the significance and
causes of this effect in the hippocampus of juvenile
rats. The first step consists in the comparison of
hippocampus elasticity and cerebral blood flow (CBF)
values, from MR–Elastography (MRE) and Flow-sensitive
Alternating Inversion Recovery (FAIR) perfusion imaging
respectively, after CB1R activation. In a second step,
the sensitivity of MRE to CBF modifications is assessed
using the vasodilator nicardipine.
2422. |
Measuring the
Characteristic Topography of Brain Stiffness with Magnetic
Resonance Elastography
Matthew C. Murphy1, John Huston1,
Clifford R. Jack1, Kevin J. Glaser1,
Matthew L. Senjem1, Jun Chen1,
Armando Manduca2, Joel P. Felmlee1,
and Richard Leroy Ehman1
1Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, MN, United States, 2Department
of Physiology and Biomedical Engineering, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, MN, United States
In this work, we present a novel MR elastography
pipeline for measuring regional brain stiffness free of
edge-related bias and with high test-retest reliability.
Repeatability was measured in 10 healthy volunteers, and
the results indicated that typical errors for measuring
global and regional brain stiffness were <1% and <2%,
respectively. Furthermore, the results show that the
mechanical properties of the brain follow a
characteristic topography. Considering the lobes of the
brain, stiffness is greatest in the occipital lobes,
followed by the frontal lobes, the temporal lobes and
finally the parietal lobes.
2423. |
Mechanical Properties of
the Frontal Lobe Gray and White Matter Measured Using MR
Elastography with Soft Prior Regularization 
Matthew D.J. McGarry1, Curtis Jonhson2,3,
Elijah Van Houten4, Bradley P. Sutton3,5,
John G. Georgiadis2,3, John Weaver1,6,
and Keith D. Paulsen1,7
1Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth
College, Hanover, NH, United States, 2Department
of Mechanical Science and Engineering, University of
Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, United
States, 3Beckman
institute for Advanced Science and Technology,
University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Urbana,
Illinois, United States, 4Department
of Mechanical Engineering, University de Sherbrooke,
Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada, 5Department
of Bioengineering, University of Illinois at Urbana
Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, United States, 6Department
of Radiology, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center,
Lebanon, NH, United States, 7Norris
Cotton Cancer Center, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical
Center, Lebanon, NH, United States
A method of including spatial information in MR
elastography mechanical property reconstruction is
presented. Soft prior regularization is implemented
through the addition of a penalty term to the objective
function of a non-linear inversion algorithm to favor
solutions with homogeneous property values in predefined
spatial regions. Viscoelastic properties of the gray and
white matter of the frontal lobe are presented to
demonstrate the technique.
2424. |
in vivo Waveguide
Elastography of the Corona Radiata 
Anthony J. Romano1, Michael Scheel2,
Sebastian Hirsch3, Juergen Braun4,
and Ingolf Sack2
1Physical Acoustics, Naval Research
Laboratory, Washington, DC, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Charite-Universitatsmedizin, Berlin,
Germany, 3Department
of Radiology, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
Berlin, Germany, 4Institute
of Medical Informatics, Charite - University Medicine
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
White matter is composed primarily of myelinated axons
which form fibrous, organized structures and can act as
waveguides for the anisotropic propagation of sound. The
evaluation of their elastic properties reguires both
knowledge of the orientation of these waveguides in
space, as well as knowledge of the waves propagating
along and through them. Here, we present waveguide
elastography for the evaluation of the elastic
properties of the Corona Radiata, In Vivo, using a
fusion of MRE, DTI, and anisotropic inversions. It is
shown that the Corona Radiata can be characterized by
Orthotropic anisotropy.
MR Elastography Reveals the
Local Properties of White Matter Structures
Curtis L. Johnson1,2, Matthew D.J. McGarry3,
John B. Weaver3,4, Keith D. Paulsen3,4,
Huan Wang2,5, William C. Olivero2,5,
Bradley P. Sutton2,6, and John G. Georgiadis1,2
1Mechanical Science and Engineering,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL,
United States, 2Beckman
Institute for Advanced Science and Technology,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL,
United States, 3Thayer
School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH,
United States, 4Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, United States, 5Surgery,
University of Illinois Medical School, Urbana, IL,
United States, 6Bioengineering,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL,
United States
Multishot MRE sequences for the brain allow for the
acquisition of high-resolution displacement data, which
can be used to create shear modulus maps with spatial
variations consistent with white matter architecture.
Through atlas-based segmentation, the mechanical
properties of the corpus callosum and corona radiata are
quantified. Healthy subjects are used to show that these
structures are distinct from each other and from the
total white matter. The reliability of these local
measures is demonstrated through multiple scans of a
single subject. This work shows that localized
differences in brain mechanical properties may be
investigated using high-resolution MRE.
2426. |
Magnetic Resonance
Elastography of the Upper Airways with Guided Pressure Waves
Pascal Hagot1, Emeline Lamain2,
Tom Doel3, Xavier Maître1,
Redouane Fodil4, and Luc Darrasse1
1IR4M(UMR8081), Univ Paris-Sud, CNRS, Orsay,
France, 2Service
de Neuroradiologie, Univ Paris-Sud, Hôpital Bicêtre, Le
Kremlin-Bicêtre, France, 3Oxford
University Computing Laboratory, Univ of Oxford, Oxford,
United Kingdom, United Kingdom, 4IRMB,
Univ Paris XII, INSERM (U955), Creteil, France
Localisation of collapses in the upper airways of
patients woth obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is a
critical issue to guide and individualize the potential
surgical option and procedures. Acoustic measurements
may provide valuable information on the upper airway
conformation and allow discrimination of healthy and
pathological region. Mean amplitudes per slice ranged
between 13 and 42 μm along the anterior-posterior
direction, 11 and 43 μm along the feet-head direction,
11 and 47 μm along the right-left direction. The
generated pressure wave is efficiently guided through
the upper airways from the mouth down to the end of the
2427. |
Automated Analysis of
Hepatic MR Elastography Images with Motion Artifacts and
Signal Inhomogeneities 
Bogdan Dzyubak1, Armando Manduca2,
Kevin J. Glaser2, Meng Yin2, and
Richard Leroy Ehman2
1Mayo Graduate School, Mayo Clinic,
Rochester, MN, United States, 2Radiology,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
MR Elastography (MRE) is increasingly being adopted as a
practical approach for clinical diagnosis and staging of
hepatic fibrosis using noninvasive measurements of liver
stiffness. A fully automated algorithm that determines
appropriate ROIs from which to report tissue stiffness
and agrees with expert readers has been presented
previously. Improvements that enable the algorithm to
analyze images with motion artifact, signal
inhomogeneity, and low edge contrast are presented here.
The stiffnesses calculated by the algorithm across 500
cases had a similar discrepancy with clinical readers as
the inter-reader discrepancy reported by our previous
2428. |
Multifrequency MRE of Human
Liver Specimen: Sensitivity of Viscoelastic Powerlaw
Constants to the Collagen Matrix in Hepatic Fibrosis 
Ingolf Sack1, Rolf Reiter1,
Korinna Joehrens2, Andreas Fehlner3,
Sebastian Hirsch1, Jing Guo4,
Rajan Somasundaram5, Daniel Seehofer6,
Carsten Kamphues6, Abbas Samani7,
and Juergen Braun8
1Department of Radiology, Charité -
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2Department
of Pathology, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 3Department
of Radiology, Charité University Medicine, Berlin,
Berlin, Germany, 4Department
of Radiology, Charite - University Medicine Berlin,
Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 5Interdisciplinary
Rescue Center, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 6Department
of Transplantation Surgery, Charité -
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 7Department
of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of
Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 8Institute
of Medical Informatics, Charite - University Medicine
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Elastography has been established for the clinical
assessment of liver fibrosis. However, little is known
about the relationship between viscoelastic constants
and pathophysiological mechanisms in the liver. In this
study, samples of the liver of 16 patients with
different degrees of fibrosis, inflammation and
steatosis were investigated by wide-range MRE and by
static indentation for the interaction between
mechanical constants and structural parameters of human
liver according to histology, matrix protein
quantification and function tests. As a main result, MRE
was the most sensitive modality to the degree of
fibrosis outperforming static indentation experiments
and chemical quantification of matrix proteins.
2429. |
MR Elastography of ex
Vivo Prostate
Cancer at Multiple Frequencies at 7T 
Ramin S. Sahebjavaher1, Guy Nir1,
Mohammad Honarvar1, Andrew Yung1,
Piotr Kozlowski1, Louis O. Gagnon1,
Edward C. Jones1, Garteiser Philippe2,
Ralph Sinkus2, Silvia Chang1,
Larry Goldenberg1, and Septimiu E. Salcudean1
1University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
BC, Canada, 2Institut
National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM),
Paris, Île-de-France, France
MR elastography (MRE) is performed on ex-vivo prostate
cancer specimens. The viscoelastic properties are probed
at three frequencies. The reconstructed maps of both the
shear (Gd) and loss (Gl) moduli registered to
whole-mount histopathology can distinguish cancerous
from healthy tissue. The ability to extract frequency
dependent information is also assessed.
2430. |
3D Multifrequency Abdominal
MR Elastography Using a Piezoelectric Driver, Single-Shot
Wave-Field Acquisition, and Multifrequency Dual Parameter
Jing Guo1, Sebastian Hirsch2, Rolf
Reiter1, Thomas Kroencke1, Patrick
Asbach3, Juergen Braun4, and
Ingolf Sack1
1Department of Radiology, Charite -
University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2Department
of Radiology, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 3MVZ
CBF Radiologie, Charite - University Medicine Berlin,
Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 4Department
of Medical Informatics, Charite - University Medicine
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany
3D multifrequency MRE including nonmagnetic shear wave
excitation and least-squares multifrequency inversion is
introduced for improving the spatial resolution in
abdominal-MRE viscoelasticity maps. The new method is
demonstrated in health volunteers and patients with
ascites and portal hypertension. All three technical
key-points, driver, single-shot wave field acquisition
and dual parameter inversion, are new in their
application to abdominal MRE and contribute to an
improved clinical protocol for the precise and spatially
highly resolved mechanical assessment of the liver and
the spleen.
2431. |
Waveguide Magnetic
Resonance Elastography of the Heart 
Anthony J. Romano1, Ria Mazumder2,
Seongjin Choi3, Bradley Dean Clymer4,
Richard White5, and Arunark Kolipaka5
1Physical Acoustics, Naval Research
Laboratory, Washington, DC, United States, 2Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH, United States,3Radiology, The
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States, 4Electrical
and Computer Engineering, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH, United States,5Radiology and
Internal Medicine, Ohio State University Wexner Medical
Center, Columbus, OH, United States
Previously, we implemented a method called Waveguide
Elastography in the analysis of the orthotropic elastic
parameters of the corticospinal tracts (CSTs) in the
brains of five healthy volunteers. Here, we extend this
method in the analysis of an ex-vivo, porcine heart. We
used our method to evaluate the anisotropic shear
coefficients C44and C55 within
the three layers of myocardial fibers (i.e. the
epicardial, myocardial, and endocardial). We found that
there was significant variation within the shear
coefficients indicating that the heart is, at a minimum,
orthotropic, with stiffness values ranging from 40-60
2432. |
MR Elastography as a Method
to Determine the Mechanical Properties of Fresh and Formalin
Fixed Porcine Hearts
Ria Mazumder1, Bradley Dean Clymer1,
Richard White2,3, and Arunark Kolipaka2,3
1Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
United States, 2Deparment
of Radiology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
United States, 3Deptarment
of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiology, The Ohio
State University, Columbus, OH, United States
Formalin fixed hearts have been actively used in
research to study mechanical properties such as
stiffness of left ventricular (LV) myocardium. However,
the stiffness of the fresh hearts greatly differs from
that of the formalin fixed hearts. Mechanical testing
has been the gold standard to determine the stiffness of
the myocardium. In this study MR Elastography is used to
compare the stiffness of LV myocardium between fresh and
formalin fixed hearts within the same animal specimen.
We have observed that formalin fixed hearts are
significantly stiffer than the fresh hearts.
2433. |
Quantification of Aortic
Stiffness Using MR Elastography and Its Comparison to Pulse
Wave Velocity: Early Validation 
Aniurdh Damughatla1, Brian Raterman2,
Orlando P. Simonetti2,3, Travis
Sharkey-Toppen4, Ning Jin5,
Richard White2, and Arunark Kolipaka2,3
1Biomedical Engineering, The Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio, United States, 2Radiology,
The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, United
States, 3Internal
Medicine, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, The Ohio
State University, Columbus, Ohio, United States, 4Davis
Heart & Lung Institute, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio, United States, 5Siemens
Medical Solutions, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
Ohio, United States
In aortic aneurysm or Marfan syndrome the stiffness of
the aorta varies spatially, however clinical techniques
provide global measure of stiffness. Therefore, there is
a need for spatial estimation of stiffness of aorta
non-invasively. The purpose of the study is to compare
the abdominal aortic stiffness obtained using MRI based
pulse wave velocity (PWV) measurements against magnetic
resonance elastography (MRE) based stiffness
measurements in normal volunteers with increase in age.
The MRE stiffness values and PWV values plotted against
age resulted in similar correlation in the in initial
pool of data demonstrating initial feasibility in the
same imaging plane.
2434. |
Motion Correction in MR-Elastography 
Marion Tardieu1, Marie Poirier-Quinot1,
Emeline Lamain1, Ralph Sinkus2,
Luc Darrasse1, and Xavier Maître1
1IR4M (UMR8081), CNRS, Univ Paris-Sud, Orsay,
France, 2Centre
de Recherches Biomédicales Bichat-Beaujon (UMR773),
CRB3, Inserm, Paris, France
MR-elastography (MRE) aims at characterizing the
properties of tissues by motion sensitized phase
measurements, and had to cope with the intrinsic motions
of the patient itself. A method taking account a
correction for both spatial and displacement field
component is proposed and is evaluated on a numerical
brain phantom: a degradation of a in vivo 3D MRE
acquisition (without motion) by 3D rotations between the
three spatial encoded directions. The standard deviation
of the difference between the reference acquisition
phase and the motion simulated one decreased of about a
factor 3 to 6 for motion angle of 0.5° to 5°.
2435. |
Noise Robust Inverse
Laplacian Operator Based Reconstruction of Global Elastic
Parameters in Magnetic Resonance Elastography. 
Sebastian Papazoglou1,2, Heiko Tzschaetzsch1,
Juergen Braun3, and Ingolf Sack1
1Radiology, Charité University Medicine,
Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2NeuroCure
Clinical Research Center, Charité University Medicine,
Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 3Medical
Informatics, Charite - University Medicine Berlin,
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) provides
diagnostically significant average viscoelastic
parameters in organs with good signal to noise ratio (SNR)
such as, e.g. the human liver. Usually, parameter
reconstruction in MRE requires the computation of noise
amplifying derivatives and also involves the inversion
of noisy wave data. Therefore this direct approach is
ineffective in case of very low SNR, e.g. in MRE on the
human lung. In this study we present an approach based
on the wave equation featuring the inverse Laplace
operator, which requires no inversion to robustly
recover global viscoelastic parameters even in presence
of strong noise.
2436. |
MR Elastography Using
Switching-Gradient-Induced Vibration of the Patient Table -
Assessment of Reproducibility -
Mikio Suga1,2, Takayuki Obata2,
Hajime Ikeda1, Atsuhisa Koyama1,
Tetsuya Wakayama3, and Riwa Kishimoto2
1Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba
University, Chiba, Chiba, Japan, 2National
Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Chiba, Japan, 3GE
Healthcare Japan, Hino, Tokyo, Japan
Magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) is a noninvasive
technique for measuring tissue viscoelasticity.
Switching-gradient(s)-induced vibration (SGIV) can be
used as a mechanical driving mechanism for MRE. The
advantage of this approach is that it can be easily
adapted for clinical application, but the
reproducibility of measurements has not been confirmed.
To evaluate reproducibility of MRE scanning with SGIV (MREwSGIV),
this study compared shear wave amplitudes in gel
phantoms of different weight and measured the
viscoelasticity of the human brain at specific
mechanical resonance frequencies twice. The results
suggest that MREwSGIV enables reproducible measurements
of brain elasticity.
2437. |
Simple MR Elastography: A
Gradient-Echo Type Multiecho MR Sequence 
Tomokazu Numano1,2, Junichi Hata3,
Kazuyuki Mizuhara4, Kouichi Takamoto5,
Toshikatsu Washio2, Hisao Nishijo6,
Kazuo Yagi1, and Kazuhiro Homma2
1Radiological Science, Tokyo Metropolitan
University, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 2Institute
for Human Science and Biomedical Engineering, National
Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
(AIST), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 3The
University of Tokyo Hospital, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 4Mechanical
Engineering, Tokyo Denki University, Adachi-ku, Tokyo,
Japan, 5Department
of Judo Neurophysiotherapy, University of Toyama,
Toyama, Toyama, Japan, 6System
Emotional Science (Physiology), University of Toyama,
Toyama, Toyama, Japan
In this work we report on the development of a new
technique for non-MSG MR Elastography sequence based
upon a gradient-echo type multiecho MR sequence. In
contrast to multiecho imaging major benefit of
shortening acquisition time, we use the other benefit;
separate images are produced from each echo of the train
with different TE. When the period of actuator-generated
vibration and the multiecho readout gradient lobes are
in agreement, the MSG-like effect serves as the maximum.
Moreover, the later generated echo is the greater the
MSG-like effect (1st<2nd<3rd...), the non-MSG MRE
multiecho sequences include images with different
MSG-like effects are used to obtain various
simultaneously without increasing the acquisition time.
2438. |
Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Enhanced Anisotropic MRE of the Brain 
Guangqiang Geng1, Michael Green1,
Caroline Rae1,2, Ralph Sinkus3,
Roland G. Henry4, and Lynne E. Bilston1,5
1Neuroscience Research Australia, Sydney,
NSW, Australia, 2UNSW,
Sydney, NSW, Australia, 3Centre
de Recherches Biomédicales Bichat-Beaujon, Paris,
France,4Departments of Radiology and
Biomedical Imaging, Neurology, and Bioengineering
Graduate Group, University of California, San Francisco,
California, United States, 5Prince
of Wales Clinical School, UNSW, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) measures the
mechanical properties of the brain in vivo. Most brain
MRE studies have assumed isotropy regardless to the
anisotropy shown by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). We
combine MRE and DTI to investigate the anisotropic
viscoelasticity of human brains. In WM, shear modulus
(µ┴=2.44±0.05kPa) and its anisotropy (µFA=0.32±0.01)
were significantly greater (ANOVA, p=0.0107 and 0.0011)
than in GM (µ┴= 2.02±0.07kPa, µFA=0.24±0.00), consistent
with rheological measurements. Also, μFA increased
significantly (p<0.0001) from 0.27 to 0.35 when DTI FA
increased from 0.26 to 0.54. DTI enhanced MRE enabled a
reliable mapping for the anisotropic viscoelasticity of
human brains.
2439. |
High Resolution 3D
Multifrequency MR Elastography at 7T 
Juergen Braun1, Ralf Lützkendorf2,
Jing Guo3, Sebastian Hirsch4,
Andreas Fehlner5, Ingolf Sack5,
and Johannes Bernarding6
1Department of Medical Informatics, Charite -
University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2Department
for Biometry and Medical Informatics, Otto-von-Guericke
University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany, 3Department
of Radiology, Charite - University Medicine Berlin,
Berlin, Germany, 4Department
of Radiology, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin,
Berlin, Germany, 5Department
of Radiology, Charité University Medicine, Berlin,
Germany, 6Department
for Biometry and Medical Informatics, Otto von Guericke
University, Magdeburg, Germany
3D multifrequency MRE at 7 T MRI combined with
least-squares multifrequency inversion was applied to
five healthy volunteers in order to demonstrate the
capability of cerebral MRE for providing maps of
viscoelastic parameters with high spatial resolution.
Our results show that the spatial resolution of
viscoelastic parameter maps can approach the resolution
of anatomical MR images. Viscoelastic parameters are
significantly higher for white matter compared to gray
matter. Ultrahigh field 3D multifrequency MRE may be
used in the clinic for the mechanical characterization
of tumors or neurodegenerative processes.
2440. |
Magnetic Resonance
Elastography for the Measurement of the Bulk Modulus in
Compressible Materials. 
Sebastian Hirsch1, Frauke Beyer1,
Sebastian Papazoglou1, Jing Guo2,
Juergen Braun3, and Ingolf Sack1
1Department of Radiology, Charité -
Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2Department
of Radiology, Charite - University Medicine Berlin,
Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 3Institute
of Medical Informatics, Charite - University Medicine
Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Compressible phantoms comprising agarose gel with
gas-filled cavities were examined by a rheometer device
and MR Elastography (MRE). An effective medium model was
used to explain the bulk modulus revealed by the
rheometer. MRE was able to detect the relative order of
compressibility in phantoms, while severely
underestimating the absolute numbers of the bulk moduli.
Numerical simulations revealed that compression MRE is
sensitive to noise imposing the need of appropriate
post-processing. In conclusion, MRE can measure
compression properties of tissue, while a more
noise-robust inversion method is required for
quantitative measurements of bulk moduli.
2441. |
Evaluation of Commonly
Available Materials for MR Elastography Phantoms 
Loribeth Q. Evertz1, Jun Chen1,
Jennifer L. Kugel1, and Richard Leroy Ehman1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
Commercial phantoms for system calibration and
validation are common for imaging modalities like CT and
MRI, including resolution and flow phantoms. However,
there currently are no commercial sources for a suitable
liver-mimicking test phantom for MRE. The purpose of
this study was to identify and test readily available
and inexpensive materials that might be useful as simple
test phantoms for hepatic MRE.
2442. |
Fast, Whole-Brain MR
Elastography Using a 3D Multislab Acquisition
Curtis L. Johnson1,2, Joseph L. Holtrop2,3,
Matthew D.J. McGarry4, John B. Weaver4,5,
Keith D. Paulsen4,5, Bradley P. Sutton2,3,
and John G. Georgiadis1,2
1Mechanical Science and Engineering,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL,
United States, 2Beckman
Institute for Advanced Science and Technology,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL,
United States, 3Bioengineering,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL,
United States, 4Thayer
School of Engineering, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH,
United States, 5Dartmouth-Hitchcock
Medical Center, Lebanon, NH, United States
Most estimates of the mechanical properties of brain
tissue from MRE are average values computed over only a
small number of slices. This is derived from the need to
keep scan times short for subject comfort and safety,
which leads to acquisitions exhibiting low spatial
resolution or poor brain coverage. In this work we take
advantage of the SNR efficiency of 3D multislab
acquisitions to develop an MRE sequence capable of
acquiring high-resolution MRE displacement data with
whole-brain coverage in a reasonable scan time.
2443. |
Title: a Novel Method for
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Soft Viscoelastic Materials
and Comparison to Magnetic Resonance Elastography. 
Phillip J. Rossman1 and
Jun Chen1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
A new method for measuring the complex modulus of soft
"tissue-like" materials using the basic principles of
Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA) is presented. Results
are compared to to those obtiained using Magnetic
Resonance Elastography (MRE).
2444. |
Introduction of Sample
Interval Modulation for the Simultaneous Acquisition of 3D
Displacement Data in MR Elastography 
Dieter Klatt1, Temel Kaya Yasar2,
Thomas J. Royston1, and Richard L. Magin1
1Department of Bioengineering, The University
of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United
States, 2Department
of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering, The University
of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States
Sampling interval modulation (SLIM)-MRE is introduced as
new recipe for the arrangement of the motion encoding
gradients (MEG). SLIM-MRE is independent of the type of
MRE sequence and enables complete acquisition of 3D
displacements of a monofrequency vibration within a
single temporally-resolved MRE experiment. The
displacement components are sampled using different time
intervals and, in doing so, they are encoded as
different apparent frequencies in the MRE signal phase.
Thus, all three spatial components are stored in the
same k-space and can be decomposed from eight
temporally-resolved MRE experiments instead of 12-24
experiments, as is commonly performed in conventional
2445. |
Highly Accelerated MR
John C. Bosshard1 and
Steven M. Wright1
1Electrical & Computer Engineering, Texas A&M
University, College Station, TX, United States
Highly parallel imaging with a 64 channel receive array
in a "sandwich" configuration was used to capture MR
elastography images of an emerging mechanical wave at
156 x 125  m
resolution. The same system was also used to perform
simultaneous single echo acquisition imaging at the top
and bottom boundaries of the sample using a non-linear
gradient coil for compensation of RF coil phase. This
method may have applications in microscopic MRE or for
monitoring of elastic properties during single-shot
2446. |
Matching Motion Sensitivity
with TE and TR in Elastography for Faster Scans 
Roger C. Grimm1, Jun Chen1, Scott
A. Kruse1, and Richard Leroy Ehman1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
Elastography acquisitions measure a propagating complex
shear wave field at multiple phase points to estimate
stiffness. In general there are 3 polarizations, x, y,
z. Using the TR to advance the phase in a
multi-frequency acquisition has been previously
described. The purpose of this work is to examine timing
options where the TR provides the phase advance in
interleaved 3 polarization acquisitions. This eliminates
misregistration of the wave fields images. When there is
no gradient dead time, this results in discrete TE/TR
and motion sensitivity values.
2447. |
Micro-Architecture Assessment by Scattering of Mechanical
Shear Waves
Simon Auguste Lambert1, Simon Chatelin1,
Peter Nasholm2, Lauriane Juge1,
Philippe Garteiser1, Leon Ter Beek3,
Valérie Vilgrain1, Bernard E. Van Beers1,
Lynne E. Bilston4, Bojan Guzina5,
Sverre Holm2, and Ralph Sinkus1
1CRB3- INSERM U773, Univ Paris Diderot,
Sorbonne Paris Cité, Clichy, Paris, France, 2Informatics
Department, University of Oslo, Oslo, oslo, Norway, 3Philips
Healthcare, Best, best, Netherlands, 4Neuroscience
Research Australia, University of New South Wales,
Randwick, NSW, Australia, 5Civil
Engineering, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Mn,
United States
Recently, it has been hypothesized that propagation of
waves at a macroscopic scale might be influenced by the
presence of micro-obstacles and hence lead to an
apparent viscosity that can be revealed when exploring
the tissue at different frequency. We demonstrated on
calibrated phantoms by simulation, experiment, and
theory that the frequency-dependence of mechanical shear
wave scattering can reveal the underlying
micro-architecture even within one single voxel. This
technique opens perspective of measuring at the
macroscopic level information about micro vasculature of
tumors, which is crucial for efficacy monitoring during
cancer therapy.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 (13:30-15:30) Exhibition Hall |
2448. |
Combined Extended Two Point
Dixon/Look Locker Technique for Mapping of Lipid
Spin-Lattice (T1) Relaxation Time 
Jihyun Annie Park1, Andrew Yung2,
Stefan A. Reinsberg1, and Piotr Kozlowski2
1Physics and Astronomy, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2UBC
MRI Research Center, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Tumour oxygenation can be measured from changes in lipid
T1. Here, we combined the extended two point Dixon and
Look Locker technique for a rapid T1 measurement of fat.
After simulation studies, the method was first applied
in a phantom and in vivo. The T1 recovery curves of fat
and water for three regions (subcutaneous fat, external
oblique muscle, and femoral muscle) were compared. The
T1 values of fat were 442ms and 454ms in subcutaneous
fat and external oblique muscle, respectively. We have
successfully employed the technique in-vivo to spatially
map T1.
Single Breath-Hold 3D
Radial Imaging for R2* and Fat Fraction
Quantification in the Liver 
Valentina Taviani1, Kevin M. Johnson1,
Diego Hernando2, and Scott B. Reeder1,3
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
WI, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United
States, 3Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United
In the presence of hepatic iron overload, quantification
of R2* and fat fraction (FF) can be limited
by the rapidly decaying signal. In this work, we propose
a multi-echo 3D radial acquisition with angular
undersampling and non-Cartesian parallel imaging
reconstruction for hepatic R2* and FF
quantification in a single breath hold. Phantom
experiments and a preliminary evaluation in healthy
volunteers and patients with hepatic iron overload are
reported, including a comparison with a hybrid (in-plane
radial, through-plane Cartesian) 3D sampling scheme and
conventional 3D Cartesian sampling.
2450. |
Mono-Exponential T2-Analysis
of a Two-Pool System – Does
Echo-Spacing Matter? 
Hendrikus Joseph Alphons Crooijmans1 and
Oliver Bieri1
1Radiological Physics, University of Basel
Hospital, Basel, Switzerland
It is generally well accepted that tissue exists of
multiple relaxation components, such as for example the
free water protons and myelin-bound water protons in
brain tissue. However, the spin-echo based
quantification of a single T2 on
such tissues is commonly considered being the gold
standard. Within such an approach, the echo-spacing is
believed to be of influence on the obtained T2.
By means of simulations, we have shown that the echo
spacing in a spin-echo acquisition for T2-quantification
does not matter when performing a mono-exponential
analysis of a two-pool system.
2451. |
Complete T1, T2* and
Proton-Density Maps of Bone and Soft Tissues from UTE and
Standard FLASH 
Jean-David Jutras1, Keith Wachowicz1,2,
B. Gino Fallone1,2, and Nicola DeZanche1,2
1Dept. of Oncology, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2Dept.
of Medical Physics, Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada
Achieving bone and soft-tissue contrast simultaneously
is challenging. The traditional solution consists of
co-registering a MRI dataset with a CT dataset; the MRI
provides the soft-tissue contrast with high SNR, while
CT yields the bone structural information. In this work,
a combination of two similar MRI datasets is proposed:
quantitative FLASH UTE and Standard FLASH. Bone T1, T2*
and proton-density are segmented from the UTE datasets
and combined with the standard datasets to form complete
quantitative maps. The technique has the advantage of
providing the same quantitative information in all
tissue types, with three different contrast mechanisms.
2452. |
A Flip-Angle-Optimized 3D
FLASH Sequence for Fast Dynamic T1 Mapping 
Maximilian Freiermuth1, Linus Willerding2,
Maximilian F. Reiser1, Michael Peller1,
and Olaf Dietrich1
1Josef Lissner Laboratory for Biomedical
Imaging, Institute for Clinical Radiology,
Ludwig-Maximilians-University Hospital Munich, Munich,
Germany, 2Department
of Internal Medicine III, Ludwig-Maximilians-University
Hospital Munich, Munich, Germany
The purpose of the present study was to optimize and
evaluate a fast three-dimensional T1 mapping approach
based on the variable flip angle (VFA) technique. The
proposed method requires only a single 3D FLASH data set
for each time point combined with a longer baseline
measurement. The optimal flip angle for the dynamic
series can be shown to be αdyn,opt =
arccos[(2E1–1)/(2–E1)], which was also confirmed
experimentally. The proposed single-flip-angle technique
provides accurate T1 values (within ±5%) in phantom
2453. |
A New Model-Based Technique
for Accurate Reconstruction of T2 Relaxation
Maps from Fast Spin-Echo Data
Noam Ben-Eliezer1, Daniel K. Sodickson1,
and Kai Tobias Block2
1Bernard and Irene Schwartz Center for
Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, New York
University School of Medicine, New York, NY, United
States, 2Bernard
and Irene Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Department of Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New
York, NY, United States
T2 contrast
is one of the most clinically useful tools for
non-invasive diagnosis and prognosis. Genuine T2 quantification,
however, is impractical due to the long acquisition
times associated with full Spin-Echo (SE) acquisitions,
or, for fast multi-echo SE sequences, is severely
hampered by field inhomogeneities, non-rectangular slice
profiles, diffusion effects, and by an inherent bias
caused by stimulated echoes. We present a new technique
for generating T2 maps
from multi-echo data, based on full Bloch simulation of
the experimental pulse-sequence. The technique is
assumption free and can further incorporate any
experimental factors, e.g., pulse shapes, multiple T2components
and more.
2454. |
A Model-Based
Reconstruction Technique for Inversion Recovery Prepared
Radially Acquired Data 
Johannes Tran-Gia1, Dietbert Hahn1,
and Herbert Köstler1
1Institute of Radiology, University of
Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany
In this work, the previously presented Model-based
Acceleration of Parameter mapping (MAP) algorithm for
saturation prepared radially acquired datasets is
extended for Inversion Recovery (IR) prepared datasets.
By incorporating an exponential signal model into the
image reconstruction, the proposed IR-MAP algorithm
allows quantifying the longitudinal relaxation parameter
T1 from a dataset acquired after one single
magnetization preparation, leading to extremely short
acquisition times of about 7 seconds for one slice of
the human brain. The functionality of the algorithm is
demonstrated in phantom experiments as well as in-vivo.
2455. |
Accelerated 3D UTE
Relaxometry for Quantification of Iron-Oxide Labeled Cells
Bo Zhao1,2, T Kevin Hitchens3,4,
Anthony G. Christodoulou1,2, Fan Lam1,2,
Yijen Wu3,4, Chien Ho3,4, and
Zhi-Pei Liang1,2
1Department of Eletrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, IL, United States, 2Beckman
Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, IL, United States, 3Pittsburgh
NMR Center for Biomedical Research, Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 4Department
of Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University,
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
A new model-based reconstruction method is presented for
accelerating 3D ultra-short echo time (UTE) parametric
mapping. The proposed method enables accurate parameter
mapping with significantly reduced data acquisition
times. It should prove useful for 3D UTE relaxometry and
various related applications (e.g., labeled cell
2456. |
Bayesian Estimation of
Multicomponent T2 Distributions with Stimulated Echo
Kelvin J. Layton1,2, Mark Morelande1,
David Wright3, Peter M. Farrell1,
Bill Moran1, and Leigh A. Johnston1,3
1Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The
University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, 2National
ICT Australia, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, 3Florey
Neuroscience Institutes, Parkville, Victoria, Australia
This work extends an existing algorithm for
multicomponent T2 estimation to account for stimulated
echoes using the extended phase graph (EPG) algorithm.
The resulting Bayesian algorithm produces reliable
multicomponent T2 maps in the presence of dramatic flip
angle variation, such as those produced by a transceive
surface coil. The method is validated using experimental
data acquired on a 4.7T small-bore scanner.
Multicomponent T2 maps are generated with and without
stimulated echo correction, to demonstrate the
importance of the correction. The proposed algorithm is
also compared to the commonly used non-negative least
squares (NNLS) algorithm and differences are
2457. |
Accelerating T2 Mapping Via
Under-Sampled Low-Dimensional-Structure Self-Learning and
Thresholding (LOST) Reconstruction
Tri Minh Ngo1, Haiyan Ding2,
Mehmet Akçakaya3, Elliot R. McVeigh1,
and Daniel A. Herzka4
1Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins School
of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 3Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, United States, 4Biomedical
Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,
United States
Myocardial 3D T2 mapping is useful for differentiating
between infarct, edema and normal tissue but currently
requires prohibitively long acquisition times to be
clinically useful. We apply Low-dimensional-structure
self-learning and thresholding (LOST) to reconstruct an
under-sampled T2 mapping dataset and compare with SENSE
reconstruction of equivalent acceleration rates. For
rates R3, R3.9, the mean T2 error is lower for LOST than
SENSE. At rate R3 SENSE reconstructs edge details better
than LOST even though SENSE’s mean T2 error is higher.
At rate R3.9, SENSE exhibits high noise amplification
while LOST exhibits blurring of high frequency details.
2458. |
Accelerating Parameter
Mapping with a Locally Low Rank Constraint 
Tao Zhang1, John M. Pauly1, and
Ives R. Levesque2
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
Parameter mapping can provide intrinsic tissue
information to detect pathological changes. Previous
studies have shown that compressed sensing with a
low-rank constraint can be used to accelerate the
lengthy scan time required in parameter mapping. In this
work, a locally low rank constraint is applied to
parameter mapping. As examples, inversion recovery T1
mapping and multiple-echo T2 mapping are studied.
Reconstruction with a locally low rank constraint can
provide better accuracy and precision than that with a
global low rank constraint.
2459. |
Model-Based MR Parameter
Mapping with Sparsity Constraint
Bo Zhao1,2, Fan Lam1,2, Wenmiao Lu2,
and Zhi-Pei Liang1,2
1Department of Eletrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, IL, United States, 2Beckman
Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,
Urbana, IL, United States
A new model-based reconstruction method is presented to
directly reconstruct parameter maps from highly
undersampled, noisy k-space data. Some representative
results of T2 brain mapping are shown to illustrate the
performance of the proposed method. It should prove
useful for fast MR parameter mapping with sparse
2460. |
A Novel Algorithm for
Improved Pixel-By-Pixel T2* Mapping
Yanqiu Feng1, Peter David Gatehouse2,3,
David N. Firmin2,3, Dudley J. Pennell2,3,
Wufan Chen1, and Taigang He2,3
1School of Biomedical Engineering, Southern
Medical University, Guangzhou, China, 2Cardiovascular
Biomedical Research Unit, Royal Brompton Hospital,
London, United Kingdom, 3National
Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, London,
United Kingdom
MRI relaxometry mapping (pixel-by-pixel) is sensitive to
the noise especially when high-resolution or rapid scans
are required. Considering decay signals as the objects
to be averaged, we aimed at improving the precision of
T2* mapping through selectively Averaging the Decay
signals with Similar Underlying Relaxation rates (ADSUR)
before curve fitting. This novel algorithm was tested on
T2* mapping of simulation data and an ex vivo heart with
iron overload. The results demonstrate that the T2*
relaxometry mapping can be improved by filtering the
serial images with the proposed ADSUR algorithm,
independent of curve-fitting models used.
2461. |
Fast, Artifact-Free T2 Mapping
with Fast Spin Echo Using the Extended Phase Graph and Joint
Parameter Reconstruction
Christopher L. Lankford1,2 and
Mark D. Does1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, Tennessee, United States, 2Vanderbilt
University Institute of Imaging Science, Nashville,
Tennessee, United States
Fast spin-echo images contain artifacts related to
relaxation and imperfect refocusing. These artifacts are
explained by well-known signal equations, and the
sources of these artifacts can be accounted for if fit
as a free parameter during image reconstruction. This
abstract demonstrates the potential of this approach for
artifact-free T2 mapping in comparison maps derived from
Fourier-reconstructed images and voxelwise parameter
2462. |
An Indirect Echo
Compensated Reconstruction Algorithm for T2 Mapping of the
Liver from Highly Undersampled Radial FSE Data 
Chuan Huang1,2, Abhishek Pandey3,
Tomoe Barr4, Ali Bilgin3,4, and
Maria I. Altbach1
1Department of Medical Imaging, University of
Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States, 2Center
for Advanced Radiological Sciences, Department of
Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA,
United States, 3Electrical
and Computer Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson,
AZ, United States, 4Biomedical
Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United
Early detection and classification of hepatic tumors and
chronic liver disease are two important clinical
problems. T2 mapping has been used to improve the
characterization of pathologies in the liver. One
promising sequence for fast T2 mapping is radial FSE.
Most of the reconstruction methods for undersampled
radFSE data do not take into account the effects of
indirect echoes; this leads to T2 estimates that are
dependent on the refocusing pulse slice profile and/or
B1 inhomogeneities. Recently, we proposed a
reconstruction algorithm – CURLIE (CUrve Reconstruction
via pca-based Linearization with Indirect Echo
compensation) – combines a principal component
model-based algorithm with a slice-resolved extended
phase graph signal model. In this work, we demonstrate
the ability to obtain accurate T2 maps with indirect
echo compensated from liver radFSE data acquired in a
single breath hold. The algorithm is also evaluated
using phantom and in vivo data. It is also shown that
this technique is immune to B1 inhomogeneities and B1
2463. |
Correction of B1 and
Estimation of Oversampling Effect to Enable Accurate T1
Mapping Using 3D Variable Flip Angle Technique 
Kosuke Morita1,2, Tomoyuki Okuaki3,
Masanori Komi1, Akiko Kuraoka1,
Daisuke Utsunomiya2, Mika Kitajima2,
Masahiro Hashida1, and Yasuyuki Yamashita2
1Radiology, Kumamoto University Hospital,
Kumamoto, Kumamoto, Japan, 2Diagnostic
Radiology, Faculty of Life Sciences, Kumamoto University
Hospital, Kumamoto, Kumamoto, Japan, 3Philips
Electronics Japan, 13-37, Kohnan 2-chome, tokyo, Japan
The purpose of our study was to acquire precise 3D
T1maps by variable flip angle DESPOT1 method with B1
correction for clinical MR imaging. Moreover, the T1
value of outer-slice regions on 3D acquisition using the
ordinary slice selective RF pulse with imperfect
rectangular shape is not accurate. To resolve this
problem, we evaluated the effect of the B1 inhomogeneity
and slice-oversampling factor on 3D T1maps using a
phantom and volunteers. Our experiments showed that the
T1 value was improved by B1 correction using variable
flip angle method and T1 value for 3D T1mapping was
improved by optimizing slice-oversampling factor.
2464. |
Relaxation Parameter
Mapping Adapted for 7T and Validation Against Optimized
Single Voxel MRS 
Michael Wyss1, Thomas Kirchner1,
Alex Ringenbach2, Klaas P. Prüssmann1,
and Anke Henning1,3
1Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
University and ETH Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, 2Institute
for Medical and Analytical Technologies, University of
Applied Sciences of Northwestern Switzerland, Muttenz,
Switzerland, 3Max
Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen,
Previously published T1 relaxation times for brain
tissue at 7T vary greatly in results and in methods.
Only two publications have assessed in vivo T2
relaxation times in the human brain at 7T so far. We
present the development and validation of T1 and T2
mapping sequences applicable at 7T in the presence of B1
inhomogeneity. For T1 mapping, a Look-Locker sequence
with an adiabatic inversion prepulse and a modified
fitting routine was implemented. For T2 mapping the
vendor pre-implemented mixed imaging sequence was
validated. For cross validation purpose T1 and T2
relaxation times were measured at selected anatomical
locations by optimized SV-MRS parameter series.
2465. |
High Resolution
Quantitative Imaging of Rodent Brains at 7T 
Tobias C. Wood1, Samuel A. Hurley2,
Anthony Vernon3, and Steven C.R. Williams1
1Neuroimaging, King's College London,
Institute of Psychiatry, London, United Kingdom, 2Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison,
Wisconsin, United States, 3Psychosis
Studies, King's College London, Institute of Psychiatry,
London, United Kingdom
High-resolution, whole rodent brain, quantitative T1&T2
maps were obtained at 7T using DESPOT techniques,
including using a multi-component model to recover the
Myelin Water Fraction.
2466. |
Value of Independent Flip
Angle Mapping for Transverse Relaxometry with Stimulated
Echo Compensation
Dylan Breitkreutz1,2, Kelly C. McPhee1,
R. Marc Lebel2, and Alan H. Wilman1,2
1Department of Physics, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Stimulated echo compensation enables accurate single
component T2 quantification by accounting for both
stimulated-echo and spin-echo pathways to produce both
T2 and flip angle maps from multi-echo data. In order to
avoid non-unique solutions, the algorithm constrains
refocusing angles to ≤ 180˚. This work demonstrates the
limitations of this assumption, and examines the value
of an independent and accurate flip angle map. The
results indicate the independent flip angle map is
particularly valuable in 2D experiments where refocusing
angles exceed 180˚.
2467. |
Effects of Flip Angle
Profile in T2 Quantification Using 3D Dual Echo Steady-State
Pei-Hsin Wu1, Cheng-Wen Ko2,
Ming-Long Wu3, and Hsiao-Wen Chung1,4
1Department of Electrical Engineering,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Department
of Computer Science and Engineering, National Sun
Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 3Department
of Computer Science and Information Engineering,
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 4Institute
of Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics, National
Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Previous studies demonstrate that DESS provides
quantitative T2 imaging. While using 3D acquisition,
however, distinct estimated T2 values along section
direction are found, particularly at larger flip angles.
In this study, we investigate the influence of the
uniformity of flip angle distribution in T2
quantification using 3D DESS. Simulation and experiment
results suggest that the reliability of T2
quantification across slices within one slab could be
improved with appropriate setting of RF flip angle
profile, which provides benefit for clinical
applications especially when slices comparison is
2468. |
Challenges in Ultrashort
Echo Time Relaxometry of the Human Brain
Ece Ercan1, Peter Börnert2,
Maarten J. Versluis1, Tom Geraedts3,
Andrew Webb1, and Itamar Ronen1
1C.J. Gorter Center for High Field MRI,
Department of Radiology, Leiden University Medical
Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 2Philips
Research Laboratory, Hamburg, Germany,3Philips
Healthcare, Best, Netherlands
Ultrashort echo time (UTE) imaging is recently suggested
as a potential method to probe the signal from myelin.
In this study, we investigate the challenges in UTE
relaxometry of the human brain through phantom
experiments and UTE acquisitions from the brain white
matter. We suggest an improved long T2 suppression
scheme for such experiments. We report the
non-exponential behavior that we observed in the
relaxometric data from the phantom with a T2*
value of 30 ms as well as in the data from human brain,
which is possibly caused by non-fully suppressed tissue
constituents with a T2* value of 10-30 ms
(such as myelin water).
2469. |
Investigation of
Temperature Dependence of Tissue Relaxation Parameters for
Post-Mortem Imaging 
Julia Kruisz1, Andreas Petrovic2,
Rudolf Stollberger1, and Eva Scheurer2
1Institute for Medical Engineering,
University of Technology Graz, Graz, Austria, 2Ludwig
Boltzmann Institute for Clinical-Forensic Imaging, Graz,
MRI in forensics is becoming increasingly important for
a non-invasive and objective documentation before
autopsy. However, the usually lower temperatures alter
the tissues’ relaxation times which often leads to poor
image contrast. In this study we investigated T1 and
T2 of
various tissues from 4° to 38°C. For most investigated
samples a linear relationship describes the temperature
dependence of relaxation times. Regarding the contrast
of a spin echo sequence we found that for certain
tissues it is impossible to obtain the same contrast as
in vivo by adjusting the repetition time.
2470. |
Field Dependence of
Relaxivity of Gd Chelates as a Function of Macromolecular
Henry H. Ong1,2, Hua Li1,3, and
John C . Gore2,4
1Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging
Science, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Department
of Radiology and Radiologic Sciences, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 3Department
of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States, 4Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States
Gd-DTPA is a common MRI contrast agent used in a variety
of applications such as tumor imaging. Its T1 relaxivity
(r1) is a fundamental property important for
quantitative analyses. Previous studies did not address
the behavior of r1 at
ultra-high B0 or
how r1 may
be modified in the presence of realistic media to
different extents at different fields which is expected
from the Solomon-Bloembergen-Morgan equations. Here, we
report Gd-DTPA r1 measurements
as a function of macromolecular content and different
high B0 (up
to 15.2T) and found that the effect of macromolecular
content disappears at 15.2T in agreement with theory.
2471. |
Effect of Molecular Oxygen
on Relaxation Times at Clinical Field Strengths
Harald Kramer1,2, Amanda R. Corcos3,
Diego Hernando4, John F. Berry3,
Mark L. Schiebler1, and Scott B. Reeder1
1Department of Radiology, University of
Wisconsin - Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 2Institute
for Clinical Radiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University
Munich, Munich, Bavaria, Germany, 3Department
of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin - Madison,
Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 4Department
of Radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison,
Wisconsin, United States
Oxygen is paramagnetic and known to influence the
relaxation properties of tissues in MRI. Little is known
regarding the dependence of oxygen partial pressure on
relaxation times (T1 and T2) in fluids. We performed
relaxometry experiments in a phantom with varying oxygen
partial pressure ranging from 0-760mmHg at clinical
field strength. Using measured values of T1 and T2 at
different oxygen tensions permitted calculation of the
relaxivities (r1 and r2) of oxygen. Differences in
oxygen tension can be visualized and quantified with
MRI. The results suggest that the injection of oxygen
saturated/desaturated saline could be used as a contrast
In Vivo Estimation
of the Transverse Relaxation Time Dependence of Blood on
Oxygenation at 7 Tesla
Dimo Ivanov1,2, Andreas Schäfer2,
Andreas Deistung3, Markus N. Streicher2,
Stefan Kabisch2, Ilona Henseler2,
Elisabeth Roggenhofer2, Thies H. Jochimsen4,
Ferdinand Schweser5, Jürgen R. Reichenbach5,
Kamil Uludag1, and Robert Turner2
1Maastricht Brain Imaging Centre, Faculty of
Psychology and Neuroscience, Maastricht University,
Maastricht, Netherlands, 2Max
Planck Institute for Human Cognitive & Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Germany, 3Jena
University Hospital - Friedrich Schiller University
Jena, Jena, Germany, 4Department
of Nuclear Medicine, University of Leipzig, Leipzig,
Germany, 5Medical
Physics Group, Jena University Hospital - Friedrich
Schiller University, Jena, Germany
The precise knowledge of the oxygenation dependence of
the effective transverse relaxation time (T2*) of blood,
within the physiologically relevant range will improve
the quantitative understanding of the BOLD effect in
gradient echo MRI at 7T along the vascular tree.
Previous measurements of this dependence have been only
reported in vitro and may be confounded by uncompensated
susceptibility gradients between the sample and its
surroundings. We present an approach of combining T2*
and magnetic susceptibility mapping during different
respiratory challenges for reliable determination of the
change in the T2* of blood with oxygenation in vivo at
2473. |
Ex Vivo Mapping
of Sodium T 1 and
T2* Relaxation Times in Human Lumbar
Intervertebral Discs at 7 Tesla 
Stefan Zbýn1, Sebastian Apprich1,
Vladimir Juras1, Pavol Szomolanyi1,
Sonja M. Walzer2, Xeni Deligianni3,
Hannes Traxler4, Oliver Bieri3,
and Siegfried Trattnig1
1MR Center of Excellence, Department of
Radiology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna,
Austria, 2Department
of Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria, 3Division
of Radiological Physics, Department of Radiology,
University of Basel Hospital, Basel, Switzerland, 4Center
for Anatomy and Cell Biology, Department of Applied
Anatomy, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Previous studies on 23Na relaxation times in the
intervertebral discs (IVD) reported different values. In
this study, we employed novel gradient-echo sequence
with variable echo time scheme at 7T for the ex vivo
measurements of T1, T2*, fast (T2*F) and slow (T2*S)
components of biexponential transversal relaxation times
in human lumbar IVDs with different degree of
degeneration. Our results suggesting shorter relaxation
times in IVDs with higher degree of degeneration
compared to less degenerated IVDs. Presented findings
may provide the basis for quantification of 23Na content
in human IVDs and could help to understand processes
associated with degeneration of IVDs.
Can Modified Look Locker
Imaging (MOLLI) Provide Accurate T1 Values? 
Mitchell Anthony Cooper1,2, Thanh Nguyen2,
Pascal Spincemaille2, Martin R. Prince2,
Jonathan W. Weinsaft3, and Yi Wang1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York, United States, 2Radiology,
Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, New York,
United States, 3Cardiology,
Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, New York,
United States
Here we systematically evaluate the inaccuracies of the
MOLLI fitting method. We propose a new fitting method,
bMOLLI, that utilizes the Bloch equations to model the
SSFP signal evolution and account for the flip angle
profile and inversion efficiency to provide accurate T1
2475. |
Experimental Analysis of
Three Spoiling Mechanisms Used in Variable-Flip-Angle T1
Martin Ott1, Thomas Benkert1,
Martin Blaimer1, Peter M. Jakob1,2,
and Felix A. Breuer1
1MRB Forschungszentrum für Magnet-Resonanz-Bayern
e.V., Würzburg, Germany, 2Department
of Experimental Physics 5, Institute of Physics,
Würzburg, Germany
A comparison of different VFA-methods for T1-mapping is
shown. This results that none of the common techniques
can produce reliable data.
2476. |
Highly Reproducible in
vivo T1 Maps
in Brain at 3T 
Sofia Chavez1,2, Stephen Kish1,2,
Tina McCluskey1, and Nancy Lobaugh1,3
1Research Imaging Centre, Centre for
Addiction and Mental Health, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Psychiatry,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 3Neurology,
University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
The Method of Slopes (MoS), which accounts for spatial
variations in flip angle, has been shown to yield
accurate in vivo 3D T1 maps in brain at 3T. However,
several factors may cause variations in the measurement
within a subject across time. In this work, we assess
the intra-subject reproducibility of T1 mapping with the
MoS by repeating scans on five healthy subjects, at
three time points on two consecutive days: morning,
afternoon, morning. We find very small intra-subject
coefficients of variation (CV<8%) in all brain regions,
making these T1 maps suitable for the detection of
short-term effects(eg. drug-induced).
2477. |
ex-vivo MRI
of the Brain: Effects of Long-Term Formalin Exposure on T1
Relaxation Times 
Mekala R. Raman1, Yunhong Shu1,
John D. Port1, Jan-Mendelt Tillema1,
Istvan Pirko1, Clifford R. Jack1,
and Kejal Kantarci1
1Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States
Our objective was to determine the effects of fixation
on T1 relaxation of gray matter and white matter in ex
vivo brain MRI for optimization of MPRAGE and DIR
sequences. We found that T1 relaxation times of fixed
brain tissue attenuate over time. Effects of formalin
exposure on tissue relaxation time appear to be greater
for gray matter than white matter.
2478. |
Optimizing the Accuracy of
T1 Mapping Accounting for RF Non-Linearities and Spoiling
Characteristics in FLASH Imaging 
Antoine Lutti1 and
Nikolaus Weiskopf1
1Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging,
Institute of Neurology, University College London,
London, United Kingdom
The accuracy of T1 maps obtained with FLASH-based
Variable Flip Angle (VFA) methods is affected by
residual transverse coherences, spatial inhomogeneities
of the transmit field B1 and non-linearities of the RF
transmit chain. Here we address all these issues
simultaneously and present an acquisition protocol with
very high accuracy and precision. The accuracy was
improved by ~40% in-vivo compared to a conventional VFA
protocol, enabling cutting-edge applications such as
mapping of myeloarchitecture.
2479. |
T1 Mapping:
Should We Agree to Disagree? 
Mathieu Boudreau1, Nikola Stikov1,
and Bruce G. Pike1
1Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill
University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
A recent study reported that three commonly used methods
for T1 mapping
(Inversion Recovery, Look-Locker, Variable Flip Angle)
measure similar T1 values
in phantoms, but disagree in
vivo at
3T (VFA overestimated and LL underestimated relative to
IR). This work investigates possible confounding factors
that may explain the T1 trends
observed in
vivo. Bloch simulations tested the effects of
inaccurate B1 mapping
and spoiling on T1 for
all three sequences. These simulations predict a
systematic bias in VFA and LL due to these effects,
consistent with trends observed in
vivo, highlighting the importance of proper
calibration with the IR gold standard.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 (13:30-15:30) Exhibition Hall |
2480. |
Imaging Using Susceptibility Map Estimated by L1 Norm
Ryota Sato1, Toru Shirai1, Yo
Taniguchi1, Yoshihisa Soutome1,
and Yoshitaka Bito1
1Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.,
Kokubunji, Tokyo, Japan
A method for susceptibility-weighted imaging, which can
enhance contrast of regions with high susceptibility in
arbitrary slice orientation, was developed. To enhance
contrast in arbitrary slice orientation clearly, this
method uses a susceptibility map estimated by L1 norm
regularization. In contrast to conventional methods, the
proposed method can enhance contrast of veins and iron
depositions without causing streaking artifacts in
arbitrary slice orientation. A numerical simulation and
experiments on healthy volunteers show this method can
enhance contrast of regions with high susceptibility in
arbitrary slice orientation.
2481. |
Comparisons of Quantitative
Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) by Using Restricted Oversampled
Spatial Unit Dipole Field
Mai Murashima1, Tomohiro Ueno1,
and Naozo Sugimoto1
1Human Health Science, Graduate School of
Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
In Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM), measured
magnetic field distributions have to be deconvolved with
a dipole field. The dipole field is effective even in a
long range, and a rapidly changing function of a
position in a short range. In order to access these
problems, we performed numerical simulations taking into
account partial volume effects in QSM by using the
dipole fields with various field sizes and oversampling
factors. We found that the diameter 21voxels was enough
for the field size, and that the oversampled dipole
field of factor 3 was sufficient for observing effects
on the susceptibility estimation.
2482. |
Differentiation of Fe2+ and
Fe3+ with
Iron-Sensitive MRI 
Olaf Dietrich1, Johannes Levin2,
Armin Giese3, Annika Plate2, Kai
Bötzel2, Maximilian F. Reiser1,4,
and Birgit Ertl-Wagner4
1Josef Lissner Laboratory for Biomedical
Imaging, Institute for Clinical Radiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University
Hospital Munich, Munich, Germany, 2Department
of Neurology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Hospital
Munich, Munich, Germany, 3Center
for Neuropathology and Prion Research, Ludwig-Maximilians-University
Hospital Munich, Munich, Germany, 4Institute
for Clinical Radiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University
Hospital Munich, Munich, Germany
The purpose of the present study is to demonstrate the
different behaviors of ferric and ferrous iron ions in
MRI and to suggest a technique to differentiate
quantitatively between both forms of iron in tissue. A
phantom consisting of tubes with different
concentrations of ferrous and ferric chloride solutions
was examined on a 3-Tesla MRI system. A multi-echo
gradient-echo was used for both T2* and quantitative
susceptibility measurements. Ferrous and ferric chloride
show markedly different relaxation behaviors in MRI, but
similar influences on the susceptibility. These
properties can be used to differentiate ferrous and
ferric samples.
2483. |
Susceptibility Mapping of
the Sinuses in the Brain by Preserving Phase Information in
the Skull Using Short Echo Times
Sagar Buch1, Saifeng Liu1,
Yu-Chung Norman Cheng2, and Ewart Mark Haacke1,2
1McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada, 2Academic
Radiology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan,
United States
Susceptibility mapping is generally used to provide us
with the distribution of magnetic susceptibility
properties of the different tissues. This abstract
introduces a new concept of mapping the susceptibility
inside brain sinuses, which are usually discarded from
the MR phase. One of our key advances is to include the
tissues in the skull outside the sinuses in phase
images, before applying the inverse filter. Because the
susceptibility effects between air and tissue are so
large, we are able to use short effective echo times,
produced by complex division of the datasets at two
different echo times, to extract the susceptibility.
2484. |
Atlas-Based Segmentation of
Quantitative Susceptibility Maps: Determining Iron Content
in Deep Gray Matter Structures 
Issel Anne L. Lim1,2, Andreia V. Faria1,
Xu Li1,2, Johnny T.C. Hsu1, Raag
D. Airan1, Susumu Mori1,2, and
Peter C.M. van Zijl1,2
1Radiology, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2F.M.
Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging,
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, United
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) methods have
correlated magnetic susceptibility and gray matter (GM)
brain iron concentration. Typically, average
susceptibility per structure is determined via manual
delineation of ROIs, which is labor-intensive and
subject to human error. We created a QSM template as
part of the Eve atlas, along with an "Everything"
Parcellation Map ("EvePM") containing deep GM ROIs drawn
from QSM and white matter ROIs from DTI maps. Using
automated segmentation, we derived a susceptibility-iron
calibration curve for deep gray matter based on known
iron values for three regions, which was used to
determine iron concentration in six other regions.
2485. |
MR-Visible Surgical Meshes:
Optimization and Phantom Studies
Florian Lippus1, Kerstin Brocker2,
Jens Groebner1, Peter Hallscheidt3,
and Michael Bock1
1Dept. of Diagnostic Radiology / Medical
Physics, University Medical Centre Freiburg, Freiburg,
BW, Germany, 2Dept.
of Gynaecology, Heidelberg University Hospital,
Heidelberg, BW, Germany, 3Diagnostic
and Interventional Radiology, Heidelberg University
Hospital, Heidelberg, BW, Germany
Partially absorbable surgical mesh implants can be used
to treat Pelvic organ prolapse, which is a common
disease in elderly women. When it comes to
post-operative complications, MRI could be used to
qualify movement or deformation of the implant, but
current available mesh implants are not visible in MR
images. In this work MR measurements are presented to
develop and optimize an MR-visible mesh-implant made of
threads with magnetic particles. Particle concentrations
were determined based on relaxometric evaluation, and
thread material was tested for its MR visibility.
2486. |
Characterization of Spatial Variations of Intrinsic
Susceptibility by T1 Dispersion 
John T. Spear1,2, Zhongliang Zu2,3,
and John C. Gore3,4
1Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Vanderbilt
University Institute of Imaging Science, Nashville, TN,
United States, 3Department
of Radiology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
United States, 4Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States
A new method is reported for quantifying the spatial
scales of susceptibility variations based on the effect
of diffusion through internal gradients on the
spin-lattice relaxation rate in the rotating frame R1rho
(=1/T1rho). Model systems with internal field gradients
exhibited significant dispersions in R1rho and
fastidious analysis of these dispersions revealed three
important locking fields. Three images were subsequently
taken at these locking fields and combined in a novel
image subtraction technique to delineate the average
spatial frequency of magnetic inhomogeneities. This
technique has the potential to quantitatively
characterize magnetically inhomogeneous regions of
tissue such as microvasculature in vivo.
2487. |
Investigating Anisotropic
Magnetic Susceptibility Effects in Model Systems 
Matthew Cronin1, Samuel J. Wharton1,
and Richard W. Bowtell2
1Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance
Centre, The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, Notts,
United Kingdom, 2Sir
Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance Centre, University of
Nottingham, Nottingham, Notts, United Kingdom
Although correct mathematical expressions for
calculating field perturbations due to anisotropic
magnetic susceptibility have been described, its effects
have often been modelled using a simplified approach in
which the anisotropy is represented by allocating the
material an isotropic susceptibility whose magnitude
depends on orientation to the field. Here we demonstrate
using theory and experiment that this approximation
leads to errors in predicting the frequency perturbation
due to anisotropic structures. We also show that correct
calculations predict interesting behaviour in a hollow
cylinder model of the myelin sheath, and go on to
demonstrate this behaviour experimentally in a simple
model system.
2488. |
Longitudinal Investigation
of Diffuse Hemorrhagic Lesions Using Using Quantitative
Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) 
Andreas Petrovic1, Ferdinand Schweser2,
Andreas Deistung3, Eva Scheurer1,
and Jürgen R. Reichenbach2
1Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for
Clinical-Forensic Imaging, Graz, Austria, 2Medical
Physics Group, Institute of Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology I, Jena University Hospital –
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany, 3Medical
Physics Group, Institute of Diagnostic and
Interventional Radiology I, Jena University Hospital -
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany
Dating of hemorrhage is important in clinical and
forensic medicine. In this study we measured the
susceptibility of artificially created hematomas in 6
volunteers at different times to investigate if
susceptibility changes due to changes of the oxygenation
state of hemoglobin could be used. Quantitative
susceptibility mapping is a unique method to measure
magnetic susceptibility in vivo. The suspected increase
of magnetic susceptibility could not be observed. This
could be caused by blood being already fully
deoxygenated at the time of the first measurement.
Additionally, confounding factors as an increase of the
hematocrit and recurring fat during resorption influence
the measured susceptibility values.
2489. |
Origin of B0 Orientation
Dependent R2* (=1/T2*) in White Matter: Magic Angle Effect
Vs. Magnetic Susceptibility
Se-Hong Oh1 and
Jongho Lee1
1Department of Radiology, Perelman School of
Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States
Recent MRI studies have demonstrated that the relative
orientation of white matter fibers to the B0 field
significantly affects R2* measurement. In this work, the
origin of this effect was investigated by measuring R2
and R2* in multiple orientations and fitting the results
to a magnetic susceptibility-based model and a magic
angle-based model. To further explore the source of
magnetic susceptibility effect, the contribution of
tissue iron to the orientation dependent R2* contrast
was investigated. Additionally, R2* was measured in
basal ganglia area to confirm there is no orientation
dependence in deep gray matter. Our results suggest that
myelin is a primary source for R2* contrast because of
its highly oriented structure and large susceptibility
Frequency Difference
Mapping at 7 T Using Two- And Three-Echo Approaches
Samuel J. Wharton1 and
Richard W. Bowtell1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance
Centre, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of
Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Frequency difference mapping is a recently proposed
gradient-echo-based MRI technique for creating image
contrast that is sensitive to the orientation of
myelinated nerve fibers in white matter. Frequency
difference maps (FDM) are created by calculating the
difference in phase-based frequency maps acquired at
short and long echo times. In this study, we use
simulations to determine the optimum TE values for
creating in vivo FDM at 7T using two- and three-echo
acquisition schemes. Both approaches yield high quality
FDM in a 6 minute scan time. The two-echo scheme yields
higher SNR, but requires the use of a high-pass
filtering step.
2491. |
Improved Characterisation
of White Matter Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Using
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping 
Matthew Cronin1, Samuel J. Wharton1,
Richard W. Bowtell2, and Penelope A. Gowland2
1Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance
Centre, The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, Notts,
United Kingdom, 2Sir
Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance Centre, University of
Nottingham, Nottingham, Notts, United Kingdom
Peripheral rings surrounding white matter (WM) lesions
in multiple sclerosis are often analysed using phase
images from T2*-weighted, gradient echo scans. The
usefulness of this approach is limited by the non-local,
dipolar nature of phase contrast. Quantitative
susceptibility mapping (QSM) can be used to overcome
this problem. Here, by comparison of images and analysis
of 1D profiles of signal variation with respect to the
distance from the lesion edge, we show that QSM offers a
more accurate representation of WM lesions, which
reflects the underlying tissue composition more closely
than phase or T2*-weighted magnitude data.
2492. |
Evaluation of
Multiparametric QBOLD in White Matter: A Simulation Study 
Julien Bouvier1,2, Sebastien Castellani1,
Clément S. Debacker1,3, Nicolas Pannetier4,
Irène Troprès1,5, Alexandre Krainik1,
and Emmanuel Luc Barbier1
1INSERM U836, Grenoble Institute of
Neurosciences, Grenoble, France, 2Philips
Healthcare, Suresnes, France, 3Bruker
Biospin MRI, Ettlingen, Germany, 4University
of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United
States, 5Plate-forme
IRMaGe, UJF – INSERM US17 – CNRS UMS 3552, Grenoble,
Quantitative estimates of the tissue blood oxygen
saturation (StO2) may be obtained using a
multiparametric quantification of the blood oxygen level
dependent effect (multiparametric qBOLD). This method,
based on a model of the MR signal, yielded promising
experimental results on rodents. However, the first
estimates of StO2 obtained in humans with this method
matched those reported in the literature for gray matter
only. To obtain reliable StO2 estimates in white matter,
this study evaluates a solution to account for the bias
on StO2 estimate induced by myelin, a paramagnetic
substance, using a numerical simulation approach.
2493. |
Relevance of Morphological
Binary Information for L2 and L1 Total Variation Methods in
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping and Reconstruction
Quality Assessment Without Presence of the Ground Truth 
Diana Khabipova1, Yves Wiaux2,3,
Rolf Gruetter4,5, and José P. Marques1,5
1LIFMET, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Electrical
Engineering, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Radiology,
UniGe, Geneva, Switzerland, 4LIFMET,
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland, 5Radiology,
UNIL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Phase imaging has been demonstrated to achieve a good
contrast between and within brain tissues at 7T.
However, phase imaging suffers from a non-local contrast
variation which can be overcome by calculating the
underlying magnetic susceptibility maps. As this problem
is ill-posed, many regularization methods have been
proposed over the past years. In this abstract we do a
thorough comparison of some of these methods, focus on
the impact of the prior information on the reconstructed
susceptibility maps and propose a method to evaluate the
quality of the susceptibility reconstruction in the
absence of a ground truth.
2494. |
Quality-Based UnwRap of
SUbdivided Large Arrays (URSULA) at 9.4T
Johannes Lindemeyer1, Ana-Maria
Oros-Peusquens1, Kaveh Vahedipour1,
and Nadim Jon Shah1,2
1Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine 4,
Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany, 2Department
of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, JARA, RWTH Aachen
University, Aachen, Germany
Unwrapping of MR phase data becomes very time consuming
for high-resolution data acquired at ultra-high fields.
We present a new algorithm, URSULA (UnwRap of SUbdivided
Large Arrays), an approach splitting up the original
matrix in smaller-sized 3D volumes which are unwrapped
individually. The computed subsets are assembled into a
whole volume result using a quality-based approach.
Sequential or parallel computing is applicable,
especially the latter allowing for a dramatic gain in
computing speed. Simulations show good reliability for a
moderate number of subsets. The performance of the
algorithm is exemplified on a human in vivo dataset
measured at 9.4T.
2495. |
Laplacian Filtering: A
Simple and Robust Technique for Reducing Artifacts in
Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI) 
Ferdinand Schweser1,2, Andreas Deistung1,
Martin Stenzel3, Hans-Joachim Mentzel3,
and Jürgen R. Reichenbach1
1Medical Physics Group, Institute of
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology I, Jena
University Hospital - Friedrich Schiller University
Jena, Jena, Germany, 2School
of Medicine, Jena University Hospital - Friedrich
Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany, 3Section
Pediatric Radiology, Jena University Hospital -
Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany
Susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) is a novel imaging
technique that exploits the MR phase information to
delineate venous vessels and brain lesions. Various
approaches have been presented to avoid severe
off-resonance artifacts in SWI due to the strong field
gradients induced, e.g., by the air-tissue interfaces
above the nasal cavities. However, all of these
techniques involve rather complex and laborious data
processing based on raw complex-valued MR images, which
are usually not available in commercial SWI
implementations. In this contribution we present a
simple and robust post-processing technique that allows
eliminating the wrap-artifacts in SWI. The technique may
be applied both retrospectively on filtered phase images
(commercial SWI) and prospectively on raw complex-valued
2496. |
Background Field Removal
Based on Local Complex Phase Unwrapping and Spherical Mean
Value Property 
Saifeng Liu1, Sagar Buch1, and
Ewart Mark Haacke1,2
1School of Biomedical Engineering, McMaster
University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 2Department
of Radiology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan,
United States
The quality of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM)
relies on the accuracy in background field removal. In
the SHARP method, phase unwrapping is generally
required, which is usually a time-consuming procedure.
It could be avoided by using the Laplacian of the field
but there are errors in regions with sharp phase
changes. Besides, using the Laplacian may lead to
reduced accuracy in the processed phase images. We
proposed a method which allows for using an optimal
kernel size without explicit phase unwrapping. This
helps to reduce the processing time and improve the
accuracy in background field removal using SHARP.
2497. |
Quantitative Susceptibility
Mapping: A Potential Biomaker for Characterizing Cerebral
Cavernous Malformation 
Huan Tan1, Ying Wu1,2, Ryan Hutten1,
Liu Tian3, Yi Wang3, Pottumarthi
Vara Prasad1,2, Issam Awad2, and
Robert R. Edelman1,4
1NorthShore University HealthSystem,
Evanston, IL, United States, 2The
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine,
Chicago, IL, United States, 3Weill
Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, United States, 4Northwestern
University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, IL,
United States
Susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI) was shown to have
a high sensitivity for detecting iron-rich cerebral
cavernous malformation lesions. However, SWI is a
qualitative technique that does not provide a means to
evaluate changes in iron distribution within individual
lesions. Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM)
allows quantitative evaluations of intra-lesional
susceptibility changes related to leakage of
iron-containing blood products. In this study, we
performed QSM in nine patients with CCM to characterize
lesion burden, and demonstrate the potential of QSM as a
quantitative imaging marker for monitoring disease
progression and/or responses to treatments.
2498. |
Feasibility of in-vivo Quantitative
Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) in the Kidneys 
Huan Tan1, Jon Thacker2, Tian Liu3,
Yi Wang3, and Pottumarthi Vara Prasad1,4
1NorthShore University HealthSystem,
Evanston, IL, United States, 2Northwestern
University, Evanston, IL, United States, 3Weill
Cornell Medical College, New York, NY, United States, 4The
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine,
Chicago, IL, United States
The magnetic susceptibility of tissue can be measured
using quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM), a novel
MRI technique that utilizes a 3D multi-echo gradient
echo sequence for data acquisition. Since the
quantification of susceptibility is inherently based on
the phase information and necessitates 3D acquisition,
respiratory motion remains a key challenge. In this
study, we implemented a prospective cross-pair navigator
method to minimize motion effects. The technique was
tested in five volunteers, and the preliminary analysis
supports feasibility of acquiring QSM in vivo in human
2499. |
Fast Susceptibility
Weighted Imaging (SWI) Using PROPELLER-EPI 
Martin Krämer1, Andreas Deistung1,
Ferdinand Schweser1, and Jürgen R.
1Medical Physics Group, Institute of
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology I, Jena
University Hospital - Friedrich Schiller University
Jena, Jena, Germany
The ability to perform phase correction during
PROPELLER-EPI image reconstruction is highly
advantageous making PROPELLER-EPI a robust segmentation
scheme for fast high resolution echo planar imaging.
However, only modified phase information is obtained
after the complete image reconstruction, hampering
further processing of the image phase. To avoid this
issue and to make SWI processing of PROPELLER-EPI data
possible we propose to perform the processing of phase
information on the blade level, before image phase is
modified in any way. We show that this reconstruction
scheme enables high resolution susceptibility weighted
imaging using a fast EPI readout.
2500. |
Expansion of the GESFIDE
Sequence for Simultaneous SWI, T1W Imaging and MR
Wei Feng1, Yang Xuan1, and Ewart
Mark Haacke1
1Radiology, Wayne State University, Detroit,
Michigan, United States
Gradient echo sampling of FID and echo (GESFIDE) and its
variants have been studied to quantify tissue relaxation
rates, including R2, R2* and R2’. In this abstract, we
expand this sequence to also achieve susceptibility
weighted imaging (SWI), T1W imaging, and MR angiography.
Gradient echoes are placed before the refocusing pulse,
after the refocusing pulse and even after the spin echo.
A carefully selected flip angle, echo time and
repetition time allow the unwrapping of multiecho phase
images to generate improved SWI images. Furthermore,
good T1 contrast can be achieved at short GRE echoes
while MRA can be obtained at the spin echo.
2501. |
Microhemorrhage Detection
with Segmented EPI SWI: Comparison to 3D GRE SWI in a Series
of TBI Patients 
Wen-Tung Wang1, Ningzhi Li2, Dzung
Pham2, and John Anthony Butman1,2
1Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Clinical
Center of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda,
MD, United States, 2Center
for Neuroscience and Regenerative Medicine, Bethesda,
MD, United States
Susceptibility weighted imaging using segmented EPI
dramatically accelerates aquisition as compared with
traditional 3D GRE methods. In the context of TBI, the
ability to cover the whole brain in 90 seconds with
segmented EPI with microhemorrhage detection sensitivity
comparable to the 9 minute 3D GRE method makes it
attractive for routine clinical use.
2502. |
Correlation of R2 and R2*
with Quantitative Susceptibility Maps in Healthy Elderly
Jeam Haroldo Oliveira Barbosa1, Saifeng Liu2,
Jin Tang3, Manju Liu4, Weili Zheng4,
Ewart Mark Haacke2,4, and Carlos Ernersto
Garrido Salmon1
1Department of Phisics, University of Sao
Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2School
of Biomedical Engineering, McMaster University,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 3MRI
Institute for Biomedical Research, Detroit, Michigan,
United States, 4Wayne
State University, Detroit, Michigan, United States
There are a variety of means by which iron content in
vivo tissue can be measured. These include but are not
limited to measuring: transverse relaxation rates (R2
and R2*) and quantitative magnetic susceptibility (QSM).
However, the dependency of transverse relaxation rates
with water content can confound the accuracy of iron
quantification if R2 or R2* are used. To overcome this
limitation, magnetic susceptibility mapping has been
suggested to evaluate iron deposits in neurodegenerative
diseases. In this study, we evaluated the correlation
between iron concentration with R2 and R2* and magnetic
susceptibility in vivo in the midbrain region for seven
healthy elderly subjects.
R2' Mapping of the Human
Kidney Using Navigator Gated, Asymmetric Spin Echo,
Multi-Shot EPI 
Jon Thacker1, Huan Tan2, Shivraman
Giri3, and Pottumarthi Vara Prasad2
1Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern,
Evanston, Illinois, United States, 2Northshore
University Health System, Evanston, Illinois, United
States, 3Siemens
Healthcare, Chicago, Il, United States
Renal oxygenation is typically assessed through R2*
maps. However, it is well known that R2* is sensitive to
physiological changes other than oxygenation. R2* is
believed to be made up of two components: R2 and R2’.
R2’ has been assessed as a potentially more specific
indicator of oxygenation. Previous work has been done
with asymmetric spin echo (ASE) EPI sequences for
acquiring R2’ maps. These have been limited in spatial
resolution and confined to breath-hold acquisitions. We
have integrated a navigator gated, ASE segmented EPI
sequence for increased resolution and removal of the
inherent constraints with breath-hold scans.
2504. |
Clinical Comparison Between
PADRE and SWI for Susceptibility Weighted MRI 
Karin Markenroth Bloch1,2, Stefanie Eriksson3,
Roger Siemund4,5, Håkan Sjunnesson4,5,
Emelie Lindgren2, and Danielle van Westen4,5
1Clinical science, Philips, Lund, Sweden, 2Dept.
of Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University, Lund,
Sweden, 3Dept.
of Chemistry, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 4Center
for Medical Imaging and Physiology, Skane University
Hospital Lund, Lund, Sweden, 5Dept.
of Diagnostic Radiology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
The aim of this study was to quantitatively compare two
techniques for susceptibility weighted imaging (PADRE
and SWI) with regard to hemorrhagic lesion detection and
contrast of hemorrhages, as well as to qualitatively
compare the image quality.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 (13:30-15:30) Exhibition Hall |
Contrast Mechanism: From Exotic to Clinical Applications
2505. |
Quantitative Water Content
Assessment Using a Single-Scan Multi-Parameter Mapping
Technique and Spectral Processing of a Multiple Gradient
Echo Acquisition
Ken-Pin Hwang1, Marcel Warntjes2,
R. Jason Stafford3, Wolfgang Stefan3,
Edward F. Jackson3, John E. Madewell4,
John D. Hazle3, Zachary W. Slavens5,
and Tzehping L. Chi4
1Global Applied Science Laboratory, General
Electric Healthcare, Houston, TX, United States, 2Center
for Medical Imaging Science and Visualisation, Linköping
University, Linköping, Sweden, 3Department
of Imaging Physics, University of Texas MD Anderson
Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States, 4Department
of Radiology, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston, TX, United States, 5MR
Engineering, General Electric Healthcare, Waukesha, WI,
United States
Brain water content may be assessed with a proton
density measurement as derived from a multiple gradient
echo sequence, where all causes of signal inhomogeneity
are properly corrected. Typically, the effective flip
angle of the transmit field and T1 of tissues are mapped
with multiple dedicated sequences. Here, we base our
corrections on parameters produced from a single
multi-parameter mapping technique. We also extrapolate
the gradient echo signal using a spectral modeling
technique instead of fitting the signal magnitudes. Thus
absolute water content assessment is performed with two
complementary sequences which provide other quantitative
measurements as well.
2506. |
Specific Inhomogeneous MT
Contrast in White Matter. Application to Spinal Cord
Olivier M. Girard1, Virginie Callot2,
Alexandre Vignaud3, Gopal Varma4,
Patrick J. Cozzone5, David C. Alsop4,
and Guillaume Duhamel2
1CRMBM UMR 7339, CNRS / Aix-Marseille
Université, Marseille, France, 2CRMBM
UMR 7339, Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France, 3Siemens
Healthcare, Saint-Denis, France,4Beth Israel
Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, United States, 5CRMBM
UMR 7339, Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France
Myelin specific imaging has become an abounding research
area because of the high clinical relevance of
myelin-associated diseases such as multiple sclerosis
(MS). Recently a novel MT contrast, known as
inhomogeneous MT - ihMT, has demonstrated high
specificity toward brain WM tissue. In this work an ihMT
sequence was developed on a 1.5T clinical scanner and
applied on the human cervical spinal cord. This new
endogenous contrast demonstrated tremendous specificity
towards spinal cord WM. This holds great promise for
future clinical applications on SC pathologies such as
trauma or MS.
2507. |
Simultaneous Fat Saturation
and Magnetization Transfer Preparation with 2D Small-Tip
Fast Recovery Imaging 
Feng Zhao1, Scott D. Swanson2,
Jon-Fredrik Nielsen1, Jeffrey A. Fessler3,
and Douglas C. Noll1
1Biomedical Engineering, The University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 2Radiology,
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United
States, 3EECS,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
We propose to do simultaneous fat saturation and
magnetization transfer (MT) preparation with small-tip
fast recovery imaging (STFR) which produces high SNR
bSSFP-like images free of banding artifacts. This
sequence requires much less SAR for MT preparation due
to its much higher sensitivity to MT effect than regular
non-steady-state MT sequence.
2508. |
Tissue Border Enhancement
by Inversion Recovery Acquisition 
Mauro Costagli1, Douglas A.C. Kelley2,
Riccardo Stara3, Gianluigi Tiberi1,
Mirco Cosottini1,3, and Michela Tosetti1,4
1IMAGO7, Calambrone, Pisa, Italy, 2GE
Healthcare Technologies, San Francisco, California,
United States, 3University
of Pisa, Pisa, Pisa, Italy, 4IRCCS
Stella Maris, Pisa, Pisa, Italy
This study presents an IR sequence that enhances the
border between two tissues of interest by employing an
inversion time such that magnetizations of the two
tissues have same magnitude and opposite sign, hence
their interface results nulled and highlighted in the
image by a dark line. The most obvious advantage of this
technique is that it allows for immediate, enhanced
visualization of borders between two tissues of interest
without any additional postprocessing procedure, hence
images are immediately visible to the neuroradiologist
in real time. This technique is feasible on both
standard and ultra-high field MRI systems.
2509. |
Short Echo Times and
Multiple Echoes to Image, Quantitate and Classify
Fast-Relaxing Anatomy 
Ethan M. Johnson1, Jinyi Qi2, Urvi
Vyas1, Kim R. Butts Pauly1, and
John M. Pauly1
1Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
States, 2UC
Davis, Davis, CA, United States
Pulse sequences using very short echo times (‘UTE’,
‘CUTE’, ‘DUTE’, etc.) have been applied variously to
image tissues with short spin-spin relaxation (T2)
times. With consideration of the consequences short-T2 times
have for excitation and encoding, a UTE-style pulse
sequence capable of visualising bone and other
fast-relaxing structures is developed. The acquired
images show features that facilitate tissue
classification, which is useful, e.g., for MR-PET and
high-frequency focussed-ultrasound. To demonstrate,
bone, soft tissue and air are classified from 1/T2 and
signal level, from which a linear attenuation
coefficient map useful for PET reconstruction is
2510. |
Inversion Recovery Prepared
PSIF for FLAIR at 7T
Yiu-Cho Chung1, Yanjie Zhu1, Xin
Liu1, and Chao Zou1
1Paul C. Lauterbur Research Center for
Biomedical Imaging, Shenzhen Key Laboratory for MRI,
Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese
Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
TSE based FLAIR at 7T is challenging due to B1 transmit
field inhomogeneity and SAR limitation. We propose
inversion recovery prepared PSIF (IR-PSIF) for FLAIR
imaging at 7T. The short TR in PSIF shortens scan time
(~5s per slice) and eliminates the need for
segmentation. Use of excitation pulses instead of
refocusing pulses makes PSIF less sensitive to hardware
imperfections. The SNR of white matter from an IR-PSIF
image is about 44, and is half that of FLAIR. Such SNR
would be sufficient for diagnostic purposes. We believe
IR-PSIF may be a fast and robust alternative for FLAIR
at 7T.
2511. |
T1rho and T2rho Mapping
with Gradient Offset Independent Adiabatic Pulse Trains
Ovidiu C. Andronesi1, Himanshu Bhat2,
Shreya Mukherjee1, Peter Caravan1,
and Bruce R. Rosen1
1Martinos Center, Radiology, Massachusetts
General Hospital, Charlestown, Massachusetts, United
States, 2Siemens
Medical Solutions, Charlestown, Massachusetts, United
T1 and T2 relaxation in the rotating frame (T1rho,
T2rho) are sensitive to slow molecular dynamics on the
ms time scale, relevant for interaction of water with
important biological systems such as proteins,
glycosaminoglycans and cell membranes. T1rho and T2rho
have been used to investigate pathology of stroke,
Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson Disease, liver cirrhosis
and cartilage damage. Because T1rho and T2rho contrasts
are created by the application of a long spin lock RF
field, or by a train of adiabatic inversion pulses this
results in sequences that have high specific absorption
rate (SAR). Here we propose a pulse sequence based on
low power gradient offset independent adiabatic pulses (GOIA-W(n,m))for
decreasing SAR and performing slice selective T1rho and
T2rho mapping.
2512. |
A T2-Diffusion-Prepared
Cube Sequence for Brain Lesion Detection at 7T
Eric K. Gibbons1, Manoj Saranathan2,
Brian K. Rutt2, John M. Pauly3,
and Adam B. Kerr3
1Department of Bioengineering, Stanford
University, Stanford, California, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, California,
United States,3Department of Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California,
United States
Brain lesion detection at 7T is complicated by the T1
lengthening observed for white and grey matter without a
corresponding increase in CSF T1. As a consequence,
there is lower SNR and contrast for grey and white
matter in FLAIR sequences designed to null CSF signal.
The recently developed MP-FLAIR 3D FSE sequence
introduced a magnetization preparation sequence to
initially saturate white/grey matter Mz so as to allow
for greater recovery during the FLAIR inversion period.
In this preliminary work, we examine the possibility of
eliminating the inversion preparation entirely, using
instead a T2 and diffusion preparation sequence, with
the goal being CSF signal suppression due to it’s higher
diffusion, and simultaneous introduction of combined
T2/diffusion contrast between white/grey matter and
2513. |
Quantitative Proton Density
Mapping in Pathological Tissue: Comparison of Two Receiver
Profile Correction Methods
Steffen Volz1, Ulrike Nöth1, Alina
Jurcoane2, Ulf Ziemann3, Elke
Hattingen2, and Ralf Deichmann1
1Brain Imaging Center, University Frankfurt,
Frankfurt, Germany, 2Department
of Neuroradiology, University Frankfurt, Frankfurt,
Germany, 3Department
of Neurology, University Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany
Correcting for the receiver profile (RP) of the RF coil
is a crucial step in quantitative proton density (PD)
mapping. Two new RP correction methods were compared for
pathological tissue: (1) bias field correction method
and (2) pseudo PD calculation method assuming a linear
relationship between T1 and PD in white and grey matter.
Results were consistent for multiple sclerosis and
stroke patients (small lesions). However, differences
between the two RP correction methods were found in
tumour tissue with results from the pseudo PD method
being more plausible.
2514. |
Robust Susceptibility
Weighted Imaging Using Single-Slab 3D GRASE with Removal of
Background Phase Variation
Hahnsung Kim1, Dong-Hyun Kim1, and
Jaeseok Park2
1Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 2Korea
University, Seoul, Korea
In susceptibility weighted imaging, it is important to
remove background phase variations while retaining only
local field information. The projection onto dipole
field method was recently introduced, employing
image-based convolution with ROI masks to decompose a
background field within the ROI into one originating
from dipoles outside the ROI. However, the image-based
convolution is sensitive to rapid field variations at
the boundaries of the ROI, leading to loss of important
phase information particularly at the air-tissue
interfaces. To regionally correct rapid phase aliasing
at the boundaries while locally removing smoothly
varying background phases, we develop a robust SWI
method employing: 1) Single-slab 3D GRASE to
simultaneously acquire both artifact-free magnitude
images from spin echo and phase images from free
induction decay signals, 2) Removal of rapid background
field at the boundaries using forward field calculation,
and 3) Removal of local background field with the ROI
extended to the boundaries to preserve susceptibility
induced phase information over the entire image.
2515. |
Phase and Diffusion Tensor
Imaging at Ultra-High Magnetic Field: Differences and
Yohan van de Looij1,2, Rajika Maddage2,
Nicolas Kunz1,2, Petra Susan Hüppi1,
Rolf Gruetter3,4, and Stéphane V. Sizonenko1
1Division of Child Growth & Development,
University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 2Laboratory
for Functional and Metabolic Imaging, Ecole
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland, 3Laboratory
for Functional and Metabolic Imaging, École
Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland, 4Department
of Radiology, University of Geneva and Lausanne, Geneva
and Lausanne, Switzerland
DTI gives useful white matter information such as fiber
direction and integrity. The phase of gradient echo
images (PI) has been used to create anatomical images
with excellent grey/white matter contrast. In this work
the potential correlations between DTI and PI in the rat
brain were investigated. We show that PI contrast is
influenced by degree of anisotropy and fiber
orientation. A correlation between DTI derived
parameters and frequency shift of PI was also observed.
Further experiments are in progress to quantify more
accurately these results by an assessment of the
correlations between DTI and susceptibility maps.
2516. |
Collagen Composition and
Content-Dependent Contrast in Porcine Annulus Fibrosus Using
Double-Quantum Filtering Combined with
Magnetization-Transfer and UTE MRI 
Uzi Eliav1, Michal E. Komlosh2,
Peter J. Basser2, and Gil Navon1
1School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University,
Tel Aviv, Israel, 2STBB/PPITS/NICHD/NIH,
NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States
The combined double quantum (DQ) filtering and
magnetization transfer (DQF-MT) and Ultra-Short TE (UTE)
MRI (DQF-MT/UTE) pulse sequence was applied for the
study of the annulus fibrosus in porcine intervertebral
disc (IVD). It was shown that unlike the UTE that gives
the same intensity throughout the tissue the intensity
in the DQF-MT/UTE image declines from the outer layers
towards the inner ones (closer to the nucleus pulposus).
The latter result was interpreted as a combined effect
of the declined concentration of collagen and the ratio
of collagen type I to type II going from the outer into
the inner layers.
2517. |
31P and 1H
NMR Investigation of Liquid Crystal Phase Temperature
Dependence in Rehydrated Myelin 
Henry H. Ong1, Michael J. Wilhelm2,
Suzanne L. Wehrli3, Edward James Delikatny4,
and Felix W. Wehrli1
1Laboratory for Structural NMR Imaging,
Department of Radiology, Perelman School of Medicine at
the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United
States, 2Department
of Chemistry, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA,
United States, 3NMR
Core Facility, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 4Department
of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States
Understanding MR properties of myelin would provide
valuable insight into current MRI methods for myelin
imaging. Myelin forms a lamellar liquid crystal lipid
system whose phase behavior is influenced by
temperature. In recent work the MR properties of
rehydrated myelin extracts have been studied at room
temperature, but whether the results apply to
physiological temperature is not currently understood.
Here, we studied the temperature dependence (10-50°C) of
the liquid crystal phase of rehydrated bovine myelin
extract with 31P
and 1H
NMR. The results are consistent with myelin lipids
exhibiting a lamellar liquid crystal phase over this
temperature range
2518. |
Echo-Shifted Incoherent Steady State Imaging for Electrical
Conductivity Mapping
Hyunyeol Lee1, Woo Chul Jeong2,
Hyung Joong Kim2, Eung Je Woo2,
and Jaeseok Park1
1Brain and Cognitive Engineering, Korea
University, Seoul, Korea, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, Gyeonggi,
Magnetic resonance electrical impedance tomography
(MREIT) was recently introduced to achieve high spatial
resolution, wherein the internal magnetic flux density
(Bz) induced by current injection results from image
phases and electrical conductivity is then calculated
using the harmonic Bz algorithm. To achieve accurate
conductivity distribution in tissues, a high
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in Bz is critical, which is
proportional to the product of current injection time
(TC) and SNR in magnitude image. To effectively enhance
the SNR of Bz in MREIT and speed up data acquisition, in
this work we develop a Bz-SNR-optimized echo-shifted
incoherent steady state imaging pulse sequence for
accurate quantification of electrical conductivity,
wherein free induction decay (FID) signals experience
multiple current injections to form an echo without
apparent loss of signals while retaining high imaging
2519. |
Tissue Thermal Property
Leeor Alon1,2, Christopher Collins1,2,
Giuseppe Carluccio1, Dmitry S. Novikov1,
Yudong Zhu1,2, and Daniel Sodickson1,2
1Department of Radiology, Bernard and Irene
Schwartz Center for Biomedical Imaging, New York
University, New York, NY, United States, 2Sackler
Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, New York
University, New York, NY, United States
At last year’s ISMRM meeting, we introduced Local
Maxwell Tomography (LMT) – a method for noninvasive
mapping of electrical conductivity and permittivity
using incomplete MR-based measurements of RF field
curvature. Here, we apply a theoretical framework
analogous to that of LMT to solve Pennes’ bio-heat
equation, instead of Maxwell’s equations, and thereby to
reconstruct tissue thermal property maps from MR
thermometric measurements. We outline the theory and
demonstrate reconstruction of thermal properties such as
heat capacity, thermal conductivity, and metabolic
energy rate.
2520. |
Neuronal Current MRI in the
Octopus Visual System
Xia Jiang1, Hanbing Lu2, Shuichi
Shigeno3, Li-Hai Tan4, Yihong Yang2,
Clifton W. Ragsdale3, and Jia-Hong Gao1
1Brain Research Imaging Center and Department
of Radiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United
States, 2Neuroimaging
Research Branch, National Institute on Drug Abuse,
National Institutes of Health, Baltimore, MD, United
States, 3Department
of Neurobiology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL,
United States, 4State
Key Lab for Brain Research, University of Hong Kong,
Hong Kong, China
Much effort has been made to determine the feasibility
of neuronal current MRI (nc-MRI), where the small
magnetic field change due to neuronal currents activity
is mapped using MRI. However, most previous studies in
nc-MRI were susceptible to the contamination of BOLD
signal. In this study we tested nc-MRI in the octopus
visual system, which is free from BOLD effect. In
addition, electrophysiological recordings were used to
confirm electrical activities. Scans with the EPI
sequences indicated that no statistically significant nc-MRI
effect could be detected at 0.2%/0.2° level for signal
magnitude and phase respectively.
2521. |
Imaging Chick Embryos with
SPIO Nanoparticles Using SWIFT 
Luning Wang1, Yangqing Lu2, Khan
Hekmatyar3, Steve Stice2, and Qun
1Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States, 2Department
of Animal and Dairy Science, University of Georgia,
Athens, GA, United States, 3BioImaging
Research Center (BIRC), University of Georgia, Athens,
GA, United States
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been used for
studying the dynamics of chick embryo development and
growth. This can be repeated observations on the same
embryo on a longitudinal basis, using high resolution
ultra-high-field (7 Tesla or higher) MR scanners.
MRI-based cell tracking using super-paramagnetic iron
oxide (SPIO) particles provide an excellent means of
cell monitoring in in-vivo. In this work, a novel sweep
imaging with Fourier transformation (SWIFT) sequence,
compared with conventional fast spin echo (FSE) and
gradient-recalled echo (GRE) sequences, will be used to
scan a chick embryo injected with SPIO nanoparticles.
2522. |
Optimal Partial Fourier
Reconstructions in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Imaging
Alan B. McMillan1, Hyungseok Jang1,
Sankaran Subramanian2, and Murali C. Krishna2
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
WI, United States, 2Radiation
Biology Branch, Center for Cancer Research, NCI,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United
Electron paramagnetic resonance imaging (EPRI) employed
using single-point (SP) imaging techniques offers the
capability to dynamically image in vivo tumor
oxygenation. While highly specific, current capabilities
for high spatial resolution dynamic imaging are limited.
Recently, we have investigated partial k-space
acceleration techniques for SP-EPRI. In this work, we
show that the SP-EPRI imaging technique is highly suited
to PF techniques due to its tractable phase
characteristics, and that performance of each method is
dependent upon image matrix size.
2523. |
Characterization of EPR
Spin-Echo Data for Accelerated Oximetry
Frank Golub1, Lee C. Potter1, and
Rizwan Ahmad1
1The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
United States
The current standard for evaluating the T2 decay
constant in pulsed EPR oximetry employs peak-picking of
spin echoes. This method is inefficient, because it only
uses a small subset of the available echo data. In this
work, we characterize a sequence of measured spin echoes
using either a rank-one matrix or a train of parametric
functions. Simulation results indicate that the proposed
methods can significantly reduce the error variance in
the estimation of T2 and hence the data acquisition time
for EPR oximetry.
2524. |
A Method to Improve
Temporal Resolution in EPR Imaging of Tissue Oxygenation
Hyungseok Jang1, Sankaran Subramanian2,
Nallathamby Devashayam2, Murali C. Krishna2,
and Alan B. McMillan1
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
WI, United States, 2Radiation
Biology Branch, Center for Cancer Research, NCI,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United
In EPRI acquired using single-point techniques, repeated
imaging experiments with differing gradient amplitudes
are used to calculate spectral linewidths necessary to
quantify pO2. In this study, we propose a
novel estimation method that enables direct calculation
of linewidth within a single dataset. We investigate
gridding reconstruction and image-based registration
techniques to maintain image FOV, and enable pixelwise
estimation of linewidth. In phantom experiments, we show
that these methods allow quantification of pO2 within
a single dataset, which will allow temporal resolution
improvements of 3x compared to existing techniques.
2525. |
Influence of Free Radicals
Signal from Dental Resins on the Radio-Induced Signal in
Teeth in Nuclear Retrospective Dosimetry : Kinetic Analysis
Using EPR 
Celine M. Desmet1, Philippe Leveque1,
Gaetane Leloup2, and Bernard Gallez3
1Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, Universite
catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium, 2CRIBIO,
Universite catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium, 3Biomedical
Magnetic Resonance, University of Louvain, Brussels,
Tooth enamel associated with EPR detection is a very
promising natural dosimeter. When conducting
retrospective dosimetry, attention should be paid to
recent restorations on teeth (less than 6 month),
specially for doses lower than 3Gy because dental resins
exhibit intense EPR signals early after
Tuesday, 23 April 2013 (13:30-15:30) Exhibition Hall |
2526. |
Amide Proton Transfer (APT)
Imaging for Grading of Glioma 
Ge Zhang1, Xianlong Wang1, Shilong
Lu1, Jinyuan Zhou2, and Zhibo Wen1
1Department of Radiology, Zhujiang Hospital,
Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, Guangdong,
China, 2Department
of Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland,
United States
We explored the imaging features of different grades of
glioma using Amide Proton Transfer MR Imaging at 3
Tesla. Results showed that the average APT signal
intensities of the viable tumor cores were significantly
higher than those of peritumoral edema or
normal-appearing white matter in both low-grade and
high-grade glioma. The average APT signal intensities of
the viable tumor cores were significantly higher than in
low-grade glioma. APT imaging provides additional
diagnostic information to characterize different grade
of glioma.
2527. |
APT and NOE Imaging
Contrasts of Glioma with Different RF Saturation Powers 
Jinyuan Zhou1,2 and
Xiaohua Hong1
1Department of Radiology, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2F.M.
Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging,
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, United
We performed APT imaging and NOE imaging experiments on
9L tumor-bearing rats. The NOE effect is clearly visible
at lower saturation powers and is larger in
contralateral normal brain tissue. On the contrary, the
APT effect is observed at relatively higher saturation
powers and is larger in tumor. The NOE effect is a
confounding factor for the quantification of APT and
other CEST effects and may be exploited as a potentially
new MR contrast.
2528. |
in vivo Saturation
Transfer Imaging of Nuclear Overhauser Effect from Aromatic
and Aliphatic Protons: Implication to APT Quantification
Tao Jin1 and
Seong-Gi Kim1,2
1Department of Radiology, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Department
of Neurobiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
PA, United States
Recent in
vivo saturation
transfer MRI studies have showed significant signals
from the Nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) from aliphatic
protons of macromolecules. In this preliminary study, we
found that the aromatic protons, with frequency range
downfield of water and close to the amide frequencies,
can also affect the water signal in a saturation
transfer experiment through the NOE, and the effect is
significant in
vivo. Both aromatic and aliphatic NOE signals are
not sensitive to tissue pH, while they impose
difficulties to the quantification of amide proton
transfer contrast, they may provide novel MRI contrast
complementary to CEST.
2529. |
Amide Proton Chemical
Exchange Saturation Transfer at 9.4 T with Optimized RF
Transmit Field Through B1 Shimming 
Christian C. Mirkes1,2, Jens Hoffmann1,
Gunamony Shajan1, Rolf Pohmann1,
and Klaus Scheffler1,2
1High-Field MR Center, Max Planck Institute
for Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany, 2Department
for Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University of
Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Amide proton transfer imaging is very promising at
ultra-high field due to the large spectral separation.
Here we show that quantification of the chemical
exchange saturation effect can be facilitated by
homogenizing the transmit field through B1 shimming.
2530. |
Contamination of
Neurometabolite Amine-Water Proton Exchange to Amide Proton
Transfer MRI 
Xiaopeng Zong1, Ping Wang1,
Seong-Gi Kim1, and Tao Jin1
1Department of Radiology, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Amide-water proton transfer (APT) can be exploited to
provide useful MRI contrast under various disease
conditions. However, the APT-weighted signals (APTw)
might be contaminated by other chemical exchange
processes, such as fast amine-water proton exchange. To
investigate this issue, we measured APTw of nine major
neurometabolites in phantoms and estimated their
contributions to the in
vivo APTw
contrast in ischemic rat brain. We found significant
contributions from several metabolites to the APTw,
which showed pH dependence opposite to the APTw signal in
vivo. Thus, possible contaminations from
neurometabolites should be considered when interpreting
the sources of APTw contrast.
2531. |
Effect of Saturation Pulse
Duration and Strength on Parallel Transmission Based Amide
Proton Transfer MRI of the Prostate
Guang Jia1, Saba N. Elias1, Ronney
Abaza2, Debra L. Zynger3, Zarine
K. Shah1, Lai Wei4, Robert R.
Bahnson2, and Michael V. Knopp1
1Department of Radiology, The Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH, United States, 2Department
of Urology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
United States,3Department of Pathology, The
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States, 4Center
for Biostatistics, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
OH, United States
This study shows the importance of APT-MRI contrast
optimization based on pulse duration and power strength
in clinical prostate cancer patient examinations and its
benefits to further develop this methodology into an
imaging biomarker.
2532. |
Prospectively Motion
Compensated Amide Proton Transfer MRI for Body Oncology 
Jochen Keupp1, Guang Jia2, Ivan E.
Dimitrov3, Silke Hey4, and Michael
V. Knopp2
1Philips Research, Hamburg, Germany, 2Department
of Radiology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
United States, 3Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States, 4Philips
Healthcare, Best, Netherlands
Endogenous contrast of exchangeable amide protons of
intra-cellular proteins and peptides (amide proton
transfer, APT) has been developed sucessfully and
applied for first cinical studies in oncology
applications. The work up to now has been mostly focused
on the brain, with some extensions to e.g. prostate and
breast APT. The organs addressed so far are not subject
to respiratory motion. Body oncology applications in
e.g. liver and kidney are challenging for APT, because
the time scale of RF saturation needed for sensitive APT
MRI (about 2s) is of the same order as typical
respiratory intervals. A basic respiratory triggered
saturation transfer technique was previously developed
for contrast agent studies in human kidneys. In the
current work, this approach was extended for improved
stability of the contrast with varying respiratory
cycles, scan time efficiency and SAR management. The
novel technique was successfully tested in human
volunteers with a focus on APT contrast in liver and
2533. |
Amide Proton Transfer MR
Imaging in Peritoneal Metastasis Evaluation 
Xue Yu1, Elaine Yuen Phin Lee1,
Queenie Chan2, and Mina Kim1
1Diagnostic Radiology, The University of Hong
Kong, Hong Kong, China, 2Philips
Healthcare, Hong Kong, China
Neoadjuvant treatment for peritoneal metastasis has
emerged. Therefore evaluation of peritoneal metastasis
is crucial for diagnosis and treatment planning. As APT
MRI can provide complementary information to current MR
sequences in clinical use, the purpose of this study is
to assess APT MRI in peritoneal metastasis imaging. This
pilot study demonstrates the feasibility of APT MRI in
differentiating peritoneal metastasis from muscle and
fat, which is clinically relevant as peritoneal
metastases can be deposited in the area with abundant
fat or adherent to soft tissue. The separation of these
tissues will aid detection and assessment of peritoneal
2534. |
Isolating Chemical Exchange
Contrast from Amide and Amine Protons in the Presence of
Asymmetric Macromolecular Magnetization Transfer with
Off-Resonance Spin Locking at 3T in the Human Brain
Rachel Scheidegger1,2 and
David C. Alsop1,3
1Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center, Boston, MA, United States, 2Health
Sciences and Technology, Harvard-MIT, Cambridge, MA,
United States, 3Radiology,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
We present spin-locking RF preparations schemes
optimized to generate chemical exchange saturation
transfer (CEST) contrast with reduced errors from
multiple exchangeable protons and intrinsic
magnetization transfer (MT) asymmetry for human imaging
at 3T. Tuning both the spin-locking power and duration
can be used to maximize signal from either amide or
amine protons. We demonstrate, in healthy volunteers,
how these methods allow clear and robust measurement of
the amine proton peak with reduced MT asymmetry which
could improve the feasibility of quantifying exchange
rates in-vivo and measuring pH.
2535. |
Specific Inhomogeneous MT
Contrast in Mouse Brain White Matter
Guillaume Duhamel1, Olivier M. Girard1,
Gopal Varma2, Patrick J. Cozzone1,
Virginie Callot1, and David C. Alsop2
1CRMBM / CNRS 7339, Aix-Marseille University,
Marseille, France, 2Department
of Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
Specific imaging able to provide quantification of
myelin concentration would be a very valuable tool for
clinical and preclinical studies of white matter
pathologies. While several advanced MR techniques are
used to assess myelin content (short T2 imaging, MWF, MT
…), they all are affected by confounding factors which
limit their specificity to myelin. A new MT approach
specific to the inhomogenous component of the MT
spectrum was applied on human at 3T and appeared to be
selectively sensitive to tissue with myelin. Here, we
investigated the specificity of this inhomogenous MT
sequence in mouse brain at 11.75T
2536. |
Quantitative Evaluation of
the Exchange Time and T2 Associated
with an Inhomogeneous Component Using Inhomogeneous
Magnetization Transfer Imaging
Gopal Varma1, Fotini Kourtelidis1,
and David C. Alsop1
1Radiology, Division of MR Research, Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, United States
Application of quantitative magnetization transfer (MT)
to white matter in the brain is of interest,
particularly in studies of degenerative diseases. A
greater contrast and sensitivity has been shown from
inhomogeneous MT (IHMT) imaging. A more quantitative
analysis of the IHMT effect is applied in hair
conditioner phantoms and in vivo based on a 2 pool model
to elucidate exchange time and T2 parameters
associated with an inhomogeneous component. An exchange
time of ~6ms and T2 of
~200µs is found in healthy volunteers, which are
distinct from the results in vitro.
2537. |
Assessment of Interslice MT
Signal Characteristics of BSSFP for MTR Imaging of the Human
Jeffrey William Barker1,2, Kyongtae Ty Bae1,
and Sung-Hong Park1,3
1Radiology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 2Bioengineering,
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
United States, 3Bio
and Brain Engineering, Korean Advanced Institute of
Science and Technology, Daejeon, Yuseong-gu, Korea
For our newly developed MT ratio (MTR) imaging, we
assessed characteristics of interslice MT signals, that
are inherent to multi-slice bSSFP imaging for varying
flip angle and phase encoding (PE) order. We compared in
vivo MTR
values to two-pool model simulations. Overall, MTR and
SNR values increased with flip angle. Centric PE images
showed higher MTR values, higher SNR, and better WM/GM
contrast. Linear PE image contrast was influenced by
relaxation effects. Simulations agreed well with in
vivo data. Our study assessed characteristic factors
of the interslice MTR method to be considered for MTR
imaging in the brain.
2538. |
Contributors to Contrast
Between Glioma and Brain Tissue in Chemical Exchange
Saturation Transfer Sensitive Imaging at 3 Tesla 
Rachel Scheidegger1,2, Eric T. Wong3,4,
and David C. Alsop1,5
1Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center, Boston, MA, United States, 2Health
Sciences and Technology, Harvard-MIT, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, United States,3Brain Tumor
Center & Neuro-Oncology Unit, Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center, Boston, MA, United States, 4Neurology,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 5Radiology,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
We report a study targeted at separating the different
saturation transfer signals from amide, amine, aliphatic
protons and macromolecular magnetization transfer
contrast (MTC) and identifying their relative
contributions to CEST contrast in high grade glioma
patients. Amide exchange could be detected with lower
saturation power than has previously been reported in
glioma but showed no detectable contrast in tumors. At
high saturation powers, amine proton exchange was a
major contributor to the observed signal but also showed
no contrast in tumors. The loss of broad macromolecular
MTC from normal brain tissue was responsible for the
majority of contrast with glioma.
2539. |
Quantitative Magnetization
Transfer Imaging at 7 Tesla: Application in Multiple
Sclerosis Patients and Validation in Postmortem Brain
Richard D. Dortch1,2, Adrienne N. Dula1,2,
Francesca Bagnato1,2, David R. Pennell1,2,
Siddharama Pawate3, Simon Hametner4,
Hans Lassmann4, John C. Gore1,2,
and Seth A. Smith1,2
1Radiology and Radiological Sciences,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Vanderbilt
University Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 3Neurology,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 4Center
for Brain Research, Medical University, Vienna, Austria
We recently developed a selective inversion recovery
(SIR) quantitative magnetization transfer (qMT) protocol
that exploits the increased signal-to-noise ratio
available at 7.0 T to reduce scan times. The goals of
this study were: 1) to establish the relationship
between the resulting SIR-derived metrics and
pathological changes in relapsing-remitting multiple
sclerosis (RRMS) patients and 2) to validate the SIR
technique by comparing qMT parameter maps in postmortem
brains to histological measurements of myelin. The in
vivo results suggest that SIR-derived metrics are
sensitive to RRMS pathology, and the postmortem results
suggest that the method is reporting on changes in
myelin content.
2540. |
Sulcal and Gyral Crown
Cortical Grey Matter Involvement in Multiple Sclerosis: A
Magnetisation Transfer Ratio Study
Rebecca S. Samson1, Nils Muhlert2,
Varun Sethi2, Claudia Angela M.
Wheeler-Kingshott2, Maria A. Ron2,
David H. Miller2, and Declan T. Chard2
1NMR Research Unit, Queen Square MS Centre,
Department of Neuroinflammation, UCL Institute of
Neurology, London, England, United Kingdom, 2NMR
Research Unit, Queen Square MS Centre, Department of
Neuroinflammation, UCL Institute of Neurology, London,
United Kingdom
Histopathology has demonstrated extensive cortical grey
matter (CGM) demyelination in multiple sclerosis (MS),
and suggests that sulcal folds may be preferentially
affected, particularly in secondary progressive (SP) MS.
We measured sulcal and gyral crown magnetisation
transfer ratio (MTR) in MS and healthy control CGM in
vivo, and examined associations with clinical status.
CGM MTR abnormalities were present in all MS subtypes
and were most pronounced in SPMS. However, sulcal was
lower than gyral MTR in all groups (including controls)
except SPMS, indicating that there is not a clear sulcal
predilection for these changes.
2541. |
CEST Effect at 2ppm
(CEST@2ppm): A Potential Biomarker for Grading Brain Tumor
Kejia Cai1, Mohammad Haris1, Anup
Singh1, Ravi Prakash Reddy Nanga1,
Ranjit Ittyerah1, Damodar Reddy1,
Harish Poptani1, Hari Hariharan1,
and Ravinder Reddy1
1University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States
The CEST effect at 2ppm (CEST@2ppm), quantified through
fitting Z spectrum with Lorentzian functions, decreases
in tumor compared to normal brain tissue and further
reduces as tumor progresses, correlating to MRS
quantification of creatine. Along with other
justifications, we suggest creatine to be the major
contribution to the CEST@2ppm. Our results show F98
tumors have significant lower CEST@2ppm effect compared
to 9L tumors. Once validated, the high-resolution
creatine mapping method could be used for grading brain
2542. |
The CEST Effect of
Guanidine and Hydroxyl Protons Can Be Used as a Positive
Contrast in Ischemia
Tao Jin1 and
Seong-Gi Kim1
1Department of Radiology, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
CEST imaging utilizing the the endogenous amide-proton
transfer (APT) effect has shown great potential in
stroke studies. However, the APT contrast in stroke is
negative which decreases at the lesion region. A
positive pH-sensitive imaging contrast would be
preferable. In this preliminary study, we investigated
the chemical exchange effects of endogenous guanidine
and hydroxyl protons and their potential application in
stroke studies. Because guanidine and hydroxyl protons
exchange with water at much faster rate than amide
protons, a positive chemical exchange imaging contrast
induced by tissue acidosis can be detected by judicious
selection of the off-resonance irradiation pulse power.
2543. |
Feasibility of in
vivo CEST
Imaging of Creatine (CrCEST) at 3T
Catherine DeBrosse1, Feliks Kogan1,
Mohammad Haris1, Anup Singh1,
Kejia Cai1, Ravi Prakash Reddy Nanga1,
Hari Hariharan1, and Ravinder Reddy1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance and Optical
Imaging, Department of Radiology, University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
The purpose of this study was to determine the
feasibility of mapping creatine (Cr) in vivo using
chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) on routine
clinical scanners (3T). Mild plantar flexion exercise on
healthy human subjects led to an increase in CrCESTasym
that is correlated to the change in the PCr signal
measured with 31P MRS.
Imaging of Endogenous CEST
Agents in the Human Brain Using Frequency Labeled Exchange
(FLEX) Transfer
Nirbhay N. Yadav1,2, Craig K. Jones1,2,
Jun Hua1,2, Jiadi Xu1,2, and Peter
C.M. van Zijl1,2
1Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology
and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2FM
Kirby Research Center, Kennedy Krieger Institute,
Baltimore, MD, United States
It is shown that it is possible to image endogenous
exchangeable proton signals in the human brain at 3T
using the recently reported method of frequency labeled
exchange transfer (FLEX) MRI. The results indicate that,
compared to traditional CEST experiments, FLEX MRI
preferentially detects more rapidly exchanging
amide/amine protons, thereby changing the information
content of the exchangeable proton spectrum. This has
the potential to open up different types of endogenous
applications as well as more easy detection of rapidly
exchanging protons in diaCEST agents or fast exchanging
units such as water molecules in paraCEST agents without
interference of conventional MTC.
2545. |
A Multi-Echo Length and
Offset VARied Saturation (Me-LOVARS) CEST Method
Xiaolei Song1,2, Jiadi Xu1,2,
Shuli Xia3, Nirbhay N. Yadav1,2,
Bachchu Lal3, Jeff W.M. Bulte2,4,
John Laterra3, Peter C.M. van Zijl1,2,
and Michael T. McMahon1,2
1Division of MR Research, The Russell H.
Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological Science,
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland,
United States, 2F.M.
Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging,
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Department
of Neuro-Oncology, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore,
MD, United States, 4Division
of MR Research, The Russell H. Morgan Department of
Radiology and Radiological Science, Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) has become
an important method to generate MRI contrast, with
applications in the imaging of strokes and cancer. We
present an efficient CEST imaging method, named
Multi-echo Length and Offset VARied Saturation (Me-LOVARS),
which allows acquiring a series of Z-spectra at multiple
tsat values,
without extra scan time cost. When using Me-LOVARS for
imaging mice baring glioblastomas, 3 Z-spectra with
saturation length of 0.8sec., 1.6sec. and 2.4sec were
acquired, using same time as one conventional Zspectrum.
The contrast-noise-ratio of B0-corrected
MTRasym maps using Me-LOVARS is also comparable to the
conventional method with the same tsat.
2546. |
An Analytical Approach
Towards Pulsed-SL/CEST Quantification
Volkert Brar Roeloffs1, Moritz Zaiss1,
and Peter Bachert1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center, Heidelberg, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) experiments
provide a NMR-imaging technique capable of detecting
dilute metabolite protons. Off-resonant spinlock
experiments are in a similar way sensitive to chemical
exchange. However, within the clinical context, RF pulse
duration and power are limited due to SAR-restrictions.
For this reason, in this work the effect of pulsed
spinlock saturation has been modeled theoretically. The
findings were validated experimentally and a method of
quantifying exchange rates was proposed, which might be
an important step towards a contrast-agent free imaging
technique that allows in vivo quantification of
physiological relevant exchange rates and metabolite
2547. |
The Non-Linearity of CEST
and MT Signal Combination 
Sheng-Min Huang1, Chih-Kuang Yeh1,
and Fu-Nien Wang1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering &
Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan
The interference from magnetization transfer (MT) in
chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) complicates
the issue of quantitative measurement. In this study, we
performed both numerical simulation and phantom
experiment to identify if linear combining assumption of
CEST and MT signal is appropriate. Both our results
showed that the mix signal of CEST and MT were
overestimated approximately 25% by linear model, which
indicates that linear combination fails to describe the
relations between CEST and MT signal. Comprehensive
study of CEST and MT relationship is needed for reducing
the asymmetric MT effect.
2548. |
MTRRex –
a New Spillover and MT Correction Method for Quantitative
Pulsed Steady-State CEST
Moritz Zaiss1, Steffen Goerke1,
and Peter Bachert1
1Dept. of Medical Physics in Radiology,
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, BW,
CEST evaluation suffers from concomitant effects as
direct water saturation (spillover) and MT. We present a
new spillover correction for pulsed CEST which yields
the exchange dependent relaxation in the rotating frame
Rex. We proof our method at creatine model solutions and
show additionally, that also quantification is possible
and therefore calculation of pH and creatine
concentration maps. Our method can simply be applied to
clinical data of gagCEST, APT, glucoCEST and many more.
2549. |
Simplified RF
Spillover-Corrected Omega Plot for Simultaneous
Determination of Labile Proton Ratio and Exchange Rate
Phillip Zhe Sun1, Gang Xiao2, and
Renhua Wu3
1Radiology, Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Department
of Math and Information Technology, Hanshan Normal
University, Chaozhou, Guangdong, China, 3Department
of Medical Imaging, Medical College of Shantou
University, Chaozhou, Guangdong, China
Whereas CEST-weighted MRI has provided tremendous
insights, it is important to develop quantitative CEST (qCEST)
analysis to characterize the underlying CEST system. We
here postulated that the concomitant RF spillover
effects can be reasonably estimated for simplified qCEST
analysis. Specifically, both the labile proton ratio and
exchange rate can be determined from RF spillover factor
corrected modified omega plot. The proposed qCEST
analysis was validated both numerically and
experimentally. In summary, our study established a
simplified qCEST analysis algorithm, which remains
promising to aid the ongoing development of qCEST MRI.
2550. |
Off-Resonance Irradiation
Power to Optimize the CEST Sensitivity Versus the Exchange
Tao Jin1 and
Seong-Gi Kim1
1Department of Radiology, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
In CEST studies, the off-resonance irradiation power
amplitude (B1) should be adjusted to optimize
the sensitivity and/or specificity of chemical exchange
contrast. If only one type of labile proton exist or is
dominant, B1 can
be optimized to maximize the sensitivity of chemical
exchange contrast. If several types of labile protons
have similar Larmor frequencies but very different
exchange rates, B1 can
also be optimized to selectively enhance the chemical
exchange contrast from a specific labile proton. In this
work we derived analytical solutions for B1 optimization
of these two cases in the slow exchange regime.
2551. |
A New Method for
Quantifying Chemical Exchange Rates from CEST MRI Using the
Solutions to the Time-Dependent Bloch Equations with and
Without Spin Locking
Kenya Murase1, Junpei Ueda1, Koji
Itagaki1, Shigeyoshi Saito1, and
Atsuomi Kimura1
1Medical Physics and Engineering, Osaka
University, Suita, Osaka, Japan
Recently, there have been an increasing number of
studies that have used the chemical exchange effect to
probe the tissue microenvironment. Most of these studies
adopted either a chemical exchange saturation transfer
(CEST) or a spin-locking (SL) approach. We presented a
simple and fast method for solving the time-dependent
Bloch equations in CEST MRI with SL, and proposed a new
method for quantifying chemical exchange rates from CEST
MRI with and without SL using this method. Our results
suggest that the CEST MRI with SL is more reliable than
that without SL for quantifying chemical exchange rates.
2552. |
Optimization of Spin-Lock
Parameters for Chemical Exchange Imaging Contrast
Enhancement by Maximizing Asymmetric Magnetization Transfer
Ratio: A Theoretical Study
Jing Yuan1, Qinwei Zhang1, Anil T.
Ahuja1, and Yi-Xiang Wang1
1Department of Imaging and Interventional
Radiology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT,
Hong Kong
Spin-lock technique, which is traditionally used to
measure T1£l relaxation time, can also be used for
chemical exchange (CE) imaging. This study theoretically
investigates the optimization of spin-lock frequency
(FSL) and spin-lock time (TSL) to maximize the
asymmetric magnetization transfer ratio for different
proton exchange rates, by numerical simulations based on
a two-pool R1£l relaxation model derived from the
Bloch-McConnell equations. Results show that spin-lock
pulse with low FSL and long TSL is sensitive to detect
slow CE processes while spin-lock pulse with high FSL
and short TSL is useful for fast CE process study.
2553. |
Differentiation and
Quantification of Exchanging Protons in Different Pool
Resonating at the Same Frequency in CEST
Olivier E. Mougin1 and
Penelope A. Gowland2
1SPMMRC, School of Physics and Astronomy,
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, Select, United
Kingdom, 2SPMMRC,
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire,
United Kingdom
CEST is increasingly used to study a wide range of
endogenous and exogenous species. However different
species of interest overlap in the z-spectra even at
high field due to line broadening caused by exchange.
Here we propose a new combination of acquisition and
analysis approaches to separate fast and slow exchanging
species. Simulation and experimentation of a z-spectra
database for two pools exchanging at different rates is
presented here, and was used successfully in fitting
pool protons overlapping on the z-spectra, both
numerically and empirically.
2554. |
Contribution of Tissue
Perfusion to the CEST Effect from Creatine in Skeletal
Feliks Kogan1, Randall B. Stafford2,
Mohammad Haris1, Erin K. Englund2,
Anup Singh1, Kejia Cai1, Catherine
DeBrosse1, Ravi Prakash Reddy Nanga1,
Hari Hariharan1, John A. Detre3,
and Ravinder Reddy1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance and Optical
Imaging (CMROI), University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States, 3Center
for Functional Neuroimaging, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States
The objective of this work was to determine the
contribution of perfused blood on the chemical exchange
saturation transfer (CEST) from creatine. Perfusion
changes were produced by a combination of cuff inflation
and deflation. Reactive hyperemia resulted in
substantial increases in perfusion as measured by
arterial spin labeling (ASL) mean percent difference
maps but negligible changes in CrCEST maps. This
demonstrates that the CEST effect from perfused blood is
negligible and does not confound CrCEST measurements.
2555. |
Variable Delay Pulse Train
for Fast CEST and NOE-CEST MRI 
Jiadi Xu1, Nirbhay N. Yadav1,
Amnon Bar-Shir2, Craig Jones1,2,
Kannie W.Y. Chan1, Jingyang Zhang2,
Piotr Walczak2, Michael T. McMahon1,
and Peter C.M. van Zijl1
1F. M. Kirby Center, Kennedy Krieger
Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Russell
H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological
Science, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United
We propose a new technique, variable delay pulsed CEST (VDP
CEST), which eliminates the need for performing
asymmetry analysis in CEST imaging. The scheme involves
acquiring images with variable delay times between RF
saturation pulses in pulsed CEST, producing a series of
CEST images sensitive to the speed of saturation
transfer. Subtracting two images or fitting a time
series produces CEST and NOE-relayed CEST maps without
effects of direct saturation and strongly reduced
influence of semi-solid magnetization transfer. This
technique, which can provide very short scan times when
using a single RF frequency, is demonstrated in vivo on
rat brain.