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T2 Quantification
Using Only T2-weighted and Proton Density
Weighted Fast Spin Echo Images 
Kelly C McPhee1 and
Alan H Wilman2
1Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta,
Proton density and T2-weighted fast spin echo
images are frequently acquired in clinical MRI exams. T2 quantification
is commonly performed in the clinic via applying an
exponential fit to these two images, despite recent
evidence that an exponential fit is insufficient to
correctly quantify T2. We present T2 quantification
by implementing stimulated echo compensated T2 fitting
using only a proton density-weighted and a T2-weighted
fast spin echo image. This method is demonstrated in the
human brain in comparison to a standard quantitative
multi-echo spin echo approach.
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Relaxation Time
Calculations using an Inversion-Recovery Steady-State
Free-Precession (IR-SSFP) Sequence A Comparison of Single
and Dual Acquisition Methods 
Richard Stephen Nicholas1,2, Stephen J Gandy1,2,
and Richard A Lerski1,2
1Medical Physics, NHS Tayside, Dundee,
Scotland, United Kingdom, 2University
of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland, United Kingdom
This study compares a single and dual acquisition method
for simultaneously measuring T1 and T2 in phantoms using
an IR SSFP sequence. Measurements were made over a
combination of RR intervals and flip angles, and
compared with calibrated reference values. For the
single acquisition method, significant deviations in
both T1 and T2 were observed, particularly at shorter RR
intervals with longer T1 phantoms. The dual acquisition
method was demonstrated to be superior for measuring T1
but over-estimated T2. The increased accuracy may offset
the requirement for a second acquisition, but this would
need further evaluation in vivo.
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Enhancing Image Contrast in
Human Brain by Voxel Spread Function Method 
Xialing Ulrich1 and
Dmitriy A Yablonskiy1
1Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology,
Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri,
United States
Gibbs ringing artifacts especially pronounced in the
presence of magnetic field inhomogeneities adversely
affect different aspects of MRI. In quantitative MRI
they bias and often corrupt measurements. The VSF (voxel
spread function) method provides a platform for
correcting images and can be applied to a variety of
quantitative gradient-echo-based MRI techniques.
Elimination of Gibbs artifacts in VSF approach requires
solution of high-rank matrix equation (VSF equation) and
relies on certain approximations. Herein we propose a
method for solution of VSF equation allowing for
substantially improving visibility of sharp edges and
demonstrate improved contrast of blood vessels in the
human brain.
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COntrast Manipulating MIXed
kspace COMMIX CAPRI / UTE for ultra short T2* mapping using
multiple echo times within a single k-space data set 
Anna-Katinka Bracher1, Erich Hell2,
Johannes Ulrici2, and Volker Rasche1
1Internal Medicine II, University Hospital of
Ulm, Ulm, BW, Germany, 2Sirona
Dental Systems, HE, Germany
For tissues with very short T2* values ultrashort echo
time T2* (UTE -T2*) mapping is used instead of
conventional multi echo approach because in the latter
case echo time spacing is too large for the fast signal
decay in rigid bodys. Since a full sampled image is
measured for every TE value UTE-T2* mapping is a very
time consuming approach. Using a contrast manipulating
mixed k-space (COMMIX) approach provides multiple TE
images in a single k-space data set.
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Refocusing Flip Angle Map
Constrained Fitting for Indirect Echo Compensated T2 Mapping 
Chuan Huang1, Maria I Altbach2,
Quanzheng Li1, Xiaomeng Zhang1,
and Georges El Fakhri1
1Center for Advanced Medical Imaging
Sciences, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Medical
Imaging, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United
multiple spin-echo is generally used due for T2 mapping
to the long acquisition time required by single
spin-echo strategies. However, because of pulse
imperfection, the signal acquired by MSE sequence is
generally contaminated by indirect echoes. Several
groups have investigated T2 fitting techniques
incorporating the indirect echoes into the signal model.
One common aspect of these model-based indirect echo
compensated T2 estimation techniques is that the flip
angles of the refocusing pulses are also being fitted to
the acquired TE images for each pixel along with T2
values. However, due to the non-convex nature of the
cost function in the fitting, there is an ambiguity
issue for the refocusing flip angles. Breikreutz et al
proposed to use separately acquired rFA map to improve
the accuracy. However, the additional acquisition time
for rFA mapping is not desirable, and the approach also
suffers from subject motion between these two
acquisitions. In this work, we propose an iterative
refocusing flip angle map constrained T2 decay model
fitting technique with indirect echo compensated to
solve the ambiguity problem without additional
3200. |
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Optimizing single component
DESPOT using a Cramer-Rao Lower Bound framework 
Rui Pedro A. G. Teixeira1,2, Shaihan J. Malik1,3,
and Joseph V. Hajnal1,3
1Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical
Engineering, King's College London, London, London,
United Kingdom, 2Institute
of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of
Sciences, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 3Centre
for the Developing Brain, King's College London, London,
London, United Kingdom
The Driven Equilibrium Single Pulse Observation of T1 &
T2 (DESPOT) relaxometry technique aims to provide high
quality 3D maps of T1 and T2 within a clinical time
frame. We propose an optimization method built on the
Cramér-Rao Lower Bound to guarantee low estimation
standard deviation over a defined range of relaxation
times and use it to design optimal single compartment
DESPOT acquisitions for adult and neonatal brain.
3201. |
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Fat-water separation in a
rapid quantitative mapping sequence 
Ken-Pin Hwang1,2, Jong Bum Son2,
Marcel Warntjes3, Ersin Bayram1,
and Jingfei Ma2
1Global MR Applications and Workflow, GE
Healthcare, Houston, TX, United States, 2Department
of Imaging Physics, The University of Texas M. D.
Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States, 3Center
for Medical Imaging Science and Visualisation,
University of Linkoping, Linkoping, Sweden
The Fast Triple Echo Dixon fat-water separation
technique is combined with QMAP, to obtain in a single
sequence the relative signal fraction of each species,
in addition to the T1, T2, and PD information provided
by QMAP. The FSE sequence is modified by a replacing the
standard readout pulse with a three-echo bipolar
readout. The fat/water separation is first performed,
and relaxation parameter fitting is then applied
separately to the fat and water images. Not only is more
information provided in this technique, but quantitation
could potentially be improved in mixed voxel species.
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Efficient Imaging
Parameters for Quantitative 3D T1rho Mapping of the Brain 
Casey P. Johnson1, Daniel R. Thedens1,
and Vincent A. Magnotta1
1Radiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City,
IA, United States
Quantitative T1ρ mapping has tremendous potential to
probe a variety of brain diseases. However, T1ρ mapping
has largely been limited to 2D single-slice
acquisitions. 3D mapping would be a major advance to
provide high spatial resolution maps of the entire
brain, but acquisition time is a significant challenge.
Here we simulate tradeoffs of imaging parameters for
recently-described rapid segmented 3D T1ρ mapping
sequences to determine which sets of parameters provide
the shortest acquisition times to achieve target T1ρ
precision thresholds. This is a critical step toward
fulfilling the need to efficiently acquire 3D T1ρ maps
of the brain.
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Imaging T1, T2 and
proton density with minimum possible acquisitions 
Guan Wang1,2, Abdel-Monem M. El-Sharkawy2,
and Paul A. Bottomley1,2
1Electrical & Computer Engineering, Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Russell
H. Morgan Dept. of Radiology & Radiological Sciences,
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States
T1, T2 and
proton density contain almost all of the information
that MRI routinely uses in clinical diagnosis and
research, but are seldom imaged directly. Moreover,
measurements depend critically on B1-field
homogeneity making field mapping essential at higher
field strengths. Here, a novel method that measures T1,
T2, PD and B1 with
only four acquisitionsthe minimum possibleis
presented. This Tri-FA method encodes T1 with
three varied flip-angles, and T2 via
long 0° BIR-4 pre-pulses instead of spin-echoes. 2D and
3D Tri-FA imaging is demonstrated in vitro and in
human brain studies at 3 Tesla.
3204. |
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Rapid R2 mapping: A
comparison between ultrafast SE-SS-PARSE and FSE 
Ningzhi Li1, Mark Bolding2, and
Donald B Twieg3
1Center for Neuroscience and Regenerative
Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL,
United States, 3Department
of Biomedical Engineering, University of Alabama at
Birmingham, AL, United States
Rapid R2 mapping is of significant interests to MRI
scientists and can be applied in many research areas.
The recent introduced SE-SS-PARSE (single-shot parameter
assessment by retrieval from signal encoding) is an
ultrafast and direct R2 mapping technique. By modeling
signal changes during the sampling, SE-SS-PARSE promises
a more accurate and robust data measurement. This study
evaluates the accuracy of R2 mapping in SE-SS-PARSE by
comparing it with fast SE, a commonly used rapid R2
mapping method. Conventional SE provided references. We
found that SE-SS-PARSE provided accurate R2 mapping with
a much shorter acquisition time compared to fast SE.
3205. |
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Rapid Dynamic Temperature /
T1 / T2*
Assessment: A Method With Potential For Monitoring Drug
Cyril Lorenzato1, Chris Oerlemans1,
Baudouin Denis de Senneville1,2, Chrit Moonen1,
and Clemens Bos1
1Imaging Division, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2UMR
5251 CNRS / Université Bordeaux 1 / INRIA, Institut de
Mathématiques de Bordeaux, Talence, France
Thermosensitive liposomes (TSL) can be prepared to
contain drugs as well as paramagnetic MR-contrast
agents. This would allow heat induced local drug
release, while detecting the release by imaging
relaxivity changes. A method is presented to measure T1,
T2* and temperature simultaneously and is
applied to monitor release from gadolinium containing
TSL during heating. The results indicated the need to
correct for temperature related apparent proton density
changes in the T1 measurements. The method will be an
aid to monitor the release of MR-contrast agents from
TSL in local drug delivery studies, as a correlate of
drug release.
3206. |
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Optimal Unbiased
Steady-State Relaxometry with Phase-Cycled Variable Flip
Angle (PCVFA) by Automatic Computation of the Cramér-Rao
Lower Bound 
Jason Su1,2 and
Brian Rutt2
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
An open source computational framework that calculates
the CRLB for arbitrary signal equations to machine
precision with minimal effort is developed and applied
to the analysis of steady-state relaxometry with the
SPGR and bSSFP pulse sequences. The unbiased protocol
that achieves the highest precision efficiency estimate
of T1 and T2 is found allowing the free variables: flip
angle, phase cycle, and acquisition time fraction. The
optimum PCVFA protocol consists only of 0 and
π-phase-cycled bSSFP at 4 flip angles. This provides
over a factor of 2.1x gain in efficiency for simulated
WM and GM compared to previous related DESPOT2
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A Comparison of B1 Mapping
Methods for T1 Mapping
at 3T 
Mathieu Boudreau1, Christine Tardif2,
Nikola Stikov1, and G. Bruce Pike1,3
1Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill
University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2Department
of Neurophysics, Max Planck Institute for Human
Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Saxony, Germany, 3Hotchkiss
Brain Institute, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
B1 maps
are an essential part of most quantitative MRI
protocols, including Variable Flip Angle (VFA) T1 mapping.
To achieve whole brain quantitative imaging in
reasonable scan times, several novel rapid B1 methods
have been introduced. This work compared VFA T1 maps
in white matter produced with four B1 methods: Double
angle, Bloch-Siegert, AFI, and double angle EPI. Six
healthy adult subjects were scanned with a 3T Siemens
Tim Trio MRI using a 32-channel receive-only head coil.
All B1 methods
resulted in comparable WM T1 maps,
and all rapid methods strongly correlated with the
reference DA map.
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Relaxation Measurements in
Brain tissue at field strengths between 0.35T and 9.4T 
Jinxia Zhu1, Markus Klarhöfer1,
Francesco Santini1, Klaus Scheffler2,3,
and Oliver Bieri1
1Radiological physics, University Hospital
Basel, basel, basel, Switzerland, 2High-Field
Magnetic Resonance Center, Max-Planck Institute for
Biological Cybernetics, Tübingen, Germany, 3Department
of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance, University Hospital
Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany
Basic spin-echo (SE) based protocols were used to
estimate T1 and T2 relaxation times in human brain in
the presence of multiple field strengths (0.35T, 1.5T,
3T, 7T, and 9.4 T). Experiments were performed on the
same two subjects at all B0 using the same acquisition
parameters. The T1 dependence on B0 is further analyzed.
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B1+ and B0 Corrected High
Resolution Whole Brain T1-mapping at High Field in a
Clinically Acceptable Scan Time 
Govind Nair1, Qi Duan1, Daniel S
Reich1, and Souheil Inati2
1NINDS, National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, MD, United States, 2NIMH,
National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United
B1-mapping techniques are seldom applied to T1-mapping
of the human brain at high field strengths due to the
high SAR resulting in long scan times.
Background-field-corrected Bloch-Siegert B1-mapping
scheme is used here for whole-brain T1-mapping at 1 mm
isotropic resolution on a 7T scanner. The total scan
time was less than 30 minutes. The corrected T1 map was
uniform and had a distinct bimodal distribution with
peaks at 1350 and 1950 ms, and repeat calculation at
non-optimal shimming yielded an average change of 0.1 ±
0.1%. This technique is being applied in quantitative
lesion-evolution study in multiple sclerosis.
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Real-time motion correction
for T1rho mapping of human brain 
Ovidiu Cristian Andronesi1, Dylan M. Tisdall1,
and Andre J. van der Kouwe1
1Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
T1 relaxation in the rotating frame (T1rho) is sensitive
to molecular dynamics of water molecules interacting
with macromolecules and has been shown to be a valuable
imaging biomarker in stroke, neurodegenerative diseases
(Alzheimers Disease, Parkinson Disease), cancer, liver
cirrhosis and cartilage damage. Mapping of T1rho
relaxation constant requires the acquisition of a time
series of images with increasing rotating frame
relaxation weighting. Perfect alignment of the images in
the time series is critical for the accurate fitting of
the T1rho constant. Because of large changes in the
contrast among images acquired at different preparation
(weighting) times, postprocessing motion correction
algorithms have difficulties to accurately coregister
serial volumes and may introduce false displacements.
Here, we show that real-time motion correction improves
the quality of T1rho mapping when subjects move.
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Rapid 2D variable flip
angle (VFA) T1 mapping using sharp slice profiles 
Matthias Alexander Dieringer1,2, Jeanette
Schulz-Menger2, and Thoralf Niendorf1,2
1Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility (B.U.F.F.),
Max-Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin,
Germany, 2Experimental
and Clinical Research Center (ECRC), Charité Medical
Faculty and Max-Delbrueck Center for Molecular Medicine,
Berlin, Germany
2D variable flip angle (VFA) T1 mapping has been
proposed for rapid T1 quantification. RF pulse
imperfections evoke non-uniform excitation flip angle
distributions that deem T1 quantification with 2D VFA
inaccurate. Sharp and uniform slice excitations could
render considerations on complex slice profile
corrections obsolete and could afford a direct T1
calculation of using simple gradient echo signal
equations. In this work, we use the minimum-time
variable-rate-selective-excitation (VERSE) algorithm to
produce high quality slice profiles in combination with
rapid two-point 2D VFA T1 mapping measurements in
phantom and in the human brain.
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T1 mapping in the breast,
with a Bloch-Siegert correction for variation in transmitted
Mary McLean1, Andrew Patterson2,
Reem Bedair2, Martin Graves2,
Scott Reid3, John Griffiths1, and
Fiona Gilbert2
1CRUK Cambridge Institute, University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, 2Radiology,
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, 3GE
Healthcare, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
We implemented B1-corrected T1 measurements in the
breast, using the Bloch-Siegert method of B1 mapping and
DESPOT1. Orthogonal phase-encoding directions were
acquired to compensate for cardiac motion. Flip angles
higher than prescribed were consistently found to be
delivered on the left side, leading to artifactual
elevation in estimated T1. Compensation for B1 led to a
reduction in the magnitude of asymmetry (|L-R/R|) from
approximately 70% to 5% in both fat and parenchyma.
Following correction, average T1 was 1368 ms in breast
parenchyma and 458 ms in fat.
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Robust B1-Insensitive
Whole-Brain T1 Mapping
with 3-TI MP-RAGE: Validation and Acquisition Strategy 
Ives R Levesque1,2, Manojkumar Saranathan1,
Thomas Tourdias1,3, Jason Su1,4,
James A Rioux1, and Brian K Rutt1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States, 2Medical
Physics, Oncology and RI-MUHC, McGill University,
Montreal, QC, Canada,3Department of
Neuroradiology, Bordeaux University Hospital, Bordeaux,
France, 4Electrical
Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
Fast T1 mapping
is of interest notably for segmentation of brain
structures and myelin imaging. Whole-brain,
high-resolution T1 maps
can be obtained from 3 MP-RAGE images with carefully
selected inversion times in a clinically relevant time
and free from B1 heterogeneity
effects. In this work, we validated the method for in
vivo human applications, and compared the accuracy and
blur of the 3-TI-MP method for different k-space
ordering and parallel imaging factors. Our results show
high accuracy and improved map quality from a 2D-centric
k-space ordering scheme.
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High Resolution T1 Mapping
of the Full Brain with a Modified DESPOT1-HIFI Approach at
Mathies Breithaupt1, Sebastian Flassbeck1,
Moritz C. Berger1, and Armin M. Nagel1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
In this work, a modification to the DESPOT1-HIFI
approach for applications at ultra-high magnetic field
strengths of 7T is presented. By simulation of the
mprage sequence via numerically solving the Bloch
equations, the magnetization prior to the inversion can
be approximated. This way, one parameter can be called
from a lookup table inside the non-linear least squares
minimization routine simplifying the target function.
Three-dimensional T1 maps of the whole head with an
isotropic resolution of 1 mm can be acquired within a 25
minute timeframe, revealing T1 values of 1246  43
ms (gray matter) and 1904  48
ms (white matter).
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Slice-Accelerated Inversion
Recovery T1 Mapping 
John W Grinstead1, Dingxin Wang2,
Himanshu Bhat3, Vibhas Deshpande4,
Stephen F Cauley5, Kawin Setsompop5,
Thomas Benner6, Valerie C Anderson7,
and William D Rooney7
1Siemens Healthcare, Portland, OR, United
States, 2Siemens
Healthcare, MN, United States, 3Siemens
Healthcare, MA, United States, 4Siemens
Healthcare, TX, United States, 5A.A.
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MA, United
States, 6Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany, 7Oregon
Health & Science University, OR, United States
Parametric T1 mapping
using inversion recovery has competing requirements for
speed, signal-to-noise ratio, spatial resolution,
anatomical coverage, and adequate sampling of the
longitudinal magnetization recovery. Slice-accelerated
multi-slice techniques utilize RF pulses which excite
multiple 2D slices simultaneously. We describe the
implementation and application of simultaneous
multi-slice techniques to accelerate quantitative T1 mapping.
Compared to previous approaches, this provides extra
flexibility in the number of slices and inversion
recovery samples possible within a given measurement
time, and has the potential of making quantitative T1 mapping
much more feasible and clinically practical.
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Simultaneous Whole-Brain T1 and
Flip Angle Mapping with MP3RAGE 
James A. Rioux1, Manojkumar Saranathan1,
and Brian K. Rutt1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States
The MP3RAGE sequence is a straightforward modification
of MP2RAGE that acquires three images with different T1 contrast
following an inversion pulse. These images can be used
for direct T1 lookup,
enabling accurate high-resolution mapping in clinically
relevant scan times (10 minutes or less). We demonstrate
that, with an appropriate choice of parameters, MP3RAGE
T1 maps
can be made almost totally insensitive to B1 effects,
a key requirement for high-field imaging. These T1 maps
have excellent accuracy compared to a reference map. The
MP3RAGE data can also be used to generate a whole-brain
flip angle map at the same resolution.
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Temperature and fixation
correction for postmortem MRI of the brain 
Christoph Birkl1, Christian Langkammer1,
Johannes Haybaeck2, Christina Ernst2,
Johannes Petzold2, Franz Fazekas1,
and Stefan Ropele1
1Department of Neurology, Medical University
of Graz, Graz, Austria, 2Department
of Neuropathology, Institute of Pathology, Medical
University of Graz, Graz, Austria
Tissue fixation with formaldehyde can significantly
affects the relaxation properties of the underlying
tissue which hinders direct comparison with in vivo
conditions. We here present a simple correction scheme
that is based on the temperature dependency of T1, T2
and T2* in fixed and unfixed tissue. The proposed
correction scheme was validated with corresponding fixed
and unfixed data from literature.
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Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI) under pressure MRI in basic barometrical research 
Kasper Hansen1,2, Esben Szocska Hansen1,
Martin Colliander Kristensen3, and Michael
1MR Research Centre, Aarhus University
Hospital, Aarhus N, DK, Denmark, 2Dept.
of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus
N, DK, Denmark, 3Dept.
of Procurement & Clinical Engineering, Region Midt,
Aarhus N, Denmark, 4Dept.
of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus
N, Denmark
We have build an MR imaging compatible pressure chamber
system for use in basic barometrical research.
Relaxation times (T1 and T2) have been measured during
hyperbaric oxygen, helium, and nitrogen (relevant in
diving applications) exposure (1-10 ATA) of
liquid-phantoms consisting of manganese or gadolinium
enriched water or olive oil. Molecular oxygen is
paramagnetic and can be used as a MRI contrast through
dipol-dipol interactions with protons, a property
currently exploited for non-invasive oxymetry. Here, we
extrapolate this property through hyperbaric oxygen
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3219. |
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Quantitative T2* MRI for
bone marrow iron overload assessment in a large cohort of
thalassemia major patients. 
Antonella Meloni1, Gennaro Restaino2,
Gianluca Valeri3, Massimiliano Missere2,
Vincenzo Positano1, Stefano Pulini4,
Michele Centra5, Massimo Lombardi1,
and Alessia Pepe1
1CMR Unit, Fondazione G.Monasterio
CNR-Regione Toscana and Institute of Clinical
Physiology, Pisa, Italy, 2Dipartimento
di Radiologia, Un. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Centro di
Ricerca e Formazione ad Alta Tecnologia "G. Paolo II",
Campobasso, Italy, 3Dipartimento
di Radiologia, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria
Ospedali Riuniti "Umberto I-Lancisi-Salesi", Ancona,
Italy, 4U.O.
Ematologia Clinica, Osped. Civile Spirito Santo,
Pescara, Italy, 5Servizio
Trasfusionale, OO.RR. Foggia, Foggia, Italy
The bone marrow contains reticuloendothelial cells and,
of consequence, it is among the first organs to be
affected by iron overload, which can be non-invasively
assessed by MRI T2* technique. In thalassemia major
patients bone marrow T2* values increased with age.
Males showed significantly higher T2* values. Bone
marrow T2* values were associated with heart, liver and
spleen T2* values. Splenectomised patients showed higher
bone marrow T2* values.
3220. |
2 |
Bone marrow T2* values in
healthy subjects: reproducibility and normal values 
Antonella Meloni1, Gennaro Restaino2,
Massimiliano Missere2, Emilio Lozupone3,
Vittorio Semeraro3, Vincenzo Positano1,
Massimo Lombardi1, Giuseppina Sallustio2,
and Alessia Pepe1
1CMR Unit, Fondazione G.Monasterio
CNR-Regione Toscana and Institute of Clinical
Physiology, Pisa, Italy, 2Dipartimento
di Radiologia, Un. Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Centro di
Ricerca e Formazione ad Alta Tecnologia "G. Paolo II",
Campobasso, Italy, 3Policlinico
A. Gemelli, Roma, Italy
Bone marrow T2* measurements are feasible, reproducible,
non-time-consuming and can be limited to a circular
region of interest. Bone marrow T2* values in healthy
subjects are independent of age but are significantly
higher in females. Gender-specific lower limits of
normal have been defined.
3221. |
3 |
Paramagnetic ions and R2
and R2*map: A preliminary postmortem brain study 
Jeam Haroldo Oliveira Barbosa1, Antônio
Carlos Santos2, José Eymard Homem Pittella2,
Luciano Neder Serafini2, Oswaldo Baffa Filho1,
and Carlos Ernesto Garrido Salmon1
1FFCLRP- D.Physics, University of Sao Paulo,
Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2FMRP,
University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo,
Quantification paramagnetic ions in postmortem brain
using Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) and its correlation
with R2 and R2* maps. Fe+3 and Cu+2 paramagnetic ions
are found in regions with considerable increased R2 and
R2* values. The determination of the influence from
paramagnetic ions can help understanding the origins of
changed R2 and R2* values in the basal ganglia.
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Thermal Responses of MRI
Contrasts in ex vivo Tumor and Muscle Tissue 
Matthew Tarasek1, Oguz Akin2,
Jeannette Roberts3, Thomas Foo1,
and Desmond Yeo1
1Diagnostics & Biomedical Technologies, GE
Global Research, Niskayuna, NY, United States, 2Radiology,
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY, United
States, 3Biomedical
Imaging & Physiology, GE Global Research, Niskayuna, NY,
United States
Longitudinal relaxation time (T1), and transverse
relaxation time (T2) are examples of imaging parameters
that change with temperature. It is challenging to use
these descriptors to measure temperature in vivo because
the way they change is very tissue dependant. Here we
use T1, and T2 to determine salient characteristics of
ex vivo rat breast adenocarcinoma and rat prostate
carcinoma tumors and their surrounding muscle tissues at
steady-state temperatures from ~0°C to 22°C. Findings
indicate a link to improved MR imaging visualization or
characterization of tumors with heat-induced T1/T2
relaxation contrast types.
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MOBILE allows a follow-up
of brain oxygen variations during a 100% 02 breathing 
Florence Colliez1, Julie Magat1,
Marta M Safronova2, Bénédicte F Jordan1,
Thierry Duprez3, and Bernard Gallez1
1Louvain Drug Research Institute, Biomedical
Magnetic Resonance Research Group, University of
Louvain, Brussels, Belgium, 2Service
de Radiologie, Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc,
Brussels, Belgium, 3Department
of Radiology and Medical Imaging, Cliniques
universitaires Saint-Luc, Brussels, Belgium
There is a critical need for dynamic and noninvasive
methods able to monitor brain oxygenation in clinical
practice. Variations in T1 and T2* are potentially
valuable MRI tools to detect changes in tumor
oxygenation. We hereby (i) test the ability of MOBILE,
a method of oxygenation mapping based on the changes in
the relaxation properties of the tissue lipids, to map
brain oxygenation in brain and cerebellum (ii) evaluate
its capability to follow an increase in oxygenation on
healthy volunteers submitted to a 100% O2 breathing
(iii) and compare sensitivities of the MOBILE and
Oxygen enhanced MRI techniques.
3224. |
6 |
Quantifying Intrinsic
Susceptibility Variations and Exchange Processes by T1 Dispersion
in Blood 
John Thomas Spear1,2, Zhongliang Zu2,3,
and John C. Gore2,4
1Physics & Astronomy, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States, 2Institute
of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
TN, United States, 3Radiology,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 4Biomedical
Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
United States
The dispersion of the spin-lattice relaxation rate in
the rotating frame, R 1 ,
has recently been shown to be sensitive to diffusion
through magnetically inhomogeneous media with internal
susceptibility gradients. In most systems in vivo,
chemical exchange will significantly affect this
dispersion as well, especially at high field. A method
to analyze both effects simultaneously has been proposed
and tested using blood with varying oxygen saturation
levels as a model system. The contribution of diffusion
decreases with oxygen saturation as the internal
gradients diminish, leaving only chemical exchange to
influence R 1 dispersion.
3225. |
7 |
Detection of
2-Deoxy-D-Glucose in Tissues By T1 Relaxometry 
John Thomas Spear1,2, Zhongliang Zu2,3,
and John C. Gore2,4
1Physics & Astronomy, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States, 2Institute
of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
TN, United States, 3Radiology,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 4Biomedical
Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
United States
MRI detection of 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose in tissues has the
potential to allow imaging of regional metabolism.
Adding 2DG to tissue should add to the background R 1 dispersion
by an amount dependent on the concentration. R 1 dispersion
was measured in rat brain tissue homogenates with
various concentrations of 2DG to demonstrate this effect
and show how the mean exchange rate shifts. Exchange
Rate Contrast (ERC) images can be made so the image
intensity scales with 2DG concentration, which is
established by calculating mean pixel intensities as a
function of concentration.
3226. |
8 |
Combined Effects of Albumin
and Manganese on 1H Relaxation Rates of aCSF 
L. Sorina Truica1, J. Keiko McCreary1,
Adam R. Neumann1, Maurice A. Needham1,
Albert R. Cross1, and Ian Q. Whishaw1
1Neuroscience, University of Lethbridge,
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
The use of manganese (Mn) as a contrast agent for neuro-anatomical
and functional mapping has been studied in animal models
for the last decade. Mn contrast enhancement is directly
proportional to the changes in relaxation rates in brain
tissue. However, the binding of Mn to proteins may alter
its relaxation. Thus protein levels and metabolic
processes that produce them in the brain and
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) will alter Mn contrast. The
aim of this study was to investigate the relaxation rate
of Mn in artificial CSF (aCSF), when different levels of
protein are present. We found that the concentration of
protein used affected both the T1 and T2 relaxation
3227. |
9 |
Voxel-based quantitative
MRI in multiple sclerosis 
Maria Engström1,2, Jan B M Warntjes2,3,
Anders Tisell2,4, Anne-Marie Landtblom2,5,
and Peter Lundberg2,4
1Radiology, Linköping University, Linköping,
Sweden, 2Center
for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV),
Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden, 3Clinical
Physiology, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden, 4Radiation
Physics, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden, 5Neurology,
Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
The purpose was to improve objective measures for brain
tissue characterization and visualization in groups
using quantitative MRI in combination with brain
normalization. Nineteen multiple sclerosis (MS) patients
and 20 healthy controls were investigated with
quantitative MRI, measuring the relaxation rates, R1 and
R2, and the proton density. Voxel-based statistical
analysis showed shared tissue aberrations in the MS
patients and aberrations that were related to MS
disability. Quantitative MRI together with voxel-based
statistical analysis and multi-parametric visualization
is an up-and-coming method to study neuropathology and
its neuroanatomical correlation to clinical disability
measures that are common for an entire group.
3228. |
10 |
Comparison of marketed
Gadolinium-based Contrast Agents Relaxivities on Clinical MR
scanner at 1.5T, 3T and 7T in water and plasma for a large
range of physiological concentrations 
Alexandre Vignaud1, Xavier Violas2,
Alain Rahmouni3, Philippe Robert2,
and Alexis Amadon1
1UNIRS/NeuroSpin/I2BM/DSV, CEA, Gif Sur
Yvette, France, 2Experimental
Imaging, Guerbet Group, Aulnay Sous Bois, France, 3Imagerie
Médicale Service, Henri Mondor Albert Chenevier group,
AP-HP, Creteil, France
Several papers reported contrast agent (CA) relaxivity
measurements at several clinical magnetic fields. None
have investigated them on a large physiologically
relevant range including first pass equivalent
concentrations. Thus B1 and B0 heterogeneities make this
data difficult to extract at Ultra High Field (UHF). In
this work, using state of the art relaxometry methods,
we measured r1 and r2 as a function of B0 (1.5, 3 and
7T) for a large CA concentration window
3229. |
11 |
Reproducibility of
High-Resolution T1 Mapping
of Human Knee Cartilage at 7T
- permission withheld
Sidyarth Garimall1, Anup Singh1,
Kevin D'Aquilla1, Mark Elliott1,
Hari Hariharan1, and Ravinder Reddy1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States
The objective of this study was to evaluate the
reproducibility of high resolution T1Ï maps of human
knee cartilage at ultra-field MRI scanners. Ten subjects
were scanned, at two time points, on a 7T whole-body MRI
scanner for T1Ï data of Knee cartilages. Intraclass
correlation coefficient for T1Ï values in knee
cartilage was statistically significant. Similarly,
coefficient of variation for T1Ï values between two
repetitions was under 4%, which confirm a high degree of
reproducibility of T1Ï maps of knee cartilage at 7T.
3230. |
12 |
Distortion of MOLLI
Estimates of Myocardial T1 from Fatty Infiltration 
Peter Andrew Hardy1,2, Vrinda Sardana3,
Bruce Spottiswoode4, Vince Sorrell3,
and Steve Leung3
1Radiology, University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Kentucky, United States, 2MRISC,
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, United
States,3Cardiology, University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Kentucky, United States, 4Siemens
Medical Solution, Chicago, Illinois, United States
We investigated the dependence of the myocardial T1
measured using MOLLI upon the infiltration of the
myocardium by fat. The off-resonance frequency of the
lipid protons distorts the estimate of the relaxation
3231. |
13 |
Myocardial Infarction
Alters Dynamic Contrast Enhancement (DCE) Curve Shapes as
well as Peak Enhancement: A Study using Plots of Myocardial
vs. Blood Longitudinal Relaxation Rates 
James Goldfarb1,2 and
Wenguo Zhao1
1St Francis Hospital, Roslyn, NY, United
States, 2Program
in Biomedical Engineering, SUNY Stony Brook, Stony
Brook, NY, United States
Myocardial fibrosis alters Gd-contrast agent dynamics.
Myocardial partition coefficients calculated from a
multipoint slope calculation will vary in healed
myocardial infarction based on the selection of samples.
This includes the use of pre-contrast measurements and
samples early after contrast agent administration.
Partition coefficient calculations are insensitive to
data sampling effects in viable myocardium.
3232. |
14 |
Post-contrast myocardial T1
is more sensitive and precise than partition coefficient/ECV
to cardiovascular disease: phantom and human validation 
Neville D Gai1, Fabio Raman1,
Christopher Sibley1, Songtao Liu1,
and David Bluemke1,2
1Radiology & Imaging Sciences, NIH, Bethesda,
Maryland, United States, 2NIBIB,
Bethesda, Maryland, United States
T1 mapping and derived values such as partition
coefficient and extracellular volume (ECV) have been
used to differentiate normal myocardium from myocardium
with diffuse fibrosis. There is scant theoretical and
experimental evidence to-date favoring one measure over
the other. In this study, we systematically compare the
sensitivity and precision of T1 mapping measures. Using
error analysis and measurements from phantoms, we show
that post-contrast myocardium T1 (T1cm) has a
higher precision than derived values like ECV. Comparing
T1cm of
normal volunteers with heart failure patients, we show
that T1cm has
higher sensitivity to disease discrimination compared
with ECV.
3233. |
15 |
Relaxometry and Contrast
Optimization for Laryngeal Imaging at 3 Tesla 
Meredith Ireene Taylor1, Haonon Wang1,
James Badal1, Kevin Perkins1,
Daniel J. Park1, Joshua Kaggie2,
Jonathan Wisco3, and Neal K. Bangerter1,2
1Electrical and Computer Engineering, Brigham
Young University, Provo, UT, United States, 2Utah
Center for Advanced Imaging Research, University of
Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, United States, 3Department
of Physiology and Developmental Biology, Brigham Young
University, Provo, UT, United States
Models of vocal fold biomechanics and vibration can be
used to study voice physics and to guide clinicians as
they attempt to restore or preserve voice quality in
persons with vocal or speech disorders. To assist in the
design of these accurate models we created a custom
2-channel phased-array receive-only coil for
high-resolution imaging of the larynx. T1 and T2
relaxometry was performed on an excised pig larynx to
understand the MR signal characteristics of various
tissues. These values were then used to choose optimal
sequence parameters for maximizing contrast between two
important tissues for modeling the larynx.
3234. |
16 |
Tissue characterization of
Gliomas: Initial clinical experience with Magnetic Resonance
Fingerprinting (MRF) 
Chaitra Badve1, Dan Ma2, Yun Jiang2,
Alice Yu3, Jeffrey Sunshine1,
Vikas Gulani1,2, and Mark Griswold1,2
1Radiology, Case Western Reserve University
and University Hospitals Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio,
United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
Ohio, United States, 3School
of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
Ohio, United States
This study applies magnetic resonance fingerprinting for
quantitative analysis of gliomas. Five glioma patients
were scanned. T1, T2 quantification of solid tumor
parenchyma and white matter at various locations was
performed. T1, T2 values of tumor were significantly
different than contralateral white matter. T1, T2 values
of tumor were significantly different than perilesional
white matter. These results demonstrate that
quantitative analysis with MRF can distinguish glial
tumors from peritumoral white matter changes and
uninvolved white matter. MRF may also help to identify
regions of infiltrative peritumoral edema in
higher-grade tumors.
3235. |
17 |
T1 mapping of the whole
liver in a single breath hold at 3 T 
Claudia Fellner1, Niklas Verloh1,
Michael Haimerl1, Miriam Rabea Kubach2,
Marcel D. Nickel2, Mona Schlabeck1,
Christian Stroszczynski1, and Philipp
1Institute of Radiology, University Hospital
Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany, 2MR
Applications Development, Siemens AG, Healthcare Sector,
Erlangen, Germany
Based on a 3D VIBE sequence with 3 flip angles and a
preceding B1 map, T1 maps of the whole liver were
acquired in 84 patients at 3 T before and after the
application of Gd-EOB-DTPA. B1 map as well as the T1
mapping sequence were measured during breath hold (14s,
17s). A single slice technique (2D TurboFLASH with 2
inversion times) was used additionally. 3D VIBE yielded
reliable results for T1 even in critical anatomical
regions like the left liver lobe. The reduction rate of
T1 relaxation times before and after Gd-EOB-DTPA
correlated well between both T1 mapping techniques.
3236. |
18 |
Quantitative Assessment of
Microstructure Properties of Human Corpus Callosum using
Parametric T1 and Myelin imaging
- permission withheld
Byeong-Yeul Lee1, Xiao-Hong Zhu1,
Xiufeng Li1, and Wei Chen1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, United
The corpus callosum (CC) facilitates the intense neural
pathways connecting two cerebral hemispheres in mammals,
and it contains numerous intra- and inter-hemispheric
myelinated axonal projections. Imaging of callosal
microstructures is of importance to understand its
functional and anatomical connectivity to cortical
areas. We hypothesized that the parametric T1 measure
could be sensitive to the CC microstructure and its
change associated with the fiber size; and it should be
logically correlated to the CC myelin content mapped by
T1/T2 ratio image. To test this hypothesis, we
incorporated T1 mapping, myelin content mapping and
collosal parcellation mapping for differentiating and
correlating the fiber size and myelin content in the CC
of healthy human at 7T. In comparison with histology
report, our results indicate a positive correlation
between the T1 value and CC fiber size, in contrast, it
approximately correlates inversely to the CC myelin
content. The overall results show the utility of
complementary parametric T1 and myelin imaging
approaches to quantitatively assess the fiber
microstructure of human corpus callosum. This hybrid
imaging approach could provide a robust and useful
imaging tool for detection of fiber abnormality in the
human white matter.
3237. |
19 |
The influence of
temperature on polymer gel radiation dosimetry with MRI 
Hiromi Sano1,2, Takayuki Obata3,
Hiroshi Kawaguchi1, Kuniaki Nabatame2,
Satoshi Obara2, Jeff Kershaw1,
Keiichi Akahane2, Yoshiya Shimada2,
and Hiroshi Ito1
1Molecular Imaging Center, National Institute
of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Chiba, Japan, 2Medical
Exposure Research Project, National Institute of
Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Chiba, Japan, 3Research
Centre for Charged Particle Therapy, National Institute
of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Chiba, Japan
Irradiation dose can be three-dimensionally visualized
with polymer gel dosimetry and multi-slice R2 mapping.
However, the high number of RF pulses may increase the
temperature of the polymer gel, which causes errors in
dose estimation because the R2 depends on temperature as
well as the radiation dose. In this study, we
investigated the relationship between changes to R2 and
temperature caused by RF pulses in a polymer gel
phantom. A temperature rise of 1 °C caused a 0.099 s-1 reduction
in R2, which suggests that temperature control and/or
correction is needed to reduce errors in polymer gel
dosimetry with MRI
3238. |
20 |
T1 relaxation
measurements in the mouse brain n
vivo using
Variable Flip Angle - UTE with a cryo-coil at 9.4 T 
Weronika Piedzia1, Krzysztof Jasinski1,
Katarzyna Kalita1, and Wladyslaw P. Weglarz1
1Department of MRI, Institute of Nuclear
Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Malopolska,
3239. |
21 |
Feasibility of MRI-based
polymer gel dosimetry using parallel RF transmission with
multiple RF source 
Sang-Young Kim1, Hyeonman Baek2,
Jung-Hoon Lee1, Do-Wan Lee1,
Jin-Young Jung1, and Bo-Young Choe1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, The
Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 2Korea
Basic Science Institute, Seoul, Korea
We present the feasibility of use of the parallel RF
transmission with multiple RF source (MultiTransmit)
imaging in MRI-based polymer gel dosimetry. The image
quality and B1 field inhomogeneity between conventional
and MultiTransmit MR imaging were compared. Finally, the
estimated R2 uncertainty, ¥ò(R2) and dosimetric
performance (dose resolution) between two methods were
compared. Improved image quality and B1 field
homogeneity results in lower ¥ò(R2) on the MultiTransmit
images than on the conventional images. We demonstrated
the feasibility of MultiTransmit MR imaging for
introducing gel dosimetry into clinical routine,
suggesting that MultiTransmit MR imaging has potential
benefits for 3D gel dosimetry.
3240. |
22 |
3D Bio-Anatomical Imaging
with High Isotropic Resolution for Musculoskeletal
Weitian Chen1, Edwin Oei2,3, and
Garry E Gold2,4
1Global MR Applications & Workflow, GE
Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, CA, United States, 3Radiology,
Erasmus MC Rotterdam, Netherlands, 4Bioengineering
and Orthopedic Surgery, Stanford University, CA, United
Intermediate T2-weighted and PD-weighted FSE images are
commonly used in clinical MRI for detection of joint
abnormalities. There are increasing interests in using
T2 and T1rho as biomarkers for improved diagnosis of
osteoarthritis and related diseases. T2 or T1rho
relaxometry is typically performed in 2D or 3D plane
with inferior resolution compared to anatomical imaging
due to scan time limitations. In this work, we
investigated the use of a single scan to acquire
T2-weighted, PD-weighted anatomy images and relaxometry
map with 3D isotropic resolution of 0.6mm in a
clinically feasible scan time. Both relaxometry map and
anatomical images can be subsequently reformatted to
arbitrary plane for post-analysis and diagnosis.
3241. |
23 |
Repeatability of whole-body
T1 mapping using B1 corrected T1 mDIXON imaging 
Anna Barnes1, Catherine Morgan2,
Alan Bainbridge3, Lorna Smith4,
Scott Rice5, David Atkinson6, and
Shonit Punwani5
1Nuclear Medicine, University College
Hospital, London, England, United Kingdom, 2Centre
of Medical Imaging and Computing, University College
London, london, England, United Kingdom, 3Medical
Physics, University College Hospital, London, England,
United Kingdom, 4Radiology,
University College Hospital, London, England, United
Kingdom, 5Radiology,
University College Hospital, london, England, United
Kingdom, 6Centre
of Medical Imaging, University College London, london,
England, United Kingdom
This abstract describes the work done to establish whole
body B1 corrected T1 mapping optimised for use with only
2 flip angles. The authors present results that show a
flip angle pair of 2.5 and 20 provides a robust and
reproducible T1 map across a number of subjects and time
points when compared to using all 8 flip angles to
calculate T1. The mDixon sequence is expected to have
SNR benefits over a single gradient echo since it
combines multiple echo times.
24 |
Transverse Relaxometry for
Brain Iron: Comparison of Seven Approaches 
Md Nasir Uddin1, R Marc Lebel1,2,
and Alan H Wilman1
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2Applied
Science Laboratory, GE Healthcare, Calgary, Alberta,
Quantitative transverse relaxation measurements and the
low and field strengths difference measures can be used
to assess iron levels in the human brain. We compared
the R2, R2*, R2 and multi-slice FDRI mapping approaches
for iron sensitivity measurements in deep gray matter
using 1.5 T and 4.7 T. Results show R2* is most
sensitive at iron at high field while R2 and FDRI
provide specific brain iron measures.