Joint Annual
Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014
10-16 May 2014
Milan, Italy |
CEST Contrast: Methods & Applications
Monday 12 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
10:45 - 11:45 |
Computer # |
49 |
Measuring the z-spectrum at
various saturation powers simultaneously: development of a
Look Locker- MT sequence 
Olivier E Mougin1 and
Penny A Gowland1
1SPMMRC, University of Nottingham,
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
A new magnetization transfer sequence based on a Look
and Locker scheme is presented here. The optimization of
the saturation as well as the imaging parameters was
performed to get the highest CNR possible, focusing on
the possibility to measure NOE and MT thanks to the
different saturations available in the LL images, and
this in a minimum amount of time.
3292. |
50 |
Accelerated CEST-MRI of in
vivo human brain using Compressed Sensing at 3T: a pilot
Qinwei Zhang1, Yanjie Zhu2, Jing
Yuan1,3, Shuzhong Chen1, Deyond
Siu1, Min Deng1, Yi-Xiang J Wang1,
and Dong Liang2
1Department of Imaging and Interventional
Radiology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin,
N.T., Hong Kong, 2Paul
C. Lauterbur Research Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Shenzhen,
Guangdong, China, 3CUHK
Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
CEST-MRI is a promising molecular imaging technique
while suffers from long scan time and low
contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) in clinical use. In this
study, we proposed the use of compressed sensing (CS) to
accelerate the CEST-MRI at 3T. Full-sampled CEST-MRI
data of in vivo human brain were retrospectively
under-sampled and reconstructed up to a reduction factor
of four. The CS-reconstructed magnetization transfer
ratio asymmetry and ΔB0 maps showed excellent
consistency with those using normal reconstruction from
full samples. Goodness-of-fit of the CS-reconstructed
Z-spectrum fitting was even better than the fully
sampled one.
3293. |
51 |
Prospective motion
correction with EPI volume navigators for chemical exchange
saturation transfer (CEST) imaging 
Robert Frost1, Aaron T. Hess2,
Nicholas P. Blockley1, Yee Kai Tee3,
Michael A. Chappell1,3, M. Dylan Tisdall4,5,
Andre J. W. van der Kouwe4,5, and Peter
1FMRIB Centre, Nuffield Department of
Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, Oxford,
United Kingdom, 2Department
of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford,
Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Department
of Engineering Science, Institute of Biomedical
Engineering, University of Oxford, Oxford, United
Kingdom, 4A.
A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts
General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 5Radiology,
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) is a
promising technique for treatment planning in acute
stroke. However, when using single-slice measurements,
the CEST acquisition is particularly susceptible to
through-plane patient motion, which cannot be corrected
in post-processing with 2D image registration. Here we
used prospective motion correction with 3D EPI volume
navigators to update the position of the imaging slice
in real time, with no increase in scan duration and
minimal effect on the image contrast. Maps of
magnetization transfer asymmetry were compared in cases
of no motion and deliberate motion to demonstrate the
improvement in data quality with prospective motion
3294. |
52 |
Using Simultaneous
Multi-Slice Excitation to Accelerate CEST Imaging 
Dapeng Liu1,2, Rong Xue1,2,
Jinyuan Zhou3,4, Jing An5, Xinyuan
Miao1, and Danny JJ Wang2,6
1State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive
Science, Beijing MRI Center for Brain Research,
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing, China, 2UCLA-Beijing
Joint Center for Advanced Brain Imaging, Beijing, China
and Los Angeles, California, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,
United States, 4F.M.
Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging,
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States, 5Siemens
Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd, Shenzhen, China, 6Department
of Neurology, University of California Los Angeles, Los
Angeles, United States
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging is
a novel MRI technique that can detect low-concentration
solutes in tissue compared to routine water MR images.
However, a long scan time due to multiple repetitions
required to acquire a full frequency spectrum or to
increase signal-to-noise ratios and a long saturation
pulse (or pulse train) have restricted its practical
clinical application that typically needs multi-slice
measurements. Here we present an efficient and
accelerated CEST imaging technique using a simultaneous
multi-slice (SMS) excitation Turbo-FLASH (TFL) sequence
in human brain at 3 T.
3295. |
53 |
Ultrafast chemical exchange
saturation transfer imaging based on spatiotemporal encoding 
Miao Zhang1, Jianhua Lu1, Lin Chen1,
Shuhui Cai1, Congbo Cai1, and
Zhong Chen1
1Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen
University, Xiamen, Fujian, China
CEST MRI can detect low-concentration compounds with
exchangeable protons through saturation transfer to
water. This technique is generally time-consuming, as it
requires acquisition of saturation images at multiple
frequencies. EPI is the most common ¡°ultrafast¡± MRI
approach, but it suffers from artifacts of
susceptibility heterogeneities and chemical shift
effect. The spatiotemporally encoded (SPEN) method
possesses higher built-in immunity to heterogeneity
while retaining the temporal and spatial performance of
EPI. In this abstract, SPEN is applied to improve the
acquisition efficiency and image quality of CEST. The
feasibility of CEST SPEN is demonstrated by experiments
on creatine solution phantoms.
3296. |
54 |
Encoding with Background Asymmetry Subtraction for Ultrafast
Z-Spectrum Acquisition 
Hoonjae Lee1, Chul-Ho Sohn2, and
Jaeseok Park1
1Department of Brain and Cognitive
Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, 2Department
of Radiology, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul,
In this work we propose a novel, rapid propeller-CEST
encoding with background asymmetry subtraction for
ultrafast z-spectrum acquisition, wherein 1)
off-resonant saturation and corresponding CEST encoding
are performed along the angular (blade) direction over
the entire k-space, 2) motion- and field-corrected
z-spectrum data is synthesized using only a single
k-space data (synthesize low frequency CEST signals
while sharing high frequency signals), and 3)
propeller-CEST encoding induced background asymmetry is
subtracted from the z-spectrum. It is expected that the
proposed method becomes a highly efficient alternative
to conventional CEST for rapid z-spectrum acquisition
and accurate CEST asymmetry analysis.
3297. |
55 |
Preliminary evaluation of
compress sensing chemical exchange saturation transfer
Gang Xiao1, Phillip Zhe Sun2,
Zhuozhi Dai3, and Renhua Wu3
1Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Hanshan Normal University, Chaozhou, Guangdong, China, 2Athinoula
A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of
Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard
Medical School, Charlestown£¬ MA, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, 2nd Affiliated Hospital of Shantou
University Medical College, Guangdong, China
A feasible way to accelerate data acquisition while
maintaining accurate CEST characterization is highly
desirable. We here postulated that compressed sensing
(CS) can be applied to reduce the acquired data by a
factor up to 5 without losing CEST quantification
accuracy. CS technique was verified with experimental
measurements from a tissue-like phantom, and the results
showed that CESTR with undersampling rate R < 5 agree
reasonably well with those of fully sampled data. In
summary, our study demonstrates the feasibility of CS
technique to accurate quantify CEST MRI.
3298. |
56 |
Simulating variable RF
power pre-saturation schemes to enhance CEST contrast for
exchangeable protons near 1.0 ppm 
Daniel James Clark1,2, Seth A Smith3,4,
and Michael V Knopp1
1Wright Center of Innovation, Department of
Radiology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH,
United States, 2Departmemt
of Biomedical Engineering, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, OH, United States, 3Vanderbilt
University Institute of Imaging Science,Department of
Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 4Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States
In CEST MRI sensitivity to hydroxyl protons is difficult
because of small chemical shifts and fast exchange
rates, most evident on clinical scanners where the
spectral separation is less and the signal is confounded
by magnetization transfer and direct water saturation.
We propose a novel, variable RF power pre-saturation
scheme and present simulations which show that such a
scheme can flatten the direct water saturation component
of the z-spectrum curve, enhancing CEST contrast from
hydroxyl moieties (1 ppm). We further examine the impact
of the variable saturation scheme in the presence of
concomitant MT and DWS effects.
3299. |
57 |
CEST imaging with phase
cycled rectangular RF preparation pulse: analytical
solution, simulation and phantom study 
Mitsuharu Miyoshi1, Tsuyoshi Matsuda1,
and Hiroyuki Kabasawa1
1Global MR Applications and Workflow, GE
Healthcare Japan, Hino, Tokyo, Japan
Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST/APT) is a
new contrast for clinical MRI. Because of SAR and RF
amplifier limitation, continuous RF is not available in
human clinical scanner. Although pulsed RF was used, the
meaning of Z-spectrum is not clear. In this study, novel
CEST preparation pulse with phase cycled 0.232ms
rectangular shaped RF pulse was developed. Z-spectrum
matched well between analytical solution and simulation.
Z-spectrum of phantom was measured with 3T clinical
scanner. B1/SAR was 4.5(ET)/1.0 (W/kg) and less.
Simulation and phantom study show that phase cycled RF
pulse can be used for CEST imaging.
3300. |
58 |
Selection of irradiation
parameters to minimize asymmetric magnetization transfer and
NOE contributions in CEST 
Tao Jin1 and
Seong-Gi Kim1,2
1Department of Radiology, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 2Center
for Neuroscience Imaging Research, Department of
Biological Sciences, SKKU, Suwon, Korea
Magnetization transfer ratio asymmetry (MTRasym)
analysis of CEST studies removes direct water saturation
and other symmetric non-CEST contributions. However, in
vivo MTRasym is
still confounded by asymmetric contributions, including
magnetization transfer contrast from immobile
macromolecules (MTCIM) such as myelin, and
nuclear Overhausser effects (NOE). Compared with the
long-duration, low-power saturation of conventional
CEST, it was recently reported that irradiation of
shorter duration and higher power enhances sensitivity
to amine and hydroxyl protons. In this work we report
that higher irradiation power at shorter duration also
provides another important advantage by minimizing
contributions from MTCIMand NOE.
3301. |
59 |
Optimal Control in Fast
Exchange ParaCEST 
Giaime Rancan1,2, Thi Thoa Nguyen1,
Silvio Aime2,3, Markus Schwaiger4,
and Steffen Glaser1
1Technische Universität München, München,
Germany, 2Institute
for Advanced Study, Garching, Germany, 3Universitá
degli Studi di Torino, Torino, Italy, 4Klinikum
rechts der Isar, München, Germany
Optimal control algorithms can provide the perfect
framework for a facile and flexible tailoring of pulses
to experimental conditions in well characterized two or
three pool exchange systems. A CEST contrast agent of
clinical interest, YbHPDO3A, is considered for
presaturation pulse optimization, revealing the
non-optimality of standard continuous wave irradiation
under the considered energy limitations.
3302. |
60 |
Steady-state pulsed
Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging of creatine in
human calf muscle followed by spillover correction
Eugenia Rerich1, Moritz Zaiss1,
and Peter Bachert1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
In skeletal muscle endogenous chemical exchange
saturation transfer (CEST) effects are influenced by
direct water saturation and magnetization transfer (MT)
effects. In this study we present a method which
corrects the CEST data from spillover and apply it to in
vivo data of human calf muscle. The results are compared
with the more common evaluation method - the asymmetry
analysis of the Z-spectrum.
3303. |
61 |
B1-correction of
isolated, spillover-corrected CEST-effects at 7 T 
Johannes Windschuh1, Moritz Zaiss1,
Jan-Eric Meissner1, and Peter Bachert1
1Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer
Research Center (DFKZ), Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg,
The in
vivo images
of isolated CEST-effects aquired in whole–body scanners
at ultra-high fields usually suffer from a strong
spatial dependence. This is due to the influence of the
rf amplitude (B1) on the effects and B1 inhomogeneities
in the large FOV. It is shown that the acquisition of
three CEST-images at different B1-amplitudes
yield homogeneous APT and NOE maps when using the
inverse metric MTRRex for
spillover correction.
3304. |
62 |
Spillover, MT and R1
corrected chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST)
imaging in ischemic stroke 
Hua Li1, Zhongliang Zu1, Moritz
Zaiss2, Imad S. Khan3, Robert
Singer3, Daniel F. Gochberg1,
Peter Bachert2, John C. Gore1, and
Junzhong Xu1
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Department
of Medical Physics in Radiology, German Cancer Research
Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, BW, Germany, 3Section
of Neurosurgery, Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth,
Lebanon, NH, United States
CEST provides the ability to detect small solute pools
through indirect measurement of the attenuated water
signals. However, conventional quantification methods
are affected by various confounding factors like MT,
asymmetric MT effects, water longitudinal relaxation,
and RF spillover. In the current study, the three-offset
method and the 1/Z method were combined to correct the
above influences and hence provide a more specific
exchange rate weighted contrast in a rat model of
ischemic stroke. The results demonstrate the
applicability of the inverse Z-spectrum analysis for in
vivo applications. The corrected APT shows more
significant ischemic contrast. This study may provide
insights into improved APT imaging.
3305. |
63 |
Usefulness of Three-Pool
Lorentzian Model in Estimating APT effect and Parameterizing
Spectral Curve Shape 
1Center for MR Research, Korea Basic Science
Institute, Cheongwon-Gun, Chungbuk, Korea, 2Institute
of Imaging Science, Department of Radiology and
Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
TN, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, Research Institute of Radiology, Asan
Medical Center, University of Ulsan, College of
Medicine, Seoul, Korea
This preliminary study presents the results from human
brain tumor research using APT MR imaging. In this
study, we found that three-pool Lorentzian curve fit to
the original z-spectrum can provide not only the measure
of CEST effect, but also a useful parametric map in
delineating brain tumor lesions. In comparison to
Gd-enhanced T1w image, parameterized spectral curve
shape, similarly to non-enhanced T1w, provided decreased
lesion intensity, while APT effect presented increased
signal in the region of glioblastoma.
3306. |
64 |
Simplified simultaneous
determination of CEST agent concentration and exchange rate
- permission withheld
Phillip Zhe Sun1, Gang Xiao2, and
Renhua Wu3
1Radiology, Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Department
of Math and Applied Mathematics, Hanshan Normal
University, Guangdong, China, 3Radiology,
2nd Affiliated Hospital of Shantou University Medical
College, Guangdong, China
Simplified quantitative CEST (qCEST) analysis capable of
characterizing the underlying CEST system provides
tremendous advantage over the conventional CEST-weighted
MTR asymmetry analysis. We here postulated that both
labile proton ratio and exchange rate can be
simultaneously determined using omega plot analysis of a
cross-term normalized CEST ratio. The proposed qCEST
analysis was validated experimentally in a phantom with
concurrent concentration and pH variation. In summary,
our study established a simplified qCEST analysis
algorithm, which remains promising to aid the ongoing
development of qCEST MRI.
3307. |
65 |
Assessing Different Amide
Proton Transfer (APT) Quantification Methods in Hyper-acute
Stroke Patients 
Yee Kai Tee1, George Harston2,
Nicholas Blockley3, Thomas Okell3,
Jacob Levman1, Martino Cellerini4,
Fintan Sheerin4, Peter Jezzard3,
James Kennedy2, Stephen Payne1,
and Michael Chappell1
1Department of Engineering Science, Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, University of Oxford, Oxford,
Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 2Acute
Stroke Programme, Radcliffe Department of Medicine,
University of Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 3FMRIB,
Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences,
University of Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom, 4Department
of Neuroradiology, Oxford University Hospitals NHS
Trust, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
Amide proton transfer (APT) imaging is an emerging pH
mapping MRI technique that has potential to identify
salvageable tissue prior to irreversible infarction
after stroke. However, the most widely used APT
quantification method suffers from many confounding
factors. In this study, 3 different APT quantification
methods were studied on data acquired from healthy
subjects and hyper-acute stroke patients (<6 hours of
onset). It was found that a model-based approach, where
the modified Bloch equations were fitted to measured
data, was able to quantify the APT effect better than
the widely used metric on both the healthy and patient
3308. |
66 |
Isolation of CEST contrasts
from asymmetric MT effects in a human brain 
Jae-Seung Lee1,2, Ding Xia1, Yulin
Ge1, Alexej Jershow2, and Ravinder
1Radiology, New York University, New York,
NY, United States, 2Chemistry,
New York University, New York, NY, United States
Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) has great
potential to enhance the detection of exchangeable
proton species such as low concentrations of metabolites in
vivo brain.
However, CEST effects are often masked by asymmetric
magnetization transfer (MT) effects from macromolecules
in tissues and organs. Here, we show that the asymmetry
of MT effects in the brain is large enough to overshadow
the CEST effects and that the so-called uniform-MT (uMT)
method may be useful to reveal the genuine CEST
3309. |
67 |
Amide Proton Transfer (APT)
Imaging of Stroke with Corrections for Relaxation and MT
Zhongliang Zu1, Hua Li1, Junzhong
Xu1, Daniel F Gochberg1, and John
C Gore1
1Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United
Conventional measurements of APT contrast are confounded
by several factors including water relaxation, the
influence of solid components, and nearby amines, and so
are not specific for detecting changes in concentration
or exchange rate of amides. These confounding factors
vary during ischemia influence pH measurements. In this
study, a novel method named CERTex is
described which corrects for such factors and produces
images that are more specifically ksw (and
thus pH) dependent. Simulations and experiments show
that CERTex has
better specificity and sensitivity than conventional APT
imaging methods for delineating effects of stroke at 9.4
3310. |
68 |
Molecular Imaging of
Fibrotic Remodeling and Functional Microcirculation using a
novel MT/CEST Encoded Steady State Cardiac Cine MRI Pulse
Moriel Vandsburger1, Katrien Vandoorne2,
Roni Oren2, Avigdor Leftin2, and
Michal Neeman2
1Physiology and Saha Cardiovascular Research
Center, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky,
United States, 2Weizmann
Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Molecular imaging of the heart is critical for detection
of early signs of disease and for monitoring response to
therapy. We present the development of a steady state
retrospectively gated cardiac cine imaging sequence in
which the presence of fibrosis or CEST contrast agents
was encoded into the myocardial signal intensity. We
applied this technique for quantification of fibrotic
scar formation in the mouse heart after myocardial
infarction, and for imaging of the myocardial
microcirculation following intravenous injection of a
CEST contrast agent. Since contrast from each target is
selectively encoded, this technique can potentially
enable multiplexed imaging of multiple molecular targets
at high-resolution in the heart.
3311. |
69 |
A Repeatability Study of
Amide Proton Transfer Imaging in the Head and Neck at 3T 
Shuzhong Chen1, Wang Lam1, Ann D
King1, Kunwar S Bhatia1, Benjamin
King Hong Law1, Qinwei Zhang1,
David Ka Wai Yeung1, Yi-Xiang J Wang1,
Jinyuan Zhou2, and Jing Yuan1,3
1Imaging and Interventional Radiology, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, NT, Hong Kong, 2Department
of Radiology, Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 3CUHK
Shenzhen Research Institute, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
Our pilot study has showed that APT-MRI is feasible for
the use in the head and neck (HN) and has potentials for
HN cancer characterization at 3T. However, HN-APT-MRI is
technically challenging due to tissue heterogeneity,
pronounced susceptibility and various motions, which may
potentially compromise the APT quantification in
different scans. To this end, we investigated the
repeatability of HN-APT-MRI on healthy volunteers and
successfully demonstrated that consistent inter-scan APT
contrast could be achieved in major HN tissues. This
study is helpful to establish the HN-APT-MRI
repeatability so as to ensure its reliability for future
clinical use.
3312. |
70 |
Scan-rescan reproducibility
of parallel transmission based amide proton transfer imaging
of brain tumors 
Osamu Togao1, Takashi Yoshiura1,
Jochen Keupp2, Akio Hiwatashi1,
Koji Yamashita1, Kazufumi Kikuchi1,
Yuriko Suzuki3, Koji Sagiyama4,
Masaya Takahashi4, and Hiroshi Honda1
1Clinical Radiology, Graduate School of
Medical Science, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Fukuoka,
Japan, 2Philips
Research Europe, Hamburg, Germany,3Philips
Electronics Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 4Advanced
Imaging Research Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center,
Dallas, Texas, United States
APT imaging is a specific type of endogenous CEST
imaging technique. APT imaging can be useful in grading
gliomas, diagnosing radiation necrosis, and evaluation
of therapeutic effect. Observed signal changes in APT
imaging is small and it can be influenced by the
accuracy of saturation pulse and B0 inhomogeneity
correction. We have developed a parallel RF transmission
based technique, which allows arbitrarily long
saturation pulses via amplifier alternation in clinical
scanners. This method is combined with a special RF
shimming for B1 homogeneity. In this study we assessed
the reproducibility of this method in brain tumors by a
scan-rescan test.
3313. |
71 |
Chemical Exchange
Saturation Transfer MR Imaging of Parkinson's Disease at 3
- permission withheld
Chunmei Li1, Shuai Peng1, Rui Wang1,
Haibo Chen1, Wen Su1, Xuna Zhao2,
Jinyuan Zhou3, and Min Chen1
1Beijing Hospital, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Peking
University, Beijing, China, 3Johns
Hopkins University, Maryland, United States
Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MR Imaging of
Parkinson¡¯s Disease at 3 Tesla This present study was
the first to evaluate PD patients with CEST imaging. Our
results clearly show that the non-invasive CEST MRI
methodology generated unique image contrasts that are
based on the changes in cytoplasmic proteins and
peptides, as well as the neuronal loss in several
specific brain regions in PD patients. The CEST MRI
signals show great potential as imaging biomarkers that
could detect disease and predict the progression.
3314. |
72 |
Chemical Exchange
Saturation Transfer (CEST) Imaging of the Molecular
Progression of Neuronal Loss in a Parkinson's Disease Rat
Model -
permission withheld
Julius Juhyun Chung1,2, Sunyoung Chae1,2,
Moon-sun Jang3, Jae-hun Kim4, Geun
Ho Im3, Seong-Gi Kim2,5, and Jung
Hee Lee1,4
1Samsung Advanced Institute for Health
Sciences and Technology, Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul,
Korea, 2Center
for Neuroscience Imaging Research, Institute for Basic
Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, 3Center
for Molecular and Cellular Imaging, Samsung Biomedical
Research Institute, Seoul, Korea, 4Department
of Radiology, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, 5Department
of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, United States
: Despite the growing prevalence of Parkinson’s disease,
the progression of neuronal loss in the dopaminergic
nigrostriatal pathway has yet to be fully elucidated. In
this study, we utilize chemical exchange saturation
transfer (CEST) to examine molecular changes in
progressive neuronal loss in a 6-hydroxydopamine induced
rat model. In particular, we examined Amide Proton
Transfer (APT*) and the Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE*)
as indicators of macromolecular protein changes and
investigated the additional information that may be
ascertained from Amine Proton EXchange (APEX).
Monday 12 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
11:45 - 12:45 |
Computer # |
3315. |
49 |
Quantification of the
Contributions to Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Contrast 
Zhongliang Zu1, Hua Li1, Junzhong
Xu1, Daniel F Gochberg1, and John
C Gore1
1Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United
Amide proton transfer (APT) imaging has been
increasingly applied to several pathologies, and new
variants of APT imaging have been also proposed.
However, APT contrast in practice depends on multiple
experimental and sample parameters, especially for in
vivo applications. Its specificity to amide-water
exchange effects is not clear in many cases. Here, we
systematically studied contributions to APT contrast
separately through simulations and provide criteria for
CEST researchers to evaluate the specificity of new APT
imaging methods and guide interpretation of contrast
3316. |
50 |
Interpretation of
conventional APT contrast in tumor and ischemic tissue 
Zhongliang Zu1, Hua Li1, Junzhong
Xu1, Daniel F Gochberg1, and John
C Gore1
1Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United
APT provides a potential method for detecting changes in
mobile proteins/peptides or pH, and has been applied to
several pathologies including tumor and stroke. However,
the in vivo contrast seen is complex and not fully
understood. Here, we interpret the conventional APT
contrast in tumor and postmortem tissues via experiments
and simulations. We found that conventional APT contrast
from asymmetry analyses of both tumor and ischemia CEST
data at lower fields (e.g. 4.7T) is derived mostly from
amine especially at high irradiation power, whereas
contrast from tumors at high field (e.g. 9.4T) comes
mostly from the MT asymmetry and NOEs.
3317. |
51 |
pH-sensitive MR imaging
without dependence on labile proton concentration 
Tao Jin1 and
Seong-Gi Kim1,2
1Department of Radiology, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 2Center
for Neuroscience Imaging Research, Department of
Biological Sciences, SKKU, Suwon, Korea
The pH is an important index of celluar function.
Chemical exchange-sensitive MRI techniques that provide
pH-weighted imaging have already been applied to stroke
and evaluation of cell viability in celluar therapies.
However, chemical exchange signals are dependent on both
labile proton concentration and exchange rate (i.e.,
pH), so in the many preclinical and clinical
applications where labile proton concentrations
significantly change, these pH-weighted signals are
considerably contaminated. Correct interpretation of
signal changes therefore requires an imaging method
highly-sensitive to generation of pure pH contrast, with
no dependence on labile proton concentration, as is
proposed in this study.
3318. |
52 |
A comparison of iopromide
and iopamidol, two acidoCEST MRI contrast agents that
measure tumor extracellular pH 
Brianna F. Moon1, Liu Qi Chen2,
Peilu Liu2, Christine M. Howison1,
Kyle M. Jones1, and Mark D. Pagel1,2
1Department of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States, 2Department
of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Arizona,
Tucson, Arizona, United States
AcidoCEST MRI contrast agents (CA) iopromide
(UltravistTM, Bayer Health Care, Inc.®) and iopamidol
(IsovueTM, Bracco Imaging, Inc.®) show similar imaging
characteristics with respect to excitation pulse, method
of frequency encoding, and effects CA concentration, T1
time , and temperature. Iopromide shows better CEST
dynamic range for measuring pH, while iopamidol shows
better precision. Both contrast agents can be used to
measure extracellular pH in vivo.
3319. |
53 |
Intracellular pH
Measurement by AACID-CEST MRI at 9.4T: Imaging brain
tumor-selective acidification by lonidamine 
Nevin McVicar1,2, Alex X Li2,
Susan Meakin2,3, and Robert Bartha1,2
1Medical Biophysics, University of Western
Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Robarts
Research Institute, Ontario, Canada, 3Biochemistry,
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada
Lonidamine is an anticancer drug that selectively
decreases intracellular pH in tumor cells. A ratiometric
CEST approach called amine/amide concentration
independent detection (AACID) was recently developed to
measure absolute intracellular pH in vivo using MRI. In
this study, we produce pH maps before and ~1-2 hour
after injection of lonidamine and then immediately post
mortem in a brain tumor mouse model. Results show that
lonidamine exclusively decreases tumor intracellular pH
by ~0.2 pH units and AACID is capable of mapping local
changes in brain tumor pH in vivo.
3320. |
54 |
Validation of APT as a
measure of pH by 31P in a piglet model of HIE 
Marilena Rega1, Francisco Torrealdea1,
Alan Bainbridge2, David L Price2,
Magdalena Sokolska1, Kevin Broad3,
Go Kawano3, Mojgan Ezatti3, Igor
Fierrens3, Aaron Oliver-Taylor1,
Christina Uria-Avellanal3, Simon
Walker-Samuel4, David L Thomas1,
Nikola Robertson3, and Xavier Golay1
1Institute of Neurology, UCL, London, London,
United Kingdom, 2UCLH,
London, United Kingdom, 3Institute
for woman's health, UCLH, London, United Kingdom, 4Centre
for Advance Biomedical Imaging, UCL, London, United
The present work demonstrates the use of APT-MRI as a
measure of local pH changes in a model of Hypoxia
ischemia insult in the piglet brain. 31P MRS confirms
the pH response seen with APT. This work highlights the
advantage of spatial information from local pH
variations, which may vary across the brain. This
technique has the potential to be used in the clinic to
map local pH changes and assess treatment effectiveness
in newborns suffering from asphyxiation during birth.
3321. |
55 |
31P Magnetic Resonance
Spectroscopy and amide proton transfer-Chemical Exchange
Saturation Transfer based probes for intracellular pH
measurements at 7 tesla 
Vitaliy Khlebnikov1, Jannie Wijnen1,
Michel Italiaander2, Alex Bhogal1,
Hans Hoogduin1, and Dennis Klomp1
1Department of Radiology, University Medical
Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2MR
Coils BV, Drunen, Netherlands
Poor spatial resolution is the main limitation of
phosphorous-31 MRS for intracellular pH (pHi)
quantification. A new method for measuring pHi with high
spatial resolution is desired. The feasibility of amide
proton transfer (APT) pHi measurements was already
demonstrated. However, pHi sensitivity of APT was not
addressed. To the end, we therefore propose a setup that
combines accurate but low resolution 31P MSR with high
resolution chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST)
in the quantification of pHi, using the higher spectral
resolution and SNR of 7T. The findings of the study
suggest that APT contrast is highly pHi sensitive and
can be quantified using 31P MRS in the same subject.
3322. |
56 |
The Amine CEST Feature as a
Biomarker of Apoptosis 
Martin Durant1, Sharon Portnoy2,
Kimberly L Desmond1, Claudia Dziegielewski2,
Martin P. Stanisz2, Anne L Martel1,2,
and Greg J. Stanisz1,2
1Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Sunnybrook
Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Apoptosis was investigated using Chemical Exchange
Saturation Transfer (CEST). Samples of Acute Myeloid
Leukemia cells were scanned at 7T, half treated with
cisplatin, and half as the untreated control, with CEST
offset frequencies -3000-3000Hz. The most notable
difference is seen in the Amine feature (~2ppm offset),
which is clearly seen in the control, but absent in the
treated spectra. A simple "relative area" measure is
used to quantify the change, which is highly
significant. Some speculation on the possible causes is
given. CEST spectroscopy thus may enable monitoring of
response to agents such as cisplatin.
3323. |
57 |
APT-CEST and NOE imaging of
C6 Glioma cell cultures at 7T 
Mona Salehi Ravesh1, Judith Becker1,2,
Kristin Koetz1, Amir Moussavi1,
Gabriele Trompke1, Kirsten Hattermann2,
and Susann Boretius1
1Section Biomedical Imaging, Department of
Radiology and Neuroradiology,
Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Schleswig
Holstein, Germany,2Anatomical Institute,
Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Schleswig
Holstein, Germany
Recently interesting amide proton transfer (APT) and
nuclear overhause enhancement (NOE) effects were
reported from in vivo studies in brain tumors. Here, we
wanted to investigate, whether we could reproduce these
effects in isolated glioma cells. Comparison of C6
z-spectra with z-spectra of nutrient components
indicated that the observed asymmetry was mainly caused
by the glucose and fetal bovine serum containing
nutrition solution rather than specific metabolic
products of the tumor cells. The APT and NOE effects
observed in vivo may therefore require a tumor-stoma
3324. |
58 |
Selective Detection of
Chemical Exchange Specific R1 by
Wen Ling1, Francesca J. Nicholls1,2,
Tao Jin1, Rob Hartman3, Nam Vo3,
Gwendolyn Sowa3, James Kang3,
Michel Modo1, and Kyongtae Ty Bae1
1Dept. of Radiology, UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA,
United States, 2Dept.
of Neuroscience, King’s College London, London, United
Kingdom, 3Dept.
of Orthopaedic Surgery, UPMC, Pittsburgh, PA, United
The implementation iTIP gagCEST on cartilaginous tissue
has been simulated, and experimentally conducted on
phantoms and a rabbit disc. The results from simulation
and phantom have clearly demonstrated that iTIP gagCEST
can quantitatively measure chemical exchange specific
R1 that linearly increases with PG concentration.
3325. |
59 |
Chemical Exchange
Saturation Transfer (CEST) and Nuclear Overhauser Effect
(NOE) in Blood 
Shaokuan Zheng1, Guoxing Lin2,
Kajo van der Marel1, Zhongliang Zu3,
Yansong Zhao4, and Matthew J Gounis1
1Radiology, UMASS Medical School, Worcester,
MA, United States, 2Gustav
H. Carlson School of Chemistry, Clark University,
Worcester, MA, United States, 3Institute
of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
TN, United States, 4Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States
In this study, we performed 1H NMR spectroscopy of blood
plasma and red blood cells and subsequently applied
Lorentzian fitting of the Z-spectrum, in order to
distinguish between the Nuclear Overhauser Effect (NOE)
signal arising from aliphatic protons and the CEST
signal from exchangeable protons. We found that the NOE
effect in the plasma and red blood cells is strong and
asymmetric, which may introduce errors in conventional
analysis of blood CEST data. The effect of saturation
power on the CEST and NOE effect is different, so the
saturation power can be optimized to reach a maximum
3326. |
60 |
The signature of protein
unfolding in CEST imaging in
Steffen Goerke1, Moritz Zaiss1,
Patrick Kunz2, Karel D. Klika3,
and Peter Bachert1
1Department of Medical Physics in Radiology,
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg,
Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 2Department
of Functional Genome Analysis, German Cancer Research
Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 3Department
of Molecular Structure Analysis, German Cancer Research
Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Folding states of proteins may have an important
contribution to the NOE–mediated contrast in chemical
exchange saturation transfer (CEST) imaging of tumors.
In 1H
NMR experiments with bovine serum albumin (BSA) under
different denaturing conditions a characteristic
signature of protein folding state in the Z–spectrum was
identified. This signature may enable to determine the
extent of changes of Z–spectra due to protein unfolding in
3327. |
61 |
31P MRI of human
teeth with Nuclear Overhause Effect enhancement 
Yi Sun1, Djaudat Idiyatullin2, Ole
Brauckmann3, Donald R. Nixdorf4,
Arno Kentgens3, Michael Garwood2,
and Arend Heerschap1
1Radiology, Radboud University Nijmegen
Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands, 2Center
for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of
Minnesota, MN, United States, 3Institute
for Molecules and Materials, Radboud University
Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands, 4Department
of Diagnostic and Biological Sciences, University of
Minnesota, MN, United States
We demonstrate successful 31P
MR imaging of human tooth in a reasonable measurement
time by BLAST and SWIFT sequences, clearly showing
anatomical features in particular dentin, enamel and
pulp regions. In agreement with the 31P
content the enamel shows the highest and dentin the
lower intensity. Furthermore we show that a 1H-31P
NOE enhancement of up to 20% can be obtained from
dentin, but less than 10% from enamel, in agreement with
the water/organic material content. These 31P
MR imaging approaches can also be applied to other human
mineralized tissue, such as in the diagnosis of
3328. |
62 |
Innovative method for the
detection of T1 agents
with MTC -
permission withheld
Giuseppe Ferrauto1, Daniela Delli Castelli1,
Enza Di Gregorio1, Enzo Terreno1,
and Silvio Aime1
1Molecular Biotechnologies & Health Sciences,
Molecular Imaging Center, Torino, Italy
In the present work, the possibility to observe the
presence of T1 agents by using Magnetization Transfer
Contrast (MTC) measurement has been tested since it is
well known that MTC depends on the T1 of the tissue. The
possibility to observe the same molecule with different
MRI sequences will strengthen the evidence of a
molecular target when the signal is barely detectable.
By looking at the MTC seems to be possible to detect Gd-labeled
cells at lower concentration inside a tissue respect to
T1 enhancement, especially in the case of
compartmentalization of Gd-probe in endosomal vesicles.
63 |
Novel Quantitative
Magnetization Transfer (qMT) of the Human Optic Nerve in
Alex K Smith1,2, Richard D Dortch2,3,
and Seth A Smith2,3
1Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Vanderbilt
University Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 3Department
of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States
Optic nerve damage is related to the eventual
development of MS, and often results in permanent,
visual dysfunction. While qMT has been used to evaluate
tissue microstructure in the brain and spinal cord,
studies in the optic nerve have been limited due to poor
contrast between the optic nerve and surrounding tissue.
The Dixon method has been used for fat/water separation;
however, it has never been applied to the optic nerve,
or for qMT imaging. Here we apply novel qMT utilizing
Dixon fat/water separation for accurate quantification
of the pool size ratio in the human optic nerve in vivo.
3330. |
64 |
Reproducibility and
Sensitivity of Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging
in Longitudinal Assessment of Spinal Cord Injuries of Monkey 
Feng Wang1,2, Ke Li1,2, Huixin Qi3,
Arabinda Mishra1, Chaohui Tang1,
Daniel Gochberg1,2, Li Min Chen1,2,
and John C. Gore1,2
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Radiology
Department, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United
States, 3Psychology
Department, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United
We optimized acquisition schemes for in vivo
quantitative magnetization transfer (qMT) imaging and
evaluated the reproducibility and sensitivity of qMT
parameters for assessing spinal cord injuries (SCI) of
anesthetized squirrel monkeys. The results provided
robust and sensitive parameters to the formation of
abnormalities around the lesion site after SCI. Those
qMT parameters were highly correlated to measures of T1,
ADC and MTRasym. MRI findings were in agreement with
spinal cord tissue histology. This study can help us
understand the formation of tumor, cyst or edema,
demyelination, inflammation and gliosis during the
healing progress after unilateral dorsal column lesion
at cervical spinal cord level.
3331. |
65 |
Quantitative MT provides
evidence for neuroinflammation in the brain following
Interferon- treatment 
Nicholas G Dowell1, Neil A Harrison1,
Ella Cooper1, and Mara Cercignani1
1Clinical Imaging Sciences Centre, Brighton
and Sussex Medical School, Falmer, Brighton and Hove,
United Kingdom
There is growing evidence that neuroinflammation has a
pathogenic role in psychiatric illness, although the
presence of subtle inflammation in the brain has not
been widely studied. Inflammation can be induced by the
administration of a cytokine such as interferon-alpha
and although this inflammation is likely to be present
in the brain, conventional MR approaches are not
sensitive to such subtle changes. In this study, we use
qMT to show that the MT transfer rate (kf) is sensitive
to changes in the brain following inflammation with
interferon and this may enable the study of the
pathogenesis of psychiatric illnesses such as
schizophrenia and depression.
3332. |
66 |
Selective Myelin Water
Suppression by Direct Saturation 
Xu Jiang1,2, Peter van Gelderen1,
Jacco A de Zwart1, and Jeff H Duyn1
1AMRI, LFMRI, NINDS, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2Department
of Physics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD,
United States
The effectiveness of using adiabatic, on resonance, 3600
pulses for myelin water imaging based on pulsed
saturation transfer contrast is evaluated. Using
multi-component analysis of T2* signal decay at 7T, we
demonstrate that adiabatic, on-resonance, 3600 pulses
allow a strong (80%) saturation of myelin water, while
effects on axonal and interstitial water can be kept
below 25%. This high selectivity greatly facilitated
saturation transfer kinetics and the visualization of
myelin water content.
3333. |
67 |
Effect of Magnetization
Transfer on Myelin Water Fraction estimation by Steady-State
Jing Zhang1 and
Alex L MacKay1,2
1Department of Radiology, University of
British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, 2Department
of Physics and Astronomy, University of British
Columbia, B.C., Canada
This work is to investigate the effect of magnetization
transfer (MT) on myelin water fraction estimation from
steady-state technique.
3334. |
68 |
Assessing and Reducing the
B1 Dependence
of Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer 
Gopal Varma1, Olivier Girard2,
Novena Rangwala1, Guillaume Duhamel2,
and David C Alsop1
1Radiology, Division of MR Research, Beth
Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, United States, 2CRMBM,
CNRS 7339, Aix-Marseille Universite, Marseille, France
The application of Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer
(IHMT) involves off-resonance saturation pulses, and as
such may be affected by RF field miscalibration or
non-uniformity. A measure of the B1 dependence
from IHMT applied in the brain to a series of volunteers
suggests the IHMT contrast saturates at higher powers.
These results are used to develop a whole brain IHMT
sequence that appears less sensitive to RF field
non-uniformity when compared to an existing 3D spoiled
gradient-echo IHMT acquisition.
3335. |
69 |
Fast high-resolution
whole-brain macromolecular proton fraction mapping using a
minimal number of source images
Vasily L. Yarnykh1
1Department of Radiology, University of
Washington, Seattle, WA, United States
Macromolecular proton fraction (MPF), a key parameter
determining the magnetization transfer (MT) effect, has
recently attracted significant interest as a biomarker
of myelin. Based on a recently published single-point
MPF mapping method, a more time-efficient approach has
been developed. The described technique eliminates the
need in the image for data normalization by using the
synthetic reference image calculated from variable flip
angle data. Accordingly, only three source images (T1,
proton density-, and MT-weighted) are needed for MPF map
reconstruction. Based on this principle, whole-brain 3D
MPF maps can be obtained with isotropic 1.25 mm
resolution and ~20 minutes scan time.
3336. |
70 |
Iterative optimization
method for accelerated acquisition and parameter estimation
in quantitative magnetization transfer imaging 
Henrik Marschner1, André Pampel1,
and Harald E. Möller1
1Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Unit, Max Planck
Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
We investigate the effect of reducing the total number
of measurements in qMTI on the model parameters (qMT
parameters) of a binary spin bath. The parameters
estimation is driven by artificial neural networks (ANNs).
The major goal is to find the minimal number of
measurements including their optimal settings while
maintaining quality and quantitative comparability of
the calculated qMT parameters as obtained from a much
higher number of measurements. A small number of only 5
measurements is mostly sufficient for the presented
experiments with limited saturation parameters. Further
spread of the saturation parameters may lead to 4
overall sufficient measurements.
3337. |
71 |
High Resolution, Motion
Corrected Mapping of Macromolecular Proton Fraction (MPF) In
Clinically Acceptable Time Using 3D Undersampled Radials 
Alexey Samsonov1, Pouria Mossahebi2,
Ashley Anderson3, Julia Velikina4,
Kevin M. Johnson4, Sterling C Johnson5,
John O Fleming6, and Aaron Field7
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
United States, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, United
States, United States, 3Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United
States, 4Medical
Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin,
United States, 5Medicine,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United
States, 6Neurology,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United
States, 7Radiology,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United
Two-pool modeling of magnetization transfer (MT) effects
yields a unique set of measures sensitive to different
tissue composition properties. The key parameter of
interest in this model is a macromolecular pool fraction
(MPF), a potential biomarker of myelin in neural
tissues. However, traditional MPF mapping within
clinical scan time is a relatively low-resolution
methodology. The purpose of this work was to develop a
clinically feasible, high resolution, motion corrected
MPF mapping protocol compatible with clinical standards
for GM assessment (~1 mm isotropic, under 30 min).
3338. |
72 |
Fat Suppressed Modified
Cross Relaxation Imaging of Articular Cartilage using MaTS:
Magnetization Transfer Subtraction 
Nade Sritanyaratana1, Pouria Mossahebi1,
Walter Block1, Alexey Samsonov2,
and Richard Kijowski2
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United
Modified Cross relaxation imaging (mCRI) is a
quantitative magnetization transfer (MT) technique that
has been shown to provide potentially useful information
about cartilage degeneration. However, cartilage
imaging, especially in clinical settings, typically
requires large slice thicknesses (3-4mm) because
cartilage’s relatively thin tissue structure demands
high in-plane resolution (≈0.5mm). Especially since bone
and cartilage are significantly curved structures, this
highly anisotropic imaging scheme tends to increase
partial voluming, and in the context of quantitative
imaging can significantly corrupt parametric maps if not
corrected. Thus, we propose a technique that suppresses
partial voluming from fat and other MT non-exchanging
tissues. The proposed technique also suppresses fat
chemical shift artifacts, allowing for lower bandwidth
imaging for higher SNR.