Joint Annual
Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014
10-16 May 2014
Milan, Italy |
Lung & Mediastinum MRI
Monday 12 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 17:30 |
Computer # |
3529. |
1 |
Quantification of lung
microstructure in asthma using a 3He
fractional diffusion approach 
Juan Parra-Robles1, Helen Marshall1,
Ruth A Hartley2, Christopher E Brightling2,
and Jim M Wild1
1Unit of Academic Radiology, University of
Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom, 2Institute
for Lung Health, University of Leicester, Leicester,
United Kingdom
In this work, a new approach based on a fractional
diffusion model is developed to allow for in-vivo
estimation of the distributions of the microscopic
length scales of acinar airways from 3He
diffusion MRI data. This new technique is used to assess
the acinar microstructure in asthma patients and the
results are compared with CT densitometry and
macroscopic 3He
ventilation distributions.
3530. |
2 |
Bronchodilatation Effect on
Lung Function of Asthma Patients Measured by Static and
Dynamic 3He MRI: First Results of Clinical Trial 
Maxim Terekhov1, Ursula Wolf2,
Klaus K Gast2, Christian Hoffmann2,
Nina Bojadzic2, Sergei Karpuk3,
Christian Mrozik3, Christoph Düber2,
and Laura Maria Schreiber1
1Section of Medical Physics, Department of
Radiology, Johannes Gutenberg University Medical Center
Mainz, Mainz, Germany, 2Department
of Radiology, Johannes Gutenberg University Medical
Center Mainz, Mainz, Germany, 3Institute
of Physics, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Mainz,
Static and Dynamic Ventilation of lungs measured with
hyperpolarized 3He-MRI are efficient tools to visualize
and quantify the lung ventilation and intrapulmonary gas
inflow. Ventilation measurements give information on
both spatial and temporal distribution of gas in airways
and parenchyma being of great importance for the
diagnostics of airways obstruction diseases e.g. asthma
and COPD. Measurements of static and dynamic lung
ventilation with HP-3He-MRI were performed on bronchial
asthma patients before and after bronchodilatation in
order find out if the BD-effect can be detected using
3He-MRI and to correlate the variation of measured
parameters with the spirometry tests.
3531. |
3 |
Airflow modulation due to
the cardiac cycle in healthy subjects 
Guilhem Jean Collier1, Helen Marshall1,
and Jim Wild1
1Academic Radiology, University of Sheffield,
Sheffield, United Kingdom
In this work, dynamic acquisition of hyperpolarized 3He
ventilation images was combined with phase contrast
velocimetry sequences to assess airflow modulation due
to the cardiac cycle during inspiration in healthy
subjects. The results show opposite flow oscillations at
the heartbeat frequency between the left lower lobe and
all other lobes, suggesting that the movement of the
heart is influencing the airflow pattern in the lungs.
3532. |
4 |
Madhwesha Rama Rao1, Neil J Stewart1,
Graham Norquay1, and Jim M Wild1
1Academic Unit of Radiology, University of
Sheffield, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Hyperpolarized 129Xe has large range of chemical shift
and can be used to study the human brain when 129Xe
dissolved in the blood is transferred to white matter,
grey matter and cerebral lipids. In this work we
demonstrate in vivo human brain spectroscopy with
dissolved 129Xe at 1.5T. In addition to peaks from grey
and white matter, we detected peaks from 129Xe in red
blood cells and lipids in the brain. We have established
optimal topology for RF coils for 129Xe brain
spectroscopy and developed a model for dissolved xenon
blood uptake from the lungs to the brain.
3533. |
5 |
Assessing the Diagnostic
Power of a Hybrid Combination of Hyperpolarized 3He
MRI derived ADC, Specific Ventilation and Alveolar Oxygen
Tension in COPDs 
Hooman Hamedani1, Stephen Kadlecek1,
Masaru Ishii2, Yi Xin1, Hoora
Shaghaghi1, Biao Han1, Sarmad
Siddiqui1, Milton Rossman1, and
Rahim R. Rizi1
1University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA, United States, 2Johns
Hopkins University, Merryland, United States
The hybrid multibreath 3He
imaging technique has been previously used to measure
regional lung parameters such as pAO2,
specific ventilation (SV) and ADC measurements
simultaneously. The combination of these three imaging
measurements effectively probes the different aspects of
lung disease in a manner analogous to current clinical
measurements. The obtained measurements are highly
correlated with conventional pulmonary tests (pulmonary
function test, six-minute walk test, and the St.
George’s Questionnaire). In this study, the pAO2,
SV and ADC measurements acquired using the hybrid
technique were assessed for their viability as markers
for distinguishing between smokers and nonsmokers.
3534. |
6 |
Optimal Oxygen
Concentration for Hyperpolarized Xenon Brain MRI 
Haidong Li1, Zhiying Zhang1,
Jianping Zhong1, Weiwei Ruan1,
Zhao Li1, Xianping Sun1, and Xin
1Wuhan Institute of Physics and
Mathematics,CAS, Wuhan, Hubei, China
We defined T1_total as a parameter to identify the total
relaxation for the delivery of xenon gas to the brain,
and the ventilation with 25-30% oxygen in the lung has
shown the maximal HP xenon signal in the rat brain,
which is valuable for in vivo brain applications
3535. |
7 |
Comparison of Calculated
Specific Ventilation using the 'Wash-in' and 'Wash-out'
Hyperpolarized 3He
MRI Techniques
Sarmad Siddiqui1, Mehrdad Pourfathi1,
Hooman Hamedani1, Yi Xin1, Hoora
Shaghaghi1, Stephen J. Kadlecek1,
and Rahim R. Rizi1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States
It has been previously demonstrated that hyperpolarized
(HP) 3He MRI can be used to construct regional
fractional ventilation maps by imaging HP signal build
up, by delivering several HP breaths, each followed by a
breath hold for image acquisition. More recently, it was
shown [2] that a similar regional fractional ventilation
map could be constructed by fitting the signal decay
after only one inhalation of HP gas. In this study, we
compare the regional fractional ventilation maps
generated by both the ‘wash-in’ and ‘wash-out’ methods
to determine the robustness of the ‘wash-out’ method
compared to the ‘wash-in’ method.
3536. |
8 |
Age-Dependent Changes in
Alveolar Microstructure of Healthy Adults by in vivo Lung
Morphometry with Hyperpolarized 3He Diffusion MRI 
James D Quirk1, Jason C Woods2,
Alexander L Sukstanskii1, Barbara A Lutey3,
Mario Castro3, and Dmitriy A Yablonskiy1
1Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology,
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO,
United States, 2Pediatrics
and Radiology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital,
Cincinnati, OH, United States, 3Pulmonary
and Critical Care Medicine, Washington University School
of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, United States
Pulmonary function in adults is known to decline with
age. Using non-invasive diffusion MRI-based in vivo
helium-3 lung morphometry, we studied 38 healthy
subjects (ages 18-70) to determine the changes in lung
microstructure at the alveolar level associated with
this decline. We found that with increased age, there is
a significant decrease in alveolar density, associated
with both an increase in acinar duct lumen and acinar
duct radius and a decrease in the alveolar depth. This
establishes a baseline of age-dependent lung parameters
for use in future studies to detect changes associated
with pulmonary diseases.
3537. |
9 |
Enhanced 129Xe Hyper-CEST
Efficiency Using PK11195 Functionalized Cryptophane-A 
Krista M. Dowhos1,2, Matthew S. Fox3,
Iain K. Ball3, Tao Li3,4, Gowtham
Gajawada3,4, Jordan Wentzell4,
Brenton DeBoef5, and Mitchell S. Albert3,4
1Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Ontario,
Canada, 2Thunder
Bay Regional Research Institute, Thunder Bay, Ontario,
Canada, 3Thunder
Bay Regional Research Institute, Ontario, Canada, 4Lakehead
University, Ontario, Canada, 5Rhode
Island University, Rhode Island, United States
The combination of hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI and Chemical
Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST), Hyper-CEST, can
potentially enhance MR sensitivity by 108, making it a
promising molecular imaging technique via MRI. In this
study, we employ a Hyper-CEST pulse sequence at 3T,
which uses pulsed saturation to lower SAR and provides
an unprecedented 87% depletion in 129Xe(dissolved)
signal. In addition, we used the same pulse sequence to
demonstrate Hyper-CEST imaging, which may eventually
allow for molecular imaging of inflammation sites in the
body caused by diseases such as COPD and arthritis, due
to the ability of PK11195 to target these pathologies.
3538. |
10 |
Whole-Body MRI vs.
Co-registered Whole-Body FDG-PET with MRI (PET/MRI) vs.
Integrated FDG-PET/CT: Capability of Clinical Stage and
Operability Assessments in Non-Small Cell Carcinoma 
Yoshiharu Ohno1, Shinichiro Seki2,
Mizuho Nishio1, Hisanobu Koyama2,
Takeshi Yoshikawa1, Sumiaki Matsumoto1,
Nobukazu Aoyama3, Kota Aoyagi4,
Hitoshi Yamagata5, Hideaki Kawamitsu3,
and Kazuro Sugimura2
1Advanced Biomedical Imaging Research Center,
Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe,
Hyogo, Japan, 2Radiology,
Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe,
Hyogo, Japan, 3Center
for Radiology and Radiation Oncology, Kobe University
Hospital, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 4MClinical
Application Research Center, Toshiba Medical Systems
Corporation, Otawara, Tochigi, Japan, 5Toshiba
Medical Systems Corporation, Otawara, Tochigi, Japan
Clinical stage assessment is important for treatment in
NSCLC patients. We hypothesized that whole-body MRI at
3T MR system, which is utilized multiple array coil with
parallel imaging capability and Quick 3D sequence with
DFS technique, has equal to or better potential for T, N
and M factors and operability assessments in NSCLC
patients than co-registered FDG-PET/MRI and integrated
FDG-PET/CT. The purpose of this study was to directly
compare the capability for clinical stage and
operability assessments among whole-body MRI,
co-registered FDG-PET/MRI and integrated FDG-PET/CT in
NSCLC patients.
3539. |
11 |
CODE (COncurrent Dephasing
and Excitation) MRI of human lung at 3T 
Soon Ho Yoon1, Chanhee Lee2, Jinil
Park2, JaeKyun Ryu2, Jin Mo Goo1,
and Jang-Yeon Park2
1Department of Radiology, Seoul National
University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Konkuk University, Chung-ju,
The purpose of our study was to investigate the
technical feasibility of CODE(Concurrent Dephasing and
Excitation) MRI in human lung. 1.3mm3 isotropic voxel 3D
radial CODE imaging was performed in three healthy adult
volunteers on 3.0 T MR system. An overall image quality
of CODE was graded good to excellent. Pulmonary vessels
were consistently traceable from central to subpleural
area in whole lung. Thin bronchial walls were traceable
from main bronchus to segmental bronchi with mild motion
and streak artifacts on CODE. Lobar fissures were also
identifiable. CODE MRI was techinally feasible in human
lung on a clinical scanner.
3540. |
12 |
Comparison of Normalized T1
and Pulmonary Blood Flow Assessments in Cystic Fibrosis Lung
Lan Lu1,2, Shannon Donnola1,
Elliott C Dasenbrook3, David Weaver3,
Michael W Konstan3, and Chris A Flask1,4
1Department of Radiology, Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Department
of Urology, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland,
OH, United States, 3Department
of Pediatrics, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH, United States, 4Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH, United States
We have previously developed a normalized T1 (nT1)
method to sensitively and rapidly detect early-stage
lung disease in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. In this
study, we aimed to determine the mechanism underlying
observed nT1 changes in CF patients by direct comparison
with pulmonary perfusion assessed by Arterial Spin
Labeling. ASL and nT1 assessments in nine CF patients
demonstrated significantly reduced mean nT1 and
pulmonary perfusion in the upper lungs in comparison to
healthy controls. A significant correlation (p <0.05)
was also observed between nT1 and pulmonary perfusion.
These results suggest that the nT1 technique is related
to pulmonary perfusion.
3541. |
13 |
Gadolinium-based Aerosol Deposition and Dynamics in Healthy
Rat Lung by UTE-MRI 
Hongchen Wang1, Catherine Sébrié1,
Jean-Pierre Ruaud1, Geneviève Guillot1,
Khaoula Bouazizi-Verdier1, Georges Willoquet1,
Xavier Maître1, Luc Darrasse1, and
Ludovic de Rochefort1
1Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique Médicale
et Multi-Modalités (UMR8081) IR4M, CNRS, Univ.
Paris-Sud, Orsay, France
Aerosol toxicology and drug delivery through the lungs
require the development of methods to quantify particle
deposition. The use of intrapulmonary-administered MRI
contrast agent combined to lung-specific imaging
sequences has been proposed and remains an active
preclinical research topic. Various administration
protocols and pulse sequences have been used, and more
recently ultra-short echo (UTE) sequences that are more
adapted for lung parenchyma imaging. Here, we present
the use of 3D UTE implemented in a clinical scanner,
performed pre- and post- administration of
gadolinium-based aerosol delivery in spontaneously
breathing healthy rats, thus mimicking chronic particle
exposure or free-breathing drug delivery. The
contrast-enhanced quantification method enabled us to
follow up lung clearance and regional heterogeneity in
the deposition.
3542. |
14 |
High-resolution zero echo
time lung imaging 
Fabio Gibiino1,2, Laura Sacolick3,
Anne Menini4, Luigi Landini1, and
Florian Wiesinger4
1University of Pisa, Pisa, PI, Italy, 2GE
Global Research, Munich, Bavaria, Germany, 3GE
Heathcare, Munich, Germany, 4GE
Global Research, Munich, Germany
A 3D radial zero-TE sequence similar to the
Rotating-Ultra-Fast-Sequence was implemented and
optimized for high-resolution structural imaging of the
lungs. The pulse-and-acquire sequence scheme achieves a
nominal echo time equal to zero with repetition time of
about one millisecond. The minimal gradient ramping kept
the sequence free from eddy current artifacts. A
prospective triggering on the respiration signal was
used to avoid motion artifacts. The receive bandwidth
was chosen to obtain the best compromise between
resolution and signal-to-noise ratio. 3D datasets of the
lung structures at ~0.9mm isotropic resolution were
acquired on volunteers in ~9min scan time.
3543. |
15 |
Comparative Analysis of
Predictive Capability of 3D Non-Contrast-Enhanced Perfusion
MRI, 3D Contrast-Enhanced Perfusion MRI, Quantitatively
Assessed Thin-Section CT, and Perfusion Scan for
Postoperative Lung Function in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Yoshiharu Ohno1, Shinichiro Seki2,
Mizuho Nishio1, Hisanobu Koyama2,
Takeshi Yoshikawa1, Sumiaki Matsumoto1,
Nobukazu Aoyama3, Yoshimori Kassai4,
Masao Yui4, Hideaki Kawamitsu3,
and Kazuro Sugimura2
1Advanced Biomedical Imaging Research Center,
Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe,
Hyogo, Japan, 2Radiology,
Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe,
Hyogo, Japan, 3Center
for Radiology and Radiation Oncology, Kobe University
Hospital, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 4MRI
Systems Development Department, Toshiba Medical Systems
Corporation, Otawara, Tochigi, Japan
We hypothesize that Non CE-perfusion MRI based on fresh
blood imaging (FBI) technique at 3T system can
accurately assess regional perfusion difference, and
predict postoperative lung function in NSCLC patients,
when compared with perfusion scan (Q scan), thin-section
MDCT and dynamic CE-perfusion MRI. The purpose of this
study was to prospectively and directly compare
capabilities of regional perfusion assessment and
prediction of postoperative lung function in NSCLC
patients among Q scan, thin-section CT, dynamic
CE-perfusion MRI and non-CE-perfusion MRI.
3544. |
16 |
Multiparametric functional
1H-lung MRI using a free-breathing 3D Twisted Projection
Imaging Sequence 
Kathrin R Hemberger1, Daniel Haddad1,
Peter M Jakob1,2, and Felix A Breuer1
1Magnetic Resonance Center Bavaria, Wuerzburg,
Bavaria, Germany, 2Department
of Experimental Physics 5, Wuerzburg, Germany
A T1-weighted oxygen-enhanced Twisted Projection Imaging
sequence was used to assess several functional lung
parameters in 3D during free breathing. Retrospective
DC-gating to expiration and inspiration enables the
assessment of changes in T2* and T1 due to increased
concentration of oxygen in the breathing gas for each
respiratory state as well as changes in spin density at
different breathing states.
3545. |
17 |
Comparison of AIF
determination methods and gadolinium contrast agents for
quantitative pulmonary perfusion 
Laura Bell1, Kang Wang2, Alejandro
Munoz Del Rio3, Thomas Grist1,3,
Sean Fain1,3, and Scott Nagle1,3
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin -
Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 2Global
MR Applications and Workflow, GE Healthcare, Wisconsin,
United States, 3Radiology,
University of Wisconsin - Madison, Wisconsin, United
Quantification of pulmonary perfusion using T1-weighted
contrast-enhanced MRI is challenging due to both the
nonlinear relationship between signal intensity (SI) and
contrast agent (CA) concentration, and the inherently
low signal within the lung itself. We assessed the
performance of three different AIF reconstruction
methods using both gadopentetate dimeglumine and
gadobenate dimeglumine in 12 healthy human subjects for
pulmonary blood flow (PBF) measurements. There were no
observed differences in PBF between all three AIF
reconsturction methods using Gd-DTPA, however there were
differences using Gd-BOPTA that need to be considered
within a clinical setting. Lung enhancement was improved
with GD-BOPTA.
3546. |
18 |
Diffusion-Weighted MR
Imaging with Multiple b Values: Which Parameters and
Assessment Methods Are Best for Quantitative Diagnosis of
Solitary Pulmonary Nodules?
- permission withheld
Hisanobu Koyama1, Yoshiharu Ohno1,2,
Shinichiro Seki1, Mizuho Nishio2,
Nobukazu Aoyama3, Takeshi Yoshikawa2,
Sumiaki Matsumoto2, and Kazuro Sugimura1
1Radiology, Kobe University Graduate School
of Medicine, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 2Advanced
Biomedical Imaging Research Center, Kobe University
Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 3Radiology,
Kobe University Hospital, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan
Recently, image quality and diagnostic capability of
chest MR imaging have been improving and chest DWI were
reported the utility of diagnosis of solitary pulmonary
nodules (SPNs) including lung cancer. Under these
circumstances, it is important that comparisons of
methods for evaluating SPNs differentiation and
selecting b values result in useful contributions to
clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to
determine the appropriate parameters and evaluation
method for quantitative differentiation of SPNs by means
of DWI.
3547. |
19 |
parameterization of the oxygen input function (OIF) for
dynamic oxygen-enhanced MRI 
Jose L Ulloa1,2, Weijuan Zhang2,
Josephine Naish2, Alexandra R Morgan1,2,
and Geoffrey JM Parker1,2
1Bioxydyn Ltd, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2Centre
for Imaging Sciences, University of Manchester,
Manchester, United Kingdom
An input function characterizing the amount of inspired
oxygen is required to allow standardized
parameterization of changes in T1 contrast due to oxygen
inhalation when performing oxygen-enhanced MRI. In this
work, we propose a functional form of an oxygen input
function (OIF) derived from inspired oxygen measured in
110 dataset using two standard disposable
non-rebreathing clinical masks. Results show that the
OIF wash-in and wash-out can be adequately described by
bi-exponential functions and a population-based OIF may
provide an adequate description of the true OIF at the
individual level.
3548. |
20 |
Relevance of respiratory
gating for proton Lung MRI 
Marta Tibiletti1, Jan Paul2,
Detlef Stiller3, and Volker Rasche1,2
1Core Facility Small Animal MRI, University
of Ulm, Ulm, BW, Germany, 2Department
of Internal Medicin II, University Hospital Ulm, Ulm,
BW, Germany,3Target Discovery Research
Germany, Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG,
Biberach, BW, Germany
We have tested the effect of prospective respiratory
gating on image sharpness in two radial short T2 method
(THRIVE and UTE) for lung imaging in human volunteers at
3T. Qualitative and quantitative results show a
significant increase in image sharpness in gated
acquisition with respect to not gated ones. We have
demonstrated that respiratory gating is necessary when
high definition images of lung vessels and airways are
needed, even if radial acquisitions are robust to
movement artifacts and prospective gating typically
double acquisition time. UTE acquisitions show promising
results for vessels visualization without contrast
3549. |
21 |
free-breathing lung imaging using high-speed MRI data
acquisition and phase dispersion analysis 
Yu Li1, David Roach1,2, and Jason
1Radiology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States, 2Center
for Pulmonary Imaging Research, Cincinnati Children's
Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States
We developed a new non-contrast-enhanced lung imaging
technique using high-speed dynamic data acquisition and
phase dispersion analysis. By evaluating regional MRI
phase dispersion of dynamic lung images during free
breathing, image contrast may be generated from
susceptibility changes in pulmonary parenchyma. We found
that temporal behaviors of MRI phase dispersion may be
used to investigate lung function by examining regional
susceptibility changes dynamically in every respiration
cycle. This offers a new imaging technique that has the
potential to improve functional imaging of the lung.
3550. |
22 |
A quantitative technique
for assessing the temporal dynamics of regional specific
ventilation in response to methacholine challenge in asthma
using oxygen enhanced proton MRI 
Rui Carlos Sá1, Amran K Asadi1,
Rebecca J Theilmann2, and G. Kim Prisk1,2
1Medicine, University of California, San
Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA,
United States
Asthma is a dynamic disease that possesses strong,
poorly understood temporal components. We describe an
improved analysis of Specific Ventilation Imaging - a
quantitative oxygen-enhanced MR-technique - that may be
useful in elucidating time-varying ventilation
heterogeneity after acute asthma events. Specific
ventilation is quantified by comparing the modeled
response of ideal lung units with individual voxel
signal intensity time-series, following changes from
breathing air to oxygen. Temporal changes are captured
using an overlapping running window (120 breaths, 600s,
shifted by 200s). Regional ventilation is seen to
recover towards baseline over time following
bronchoconstriction of a mild asthmatic subject with
3551. |
23 |
Pulmonary Ultra-short
Echo-time (UTE) Two-dimensional Radial Acquisition with
Compressed Sensing: Preliminary Quantitative Results with
Comparison to Thoracic CT 
Weijing Ma1, Khadija Sheikh1,2,
Jonathon Leipsic3, Harvey O Coxson3,
David G McCormack4, Roya Etemad-Rezai5,
and Grace Parraga1,2
1Imaging Research Laboratories, Robarts
Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Department
of Medical Biophysics, The University of Western
Ontario, Ontario, Canada, 3Department
of Radiology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada, 4Department
of Medicine, The University of Western Ontario, London,
Ontario, Canada, 5Department
of Medical Imaging, The University of Western Ontario,
London, Ontario, Canada
We developed thoracic 32-channel ultra-short echo time
radial 1H MRI with compressed sensing to achieve
quantitative 1H signal intensity maps on a clinical 3T
scanner for quantitative measurements of the lung
parenchyma. Such measurements were directly compared in
healthy volunteers at different lung volumes and in
patients with COPD and bronchiectasis with 3He MRI
apparent diffusion coefficients, CT measurements of
tissue density and pulmonary function test measurements.
Compressed sensing UTE MRI was successfully implemented
at 3T and showed significantly improved SI measurements
acquired at expiration breath-hold that is safe and
practical for patients with chronic respiratory disease.
3552. |
24 |
Ultra-short Echo Time 3D
Radial Retrospective self-gated navigator for lung motion
Konstantinos G. Zeimpekis1,2, Gaspar Delso3,
Florian Wiesinger4, Patrick Veit-Haibach5,
and Gustav von Schulthess5
1University Hospital, Zurich, Zurich,
Switzerland, 2Information
Technology and Electrical Engineering, ETHZ, Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland, 3Global
MR Applications & Workflow, GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI,
United States, 4GE
Global Research, Munich, Germany, 5University
Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland
On this project, we propose a lung imaging gating with
self-gating navigator extraction based on the DC signal
of multiple acquisitions. The Dc navigator is based on
the maximum values along DC the superimposed DC signals
of all acquisitions of the coil nearest to the
diaphragm. Gating is achieved without any applying any
threshold and the images look significantly improved
concerning resolution, motion correction near the
diaphragm structures and contrast regaining.
Renal & Male Pelvis
Monday 12 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 17:30 |
Computer # |
25 |
Role of Diffusion MRI in
renal cell carcinoma: assessment of nuclear grade 
Durgesh Kumar Dwivedi1, Girdhar Singh Bora2,
Rajeev Kumar2, Sanjay Thulkar3,
Sanjay Sharma3, Siddhartha Datta Gupta4,
and Naranamangalam Raghunathan Jagannathan1
1Dept of NMR & MRI Facility, All India
Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 2Dept
of Urology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New
Delhi, Delhi, India, 3Dept
of Radio-diagnosis, All India Institute of Medical
Sciences, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 4Dept
of Pathology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences,
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Recently there has been an annual increase of 2% in the
incidence of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) worldwide. It is
detected on computed tomography or ultrasound. Diffusion
imaging has been shown to have potential in diagnosing
various malignancies. We studied RCC lesions using
diffusion-weighted MRI (DW-MRI). We found ADC values for
RCC to be significantly lower than normal kidney tissue.
Our results suggested that DW-MRI has potential in the
prognostication of the patient and possibly could guide
in therapeutic management.
3554. |
26 |
4D contrast enhanced MRI of
the developing mouse kidney 
Luke Xie1,2, Ergys Subashi2,3, Yi
Qi2, and G. Allan Johnson1,2
1Biomedical Engineering, Duke University,
Durham, North Carolina, United States, 2Center
for In Vivo Microscopy, Radiology, Duke University
Medical Center, Durham, North Carolina, United States, 3Medical
Physics Graduate Program, Duke University Medical
Center, Durham, North Carolina, United States
We acquired high spatiotemporal resolution datasets of
the developing mouse kidney. The data were acquired with
a cryogenic surface coil and a dynamic contrast enhanced
(DCE) MRI sequence, allowing 3D images (1253 μm3)
to be obtained every 7.7 sec over a 50-min scan (390
time points). The DCE curves were used to determine a 3D
time-to-peak map (time of injection to peak
enhancement). Time-to-peak values and volumes were
determined in three renal regions—cortex, outer medulla,
and inner medulla. These functional and structural
changes were measured over 17 weeks at 6 points (3, 5,
7, 9, 13, 17 weeks).
3555. |
27 |
Quantify renal ASL data
with arterial input function (AIF) sampled from renal artery 
Jeff L Zhang1, Christopher C Conlin1,
Jason Mendes1, Niels Oesingmann2,
and Vivian S Lee1
1Department of Radiology, University of Utah,
Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 2Siemens
Medical Solutions USA, Inc., New York, United States
Current models for analyzing renal ASL data assume
rectangular-shape function for tagged arterial input
function (AIF). With imperfect magnetization inversion,
this assumption can cause significant errors in the
estimated perfusion. In this study using coronal FAIR
labeling, we propose to sample AIF from renal segmental
artery, and after some calibration with proton density,
use the AIF to estimate renal tissue perfusion from ASL
images. In a human subject data, we found that perfusion
estimated with the ¡®ideal¡¯ rectangular AIF was lower
than that from the sampled AIF, which agreed with our
3556. |
28 |
The effect of renal
denervation on renal oxygenation as measured on BOLD MRI 
Anneloes de Boer1, Eva E Vink2,
Tim Leiner3, Peter J Blankestijn2,
and Hans M Hoogduin3
1Nephrology, University Medical Center,
Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Nephrology,
University Medical Center, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Radiology,
University Medical Center, Utrecht, Netherlands
Renal denervation (RD) is a promising new therapy for
resistant hypertension. The mechanism of action is
proposed to be a decrease in sympathetic activity,
resulting in altered sodium handling by the kidneys and
a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance. As a
consequence, one can hypothesize that renal blood flow
and oxygenation will increase. To assess changes in
oxygenation in the kidney after RD, BOLD MRI was
performed in 38 patients before and 12 months after RD.
Data were analyzed using the compartmental method of
Ebrahimi et al. No change in renal oxygenation was
3557. |
29 |
BOLD MRI of the Kidneys
under water loading at 7 Tesla using parallel Transmission
and RF Shimming of individual slices
- permission withheld
Inge Brinkmann1, Niravkumar Darji2,
Oliver Speck2, and Michael Bock1
1Radiology - Medical Physics, University
Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Otto
von Guericke University Magdeburg, Magdeburg, Germany
BOLD MRI of the kidneys has been proposed to determine
renal oxygenation through the measurement of R2* changes
during water loading. In this work we report first
preliminary results of renal BOLD MRI at 7T using a
dedicated parallel transmission coil setup. To increase
the B1+ homogeneity at kidney region the B1+ profile was
shimmed successfully by more than 30%. The measurements
were done with a multi-echo 2D FLASH sequence. The
experiments show strong changes of R2* in the renal
medulla and cortex both at baseline and during water
loading which facilitates the detection of the R2*
changes at 7T.
3558. |
30 |
Effect of Iodinated
Contrast Medium in Diabetic Rat Kidney as Evaluated by BOLD
- permission withheld
Lu-Ping Li1,2, Tammy Franklin1,
Richard Solomon3, and Pottumarthi V Prasad1,2
1Radiology, Northshore University
HealthSystem, Evanston, IL, United States, 2University
of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, Chicago, IL,
United States, 3University
of Vermont College of Medicine, VT, United States
Iodinated contrast induced acute kidney injury (CIAKI)
is the third cause of hospital-acquired AKI. Diabetes is
one direct risk factor. Streptozotocin (STZ) treated rat
is the most common model of human diabetes. The effects
of iodinated contrast were evaluated in STZ treated rats
using BOLD MRI. Our preliminary data show R2* responses
are much smaller than those previously observed in
alternate model of CIAKI. This is probably due to the
persistent hyperfiltration in this model resulting in
enhanced washout of contrast medium. Future studies may
be necessary to evaluate whether fluid restriction could
make the responses comparable to previous models.
3559. |
31 |
T2* Correction Using B0
Mapping for Renal BOLD Quantification 
Joshua D Kaggie1, Vivian S Lee1,
and Glen R Morrell1
1Utah Center for Advanced Imaging Research,
Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT,
United States
Renal BOLD-MRI has been proposed as a method of
functional renal imaging. Baseline values of T2* (R2*)
and change in T2* in the kidneys after administration of
a diuretic such as furosemide have been reported to
correlate with severity of kidney disease. However,
other published data shows no correlation between renal
R2* and severity of chronic kidney disease. Among the
potential confounding factors for accurate T2*
quantification are B0 inhomogeneities that can result in
varying T2* values between measurements. In this work,
B0 maps are used to correct the T2* images for more
accurate quantification.
3560. |
32 |
Improved estimation of
renal perfusion with multiple inversion-time acquisitions in
arterial spin labeling 
Jeff L Zhang1, Christopher C Conlin1,
Jason Mendes1, Niels Oesingmann2,
and Vivian S Lee1
1Department of Radiology, University of Utah,
Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 2Siemens
Medical Solutions USA, Inc., New York, United States
Conventional perfusion quantification model for renal
ASL data ignores transit delay from tagging site to
tissue voxels. In this study, we compared a
convolution-based model incorporating transit delay to
the conventional approach using both simulated and human
kidney ASL data. We found that the conventional method
to estimate renal perfusion from ASL data was sensitive
to the selection of inversion time (TI), while by
acquiring signals at multiple TIs and analyzing them
with a convolution-based model, we can estimate renal
perfusion with much lower variability.
3561. |
33 |
Renal Perfusion by ASL is
Associated with GFR in Long-term Survivors of Wilms’ Tumor 
Ruitian Song1, Ralf B. Loeffler1,
Aaryani Tipirneni-Sajja1, Adam M. Winchell1,
Mary B McCarville1, Melissa M. Hudson2,
Sheri L. Spunt2, and Claudia M Hillenbrand1
1Radiological Sciences, St Jude Children's
Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee, United States, 2Oncology,
St Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis,
Tennessee, United States
ASL MRI was applied to investigate renal perfusion
irradiated and non-irradiated long-term survivors of
Wilms’ tumor and in healthy volunteers. Between
survivors no significant differences were observed in
cortical and medullary blood flow (CBF and MBF), and
glomerular filtration rate (GFR). MBF values of
survivors were significantly higher than those of
healthy volunteers. Normalized CBF and MBF were well
correlated with absolute GFR.
3562. |
34 |
Sensitivity of Arterial
Spin Labeling Perfusion Imaging to Pharmacologically Induced
Changes in the Rat Kidneys 
Huan Tan1, Jon Thacker2, Tammy
Franklin3, and Pottumarthi V Prasad1,3
1University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United
States, 2Northwestern
University, Evanston, IL, United States, 3NorthShore
University HealthSystem, Evanston, IL, United States
The objective of this study was to investigate whether
arterial spin labeling (ASL) MRI in rat kidneys can be
sensitive to pharmacologically induced vasodilation and
vasoconstriction. The preliminary results demonstrated
the sensitivity of ASL to changes in renal cortical
perfusion and showed the estimates to be reproducible
(with adenosine) and cumulative (with L-NAME).
3563. |
35 |
Intra-tumoral Heterogeneity
in Tumor Vascularity Correlates with ADC Quantification in
Renal Masses 
Qing Yuan1, Koji Sagiyama2, Yue
Zhang1, Naira Muradyan3, Annanth
Madhuranthakam1,2, Yin Xi1, Ivan E
Dimitrov2,4, Vitaly Margulis5,
James Brugarolas6,7, Payal Kapur5,8,
and Ivan Pedrosa1,2
1Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center,
Dallas, TX, United States, 2Advanced
Imaging Research Center, UT Southwestern Medical Center,
Dallas, TX, United States, 3iCAD,
Inc., Nashua, NH, United States, 4Philips
Medical Systems, Cleveland, OH, United States, 5Urology,
UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United
States, 6Internal
Medicine, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX,
United States, 7Developmental
Biology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX,
United States, 8Pathology,
UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United
The purpose of this study is to investigate the
correlation between the in vivo heterogeneity in tumor
perfusion and cellularity in renal masses using dynamic
contrast-enhanced (DCE) and diffusion-weighted imaging
(DWI) techniques. Quantitative DCE and DWI parameters
were obtained from the whole tumor, and from areas with
high- and low-enhancement in the tumor. High-enhancement
tumor regions demonstrated significant higher perfusion
measures as well as lower ADC values. Our results
confirm the correlation between intra-tumoral
heterogeneity in blood flow and ADC in patients with
renal masses.
3564. |
36 |
Evaluation of split renal
function on obstructive hydronephrosis using Dynamic
Contrast Enhanced - Magnetic Resonance Renography 
Yuancheng Wang1 and
Shenghong Ju1
1Zhongda Hospital, Medical School of
Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
renal scintigraphy may fail to accurately access the
renal function on patients with obstructive
hydronephrosis, we seek to find a more robust as well as
non-invasive method to serve as an alternative. Dynamic
Contrast Enhanced - Magnetic Resonance Renography has
been proved to be a promising method in calculating
split renal functions. How would it perform in the
context of hydronephrosis? We conducted this preliminary
study on the above issue.
3565. |
37 |
Changes in Intra-Renal
Oxygenation by BOLD MRI as an Early Marker of Iodinated
Contrast Induced Acute Kidney Injury
- permission withheld
Lu-Ping Li1,2, Jon Thacker1,3,
Tammy Franklin1, Jing Lu2,4, Ying
Zhou5, Maria Papadopulou-Rosenzweig6,
Richard Solomon7, and Pottumarthi V Prasad1,2
1Radiology, Northshore University
HealthSystem, Evanston, IL, United States, 2University
of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, Chicago, IL,
United States, 3Biomedical
Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL,
United States, 4Obstetrics
and Gynaecology, Northshore University HealthSystem,
Evanston, IL, United States, 5Center
for Clinical & Research Informatics, Northshore
University HealthSystem, Evanston, IL, United States, 6Radiation
Medicine, Northshore University HealthSystem, Evanston,
IL, United States, 7Nephrology,
University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington,
VT, United States
Clinical definition of iodinated contrast induced (CI)
acute kidney injury (AKI) is based on serum creatinine
measurements made 48-72 hours post-contrast
administration. Such a delay results in poor specificity
in terms of causal relationship. Novel marker urinary
neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) has
shown response 8 hours post-contrast. Previous reports
have shown that changes in R2* by MRI can demonstrate
responses in real time with contrast administration.
Here, we evaluated the effects of interventions to
prevent CIAKI using BOLD MRI and compare them to urinary
NGAL measurements made at baseline and 4 hrs
post-contrast in a CIAKI susceptible rat model.
3566. |
38 |
El-Sayed H. Ibrahim1, Robert A. Pooley1,
Mellena D. Bridges1, Joseph G. Cernigliaro1,
Peter Kollasch2, and William E. Haley1
1Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida, United
States, 2Siemens
Healthcare, MN, United States
Computed tomography is the current gold-standard for
imaging kidney stones, albeit at the cost of radiation
exposure. Conventional MRI sequences are insensitive to
detecting kidney stones because their appearance as
signal void. With the development of 2D ultra-short
echo-time (UTE) MRI sequences, it becomes possible to
image kidney stones in-vitro, despite the limitations of
long scan-time and low sensitivity for stone detection.
In this work, we optimize and implement a modified 3D
UTE sequence for high-resolution in-vitro imaging of
kidney stones at 3.0T while avoiding the previously
mentioned limitations, which makes this sequence a
candidate for imaging kidney stone patients.
3567. |
39 |
How does renal function
change with nephrectomy? Initial experience using renal
blood flow measured by arterial spin labelling MRI combined
with 51Cr-EDTA filtration (GFR) to calculate renal
filtration fraction
Marica Cutajar1, David L Thomas2,
Tina Banks3, Christopher A Clark1,
and Isky Gordon1
1Imaging and Biophysics, UCL, Institute of
Child Health, London, London, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, UCL, Institute of
Neurology, London, London, United Kingdom, 3Department
of Radiology, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London,
London, United Kingdom
This study is the first to measure renal plasma flow (RPF)
non-invasively in kidney donors before and after
donation. RPF obtained using Arterial Spin Labelling MRI
combined with 51Cr-EDTA filtration (GFR) was used to
calculate renal filtration fraction and hence assess the
effect of nephrectomy on renal function. 7 healthy
kidney transplant donors underwent two MRI scans
(without the use of exogenous contrast agents) as well
as multiple blood samples 51Cr-EDTA, prior to
nephrectomy and one year after donation. We found that
GFR increased more than RPF hence causing the FF to
3568. |
40 |
3D dynamic
contrast-enhanced (DCE) MR renography; Evaluation of image
quality and estimation of GFR comparing Kwic and Flash
Eli Eikefjord1,2, Erling Andersen3,
Jan Anker Monssen4, Erlend Hodneland5,
Frank Zoellner6, Erik Hanson7,
Arvid Lundervold5,8, and Jarle Tor Rørvik4,9
1Haukeland University Hospital (HUH), Bergen,
Hordaland, Norway, 2University
of Bergen (UoB), Bergen, Hordaland, Norway, 3Dept.
of Clinical Engineering, HUH, Bergen, Norway, 4Dept.
of Radiology, HUH, Bergen, Norway, 5Dept.
of Biomedicine, UoB, Bergen, Norway, 6Dept.
of Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine, Heidelberg
University, Mannheim, Germany, 7Dept.
of Mathematics, UoB, Bergen, Norway, 8HUS,
Bergen, Norway, 9Dept.
of Clinical Medicine, UoB, Bergen, Norway
A reliable and reproducible MR Renography technique may
provide valuable information about renal functional
status. In this project we studied the relationship
between image quality and the ability to estimate GFR
reliably, using two different DCE-MRI sequences (Kwic
and Flash) in 10 healthy subjects and the same
post-processing scheme. The correlation between image
quality and accuracy appeared to be strong. Considering
the Iohexol-clearance as GFR gold-standard, we found the
FLASH sequence to give better GFR-estimates than KWIC.
In quantitative MRI image quality should be documented
to assure good technical compromises in the design of
fast imaging techniques.
3569. |
41 |
Measurements in Human Kidneys 
Jon Thacker1, Huan Tan2, Lu-Ping
Li3,4, Wei Li3, Stuart Sprague4,5,
Orly Kohn6, Ivana Lazich6, and
Pottumarthi V Prasad3,4
1Northwestern University, Evanston, IL,
United States, 2Department
of Surgery, University of Chicago, IL, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, Northshore University HealthSystem, IL,
United States, 4The
University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, IL,
United States, 5Division
of Nephrology, Northshore University HealthSystem, IL,
United States, 6Section
of Nephrology, The University of Chicago Pritzker School
of Medicine, IL, United States
In this study we sought to assess if there was a
correlation between arterial spin labeled perfusion and
blood oxygen level dependent oxygenation measurements in
healthy subjects and patients with chronic kidney
disease (CKD). We found that there was no significant
correlation between the two, suggesting that, unlike
most organs, renal oxygenation is not determined by
blood flow. Additionally we found a significant R2*
change in healthy subject’s renal medulla between
baseline and furosemide challenge. No significant change
in R2* was observed in other regions or CKD patients.
3570. |
42 |
Comparison of breathhold
versus PACE triggering in renal BOLD MRI 
Maryam Seif1, Chris Boesch1, and
Peter Vermathen1
1Depts Clinical Research and Radiology,
University of Bern, Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) MRI is a
non-invasive approach that can play an important role in
investigating renal dysfunctions. To minimize
respiratory motion, BOLD kidney MRI has been performed
in breath hold, which may not be feasible for patients.
Therefore the aim of this study is evaluating the
feasibility of the PACE triggered renal BOLD MRI in
comparison with breath-hold BOLD MRI. The small
difference of means and the correlations between BH-BOLD
and PACE-BOLD R2* values suggest that PACE-BOLD MRI can
facilitate renal measurements on elderly and diseased
subjects, who may have problems holding their breath.
3571. |
43 |
Designing Tissue-specific
Variable Flip Angle for Improved 3D Turbo-Spin-Echo Imaging
of the Prostate at 3T MRI. 
Yoshiko Ueno1, Satoru Takahashi1,
Katsusuke Kyotani2, Yu Ueda2,
Tomoyuki Okuaki3, Kazuhiro Kitajima1,
Nobukazu Aoyama2, Hideaki Kawamitsu2,
and Kazuro Sugimura1
1Department of Radiology, Kobe University
Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 2Division
of Radiology, Kobe University Hospital, Kobe, Hyogo,
Japan, 3MR
Clinical Science Asia Pacific, Philips Healthcare,
Minatoku, Tokyo, Japan
Recently, tissue-specific prescribed signal evolutions,
achieved by variable refocusing RF-pulse flip angles
(tissue-specific VRFA), have been used to decrease
blurring and obtain better contrast for turbo spin-echo
imaging. Our aim was to assess the impact of
tissue-specific VRFA sequence on 3D T2W-TSE image
quality of prostate at 3T by comparing to conventional
3D and 2D sequence.
3572. |
44 |
Influence of Coil Channel
Phasing on the Quality of Prostate Spectroscopy 
Radhouene Neji1 and
Vladimir Jellus1
1Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Bayern,
The influence of coil channel phasing on the quality of
3D CSI prostate spectroscopy data is evaluated. Two
methods are compared: phasing using the first point of
the FID and phasing using prescan data. It is shown that
the coil phasing technique has an influence on the
quality of the obtained spectra.
3573. |
45 |
More accurate estimation in
prostate volume achieved by optimized single slab 3D SPACE
compared with 2D-TSE: A quantitative study based on the
radical prostatectomy specimens. 
Souichirou Tateishi1, Masato Uchikochi2,
Shohei Miyazaki1, Hitoshi Matsui1,
Takashi Horinouchi1, Yasuhiko Tomita3,
Kazuo Nishimura4, and Katsuyuki Nakanishi1
1Radiology, Osaka Medical Center for Cancer
and Cardiovascular Diseases, Osaka, Osaka, Japan, 2SIEMENS
JAPAN K.K., Tokyo, Japan, 3Pathology,
Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular
Diseases, Osaka, Japan, 4Urology,
Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular
Diseases, Osaka, Japan
More accurate estimation of prostate volume is important
for therapeutic trials. A recently evolved 3D-TSE T2WI
sequence termed SPACE provides a high spatial resolution
and isotropic volume image compared with the
conventional 2D-TSE sequences. These improvements expect
to provide more accuracy in prostate volume estimation.
We compared 3D-SPACE with 2D-TSE about prostate volumes.
Reference standard of prostate volume was obtained from
pathology report as a gold standard. 3D-SPACE showed a
higher correlation (SPACE; r=0.98, 2D-TSE; r=0.96) and a
less relative error (p<0.01): (SPACE; 0.12}0.13,
2D-TSE; 0.19}0.15) with reference standard of prostate
3574. |
46 |
High Spatio-temporal
Resolution Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of the Prostate
Utilizing Differential Subsampling with Cartesian Ordering
Adam Froemming1, Dan Rettmann2,
Kohei Sasaguri1, Judson Frye1,
Manojkumar Saranathan3, Kang Wang4,
and Akira Kawashima1
1Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN,
United States, 2Global
Applied Science Lab, GE Healthcare, Rochester, MN,
United States, 3Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 4Global
Applied Science Lab, GE Healthcare, Madison, WI, United
Analysis of a new dynamic contrast enhanced MRI sequence
(DISCO, GE Healthcare) with both very high temporal
resolution as well as excellent spatial resolution for
application to prostate perfusion imaging.
3575. |
47 |
Computed Diffusion-Weighted
MR Imaging for Prostate Cancer Detection: Optimization of
b-Value Combinations for Generating High b-Value Images. 
Yoshiko Ueno1, Satoru Takahashi1,
Kazuhiro Kitajima1, Yu Ueda2,
Masamori Kassai3, Masao Yui3,
Yoshiharu Ohno1,4, and Kazuro Sugimura1
1Department of Radiology, Kobe University
Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 2Division
of Radiology, Kobe University Hospital, Kobe, Hyogo,
Japan, 3MRI
Systems Development Department, Toshiba Medical Systems
Corp., Otawara, Tochigi, Japan, 4Advanced
Biomedical Imaging Research, Kobe University Graduate
School of Medicine, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan
Computed DWI (cDWI) is proposed as a new technique that
produces any b-value images from DWIs acquired with at
least two different b-values. However, it remains
unclear which combination of b-values is optimal for
generating high-b-value images. We hypothesize that
appropriate b value selection for cDWI can improve image
quality and detection capability on cDWI as compared
with actual DWI with ultra-high b value. The aim of this
study was to determine the appropriate b-value
combination for generating cDWI at b=2000 s/mm2 to
improve prostate cancer detection, when compared with
actual DWI at b=2000 s/mm2 on
a 3T MR system.
3576. |
48 |
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Evaluation of the Adaptive Response of the Contralateral
Kidney Following Nephrectomy in Patients with Renal Cell
Mao-Yuan Marine Su1, Kuo-How Huang2,
Chin-Chen Chang1, Vin-Cent Wu3,
Wen-Chau Wu4, Kao-Lang Liu1, and
Wen-Yih Isaac Tseng1,5
1Department of Medical Imaging, National
Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Department
of Urology, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei,
Taiwan, 3Department
of Internal Medicine, National Taiwan University
Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 4Graduate
Institute of Oncology, National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan, 5Center
for Optoelectronic Medicine, National Taiwan University
College of Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan
This study aimed to evaluate the adaptive responses of
the contralateral kidney in patients with renal cell
carcinoma (RCC) following radical nephrectomy (RN).
Eleven patients with RCC scheduled for RN and 15 control
patients scheduled for adrenalectomy (Control) were
prospectively studied. All the subjects underwent 4 MRI
studies: 1 before surgery and 3 at 1 week, 1 month and 3
months after surgery, respectively. Our results
indicated that RN in patients with RCC results in an
early increase in renal blood flow (RBF) of the
contralateral kidney. At 3 months, the patients showed
normalization of the RBF, accompanied by compensatory
renal hypertrophy. In patients with reduced renal mass,
an early increase in RBF was associated with late renal
hypertrophy. Therefore, given healthy conditions of the
kidneys at baseline, we might be able to predict the
late renal function of the contralateral kidney based on
its early response to RBF.
Hepatobiliary 1
Monday 12 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 17:30 |
Computer # |
3577. |
49 |
Gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR
imaging criteria for the diagnosis of hepatocellular
carcinoma based on ¡°hypervascularity in the arterial phase
and washout in the later phase¡±: Which later phase should
be chosen?
- permission withheld
Ijin Joo1, Jeong Min Lee1, Dong Ho
Lee1, Ju Hyeon Jeon1, Joon Koo Han1,
and Byung Ihn Choi1
1Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul,
Seoul, Korea
3578. |
50 |
Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MR
Imaging for T-Staging of Gallbladder Carcinoma: Emphasis on
Liver Invasion 
Jiyoung Hwang1, Young Kon Kim2, Mi
Hee Lee3, and Hyun-joo Kim1
1Department of Radiology, Soonchunhyang
University Seoul Hospital, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 2Department
of Radiology and Center for Imaging Science, Samsung
Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of
Medicine, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 3Radiology,
Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School
of Medicine, Seoul, Seoul, Korea
Purpose: To evaluate gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR imaging
with an emphasis on the usefulness of hepatobiliary
phase (HBP) in T-staging of gallbladder carcinoma.
Methods: 66 patients with confirmed gallbladder
carcinoma underwent gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR imaging.
Two radiologists independently reviewed two sets of MR
imaging without / with HBP for local tumor spread.
Results: This study yielded acceptable diagnostic
performance with gadoxetic acid-enhanced MR imaging with
the overall accuracies of 86.4% and 87.9% for each
observer. By adding HBP, the sensitivities to
differentiate ¡Â T2 versus ¡Ã T3 lesions were increased
for both observers although there was no significant
difference (P > 0.05). Conclusions: Gadoxetic
acid-enhanced MR imaging provided acceptable diagnostic
performance for T-staging of gallbladder carcinoma.
Addition of HBP aids in detection of liver invasion.
3579. |
51 |
Comparison of
Free-Breathing Radial 3D T1 VIBE to Standard Breath-hold 3D
T1 VIBE During Hepatobiliary Phase Imaging after Gadoxetic
Acid Injection for Image Quality and HCC Detection 
Cecilia Besa1, Ally Rosen1, Karen
Lee1, Elizabeth Chorney1, Guido
Jajamovich1, Ashley Knight-greenfield1,
and Bachir Taouli1
1Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
York, NY, United States
The purpose of this study was to compare breath-hold
cartesian 3D T1 VIBE (BH-VIBE) to free breathing (FB)
Radial-VIBE during hepatobiliary phase (HBP) in terms of
image quality (IQ) and HCC detection and lesion
conspicuity (LC). Radial-VIBE at HBP phase was
comparable in terms of HCC detection to BH-VIBE, with
better LC for one reader. Lower degradation of image
quality due to respiratory motion artifacts was found
for Radial-VIBE in comparison with BH-VIBE for two
3580. |
52 |
Focal Nodular Hyperplasia:
Classification and Mimics, MR Imaging Findings Correlating
with Histopathology 
Pardeep Mittal1, Juan C Camacho1,
Kiran K Maddu1, Brian Quigley2,
Nima Kokabi1, Kelly Cox1, Sadhna
Nandwana1, and Courtney C Moreno1
1Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Emory Uni
School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, 2Pathology,
Emory Uni School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, United
Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) is a hyperplastic
process in which all the normal constituents of liver
are present but in an abnormally organized pattern. It
is crucial to differentiate hypervascular lesions
mimicking FNH such as HCC especially fibrolamellar,
hepatic adenoma to ensure proper treatment. MRI is
invaluable tool in diagnosing primary liver lesions such
as FNH and identifying several entities that MIMIC focal
nodular hyperplasia and thereby assist physicians in
detection and management of such pathologies.
3581. |
53 |
Feasibility of 10-minute
delayed hepatocyte phase imaging with 30° flip angle in
Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI for detection of liver metastases,
compared to 20-minute delayed hepatocyte phase imaging with
standard 10° flip angle.
- permission withheld
Eun-Suk Cho1, Jeong-Sik Yu1, Da
Hye Lee1, Joo Hee Kim1, and Jae-Joon
1Radiology, Gangnam Severance Hospital,
Seoul, Korea
On Gd-EOB-DTPA-enhanced MRI for detection of liver
metastases, 10-min delayed hepatocyte phase imaging (HPI)
using a 30¡Æ flip angle (FA) had higher lesion-to-liver
CNR with no difference in lesion detection sensitivity
compared to 20-min delayed HPI with a standard 10¡Æ FA.
This result indicates that 10-min delayed HPI with a
30¡Æ FA could replace 20-min delayed HPI with better
diagnostic performance for the detection of liver
metastases and also allows 10 minutes of time-saving.
3582. |
54 |
Inflammatory Hepatic
Adenomas: Characterization with Gadolinium-enhanced MRI 
James Glockner1
1Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
Minnesota, United States
MRI characteristics of 28 pathologically proven
inflammatory hepatic adenomas were examined. 38% of
lesions showed hyperenhancement relative to adjacent
normal liver on hepatobiliary phase images, and 35%
showed the presence of internal lipid. In our experience
atypical presentations of inflammatory hepatic adenomas
are not uncommon, in particular the presence of
hyperenhancement on hepatobiliary phase post-gadolinium
3583. |
55 |
The role of gadoxetic
acid-enhanced MR imaging in characterizing atypical
hepatocellular carcinoma in dynamic CT studies 
Chen-Te Chou1,2 and
Ran-Chou Chen3
1Radiology, Chang-Hua Christain Hospital,
Chang-Hua, Taiwan, Taiwan, 2Biomedical
Imaging and Radiological Science, National Yang-Ming
Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan, 3Biomedical
Imaging and Radiological Science, National Yang-Ming
Medical University, Taiwan, Taiwan
Diagnosis of HCC can be made by tumor showing typical
features of HCC (hypervascularity in the arterial phase
and washout in the venous/delayed phase) on dynamic
study in stead of pathology. However, some HCCs may
present atypical features in dynamic studies. These
atypical HCCs are diagnostically challenging in our
daily practice. Our study was to evaluate the efficacy
of gadoxetic acid-enhanced hepatocyte-phase imaging in
characterizing HCCs with atypical enhancing pattern in
CT dynamic studies. In our results, gadoxetic
acid-enhanced hepatocyte-phase imaging provided higher
diagnostic performance than other MR characteristics in
characterization of the atypical nodules among high HCC
risk patients.
3584. |
56 |
Interobserver agreement in
relative liver lesion signal intensity on hepatobiliary
phase imaging with gadoxetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA) 
Sharon Ngu1, Lizza Lebron-Zapata1,
Christy Pomeranz1,2, Seth Katz1,
Scott Gerst1, Michael Sohn1,
Junting Zheng3, Chaya Moskowitz3,
and Richard K. G. Do1
1Radiology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Center, New York, New York, United States, 2New
York Presbyterian Hospital - Weill Cornell, New York,
New York, United States, 3Department
of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York,
United States
A retrospective study was conducted to assess
interobserver agreement in the qualitative and
quantitative evaluation of liver lesions signal
intensity (SI) on delayed hepatobiliary phase MRI with
gadoxetic acid (Gd-EOB-DTPA). In 50 patients, four
readers (2 fellows, 2 experts) assessed lesion SI
compared to liver on a 4 point scale and measured SI of
the lesion and adjacent liver parenchyma. Result showed
almost perfect agreement in expert readers and
substantial agreement among fellows. A cutoff point of
lesion to liver SI ratio of 0.876 was found to
differentiate hypointense from iso- to hyperintense
liver lesions on delayed hepatobiliary phase.
3585. |
57 |
Detection of Hepatocellular
Carcinoma Using Combining Gadoxetic Acid-enhanced and
Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging in Pretransplant Patients:
Emphasis on the Severity of Liver Cirrhosis 
Jiyoung Hwang1, Young Kon Kim2, Mi
Hee Lee3, and Hyun-joo Kim4
1Radiology, Soonchunhyang University Seoul
Hospital, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 2Department
of Radiology and Center for Imaging Science, Samsung
Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of
Medicine, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 3Radiology,
Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School
of Medicine, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 4Department
of Radiology, Soonchunhyang University Seoul Hospital,
Seoul, S, Korea
3586. |
58 |
Stretched type adiabatic
pulse with flexible TSL setting for estimation of liver
Tomoyuki Okuaki1, Yukihisa Takayama2,
Akihiko Nishie3, Makoto Obara4,
Tetsuo Ogino4, Hiroshi Honda3, and
Marc Van Cauteren1
1Philips Healthcare APAC, Tokyo, Japan, 2Department
of Molecular Imaging and Diagnosis, Kyushu University,
Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Fukuoka, Japan, 3Graduate
School of Medical Sciences, Department of clinical
Radiology, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, 4Philips
Electronics Japan, Tokyo, Japan
Two stretched type adiabatic locking pulses were applied
to obtain homogeneous spin locking with flexible TSL
setting, and compared with block pulse locking. Visual
evaluation was done to assess the homogeneity of the
T1rho maps and T1rho values obtained by the three
methods were measured. The visual evaluation of T1rho
maps obtained by stretched type adiabatic pulses were
scored higher and T1rho values obtained by stretched
type adiabatic(HS8_5) was significantly different
between normal and Child-Pugh BorC, normal and
Child-Pugh A. The Stretched type adiabatic provided
homogeneous and artifact free liver T1rho maps with
flexible TSL setting at 3T.
3587. |
59 |
Impact of
inversion-recovery fat suppression on hepatic R2*
quantitation in transfusional siderosis. 
Antonella Meloni1,2, J. Michael Tyszka3,
Alessia Pepe1, Massimo Lombardi1,
and John C Wood2,4
1CMR Unit, Fondazione G.Monasterio
CNR-Regione Toscana and Institute of Clinical
Physiology, Pisa, Italy, 2Department
of Pediatrics, Division of Cardiology, Children’s
Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United
States, 3Division
of Biology, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, California, United States, 4Department
of Radiology, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Los
Angeles, California, United States
This represents the first study to compare the impact of
fat saturation prepulse on R2* quantitation in
transfusional siderosis. We demonstrate that SPIR fat
suppression systematically lowered R2* estimates by 3.9%
– 7.0, and introduced comparable random uncertainty
between the two measurements. Since calibration curves
have been derived using non-fat saturated images, these
biases should be corrected when reporting LIC values
from fat saturated images.
3588. |
60 |
Fat Quantification in
Chronic Liver Disease Patients with 3D Multi-Echo GRE Dixon
at 1.5 T: Comparison with T2 Corrected Spectroscopy 
Liana Guerra Sanches-Rocha1, Ludmila Ribeiro1,
Karine Minaif Martins2, Ralph Markus Strecker3,
Xiadong Zhong4, Stephan Kannengiesser5,
and Ronaldo Hueb Baroni2
1Imaging, Albert Einstein Hospital, São
Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 2Imaging,
Albert Einstein Hospital, São Paulo, Brazil, 3Siemens
Ltda, São Paulo, Brazil, 4MR
R&D Collaborations, Siemens Healthcare MR R&D
Collaborations, Georgia, United States, 5MR
R&D Collaborations, Siemens Medical Solutions, Germany
The fat fraction measure using magnetic resonance
imaging has been highly accurate alternative method to
the biopsy procedure. The spectroscopy has been used as
accurated methodology to access and monitor liver
steatosis. The method had some of it's problem solved
with the T2 correction in a fast aquisition (HISTO). In
this study, we aimed to validate against the HISTO
spectroscopy, a new 6-echoes-gradient-echo sequence,
that uses a hybrid magnitude/complex data algorithm,
including correction for T1 bias and T2* decay, and
multipeak fat spectrum, that already has been validated
at 3T system, at a clinical wide -bore 1,5T system. We
evaluated 69 sets from patients that are waiting for
liver transplantation and had undergone abdominal MRI.
The fat percentage result from inline HISTO report and
the proton density fat fraction (PDFF) obtained from the
map generate inline from the new sequence were
correlated. The intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC)
between both sequenceswas 0,830 (CI95%=0,737 to 0,891)
for fat percentage . We conclued that the new sequence,
with multipeak fat spectral modeling and six-echo
chemical shift encoding, has a good correlation with
HISTO spectroscopy in the PDFF for chronic liver disease
patients at 1,5T.
3589. |
61 |
Mapping Hepatic Blood
Oxygenation based on quantitative BOLD 
Xiang He1, Serter Gumus1, and
Kyong Tae Bae1
1Department of Radiology, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States
Hepatic tissue hypoxia is a significant indicator of
cellular dysfunction in liver diseases and may predict
the outcome of interventions. While BOLD or
oxygen-enhanced BOLD can provide qualitative assessment
of tissue oxygenation, the measurement is relative and
lacks specific. In this study, we have demonstrated the
feasibility of utilizing the liver qBOLD technique to
non-invasively estimate the regional hepatic blood
oxygen saturation and hepatic blood volume. Our results
were in good agreement with the reported values in
3590. |
62 |
Usefulness of a 3D
Dual-Flip-angle T1 mapping technique pre and post Gadoxetic
acid administration for the Assessment of Diffuse Liver
Cecilia Besa1, Octavia Bane1,
Guido Jajamovich1, Joseph Marchione1,
and Bachir Taouli1
1Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
York, NY, United States
The purpose of this study was to assess the diagnostic
value of a novel 3D FLASH dual-flip-angle (DFA) T1
mapping sequence with whole liver coverage, used before
and after injection of gadoxetic acid for the evaluation
of diffuse liver disease. We found significantly lower
T1 at hepatobiliary phase and lower T1 changes (ΔT1) in
cirrhotic patients compared with non-cirrhotic patients,
and between Child Pugh B+C in comparison with Child Pugh
A patients. 3D T1 mapping sequence with whole liver
coverage used before and after gadoxetic acid injection
can help detect cirrhosis and evaluate liver function.
3591. |
63 |
Quantification of liver
steatosis in morbidly obese patients: comparative
performance of low-field open MRI and Steatotest 
Philippe Garteiser1, Sabrina Doblas1,
Gaspard D'Assignies2, Doryssema Tchatat3,4,
Simon Msika5, Muriel Coupaye6,
Pierre Bedossa1,7, Valérie Vilgrain1,8,
Elisabeth Dion9, Pauline Jouet10,
and Bernard E Van Beers1,8
1CRB3, INSERM, Paris, 75018, France, 2Radiology
department, Hôpital Beaujon, AP-HP, Clichy, France, 3Groupement
hospitalier Paris Nord, AP-HP, Colombes, France, 4Hepato-gastroenterology
department, Hôpital Louis Mourier, AP-HP, Colombes,
France, 5Visceral
Surgery department, Hôpital Louis Mourier, AP-HP,
Colombes, France, 6Endocrinology
Department, Hôpital Louis Mourier, AP-HP, Colombes,
France, 7Anatomo-pathology
Department, Hôpital Beaujon, AP-HP, Clichy, France, 8Radiology
Department, Hôpital Beaujon, AP-HP, Clichy, France, 9Radiology
Department, Hôpital Louis Mourier, AP-HP, Colombes,
France,10Hepato-gastroenterology Department,
Hôpital Louis Mourier, AP-HP, Colombes, France
Quantification of intrahepatic fat represents an
important challenge in disease management for morbidly
obese patients. Liver biopsy is often problematic with
associated risks and limited volume of coverage.
Alternate techniques include serum tests such as
Steatotest and MRI fat quantification. Moreover, obese
patients are often difficult to examine in conventional
MRI systems and may require examinations in open magnets
at low field strengths. In this report, using
histopathological analyses of liver biopsies as gold
standard, the diagnostic performance of 1.0T open field
MR fat quantification was found to significantly
outperform the serum marker Steatotest in the
determination of hepatic steatosis.
3592. |
64 |
Feasibility and
Reproducibility of R2* Measurement Under Oxygen and Carbogen
Challenge in Healthy Subjects and Patients with
Hepatocellular Carcinoma at 1.5 T and 3T 
Octavia Bane1, Cecilia Besa1,
Niels Oesingmann2, Hadrien Dyvorne3,
Guido Jajamovich1, Marcelo Facciutto4,
Sasan Roayaie4, and Bachir Taouli1
1Translational and Molecular Imaging
Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Hospital, New York, NY, United States, 2US
MR Division R&D, Siemens Healthcare, New York, NY,
United States, 3ranslational
and Molecular Imaging Institute, Icahn School of
Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY, United
States, 4Transplant
Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Hospital, New York, NY, United States
Measurement of the transverse magnetization relaxation
rate (R2*) is of great interest as a potential
non-invasive marker of tumor oxygenation. The purpose of
our study was to quantify R2* at baseline and after
hyperoxic and hyperoxic-hypercapnic respiratory
challenges, in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) lesions,
liver and muscle. R2* measurements were reproducible
within a 15% coefficient of variation at 1.5T for all
tissues and gas challenges studied, but showed greater
variability at 3T. The response of HCC lesions to oxygen
and carbogen challenge, quantified by change in R2*, was
highly variable, and will be correlated with pathologic
findings in a future study.
3593. |
65 |
Comparison of Water R2
Spectroscopy Measures in the Liver at 1.5T and 3T 
Radhouene Neji1, Nashiely Sofia Pineda Alonso1,
Pedro Miguel Itriago Leon1, Heinrich von
Busch1, Stephan Kannengiesser1,
and Berthold Kiefer1
1Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Bayern,
Using the HISTO sequence, which is a five-echo STEAM
single voxel spectroscopy technique, we validate the
linear relationship between liver R2 values at 3T and
1.5T and the value of the regression slope. Fourteen
volunteers underwent a HISTO measurement at 1.5T and at
3T, and the voxel positioning was made consistent across
the measurements. Possible applications for this study
are the extrapolation of iron overload level
classification at 1.5T to 3T based on the R2 values.
3594. |
66 |
Accuracy of HISTO-based
Liver Fat Quantification at Different Field Strengths 
Nashiely Sofia Pineda Alonso1, Radhouene Neji1,
Pedro Miguel Itriago Leon1, Heinrich von
Busch1, Stephan Kannengiesser1,
and Berthold Kiefer1
1Siemens Helathcare, Erlangen, Bayern,
We assessed the accuracy of HISTO-based liver fat
quantification at 3T in subjects with a very low fat
fraction in the liver (<15%). The results of liver fat
quantification, relaxivity of water and relaxivity of
fat were validated and compared to the results obtained
at 1.5T for the same subjects.
3595. |
67 |
The Importance of
consistent RF Spoiling for MRI based Liver Iron Content
Determination with Signal Intensity Ratios – preliminary
Arthur Peter Wunderlich1, Volker Rasche2,3,
Holger Cario4, Markus Juchems1,
and Meinrad Beer1
1Dept. for Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology, Univ.-Clinic Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 2Experimental
Cardiovascular Imaging, Univ.-Clinic Ulm, Ulm, Germany,3Internal
Medicine II, Univ.-Clinic Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 4Pediatry,
Univ.-Clinic Ulm, Ulm, Germany
Signal Intensity Ratio (SIR) between liver and reference
tissue (paraspinal muscle) has proven to be a reliable
method for determination of liver iron content (LIC).
However, we found that SIR values depend on activation
of RF spoiling. In a preliminary analysis, we determined
LIC with the method published by Gandonin data with and
without RF spoiling and compared these values to LIC
determined from the commercial Ferriscan® method. Linear
correlation between both methods was performed and R²
was evaluated. While we achieve a good R² value without
RF spoiling, it was significantly worse with RF
3596. |
68 |
MRI based Noninvasively
Differentiation between Aggregated and Dispersed Liver Iron
in vivo: a feasibility study 
Arthur Peter Wunderlich1, Markus Juchems1,
Holger Cario2, Matthias Weigel3,
and Meinrad Beer1
1Dept. for Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology, Univ.-Clinic Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 2Pediatry,
Univ.-Clinic Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 3Radiological
Physics, University of Basel Hospital, Basel,
A method previously described by Jensen et al. was
implemented and tested in a clinical setting. 20
patients suspected for liver iron overload were scanned
by MRI using spin-echo (SE) and multi-contrast spin-echo
(MC-SE) sequences. Data of MC-SE were fitted to theory
to get tissue parameters which are hypothesized to allow
a differentiation between aggregated and dispersed liver
iron. The two parameters in question were correlated to
liver iron content (LIC) determined from SE sequences.
Only the aggregation index A correlated positively to
LIC. The other parameter reduced transverse relaxation
rate RR2 showed no significant correlation to LIC.
3597. |
69 |
Signal Intensity Ratio
between Liver and Muscle Reference in Highly Iron Overloaded
Patients: comparing 1.5 T to 3 T 
Arthur Peter Wunderlich1, Steffen Klömpken1,
Holger Cario2, Markus Juchems1,
and Meinrad Beer1
1Dept. for Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology, Univ.-Clinic Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 2Pediatry,
Univ.-Clinic Ulm, Ulm, Germany
The liver of highly iron overloaded patients was scanned
with breathhold GRE sequences at 1.5 T and 3 T. To
address high liver iron content (LIC), we measured the
signal intensity ratio (SIR) between liver and
paraspinal muscle serving as reference. In theory,
logarithm of these SIR values are expected to depend
linearly on R2* difference between liver and
muscle tissue which itself varies with LIC due to R2*
changes with iron deposition in the liver. Dependence of
SIR on LIC was evaluated and results compared between
field strengths.
3598. |
70 |
Evaluation of Sensitivity
of Fat Fraction Measurement to Fat Spectral Model
Xiaoke Wang1, Diego Hernando2, and
Scott B Reeder2,3
1Biomedical Engineering, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, WI, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United
States,3Medical Physics, University of
Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United States
In chemical shift encoded (CSE) fat water imaging, it
has been shown that multi-peak spectral modeling of fat,
compared with single peak models of fat, is necessary
for accurate fat quantification. Different spectral
models of fat (triglycerides) in the liver has been
reported, and it is unknown how these differences will
impact the technical accuracy and reproducibility of fat
quantification. This work is evaluates the sensitivity
of chemical shift encoded fat quantification to
different spectral models of fat. Our results show that
the use of spectral modeling of fat is needed for
accurate CSE fat quantification. However, the specific
choice of spectral model (among recently proposed
choices) has a much smaller impact on fat quantification
3599. |
71 |
Effect of fat deposition in
the liver on multi-parametric quantitative values at 3.0T
- permission withheld
Yong Eun Chung1, Hye-Jeong Lee2,
Mi-Suk Park3, and Myeong-Jin Kim4
1Radiology, Yonsei University College of
Medicine, Seoul, ., Korea, 2Radiology,
Yonsei Univeristy College of Medicine, Seoul, ., Korea, 3Radiology,
Yonsei Univeristy College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, 4Radiology,
Yonsei Univeristy College of Medicine, Korea
Recently, the number of patients who has fatty liver is
increasing and fat deposition of the liver (Lfat) can be
a confounding variable in quantitative MRI. In this
study, we tried to assess the effect of Lfat on
multi-parametric MRI values at 3.0T MRI. There was a
significant correlation between T2 value and Lfat and
between T2* value and Lfat. However, there was no
significant correlation between Lfat and other MR
parameters (T1, ADC, complex-,shear- and loss modulus).
Hence, Lfat should be adjusted when T2/T2* values were
used as quantitative parameter for the evaluation of
focal or diffuse liver disease
3600. |
72 |
Sarah Keller1, Björn Schönnagel1,
Charlotte Pfeifer1, Zhiyue Jerry Wang2,
Roland Fischer3, Christoph Berliner1,
Moritz Brehmer1, Gerhard Adam1,
and Jin Yamamura1
1Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology,
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg,
Hamburg, Germany, 2Department
of Radiology, Children's Medical Center Dallas, Dallas,
Tx, United States, 3Department
for Biochemistry, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf,
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Due to the increased iron stores, patients with iron
overloading diseases eventually develop hepato- and
splenomegaly. The purpose of this study was 1.) to
investigate the accuracy of liver volumen measurements
using MR-volumetry and ultasonic planimetry and 2.) to
correlate liver volume with liver iron concentration
assessed with MR-R2* relaxometry in patients with iron
overloading diseases.
Diabetes & Misc.
Monday 12 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
17:30 - 18:30 |
Computer # |
1 |
Diffusion-weighted STEAM
MRS to measure fat unsaturation in regions with low fat
Stefan Ruschke1, Thomas Baum1,
Hendrik Kooijman2, Marcus Settles1,
Axel Haase3, Ernst J. Rummeny1,
and Dimitrios C. Karampinos1
1Department of Diagnostic and Interventional
Radiology, Technische Universität München, Munich,
Germany, 2Philips
Healthcare, Hamburg, Germany,3Zentralinstitut
für Medizintechnik, Technische Universität München,
Garching, Germany
MR spectroscopy has been previously employed as a
technique for estimating fat unsaturation. However, if
the fat fraction is low and the water peak overlaps with
the olefinic fat peak, the quantification of fat
unsaturation can become challenging. Long-TE PRESS
sequences have been suggested as a way to reduce the
water peak and measure fat unsaturation. However, a TE
of the order of 200 ms should be employed to reduce
J-coupling effects, resulting in a low SNR. We present
an alternative approach to measure fat unsaturation
using a diffusion-weighted STEAM sequence, which is
shown to be able to reduce the water peak at moderate
3602. |
2 |
In vivo assessment
of skeletal muscle ATP synthesis in Ob/Ob mice 
Patricia Maria Nunes1, Barbara Janssen1,
Andor Veltien1, Henk Arnts2, Cees
Tack3, and Arend Heeschap1
1Radiology, Radboud University Nijmegen
Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands, 2Central
Animal Laboratory, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical
Centre, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands, 3Internal
Medicine, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre,
Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Caloric overload stresses energy homeostasis maintenance
in key metabolic tissues as the skeletal muscle. This
phenomenon is, in the long run, characterized by
intramyocellular lipid accumulation and impaired
oxidative capacity. We tested in leptin deficient mice
(Ob/Ob) mice whether ATP synthesis was impaired, by
means of 31P
MRS. The overall muscular Pi  ATP
flux assessed with ST showed no differences between WT
and Ob/Ob mice, despite greater Pi concentration. When
stimulated, muscles of Ob/Ob mice produced lower force
and were prone to fatigue. Preliminary data suggests
that Ob/Ob mice have higher mitochondrial ATP synthesis,
as alluded by the PCr recovery curves.
3603. |
3 |
Hepatic energy levels are
not altered by fructose feeding in mice
- permission withheld
Patricia Maria Nunes1, Andreas Boss2,
Alan Wright1, Andor Veltien1, Cees
Tack3, John Jones4, and Arend
1Radiology, Radboud University Nijmegen
Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands, 2Radiology,
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Gelderland,
Netherlands, 3Internal
Medicine, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre,
Nijmegen, Gelderland, Netherlands, 4Life
sciences, Centre for Neurosciences and Cell Biology,
Coimbra, Portugal
Excess fructose consumption has been associated with
poor hepatic ATP synthesis. Yet it is unclear whether a
chronic supply of fructose can per
secompromise hepatic ATP homeostasis. Furthermore,
the deleterious effects attributed to fructose do not
seem disassociated from increased caloric intake. Thus,
we assessed throughout 6 weeks, the hepatic high energy
content of mice fed fructose or its isocaloric
equivalent glucose, with 31P MRSI. Our results support
that fructose feeding is not sufficient to alter hepatic
ATP levels, differently from glucose. However it does
increase more rapidly hepatic lipid content.
3604. |
4 |
Resting acetylcarnitine
concentration in skeletal muscle, as measured with long TE
1H-MRS, is associated with insulin sensitivity 
Lucas Lindeboom1, Christine Nabuurs1,
Joris Hoeks2, Maarten Vosselman2,
Bram Brouwers2, Tineke van de Weijer1,
Silvie Timmers2, Esther Phielix2,
Eline Kooi1, Matthijs Hesselink3,
Joachim Wildberger1, Patrick Schrauwen2,
and Vera Schrauwen-Hinderling1
1Dept. of Radiology, MUMC+, Maastricht,
Netherlands, 2Dept.
of Human Biology, MUMC+, Maastricht, Netherlands, 3Dept.
of Human Movement Sciences, MUMC+, Maastricht,
The use of long TE in 1H-MRS enhances the visibility of
the acetylcarnitine peak at 2.13 ppm. In this study we
measured acetylcarnitine concentration in four groups,
chosen to cover the whole range of metabolic health,
from type 2 diabetic patients to endurance trained
athletes. We found lower acetylcarnitine concentrations
in subjects with lower insulin sensitivity. These
results may indicate that T2DM subjects have a lower
ability to form acetylcarnitine, possibly underlying a
decreased insulin sensitivity and metabolic flexibility.
3605. |
5 |
Water fat separated MRI
during cooling-reheating for the estimation of brown fat
amount and activity
- permission withheld
Elin Lundström1, Lars Johansson1,2,
Peter Bergsten3, Håkan Ahlström1,
and Joel Kullberg1
1Department of Radiology, Uppsala University,
Uppsala, Sweden, 2AstraZeneca,
R&D Mölndal, Sweden, 3Department
of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University, Uppsala,
The purpose of this work was two-fold: 1) To evaluate
the effect of 3h cooling on human
cervical-supraclavicular adipose tissue fat fraction
(FF) and R2* 2) To evaluate the potential of a
cooling-reheating water-fat MRI protocol for assessing
brown adipose tissue (BAT) amount and activity. Imaging
was performed in nine volunteers (22-37 years, 5 males).
A general decrease in FF following 3h cold exposure was
observed, which confirms results from previous
PET/CT-studies. By adding a reheating timepoint to the
cold exposure protocol, the BAT activity in terms of
intracellular lipid consumption could potentially be
separated from perfusion effects.
3606. |
6 |
Effect of caloric and
non-caloric sweeteners on liver lipid metabolism in rats 
Sharon Janssens1, Klaas Nicolay1,
and Jeanine J. Prompers1
1Eindhoven University of Technology,
Eindhoven, Netherlands
Excessive use of caloric sweeteners such as glucose and
fructose causes hepatic steatosis and obesity. To
sweeten food and drinks without the excessive calories,
non-caloric sweeteners can be used. In this study lipid
metabolism in the liver of rats receiving different
caloric and non-caloric sweeteners is examined using 1H-[13C]
MRS combined with the administration of 13C-labeled
lipids. The non-caloric sweetener aspartame did not have
any effect on liver lipid content or metabolism. In
contrast, carbohydrate consumption resulted in increased
liver lipid content, which was not accompanied by an
increased uptake of dietary lipids and is thus likely
caused by increased lipogenesis.
3607. |
7 |
Investigation of
intrahepatic fat and liver glycogen in diet induced fatty
liver disease model 
Jadegoud Yaligar1, Venkatesh Gopalan1,
Swee Shean Lee1, Bhanu Prakash KN1,
and S Sendhil Velan1
Hepatic hyperlipidemia and hepatic glycogen content in
insulin resistant non-alcoholic fatty liver model will
help in understanding the early metabolic changes in
liver metabolism. In this study we have evaluated the
liver fat and glycogen content in non-alcoholic fatty
liver using a diet induced insulin resistant rat model
and compared with normal liver by in vivo and ex vivo
MRS. Our preliminary studies show that the reduction in
glycogen content in fatty liver compared to normal liver
might be due to low glycogen synthase defects under
hyperlipidemia and insulin resistant condition. Liver
fat content in fatty liver is inversely correlated with
glycogen indicating the impairment in glycogen synthesis
due to lipotoxicity.
3608. |
8 |
Pancreas fat via Dual-Echo
mDIXON Imaging shows that Intracellular Fat does not
Accumulate within the Pancreas of Healthy and T2DM Subjects 
Paul Begovatz1, Chrysi Koliaki1,
Julia Szendroedi1, Guido Giani2,
Juergen Bunke3, and Michael Roden1,4
1Institute for Clinical Diabetology, German
Diabetes Center, Leibniz Center for Diabetes Research at
Heinrich Heine University, Duesseldorf, Germany,2Institute
for Biometry and Epidemiology, German Diabetes Center,
Leibniz Center for Diabetes Research at Heinrich Heine
University, Germany, 3Philips
Healthcare, Hamburg, Germany, 4Department
of Endocrinology and Diabetology, University Clinics,
Heinrich Heine University, Duesseldorf, Germany
Pancreatic steatosis has been linked to â-cell
dysfunction in the development of type 2 diabetes
(T2DM). However, 1H-MRS
and MRI studies investigating pancreatic fat and â-cell
function have shown conflicting results. In this work,
mDIXON imaging with a noise reduction fat fraction
algorithm was verified in comparison to 1H-MRS
liver fat measurements. Pancreas fat was then measured
in 48 participants: lean, overweight/obese, and T2DM.
Results showed that avoiding regions of interlobular fat
revealed clear regions of parenchymal tissue void of any
lipid accumulation. These results show for that the
pancreas does not consist of intracellular fat leading
to pancreatic steatosis.
3609. |
9 |
Magnetic Resonance in
MiGTOFU Trial 
Jun Lu1, Elaine Rush2, Lindsay
Plank3, and Janet Rowan4
1Faculty of Health & Environmental Sciences
and Institute of Biomedical Technology, Auckland
University of Technology, Auckland, Auckland, New
Zealand, 2Faculty
of Health & Environmental Sciences, Auckland University
of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, 3Department
of Medicine, University of Auckland, Auckland, New
Zealand, 4Auckland
District Health Board, Auckland, New Zealand
We used free breathing Dixon vibe protocol on a Siemens
3T Skyra scanner to study abdominal fat and MRS to study
liver fat of 7-9 year old children born from mothers
with gestational diabetes. We obtained clear and
processable images and spectra. Intra-abdominal fat
percentage showed good correlation with liver MRS. Total
abdominal fat determined by MRI showed good correlation
with DEXA scan. Free breathing protocols are suitable to
study children.
3610. |
10 |
Hypoxia accelerated
metabolic alterations in the diabetic kidney assessed with
hyperpolarized MRS 
Christoffer Laustsen1,2, Sara Lycke3,
Fredrik Palm3,4, Jakob Appel Østergaard5,6,
Bo Martin Bibby7, Rikke Nørregaard8,
Allan Flyvbjerg5, Michael Pedersen1,
and Jan Henrik Ardenkjaer-larsen9,10
1MR Research Centre, Department of Clinical
Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark, 2bDanish
Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Copenhagen
University Hospital Hvidovre, Hvidovre, Denmark, 3Department
of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University, Uppsala,
Sweden,4Division of Drug Research, Department
of Medical and Health Sciences, Linköping University,
Linköping, Sweden, 5Department
of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine, Aarhus
University, Aarhus, Denmark, 6The
Danish Diabetes Academy, Aarhus, Denmark, 7Department
of Biostatistics, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 8Department
of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus,
Denmark, 9GE
Healthcare, Broendby, Denmark,10Department of
Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark,
Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
We demonstrated an increased oxygen sensitivity in
kidneys of diabetic patients, using hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate
and BOLD MRI. This finding may explain the observed
increased risk of developing nephropathy in diabetic
patients inspiring reduced oxygen (<20%). The underlying
explanation is likely explained by an acceleration of
the hyperglycemia mediated polyol pathway cascade,
leading to an overproduction of nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide (NADH), thereby increasing the lactate
pool, while the oxidative phosphorylation is unaffected.
In parallel, we observed a correlation between the [1-13C]pyruvate
derivates: alanine and bicarbonate; which may
potentially be used as a sensitive marker for intrarenal
oxygen deficiency.
11 |
High-quality free-breathing
abdominal MR imaging enabled by Repeated K-t-subsampling and
Artifact-Minimization (ReKAM) 
Mei-Lan Chu1,2, Hing-Chiu Chang2,
Mustafa R Bashir3, and Nan-Kuei Chen2,3
1Graduate Institute of Biomedical Electronics
and Bioinformatics, National Taiwan University, Taipei,
Taiwan, Taiwan, 2Brain
Imaging and Analysis Center, Duke University, Durham,
North Carolina, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina,
United States
We present a new technique to enable high-quality and
artifact-free abdominal MRI data. The developed ReKAM
module incorporates bootstrapping in k-t space and
multiplexed sensitivity encoding to produce high-quality
image. The ReKAM module can effectively remove
motion-related artifacts resulting from global and local
motion during free-breathing abdominal MRI scan, without
navigator echo or any pulse sequence modification.
3612. |
12 |
Fast and Perfectly
Registered Multi-contrast Whole Body MRI in a Single Run for
PET/MR Imaging
- permission withheld
Benedicte MA Delattre1,2, Peter Koken3,
Christian Stehning3, Holger Eggers3,
Susanne Heinzer2, Giel Mens4, and
Peter Börnert3
1Department of Radiology, Geneva University
Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland, 2Philips
AG Healthcare, Zürich, Switzerland, 3Philips
Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany, 4Philips,
Best, Netherlands
With the recent introduction of hybrid modalities such
as PET/MR, whole-body MRI reinforces its importance in
the staging and follow-up of oncologic patients. A
typical whole-body MRI exam contains T2w and T1w
sequences as well as diffusion-weighted imaging with
background suppression (DWIBS). We propose a flexible
whole-body MR protocol using an interleaved
multi-station approach where T1w and T2w sequences are
acquired during the same breath-hold and DWIBS during
free-breathing. This allows reduced number of
breath-holds asked to the patient and guarantee perfect
registration of images to facilitate for optimal
clinical diagnosis and to support proper attenuation
correction for the PET.
3613. |
13 |
Diffusion-weighted imaging
detects early progression of renal fibrosis in a murine
model of unilateral ureteral obstruction 
Guihua Zhai1, Guihua Zhai1, Bo
Chen1, Hyunki Kim1, Kurt Zinn1,
and Anupam Agarwal1
1University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Birmingham, AL, United States
The purpose of this study was to confirm that apparent
diffusion coefficient (ADC) is a reliable biomarker for
the assessment of renal fibrosis in a murine model of
unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO). On day 0, group 1
had surgery for UUO, while group 2 was used as a sham
group (only incision was applied). ADC and volume of
kidneys were measured on days 1, 3 and 7. Relative ADC
(ADC of ipsilateral side divided by ADC of contralateral
side) of parenchyma differed significantly on days 3 and
7 between UUO group and control group. Our results
suggest the relative ADC may serve as a reliable imaging
3614. |
14 |
Optimal MRI sampling and
binning for online 4D retrospective respiratory motion
analysis of the abdomen 
Bjorn Stemkens1, Rob H. Tijssen1,
Baudouin Denis de Senneville2,3, Jan J.W.
Lagendijk1, and Cornelis A.T. van den Berg1
1Department of Radiotherapy, UMC Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Image
Science Institute, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3IMB,
UMR 5251 CNRS/University Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France
Patient specific online characterization of abdominal
organ motion will open the possibility for adaptive
radiotherapy treatment that accounts for day to day
variations in tumor motion and motion of surrounding
organs. In this abstract we propose an online method,
based on retrospective binning of the data with respect
to the respiratory cycle, which allows 4D motion
characterization in less than 15 minutes. The method
utilizes a clinically available pulse sequence, and
Matlab based reconstruction and post-processing
3615. |
15 |
Whole-body Imaging of
Adipose Tissues in Mouse at 9.4T 
Patrick J Bolan1, Amrutesh Puranik2,
John W Osborn Jr.3, Maria Razzoli3,
Alessandro Bartolomucci3, Pu Tzu Liu4,
Yi-Wei Lin4, and Li-Na Wei4
1Radiology - CMRR, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States, 2Mayo
Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 3Integrative
Biology and Physiology, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN, United States, 4Pharmacology,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
This work demonstrates anatomic and parametric water-fat
imaging of adipose tissues in post mortem mice at 9.4 T
with spatial resolution (156 µm isotropic) substantially
higher than previous studies. Anatomic and fat fraction
images were used to segment different adipose tissue
compartments (e.g., visceral vs. subcutaneous); fat
fraction and R2* maps were used to distinctly identify
brown adipose tissue depots. This approach is applicable
for finely-segmented quantitative volumetry of brown and
white adipose tissue depots.
3616. |
16 |
Longitudinal patterns of
diffusion measures in children treated for B-cell Lymphoma 
John O Glass1, Emily M Paulus1,
Zoltan Patay2, John T Sandlund3,
and Wilburn E Reddick1
1Division of Translational Imaging Research,
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN,
United States, 2Division
of Diagnostic Imaging, St. Jude Children's Research
Hospital, Memphis, TN, United States, 3Department
of Oncology, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital,
Memphis, TN, United States
This study examined the white matter (WM) integrity of
19 pediatric mature B-cell lymphoma patients without
clinical signs or symptoms of neurotoxicity at five time
points during treatment using fractional anisotropy (FA)
and radial diffusion. FA from a defined region of
interest was plotted for each patient, and two distinct
patterns were found. Eleven patients showed a decrease
in FA followed by a slow return toward baseline,
consistent with demylination / remylination. Eight
patients demonstrated an immediate spike in FA followed
by a return to normal appearing development, possibly
explained by restricted diffusion related to steroid
3617. |
17 |
MR artifact reduction for
dental alloys using MAVERIC sequences 
Irene A. Burger1, Jeanne M. Gunzinger2,
Porto Miguel2, Patrick Veit-Haibach2,
and Delso Gaspar3
1Nuclear medicine, University Hospital
Zurich, Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Nuclear
medicine, University Hospital Zurich, Zurich,
Switzerland, 3Global
MR Applications & Workflow, GE Healthcare, Zurich,
First results for metal artifact reduction for dental
alloys in PET/MR imaging using a modified MAVRIC
sequence, covering the jaw in only 3.5 minutes.
3618. |
18 |
Monitoring of Rat Liver
Regeneration following Portal Vein Ligation using MR
Volumetry and Hepatic Arterial Spin Labelling 
Rajiv Ramasawmy*1,2, Manil Chouhan*1,3,
Dipok Kumar Dhar4, Adrienne E.
Campbell-Washburn5, Jack Anthony Wells1,
Rosamund Barbara Pedley2, Massimo Malago3,
Raj Mookerjee4, Stuart A. Taylor3,
Mark Francis Lythgoe†1, and Simon
1Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging,
University College London, London, Greater London,
United Kingdom, 2Cancer
Institute, University College London, London, Greater
London, United Kingdom, 3Centre
for Medical Imaging, University College London, London,
Greater London, United Kingdom,4Institute for
Liver and Digestive Health, University College London,
London, Greater London, United Kingdom, 5National
Heart Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, MD, United States
Recently developed surgical procedures utilise the
liver’s unique regenerational properties to promote lobe
growth prior to curative partial hepatectomy in patients
with liver malignancies. MRI offers accurate,
non-invasive characterisation of anatomical changes,
furthermore it can utilise perfusion imaging to
functionally assess the proposed post-surgery liver
remnant. This study monitored gross lobe changes in a
novel rat model of liver regeneration using
high-resolution anatomical MRI and applied hepatic
arterial spin labelling to evaluate tissue viability.
One week after selective PVL surgery, average lobe
hypertrophy was 74% and average lobe atrophy was -43%
from typical volume. A perfusion difference was observed
between the atrophic and hypertrophic liver lobes.
3619. |
19 |
Geometric Distortion in
Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of the Prostate – Contributing
Factors and Strategies for Improvement 
Francisco Donato Jr1, Daniel N. Costa1,
Qing Yuan1, Neil M. Rofsky1,
Robert E. Lenkinski1, and Ivan Pedrosa1
1UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX,
United States
This study is the first investigation assessing
parameters that may influence geometric distortion on
DWI of the prostate. We explored the causes and degree
of geometric distortion observed in DWI of the prostate
and assessed different acquisition strategies to
mitigate deformation. The magnitude of distortion was
assessed in patients and the effects of phase-encoding
direction, receiver bandwidth, and parallel imaging were
assessed in a prostate phantom on two different 3T MRI
scanners from different manufacturers. We found that
distortion occurs in the phase-encoding direction, and
is less pronounced when higher bandwidth or parallel
imaging is used.
3620. |
20 |
Quantitative Liver Function
Analysis using T1 mapping with fast multi-slice B1
correction on Hepatocyte-specific contrast enhanced MR
- permission withheld
Jeong Hee Yoon1, Jeong Min Lee1,
Eun Ju Kim2, Tomoyuki Okuaki3,
Joon Koo Han1, and Byung Ihn Choi1
1Radiology, Seoul National University
Hospital, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 2Philips
Healthcare Korea, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 3Philips
Healthcare Japan, Tokyo, Japan
The purpose of this study is to determine whether T1
mapping sequence with fast multi-slice B1 correction
shows better diagnostic performance than T1 mapping
without B1 correction, for estimating liver function on
Gd-EOB-DTPA enhanced MRI. Postcontrast T1 relaxation
times (R1) with B1 correction of the liver on
Gd-EOB-DTPA MRI were significantly different among
different C-P score groups: 427.8¡¾145.8 msec in A5;
502.5¡¾134.9 msec in A6; and 640.9¡¾370.8 msec in B7
(P<0.001). As for R1s of the liver without B1
correction, values were 375.9¡¾156.8 msec in A5;
338.3¡¾82.8 msec in A6; and 565.2¡¾336.2 msec in B7. T1
mapping using VFA and B1 correction can be used for
quantitatively estimate liver function using hepatocyte-specific
contrast enhanced MRI.
3621. |
21 |
Automated Fat and Muscle
Quantification in the Thigh and Calf 
Bryan T Addeman1, Robert A Hegele2,
Houchun H Hu3, and Charles A McKenzie1,2
1Medical Biophysics, Western University,
London, Ontario, Canada, 2The
Robarts Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada, 3Department
of Radiology, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Los
Angeles, California, United States
Measurement of muscle volume and fat distribution in the
extremities is clinically important for the study of
degenerative muscle diseases and aging. We aimed to
extend, and validate a previously introduced abdominal
adipose segmentation tool for use in the extremities.
Using automatic segmentation of water and fat images,
the volumes of subcutaneous adipose tissue,
inter-muscular adipose tissue, and muscle were validated
against manual segmentation. Excellent agreement between
manual and automated methods was found, with automated
segmentation being 80x faster. The automated tool is
suitable for use in the extremities enabling rapid
segmentation of complete tissue volumes rather than
3622. |
22 |
Time-effective MRI-based
quantification of visceral adipose tissue (VAT) in morbidly
adipose patients 
Nicolas Linder1,2, Alexander Schaudinn1,2,
Nikita Garnov1,2, Tatjana Schütz2,
Veronika Peter2, Arne Dietrich2,3,
Thomas Kahn1, and Harald Busse1
1Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
Department, Leipzig University Hospital, Leipzig,
Saxony, Germany, 2IFB
Adipositas Diseases, University Medicine Leipzig,
Saxony, Germany, 3Department
of Visceral-, Transplantation-, Thorax- and Vascular
Surgery, Leipzig University Hospital, Leipzig, Saxony,
MRI quantification of visceral adipose tissue (VAT) has
promising applications in risk assessment and therapy
monitoring of obesity-related diseases. The aim was to
evaluate whether an accelerated, partial data analysis
can be used to estimate total VAT in 70 morbidly obese
patients. As observed in less obese patients,
single-slice volume estimates at vertebral disc levels
L3/4 (female) and L1/2 (male) were good predictors for
total VAT volume. Analysis of 5 slices was found to be
slightly beneficial in both groups. Small volume changes
occurring under minor interventions like diets still
seem to require a complete analysis of all (here 37)
3623. |
23 |
Body Composition Volumetry
by Whole-Body Water-Fat Separated MRI
- permission withheld
Patrik Tunón1, Thobias Romu1,2,
Anette Karlsson1,2, Sepher Zanjanis3,
Solveig Gjellan3, Fredrik H Nyström3,
Peter Lundberg1,3, Örjan Smedby1,3,
Magnus Borga1,2, and Olof Dahlqvist Leinhard1,3
1Center for Medical Image Science and
Visualization (CMIV), Linköping University, Linköping,
Sweden, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Linköping University,
Linköping, Sweden, 3Department
of medical and health sciences, Linköping University,
Linköping, Sweden
A method for calculation of total lean and adipose
tissue volume based on intensity corrected whole body
water-fat separated MRI is presented. The method was
validated comparing data acquired from healthy
volunteers scanned at different field strengths,
resolutions and vendors. The whole body adipose tissue
volume was also compared to air displacement
plethysmography. Both adipose and lean tissue
measurements showed excellent reproducibility between
different MRI measurements as well as compared to air
displacement plethysmography.
3624. |
24 |
Non-contrast-enhanced MR
Arteriography with Balanced Steady-State Free-Precession
Sequence and Time-Spatial Labeling Inversion Pulses:
Comparison of Imaging with Flow-in and Modified Flow-out
Hiroyoshi Isoda1, Akihiro Furuta1,
Rikiya Yamashita1, Tsuyoshi Ohno1,
Seiya Kawahara1, Hironori Shimizu1,
Aki Kido1, Koji Fujimoto1,
Yasutaka Fushimi1, Kaori Togashi1,
and Hiroshi Kusahara2
1Kyoto University Graduate School of
Medicine, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, 2Toshiba
Medical Systems Corporation, Otawara, Tochigi, Japan
Long TI of a selective tagging pulse in flow-out method
is favorable for peripheral vessel visualization to
maintain background signal suppression using a
nonselective inversion recovery pulse. The aim of this
study was to compare and evaluate images of
non-contrast-enhanced MR arteriography acquired with two
different methods, the flow-in and modified flow-out
methods using the selective tagging pulse with long TI.
The vessel-to-liver contrast and the quality of vessel
visualization were better with the modified flow-out
than flow-in method. Non-contrast-enhanced MR
arteriography with the modified flow-out method improved
the visualization of the intrahepatic artery in
comparison with the flow-in method.
Body DWI/ MRS/ Female Pelvis Pregnancy
Monday 12 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
17:30 - 18:30 |
Computer # |
3625. |
25 |
The effect of cardiac phase
on liver diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) 
Oi Lei Wong1,2, Glady G Lo3,
Raymond Lee3, Po Lung Polo Chan3,
Wing Wa Li3, Siu Ki Yu4, and
Michael D Noseworthy5,6
1Department of Medical Physics and Applied
Radiation Science, McMaster University, Hamilton,
Ontario, Canada, 2Medical
Physics and Research Department, Hong Kong Sanatorium &
Hospital, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 3Department
of Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology, Hong Kong
Sanatorium & Hospital, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 4Medical
Physics and Research Department, Hong Kong Sanatorium &
Hospital, Hong Kong, Hong Kong,5Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster
University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 6St.Joseph's
Healthcare, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Performing diffusion weighted imaging at the left liver
lobe is often problematic due to regional signal loss.
From the literature, the regional signal loss is
possibly related to respiratory and cardiac motion. In
this study, we studied the effect of cardiac phase, and
hence motion, on liver DTI metrics, performed at various
cardiac trigger delay settings. Significant change in DT
metrics between systole and diastole was observed in the
left liver lobe, but not the right liver lobe. This
suggests that these metrics are sensitive to cardiac
phase, and thus likely deformation.
3626. |
26 |
Are Respiratory Triggered
Diffusion Weighted Acquisitions of the Liver Effective at
Eliminating Respiratory Motion? 
Naama Lev-Cohain1, Qing Yuan1,
Daniella Pinho1, Yin Xi1, and Ivan
M. Pedrosa1
1Radiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center,
Dallas, TX, United States
Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) acquisitions of the
liver are performed for lesion detection and
characterization. Respiratory triggered acquisitions
(RT) are used to eliminate anatomic misregistration
caused by respiratory motion. To our knowledge, the
effectiveness of RT strategies has not been explored. We
analyzed the effect of respiratory motion on slice
misregistration in DWI acquisitions. 74% of the DWI
acquisitions in our study had at least misregistration
in one of the 4 anatomic locations analyzed. Our results
indicate that the utility RT DWI for lesion
characterization in the liver may lack the robustness
needed for broad applicability in clinical practice.
3627. |
27 |
Combined DWI and DCE-MRI of
hepatocellular carcinoma: correlation of perfusion and
diffusion parameters. Initial experience. 
Guido Hugo Jajamovich1, Hadrien Dyvorne1,
Cecilia Besa1, and Bachir Taouli1
1Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
York, NY, United States
This study assesses diffusion and perfusion
characteristics of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and
background liver parenchyma measured through the use of
both DWI and DCE-MRI acquisition techniques.
Semi-quantitative DCE-MRI parameters time to peak (TTP),
slope and area under the curve at 60s (AUC60) and DWI
parameters apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and true
diffusion coefficient (D) demonstrated significant
differences in HCC vs. liver parenchyma. There was no
correlation between DWI and DCE-MRI metrics. These
results suggest that the combination of DWI and DCE-MRI
in a multiparametric MRI scan provides non-redundant
information about HCC tumor biology.
3628. |
28 |
IVIM DWI of the Liver:
Inter-platform variability between 1.5T and 3T 
Yong Cui1, Hadrien Dyvorne1,
Cecilia Besa1, Guido Jajamovich1,
Octavia Bane1, and Bachir Taouli1
1Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New
York, NY, United States
This study assessed Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM)
diffusion-weighted imaging in the liver parenchyma at
1.5T and 3.0 T in terms of image quality, parameter
quantification and inter-platform reproducibility. IVIM
DWI at 3.0T provided better image quality than 1.5T. ADC
and D were more reproducible than PF and D* between the
two platforms.
3629. |
29 |
Qualitative and
Quantitative effects of Gadoxetate Disodium on DWI/ADC in a
Healthy, Liver Donor Population 
Anshuman Panda1, Judy R James1,
and Alvin C Silva1
1Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic,
Scottsdale, Arizona, United States
Qualitative and quantitative impact on the liver DWI in
the presence of a hepatobiliary contrast agent has been
reported to be insignificant. However, our observation
contradicts those findings. A year-long trial with over
25 healthy liver donor patients showed a significant
change in the b-maps and ADC values in the pre- and
post-gadoxetate disodium DWI. In particular, the signal
drop was significantly higher post contrast when an
inversion recovery (IR) pulse was added for fat
suppression. Thus, we suggest that liver DWI should be
performed pre-contrast when possible, or without an IR
pulse post-contrast.
3630. |
30 |
Optimizing b-value
distribution for IVIM imaging using adjusted weighting
Sonia Isabel Goncalves1, Goncalo Cachola2,
Filipe Caseiro-Alves3,4, and Miguel
1IBILI-Faculty of Medicine, University of
Coimbra, Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 2Faculty
of Sciences and Technology, Universidade Nova de Lisboa,
Setubal, Portugal, 3Faculty
of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 4Radiology,
University Hospital Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Intra-voxel incoherent motion (IVIM) imaging
differentiates between true molecular diffusion,
diffusion due to perfusion, and quantifies perfusion
fraction. Results from its clinical application have
been ambiguous and this can be, at least in part,
explained by the dependence of IVIM parameter estimation
on the choice of b-value combination that is used to
sample the data. In this paper we explore the influence
of the perfusion rate regime in the total error
propagated into IVIM diffusion/perfusion parameters, in
order to optimize the b-value distribution that is used
to sample the data.
3631. |
31 |
Accelerated whole-body
diffusion weighted imaging with blipped CAIPIRINHA based
simultaneous multislice acquisition 
Himanshu Bhat1, Thomas Doring2,
Daniel Cornfeld3, Ralph Strecker4,
Stephen F. Cauley5, Kawin Setsompop5,
Leonardo Kayat Bittencourt2, Romeu Domingues2,
and Keith Heberlein1
1Siemens Medical Solutions USA Inc,
Charlestown, MA, United States, 2CDPI/DASA,
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3Department
of Diagnostic Radiology, Yale-New Haven Hospital, New
Haven, CT, United States, 4Siemens
Ltda, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil, 5A.
A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Department of
Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown,
MA, United States
The goal of this work was to apply the blipped
CAIPIRINHA slice acceleration technique to spin echo EPI
based whole-body DWI and compare the results with a
conventional non slice accelerated acquisition. 8
healthy volunteers and 6 patients were scanned with both
sequences. Quantitative comparison between the two
sequences showed similar ADC values in multiple organs.
Qualitative comparison showed comparable image quality
and diagnosis in all 6 patients with both sequences.
3632. |
32 |
Multiparametric whole body
MRI in castrate resistant prostate cancer bone metastases –
total tumour volume, ADC and fat fraction parameters
Nina Tunariu1,2, David J Collins1,2,
Matthew D Blackledge1,2, Mihaela Rata1,2,
Julie Hughes1, Zaki Ahmad1, Raquel
PerezLopez1,2, Amelia Altavilla1,2,
Roberta Ferraldeschi1,2, Gerhardt Attard1,2,
Johann S de Bono1,2, Martin O Leach1,2,
and Dow-Mu Koh1,2
1The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust,
Sutton, London, United Kingdom, 2The
Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, London, United
More than 70% of castration-resistant prostate cancer
patients have metastatic bone disease; the only
available imaging response criteria are those of disease
progression on bone scans, with no imaging criteria to
positively assess therapy benefit. Diffusion weighted
imaging (DWI) and fat fraction (FF) quantification are
promising tools for detection and therapy monitoring of
bone metastases. Currently, there are no published data
documenting the reproducibility of total tumour volume
(TTV) bone disease apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)
or FF values. The aim of this study was to document the
reproducibility of TTV defined on DWI, ADC and FF using
histograms methods.
3633. |
33 |
Size, ADC and T2 signal- a
reproducibility study of parametric measurements for
classification of nodal disease in paediatric hodgkin's
Arash Latifoltojar1, Paul Humphries2,
Stephen Daw3, Ananth Shankar3,
Stuart Taylor4, and Shonit Punwani4
1Centre for Medical Imaging, University
College London, London, London, United Kingdom, 2Radiology,
University College London Hospital, London, United
Kingdom, 3University
College London Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 4Centre
for Medical Imaging, University College London, London,
United Kingdom
Whole body MRI is being increasingly used as an
alternative imaging modality to PET-CT in paediatric
lymphoma. Moreover the addition of diffusion weighted
images to whole body protocol makes the functional
assessment of tumour possible. In this work the inter
observer agreement on size measurement and quantitative
derived parameters is investigated for anatomical and
functional MRI,
3634. |
34 |
Effect of secretin
stimulation in healthy volunteers at 3T: comparison of mono-
and biexponential (IVIM) models in pancreas
diffusion-weighted imaging 
Julie Absil1, Helena Torrao1,
Thierry Metens1, Monia Bali1, and
Celso Matos1
1MRI Unit - Radiology, CUB Hôpital Erasme,
Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
In this IRB approved study, the quantification of
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) parameters as well
as monoexponential DWI parameters was performed in
healthy pancreas in order to assess changes during
secretin stimulation. Fifteen healthy volunteers
underwent 3T diffusion-weighted SE-EPI MRI before and at
3 and 8 minutes following secretin injection (1CU/KgBW).
Monoexponential apparent diffusion coefficients
(calculated with different sets of b-values) as well as
IVIM perfusion fraction significantly increased at 3
minutes after secretin administration, reflecting the
expected increase in both perfusion and the exocrine
free water release. All parameters decreased between 3
and 8 minutes after secretin administration.
3635. |
35 |
Changes in Choline Level
and Lipid Profile in Rat Liver During Lipid Infusion
Measured by Dynamic Proton MRS 
Peng Cao1,2, Shu-Juan J. FAN1,2,
Anna M. Wang1,2, Victor B. Xie1,2,
Iris Y. Zhou1,2, and Ed X. Wu1,2
1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal
Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong
Kong SAR, China, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
The liver proton MR spectroscopy (MRS) is typically used
for quantifying lipid content. Previous proton MRS
studies have reported the quantifications of liver lipid
profile and liver choline in vivo. This study aimed to
examine whether dynamic proton MRS can assess the time
courses of liver choline level and lipid profile in
response to the acute lipid intake. Our preliminary
results suggested that dynamic proton MRS could measure
the changes of choline level and lipid profile in normal
rat liver with acute intravenous lipid infusion.
3636. |
36 |
Boosting SNR with an
internal antenna and external antennas in the human cervix
uteri in TSE at 7T. 
Irene Maria Louise van Kalleveen1, Jaap P.
Hoogendam1, Alexander J.E. Raaijmakers1,
Fredy Visser1, Hugo Kroeze1, Peter
R. Luijten1, Wouter B. Veldhuis1,
and Dennis W.J. Klomp1
1UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
In cervical cancer, high resolution T2 images
are desired for determining loco-regional tumour spread.
This requires an increased SNR, which may be provided at
higher field strengths. Using external antennas combined
with an internal antenna, we demonstrate that the SNR at
7T can be increased with an additional factor 3.2.
Additionally, TSE visualization of the entire female
pelvis is achieved. The boosted SNR is used to obtain
high resolution T2-weighted
MRI of the human cervix uteri and parametria, not only
showing a high level of details, but also alterations in T2 contrasts
that enables distinguishing the cervix from the
3637. |
37 |
Clinical Feasibility of
Distortion Corrected Diffusion-Weighted (DW) Images of Human
Maysam Jafar1, Katherine Downey1,
Sharon L Giles2, Veronica A Morgan2,
Geoffrey S Payne1, and Nandita M DeSouza1
1Clinical Magnetic Resonance Unit, Institute
of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom, 2Clinical
Magnetic Resonance Unit, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton,
Surrey, United Kingdom
DW sequences improve detection of cervical tumor but are
prone to distortions, worse when using an endovaginal
receiver coil. We corrected image distortions by
acquiring forward and reverse gradient images and then
used Chang&Fitzpatrick’s reverse gradient algorithm.
Assessment of the correction by measuring the angle of
the endocervical canal to the horizontal on corrected
and uncorrected high b-value images showed significant
differences in the former but not the latter when
compared to measurements from T2-W images. Normalised
cross-correlation using template matching to assess
similarities between corrected/uncorrected DW and T2-W
images varied marginally, indicating the need for
feature tracking techniques.
3638. |
38 |
The high negative
predictive value to pre-operative MRI in Grade I endometrial
cancer in the clinical setting. 
Erin Bravo1, Krupa Patel-Lippmann2,
Kristie Guite3, Jessica Robbins3,
David Kushner2, Ahmed Al-Niaimi2,
and Elizabeth Sadowski2
1Radiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison,
Wisconsin, United States, 2University
of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, United States, 3Radiology,
University of Wisconsin, Wisconsin, United States
In grade 1 endometrial cancer there is debate whether or
not lymphadenectomy is necessary. Strong evidence exists
that women without myometrial or cervical invasion have
decreased risk of lymph node metastasis, thus may
potentially avoid lymphadenectomy. The goal of our study
was to evaluate myometrial and cervical invasion in
women with grade 1 endometrial cancer on preoperative
MRI when being read by abdominal radiologists compared
with surgical pathology. Our study determined the
negative predictive value of MRI in detecting myometrial
and/or cervical invasion is 96%, which may decrease the
need for lymphadenectomy in women with very low risk for
lymph node metastasis.
3639. |
39 |
Carcinosarcoma of the
Uterus: MR Findings including Diffusion-weighted imaging and
in-vivo proton MR Spectroscopy 
Mayumi Takeuchi1, Kenji Matsuzaki1,
and Masafumi Harada1
1Department of Radiology, University of
Tokushima, Tokushima, Tokushima, Japan
We evaluated the MR findings (morphologic appearances,
ADC values on DWI and metabolite concentration on MRS)
of pathologically proven 11 carcinosarcomas of the
uterus. The mean and minimum ADCs were 0.92+/-0.21, and
0.73+/-0.16, respectively. The choline and lipid
concentrations (mM) were 5.38+/-2.83 and
145.39+/-122.65, respectively. We conclude that large
exophytic endometrial mass, often exhibiting gtumor
prolapseh, containing strongly enhanced areas may
suggest carcinosarcoma. Relatively higher mean ADC with
low minimum ADC, relative low choline concentration and
high lipid peak may reflect internal heterogeneity of
carcinosarcoma due to the admixture of high-grade
malignant tumor cells, necrosis, and epithelial
glandular cystic components.
3640. |
40 |
Entropy of T2-weighted
Imaging and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient of Uterine
Leiomyoma in Prediction of Leiomyoma Volume Reduction
Following Uterine Artery Embolization 
Mengqiu Cao1, Shiteng Suo1, Xuebin
Zhang1, and Jianrong Xu1
1Department of Radiology, Renji Hospital,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,
Shanghai, China
The present study for the first time demonstrated that
entropy of T2-weighted imaging as well as apparent
diffusion coefficient (ADC) of leiomyomas before uterine
artery embolization (UAE) has predictive value for
leiomyoma volume reduction 6 months after embolization.
A combination of entropy and ADC may help interventional
radiologists with patient selection, preoperative
planning and evaluation.
3641. |
41 |
A Groupwise Non-Rigid
Registration Approach for Accurate Quantification of DCE-MRI
in Characterizing Ovarian Cancers 
Elahe Kia1,2, Anahita Fathi Kazerooni1,2,
Alireza Ahmadian1, and Hamidreza Saligheh Rad1,2
1Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Department, School of Medicine,Tehran University of
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2Quantitative
MR Imaging and Spectroscopy Group, Research Center for
Cellular and Molecular Imaging,Tehran University of
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Dynamic contrast enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) has shown to be
promising for quantitative assessment of complex ovarian
cancers. Quantification of DCE-MR images could be
affected by motion artifacts and intensity inhomogeneity
induced by bias fields. Proper selection of a
registration algorithm could impact the outcome of this
problem. In this work, we proposed an efficient
non-rigid registration method in a group-wise setting to
non-rigidly align DCE-MR images to reliable
quantification of ovarian masses.
3642. |
42 |
Can Reduced Phase Field of
View Diffusion Weighted Imaging Increase Diagnostic
Confidence when Imaging the Female Pelvis? 
Martin D Pickles1 and
Lindsay W Turnbull1
1Centre for Magnetic Resonance
Investigations, HYMS at University of Hull, Hull, East
Yorkshire, United Kingdom
The purpose of this study is to determine the technical
feasibility of spatially selective small FOV DWI in the
imaging of the female pelvis and to obtain preliminary
comparative data against traditional T2W images. FOCUS
DWI was successfully obtained from 14 patients utilising
a 3.0T scanner. The images were then compared against
T2W data. Discordance was noted in 6/14 cases. In each
of these cases FOCUS images indicated less extensive
disease than T2W images. Additionally, diagnostic
confidence was increased in 12/14 cases. These
preliminary results suggest that FOCUS is not only
feasible but results in an increased diagnostic
3643. |
43 |
Assessment of longitudinal
changes in placental transverse relaxation time in normal
murine pregnancy using compartmental analysis 
UdayBhaskar Krishnamurthy1,2, Yimin Shen1,
Gabor Szalai3, Jaladhar Neelavalli1,2,
Bing Wang3, Tinnakorn Chaiworapongsa3,4,
Edgar Hernandez-Andrad3,4, Nandor Gabor Than3,4,
Ewart Mark Haacke1,2, and Roberto Romero3
1Radiology, Wayne State University, Detroit,
MI, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United
States, 3Perinatology
Research Branch, NICHD, NIH, DHHS, Detroit, MI, United
States, 4Obstetrics
and Gynecology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI,
United States
To quantify the T2 relaxation parameter in the different
constituent regions of murine placenta at different
gestational ages and to study their relative
contributions to the overall change in placental T2 with
gestational age
3644. |
44 |
Comparison of Fetal Blood
Flow Measured at 1.5T and 3.0T Using Phase Contrast MR and
Metric Optimized Gating: Preliminary Results 
Christopher K Macgowan1, Beverly Tsai Goodman2,
Mashael Alrujaib3, and Mike Seed4
1Departments of Medical Biophysics and
Medical Imaging, Hospital for Sick Children / University
of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Department
of Paediatric Cardiology, Bristol Children's Hospital /
University of Bristol, United Kingdom, 3Department
of Paediatrics and Division of Cardiology, Hospital for
Sick Children / University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 4Department
of Paediatrics and Division of Cardiology, Hospital for
Sick Children / University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
Quantification of human fetal blood flow using phase
contrast (PC) MR with metric optimized gating (MOG) has
recently been demonstrated in normal pregnancies and
fetal left-sided congenital heart disease. These studies
were performed at a field strength of 1.5T; however,
there is growing interest in fetal imaging at higher
field strengths to improve SNR. The goal of this pilot
study was to evaluate the agreement between fetal flows
measured at 1.5T and 3.0T, using PC MR with MOG.
3645. |
45 |
Volumetric assessment of
fetal organ development using whole-body 3D-true-FISP
- permission withheld
Tetsu Niwa1, Tomoaki Nagaoka2,
Noriko Aida3, Koki Kusagiri3,
Kumiko Nozawa3, Taro Takahara4,
and Yutaka Imai1
1Radiology, Tokai University School of
Medicine, Isehara, Kanagawa, Japan, 2EMC
group, National Institute of Information and
Communications Technology, Koganei, Tokyo, Japan, 3Radiology,
Kanagawa Children's Medical Center, Kanagawa, Japan, 4Biomedical
Engineering, Tokai University School of Engineering,
Isehara, Japan
Seven fetuses images of whole body 3D-true fisp were
assessed for fetal organ development. Whole-body
3D-true-FISP images were segmented with semiautomated
method. The volume of the brain, lung, heart, liver and
kidneys were calculated. As a result, positive
correlations between the fetal organ volumes and the
gestational week were found. Whole-body 3D-FISP imaging
may reflect the volumetric development of the fetal
organs along with the gestational age.
3646. |
46 |
Comparison of US and MR
measurement of amniotic fluid volume at 28-32 weeks 
Nicholas Hilliard1, Rebecca Baker1,
Andrew Patterson1, Martin Graves1,
Christoph Lees2, Pat Set1, and
David J Lomas1
1Department of Radiology, Cambridge
University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge,
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom, 2Maternal
And Fetal Assessment Unit, Cambridge University
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge,
Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
This is a small pilot study comparing a rapid method of
MRI measurement of amniotic fluid volume with standard
manual planimetric (MP) approaches. The rapid method
uses projection hydrography (PH) to compare amniotic
signal with a reference fluid volume. Comparison is made
with ultrasound as a ‘gold standard’ modality. Results
show that PH shows strong correlation with MP, and they
both show moderate correlation with ultrasound. Further
development of this technique may prove useful in MRI
assessment of the fetus.
3647. |
47 |
Quantitative flow imaging
in the human umbilical vessels in-utero using non-triggered
phase contrast MRI 
UdayBhaskar Krishnamurthy1,2, Wei Feng1,
Jaladhar Neelavalli1,2, Pavan Kumar Jella1,2,
Ehsan Hamtaei1, Edgar Hernandez-Andrade3,4,
Swati Mody1, Lami Yeo3, S.
Ehterami1, M. D. Cabrera1, Ewart
Mark Haacke1,2, S. S. Hassan3, and
Roberto Romero3
1Radiology, Wayne State University, Detroit,
MI, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, United
States, 3Perinatology
Research Branch, NICHD, NIH, DHHS, Detroit, MI, United
States, 4Obstetrics
and Gynecology, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI,
United States
Adaptation of time resolved PC-MRI technique which is
used to measure the average velocity of the fetal
umbilical vessels in utero
Hepatobiliary 2
Monday 12 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
17:30 - 18:30 |
Computer # |
3648. |
49 |
Normal range and
Reproducibility of multi-frequency MR Rheology of healthy
liver at 3.0T MRI
- permission withheld
Yong Eun Chung1, Hye-Jeong Lee1,
Mi-Suk Park2, and Myeong-Jin Kim2
1Radiology, Yonsei University College of
Medicine, Seoul, ., Korea, 2Radiology,
Yonsei Univeristy College of Medicine, Seoul, ., Korea
We tried to assess the normal value of shear modulus (Gd),
loss modulus (Gl) and complex modulus (G*) of the
healthy liver, and evaluate their reproducibility at
3.0T MRI. Multi-frequency MR rheology with transducer
frequency of 28Hz, 56Hz and 84Hz was acquired in 60
healthy volunteers. Three modulus were calculated from
central 4 slices, central 2 slices and the upper most 1
slice in each frequency. The reproducibility of MRR was
higher at lower transducer frequency and MRR modulus
should be calculated from the data which were obtained
from at least central 2 slices of MRR.
3649. |
50 |
Utility of MR Elastography
in Staging of Liver Fibrosis among Asia Patients with
Chronic Liver Disease 
Chen-Te Chou1,2, Ran-Chou Chen3,4,
and Chih-Wei Lee1
1Chang-Hua Christian Hospital, Chang-Hua,
Taiwan, Taiwan, 2Biomedical
Imaging and Radiological Science, National Yang-Ming
Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan, 3Radiology,
Taipei city Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan, 4Biomedical
Imaging and Radiological Science, National Yang-Ming
Medical University, Taiwan, Taiwan
According to the AASLD guidelines, aggressive treatment
is advised for patients with hepatic fibrosis stages ¡Ý
2. Biopsy is the gold standard, but it is invasive. MR
elastography (MRE) is a noninvasive method of measuring
the hepatic viscoelastic properties. In our results, the
stiffness values had a good correlation with the
pathological fibrosis stage. In differentiation of
fibrosis stage ¡Ý 2 from stage 0/1, the sensitivity and
specificity were 93.4% and 91.0%, respectively, with a
cutoff value of 2.83 kPa. MRE was a promising,
noninvasive technique for prediction of fibrosis stage
among Asia patients with chronic liver disease.
3650. |
51 |
Accuracy of MR elastography
(MRE)-determined liver shear stiffness for the diagnosis of
non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) and advanced fibrosis
in adults with known or suspected non-alcoholic fatty liver
disease (NAFLD) 
Nikolaus M Szeverenyi1, Claude Sirlin1,
William M Haufe1, Michael S Middleton1,
Yu Shi2, Kevin Glaser2, Richard
Ehman2, and Rohit Loomba1
1Univ. of California, San Diego, San Diego,
CA, United States, 2Mayo
Clinic, MN, United States
This prospective study was performed to assess the
accuracy of MR elastography (MRE)-derived shear
stiffness values as predictors for non-alcoholic
steatohepatitis (NASH) and advanced fibrosis in adults
with known or suspected non-alcoholic fatty liver
disease (NAFLD), using contemporaneous liver biopsy as
reference. We found that MRE acquired using relatively
low-frequency mechanical waves and a 3D inversion
algorithm provides high accuracy in the diagnosis of
NASH and advanced fibrosis in patients with NAFLD.
3651. |
52 |
MR Elastography for the
Assessment of Hepatic Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic
Hepatitis B: Does Histological Necroinflammation Influence
the Measurement of Liver Stiffness? 
Yu Shi1,2, Qiyong Guo1, Fei Xia3,
Bogdan Dzyubak2, Kevin J. Glaser2,
and Richard L. Ehman2
1Department of radiology, Shengjing hospital,
Shenyang, Liaoning, China, 2Mayo
Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 3Department
of infectious diseases, Shengjing hospital, Shenyang,
Liaoning, China
MRE had a high diagnostic accuracy for hepatic fibrosis
in chronic hepatitis B. Both fibrosis stage and
necroinflammation grade were independent factors
contributing to liver stiffness (Multivariate linear
regression, ©¬=0.798, 0.275; P< .001). For liver tissue
with F¡Â2 fibrosis, necroinflammation accounts for a
portion of the elevated liver stiffness.
3652. |
53 |
Wavelet Analysis of Liver
Zhitao Li1, Ali Bilgin1,2,
Jean-Philippe Galons3, Puneet Sharma3,
Diego Martin3, and Maria Altbach3
1Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona,
United States, 3Department
of Medical Imaging, University of Arizona, Tucson,
Arizona, United States
Chronic liver disease due to Hepatitis B/C or
non-alcoholic steatohepatitis is a major health problem.
The first manifestation of CLD is inflammation, which
can progress to fibrosis and cancer. Staging of liver
fibrosis requires an invasive liver biopsy with
associated morbidity, cost, and sampling errors. This
study is to investigate if structural changes of
fibrosis can be detected by localized frequency analysis
of liver images using wavelets. The work is carried out
in ex vivo tissue samples that resemble in vivo
Gd-enhanced images.
3653. |
54 |
Diagnostic accuracy of
acute cholecystitis using MRCP and clinical relevance. 
Stephanie Lyn Coleman1, Lindsey Storer2,
Doro Gheorghe3, Stephan Anderson1,
and Jaroslaw Tkacz1
1Radiology, Boston Medical Center, Boston,
MA, United States, 2Boston
University, Boston, MA, United States, 3Biostatistics,
Boston University, MA, United States
Ultrasound imaging has known limitations and large
variations in the sensitivity and specificity of
diagnosis of acute cholecystitis. There is limited
literature on the sensitivity and specificity of MR
imaging, however, the reported are similar to
ultrasound, but without the variation. We did a
retrospective review of MR imaging in patients with
suspected acute cholecystitis. Results showed that MRCP
is very insensitive, but has excellent specificity in
diagnosis of acute cholecystitis. In conclusion,
additional imaging approaches are suggested such as
those including functional imaging such as HIDA or MRI
with the use of hepatobiliary contrast agents.
3654. |
55 |
Correlation of T1-weighted
Gradient Echo (GRE) Signal Intensity and Decreased Exocrine
Function in Suspected Early Chronic Pancreatitis 
Temel Tirkes1, Chen Lin1, Jordan K
Swensson1, Zachary E Ballenger2,
Chenkun Wang3, Evan Fogel4,
Kumaresan Sandrasegaran5, Alex Aisen1,
and Fatih Akisik1
1Diagnostic Radiology and Clinical Sciences,
Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis,
Indiana, United States, 2Indiana
University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana,
United States, 3Department
of Biostatistics, Indiana University School of Medicine,
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States,4Department
of Gastroenterology, Indiana University School of
Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana, United States, 5Diagnostic
Radiology and Clinical Sciences, Indiana University
School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, United States
Diagnosis of early chronic pancreatitis is challenging
for both the gastroenterologist and the radiologist
since the pancreatic ductal findings are usually normal.
Diagnosis often times requires performing an endoscopic
stimulation test collecting the pancreatic juice to
check for decreased exocrine function in these patients.
This study showed that decrease in the relative
T1-weighted signal of the pancreas can be used as an
indicator of decreased exocrine function in patients
with suspected early chronic pancreatitis.
3655. |
56 |
Diagnostic Challenge:
Paraduodenal Pancreatitis: MR Imaging Characteristics,
Differential Diagnosis and Histopathological Correlation 
Pardeep Mittal1, William Small1,
Juan C Camacho1, Kiran K Maddu1,
Volkan Adsay2, Burcu Saka2,
Courtney C Moreno1, and Bobby Kalb3
1Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Emory Uni
School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, 2Pathology,
Emory Uni School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, United
States, 3Diagnostic
Radiology, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona,
United States
Paraduodenal pancreatitis is rare form chronic
pancreatitis and its appearance may resemble pancreatic
adenocarcinoma as both entities can lead to dilatation
of biliary and pancreatic ducts .Distinction between
these two entities remain challenging .Contrast enhanced
MRI may help accurately identify paraduodenal
pancreatitis from entities having similar features such
as adenocarcinoma and aid in therapeutic decisions.
3656. |
57 |
Physiological Bile Flow in
the Extrahepatic Bile Duct: Evaluation with Cine-Dynamic MR
Cholangiopancreatography and a Spatially Selective
Inversion-Recovery Pulse
- permission withheld
Minoru Hayashida1, Akihiko Kanki1,
Akira Yamamoto1, Tsutomu Tamada1,
Kazuya Yasokawa1, Daigo Tanimoto1,
Atsushi Higaki1, Yasufumi Noda1,
and Katsuyoshi Ito1
1Diagnostic Radiology, Kawasaki Medical
School, Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan
The purpose of this study was to determine the
feasibility of directly and noninvasively visualizing
physiological bile flow in the extrahepatic bile duct by
means of non-pharmacologic cine-dynamic MRCP with a
spatially selective inversion-recovery (IR) pulse and to
assess the flow dynamic pattern of bile in the
extrahepatic bile duct. Thirty-five patients without
known pancreatobiliary diseases and 11 patients with
dilatation of the extrahepatic bile duct were included.
Non-pharmacological, cine-dynamic MRCP with a spatially
selective IR pulse allowed direct and noninvasive
visualization of antegrade/reversed bile flow in the
extrahepatic bile duct, demonstrating that reversed bile
flow is a physiological phenomenon.
3657. |
58 |
Non-invasive investigation
of exocrine pancreatic function using cine dynamic MRCP with
a spatially selective inversion-recovery (IR) pulse
- permission withheld
1Radiology, Kawasaki Medical School,
Kurashiki, Okayama, Japan
This study investigated whether cine dynamic MRCP with a
spatially selective inversion recovery pulse can be used
for evaluation of exocrine pancreatic functions in 10
patients with suspected chronic pancreatitis in
comparison with currently available pancreatic exocrine
function test with N-benzoyl-L-tyrosyl-p-aminobenzoic
acid (BT-PABA) reagent. The urinary PABA excretion rate
(%) had significant positive correlations with both the
mean secretion grade (the distance that the pancreatic
juice moved in the pancreatic duct) and the frequency
that the pancreatic juice flowed in the pancreatic duct.
This technique has a potential to evaluate pancreatic
exocrine function noninvasively in patients with
suspected chronic pancreatitis.
3658. |
59 |
Detecting CA-lys-TFA – a
synthetized novel trifluorinated bile acid in murine
gallbladder using in
vivo 19F
Su Xu1,2, Diana Vivian3, Kunrong
Cheng4, Sandeep Khurana4, Wenjun
Zhu1,2, Andrew Marshall1,2, Rao
Gullapalli1,2, James Polli3, and
Jean-Pierre Raufman4
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology and
Nuclear Medicine, University of Maryland School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Core
for Translational Research in Imaging @ Maryland,
Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Department
of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Maryland
School of Pharmacy, Baltimore, MD, United States, 4Department
of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine,
Baltimore, MD, United States
Using in
vivo 19F
MRI, a novel synthesized trifluorinated bile acid –
CA-lys-TFA was tested for its ability to concentrate in
the gallbladders of C57BL/6 mice after oral gavage. Mice
orally gavaged with 19F
labled CA-lys-TFA revealed robust 19F
signals from the gallbladder in
vivo, and correlated with the concentrations
determined independently using LC-MS on ex
vivo tissue.
The results from the study suggest that CA-lys-TFA, a
fluorinated non-radioactive bile acid analogue, has
potential for use in MRI to measure in
vivo bile
acid transport and diagnose bile acid malabsorption and
other conditions associated with impaired bile acid
3659. |
60 |
Time-SLIP MR hepatic
Arteriography using 3T-MRI
- permission withheld
Keitaro Sofue1, Takeshi Yoshikawa2,
Nobukazu Aoyama3, Yoshiharu Ohno2,
Katsusuke Kyotani3, Saori Sato4,
Naoki Kanata1, Mizuho Nishio2,
Hisanobu Koyama1, and Kazuro Sugimura1
1Radiology, Kobe University Graduate School
of Medicine, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 2Advanced
Biomedical Imaging Research Center, Kobe University
Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 3Division
of Radiology and Radiation Oncology, Kobe University
Hospital, Kobe, Hyogo, Japan, 4Toshiba
Medical Systems Corporation, Otawara, Tochigi, Japan
The assessment and classification of anatomy of hepatic
artery is an essential step for both diagnosis and
management of various diseases in the upper abdomen.
Development of non- invasive imaging techniques for this
purpose is an urgent problem. Our results suggested that
anatomy of hepatic artery can be assessed and classified
using non-contrast MR arteriography using time-SLIP
technique at 3T-MRI.
3660. |
61 |
Portal Vein contribution to
hepatic perfusion estimated using a Triple Inversion
Recovery ASL Technique 
Daniel Aguirre1, Camila Muñoz1,
Cristian Tejos1, Pablo Irarrazaval1,
Sergio Uribe2, and Marcelo E Andia2
1Biomedical Imaging Centre, Pontificia
Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 2Radiology
Department, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile,
Santiago, Santiago, Chile
The increase in the intrahepatic blood flow resistance
in chronic liver disease has been identified as one of
the most sensitive parameters to detect liver cirrhosis
progression. Portal vein liver perfusion is affected
very early during the liver diseases progression. In
this work we investigated the feasibility of selectively
visualizing the intrahepatic portal vein and estimating
its intrahepatic volume in healthy subjects and patients
with cirrhosis as a marker of liver perfusion, using a
new Arterial Spin Labeling technique without the need of
subtraction (TIR-ASL).
3661. |
62 |
4D Flow Analysis of
Patients with Advanced Liver Cirrhosis: Correlation between
Clinical Parameters And Flow Parameters
- permission withheld
Zoran Stankovic1, Michael Markl1,
Edouard Semaan1, Robert Lewandowski1,
Albert Nemcek1, Frank Miller1,
Riad Salem1, james Carr1, and
Jeremy Collins1
1Radiology, Northwestern University, Chicago,
USA, United States
4D flow MRI provides visual and quantitative assessment
of arterial and portal venous hemodynamics of the
hepatic system. This study shows a high correlation
between peak velocities as a flow parameter and the
clinical disease scores in selected vessels of the
arterial and portal venous system. 4D flow MRI may have
the potential to provide biomarker in the early disease
stage improving the detectability of the disease, but
also the patient management.
3662. |
63 |
Free Breathing Dynamic
contrast MR imaging of the pancreas and liver with navigator
Takayuki Masui1, Motoyuki Katayama1,
Yuji Iwadate2, Kimihiko Sato1,
Naoyuki Takei2, Kei Tsukamoto1,
Kenichi Mizuki1, and Masayoshi Sugimura1
1Radiology, Seirei Hamamatsu General
Hospital, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan, 2GE
Healthcare Japan, Hino, Tokyo, Japan
The purpose was to evaluate the feasibility of dynamic
contrast study during free-breathing with navigator
technique for evaluation of the lesions in the pancreas
or liver. In all patients, dynamic contrast MR imaging
of the pancreas and liver could be performed under
free-breathing with acceptable image quality, temporal
resolutions and lesion recognitions. Thus, this
technique may be useful for evaluations of the patients
who cannot hold their breaths.
3663. |
64 |
Yasunari Fujinaga1, Ayumi Ohya1,
Akira Yamada1, Masahiro Kurozumi1,
Kazuhiko Ueda1, Yoshihiro Kitou2,
Hitoshi Ueda2, Katsuya Maruyama3,
and Masumi Kadoya1
1Department of Radiology, Shinshu University,
School of Medicine, Matsumoto, Nagano, Japan, 2Radiology
Division, Shinshu University Hospital, Matsumoto,
Nagano, Japan, 3Imaging
& Therapy Systems Division, Siemens Japan. K. K., Tokyo,
The radial volumetric imaging breath-hold examination
with k-space-weighted image contrast reconstruction
(r-VIBE-KWIC) allows powerful view sharing and provides
high temporal resolution sub-frame images as well as a
full-frame image. Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI
(DCE-MRI) using r-VIBE-KWIC has the potential to provide
high spatial and temporal resolution images like a
dynamic CT during hepatic arteriography (dyn-CTHA)
without an invasive procedure or radiation exposure. We
compared hemodynamics of HCC in DCE-MRI using
r-VIBE-KWIC with that in dyn-CTHA, and revealed that
DCE-MRI using r-VIBE-KWIC had a diagnostic potential
comparable to dyn-CTHA in the hemodynamic evaluation of
3664. |
65 |
Feasibility of applying
dual injection DCE-MRI technique in liver study 
Amy Watkins1, Ka-Loh Li1, Xiaoping
Zhu1, and Alan Jackson1
1Wolfson Molecular Imaging Centre, University
of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Mapping kinetic parameters from DCE-MRI traditionally
requires compromise in terms of spatial resolution,
temporal resolution, and volume coverage. This study
investigated feasibility of applying a dual injection
DCE-MRI approach, which has been applied for brain tumor
study, in liver. Combining information content from high
temporal resolution (HTR) and high spatial resolution
(HSR) data in liver produces a high quality HTR AIF,
allowing kinetic mapping the HSR data with full liver
coverage and a voxel size of 2 mm3. The low dose HTR
data can also be advantageously used for kinetic
analysis, e.g., providing more accurate bolus arrival
time (BAT) maps.
3665. |
66 |
Improved detection of
hypervascularized liver lesions using dynamic
contrast-enhanced T1w-3D-fs-GRE with multiple arterial
Philipp Maximilian Kazmierczak1, Daniel
Theisen1, Wieland Sommer1, Kolja
Thierfelder1, Maximilian F Reiser1,
and Konstantin Nikolaou1
1Department of Clinical Radiology, University
Hospitals Munich, Grosshadern Campus, Muenchen, Germany
Dynamic contrast-enhanced T1w-3D-fs-GRE with
multi-arterial volumetric interpolated breath-hold
examination (multi-arterial VIBE) allows for the
acquistion of five arterial subphases during a single
breath-hold. The diagnostic performance of this
technique was studied in twenty-five patients with known
focal liver lesions. Two independent readers evaluated
the diagnostic value of the five dynamic arterial
subphases compared to the standard hepatic arterial,
portal venous, delayed and hepatobiliary phases and the
single shot turbo-spin echo sequence. Multi-arterial
VIBE demonstrated greater diagnostic accuary at the
detection of hypervascularized focal liver lesions as
compared to the hepatic arterial standard phase.
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Automated Detection of the
Arterial Phase in TRACER Reconstructed Dynamic 3D Contrast
Enhanced Liver Imaging 
Mitchell Anthony Cooper1,2, Bo Xu1,
Shan Hu2, Silvina Dutruel2, Martin
R. Prince2, Yi Wang1, and Pascal
1Biomedical Engineering, Cornell University,
Ithaca, New York, United States, 2Radiology,
Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, New York,
United States
Capturing the arterial phase is crucial for the optimal
detection and characterization of liver tumors using
dynamic contrast enhanced imaging. Recently, TRACER, a
method for high temporal liver imaging was proposed
which uses a spiral readout in conjunction with a
non-linear reconstruction to reconstruct 3D images with
a sub-second temporal frame rate. It was demonstrated
that this reconstruction increased the likelihood of
capturing the arterial phase after bolus injection.
However, the reader is now presented with a large number
of images Here we adapt a previously proposed algorithm
to automatically select the optimal arterial phase from
a series of 3D dynamic contrast enhanced hepatic images
reconstructed with TRACER
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Motion correction of high
temporal 3T Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of pancreatic
cancer - preliminary results 
R. Klaassen1,2, O. J. Gurney-Champion3,
E. G.W. ter Voert4, A. Heerschap4,
M. F. Bijlsma2, M. G.H. Besselink5,
G. van Tienhoven6, C. Y. Nio3, J.
Stoker3, C. J.A. Punt1, J. W.
Wilmink1, H. W.M. van Laarhoven1,
and A. J. Nederveen3
1Department of Medical Oncology, Academic
Medical Center - University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 2Department
of Experimental Oncology and Radiation Biology, Academic
Medical Center - University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam,
Netherlands, 3Department
of Radiology, Academic Medical Center - University of
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4Department
of Radiology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical
Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands,5Department of
Surgery, Academic Medical Center - University of
Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 6Department
of Radiation Oncology, Academic Medical Center -
University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Breathing and peristaltic motions make reliable
quantification of DCE-MRI of the pancreas difficult.
Here we present an approach to minimize the effects of
movement on the quantification of DCE-MRI of the
pancreas. Three patients with proven pancreatic cancer
were scanned with our 3T DCE-MRI protocol. Images at
expiration were selected and registered. Quantification
was performed with a two compartment model. Ktrans maps
after motion correction showed better correlation with
anatomical structures. A larger patient group will show
if motion correction favours the capability of DCE-MRI
to discriminate between tumour and healthy tissue and if
it increases reproducibility between scans.
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Quantification of liver
perfusion MRI with a time-signal curve fitting method 
Lei Wang1, Sheng Xie2, YongLiang
Sun2, ZhiYing Yang2, Jia Ning3,
and HuiJun Chen3
1China-Japan Friendship Hospital, BeiJing,
BeiJing, China, 2China-Japan
Friendship Hospital, BeiJing, China, 3QingHua
University, BeiJing, China
Purpose: To analyze the perfusion measurements of the
liver with a simple method and to investigate the
correlation of clinical results with parameters. Methods
and materials: Patients with various levels of fibrosis
underwent perfusion MRI of the liver. The time-intensity
curves of MR signal from the perfusion MRI were analyzed
by linear fitting in segments. Tin, Tout ,Kup and ratio
were measured and compared between the S0-2 group and
S3-4 group. Results: A significant difference of each
parameter (Tin, Tout, Kup and Ratio) between two groups
was detected. Conclusion: The new procedure quantifies
the hepatocyte-specific uptake of the contrast agent.
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Evaluation of 3D Deformable
Registration to Improve Subtracted Dynamic Contrast Enhanced
Liver Images for Characterization of Treated Hepatocellular
Dinesh K. Sundarakumar1, Gregory J. Wilson1,
Sherif Osman1, and Jeffrey H. Maki1
1Radiology, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA, United States
Subtraction of the pre-contrast phase in dynamic
contrast enhanced (DCE) liver images is often necessary
for accurate enhancement characterization of T1
hyperintense lesions such as treated hepatocellular
carcinoma (HCC). However, variable displacement of the
liver in successive breath-holds can lead to subtraction
artifacts, making interpretation difficult. Furthermore,
the liver is an elastic organ, and its displacement is
not simply a rigid transformation. To address these
issues, we evaluated an automatic 3D deformable
registration algorithm for use in subtracted liver DCE.
The method significantly reduced displacement (measured
by anatomical landmarks) and improved the quality of
subtracted images.
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Respiratory phase-resolved
3D MRI with isotropic high spatial resolution: Determination
of the average breathing motion pattern for abdominal
radiotherapy planning 
Zhaoyang Fan1, Jianing Pang1,2,
Wensha Yang1, Yong Yue1, Richard
Tuli1, Guoxi Xie1,3, Xiaoming Bi4,
Benedick Fraass1, and Debiao Li1
1Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles,
CA, United States, 2Northwestern
University, Chicago, IL, United States, 3Shenzhen
Institutes of Advanced Technology, Shenzhen, Guangdong,
United States, 4MR
R&D Siemens Healthcare, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Four-dimensional CT is currently a standard in
radiotherapy planning to assess breathing motion and
determine treatment margins for organ tumors. However,
this modality has poor soft-tissue (or tumor) contrast
and involves high radiation dose. These limitations can
be overcome by using 4D MRI. The present work developed
a retrospective 4D MRI technique (respiratory
phase-resolved 3D MRI) that features: a) isotropic high
spatial resolution (1.56 mm), b) a fixed scan time (8
minutes or less), c) an estimate of average respiratory
phase resolved motion pattern with, and d) minimal
intra-phase motion artifact.
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Common and Uncommon Mimics
of Primary Liver Cancers: MRI Characteristics,
Differentiating Features and Histopathological Correlation 
Pardeep Mittal1, Courtney C Moreno1,
Juan C Camacho1, Brian Quigley2,
Kiran K Maddu1, Nima Kokabi1,
William Small1, and Bobby Kalb3
1Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Emory Uni
School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, 2Pathology,
Emory Uni School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, United
States, 3Diagnostic
Radiology, Univesity of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United
Liver is an important organ from oncologic perspective.
Primary liver cancers are more common in presence of CLD
than non CLD such as cirrhosis etc. and arise from
different components of liver such as hepatocytes, bile
duct epithelium, neuroendocrine cells and mesenchymal
cells. Therefore imaging and histopathological features
of primary liver cancers and their common and uncommon
mimics will be discussed in this presentation. MRI has
become the most important diagnostic tool over other
imaging modalities due to its excellent soft tissue
contrast and multi planar capabilities which assist in
diagnostic accuracy of liver lesions as well as
promoting successful management