Joint Annual
Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014
10-16 May 2014
Milan, Italy |
MR-Guided Interventions 1
Monday 12 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
16:30 - 17:30 |
Computer # |
3672. |
73 |
Improved Temperature
Reconstruction for Multiple-Echo SPGR 
Michael Marx1 and
Kim Butts Pauly2
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States
Multiple-echo 2DFT SPGR was implemented for temperature
monitoring, and compared with single-echo SPGR. It was
found that performing a weighted average of individual
echo temperature measurements gave significantly better
temperature uncertainty than using least squares linear
fitting to find B0 for each time point. Using the
weighted average approach, combined temperature
uncertainty matched expectations for a single readout of
the same duration, and was close to achieving the upper
bound on performance found by analyzing each echo’s
3673. |
74 |
Phantom validation of
temperature mapping using fat-water MRI with explicit
fitting of water peak location 
E. Brian Welch1,2, Aliya Gifford2,3,
and Theodore F. Towse2,4
1Radiology and Radiological Sciences,
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Institute
of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
TN, United States, 3Chemical
and Physical Biology Program, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States, 4Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States
This research demonstrates MRI-based thermometry in
fat-water phantoms by explicitly modeling the
temperature-dependent water peak frequency shift in the
fat-water signal equation. Besides temperature
monitoring of mixed fat/water tissue during
interventional applications, this method is well suited
for studying brown adipose tissue. The technique was
tested on phantoms with nominal fat fractions of 0, 10,
20, 30, 40, 60 and 100 percent undergoing heating and
cooling with validation using fiber optic temperature
probes. MRI-based measurements followed closely the
probe measurements except for areas with fat-water
mapping errors or in phantoms with only one species,
i.e. 0% or 100% fat.
3674. |
75 |
A motion-robust sequence
for combined thermometry and T2-mapping to guide and assess
tissue damage during thermal therapies 
Chang-Sheng Mei1, Renxin Chu1,
Lawrence P Panych1, and Bruno Madore1
1Department of Radiology, Harvard Medical
School, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA, United
Tissue damage is conventionally detected by thermal
dose, which depends on heating history and can thus
become fairly erratic in the presence of motion. The
main purpose of this study was to detect tissue damage
not only by thermal dose but also through changes in T2,
in the presence of motion. We employed a dual-pathway
sequence to simultaneously map temperature changes and
T2 during focused ultrasound experiments that were
performed in turn with or without motion. The presence
of motion very much affected the phase-based temperature
measurements but not nearly as much the magnitude-based
T2 measurements.
3675. |
76 |
Accurate temperature
measurements in the presence of field inhomogeneities 
Chang-Sheng Mei1, Renxin Chu1, W
Scott Hoge1, Lawrence P Panych1,
and Bruno Madore1
1Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
Field inhomogeneities may cause errors in the
temperature values measured by the proton resonance
frequency (PRF) method. The present work aims to further
describe and avoid such errors. Field inhomogeneities
were introduced on purpose by de-adjusting shim
settings, and errors by as much as 26% were obtained on
temperature measurements made as part of heating
experiments in a gel phantom. Methods are introduced
that enabled accurate temperature measurements to be
obtained even in the presence of field inhomogeneities.
More generally, the proposed approaches might be
applicable to field-mapping methods beyond only PRF
3676. |
77 |
Building Individualized 3D
Anatomic Model Based on Prostate MRI for Hypothermia Bioheat
Peter T. Fwu1, Jeon-Hor Chen1,2,
Yuting Lin1, Wei-Ching Lin3,
Po-Jung Tseng1, Eddie Lin1, and
Min-Ying Lydia Su1
1Tu & Yuen Center for Functional Onco-Imaging,
Department of Radiological Sciences, University of
California, Irvine, CA, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, EDa Hospital and I-Shou University,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 3Department
of Radiology, China Medical University Hospital,
Taichung, Taiwan
Regional hypothermia using endorectal cooling balloon (ECB)
during prostatectomy surgery is proven capable of
minimizing tissue inflammatory damages. In this work we
analyzed 29 prostate MRI cases. The images were
segmented to reconstruct a 3D anatomic model for each
patient for simulating the cooling processes by using
bioheat equation with finite element methods. Very
reasonable results were obtained, suggesting feasibility
of this approach. The temperature at neurovascular
bundle(NVB) was strongly affected by the distance from
the cooling balloon as well as the total venous blood
volume. For patients with similar blood volumes, the
temperature was linearly correlated with NVB-ECB
3677. |
78 |
Spline-Based Temperature
Probe Registration for MRThermometry Validation in Head and
Neck Hyperthermia Phantoms 
Matthew Tarasek1, Ruben Pellicer2,
Lorne Hofstetter1, Jurriaan Bakker2,
Wouter Numan2, Gyula Kotek2, Eric
Fiveland1, Gavin Houston3, Gerard
van Rhoon2, Maarten Paulides2, and
Desmond Yeo1
1MRI, GE global research, Niskayuna, NY,
United States, 2Erasmus
Medical Center, Netherlands, 3MRI,
GE healthcare, Netherlands
MR thermometry (MRT) validation can be difficult in head
and neck (H&N) hyperthermia treatments due to the
nonlinear trajectory of H&N temperature (T) probe
catheters. In this work, we utilize a previously
developed spline-fitting technique to reconstruct the
catheters in MR image coordinate space and present (i)
an effective approach for T probe sensor localization in
phantoms to mitigate T probe localization errors and
(ii) provide a means of more accurate proton resonance
frequency thermal coefficient characterization, which
corrects for systematic over- or underestimation of
temperature with MRT. Findings show that this method is
beneficial for MRT validation.
3678. |
79 |
Influence of magnetic
susceptibility on absolute temperature as measured directly
from the water/fat frequency shift. 
Paul Baron1, Martijn de Greef1,
Roel Deckers1, Chris J.G. Bakker1,
Job G. Bouwman1, and Lambertus W. Bartels1
1University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands
During thermal therapies, measurements of the absolute
temperature are needed to calculate the thermal dose.
Deriving the absolute temperature directly from the
water/fat(w/f) frequency difference has been proposed.
The method assumes that the intra-voxel water and fat
components experience the same magnetic field despite
the fact that water and fat have slightly different
magnetic susceptibilities. Here we investigate the
influence of magnetic susceptibility distribution on the
measured absolute temperature, both experimentally and
with simulations. The results show a larger variation in
measured temperature for a heterogeneous w/f
distribution (  15°C),
such as the breast, than for a more homogenous
distribution (  5°C).
3679. |
80 |
Non-Contrast Assessment
Microvascular Blood Flow Fraction to Evaluate Treatment
Efficiency of MR guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound
(MR-HIFU) Surgery of Uterine Fibroids 
Feifei Qu1, Amol Pednekar2, Pei
Hor1,3, Claudio Arena4, Janie
Swaab4, Debra Dees4, Brenda
Lambert4, and Raja Muthupillai4
1University of Houston, Houston, TX, United
States, 2Philips
Healthcare, Houston, TX, United States, 3Texas
Center for Superconductivity, Houston, TX, United
States, 4Diagnostic
and Interventional Radiology, St. Luke's Medical Center,
Houston, TX, United States
In this study, we sought to evaluate non-contrast
imaging alternatives that can yield information
regarding MR-HIFU treatment efficiency. In specific, we
evaluate the following MR metrics for evaluating MR-HIFU
treatment efficiency: (a) T2 maps (surrogate for edema),
(b) Blood-flow fraction (f) maps (surrogate for tissue
perfusion weighted imaging (PWI) or low b-value
diffusion acquisition), and (c) ADC maps estimated from
Diffusion Weighted Imaging (high b-value DWI as a
surrogate for restricted diffusion). PWI (low ‘b’ value)
is a non-contrast alternative to conventional NPV based
estimation of MR-HIFU treatment efficiency. The
blood-volume fraction map (f-maps) provide better
delineation between treated and untreated regions than
T2 map, or conventional ADC map, and is more insensitive
to other confounding factors such as T2 changes after
HIFU treatment
3680. |
81 |
Real-time Quantitative
Monitoring of Percutaneous MRI-guided Cryoablation of Renal
Kemal Tuncali1, Xinyang Liu1,
William M Wells III1, Stuart G. Silverman1,
and Gary P. Zientara1
1Radiology, Brigham and Women's Hospital and
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States
The safety and effectiveness of percutaneous
image-guided ablations can be improved if the procedure
could be assessed quantitatively. Using MRI’s ability to
depict both the tumor and the iceball during
cryoablations, we developed a novel computerized tool
that utilized fast automatic segmentation and
registration methods to compute ablation metrics in
MRI-guided cryoablations of renal cancer. The computer
generated ablation metrics were compared to metrics
calculated from manual segmentation of the tumor and the
ablation zone in 24 hr MR images of same cases. Based on
our experiments, the tool can provide accurate real-time
quantitative assessment of key ablation metrics.
3681. |
82 |
MR-Guided Prostate
Hyperthermia with a Commercial Endorectal HIFU Ablation
Eugene Ozhinsky1, Vasant A. Salgaonkar2,
Chris J. Diederich2, and Viola Rieke1
1Department of Radiology and Biomedical
Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA, United States, 2Department
of Radiation Oncology, University of California San
Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States
The goal of this project was to identify operational
modifications, and assess the feasibility of delivering
protracted MR-guided prostate hyperthermia with a
commercial endorectal ablation array.
Hyperthermia-specific sonications were imple-mented on
ExAblate 2100 prostate phased array ablation system and
performed on a tissue-mimicking phantom. Tem-perature
monitoring was performed on a 3T MRI scanner using a
spoiled gradient echo sequence. These experiments
illustrate the ability to successfully employ
hyperthermia specific beamforming to control the shape
of energy deposition, to deliver long duration power
output with the ExAblate 2100 prostate system, and to
monitor the resulting heat generation with MR
3682. |
83 |
New MR thermometry approach
to follow small temperature variation: in-vivo validation on
the anesthetized baboon’s brain at 7T 
Nicolas Boulant1, Alexandre Vignaud1,
Eric Giacomini1, Benoit Larrat1,
Aurelien Massire1, Alexis Amadon1,
Lynn Uhrig1, and Michel Bottlaender1
1Neurospin, CEA, Saclay, Ile de France,
Measuring small temperature rises (<1 °C) in-vivo using
MR thermometry is a challenging task given the required
stability of the whole transmission-reception chain as
well as the physiological noise spoiling the desired
signal. We here report an experiment performed at 7T
in-vivo on a baboon’s head where a non-local RF-heat
generating system was separate from the MR scanner to
provide high stability. Navigator free induction decays
were used to correct for the DB0 variations induced by
breathing and for the drift of the external field.
Combined with the proton resonance frequency shift
method, accuracy of ~0.1 °C could be obtained.
3683. |
84 |
Breath-holding cools the
human brain 
Jan Weis1, Sebastien Murat2,
Francisco Ortiz-Nieto1, and Håkan Ahlström1
1Department of Radiology, Uppsala University
Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden, 2The
Dive Lab, Sydney, Australia
Temperature of the human brain is subject of change as a
consequence of environmental conditions, pathological
circumstances, drugs, etc. This study sought to
demonstrate that human brain temperature can be
down-regulated by breath-holding (apnea), which is a
crucial component of neuroprotective reflexes known as
the dive response. Brain temperatures of five volunteers
were monitored by a phase-difference method. Apnea
decreased brain temperature ca 1 °C in ca 70-80 seconds.
The outcome of this study opens the possibility of
devising new therapies that offer more effective
neuroprotection in critically-ill patients (e.g.,
stroke, cardiac arrest, brain injury).
3684. |
85 |
Simultaneous Acquisition of
MR Acoustic Radiation Force Imaging and Proton Resonance
Shift Thermometry with 3D Multi-Contrast Pulse Sequence 
Joshua de Bever1,2, Alexis Farrer2,3,
Henrik Odéen2,4, and Dennis L. Parker2,5
1School of Computing, University of Utah,
Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 2Utah
Center for Advanced Imaging Research, Salt Lake City,
Utah, United States, 3Department
of Bioengineering, University of Utah, Utah, United
States, 4Department
of Physics, University of Utah, Utah, United States,5Department
of Radiology, University of Utah, Utah, United States
A 3D multi-contrast MRI pulse sequence is presented here
as a novel method for performing Acoustic Radiation
Force Imaging simultaneously with Proton Resonance
Frequency thermometry. This could be used, for example,
to safely localize the ultrasound focal in three
dimensions before an MR guided Focused Ultrasound
treatment while simultaneously measuring the induced
temperature rise.
3685. |
86 |
Non Invasive Estimation of
Tissue Viscoelasticity from Broad-band Mechanical Excitation
Using High Intensity Focused Ultrasound 
Jiming Zhang1, Pei-Herng Hor1, and
Raja Muthupillai2
1Physcs and Texas Center for
Superconductivity, University of Houston, Houston, TX,
United States, 2Diagnostic
and Interventional Radiology, St. Luke's Medical Center,
Houston, TX, United States
A high-intensity focused ultrasound system was used to
cause a highly localized, broad-band mechanical
excitation within a tissue mimicking phantom. We
describe a frequency domain approach to resolve the
resulting tissue displacement at various frequencies. A
rheological model (Zener) fit the experimentally
determined shear wave velocity dispersion well in the
frequency range of 90-200 Hz.
3686. |
87 |
Experimental Validation of
a 3D MR-Acoustic Radiation Force Imaging Simulation
Allison Payne1, Joshua de Bever2,
Alexis Farrer3, Dennis Parker4,
and Douglas Christensen3
1Radiology, University of Utah, Salt Lake
City, UT, United States, 2Computer
Science, University of Utah, Utah, United States, 3Bioengineering,
University of Utah, Utah, United States, 4Radiology,
University of Utah, Utah, United States
The theory and validation of an MR-ARFI simulation
technique is presented. The theory predicts the
displacement due to the given force pattern along the
axis of ultrasound beam propagation. Validation of the
simulation technique is performed using a 3D spin echo
segmented-EPI sequence with unbalanced-bipolar motion
encoding gradients in homogeneous phantoms of varying
stiffness. The simulations qualitatively match the
experimental results for all tested phantoms. This
computationally efficient simulation technique can be
used to quantify the effects of ARFI for both MRgFUS
treatment planning and assessment.
3687. |
88 |
Conductivity Effects on RF
Surface Coils used for MR-Guided HIFU of the Prostate 
John M Pavlina1, Tetiana Dadakova1,
Ali Özen1, and Michael Bock1
1Radiology - Medical Physics, University
Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
In an endorectal high-intensity focused ultrasound
(HIFU) treatment system the US transducer is surrounded
by water to effectively couple the US energy into the
adjacent prostate tissue. To provide temperature
feedback during HIFU treatment, a local RF coil for the
acquisition of temperature-sensitive MR data is
required. This coil is in close proximity to the US
transducer and is loaded by the dielectric US coupling
medium. To optimize the SNR the embedded coils are often
tuned within the magnet bore under tissue loading
conditions which is impracticable for clinical
applications. The purpose of this study is to determine
the effect of the conductivity of the surrounding medium
on coil performance to be able to predict the changes of
the coil quality factor and the resonance frequency for
correction. An RF surface coil in a HIFU system can
become tedious to tune in match if the influence of the
different loading conditions are not account for. In
this work we analyzed the detuning of the coil using a
simplified circuit model, which is able to account for
the salient features of the coil behavior. This modeling
concept allows for simple coil creation even in harsh
3688. |
89 |
Improved survival in a
metastatic brain tumour model with combined focused
ultrasound and targeted natural killer cells
Ryan Alkins1,2, Alison Burgess1,
Milan Ganguly1, Giulio Francia1,
Robert Kerbel1,2, Winfried S Wels3,
and Kullervo Hynynen1,2
1Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, ON,
Canada, 2University
of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 3Chemotherapeutisches
Forschungsinstitut Georg-Speyer-Haus, Frankfurt, Germany
Systemic treatments for breast cancer have limited
success treating brain metastasis due to the blood-brain
barrier (BBB). Here, we investigate the effects of
repeated delivery of targeted NK-92 cells to brain
metastases using MRI-guided focused ultrasound
(MRIgFUS). Our data demonstrate that MRIgFUS enhances
NK-92 cell translocation across the BBB. Repeated
MRIgFUS and NK-92 cell treatments lead to reductions in
tumour progression over time, particularly when the
treatments are applied early during tumour growth. These
data support the continued investigation of
MRIgFUS-mediated cell delivery as a potential treatment
option for metastatic brain tumours.
3689. |
90 |
Feasibility of using
Magnetic Resonance-guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
(MRgHIFU) to perform ablative and hyperthermia interventions
in the neck area: A preliminary in
vivo study. 
Samuel Pichardo1,2 and
Kullervo Hynynen1
1Physical Sciences, Sunnybrook Research
Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Electrical
Engineering, Physics, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay,
ON, Canada
This study presents preliminary in vivo results showing
the feasibility of using Magnetic Resonance-guided High
Intensity Focused Ultrasound (MRgHIFU) to perform
ablative and hyperthermia interventions in the neck
area. Six (6) experiments were performed for each
intervention modality using an acute pig model. For
hyperthermia, an automatic algorithm of the energy
delivery was compared to an user-controlled approach for
a 30-min delivery. The user-controlled approach was more
successful to deliver a more controlled treatment. For
the lesion experiments, a relatively high power (140W at
1.2 MHz) was required to induce 8-mm lesions in
3690. |
91 |
MRI guided percutaneous
catheter-based high intensity ultrasound thermal ablation in
swine muscle and kidneys. 
Ricky Tong1, K. Pallav Kolli1,
Chris Diederich2, Vasant Salgaonkar2,
Viola Rieke1, Eugene Ozhinsky1,
Maythem Saeed1, Loi Do1, Steve
Hetts1, and Mark Wilson1
1Radiology, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United
States, 2Radiation
Oncology, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States
Catheter-based high intensity ultrasound is a novel
technology with the potential for precise thermal
treatment delivery under real time imaging guidance. The
potential advantages of this technology over other
ablative therapies include dynamic 3-dimensional spatial
control of energy deposition and greater penetration of
delivered energy. In this study, a percutaneous MR
compatible high intensity ultrasound catheter was used
to ablate swine tissues in both ex-vivo and in-vivo
settings. MR thermometry enabled us to monitor
temperature changes during ablation. MR images defined
the ablation site, which was confirmed with gross
specimen and histology as irreversible thermal damage.
3691. |
92 |
Role of Efficient Treatment
Guidance Using Volume Transfer Constant (Ktrans) Maps from
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI in Volumetric MR-guided High
Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment of Uterine Fibroids 
Jing Liu1, Xuedong Yang1, Rong
Rong1, Ying Zhu1, Bilgin Keserci2,
Juan Wei3, Jianhua Zhang4, and
Xiaoying Wang1
1Radiology, Peking University, First
Hospital, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Philips
Healthcare, Seoul, Korea, 3Philips
Research China, Shanghai, China, 4Philips
(China) Investment Co., Ltd, Beijing, China
Ktrans Maps from Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI shows
potential in treatment guidance in MR-guided High
Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment of Uterine
3692. |
93 |
Diffusion-weighted MRI
using different b-value
combinations for the evaluation of treatment results after
volumetric MR-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound
ablation of uterine fibroids 
Marlijne Elisabeth Ikink1, Marianne J Voogt1,
Maurice AAJ van den Bosch1, Robbert J
Nijenhuis1, Bilgin Keserci2,
Young-sun Kim2, Koen L Vincken3,
and Lambertus W Bartels3
1Radiology, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Radiology
and Center for Imaging Science, Samsung Medical Center,
Seoul, Korea, 3Radiology
and Image Sciences Institute, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
DWI and ADC-mapping
have been suggested for evaluation of treatment results
after MR-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound
(MR-HIFU) ablation of uterine fibroids. In well-perfused
tissues, the ADC is
known to reflect not only the diffusion of water, but
also information about the perfusion in capillaries. The
aim of this study was to investigate the optimal
combination of b-values
on the ADC.
It was found that the combination of low b-values
(b = 0
and 200 s/mm2) allows the best
differentiation between ablated fibroid tissue and
untreated tissue immediately after volumetric MR-HIFU
ablation of uterine fibroids.
3693. |
94 |
IntraVoxel Incoherent
Motion MRI for the characterization of uterine fibroids
before MR-guided high-intensity focused ultrasound ablation 
Marlijne Elisabeth Ikink1, Johanna MM van
Breugel1, Robbert J Nijenhuis1,
Marianne J Voogt1, Maurice AAJ van den Bosch1,
Koen L Vincken2, and Lambertus W Bartels2
1Radiology, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Radiology
and Image Sciences Institute, University Medical Center
Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands
Diffusion-weighted MRI has been increasingly used to
evaluate gynaecological tumors. Using the intravoxel
incoherent motion (IVIM) approach, diffusion-weighted
sequences can be used to measure both the molecular
movement of water molecules and the microcirculation of
blood in the capillaries. The diffusion coefficient (D)
and perfusion fraction (f) of uterine fibroids
were determined in relation with their signal intensity
on T2-weighted (T2w) MRI. High-intensity (type 3)
uterine fibroids were found to have a higher diffusion
coefficient D than
fibroids with a lower T2w signal-intensity. We were not
able to demonstrate a significant difference in the
perfusion fraction (f).
3694. |
95 |
Monitoring Bone Remodeling
Following MR-Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound on MRI
and CT in a Swine Model 
Matthew Bucknor1, Viola Rieke1,
Loi Do1, Sharmila Majumdar1,
Thomas Link1, and Maythem Saeed1
1University of California, San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA, United States
Both experimental and clinical studies of MRgHIFU for
focal bone lesions have demonstrated remodeling of bone
in the weeks to months following MRgHIFU, in some
instances with apparent new bone growth. The purpose of
the current study was to clearly delineate patterns of
bone remodeling following MRgHIFU in a porcine model, as
a function of sonication energy. In our study, all
higher energy ablations demonstrated evidence of new
bone density along the cortex, with a subtle focus of
osseous density at 3 weeks and a larger focus at 6
weeks. New bone density was not seen at lower energy
MR-Guided Interventions 2
Monday 12 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
17:30 - 18:30 |
Computer # |
3695. |
73 |
Trans-catheter Perfusion
MRI for Image-Guided Intraarterial Delivery of Therapeutic
Agents to Target-Specific Brain Regions 
Piotr Walczak1,2, Miroslaw Janowski1,2,
Jeff WM Bulte1,2, and Monica Pearl3
1Radiology, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, United States, 2Institute
for Cell Engineering, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Interventional
Neuroradiology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,
United States
Efficient delivery of therapeutics to the brain
parenchyma is highly desired for several disciplines,
including regenerative medicine and oncology. Advances
in interventional neuroradiology enable safe,
super-selective catheterization of small intracranial
vessels; however, methods for predicting and optimizing
the perfused parenchymal territory remain
uninvestigated. We used DSC-enhanced trans-catheter
perfusion MRI with Feraheme to predict the perfusion
territory prior to intra-arterial (IA) injection of
mannitol for blood brain barrier disruption and stem
cell delivery. DSC perfusion MRI was highly predictive.
This method may aid in improving the efficacy and safety
of IA delivery of therapeutics.
3696. |
74 |
Intraoperative assessment
of cerebrovascular reserve capacity during tumor resection
with BOLD fMRI 
Marco Piccirelli1, Oliver Bozinov2,
Jan-Karl Burkhardt2, Roman Kocian3,
Marian C. Neidert2, Antonios Valavanis1,
Luca Regli2, Athina Pangalu1, and
Jorn Fierstra2
1Neuroradiology, University Hospital Zurich,
Zurich, ZH, Switzerland, 2Neurosurgery,
University Hospital Zurich, ZH, Switzerland, 3Anesthesiology,
University Hospital Zurich, ZH, Switzerland
Cerebrovascular reserve capacity (CVR) is a useful
clinical risk assessment tool for ischemia. Application
to brain tumors has a very interesting potential due to
the correlation between increased vascularity and tumor
malignancy. Further, intraoperative CVR mapping should
impact on patient management and guide surgical
intervention, by assessing the effectiveness of surgery
for brain tumors inducing vascular remodeling. We
demonstrate the feasibility of CVR determination with MR
during surgical tumor resection on 8 anesthetized
patients and illustrate very different vascular
responses to surgery. Such spatial information helps to
better understand tumor hemodynamics and determine tumor
3697. |
75 |
Acute Assessment of
Radiofrequency Ablation Cardiac Lesions by Non-Contrast MRI 
Eugene G. Kholmovski1,2, Ravi Ranjan2,
Sathya Vijayakumar2,3, Joshua M. Silvernagel2,
and Nassir F. Marrouche2
1UCAIR, Department of Radiology, University
of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 2CARMA
Center, University Of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, United
States, 3Surgical
Services Clinical Program, Intermountain Healthcare,
Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
Development of MRI-guided electro-physiology procedures
for atrial fibrillation ablations requires robust MRI
techniques for intra-procedural evaluation of acute
cardiac ablations. LGE-MRI has been used to visualize
ablation related tissue changes but it requires contrast
infusion limiting repeatability. In this study, we
demonstrate that non-contrast T1-weighted technique can
be used to visualize acute cardiac RF lesions.
3698. |
76 |
Multinuclear (19F
+ 1H)
high-resolution intravascular MRI of perfluorooctyl bromide
(PFOB) microcapsules at 3T 
Shashank Sathyanarayana Hegde1, Li Pan2,
Guan Wang1,3, Yingli Fu1, and Dara
1Radiology, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2Siemens
Corporation, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 3Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Fluorine (19F) MRI combined with anatomic
proton (1H) MRI provides an effective method
for in
vivo cell
tracking. Recently, 3T intravascular MRI (IVMRI) probes
have been shown to provide high-resolution (sub-mm) in
vivo imaging
capabilities with local signal-to-noise ratios superior
to conventional surface coils. Here, for the first time,
using a 3T IVMRI probe designed for both 1H
and 19F
MRI, we show high-resolution (in-plane: 0.2mm 1H,
0.8mm19F) localization of perfluorooctyl
bromide (PFOB) microcapsules in a porcine heart ex
vivo. Localization is confirmed by CT imaging of the
radio-opaque microcapsules.
77 |
Multiscale Total Variation
Registration for MRI Guided Interventions 
Robert Xu1,2, Prashant Athavale3,
Adrian Nachman4,5, and Graham Wright1,2
1Dept. of Medical Biophysics, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Schulich
Heart Research Program and Physical Science Platform,
Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 3Dept.
of Mathematics, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 4Edward
S. Rogers Sr. Dept. of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 5Institute
of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering, University
of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Traditional cardiovascular interventions are carried out
under X-ray fluoroscopy guidance. However, due to the
inherent lack of soft tissue contrast, it is often
difficult to visualize the surrounding anatomical
structures during the interventions. Alternatively, MR-guided
interventions have been proposed in recent years to
address this visualization problem via the use of
realtime imaging or high-resolution prior roadmaps.
Unfortunately, tradeoffs also exist for both of these
approaches. Therefore, we propose to incorporate the
advantages from both imaging acquisitions through
alignment of the high-resolution prior roadmap to the
dynamic realtime images via a novel multiscale
registration framework.
3700. |
78 |
MRI/X-ray fusion for
overlay guidance during congenital heart disease
catheterization procedures 
Erin Girard1, Tanja Kurzendorfer1,
Kevin Gralewski2, Norbert Strobel3,
and Yoav Dori2
1Corporate Technology, Imaging and Computer
Vision, Siemens Corporation, Princeton, New Jersey,
United States, 2Cardiology,
The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, PA, United
States, 3Imaging
and Therapy Division, Siemens AG, Healthcare Sector,
Fusion of 2D x-ray images and 3D MRI datasets (XMRF)
brings the MRI into the cath lab for online navigation
and guidance during catheterization procedures. We
present a new biplane method for XMRF using a prototype
system and describe the accuracy of the resulting 2D
roadmap (overlay) when rendered from an underlying,
registered 3D MRI. We describe various visualization
methods and demonstrate the clinical utility for complex
congenital heart disease procedures.
3701. |
79 |
Catheter coil design using
transmission line resonators for endovascular MR imaging 
Xiaoliang Zhang1,2, Alastair Martin1,
Prasheel Lillaney1, Aaron Losey1,
Yong Pang1, Daniel Cooke1, and
Steven Hetts1
1Department of Radiology and Biomedical
Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA, United States, 2UC
Berkeley/UCSF Joint Bioengineering Program, San
Francisco, CA, United States
It is technically challenging to design compact and
sensitive, yet low SAR catheter RF coils for
endovascular MR imaging. In this work, we investigate a
catheter coil design technique based on transmission
line resonator. The catheter coil is designed and
constructed for vascular imaging at 1.5T. The imaging
comparison between catheter coil and body coil
demonstrate that the catheter coil has a significant SNR
gain over the use of body coil at 1.5T.
3702. |
80 |
Repair of Vascular Defects
Using MR Radio Frequency Coagulation 
Ouri Cohen1 and
Jerome L. Ackerman1
1Department of Radiology, MGH/Athinoula A.
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachussets
General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States
Current treatment methods for intracranial aneurysms
include surgical clipping or endovascular embolization
with coils, particles or a coagulable material such as
Onyx. These methods require either significant surgery
or the introduction of foreign bodies into the patient
and the risk of an immune reaction. Previous research
has successfully shown the coagulation of tissue using
radio frequency (RF) energy harvested from the MR
scanner. We present an aneurysm treatment method
proof-of-concept that consists of coagulation of Human
Serum Albumin, a naturally occurring protein in the
blood, using MR RF ablation.
3703. |
81 |
In vivo accelerated,
motion-corrected free-breathing 3T intravascular MRI 
Shashank Sathyanarayana Hegde1, Yi Zhang1,2,
and Paul A Bottomley2,3
1Radiology, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 3Radiology,
Johns Hopkins University, Maryland, United States
High-resolution intravascular (IV) MRI is susceptible to
degradation from physiological motion, and requires high
frame-rates for true endoscopy. Traditional cardiac
gating techniques are inefficient in scan-time usage and
reduce the effective frame rate. Here, sparse ungated
radial sampling is combined with motion correction using
frame-by-frame projection shifting based on a
singularity at the probe’s location, to provide reduced
motion sensitivity with up to a four-fold effective
increase in image acquisition speed. We demonstrate
free-breathing ~200µm resolution in
vivo intravascular
MRI in rabbit aorta.
3704. |
82 |
Practical Considerations
for Toroidal Transceive Interventional Device Visualization 
Maryam Etezadi-Amoli1, Pascal Stang1,
Adam Kerr1, John Pauly1, and Greig
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States
Previous work has demonstrated the feasibility of using
a toroidal transceive coil at 1.5T for visualizing
conductive interventional devices, such as guidewires
and EP ablation catheters. Here we investigate some of
the practical challenges of using this approach, such as
its compatibility with projection imaging, behavior with
longer device insertion lengths, and the effect on image
quality when the interventionist touches the device. We
also demonstrate the extendibility to higher field
strengths and a non-phantom setting by acquiring images
at 3T of an EP ablation catheter inserted in the
esophagus of a pig cadaver.
83 |
Tracking a 6F catheter
under MRI using a controllable susceptibility device: a new
tracking mechanism. 
William Dominguez-Viqueira1, Chris Dey2,
Hirad Karimi1,3, Jennifer Barry1,
and Charles H Cunningham1,3
1Physical Sciences, Sunnybrook Research
Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2Medical
Imaging, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, 3Medical
Biophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario,
Recently a novel susceptibility-based tracking device
which can be mechanically turned ON and OFF was
demonstrated for MR guided interventions. For this work,
a new two-layer tracking element was designed,
integrated into a 6F catheter with a lumen and
demonstrated in-vivo. A novel tracking method was
demonstrated in which the graphite layer was
periodically moved every TR, creating a ghost of the
catheter tip at precisely FOV/2 from the true location
in projection images. In future work, an automated
actuator will be designed and constructed to permit
toggling of the device during rapid, short-TR projection
images, enabling quick snap-to-slice functionality.
3706. |
84 |
All-in-one interventional
MR elastography (MRE) system dedicated to MR-guided
percutaneous procedures 
Nadège Corbin1, Elodie Breton1,
Quentin Boehler1, Laurent Barbé1,
Pierre Renaud1, Michel de Mathelin1,
and Jonathan Vappou1
1ICube, Université de Strasbourg, CNRS,
Strasbourg, France
An all-in-one interventional Magnetic Resonance
Elastography (MRE) system is developed in order to
provide supplementary contrast based on biomechanical
properties. Shear waves are generated inside the tissue
with a piezoelectric needle driver. Induced waves are
visualized in phase images acquired with an interactive
real-time spoiled gradient echo sequence including
motion sensitizing gradients with fractional encoding.
An online inverse problem solver based on the local
frequency estimation algorithm computes the elastogram
in real-time. The complete interventional MRE system is
successfully tested on a heterogeneous gelatin phantom
with a total acquisition time of 2.15s per elastogram.
3707. |
85 |
Feasibility of
gesture-based control of MRI-guided interventional
Labonny Biswas1, Akram Kassay1,2,
Perry Radau1, Kevan Anderson1, and
Graham Wright1
1Sunnybrook Research Institute, Toronto, ON,
Canada, 2University
of Waterloo, ON, Canada
The use of the Leap Motion device and software for
interventional MRI guidance through integration with
visualization software has been investigated. Noise
effects of the device were tested in the scanner room
finding negligible decrease in SNR. Usability of
gestures to control an imaging plane was evaluated in
software, demonstrating ease of use in navigation of
planes to targets. A feasibility test in the scanner
allowed gesture-based control of real-time imaging
planes by the operator in the scanner room.
86 |
High framerate positive
contrast needle tracking: Compressed Sensing and
view-sharing accelerated co-RASOR reconstruction 
Frank Zijlstra1, Bo S. van Leeuwen2,
and Peter R. Seevinck1
1Image Sciences Institute, UMC Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Dept.
of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals, Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht,
We propose a method for fast MRI needle tracking using
Compressed Sensing, view-sharing and co-RASOR
reconstruction of a 2D radial UTE acquisition. The
method reconstructs positive contrast at the location of
the needle at a high temporal resolution, as well an
anatomical background image at a lower temporal
resolution, but with increased spatial resolution.
Results in a phantom show good needle contrast at 4x
acceleration, resulting in about 4 frames per second for
the needle image and about 1 frame per second for the
background image.
3709. |
87 |
Real-time automatic
tracking with a dedicated 3D Hall-effect integrated circuit
for MRI-guided interventions 
Loïc Cuvillon1, Elodie Breton1,
Jean-Baptiste Schell1, Jean-Baptiste Kammerer1,
Daniel Gounot1, Luc Hébrard1, and
Michel de Mathelin1
1ICube, Strasbourg University - CNRS,
Strasbourg, France
A 3D Hall sensor integrated circuit and its localization
algorithm were designed for gradient-based localization
of interventional instruments during MR-guided
procedure. Dedicated bipolar gradients and
synchronization signal were implemented in a multi-slice
real-time interactive spoiled gradient echo sequence.
The localization algorithm is based on a linear model of
the gradient coil fields identified during a calibration
procedure. Based on the calculated pose, two orthogonal
slices are aligned in real-time on the main axis of the
device. A position accuracy of 2 mm is achieved and
free-hand motion is monitored. This integrated circuit
3D probe could be integrated inside surgical
3710. |
88 |
Evaluation of a multi-modal
passive and active tracking approach for real-time automatic
scan plane alignment in interventional MRI
- permission withheld
Markus Neumann1, Elodie Breton1,
Loic Cuvillon1, and Michel de Mathelin1
1ICube, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg,
MR-guided percutaneous interventions require accurate
scan plane positioning. A multi-modal tracking workflow
is developed combining an MR-image based (passive
marker) detection with an RGB-D sensor (active) approach
for automatic scan-plane alignment in real-time. This
work aims at combining the high frame rate of the RGB-D
sensor with the precision of MR-image based tracking
through dynamic data fusion using an Information filter.
That workflow does not require an explicit registration
step and is robust against missing data (e.g. marker
detection failure in one modality). Promising
experimental tracking results are obtained with
free-hand motion.
3711. |
89 |
Monopole-drive for RF
Ablation at 64 MHz 
Maryam Etezadi-Amoli1, Christopher Ellenor1,
Pascal Stang1, Adam Kerr1, John
Pauly1, and Greig Scott1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, United States
We present a novel monopole-drive mechanism to allow RF
ablations to be performed at the proton resonance
frequency, without the need for a ground pad. The
monopole driver consists of a high-Q shielded LC tank
circuit that can be interfaced with classic RF ablation
probes and also allows the probe to be used as a
transmit-receive coil in the MRI scanner. Imaging
results show successful probe visualization using power
levels as low as 0.4W, and phantom heating tests
indicate that temperatures exceeding 60oC can
be achieved in less than six minutes with 100W drive
3712. |
90 |
Field drift compensation
for MR thermometry using independent field probe
Vincent O. Boer1, Tijl van der Velden1,
Max Kohler2, Chrit Moonen1, Dennis
W.J. Klomp1, and Clemens Bos1
1UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Philips
Medical Systems, Vantaa, Finland
Magnetic field drift compromises proton resonance
frequency shift MR thermometry by adding a phase term
over time which is misinterpreted as temperature change.
For hyperthermia procedures, stable MR thermometry is
needed over 10 minutes or more. Here, a field probe was
used to independently measure field drift and compensate
temperature mapping. In the upper legs of a volunteer,
drift effects were reduced from 5.4°C to within well
within 1°C over a 16 minute scan with full gradient
system use. Results were comparable or better than
compensation using the phase evolution in a user defined
region of interest.
3713. |
91 |
Multi Echo GRE for Thermal
Yuval Zur1, Benny Assif2, Alex
Volovick2, and William Grissom3
1GE Healthcare, Tirat Carmel, Israel, 2Insightec
Ltd., Tirat Carmel, Israel, 3Biomedical
Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennesee,
United States
The thermometry sequence used for Focused Ultrasound
(MRgFUS) is multi slice gradient echo. Long TE gives
higher temperature accuracy. To lengthen TE and reduce
noise a low receiver bandwidth is used. However, lower
bandwidth increases spatial shifts due to B0
inhomogeneity. For brain applications accuracy is
mandatory so low bandwidth is not allowed. To overcome
this we use a multi echo GRE sequence where N > 1 echoes
are acquired in each TR. For each echo the bandwidth is
high and therefore spatial shifts are low. The
temperature signal to noise ratio (TSNR) is preserved by
combining signals from all the echoes into a unified
temperature image. Compared to the standard GRE
sequence, the new sequence provides similar or higher
TSNR with a 5 – 8 fold reduction in spatial shifts.
3714. |
92 |
Simultaneous T1 and PRF MR
Thermometry: Optimization of Flip Angles 
Tetiana Dadakova1, Jan Gerrit Korvink2,3,
John Matt Pavlina1, and Michael Bock1
1Medical Physics, Department of Diagnostic
Radiology, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg,
Germany, 2Department
of Microsystems Engineering—IMTEK, University of
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 3Freiburg
Institute of Advanced Studies—FRIAS, University of
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
MR thermometry is an important tool to monitor
efficiency and safety of different thermal treatment
methods. Two temperature-sensitive MR parameters are
used for temperature calculations: the proton resonance
frequency shift (PRF) and the longitudinal relaxation
time change (T1). A combination of these two methods
might allow for a more precise temperature monitoring
for example in fat where PRF techniques alone fail. In
this work, simulations and analytical calculations for
the optimal flip angle for combined PRF and T1 MR
thermometry are presented.
3715. |
93 |
Real-time multi-parametric
thermal therapy monitoring: GPU versus CPU 
Christopher MacLellan1,2, David Fuentes1,2,
Florian Maier1, Wolfgang Stefan1,
John D. Hazle1,2, and R. Jason Stafford1,2
1Department of Imaging Physics, University of
Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas, United
States, 2Medical
Physics Program, University of Texas Graduate School of
Biomedical Sciences at Houston, Houston, Texas, United
Monitoring thermal ablation procedures using
multi-parametric MRI is primarily limited by
post-processing time. Parallel GPU and CPU architectures
were implemented to evaluate the feasibility of real
time monitoring using a Prony algorithm and an iterative
Steiglitz-McBride algorithm. Computation time decreased
by roughly one order of magnitude for parallel CPU and
two orders of magnitude for GPU. Both architectures
finish processing in the time required to obtain one
image. The Steiglitz-McBride algorithm showed greater
accuracy at low SNR and should be implemented on GPU in
the future.
3716. |
94 |
Dual echo based
referenceless thermometry for MRgFUS applications 
Manivannan Jayapalan1
1MR Software and Applications, GE Healthcare,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Thermal monitoring in Magnetic Resonance guided Focused
Ultrasound (MRgFUS) treatments is a crucial step where
the phase images from MR images are used to get thermal
maps. One of the widely used techniques is PRF shift
technique that involves some form of image subtraction
using a baseline pre-treatment image. Subject motion and
tissue deformation due to coagulation can severely
distort these techniques. Self-referenced methods [1]
help to overcome this hurdle where the baseline phase in
the region-of-interest (ROI) is estimated using the data
available outside the hot zone (ROI) and subtracted with
actual phase to get the thermal maps. In this work a new
technique is described, where the baseline phase inside
the ROI is estimated using the data acquired from two
echos and their phase difference outside ROI. This
method not only eliminates the need for baseline
subtraction but also produces better results as the
reference echo used in generating the model is acquired
along same location
3717. |
95 |
Multivoxel Proton
Spectroscopy for Non-invasive MR Thermometry: phantom
comparison of PRESS and semiLASER-localized chemical shift
imaging for temperature monitoring 
Seena Dehkharghani1, Li Wei2, Hui
Mao1, John N Oshinski1, and
Deqiang Qiu1
1Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Emory
University, Atlanta, GA, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta,
GA, United States
The validity of single-voxel proton MRS techniques has
been established for MR thermometry at discrete spatial
positions. Multivoxel techniques may however permit the
collection of spatial temperature gradients
non-invasively, but have not been thoroughly evaluated
for this purpose. We propose to compare standard
2D-multivoxel PRESS to single-voxel techniques in a
phantom study of MR thermometry. As our preliminary
experience has suggested vulnerabilities to chemical
shift misregistration and limited MRS quality at
excitation margins with standard multivoxel techniques,
we further propose comparison with a more recently
introduced semiLASER-localized CSI, offering theoretical
benefits over 2D CSI in this phantom study.
3718. |
96 |
Osteoid Osteoma: Magnetic
Resonance guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound for
entirely non-invasive treatment. A prospective developmental
Fulvio Zaccagna1, Michele Anzidei1,
Fabrizio Boni1, Luca Bertaccini1,
Alessandro Napoli1, and Carlo Catalano1
1Department of Radiological, Oncological and
Pathological Sciences, University of Rome – Sapienza,
Rome, Rome, Italy
Osteoid osteoma is a painful albeit benign bone lesion
that usually affects younger subjects between 10 and 20
years of age. The most frequent symptom is localized
bone pain that flares up nocturnally. Prompt relief is
usually achieved with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs (NSAIDs). Once diagnosis has been established,
conventional therapy options include surgery,
pharmacological and/or percutaneous treatment. Minimally
invasive therapies are increasingly the primary option
at many centers. At present, radiofrequency (RF)
ablation is the most popular of the various percutaneous
techniques, with the percentage of patients reporting
complete clinical success ranging between 85 and 98% at
one year. Magnetic Resonance guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS)
is a non-invasive ablation modality that, due to the
high acoustic energy absorption of cortical bone, may
produce thermal damage to periosteal structures
including nerves (i.e. periosteal neurolysis) and can
potentially penetrate into the medullary bone, leading
to coagulative necrosis of sub-cortical lesions. Our
purpose was to investigate feasibility, safety, and
clinical efficacy of MRgFUS in the treatment of painful
osteoid osteoma.