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Three-Dimensional MRI-Based
Statistical Shape Model of the Knee in Patients with ACL
Valentina Pedoia1, Drew Lansdown2,
Paul Jung1, C. Benjamin Ma2, and
Xiaojuan Li1
1Department of Radiology and Biomedical
Imaging, UCSF, San Francisco, California, United States, 2Department
of Orthopedic Surgery, UCSF, San Francisco, California,
United States
This study presents a novel 3D MRI-based method to
analyze the knee bones shape and for the first time
applied the technique to knees with ACL-injuries. A
shape modeling is extracted for tibia and femur using a
set of matched landmarks. Significant shape differences
were found between ACL-injured and control knees at
baseline, and significant differences are detected in
longitudinal shape changes between ACL-injured and
control knees. Bone shape quantification has the
potential to identify specific risk factors for injuries
and to describe novel imaging markers for the
development of post-traumatic OA after an acute injury.
3981. |
74 |
Patient-reported Outcomes
are associated with Cartilage T1ρ and T2 Quantification and
Whole-Organ Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score (WORMS) after
acute ACL injuries
Yu Zhang1,2, Michael Hoppe1,
Samuel Wu3, Martin Kretzschmar3,
Richard Souza3, Benjamin Ma3, and
Xiaojuan Li3
1Radiology, University of California San
Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States, 2Department
of Orthopaedic Surgery, The First Hospital of Jilin
University, Changchun, Jllin, China, 3University
of California San Francisco, CA, United States
Our study is to evaluate the relationship between
cartilage MRI quantification, WORMS (Whole-Organ
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score) and patient-reported
outcomes after acute ACL injuries. forty-two subjects
with ACL acute ruptured were enrolled. T1ρ and T2 MRI
scan were performed at baseline. Osteoarthritis Outcome
Score (KOOS) questionnaire was filled in by each patient
during the MR visit and WORMS score was graded by
experienced msk radiologists. KOOS has significantly
correlations with T1ρ and T2 quantification in some
compartments of cartilage in tibia and Femoral condyle,
and with several sub-scores in WORMS, such as cartilage
lesion and bone marrow edema. Significant correlations
were observed between KOOS and cartilage T1ρ and T2
after adjusted for age, BMI and time to injury,
indicating an independent relationship between cartilage
damage and patient outcomes after acute injuries. Higher
WORMS scores on cartilage lesion and bone marrow edema,
especially on lateral side of knee joint, are obviously
related with worse patient’s outcome. It revealed that
the recovery of lateral focal lesion potentially greatly
affected the patient’s daily living quality.
3982. |
75 |
Pattern Recognition
Classification of Weighted MR Images of OARSI Scored Human
Articular Cartilage at 3T 
Vanessa A. Lukas1, Beth G. Ashinsky1,
Christopher E. Coletta2, Julianne M. Boyle1,
David A. Reiter1, Corey P. Neu3,
Richard G. Spencer1, and Ilya G. Goldberg2
1Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy
Section, National Institute on Aging, National
Institutes of Health, Baltimore, Maryland, United
States,2Image Informatics and Computational
Biology Unit, National Institute on Aging, National
Institutes of Health, Baltimore, Maryland, United
States,3Weldon School of Biomedical
Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,
United States
An important limitation in the application of MRI to the
early detection and monitoring of osteoarthritis (OA) is
the substantial overlap in parameter values between
different degrees of cartilage degradation. In several
studies, multiparametric analysis as been shown to
markedly improve discrimination ability. We extend this
through application of an established pattern
recognition algorithm, wndchrm, to T1, T2, T2*,
ADC and MT weighted images obtained on OARSI-graded
human cartilage explants. We found that wndchrm, which
detects differences in textures and intensity patterns
between images through examination of multiple image
transforms, results in substantially higher
classification performance than conventional univariate
3983. |
76 |
Clinical feasibility of a
stimulated echo based diffusion sequence and correlation
between T1rho and diffusion values 
Aditi Guha1, Cory Wyatt1,
Dimitrios Karampinos1,2, Lorenzo Nardo1,
Thomas M Link1, and Sharmila Majumdar1
1Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, UCSF, San
Francisco, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
Technische Universität München, Germany
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common degenerative disorder,
which occurs due to wear and tear of the joint. Research
has shown that subtle changes in tissue microstructure
correlate with changes in restricted diffusion of water,
which manifest in signal changes on diffusion-weighted
MR images. A new pulse sequence for diffusion weighted
imaging of the knee combining stimulated echo diffusion
preparation with magnetization prepared angle modulated
partitioned k-space spoiled gradient echo snapshots
(MAPSS) acquisition for diffusion imaging of short T2
tissues like cartilage at 3T is investigated. We also
look at the correlation between two potential biomarkers
for OA: diffusion and T1ρ.
3984. |
77 |
Does prestructural,
asymptomatic cartilage degeneration occur in early FAI? A
T1rho study. 
Gerd Melkus1, Kawan S Rakhra1,
Arturo Cardenas-Blanco2, Andrew Speirs3,
Ian Cameron1, Mark E Schweitzer4,
and Paul E Beaulé5
1Department of Medical Imaging, The Ottawa
Hospital, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 2German
Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Magdeburg,
Germany, 3Department
of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Carleton
University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 4Department
of Radiology, Stony Brook University, Brookhaven, New
York, United States, 5Division
of Orthopedic Surgery, The Ottawa Hospital, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada
In this study T1rho MRI of hip cartilage was performed
in three different subject groups: Controls,
asymptomatic subjects with cam deformities (Bumps) and
symptomatic (Surgical) cam-type femoroacetabular
impingement (FAI) patients. The ratio of T1rho of the
anterior to the posterior hip hyaline cartilage in the
peripheral weight-bearing region of the joint resulted
in statistically significant differences between the
Control and the Bump group, the Control and the Surgical
group, but not between the Bump and the Surgical group.
Quantitative T1rho imaging and T1rho ratio analysis has
the potential to detect cartilage proteoglycan loss in
subjects with symptomatic cam deformities, prior to
development of symptomatic cam-FAI.
3985. |
78 |
Evaluation of the GAG
content of articular cartilage in the knee joint using
gagCEST: correlation to the gold-standard with
multicompartmental biochemically analyzed GAG content 
Martin Brix1,2, Vladimir Mlynarik2,
Benjamin Schmitt3, Pavol Szomolanyi2,
Gerhard Hobusch1, Florian Sevelda1,
Stephan Puchner1, Sonja Walzer1,
Reinhard Windhager1, Stephan Domayer4,
and Siegfried Trattnig2
1Department of Orthopaedics, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2High
Field MR Centre, Department of Biomedical Imaging and
Image-Guided Therapy, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria, 3Siemens
Australia, Australia, 4Sonderkrankenanstalt
Zicksee, Austria
The purpose of this study was the comparison of
biochemically determined GAG content in knee joints of
human cadavers to gagCEST values. Therefore, the
condyles of four human cadavers were measured using
gagCEST. From each condyle, nine biopsies were taken
from a medial and lateral compartment and the GAG
content was measured in the lab. Regions of interest
were drawn manually corresponding to the biopsy areas. A
correlation coefficient of r = 0.863 was observed (p <
0.001). The excellent correlation between the MTRasym
and cartilage GAG content demonstrates the feasibility
of the technique.
3986. |
79 |
Improved visualization of
cartilage canals using semi-quantitative susceptibility
Mikko Johannes Nissi1,2, Ferenc Toth3,
Cathy S Carlson3, and Jutta M Ellermann1
1CMRR, Department of Radiology, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Department
of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN, United States, 3Department
of Veterinary Population Medicine, College of Veterinary
Medicine, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, United
Recently, visualization of the cartilage canal vessels
of epiphyseal growth cartilage in the developing
skeleton was demonstrated using susceptibility weighted
imaging (SWI). A visualization artifact (doubling of the
vessels along B0 direction) due to the dipolar phase was
also reported. At high enough resolution, the dipolar
appearance of the phase accumulation around venous
vessels can be detected, with the resulting artifact if
simple phase mask, as in standard SWI post-processing is
used. In the present study, simplified semi-quantitative
susceptibility mapping (sQSM) approach was utilized to
resolve the dipolar phase pattern to improve the
visualization of cartilage canal vessels.
3987. |
80 |
Multi-Component T2 Analysis
of Articular Cartilage in Osteoarthritis Patients using
mcDESPOT at 3.0T 
Fang Liu1, Richard G. Spencer2,
Wally Block1,3, and Richard Kijowski4
1Department of Medical Physics, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 2Magnetic
Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy Section, National
Institutes on Health, Baltimore, Maryland, United
States, 3Department
of Biomedical Engineering, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, madison, Wisconsin, United States, 4Department
of Radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Wisconsin, United States
Multi-Component T2 mapping using mcDESPOT two pool model
was performed for ten asymptomatic volunteers and
fourteen patients with varying degrees of
osteoarthritis. The water fraction for water tightly
bound to proteoglycan (FPG ) was significantly lower on
all articular surfaces of the knee joint in patients
with osteoarthritis than asymptomatic volunteers which
likely reflect the decreased proteoglycan content of
degenerative cartilage. FPG had greater statistical
power than single component T2 (T2single ) for
distinguishing between asymptomatic volunteers and
patients with osteoarthritis especially on articular
surfaces with early cartilage degeneration.
81 |
Quantitative VTE-T2*
Imaging of the Hip Labrum 
Cory Wyatt1, Martin Kretzschmar1,
Deepak Kumar1, Karupppasamy Subburaj2,
Thomas Link1, Richard Souza1, and
Sharmila Majumdar1
1Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University
of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CALIFORNIA,
United States, 2Radiology
and Biomedical Imaging, University of California San
Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States
In clinical images, the presence of bright infiltrating
fluid in the dark labrum is used to diagnose labral
tears. Quantitative imaging with shorter echo times may
provide greater sensitivity to early labral damage than
is possible with standard clinical MRI. In this pilot
study, a VTE sequence is used to determine the
feasibility of acquiring quantitative T2* maps of the
labrum in healthy volunteers and those with labral
injury. While no correlations with clinical score were
seen, this technique may allow for investigation into
the nature of labral injury and its effect on the
biochemical nature of the labral tissue.
3989. |
82 |
Is Bound Water a Surrogate
for Collagen Matrix Density? Insights from 1H Zero Echo-Time
Alan C. Seifert1, Suzanne L. Wehrli2,
Henry H. Ong1, and Felix W. Wehrli1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2NMR
Core Facility, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia,
Philadelphia, PA, United States
The very shortest-T2 (~20-50 µs) component of bone 1H
signal arises from the collagen backbone of bone matrix.
We present images of bone matrix collagen from lamb
tibial cortical bone (fully D2O-exchanged, air-dried to
remove pore water, and fully H2O-hydrated) at 9.4T using
a zero echo-time sequence. NMR spectroscopy confirms the
removal of the narrow-line signal from the D2O-exchanged
bone, and presence of the collagen-associated 40-kHz
splitting in all three bones. Although collagen 1H
signal is visible at 9.4T with 245-mT/m gradients, this
signal may still be beyond the reach of clinical
scanners with more limited gradient strengths.
3990. |
83 |
In Vivo MR Computation of
Whole Proximal Femur Mechanical Competence Using
Micro-Finite Element Analysis Applied to High-Resolution 3T
MRI of Proximal Femur Microarchitecture 
Alexandra Hotca1,2, Chamith S. Rajapakse, PhD3,
Henry Rusinek, PhD4, Stephen Honig, MD5,
Ryan Brown, PhD6, Cem M. Deniz, PhD6,
Ravinder R. Regatte, PhD6, and Gregory Chang,
1Department of Radiology, NYU Langone Medical
Center, Center for Musculoskeletal Care, New York, NY,
United States, 2Department
of Biological Sciences, CUNY-Hunter College, New York,
NY, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania School of
Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 4Department
of Radiology, New York University School of Medicine,
New York, NY, United States, 5Osteoporosis
Center, Hospital for Joint Diseases, NYU Langone Medical
Center, New York, NY, United States, 6Department
of Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, Center for
Biomedical Imaging, New York, NY, United States
In this study, micro-finite element analysis (μFEA) is
applied to high-resolution 3T MR images of proximal
femur microarchitecture to quantitatively assess the
mechanical competence (stiffness) of the whole proximal
femur in vivo. Bone microarchitecture is understood to
be a critical determinant of bone strength. The results
of this study show that μFEA can be used to detect
reduced whole proximal femur stiffness in subjects with
osteoporotic fractures compared to controls without
fracture who do not differ by bone mineral density. This
warrants a larger study to confirm these trends.
3991. |
84 |
Adiabatic inversion
recovery prepared ultrashort echo time (IR-UTE) imaging of
cortical bone: effects of inversion time and undersampling 
Song Gao1, Yanchun Zhu1, Huailing
Zhang2, Shanglian Bao1, Xiaoguang
Cheng3, Graeme Bydder4, and Jiang
1Beijing Key Lab of Medical Physics and
Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Guangdong
Medical College, Dongguan, Guangdong, China,3Radiology
Department, Jishuitan Hospital, Beijing, China, 4Department
of Radiology, University of California, San Diego, CA,
United States
Suppression of signals from surrounding long T2 tissues
is important in achieving high contrast for cortical
bone in UTE MRI. In IR-UTE,the data acquisition is begun
at a delay time (TI) after an adiabatic fast passage
inversion pulse designed to allow the inverted water and
fat magnetization to approach the null point.
Appropriate selection of TI allows robust and efficient
suppression of water and fat signals. In this study, the
effect of TI on cortical bone imaging was evaluated. We
acquired the data using different degrees of
undersampling to investigate the feasibility to improve
the temporal resolution of IR-UTE.
85 |
Bone Mineral and Matrix
Densities Measured by Solid-State 1H and 31P MRI 
Alan C. Seifert1, Cheng Li1,
Chamith S. Rajapakse1, Mahdieh Bashoor-Zadeh1,
Yusuf A. Bhagat1, Alexander C. Wright1,
Babette Zemel2, Antonios Zavaliangos3,
and Felix W. Wehrli1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2GI,
Hepatology, and Nutrition, Children's Hospital of
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 3Materials
Science and Engineering, Drexel University,
Philadelphia, PA, United States
Osteoporosis and osteomalacia both manifest as reduced
apparent bone mineral density. The differentiating
factor is mineral per volume of matrix. Advances in
solid-state MRI have led to the possibility of
quantitative bone mineral 31P and collagen-bound water
1H density measurement. Sixteen fully-mineralized human
bone specimens were scanned with 31P ZTE and 1H
Adiabatic Inversion-Recovery ZTE, and 31P and bound
water densities were quantified relative to reference
phantoms. Both densities correlate negatively with age
and porosity, and positively with pQCT density, and as
expected, the ratio of 31P to bound water density does
not correlate with age, porosity, or pQCT density.
3993. |
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3D UTE MRI derived porosity
index as a practical approach to assess cortical bone
porosity in human subjects 
Mahdieh Bashoor-Zadeh1, Chamith S. Rajapakse1,
Cheng Li1, Wenli Sun1, Alexander
C. Wright1, and Felix W. Wehrli1
1Department of Radiology, University of
Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States
Cortical bone porosity is underestimated even with the
current state of the art human bone imaging modalities
due to resolution limitations. Here, we pursue an UTE
imaging approach by collecting only two echoes (TE=50µs
and 2000µs) as part of a single scan based on the notion
that the first echo contains total bone water, the
second predominantly pore water yielding a porosity
index as the ratio of the two signal amplitudes. In
cadaveric human cortical bone, porosity index was found
to correlate strongly with µCT-derived porosity and pore
volume fraction obtained by laborious Laplace inversion
of multi-echo UTE signal.
87 |
Dynamic Ultrashort TE (UTE)
Imaging of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) 
Yanchun Zhu1,2, Jiang Du3, Song
Gao4, Qun He3, Dandan Zheng5,
Christine B. Chung3, Graeme M. Bydder3,
and Shanglian Bao1
1Beijing Key Laboratory of Medical Physics
and Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, Beijing,
China, 2Beijing
Top Grade Healthcare, Beijing, Beijing, China, 3Radiology,
University of California, San Diego, United States, 4Medical
Imaging Physics Laboratory, Peking University, Beijing,
Beijing, China,5Peking University, Beijing,
Beijing, China
Dynamic Ultrashort TE (UTE) Imaging of the
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)
3995. |
88 |
Cross-relaxation parameters
in cortical bone from combined VFA-UTE and off-resonance
Khaoula Bouazizi-Verdier1 and
Geneviève Guillot1
1IR4M - UMR8081 - CNRS - Univ. Paris Sud,
Orsay, France
Cortical bone porosity can be determined by UTE-MRI.
Magnetization Transfer has been already observed between
collagen-bound water and free water. Since porosity
depends on T1 value, the method used for T1 measurement
should be critically assessed. T1 values deduced from
UTE experiments at different TR and flip angles in
bovine cortical bone increased with TR. Cross-relaxation
parameters in agreement with an off-resonance experiment
with a long saturation pulse allowed us to simulate the
TR-dependent effect of the variable flip angle (VFA)
acquisition. The uncertainty on the two-pool parameters
was lower when simulating VFA experiment than when
fitting off-resonance saturation.
3996. |
89 |
gagCEST MRI: A potential
biomarker for post-surgery follow-up of patients with
anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction 
Olgica Zaric1, Pavol Szomolanyi1,
Vladimir Mlynarik1, Mark Schurz2,
Stefanie Syre2, Thomas Tiefenböck2,
Manuela Karner1, and Siegfried Trattnig1
1Department of Biomedical Imaging and
Image-guided Therapy, Medical University in Vienna,
Vienna, Austria, Austria, 2Trauma
Surgery Department, Medical University in Vienna,
Vienna, Austria, Austria
The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility
of gagCEST imaging and T2* mapping in post-surgery
follow-up of biochemical and morphological properties of
reconstructed tissue in the patients with anterior
cruciate ligament substitution. Results showed an
increase of gagCEST effect (related to total
glycosaminoglycan content in the tissue) from early to
late post-surgery period, while T2* (related to collagen
architecture network) showed a significant decrease.
Based on this initial results, we conclude that gagCEST
has a great potential as biomarker in investigation of
properties of newly developed ligament tissue in
patients after ACL reconstruction.
3997. |
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Imaging of the Red and
White Zones of the Meniscus Using a 3D Cones (UTE)
Subtraction Pulse Sequence 
Michael Carl1, Jiang Du2, Nikolaus
M Szeverenyi2, Sheronda Statum2,
Christine B Chung2, and Graeme M Bydder2
1Global MR Applications & Workflow, General
Electric, San Diego, CA, United States, 2University
of California, San Diego, CA, United States
Distinction between the red and white zones of the
meniscus of the knee is of considerable clinical
importance. In this study we employed a 3D Cones
sequence to allow display of images in any plane, and
followed the subjects for over two hours post injection
to determine the time course of enhancement.
Demonstration of the red and white zones was dramatic,
as was the progression of the extent of the enhancement
over time.
3998. |
91 |
In-Vivo Assessment of
Multiple Water Components of Human Knee Menisci using
mcDESPOT at 3.0T 
Fang Liu1, Wally Block1,2, and
Richard Kijowski3
1Department of Medical Physics, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, University of
Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Wisconsin, United States
In-vivo multi-component T2 mapping of menisci using
mcDESPOT was performed on asymptomatic volunteers and
patients with osteoarthritis at 3.0T. Meniscus has a
slowly relaxing water component with a T2 relaxation
time of 30.9 ms and a rapidly relaxing water component
with a T2 relaxation time of 10.3 ms. Our study has
documented a decreased rapid relaxing water component
fraction and an increased T2 relaxation time of meniscus
in patients with OA when compared to healthy volunteers
with greater changes associated with more severe
meniscal degeneration (i.e. tearing) and more severe
joint degeneration (i.e. higher WORM score).
3999. |
92 |
Investigation of the
influence of residual 1H
dipole-dipole couplings on magnetization transfer ratio maps
of porcine menisci 
Christina Hopfgarten1, Stefan Kirsch1,
Gregor Reisig2, Michael Kreinest2,
and Lothar R. Schad1
1Computer Assisted Clinical Medicine,
University Medical Center Mannheim, Heidelberg
University, Mannheim, Germany, 2Experimental
Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery, Orthopaedic and Trauma
Center Mannheim, University Medical Center Mannheim,
Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany
The aim of the experiments was to check, to which extend
the MTR is affected by residual dipole-dipole couplings.
Five porcine medial menisci were investigated. The
transverse relaxation time shows a distinct variation of
T2 values with the orientation of the imaged slice. In
contrast, the MTR values are approximately constant over
the all orientations. The observed absence of the magic
angle (MA) effect in MTR maps may provide a useful tool
for diagnosis of meniscal tissue degeneration since it
prevents misinterpretation due to MA-artifacts.
4000. |
93 |
Correlation of
Morphological Score (VIMATS) with Sodium MRI in Patients
with Painful Achilles tendon 
Vladimir Juras1,2, Sebastian Apprich1,
Pavol Szomolanyi1,2, Stefan Zbyn1,
Marek Chmelik1, and Siegfried Trattnig1
1High Field MR Centre, Department of
Biomedical Imaging and Image-Guided Therapy, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department
of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences,
Bratislava, Slovakia
In this study we found moderate correlation between
normalized sodium signal which is believed to be related
to glycosaminoglycan content in cartilage and Achilles
tendon and quantitative morphological VIMAT Score.
Relative low correlations suggest that sodium MRI and
VIMATS are complementary markers - VIMATS for
macroscopic changes and the normalized sodium signal as
a marker of GAG content increase due to accompanying or
preceding degeneration Sodium imaging may have the
potential to detect early stages of Achilles tendon
degeneration and partial tear.
4001. |
94 |
Intervertebral disc
degeneration and changes in solute transport mechanisms in
disc endplates studied by DCE-MRI 
L.Tugan Muftuler1, Joshua J. Jarman2,
Hon J. Yu3, Dennis J. Maiman4, and
Vance O. Gardner5
1Department of Neurosurgery and Center for
Imaging Research, Medical College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, WI, United States, 2Medical
college of Wisconsin, WI, United States, 3Radiological
Sciences, University of California, Irvine, CA, United
States, 4Department
of Neurosurgery, Medical college of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, WI, United States, 5Orthopedic
Research Institute of California, CA, United States
Disruption of nutrient delivery through the endplates of
intervertebral discs could be a factor initiating or
accelerating the degeneration processes. Thus, our goal
was to develop a high spatial resolution Dynamic
Contrast Enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) protocol to study solute
transport mechanisms in the cartilaginous endplates and
subchondral bone of degenerating discs. Results indicate
that the cracks and fissures developing in the
subchondral bone of degenerating discs lead to increased
DCE-MRI enhancement. Furthermore, caudal endplates
showed higher enhancement than cranial endplates and the
difference increased at lower lumbar levels.
4002. |
95 |
Assessment of an In Vitro
Animal Model for Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Using MR
Ephraim I Ben-Abraham1, Jun Chen, Ph.D.1,
and Richard L Ehman, M.D.1
1Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN,
United States
Low back pain (LBP) is a very costly and prevalent
health disorder in the U.S. One of the most common
causes of LBP is degenerative disc disease (DDD). It is
known that the stiffness of the disc changes
substantially with degeneration. MRE has been
demonstrated for estimating the shear stiffness of the
nucleus in the intervertebral disc in vitro. In this
study, we investigate the change in nucleus stiffness
caused by an in vitro, enzymatically-induced animal
model for disc degeneration using MRE. Our results
showed a substantial increase in the nucleus shear
stiffness with the induced disc degeneration.
4003. |
96 |
Regional differences and
age-related changes of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)
in vertebral bone marrow of healthy adult. 
Hong Kong
Diffusion-weighted MRI imaging is an emerging technique
to assess bone marrow abnormality. Normal values may
need to adapt for age and anatomic location to avoid
misinterpretation. Previous studies showed contradictory
results whether bone marrow diffusivity changes with age
and focus on lumbar region only. The purpose of this
study was to evaluate the regional differences and
age-related changes of ADC values in vertebral bone
marrow by measuring ADC values in cervical, thoracic,
lumbar, sacral and both iliac bone marrow in healthy
adults. Current study may give an insight to establish
the normal ADC values on vertebral column for future
Computer # |
4004. |
73 |
Tracking Disease
Progression in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: Longitudinal
Changes in Quantitative MR Measures 
William D. Rooney1, Sean C. Forbes2,
William T. Triplett3, James R. Pollaro1,
Dah-Jyuu Wang4, Soren deVos2,
James Meyer4, Rebecca Willcocks3,
Barry Byrne5, Richard Finkel6,
Barry Russman7, Erika Finanger7,
Michael Daniels8, Lee Sweeney9,
Glenn Walter3, and Krista Vandenborne2
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, Oregon
Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, United
States, 2Department
of Physical Therapy, University of Florida, Gainesville,
Florida, United States, 3University
of Florida, Physiology and Functional Genomics,
Gainesville, Florida, United States, 4Department
of Radiology, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, 5Department
of Pediatrics, University of Florida, Gainesville,
Florida, United States, 6Neurology,
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States, 7Shriners
Hospital, Portland, Oregon, United States,8University
of Texas, Austin, Texas, United States, 9Department
of Physiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, United States
This study investigates the utility of quantitative MR
measures to track disease progression in DMD. 3T Data
were acquired from 125 DMD and 28 control boys. 1H
MRS data were acquired to estimate fat fraction (FF) in
vastus lateralis (VL) and soleus (Sol) muscles. MRI
quantitative T2 (qT2)
values were determined for muscles in the upper and
lower leg. DMD boys were studied at baseline, and 12
month and 24 month follow-ups. Both FF and qT2 are
increased at follow-up with greatest absolute
differences found in upper leg muscles. MRI qT2 values
were strongly associated with muscle FF.
4005. |
74 |
Accelerating fat fraction
measurements in muscular dystrophy using compressed sensing
and parallel imaging 
Kieren G Hollingsworth1, David M Higgins2,
Michelle McCallum3, Anna Coombs1,
and Volker Straub3
1Newcastle Magnetic Resonance Centre,
Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and
Wear, United Kingdom, 2Philips
Healthcare, Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom, 3Institute
of Genetic Medicine, Newcastle University, Newcastle
upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Fat fraction measurement in muscular dystrophy has an
important role to play in future therapy trials.
Undersampled data reconstructed by combined compressed
sensing and parallel imaging (CS-PI) can potentially
reduce trial cost. 8 patients with Becker muscular
dystrophy were recruited and 3 different prospective
undersampling ratios were acquired. When plotted against
the fat fractions derived from fully sampled data,
non-significant bias and 95% limits of agreement of
1.58%, 2.17% and 2.41% were found for the three CS-PI
reconstructions: equivalent PI reconstructions were of
lower quality. Prospective undersampling can
substantially accelerate muscle fat fraction measurement
in muscular dystrophy.
4006. |
75 |
Quantitative NMRI and NMRS
indices identify augmented disease progression after loss of
ambulation in forearms of boys with Duchenne Muscle
Claire Wary1, Noura Azzabou1,
Céline Giraudeau1, Julien Le Louër1,
Thomas Voit2, Laurent Servais3,
and Pierre G Carlier1
1AIM-CEA Institut de Myologie, Laboratoire
RMN, Paris, France, 2Institut
de Myologie, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6,
UM 76, INSERM U974, CNRS UMR 7215, Paris, France, 3AIM,
Service Essais Cliniques et Bases de Données, Paris,
Twelve quantitative NMRI and NMRS indices were measured
to evaluate disease progression in forearms of 24
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy patients. Fat infiltration
and muscle T2 showed greater involvement in flexor
compared to extensor muscle groups, however, while fat
fraction increased, muscle T2 became lower in non
ambulant patients. Fat infiltration and metabolic
indices measured in arms of patients correlated strongly
together, but not with T2, and worsened overall with
patient age. However these indices evolved remarkably
differently before and after loss of ambulation,
evocative of concomittant progression in lower and upper
4007. |
76 |
T2 mapping
and Single Voxel 1H-MRS
Detect Skeletal Muscle Involvement in Young Boys with
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 
Sean C Forbes1, Glenn A. Walter1,
William Rooney2, Dah-Jyuu Wang3,
William Triplett1, Rebecca Willcocks1,
James Pollaro2, Barry Byrne1,
Richard Finkel4, Barry Russman5,
Erika Finanger5, Gihan Tennekoon3,
Lee Sweeney6, and Krista Vandenborne1
1University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida,
United States, 2Oregon
Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, United
States, 3Children's
Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
United States, 4Nemours
Children’s Hospital, Florida, United States, 5Shriners
Hospital for Children, Portland, Oregon, United States, 6University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is characterized by
progressive muscle deterioration, loss of functional
abilities, and reduced life expectancy. Functional
deficits in muscle performance are often not observed in
DMD until after age 7, and therefore these functional
measures may not be sensitive for detecting disease
progression at a young age. In this study we observed
that MRI-T2 and 1H2O
T2derived using 1H-MRS
were sensitive to muscle involvement at a young age (5-7
years) consistent with increased inflammation and muscle
damage in DMD.
4008. |
77 |
MR supports therapeutic
effects of corticosteroids in 5-7 year old boys with DMD 
Ishu Arpan1, Rebecca Willcocks1,
Sean Forbes1, Donovan Lott1,
Claudia Senesac1, William Triplett1,
Michael Daniels2, Barry Byrne3,
Bill Rooney4, Erika Finanger4,
Richard Finkel5, Barry Russman4,6,
Gihan Tennekoon5, Dah-Jyuu Wang7,
Glenn Walter8, H. Lee Sweeney9,
and Krista Vandenborne1
1Physical Therapy, University of Florida,
Gainesville, Florida, United States, 2University
of Texas, Texas, United States, 3Pediatrics
and Molecular Genetics & Microbiology, University of
Florida, Gainesville, Florida, United States, 4Oregon
Health & Science University, Oregon, United States,5Neurology,
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
United States, 6Shriners
Hospital for Children, Oregon, United States,7Radiology,
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
United States, 8Physiology
and Functional Genomics, University of Florida,
Gainesville, Florida, United States, 9Physiology,
University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, United States
The aim of this study was to evaluate impact of
corticosteroids on lower extremity muscles of 5-7 year
old boys with DMD using MRI and MRS. 15 boys with DMD on
corticosteroids and 15 age-matched corticosteroid-naive
boys were recruited. Inherent MR relaxation properties
of muscle (T2 by
imaging and spectroscopy) and lipid fraction were
measured. MRI/MRS results showed that T2 values
and fat fraction were lower in muscles of boys in
treatment group; suggesting reduced inflammation/ damage
and fat infiltration with corticosteroid treatment.
Further, there was less change in fat fraction over one
year in muscles of boys taking corticosteroids.
4009. |
78 |
Classification of Inflammatory Myopathies at 3.0 T 
Ke Li1,2, Richard D. Dortch1,2, E.
Brian Welch1,2, Susan F. Kroop3,
Joseph W. Huston3, Amanda K.W. Buck1,2,
Theodore F. Towse2,4, Nathan D. Bryant1,2,
Bruce M. Damon1,2, and Jane H. Park5
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
United States, 3Rheumatology
Division, School of Medicine, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States, 4Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States, 5Molecular
Physiology and Biophysics, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States
The idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM), including
polymyositis, dermatomyositis, and inclusion body
myositis, are a set of chronic disorders with
pathological features of muscle inflammation, fibrosis,
fat infiltration/replacement, and atrophy. IIM patients
experience weakness, pain, fatigue, and difficulties in
daily activities. However, clear no correlations have
been established between the variations in clinical
presentation of these diseases, degree of muscle enzyme
elevation, and degree of weakness are not always
present. In this work, a multi-parametric MRI protocol
was developed to investigate the pathological processes
at a microscopic level and to characterize the severity
of muscle pathologies more objectively and
4010. |
79 |
1Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, CRMBM UMR
7339, MARSEILLE, France, 2INSERM,
U1016; CNRS, UMR8104; Université Paris Descartes,
Institut Cochin, PARIS, France, 3Institute
of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Ljubljana, LJUBLJANA, Slovenia
We aimed at carefully addressing the role of myeloid
HIFs in the resolution of inflammation during skeletal
muscle regeneration on the basis of in vitro and ex vivo
experiments combined to in vivo multimodal magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI), including T2 mapping and
diffusion tensor imaging. Our multiscale methodological
approach clearly demonstrated that neither HIF-1α nor
HIF-2α are involved in the muscle regeneration process
resulting from an acute injury, thereby indicating that
myeloid HIFs are dispensable for skeletal muscle
regeneration. We also reported that multimodal MRI
appears as a method of choice for monitoring skeletal
muscle injury and repair.
4011. |
80 |
Quantitative NMR imaging in
Pompe patients to monitor the progression of skeletal muscle
alterations without and with enzyme substitution therapy 
Pierre G Carlier1, Noura Azzabou1,
Paulo Loureiro de Sousa1, Robert-Yves Carlier2,
Jean-Marc Boisserie1, Claire Wary1,
David Orlikowski2, and Pascal Laforêt3
1AIM-CEA Institut de Myologie, Laboratoire
RMN, Paris, France, 2AP-HP
Hôpital Universitaire Raymond-Poincaré, Garches, France, 3Centre
de référence pour les maladies neuromusculaires de l'Est
de Paris, AP-HP Hôpital Universitaire Pitié-Salpêtrière,
Paris, France
In this study, we quantified muscle water T2, a marker
of dystrophic disease activity, in thigh and leg muscles
of glycogen storage disorder type II (GSDII) patients.
One third of GSDII muscles had abnormal T2. We also
investigated the relationship between T2 and the
extension and progression of fatty degenerative changes
in GSDII skeletal muscle. The intramuscular fat content
increased faster in muscles displaying an abnormal T2.
Enzyme substitution therapy was able to slow down the
fatty degenerative changes of adult GSDII patients.
4012. |
81 |
Semi-automatic segmentation
analysis of adipose tissue in thigh and lower leg to assess
the fat infiltration in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 
Sunil K. Valaparla1,2, Qi Peng3,
Feng Gao1, Timothy Q. Duong1, and
Geoffrey D. Clarke1,2
1Research Imaging Institute, University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio,
Texas, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Texas Health Science Center at San
Antonio, San Antonio, Texas, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine,
Bronx, NY, United States
ype 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) has been associated with
increased amount and distribution of intermuscular
adipose tissue (IMAT). This study evaluated a fuzzy
clustering (FCT) segmentation algorithm in investigating
differences in distribution of IMAT and SAT in
T1-weighted thigh and lower leg images between T2DM and
controls. T-test showed no statistical significance
between T2DM and Controls for thigh SAT and IMAT and for
lower leg SAT but was significant for IMAT. FCT
algorithm with low computational complexity and
processing time enables effective characterization of
muscular fat in MR images and can be used to assess IMAT
for large-scale clinical studies.
4013. |
82 |
Whole-body Dixon for
skeletal muscle fat fraction quantification in neuromuscular
Benjamin Marty1, Pierre-Yves Baudin1,
Benjamin Robert2, Alexey Shukelovich1,
Robert-Yves Carlier3, Noura Azzabou1,
and Pierre G Carlier1
1AIM-CEA Institut de Myologie, Laboratoire
RMN, Paris, France, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Saint-Denis, France, 3AP-HP
Hôpital Universitaire Raymond-Poincaré, Garches, France
Fatty infiltration of muscles is a marker of disease
progression in muscular dystrophies. Although routine
T1-weighted imaging gives an indication of the presence
or absence of muscular fat infiltration, it is difficult
to extract quantitative data from these images. On the
contrary, Dixon methods can give quantitative measures
of water and fat fractions. Generally, whole-body exams
consist in the acquisition of a T1w sequence, followed
by Dixon acquisitions on targeted regions to
quantitatively assess fat infiltration. In our study we
demonstrate that the use of a well calibrated sequence
allows replacing whole-body T1w imaging by a whole-body
Dixon imaging.
4014. |
83 |
Validation of Diffusion
Tensor Imaging for Determining Muscle Pennation with
Emily Catherine Bush1, Theodore F Towse1,
Amanda K.W. Buck1, Christopher P Elder1,
Ke Li1, and Bruce M Damon1
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States
Recent developed methods for non-invasively studying
muscle architecture in humans in vivo include
Ultrasonography (US) and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI).
Many studies have used either US or DTI, but there has
been little or no research comparing the two techniques.
The goal of this study was to compare the results of US
and DTI for measuring human muscle fiber orientation in
vivo. The data presented in this abstract indicate good
agreement between manual US and DTI, supporting the use
of DTI for in vivo muscle architecture measurements.
4015. |
84 |
3D Shear strain analysis of
Medial Gastrocnemius muscle based on Velocity Encoded and
Diffusion Tensor Imaging data.
Vadim Malis1, Usha Sinha1, Robert
Csapo2, and Shantanu Sinha2
1Physics, SDSU, San Diego, CA, United States, 2Radiology,
UCSD, San Diego, CA, United States
The objective quantification of regional muscle
deformation is a valuable clinical tool to evaluate
normal and diseased muscle. Several studies have shown
that the strain and strain rate (SR) tensor are not
aligned with the DTI tensor indicating the presence of
shear strain. We report here, 3D SR tensor mapping of
the medial gastrocnemius and identify shear strain
components from a series of velocity encoded images
acquired during isometric contraction by aligning the 3D
SR tensor along the principal axes of the diffusion
tensor (Fiber Aligned Strain Rate). The in-plane shear
strain component arising from asymmetric in-pane
deformation was identified.
4016. |
85 |
A Comparison of STEAM and
TRSE Diffusion Tensor Imaging for Tracking Muscle Fibers 
Peter A Hardy1,2, Anders Andersen2,3,
Thorsten Feiweier4, Bruce Damon5,
and Brian Noehren6
1Radiology, University of Kentucky,
Lexington, Kentucky, United States, 2MRISC,
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, United
States, 3Anatomy
& Neurobiology, University of Kentucky, Lexington,
Kentucky, United States, 4Healthcare
Sector, Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany, 5Institute
of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Tennessee, United States, 6Rehabilitation
Sciences, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky,
United States
In ten normal volunteers we compared standard
Twice-Refocused Spin echo against STEAM diffusion tensor
imaging for imaging the thigh. From the diffusion tensor
images produced by each technique we tracked muscle
fiber bundles in the Vastus Lateralus and from these
estimated the pennation angle. STEAM produced superior
images from which we generated improved tracking of
fiber bundles and estimated the muscle pennation angle
with lower variance. STEAM-DTI will give more sensitive
measures for evaluation of muscle injury and the effects
of therapy.
4017. |
86 |
Magnetic Resonance
Elastography (MRE) for Measurement of Muscle Stiffness of
the Shoulder: Feasibility with a 3T MR Imaging System 
Sun Hwa Hong1, Suk-Joo Hong2,
Joon-Shik Yoon3, Chang-Hyun Oh4,
Hee Kyung Kim5, Jang-Gyu Cha6, and
Kyeong Ah Kim2
1Department of Radiology, Korea University
Guro Hospital, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 2Department
of Radiology, Korea University Guro Hospital, Seoul,
Korea,32Department of Physical medicine and
Rehabilitation, Korea University Guro Hospital, Seoul,
Korea, 4Department
of Electronics & Information Engineering, Korea
University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, 5Department
of Radiology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical
Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States,6Department
of Radiology, Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital,
Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
MR elastographic technique for quantitatively assessing
the mechanical properties of shoulder muscles was
developed. The authors extended the application of MRE
of the shoulder muscles to 3.0T MR imaging system.
4018. |
87 |
Dependence of Quantitative
MRI Indices on Age, Gender, and BMI in Healthy Thigh Muscles 
Ke Li1,2, Richard D. Dortch1,2, E.
Brian Welch1,2, Amanda K.W. Buck1,2,
Theodore F. Towse2,3, Nathan D. Bryant1,2,
Bruce M. Damon1,2, and Jane H. Park4
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Radiology
and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States, 34Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States, 45Molecular
Physiology and Biophysics, Nashville, TN, United States
It is known that skeletal muscle deteriorates with
aging. Therefore, age may introduce bias in longitudinal
studies. In addition, gender, body-mass-index (BMI), and
muscle fat content may introduce bias as well. In this
work, the dependence of a number of quantitative MRI
indices (T1, T2, pool size ratio, FA, ADC, and λ3) on
these demographic factors was investigated in healthy
muscles. For healthy subjects between the ages of 19 and
65, the only significant relationships observed were
with muscle fat content.
4019. |
88 |
PCr recovery rates of
gastrocnemius medialis and soleus muscles at various
exercise levels 
Georg B Fiedler1,2, Albrecht Ingo Schmid1,2,
Sigrun Goluch1,2, Elmar Laistler1,2,
Kiril Schewzow1,2, Michael Wolzt3,
Ewald Moser1,2, and Martin Meyerspeer1,2
1MR Centre of Excellence, Medical University
of Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Center
for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Department
of Clinical Pharmacology, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Kinetics of phosphorus metabolites in human soleus (SOL)
and gastrocnemius medialis (GM) muscles were measured
during and after plantar flexion exercise bouts with
varying workloads, using single-shot localized MRS
(semi-LASER) at high time resolution with a custom
multichannel 1H/31P coil at 7T. PCr recovery time τ was
successfully quantified in GM and in SOL. In GM, τ
showed positive correlation with exercise intensity and
GM PCr depletion. In SOL, these correlations were not
found, e.g. some datapoints with strong depletion in SOL
even showed a τ of only 20s. pH in GM was also
correlated to PCr depletion.
4020. |
89 |
Application of a SAGE
Sequence During Isometric Contractions in Skeletal Muscle 
Christopher P. Elder1,2, Jack T. Skinner1,3,
Theodore F. Towse2,3, Nathan D. Bryant1,3,
and Bruce M. Damon1,3
1Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging
Science (VUIIS), Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
United States, 2Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States, 3Radiology
and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, United States
Subtracting the time-courses of R2* and R2 from separate
image acquisitions yields an estimate of R2’ that can be
used for image-based calculation of muscle oxyhemoglobin
saturation. An EPI based multiple spin- and
gradient-echo (SAGE) method developed for brain
perfusion imaging permits simultaneous measurement of
R2* and R2. We applied the SAGE sequence to measurements
of relaxation rates in skeletal muscle during maximal
and submaximal isometric dorsiflexion contractions.
Baseline SAGE R2* and R2 measurements agree with
conventional multi-echo measurements. SAGE allows more
direct measurement of R2* and R2 related to the BOLD
effect in skeletal muscle induced by isometric
4021. |
90 |
Relationships Between Muscle ATP Synthesis, Ambulatory
Performance, and Age: Initial Findings from the Baltimore
Longitudinal Study on Aging (BLSA) 
Seongjin Choi1, David A. Reiter2,
Kenneth W. Fishbein2, Eleanor M. Simonsick1,
Michael Schär3, Richard G. Spencer2,
and Luigi Ferrucci1
1Translational Gerontology Branch,
NIH/National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, MD, United
States, 2Laboratory
of Clinical Investigation, NIH/National Institute on
Aging, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, Ohio, United States
Gait speed has been established as the single most
important predictor of morbidity in the elderly. In
addition, muscle mitochondrial function plays a central
role in mobility. 31P MRS of skeletal muscle permits the
measurement of maximum ATP synthesis rate through the
recovery time constant of phosphocreatine (τPCr) after
exercise. In this cross-sectional study using the
Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging cohort, we
assessed the associations between 31P MRS-determined
mitochondrial function, age and ambulatory speed. We
found that τPCr correlated well with maximum, but not
with usual, walking speed, indicating its potential
usefulness as a marker for maximum energy output.
4022. |
91 |
Phase-contrast MR imaging
reveals age-associated differences in plantarflexor fascicle
and aponeurosis behavior in isometric contractions
Robert Csapo1, Vadim Malis2, John
Hodgson1, and Shantanu Sinha1
1Radiology, University of California at San
Diego, San Diego, CA, United States, 2Physics,
San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, United States
Plantarflexor musculo-tendinous tissue dynamics was
compared by velocity-encoded phase contrast MRI in young
(YW) and senior (SW) women cohorts. Submaximal,
isometric contraction was associated with gastrocnemius
medialis fascicle shortening and increases in pennation
angles, with the effects being significantly larger in
SW, in spite of greater Achilles tendon elasticity
measured. Strains along superficial and deep aponeurosis
were not significantly different between groups but
displayed substantial, regional heterogeneity. These
findings argue against a serial alignment of contractile
and connective tissues and suggest that factors other
than tendon compliance influence the age-dependent MSK
dynamics resulting in large decrease of force in
4023. |
92 |
Age-associated Changes in
Triceps Surae Muscle Composition and Plantarflexor Strength
– an MR imaging based Study with Ultra-short Echo-time (UTE)
and Fat-Water Quantification of Connective, Adipose and
Contractile Tissues.
Robert Csapo1, Vadim Malis2, Usha
Sinha3, Jiang Du4, and Shantanu
1Radiology, University of California at San
Diego, San Diego, CA, United States, 2Physics,
San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, United
States, 3Physics,
San Diego State University, CA, United States, 4Radiology,
University of California at San Diego, CA, United States
Aging skeletal muscles are characterized by a
progressing accumulation of intramuscular,
non-contractile tissues. To quantitate the amount of
intramuscular adipose (IMAT) and connective (IMCT)
tissues, MR-based fater-water quantitation (IMAT) and
ultrashort echo time (IMCT) imaging techniques were
applied to the study of the Triceps Surae complex in
young (YW) and senior (SW) women. Both IMAT and IMCT
contents were significantly larger in SW. Additional
measurements of plantarflexor strength and Triceps Surae
volumes suggest that the inclusion of non-contractile
tissues is likely to negatively affect a muscle’s
intrinsic capacity to generate force at older age.
4024. |
93 |
Mapping the Creatine Kinase
Reaction Rate in Muscles of the Lower Leg Using Progressive
Saturation 31P-MRI at 3.0 T. 
Prodromos Parasoglou1, Ding Xia1,
Greg Chang1, and Ravinder R Regatte1
1Radiology, NYU School of Medicine, New York,
New York, United States
The creatine kinase reaction plays an important role is
skeletal muscle. In this work we developed and
implemented a progressive saturation three-dimensional
31P-MRI method for mapping the kinetics of the creatine
kinase reaction, and the unidirectional phosphocreatine
to adenosine triphosphate metabolic fluxes in muscles of
the lower leg at 3.0 T. Mapping the kinetics of the
creatine kinase reaction with large tissue coverage and
relatively high spatial resolution is a promising method
for the diagnosis and monitoring of several diseases
that affect function of skeletal muscle.
4025. |
94 |
Hyperpolarized 13C lactate
as a substrate for in vivo metabolic studies in skeletal
Jessica A.M. Bastiaansen1, Hikari A.I.
Yoshihara2,3, Yuhei Takado2,4,
Rolf Gruetter1,5, and Arnaud Comment2
1Laboratory of Functional and Metabolic
Imaging, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Institute
of Physics of Biological Systems, EPFL, Lausanne,
Switzerland,3Department of Cardiology, CHUV,
Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Laboratory
of Biological Geochemistry, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 5Department
of Radiology, University of Geneva and University of
Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland
Lactate is not merely an end product in skeletal muscle
metabolism but also an important metabolic intermediate.
Using hyperpolarized 13C MRS, lactate metabolism can be
investigated in real time, injected at physiological
concentrations leaving other oxidative processes
undisturbed. Here we investigated the use of
hyperpolarized 13C lactate as a substrate for metabolic
studies in skeletal muscle in vivo, in different
nutritional states. The herein proposed method allows
probing simultaneously both PDH activity and variations
in alanine tissue concentration, which are associated
with metabolic dysfunctions.
4026. |
95 |
Spatial and temporal
pattern of sporadic signal voids in incoherent motion
sensitive examinations of musculature in the lower leg 
Guenter Steidle1 and
Fritz Schick1
1University Department of Radiology, Section
on Experimental Radiology, Tuebingen, Germany
IVIM sensitive MR images from single acquisitions
recorded in resting calf musculature often display
irregularly shaped areas with clear signal voids caused
by unconscious focal mechanical contraction at rest.
This work reports on systematic MR studies on the
spatial and temporal pattern of such signal voids in
calf musculature of 10 healthy. DWI or DTI measurements
in the skeletal musculature of the lower leg are
hampered by those sporadic activity-related signal
voids, when mean signals of series of measurements are
used for the calculations, and have to be considered for
quantitative DWI or DTI of skeletal musculature.
4027. |
96 |
Automatic and Quantitative
Assessment of Total and Regional Muscle Tissue Volume using
Multi-Atlas Segmentation 
Anette Karlsson1,2, Johannes Rosander3,
Thobias Romu1,2, Joakim Tallberg2,
Anders Grönqvist2,4, Magnus Borga1,2,
and Olof Dahlqvist Leinhard2,5
1Department of Biomedical Engineering (IMT),
Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden, 2Center
for Medical Image Science and Visualization (CMIV),
Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden, 3Advanced
MR Analytics (AMRA) AB, Linköping, Sweden, 4Radiation
Physics, University Hospital of Linköping, Linköping,
Sweden, 5Department
of Medical and Health Sciences (IMH), Linköping
University, Linköping, Sweden
Accurate and precise assessment of human muscle tissue
is important for further understanding of different
muscle diseases and syndromes. We present a rapid whole
body MR method for automatic quantification of total and
regional muscle volume. The method is based on
multi-atlas segmentation of intensity corrected
water-fat separated images. The method was validated
with a leave-one-out approach, using manually segmented
atlases from 10 subjects as ground truth. The result
gave a coefficient of variation on total muscle volume
equal to 1.25±1.35 % (mean ± standard deviation). The
method enables cost-efficient large-scale studies,
investigating conditions such as sarcopenia and muscular