Joint Annual
Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014
10-16 May 2014
Milan, Italy |
Cancer Preclinical Studies: Cells & Animals
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
16:00 - 17:00 |
Computer # |
4028. |
1 |
13C MRS shows that mutant
IDH1 glioma cells alter flux through pyruvate dehydrogenase
and pyruvate carboxylase 
Larry M Cai1, Jose L Izquierdo-Garcia1,
Myriam M Chaumeil1, Pia Eriksson1,
Joanna J Phillips2, Russell O Pieper2,
and Sabrina M Ronen1
1Radiology, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United
States, 2Neurological
Surgery, UCSF, San Francisco, CA, United States
The IDH1 mutation (IDHmut) is associated with low-grade
gliomas. By taking advantage of glutamate labeling
patterns from 2-13C-glucose, we show, using 13C MRS of
two glioma cell lines, that IDHmut cells decrease flux
through pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) compared to
pyruvate carboxylase (PC). In both cell lines, this is
accompanied by a decrease in PDH expression and
activity, an increase in PC expression and activity, and
an increase in PDH inhibitory phosphorylation. Taken
together, these results reveal potential sites of
metabolic reprogramming in IDHmut gliomas.
4029. |
2 |
35Cl and 23Na MRI of 9L rat
glioma at 21.1 T 
Victor D. Schepkin1, Malathy Elumalai2,
Jason Kitchen3, Chunqi Qian4,
Peter Gor'kov1, and William Brey1
1CIMAR, NHMFL/FSU, Tallahassee, FL, United
States, 2AMRIS,
NHMFL/UF, Gainesville, FL, United States, 3CIMAR,
NHMFL/FSU, Tallahassee, Florida, United States, 4NINDS/NIH,
Bethesda, MD, United States
Chloride is a unique “window” for investigating brain
function and cancer development. The in vivo challenges
of low sensitivity, short T2 relaxation time and the
small size of the acquisition matrix were evaluated
here. The experiments in normal rat brain and glioma
revealed: chloride in vivo is as visible as the sodium
MR signal. However, the bi-exponential FID and limited
sampling size dramatically affect the quantification of
images and needs to be corrected according to the
developed Matlab model. The finding of increased
chloride concentration in glioma correlates with the
hypothesis stating a critical role of chloride for tumor
3 |
Mn-enhanced MRI for early
tumor detection and in vivo growth rate analysis in a mouse
medulloblastoma model
Giselle A. Suero-Abreu1,2, G. Praveen Raju3,
Orlando Aristizabal1, Eugenia Volkova1,
Edward J. Houston1, Diane Pham3,
Alexandre Wojcinski4, Kamila U. Szulc1,
Daniel Colon1, Alexandra L. Joyner4,
and Daniel H. Turnbull1,2
1Skirball Institute of Biomolecular Medicine,
NYU School of Medicine, NY, NY, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, NYU School of Medicine, NY, NY, United
States, 3Department
of Pediatrics, Weill Cornell Medical College, NY, NY,
United States, 4Developmental
Biology Program, Sloan-Kettering Institute, Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY, NY, United States
Mouse models of medulloblastoma have led to important
new insights into the etiology of this common malignant
pediatric brain tumor. In the current study, Mn-enhanced
MRI (MEMRI) was used to characterize tumor progression
in mice with a conditional knockout of Ptch1, a mouse
model of sporadic medulloblastoma. 3D MEMRI enabled
early detection of pre-neoplastic lesions (validated by
histology), and longitudinal MEMRI was used to quantify
tumor progression in individual mice. Measured tumor
growth rates were heterogeneous, leading to the
interesting future potential of MEMRI for guiding
histological and micro-array analyses of molecular
differences between fast and slow progressing
4 |
administration of ultra-small Gd-based nanoparticles: a new
protocol for brain tumor targeting 
Andrea Bianchi1, Damien Moncelet1,
François Lux2, Emeline Julie Ribot1,
Nawal Tassali1, Veronique Bouchaud1,
Olivier Tillement2, Pierre Voisin1,
and Yannick Crémillieux1
1Centre de Résonance Magnétique des Systèmes
Biologiques, Université Bordeaux Segalen, Bordeaux,
Bordeaux, France, 2Institut
Lumière Matière, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France
Glioblastoma is the most aggressive, common and lethal
brain tumor. In this context, new noninvasive methods
for early detection and therapy are needed in order to
improve the prognosis of this pathology. We present here
an in vivo MRI longitudinal study of brain cancer
detection in tumor-bearing immunodeficient mice through
intratracheally- and intravenously- administered
multimodal Ultra-Small Rigid Platforms. In this study we
showed for the first time that the synergic employment
of a strongly T1-weighted MRI UTE sequence and
intratracheally-administered gadolinium-based
nanoparticles allow the high-precision detection of
brain tumor and of its contours.
4032. |
5 |
Monitoring of glioblastoma
response to a dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitor using hyperpolarized
13C MRSI and 1H MRS 
Marina Radoul1, Myriam M Chaumeil1,
Pia Eriksson1, Jose L Izquierdo Garcia1,
and Sabrina M Ronen1
1Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, UCSF, San
Francisco, CA, United States
PI3K/Akt/mTOR, one of the important signaling pathways,
is activated in ~88% of GBM and different steps in this
pathway can serve as therapeutic targets. This study
demonstrates non-invasive monitoring of metabolic
response to treatment with XL765/SAR245409, a novel dual
PI3K/mTOR inhibitor. The inhibition in PI3K/Akt/mTOR
signaling pathway leads to changes in levels of 13C MRS-detectable
hyperpolarized lactate production from pyruvate and
levels of 1H MRS-detectable total choline. Importantly,
metabolic changes are associated with significantly
longer survival in the case of XL765/SAR245409-treated
animals, independent of tumor size.
4033. |
6 |
Early Brain Tumor Detection
by Fixed-Point Spin Dynamics and Active-Feedback MR Imaging
-permission withheld
Chaohsiung Hsu1, Zhao Li1, and
Yung-Ya Lin1
1Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCLA, Los
Angeles, CA, United States
4034. |
7 |
Application of prospective
cardio-respiratory gating for simultaneous quantitative DCE-MRI
of multiple mammary tumours in the mouse. 
Veerle Kersemans1, Philip D Allen1,
John S Beech1, Stuart Gilchrist1,
Paul Kinchesh1, and Sean C Smart1
1Gray Institute for Radiation Oncology and
Biology, Department of Oncology, University of Oxford,
Oxford, United Kingdom
The application of prospective cardio-respiratory gating
for quantitative DCE-MRI of abdominal and thoracic
tumours was investigated. The method was made feasible
through the use of cardio-respiratory synchronisation
techniques in conjunction with RF calibrations and
accurate temporal sampling. As a result, multiple chest
tumours which are highly susceptible to motion
corruption during DCE-MRI protocols could be screened
simultaneously and classified using quantitative DCE-MRI
parameters in a manner that is compatible with
high-throughput operation. Moreover, volume imaging
permitted visualisation and analysis of multiple breast
tumours in the chest during the same acquisition,
avoiding operator dependent slice pre-selection errors.
4035. |
8 |
Multimodal fitting of
diffusion MRI data for assessing the
inflammatory/microvascularity relationship in a glioma rat
Blanca Lizarbe1, Ana Amor-López1,
Sebastián Cerdán1, and Pilar López-Larrubia1
1Instituto Investigaciones Biomédicas
"Alberto Sols" CSIC-UAM, Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Brain tumors are associated with tissue inflammation and
microvasculature alterations that are MRI detectable.
DWI and PWI techniques have been widely used to provide
information about blood flow/volume, edema and
cellularity. Nevertheless, a better understanding of the
relationship between inflammation and microvascular
changes during tumoral growth needs to be established.
In this work, we present a multimodal evaluation of
gliobastoma growth in rat brains using DWI with high and
low b-weightings, and three models of diffusion –with or
without perfusion effects- fitting. Our results indicate
lower water diffusion behavior but higher perfusion
contributions in the early stages of tumor growth.
4036. |
9 |
Understanding the
Heterogeneity of Brain Metastases from Breast Cancer:
Lessons from New Models and Experimental Magnetic Resonance
Donna Murrell1,2, Robbert van Gorkum1,
Amanda Hamilton1, Christiane Mallett1,
Brunilde Gril3, Ann Chambers2,4,
Patricia Steeg3, and Paula Foster1,2
1Imaging Research Laboratories, Robarts
Research Institute, London, Ontario, Canada, 2Medical
Biophysics, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada, 3National
Cancer Institute, Maryland, United States, 4London
Regional Cancer Program, London, Ontario, Canada
Few preclinical models exist to study HER2+ brain
metastatic breast cancer. Here, we employ MRI techniques
and correlative histology to characterize three murine
models of HER2+ brain metastatic breast cancer
(SUM190-BR3, JIMT1-BR3, 231BR-HER2). We use 3D
anatomical MRI of the mouse brain to illustrate the
incidence, distribution and size of brain metastases and
contrast-enhanced MRI that provides information about
the integrity of the blood-tumour barrier (BTB). Our
findings reflect the substantial heterogeneity of this
disease; understanding the imaging appearance and
underlying biology of these tumours is vital to early
diagnosis and advancements in treatment strategies.
4037. |
10 |
Studying glioblastoma
progression in a rat model of human glioma initiating cells
using 1H MRS and DTI
-permission withheld
Mor Mishkovsky1,2, Cristina Cudalbu3,
Emine Can4, Denis Mario5, Ivan
Radovanovic5, Arnaud Comment4,
Virginie Clément-Schatlo5, and Rolf Gruetter1,6
1Laboratory for Functional and Metabolic
Imaging (LIFMET), Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de
Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Department
of radiology, Univesity of Lausanne, Lausanne,
Switzerland, 3CIBM,
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL),
Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Institute
of Physics of Biological Systems, Ecole Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 5Hôpitaux
Universitaires de Genève (HUG), Geneva, Switzerland, 6Department
of radiology, Univesity of Lausanne and Geneva,
Glioblastoma tumorigenesis and its effect on cerebral
metabolism were studied longitudinally in a rat model of
human glioma initiation cells (GIC). In vivo 1H MRS
spectra were measured to characterize brain metabolism
and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) acquisitions allowed
to visualize morphological changes between healthy and
malignant tissue. Both DTI and 1H MRS indicated the
onset of the tumor at similar time point, yet at this
early stage the differences between the tumors and the
contralateral hemisphere were more evident in the
spectroscopic data.
4038. |
11 |
Heterogeneity of Tumor
Vasculature and Antiangiogenic Intervention by MR
Angiography and DCE-MRI Investigation
-permission withheld
Wenlian Zhu1, Yoshinori Kato1,2,
and Dmitri Artemov1,2
1Division of Cancer Imaging Research, The
Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology and
Radiological, The Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, BALTIMORE, Maryland, United States, 2Department
of Oncology, The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer
Center, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
Maryland, United States
Vasculature of solid tumors is intrinsically
heterogeneous, which presents challenges to
antiangiogenic intervention as well as the evaluation of
its therapeutic efficacy. Here we evaluated the tumor
vascular changes in response to bevacizumab/paclitaxel
therapy using a combination approach of MR angiography
and DCE-MRI method. Results showed that macroscopic
feeding vessels were not affected by the bevacizumab/paclitaxel
treatment. A higher portion of the tumors was within
close proximity of these large vessels after the
treatment, concomitant with tumor growth retardation. A
significant decrease in microvascular permeability and
vascular volume in regions near these macroscopic
vessels was observed.
4039. |
12 |
Does the presence of
micro-vasculature alter the dispersion properties of shear
waves? A rat aortic ring model at multiple frequencies using
Magnetic Resonance Elastography. 
Lauriane Juge1,2, Anne Petiet3,
Simon A. Lambert2, Pascal Nicole2,
Simon Chatelin2,4, Sabrina Doblas2,
Valerie Vilgrain2,5, Bernard E. Van Beers2,5,
and Ralph Sinkus2,6
1Neuroscience Research Australia, Randwick,
Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2CRB3-INSERM
U773, University Paris Diderot, Paris, France, 3IFR02-CEFI,
University Paris Diderot, Paris, France, 4Laboratoire
Ondes et Acoustique / Institut Langevin, ESPCI, Paris,
France, 5Radiology,
Beaujon Hospital, Clichy, Paris, France, 6Division
of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical Engineering, King’s
College London, King’s Health Partners, St. Thomas’
Hospital, London, United Kingdom
Disease or therapies can change the mechanical integrity
and organization of vascular structures. If blood
vessels represent a source for wave scattering, Magnetic
Resonance Elastography (MRE) should be able to sense
these changes. Considering the hypothesis that the
presence of an underlying fractal-like stiff structure
is capable of generating on the macroscopic scale power
law behavior, multi-frequency MRE (100-150Hz) was
performed to quantify alteration of the shear wave speed
due to the presence of vascular outgrowth using a rat
aortic ring model. Results support the ability of using
shear wave diffusion parameters to probe the structure
of the vascular bed.
4040. |
13 |
reproducibility analysis of standard MRI parameters across
three pre-clinical mouse tumour xenograft models 
Firas Moosvi1, Jennifer H.E. Baker2,3,
and Stefan A. Reinsberg1
1Physics and Astronomy, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2BC
Cancer Research Institute, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 3Physics
and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, BC,
Results from a retrospective reproducibility analysis of
basic MR parameters in over 50 control tumour-bearing
mice. Parameters such as baseline T1, AUC, and AUGC are
considered in three tumour cell lines.
4041. |
14 |
Separation and Quantitative
Assessment of Mobile Lipid and Lactate Level by Diffusion
Weighted Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (DW-MRS) 
Anna M. WANG1,2, Karrie Mei-Yee Kiang3,
GK Leung3, Adrian Tsang1,2, Victor
B. Xie1,2, Hua Guo4, and Ed X. Wu1,2
1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal
Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong
Kong, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 3Department
of Surgery, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong
Kong,4Center for Biomedical Imaging Research,
School of Medicine, Tsinghua University, China
This study explored the capability of Diffusion Weighted
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (DW-MRS) for the
separation and quantification of the overlapped mobile
lipid and lactate signal at 1.3ppm. Both the content and
ADC value can be computed from fitting the diffusion
weighted signal to a bi-exponential decay model. In this
rat model of intracerebral C6 glioma, the spectra from
the tumor region was dominated by the mobile lipid
signal and the lipid signal intensity is approximately
ten times higher than the lactate signal. Our result
also shows the lactate ADC in C6 glioma is
2.9(±0.9)×10–4 mm2/s and the lipid ADC is 3.3(±1.3)×10–4
mm2/s. Demonstrated by this study, the DW-MRS provides a
feasible way to solve the overlapping problem of the
lactate and mobile lipid peak at 1.3ppm, giving an
alternative method for the quantification of lipid and
lactate content in the clinical study.
4042. |
15 |
Correlating Tumor Viscosity
with Hypoxia 
Mrignayani Kotecha1, Shreyan Majumdar1,
Eugene Barth2, Boris Epel2, and
Howard Halpern2
1Department of Bioengineering, University of
Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States, 2Center
for EPR Imaging in Vivo Physiology, Department of
Radiation and Cellular Oncology, University of Chicago,
Chicago, IL, United States
The purpose of this work is to establish a relationship
between tumor viscosity and partial oxygen pressure
(pO2), the two important physiologic parameters that can
be channelized to provide targeted radiation therapy.
Tumors have a highly heterogeneous environment
frequented with areas of low oxygen concentration
(hypoxic regions). These hypoxic areas are resistant to
radiation and thus, require higher radiation dosage for
the destruction of tumor cells. Current practice of
ignoring oxygen distribution while applying homogeneous
radiation treatment leads to excessive damage of the
neighboring healthy tissues, and thereby reduced quality
of patient life. Solid tumors have abnormal organization
of blood vessels that results in heterogeneous perfusion
and extravasation, and a hostile microenvironment with
increased interstitial pressure (1). The higher
cellularity, tissue disorganization, and increased
extracellular space all result in lower apparent
diffusion coefficients, equivalent to higher
viscosities, for malignant tumors as compared to normal
tissue (2). The knowledge of pO2, in conjunction with
viscosity and tissue anisotropy, can predict tissue
health and may eventually be used in combination with
Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) for
targeted destruction of radiation-resistant areas, while
sparing healthy tissues. In this study, we aim to
correlate tumor viscosity acquired using diffusion
weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) with pO2
obtained by electron paramagnetic resonance oxygen
imaging (EPROI). This is first such study correlating
these two physiologic parameters at the tissue
microstructure level.
4043. |
16 |
Anti-angiogenic therapy in
a murine liver cancer: Complementary assessment with MR-Elastography
and Diffusion-Weighted MR imaging 
Lauriane Juge1, Miguel Albuquerque2,
Mouniya MEBARKI2, Simon A. Lambert2,
Sabrina Doblas2, Shaokoon Cheng3,4,
Lynne E. Bilston3,5, Valerie Paradis2,6,
Valerie Vilgrain2, Bernard E. Van Beers2,
and Ralph Sinkus2
1Neuroscience Research Australia, Randwick,
Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2CRB3-INSERM
U773, University Paris Diderot, Paris, France, 3Neuroscience
Research Australia, Randwick, Sydney, Australia, 4Engineering,
Macquarie University, North Ryde, Sydney, Australia, 5Prince
of Wales Clinical School, university of New South Wales,
Kensington, Sydney, Australia, 6Pathology,
Beaujon Hospital, Paris, France
Early detection of changes in the vascularity and
cellularity of a tumor could represent a significant
advance in treatment management using anti-angiogenic
agents. We investigated the potential value of MR-Elastography
(800, 900 and 1000 Hz) and Diffusion Weighted MR imaging
(6 b-values from 0 to 1000 s/mm²) in the detection of
microstructural changes induced by the therapy (Sorafenib,
Nexavar ®) in a human liver cancer cell line (HepG2)
implanted in immune-deficient mice.. Results showed that
potentially, only the biomechanical dispersion
properties were sensitive to the changes induced by the
anti-angiogenic treatment, while the apparent diffusion
properties were not altered.
4044. |
17 |
Effect of PKM2 Activator
and 2-Deoxyglucose Treatments on Cancer Metabolism Measured
in vivo by hyperpolarized 13C MR Spectroscopic Imaging 
Jae Mo Park1, Sui-Seng Tee1, Ralph
Hurd2, Kyle Brimacombe3, Matthew
Boxer3, Dirk Mayer4, Brian Rutt1,
and Daniel Spielman1
1Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States, 2GE
Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United States, 3National
Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States, 4Diagnostic
Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, University of Maryland,
MD, United States
PKM2, the M2 isoform of pyruvate (Pyr) kinase, plays a
role in the last step of glycolysis, converting
phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) to Pyr. So far, PKM2 is
expressed in all tested cancer cells. We hypothesized
that the use of a glucose analogue, 2-deoxyglucose
(2DG), in combination with the PKM2 activator will
accelerate the uptake of the toxic 2DG in tumors, and
observed the therapeutic response in Pyr metabolism of
tumor-bearing mice using hyperpolarized 13C Pyr MRSI.
Lactate (Lac)-to-Pyr ratio consistently increased in all
mice with dual-treatment while single treated mice did
not. It suggests that there might be a synergic
anti-cancer mechanism of the PKM2 activator and 2DG, and
accelerates glucose starvation in tumors.
4045. |
18 |
Effects of Trabectedine on
tumour growth and metabolism in preclinical models of HER-2
overexpressing ovarian cancer
-permission withheld
Egidio Iorio1, Fabio Ginnari Satriani1,
Alessandro Ricci1, Emiliano Surrentino1,
Marina Bagnoli2, Paola Alberti2,
Franca Podo1, Delia Mezzanzanica2,
and Rossella Canese1
1Cell Biology and Neurosciences Dept,
Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy, 2Experimental
Oncology Dept, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei
Tumori, Milan, Italy
Epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) is a heterogeneous
disease with a poor prognosis. Evaluation of metabolic
effects of anticancer therapies would enhance the
capability of non invasive imaging approaches to monitor
molecular mechanisms underlying tumour responsiveness.
Here we explore the role of MRI/MRS in the detection of
the cytotoxic response of trabectedin (ET-743, a new
marine-derived antitumor agent, which has shown in vitro
and in vivo activity in ovarian cancer) in experimental
EOC models, showing previously unexplored trabectedine-induced
metabolic and morphofunctional changes.
4046. |
19 |
Poly(I:C) Treatment in a
Spontaneous Hepatocellular Carcinoma Mouse Model 
Jeffrey David Steinberg1, Justin Lee2,
Philipp Kaldis3, Jean-Pierre Abastado2,4,
and Valerie Chew2
1Singapore Bioimaging Consortium, Agency for
Science, Technology and Research, Singapore, Singapore, 2Singapore
Immunology Network, Agency for Science, Technology and
Research, Singapore, Singapore, 3Institute
of Molecular and Cell Biology, Agency for Science,
Technology and Research, Singapore, Singapore, 4Institut
de Recherches Internationales Servier, Suresnes, France
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the 6th most common
cancer with the 3rd highest mortality worldwide.
Prognosis for HCC is generally poor with a 5-year
survival rate of only 15%. In this study a spontaneous
HCC mouse model was treated using poly(I:C), a synthetic
TLR3 ligand that activates NK cells and is cytotoxic to
HCC cells. Using a 3D T1-weighted MPRAGE MRI sequence,
the tumor progression could be monitored. Average tumor
growth was 8 times and 183 times the pre-therapy tumor
volume for the treatment and control mice respectively.
Thus, poly(I:C) was effective in delaying HCC tumor
4047. |
20 |
Extracellular sodium MRI, a
non-invasive endogenous marker for tumoral response to
photodynamic therapy associated with nitroglycerin. 
Carole D. Thomas1,2, Florent Poyer1,2,
Philippe Maillard1,3, Mihaela Lupu1,2,
and Joel Mispelter1,2
1Institut Curie, Orsay, France, 2INSERM
U759, Orsay, France, 3CNRS
UMR176, Orsay, France
The aim of this study was double. Firstly, to determine
if photodynamic therapy associated with nitroglycerin
ointment was able to induce a major cellular death on a
tumoral line of retinoblastoma that was less responsive
to treatment. Secondly to determine if extracellular MRI
follow-up is able to give rapid information about tumor
cells destruction. Nitroglycerin increased the
photosensitzer concentration at the tumor level and
hence the treatment efficiency. Sodium MRI monitored
non-invasively the cellular destruction, showing a local
increase of sodium concentration specific to
extracellular sodium amount all over where cells were
irreversible damaged by PDT.
4048. |
21 |
Detection of
2-hydroxyglutarate and Metabolic Changes Associated with
IDH1 and IDH2 Mutants Using NMR Spectroscopy 
Hyeon-Man Baek1,2, Yun-Ju Lee1,
Gregory Hyung Jin Park1, Eun-Hee Kim1,
Gyunggoo Cho1, and Chaejoon Cheong1
1Division of MR Research, Korea Basic Science
Institute, Ochang, Chungbuk, Korea, 2Department
of Bio-Analytical Science, University of Science &
Technology, Yuseong-gu, Korea
This study represents, to our knowledge, the first in
vitro measurements of absolute quantification of 2HG
levels in IDH1/2 mutated tumors using high resolution
1H-900MHz (21.1 Tesla) NMR spectroscopy. Our analysis
revealed that a significant increase in the
concentrations of 2HG, Iso, Leu, Ala, Glu, Gln, Tau,
m-Ins, and Gly and Tau were observed in the IDH1/2
mutated cells (P < 0.05). This result reflects that
levels of amino acids and choline derivatives were
altered in the IDH1/2 mutated cells, possibly associated
with IDH gene mutation. However, our findings are not
consistent with the previously published Mass
spectroscopy results. Further studies are needed.
4049. |
22 |
Enhanced Kinetic Analysis
of Hyperpolarized Pyruvate Metabolism in Cancer Cells
Identifies a Compensatory Pathway Supplied by Glutamine 
Lloyd Lumata1, Chendong Yang2,
Bookyung Ko2, Ralph J. Deberardinis2,
and Matthew E Merritt1
1AIRC, UTSW Medical Center, Dallas, TX,
United States, 2Children's
Med. Ct. Res. Inst., UTSW Med. Ctr., Dallas, TX, United
Glutamine metabolism can satisfy both energetic and
biosynthetic demands of cancer cells. Glutamine
oxidation can be accentuated when glucose metabolism is
blocked by any intervention. Here the action of an
inhibitor of mitochondrial pyruvate transport is studied
with hyperpolarized (HP) pyruvate. The inhibitor blocked
formation of HP alanine and bicarbonate in a
glioblastoma cell line while leaving lactate formation
largely unperturbed. Further analysis showed that when
pyruvate transport is inhibited glutamate dehydrogenase
is upregulated, resulting in increased glutamine
4050. |
23 |
Acquired resistance to EGFR
tyrosine kinase inhibitors in human head and neck squamous
carcinoma cells (HNSCC) and xenografts is associated with an
altered metabolic phenotype
-permission withheld
Mounia Beloueche-Babari1, Carol Box2,
Harry G Parkes1, Melanie Valenti2,
Alexis De Haven Brandon22, Liz Jackson1,
Vaitha Arunan1, Sue Eccles2, and
Martin O Leach1
1CRUK & EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre,
Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton, Surrey, United
Kingdom, 2CRUK
Cancer Therapeutics Unit, Institute of Cancer Research,
Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom
Acquired resistance to molecular therapeutics, including
tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs), is a key challenge in
personalized cancer medicine. Identifying mechanisms and
biomarkers of resistance could help detect patient
relapse early and improve disease management. Here we
show that acquired resistance to multiple epidermal
growth factor receptor (EGFR) TKIs in human head and
neck squamous cell carcinoma is associated with altered
glycolytic, choline phospholipid and amino acid
metabolism as detected by 1H MRS of cell line and
xenograft tumor extracts. Such effects could provide
potential metabolic imaging biomarkers of acquired
resistance to EGFR TKIs
4051. |
24 |
Metabolite profiling of
glioblastoma stem-like cells with 1H
NMR identifies -aminoadipic
acid, product of the activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase
ALDH7A1, as putative biomarker of tumor aggressiveness 
Sveva Grande1, Alessandra Palma1,
Antonella Rosi1, Anna Maria Luciani1,
Mauro Biffoni2, Lucia Ricci-Vitiani2,
Daniele Runci2, Roberto Pallini3,
Laura Guidoni4, and Vincenza Viti4
1Dipartimento di Tecnologie e Salute,
Istituto Superiore di Sanità and INFN Sanità Group,
Roma, Italy, Italy, 2Dipartimento
di Ematologia, Oncologia e Medicina Molecolare, Istituto
Superiore di Sanità, Italy, Italy, 3Dipartimento
di Neurochirurgia, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore,
Roma, Italy, Italy,4INFN Sanità Group, Roma,
Italy, Italy
High recurrence rate and failure of conventional
treatments in patients with glioblastoma multiforme is
attributed to the presence of stem-like cells in these
tumors. A dramatic accumulation of α-aminoadipate (αAAD)
has been detected in some glioblastoma stem-like cells
derived from primary Glioblastoma grade IV by means of
1H NMR and it was related to tumor aggressiveness.. The
study suggests a role of αAAD as biomarker of cancer.
Expression and high activity of ALDH7A1 could be
envisaged in these cells. The indication that, similarly
to prostate cancer, ALDH7A1 activity in glioblastoma may
correlate with tumour invasiveness, is of potential
diagnostic importance.
Breast Cancer: Clinical & Technical
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
16:00 - 17:00 |
Computer # |
4052. |
25 |
Magnetic resonance
metabolic profiling of breast cancer tissue obtained with
core needle biopsy for predicting pathologic response to
neoadjuvant chemotherapy
-permission withheld
Ji Soo Choi1, Hyeon-Man Baek2,
Suhkmann Kim3, Min Jung Kim4, Hee
Jung Moon4, and Eun-Kyung Kim4
1Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Seoul, Korea, 2Korea
Basic Science Institute, Chungbuk, Korea, 3Pusan
National University, Busan, Korea, 4Yonsei
University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
We performed metabolic profiling of 37 core needle
biopsy samples collected from locally advanced breast
cancer before neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) using
HR-MAS MRS. Various metabolites including choline-containing
compounds were identified and quantified by HR-MAS MRS
in all tissue samples. In multivariate analysis, the
OPLS-DA models built with HR-MAS MR metabolic profiles
showed visible discrimination between the pathologic
response groups. This study showed OPLS-DA multivariate
analysis using metabolic profiles of pretreatment CNB
samples assessed by HR- MAS MRS may be used to predict
pathologic response before NAC.
4053. |
26 |
Apparent diffusion
coefficient as a potential surrogate marker for Ki-67 index
in mucinous breast carcinoma: comparison with invasive
carcinoma of no special type 
Natsuko Onishi1, Shotaro Kanao1,
Masako Kataoka1, Mami Iima1, Rena
Sakaguchi1, Makiko Kawai1, Tatsuki
Kataoka2, Yoshiki Mikami2,
Masakazu Toi3, and Kaori Togashi1
1Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear
Medicine, Kyoto Univerisity Graduate School of Medicine,
Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, 2Department
of Diagnostic Pathology, Kyoto Univerisity Graduate
School of Medicine, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, 3Department
of Breast Surgery, Kyoto Univerisity Graduate School of
Medicine, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
ADC is known to have inverse correlation with
cellularity. Considering that cellularity is linked with
prognosis in breast mucinous carcinoma (MBC), we
examined the association between ADC and Ki-67 index (a
marker of tumor proliferation) in MBC comparing with
invasive carcinoma of no special type. ADC showed
inverse correlation with cellularity(r=-0.802,
p=<0.0001) and with Ki-67 index (r=-0.825, p=<0.0001) in
MBC. The ability of ADC to classify highly proliferating
MBC from low proliferating one was also demonstrated.
ADC can be a promising non-invasive surrogate marker for
Ki-67 index in the risk stratification of MBC.
4054. |
27 |
High-Resolution Metabolic
Imaging of Human Breast Cancer 
Charles S Springer, Jr.1, Xin Li1,
Luminita A. Tudorica2, Karen Y. Oh2,
Nicole Roy2, Stephen Y-C. Chui3,
Arpana M. Naik4, Megan L. Holtorf5,
Aneela Afzal1, William D. Rooney1,
and Wei Huang1
1Advanced Imaging Research Center, Oregon
Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, United
States, 2Diagnostic
Radiology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland,
Oregon, United States, 3Hematology/Oncology,
Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon,
United States, 4Surgical
Oncology, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland,
Oregon, United States, 5Clinical
Trials Office, Oregon Health & Science University,
Portland, Oregon, United States
Tumors exhibit metabolic heterogeneity. This requires
individualized metabolic imaging with intra-tumor
resolution. Shutter-speed pharmacokinetic analyses of
DCE-MRI data provide taui, the mean
intracellular water lifetime, with high-resolution. We
present results for human breast cancer in
vivo. Comparison of taui heterogeneity
with that of other biomarkers and in response to therapy
shows that taui is
inversely related to on-going Na+/K+ATPase
4055. |
28 |
Computer-assisted diagnosis
of breast lesions based on IVIM and non Gaussian diffusion
-permission withheld
Mami Iima1, Masako Kataoka1,
Masaki Umehana2, Yuto Nakanishi2,
Takayuki Ito2, Kojiro Yano3,
Shotaro Kanao1, Kaori Togashi1,
and Denis Le Bihan4,5
1Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine.,
Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto,
Kyoto, Japan, 2Kyoto
University Faculty of Medicine, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, 3Information
Science and Technology, Osaka Institute of Technology,
Hirakata, Osaka, Japan, 4Human
Brain Research Center, Kyoto University Graduate School
of Medicine, Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan, 5Neurospin,
CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, Ile-de-France, France
A computer-assisted diagnostic tool was evaluated in 36
patients with breast lesions. The IVIM signal of each
voxel was fitted using a kurtosis diffusion model and
with the IVIM model. A parametric map was then generated
by ascribing each voxel a value from 0 to 3 according to
the number of parameters falling beyond a given
threshold (K>0.80, ADCo<1.40 x 10-3mm²/s, fIVIM>2.07%)
established from a previous study, and displayed using a
color scale. The diagnostic accuracy of this
computer-assisted diagnosis tool (3 or 2: malignant
likely, 1 or 0: benign likely) was found very high (97 %
sensitivity and 100 % specificity).
4056. |
29 |
Contrast-enhanced MR
Features of Triple-negative breast carcinomas (TNBC)
associated with High Histological Grade 
Elizabeth J Sutton1, Elizabeth A Morris2,
Monica Morrow3, Michelle Stempel3,
Amita Shukla-Dave4, Jung Hun Oh4,
Joseph O Deasy4, and Yousef Mazaheri5
1Radiology, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Center, New York, New York, United States, 2Radiology,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, United
States, 3Surgery,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, United
States, 4Medical
Physics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New
York, United States, 5Medical
Physics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New
York, New York, United States
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to correlate MR
features (kinetics, morphology, and image texture) of
triple-negative breast carcinomas (TNBC) on
contrast-enhanced imaging with histological tumor grade.
4057. |
30 |
Evaluating the diagnostic
performance of computed diffusion-weighted MR imaging in the
detection of breast cancer 
Elizabeth AM O'Flynn1, Matthew Blackledge2,
David Collins2, Simon Doran2,
Hardik Patel3, Martin O Leach2,
and Dow-Mu Koh4
1Clinical Magnetic Resonance, Insitute of
Cancer Research and Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton,
Surrey, United Kingdom, 2Clinical
Magnetic Resonance, Insitute of Cancer Research, Sutton,
Surrey, United Kingdom, 3Radiology,
Hammersmith Hospitals, London, United Kingdom, 4Radiology,
Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom
Computed diffusion weighted (DW) imaging (cDWI)
calculates a high b value image from acquired DW MR
images and can improve image quality and tumour
detection by showing better suppression of benign
tissues. 41 women underwent breast MRI, 20 patients with
breast cancer and 21 normal cases. Breast images with a
computed b value of 2000s/mm2 resulted in a higher
overall diagnostic sensitivity of 82.4% compared to
images acquired at a b value of 1150s/mm2 (sensitivity
17.7%) and equal sensitivity to DCE-MR of 82.4%. cDWI
holds potential as an alternative fast, non-contrast
diagnostic MR technique in breast cancer diagnosis.
4058. |
31 |
Comparison of MRI tumour
diameter and volume changes with apparent diffusion
coefficient (ADC) values in prediction of pathological
response following neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT)
-permission withheld
Sara Vigano'1,2, Andrew J. Patterson3,
Mary McLean4, Elena Provenzano5,
Louise Hiller6, Janet Dunn6,
Anne-Laure Vallier7, Louise Grybowicz7,
Reem Bedair8, Matthew G Wallis9,
Martin J Graves10, Helena Earl11,
and Fiona J Gilbert8
1Cambridge University Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Universita'
degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy, 3Radiology,
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,
Cambridge, United Kingdom, 4CRUK
Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge, United
Kingdom, 5Department
of Histopathology and Cambridge Breast Unit, Cambridge
University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and NIHR
Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, United Kingdom, 6Warwick
Clinical Trials Unit, University of Warwick, Coventry,
United Kingdom, 7Department
of Oncology, Cambridge Cancer Trials Centre, Cambridge
Breast Unit, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS
Foundation Trust, United Kingdom, 8Radiology,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 9Cambridge
Breast Unit and NIHR Biomedical Research centre,
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust,
Cambridge, United Kingdom,10Radiology,
Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and
NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, United
Kingdom, 11Department
of Oncology, NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre
and Cambridge Breast Unit, University of Cambridge,
Cambridge, United Kingdom
Assessing and predicting neoadjuvant chemotherapy
response is extremely important. Our aim was to compare
changes in morphologic MR parameters and ADC values
between responders and non-responders over time.
Forty-five breast cancer patients had MRI at baseline,
after the third cycle (mid-treatment), and at
end-treatment. Tumor diameter, total volume and ADC
values were compared between responders and
non-responders. Changes in tumour volume and ADC
significantly differed at end-treatment (p=0.007 and
p<0.001), but at mid-treatment only ADC values showed
significant changes (p=0.001). Morphologic parameters
and ADC may be used in monitoring response but ADC may
be an earlier predictor of pathological outcome.
4059. |
32 |
Intravoxel Incoherent
Motion MRI for Tumor Subtype Differentiation in Locally
Advanced Breast Cancer 
Gene Young Cho1,2, Linda Moy1,3,
Sungheon Kim1, Ana Paula Klautau Leite4,
Steven Baete1, Jim Babb1, Daniel K
Sodickson1, and Eric E Sigmund1
1Radiology - Bernard and Irene Schwartz
Center for Biomedical Imaging, New York University
School of Medicine, New York, Select, United States, 2Sackler
Institute of Graduate Biomedical Sciences, New York
University, New York, NY, United States, 3Radiology,
New York University Cancer Institute, New York, NY,
United States, 4Radiology,
Hospital das Clínicas, School of Medicine, University of
São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
An accurate, simple method using imaging to determine
cancer type has long been a goal in oncology.
Determination of tumor subtypes through imaging can be
advantageous in the strategic planning of therapy and
limit the need for invasive biopsy procedures. In MRI,
intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) can play an
important role as it is most commonly employed due to
its sensitivity to tumor cell density and vascularity,
both components of aggressiveness. In this study, highly
sampled DWI data is used to perform IVIM analysis in a
cohort of breast cancer patients in a 3T clinical
4060. |
33 |
Classification Tree
Approach to Validate and Improve Quantitative DCE-MRI
Diagnosis of Breast Cancer: Analysis of Multicenter Data 
Lian Wang1, Yiyi Chen2, Alina
Tudorica2, Karen Oh2, Nicole Roy2,
Mark Kettler2, Dongseok Choi2, and
Wei Huang2
1Providence Health and Services, Portland,
Oregon, United States, 2Oregon
Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon, United
Pre-biopsy breast DCE-MRI pharmacokinetic parameters
obtained from three institutions were supplied as inputs
to a classification tree algorithm to identify imaging
biomarkers and corresponding cut-off values for accutae
breast cancer diagnosis. The results validate that the
DeltaKtrans parameter is the single most accurate
diagnostic marker among all DCE-MRI parameters.
Incorporation of additional parameters in the
classification tree approach further improves diagnostic
sensitivity and specificity.
4061. |
34 |
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of
the Breast: Hormonal Regulation 
Noam Nissan1, Edna Furman-Haran2,
Myra Shapiro-Feinberg3, Dov Grobgeld1,
and Hadassa Degani1
1Department of Biological Regulation,
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 2Unit
of Biological Services, Weizmann Institute of Science,
Israel,3Meir Medical Center, Kfar Saba,
In this study, we investigated the hormonal regulation
of breast diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) throughout the
menstrual cycle phases, during lactation and in
post-menopause with and without hormonal replacement
therapy (HRT). Our findings suggest that DTI parameters
are not sensitive to the menstrual cycle changes, while
menopause, long term HRT and the presence of milk in
lactating women affected DTI parameters. Therefore, the
timing for performing breast DTI is not restricted
throughout the menstrual cycle, whereas the modulations
in diffusion parameters due to HRT and lactation should
be taken into account upon DTI evaluation
4062. |
35 |
Texture Analysis using Run
Length Matrices in MRI of Breast Cancer 
Peter Gibbs1, Michael Fox1, Martin
Pickles1, and Lindsay Turnbull1
1MRI Centre, HYMS at University of Hull,
Hull, East Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Statistical methods of texture analysis are widely used
in image classification due to their computational ease
and high level of discrimination. However, the most
appropriate statistical method is unknown. In this work
run length matrices have been calculated for a series of
patients with locally advanced breast cancer prior to
receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Significant
differences in run length based parameters were noted
between low grade (I/II) and high grade (III) lesions
pre-contrast and 5 minutes post contrast.
4063. |
36 |
Quantitative evaluation of
image-based distortion correction in diffusion tensor
imaging of the breast 
Cheng-Liang Liu1, Matthew L Olson1,
Peixian Liu1, Marko K Ivancevic2,
Constance D Lehman1, and Savannah C Partridge1
1Department of Radiology, University of
Washington, Seattle, Washington, United States, 2Philips
Healthcare, Best, Netherlands
Misalignment within DWI sequences due to eddy-current
based distortions in diffusion gradient images reduces
the accuracy of computed DWI and DTI parametric maps.
Our study in 21 breast cancer patients showed that
image-based distortion correction of DTI acquisitions
improves spatial alignment and lesion conspicuity and
may be essential for quantification of breast DTI
parameters beyond ADC.
4064. |
37 |
Evaluation of MR accuracy
in neoadjuvant chemotherapy response assessment in patients
showing change of biomarker status 
Jeon-Hor Chen1,2, Shadfar Bahri1,
Rita S. Mehta3, Philip M. Carpenter4,
and Min-Ying Su1
1Center for Functional Onco-Imaging,
University of California, Irvine, California, United
States, 2Department
of Radiology, Eda Hospital and I-Shou University,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 3Department
of Medicine, University of California, Orange,
California, United States, 4Department
of Pathology, University of California, Orange,
California, United States
This study attempted to investigate if the change of
biomarker status after adjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) will
affect MR accuracy in evaluation of residual tumor size.
59 breast cancer patients who received NAC and had
residual tumor size in MRI and pathology and pre- and
post-NAC biomarker information were analyzed. Our study
noted biomarker conversion following NAC did not impact
accuracy of MRI in determining residual tumor size in
Her-2 negative and PR positive breast cancer. In Her-2
positive cancer, when converted into Her-2 negative
cancer, the MR-pathology tumor size difference was
remarkably higher than Her-2 positive cancer without
biomarker conversion.
4065. |
38 |
High Order Diffusion Tensor
Imaging for Breast Cancer Differentiation 
Jose Ramon Teruel1,2, Hans Erikssønn Fjøsne3,4,
Agnes Østlie5, Pål Erik Goa2,6,
and Tone Frost Bathen1
1Department of Circulation and Medical
Imaging, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 2St.
Olavs University Hospital, Trondheim, Norway, 3Department
of Surgery, St. Olavs University Hospital, Trondheim,
Norway, 4Institute
of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, NTNU,
Trondheim, Norway, 5Department
of Radiology, St. Olavs University Hospital, Trondheim,
Norway, 6Department
of Physics, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
In our study we evaluate the potential of a 4th order
diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) model for breast cancer
differentiation. Our results reveal how this model
outperforms standard DTI for differentiation of
malignant and benign lesions, and healthy fibroglandular
tissue. In particular, fractional anisotropy derived
from this model is found to increase the potential of
diffusivity markers to differentiate malignant and
benign lesions.
4066. |
39 |
Correlation of three
dimensional mammographic density (Quantra) and breast
density acquired using 3D MRI 
Jeon-Hor Chen1,2, Tsung-Lung Yang3,
Huei-Lung Liang3, Chen-Pin Chou3,
Jer-Shyung Huang3, Yifan Li1,
Min-Ying Su1, and Huay-Ben Pan3
1Center for Functional Onco-Imaging,
University of California, Irvine, California, United
States, 2Department
of Radiology, Eda Hospital and I-Shou University,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 3Department
of Radiology, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Despite of the development of a new volumetric breast
density (Quantra) analysis tool, still it is not known
how accurate the acquired density results are. This
study aimed to compare the results of density
measurement using Quantra and 3D MRI in the same women.
56 women were studied. The MR density analysis was based
on a novel semi-automatic method. Overall, moderate
correlation (r=0.55 for the right breast and r=0.65 for
the left breast) between the two modalities was noted.
Huge measurement variations in the two modalities were
noted in a few women, unexplained by the breast density
or breast morphology.
4067. |
40 |
Quantitative Assessment of
Quadrant Breast Density Using 3D MRI 
Jeon-Hor Chen1,2, Jia Shen Hong3,
Po-Chuan Tseng1, Peter T. Fwu1,
Celine M Vachon4, and Min-Ying Su1
1Center for Functional Onco-Imaging,
University of California, Irvine, California, United
States, 2Department
of Radiology, Eda Hospital and I-Shou University,
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 3Department
of Medical Imaging, China Medical University, Taichung,
Taiwan, 4Department
of Health Sciences Research, Mayo Clinic, Rochester,
Minnesota, United States
In this study we investigated the density distribution
in the four quadrants of the breast and compare between
a Western and an Asian cohort. Breast MRI from 250
Western women and 156 Asian women was semi-automatically
segmented for the quantification of quadrant breast
density. In total 91 right breasts and 65 left breasts
from Asian cohort, and 144 right breasts and 106 left
breasts from Western cohort were analyzed. Our study
noted that Asian women have the most common highest
density in the inner upper quadrant and Western women
have the most common highest density in the outer lower
4068. |
41 |
Assessing breast cancer
response with DCE-MRI: Are signal intensity/time curves
David K Woolf1, Sonia P Li1, N.
Jane Taylor2, Andreas Makris1,
Andrew Gogbashian2, Mark J Beresford3,
Mei-Lin W Ah-See1, J. James Stirling2,
David J Collins4, and Anwar R Padhani2
1Academic Department of Oncology, Mount
Vernon Hospital, Northwood, Middlesex, United Kingdom, 2Paul
Strickland Scanner Centre, Mount Vernon Hospital,
Northwood, Middlesex, United Kingdom, 3Royal
United Hospital Bath, Bath, United Kingdom, 4CR-UK-EPSRC
Cancer Imaging Centre, Institute of Cancer Research &
Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom
Quantitative DCE-MRI can predict both response and
outcome in breast cancer patients after 2 cycles of
neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC). Quantitative parameters
are time-consuming to calculate, requiring expensive
software and interpretive expertise. This study shows
that the easier to use, signal intensity-time curve
(SITC) shapes were significantly associated with K trans values
at baseline and after two cycles of NAC (both p =
0.000). Changes in curve type and K trans were
significantly associated ( 2 =
53.5, p = 0.000). Reductions of >1 in SITC shape
predicts improved overall 5 year survival (81% vs 69% (p
= 0.048)).
4069. |
42 |
Cognitive effects of breast
cancer therapies: univariate and multivariate analyses of
brain connectivity 
Scott James Peltier1, Marc Berman2,
Mary Kathleen Askren3, Bratislav Misic4,
Mi Sook Jung1, Anthony Randal McIntosh4,
Lynn Ossher1, Min Zhang1, Patricia
Reuter-Lorenz1, and Bernadine Cimprich1
1University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI,
United States, 2University
of South Carolina, SC, United States, 3University
of Washington, WA, United States,4University
of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
This study investigates resting-state network
correlations in women treated for breast cancer and
age-matched healthy controls. In addition, a
partial-least squares analysis was performed. Univariate
and multivariate analyses both exhibited differential
patterns of connectivity across groups and time. This
may form the basis for improved diagnostic and
monitoring techniques for cognitive changes associated
with breast cancer and its treatment.
4070. |
43 |
Collagen fibers mediate
water diffusion and anisotropy in breast tumors 
Samata Kakkad1,2, Jiangyang Zhang1,
Alireza Akhbardeh1, Desmond Jacob1,
Meiyappan Solaiyappan1, Michael A. Jacobs1,3,
Venu Raman1,3, Dieter Leibfritz2,
Kristine Glunde1,3, and Zaver M. Bhujwalla1,3
1The Russell H. Morgan Department of
Radiology and Radiological Science, The Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland,
United States, 2Department
of Chemistry and Biology, University of Bremen, Bremen,
Germany, 3Sidney
Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, The Johns Hopkins
University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland,
United States
We investigated the influence of collagen 1 (Col1)
fibers on water diffusion, using a breast cancer
xenograft fluorescing under hypoxia. High Col1 fiber
density correlated with increased apparent diffusion
coefficient (ADC) and fractional anisotropy (FA).
Hypoxic regions contained significantly fewer Col1
fibers, and were characterized by lower ADC and FA
compared to normoxic tumor regions. Diffusion patterns
observed in vivo were spatially similar to those
observed ex vivo, suggesting that noninvasive DTI can be
used to evaluate Col1 fiber density, an important
biomarker of tumor progression, and highlighting the
importance of Col1 fibers in molecular transport through
the extracellular matrix.
4071. |
44 |
Simulation of Optical
Breast Density Measurements Using Structured Light
Illumination in A Patient-Specific Anatomical Breast Model
Built from 3D MRI-Segmented Breast Density 
Jessica Kwong1, Farouk Nouizi1,
Yifan Li1, Gultekin Gulsen1, and
Min-Ying Lydia Su1
1Tu & Yuen Center for Functional
Onco-Imaging, Department of Radiological Sciences,
University of California, Irvine, CA, United States
Diffuse Optical Imaging can potentially be used to
measure quantitative breast density. We used MRI-based
density segmented from healthy breasts to reconstruct a
3D model of the breast and the dense tissue for optical
imaging simulation. Near infrared lights of various
patterns were illuminated to the breast from one side
and received from the other side. The light propagation
through the 3D tissue model was simulated and
reconstructed to generate the 3D absorption maps. The
percentage of the high-absorbing dense tissue from the
optical reconstructions is highly correlated with the
true percent density measured by MRI, with r= 0.9866.
4072. |
45 |
Evaluating Variability in
Quantitative Breast MRI Using Novel Phantom
-permission withheld
Sheye Aliu1, Kathryn E Keenan2,
Lisa Wilmes1, David Newitt1, Ella
Jones1, and Nola Hylton1
1University of California San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA, United States, 2National
Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, United
Using a novel breast phantom, we evaluated variability
in T1 relaxation and ADC measurements across four
scanner/coil configurations.
4073. |
46 |
at 7T distinguishes glycerophosphatidylcholine from
Wybe JM van der Kemp1, Bertine L Stehouwer1,
Jurgen H Runge2, Jannie P Wijnen1,
Aart J Nederveen2, Peter R Luijten1,
and Dennis WJ Klomp1
1Radiology, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht,
Netherlands, 2Radiology,
AMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands
The ratio between phosphocholine (PC),
phosphoethanolamine (PE) and their glycerol compounds
(GPE and GPC) are highly valuable biomarkers. However,
when obtained in vivo, these signals can overlap with
signals from membrane phospholipids (i.e.
glycerophosphatidyl-choline (GPtC) and –ethanolamine
(GPtE)). Using adiabatic multi-echo (AMESING) and
polarization transfer (BINEPT) techniques at 7T we
demonstrate that based on chemical shift, absence of
polarization transfer and reduced T2, the majority of
phosphodiester signals obtained in breast tissue
originate from GPtC and GPtE rather than from the GPE
and GPC.
4074. |
47 |
Evaluating water selective
DWI of the breast: A test-retest study 
He Zhu1, Lori Arlinghaus1,
Jennifer G. Whisenant1, John C. Gore1,
and Thomas Yankeelov1
1VUIIS, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
United States
Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) provides quantitative
and non-invasive assessments of cell density in breast
tissue. We recently developed a water selective DWI
acquisition obviating the need for fat suppression using
inversion recovery or pre-saturation. Instead, our
method relies on image-based shimming to identify the
water resonance during a pre-scan and then applies
frequency selective excitation on the water resonance.
In this abstract, we report a test-retest study to
investigate if the added complexity of this water
selective DWI method compromised reproducibility.
4075. |
48 |
Registration of Breast MRI
with Breast Ultrasound for Surgical Planning of Breast
Conserving Surgery: A Feasibility Study 
Martin D Pickles1, Peter Gibbs1,
Anne Hubbard2, Ayesha Rahman2,
Joanna Wieczorek2, Ronjabati Roychaudhury2,
and Lindsay W Turnbull1
1Centre for Magnetic Resonance
Investigations, HYMS at University of Hull, Hull, East
Yorkshire, United Kingdom, 2Breast
Care Unit, Hull & East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust,
Hull, East Yorkshire, United Kingdom
The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of
registered breast MRI and ultrasound data in the
planning of breast conserving surgery via guide wire
insertion. Following MRI examination participants
underwent US/MRI registration proceeding to guide wire
localization. To aid co-registration 3-4 common points
were identifiable in both the US and MR images. Root
mean square deviation values and a qualitative
assessment of global registration were recorded. All
US/MRI registrations were successful. These results
demonstrate that the registration of MR and US data to
aid in the insertion of surgical guide wires is
Clinical Cancer: Therapy Response, Perfusion Permeability, Ex
Vivo, Education
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
17:00 - 18:00 |
Computer # |
4076. |
1 |
Prediction of treatment
response using texture analysis on pharmacokinetic maps of
dynamic contrast enhanced MRI in patients with head and neck
Yonggang Lu1, Jacobus F.A. Jansen2,
Gaorav Gupta1, Nancy Lee1, Hilda
E. Stambuk1, Yousef Mazaheri1,
Joseph O. Deasy1, and Amita Shukla-Dave1
1Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NEW
YORK, New York, United States, 2Maastricht
University Medical Center, Maastricht, Netherlands
Reliable prediction for treatment response will help to
make optimized treatment planning more effectively in
head and neck cancers. In the present study we evaluated
the merits of texture analysis on parametric maps
derived from pharmacokinetic modeling of dynamic
contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in the
usage of treatment response prediction. The results
demonstrated that the energy (E) of parametric maps of
ve (volume fraction of the extravascular extracellular
space) was significantly higher during treatment
compared with pretreatment, suggesting chemo-radiation
treatment significantly reduces the heterogeneity of
tumors. Future studies with larger patient populations
are required to validate this finding.
4077. |
2 |
Bone Marrow DCE-MRI
Prediction of Acute Leukemia Response to Therapy 
Aneela Afzal1, Xin Li1, Mohan
Jayatilake1, Yiyi Chen1, Zunqiu
Chen1, William Woodward1, William
Fleming1, and Wei Huang1
1Oregon Health & Science University,
Portland, Oregon, United States
Pre-chemotherapy DCE-MRI exams were performed on 13
acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) patients. The mean bone
marrow kep parameter from vertebral body (L2 - L4) and
iliac crest provided excellect prediction of complete
remission status after the chemotherapy. Bone marrow DCE-MRI
may be a useful noninvasive imaging tool in personalized
care of leukemia patient.
4078. |
3 |
QQ quantification analysis
of DCE-MRI for Osteosarcoma 
Junyu Guo1 and
Wilburn E Reddick1
1St Jude Children's Research Hospital,
Memphis, TN, United States
We present a quantile-quantile (QQ) plot quantification
method to measure the changes between the baseline and
the following DCE-MRI examinations on a single phase II
trial for pediatric osteosarcoma (OS) patients. The QQ
quantification analysis could generate five QQ
parameters to describe the different characteristics of
the change of histograms in tumors between two serial
DCE-MRI examinations. We found that the QQ
quantification could potentially provide very early
biomarkers for histologic response and event free
survival analysis, but the mean value of DCE-MRI
parameters in the tumors didn’t provide such early
biomarkers in a statistical analysis of 31 OS patients.
4079. |
4 |
Early assessment of
sequential combined therapy with radiation and sorafenib for
hepatocellular carcinoma using quantitative perfusion and
diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging: a pilot study 
Hyunki Kim1, Desiree Morgan1,
David Sarver2, Kyle Lee1, T.
Beasley1, and Kimberly Keene1
1University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Birmingham, AL, United States, 2University
of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, AR, United States
DCE-MRI/DWI was successfully applied for patients with
HCCs to quantitate the perfusion and diffusion
parameters of HCCs. Significant decreases of Ktrans and
kep values were observed after sequential combination
therapy with radiation and sorafenib, while tumor ADC
values were significantly increased. Tumor Ktrans change
was significantly correlated with tumor-volume change,
and therefore it may serve as an effective surrogate
biomarker to assess the therapeutic efficacy of
radiation therapy alone or in combination with
4080. |
5 |
Can Diffusion-Weighted
Imaging Detect Antihormonal Resistance in Patients with
Prostate Cancer Bone Metastases? 
Carolin Reischauer1,2, Johannes M. Froehlich1,
Dow-Mu Koh3, René Patzwahl4,
Christoph A. Binkert4, Sebastian Kos1,
and Andreas Gutzeit1,5
1Institute of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine,
Clinical Research Unit, Hirslanden Klinik St. Anna,
Lucerne, Switzerland, 2Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, ETH and University Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland, 3Department
of Radiology, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, United
Kingdom, 4Department
of Radiology, Cantonal Hospital Winterthur, Winterthur,
Switzerland, 5Department
of Radiology, Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg,
Patients suffering from prostate cancer-related bone
metastases initially respond well to antihormonal
treatment. However, after a period of 2-3 years
resistance is usually observed. The present work
investigates whether diffusion-weighted imaging permits
monitoring this process. It has been previously shown
that increased apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs)
are observed at 1 month after commencement of therapy in
responders to androgen deprivation. Using ADCs and
functional diffusion maps, the present work shows that
this initial increase is followed by decreasing ADCs
with onset of antihormonal resistance.
4081. |
6 |
DCE-MRI and DWI are
Sensitive to Vascular Changes in Renal Cell Carcinoma
Following Sunitinib Therapy 
Dania Daye1, Anil Chauhan1, Sarah
Englander1, Thomas Ferrara1,
Colleen Redlinger2, Naomi Haas2,
Hee-Kwon Song1, Stephen Keefe2,
and Mark Rosen1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United
We compared the sensitivity of DCE-MRI and multi-B-value
DWI to detect changes in renal cell carcinoma tumor
physiology following initiation of anti-angiogenic
therapy with Sunitinib. Both DCE-MRI and DWI were able
to detect therapy-induced changes in tumor physiology.
Statistically significant decreases in tumor
permeability and plasma volume (DCE), and fast diffusion
component and perfusion fraction (DWI) were shown.
Positive correlations were identified between DCE and
DWI methods for quantifying baseline RCC tumor vascular
physiology, and for detecting vascular changes in RCC
tumors early after therapy. DWI can be used as a
non-contrast method of tumor vascular monitoring during
anti-angiogenic therapy.
4082. |
7 |
Predicting Treatment
Response in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients using mean
ADCs and Functional Diffusion Maps 
Carolin Reischauer1,2, Johannes M. Froehlich1,
Miklos Pless2, Christoph A. Binkert2,
Sebastian Kos1, and Andreas Gutzeit1,3
1Institute of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine,
Clinical Research Unit, Hirslanden Klinik St. Anna,
Lucerne, Switzerland, 2Department
of Radiology, Cantonal Hospital Winterthur, Winterthur,
Switzerland, 3Department
of Radiology, Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg,
Therapy response in patients suffering from non-small
lung cancer is usually measured by tumor shrinkage
assessed using computed tomography after two cycles of
chemotherapy. If the treatment turns out to be
ineffective, patients undergo toxic therapy for weeks
without benefit. The present work investigates whether
mean apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC) and
functional diffusion maps (fDMs) permit predicting
response at an earlier stage. Thereby, fDMs allow
evaluating heterogeneous treatment effects by
quantifying the fractions of the tumor volume that show
either a significant increase or decrease in ADCs
compared with pretreatment values. Statistical analysis
reveals that tumor shrinkage can be predicted using fDMs
but not mean ADCs.
4083. |
8 |
Locally Advanced Rectal
Cancer: Post-chemoradiotherapy Apparent Diffusion
Coefficient (ADC) Histogram Analysis for Predicting a
Complete Response 
Seung Hyun Cho1, Gab Chul Kim1,
Hye Jung Kim1, Kyung-Min Shin1,
Yun-Jin Jang2, Hunkyu Ryeom2, and
See Hyung Kim3
1Radiology, Kyungpook National University
Medical Center, Daegu, Korea, 2Radiology,
Kyungpook National University Hospital, Daegu, Korea, 3Department
of Radiology, Dongsan Hospital, College of Medicine,
Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea
Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: Post-chemoradiotherapy
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) Histogram Analysis
for Predicting a Complete Response
4084. |
9 |
Demonstration of whole body
DWI characterisation of tumour heterogeneity for serial
response assessment. 
Mihaela Rata1, Nina Tunariu1, Dow
M Koh1, Stan Kaye2, Angela George3,
Martin O Leach1, David J Collins1,
and Matthew D Blackledge1
1Radiotherapy and Imaging, CR-UK and EPSRC
Cancer Imaging Centre, Institute of Cancer Research and
Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom, 2Drug
Development Unit, CR-UK and EPSRC Cancer Imaging Centre,
Institute of Cancer Research and Royal Marsden Hospital,
Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom, 3Gynaecology
Unit, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey, United
Intra- or inter- tumour heterogeneity is a major
challenge for anticancer treatment. Our work proposes a
novel whole-body DWI analysis methodology to measure
therapy response in disseminated disease, as exemplified
on a metastatic ovarian cancer patient. The longitudinal
tumour behaviour (over 10 visits) was continuously
assessed during therapy at multiple sites of metastasis.
Such analysis allows full characterization and
visualisation of disease burden and
observation/quantification of individual tumour response
to therapy at each individual site. Histogram and
volumetric assessment of individual lesions provides
additional information regarding treatment compared to
overall assessments of total tumour burden and global
ADC distributions.
4085. |
10 |
Diffusion weighted MR
derived apparent diffusion co-efficient values as a
biomarker for treatment response in breast cancer 
Eimear Ann Joyce1, Sylvia A O'Keeffe1,
Andrew Fagan1,2, Jason McMorrow1,
Danielle Byrne1, John Kennedy3,
and James F Meaney1,2
1Centre for Advanced Medical Imaging, St.
James's Hospital, Dublin 8, Dublin, Ireland, 2Trinity
College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland, 3HOPE
Directorate, St. James' Hospital, Dublin, Ireland
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the
performance of tumor apparent diffusion coefficient
(ADC) values in predicting response early in the course
of chemotherapy, for patients with breast cancer. We
also assessed the effect of tumor marker clip placement
on the ADC value. Our results confirm that changes in
ADC values early in the course of treatment can predict
treatment response. The gel-containing clip, used for
tumor marking prior to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, results
in a potential source of error when calculating ADC
tumor values and should be avoided when drawing tumor
regions of interest.
4086. |
11 |
Entropy and Higher Order
Moment Analysis of Pixel DCE-MRI Parameters for Breast
Cancer Diagnosis 
Mohan Jayatilake1, Xubo Song1,
Alina Tudorica1, Yiyi Chen1, Karen
Oh1, Nicole Roy1, Mark Kettler1,
and Wei Huang1
1Oregon Health & Science University,
Portland, Oregon, United States
Pre-biopsy DCE-MRI data from 82 mammography- and/or
ultrasound-detected suspicious lesions were collected
and analyzed using the Standard and Shutter-Speed PK
models. Mean, higher order moments, and entropy of the
pixel PK parameters were calculated. The higher order
moments and entropy of the Ktrans and DeltaKtrans
parameters provided comparable diagnostic accuracy as
the mean metric, suggesting tumor perfusion
heterogeneity can be used to discriminate benign and
malignant breast lesions. The utility of spatial
heterogeneity of the PK parameters will be investigated
in future studies.
4087. |
12 |
Comparison of Logan Plot
Analysis and Nested Model Selection Technique for MR
Estimation of Distribution Volume in Human Brain Tumor at
Hassan Bagher-Ebadian1,2, James R Ewing2,3,
Siamak P. Nejad-Davarani4,5, Hamed Moradi6,
Reza Faghihi6, Rajan Jain7, Tom
Mikkelsen8, Lisa Scarpace8, and
Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh1,9
1Radiology, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI,
United States, 2Physics,
Oakland University, Rochester, MI, United States, 3Neurology,
Henry Ford Hospital, MI, United States, 4Neurology,
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, United States, 5Biomedical
Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI,
United States, 6Mechanical
Engineering, Shiraz University, Fars, Iran, 7Radiology,
NYU Langone Medical Center, NY, United States, 8Neurosurgery,
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, United States, 9CIPCE,
ECE Dept., University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
In this study, Logan plot analysis was applied to
dynamic-contrast-enhanced MRI data of 15 patients with
Glioblastoma-Multiforme to estimate the tumor
distribution volume (VD). BDS (W.A.Brock, W.Dechert and
J.Scheinkman) statistic was used to identify the
equilibrium condition of the Logan curve.
Nested-Model-Selection (NMS) technique was also applied
to the same dataset. Results confirm that the VD values
estimated by the two techniques are quite in agreement
(0.946,p<0.001) while there is considerable variation
between subjects in both methods (VD:5% to 46% in
Logan-plot with mean and STD of VD=0.23%±0.13% and 7% to
53% in NMS with mean and STD of VD=0.27%±0.14%).
4088. |
13 |
Optimisation of
Time-resolved angiography With Stochastic Trajectories
(TWIST) for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Head and Neck
Rafal Panek1, Maria A Schmidt1,
Marco Borri1, Dow-mu Koh1, Angela
Riddell2, Liam Welsh1, Ceri Powell2,
Shreerang A. Bhide1, Christopher M. Nutting3,
Kevin J. Harrington4, Kate L. Newbold1,
and Martin O. Leach1
1Royal Marsden NHS FT and Institute of Cancer
Research, Sutton, United Kingdom, 2Royal
Marsden NHS FT, Sutton, United Kingdom, 3Royal
Marsden NHS FT, London, United Kingdom, 4Royal
Marsden NHS FT and Institute of Cancer Research, London,
United Kingdom
The use of the TWIST view-sharing sequence for DCE
pharmacokinetic parameter calculation was investigated.
High temporal resolution DCE data obtained without
view-sharing was used to simulate the effects of
different TWIST k-space undersampling patterns. Absolute
percentage differences of DCE parameters were calculated
for 15 different combinations of sampled central and
peripheral parts of k-space. Calculations were carried
out for a group of H&N cancer patients (n=8) with
varying primary and nodal disease sites to maximize
vascular parameter heterogeneity. Optimal parameters
allowing for reliable DCE calculations using TWIST were
found allowing for high temporal and spatial resolution
measurements in H&N cancer.
4089. |
14 |
Improving Bladder Cancer
Staging by using quantitative DCE-MRI with k-means
Huyen T Nguyen1, Guang Jia2, Kamal
S Pohar3, Amir Mortazavi4, Zarine
K Shah5, Debra Zynger6, Lai Wei7,
Xiangyu Yang1, Daniel Clark1, and
Michael V Knopp1
1Wright Center of Innovation in Biomedical
Imaging, Department of Radiology, The Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio, United States, 2Department
of Physics and Astronomy, Louisiana State University,
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States, 3Deparment
of Urology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio,
United States, 4Deparment
of Internal Medicine, The Ohio State University,
Columbus, Ohio, United States, 5Deparment
of Radiology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio,
United States, 6Deparment
of Pathology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio,
United States, 7Center
for Biostatistics, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
Ohio, United States
This study is to evaluate the value of k-means
clustering of DCE-MRI pharmacokinetic parameters in T
staging of bladder tumors. k-means clustering was
performed on the non-dimensionalized Amp and kep values
of all twenty-four patients in the study to determine
three cluster centers. The volume fractions (VFs) of
three clusters were correlated with the tumor stage.
Significant difference in the VF of cluster 2 was found
between T1/lower vs. T2, T1/lower vs. T3, and T3 vs. T4.
The differences in all three cluster VFs were also
statistically significant. Fat-invasive tumors had
significantly higher VFs of cluster 1 and 3 and a
significantly lower VF of cluster 2 than did
non-fat-invasive tumors. The VF of cluster 2 had
area-under-the-curve (AUC) value of 0.83 in the
differentiation of fat-invasive from non-fat-invasive
tumors. k-means clustering of DCE-MRI pharmacokinetic
parameters can be a useful tool for the quantitative
assessment of T stages to improve the accuracy of the T
staging of bladder cancer.
4090. |
15 |
MR Estimation of
Permeability Parameters in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Studies
Using Model Averaging Technique and Nested Model Selection
Hassan Bagher-Ebadian1,2, Siamak P.
Nejad-Davarani3,4, James R Ewing2,3,
Tom Mikkelsen5, Rajan Jain6, Lisa
Scarpace5, and Hamid Soltanian-Zadeh1,7
1Radiology, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI,
United States, 2Physics,
Oakland University, Rochester, MI, United States, 3Neurology,
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, United States, 4Biomedical
Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI,
United States, 5Neurosurgery,
Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI, United States, 6Radiology,
NYU Langone Medical Center, NY, United States, 7CIPCE,
ECE Dept., University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
A nested model selection (NMS) technique along with
physiological concepts of the models is introduced and a
‘model-averaging’ technique in Dynamic-Contrast-Enhanced
(DCE)-MR model selection using the Akaike-Information-Criterion
(AIC) is constructed. The Models in NMS are recruited in
the AIC and applied to an exemplary DCE-MR data of a
patient with Glioblastoma-Multiforme. Model-choice and
probability maps estimated from both techniques are
compared. The AIC and NMS provide unique set of
probability maps for estimating the contribution of each
model in a specific voxel. These probabilities allow
combining the estimations from different models, thus
generating a more accurate estimate of permeability
4091. |
16 |
Clinical Implementation of
Slice Accelerated EPI-DSC MR Perfusion Weighted Imaging 
Donald Robinson Cantrell1, Thomas Anthony
Gallagher1, Bruce Spottiswoode2,
Timothy Carroll1,3, Charles Fasanati1,
and Dingxin Wang4,5
1Department of Radiology, Northwestern
University, Chicago, IL, United States, 2Cardiovascular
MR R&D, Siemens Healthcare, Chicago, IL, United States,3Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University,
Chicago, IL, United States, 4Siemens
Medical Solutions USA, Inc., Minneapolis, MN, United
States, 5CMRR,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States
Perfusion Weighted Imaging (PWI) provides functional
information on the hemodynamic status of CNS
malignancies. Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC)
enhanced MRI is an implementation of PWI that rapidly
acquires images following contrast administration.
However, standard clinical DSC-MRI protocols have
limited spatial coverage and temporal resolution. Our
previous work demonstrated the feasibility of using
Slice Accelerated Echo Planar Imaging (SA-EPI) for
DSC-MRI measurements in healthy volunteers. We now
report the first large-scale clinical implementation of
this promising new protocol for the evaluation of CNS
malignancies. Faster data acquisition achieved with
SA-EPI allows for increased spatial coverage while
maintaining the required temporal resolution.
4092. |
17 |
Effect of cabozantinib on Ktrans and
ve values
in castration-resistant prostate cancer 
Milica Medved1, Aytekin Oto1,
Xiaobing Fan1, Federico D Pineda1,
Gregory S Karczmar1, and Russell Z Szmulewitz2
1Radiology, University of Chicago, Chicago,
Illinois, United States, 2Medicine,
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States
Cabozantinib shows promising results in extension of
progression-free survival for men with
castration-resistant prostate cancer. In this
preliminary report, we document the effect of
cabozantinib on perfusion in bone metastases in
castration-resistant prostate cancer and in muscle
tissue using the Tofts model parameters Ktrans and
ve. We find a statistically significant
decrease in lesion Ktrans (37%
on average, p < 0.01) during the first two weeks of
therapy, while other quantities were not significantly
changed. It remains to be seen whether individual
changes in lesion Ktrans can
be correlated with treatment response.
4093. |
18 |
Assessment of tumor
aggressiveness using intravoxel incoherent motion MRI in
patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma 
Yonggang Lu1, Ashok R. Shaha1,
Hilda E. Stambuk1, Andre Moreira1,
Yousef Mazaheri1, Joseph O. Deasy1,
R. Michael Tuttle1, and Amita Shukla-Dave1
1Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NEW
YORK, New York, United States
There is an urgent need to non-invasively assess tumor
aggressiveness in patients with papillary thyroid
carcinoma (PTC). In this study, pretreatment intravoxel
incoherent motion imaging (IVIM) MRI was used to
quantify water molecular diffusion and blood perfusion
in tumor tissue of 15 patients with PTC. All patients
were treated with surgery and histopathological features
of aggressiveness were used as the standard of
reference. The results show that IVIM MRI derived
metrics were able to differentiate between aggressive
and non-aggressive tumors. The study concludes that
diffusion coefficient is a surrogate biomarker of tumor
aggressiveness in patients with PTC.
4094. |
19 |
Lung Tumor Tracking with
Simulated Navigator Echoes 
Karen Mooney1, Tejan Diwanji1,
Xiutao Shi1, Warren D D'Souza1,
and Nilesh Mistry1
1Radiation Oncology, University of Maryland
School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Simulated 1D navigator echoes were retrospectively
generated in two directions from 2D MR images of 5
patients with lung tumors. The respiratory motion of the
tumors was tracked using the navigators, and the results
were compared to manual tracking of the tumors using the
full images.
4095. |
20 |
Initial Clinical Experience
with a Radiation Oncology Dedicated Open 1.0T MR-Simulation 
Carri K Glide-Hurst1, Ning Wen1,
David Hearshen1, Milan Pantelic1,
Bo Zhao1, Yanle Hu2, Tina Kunkel1,
Kenneth Levin1, Benjamin Movsas1,
Indrin J. Chetty1, and M. Salim Siddiqui1
1Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI,
United States, 2Washington
University, St Louis, MO, United States
Due to its excellent soft tissue contrast, MRI is
integrated as an adjunct to computed tomography
simulation (CT-SIM) for radiotherapy (RT) treatment
planning to assist in tumor and organ at risk
delineation. Recently, dedicated MR simulation (MR-SIM)
platforms for radiation oncology have been introduced,
although paucity in the literature exists on how to
fully implement MR-SIM into the clinic. This work
describes our experience with characterizing system
performance, establishes quality assurance (QA)
programs, and sets the context for dedicated MR-SIM for
RT. We developed QA procedures and workflow necessary to
implement MR-SIM into treatment planning and demonstrate
its clinical use.
4096. |
21 |
Absolute quantitation of
metabolites in human prostate cancer biopsies by HR-MAS 1H
NMR spectroscopy 
Basetti Madhu1, Greg Shaw1, David
Neal1, and John R Griffiths1
1Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute,
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United
Human prostate biopsies were analysed with HRMAS 1H
NMR spectroscopy. Absolute metabolite concentrations of
the following metabolites were estimated by a modified
LC-Model basis set in benign, low grade and high grade
prostate cancer samples: alanine, lactate, glutamine,
glutamate, citrate, choline, phosphocholine (PC)+
glycerophosphocholine(GPC), creatine + phosphocreatine,
taurine, myo-inositol and spermine . Alanine was
significantly elevated in both low and high-grade
prostate cancer biopsies; total choline(choline+PC+GPC)
and glutamate were significantly higher in high-grade
malignant prostate. None of the macromolecule (0.9ppm,
2.0ppm) and lipid signals (0.9ppm, 1.3ppm and 2.0ppm)
showed any statistical differences between the benign
and cancer samples
4097. |
22 |
Low- and High-Grade Bladder
Cancer Determination via Human Serum-Based Metabolomics
Navneeta Bansal1, Ashish Gupta2,
Anil Mandhani3, Abbas Ali Mahdi4,
and Satya Narain Sankhwar1
1Department of Urology, King George's Medical
University, Lucknow, UP, India, 2Department
of Metabolomics, Centre of Biomedical Research, Lucknow,
UP, India, 3Department
of Urology, SGPGIMS, Lucknow, UP, India, 4Department
of Biochemistry, King George’s Medical University,
Lucknow, UP, India
A novel approach of 1H NMR spectroscopy of serum
metabolite profile and multivariate statistical
approach—orthogonal partial least-squares discriminant
analysis (PLS-DA) was carried out to identify
differential biomarkers of urinary bladder cancer (UBC)
comprising, low grade (LG) and high grade (HG). The
study was carried out on 67 UBC patients and 32 healthy
volunteers to differentiate among healthy control (HC),
LG and HG. PLS-DA-derived serum metabolomics were able
to precisely discriminate 95% of cases of BC with 96%
sensitivity and 94% specificity when compared to HC and
98% of cases of LG from HG with 97% sensitivity and 99%
4098. |
23 |
Usefulness of histogram
analysis for the investigation of tumour heterogeneity 
Nathalie Just1
1CIBM-AIT, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
DCE-MRI and DWI have been used to estimate various
physiological parameters on a voxel by voxel basis
allowing a full visualisation of the tumour
heterogeneity. The methodologies for calculating and
interpreting voxel by voxel values are poorly known and
may be time-consuming. Unfortunately, mean and median
quantitative values are not always significantly
sensitive to small changes and may not represent the
precise status of the tumour owing to their intrinsic
chaotic environment. Owing to advances in both
high-resolution MRI and signal processing methods,
histogram analyses of tumours showed their usefulness
for investigating the distributions of various tumour
4099. |
24 |
Histogram Analysis of
Diffusion Metrics in Evaluation of Brain Tumors: Clinical
Akira Nishikori1,2, Masaaki Hori1,3,
Fumitaka Kumagai1,2, Yoshitaka Masutani4,
Ryuji Nojiri3, Katsutoshi Murata5,
Kohei Kamiya1,4, Koji Kamagata1,
Mariko Yoshida1, Michimasa Suzuki1,
and Shigeki Aoki1
1Radiology, Juntendo University School of
Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, 2Graduate
School of Human Health Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, 3Tokyo
Medical Clinic, Tokyo, Japan, 4The
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 5Siemens
Japan K.K., Tokyo, Japan
The purpose of this exhibit is to explain methods of
histogram analyses of diffusion metrics and to
demonstrate clinical usefulness of the analysis in
evaluation of brain tumors. Histogram analyses of
diffusion metrics showed promise for classification of
the grades and subtypes of brain tumors, demonstration
of intratumoral microstructures and determination of
peritumoral invasion In case it is difficult for
radiologists to reach comprehensive diagnosis with
conventional imaging technique, complementary
combination use of histogram analysis of diffusion
metrics will be helpful for more precise diagnosis of
brain tumors.
Prostate Cancer
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
17:00 - 18:00 |
Computer # |
4100. |
25 |
Hybrid PET/MRI of Prostate
Cancer: Comparison of Kinetic Activity Of 18F-FDG and
Gadolinium-Chelate Using Simultaneous Multimodality Dynamic
Andrew B Rosenkrantz1, Anne-Kristin Vahle1,
Christian Geppert2, Christopher Glielmi2,
Kent P Friedman1, Rachel M Bartlett1,
Samir S Taneja3, Yu-Shin Ding1,
and Thomas Koesters1
1Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and
Research, Department of Radiology, NYU Langone Medical
Center, New York, NY, United States, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany, 3Urologic
Oncology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, New
York, United States
By providing truly simultaneous spatial and temporal
acquisitions, hybrid PET/MRI using dynamic PET imaging
allows robust comparison of the kinetics of MRI and PET
tracers. In this study, 12 prostate cancer patients
underwent hybrid PET/MRI with simultaneous DCE-MRI and
dynamic PET acquisitions following consecutive
injections of gadolinium-chelate and 18F-FDG. Early
post-injection PET data was reconstructed using
30-second bins, and ROIs were placed on lesions using
fused DCE-MRI/PET images to generate matching
time-activity-curves. Versus gadolinium-chelate, FDG
exhibited significantly later time-to-peak and greater
maximal slope of uptake. Such kinetic differences
between the two agents have not been previously reported
to our knowledge.
4101. |
26 |
The Role of Multiparametric
MRI in Contemporary Radiotherapy of Prostate Cancer 
Radka Stoyanova1, Andres Parra1,
Kyle Padgett1, Matthew Abramowitz1,
and Alan Pollack1
1Radiation Oncology, University of Miami,
Miami, Florida, United States
Three clinical trials are initiated for targeted
radiation treatment of prostate cancer, based on the
hypothesis that: (i) the dominant lesions recognized on
multiparametric MRI (MP-MRI) determine outcome; (ii)
MP-MRI-directed biopsies are critical to accurately
assessing pre-treatment (pre-Tx) histopathologic and
molecular characteristics; (iii) MP-MRI parameters are
related to tumor response and molecular abnormalities;
(iv) early MP-MRI changes after treatment will correlate
with response and (v) targeting these lesions will
improve control rates without increasing toxicity. The
workflow for integration of MP-MRI at multiple points in
the trails design is discussed, together with
preliminary results.
4102. |
27 |
Accuracy of multiparametric
MRI for mapping prostate cancer by Gleason score 
Maarten Leonard Smits1, Bruce L Daniel2,
Sharon E. Clarke2, Jesse McKenney2,
Andrew Wentland2, Manoj Saranathan2,
Lewis Shin2, Kyung Sung2, Brian
Hargreaves2, Emine U. Saritas2,
Dwight G. Nishimura2, and Graham Sommer2
1University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht,
Netherlands, 2Stanford
University, California, United States
This study assessed prospectively the ability of
multiparametric (mp) MRI to map intraprostatic
adenocarcinoma (Pca) of varying Gleason scores and the
mapping accuracy of the individual components of mp-MRI.
All sequences were much more accurate in imaging higher
grades (significant tumor) than lower grade tumor. DWI
and ADC maps were most accurate in imaging PCa overall,
and DCE imaged higher grade tumor most accurately. T2W
gave poorer results than either DWI or DCE. The
multiparametric approach resulted in marginally better
results than DWI in this study.
4103. |
28 |
RADcommunicator, an iPad
application for PI-RADS reporting of prostate
multiparametric MRI
-permission withheld
Ara Alconchel Pilar1, Sarah Alessi1,
Michele Colombi2, Paul Summers1,
Massimo Bellomi1,3, Luca Antiga2,
and Giuseppe Petralia1
1European Institute of Oncology, Milan, MI,
Italy, 2Orobix
S.r.l., Bergamo, BG, Italy, 3Univerity
of Milan, Milan, MI, Italy
Since its publication in the 2012 ESUR guidelines,
PI-RADS (Prostate Imaging Reporting And Data System)
scoring of prostate Multiparametric MRI (mp-MRI) is
increasingly used in radiological practice. We present
our experience with RADcommunicator, a freely-available
iPad application that provides standardized reporting
with axial and coronal prostate templates and a table to
record mp-MRI assessments of each lesion. In our
institution, RADcommunicator has facilitated routine use
of PI-RADS scoring in >300 patients and enhanced the
communication of clinical results derived from prostate
mp-MRI to all physicians involved in the care of
prostate cancer patients.
4104. |
29 |
Prostate Cancer
localization with a Multiparametric MR Approach (PCaMAP):
separating PCa from benign tissue in a multi-center study 
Marnix C. Maas1, Alan J. Wright1,
Kirsten M. Selnæs2,3, Masoom A. Haider4,
Katarzyna J. Macura5, Daniel J.A. Margolis6,
Berthold Kiefer7, Jurgen J. Fütterer1,
and Tom W.J. Scheenen1
1Radiology, Radboud University Medical
Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2Department
of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Norwegian University
of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 3St.
Olavs Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital,
Trondheim, Norway, 4Sunnybrook
Health Sciences Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, 5Russell
H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological
Science, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United
States, 6UCLA
David Geffen School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, United
States, 7Siemens
AG Healthcare Sector, Erlangen, Germany
We present initial results of a multi-center trial aimed
at assessing the diagnostic accuracy of 3T
multi-parametric MR imaging and spectroscopy in
distinguishing clinically significant prostate cancer
(PCa) from other prostatic tissue, with whole-mount
section histopathology as the gold standard. Good
separation between PCa and benign tissues was found for
multi-center ADC data; DCE and MRSI need further
analysis before solid conclusions about these methods’
performance can be drawn. The validation part of this
prospective trial will be used to determine the
parameters contributing most to the detection and
localization of clinically significant PCa as well as
their optimal thresholds.
4105. |
30 |
Prostate Cancer Detection
of Multifocal Tumors on 3T Multi-Parametric MR Imaging:
Correlation with Histopathology 
Nelly Tan1, Daniel J Margolis1,
David Y Lu2, Robert E Reiter3, and
Steven S Raman1
1Radiology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United
States, 2Pathology,
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Urology,
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Our findings have implications for emerging focal
therapy of prostate cancers. A large proportion of
secondary tumors and a small proportion of index lesions
will not be detected by MR imaging. The results
underscore the need for close follow up post therapy.
4106. |
31 |
Final Gleason Score
Prediction Using Discriminant Analysis and Support Vector
Machine Based on Preoperative Multiparametric MR Imaging of
Prostate Cancer at 3T 
Fusun Citak Er1, Metin Vural2,
Omer Acar3, Tarik Esen4, Aslihan
Onay2, and Esin Ozturk-Isik5
1Genetics and Bioengineering, Yeditepe
University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Department
of Radiology, VKF American Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, 3Department
of Urology, VKF American Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, 4School
of Medicine, Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey, 5Department
of Biomedical Engineering, Yeditepe University,
Istanbul, Turkey
This study aims to evaluate the performances of linear
and quadratic discriminant analysis and linear and
non-linear support vector machine (SVM) for estimation
of final Gleason score preoperatively for prostate
cancer. The digital rectal examination (DRE) findings,
age, prostate specific antigen (PSA) level, index lesion
size, biopsy Gleason score, ADC, Likert scales of T2,
diffusion weighted, and dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE)
MRI were used as predictors for estimating the final
Gleason score based on the pathologic analysis after
prostatectomy. The results of our study indicated that
linear SVM and linear discriminant analysis performed
well in predicting final Gleason score.
4107. |
32 |
Textural entropy may help
identify significant tumour within the prostatic transition
zone on mp-MRI 
Shonit Punwani1, Salvatore Benigno2,
Balaji Ganeshan2, Ashley Groves2,
and Mark Emberton2
1University College London, London, UK,
United Kingdom, 2University
College London, United Kingdom
This study explores the utility of an entropy textural
analysis metric for detection of significant tumour
within the transition zone of the prostate on
multi-parametric MRi
4108. |
33 |
Rajakumar Nagarajan1, Zohaib Iqbal1,
Brian Burns1, Daniel A Margolis1,
Manoj K Sarma1, Robert E Reiter2,
Steven S Raman1, and M.Albert Thomas1
1Radiological Sciences, University of
California Los Angeles, LOS ANGELES, CA, United States, 2Urology,
University of California Los Angeles, LOS ANGELES, CA,
United States
Detection of more metabolites in prostate cancer is
demonstrated using non-uniformly undersampled (NUS)
echo-planar J-resolved spectroscopic imaging (EP-JRESI)
data processed using maximum entropy (MaxEnt) non-linear
reconstruction method than conventional one-dimensional
(1D) MR Spectroscopic imaging (MRSI). We have quantified
metabolites changes observed in spermine, myo-inositol
and citrate in cancer locations. Based on the ADC
values, the diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) was able to
differentiate the cancer and non-cancer locations. There
were positive and negative correlations between the ADC
values and metabolite ratios in cancer locations
investigated in our study.
4109. |
34 |
Towards quantitative T2-
and ADC-mapping in prostate using diffusion weighted 3D DESS
Isabel Dregely1, Daniel JA Margolis1,
Kyung H Sung1, and Holden H Wu1
1University of California Los Angeles, Los
Angeles, California, United States
The purpose of this work was to apply diffusion weighted
3D DESS MRI to prostate imaging with the goal to achieve
simultaneously quantitative T2- and ADC-mapping.
Diffusion weighted DESS in the prostate is challenging
due to motion, which limits SNR especially on the
diffusion weighted echo-signal. Therefore only moderate
diffusion gradient moments could be applied. Preliminary
results in a healthy volunteer showed that quantitative
T2 and ADC-values were within expected range for healthy
prostate. Monte Carlo simulations showed good accuracy
and precision for T2, however less for ADC-mapping.
Simulated scenarios showed that improving SNR and/or
diffusion sensitivity will improve quantification.
4110. |
35 |
Diffusion and Perfusion
Coefficients Changes of Prostate Cancer after Endocrine
Therapy: Using DWI Biexponential Model 
Feiyu Li1, Wenchao Cai1, Jintang
Ye1, Queenie Chan2, Xiaoying Wang1,
and Xuexiang Jiang1
1Department of Radiology, Peking University
First Hospital, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Philips
Healthcare, Hong Kong, China
Accurate identification of the recurrent tumor in
prostate allows better selection of patients for salvage
or adjuvant RT after endocrine therapy. The purpose of
this study was to assess the diffusion and perfusion
coefficients changes of prostate cancer (PCa) and
noncancerous areas after endocrine therapy using DWI
biexponential model. The mean D and f values of
cancerous and noncancerous foci in the endocrine
treatment group both showed statistically different from
that in the non-treatment group. The changes of the D
and f were accordance with the pathological and
physiological degeneration of cells and vessels after
endocrine therapy in the histopathologic study. IVIM
maybe a promising technique in the better detection of
the prostate recurrent lesion after therapy.
4111. |
36 |
Veronica A Morgan1, Chris C Parker2,
Sharon L Giles1, and Nandita M de Souza3
1Clinical Magnetic Resonance Unit, Royal
Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Sutton, Surrey, United
Kingdom, 2Academic
Urology, Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Sutton,
Surrey, United Kingdom, 3Clinical
Magnetic Resonance Unit, Institute of Cancer Research,
Sutton, Surrey, United Kingdom
This study evaluates the relationship between ADC and
tumor growth in low risk prostate cancer patients. Tumor
volume was calculated on baseline and follow-up scans of
23 patients. From the baseline scan a representative
tumor ADC was also derived from a ROI drawn around the
largest area of tumor. There was a significant negative
correlation between tumor growth rate and ADC at
presentation. In this low risk group doubling time is
around 3years. Cancers with lower ADC at the outset
tended to grow more quickly. Determining threshold ADCs
from a larger study could influence decisions around
timing of treatment.
4112. |
37 |
Comparison of Different
Fitting Algorithms for Analysis of High b-value Prostate
Diffusion Imaging
Yousef Mazaheri1, Andreas M Hoetker2,
Yonggang Lu3, Amita Shukla-Dave3,
Oguz Akin4, and Hedvig Hricak4
1Medical Physics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering
Cancer Center, New York, NY, United States, 2Radiology,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY,
United States, 3Medical
Physics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New
York, United States, 4Radiology,
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, United
The aim of this work was to compare the non linear least
squares (NLLS) algorithm to the maximum likelihood (ML)
algorithm for fitting diffusion decay curves to extract
parameters to the measured MR signal intensities as a
function of b-value for bi-exponential, stretched
exponential, and non-Gaussian (Kurtosis) models.
4113. |
38 |
spectroscopic imaging of the prostate at 7T using
spectral-spatial pulses 
Miriam W. Lagemaat1, Marnix C. Maas1,
Adam B. Kerr2, Andreas K. Bitz3,4,
Stephan Orzada4, Mark J. van Uden1,
Eline K. Vos1, and Tom W.J. Scheenen1,4
1Radiology, Radboud university medical
center, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2MRSRL,
Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford,
CA, United States,3Medical Physics in
Radiology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ),
Heidelberg, Germany, 4Erwin
L. Hahn Institute for Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany
sequence with spectral-spatial refocusing pulses was
evaluated for prostate applications at 7T. The
combination of an external Tx array coil and an Rx
endorectal coil allowed the use of these non-adiabatic
pulses, while retaining sensitivity within the prostate.
Well-resolved spectra in the prostate of patients were
obtained, with some variation due to B0 and
B1 inhomogeneities.
4114. |
39 |
Relationship between MR
visible metabolites, MR imaging parameters and quantitative
histopathology in prostate cancer 
Kirsten Margrete Selnæs1,2, Riyas Vettukattil1,
May-Britt Tessem1,2, Helena Bertillson3,4,
Alan Wright5, Arend Heerschap1,5,
Anders Angelsen3,4, and Tone Frost Bathen1
1Department of Circulation and Medical
Imaging, Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Trondheim, Norway, 2St.
Olavs Hospital, Trondheim University Hospital,
Trondheim, Norway, 3Department
of Urology, St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim University
Hospital, Trondheim, Norway, 4Department
of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Norwegian
University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 5Department
of Radiology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical
Center, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Metabolic and morphologic changes due to prostate cancer
lead to changes in MR imaging and MR spectroscopic
parameters. This study aims to assess the relationship
between MRI parameters (T2 intensity and ADC) measured
on patients in vivo, individual metabolites measured on
prostatectomy tissue ex vivo with HR-MAS MRS and
quantitative histopathological features (percentage
nuclei and luminal space). ADC was positively correlated
to lumen and negatively correlated to amount of nuclei
(ñ = 0.54 and -0.36 respectively, p<0.01). There is a
positive correlation between total choline and amount of
nuclei (ñ=0.38, p<0.01) and between citrate and amount
of lumen (ñ=0.37, p<0.01)
4115. |
40 |
Role of Hypoxia in
Aggressive Prostate Cancer – A Hyperpolarized 13C MR Study 
Renuka Sriram1, Kayvan R Keshari2,
Robert Bok1, Subramaniam Sukumar1,
Mark Van Criekinge1, Daniel B Vigneron1,
and John Kurhanewicz1
1University of California, San Francisco, San
Francisco, California, United States, 2Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, United States
This study demonstrates that hypoxia is significantly
increased in TRAMP tumors, and is responsible for
driving metabolic and micro-environmental changes that
favor disease progression. Moreover, these metabolic and
micro-environmental changes can be imaged using a
multi-probe hyper polarized 13C
MRI approach. The increase in the hyperpolarized 13C
signals of Lac/Pyr ratio as well as urea in late stage
compared to early stage tumors is synchronized with the
increased expression of hypoxic gene regulators. These
pre-clinical findings recapitulate the human situation
where increasing levels of hypoxia have been measured
with increasing clinical stage, and correlated with poor
clinical outcomes.
4116. |
41 |
Water Unsuppressed 1H MR
Spectroscopic Imaging Of The Prostate 
Nassim Tayari1, Arend Heerschap1,
and Alan J. Wright1
1Dept. of Radiology, RadboudUMC, Nijmegen,
Gelderland, Netherlands
Proton MR spectroscopic imaging is commonly performed
with water signal suppression to avoid artifacts from
side bands of the large water signal, but this signal
can be very useful for estimating metabolite
concentrations by providing a line-shape reference and a
quantification of the water signal. In this study we
developed water unsuppressed 3D MRSI of the prostate and
used it to provide choline concentration maps for
localization of prostate cancer. We observed that high
choline concentrations co-localised to tumour foci as
confirmed on histopathological staining of radical
prostatectomy specimens.
4117. |
42 |
Detection and grading of
prostate cancer using model-based spectral fitting 
Gregory J. Metzger1, Benjamin Fossen1,
Patrick J. Bolan1, Chrisopher Warlick2,
Badrinath Konety2, Stephen C. Schmechel3,
Chaitanya Kalavagunta1, and Ivan Tkac1
1Center for Magnetic Resonance Research,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Urologic
Surgery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN,
United States, 3Laboratory
Medicine, University of Washington, WA, United States
Model-based fitting of prostate spectra can produce more
selective metabolite ratios than conventional peak
integration. The model-based ratio tCho/Cit was found to
have a strong correlation with cancer aggressiveness
(grade), comparable with the standard approach of
CSC/Cit ratio, but with the advantage of greater
potential selectivity at higher fields.
4118. |
43 |
Combined Compressed
Sensing, Parallel Imaging, and Golden-Angle Radial Sampling
for High Spatiotemporal Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of the
Andrew B Rosenkrantz1, Christian Geppert2,
Robert Grimm2, Tobias K Block1,
Christopher Glielmi2, Li Feng1,
Ricardo Otazo1, Justin M Ream1,
Melanie Moccaldi Romolo1, Samir S Taneja3,
Daniel K Sodickson1, and Hersh Chandarana1
1Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and
Research, Department of Radiology, NYU Langone Medical
Center, New York, NY, United States, 2Siemens
Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany, 3Urologic
Oncology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, New
York, United States
4119. |
44 |
Multiparametric Prostate
MRI - Correlation of Imaging Findings with MRI-Guided Biopsy
Andrew David Nicholson1,2, Viraj A Master3,4,
Tracy E Powell1,2, Jian Kang1,5,
Adeboye O Osunkoya3,6, Martin G Sanda3,4,
and Sherif G Nour1,2
1Department of Radiology and Imaging Science,
Emory University Hospital, Atlanta, GA, United States, 2Interventional
MRI Program, Emory University Hospital, Atlanta, GA,
United States, 3Department
of Urology, Emory University Hospital, Atlanta, GA,
United States, 4School
of Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United
States, 5Department
of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Emory University,
Atlanta, GA, United States, 6Department
of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Emory University
Hospital, Atlanta, GA, United States
Our presentation details a retrospective analysis,
correlating multiparametric prostate MRI findings to
pathologic results of MRI-guided core needle biopsy. We
present a simple but statistically sound method for
scoring lesions, that can be used to select lesions for
targeted biopsy and therapy.
4120. |
45 |
Fast Three-Dimensional
T2-weighted Imaging with Transition Into Driven Equilibrium
balanced SSFP at 3T 
Subashini Srinivasan1,2, Holden H Wu1,2,
Kyunghyun Sung1,2, Daniel JA Margolis1,
and Daniel B Ennis1,2
1Department of Radiological Sciences,
University of California, Los Angeles, California,
United States, 2Department
of Bioengineering, University of California, Los
Angeles, California, United States
3D T2-weighted imaging is used clinically for high
resolution imaging of small tumors. Current clinical
standards for 3D T2-weighted imaging are limited by long
acquisition durations. We propose a 3D T2-weighted
variable flip angle transition into driven equilibrium
balanced SSFP (3D T2-TIDE) technique for fast
T2-weighted imaging at high field strengths. Images were
acquired using a 3D Cartesian trajectory with
interleaved ky-kz spiral sampling such that the center
of k-space was acquired with increased T2-weighting. 3D
T2-TIDE prostate images from five healthy subjects
reduced the acquisition duration by 59% while improving
the SNR efficiency compared to 3D FSE.
4121. |
46 |
Comparison of Systematic
and MRI-Ultrasound Fusion Targeted Prostate Biopsies in Men
With No Prior Biopsies 
Daniel Margolis1, Edward Chang2,
Frederick Dorey3, Jesse Le2,
Patricia Lieu2, and Leonard Marks2
1Department of Radiological Sciences, UCLA,
Los Angeles, CA, United States, 2Urology,
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Biostatistics,
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States
MRI-ultrasound fusion targeted prostate biopsy has shown
improved yield for significant cancer in men with prior
negative biopsies and undergoing active surveillance. It
has also been shown to improve yield for the initial
biopsy session. We present a comparison of systematic
versus targeted biopsy yield in men with elevated PSA
but no prior biopsies using 4 definitions of significant
disease. The rates of detection were similar, although
both systematic and targeted biopsies miss significant
disease for all definitions. However, this detection
rate occurred with nearly twice as many systematic as
targeted biopsy cores.
4122. |
47 |
Does the grade hotspot
match the volume hotspot? A 3-D model reconstructed using
Template Prostate Mapping Biopsies from the MRC PROMIS trial 
Ahmed El-Shater Bosaily1, Massimo Valerio1,
Yipeng Hu2, Alex Freeman3, Charles
Jameson3, Louise Brown4, Richard
Kaplan4, Mark Emberton1, Chris
Parker5, Richard Hindley6, and
Hashim Ahmed1
1Division of Surgery and interventional
science, University College London, London, United
Kingdom, 2Centre
for Medical Image Computing, University college London,
London, United Kingdom, 3Pathology,
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation
Trust, London, United Kingdom, 4Clinical
Trials Unit, Medical Research Council, London, United
Kingdom, 5oncology,
Royal Marsden Hospital/Institute of Cancer Research.,
London, United Kingdom,6Urology, Hampshire
Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Hampshire, United
Currently, MRI guidance and planning is part of a
rapidly growing trend of targeted prostate biopsies.
Despite the assumption that the maximum cancer grade
(grade hotspot) lies within the maximum dimension of the
lesion (volume hotspot), some argue that it might not
always be true and that areas of higher cancer grade may
show different signal characteristics and may be
identifiable on MRI.The aim of this study is to assess
the concordance between the grade hotspot and the volume
hotspot using TPM biopsies outputs from the pilot phase
of the multicenter MRC PROMIS study
4123. |
48 |
Feasibility and Preliminary
Experience of Quantitative T2* mapping at 3.0 T for
Detection and Assessment of Aggressiveness of Prostate
Xiaoxi Chen1, Lianming Wu1,
Yongming Dai2, and Jianrong Xu1
1Department of Radiology, Renji Hospital,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, School of Medicine,
Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 2Philips(China)
Investment Co.Ltd, Shanghai, China
Feasibility and Preliminary Experience of Quantitative
T2 star mapping at 3.0 T for Detection and Assessment of
Aggressiveness of Prostate Cancer