Joint Annual
Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2014
10-16 May 2014
Milan, Italy |
fMRI: Image Analysis
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
16:00 - 17:00 |
Computer # |
4124. |
49 |
Using edge voxel
information to improve motion regression for rs-fMRI
connectivity studies 
Remi Patriat1, Erin Molloy2, and
Rasmus M Birn3,4
1Medical Physics, University of Wisconsin
Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, United States, 2University
of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, United States,3Psychiatry,
University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison, Wisconsin,
United States, 4Medical
Phtysics, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison,
Wisconsin, United States
We developed a new motion correction method for resting
state fMRI analysis that makes use of information
contained at the edge of the brain to create a set of
regressors that explain more variance and improve image
quality compared to the current standard methods.
4125. |
50 |
Group Level Comparison of
Normalization Templates in Children's fMRI Study 
Jian Weng1, Shanshan Dong1, Feiyan
Chen1, and Hongjian He2
1Physics Department, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 2Biomedical
Engineering Department, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou,
Zhejiang, China
Spatial normalization is essential for most functional
MRI studies. such a transformation could introduce
unexpected registration error in practice and increase
individual variations. We compared a usage of three
common templates for normalization, and proposed a
correction method.
4126. |
51 |
Decoding functional MRI
data using sPFM and temporal ICA: a validation study 
Francisca Marie Tan1,2, Karen Mullinger1,
César Caballero Gaudes3, Yaping Zhang2,
David Siu-Yeung Cho2, Yihui Liu4,
Susan Francis1, and Penny Gowland1
1Sir Peter Mansfield Magnetic Resonance
Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of
Nottingham Ningbo China, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China, 3Basque
Center on Cognition, Brain and Language, Donostia,
Spain, 4School
of Information Science, Qilu University of Technology,
Jinan, Shandong, China
Decoding mental activity at rest is a challenge because
spontaneous events occur in the brain without any
attributed task or prior stimulus timing. In this study,
we validate the use of Sparse Paradigm Free Mapping
prior to Temporal Independent Component Analysis (tICA)
on a movement task to detect discrete motor events. The
tICA components are assessed against EMG and classified
using a meta-analysis, with 78 % of task-driven events
identified by tICA. Results suggest that this method can
be used in future studies of resting data to detect
events and map these to functional areas using a
4127. |
52 |
Bayesian shrinkage as an
alternative to spatial smoothing for multi-echo BOLD fMRI 
Feng Xu1,2, Joseph S. Gillen1,2,
Hongjun Liu3, Ann Choe1,2, Hua Jun1,2,
Craig K. Jones1,2, Suresh E. Joel1,
Brian S. Caffo4, Martin A. Lindquist4,
Ciprian M. Crainiceanu4, Peter C. van Zijl1,2,
and James J. Pekar1,2
1Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology,
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2F.M.
Kirby Research Center, Kennedy Krieger Institute,
Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Department
of Radiology, Guangdong General Hospital, Guangdong
Academy of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou, Guangdong,
China, 4Biostatistics,
School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, MD, United States
Spatial smoothing is the most popular way to enhance
sensitivity in fMRI analysis, at a cost of coarsened
spatial specificity. Multi-echo acquisitions can enhance
specificity in fMRI by allowing analysis of effective
transverse relaxation rate (R2*) via least-squares (LS)
fitting to each voxel’s echo decay. Bayesian shrinkage
improves parallel simultaneous estimation of many
similar parameters by “borrowing strength” from parallel
measurements. Here, we “shrink over grey matter” by
applying Bayesian shrinkage to estimation of R2* in grey
matter voxels, and show that shrinkage increases fMRI
sensitivity (with respect to LS fitting) without the
“blurring” caused by spatial smoothing.
53 |
A high performance
cluster-based test for subject- and group-level analysis of
unsmoothed fMRI data 
Huanjie Li1, Lisa D. Nickerson2,
Jinhu Xiong3, and Jia-Hong Gao1
1Peking University, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Harvard
Medical School, Massachusetts, United States, 3University
of Iowa, Iowa, United States
Most existing cluster-size tests used in fMRI data
analysis to detect brain activation were formulated and
validated under sufficiently smooth image conditions.
Unfortunately, spatial smoothing degrades spatial
specificity and increases false positives. Recently, a
threshold-free cluster enhancement (TFCE) technique was
proposed which does not require spatial smoothing, but
this method can only be used for group level analysis.
We propose a more reliable and effective 3D
cluster-based method which can keep a higher sensitivity
for localizing activation regions for both
single-subject and group level analysis without the
requirement of spatial smoothness.
4129. |
54 |
Characterization and
Reduction of Cardiac- and Respiratory- Induced Noise as a
Function of the Sampling Rate (TR) in fMRI 
Dietmar Cordes1,2, Rajesh R. Nandy3,
Scott Schafer2, and Tor D. Wager2
1Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada, 2University
of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, United States, 3University
of North Texas Health Science Center, Texas, United
The physiological noise in the lower brain areas (brain
stem and nearby regions) are investigated in
resting-state data and a novel method is presented for
computing both low-frequency and high-frequency
physiological regressors. In particular, using a novel
optimization algorithm that penalizes curvature, the
cardiac -and respiratory-related low-frequency response
functions are computed. Also, the frequency-aliasing
property of the high-frequency cardiac waveform as a
function of the repetition time (TR) is investigated. It
is shown that for brain areas associated with large
pulsations of the cardiac rate, the temporal SNR
associated with the BOLD response has maxima at
subject-specific TRs.
4130. |
55 |
Evaluating the Variability
of Local and Distant Functional Connectivity Fluctuation in
Task-free Human Brains 
Hui Shen1,2, Longchuan Li1,3,
Kaiming Li1, Bing Ji1, and
Xiaoping Hu1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Biomedical Imaging Technology Center, Emory University,
Atlanta, GA, United States, 2College
of Mechatronics and Automation, National University of
Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan, China, 3Marcus
Autism Center, Children¡¯s Healthcare of Atlanta, Emory
University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, United
The aim of this work is to characterize oscillation
variability in dynamic local and distant task-free
functional connectivity with a sliding windows approach.
Compared with local connectivity, distant connectivity
exhibited significantly more intensive fluctuation,
suggesting task-free functional connectivity dynamics
may be mainly accounted for by long-distance functional
interaction across distributed regions. Furthermore, the
most stable and most instable areas were localized at
the sensorimotor cortices and the default mode network (DMN)
extending to the adjacent frontoparietal network,
respectively. These findings shed new light on cortical
organization in dynamic functional connectivity, and
also highlight the importance of long-range dynamic
functional interaction.
4131. |
56 |
Reproducibility of
Resting-State fMRI Data in Rats across Three Months 
Li-Ming Hsu1, Jennifer A. Stark1,
Julia K. Brynildsen1, Hong Gu1,
Hanbing Lu1, Elliot A. Stein1, and
Yihong Yang1
1Neuroimaging Research Branch, National
Institute on Drug Abuse, Baltimore, Maryland, United
Resting-state fMRI of animal models has the advantage to
assess the trajectory of a disease using longitudinal
paradigms, but the reproducibility of the observations
is critical and less known. Here, we investigate the
reliability of resting fMRI signal of rats in short (10
min), middle (2 weeks) and long (3 months) terms. Our
data showed that the mean ICC across brain networks
during short- or mid-term scans (0.63 and 0.57
respectively) was significantly higher than that of
long-term scans (0.22), suggesting that longitudinal
experiments within weeks would have good
reproducibility, but studies across months should be
practiced with caution under the current conditions.
4132. |
57 |
Automatic detection of
spatiotemporal propagating patterns in BOLD fMRI of the rats
using an ICA based approach 
Muhammad Asad Lodhi1, Matthew E Magnuson2,
Shella D Keilholz2, and Waqas Majeed1
1Department of Electrical Engineering, Lahore
University of Management Sciences, Lahore, Punjab,
Pakistan, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology/Emory
University, GA, United States
Previous studies have demonstrated the presence of
repeated propagating spatiotemporal patterns in resting
state fMRI. This paper describes an ICA-based method to
automatically detect propagating spatiotemporal patterns
in resting state BOLD fMRI. The proposed method does not
require specification of a region of interest (ROI) and
is more time-efficient compared with the available
4133. |
58 |
Shannon entropy method
applied to fMRI data series during evoked and resting state
Mauro DiNuzzo1,2, Daniele Mascali1,2,
Marta Moraschi1,3, Michela Fratini1,3,
Tommaso Gili3, Girolamo Garreffa1,3,
Bruno Maraviglia1,3, and Federico Giove1,2
1MARBILab, Enrico Fermi Center, Rome, Rome,
Italy, 2Department
of Physics, U Sapienza, Rome, Rome, Italy, 3Santa
Lucia Foundation IRCCS, Rome, Italy
We applied Shannon entropy method to fMRI time series in
order to examine whether and how information can be
extracted from different experimental paradigms, namely
evoked or resting brain (RS) activity. Shannon entropy
measures information content of the signal without
making a priori assumptions. We found a striking match
between the high-entropy voxels and “activated” voxels,
while RS data did not reveal any cluster of high-entropy
values. This finding indicates that RS activity cannot
be extracted using a code (i.e., probability
distribution) determined at the voxel-level, paving the
way for different approaches to determine the code
underlying RS activity.
4134. |
59 |
Simultaneously resolve
haemodynamic response function and activation response by
rank-constrained optimization 
Christine Law1,2
1Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
States, 2Nuffield
Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of
Oxford, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
A novel technique to concurrently resolve HRF and
quantify fMRI activation response is presented. The
problem formulation involves a rank 1 constraint
(nonconvex), which makes it very difficult to solve. We
were able to compute rank minimization by reformulating
the nonconvex problem into a sequence of convex
problems. We also developed an acceleration method such
that computation time (global convergence) is
significantly improved. We achieved over 99.9% accuracy
on both HRF and stimulation response in simulations
using parameters typical to fMRI studies. Our technique
can benefit research involving a population having HRF
that deviates from the canonical assumption.
4135. |
60 |
Wavelet Based Multiscale
Entropy Analysis of Resting-State FMRI 
Robert X. Smith1, Kay Jann2, Beau
Ances3, and Danny J.J. Wang4,5
1Neurology, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United
States, 2UCLA,
CA, United States, 3Neurology,
Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO,
United States, 4Neurology,
UCLA, CA, United States, 5Radiology,
UCLA, CA, United States
Our aim is the quantification of the complex neural
fluctuations seen in resting state fMRI to provide a
measure of mental health and cognitive function. We
present here a wavelet based multiresolution entropy
calculation that employs noise estimation measures to
determine the complexity of the underlying neural
behavior. In the presence of nonstationary data, wavelet
analysis holds a significant advantage over Fourier
analysis. We develop a pseudo-complexity measure using
the stationary wavelet transform (SWT) of the original
rs-fMRI time series to investigate the intrinsic
irregularity of the energy density fluctuations at
multiple temporal scales. We apply our measure to a
cohort of 26 cognitively normal (clinical dementia
rating scale (CDR) = 0) and 26 mild cognitively impaired
(CDR = 0.5) individuals from the Healthy Aging and
Senile Dementia program project. We report a reduced
entropy seen in various resting state networks including
default mode regions for CDR=0.5 individuals.
4136. |
61 |
uNBIASED - A fully
automated model-free fMRI analysis method based on response
Pedro Cardoso1, Florian Fischmeister1,2,
Alexander Geissler1,2, Moritz Wurnig1,2,
Siegfried Trattnig1, Roland Beisteiner1,2,
and Simon Daniel Robinson1
1Department of Biomedical Imaging and
Image-guided Therapy, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria, 2Department
of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna,
FMRI is increasingly being used in presurgical planning
in patients with brain tumors and epilepsy to facilitate
resection of affected tissue without harming essential
function. In clinical populations, the HRF may be
modified in regions of pathology. Being model-free,
reproducible and able to automatically identify and
remove unreliable runs from the analysis, uNBIASED may
aid identifying neuronal activation when poor
performance or artifact contamination is present, or the
response does not agree with the prediction due to
compromised performance or modified hemodynamic
4137. |
62 |
rsfMRI of the human spinal
cord: technical challenges, solutions and reproducibility 
Oscar San Emeterio Nateras1,2, Fang Yu1,
Carlos Bazan III1, Anderson Houyun Kuo1,
Jinqi Li2, and Timothy Q Duong1,2
1Radiology, University of Texas Health
Science Center, San Antonio, TX, United States, 2Research
Imaging Institute, San Antonio, TX, United States
This study demonstrates a novel rsfMRI application in
the human spinal cord. The challenges and solutions were
detailed. Reproducibility within and across subject was
demonstrated. A major finding is that there were
multiple prominent rsfMRI patterns in the spinal cord,
showing lateral connectivity, unilateral connectivity
and top-down connectivity. Future studies will improve
spatial resolution, image the entire spinal cord, and
map spinal cord connectivity to the brain, as well as
explore clinical applications.
4138. |
63 |
EPI tissue segmentation
maps based on multiple-echo EPI with parallel imaging for
the reduction of multicomparison issues in fMRI
Daniel Lee Shefchik1, Andrew Scott Nencka1,
and James S. Hyde1
1Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, WI, United States
This abstract aims to help address multiple comparison
issues in functional MRI experiments. It does this
through the utilization of directly registered tissue
segmentation maps obtained through a multiple-echo, echo
planar imaging (EPI) acquisition. The tissue maps are
used to mask out the gray mater, which reduces the
amount of voxels being analyzed, and provide a
functional map with fewer false positives and negatives.
4139. |
64 |
Improved Detection of
BOLD-like Independent Components with Multi-Echo
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Acquisitions and Multi-echo ICA 
Valur Olafsson1, Prantik Kundu2,
Chi Wah Wong3, Jia Guo3, Kun Lu3,
Eman Ghobrial3, Peter Bandettini2,4,
Eric Wong3, and Thomas Liu3
1Neuroscience Imaging Center, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2Section
on Functional Imaging Methods, NIMH, Bethesda, MD,
United States, 3Center
for Functional MRI, UCSD, La Jolla, CA, United States, 4Functional
MRI Facility, NIMH, Bethesda, MD, United States
The increased sampling rate of simultaneous multi-slice
(SMS) fMRI acquisitions can increase tSNR and
statistical power for resting state functional
connectivity (fc) MRI. Multi-echo acquisitions with ICA
analysis have also been proposed as a method to improve
the detection of resting-state networks. Here we
investigate the benefits of combining the two approaches
and compare the performance of multi-echo SMS (MESMS)
and multi-echo single-slice (MESS) acquisitions. We find
that the higher sampling rate of the MESMS acquisition
enables the identification of BOLD-like independent
components that contain high frequency energy.
4140. |
65 |
Seed dependence of the
anti-correlations between the default-mode network and
task-positive network 
Jingyuan Chen1 and
Gary Glover1
1Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
With seed-based correlation analysis, literatures on
brain spontaneous activity have demonstrated that the
default-mode network (DMN) is negatively correlated with
a set of brain regions, referred to as the task-positive
network (TPN) at rest[1]. However, regions compromised
in the TPN and the extent of anti-correlations are
inconsistent across different studies. It’s widely
acknowledged that the reported inconsistency derives
from specific MR acquisitions and distinct preprocessing
steps: studies without correcting for physiological
noise may fail to unveil anti-correlations buried in the
physiological noises; while those conducting global
signal regression (GSR) may demonstrate spurious
anti-correlations due to the improper removal of
informative neural information. Recently, it has been
shown that, posterior cingulate cortex (PCC), the
typical seed adopted by conventional analysis to study
functional connectivity with respect to the DMN, has
heterogeneous functions within its subparts. It’s likely
that seeds residing in different functional units may
lead to discrepant positive/negative correlation
patterns, which has never been addressed in prior
studies. Here, we first obtained different PCC seeds via
parcellation, then employed conventional correlation
analysis and recently proposed point-process analysis[6]
to study such seed dependences of the observed
anti-correlations between the DMN and TPN.
4141. |
66 |
Estimating Test-Retest
Reliability in Functional MR Imaging: three-state
independence model 
Yue Zhang1, Xiaoying Wang2, Jue
Zhang1, Xiaoping Hu3, and Jing
1College of Engineering, Peking University,
Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Department
of Radiology, Peking University First Hospital, Beijing,
Beijing, China,3Department of Biomedical
Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology / Emory
University, Atlanta, Georgia, United States
The reliability is important for functional magnetic
resonance imaging (fMRI) data. Previous study has
developed a statistical model (independence model) to
quantify the test-retest reliability with only two
states (active or inactive). More and more fMRI
experiments have detected three state regions in the
brain, including active, deactive and non-significant
regions. In order to quantify the test-retest
reliability of the fMRI data with three state regions,
this study developed the three-state independence model.
The model was applied to acupuncture fMRI data, the
results indicated that the reliability of BOLD was
higher than that of CBF.
4142. |
67 |
Frequency Correspondence
between fMRI and EEG signals before and after Sleep 
Yu-Ting Ko1, Pai-Chuan Hung1,
Geng-Hong Lin1, Pei-Jung Tsai2,
Ching-Po Lin3, and Changwei W Wu1
1Graduate Institute of Biomedical
Engineering, National Central Unversity, Taoyuan,
Taiwan, 2Department
of Biomedical Imaging and Radiological Sciences,
National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Institute
of Neuroscience, Nation Yang-Ming University, Taipei,
The resting-state fMRI signal is the baseline
fluctuations with non-linear and non-stationary
properties; thus its underlying mechanism was quite
fussy. From the frequency viewpoints, we attempted to
retrieve its physiological implications by observing the
frequency correspondence between fMRI and EEG.
Therefore, we simultaneously recorded fMRI and EEG
signals in 2 conditions (before and after sleep) and
used the Hilbert-Huang Transform to extract their
spectral correspondence. In our results, we found the
opposite frequency correspondences between EEG and fMRI
in the resting state, especially in the low frequency
range, resembling previous studies. Furthermore, such
correspondence deviates in different physiological
4143. |
68 |
A New Model for Canonical
Correlation Analysis with Spatial Constraints 
Martin Miguel Merener1, Richard Byrd2,
Rajesh R. Nandy3, and Dietmar Cordes1,4
1Physics, Ryerson University, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada, 2Computer
Science, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO,
United States, 3School
of Public Health, University of North Texas, Fort Worth,
TX, United States, 4Department
of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Colorado
Boulder, CO, United States
This study provides important improvements in fMRI data
analysis techniques for the detection of active brain
areas. We propose and study a family of constraints for
CCA, which naturally generalizes two interesting
previously studied models. The solutions for these
models can be found numerically and efficiently. For
several choices of these constraints, the performance of
the method in determining active voxels is excellent as
measured via ROC simulations, and provide a significant
improvement compared to previously published models in
constrained CCA.
4144. |
69 |
Decreasing False Positives
and Negatives from Spatiotemporal Processing of FMRI 
M. Muge Karaman1, Daniel B. Rowe1,2,
and Andrew S. Nencka2
1Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and
Computer Science, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI,
United States, 2Department
of Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee,
WI, United States
In fMRI and fcMRI, many studies have aimed to alleviate
the data through spatial and temporal processing. While
such processing alleviates the noise, it alters the
statistical properties of the data by inducing
correlations of no biological origin. We propose a
linear model to precisely quantify the correlations
induced by spatiotemporal processing, and expand the
current complex-valued fMRI model to incorporate the
effects of processing into the final analysis. The
proposed model provides a true interpretation of the
acquired data and in turn contributes to producing more
accurate functional activation and connectivity
statistics by decreasing false negative and positives.
4145. |
70 |
The impact of physiological
artifact correction on task fMRI group comparison 
Steffen Bollmann1, Lars Kasper2,
Carmen Ghisleni1, Simon-Shlomo Poil1,
Peter Klaver3, Lars Michels4,
Dominique Eich-Höchli5, Daniel Brandeis6,7,
and Ruth L. O'Gorman1
1Center for MR-Research, University
Children's Hospital, Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Institute
for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zurich,
Zurich, Switzerland, 3Institute
of Psychology, University of Zurich, Zürich,
Switzerland, 4Institute
of Neuroradiology, University Hospital of Zurich,
Zürich, Switzerland, 5Psychiatric
University Hospital, Zürich, Switzerland, 6Department
of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, University of Zurich,
Zürich, Switzerland, 7Central
Institute of Mental Health Mannheim / Heidelberg
University, Germany
Although physiological noise correction is considered to
be important, there is little known about the impact of
physiological noise correction on task based fMRI group
studies. We therefore investigated the effect of
RETROICOR regressors on a working memory paradigm
comparing healthy adults to patients with ADHD. By
including physiological noise regressors into a
task-based fMRI analysis, we observed an increase in
power in task-relevant regions. At the same time,
presumably spurious activation in areas previously
associated with physiological noise was diminished.
Physiological noise correction for fMRI therefore
appears to reduce the risk of interpreting group
differences caused by physiological artifacts.
4146. |
71 |
Adjusted Nonlinear
Registration in Spatial Normalization for Real-time fMRI 
Xiaojie Zhao1, Xiaofei Li1, and Li
1College of Information Science and
Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, Beijing,
As a common data preprocessing procedure for fMRI data,
spatial normalization can provide abundant referential
information for the brain region recognition. However,
for real-time fMRI (rtfMRI), which requires the entire
data processing within a single TR, spatial
normalization is too time-consuming to include in the
data preprocessing in rtfMRI. In this paper, we
discussed the cutoff frequency and iteration number
using bisection method in nonlinear registration of
spatial normalization, proposed an adjusted nonlinear
registration method to meet the real-time requirement of
4147. |
72 |
Variability in activated
volume using canonical HRF or individual HRF 
Mariela Hidalgo1, Juan Vielma2,
Rodrigo Salas1, Alejandro Veloz1,3,
and Steren Chabert1
1Biomedical Engineering Department,
Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Quinta Region,
Chile, 2Medicine
Faculty, Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Quinta
Región, Chile, 3Informatics
Department, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María,
Valparaíso, Quinta Región, Chile
In many studies of functional MRI the existence of inter
individual variability in the hemodynamic response
function has been demonstrated and influences the
cortical activation detection. This study consists in
evaluating this effect among seven healthy volunteers
when an individual HRF is used in the detection of brain
activation in the general lineal model analysis. In
about half of the cases, similar activation volumes are
detected in both cases. Our data show low variability in
Time-To-Peak, with a mean TTP longer than the canonical
TTP. A robust methodology is still to be defined to
reduce possible the inter-individual volume variability.
fMRI: Clinical Applications
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
16:00 - 17:00 |
Computer # |
4148. |
73 |
The vascular steal
phenomenon is an incomplete contributor to negative
cerebrovascular reactivity in patients with symptomatic
intracranial stenosis 
Daniel F. Arteaga1, Megan K. Strother1,
Carlos C. Faraco1, Lori C. Jordan2,
Travis R. Ladner1, Lindsey M. Dethrage1,
Robert J. Singer3, J Mocco4, Paul
F. Clemmons5, Michael J. Ayad6,
and Manus J. Donahue1,2
1Department of Radiology, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, Tennessee, United States, 2Department
of Neurology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Tennessee, United States, 3Section
of Neurosurgery, Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center,
Lebanon, New Hampshire, United States, 4Department
of Neurosurgery, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Tennessee, United States, 5Department
of Radiology Nursing, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Tennessee, United States, 6Department
of Neurosurgery, New York Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn,
New York, United States
Vascular steal has been proposed as a compensatory
mechanism in hemodynamically-compromised ischemic
parenchyma. Here, independent measures of changes in CBF
and BOLD MRI contrast in response to a vascular stimulus
in patients (n=40) with ischemic cerebrovascular disease
are recorded. 15/40 participants exhibited negative BOLD
reactivity. Of these, three participants exhibited
significant (P<0.01) reductions in CBF with hypercarbia;
eight exhibited increases (P<0.01) in CBF and the
remaining four participants exhibited no statistical
change in CBF. These findings suggest that the origins
of negative BOLD responses in stroke patients are most
frequently not due to vascular steal.
4149. |
74 |
Neural correlates of
habitual expressive-suppression in trauma-exposed
Luke Norman1, Andrew Iles2,
Natalia Lawrence2, Abdelmalek Benattayallah3,
and Anke Karl2
1Institute of Psychiatry, Department of Child
and Adolescent Psychiatry, King's College, London,
London, United Kingdom, 2Mood
Disorders Centre, School of Psychology, University of
Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom, 3Exeter
MR Research Centre, University of Exeter, Exeter, United
Expressive-suppression is a maladaptive
emotion-regulation method, which is associated with
increased post-traumatic symptoms following trauma.
Thirty-five individuals took part in the first
neuroimaging study of expressive-suppression in a
trauma-exposed population. We found that self-reported
use of expressive-suppression was associated with
decreased activation in the mPFC, and increased
activation in the insula, in an emotional-faces task.
Our findings suggest that deficits in mPFC –limbic
circuitry may prompt compensatory use of
expressive-suppression in trauma exposed individuals.
Furthermore, they suggest that insula hyperactivation in
PTSD may partially result from increased habitual
expressive-suppression suppression to emotional material
in this population.
4150. |
75 |
Enhanced Functional
Connectivity of the Precuneus in Propofol Sedation
-permission withheld
Xiaolin Liu1, Shi-Jiang Li1, and
Anthony G. Hudetz2
1Biophysics, Medical College of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States, 2Anesthesiology,
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
United States
In this study, we investigated the effects of propofol
sedation on the functional connectivity of the
precuneus, an important neural structure to human
consciousness in the posteromedial parietal cortex. We
found that, contrary to our hypothesis, compared with
wakefulness deep sedation at the point of
unresponsiveness (with auditory stimuli continuously
supplied) is marked by an increase of precuneus
connectivity, particularly in the dorsal medial
prefrontal and visual cortices. The enhanced cortical
connectivity of the precuneus may reflect disconnected
endogenous mentation or dreaming that continues at a
lower rate of energy consumption during the unresponsive
state of propofol sedation.
4151. |
76 |
Longitudinal functional
connectivity changes in mild traumatic brain injury:
correlation with diffusion, T2 and behavioral outcomes 
Shiliang Huang1, Lora Talley Watts1,
Justin Long1, Qiang Shen1, and
Timothy Duong1
1Research Imaging Institute, University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio,
TX, United States
This study examined longitudinally the rsfMRI changes in
mild TBI of the (unilateral) primary somatosensory
cortex in rats during hyperacute and chronic phase up to
14 days. Quantitative correlations were made with T2,
DTI, fractional anisotropy (FA), and functional outcomes
(forelimb placement asymmetry and foot fault scores).
rsfMRI z-scores reduced after mild TBI but improved with
time. The trend of improvement parallels those of
behavioral scores. rsfMRI did not significantly
correlate with ADC and FA changes, suggesting they
provide complementary information. This study
demonstrated that rsfMRI offers novel insights into
functional connectivity in mild TBI.
4152. |
77 |
cortical inhibition
deficits in recent onset PTSD after a single prolonged
trauma exposure
Shun Qi1, Hong Yin2, and Yunfeng
1Xijing Hospital of The Fourth Military
Medical University, Xi¡¯an, shaanxi, China, 2Xijing
Hospital of The Fourth Military Medical University,
shaanxi, China, 3Xijing
Hospital of The Fourth Military Medical University,
First, the PTSD which was caused by a very rare
accident, happened around 8:40 a.m. on July 29th, 2007.
A severe coalmine-flood disaster occurred at Zhijian
Coalmine in Shanxian County, about 200 km west of
Zhengzhou, the capital of Henan Province in central
China (USA Today News, 2007). Sixty-nine male miners
were trapped in a nearly 1400 m underground coal pit.
Fortunately, all of them were rescued after 75 hours of
the ordeal in the darkness, with no deaths and severe
body injuries. This study is the first evidence to find
the cortex thickness reduction by surface-based
morphometry based on such serious, sustained, direct,
high-intensity and acute trauma.
4153. |
78 |
The effect of left
hemispherotomy surgery in patient with Rasmussen’s syndrome
using fMRI a case study 
Kapil Chaudhary1, S SENTHIL KUMARAN2,
Poodipedi Sarat Chandra3, and Manjari
1Neurology, All India Institute of Medical
Science, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 2Department
Delhi, Delhi, India, 3Neurosurgery,
All India Institute of Medical Science, New Delhi,
Delhi, India
The localizing language and memory in intractable
epilepsy has become increasingly elucidated. We describe
semantic noun naming and complex scene working memory
dysfunction in a right-handed patient using functional
MRI and define clinical correlation with functional
imaging. A 10-year-old right-handed girl with
Rasmussen’s syndrome was referred to our institute.
Intractable seizures may need to be treated with surgery
if the seizure control in the patient is not achieved
with medications. Although surgical resection is
successful in curing up to 70% of patients, a
significant risk of post-operative cognitive decline
continues to limit its application. Functional MRI was
used to observe the role of language and memory function
in this patient.
4154. |
79 |
Frontal Lobe
Interhemispheric Connectivity Changes Associated with a
Season of High School Football 
Fatemeh Mokhtari1, Elizabeth Davenport1,
Jillan Urban1, Naeim Bahrami1,
Christopher Whitlow2, Alex Powers3,
Joel Stitzel1, and Joseph Maldjian2
1Biomedical Engineering, Wake Forest
University School of Medicine, Winston Salem, NC, United
States, 2Radiology,
Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston
Salem, NC, United States, 3Neurosurgery,
Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston
Salem, NC, United States
The primary goal of this study is to determine if
cumulative head impacts over a season of high school
football has an effect on frontal lobe interhemispheric
connectivity. In order to explore this relationship a
multiple regression analysis was performed using a
linear model of a score of head impacts vs. pre-post
difference in fMRI connectivity. Results indicate
changes in connectivity of frontal structures in
non-concussed subjects during a season of football.
These findings add to a growing body of literature that
cumulative subconcussive sports-related impacts may have
an effect on the brain function.
4155. |
80 |
Dynamics of functional and
effective brain connectivity better predicts disease state
compared to traditional static connectivity 
Gopikrishna Deshpande1,2, Hao Jia1,
Xiaoping Hu3, Changfeng Jin4,
Lingjiang Li4, and Tianming Liu5
1MRI Research Center, Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Auburn University,
Auburn, Alabama, United States, 2Department
of Psychology, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama,
United States, 3Biomedical
Imaging Technology Center, Coulter Department of
Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
and Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, 4The
Mental Health Institute, The Second Xiangya Hospital,
Central South University, Changsha, China, 5Department
of Computer Science, University of Georgia, Athens,
Georgia, United States
It is acknowledged that functional connectivity (FC) in
the brain obtained from resting state fMRI dynamically
changes with time. Further, it has been shown that
dynamic changes in FC and effective connectivity (EC)
are relevant to disease processes. However, an
outstanding question that remains is whether dynamic
information from FC and EC provide increased sensitivity
for identifying brain pathologies in addition to that
obtained by static connectivity metrics? Here, we
provide answers to these questions by demonstrating that
information from temporal variations in FC and EC
provides better accuracy for classifying subjects with
PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) from healthy
4156. |
81 |
Connectivity of the
posterior cingulate cortex in ADHD children patients. 
Benito de Celis Alonso1, Silvia Hidalgo Tobón2,
Pilar Dies Suarez2, and Eduardo Barragán
1BUAP, Puebla, Puebla, Mexico, 2Hospital
Infantil de México Federico Gómez, Mexico DF, Mexico
The Posterior Cingulate Cortex is a key node of the
default mode network of resting states and has been
shown to be affected by ADHD. Several studies exist on
the resting states of this disorder but little to no
amount of work to our knowledge exists studying the
specific ROI to ROI connectivity. In this project we
compared ADHD children patients with healthy ones. We
assessed the differences in connectivity in their
resting states with a special focus in the role of the
posterior cingulate and retrosplenial cortex.
4157. |
82 |
Analysis of resting state
sub-networks from high-dimensional ICA: disconnections in
Alzheimer's disease 
Ludovica Griffanti1,2, Ottavia Dipasquale1,2,
Francesca Baglio1, Raffaello Nemni1,3,
Mario Clerici1,3, and Giuseppe Baselli2
1IRCCS, Fondazione don Carlo Gnocchi, Milano,
Milan, Italy, 2Department
of Electronics, Information and Bioengineering,
Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, 3Physiopatholgy
Department, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan,
With high-dimensional independent component analysis
(ICA) the resting state (RS) networks typically found
with low-dimensional ICA are decomposed in sub-networks,
giving further insight into functional connectivity
changes in pathological conditions, e.g. in Alzheimer's
disease (AD). We performed temporal analyses of RS-fMRI
data in healthy subjects and AD patients, focusing on
the primarily altered default mode network (DMN) and
exploring the sensory motor network. Low-dimensional
results confirmed literature, while high-dimensional
decomposition in sub-networks was essential to better
localize functional connectivity alterations in AD,
suggesting that the connectivity damage is not confined
to the DMN.
4158. |
83 |
Recording BOLD, ASL and CBV
fMRI responses to epileptic spikes in rats 
Sandrine Saillet1,2, Olivier David1,2,
and Jan M. Warnking1,2
1U836, Inserm, Grenoble, France, 2Grenoble
Institut des Neurosciences, Université Joseph Fourier,
Grenoble, France
Recording EEG together with fMRI has permitted to
unravel the neuronal correlates of spontaneous brain
activity. However the mechanisms involved in the
coupling between epileptic discharges (EDs) and the
hemodynamic response are partially known. Actually, the
interpretation of fMRI results (“activated” or
“deactivated”), in terms of underlying physiological
processes crucially depend on the understanding of these
mechanisms. In this work, we measured local field
potentials simultaneously with changes in BOLD signal,
cerebral blood flow (via ASL) and cerebral blood volume
(via Mion fMRI) in the rat somatosensory cortex
following intracortical bicuculline injection eliciting
interictal-like discharges.
4159. |
84 |
Automatic Resting State
Network Decomposition using ICA and Classification in a
Clinical Population 
Svyatoslav Vergun1, Wolfgang Gaggl2,
Veena A Nair2, Rasmus M Birn3, M.
Elizabeth Meyerand3, James Reuss4,
Edgar A DeYoe5, and Vivek Prabhakaran2
1Medical Physics, UW-Madison, Madison, WI,
United States, 2Radiology,
UW-Madison, WI, United States, 3Medical
Physics, UW-Madison, WI, United States, 4Prism
Clinical Imaging, Inc, WI, United States, 5Radiology,
Medical College of Wisconsin, WI, United States
We present a clinically motivated, automated component
decomposition and classification method using resting
state functional MRI data of epilepsy and vascular/tumor
patients. Preprocessed resting state scans are
decomposed, with respect to their functional time series
signal, using spatial independent component analysis.
The resultant components are used in the classification
step in which they are spatially correlated with a
template compiled by a previous study. The automated
classifier achieved promising performance for the
visual, sensorimotor, default-mode and auditory
4160. |
85 |
A Novel Method for Robust
Automated Thresholding in Pre-surgical fMRI using a Single
Functional Run. 
Tynan Stevens1,2, David Clarke3,4,
Ryan D'Arcy5,6, Gerhard Stroink1,
and Steven Beyea2,7
1Physics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS,
Canada, 2Neuroimaging
Research Lab, BIOTIC, Halifax, NS, Canada, 3Surgery,
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada, 4Neurosurgery,
QEII Health Sciences Centre, Halifax, NS, Canada, 5Applied
Science, Simon Frasier University, Burnaby, BC, Canada,6Surrey
Memorial Hospital, Surrey, BC, Canada, 7Radiology,
Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
We demonstrate a novel data-driven method for selecting
thresholds for pre-surgical fMRI data, based on
reliability of the activation patterns in just a single
fMRI run. Our new method incorporates spatial
information not present in histogram based thresholding
methods, and alleviates the need for test-retest imaging
of existing reliability optimization methods. The new
method produces significantly higher test-retest overlap
when compared to established threshold optimization
methods, particularly for low CNR situations like
language mapping in patient populations. This analysis
therefore provides the most robust automated thresholds,
and unlike other techniques can be applied to any
existing fMRI paradigm without modification.
4161. |
86 |
A BP ANNs Study on the
Dynamics of Resting-state fMRI Functional Connectivity for
the Depression 
Chuangjian Cai1, Xue Xiao1, Yan
Zhu2, and Kui Ying3
1Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Tsinghua University, Beijing, Beijing, China, 2Yuquan
Hospital, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 3Department
of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, Beijing,
Machine learning techniques for fMRI help to identify
the features of some brain disease, such as depression.
We utilized dynamic functional connectivity analysis of
resting state fMRI with BP ANNs to investigate the
dynamic differences and differentiate between the
depression and the control group, with cross validation
and permutation test to test its feasibility. A general
rate of 95.45% was achieved, better than the traditional
method that combines support Vector Machine and static
analysis only. The new method certificated the internal
regularity of dynamic functional connectivity, found
brain regions with highly discriminative power and
supplied an effective model for dynamic functional
connectivity investigation.
4162. |
87 |
Dynamic emotional memory
network in aging brain 
Kai Ai1, Gang Yu1, Pan Lin2,
and YanHua Gao3
1School of Geosciences and Info-Physics,
Central South University, Changsha, China, 2Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University,
Xi'an, China, 3Department
of B Ultrasound, Shaanxi Provincial People's hospital,
Xi'an, China
Emotional memory is an important brain cognitive
function and shows a positive affective bias in healthy
aging. However, previous studies considered the
extracted time series as stationary processes. Recently,
studies show that dynamic coupling or functional
connectivity (FC) patterns between brain regions are
distinct from underlying anatomical links. Emerging
evidence suggests that dynamic FC may index changes in
brain function or clinical biomarker. Understanding of
dynamic emotion networks is important to characterize
aging brain development and the related brain disorder.
This study investigates the time-frequency features of
dynamic emotional memory network FC in aging brain by
using wavelet transform coherence.
4163. |
88 |
Capsaicin induced Central
Neuronal Sensitization in the MIA model of OA pain
-permission withheld
Maryam Abaei1,2, Devi Sagar2,3,
Clair Spicer3, Elizabeth G Stockley2,
Malcolm J.W Prior4, Henryk Fass1,
David A Walsh2,5, Victoria Chapman2,3,
and Dorothee P Auer1,2
1Radiological Sciences, Division of Clinical
Neurosciences, Nottingham University, Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, 2Arthritis
Research UK Pain Centre, Nottingham University,
Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, 3School
of Life Sciences, Nottingham University, Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, 4School
of Medicine, Nottingham University, Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom, 5Academic
Rheumatology, Nottingham University, Nottingham,
Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom
Ph-fMRI, Brain, Capsaicin, MIA, Osteoarthritis, Animal,
Neuronal, Sensitization
4164. |
89 |
Functional connectivity
changes as detected by resting-state functional MRI: three
cases of patients with focal cerebellar lesions 
Giusy Olivito1,2, Marco Bozzali3,
Marco Molinari2, Maria Leggio1,2,
and Mara Cercignani3,4
1Department of Psychology, Sapienza
University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 2Ataxia
Laboratory, IRCCS Santa Lucia, Rome, Italy, 3Neuroimaging
Laboratory, IRCCS Santa Lucia, Rome, Italy, 4Clinical
Imaging Science Center, Brighton and Sussex Medical
School, Brighton, United Kingdom
The cerebellar output channels have been demostrated to
be spatially segregated and to focus on functionally
distinct cortical systems, supporting the cerebellar
role in cognition. 3 cases of patients with left
cerebellar lesions were used to demonstrate the
sensitivity of resting-state (RS) fMRI to changes in
functional connectivity caused by the presence of the
lesion. Using the resting-state approach, we were able
to define the pattern of connectivity between cerebral
cortex and specific cerebellar lobuli. When comparing
each patient to the healthy participants, we found
different patterns of altered connectivity, involving
both contralateral and ipsilateral cortical areas.
4165. |
90 |
Automatic identification of
ADHD and Autsim based on ICA and SVM using resting state
Jinze Li1, Gang Yu1, Pan Lin2,
Yanhua Gao3, and Kai Ai1
1School of Geosciences and Info-Physics,
Central South University, Changsha, China, 2Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University,
Xi'an, China, 3Department
of B Ultrasound, Shaanxi Provincial People's hospital,
Xi'an, China
Psychiatric disorders are harmful to children and
adolescents. And it¡¯s a hard work to distinguish the
corresponding patients from the healthy in early
diagnosis. Previous studies have proved that the brain
functional networks show abnormal pattern in children
and adolescents who suffer from mental diseases such as
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and
autism disorder. This paper presents a combined method
based on independent components analysis (ICA) and
support vector machine to classify ADHD, Autism and
control group automatically. Based on the combined
method, more psychiatric disorders of children and
adolescents are expected to be automatically
distinguished in the future.
4166. |
91 |
The Effect of Hypoxia on
Resting-State Functional Connectivity in the Human Brain 
Ravjit Singh Sagoo1, Habib Ganjgahi2,
Eddie Ng'andwe1, Mahmud Saedon3,
Sarah Wayte4, Alex Wright5,6,
Arthur Bradwell5,6, Charles Hutchinson1,7,
Christopher Imray3,6, and Thomas Nichols2
1Department of Imaging, University Hospitals
Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, Coventry, United
Kingdom, 2Department
of Statistics, University of Warwick, Coventry, United
Kingdom, 3Department
of Surgery, University Hospitals Coventry and
Warwickshire NHS Trust, Coventry, United Kingdom,4Department
of Medical Physics, University Hospitals Coventry and
Warwickshire NHS Trust, Coventry, United Kingdom, 5University
of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 6Birmingham
Medical Research Expeditionary Society, Birmingham,
United Kingdom, 7University
of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom
Rapid ascent to high altitude results in arterial
hypoxaemia, frequently leading to acute mountain
sickness (AMS). The precise mechanisms remain poorly
understood. AMS symptoms can include cognitive and
behavioural changes. We postulate that changes in
cerebral blood flow in response to hypoxia may result in
changes in the brain’s resting-state functional
connectivity and, therefore, could be studied using
resting-state functional MRI. 12 subjects underwent
serial scans over a 22-hour period of normobaric
hypoxia. The results did not show a global increase in
connectivity to account for the cognitive/behavioural
symptoms. This suggests that alternative
pathophysiological processes may contribute to these
4167. |
92 |
The role of breakfast on
cognitive function in adolescents-an fMRI study 
Joanna L Varley1, Jonathan Fulford2,
and Craig A Williams1
1Children's Health & Exercise Research
Centre, University of Exeter, Exeter, Devon, United
Kingdom, 2Exeter
NIHR Clinical Research Facility, University of Exeter,
Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom
Previous studies have indicated the detrimental effect
of missing breakfast on cognitive performance in school.
The aim was to investigate the feasibility of utilizing
functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) techniques with
children and to examine changes in brain activity when
undertaking cognitive tasks between a breakfast fasted
and satiated state. Significant positive activations
were found in Broadmann areas 6, 17 and 45 when
comparing the satiated state to the fasted. The findings
show that the impact of breakfast consumption can be
observed through fMRI activated areas of the brain when
completing cognitive tasks, compared to a fasted state
in children.
93 |
Does caffeine ingestion
alter brain metabolism? 
Feng Xu1,2, Peiying Liu3, James J.
Pekar1,2, and Hanzhang Lu3
1Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology,
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2F.M.
Kirby Research Center, Kennedy Krieger Institute,
Baltimore, MD, United States, 3Advanced
Imaging Research Center, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States
Caffeine has a vasoconstriction effect on vasculature.
However, its exact neuro-metabolic effect has not been
examined. We used TRUST MRI, phase-contrast MRI and
PCASL MRI to examine the dynamic changes of whole-brain
cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2), venous
oxygenation (Yv), cerebral blood flow (CBF) after
caffeine ingestion. Significant decreases of whole-brain
CBF and Yv were found, while no changes were present in
whole-brain CMRO2. Regional CBF revealed various decline
rates from global CBF, suggesting that neural metabolism
might paly a role of enhancing and suppressing CBF in
addition to vasoconstriction. Co-existing neural effects
lead to whole-brain CMRO2 unchanged.
4169. |
94 |
-permission withheld
Maria A. Rocca1, Paola Valsasina1,
Alvino Bisecco1, Alessandro Meani1,
Laura Parisi1, Maria Josè Messina2,
Bruno Colombo2, Andrea Falini3,
Giancarlo Comi2, and Massimo Filippi1
1Neuroimaging Research Unit, Institute of
Experimental Neurology, San Raffaele Scientific
Institute, Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan,
MI, Italy,2Department of Neurology, San
Raffaele Scientific Institute, Vita-Salute San Raffaele
University, Milan, MI, Italy, 3Department
of Neuroradiology, San Raffaele Scientific Institute,
Vita-Salute San Raffaele University, Milan, MI, Italy
Resting state functional MRI (RS fMRI) and graph theory
were applied to explore abnormalities of large-scale
brain networks (connectome) in 64 patients with multiple
sclerosis (MS) and fatigue (F). As control groups, 60 MS
patients without fatigue (NF) and 59 healthy controls
(HC) were included. F-MS patients, unlike HC and NF-MS
patients, lost hubs in the thalami and middle cingulate
cortex. Compared to HC and NF-MS patients, F-MS patients
experienced a decreased degree in the bilateral
thalamus. Fatigue in MS is related to a functional
disruption of the thalamic connector, which should be
the target of potential therapeutic interventions.
4170. |
95 |
fMRI resting state is a
valid substitute of traditional task-related fMRI in
pre-surgical mapping? 
Marta Maieron1, Barbara Tomasino2,
Serena D'Agostini3, Miran Skrap4,
and Ferdinando Calzolari5
1SOC Medical Physics, AOU - S. Maria della
Misericordia di Udine, Udine, UDINE, Italy, 2IRCCS
Medea: Nostra Famiglia, Pasian di Prato, Udine, Italy, 3SOC
of Neuroradiology, AOU S. Maria della Misericordia di
Udine, Udine, Italy, 4SOC
of Neurosurgery, AOU S. Maria della Misericordia di
Udine, Udine, Udine, Italy, 5SOC
of Neuroradiology, AOU S. Maria della Misericordia di
Udine, Udine, Udine, Italy
In a routine clinical practice, fMRI plays an important
role ad non-invasive tool for pre-surgical functional
mapping of eloquent cortex. The standard approach is to
acquire fMRI data while the patient perform a task
designed to target a specific function. However there
are some limitations: the patients can have difficulty
in performing required tasks and the task-based
approaches may be unreliable. Functional mapping based
on spontaneous intrinsic activity, referred to as
resting state fMRI, offers a different option for
presurgical mapping. The aim of our study was to confirm
the important role that this methods could have in
clinical field.
4171. |
96 |
Assessing vascular
reactivity with resting-state BOLD signal fluctuations: a
clinically practical alternative to the breath-hold
Hesamoddin Jahanian1, Wendy W Ni1,
Thomas Christen1, Michael E Moseley1,
Manjula K Tamura2, and Greg Zaharchuk1
1Stanford University, Department of
Radiology, Stanford, California, United States, 2Stanford
University, Division of Nephrology, Stanford,
California, United States
In this work, we hypothesized that the spontaneous
resting state BOLD signal fluctuations can be viewed as
the response of the brain to the internal challenges to
the cerebrovascular system, including heartbeat,
inhalation, and baseline neuronal activity and may
provide information about cerebrovascular reactivity. To
test this hypothesis we compared the magnitude of rsBOLD
signal fluctuations to the cerebrovascular reactivity
measured as percentage signal change during a
breath-holding challenge in a population of older adults
(N=30). Our results indicate a strong linear relation
between the magnitude of rsBOLD signal fluctuations and
breath-holding percentage signal change across subjects.
Functional Connectivity: Methods & Clinical Applications
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
17:00 - 18:00 |
Computer # |
4172. |
49 |
Aging-Related Reduction in
Physiological Signal Contribution to Resting State fMRI 
Wendy W Ni1,2, Catie Chang3,
Hesamoddin Jahanian2, Gary H Glover2,
and Greg Zaharchuk2
1Department of Electrical Engineering,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 2Department
of Radiology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United
States, 3Advanced
MRI Section, LFMI, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United
In this study, we analyze the percentage of resting
state BOLD fMRI signal variance attributable to cardiac
and respiratory fluctuations, as quantified using the
RVHR model, in young normal subjects, elderly subjects
with hypertension and chronic kidney disease, and
elderly normal subjects. We found a statistically
significant difference (p<0.05 with Bonferroni
correction) between the young group and each elderly
group, but not between the elderly groups. This finding
supplements previous work to indicate an association of
aging with increased non-physiological fluctuations
and/or reduction or change in neurovascular response to
physiological stimulation in resting state.
4173. |
50 |
Analyzing the association
between brain network topological parameters and
intellectual performance 
Gustavo Pamplona1, Gérson Santos Neto2,
Sara Rosset2, and Carlos Ernesto Garrido
1Department of Physics, FFCLRP - USP,
Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, 2FMRP
- USP, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil
It is known that multiple brain areas, even to an
individual at rest, work synchronously even if they are
anatomically separated, suggesting functional and
structural connections. In this way, our brain can be
considered a complex network, in which nodes can be the
different areas and edges can be the measurements of
functional connectivity between time series of the
magnetic resonance signal of each area. In this study,
we purpose to analyze the relationship between network
topological parameters and intellectual performance,
using magnetic resonance images and considering weighted
and binary functional connectivity networks.
4174. |
51 |
Parcellating Brain Cortical
Regions at Multiple Levels of Granularity using the Weighted
K-means Algorithm 
Shih-Yen Lin1,2, Hengtai Jan1,
Tsang-Chu Yu3, Yi-Ping Chao3, Kuan-Hung
Cho4, and Li-Wei Kuo1
1Institute of Biomedical Engineering and
Nanomedicine, National Health Research Institutes,
Miaoli, Taiwan, 2Department
of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, 3Department
of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Chang
Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan,4Institute
of Brain Science, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei,
To investigate the brain networks at multiple scales,
recent studies have attempted to divide the cortical
regions into smaller parcels at multiple levels of
granularity. In this study, we proposed a parcellation
method based on the weighted k-means algorithm with the
following desirable features, including similar
subdivision volume size over the whole brain, not
fragmented, fully deterministic and highly reproducible.
A quantitative evaluation with calculating the
coefficient of variance among all parcels was performed.
Our results show the variances significantly drop
between intermediate to finest levels, suggesting that
the clustering sizes become more uniformly. Future works
include developing more quantitative evaluation
parameters, demonstration on other brain atlases and
application on brain network analysis at multiple
4175. |
52 |
Dynamic Network Analysis of
Resting-state Effective Connectivity Based on Multiband fMRI
Jiancheng Zhuang1 and
Bosco Tjan1
1University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, CA, United States
We describe an approach of using dynamic Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis to estimate the
effective connectivity networks from resting-state fMRI
data measured by a multiband EPI sequence. Two
structural equation models were estimated at each voxel
with respect to the sensory-motor network and
default-mode network. The resulting connectivity maps
indicate that supplementary motor area has significant
connections to left/right primary motor areas, and
medial prefrontal cortex link significantly with
posterior cingulate cortex and inferior parietal
lobules. The results imply that high temporal resolution
images obtained with multiband fMRI data can provide
dynamic and directional information on effective
4176. |
53 |
Chiara Mastropasqua1,2, Marco Bozzali1,
Giovanni Giulietti1, Giacomo Koch3,
and Mara Cercignani1,4
1Neuroimaging Laboratory, IRCCS Santa Lucia,
Rome, Italy, 2Trieste
University, Rome, Italy, 3Department
of Clinical and Behavioural Neurology, IRCCS Santa
Lucia, Rome, Italy, 4Clinical
Imaging Sciences Centre - University of Sussex, Brighton
and Sussex Medical School, Brighton, United Kingdom
With the aim of comparing thalamo-cortical functional
and structural connections, we used independent
component analysis of resting state (RS) fMRI data to
detect thalamic functional components at rest. Next, we
used these thalamic components as seeds for RS seed
based analysis and probabilistic tractography to
identify cortical regions structurally and functionally
connected with each thalamic components. The results
were visually compared to cross-validate these two
commonly used approaches. These two methods yield
partially consistent results: the partial overall
correspondence between structural and functional
connections suggests that they provide complementary
4177. |
54 |
Chiara Mastropasqua1,2, Marco Bozzali1,
Mara Cercignani1,3, Viviana Ponzo4,
and Giacomo Koch4
1Neuroimaging Laboratory, IRCCS Santa Lucia,
Rome, Italy, 2Trieste
University, Trieste, Italy, Italy, 3Clinical
Imaging Sciences Centre - University of Sussex, Brighton
and Sussex Medical School, Brighton, United Kingdom, 4Department
of Clinical and Behavioural Neurology, IRCCS Santa
Lucia, Rome, Italy
Our aim was to combine transcranial-magnetic stimulation
and resting-state (RS) fMRI to investigate changes in
functional connectivity at rest induced by prefrontal
continuous theta-burst stimulation (cTBS). Seed-based
analysis was used to identify the main connections to
the prefrontal cortex. The adjacency matrix summarising
the correlation between the resulting 29 regions was
computed before and after cTBS, and compared using the
Network Based Statistics toolbox. After cTBS,
thecorrelation between the right prefrontal cortex and
right parietal cortex was decreased, demonstrating for
the firts time the possibility to induce selective
changes in a specific region without interfering with
functionally correlated area.
4178. |
55 |
Local Brain Connectivity
Dynamics Using a Graph-Theoretical Approach 
Anand Narasimhamurthy1, Ashish Anil Rao1,
Ek Tsoon Tan2, Rakesh Mullick1,
and Suresh Emmanuel Joel1
1General Electric Global Research, Bangalore,
Karnataka, India, 2General
Electric Global Research, Niskayuna, New York, United
In this work we investigate the short term dynamics of
brain connectivity using a graph theoretic
representation. While there are known situations where
brain connectivity changes, for instance following a
traumatic brain injury; these changes take place over a
length of time, brain connectivity could be quite
dynamic even in a short time scale. While graph
theoretical methods have been extensively used in
neuroimaging, the dynamics aspect of brain connectivity
is relatively less explored. We report the dynamics at
the local level by quantifying changes in the
neighborhood connectivity of nodes across time.
4179. |
56 |
Behavioral relevance of the
temporal dynamics of the functional brain connectome 
Hao Jia1, Xiaoping Hu2, and
Gopikrishna Deshpande1,3
1MRI Research Center, Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Auburn University,
Auburn, Alabama, United States, 2Biomedical
Imaging Technology Center, Coulter Department of
Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
and Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, United States,3Department
of Psychology, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama,
United States
Dynamic functional connectivity (FC) analysis has
received increasing attention since it is hoped that
dynamics of FC could provide potentially more
information than its static counterpart, benefiting
neuroscientific and clinical research. However, the key
question that is yet to be answered is whether
connectivity dynamics has any behavioral relevance over
and above that obtained from static FC. In this work, we
describe a principled framework for calculating dynamic
FC metrics from the whole brain using data-driven
adaptive windows and evolutionary clustering. In
addition, we demonstrate that dynamic FC explains more
variance in behavior as compared to static FC metrics.
4180. |
57 |
Automated classification of
ICA networks from resting state fMRI using Machine Learning
Ashish Anil Rao1, Hima Patel1, Ek
Tsoon Tan2, Rakesh Mullick1, and
Suresh Emmanuel Joel1
1General Electric Global Research, Bangalore,
Karnataka, India, 2General
Electric Global Research, New York, United States
Automated classification of ICA derived components in to
components of neuronal origin and components of noise
origin will be very useful. Several attempts with modest
results have been reported previously. Recently a method
for classifcation of ICA derived from high resolution,
long duration multiband scans has been reported. Here we
present accurate automated classifier at a single
subject single run level for the widely used
conventional resting state fMRI.
4181. |
58 |
Brain without Anatomy:
Construction and Comparison of Fully Network-Driven
Diffusion MRI Connectomes 
Olga Tymofiyeva1, Etay Ziv1, Donna
M Ferriero2, A James Barkovich1,
Christopher P Hess1, and Duan Xu1
1Department of Radiology & Biomedical
Imaging, University of California, San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA, United States, 2Department
of Pediatrics, University of California, San Francisco,
San Francisco, CA, United States
Through the abstraction from the anatomy, the developed
framework allows for unbiased construction and
connection-wise comparison of diffusion MRI-based brain
networks. Brain alignment is performed in the network
domain and, therefore, can be applied to subjects at any
stage of development with any potential anatomical
4182. |
59 |
Mutual Information Weighted
Graphs for Resting State Functional Connectivity in fMRI
Ehsan Eqlimi1, Nader Riyahi Alam1,
MA Sahraian2, A Eshaghi2, and
Hamidreza Saligheh Rad1,3
1Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
Department, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2Sina
MS Research Center, Sina Hospital, Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 3Quantitative
MR Imaging and Spectroscopy Group, Research Center for
Molecular and Cellular Imaging, Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can be
applied to investigate resting state functional
connectivity in brain without any stimulation paradigm.
Resting state communication patterns between brain areas
is a key to understand how brain functions. Furthermore,
abnormal functional connectivity within brain networks
is thought to be responsible for some pathologies. In
this work, we proposed mutual information weighted
graphs instead of classic correlation graphs to model
brain functional networks, and extracted clustering
coefficient, degree and eigenvector centrality as
principal graph theoretical features for each node of
graphs to demonstrate alterations in functional
connectivity patterns of patients with multiple
4183. |
60 |
Ultra-fast fMRI using MREG
improves subject specific extraction of Resting State
Burak Akin1, Hsu-Lei Lee1, Nadine
Beck1, Jürgen Hennig1, and Pierre
1Medical Physics, University Medical Center,
Freiburg, Germany
Resting-state networks (RSN) are becoming an important
tool for the study of brain function. The advent of
novel fast fMRI sequences has led to improved
sensitivity in the statistical analysis of fMRI data. In
this study an ultra-fast imaging technique called
MR-encephalography (MREG) is compared with standard EPI.
RSN analysis is assessed for both datasets using ICA.
The 25-fold increase in sampling rate of MREG relative
to conventional fMRI resulted in improved sensitivity
and a higher number of components associated with
standard RSN in individual subjects. Compared to EPI,
MREG might thus greatly improve analyses of intra- and
inter-network connectivity.
4184. |
61 |
Resting-State Functional
Hubs at Multiple Frequencies Revealed by MR-Encephalography 
Hsu-Lei Lee1, Jakob Assländer1,
Pierre LeVan1, and Jürgen Hennig1
1University Medical Center Freiburg,
Freiburg, Germany
An fMRI acquisition of 10 Hz sampling rate was achieved
by using MR-Encephalography with a three-dimensional
single-shot stack of spirals trajectory which provides
the possibility to inspect brain network structures in
spatial, temporal and frequency domains. In this study
we used ICA and partial correlation analysis to
construct the brain networks and found hub regions and
compare network characteristics in the resting-state
functional structure at frequencies as high as 5 Hz.
4185. |
62 |
High resolution fMRI
reveals laminar specific resting-state functional
connectivity in primary somatosensory cortex in non-human
Shantanu Majumdar1,2, Feng Wang1,2,
Li Min Chen1,2, and John C Gore1,2
1Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging
Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United
States, 2Department
of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States
The study of inter-laminar functional connectivity
within the primary somatosensory (S1) cortex provides
great depth of knowledge about input and output
information process in S1 cortex for somatic sensation,
but few studies have resolved the contributions of
different cortical layers to measured BOLD signals. In
this work, we performed sub-millimeter resolution
resting-state functional MRI in the S1 cortex in
anesthetized squirrel monkeys and examined the laminar
specific functional connectivity between sub-regions
(area 3a, area 3b and area 1) of the S1 cortex.
4186. |
63 |
Development of
interhemispheric visual integration: a DCM study 
Eleonora Fornari1, Romana Rytsar2,
and Maria G Knyazeva3,4
1CIBM, Dept. of Radiology, CHUV, Lausanne,
Switzerland, 2Department
of Clinical Neuroscience, CHUV, Switzerland, 3Department
of Clinical Neuroscience, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Department
of Radiology, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland
In humans, spatial integration develops slowly,
continuing through childhood into adolescence. On the
assumption that this protracted course depends on the
formation of networks with slowly developing top-down
connections, we compared effective connectivity in the
visual cortex between 13 children (age 7–13) and 14
adults (age 21-42) using a passive perceptual task. The
subjects were scanned while viewing bilateral gratings,
which either obeyed Gestalt grouping rules (colinear
gratings, CG) or violated them (non-colinear gratings,
NG). An analysis of effective connectivity showed that
top-down modulatory effects generated at an extrastriate
level and interhemispheric modulatory effects between
primary visual areas (all inhibitory) are significantly
weaker in children than in adults, suggesting that the
formation of feedback and interhemispheric effective
connections continues into adolescence.
4187. |
64 |
Laminar Profile of
Intracortical Resting-state Functional Connectivity 
Russell W. Chan1,2, Shu-Juan J. Fan1,2,
Patrick P. Gao1,2, Iris Y. Zhou1,2,
Adrian Tsang1,2, and Ed X. Wu1,2
1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal
Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong,
China, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
This study investigates the laminar interconnections in
the rat primary visual cortex (V1) and visualizes layer
specific neuroanatomy using resting-state fMRI (rsfMRI)
and manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI), respectively. The
rsfMRI results indicated that the V1 layers II/III and
layers V/VI are more functionally connected during
resting-state using seed-based and independent component
analyses, which could be associated with the
intracortical processing in V1 layers II, III, V and VI
during visual stimulation. We also demonstrated layer
specific manganese enhancement in the rat V1, revealing
the neuroanatomical structure. The laminar rsfMRI
connectivity may provide further insights in
intracortical and intrahemispheric neural communication.
4188. |
65 |
Lithium effect on
functional networks of HIV infected individuals as revealed
by Generalized Partial Directed Coherence measures. 
Madalina E Tivarus1, Britta Pester2,
Tong Zhu3, Christoph Schmidt2,
Thomas Lehmann2, Jianhui Zhong1,
Lutz Leistritz2, and Giovanni Schifitto1
1University of Rochester, Rochester, NY,
United States, 2Institute
of Medical Statistics, Computer Sciences and
Documentation, Jena University Hospital, Friedrich
Schiller University, Jena, Germany, 3University
of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
Generalized Partial Directed Coherence (gPDC) was
applied on fMRI data to evaluate changes in functional
networks and their connectivity in HIV infected
individuals treated with lithium for HIV-associated
cognitive impairment. GPDC analysis shows that lithium
affected functional connectivity and it provides a
paradigm to investigate functional and anatomical
interrelationships in the context of clinical changes.
Therefore, applying gPDC on functional MRI data provides
an opportunity to further dissect the functional changes
observed in relevant networks affected by the
4189. |
66 |
rsfMRI and 1H MRS in
sub-chronic phencyclidine (PCP) rat model of cognitive
impairment in schizophrenia. A longitudinal study to assess
prevention of cognitive impairment deficit
-permission withheld
Daniele Procissi1, Kathleen Anne Williams1,
Lakshmi Rajagopal2, Yoshihiro Oyamada2,3,
and Herbert Meltzer2
1Radiology, Northwestern University, Chicago,
IL, United States, 2Psychiatry
and Behavioral Sciences, Northwestern University,
Chicago, Illinois, United States, 3Dainippon
Sumitomo Pharma Co., Ltd, Japan
The aim of this work is to use 1H-MRS and fMRI to detect
changes in metabolism and connectivity that reflect the
behavioral changes and ultimately to evaluate MRI as a
potential predictor of successful pharmacological
prevention of cognitive impairment in a PCP rat model of
schizophrenia .
4190. |
67 |
Functional connectivity
related to recovery in gait performance through
robot-assistive rehabilitation of chronic gait impairment 
Akira Matsushita1, Kousaku Saotome1,
Kei Nakai2, Kiyoshi Eguchi2,
Yoshiyuki Sankai3, and Akira Matsumura2
1Center for Cybernics Research, University of
Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 2Faculty
of Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki,
Japan,3Faculty of Engineering, Information
and Systems, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki,
Our facility has developed robot-assistive
rehabilitation using robot suits, and tested them on
people with gait impairment. In this study, we obtained
gait performance and rsfMRI before and after
rehabilitation to investigate the relationships between
rsfMRI and rehabilitation. In the result, the rsfMRI
findings in the supplementary motor area, premotor area,
orbitofrontal cortex, and lateral prefrontal cortex were
related to motor function recovery in rehabilitation.
rsfMRI prior to rehabilitation may help to predict the
recovery during rehabilitation.
4191. |
68 |
Enhanced resting-state
functional connectivity in spatial navigation networks after
targeted transcranial direct current stimulation 
Venkatagiri Krishnamurthy1, Kaundinya S
Gopinath1, Gregory S Brown2, and
Benjamin M Hampstead2,3
1Dept of Radiology and Imaging Sciences,
Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States, 2Dept
of Rehabilitation Medicine, Emory University, Atlanta,
GA, United States, 3Atlanta
VAMC RR&D Center of Excellence in Visual and
Neurocognitive Rehabilitation, Decatur, GA, United
Spatial navigation ability declines in the elderly, and
in Alzheimer’s disease. Enhancing navigation skills will
result in functional improvement in these populations.
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can be
used to modulate cortical excitability and brain
cognition. In this preliminary study, we examined
resting state functional connectivity (rsFC) in spatial
navigation networks with functional MRI, after
tDCS-based excitation of appropriate brain regions. RsFC
among a number of areas involved in spatial navigation
increased significantly after tDCS. The results can be
employed to evolve a framework for evoking plastic
reparatory changes in brain networks through tDCS and
monitoring them with rsFMRI.
4192. |
69 |
Modulation of Resting State
Functional Connectivity of the Motor Network by Transcranial
Pulsed Current Stimulation (tPCS) 
Chandler Sours1,2, Gad Alon3,
Steven Roys1, and Rao P. Gullapalli1,4
1Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine,
University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States, 2Magnetic
Resonance Research Center (MRRC), Baltimore, Maryland,
United States, 3Physical
Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, University of
Maryland School of Medicine, Maryland, United States, 4Magnetic
Resonance Research Center (MRRC), Maryland, United
The effects of transcranial pulsed current stimulation (tPCS)
on resting state functional connectivity (rs-FC) within
the motor network were investigated. Four fMRI scans
were acquired, one motor paradigm and three (PRESTIM,
during STIM, POST-STIM) resting state fMRI scans. We
demonstrated changes in connectivity patterns that are
specific to tPCS including increased thalamo-cortical
connectivity during STIM and reduced cerebellar-cortical
involvement POST-STM. ROI analysis confirms reduced
strength and diversity of the motor network during STIM,
and reduced diversity POST-STIM. Our data confirm
previous findings using tDCS and strengthen the evidence
for the unique neuro-modulatory effects of tPCS.
4193. |
70 |
Seed Regions and
Independent Component Analysis of Resting State Brain
Functional Connectivity in a Rat Model of Parkinson's
Hui-Yu Wang1, You-Yin Chen2, Sheng-Huang
Lin3,4, and Jun-Cheng Weng1,5
1School of Medical Imaging and Radiological
Sciences, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung,
Taiwan, 2Department
of Biomedical Engineering, National Yang-Ming
University, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Department
of Neurology, Tzu Chi General Hospital, Tzu Chi
University, Hualien, Taiwan, 4Institute
of Biomedical Engineering, National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan, 5Department
of Medical Imaging, Chung Shan Medical University
Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive
neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized by
dopamine depletion in the striatum, and it associated
with predominantly motor, cognitive and affective
symptoms. The clinical diagnosis of PD is extremely
difficult, because the symptom is similar to other
central nervous disorder, such as Alzheimer’s disease
and Hydrocephalus. The most common diagnostic methods
are neurologist’s inquiry and positron emission
tomogram (PET) studies. One consistent
pathophysiological hallmark of PD is the change in
spontaneous oscillatory activity in the basal ganglia
thalamocortical networks. Therefore, the goal of our
study is to evaluate brain functional connectivity
changes using frequency-specific resting-state
functional MRI (rs-fMRI) in PD rat and baseline controls
using three different seed regions analysis, motor
cortex (M1), corpus striatum (CPu) and substantia nigra
(SNr), and independent component analysis (ICA). Our
results showed a PD-associated decrease in cortico-cortical
and cortico-striatal functional connectivity and drops
in the power content of cortical and striatal signals.
Our results demonstrated that PD modulate cortical and
striatal resting state BOLD signal oscillations and
cortico-cortical as well as cortico-striatal network
4194. |
71 |
Increased gray matter
density in parallel with increased connectivity in Parkinson
Mihaela Onu1, Liviu Badea2, and
Adina Roceanu3
1Medical Imaging, Clinical Hospital "Prof.
dr. Th. Burghele", Bucharest, Romania, 2National
Institute for Research in Informatics, Bucharest,
Romania,3University Emergency Hospital
Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, Romania
We hypothesized that, in Parkinson disease (PD), gray
matter density and functional cerebral connectivity
might develop compensatory behaviors in response to the
damaged motor control loops. Using VBM and rsfmri
analyses, we found a gray matter thalamic enlargement in
parallel with increased connectivity at the basal
ganglia/thalamic level which may reflect a compensatory
effect in response to the damaged motor control loops.
4195. |
72 |
Evaluating Effective
Connectivity in Auditory-Motor fMRI Using Dynamic Granger
Causality Analysis 
Yeh-Hsiung Cheng1, I-Jung Chen2,
Tzu-Cheng Chao1,2, and Ming-Long Wu1,2
1Institute of Medical Informatics, National
Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 2Computer
Science and Information Engineering, National Cheng Kung
University, Tainan, Taiwan
Studies have shown that human brain activities are
dynamic and could vary during fMRI experiment. Here, we
propose a windowing-based Granger causality analysis for
evaluating effective connectivity (EC) in fMRI data
called dynamic Granger causality analysis (DGCA).
Principal Granger causality patterns obtained from
subjects reflect common brain states among subjects
while processing the auditory-motor task. Results show
that DGCA provides more EC information that could
potentially provide more knowledge of dynamic changes in
the brain.
Tuesday 13 May 2014
Exhibition Hall |
17:00 - 18:00 |
Computer # |
4196. |
73 |
CBF-based Modular
Architecture Derived from ASL MRI
-permission withheld
Feng-Xian Yan1, David D. Shin2,
Chi-Jen Chen1, Thomas T. Liu2, and
Ho-Ling Liu3
1Department of Radiology, Taipei Medical
University - Shuang Ho Hospital, New Taipei City,
Taiwan, 2Center
for Functional MRI and Department of Radiology,
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA,
United States, 3Department
of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, Chang Gung
University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
This study aimed to investigate the perfusion-based
modular architecture for the bilateral anterior, middle,
and posterior cerebral artery (ACA, MCA, and PCA)
territories, and default mode network (DMN). Whole-brain
CBF maps from 116 healthy subjects, based on arterial
spin labeling measurements, were included for the
analysis. Brain regions exhibited significantly
correlated CBF variations among subjects were identified
by comparing each area in the AAL template with the seed
region. The results demonstrated that significant short-
and long-range connections were found in these
territories and DMN. This study provides a preliminary
result of intrinsic CBF modularity of the human brain.
4197. |
74 |
Latency time variability
hinders ASL fMRI analyses 
Joao M. S. Pereira1, João Duarte2,
Miguel Raimundo3, and Miguel Castelo-Branco4
1Laboratory of Biostatistics, IBILI - Faculty
of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 2ICNAS
- Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra,
Portugal, 3Clinical
School - Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra,
Coimbra, Portugal, 4Visual
Sciences Laboratory, IBILI - Faculty of Medicine,
University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
For functional imaging purposes, Arterial Spin Labeling
(ASL) has the advantage of measuring activity directly
related to neuronal activation with greater localizing
sensitivity than the more common BOLD signal analyses.
The application of ASL in the fMRI context has, however,
been blighted by subpar performances. This work
addresses the variability of the latency in the
hemodynamic response function (HRF) in both healthy
controls and diabetes type II patients, known to have
changes in brain vasculature. A method is presented to
bypass this limitation in ASL fMRI.
4198. |
75 |
Presence of AVA in High
Frequency Oscillations of the Perfusion fMRI Resting State
Domenico Zacà1, Uri Hasson1,2, Ben
Davis1, Nicola De Pisapia2, and
Jorge Jovicich1,2
1Center for Mind/Brain Sciences, University
of Trento, Mattarello, TN, Italy, 2Department
of Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, University of
Trento, TN, Italy
The Amplitude Variance Asymmetry (AVA) of the BOLD
resting state signal has been demonstrated to provide
reproducible nonrandom patterns of high frequency
resting state activity. To investigate its neural,
vascular or hemodynamic sources we studied resting state
AVA from perfusion fMRI data. Perfusion-derived BOLD AVA
patterns replicated previous pure BOLD findings. A
significant CBF AVA pattern was also detected with
similar topological features but smaller spatial extent
than the BOLD AVA. These results suggest a neuronal
origin of these transients as CBF measurements are more
coupled with metabolism than BOLD measurements.
4199. |
76 |
Inter-regional Differences
in Brain Response Delay to End-Tidal CO2 Estimated from
Resting-State fMRI 
Ali M Golestani1,2 and
J Jean Chen1,2
1Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest,
Toronto, ON, Canada, 2University
of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
End-tidal CO2 (PETCO2) drives the BOLD signal. This
effect is not homogeneous across brain regions, and
delay maps are estimated using breath holding or other
respiratory tasks, which could be uncomfortable for
subjects. We investigated regional variability of PETCO2
effect by estimating the response of the resting-state
BOLD signal to PETCO2 fluctuations with high temporal
resolution (TR = 0.323S). We estimated the PETCO2
response at each voxel and computed the time to peak (TTP)
of estimated response for multiple brain region We show
that it is possible to assess brain hemodynamics using
resting-state BOLD TTP in response to PETCO2.
4200. |
77 |
Understanding the Vascular
Effect on Resting-State fMRI: a Multi-Modality Approach 
David C Zhu1, Takashi Tarumi2,3,
Muhammad Ayaz Khan2,3, and Rong Zhang2,3
1Departments of Radiology and Psychology,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United
States, 2Institute
for Exercise and Environmental Medicine, Texas Health
Presbyterian Hospital Dallas, Dallas, TX, United States, 3Department
of Internal Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States
We used transcranial Doppler ultrasonography,
near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and resting-state fMRI
to demonstrate the presence of high-level coupling
between the vascular signal fluctuations driven by
cardiac activity and the fluctuations of resting-state
fMRI and NIR BOLD signals. Findings from the present
study raise a fundamental question of whether the BOLD
signals used to assess brain functional connectivity are
primarily due to the vascular effects produced from
upstream changes in cerebral hemodynamics. The results
demonstrate the importance and necessity to develop new
methods to uncover the BOLD signal due to spontaneous
neuronal activity from the strong vascular signal
4201. |
78 |
Tissue and Vascular
Contributions to Diffusion fMRI in Rat Inferior Colliculus
Using Quadratic Exponential Kurtosis Model 
Leon C. Ho1,2, Peng Cao1,2, Jevin
W Zhang1,2, Kevin C. Chan3,4, and
Ed X. Wu1,2
1Laboratory of Biomedical Imaging and Signal
Processing, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong
Kong, China, 2Department
of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, China, 3Neuroimaging
Laboratory, Department of Radiology, University of
Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States, 4Department
of Ophthalmology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania, United States
Under functional activation, both tissue and vasculature
undergo physiological changes (such as cell swelling and
vessel dilation). Non-diffusion-weighted BOLD and
diffusion-weighted BOLD have been reported to reflect
different tissue/vascular contribution when the strength
of diffusion attenuation (b-value) is alternated.
Different b-values signal fittings and kurtosis models
are presented in this study to evaluate non-Gaussian
distribution of diffusion displacement in brain tissue
during activation. Kurtosis increased and was mainly
contributed by the increase in blood flow during
activation as indicated by the initial fast decay of
diffusion signal.
4202. |
79 |
Multi-Phase Passband Cine
SSFP: an fMRI technique with excellent spatiotemporal
resolution at 7 Tesla 
Zhongwei Chen1,2, Jing An3,
Zhentao Zuo1, Rong Xue1, and Danny
JJ Wang4
1State Key Laboratory of Brain and Cognitive
Science,Beijing MRI Center for Brain Research, Institute
of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing,
Beijing, China, 2Graduate
School, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Beijing, Beijing, China, 3Siemens
Shenzhen Magnetic Resonance Ltd, Shenzhen, China, 4Department
of Neurology, University of California Los Angeles, Los
Angeles, United States
Balanced SSFP is a promising fMRI technique due to its
reduced susceptibility artifacts and high spatial and
temporal resolution compared to GE-EPI. In this study, a
novel multi-phase passband cine SSFP technique was
introduced for event-related (ER) fMRI with a temporal
resolution of 50 ms and spatial resolution of a few mm3.
ER-fMRI experiment at 7T demonstrated that this
technique can reliably detect the initial dip and can
differentiate a time delay of 200ms in stimulus
presentation. Multiphase passband SSFP is a promising
fMRI technique at ultra high magnetic fields (7 Tesla).
4203. |
80 |
Pharmacological MRI with T1
Contrast Agents 
Richard Baheza1, Nellie Byun2,
Adam Stark3, and John C. Gore3,4
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, NASHVILLE, TN,
United States, 2PHARMACOLOGY,
Vanderbilt University Medical Center, NASHVILLE, TN,
United States, 3VANDERBILT
United States, 4BIOMEDICAL
ENGINEERING, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN,
United States
We performed whole brain pharmacological MRI (phMRI) at
9.4T with the FDA approved T1 contrast agent Magnevist
using an optimized 3D acquisition sequence to detect
amphetamine-induced brain activity in rats. Increasing
the psychostimulant dose from 2.0 to 4.0 mg/kg elevated
the acquired signal increases from 1.87±0.55% to
4.71±0.33% in the caudate-putamen, demonstrating that
the method is sensitive to drug concentration. These
data validate the utility of using a T1 shortening agent
with 3D acquisition for phMRI. This method has
translational potential to clinical drug studies using
FDA-approved contrast agents.
4204. |
81 |
Intra and cross-modal
negative BOLD responses in grey matter regions and large
draining veins under contrast-varying visual stimulation 
Joao Jorge1,2, Patricia Figueiredo2,
Rolf Gruetter1, and Wietske van der Zwaag1
1Center for Biomedical Imaging, University of
Lausanne/Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,
Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Institute
for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Tecnico,
Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
During presentation of a stimulus, positive BOLD
responses are generally attributed to local increases in
neuronal activity. Sustained negative BOLD responses are
also frequently observed, but their underlying
neurovascular coupling mechanisms are less well
understood. Here, we studied the negative BOLD response
(both intra- and cross-modal) to contrast-varying visual
stimuli. In grey matter, negative responses consistently
decreased with increasing stimulus contrast in both
visual and auditory regions. Although of larger
amplitude, responses observed in draining veins tended
to be less contrast-dependent.
4205. |
82 |
Deoxyhemoglobin and
hypercapnia based fMRI calibration methods 
Yongxia Zhou1, Zachary B Rodgers1,
and Felix W Wehrli1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States
Our objective was to compare the fMRI calibration
parameter (M) quantified with two methods and to
establish a mutual scaling factor. Deoxyhemoglobin based
calibration was achieved by quantifying R2’ to yield
MR2’ after magnetic field inhomogeneity correction.
Calibration exploiting the fractional change in cerebral
blood flow during hypercapnia was obtained by ASL,
providing along with the measured change in BOLD
Mhypercapnia via Davis’ model. Preliminary results show
comparable calibration M values for the two methods. The
quantitative scaling factor might provide potential
support for the R2’ calibration method, which is more
straightforward to implement.
4206. |
83 |
The End-Tidal CO2 Response
Function in Resting-State BOLD fMRI 
Ali M Golestani1,2 and
J Jean Chen1,2
1Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest,
Toronto, ON, Canada, 2University
of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
End-tidal CO2 (PETCO2) fluctuations constitute a source
of physiological noise in the BOLD fMRI signal. In this
study we estimate the hemodynamic response of the
resting-state BOLD signal to spontaneous PETCO2
fluctuations. Cardiac, respiratory and PETCO2 signals
were recorded during resting-state fMRI scan. The
response is estimated voxel-wise in 8 subjects. The
estimated PETCO2 response has a peak around 9 seconds,
which is in accordance with previously reported results.
There is some overlap between the regions most affected
by RVT and by PETCO2 fluctuations showing possible
interaction between the two, but they each modulates the
BOLD signal in unique ways.
4207. |
84 |
Associations of
Resting-State fMRI Functional Connectivity with Flow-BOLD
Coupling and Regional Vasculature 
Sungho Tak1, Danny J. J. Wang2,
Jonathan R. Polimeni3, Lirong Yan2,
and J. Jean Chen1
1Rotman Research Institute at Baycrest
Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Laboratory
of Functional MRI Technology (LOFT), University of
California, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 3Athinoula
A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Harvard
Medical School, Charlestown, MA, United States
In this study, we investigated regional associations of
resting-state functional connectivity MRI (fcMRI)
estimates with cerebral blood flow (CBF)-BOLD coupling,
as well as the role of large vessel volume. Based on
extensive analyses, we found that functional
connectivity strength was significantly proportional to
the regional strength in CBF-BOLD coupling, and
inversely proportional to large-vessel volume fraction.
Our work suggests that despite inherent ambiguity of
fcMRI estimates, synchronized activities observed in the
functional networks are not likely to be mediated by
common vascular drainage linking distal cortical areas,
but rather by tighter CBF-BOLD coupling, which might be
associated with neuronal connection.
4208. |
85 |
A comparison of BOLD fMRI,
electrophysiology, and oxygen signals in the whisker barrel
cortex of the awake rabbit 
Daniil P Aksenov1, Limin Li1,
Michael Miller1, Gheorghe Iordanescu1,
Holden M Faber2, Robert A Linsenmeier2,
and Alice M Wyrwicz1
1NorthShore University HealthSystem,
Evanston, IL, United States, 2Northwestern
University, IL, United States
To evaluate the relationship among BOLD fMRI, single
units (SU), local field potentials (LFP), and oxygen
response we obtained fMRI data from rabbits with
chronically implanted electrodes to measure both PO2 and
neuronal responses to whisker stimulation in the cortex.
Striking differences were observed in cortical BOLD,
oxygen, and electrophysiological responses. The shape of
oxygen response more closely resembles the shape of SU
and LFP, whereas the PO2 response exhibits the
post-stimulus offset and subsequent undershoot that
characterize the BOLD response. These differences
reflect the unique physiological characteristics of each
4209. |
86 |
Estimating fluctuations in
the rate of cerebral oxygen consumption associated with
resting state networks
Tommaso Gili1,2 and
Richard G Wise1,2
1IRCCS Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy, 2Cardiff
University Brain Research Imaging Centre, Cardiff,
Wales, United Kingdom
We propose a method to estimate the level of variation
of cerebral metabolic oxygen consumption associated with
a visual resting state network. This focuses on
extracting relative CBF changes associated with a
BOLD-defined visual network. The linked BOLD and CBF
variations were estimated using a Bayesian fitting of a
non-linear model of dual-echo arterial spin labeling
data. Although this relies on the BOLD signal to define
the resting state network, the estimates of CMRO2
variation derived from BOLD and CBF estimates appear
plausible at around 5%.
4210. |
87 |
Investigating the
field-dependence of the Davis model: Calibrated fMRI at 1.5,
3 and 7 tesla 
Hannah V Hare1, Nicholas P Blockley1,
Alexander G Gardener1, Michael A Germuska1,
Stuart Clare1, and Daniel P Bulte1
1FMRIB, University of Oxford, Oxford, United
Calibrated functional MRI (fMRI) is most often performed
at 3T, but there is increasing interest in implementing
this method on 7T research and 1.5T clinical systems. It
is currently unclear whether this affects the accuracy
of the resultant measurements of oxygen metabolism. We
investigated the robustness of such measurements by
performing the same calibrated fMRI protocol at 1.5, 3
and 7T. The calibration parameter M was found to
increase predictably with field strength, whilst the
estimated change in oxygen metabolism in response to a
motor task was independent of field strength.
4211. |
88 |
Using dual calibrated FMRI
to detect CBF related changes in OEF during hyperventilation 
Alan J Stone1, Kevin Murphy1, and
Richard G Wise1
1CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff
University, Cardiff, United Kingdom
Dual calibrated FMRI (dcFMRI) is an extension of the
calibrated BOLD methodology, capable of producing
regional measurements of oxygen extraction fraction
(OEF) across the brain. 6 normal healthy participants
were scanned using a hypocapnic challenge to demonstrate
the sensitivity of the dcFMRI technique to detect
increases in OEF associated with reductions in CBF. The
data acquired during normocapnia (baseline CBF) and
hypocapnia (lowered CBF) shows a clear decrease in CBF
and increase in OEF with hypocapnia. This demonstrates
the sensitivity of dcFMRI suggesting the technique is
appropriate for application to vascular dysfunction in
which flow and metabolism may be impaired.
4212. |
89 |
Optimisation of acquisition
time for a dual calibrated FMRI protocol to measure absolute
Alan J Stone1, Kevin Murphy1,
Ashley D Harris2,3, and Richard G Wise1
1CUBRIC, School of Psychology, Cardiff
University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2Russell
H. Morgan Department of Radiology and Radiological
Science, The Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 3F.M.
Kirby Center for Functional Brain Imaging, Kennedy
Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, United States
To aid the implementation of dcFMRI in clinical and
research scan protocols, it is necessary to produce
reliable measures of absolute CMRO 2 in
a short scan time. However, reducing scan time must be
done carefully and it is important to establish that the
parameter measurements are not compromised. Here we
investigate reducing scan times of an interleaved and
simultaneous hypercapnic-hyperoxic dcFMRI acquisition
using two analytical approaches. A “varying window
duration” analysis is used to investigate if periods of
respiratory challenges can be shortened and a
“data-point resampling” analysis is used to investigate
if fewer respiratory challenges can be performed.
4213. |
90 |
Novel MRI indicators of
cerebrovascular compliance in response to cardiac pressure
Marta Bianciardi1, Nicola Toschi1,2,
Jonathan R Polimeni1, Himanshu Bhat3,
Bruce R Rosen1, David A Boas1, and
Lawrence L Wald1
1Department of Radiology, A.A. Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Department
of Medicine, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome,
Italy, 3Siemens
Medical Solutions, Boston, MA, United States
The aim of this work was to develop novel MRI-indicators
that evaluate cerebrovascular compliance through direct
measures of blood volume changes. We employed
time-of-flight EPI-MRI, and constrained the sequence
parameters to produce MRI-contrast dependent primarily
on blood volume changes. A pulsatility-Volume-Index
(pVI) was defined as the ratio of the signal during
systole divided by the signal during diastole integrated
within the vascular tree. pV1 was on average ~1.5 in
larger cerebral arteries, and varied within each
arterial segment and across arteries. pVI seems to be a
promising MRI-indicator for the evaluation of
cerebrovascular compliance in a highly localized and
4214. |
91 |
Functional Brain Imaging
using T1rho Dispersion 
Richard Watts1, Scott Hipko1, Jay
Gonyea1, and Trevor Andrews1,2
1Department of Radiology, University of
Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT, United
States, 2Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States
Functional brain imaging using T1ρ- and T2-weighted
imaging provide qualitatively similar maps, but with
some regions of significant difference, perhaps due to
differences in the contrast mechanism.
4215. |
92 |
Cerebral Blood Volume
Contribution to the Functional T1ρ in the Human Brain 
Hye-Young Heo1, Casey P Johnson1,
Daniel R Thedens1, John A Wemmie2,3,
and Vincent A Magnotta1,3
1Department of Radiology, University of Iowa,
Iowa City, Iowa, United States, 2Department
of Neurosurgery, University of Iowa, Iowa, United
States,3Department of Psychiatry, University
of Iowa, Iowa, United States
Recent experiments suggest that functional imaging of T1
relaxation in the rotating frame (T1ρ) can detect
localized metabolic changes in the human visual cortex
induced by a flashing checkerboard task. Possible
sources of the functional T1ρ signal include changes in
pH, glucose and glutamate concentrations, and cerebral
blood volume. In this study we explored the relationship
between the functional T1ρ signal and cerebral blood
volume by employing an inferior saturation pulse. The
results show that, although there is a contribution of
cerebral blood volume to the functional T1ρ signal, a
majority of the signal likely comes from the tissue
compartment. Therefore, using spatial saturation pulses
is an effective and efficient means to minimize blood
volume contributions to the functional T1ρ signal.
4216. |
93 |
Averaged-BOSS: feasibility
study and preliminary results 
Zahra Shams1 and
Abbas N Moghaddam1,2
1BME, Tehran Polytechnic, Tehran, Tehran,
Iran, 2School
of Cognitive Sciences, Institute for Studies in
Theoretical Physics and Mathematics, Tehran, Iran
In this work, we presented a new method for fMRI, termed
Averaged BOSS (A-BOSS), in which the idea of phase
transition is employed without the undesirable limited
spatial coverage. The implementation of the proposed
method involved compacting SSFP profile with a profile
period at the order of pixel size, resulted in averaging
the effect of frequency shift on the magnetization
everywhere with no need for careful shimming. The
analysis of experimental results highlighted the area of
activity that was in accordance with BOLD activation
map. In conclusion, A-BOSS overcomes BOSS limitations,
creating considerably high signal level in comparison
with BOLD.
4217. |
94 |
Comparing the microvascular
specificity of the 3 T and 7 T BOLD response 
Simon Daniel Robinson1, Florian Fischmeister1,2,
Günther Grabner1, Moritz Wurnig1,2,
Jakob Rath1,2, Thomas Foki1,2, Eva
Matt1,2, Siegfried Trattnig1,
Roland Beisteiner1,2, and Alexander Geissler1,2
1Department of Biomedical Imaging and
Image-guided Therapy, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department
of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna,
The specificity of the BOLD response to microvascular
rather than draining vein signal is understood to
increase with field strength. This understanding is
based on image SNR and relaxation rates, however. In the
light of recent studies showing less than linear
increases of time-series SNR and activation statistics
with field strength we re-examined the specificity of
the BOLD response in high resolution fMRI at 3T and 7T
with 12 subjects who performed a hand task. fMRI data
were analysed with ICA and compared with 7T SWI. There
was a significant increase in sensitivity but not
specificity with field strength.
4218. |
95 |
Separation of BOLD and
non-BOLD drifts in multi-echo fMRI 
Jennifer Evans1, Prantik Kundu1,
Silvina Horovitz2, and Peter Bandettini1
1SFIM/NIMH, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, United
States, 2NIH,
Bethesda, United States
It’s known that fMRI time series tend to slowly drift,
and removing drifts using linear regression also removes
slow BOLD changes that might be occurring. Conventional
single echo fMRI cannot separate non-BOLD based signal
drifts from neurally related changes in BOLD. In this
study, we demonstrate that multi-echo independent
components analysis (MEICA) (Kundu, 2012) of multi-echo
fMRI data can separate these two mixed low frequency
signals and show very slow BOLD changes in the visual
cortex from visual stimulation with slowly varying
contrast and in resting state.
4219. |
96 |
Acquisition and Processing
Pipeline for Multi-Contrast fMRI Multi-Echo SMS (MESMS) GE-EPI
at 7T 
Cornelius Eichner1,2, Berkin Bilgic1,
Marta Bianciardi1, Jonathan Polimeni1,
Robert Turner2, Jenni Schulz3,
David G Norris3, Lawrence L Wald1,
and Kawin Setsompop1
1Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Max
Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences,
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany, 3Donders
Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Acquisition of Multi-echo (ME) EPI has recently been
shown to be a robust and reliable method for extracting
valuable information from fMRI data. In this work, we
combine a blipped CAIPI Simultaneous Multiple Slice (SMS)
of Multi-echo EPI acquisition with a robust pipeline for
reconstruction of time resolved phase and QSM data.
Magnitude, Phase and QSM contrasts, which were acquired
in one single shot, are shown for multiple echo times.
In the future, this type of data can help to determine
physiological underpinnings of BOLD activation.