Simultaneous MR-PET
Reconstruction using Multi Sensor Compressed Sensing and
Joint Sparsity 
Florian Knoll1, Thomas Koesters1,
Ricardo Otazo1, Tobias Block1, Li
Feng1, Kathleen Vunckx2, David
Faul3, Johan Nuyts2, Fernando
Boada1, and Daniel K Sodickson1
1Bernard & Irene Schwartz Center for
Biomedical Imaging, Department of Radiology, NYU School
of Medicine, New York, New York, United States,2Department
of Nuclear Medicine, K.U. Leuven, Leuven, Leuven,
Belgium, 3Siemens
Medical Solutions USA, New York, United States
While both measurements can be performed simultaneously
with current state of the art PET-MR scanners, the data
sets are processed in two separate reconstruction
pipelines. The two different datasets are only combined
at the visualization stage. We propose a new iterative
reconstruction framework that treats MR and PET as one
single data acquisition, and jointly reconstructs both
image sets. In this way joint information of the
underlying anatomy is shared during the iterations
between both sets of images. In particular the lower
resolution and lower SRN PET reconstruction can benefit
from the superior soft tissue contrast of the MR.
k-SPIRiT: Non-Cartesian
SPIRiT Image Reconstruction with Automatic Trajectory Error
Julianna Ianni1 and
William A. Grissom1
1Biomedical Engineering, Vanderbilt
University, Nashville, TN, United States
An algorithm for joint non-Cartesian image
reconstruction and k-space trajectory error correction
is presented. Results are shown from validations in
simulated radial phantom data and in-vivo brain data
collected with a center-out radial trajectory at 7T.
Fast non-Cartesian L1-SPIRiT
with Field Inhomogeneity Correction 
Daniel S. Weller1 and
Jeffrey A. Fessler1
1EECS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI,
United States
Fast, undersampled single-shot k-space trajectories have
applications in functional and dynamic imaging, but
their long readouts cause artifacts in the presence of
field inhomogeneity. We propose an extension of a
recently developed algorithm for fast L1-SPIRiT
reconstruction of undersampled non-Cartesian parallel
imaging data, using a system matrix augmented with
time-segmentation and a circulant preconditioner to
yield high quality images quickly. We compare our method
to the existing fast non-Cartesian L1-SPIRiT
using both simulated brain and real phantom data sets,
where our proposed method effectively eliminates
artifacts from field inhomogeneity.
0085. |
LORAKS: Low-Rank Modeling
of Local k-Space
Justin P. Haldar1
1Signal and Image Processing Institute,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA,
United States
This work presents a novel framework for constrained
image reconstruction based on Low-Rank Modeling of Local k-Space
Neighborhoods (LORAKS). We first demonstrate that k-space
data for low-dimensional images can be mapped into
high-dimensional matrices, such that the resulting
matrices possess low-rank structure when the original
images have limited support and/or slowly-varying phase.
Subsequently, we propose a flexible approach to
exploiting this low-rank structure that enables image
reconstruction from undersampled data. The approach is
analogous to a single-channel calibrationless
generalization of GRAPPA, and is demonstrated to
outperform sparsity-guided reconstructions of
undersampled data in certain contexts. |
Rapid QSM Acquisition with
Berkin Bilgic1, Borjan Gagoski2,
Stephen Cauley1, Audrey Fan3,
Jonathan Polimeni1, Ellen Grant2,
Lawrence Wald1, and Kawin Setsompop1
1Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging,
Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Boston
Children's Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 3EECS,
MIT, Cambridge, MA, United States
Wave-CAIPI acquisition enables highly accelerated
parallel imaging with low g-factor penalty in a 3D
gradient echo (GRE) scan by using i) 2D CAIPIRINHA
controlled aliasing and ii) additional sinusoidal Gy and
Gz encoding gradients during the readout of each phase
encoding line. Herein, data acquisition and
reconstruction time of QSM are dramatically reduced by
the combination of Wave-CAIPI acquisition and fast phase
processing and QSM algorithms. For Wave-CAIPI
reconstruction, we extend the initial proposal by i)
reducing the Wave reconstruction time 25× (from 360 min
to 14 min), ii) estimating accurate point spread
functions from a fast prior training acquisition, and
iii) increasing the resolution 4-fold. This enables high
quality whole-brain 7T QSM at 1×1×2 mm3 voxel size in 40
New Pulse Sequence
Combining Diffusion MRI and MR Elastography (dMRE) 
Ziying Yin1, Richard L. Magin1,
and Dieter Klatt1
1Bioengineering, University of Illinois at
Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, United States
Here we introduce a new pulse sequence, Diffusion-MRE (dMRE),
for concurrent MRE and diffusion MRI. In dMRE shear
motion and diffusion attenuation are encoded into the MR
phase and magnitude by using a pair of bipolar
gradients. The sequence timing is adjusted so that the
bipolar gradients are sensitive to both coherent and
incoherent intravoxel motion. The phantom results showed
that simultaneous MRE and diffusion acquisition is
feasible with no interference between MRE/diffusion
acquisitions. The dMRE method may play a role in
improving the use of MRE and diffusion for the detection
of the diseases in liver and brain.
Accelerated Radial
Diffusion Spectrum Imaging using a multi-echo stimulated
echo diffusion sequence 
Steven Baete1,2 and
Fernando Emilio Boada1,2
1Center for Biomedical Imaging, Dept. of
Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New York, New
York, United States, 2CAI2R,
Center for Advanced Imaging Innovation and Research, NYU
Langone Medical Center, New York, New York, United
Diffusion Spectrum Imaging (DSI) is able to
non-invasively image the microstructure of the brain,
including its complex distributions of intravoxel fiber
orientations. A drawback of DSI is the requirement for a
large number of q-space samples to adequately sample the
Orientation Diffusion Function, leading to large
measurement time. In order to accelerate DSI
acquisitions we use a multi-echo stimulated echo
diffusion sequence which samples multiple samples along
a radial line in q-space in a single readout. This is
combined with the recently proposed radial q-space
sampling scheme, leading to, in the current
configuration, a nearly fourfold speedup.
0089. |
Sliding-Slab 3D TSE Imaging
with A Spiral-In/Out Readout 
Zhiqiang Li1, Dinghui Wang1, Ryan
K Robison1, Nicholas R Zwart1,
Michael Schär1,2, and James G Pipe1
1Neuroimaging Research, Barrow Neurological
Institute, Phoenix, AZ, United States, 2Philips
Healthcare, Cleveland, OH, United States
Multi-slab 3D TSE imaging has better scan efficiency
than its single-slab counterpart but suffers ringing and
venetian blind artifacts. Meanwhile, spiral acquisition
has high SNR efficiency and has been incorporated into
3D TSE imaging, but mostly using a spiral-out only
trajectory. In this work we propose a 3D TSE technique,
using a spiral-in/out trajectory to provide higher SNR
efficiency, using sliding-slab to minimize the venetian
blind artifacts, and using non-uniform slice phase
encoding to reduce the ringing artifacts. The
preliminary results demonstrate that the image quality
is comparable to 2D Cartesian results.
Generating T2- and
T1-weighted images using Radial T-One Sensitive and
Insensitive Steady state Imaging (RA-TOSSI) 
Thomas Benkert1, Martin Blaimer1,
Peter M. Jakob1,2, and Felix A. Breuer1
1Research Center Magnetic Resonance Bavaria (MRB),
Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany, 2Experimental
Physics 5, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Bavaria,
Using balanced SSFP in combination with unequally spaced
inversion pulses in between allows generating images
with pure T2-contrast. Here, this concept is adapted
using a radial trajectory to simultaneously generate
several T2-weighted images and a standard bSSFP image
(T2/T1-weighted) out of one single acquisition in a very
short scan time (~1.3s). Additionally, a T1-weighted
image can be obtained by a simple combination of these
contrasts. Therefore, the proposed method is a promising
candidate for clinical practice, especially for
situations where long scan times limit the applicability
of established protocols. |
Fast SEMAC by separation of
on-resonance and off-resonance signals 
Daehyun Yoon1, Valentina Taviani1,
Pauline Worters2, and Brian Hargreaves1
1Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, United
States, 2GE
Healthcare, Menlo Park, CA, United States
We present a novel acquisition and reconstruction method
to accelerate the Slice Encoding for Metal Artifact
Correction (SEMAC) sequence for MR imaging near metallic
implants. SEMAC adopted an additional encoding for
slice-select dimension to resolve the off-resonance
induced slice distortion, which severely increased the
total scan time. In this abstract, we present a fast
undersampling scheme and a simple reconstruction
algorithm exploiting that the support of the extreme
off-resonance spins is spatially limited. Our approach
is to acquire on-resonance spins using less slice
directional encoding and then to apply reduced FOV
acquisition and reconstruction for off-resonance spins. |
Noise variance of an RF
receive array reflects respiratory motion: a novel
respiratory motion predictor 
Anna Andreychenko1, Sjoerd Crijns1,
Alexander Raaijmakers1, Bjorn Stemkens1,
Peter Luijten1, Jan Lagendijk1,
and Cornelis van den Berg1
1Imaging Division, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht,
Utrecht, Netherlands
Conventional methods to detect patient motion are based
either on an external device, e.g. respiratory belt, or
MR acquisition, i.e. navigator. An alternative technique
has been proposed which monitors RF coil's impedance
changes induced by the patient motion. However, this
technique requires additional hardware. Here, we propose
to detect the motion induced impedance variation by
means of noise measurements. Using clinical MR systems
we demonstrated the feasibility of the RF coil's thermal
noise variance to detect respiratory motion. Moreover,
noise covariance matrix of an array of coils contains
spatial information which can potentially be used for
motion prediction.
Obtaining B1 Distributions
by Encoding in B1 Instead
of Image Space 
Kalina V Jordanova1, Dwight G Nishimura1,
and Adam B Kerr1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, United States
A new method to estimate the B1 distribution
in a volume by encoding in B1 rather
than along image space is presented. By acquiring
multiple 1D projections using the BEAR B1 mapping
method with different phase sensitivities to B1,
an estimate of the B1 distribution
in each projected pixel is calculated using a convex
optimization formulation. We validate this method
through simulations and in vivo at 3T. With this method,
the B1 distribution
in a volume can be estimated faster than in acquiring a
2D B1 map.
The method is potentially useful when B1 varies
rapidly in space.
Validation of Tissue
Characterization in Mixed Voxels Using MR Fingerprinting 
Anagha Vishwas Deshmane1, Dan Ma1,
Yun Jiang1, Elizabeth Fisher2,
Nicole Seiberlich1, Vikas Gulani1,3,
and Mark Griswold1,3
1Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH, United States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute,
Cleveland, Ohio, United States, 3Radiology,
University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH, United
In conventional weighted MRI, the presence of multiple
species within a single voxel can alter signal
intensity. However, it remains difficult to determine
the species content which gives rise to this intensity
change due to similarity in exponential-shaped signal
evolutions. The uniqueness of signal evolutions
generated through Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF)
allows for the identification of multiple species
present within a single voxel. Here we demonstrate that
MRF is able to resolve multiple material components from
single, mixed voxels and validate the derived tissue
fractions in a realistic simulation model.
0095. |
Automated segmentation of
bone with single zero-echo time imaging 
Sandeep Kaushik1, Dattesh Shanbhag1,
and Florian Wiesinger2
1GE Global Research, Bangalore, Karnataka,
India, 2GE
Global Research, Munich, Germany
In this work, we propose a method for segmentation of
bones in the head using a single echo zero TE (ZTE)
pulse sequence using complex (magnitude and phase)
information for efficient segmentation of bone and air
regions in the head. We also introduce a histogram-based
RF intensity correction method which enables
threshold-based segmentation of bone, soft-tissue and
air structures. We demonstrate excellent depiction of
skull and vertebrae.
Finding the ideal IDEAL
acquisition scheme for multi-echo UTE imaging 
Ethan M Johnson1 and
John M Pauly1
1Electrical Engineering, Stanford University,
Stanford, California, United States
This work investigates UTE imaging with Dixon estimation
of water, fat and short-T2 anatomy.
By searching over the space of feasible echo times, an
acquisition scheme for multi-echo UTE acquisitions is
identified that facilitates computation of component
images using the echo images from a given acquisition
strategy and field strength.