10:45 |
Using Gradient Waveforms
Derived from Music in MR Fingerprinting (MRF) to Increase
Patient Comfort in MRI 
Dan Ma1, Vikas Gulani1,2, and Mark
1Department of Biomedical Engineering, Case
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United
States, 2Radiology,
Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United
The purpose of this study is to use MRF method to
potentially mitigate the acoustic noise problem in
normal MR scans while simultaneously quantifying
multiple tissue parameters. Instead of producing quiet
sequences, we instead take advantage of the extra
degrees of freedom in MRF to design acquisitions to
replicate music in the magnet. In this study, mp3 music
files, which are converted to arbitrary readout encoding
gradients, are used with varying flip angles and TRs in
the MRF exam to quantify T1, T2, off-resonance and
proton density maps simultaneously while providing
pleasing sounds to the patient.
10:57 |
0027. |
Magnetic Resonance
Fingerprinting Trajectory Optimization 
Ouri Cohen1, Mathieu Sarracanie1,2,
Brandon D. Armstrong1,2, Jerome L. Ackerman1,
and Matthew S. Rosen1,2
1Department of Radiology, MGH/Athinoula A.
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachussets
General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States,2Department
of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United
Current implementations of MR fingerprinting typically
require over 1000 measurements to obtain the desired
tissue maps. The large number entails an increased
specific absorption rate and, to avoid excessive scan
times, a subsampling of k-space that may incur
undersampling artifacts. Here we propose an optimization
method which allows reduction of the needed measurements
~100 fold without affecting image quality.
11:09 |
Simultaneous T1,
T2, Diffusion and Proton Density Quantification
with MR Fingerprinting 
Yun Jiang1, Dan Ma1, Katie Wright1,
Nicole Seiberlich1, Vikas Gulani2,
and Mark A. Griswold1,2
1Department of Biomedical Enginneering, Case
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, United
States, 2Department
of Radiology, Case Western Reserve University,
Cleveland, OH, United States
MR Fingerprinting (MRF) is a novel platform for
generating multiple parametric maps simultaneously by
matching spatially and temporally incoherent signals to
a pre-calculated dictionary. Here we explore MRF using a
double-echo sequence with a spiral trajectory to
simultaneously generate T1, T2, M0and
ADC maps. The result shows quantitative diffusion and
relaxation estimates can be simultaneously generated
within the MRF framework, extending the concept beyond
11:21 |
Small-tip Fast Recovery (STFR)
imaging Using Spectrally Tailored Pulse 
Hao Sun1, Jeffrey A. Fessler1,
Douglas C. Noll2, and Jon-Fredrik Nielsen2
1Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United
States, 2Biomedical
Engineering, the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI,
United States
Small tip fast recovery (STFR) imaging has been proposed
recently as a potential alternative to balanced steady
state free precession (bSSFP). STFR relies on a tailored
“tip-up” RF pulse to achieve comparable signal level and
image contrast as bSSFP, but with reduced banding
artifacts. Previous STFR implementations used 2D or 3D
pulses spatially tailored to the accumulated phase
calculated from a B0 field map. Here we propose to
replace the spatially tailored pulse with a spectrally
tailored pulse, which can be precomputed to a target
frequency range. We show that this “spectral-STFR”
sequence has reduced banding artifacts compared to bSSFP.
11:33 |
Spin Echoes in the Weak
Dephasing Regime 
Jakob Assländer1, Simone Köcher2,
Steffen Glaser2, and Jürgen Hennig1
1Dept. of Radiology - Medical Physics,
University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany, 2Dept.
of Chemistry, Technische Universität München, Germany
It is shown that, for small flip angles, it is possible
to form spin echoes after a single excitation pulse,
where the time between the end of the pulse and the echo
is longer than the length of the pulse itself. This is
in contrast to standard Hahn-echo pulse sequences, where
the length of the pulse sequence is in approximation
equal to the time between the end of the composite pulse
and the echo. The sequence is implemented into a FLASH
sequence. At the example of lung pulmonary imaging
signal enhancement is demonstrated in comparison to a
standard FLASH sequence.
11:45 |
Prephased O-space Imaging
for Reduction of Asymmetrical Local K-space Coverage 
Leo K. Tam1, Gigi Galiana1,
Haifeng Wang1, Emre Kopanoglu1,
Andrew Dewdney2, Dana C. Peters1,
and R. Todd Constable1
1Diagnostic Radiology, Yale University, New
Haven, CT, United States, 2Siemens
Healthcare AG, Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany
Local k-space, the spatial derivative of the encoded
phase has been used to visualize and design strategies
to mitigate the spatially-varying encoding of nonlinear
gradient encoding. To reduce the local k-space asymmetry
of O-space imaging, the phase prior to readout is
adjusted for each readout in a technique called
prephasing, first proposed by Gallichan et. al.
Prephased O-space imaging shows reduced MSE, though
artifacts from previous simulations of asymmetrical
k-space were not corroborated. Parallel receiver
information may sufficiently localize signal conditional
on appropriate imaging parameters.
11:57 |
0032. |
Optimal trajectory design
for higher-dimensional encoding 
Kelvin J. Layton1, Feng Jia2, and
Maxim Zaitsev2
1Department of Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne,
Victoria, Australia, 2Dept.
of Radiology, Medical Physics, University Medical Center
Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
Spatial encoding magnetic fields (SEMs) that vary
nonlinearly over the field-of-view have the potential to
accelerate imaging and overcome current safety
limitations. Encoding with combinations of linear and
nonlinear SEMs offer great flexibility but also make
trajectory design difficult, since traditional k-space
is insufficient to represent the higher-dimensional
encoding space. This work presents a new method for
automated trajectory design based on the predicted
variance of the reconstructed pixels. In this way, the
condition of the reconstruction problem is explicitly
considered during trajectory design. Images
reconstructed from simulated data exhibit reduced
artifacts and noise using the proposed trajectory.
12:09 |
Spatial resolution in
rotating Spatial Encoding Magnetic field MRI (rSEM-MRI) 
Clarissa Zimmerman Cooley1,2, Jason P.
Stockmann1,3, Brandon D. Armstrong1,3,
Mathieu Sarracanie1,3, Matthew S. Rosen1,3,
and Lawrence L. Wald1,4
1A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical
Imaging, Dept. of Radiology, Massachusetts General
Hospital, Charlestown, MA, United States, 2Dept.
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA,
United States, 3Dept.
of Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United
States, 4Harvard-MIT
Division of Health Sciences and Technology, Cambridge,
MA, United States
MRI could find wider applicability if lightweight,
portable systems were available for siting in
unconventional locations. We have proposed a lightweight
magnet whose inhomogeneous field pattern is physically
rotated to form a rotating Spatial Encoding Magnetic
field (rSEM). This is a way to lower the magnet weight
and eliminate gradient coils. The resulting image
resolution varies spatially in the FOV with minimal
encoding in center, a common problem in non-linear
gradient encoding schemes. With the goal of improving
encoding throughout the FOV, we assess resolution in
different rSEMs through simulations, and compare to
experimentally acquired images.
12:21 |
0034. |
Time-efficient interleaved 23Na
and 1H
acquisition at 7T 
Paul W. de Bruin1, Maarten J. Versluis1,
Peter Koken2, Sebastian A. Aussenhofer1,
Ingrid Meulenbelt3, Peter Börnert1,2,
and Andrew G. Webb1
1Radiology Department, Leiden University
Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 2Innovative
Technologies Research Laboratories, Philips Technologie
GmbH, Hamburg, Germany, 3Molecular
Epidemiology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden,
A flexible sequence interleaving method for different
nuclei is used to virtually simultaneously acquire 23Na
and 1H scans. This results in a high time-efficiency
that is essential for patient studies involving 23Na
12:33 |
0035. |
in vivo Ultrafast
Diffusion Imaging of Stroke at 21.1 T by Spatiotemporal
Jens T Rosenberg1,2, Avigdor Leftin3,
Eddy Solomon3, Fabian Calixto Bejarano1,
Lucio Frydman1,3, and Samuel Colles Grant1,2
1National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, The
Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, United
States, 2Chemical
& Biomedical Engineering, The Florida State University,
Tallahassee, FL, United States, 3Chemical
Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
Fast imaging techniques such as echo planar imaging (EPI)
are popular techniques for imaging of neuronal injuries.
However, there is an inherent problem with these
techniques with respect to susceptibility and geometric
artifacts that distort not only anatomical information
but also the quantification of relevant quantities, such
as water diffusion. To provide robust and fast
acquisitions at high field, this study utilizes an
ultrafast single-shot spatiotemporally encoded (SPEN)
imaging sequence with diffusion encoding to measure
apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in stroke. Results
show that SPEN images provide a more accurate way of
measuring ADC at high field compared to EPI.