10:45 |
A novel approach to
tracer-kinetic modeling of (macromolecular) multi-bolus DCE-MRI
data, applied in a murine tumor model 
Igor Jacobs1,2, Gustav Strijkers1,2,
Henk Keizer3, Henk Janssen3, Klaas
Nicolay1,2, and Matthias Schabel4
1Biomedical NMR, Department of Biomedical
Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology,
Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2Center
for Imaging Research and Education, Eindhoven,
Netherlands, 3SyMO-Chem
BV, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 4Advanced
Imaging Research Center, Oregon Health and Science
University, Portland, Oregon, United States
Conventional low-molecular-weight DCE-MRI and
tracer-kinetic modeling does not support separate
estimates of blood flow and microvascular permeability,
while this would be advantageous for accurate cancer
treatment evaluation. In this research a multi-bolus DCE-MRI
protocol was developed, in which contrast agents of
various molecular weights were injected sequentially. A
novel tracer-kinetic modeling approach, based on the
two-compartment exchange model, was applied to
simultaneously fit multi-bolus data. The feasibility of
this approach was shown in a murine tumor model.
Single-pixel multi-bolus curves were of good quality and
significant differences in extraction fraction and
washout rate constant were observed between the
different contrast agents.
10:57 |
0043. |
Altered choline
phospholipid metabolism in pancreatic cancer cells and tumor
Marie-France Penet*1, Tariq Shah*1,
Santosh Bharti1, Yelena Mironchik1,
Flonné Wildes1, Anirban Maitra2,
and Zaver M. Bhujwalla1
1JHU ICMIC Program, Division of Cancer
Imaging Research, The Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States, 2The
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston,
TX, United States
Pancreatic cancer is an aggressive disease usually
advanced at the time of diagnosis. Biomarkers with
sensitivity and specificity for early diagnosis are
urgently needed. Here we have investigated the
metabolism of a panel of pancreatic cell lines in vitro
and in vivo. Using high-resolution 1H MRS we observed
elevated choline-containing compounds, along with high
levels of choline kinase. Total choline signal was
detected in vivo in tumor xenografts, with the highest
concentration in the Panc1 tumors. Our study showed that
the altered choline phospholipid metabolism could be
used for noninvasive detection of pancreatic cancer and
for treatment strategies.
11:09 |
0044. |
In vivo 1H
MRS detection of choline compounds in pancreas of MEN1
knock-out mice 
Min-Hui Cui1,2, Ziqiang Yuan3,
Sean Cahill4, Asha Adem3, Steven
K. Libutti3, and Craig A. Branch1,2
1Gruss Magnetic Resonance Research Center,
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York,
United States, 2Radiology,
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York,
United States, 3Surgery,
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York,
United States, 4Biochemistry,
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York,
United States
We have demonstrated that in vivo 1H
MRS has a potential role in diagnosis of pancreatic
cancer, in a multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1)
conditional knock-out mouse model. Choline was detected
in Men1 KO mice via in vivo 1H
MRS, but not in WT mice. The elevated total choline
levels in Men1 KO mice were mainly due to high levels of
phophocholine and glycerophosphocholine in pancreas
tissues. Our approach may provide additional beneficial
information in the context of pancreatic lesion
diagnosis and allow monitoring tumor responsiveness to
11:21 |
0045. |
Assessment of the Tumor
Type-Specific Microenvironment – Lactate, Vascularity,
Hypoxia, Extracellular pH 
Ellen Ackerstaff1, Natalia Kruchevsky1,
Ekaterina Moroz1, Nirilanto Ramamonjisoa1,
Rui V. Simoes1, H. Carl LeKaye1,
Kristen L. Zakian1, Hansol Lee2,
HyungJoon Cho2, Radka Stoyanova3,
Inna Serganova1, Ronald G. Blasberg1,
and Jason A. Koutcher1
1Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New
York, NY, United States, 2Ulsan
National Institute of Science and Technology, Ulsan,
Korea, 3Miller
School of Medicine, University of Miami, Miami, FL,
United States
A hostile tumor microenvironment impacts tumor growth,
progression, metastases, and treatment resistance. More
aggressive tumors have been associated with increased
lactate production, acidity, and suppressed T-cell
immune response. Here, we characterize noninvasively in
vivo the
tumor microenvironment in tumor models of different
origin and aggressivity and investigate the relationship
of lactate metabolism, vascularity, hypoxia, and
extracellular pH (pHe) to tumor type / aggressivity,
using 1H
MRI/MRS/MRSI. Our data suggest that pHe does not
directly relate to tumor lactate levels and that
interplay of tumor metabolic activity and
vascularization regulates tumoral pHe, showing the
importance to assess these parameters independently.
11:33 |
0046. |
Multiparametric MRI mapping
of oxygen delivery and hypoxia in renal 786-O-R murine
James PB O'Connor1, Yann Jamin2,
Jessica KR Boult2, Muhammad Babur3,
John C Waterton1, Damien McHugh1,
Andrew R Reynolds4, Kaye J Williams3,
Geoff JM Parker1, and Simon P Robinson2
1Imaging Sciences, University of Manchester,
Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom, 2Radiotherapy
and Imaging, Institute of Cancer Research, Sutton,
London, United Kingdom, 3School
of Pharmacy, University of Manchester, Manchester,
Greater Manchester, United Kingdom,4Breakthrough
Breast Cancer Research Centre, Institute of Cancer
Research, Sutton, London, United Kingdom
T1weighted oxygen-enhanced MRI can
measure oxygen delivery and hypoxia in tumors. We report
the first study to combine this method with BOLD, DCE-MRI
and immunohistochemistry. We show how combining these
modalities provides fresh insight into the spatial and
temporal oxygen handling of 786-O-R renal xenografts.
11:45 |
Is R1 of Lipids related to
pO2? Lessons from two tumor models 
Florence Colliez1, Marie-Aline Neveu1,
Julie Magat1, Thanh Trang Cao Pham1,
Bernard Gallez1, and Bénédicte F Jordan1
1Louvain Drug Research Institute, Biomedical
Magnetic Resonance Research Group, University of
Louvain, Brussels, Belgium
Variations in T1 and T2* are potentially valuable MRI
tools to follow changes in tumor oxygenation. T2* is
sensitive to the relative Hb/HbO2 ratio in vessel, while
T1 change is sensitive to dissolved oxygen which acts as
a T1-shortening paramagnetic contrast agent. The aim of
the current work is to investigate the quantitative
aspect of a new oxygen mapping method: MOBILE. Two tumor
models were submitted to (i) hyperoxic challenges
induced by carbogen breathing and (ii) hypoxic
challenges induced by Combetastatin A-4 Phosphate.
Actual pO2 values were obtained by EPR oximetry and
significantly correlated to Lipids R1 values.
11:57 |
0048. |
Noninvasive MRI of tissue
redox state based on endogenous chemical exchange saturation
transfer (CEST) contrast 
Kejia Cai1,2, He N Xu1, Anup Singh1,
Lily Moon1, Mohammad Haris1,3,
Xiaohong Joe Zhou2, Ravinder Reddy1,
and Lin Z Li1
1Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2CMRR
3T Research Program, Radiology, University of Illinois
at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States, 3Sidra
Medical and Research Center, Doha, Qatar
The disturbed balance of the redox state, such as
excessive oxidative stress, can lead to many pathologic
changes including cancer, heart diseases,
neurodegenerative diseases, and diabetes. Imaging
biomarkers for oxidative stress are a key research area.
The purpose of this study is to develop a non-invasive
MR imaging method for mapping the tissue redox state
based on the endogenous Chemical Exchange Saturation
Transfer (CEST) contrast. We report herein a CEST MRI
technique, together with correlations to optical redox
scanning to characterize tumor redox heterogeneity. The
mechanism on such correlation has also been
12:09 |
0049. |
Probing cancer metabolism
with hyperpolarized 5-13C-glutamine 
Claudia Cabella1, Magnus Karlsson2,
Carolina Canapè3, Giuseppina Catanzaro1,
Sonia Colombo Serra1, Luigi Miragoli1,
Luisa Poggi1, Fulvio Uggeri1, Luca
Venturi3, Pernille R. Jensen2,
Mathilde H. Lerche2, and Fabio Tedoldi1
1CRB Bracco Imaging SpA, Colleretto Giacosa,
Torino, Italy, 2Albeda
Research Aps, Copenhagen, Denmark, 3University
of Torino, Torino, Italy
Glutamine metabolism is a key marker of cancer
development. In particular, strong correlations have
been reported between oncogene expression and activity
of the glutaminase enzyme. Hyperpolarized 13C-MR
spectroscopy can provide insight to glutamine metabolism
and should hence be a valuable tool to study changes in
glutaminase activity as tumours progress. This work
reports on an improved preparation of hyperpolarized
5-13C-glutamine, providing a highly sensitive MR marker.
Physiological tolerable glutamine solutions with
remarkable polarization levels were obtained by
dissolution and used to perform 13C metabolic analysis
in vivo in healthy and tumour bearing rats and for
testing pharmacological treatments in vitro.
12:21 |
Measuring Tumor Metabolism
in Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Gliomas (DIPG) Using
Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MR Spectroscopic Imaging 
Ilwoo Park1, Rintaro Hashizume2,
Peder EZ Larson1, C. David James2,
Daniel B Vigneron1,3, and Sarah J Nelson1,3
1Department of Radiology and Biomedical
Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA, United States, 2Department
of Neurological Surgery, University of California San
Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States, 3Department
of Bioengineering and Therapeutic Sciences, University
of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United
Diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas (DIPGs) are one of the
most difficult pediatric cancers to treat. The methods
for assessing treatment response and tumor progression
are based on radiographic response but conventional MRI
is not sufficient for predicting clinical outcome. We
have demonstrated the feasibility of using
hyperpolarized 13C
metabolic imaging to evaluate in vivo metabolism in
orthotopic brainstem xenografts injected with human DIPG
cells. The results suggest that this technique may
provide a unique non-invasive imaging tool that is able
to differentiate between different tissue pathologies
and aid in the management of patients with DIPG.
12:33 |
19F MRI for Evaluating ERK1
as a Factor Regulating Dendritic Cell Migration in High
Grade Glioma 
Min-Chi Ku1, Martin Günther1,
Conrad Martin1, Stefano Lepore1,
Helmar Waiczies1,2, Andreas Pohlmann1,
Susanne A. Wolf3, Helmut Kettenmann3,
Thoralf Niendorf1, and Sonia Waiczies1
1Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility (B.U.F.F.),
Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin,
Germany, 2MRI.TOOLS
GmbH, Berlin, Berlin, Germany,3Cellular
Neurosciences, Max Delbrück Center for Molecular
Medicine, Berlin, Germany
Immunotherapy with dendritic cell based vaccines for
treating glioma has become one attractive approach. To
access the efficiency of DC vaccine, it is necessary to
monitor the distribution of DCs in the CNS or lymphoid
organs. Our goal is to target molecules, which are
involved in regulating DCs within the glioma context. In
this study we found that deficiency of ERK1 result in
tumor regression. 19F/1H MRI monitored the migration of
DCs and found that ERK1 can regulate DC migration.