16:30 |
0172. |
Radiofrequency Heating
during Body Imaging in a 3T Body Coil and Patient Safety 
Devashish Shrivastava1, Jinfeng Tian1,
John Hughes1, and J Thomas Vaughan1
1University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN,
United States
In vivo radiofrequency (RF) heating was simulated by
solving the first principles based generic bioheat
transfer model (GBHTM) in a digital pig due the power
deposition from a 3T body coil. The simulations were
validated by measuring the heating using fluoroptic
probes in anesthetized swine due to the whole-body
average power deposition of 2.77 W/kg for an hour in a
3T scanner. The GBHTM predicted the RF heating
accurately. The simulations and measurements provided
fundamental understanding of the RF energy transport and
related heating in vivo to make MRI more powerful as
well as improve patient safety.
16:42 |
0173. |
Cerebral Tissue Contrast is
Mostly Preserved in Low SAR Inversion Recovery MRI for
Parkinson’s Patients with Deep Brain Stimulators 
Subhendra N Sarkar1, Ron L Alterman2,
Efstathios Papavassiliou2, Douglas L Teich1,
Rafael Rojas1, Rafeeque A Bhadelia1,
Jeremy Stormann1, Ines Cabral-Goncalves1,
and David B Hackney1
1Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
Center, Harvard Medical School, BOSTON, MA, United
States, 2Division
of Neurosurgery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center,
Harvard Medical School, BOSTON, MA, United States
Treatment efficacy for deep brain stimulators (DBS) in
medically refractory Parkinson’s is high when surgical
planning and further assessments are done by high
quality MRI with adequate RF power although there exist
severe SAR restrictions for that. Sentinel events after
MRI seems rare but neurologic deficits previously
attributed to surgery could have been from routine MRI.
We have developed and tested the utility of a modified
FSTIR sequence within low SAR guidelines on patients
with DBS and observed similar tissue contrasts from the
low and high SAR sequences with low SAR images being
equally useful for diagnosis and neurosurgical planning.
16:54 |
Reduced Heating of
Implanted Electrical Conductors Using Parallel
Radiofrequency Transmission 
Clare McElcheran1, Laleh Golestanirad2,
and Simon Graham1,2
1Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto,
Toronto, ON, Canada, 2Sunnybrook
Health Science Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada
Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS), a treatment for movement
disorders (eg Parkinson’s Disease) consists of leads and
electrodes that send electrical impulses to deep brain
nuclei. During MRI, the electric field (E) created by
radiofrequency (RF) excitation couples with the leads,
amplifies E, and can cause dangerous heating of nearby
tissues. Parallel RF transmission (PTX) is investigated
to suppress heating by varying the amplitude and phase
of each transmit element. In an 8-element PTX with a
uniform cylindrical phantom, E is reduced 97% compared
to a linear birdcage transmitter, with <10% transmit
magnetic field inhomogeneity in the chosen field of
17:06 |
0175. |
Comprehensive RF Safety
Concept for Parallel Transmission MR 
Ingmar Graesslin1, Peter Vernickel1,
Peter Börnert1, Kay Nehrke1, Giel
Mens2, Paul Harvey2, and Ulrich
1Philips Research Laboratories, Hamburg,
Germany, 2Philips
Healthcare, Best, Netherlands
Achieving RF patient safety in parallel transmission is
difficult, due to the freedom in tailoring the RF
transmit fields. Before and during the scan, its
conformity with existing SAR limits has to be verified
to ensure patient safety. We developed, implemented, and
verified a new comprehensive RF
patient-safety-supervision concept that combines
real-time global SAR and local SAR supervision with
real-time RF supervision. This new concept allows for a
significantly increased permissible RF duty cycle,
improves the detection of SAR limit violations and
patient-unsafe conditions, and reduces the number of
false-positive scan interruptions.
17:18 |
0176. |
Safety of tattoos in MRI:
an interim report on a prospective study -
permission withheld
Nikolaus Weiskopf1, David Bradbury1,
Sheila Burns1, and Janice Glensman1
1Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging,
University College London, London, United Kingdom
Only few studies are published on the safety of tattoos
in MRI. We present an interim report on a prospective
study on all healthy volunteers with tattoos who were
scanned at our lab. From our sample of 127 volunteers
the probability of a tattoo related adverse reaction is
estimated to be lower than 4.5% when additional
precautions are applied. Although this is the first
prospective study on this topic avoiding several
potential confounds of previous studies, the particular
sample and conditions studied may still limit general
17:30 |
0177. |
En Route to Ultrahigh Field
Cardiac MR in Patients: RF Safety Assessment of
Intracoronary Stents at 7.0 T Using Numerical Simulations
and E-Field Measurements 
Eva Oberacker1, Lukas Winter1,
Frank Seifert2, Jaroslav Marek1,
Gerd Weidemann2, Eugen Hofmann3,
and Thoralf Niendorf1,4
1Berlin Ultrahigh Field Facility (B.U.F.F.),
Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin,
Berlin, Germany, 2Physikalisch
Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin, Germany, 3Biotronik
AG, Bülach, Switzerland, 4Experimental
and Clinical Research Center, a cooperation of the
Charité Medical Faculty and the Max Delbrück Center for
Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany
This work performs a careful safety evaluation of RF
induced heating of coronary stents including
electromagnetic (EM) simulations and E-field
measurements. Complex electromagnetic field coupling is
investigated depending on stent type, length, location,
orientation, vessel diameter and RF coil used.
Electromagnetic (EM) and thermal simulations were
performed in phantoms and human voxel models and
validated in ASTM phantom measurements. The results are
transferrable to various RF coil designs and may be
utilized to estimate safe RF exposure levels for SAR
personalized UHF-MR exams including patients with
intracoronary and other vascular stent implants.
17:42 |
A Simulation Based
Validation of a pTx Pulse Design Strategy Using
Implant-Friendly Modes for Patients with DBS Implants 
Yigitcan Eryaman1,2, Bastien Guerin2,
Can Akgun3, Joaquin L. Herraiz1,
Adrian Martin1,4, Angel Torrado-Carvajal1,5,
Norberto Malpica1,5, Juan A.
Hernandez-Tamames1,5, Emanuele Schiavi1,4,
Elfar Adalsteinsson6,7, and Lawrence L. Wald2,7
1Madrid-MIT M+Vision Consortium in RLE, MIT,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, 2Martinos
Center for Biomedical Imaging, Dept. of Radiology, MGH,
Charlestown, MA, United States, 3Invenshure,
MN, United States, 4Dept.
of Applied Mathematics, Rey Juan Carlos University,
Madrid, Spain, 5Dept.
of Electronic Technology, Rey Juan Carlos University,
Madrid, Spain, 6Dept.
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT,
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States, 7Harvard-MIT
Health Sciences and Technology, MIT, Cambridge, MA,
United States
We present a pulse design strategy that can be used to
safely scan patients with implants. Our strategy is
based on utilizing implant friendly modes which are
defined as the modes of an array that cancel the local
SAR around the implant lead tip. We performed EM
simulations using a multi-tissue realistic head model
with a generic deep brain stimulator implant. As a
result of the pulse design, local SAR at the lead tip is
reduced below SAR limits. A uniform axial flip angle
distribution is obtained.
17:54 |
SAR optimised local B1+ shimming
for cardiac imaging at 3T – a multi-model study 
Arian Beqiri1, Francesco Padormo1,2,
Jeff W. Hand1, Joseph V. Hajnal1,2,
and Shaihan J. Malik1
1Division of Imaging Sciences and Biomedical
Engineering, King's College London, London, United
Kingdom, 2Centre
for the Developing Brain, King's College London, London,
United Kingdom
Cardiac imaging at high field suffers from image quality
issues due to greater B1+ inhomogeneities
and is frequently limited by SAR, which constrains the
speed at which scans can be run without exceeding
regulatory limits. By using parallel transmission MRI,
we demonstrate the ability to significantly reduce SAR
whilst simultaneously improving B1+ homogeneity
in order to optimise imaging over the cardiac region for
two differently sized subjects. We also show the effects
of selecting the wrong SAR model for each subject.
18:06 |
0180. |
Robert A. Pooley1, Krzysztof R. Gorny2,
Christopher P. Favazza2, Joel P. Felmlee2,
Chen Lin3, Matt A. Bernstein2, and
Robert E. Wharen4
1Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville,
Florida, United States, 2Radiology,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 3Radiology
and Imaging Science, IU School of Medicine,
Indianapolis, IN, United States, 4Neurosurgery,
Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida, United States
Temperature measurements were made in a phantom at the
tip of a deep brain stimulator lead. The DBS components
were arranged in various configurations and scanned at
high and low SAR with body coil transmit. The
temperature increase for the lead only and lead +
insertion stylet was in the range of 0.5 - 3.2C at high
SAR and < 0.1C at low SAR. The full DBS system resulted
in heating of 14.4C at high SAR and 0.25C at low SAR.
There is increasing interest in evaluating heating of
leads with body coil RF transmit, which is
18:18 |
Virtual Tissue Electrical
Properties: A New Concept for Fast, Robust Local SAR
Estimation Based on B1 Measurement 
Xiaotong Zhang1, Pierre-Francois Van de
Moortele2, Jiaen Liu1, Sebastian
Schmitter2, and Bin He1,3
1Department of Biomedical Engineering,
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 2Center
for Magnetic Resonance Research, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 3Institute
for Engineering in Medicine, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN, United States
It has been shown that Electrical Properties (EPs) of
biological tissues can be derived from MR-based B1
measurement. A strong appeal for these ‘Electrical
Property Tomography’ (EPT) methods is to predict in
real-time on a per-subject basis local SAR induced by RF
pulsing. To reduce error propagation along the
reconstruction, we eliminate the need for computing EPs
by introducing the concept of ‘virtual tissue EPs’ (VEPs),
tailored to provide max local SAR estimation based on
measured B1 maps, with a safety margin. We evaluate the
concept on electromagnetic models (EM) and in-vivo data
of head imaging at 7T.