16:30 |
Copolymer Complexes and Their Use for MRI of Biological
Nikorn Pothayee1, Der-Yow Chen1,
Maria Aronovo2, Chunqi Qian1,
Richard Leapman2, and Alan Koretsky1
1Laboratory of Functional and Molecular
Imaging, NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 2Laboratory
of Cellular Imaging and Macromolecular Biophysics, NIBIB,
NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States
In this work,we describe a ‘one-pot’ and aqueous-based
preparation of paramagnetic metal ion-block copolymer
complexes for potential use as MRIcontrast agent. The
pH-sensitive nature of soft particles was exploited in
response to neuronal uptake and subsequent transport of
Mn ions, which can be visualized by MRI.
16:42 |
0193. |
Targeted MRI In Vivo by
Hyperpolarized Silicon Nanoparticles -
permission withheld
Jingzhe Hu1, Maja Cassidy2,
Nicholas Whiting1, Pamela Constantinou3,
Niki Zacharias Millward1, David Volk4,
David Gorenstein4, Daniel Carson3,
Charles Marcus5, and Pratip Bhattacharya1
1Cancer Systems Imaging, The University of
Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United
States, 2Kavli
Institute of Nanoscience, Delft University of
Technology, Delft, Netherlands, 3Biochemistry
and Cell Biology, Rice University, Houston, TX, United
States, 4Institute
of Molecular Medicine and Department of NanoMedicine and
Biomedical Engineering, The University of Texas Health
Science Center at Houston, Houston, TX, United States, 5Center
for Quantum Devices, Niels Bohr Institute, University of
Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Nanomedicine is an emerging field that offers great
promise in the development of non-invasive strategies
for the diagnosis and treatment of disease.
Hyperpolarized silicon nanoparticles are one such
material that has emerged as a platform technology for
targeting that may suit a wide range of potential
applications. They can be easily surface functionalized,
are biocompatible and biodegradable and has opened up
the possibility of performing in vivo targeted MRI in
real time with over 10,000 fold sensitivity enhancement
via dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP).
16:54 |
In vivo Overhauser-enhanced
MRI of Proteolytic Activity 
Neha Koonjoo1, Elodie Parzy1,
Philippe Massot1, Matthieu Lepetit-Coiffé1,2,
Sylvain R.A Marque3, Jean-Michel Franconi1,
Eric Thiaudiere1, and Philippe Mellet1,4
1Centre de Résonance Magnétique des Systèmes
Biologiques, UMR 5536, CNRS, University Bordeaux Segalen,
Bordeaux, France, Metropolitan, 2Siemens
France, Saint-Denis, France, Metropolitan, 3UMR
7273 Aix-Marseille Université, Marseille, France,
Metropolitan, 4University
Bordeaux Segalen, INSERM, France, Metropolitan
Proteolysis of a nitroxide-labeled macromolecule was
detected in the intestinal tract of living mice by
Overhauser-enhanced MRI. Using an Overhauser-effect
switch, namely a nitroxide with an unpaired electron
bound to the macromolecule, here elastin, Overhauser
enhancement was generated only after the protein carrier
was digested. A high signal enhancement indicated
elastin proteolysis by pancreatic elastase secreted in
the duodenum. Highly resolved 3D keyhole OMRI images of
resolution 0.5mm3 were acquired with a fully
balanced steady state sequence – TrueFISP at 0.2T (Magnetom
Open Viva Siemens) in 18 seconds. This current research
is a step towards in vivo pathology-related proteolysis
17:06 |
0195. |
nanoformulations for contrast-enhanced in vivo MR imaging of
Alexander B. Sigalov1
1SignaBlok, Inc., Shrewsbury, MA, United
Macrophage imaging has important diagnostic and
prognostic value in cardiology, oncology and other
diseases. Nanoparticles that mimic native high density
lipoproteins (HDL) are a versatile delivery platform for
Gd-based MRI contrast agents (GBCA) but require
targeting moieties to direct the particles to
macrophages. In this study, using in vivo MRI,
immunohistology and confocal fluorescence microscopy, we
show that a naturally occurring modification of apo A-I
in GBCA-HDL targets the particles to intraplaque
macrophages in an apo E-deficient atherosclerotic mouse.
Synthetic apo A-I peptides were demonstrated to
functionally replace native apo A-I in these contrast
agents, encouraging their further development.
17:18 |
Relaxometry of Bacterially
Derived Organelles: A Novel Class of MRI Contrast Agent for
Cell Labeling and Tracking 
Kimberly Brewer1, Rehan Ali2,
James A Rioux1, Sui Seng Tee1,
Alexey Bazarov2, Suleyman Felek2,
Caleb Bell2, and Brian K Rutt1
1Radiology, Molecular Imaging Program,
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United
States, 2Bell
Biosystems Inc, Palo Alto, California, United States
Bacterial-derived pseudo-organelles, “Magnelles®”, were
recently developed as a novel, magnetite-based MRI
contrast agent. Since Magnelles were derived from
magnetotactic bacteria, they have the ability to
self-replicate, making them interesting candidates for
labeling and longitudinal evaluation of cells. This is
crucial for applications such as evaluation of stem cell
and other cell-based therapies. We characterized the MRI
relaxivity properties (both r1 and r2) of Magnelles,
their cell loading and ex vivo imaging characteristics
using a model breast cancer cell line. Magnelles were
found to have similar r2 relaxivity values to
conventional SPIO agents and demonstrated strong MR
contrast for implanted cells.
17:30 |
Anthranilic Acid Analogues
as Uncommonly Shifted HYdrogen bonded (U SHY) diamagnetic
CEST (diaCEST) MRI Contrast Agents based on the N-H exchange 
Xiaolei Song1,2, Xing Yang1,
Sangeeta Ray Banerjee1, Martin G Pomper1,3,
and Michael T McMahon1,2
1The Russell H. Morgan Department of
Radiology and Radiological Science, The Johns Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, 2F.M.
Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging,
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, United
States, 3Institute
for Nanobiotechnology, The Johns Hopkins University,
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Diamagnetic chemical exchange saturation transfer (diaCEST)
agents form a new class of imaging agents with unique
magnetic resonance properties. Here we present a series
of anthranilic acid analogues as examples of Uncommonly
Shifted HYdrogen-bonded (U SHY) diaCEST agents, which
produce significant and tunable contrast between 4.8 -
9.3 ppm from water. Five of these analogues, N-sulfonyl
anthranilic acids, are highly soluble and produce strong
CEST contrast. We also discovered that flufenamic acid,
a commercial non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug,
displays CEST contrast at 4.8 ppm. These N-H U SHY
agents, with contrast insensitive to pH, are
complementary to existing diaCEST probes.
17:42 |
0198. |
MR Molecular Imaging of
Breast Cancer Metastases with Peptide Targeted Tripod
Macrocyclic Gd(III) Chelates 
Zhuxian Zhou1, Mohammed Qutaish1,
David L. Wilson1, and Zheng-Rong Lu1
1Biomedical Engineering, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland, OH, United States
MRI is a powerful medical imaging modality for the
detection and characterization of diseased soft tissues
such as solid tumors. MR molecular imaging has a great
potential for detection and characterization of
metastatic breast cancer if a suitable molecular target
can be identified. However, currently available targeted
contrast agents could not generate sufficient contrast
enhancement for molecular MRI of the biomarkers on
cancer cell surface due to low concentration of the
biomarkers and low sensitivity of MRI. The extracellular
matrix of malignant tumors has abundant accumulation of
fibrin-fibronectin complexes that can be used as a
suitable biomarker for effective molecular MRI of small
breast cancer metastases. CREKA is a tumor-homing
pentapeptide (Cys-Arg-Glu-Lys-Ala) specifically homes to
tumors by binding to fibrin and fibronectin associated
plasma protein clots in tumor stroma. Here, we
synthesized and evaluated a tumor-targeted contrast
agent CREKA-Tris(Gd-DOTA)3 for MR molecular imaging of
breast cancer metastases.
17:54 |
Towards Early Detection of
Pancreatic Cancers by CA19-9 Conjugated Magnetic
Nanoparticles and Active Feedback MR -
permission withheld
Zhao Li1, Chaohsiung Hsu1, Vay
Liang W. Go2, and Yung-Ya Lin1
1Chemistry and Biochemistry, UCLA, Los
Angeles, CA, United States, 2UCLA
Center for Excellence in Pancreatic Diseases, UCLA, Los
Angeles, CA, United States
Early detection of pancreatic cancers using enhanced MRI
techniques increases not only the treatment options
available, but also the patients’ survival rate. This
can be achieved with antibody-conjugated
superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles
capable of binding to early stage pancreatic cancer
cells to improve imaging specificity and innovation
methods that can sensitively detect SPIO to improve
imaging sensitivity. The enhanced contrast from SPIO can
then be used to visually assess the distribution and
magnitude of SPIO-targeted tumor cells. In vivo
subcutaneous and orthotopic xenografts mouse models
validated the superior contrast/sensitivity and
robustness of this approach towards early pancreatic
cancers detection.
18:06 |
0200. |
PARASHIFT contrast agents -
a new approach for molecular imaging by MRI 
Ian Wilson1, Peter Harvey2,
Katie-Lousie Finney2, Alexander M Funk2,
P Kanthi Senanayake2, Ross J Maxwell1,
David Parker2, and Andrew M Blamire3
1Northern Institute for Cancer Research,
Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United
Kingdom, 2Dept
of Chemistry, Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom, 3Institute
of Cellular Medicine, Newcastle University, Newcastle
upon Tyne, United Kingdom
A new class of contrast agents are demonstrated which
present new opportunities for molecular imaging by MRI.
By placing a tert-Butyl reporter group at a controlled
distance from a lanthanide ion, the dipolar interaction
gives rise to a frequency shifted reporter resonance
with short T1 which can bedirectly detected in
vivo without contamination from endogenous water or fat
signal and with good sensitivity. These agents are
denoted PARASHIFT agents. An example of in vivo
detection of a dysprosium based agent is presented.
Comparison of in vivo spectral peak areas against a
reference standard suggested that a tissue concentration
of 1 micromolar was detectable in a scan duration of
only ~3 mins.
18:18 |
Simultaneous detection of
multiple metal ions using a single 19F-iCEST
Amnon Bar-Shir1,2, Nirbhay N Yadav1,3,
Assaf A Gilad1,2, Peter CM van Zijl1,3,
Michael T McMahon1,3, and Jeff WM Bulte1,2
1Russell H. Morgan Department of Radiology
and Radiological Science, the Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States,2Cellular
Imaging Section, Institute for Cell Engineering, the
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore,
MD, United States, 3F.M.
Kirby Research Center for Functional Brain Imaging,
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States
Metal ion levels in biological systems have been
extensively studied using optical probes. However,
specific detection of low levels of metal ions in
vivousing non-invasive methodologies remains a
formidable challenge. We present an approach for
specifically sensing the presence of Zn2+ and
Fe2+ using
the single fluorinated chelate TF-BAPTA. By exploiting
the dynamic exchange between the ion-bound and free
TF-BAPTA, and capitalizing on the different chemical
shifts of 19F
upon binding of Zn2+ or
Fe2+, we were able to detect both ions
simultaneously using ion CEST (iCEST) 19F