16:30 |
Cerebral blood flow
deficits in the Tc1 mouse model of Down’s syndrome 
Holly E Holmes1, Frances Wiseman2,
James M O'Callaghan1, Jack A Wells1,
Victor LJ Tybulewicz3, Elizabeth MC Fisher2,
and Mark F Lythgoe1
1Centre for Advanced Biomedical Imaging,
University College London, London, Greater London,
United Kingdom, 2Department
of Neurodegenerative Disease, Institute of Neurology,
London, Greater London, United Kingdom, 3MRC
National Institute for Medical Research, London, Greater
London, United Kingdom
Down's syndrome (DS) is a genetic condition caused by
the presence of a third copy of chromosome 21.
Individuals with DS have a greater predisposition to
Alzheimer's disease (AD). This is believed to be caused
by the extra dosage of the amyloid precursor protein
(APP) gene: a known AD risk factor which lies on
chromosome 21. AD-like blood flow changes have
previously been observed in clinical DS studies. We
unveil cerebral blood flow changes in the Tc1 mouse
model of DS in the absence of APP. These results suggest
that other genes on chromosome 21 may be contributing to
these AD-like patterns of hypoperfusion.
16:42 |
0223. |
V1a antagonism normalizes a
social brain network in valproate rat model of autism
revealed by functional MRI 
Thomas Mueggler1, Dany D D'Souza1,
Barbara Biemans1, Andreas Bruns1,
Basil Künnecke1, Patrick Schnider2,
Christophe Grundschober1, and Markus von
1Pharma Research & Early Development, DTA
Neuroscience, Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Basel-City,
Switzerland, 2Pharma
Research & Early Development, Small Molecule Research,
Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Basel-City, Switzerland
The neuropeptide vasopressin is thought to play an
important role in regulating social behavior. Here we
investigated its role in the rat valproate (VPA) model
of autism which has phenotypical changes similar to the
human condition. In VPA rats we identified altered
perfusion as a surrogate of disturbed neural activity in
brain regions implicated in social behavior. Chronic
treatment with a vasopressin V1a receptor-specific
antagonist, reversed perfusion deficits in key regions
such as the striatum, ventral tegmental area and
superior colliculus suggesting that V1a antagonists
have the potential to improve core symptoms of autism
such as social interaction.
16:54 |
0224. |
Age-related abnormalities
of white matter tracts in autism spectrum disorder: A
diffusion spectrum imaging study using whole brain
tract-specific analysis 
Chien-Hung Lu1, Yu-Jen Chen2,
Yu-Chun Lo2, Yung-Chin Hsu2, Susan
Shur-Fen Gau3,4, and Wen-Yih Isaac Tseng2,4
1School of Medicine, National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Center
for Optoelectronic Medicine, National Taiwan University
College of Medicine, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Department
of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University College of
Medicine, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan, 4Graduate
Institute of Brain and Mind Sciences, National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
This study aimed to investigate the differences of white
matter tracts across a wide range of age between autism
spectrum disorder and typically developing participants
using diffusion spectrum imaging. In our findings, with
a large sample size (63 : 63) and a broad range of age
(7-29 years). GFA presented an atypical growth pattern
in ASD compared to TD in several white matter tracts.
The present data suggested that the time trajectory may
differentiate brain maturation in ASD.
17:06 |
0225. |
Diffusion MR of Auditory
and Language Pathways in Children with 16p11.2 Deletions and
Jeffrey I Berman1,2, Darina Chudnovskaya1,
Wendy K Chung3, John E Spiro4,
Timothy PL Roberts1,2, and Simons VIP
1Radiology, Children's Hospital of
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Radiology,
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United
States,3Columbia University, New York, United
States, 4Simons
Foundation, New York, New York, United States
Genetic copy number variation of 16p11.2 has been
associated with developmental disorders such as autism
spectrum disorders (ASD). This study uses diffusion
tensor imaging (DTI) and high angular resolution
diffusion imaging (HARDI) to quantify microstructural
alterations to the auditory radiation, Heschl’s gyrus,
and arcuate fasciculus in children with 16p11.2 deletion
or duplication. A significant effect of genetic copy
number variation on FA, MD, and radial diffusivity was
observed in each of the regions measured (p<0.05). Mean
and radial diffusivities were consistently higher in the
copy number variation groups indicating alterations of
white matter microstructure which may impair function.
17:18 |
0226. |
Glutamate and GABA in
Children with ADHD and Complex Motor Stereotypies: A 7T ¹H
MRS Study 
Alena Horska1, Xin Wang1, Matthew
Ryan2, Martha B Denckla2, Peter B
Barker1, Harvey S Singer1, and E
Mark Mahone2
1Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD,
United States, 2Kennedy
Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD, United States
Using single voxel ¹H MRS at 7T, concentrations of the
neurotransmitters glutamate (Glu) and GABA were measured
in prefrontal and fronto-striatal regions in pediatric
patients 5-10 years old, diagnosed with ADHD and complex
motor stereotypies (CMS). The control group was
comprised of age-matched healthy typically developing
children. Compared with controls, both patient groups
had a lower overall mean GABA/Cr ratio (calculated from
the 4 regions examined) and a lower striatal GABA/Cr
ratio. No group differences in the GABA/Cr and NAA/Cr
ratios were detected.
17:30 |
Multimodal imaging
classification of ADHD: brain functional connectivity and
cortical thickness 
Po-Hsiang Chan1, Yu-Sheng Tseng1,
Chun-jung Chen1, Teng-Yi Huang1,
and Tzu-Chao Chuang2
1Department of Electrical Engineering,
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology,
Taipe, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Department
of Electrical Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen
University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C, Taipei, Taiwan
This study aims to develop a classification method based
on support vector machine (SVM) for attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) patients. We proposed to
use SVM to classify subject groups based on the brain
functional connectivity obtained from resting-state fMRI
datasets and brain cortical thickness obtained from 3D
T1 MPRAGE datasets. We identified that SVM classifier
did not perform well (accuracy of ~ 57%) if all the
available features were selected into SVM training.
Using the proposed feature selection approach, the
maximum accuracies increased to 68 ¡V 99 %. The results
support that feature selection according to absolute
weightings of a pre-trained SVM hyperplane is an
efficient method to increase the classification
17:42 |
0228. |
Medication with Stimulants
Modifies the Mean Diffusivity in Children with Attention
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: a DTI Study 
Rodrigo de Luis-Garcia1, Gemma Cabus-Pinol2,
Carlos Imaz-Roncero2, Daniel Argibay-Quinones1,
Gonzalo Barrio-Arranz1, Santiago
Aja-Fernandez1, and Carlos Alberola-Lopez1
1Laboratorio de Procesado de Imagen,
Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, Valladolid,
Spain, 2Hospital
Clinico Universitario, Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain
The impact of ADHD on white matter connectivity has not
been well stablished yet, and the effects of treatment
on the brain structure have not been sufficiently
explored. We investigated the effects of ADHD and
treatment with methylphenidate in the white matter of
children using a tractography selection method that
allows the robust extraction of several fiber bundles of
interest. Differences in the Mean Diffusivity were found
between ADHD patients under treatment and normal
controls and between ADHD patients under treatment and
drug-naive ADHD patients, indicating that the use of
psychostimulants may modify the brain connectivity.
17:54 |
Conduct disorder and
callous unemotional traits are related to the microstructure
of the dorsal default-mode network 
Arjun Sethi1, Quinton Deeley1,
Sagari Sarkar1, Marco Catani1,
Flavio Dell'Acqua1, Declan DGM Murphy1,
and Michael C Craig1
1Institute of Psychiatry, King's College
London, London, England, United Kingdom
This work supports the importance of the white matter
underpinning a mediodorsal component of the default-mode
network (the dorsal cingulum) in conduct disorder and
callous unemotional traits. Diffusion MRI tractography
shows that decreased radial diffusivity in this tract
portion is reduced in adolescents with conduct disorder,
and that radial diffusivity is negatively correlated
with callous-unemotional traits in the whole sample.
18:06 |
Differentiation of
white-matter differences across sub-clinical psychotic
experiences using diffusion tensor and quantitative
relaxometry imaging 
Mark Drakesmith1, Anirban Dutt2,
Glyn Lewis3, Anthony S David2, and
Derek K Jones1
1CUBRIC, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales,
United Kingdom, 2Institute
of Psychiatry, Kings College London, London, United
Kingdom, 3Academic
Unit of Psychiatry, University of Bristol, Bristol,
United Kingdom
Few studies have examined white-matter correlates of
psychotic experiences in an at-risk population. We show
using DTI and quantitative T1 white-matter differences
associated with sub-clinical psychotic experiences.
Individuals with psychotic experiences show reduced FA,
AD and increased RD in left medial frontal white matter.
No differences in T1 were identified. A number of
variables, especially auditory hallucinations,
negatively correlate with FA, globally. Some variables
also negatively correlate with T1, suggesting a positive
correlation with myelination. Future identification of
subjects who transition to full psychosis will enable
isolation of more specific white-matter predictors of
18:18 |
0231. |
Longitudinal comparison of
the “default mode” deactivations in adolescents prenatally
exposed to cocaine 
Zhihao Li1, Priya Santhanam1,
Claire Coles2, Mary Ellen Lynch2,
Stephan Hamann3, and Xiaoping Hu1
1Biomedical Engineering, Emory University &
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia,
United States, 2Psychiatry
and Behavioral Science, Emory University, Atlanta,
Georgia, United States, 3Psychology,
Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, United States
The present fMRI study examined the developmental effect
of prenatal cocaine exposure (PCE) on default mode
network (DMN) deactivations in longitudinally followed
adolescents. Comparing age 17 to 15 while performing the
same memory task, DMN deactivation was reduced in the
control group but increased in the adolescents with PCE.
The present results provide direct evidence supporting
the view of a long-term effect of PCE on arousal