10:00 |
0250. |
Multi-parametric MRI
characterization of methylene blue treatment of mild
Traumatic Brain Injury 
Lora Talley Watts1, Justin Alexander Long1,
Jonathan Chemello1, Qiang Shen1,
Shiliang Huang1, and Timothy Duong1
1Research Imaging Institute, University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, San Antonio,
Texas, United States
This study investigated the spatiotemporal dynamics of
diffusion, T2 and fractional anisotropy associated with
mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) following methylene
blue treatment. Lesion volume, diffusion, T2 and
fractional anisotropy changes and behavioral scores
generally correlated well with the improvement by
methylene blue treatment compared to placebo controls.
However, despite the presence of some lesions on day 7
and 14, behavioral measures mostly returned to normal in
both groups, suggesting that there is functional
compensation in our mild TBI model. Multi-parametric MRI
offers a range of biomarkers that are sensitive to
different tissue types and to different stages of TBI.
10:12 |
0251. |
Acute DKI Alterations in
Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Patients with and without
Eventual Symptomatic Improvement 
Joseph H. Rosenberg1, Jiachen Zhuo1,
Chandler R. Sours1, Steven Roys1,
Elijah O. George1, Kathirkamanthan
Shanmuganathan1, and Rao P. Gullapalli1
1Deagnostic Radiology, University of Maryland
School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States
DKI parameters were evaluated in mild traumatic brain
injury patients. Patients were compared to controls, and
patients with symptomatic improvement between sub-acute
and chronic injury stages were compared to those
without. Patients showed alterations in DKI parameters
in the genu of the corpus callosum. Patients
experiencing later symptom improvement showed DKI
alterations at the acute stage distinct from those whose
symptoms did not improve. Commonly affected regions were
the corpus callosum body and genu and bilateral anterior
corona ratiata. These DKI alterations may indicate
greater acute microstructural damage to white matter
tracts in those without eventual symptomatic
10:24 |
0252. |
Self-Regulation of Amygdala
Activation with Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback in
Combat-Related PTSD 
Raquel Phillips1, Vadim Zotev1,
Han Yuan1, Kymberly Young1, Chung
Ki Wong1, Brent Wurfel1, Frank
Krueger1,2, Matthew Feldner1,3,
and Jerzy Bodurka1,4
1Laureate Institute for Brain Research,
Tulsa, OK, United States, 2Neuroscience
Dept., George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, United
States,3Department of Psychological Science,
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, United States, 4College
of Engineering, University of Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK,
United States
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a chronic and
disabling psychiatric condition. Individuals with PTSD
suffer from the dysregulation of several types of
emotion including fear, anxiety, and depression.
Neurocircuit models of PTSD emphasize the role of the
amygdala. We utilize advances in real-time functional
magnetic resonance imaging neurofeedback (rtfMRI-nf) to
directly modulate amygdala activity. This technique
measures neuronal activity with sufficiently high
temporal resolution that information from the amygdala
is immediately available to form a feedback loop. We
show that individuals with PTSD are able to use
rtfMRI-nf training to enhance the control of the
hemodynamic response of the amygdala.
10:36 |
Demonstration of
Differentially Degenerated Corpus Callosam in Patients with
Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury: With a Premise of Cortical-callosal
Kavita Singh1, Richa Trivedi1,
Maria M D’souza1, Ajay Chaudhary2,
Pawan Kumar1, Ram KS Rathore3,
Rajendra P Tripathi1, and Subash Khushu1
1Institute of Nuclear Medicine & Allied
Sciences, Delhi, Delhi, India, 2Dr.
Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Delhi, Delhi, Delhi, India, 3Indian
Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh,
Aim our study was to assess the degenerative changes,
secondary to TBI in subdivisional fibres of CC,
corresponding to cortical brain area primarily injured
in chronic moderate TBI patients. DTT was done in 18 TBI
(A: frontal lobe injury,n=6; B: occipito-temporal lobe
injury, n=5; C: fronto-parieto-temporal lobe injury,
n=7) and 11 healthy participants. Diffusion metrices of
7 sub-divisions of CC (Witelson’s scheme) were acquired
using in-house developed software. The study showed
significantly reduced FA and increased MD in the
sub-divisions of CC corresponding to cortical brain area
primarily injured. Reduced FA and increased MD values
may represent regional Wallerian Degeneration.
10:48 |
0254. |
Discrete Wavelet Analysis
of Longitudinal Resting State fMRI in Mild TBI Patients 
Chandler Sours1,2, Haoxing Chen3,
Steven Roys1, and Rao P. Gullapalli1,2
1Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine,
University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore,
Maryland, United States, 2Magnetic
Resonance Research Center (MRRC), Baltimore, MD, United
States, 3University
of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland,
United States
We investigated the mechanisms of recovery following
mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) using discrete
wavelet analysis of resting state fMRI and its
relationship with post concussive syndrome (PCS). Our
results demonstrate reduced strength of resting state
coherence within the Default Mode Network in mTBI with
PCS compared to those without PCS within multiple
frequency ranges. These findings stress the importance
of investigating resting state coherence using discrete
wavelet analysis: however, further research is needed
incorporating cardiac and respiratory monitoring as well
as a sliding window analysis to fully characterize the
dynamic properties of resting state coherence in mTBI
11:00 |
0255. |
The Dynamically Changing
Default-Mode Network after Concussion in Sports: a
Resting-State fMRI and DTI Integration Study 
David C Zhu1, Tracey Covassin1,
Sally Nogle1, Scarlett Doyle1,
Doozie Russell1, Randy Pearson1,
Jeffrey Monroe1, Christine Liszewski1,
J. Kevin DeMarco1, and David Kaufman1
1Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI,
United States
Resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) and diffusion tensor
imaging (DTI) were applied to understand the dynamics of
functional and structural connectivity of the
default-mode network (DMN) after concussion. The
functional connectivity within DMN was significantly
higher on Day 1 comparing to Days 7 and 30 after
concussion. Noticeable change in structural connectivity
and gross anatomy were not seen. This sequential change
of DMN functional connectivity was not seen in the
control group. Based on our results, the functional
connectivity of DMN measured with sequential rs-fMRI can
potentially serve as a biomarker to monitor the
dynamically changing brain function after sports-related
11:12 |
Age-related hypermetabolism
in the human brain 
Shin-Lei Peng1,2, Julie Dumas3,
Denise Park1,4, Peiying Liu1,
Francesca Filbey4, Carrie McAdams1,
Amy Pinkham1,5, Bryon Adinoff1,6,
Rong Zhang7, and Hanzhang Lu1
1UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX,
United States, 2National
Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, 3University
of Vermont College of Medicine, VT, United States, 4University
of Texas Dallas, TX, United States, 5Southern
Methodist University, TX, United States, 6VA
North Texas Health Care System, Dallas, TX, United
States, 7Texas
Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas, TX, United States
In this study, we provide evidence that the brain of
older adults works ¡§harder¡¨ when compared to younger
adults, as manifested by an age-related increase in
cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) (N=118). We
further showed that, prior to the typical menopausal age
of 51 years old, female and male groups have similar
rates of CMRO2 increase (P=0.003). However, for the
entire age range, women have a slower rate of CMRO2
change, when compared to men (P<0.001). Our data also
revealed a possible circadian rhythm of CMRO2 in that
brain metabolic rate is greater at noon than in the
11:24 |
More frequent cognitive
activity in late life is associated with higher brain
microstructural integrity in non-demented older adults 
C. M. Barth1, R. S. Wilson2, A.
Capuano2, S. Zhang2, D. A. Bennett2,
and K. Arfanakis1
1Department of Biomedical Engineering,
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois,
United States, 2Rush
Alzheimer's Disease Center, Rush University Medical
Center, Chicago, Illinois, United States
The purpose of this study was to test the hypotheses
that: a) more frequent cognitive activity in late life
is associated with higher microstructural integrity in
brain white matter (WM), and b) microstructural
integrity in WM mediates the relation between late life
cognitive activity and cognition. Diffusion tensor
imaging data were collected for a community-dwelling
sample of 397 older, non-demented adults. It was
demonstrated that fractional anisotropy in a number of
WM regions was significantly associated with frequency
of late life cognitive activity. Also, FA in those WM
regions partially mediated the relationship between late
life cognitive activity and cognition.
11:36 |
0258. |
Neural mechanisms of brain
plasticity with cognitive training in healthy seniors 
Sina Aslan1,2, Sandra B Chapman2,
Jeffrey S Spence2, Molly Keebler2,
Nyaz Didehbani2, and Hanzhang Lu3
1Advance MRI, LLC, Frisco, Texas, United
States, 2Center
for BrainHealth, University of Texas at Dallas, Dallas,
Texas, United States, 3Advanced
Imaging Research Center, University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas, United
This study investigates that engaging in complex mental
activity offer promising ways to enhance brain integrity
to promote successful cognitive aging. Using three
MRI-based measurements, i.e. pCASL MRI, fcMRI, and DTI,
we examined brain changes across three time points pre,
mid, and post-training (12-weeks) in a randomized sample
who received cognitive training versus a control group.
We found significant training-related brain state
changes at rest; specifically, (1) increases in global
and regional CBF, particularly in the default mode and
central executive networks, (2) greater connectivity in
these same networks, and (3) increased white matter
integrity in the left uncinate fasciculus.
11:48 |
0259. |
Reduced fractional
anisotropy in ageing: Is it driven by changes in tissue
microstructure or by partial volume effects? 
Johan Westborg1, Danielle Van Westen1,2,
Markus Nilsson3, Jimmy Lätt2,
Filip Szczepankiewicz4, Sebastian Palmqvist5,
Erik Stomrud5, Lennart Minthon5,
Katarina Nägga5, and Oskar Hansson5
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Lund
University, Lund, Sweden, 2Center
for Medical Imaging and Physiology, Skane University
Hospital, Lund, Sweden, 3Lund
University Bioimaging Center, Lund University, Lund,
Sweden, 4Department
of Medical Radiation Physics, Lund University, Lund,
Sweden,5Clinical Memory Research Unit,
Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Malmö, Sweden
Our aim was to disentangle the contribution of
microstructural change and partial volume effects (PVE)
to the reduction of the fractional anisotropy (FA) in
the corpus callosum, observed in ageing. Using
tractography, we show that the FA reduction with age
becomes non-significant when the voxel-count in the
tract segments is corrected for. An observed FA
reduction in older (>71 years) subjects with ventricular
enlargement was primarily driven by increased callosal
atrophy. We did not observe microstructural change
separate from atrophy and increased PVE.