10:00 |
0270. |
Global tractography of
multi-shell HARDI data 
Daan Christiaens1,2, Frederik Maes1,2,
Stefan Sunaert1,3, and Paul Suetens1,2
1Medical Imaging Research Center, KU Leuven,
Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium, 2Electrical
Engineering, KU Leuven, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium,3Translational
MRI, KU Leuven, Leuven, Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium
We extend the global fibre reconstruction framework of
Reisert et al. (2011) for multi-shell HARDI data and
allow to use any fibre response function represented in
spherical harmonics. Additionally, we introduce two
isotropic terms that model the fractions of grey matter
and cerebrospinal fluid. Our approach successfully
recovers the main white matter tracts on the
high-resolution, multi-shell data of the human
connectome project, using a fibre response function
estimated from the data.
10:12 |
0271. |
NODDI performs better than
DTI in brain tumors with vasogenic edema 
Matteo Figini1,2, Giuseppe Baselli1,
Marco Riva3, Lorenzo Bello4,5, Hui
Zhang6, and Alberto Bizzi7
1Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e
Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, MI, Italy, 2Scientific
Direction, Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico "Carlo
Besta", Milano, MI, Italy, 3Neurosurgery,
Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, MI, Italy, 4Surgical
Neuro-Oncology Unit, Humanitas Clinical and Research
Center, Rozzano, MI, Italy, 5Department
of Medical Biotechnology and Translational Medicine,
Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano, MI, Italy, 6Department
of Computer Science and Centre for Medical Image
Computing, University College London, London, United
Kingdom,7Neuroradiology, Humanitas Clinical
and Research Center, Rozzano, MI, Italy
In this work we developed a procedure to perform NODDI-based
tractography with an ODI threshold equivalent to the
commonly used FA = 0.2 in order to fairly compare the
results with those from DTI-based tractography; the aim
is to investigate the advantages of performing
tractography based on fiber directions and
microstructural parameters estimated by NODDI. Our
preliminary results showed a higher track density in
areas infiltrated by brain tumours with NODDI than with
DTI. The advantage of NODDI-based tractography appears
to be most evident in areas of vasogenic edema.
10:24 |
0272. |
A comparative study of 16
tractography algorithms for the corticospinal tract:
reproducibility and subject-specificity 
Emmanuel Caruyer1, Luke Bloy2,
Birkan Tunç1, Jérémy Lecoeur1,
Varsha Shankar1, and Ragini Verma1
1Section of Biomedical Image Analysis,
Department of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Children's
Hospital of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United
We present a comparative study of 16 fiber tractography
algorithms on a test-retest dataset of 9 healthy
subjects. We evaluate the ability of the tractography
methods to provide reproducible tracts geometries, as
well as to reconstruct subject-specific white matter
anatomy. The dataset consists in 9 healthy subjects,
scanned at three time points separated by a 2 weeks
interval. We reconstructed both left and right
corticospinal tracts. Tractography algorithms were
tested using either their freely available
implementations or in house software. We report
contrasted results across tracking methods.
10:36 |
0273. |
How should tractography go
forward? A Tractometer evaluation of local reconstruction
and tracking 
Jean-Christophe Houde1, Emmanuel Caruyer2,
Alessandro Daducci3, and Maxime Descoteaux1
1Computer Science Departement, Université de
Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, 2Department
of Radiology, University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania,
United States, 3Signal
Processing Lab (LTS5), École polytechnique fédérale de
Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland
The Tractometer evaluation system is presented. We show
how it was used to evaluate entries in the ISBI 2013
HARDI reconstruction challenge. From this evaluation,
important questions about local modeling and
tractography arose, such as: for the tractography end
user, what is really important? More precise local
reconstructions? Tracking algorithms with the least
errors, or with the least missed bundles? Is angular
error the best quality metric for local model
development? How should we deal with errors in
tractography? And most critically, how can we evaluate
tractography pipelines on real data? These questions,
and some insights, are presented in this work.
10:48 |
0274. |
Improved tractography of
post mortem human brain at 7T using DWSSFP 
Sean Foxley1, Saad Jbabdi1,
Wilfred Lam1, Olaf Ansorge2,
Gwenaelle Douaud1, and Karla Miller1
1FMRIB Centre, University of Oxford, Oxford,
OXON, United Kingdom, 2University
of Oxford, Oxford, OXON, United Kingdom
Post-mortem human brain imaging at 3T using
diffusion-weighted steady state free precession (DWSSFP)
has been demonstrated to provide improved data for
tractography compared with diffusion weighted spin echo
data. Here, DWSSFP was used to acquire diffusion data of
post-mortem human brain at 7T. Tractography results
produced from this data demonstrated increased
prevalence of secondary fiber estimates compared with
equivalent data acquired at 3T. Better estimates from 7T
data provided improved results in tracts that encounter
intersecting pathways; specifically those that project
through the centrum semiovale. These projecting tracts
detected in 7T data are largely unseen in 3T data.
11:00 |
0275. |
Perforant pathway tracking
in human temporal lobe ex vivo tissue. 
Luis Manuel Colon-Perez1, Mansi Parekh2,
Michelle Couret3, Rosemary Klassen3,
Michael King4, Paul Carney5, and
Thomas Mareci1
1Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States, 2Radiology,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States,3University
of Florida, FL, United States, 4Pharmacology
and Therapeutics, University of Florida, FL, United
States, 5Pediatrics,
University of Florida, FL, United States
The perforant pathway is a bundle of axons that provide
direct connections from the entorhinal cortex (EC) to
all subfields of the hippocampus (HC). This pathway is a
complicated structure difficult to visualize in clinical
data. In order to study this pathway, we acquired high
spatial resolution diffusion weighted images of excised
human tissue, which reduce volume averaging enhancing
the ability to resolve this small fiber pathway and
employ an advanced model of diffusion displacement which
improve tracking for smaller fiber bundles by resolving
crossing and kissing fibers. In this study we visualize
this pathway using probabilistic and deterministic
11:12 |
Cortical parcellation based
on DTI connectivity--validation in the squirrel monkey brain 
Yurui Gao1,2, Andrew J Plassard3,
Ann Choe2,4, Iwona Stepniewskwa5,
Xia Li4, Bennett A Landman4,6, and
Adam W Anderson2,4
1VUIIS, Vanderbilt University, Nashville,
Tennessee, United States, 2BME,
Vanderbilt University, TN, United States, 3Computer
Science, Vanderbilt University, TN, United States, 4VUIIS,
Vanderbilt University, TN, United States, 5Psychology,
Vanderbilt University, TN, United States, 6Electrical
Engineering, Vanderbilt University, TN, United States
Diffusion MRI has been proposed as a method to
parcellate cortex into functionally distinct regions
based on tractography-derived connectivity features.
However, the accuracy of the parcellation has not been
investigated extensively. This study aimed to validate
DTI connectivity-based cortical parcellation by
comparison to a histological gold-standard. The
comparison reveals the potential and limitations of
connectivity-based parcellation.
11:24 |
0277. |
Characterizing white matter
pathways of the living rat brain by Tractometry 
Daniel Barazany1,2, Silvia De Santis1,2,
Mara Cercignani3, Yaniv Assaf2,
and Derek K Jones1
1School of Psychology, Cardiff University,
Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2Department
of Neurobiology, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, 3Clinical
Imaging Sciences Centre, Brighton and Sussex Medical
School, Falmer, East Sussex, United Kingdom
Tractometry framework aims to establish more accurate
and informative description of white matter brain tissue
by on exploiting imaging methods which provide higher
sensitivity to the underlying tissue subcomponents such
as the composite hindered and restricted model of
diffusion (CHARMED) and qMT. In this work we utilized
tractometry microstructural metrics to examine and
characterize two different white matter pathways of the
living rat brain, the corpus callosum and the fimbria.
We show the high sensitivity of these metrics to
differentiate between the two fibers.
11:36 |
SIFT2: Enabling dense
quantitative assessment of brain white matter connectivity
using streamlines tractography 
Robert Elton Smith1, J-Donald Tournier1,2,
Fernando Calamante1,3, and Alan Connelly1,3
1The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and
Mental Health, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia, 2Centre
for the Developing Brain, King's College London, London,
London, United Kingdom, 3Medicine
(Austin Health / Northern Health), The University of
Melbourne, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
Accurate evaluation of brain white matter connectivity
using diffusion MRI tractography requires development of
robust quantitative methods. We propose a successor to
the "Spherical-deconvolution Informed Filtering of
Tractograms (SIFT)" method, entitled SIFT2, which
determines an appropriate weighting factor for every
streamline in a tractogram in a manner that matches the
streamline densities to the underlying fibre volumes as
estimated by spherical deconvolution. The result is a
dense whole-brain streamlines reconstruction where the
sum of streamline weights between two areas is a
proportional estimate of the cross-sectional area of the
axonal pathway connecting those regions; a truly
quantitative measure of white matter connectivity.
11:48 |
0279. |
Bias and instability in
graph theoretical analyses of neuroimaging data 
Mark Drakesmith1, Karen Caeyenberghs2,
Anirban Dutt3, Glyn Lewis4,
Anthony S David3, and Derek K Jones1
1CUBRIC, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales,
United Kingdom, 2Department
of Physical therapy and motor rehabilitation, Ghent
University, Gent, Belgium,3Institute of
Psychiatry, Kings College London, London, United
Kingdom, 4Academic
Unit of Psychiatry, University of Bristol, Bristol,
United Kingdom
Graph theory (GT), a powerful tool for quantifying
network properties from tractography, is subject to bias
and instability due to false positives (FPs). This study
illustrates this bias in GT metrics and examines the
effects of thresholding to reduce this bias.
Thresholding does reduce the effects of FPs but also
introduce their own biases. Statistical comparisons of
GT metrics are also shown to be highly unstable across
thresholds compared to non-GT metrics, although genuine
group differences tend to be more stable. A
multi-threshold permutation correction strategy is
suggested to improve sensitivity of statistical
comparisons of GT metrics to genuine group differences.